{ "home": { "welcomeNight": "Boa noite, {username}!", "welcomeMorning": "Bom dia, {username}!", "welcomeDay": "Olá, {username}!", "welcomeEvening": "Boa noite, {username}!", "lastViewed": "Visto por último", "list": { "newText": "Você pode criar uma nova lista para suas novas tarefas:", "new": "Nova lista", "importText": "Or import your lists and tasks from other services into Vikunja:", "import": "Import your data into Vikunja" } }, "404": { "title": "Não encontrado", "text": "The page you requested does not exist." }, "ready": { "loading": "Vikunja is loading…", "errorOccured": "Ocorreu um erro:", "checkApiUrl": "Please check if the api url is correct.", "noApiUrlConfigured": "Nenhuma URL de API foi configurada. Por favor, defina uma abaixo:" }, "offline": { "title": "You are offline.", "text": "Please check your network connection and try again." }, "user": { "auth": { "username": "Nome de usuário", "usernameEmail": "Nome de usuário ou endereço de e-mail", "usernamePlaceholder": "e.g. frederick", "email": "Endereço de e-mail", "emailPlaceholder": "e.g. frederic{'@'}vikunja.io", "password": "Password", "passwordPlaceholder": "e.g. •••••••••••", "forgotPassword": "Forgot your password?", "resetPassword": "Reset your password", "resetPasswordAction": "Send me a password reset link", "resetPasswordSuccess": "Check your inbox! You should have an e-mail with instructions on how to reset your password.", "passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords don't match", "confirmEmailSuccess": "You successfully confirmed your email! You can log in now.", "totpTitle": "Two Factor Authentication Code", "totpPlaceholder": "e.g. 123456", "login": "Login", "createAccount": "Criar conta", "loginWith": "Log in with {provider}", "authenticating": "Authenticating…", "openIdStateError": "State does not match, refusing to continue!", "openIdGeneralError": "An error occured while authenticating against the third party.", "logout": "Logout", "emailInvalid": "Por favor, insira um endereço de e-mail válido.", "usernameRequired": "Por favor, insira um nome de usuário.", "passwordRequired": "Por favor, insira uma senha.", "showPassword": "Exibir senha", "hidePassword": "Ocultar senha", "noAccountYet": "Não possui uma conta ainda?", "alreadyHaveAnAccount": "Já possui uma conta?", "remember": "Permanecer conectado" }, "settings": { "title": "Settings", "newPasswordTitle": "Update Your Password", "newPassword": "New Password", "newPasswordConfirm": "New Password Confirmation", "currentPassword": "Current Password", "currentPasswordPlaceholder": "Your current password", "passwordsDontMatch": "The new password and its confirmation don't match.", "passwordUpdateSuccess": "The password was successfully updated.", "updateEmailTitle": "Atualizar seu endereço de e-mail", "updateEmailNew": "New Email Address", "updateEmailSuccess": "Your email address was successfully updated. We've sent you a link to confirm it.", "general": { "title": "General Settings", "name": "Name", "newName": "The new Name", "savedSuccess": "The settings were successfully updated.", "emailReminders": "Send me reminders for tasks via Email", "overdueReminders": "Send me a summary of my undone overdue tasks every day", "discoverableByName": "Let other users find me when they search for my name", "discoverableByEmail": "Let other users find me when they search for my full email", "playSoundWhenDone": "Play a sound when marking tasks as done", "weekStart": "Week starts on", "weekStartSunday": "Sunday", "weekStartMonday": "Monday", "language": "Language", "defaultList": "Default List", "timezone": "Fuso horário", "overdueTasksRemindersTime": "Overdue tasks reminder email time" }, "totp": { "title": "Two Factor Authentication", "enroll": "Inscrever-se", "finishSetupPart1": "To finish your setup, use this secret in your totp app (Google Authenticator or similar):", "finishSetupPart2": "After that, enter a code from your app below.", "scanQR": "Alternatively you can scan this QR code:", "passcode": "Passcode", "passcodePlaceholder": "A code generated by your totp application", "setupSuccess": "Você configurou a autenticação de dois fatores com sucesso!", "enterPassword": "Please Enter Your Password", "disable": "Disable two factor authentication", "confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed your totp setup and can use it from now on!", "disableSuccess": "A autenticação de dois fatores foi desativada com êxito." }, "caldav": { "title": "CalDAV", "howTo": "Você pode conectar o Vikunja aos clientes de CalDAV para visualizar e gerenciar todas as tarefas de diferentes clientes. Digite esta url em seu cliente:", "more": "Mais informações sobre CalDAV em Vikunja", "tokens": "CalDAV Tokens", "tokensHowTo": "Você pode usar um token CalDAV em vez de uma senha para fazer o login no endpoint acima.", "createToken": "Criar um token", "tokenCreated": "Aqui está seu token: {token}", "wontSeeItAgain": "Anote isso, você não poderá vê-lo novamente.", "mustUseToken": "Você precisa criar um token CalDAV se quiser usar CalDAV com um cliente de terceiros. Use o token como a senha.", "usernameIs": "Seu usuário é: {0}" }, "avatar": { "title": "Avatar", "initials": "Initials", "gravatar": "Gravatar", "marble": "Marble", "upload": "Upload", "uploadAvatar": "Upload Avatar", "statusUpdateSuccess": "Avatar status was updated successfully!", "setSuccess": "The avatar has been set successfully!" }, "quickAddMagic": { "title": "Quick Add Magic Mode", "disabled": "Disabled", "todoist": "Todoist", "vikunja": "Vikunja" }, "appearance": { "title": "Color Scheme", "setSuccess": "Saved change of color scheme to {colorScheme}", "colorScheme": { "light": "Light", "system": "System", "dark": "Dark" } } }, "deletion": { "title": "Delete your Vikunja Account", "text1": "The deletion of your account is permanent and cannot be undone. We will delete all your namespaces, lists, tasks and everything associated with it.", "text2": "To proceed, please enter your password. You will receive an email with further instructions.", "confirm": "Delete my account", "requestSuccess": "The request was successful. You'll receive an email with further instructions.", "passwordRequired": "Please enter your password.", "confirmSuccess": "You've successfully confirmed the deletion of your account. We will delete your account in three days.", "scheduled": "We will delete your Vikunja account at {date} ({dateSince}).", "scheduledCancel": "To cancel the deletion of your account, click here.", "scheduledCancelText": "To cancel the deletion of your account, please enter your password below:", "scheduledCancelConfirm": "Cancel the deletion of my account", "scheduledCancelSuccess": "We will not delete your account." }, "export": { "title": "Export your Vikunja data", "description": "You can request a copy of all your Vikunja data. This include Namespaces, Lists, Tasks and everything associated to them. You can import this data in any Vikunja instance through the migration function.", "descriptionPasswordRequired": "Please enter your password to proceed:", "request": "Request a copy of my Vikunja Data", "success": "You've successfully requested your Vikunja Data! We will send you an email once it's ready to download.", "downloadTitle": "Download your exported Vikunja data" } }, "list": { "archived": "This list is archived. It is not possible to create new or edit tasks for it.", "title": "List Title", "color": "Color", "lists": "Lists", "list": { "title": "List", "add": "Add", "addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…", "empty": "Esta lista está atualmente vazia.", "newTaskCta": "Criar uma nova tarefa.", "editTask": "Editar Tarefa" }, "search": "Type to search for a list…", "searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this list", "shared": "Shared Lists", "noDescriptionAvailable": "No list description is available.", "create": { "header": "Nova lista", "titlePlaceholder": "The list's title goes here…", "addTitleRequired": "Please specify a title.", "createdSuccess": "The list was successfully created.", "addListRequired": "Please specify a list or set a default list in the settings." }, "archive": { "title": "Archive \"{list}\"", "archive": "Archive this list", "unarchive": "Un-Archive this list", "unarchiveText": "You will be able to create new tasks or edit it.", "archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this list or create new tasks until you un-archive it.", "success": "The list was successfully archived." }, "background": { "title": "Set list background", "remove": "Remove Background", "upload": "Choose a background from your pc", "searchPlaceholder": "Search for a background…", "poweredByUnsplash": "Powered by Unsplash", "loadMore": "Load more photos", "success": "The background has been set successfully!", "removeSuccess": "The background has been removed successfully!" }, "delete": { "title": "Delete \"{list}\"", "header": "Delete this list", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this list and all of its contents?", "text2": "This includes all tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "The list was successfully deleted.", "tasksToDelete": "Isto irá remover irrevogavelmente aprox. {count} tarefas.", "noTasksToDelete": "Esta lista não contém tarefas, deve ser segura para excluir." }, "duplicate": { "title": "Duplicate this list", "label": "Duplicate", "text": "Select a namespace which should hold the duplicated list:", "success": "The list was successfully duplicated." }, "edit": { "header": "Edit This List", "title": "Edit \"{list}\"", "titlePlaceholder": "The list title goes here…", "identifierTooltip": "The list identifier can be used to uniquely identify a task across lists. You can set it to empty to disable it.", "identifier": "List Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The list identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", "descriptionPlaceholder": "The lists description goes here…", "color": "Color", "success": "The list was successfully updated." }, "share": { "header": "Share this list", "title": "Share \"{list}\"", "share": "Share", "links": { "title": "Share Links", "what": "What is a share link?", "explanation": "Share Links allow you to easily share a list with other users who don't have an account on Vikunja.", "create": "Create a new link share", "name": "Name (optional)", "namePlaceholder": "e.g. Lorem Ipsum", "nameExplanation": "All actions done by this link share will show up with the name.", "password": "Password (optional)", "passwordExplanation": "When authenticating, the user will be required to enter this password.", "noName": "No name set", "remove": "Remove a link share", "removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this link share? It will no longer be possible to access this list with this link share. This cannot be undone!", "createSuccess": "The link share was successfully created.", "deleteSuccess": "The link share was successfully deleted", "view": "View", "sharedBy": "Shared by {0}" }, "userTeam": { "typeUser": "user | users", "typeTeam": "team | teams", "shared": "Shared with these {type}", "you": "You", "notShared": "Not shared with any {type} yet.", "removeHeader": "Remove a {type} from the {sharable}", "removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this {sharable} from the {type}? This cannot be undone!", "removeSuccess": "The {sharable} was successfully removed from the {type}.", "addedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added.", "updatedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added." }, "right": { "title": "Permissão", "read": "Read only", "readWrite": "Read & write", "admin": "Admin" }, "attributes": { "link": "Link", "delete": "Delete" } }, "gantt": { "title": "Gantt", "showTasksWithoutDates": "Mostrar tarefas que não possuem datas definidas", "size": "Tamanho", "default": "Padrão", "month": "Mês", "day": "Dia", "hour": "Hour", "range": "Date Range", "noDates": "Esta tarefa não tem datas definidas." }, "table": { "title": "Tabela", "columns": "Colunas" }, "kanban": { "title": "Kanban", "limit": "Limite: {limit}", "noLimit": "Não definido", "doneBucket": "Bucket concluído", "doneBucketHint": "Todas as tarefas movidas para este bucket serão marcadas automaticamente como concluídas.", "doneBucketHintExtended": "Todas as tarefas movidas para o bucket concluído serão automaticamente concluídas também. Todas as tarefas concluídas de outro lugar serão movidas também.", "doneBucketSavedSuccess": "O bucket foi marcado como concluído com sucesso.", "deleteLast": "Você não pode remover o último bucket.", "addTaskPlaceholder": "Digite o novo título da tarefa…", "addTask": "Adicionar uma tarefa", "addAnotherTask": "Adicionar outra tarefa", "addBucket": "Criar um novo bucket", "addBucketPlaceholder": "Digite o novo título do bucket…", "deleteHeaderBucket": "Excluir o bucket", "deleteBucketText1": "Tem certeza que deseja excluir este bucket?", "deleteBucketText2": "Isto não vai apagar nenhuma tarefa, mas as moverá para o bucket padrão.", "deleteBucketSuccess": "O bucket foi excluído com sucesso.", "bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "O título do bucket foi salvo com sucesso.", "bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "O limite do bucket foi salvo com sucesso.", "collapse": "Recolher este bucket" }, "pseudo": { "favorites": { "title": "Favoritos" } } }, "namespace": { "title": "Listas & Namespaces", "namespace": "Namespace", "showArchived": "Show Archived", "noneAvailable": "Você não tem nenhum namespace no momento.", "unarchive": "Desarquivar", "archived": "Arquivado", "noLists": "Este namespace não contém nenhuma lista.", "createList": "Criar uma nova lista neste namespace.", "namespaces": "Namespaces", "search": "Digite para procurar por um namespace…", "create": { "title": "Novo namespace", "titleRequired": "Por favor, especifique um título.", "explanation": "Um namespace é uma coleção de listas que você pode compartilhar e usar para organizar suas listas. Na verdade, todas as listas pertencem a um namespace.", "tooltip": "O que é um namespace?", "success": "O namespace foi criado com sucesso." }, "archive": { "titleArchive": "Arquivar \"{namespace}\"", "titleUnarchive": "Desarquivar \"{namespace}\"", "archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this namespace or create new lists until you un-archive it. This will also archive all lists in this namespace.", "unarchiveText": "Você será capaz de criar novas listas ou editá-las.", "success": "O namespace foi arquivado com sucesso.", "unarchiveSuccess": "O namespace foi desarquivado com sucesso.", "description": "If a namespace is archived, you cannot create new lists or edit it." }, "delete": { "title": "Excluir \"{namespace}\"", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this namespace and all of its contents?", "text2": "This includes all lists and tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "O namespace foi excluído com sucesso." }, "edit": { "title": "Editar \"{namespace}\"", "success": "O namespace foi atualizado com sucesso." }, "share": { "title": "Compartilhar \"{namespace}\"" }, "attributes": { "title": "Título do Namespace", "titlePlaceholder": "O título do namespace fica aqui…", "description": "Descrição", "descriptionPlaceholder": "A descrição do namespace fica aqui…", "color": "Cor", "archived": "Está arquivado", "isArchived": "Este namespace está arquivado" }, "pseudo": { "sharedLists": { "title": "Listas Compartilhadas" }, "favorites": { "title": "Favoritos" }, "savedFilters": { "title": "Filtros" } } }, "filters": { "title": "Filtros", "clear": "Limpar Filtros", "attributes": { "title": "Título", "titlePlaceholder": "O título do filtro salvo fica aqui…", "description": "Descrição", "descriptionPlaceholder": "A descrição fica aqui…", "includeNulls": "Incluir tarefas que não possuem um conjunto de valores", "requireAll": "Exigir que todos os filtros sejam verdadeiros para uma tarefa ser exibida", "showDoneTasks": "Mostrar tarefas concluídas", "sortAlphabetically": "Ordernar alfabeticamente", "enablePriority": "Ativar Filtro por Prioridade", "enablePercentDone": "Ativar Filtro por Progresso", "dueDateRange": "Due Date Range", "startDateRange": "Data de início", "endDateRange": "End Date Range", "reminderRange": "Reminder Date Range" }, "create": { "title": "Novo filtro salvo", "description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.", "action": "Create new saved filter", "titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter." }, "delete": { "header": "Delete this saved filter", "text": "Are you sure you want to delete this saved filter?", "success": "O filtro foi excluído com sucesso." }, "edit": { "title": "Edit This Saved Filter", "success": "O filtro foi salvo com sucesso." } }, "migrate": { "title": "Import from other services", "titleService": "Import your data from {name} into Vikunja", "import": "Importe seus dados para o Vikunja", "description": "Click on the logo of one of the third-party services below to get started.", "descriptionDo": "Vikunja will import all lists, tasks, notes, reminders and files you have access to.", "authorize": "To authorize Vikunja to access your {name} Account, click the button below.", "getStarted": "Get Started", "inProgress": "Importação em andamento…", "alreadyMigrated1": "It looks like you've already imported your stuff from {name} at {date}.", "alreadyMigrated2": "Importing again is possible, but might create duplicates. Are you sure?", "confirm": "Tenho certeza, comece a migrar agora, por favor!", "importUpload": "To import data from {name} into Vikunja, click the button below to select a file.", "upload": "Enviar arquivo" }, "label": { "title": "Etiquetas", "manage": "Editar etiquetas", "description": "Click on a label to edit it. You can edit all labels you created, you can use all labels which are associated with a task to whose list you have access.", "newCTA": "Você não tem nenhuma etiqueta atualmente.", "search": "Digite para procurar por uma etiqueta…", "create": { "header": "Nova etiqueta", "title": "Criar uma nova etiqueta", "titleRequired": "Por favor, especifique um título.", "success": "A etiqueta foi criada com sucesso." }, "edit": { "header": "Editar etiqueta", "forbidden": "You are not allowed to edit this label because you dont own it.", "success": "A etiqueta foi atualizada com sucesso." }, "deleteSuccess": "A etiqueta foi excluída com sucesso.", "attributes": { "title": "Título", "titlePlaceholder": "O título da etiqueta fica aqui…", "description": "Descrição", "descriptionPlaceholder": "Descrição da etiqueta", "color": "Cor" } }, "sharing": { "authenticating": "Autenticando…", "passwordRequired": "Esta lista compartilhada requer uma senha. Por favor, digite-a abaixo:", "error": "Ocorreu um erro.", "invalidPassword": "A senha é inválida." }, "navigation": { "overview": "Visão geral", "upcoming": "Upcoming", "settings": "Configurações", "imprint": "Imprimir", "privacy": "Política de Privacidade" }, "misc": { "loading": "Carregando…", "save": "Salvar", "delete": "Excluir", "confirm": "Confirmar", "cancel": "Cancelar", "refresh": "Atualizar", "disable": "Desativar", "copy": "Copiar para área de transferência", "copyError": "Falha ao copiar para área de transferência", "search": "Pesquisar", "searchPlaceholder": "Digite para pesquisar…", "previous": "Voltar", "next": "Avançar", "poweredBy": "Desenvolvido por Vikunja", "info": "Info", "create": "Criar", "doit": "Do it!", "saving": "Salvando…", "saved": "Salvo!", "default": "Padrão", "close": "Fechar", "download": "Baixar", "showMenu": "Mostrar o menu", "hideMenu": "Esconder o menu", "forExample": "Por exemplo:", "welcomeBack": "Bem-vindo de volta!", "custom": "Custom", "id": "ID", "created": "Criado em", "actions": "Ações", "cannotBeUndone": "This cannot be undone!" }, "input": { "resetColor": "Restaurar Cor", "datepicker": { "today": "Hoje", "tomorrow": "Amanhã", "nextMonday": "Próxima segunda-feira", "thisWeekend": "Este fim de semana", "laterThisWeek": "Later This Week", "nextWeek": "Próxima semana", "chooseDate": "Escolha uma data" }, "editor": { "edit": "Editar", "done": "Concluído", "heading1": "Título 1", "heading2": "Título 2", "heading3": "Título 3", "headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller", "headingBigger": "Heading Bigger", "bold": "Negrito", "italic": "Itálico", "strikethrough": "Riscado", "code": "Código", "quote": "Citação", "unorderedList": "Lista não ordenada", "orderedList": "Lista ordenada", "cleanBlock": "Clean Block", "link": "Link", "image": "Imagem", "table": "Tabela", "horizontalRule": "Linha horizontal", "sideBySide": "Lado a Lado", "guide": "Guide" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Criar novo", "selectPlaceholder": "Clique ou pressione Enter para selecionar" }, "datepickerRange": { "to": "Para", "from": "De", "fromto": "{from} até {to}", "ranges": { "today": "Hoje", "thisWeek": "Esta semana", "restOfThisWeek": "O resto desta semana", "nextWeek": "Próxima semana", "next7Days": "Próximos 7 dias", "lastWeek": "Semana passada", "thisMonth": "Este mês", "restOfThisMonth": "O resto deste mês", "nextMonth": "Próximo mês", "next30Days": "Próximos 30 dias", "lastMonth": "Último mês", "thisYear": "Este ano", "restOfThisYear": "O resto deste ano" } }, "datemathHelp": { "canuse": "Você pode usar matemática de data para filtrar datas relativas.", "learnhow": "Veja como funciona", "title": "Matemática de Data", "intro": "A matemática de data permite que você especifique datas relativas que são resolvidas em tempo real pelo Vikunja ao aplicar o filtro.", "expression": "Each Date Math expression starts with an anchor date, which can either be {0}, or a date string ending with {1}. This anchor date can optionally be followed by one or more maths expressions.", "similar": "These expressions are similar to the ones provided by {0} and {1}.", "add1Day": "Adicionar um dia", "minus1Day": "Subtrair um dia", "roundDay": "Round down to the nearest day", "supportedUnits": "As unidades de tempo suportadas são:", "someExamples": "Alguns exemplos de expressões temporais:", "units": { "seconds": "Segundos", "minutes": "Minutos", "hours": "Horas", "days": "Dias", "weeks": "Semanas", "months": "Meses", "years": "Anos" }, "examples": { "now": "Neste momento", "in24h": "Em 24h", "today": "Hoje às 00:00", "beginningOfThisWeek": "O começo desta semana às 00:00", "endOfThisWeek": "O fim desta semana", "in30Days": "Em 30 dias", "datePlusMonth": "{0} mais um mês às 00:00 desse dia" } } }, "task": { "task": "Tarefa", "new": "Criar uma nova tarefa", "delete": "Excluir esta tarefa", "createSuccess": "A tarefa foi criada com sucesso.", "addReminder": "Adicionar um novo lembrete…", "doneSuccess": "A tarefa foi marcada como feita com sucesso.", "undoneSuccess": "A tarefa foi desmarcada como feita com sucesso.", "openDetail": "Abrir detalhes da tarefa", "checklistTotal": "{checked} de {total} tarefas", "checklistAllDone": "{total} tarefas", "show": { "titleCurrent": "Tarefas atuais", "titleDates": "Tarefas de {from} até {to}", "noDates": "Mostrar tarefas sem datas", "overdue": "Mostrar tarefas atrasadas", "fromuntil": "Tasks from {from} until {until}", "select": "Selecione um intervalo de datas", "noTasks": "Nada a fazer — Tenha um ótimo dia!" }, "detail": { "chooseDueDate": "Click here to set a due date", "chooseStartDate": "Clique aqui para definir uma data de início", "chooseEndDate": "Click here to set an end date", "move": "Move task to a different list", "done": "Marcar tarefa como concluída!", "undone": "Marcar como não concluído", "created": "Criado {0} por {1}", "updated": "Atualizado {0}", "doneAt": "Concluído {0}", "updateSuccess": "A tarefa foi salva com sucesso.", "deleteSuccess": "A tarefa foi excluída com sucesso.", "belongsToList": "This task belongs to list '{list}'", "due": "Due {at}", "closePopup": "Fechar janela", "delete": { "header": "Excluir esta tarefa", "text1": "Tem certeza que deseja remover esta tarefa?", "text2": "This will also remove all attachments, reminders and relations associated with this task and cannot be undone!" }, "actions": { "assign": "Atribuir usuário", "label": "Adicionar etiquetas", "priority": "Definir prioridade", "dueDate": "Definir prazo", "startDate": "Definir data de início", "endDate": "Definir data de término", "reminders": "Definir lembretes", "repeatAfter": "Set Repeating Interval", "percentDone": "Definir progresso", "attachments": "Adicionar anexos", "relatedTasks": "Add Relation", "moveList": "Mover", "color": "Definir cor", "delete": "Excluir", "favorite": "Adicionar aos favoritos", "unfavorite": "Remover dos favoritos" } }, "attributes": { "assignees": "Assignees", "color": "Cor", "created": "Criado", "createdBy": "Criador por", "description": "Descrição", "done": "Concluído", "dueDate": "Data de vencimento", "endDate": "Data de término", "labels": "Etiquetas", "percentDone": "Progresso", "priority": "Prioridade", "relatedTasks": "Tarefas relacionadas", "reminders": "Reminders", "repeat": "Repeat", "startDate": "Data de ínicio", "title": "Título", "updated": "Atualizado" }, "subscription": { "subscribedListThroughParentNamespace": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this list through its namespace.", "subscribedTaskThroughParentNamespace": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this task through its namespace.", "subscribedTaskThroughParentList": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this task through its list.", "subscribedNamespace": "You are currently subscribed to this namespace and will receive notifications for changes.", "notSubscribedNamespace": "You are not subscribed to this namespace and won't receive notifications for changes.", "subscribedList": "You are currently subscribed to this list and will receive notifications for changes.", "notSubscribedList": "You are not subscribed to this list and won't receive notifications for changes.", "subscribedTask": "You are currently subscribed to this task and will receive notifications for changes.", "notSubscribedTask": "You are not subscribed to this task and won't receive notifications for changes.", "subscribe": "Inscrever-se", "unsubscribe": "Desinscrever-se", "subscribeSuccessNamespace": "You are now subscribed to this namespace", "unsubscribeSuccessNamespace": "You are now unsubscribed to this namespace", "subscribeSuccessList": "You are now subscribed to this list", "unsubscribeSuccessList": "You are now unsubscribed to this list", "subscribeSuccessTask": "You are now subscribed to this task", "unsubscribeSuccessTask": "You are now unsubscribed to this task" }, "attachment": { "title": "Anexos", "createdBy": "created {0} by {1}", "downloadTooltip": "Download this attachment", "upload": "Enviar anexo", "drop": "Drop files here to upload", "delete": "Delete attachment", "deleteTooltip": "Delete this attachment", "deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment {filename}?", "copyUrl": "Copiar URL", "copyUrlTooltip": "Copy the url of this attachment for usage in text", "setAsCover": "Make cover", "unsetAsCover": "Remove cover", "successfullyChangedCoverImage": "The cover image was successfully changed.", "usedAsCover": "Cover image" }, "comment": { "title": "Comments", "loading": "Loading comments…", "edited": "edited {date}", "creating": "Criando comentário…", "placeholder": "Adicione seu comentário…", "comment": "Comentário", "delete": "Apagar este comentário", "deleteText1": "Tem certeza que deseja apagar este comentário?", "deleteSuccess": "O comentário foi apagado com sucesso.", "addedSuccess": "O comentário foi adicionado com sucesso." }, "deferDueDate": { "title": "Defer due date", "1day": "1 dia", "3days": "3 dias", "1week": "1 semana" }, "description": { "placeholder": "Clique aqui para inserir uma descrição…", "empty": "Nenhuma descrição disponível ainda." }, "assignee": { "placeholder": "Digite para atribuir um usuário…", "selectPlaceholder": "Assign this user", "assignSuccess": "O usuário foi atribuído com sucesso.", "unassignSuccess": "O usuário foi desatribuído com sucesso." }, "label": { "placeholder": "Digite para adicionar uma nova etiqueta…", "createPlaceholder": "Adicionar como nova etiqueta", "addSuccess": "A etiqueta foi adicionada com sucesso.", "createSuccess": "A etiqueta foi criada com sucesso.", "removeSuccess": "A etiqueta foi removida com sucesso.", "addCreateSuccess": "A etiqueta foi criada e adicionada com sucesso.", "delete": { "header": "Delete this label", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this label?", "text2": "This will remove it from all tasks and cannot be restored." } }, "priority": { "unset": "Indefinida", "low": "Baixa", "medium": "Média", "high": "High", "urgent": "Urgente", "doNow": "FAÇA AGORA" }, "relation": { "add": "Add a New Task Relation", "new": "New Task Relation", "searchPlaceholder": "Type search for a new task to add as related…", "createPlaceholder": "Add this as new related task", "differentList": "This task belongs to a different list.", "differentNamespace": "This task belongs to a different namespace.", "noneYet": "No task relations yet.", "delete": "Delete Task Relation", "deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this task relation?", "select": "Select a relation kind", "taskRequired": "Por favor, selecione uma tarefa ou digite um novo título para a tarefa.", "kinds": { "subtask": "Subtask | Subtasks", "parenttask": "Parent Task | Parent Tasks", "related": "Related Task | Related Tasks", "duplicateof": "Duplicate Of | Duplicates Of", "duplicates": "Duplicates | Duplicates", "blocking": "Blocking | Blocking", "blocked": "Blocked By | Blocked By", "precedes": "Precedes | Precedes", "follows": "Follows | Follows", "copiedfrom": "Copied From | Copied From", "copiedto": "Copied To | Copied To" } }, "repeat": { "everyDay": "Diariamente", "everyWeek": "Toda semana", "everyMonth": "Todo mês", "mode": "Modo repetição", "monthly": "Monthly", "fromCurrentDate": "From Current Date", "each": "Each", "specifyAmount": "Specify an amount…", "hours": "Horas", "days": "Dias", "weeks": "Semanas", "months": "Meses", "years": "Anos", "invalidAmount": "Please enter more than 0." }, "quickAddMagic": { "hint": "You can use Quick Add Magic", "what": "O quê?", "title": "Quick Add Magic", "intro": "When creating a task, you can use special keywords to directly add attributes to the newly created task. This allows to add commonly used attributes to tasks much faster.", "multiple": "You can use this multiple times.", "label1": "To add a label, simply prefix the name of the label with {prefix}.", "label2": "Vikunja will first check if the label already exist and create it if not.", "label3": "To use spaces, simply add a \" or ' around the label name.", "label4": "For example: {prefix}\"Label with spaces\".", "priority1": "Para definir a prioridade de uma tarefa, adicione um número de 1 a 5, precedido de um {prefix}.", "priority2": "Quanto maior o número, maior a prioridade.", "assignees": "To directly assign the task to a user, add their username prefixed with {prefix} to the task.", "list1": "To set a list for the task to appear in, enter its name prefixed with {prefix}.", "list2": "This will return an error if the list does not exist.", "list3": "To use spaces, simply add a \" or ' around the list name.", "list4": "For example: {prefix}\"List with spaces\".", "dateAndTime": "Data e hora", "date": "Any date will be used as the due date of the new task. You can use dates in any of these formats:", "dateWeekday": "any weekday, will use the next date with that date", "dateCurrentYear": "will use the current year", "dateNth": "will use the {day}th of the current month", "dateTime": "Combine any of the date formats with \"{time}\" (or {timePM}) to set a time.", "repeats": "Repeating tasks", "repeatsDescription": "To set a task as repeating in an interval, simply add '{suffix}' to the task text. The amount needs to be a number and can be omitted to use just the type (see examples)." } }, "team": { "title": "Equipes", "noTeams": "You are currently not part of any teams.", "create": { "title": "Criar uma equipe", "success": "A equipe foi criada com sucesso." }, "edit": { "title": "Edit Team \"{team}\"", "members": "Team Members", "search": "Type to search a user…", "addUser": "Adicionar à equipe", "makeMember": "Make Member", "makeAdmin": "Tornar administrador", "success": "A equipe foi atualizada com sucesso.", "userAddedSuccess": "O membro da equipe foi adicionado com sucesso.", "madeMember": "O integrante da equipe foi promovido a membro com sucesso.", "madeAdmin": "O membro da equipe foi promovido a administrador com sucesso.", "mustSelectUser": "Please select a user.", "delete": { "header": "Excluir a equipe", "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this team and all of its members?", "text2": "All team members will lose access to lists and namespaces shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "A equipe foi excluída com sucesso." }, "deleteUser": { "header": "Remove a user from the team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to remove this user from the team?", "text2": "They will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!", "success": "O usuário foi removido da equipe com sucesso." }, "leave": { "title": "Leave team", "text1": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?", "text2": "You will lose access to all lists and namespaces this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.", "success": "You have successfully left the team." } }, "attributes": { "name": "Team Name", "namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…", "nameRequired": "Por favor, especifique um nome.", "description": "Description", "descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", "admin": "Administrador", "member": "Membro" } }, "keyboardShortcuts": { "title": "Atalhos de teclado", "general": "Geral", "allPages": "These shortcuts work on all pages.", "currentPageOnly": "These shortcuts work only on the current page.", "somePagesOnly": "These shortcuts work only on some pages.", "toggleMenu": "Toggle The Menu", "quickSearch": "Open the search/quick action bar", "then": "then", "task": { "title": "Task Page", "done": "Mark task done / undone", "assign": "Assign this task to a user", "labels": "Add labels to this task", "dueDate": "Alterar a data de vencimento desta tarefa", "attachment": "Add an attachment to this task", "related": "Modify related tasks of this task", "color": "Change the color of this task", "move": "Move this task to another list", "reminder": "Manage reminders of this task", "description": "Toggle editing of the task description" }, "list": { "title": "List Views", "switchToListView": "Switch to list view", "switchToGanttView": "Switch to gantt view", "switchToKanbanView": "Switch to kanban view", "switchToTableView": "Switch to table view" }, "navigation": { "title": "Navigation", "overview": "Navigate to overview", "upcoming": "Navigate to upcoming tasks", "namespaces": "Navigate to namespaces & lists", "labels": "Navigate to labels", "teams": "Navigate to teams" } }, "update": { "available": "There is an update available!", "do": "Atualizar agora" }, "menu": { "edit": "Editar", "archive": "Arquivar", "duplicate": "Duplicar", "delete": "Excluir", "unarchive": "Un-Archive", "setBackground": "Set background", "share": "Share", "newList": "New list" }, "apiConfig": { "url": "Vikunja URL", "urlPlaceholder": "eg. https://localhost:3456", "change": "change", "use": "Using Vikunja installation at {0}", "error": "Could not find or use Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\". Please try a different url.", "success": "Usando a instalação Vikunja em \"{domain}\".", "urlRequired": "Uma url é necessária." }, "loadingError": { "failed": "Loading failed, please {0}. If the error persists, please {1}.", "tryAgain": "tente novamente", "contact": "contate-nos" }, "notification": { "title": "Notificações", "none": "You don't have any notifications. Have a nice day!", "explainer": "Notifications will appear here when actions on namespaces, lists or tasks you subscribed to happen." }, "quickActions": { "commands": "Comandos", "placeholder": "Digite um comando ou pesquise…", "hint": "You can use {list} to limit the search to a list. Combine {list} or {label} (labels) with a search query to search for a task with these labels or on that list. Use {assignee} to only search for teams.", "tasks": "Tarefas", "lists": "Listas", "teams": "Equipes", "newList": "Digite o título da nova lista…", "newTask": "Enter the title of the new task…", "newNamespace": "Enter the title of the new namespace…", "newTeam": "Enter the name of the new team…", "createTask": "Create a task in the current list ({title})", "createList": "Create a list in the current namespace ({title})", "cmds": { "newTask": "Nova tarefa", "newList": "Nova lista", "newNamespace": "Novo namespace", "newTeam": "Nova equipe" } }, "date": { "locale": "pt-br", "altFormatLong": "j M Y H:i", "altFormatShort": "j M Y" }, "error": { "error": "Erro", "success": "Sucesso", "0001": "You're not allowed to do that.", "1001": "A user with this username already exists.", "1002": "A user with this email address already exists.", "1004": "No username and password specified.", "1005": "O usuário não existe.", "1006": "Não foi possível obter o ID do usuário.", "1008": "No password reset token provided.", "1009": "Invalid password reset token.", "1010": "Invalid email confirm token.", "1011": "Usuário ou senha incorretos.", "1012": "Endereço de e-mail do usuário não confirmado.", "1013": "A senha nova está vazia.", "1014": "A senha antiga está vazia.", "1015": "Totp is already enabled for this user.", "1016": "Totp is not enabled for this user.", "1017": "The totp passcode is invalid.", "1018": "The user avatar type setting is invalid.", "2001": "ID cannot be empty or 0.", "2002": "Some of the request data was invalid.", "3001": "The list does not exist.", "3004": "You need to have read permissions on that list to perform that action.", "3005": "The list title cannot be empty.", "3006": "The list share does not exist.", "3007": "A list with this identifier already exists.", "3008": "The list is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only. This is also true for all tasks associated with this list.", "4001": "The list task text cannot be empty.", "4002": "The list task does not exist.", "4003": "All bulk editing tasks must belong to the same list.", "4004": "Need at least one task when bulk editing tasks.", "4005": "You do not have the right to see the task.", "4006": "You can't set a parent task as the task itself.", "4007": "You can't create a task relation with an invalid kind of relation.", "4008": "You can't create a task relation which already exists.", "4009": "The task relation does not exist.", "4010": "Cannot relate a task with itself.", "4011": "The task attachment does not exist.", "4012": "The task attachment is too large.", "4013": "The task sort param is invalid.", "4014": "The task sort order is invalid.", "4015": "The task comment does not exist.", "4016": "Invalid task field.", "4017": "Invalid task filter comparator.", "4018": "Invalid task filter concatenator.", "4019": "Invalid task filter value.", "5001": "The namespace does not exist.", "5003": "You do not have access to the specified namespace.", "5006": "The namespace name cannot be empty.", "5009": "You need to have namespace read access to perform that action.", "5010": "This team does not have access to that namespace.", "5011": "This user has already access to that namespace.", "5012": "The namespace is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only.", "6001": "The team name cannot be empty.", "6002": "The team does not exist.", "6004": "The team already has access to that namespace or list.", "6005": "The user is already a member of that team.", "6006": "Cannot delete the last team member.", "6007": "The team does not have access to the list to perform that action.", "7002": "The user already has access to that list.", "7003": "You do not have access to that list.", "8001": "This label already exists on that task.", "8002": "The label does not exist.", "8003": "You do not have access to this label.", "9001": "The right is invalid.", "10001": "The bucket does not exist.", "10002": "The bucket does not belong to that list.", "10003": "You cannot remove the last bucket on a list.", "10004": "You cannot add the task to this bucket as it already exceeded the limit of tasks it can hold.", "10005": "There can be only one done bucket per list.", "11001": "The saved filter does not exist.", "11002": "Saved filters are not available for link shares.", "12001": "The subscription entity type is invalid.", "12002": "You are already subscribed to the entity itself or a parent entity.", "13001": "This link share requires a password for authentication, but none was provided.", "13002": "The provided link share password was invalid." }, "about": { "title": "About", "frontendVersion": "Frontend Version: {version}", "apiVersion": "API Version: {version}" } }