#Mowie Multilanguage A Class which takes care of deploying your site in multiple languages. ##Usage ```php $lang = new lang($defaultLanguage); ``` The default language, which will be used, if the users language is not found, is english. However, you can change this to any language you want. ```php $lang->setLangFolder('../langs'); $lang->setLang($langfile, $lang); $lang->setLang('langfile.en.php', 'en'); ``` You can either define multiple languagefiles, which contain the languagestrings, or define a folder, where the different files are placed. If you do a folder, the files need to be named clearly. For example `lang.en.php`. The script will find the file and use it. You can also define multiple langfiles to get the strings of (see example.php) To output a string, simply run the following command: ```php $lang->get($identifier); $lang->get('Home'); ``` Where `$identifier` is the Key _**OR**_ the value defined in the file. ##Reserved Identifiers The two idetifiers `__Lang__` and `__Countrycode__` are reserved identifiers and used by the script to output a list of all available languages to the user. ##Langfile A languagefile consists of the following code: ```php $lang = []; $lang['__Lang__'] = 'English (English)'; $lang['__Countrycode__'] = 'en_US'; $lang['Home'] = 'Home is where your wifi connects automatically'; $lang['About'] = 'About us'; $lang['Contact'] = 'Contact us'; ... ``` **NOTE:** To make sure all your languages are displayed correctly, set the file encoding to `UTF-8`. ##Examples Examples can be found in the `examples` folder.