Compare commits


No commits in common. "case-change-template-literals" and "main" have entirely different histories.

46 changed files with 773 additions and 1289 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -9,279 +9,6 @@ All releases can be found on
The releases aim at the api versions which is why there are missing versions.
## [0.20.5] - 2023-03-12
### Bug Fixes
* *(docker)* Add cap_net_bind to the nginx binary in the docker container
* *(docker)* Revert unprivileged user
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update dependency sass to v1.59.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency eslint to v8.36.0
## [0.20.4] - 2023-03-10
### Bug Fixes
* *(base)* Use Build Time Base Path
* *(docker)* Cross compilation with buildx
* *(docker)* Default api url
* *(docker)* Make sure the service worker and webmanifest are never cached
* *(filter)* Validate title before creating or editing a filter
* *(filter)* Don't allow marking a filter as favorite
* *(i18n)* Load language files before doing anything else (#3218)
* *(keyboard-shortcuts)* Use card prop
* *(list)* Make sure favorite lists are not duplicated in the menu when renaming them
* *(menu)* Don't show drag handle for not draggable menu items
* *(postcss-preset-env)* Client side polyfills (#3051)
* *(quick actions)* Don't throw an error message when selecting the last items with the arrow keys
* *(quick actions)* Hide edges of last entry on hover
* *(quick add magic)* Correctly parse "next {weekday}" on the beginning of the text
* *(quick-actions)* Nothing happening on team click (#3186)
* *(table view)* Correctly load sort order from local storage
* *(task)* Allow clicking on the whole task to open the task detail view
* *(tests)* Only look in src for tests
* Make sure global error handler handles unrejected promises correctly ([4576da0](4576da0dd394ee68801b1dc424c9550896d63737))
* Use Build Time Base Path (#2964) ([6572f75](6572f75e5d111f7f2dd06e8c2ad0e0d16091fca6))
* Always show update popup on top ([7cbf0ac](7cbf0acac503c508a44e0491ae51e6d5749dfa04))
* Button styles ([d40729c](d40729cbe70b760bcc64d56130a410b05ef9d3dc))
* Stop revealing elements on hover if hover is not supported (#3191) ([7b6f76d](7b6f76d1b4698d0d6c6889aaab3f1cdad80469f8))
* Sync sidebar transition with `<main>` (#3200) ([0f97ba6](0f97ba6ec904226ed91cd3ade8223e2959e9207a))
* Collapse menu on mobile when path changes ([1b06112](1b06112db4ba5ad4144b5868dd04e954be1d77f7))
* I18ze a string (#3210) ([b4dd23b](b4dd23b85d909f7e629e953f1d8543ccbf963a1c))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.33.0 (#3004)
* *(deps)* Update dependency axios to v1.2.4 (#3005)
* *(deps)* Update pnpm to v7.26.0 (#3002)
* *(deps)* Update dependency cypress to v12.4.0 (#3006)
* *(deps)* Update dependency @infectoone/vue-ganttastic to v2.1.4 (#3009)
* *(deps)* Update dependency vitest to v0.28.2 (#3008)
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.11.0 (#3013)
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vitejs/plugin-legacy to v3.0.2 (#3012)
* *(deps)* Update dependency axios to v1.2.5
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.34.0
* *(deps)* Update pnpm to v7.26.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vue/test-utils to v2.2.8
* *(deps)* Update dependency vitest to v0.28.3 (#3019)
* *(deps)* Update dependency cypress to v12.4.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.12.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency esbuild to v0.17.5
* *(deps)* Update dependency axios to v1.2.6
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vueuse/core to v9.12.0
* *(deps)* Update pnpm to v7.26.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency eslint to v8.33.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency netlify-cli to v12.10.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency happy-dom to v8.2.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency caniuse-lite to v1.0.30001449
* *(deps)* Update dependency typescript to v4.9.5
* *(deps)* Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.50.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency axios to v1.3.0 (#3036)
* *(deps)* Update dependency sass to v1.58.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency cypress to v12.5.0
* *(deps)* Update pnpm to v7.26.3
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.12.1
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.35.0 (#3041)
* *(deps)* Update dependency pinia to v2.0.30 (#3042)
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vue/test-utils to v2.2.9
* *(deps)* Update dependency axios to v1.3.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency vue to v3.2.47
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite to v4.1.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v8 (#3000)
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vitejs/plugin-legacy to v4
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vitejs/plugin-legacy to v4.0.1
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.36.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite to v4.1.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency cypress to v12.5.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vue/test-utils to v2.2.10
* *(deps)* Update dependency vitest to v0.28.4
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.13.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency axios to v1.3.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.14.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency @types/node to v18.11.19
* *(deps)* Update dependency @histoire/plugin-screenshot to v0.13.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency histoire to v0.13.0
* *(deps)* Update caniuse-and-related
* *(deps)* Update dependency @histoire/plugin-vue to v0.13.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency happy-dom to v8.2.6
* *(deps)* Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.51.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency esbuild to v0.17.6
* *(deps)* Update dependency @cypress/vue to v5.0.4
* *(deps)* Update dependency @types/node to v18.13.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite-plugin-pwa to v0.14.2
* *(deps)* Update font awesome to v6.3.0
* *(deps)* Update pnpm to v7.27.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency @histoire/plugin-screenshot to v0.13.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency @histoire/plugin-vue to v0.13.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite-plugin-pwa to v0.14.3
* *(deps)* Update dependency histoire to v0.13.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency @histoire/plugin-screenshot to v0.13.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency @histoire/plugin-vue to v0.13.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency histoire to v0.13.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to v0.8.2
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.37.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency esbuild to v0.17.7
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.15.0
* *(deps)* Create a group for all histoire dependencies
* *(deps)* Update dependency @histoire/plugin-vue to v0.14.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency @histoire/plugin-screenshot to v0.14.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency @histoire/plugin-vue to v0.14.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency histoire to v0.14.0
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.37.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency histoire to v0.14.2
* *(deps)* Include histoire main package in histoire renovate group
* *(deps)* Histoire renovate group
* *(deps)* Update dependency eslint to v8.34.0
* *(deps)* Update histoire to v0.14.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite-plugin-pwa to v0.14.4
* *(deps)* Update dependency esbuild to v0.17.8
* *(deps)* Update dependency netlify-cli to v12.12.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency caniuse-lite to v1.0.30001451
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite-plugin-inject-preload to v1.3.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency vitest to v0.28.5
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.37.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency dompurify to v3 (#3107)
* *(deps)* Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.52.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency axios to v1.3.3
* *(deps)* Update dependency start-server-and-test to v1.15.4 (#3109)
* *(deps)* Update dependency sass to v1.58.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency vue-flatpickr-component to v11.0.2 (#3112)
* *(deps)* Update dependency @kyvg/vue3-notification to v2.9.0 (#3113)
* *(deps)* Update histoire to v0.15.1
* *(deps)* Update histoire to v0.15.3
* *(deps)* Update dependency vue-tsc to v1.1.0
* *(deps)* Pin node.js to 18.14.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency cypress to v12.6.0 (#3115)
* *(deps)* Update histoire to v0.15.4
* *(deps)* Update dependency vue-tsc to v1.1.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency sass to v1.58.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency ufo to v1.1.0
* *(deps)* Update node.js to v18.14.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite to v4.1.2
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.38.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.16.0
* *(deps)* Update histoire to v0.15.7
* *(deps)* Update dependency blurhash to v2.0.5
* *(deps)* Update dependency @cypress/vite-dev-server to v5.0.3
* *(deps)* Update dependency @types/node to v18.14.0
* *(deps)* Update histoire to v0.15.8
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vueuse/core to v9.13.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.17.0
* *(deps)* Update pnpm to v7.27.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency vue-tsc to v1.1.3
* *(deps)* Update dependency sass to v1.58.3
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.17.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency esbuild to v0.17.9
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite to v4.1.3
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vue/test-utils to v2.3.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency caniuse-lite to v1.0.30001457
* *(deps)* Update dependency codemirror to v5.65.12
* *(deps)* Update dependency pinia to v2.0.31
* *(deps)* Update dependency vue-tsc to v1.1.4
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.17.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency happy-dom to v8.6.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency netlify-cli to v12.13.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency esbuild to v0.17.10
* *(deps)* Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.53.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency vue-tsc to v1.1.5
* *(deps)* Update dependency pinia to v2.0.32
* *(deps)* Update node.js to v18.14.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite to v4.1.4
* *(deps)* Update dependency vue-tsc to v1.1.7
* *(deps)* Update dependency axios to v1.3.4
* *(deps)* Update dependency @types/node to v18.14.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency @cypress/vite-dev-server to v5.0.4
* *(deps)* Update dependency cypress to v12.7.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency vue-tsc to v1.2.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency vitest to v0.29.1
* *(deps)* Update pnpm to v7.28.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency eslint to v8.35.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.17.3
* *(deps)* Update dependency netlify-cli to v13
* *(deps)* Update dependency happy-dom to v8.9.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency caniuse-lite to v1.0.30001458
* *(deps)* Update dependency start-server-and-test to v1.15.5
* *(deps)* Update dependency start-server-and-test to v2
* *(deps)* Update dependency @types/node to v18.14.2
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.39.0
* *(deps)* Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.54.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency ufo to v1.1.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency vitest to v0.29.2
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.18.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency dompurify to v3.0.1
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.40.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency @types/node to v18.14.4
* *(deps)* Update dependency @types/node to v18.14.5
* *(deps)* Update dependency @types/node to v18.14.6
* *(deps)* Update dependency esbuild to v0.17.11
* *(deps)* Update dependency netlify-cli to v13.0.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency caniuse-lite to v1.0.30001460
* *(deps)* Update pnpm to v7.29.0
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.41.0
* *(deps)* Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.54.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency pinia to v2.0.33
* *(deps)* Update node.js to v18.15.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to v0.9.0
* *(deps)* Update pnpm to v7.29.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency @vue/test-utils to v2.3.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to v0.9.1
* *(deps)* Update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.42.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.19.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency vite-plugin-inject-preload to v1.3.1
* *(deps)* Update dependency @types/node to v18.15.0
* *(deps)* Update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.14
* *(deps)* Update dependency rollup to v3.19.1
### Features
* *(config)* Support Setting Base Path in .env
* Use v-show for navigation buttons ([7ed1a37](7ed1a37de53cb8c15994e9524a52080170db5950))
* Unindent settings page (#2996) ([13a39be](13a39be3de4d0f7e0f6be9c20e0464e86b87c676))
* Small content auth improvements (#2998) ([2be7847](2be784766f54810f8969e48291ce9181f2854a5b))
* Move update from navigation to app ([3db5ea4](3db5ea45d768d10458eaab0f5ee9dad0df2996e4))
* Improve naming and styles ([eaeddda](eaeddda4e468c2040862d18c9b2d37a1c0ba099e))
* Use klona instead of lodash.clonedeep (#3073) ([7b96397](7b96397e3bfa43a393ca84439069290bc4c8a5c8))
* Refactor to composable ([c502f9b](c502f9b840ee2d65193aa4ef29c7f260b49db0d2))
* Header improvements ([e8db2c2](e8db2c2b458bcae592609d5a5bc3f1b333651b25))
* Persistent menuActive state with Local Storage (#3011) ([e3dd4ef](e3dd4ef78ac818add138d0323bf65abe8a4caa29))
* Fix calculation of token invalidation (#3077) ([d6b55c7](d6b55c757067413bbc34acd48af9fb553f36db8a))
* Use renovate js-app as preset (#3087) ([97c8970](97c8970dd60b2ba1e894ca0039524c8f6a5cd5df))
* Improve recommended vscode settings ([e0f0699](e0f06999beb0a9fb5da817323744307401e85e47))
### Miscellaneous Tasks
* *(refactor)* Improve `stores/config` types (#3190)
* *(services)* Add examples for some functions
* *(services)* Let `getAll`: always return `Model[]`
* Move class name to top ([c6ed925](c6ed9254247efeb43e0763e095b145d6ec1965e1))
* Simplify error handling for login and OpenId Auth ([e67088f](e67088fdb7bd3b24cea6ee37851ef45f1fb7bdad))
* Simplify getting the error text from an exception ([9adf1ab](9adf1aba895a02f416148ddf8b6925689d6e2687))
* Typo ([81a4f2d](81a4f2d9775716bc0056348664fc24185af040d4))
* Update funding links ([7cb0cd2](7cb0cd293d6d277172eccf2558a62427bc86dfe6))
* Update funding links ([b26ea45](b26ea45fe0d1d6f5f070ef42a5d68aa6db8e6b70))
* Remove minimist dependency (not used anywhere) ([f697640](f697640636466e8f035c7d31597ee589379fa017))
* Remove sponsor ([fa0e46a](fa0e46a3991ab423c9364b65439d9e8e5a28cb7b))
* Histoire add logo link ([af4a039](af4a039502b29e9e7e21cf30d44715c7af056c15))
* Improve `@/message` `action` type (#3209) ([0eb78e3](0eb78e32f994e7032725e38d564320a5a04cbf2a))
* Remove an unused duplicate key ([9db3aed](9db3aedde9566fb94717e1dd66a21abdbda6e84a))
### Other
* *(other)* Add Ipv6 support to nginx (#100)
* *(other)* Added ipv6 control script
* *(other)* Disable listening on IPv6 ports when IPv6 is not supported (#102)
* *(other)* Docker refactoring (#3018)
* *(other)* Persist menuActive state in Local Storage
* *(other)* Refactor to only used local storage value when on desktop viewport widths
* *(other)* Solve for resize()
* *(other)* [skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin
## [0.20.3] - 2023-01-24
### Bug Fixes

View File

@ -66,3 +66,5 @@ RUN chmod 0755 /docker-entrypoint.d/*.sh /etc/nginx/templates && \
chmod -R 0644 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && \
chown -R nginx:nginx ./ /etc/nginx/conf.d /etc/nginx/templates && \
rm -f /docker-entrypoint.d/
# unprivileged user
USER nginx

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[![Build Status](](
[![License: AGPL v3](](LICENSE)
This is the web frontend for Vikunja, written in Vue.js.

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
// light: './img/light.png',
// dark: './img/dark.png',
// },
logoHref: '',
// logoHref: '',
// favicon: './favicon.ico',

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"homepage": "",
"funding": "",
"packageManager": "pnpm@7.29.1",
"packageManager": "pnpm@7.28.0",
"keywords": [
@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
"@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome": "3.0.3",
"@github/hotkey": "2.0.1",
"@infectoone/vue-ganttastic": "2.1.4",
"@intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n": "0.9.2",
"@intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n": "0.8.2",
"@kyvg/vue3-notification": "2.9.0",
"@sentry/tracing": "7.42.0",
"@sentry/vue": "7.42.0",
"@sentry/tracing": "7.39.0",
"@sentry/vue": "7.39.0",
"@types/is-touch-device": "1.0.0",
"@types/lodash.clonedeep": "4.5.7",
"@types/sortablejs": "1.15.0",
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
"codemirror": "5.65.12",
"date-fns": "2.29.3",
"dayjs": "1.11.7",
"dompurify": "3.0.1",
"dompurify": "3.0.0",
"easymde": "2.18.0",
"fast-deep-equal": "3.1.3",
"flatpickr": "4.6.13",
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"klona": "2.0.6",
"lodash.debounce": "4.0.8",
"marked": "4.2.12",
"pinia": "2.0.33",
"pinia": "2.0.32",
"register-service-worker": "1.7.2",
"snake-case": "3.0.4",
"sortablejs": "1.15.0",
@ -105,41 +105,40 @@
"@types/focus-within": "1.0.1",
"@types/lodash.debounce": "4.0.7",
"@types/marked": "4.0.8",
"@types/node": "18.15.1",
"@types/node": "18.14.2",
"@types/postcss-preset-env": "7.7.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "5.54.1",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.54.1",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "5.54.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.54.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-legacy": "4.0.1",
"@vitejs/plugin-vue": "4.0.0",
"@vue/eslint-config-typescript": "11.0.2",
"@vue/test-utils": "2.3.1",
"@vue/test-utils": "2.3.0",
"@vue/tsconfig": "0.1.3",
"autoprefixer": "10.4.14",
"autoprefixer": "10.4.13",
"browserslist": "4.21.5",
"caniuse-lite": "1.0.30001465",
"caniuse-lite": "1.0.30001458",
"csstype": "3.1.1",
"cypress": "12.7.0",
"esbuild": "0.17.11",
"eslint": "8.36.0",
"esbuild": "0.17.10",
"eslint": "8.35.0",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "9.9.0",
"happy-dom": "8.9.0",
"histoire": "0.15.8",
"literal-case": "^1.0.0",
"netlify-cli": "13.1.2",
"netlify-cli": "13.0.0",
"postcss": "8.4.21",
"postcss-easing-gradients": "3.0.1",
"postcss-easings": "3.0.1",
"postcss-preset-env": "8.0.1",
"rollup": "3.19.1",
"rollup": "3.17.3",
"rollup-plugin-visualizer": "5.9.0",
"sass": "1.59.2",
"sass": "1.58.3",
"start-server-and-test": "2.0.0",
"typescript": "4.9.5",
"vite": "4.1.4",
"vite-plugin-inject-preload": "1.3.1",
"vite-plugin-inject-preload": "1.3.0",
"vite-plugin-pwa": "0.14.4",
"vite-svg-loader": "4.0.0",
"vitest": "0.29.2",
"vitest": "0.29.1",
"vue-tsc": "1.2.0",
"wait-on": "7.0.1",
"workbox-cli": "6.5.4"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -156,8 +156,6 @@ labelStore.loadAllLabels()
z-index: 10;
position: relative;
padding: 1.5rem 0.5rem 1rem;
// TODO refactor: DRY `transition-timing-function` with `./navigation.vue`.
transition: margin-left $transition-duration;
@media screen and (max-width: $tablet) {
margin-left: 0;

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ function updateActiveLists(namespace: INamespace, activeLists: IList[]) {
// This is a bit hacky: since we do have to filter out the archived items from the list
// for vue draggable updating it is not as simple as replacing it.
// To work around this, we merge the active lists with the archived ones. Doing so breaks the order
// because now all archived lists are sorted after the active ones. This is fine because they are sorted
// because now all archived lists are sorted after the active ones. This is fine because they are sorted
// later when showing them anyway, and it makes the merging happening here a lot easier.
const lists = [
@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ async function saveListPosition(e: SortableEvent) {
// If the list was dragged to the last position, Safari will report e.newIndex as the size of the listsActive
// array instead of using the position. Because the index is wrong in that case, dragging the list will fail.
// To work around that we're explicitly checking that case here and decrease the index.
const newIndex = e.newIndex === listsActive.length ? e.newIndex - 1 : e.newIndex
const newIndex = e.newIndex === listsActive.length ? e.newIndex - 1 : e.newIndex
const list = listsActive[newIndex]
const listBefore = listsActive[newIndex - 1] ?? null
const listAfter = listsActive[newIndex + 1] ?? null
@ -342,20 +342,13 @@ $vikunja-nav-selected-width: 0.4rem;
.menu-list-dropdown {
opacity: 1;
opacity: 0;
transition: $transition;
@media(hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) {
.menu-list-dropdown {
opacity: 0;
&:hover .menu-list-dropdown {
opacity: 1;
&:hover .menu-list-dropdown {
opacity: 1;
.menu-item-icon {
@ -425,6 +418,7 @@ $vikunja-nav-selected-width: 0.4rem;
opacity: 1;
&:not(.dragging-disabled) .handle {
cursor: grab;
@ -433,7 +427,7 @@ $vikunja-nav-selected-width: 0.4rem;
.top-menu {
margin-top: math.div($navbar-padding, 2);
.menu-list {
li {
font-weight: 600;
@ -488,24 +482,17 @@ $vikunja-nav-selected-width: 0.4rem;
.favorite {
margin-left: .25rem;
transition: opacity $transition, color $transition;
opacity: 1;
opacity: 0;
&.is-favorite {
color: var(--warning);
opacity: 1;
@media(hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) {
.list-menu .favorite {
opacity: 0;
.list-menu:hover .favorite, {
opacity: 1;
.list-menu:hover .favorite {
opacity: 1;
.list-menu-title {

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ const listStore = useListStore()
top: var(--list-card-padding);
right: var(--list-card-padding);
transition: opacity $transition, color $transition;
opacity: 1;
opacity: 0;
&:hover {
color: var(--warning);
@ -160,14 +160,8 @@ const listStore = useListStore()
@media(hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) {
.list-card .favorite {
opacity: 0;
.list-card:hover .favorite {
opacity: 1;
.list-card:hover .favorite {
opacity: 1;
.background-fade-in {
@ -179,4 +173,4 @@ const listStore = useListStore()
opacity: 1;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<modal @close="close()">
<card class="has-background-white keyboard-shortcuts" :shadow="false" :title="$t('keyboardShortcuts.title')">
<card class="has-background-white has-no-shadow keyboard-shortcuts" :title="$t('keyboardShortcuts.title')">
<template v-for="(s, i) in shortcuts" :key="i">
<h3>{{ $t(s.title) }}</h3>

View File

@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ function searchTeams() {
teamService.getAll({}, { s: t }),
const teamsResult = await Promise.all(teamSearchPromises)
foundTeams.value = teamsResult.flat().map((team) => {
foundTeams.value = teamsResult.flatMap((team) => {
team.title =
return team
@ -458,13 +458,6 @@ async function doAction(type: ACTION_TYPE, item: DoAction) {
params: { id: (item as DoAction<ITask>).id },
await router.push({
name: 'teams.edit',
params: { id: (item as DoAction<ITeam>).id },
query.value = ''
selectedCmd.value = item as DoAction<Command>

View File

@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
v-if="showListColor && listColor !== '' && !== task.listId"
:class="{ 'done': task.done, 'show-list': showList && taskList !== null}"
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ async function markAsDone(checked: boolean) {
t('task.doneSuccess') :
}, [{
title: t('task.undo'),
title: 'Undo',
callback: () => undoDone(checked),
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ function hideDeferDueDatePopup(e) {
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: $radius;
border: 2px solid transparent;
color: var(--text);
transition: color ease $transition-duration;
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ function hideDeferDueDatePopup(e) {
.favorite {
opacity: 1;
opacity: 0;
text-align: center;
width: 27px;
transition: opacity $transition, color $transition;
@ -354,26 +354,21 @@ function hideDeferDueDatePopup(e) {
.handle {
&:hover .favorite {
opacity: 1;
.handle {
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity $transition;
margin-right: .25rem;
cursor: grab;
@media(hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) {
& .favorite,
& .handle {
opacity: 0;
&:hover .favorite,
&:hover .handle {
opacity: 1;
&:hover .handle {
opacity: 1;
:deep(.fancycheckbox) {
height: 18px;
padding-top: 0;
@ -425,4 +420,4 @@ function hideDeferDueDatePopup(e) {
margin-bottom: 0;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import {ref, watch, readonly} from 'vue'
import {useLocalStorage, useMediaQuery} from '@vueuse/core'
import {useRoute} from 'vue-router'
@ -16,8 +15,7 @@ export function useMenuActive() {
const menuActive = ref(false)
const route = useRoute()
// set to prefered value
watch(isMobile, (current) => {
menuActive.value = current
@ -33,9 +31,6 @@ export function useMenuActive() {
// Hide the menu on mobile when the route changes (e.g. when the user taps a menu item)
watch(() => route.fullPath, () => isMobile.value && setMenuActive(false))
function setMenuActive(newMenuActive: boolean) {
menuActive.value = newMenuActive
@ -49,4 +44,4 @@ export function useMenuActive() {

View File

@ -5,22 +5,6 @@ import TaskCollectionService from '@/services/taskCollection'
import type {ITask} from '@/modelTypes/ITask'
import {error} from '@/message'
export type Order = 'asc' | 'desc' | 'none'
export interface SortBy {
id?: Order
index?: Order
done?: Order
title?: Order
priority?: Order
due_date?: Order
start_date?: Order
end_date?: Order
percent_done?: Order
created?: Order
updated?: Order
// FIXME: merge with DEFAULT_PARAMS in filters.vue
export const getDefaultParams = () => ({
sort_by: ['position', 'id'],
@ -31,7 +15,7 @@ export const getDefaultParams = () => ({
filter_concat: 'and',
const SORT_BY_DEFAULT: SortBy = {
id: 'desc',
@ -60,7 +44,7 @@ const SORT_BY_DEFAULT: SortBy = {
* This mixin provides a base set of methods and properties to get tasks on a list.
export function useTaskList(listId, sortByDefault: SortBy = SORT_BY_DEFAULT) {
export function useTaskList(listId, sortByDefault = SORT_BY_DEFAULT) {
const params = ref({...getDefaultParams()})
const search = ref('')

View File

@ -1,50 +1,10 @@
import {camelCase as camelCaseUntyped} from 'camel-case'
import {snakeCase as snakeCaseUntyped} from 'snake-case'
import type {
camelCase as camelCaseTyped,
snakeCase as snakeCaseTyped,
} from 'literal-case'
const camelCase = camelCaseUntyped as typeof camelCaseTyped
const snakeCase = snakeCaseUntyped as typeof snakeCaseTyped
// type ObjectToCamelCase<T> = {
// [P in keyof T as (P extends string
// ? CamelCase<P>
// : P
// )]: T[P] extends (Record<string, unknown> | unknown[])
// ? ObjectToCamelCase<T[P]>
// : T[P]
// }
type NestedObjectsToCamelCase<
// T extends (Record<string, unknown> | unknown[])
> = T extends unknown[]
? {
// Change array elements while keeping prototype properties the same.
[P in keyof T]: P extends number
? NestedObjectsToCamelCase<T[P]>
: T[P]
// TODO what about class instances here? Methods would also get transformed. Is it right?
// : T extends Record<string, any>
: T extends Record<string, unknown>
? {
[P in keyof T as (P extends string
? CamelCase<P>
: P
)]: NestedObjectsToCamelCase<T[P]>
: T
import {camelCase} from 'camel-case'
import {snakeCase} from 'snake-case'
* Transforms field names to camel case.
export function objectToCamelCase<T extends Record<string, any>>(
object: T,
): NestedObjectsToCamelCase<T> {
export function objectToCamelCase(object: Record<string, any>) {
// When calling recursively, this can be called without being and object or array in which case we just return the value
if (typeof object !== 'object') {

View File

@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ export const checkAndSetApiUrl = (url: string): Promise<string> => {
window.API_URL = oldUrl
throw e
.then(success => {
if (success) {
.then(r => {
if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('API_URL', window.API_URL)
return window.API_URL

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tasks",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Název seznamu",
"color": "Barva",
"lists": "Seznamy",
"list": {
"title": "Seznam",
"add": "Přidat",
"addPlaceholder": "Přidat nový úkol…",
"empty": "Tento seznam je nyní prázdný.",
"newTaskCta": "Vytvořit nový úkol.",
"editTask": "Upravit úkol"
"search": "Začni psát pro vyhledání seznamu…",
"searchSelect": "Klikněte nebo stiskněte Enter pro výběr tohoto seznamu",
"shared": "Sdílené seznamy",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Smazat"
"list": {
"title": "Seznam",
"add": "Přidat",
"addPlaceholder": "Přidat nový úkol…",
"empty": "Tento seznam je nyní prázdný.",
"newTaskCta": "Vytvořit nový úkol.",
"editTask": "Upravit úkol"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Zobrazit úkoly, které nemají nastavené datum",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Přidat novou připomínku…",
"doneSuccess": "Úkol byl úspěšně označen jako dokončený.",
"undoneSuccess": "Úkol byl úspěšně znovu otevřen.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Otevřít zobrazení detailu úkolu",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} z {total} úkolů",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} úkolů",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Listetitel",
"color": "Farve",
"lists": "Lister",
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Tilføj",
"addPlaceholder": "Tilføj en ny opgave…",
"empty": "Denne liste er i øjeblikket tom.",
"newTaskCta": "Opret en ny opgave.",
"editTask": "Rediger opgave"
"search": "Skriv for at søge efter en liste…",
"searchSelect": "Klik eller tryk på Enter for at vælge denne liste",
"shared": "Delte Lister",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Slet"
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Tilføj",
"addPlaceholder": "Tilføj en ny opgave…",
"empty": "Denne liste er i øjeblikket tom.",
"newTaskCta": "Opret en ny opgave.",
"editTask": "Rediger opgave"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Vis opgaver som ikke har angivet datoer",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Tilføj en ny påmindelse…",
"doneSuccess": "Opgaven blev markeret som udført.",
"undoneSuccess": "Opgaven fik fjernet sin udført-markering.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Åbn detaljeret opgavevisning",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} af {total} opgaver",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} opgaver",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Listentitel",
"color": "Farbe",
"lists": "Listen",
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Hinzufügen",
"addPlaceholder": "Neue Aufgabe hinzufügen …",
"empty": "Diese Liste ist derzeit leer.",
"newTaskCta": "Eine neue Aufgabe erstellen.",
"editTask": "Aufgabe bearbeiten"
"search": "Tippe, um nach einer Liste zu suchen…",
"searchSelect": "Klicke auf oder drücke die Eingabetaste, um diese Liste auszuwählen",
"shared": "Geteilte Listen",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Löschen"
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Hinzufügen",
"addPlaceholder": "Neue Aufgabe hinzufügen …",
"empty": "Diese Liste ist derzeit leer.",
"newTaskCta": "Eine neue Aufgabe erstellen.",
"editTask": "Aufgabe bearbeiten"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Aufgaben anzeigen, für die keine Daten festgelegt sind",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Eine Erinnerung hinzufügen…",
"doneSuccess": "Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich als erledigt markiert.",
"undoneSuccess": "Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich als nicht-erledigt markiert.",
"undo": "Rückgängig",
"openDetail": "Aufgabe in der Detailansicht anzeigen",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} von {total} Aufgaben",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} Aufgaben",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Liste Titl",
"color": "Farb",
"lists": "Listene",
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Hinzuefüege",
"addPlaceholder": "E neui Uufgab erstelle…",
"empty": "D'Liste isch momentan leer.",
"newTaskCta": "Neui Uufgab erstelle.",
"editTask": "Uufgab bearbeite"
"search": "Schriib, um nachere Liste z'sueche…",
"searchSelect": "Druck uf Enter um die Liste uuszwähle",
"shared": "Teilti Liste",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Chüble"
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Hinzuefüege",
"addPlaceholder": "E neui Uufgab erstelle…",
"empty": "D'Liste isch momentan leer.",
"newTaskCta": "Neui Uufgab erstelle.",
"editTask": "Uufgab bearbeite"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Zeig Uufgabe, wo kei Date hend",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Neui Errinnerig erstelle…",
"doneSuccess": "Die Uufgab isch erfolgriich als \"Fertig\" markiert wordä.",
"undoneSuccess": "Die Uufgaab isch nüme als fertig markiert.",
"undo": "Rückgängig",
"openDetail": "Uufgab i de Detailaahsicht öffne",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} von {total} Aufgaben",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} Aufgaben",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"list": "List",
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
@ -605,7 +606,6 @@
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tasks",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Título de Lista",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Listas",
"list": {
"title": "Lista",
"add": "Añadir",
"addPlaceholder": "Añadir una nueva tarea…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Crear una nueva tarea.",
"editTask": "Editar Tarea"
"search": "Escribe para buscar una lista…",
"searchSelect": "Haga clic o presione enter para seleccionar esta lista",
"shared": "Listas Compartidas",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Eliminar"
"list": {
"title": "Lista",
"add": "Añadir",
"addPlaceholder": "Añadir una nueva tarea…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Crear una nueva tarea.",
"editTask": "Editar Tarea"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Mostrar tareas que no tienen fechas establecidas",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "La tarea fue marcada con éxito como realizada.",
"undoneSuccess": "La tarea fue marcada correctamente como incompleta.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tasks",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Nom de la liste",
"color": "Couleur",
"lists": "Listes",
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Ajouter",
"addPlaceholder": "Ajouter une nouvelle tâche…",
"empty": "Cette liste est actuellement vide.",
"newTaskCta": "Créer une nouvelle tâche.",
"editTask": "Modifier la tâche"
"search": "Écris pour rechercher une liste…",
"searchSelect": "Clique ou appuie sur la touche Entrée pour sélectionner cette liste",
"shared": "Listes partagées",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Supprimer"
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Ajouter",
"addPlaceholder": "Ajouter une nouvelle tâche…",
"empty": "Cette liste est actuellement vide.",
"newTaskCta": "Créer une nouvelle tâche.",
"editTask": "Modifier la tâche"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Afficher les tâches pour lesquelles aucune date na été fixée",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Ajouter un nouveau rappel…",
"doneSuccess": "Tâche marquée comme terminée.",
"undoneSuccess": "Tâche marquée comme non terminée.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Ouvrir la vue détaillée de la tâche",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} sur {total} tâches",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tâches",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Titolo della Lista",
"color": "Colore",
"lists": "Liste",
"list": {
"title": "Lista",
"add": "Aggiungi",
"addPlaceholder": "Aggiungi una nuova attività…",
"empty": "Questa lista è attualmente vuota.",
"newTaskCta": "Crea una nuova attività.",
"editTask": "Modifica Attività"
"search": "Digita per cercare una lista…",
"searchSelect": "Fare clic o premere invio per selezionare questa lista",
"shared": "Liste Condivise",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Elimina"
"list": {
"title": "Lista",
"add": "Aggiungi",
"addPlaceholder": "Aggiungi una nuova attività…",
"empty": "Questa lista è attualmente vuota.",
"newTaskCta": "Crea una nuova attività.",
"editTask": "Modifica Attività"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Mostra attività che non hanno date impostate",
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
"title": "Nuovo Filtro Salvato",
"description": "Un filtro salvato è una lista virtuale che viene calcolata da un insieme di filtri di volta in volta. Una volta creato, apparirà in un namespace speciale.",
"action": "Crea nuovo filtro salvato",
"titleRequired": "È necessario un titolo per il filtro."
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Elimina questo filtro salvato",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Aggiungi un nuovo promemoria…",
"doneSuccess": "Attività segnata come completata.",
"undoneSuccess": "Attività segnata come non completata.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Apri vista dettagli attività",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} di {total} attività",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} attività",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Lijst titel",
"color": "Kleur",
"lists": "Lijsten",
"list": {
"title": "Lijst",
"add": "Toevoegen",
"addPlaceholder": "Voeg een nieuwe taak toe…",
"empty": "Deze lijst is momenteel leeg.",
"newTaskCta": "Creëer een nieuwe taak.",
"editTask": "Taak bewerken"
"search": "Typ om naar een lijst te zoeken…",
"searchSelect": "Klik of druk op enter om deze lijst te selecteren",
"shared": "Gedeelde lijsten",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Verwijderen"
"list": {
"title": "Lijst",
"add": "Toevoegen",
"addPlaceholder": "Voeg een nieuwe taak toe…",
"empty": "Deze lijst is momenteel leeg.",
"newTaskCta": "Creëer een nieuwe taak.",
"editTask": "Taak bewerken"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Toon taken waarvoor geen datums zijn ingesteld",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Nieuwe herinnering toevoegen…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} van {total} taken",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} taken",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Listenavn",
"color": "Farge",
"lists": "Lister",
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Legg til",
"addPlaceholder": "Legg til ny oppgave…",
"empty": "Denne listen er for øyeblikket tom.",
"newTaskCta": "Lage en ny oppgave.",
"editTask": "Endre oppgave"
"search": "Skriv for å søke etter en liste…",
"searchSelect": "Klikk eller trykk enter for å velge denne listen",
"shared": "Delte lister",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Slett"
"list": {
"title": "Liste",
"add": "Legg til",
"addPlaceholder": "Legg til ny oppgave…",
"empty": "Denne listen er for øyeblikket tom.",
"newTaskCta": "Lage en ny oppgave.",
"editTask": "Endre oppgave"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Vis oppgaver som ikke har datoer angitt",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Legg til en ny påminnelse…",
"doneSuccess": "Oppgaven ble markert som ferdig.",
"undoneSuccess": "Oppgaven ble fjernet som ferdig.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Åpne detaljvisning",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} av {total} oppgaver",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} oppgaver",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Tytuł listy",
"color": "Kolor",
"lists": "Listy",
"list": {
"title": "Lista",
"add": "Dodaj",
"addPlaceholder": "Dodaj nowe zadanie…",
"empty": "Ta lista jest obecnie pusta.",
"newTaskCta": "Utwórz nowe zadanie.",
"editTask": "Edytuj zadanie"
"search": "Wpisz, aby wyszukać listę…",
"searchSelect": "Kliknij lub naciśnij Enter, aby wybrać tę listę",
"shared": "Współdzielone listy",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Usuń"
"list": {
"title": "Lista",
"add": "Dodaj",
"addPlaceholder": "Dodaj nowe zadanie…",
"empty": "Ta lista jest obecnie pusta.",
"newTaskCta": "Utwórz nowe zadanie.",
"editTask": "Edytuj zadanie"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Pokaż zadania, które nie mają ustawionych dat",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Dodaj nowe przypomnienie…",
"doneSuccess": "Zadanie zostało pomyślnie oznaczone jako ukończone.",
"undoneSuccess": "Zadanie zostało pomyślnie otwarte ponownie.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Otwórz szczegółowy widok zadania",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} z {total} zadań",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} zadań",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "Esta lista está atualmente vazia.",
"newTaskCta": "Criar uma nova tarefa.",
"editTask": "Editar Tarefa"
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "Esta lista está atualmente vazia.",
"newTaskCta": "Criar uma nova tarefa.",
"editTask": "Editar Tarefa"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Mostrar tarefas que não possuem datas definidas",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Adicionar um novo lembrete…",
"doneSuccess": "A tarefa foi marcada como feita com sucesso.",
"undoneSuccess": "A tarefa foi desmarcada como feita com sucesso.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Abrir detalhes da tarefa",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} de {total} tarefas",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tarefas",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Título da Lista",
"color": "Cor",
"lists": "Listas",
"list": {
"title": "Lista",
"add": "Adicionar",
"addPlaceholder": "Adicionar uma nova tarefa…",
"empty": "Esta lista está atualmente vazia.",
"newTaskCta": "Cria uma nova tarefa.",
"editTask": "Editar Tarefa"
"search": "Escreve para pesquisar por uma lista…",
"searchSelect": "Clica ou pressiona Enter para selecionar esta lista",
"shared": "Listas Partilhadas",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Eliminar"
"list": {
"title": "Lista",
"add": "Adicionar",
"addPlaceholder": "Adicionar uma nova tarefa…",
"empty": "Esta lista está atualmente vazia.",
"newTaskCta": "Cria uma nova tarefa.",
"editTask": "Editar Tarefa"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Mostrar tarefas que não têm datas atríbuidas",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Adicionar um novo lembrete…",
"doneSuccess": "A tarefa foi marcada como concluída.",
"undoneSuccess": "A tarefa foi desmarcada como concluída.",
"undo": "Desfazer",
"openDetail": "Abrir vista detalhada da tarefa",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} de {total} tarefas",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tarefas",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tasks",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Название списка",
"color": "Цвет",
"lists": "Списки",
"list": {
"title": "Список",
"add": "Добавить",
"addPlaceholder": "Добавить новую задачу…",
"empty": "Список сейчас пуст.",
"newTaskCta": "Создать новую задачу.",
"editTask": "Изменить задачу"
"search": "Введите запрос для поиска списка…",
"searchSelect": "Кликните или нажмите Enter для выбора этого списка",
"shared": "Общие списки",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Удалить"
"list": {
"title": "Список",
"add": "Добавить",
"addPlaceholder": "Добавить новую задачу…",
"empty": "Список сейчас пуст.",
"newTaskCta": "Создать новую задачу.",
"editTask": "Изменить задачу"
"gantt": {
"title": "Гант",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Показать задачи без установленной даты",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Добавить напоминание…",
"doneSuccess": "Задача отмечена как завершённая.",
"undoneSuccess": "Задача отмечена как незавершённая.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Открыть подробный просмотр задачи",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tasks",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tasks",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tasks",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tasks",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "Tên Danh sách",
"color": "Màu sắc",
"lists": "Danh sách",
"list": {
"title": "Danh sách",
"add": "Thêm",
"addPlaceholder": "Thêm việc cần làm…",
"empty": "Danh sách này đang trống trơn.",
"newTaskCta": "Thêm một công việc mới.",
"editTask": "Chỉnh sửa Công việc"
"search": "Gõ để tìm kiếm danh sách…",
"searchSelect": "Nhấp hoặc nhấn enter để chọn danh sách này",
"shared": "Đang tham gia",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Xóa"
"list": {
"title": "Danh sách",
"add": "Thêm",
"addPlaceholder": "Thêm việc cần làm…",
"empty": "Danh sách này đang trống trơn.",
"newTaskCta": "Thêm một công việc mới.",
"editTask": "Chỉnh sửa Công việc"
"gantt": {
"title": "Biểu đồ Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Hiển thị các nhiệm vụ không cài đặt ngày",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Thêm lời nhắc mới…",
"doneSuccess": "Công việc đã được đánh dấu Hoàn thành.",
"undoneSuccess": "Công việc đã được bỏ đánh dấu Hoàn thành.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Xem chi tiết công việc",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} trong số {total} công việc",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} coogn việc",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "列表名",
"color": "列表颜色",
"lists": "列表",
"list": {
"title": "列表",
"add": "新建",
"addPlaceholder": "添加新任务",
"empty": "此列表目前为空。",
"newTaskCta": "新建任务。",
"editTask": "编辑任务"
"search": "输入以搜索列表…",
"searchSelect": "点击或按下回车键以选择",
"shared": "共享列表",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "删除"
"list": {
"title": "列表",
"add": "新建",
"addPlaceholder": "添加新任务",
"empty": "此列表目前为空。",
"newTaskCta": "新建任务。",
"editTask": "编辑任务"
"gantt": {
"title": "甘特图",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "显示未设定日期的任务",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "添加一个新的提醒…",
"doneSuccess": "待办事项已标记为完成。",
"undoneSuccess": "待办事项已标记为未完成。",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "查看任务详细信息",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} 项任务,共 {total} 项。",
"checklistAllDone": "一共 {total} 项任务",

View File

@ -169,6 +169,14 @@
"title": "List Title",
"color": "Color",
"lists": "Lists",
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"search": "Type to search for a list…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list",
"shared": "Shared Lists",
@ -270,14 +278,6 @@
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This list is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
@ -602,7 +602,6 @@
"addReminder": "Add a new reminder…",
"doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.",
"undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "Open task detail view",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",
"checklistAllDone": "{total} tasks",

View File

@ -39,76 +39,74 @@ if (window.API_URL.slice(window.API_URL.length - 1, window.API_URL.length) === '
window.API_URL = window.API_URL.slice(0, window.API_URL.length - 1)
const app = createApp(App)
// directives
import focus from '@/directives/focus'
import {VTooltip} from 'floating-vue'
import { VTooltip } from 'floating-vue'
import 'floating-vue/dist/style.css'
import shortcut from '@/directives/shortcut'
import cypress from '@/directives/cypress'
app.directive('focus', focus)
app.directive('tooltip', VTooltip)
app.directive('shortcut', shortcut)
app.directive('cy', cypress)
// global components
import FontAwesomeIcon from '@/components/misc/Icon'
import Button from '@/components/input/button.vue'
import Modal from '@/components/misc/modal.vue'
import Card from '@/components/misc/card.vue'
// We're loading the language before creating the app so that it won't fail to load when the user's
// language file is not yet loaded.
setLanguage().then(() => {
const app = createApp(App)
app.directive('focus', focus)
app.directive('tooltip', VTooltip)
app.directive('shortcut', shortcut)
app.directive('cy', cypress)
app.component('icon', FontAwesomeIcon)
app.component('x-button', Button)
app.component('modal', Modal)
app.component('card', Card)
app.config.errorHandler = (err, vm, info) => {
if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
console.error(err, vm, info)
app.component('icon', FontAwesomeIcon)
app.component('x-button', Button)
app.component('modal', Modal)
app.component('card', Card)
app.config.errorHandler = (err, vm, info) => {
if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
app.config.warnHandler = (msg) => {
console.error(err, vm, info)
window.addEventListener('error', (err) => {
throw err
window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', (err) => {
// event.promise contains the promise object
// event.reason contains the reason for the rejection
throw err
if (import.meta.env.DEV) {
app.config.warnHandler = (msg) => {
app.config.globalProperties.$message = {
window.addEventListener('error', (err) => {
throw err
if (window.SENTRY_ENABLED) {
import('./sentry').then(sentry => sentry.default(app, router))
window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', (err) => {
// event.promise contains the promise object
// event.reason contains the reason for the rejection
throw err
app.config.globalProperties.$message = {
if (window.SENTRY_ENABLED) {
import('./sentry').then(sentry => sentry.default(app, router))
setLanguage().then(() => {

View File

@ -17,12 +17,7 @@ export function getErrorText(r): string {
return data?.message || r.message
export interface Action {
title: string,
callback: () => void,
export function error(e, actions: Action[] = []) {
export function error(e, actions = []) {
type: 'error',
@ -31,7 +26,7 @@ export function error(e, actions: Action[] = []) {
export function success(e, actions: Action[] = []) {
export function success(e, actions = []) {
type: 'success',

View File

@ -126,12 +126,6 @@ export default abstract class AbstractService<Model extends IAbstract = IAbstrac
* Returns an object with all route parameters and their values.
* @example
* getRouteReplacements(
* '/tasks/{taskId}/assignees/{userId}',
* { taskId: 7, userId: 2 },
* )
* // { "{taskId}": 7, "{userId}": 2 }
getRouteReplacements(route : string, parameters : Record<string, unknown> = {}) {
const replace$$1: Record<string, unknown> = {}
@ -154,8 +148,6 @@ export default abstract class AbstractService<Model extends IAbstract = IAbstrac
* Returns a fully-ready-ready-to-make-a-request-to route with replaced parameters.
* @example
* getReplacedRoute('/lists/{listId}/tasks', { listId: 3 }) === '/lists/1/tasks'
getReplacedRoute(path : string, pathparams : Record<string, unknown>) : string {
const replacements = this.getRouteReplacements(path, pathparams)
@ -311,7 +303,7 @@ export default abstract class AbstractService<Model extends IAbstract = IAbstrac
* @param params Optional query parameters
* @param page The page to get
async getAll(model : Model = new AbstractModel({}), params = {}, page = 1): Promise<Model[]> {
async getAll(model : Model = new AbstractModel({}), params = {}, page = 1) {
if (this.paths.getAll === '') {
throw new Error('This model is not able to get data.')
@ -331,7 +323,10 @@ export default abstract class AbstractService<Model extends IAbstract = IAbstrac
return []
return => this.modelGetAllFactory(entry))
if (Array.isArray( {
return => this.modelGetAllFactory(entry))
return this.modelGetAllFactory(
} finally {

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import {HTTPFactory} from '@/helpers/fetcher'
import {objectToCamelCase} from '@/helpers/case'
import type {IProvider} from '@/types/IProvider'
import type {MIGRATORS} from '@/views/migrate/migrators'
export interface ConfigState {
version: string,
@ -15,10 +14,10 @@ export interface ConfigState {
linkSharingEnabled: boolean,
maxFileSize: string,
registrationEnabled: boolean,
availableMigrators: Array<keyof typeof MIGRATORS>,
availableMigrators: [],
taskAttachmentsEnabled: boolean,
totpEnabled: boolean,
enabledBackgroundProviders: Array<'unsplash' | 'upload'>,
enabledBackgroundProviders: [],
legal: {
imprintUrl: string,
privacyPolicyUrl: string,
@ -79,12 +78,11 @@ export const useConfigStore = defineStore('config', () => {
function setConfig(config: ConfigState) {
Object.assign(state, config)
async function update(): Promise<boolean> {
async function update() {
const HTTP = HTTPFactory()
const {data: config} = await HTTP.get('info')
const success = !!config
return success
return config
return {

View File

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ import FilterPopup from '@/components/list/partials/filter-popup.vue'
import Pagination from '@/components/misc/pagination.vue'
import Popup from '@/components/misc/popup.vue'
import {useTaskList, SortBy} from '@/composables/useTaskList'
import {useTaskList} from '@/composables/useTaskList'
import type {ITask} from '@/modelTypes/ITask'
@ -222,6 +222,21 @@ const props = defineProps({
type Order = 'asc' | 'desc' | 'none'
interface SortBy {
index: Order
done?: Order
title?: Order
priority?: Order
due_date?: Order
start_date?: Order
end_date?: Order
percent_done?: Order
created?: Order
updated?: Order
const SORT_BY_DEFAULT: SortBy = {
index: 'desc',
@ -229,7 +244,7 @@ const SORT_BY_DEFAULT: SortBy = {
const activeColumns = useStorage('tableViewColumns', {...ACTIVE_COLUMNS_DEFAULT})
const sortBy = useStorage<SortBy>('tableViewSortBy', {...SORT_BY_DEFAULT})
const taskList = useTaskList(toRef(props, 'listId'), sortBy.value)
const taskList = useTaskList(toRef(props, 'listId'))
const {

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ interface IMigratorRecord {
[key: Migrator['id']]: Migrator
export const MIGRATORS = {
export const MIGRATORS: IMigratorRecord = {
wunderlist: {
id: 'wunderlist',
name: 'Wunderlist',
@ -49,4 +49,4 @@ export const MIGRATORS = {
icon: tickTickIcon as string,
isFileMigrator: true,
} as const satisfies IMigratorRecord
} as const

View File

@ -496,7 +496,6 @@ import {useKanbanStore} from '@/stores/kanban'
import {useTitle} from '@/composables/useTitle'
import {success} from '@/message'
import type {Action as MessageAction} from '@/message'
const props = defineProps({
taskId: {
@ -729,10 +728,10 @@ async function saveTask(args?: {
Object.assign(task, newTask)
let actions: MessageAction[] = []
let actions = []
if (undoCallback !== null) {
actions = [{
title: t('task.undo'),
title: 'Undo',
callback: undoCallback,