2023-09-08 00:29:37 +00:00

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43 KiB
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"home": {
"welcomeNight": "晚上好,{username}",
"welcomeMorning": "早上好, {username}",
"welcomeDay": "嗨~{username}",
"welcomeEvening": "中午好,{username}",
"lastViewed": "最近查看",
"addToHomeScreen": "Add this app to your home screen for faster access and improved experience.",
"project": {
"importText": "Import your projects and tasks from other services into Vikunja:",
"import": "Import your data into Vikunja"
"demo": {
"title": "This instance is in demo mode. Do not use this for real data!",
"everythingWillBeDeleted": "Everything will be deleted in regular intervals!",
"accountWillBeDeleted": "Your account will be deleted, including all projects, tasks and attachments you might create."
"404": {
"title": "未找到数据",
"text": "您请求的页面不存在。"
"ready": {
"loading": "Vikunja 正在加载…",
"errorOccured": "发生错误:",
"checkApiUrl": "请检查 api 网址是否正确。",
"noApiUrlConfigured": "未配置 API URL。请在下框中设置"
"offline": {
"title": "当前为离线状态。",
"text": "请检查网络连接并重试。"
"user": {
"auth": {
"username": "用户名",
"usernameEmail": "用户名或邮箱地址",
"usernamePlaceholder": "例如frederick",
"email": "电子邮箱地址",
"emailPlaceholder": "例如xxxx{'@'}",
"password": "密码",
"passwordPlaceholder": "例如:···························",
"forgotPassword": "忘记密码",
"resetPassword": "重置密码",
"resetPasswordAction": "发送密码重置链接",
"resetPasswordSuccess": "请检查收件箱!您应该会收到一封邮件,告知您如何重置密码。",
"passwordsDontMatch": "两次输入的密码不一致",
"confirmEmailSuccess": "已成功确认您的电子邮件!现在可以登录。",
"totpTitle": "两步验证码",
"totpPlaceholder": "例如123456",
"login": "登录",
"createAccount": "创建账户",
"loginWith": "以 {provider} 身份登录",
"authenticating": "验证中",
"openIdStateError": "状态不匹配,无法继续!",
"openIdGeneralError": "在验证第三方时出错。",
"logout": "注销",
"emailInvalid": "请输入有效的电子邮件地址。",
"usernameRequired": "请输入用户名",
"passwordRequired": "请提供密码",
"showPassword": "显示密码",
"hidePassword": "隐藏密码",
"noAccountYet": "还没有账号?",
"alreadyHaveAnAccount": "已有账户?",
"remember": "保持登录状态"
"settings": {
"title": "设置",
"newPasswordTitle": "更新密码",
"newPassword": "新密码",
"newPasswordConfirm": "确认新密码",
"currentPassword": "当前密码",
"currentPasswordPlaceholder": "输入当前密码",
"passwordsDontMatch": "两次输入密码不一致",
"passwordUpdateSuccess": "已成功更新密码",
"updateEmailTitle": "更新电子邮件地址",
"updateEmailNew": "新电子邮件地址",
"updateEmailSuccess": "您的电子邮件地址已成功更新。我们已经向您发送了一个链接来确认。",
"general": {
"title": "通用设置",
"name": "在首页中显示的对您的称呼",
"newName": "输入一个新的称呼",
"savedSuccess": "成功更新了设置",
"emailReminders": "通过电子邮件向我发送任务提醒",
"overdueReminders": "每天给我发送我未完成任务的摘要",
"discoverableByName": "Allow other users to add me as a member to teams or projects when they search for my name",
"discoverableByEmail": "Allow other users to add me as a member to teams or projects when they search for my full email",
"playSoundWhenDone": "将任务标记为已完成时播放声音",
"weekStart": "一周起始日",
"weekStartSunday": "星期日",
"weekStartMonday": "星期一",
"language": "语言设置",
"defaultProject": "Default Project",
"timezone": "时区",
"overdueTasksRemindersTime": "逾期任务提醒邮件时间",
"filterUsedOnOverview": "Saved filter used on the overview page"
"totp": {
"title": "两步验证",
"enroll": "展开使用",
"finishSetupPart1": "要完成您的设置,请在您的 TOTP 应用程序中使用此密文 (Google 身份验证器或类似的软件)",
"finishSetupPart2": "在下方输入您应用中生成的代码。",
"scanQR": "或者,您可以扫描此二维码:",
"passcode": "验证码",
"passcodePlaceholder": "由 totp 应用程序生成的代码",
"setupSuccess": "您已成功启用两步验证!",
"enterPassword": "请输入密码",
"disable": "禁用两步验证",
"confirmSuccess": "已确认 totp 设置,生效中!",
"disableSuccess": "两步验证已禁用。"
"caldav": {
"title": "CalDAV",
"howTo": "您可以将 Vikunja 连接到 CalDAV 客户端来查看和管理来自不同客户端的所有任务。请将此URL输入您的客户端",
"more": "更多关于 Vikunja 的 CalDAV 信息",
"tokens": "CalDAV Tokens",
"tokensHowTo": "您可以使用 CalDAV Tokens 代替密码登录上述端点。",
"createToken": "创建令牌",
"tokenCreated": "这是您的令牌: {token}",
"wontSeeItAgain": "将其写下,您将无法再次看到。",
"mustUseToken": "如果您想要通过第三方客户端来登录使用 CalDAV则需要创建一个 CalDAV 令牌,并使用该令牌作为密码。",
"usernameIs": "您的用户名是: {0}"
"avatar": {
"title": "头像",
"initials": "首字母",
"gravatar": "Gravatar 头像",
"marble": "大理石",
"upload": "上传",
"uploadAvatar": "上传头像",
"statusUpdateSuccess": "头像状态更新成功!",
"setSuccess": "头像设置成功!"
"quickAddMagic": {
"title": "快速添加 Magic 模式",
"disabled": "禁用",
"todoist": "Todoist",
"vikunja": "Vikunja"
"appearance": {
"title": "配色方案",
"setSuccess": "已保存颜色方案更改为 {colorScheme}",
"colorScheme": {
"light": "明亮",
"system": "跟随系统",
"dark": "暗色"
"apiTokens": {
"title": "API Tokens",
"general": "API tokens allow you to use Vikunja's API without user credentials.",
"apiDocs": "Check out the api docs",
"createAToken": "Create a token",
"createToken": "Create token",
"30d": "30 Days",
"60d": "60 Days",
"90d": "90 Days",
"permissionExplanation": "Permissions allow you to scope what an api token is allowed to do.",
"titleRequired": "The title is required",
"expired": "This token has expired {ago}.",
"tokenCreatedSuccess": "Here is your new api token: {token}",
"tokenCreatedNotSeeAgain": "Store it in a secure location, you won't see it again!",
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this token",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete the token \"{token}\"?",
"text2": "This will revoke access to all applications or integrations using it. You cannot undo this."
"attributes": {
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "Enter a title you will recognize later",
"expiresAt": "Expires at",
"permissions": "Permissions"
"deletion": {
"title": "删除您的 Vikunja 帐户",
"text1": "The deletion of your account is permanent and cannot be undone. We will delete all your projects, tasks and everything associated with it.",
"text2": "若要继续,请输入您的密码。您将收到一封包含更多说明的电子邮件。",
"confirm": "删除我的帐户",
"requestSuccess": "请求成功。您将收到一封包含更多说明的电子邮件。",
"passwordRequired": "请输入密码",
"confirmSuccess": "已成功确认您帐户的删除请求。您的帐户将在三天内注销删除。",
"scheduled": "您的 Vikunja帐户将于 {date} ({dateSince}) 完成注销删除。",
"scheduledCancel": "要取消您的帐户删除操作,请单击此处。",
"scheduledCancelText": "若要取消您的帐户删除操作,请在下面输入您的密码:",
"scheduledCancelConfirm": "取消删除我的帐户",
"scheduledCancelSuccess": "账户删除操作已撤销"
"export": {
"title": "导出 Vikunja 数据",
"description": "You can request a copy of all your Vikunja data. This includes Projects, Tasks and everything associated to them. You can import this data in any Vikunja instance through the migration function.",
"descriptionPasswordRequired": "请输入您的密码以继续。",
"request": "请求我的 Vikunja 数据副本",
"success": "已成功请求您的 Vikunja 数据!一旦准备好下载,我们将向您发送一封电子邮件。",
"downloadTitle": "下载您导出的 Vikunja 数据"
"project": {
"archivedMessage": "This project is archived. It is not possible to create new or edit tasks for it.",
"archived": "Archived",
"showArchived": "Show Archived",
"title": "Project Title",
"color": "Color",
"projects": "Projects",
"parent": "Parent Project",
"search": "Type to search for a project…",
"searchSelect": "Click or press enter to select this project",
"shared": "Shared Projects",
"noDescriptionAvailable": "No project description is available.",
"inboxTitle": "Inbox",
"create": {
"header": "New project",
"titlePlaceholder": "The project's title goes here…",
"addTitleRequired": "Please specify a title.",
"createdSuccess": "The project was successfully created.",
"addProjectRequired": "Please specify a project or set a default project in the settings."
"archive": {
"title": "Archive \"{project}\"",
"archive": "Archive this project",
"unarchive": "Un-Archive this project",
"unarchiveText": "You will be able to create new tasks or edit it.",
"archiveText": "You won't be able to edit this project or create new tasks until you un-archive it.",
"success": "The project was successfully archived."
"background": {
"title": "Set project background",
"remove": "Remove Background",
"upload": "Choose a background from your pc",
"searchPlaceholder": "Search for a background…",
"poweredByUnsplash": "Powered by Unsplash",
"loadMore": "Load more photos",
"success": "The background has been set successfully!",
"removeSuccess": "The background has been removed successfully!"
"delete": {
"title": "Delete \"{project}\"",
"header": "Delete this project",
"text1": "Are you sure you want to delete this project and all of its contents?",
"text2": "This includes all tasks and CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "The project was successfully deleted.",
"tasksToDelete": "This will irrevocably remove approx. {count} tasks.",
"noTasksToDelete": "This project does not contain any tasks, it should be safe to delete."
"duplicate": {
"title": "Duplicate this project",
"label": "Duplicate",
"text": "Select a parent project which should hold the duplicated project:",
"success": "The project was successfully duplicated."
"edit": {
"header": "Edit This Project",
"title": "Edit \"{project}\"",
"titlePlaceholder": "The project title goes here…",
"identifierTooltip": "The project identifier can be used to uniquely identify a task across projects. You can set it to empty to disable it.",
"identifier": "Project Identifier",
"identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "The project was successfully updated."
"share": {
"header": "Share this project",
"title": "Share \"{project}\"",
"share": "Share",
"links": {
"title": "Share Links",
"what": "What is a share link?",
"explanation": "Share Links allow you to easily share a project with other users who don't have an account on Vikunja.",
"create": "Create a new link share",
"name": "Name (optional)",
"namePlaceholder": "e.g. Lorem Ipsum",
"nameExplanation": "All actions done by this link share will show up with the name.",
"password": "Password (optional)",
"passwordExplanation": "When signing in, the user will be required to enter this password.",
"noName": "No name set",
"remove": "Remove a link share",
"removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this link share? It will no longer be possible to access this project with this link share. This cannot be undone!",
"createSuccess": "The link share was successfully created.",
"deleteSuccess": "The link share was successfully deleted",
"view": "View",
"sharedBy": "Shared by {0}"
"userTeam": {
"typeUser": "user | users",
"typeTeam": "team | teams",
"shared": "Shared with these {type}",
"you": "You",
"notShared": "Not shared with any {type} yet.",
"removeHeader": "Remove a {type} from the {sharable}",
"removeText": "Are you sure you want to remove this {sharable} from the {type}? This cannot be undone!",
"removeSuccess": "The {sharable} was successfully removed from the {type}.",
"addedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added.",
"updatedSuccess": "The {type} was successfully added."
"right": {
"title": "Permission",
"read": "Read only",
"readWrite": "Read & write",
"admin": "Admin"
"attributes": {
"link": "Link",
"delete": "Delete"
"list": {
"title": "List",
"add": "Add",
"addPlaceholder": "Add a new task…",
"empty": "This project is currently empty.",
"newTaskCta": "Create a new task.",
"editTask": "Edit Task"
"gantt": {
"title": "Gantt",
"showTasksWithoutDates": "Show tasks which don't have dates set",
"size": "Size",
"default": "Default",
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"hour": "Hour",
"range": "Date Range",
"noDates": "This task has no dates set."
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"columns": "Columns"
"kanban": {
"title": "Kanban",
"limit": "Limit: {limit}",
"noLimit": "Not Set",
"doneBucket": "Done bucket",
"doneBucketHint": "All tasks moved into this bucket will automatically marked as done.",
"doneBucketHintExtended": "All tasks moved into the done bucket will be marked as done automatically. All tasks marked as done from elsewhere will be moved as well.",
"doneBucketSavedSuccess": "The done bucket has been saved successfully.",
"defaultBucket": "Default bucket",
"defaultBucketHint": "When creating tasks without specifying a bucket, they will be added to this bucket.",
"defaultBucketSavedSuccess": "The default bucket has been saved successfully.",
"deleteLast": "You cannot remove the last bucket.",
"addTaskPlaceholder": "Enter the new task title…",
"addTask": "Add a task",
"addAnotherTask": "Add another task",
"addBucket": "Create a new bucket",
"addBucketPlaceholder": "Enter the new bucket title…",
"deleteHeaderBucket": "Delete the bucket",
"deleteBucketText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this bucket?",
"deleteBucketText2": "This will not delete any tasks but move them into the default bucket.",
"deleteBucketSuccess": "The bucket has been deleted successfully.",
"bucketTitleSavedSuccess": "The bucket title has been saved successfully.",
"bucketLimitSavedSuccess": "The bucket limit been saved successfully.",
"collapse": "Collapse this bucket"
"pseudo": {
"favorites": {
"title": "Favorites"
"filters": {
"title": "筛选器",
"clear": "清除筛选条件",
"attributes": {
"title": "标题",
"titlePlaceholder": "填写筛选器标题",
"description": "描述信息",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "填写描述详情",
"includeNulls": "包含没有设置值的任务",
"requireAll": "要求所有筛选器为真才能显示任务",
"showDoneTasks": "显示已完成的任务",
"sortAlphabetically": "按字母排序",
"enablePriority": "按优先级启用筛选器",
"enablePercentDone": "根据进度启用筛选器",
"dueDateRange": "日期范围",
"startDateRange": "起始日期范围",
"endDateRange": "结束日期范围",
"reminderRange": "提醒日期范围"
"create": {
"title": "新保存的过滤器",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual project which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed.",
"action": "创建新保存的过滤器",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "删除此保存的过滤器",
"text": "确定要删除该过滤规则吗?",
"success": "过滤器删除成功。"
"edit": {
"title": "编辑此保存的过滤器",
"success": "过滤器保存成功。"
"migrate": {
"title": "Import from other services",
"titleService": "从 {name} 导入您的数据到 Vikunja",
"import": "导入数据到 Vikunja",
"description": "点击下面的第三方服务的徽标开始操作。",
"descriptionDo": "Vikunja 将导入所有您有访问权限的列表、任务、笔记、提醒和文件。",
"authorize": "要授权 Vikunja 访问您的 {name} 帐户,请点击下面的按钮。",
"getStarted": "开始",
"inProgress": "导入进行中...",
"alreadyMigrated1": "{date} 已经从 {name} 导入过数据",
"alreadyMigrated2": "可以再次导入,但这可能会造成数据重复。您确定吗?",
"confirm": "我确定, 请立即开始迁移!",
"importUpload": "请点击下面的按钮选择一个文件,将 {name} 的数据导入到 Vikunja",
"upload": "点击上传文件"
"label": {
"title": "标签",
"manage": "管理标签",
"description": "Click on a label to edit it. You can edit all labels you created, you can use all labels which are associated with a task to whose project you have access.",
"newCTA": "当前没有标签",
"search": "输入以搜索标签…",
"create": {
"header": "新建标记",
"title": "创建标签",
"titleRequired": "请指定标题",
"success": "已新建标签"
"edit": {
"header": "编辑标签",
"forbidden": "You are not allowed to edit this label because you don't own it.",
"success": "标签已更新"
"deleteSuccess": "标签已删除",
"attributes": {
"title": "标题",
"titlePlaceholder": "标签名",
"description": "描述信息",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "标签说明",
"color": "标签颜色"
"sharing": {
"authenticating": "验证中……",
"passwordRequired": "This shared project requires a password. Please enter it below:",
"error": "发生错误",
"invalidPassword": "密码错误"
"navigation": {
"overview": "概览",
"upcoming": "即将开始",
"settings": "设置",
"imprint": "版权信息",
"privacy": "隐私政策"
"misc": {
"loading": "载入中...",
"save": "保存",
"delete": "删除",
"confirm": "确认",
"cancel": "取消",
"refresh": "刷新",
"disable": "禁用",
"copy": "复制到剪贴板",
"copyError": "复制到剪贴板失败",
"search": "搜索",
"searchPlaceholder": "请输入查找条件…",
"previous": "上一个",
"next": "下一个",
"poweredBy": "由 Vikunja 提供支持",
"info": "信息",
"create": "创建",
"doit": "继续!",
"saving": "保存中...",
"saved": "保存完成!",
"default": "默认",
"close": "关闭",
"download": "下载",
"showMenu": "显示菜单",
"hideMenu": "隐藏菜单",
"forExample": "例如:",
"welcomeBack": "欢迎回来!",
"custom": "自定义",
"id": "ID",
"created": "创建于",
"actions": "行为",
"cannotBeUndone": "此操作无法撤消!"
"input": {
"resetColor": "重置颜色",
"datepicker": {
"today": "今天",
"tomorrow": "明天",
"nextMonday": "下星期一",
"thisWeekend": "本周末",
"laterThisWeek": "本周稍后",
"nextWeek": "下周",
"chooseDate": "选择日期"
"editor": {
"edit": "编辑",
"done": "完成",
"heading1": "一级标题",
"heading2": "二级标题",
"heading3": "三级标题",
"headingSmaller": "下一级标题",
"headingBigger": "上一级标题",
"bold": "粗体",
"italic": "斜体",
"strikethrough": "删除线",
"code": "代码",
"quote": "引用",
"unorderedList": "无序列表",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"cleanBlock": "清除格式",
"link": "链接",
"image": "图片",
"table": "表格",
"horizontalRule": "水平线",
"sideBySide": "并排",
"guide": "指南"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "创建新的",
"selectPlaceholder": "点击或按 Enter 选择"
"datepickerRange": {
"to": "到",
"from": "开始",
"fromto": "{from} 到 {to}",
"ranges": {
"today": "今天",
"thisWeek": "本周",
"restOfThisWeek": "本周剩余时间",
"nextWeek": "下周",
"next7Days": "未来一周",
"lastWeek": "上周",
"thisMonth": "本月",
"restOfThisMonth": "本月剩余时间",
"nextMonth": "下个月",
"next30Days": "未来 30 天",
"lastMonth": "上个月",
"thisYear": "今年",
"restOfThisYear": "本年度剩余时间"
"datemathHelp": {
"canuse": "你可以使用 Date Math 来筛选相对日期。",
"learnhow": "查看它如何工作",
"title": "Date Math",
"intro": "Specify relative dates which are resolved on the fly by Vikunja when applying the filter.",
"expression": "每个 Date Math 表达式以锚点日期开头,可以是 {0},也可以是以 {1} 结尾的日期文本。 这个锚点日期后可以跟一个或多个数学表达式。",
"similar": "这些表达式类似于 {0} 和 {1} 提供的表达式。",
"add1Day": "加一天",
"minus1Day": "减一天",
"roundDay": "往最近的那天舍入",
"supportedUnits": "Supported time units",
"someExamples": "Examples of time expressions",
"units": {
"seconds": "秒数。",
"minutes": "分钟",
"hours": "小时",
"days": "天",
"weeks": "周",
"months": "月",
"years": "年"
"examples": {
"now": "现在",
"in24h": "24 小时内",
"today": "今天 00:00",
"beginningOfThisWeek": "本周初 00:00",
"endOfThisWeek": "这周结束",
"in30Days": "30 天内",
"datePlusMonth": "{0} 加一个月于当日 00:00"
"task": {
"task": "任务",
"new": "新建任务",
"delete": "删除此任务",
"createSuccess": "成功创建任务",
"addReminder": "添加一个新的提醒…",
"doneSuccess": "待办事项已标记为完成。",
"undoneSuccess": "待办事项已标记为未完成。",
"undo": "Undo",
"openDetail": "查看任务详细信息",
"checklistTotal": "{checked} 项任务,共 {total} 项。",
"checklistAllDone": "一共 {total} 项任务",
"show": {
"titleCurrent": "当前任务",
"titleDates": "从 {from} 到 {to} 的任务",
"noDates": "显示无日期的任务",
"overdue": "显示过期任务",
"fromuntil": "从 {from} 到 {until} 的任务",
"select": "选择一个日期范围",
"noTasks": "没有待办事项 —— 祝你一天好心情!"
"detail": {
"chooseDueDate": "点击设定截止日期",
"chooseStartDate": "点击设置开始日期",
"chooseEndDate": "点击设定结束日期",
"move": "Move task to a different project",
"done": "标记为已完成",
"undone": "标记为待办",
"created": "{1} 创建于 {0}",
"updated": "更新于 {0}",
"doneAt": "已完成 {0}",
"updateSuccess": "该任务已保存",
"deleteSuccess": "任务已删除",
"belongsToProject": "This task belongs to project '{project}'",
"due": "截止至 {at}",
"closePopup": "关闭弹窗",
"organization": "Organization",
"management": "Management",
"dateAndTime": "Date and time",
"delete": {
"header": "删除此任务",
"text1": "确定要移除任务吗?",
"text2": "这将删除与此任务相关的所有附件、提醒和关联,无法撤消!"
"actions": {
"assign": "分配给用户",
"label": "添加标签",
"priority": "设置优先级",
"dueDate": "设置截止日期",
"startDate": "设置开始日期",
"endDate": "设置结束日期",
"reminders": "设置提醒",
"repeatAfter": "设置重复间隔",
"percentDone": "设置进度",
"attachments": "添加附件",
"relatedTasks": "添加关联",
"moveProject": "Move",
"color": "设置颜色",
"delete": "删除",
"favorite": "添加至收藏",
"unfavorite": "从收藏中移除"
"attributes": {
"assignees": "受理人",
"color": "颜色",
"created": "已创建",
"createdBy": "创建自",
"description": "描述信息",
"done": "完成",
"dueDate": "到期日",
"endDate": "结束日期",
"labels": "标签",
"percentDone": "进度",
"priority": "优先级",
"relatedTasks": "相关任务",
"reminders": "提醒",
"repeat": "重复",
"startDate": "开始日期",
"title": "标题",
"updated": "已更新"
"subscription": {
"subscribedTaskThroughParentProject": "You can't unsubscribe here because you are subscribed to this task through its project.",
"subscribedProject": "You are currently subscribed to this project and will receive notifications for changes.",
"notSubscribedProject": "You are not subscribed to this project and won't receive notifications for changes.",
"subscribedTask": "你当前已订阅此任务并将收到更改通知。",
"notSubscribedTask": "你没有订阅此任务,也不会收到更改通知。",
"subscribe": "订阅",
"unsubscribe": "取消订阅",
"subscribeSuccessProject": "You are now subscribed to this project",
"unsubscribeSuccessProject": "You are now unsubscribed to this project",
"subscribeSuccessTask": "你现在订阅了此任务",
"unsubscribeSuccessTask": "你现在已取消订阅此任务"
"attachment": {
"title": "附件",
"createdBy": "创建 {0} 由 {1}",
"downloadTooltip": "下载此附件",
"upload": "上传附件",
"drop": "将文件拖放在此处上传",
"delete": "删除附件",
"deleteTooltip": "删除此附件",
"deleteText1": "你确定要删除附件 {filename} 吗?",
"copyUrl": "复制链接",
"copyUrlTooltip": "复制此附件的 url 在文本中使用",
"setAsCover": "制作封面",
"unsetAsCover": "移除封面",
"successfullyChangedCoverImage": "封面图片已成功更改。",
"usedAsCover": "封面图片"
"comment": {
"title": "评论",
"loading": "正在加载评论…",
"edited": "编辑于 {date}",
"creating": "正在创建评论…",
"placeholder": "添加你的评论......",
"comment": "评论",
"delete": "删除此评论",
"deleteText1": "确实要删除此评论吗?",
"deleteSuccess": "评论已删除。",
"addedSuccess": "评论已添加。"
"deferDueDate": {
"title": "推迟截止时间",
"1day": "1天",
"3days": "3 天",
"1week": "1周"
"description": {
"placeholder": "点击此处输入描述...",
"empty": "尚无描述。"
"assignee": {
"placeholder": "分配给用户...",
"selectPlaceholder": "分配给用户",
"assignSuccess": "已成功分配用户。",
"unassignSuccess": "已成功取消分配用户。"
"label": {
"placeholder": "添加一个新标签…",
"createPlaceholder": "将此添加为新标签",
"addSuccess": "已成功添加标签。",
"createSuccess": "已成功创建标签。",
"removeSuccess": "已成功移除标签。",
"addCreateSuccess": "标签已创建并添加成功。",
"delete": {
"header": "删除此标签",
"text1": "确定要删除此标签吗?",
"text2": "这将从所有任务中删除它,无法恢复。"
"priority": {
"unset": "取消设置",
"low": "低",
"medium": "中",
"high": "高",
"urgent": "紧急",
"doNow": "现在立刻"
"relation": {
"add": "添加新任务关系",
"new": "新任务关系",
"searchPlaceholder": "输入以搜索要添加关联的新任务...",
"createPlaceholder": "添加为新的关联任务",
"differentProject": "This task belongs to a different project.",
"noneYet": "还没有任务关联。",
"delete": "删除关联",
"deleteText1": "确定要删除此任务关联吗?",
"select": "选择关联类型",
"taskRequired": "请选择一个任务或输入一个新的任务标题。",
"kinds": {
"subtask": "子任务 | 所有子任务",
"parenttask": "上级任务 | 所有上级任务",
"related": "相关任务 | 相关任务",
"duplicateof": "重复 | 所有重复",
"duplicates": "重复 | 所有重复",
"blocking": "封禁 | 封禁",
"blocked": "被阻止 | 被阻止",
"precedes": "优先级 | 优先级",
"follows": "关注 | 关注",
"copiedfrom": "复制自 | 复制自",
"copiedto": "复制到 | 复制到"
"reminder": {
"before": "{amount} {unit} before {type}",
"after": "{amount} {unit} after {type}",
"beforeShort": "before",
"afterShort": "after",
"onDueDate": "On the due date",
"onStartDate": "On the start date",
"onEndDate": "On the end date",
"custom": "Custom",
"dateAndTime": "Date and time"
"repeat": {
"everyDay": "每天",
"everyWeek": "每周",
"every30d": "Every 30 Days",
"mode": "重复模式",
"monthly": "每月",
"fromCurrentDate": "从当前日期",
"each": "每个",
"specifyAmount": "指定数量…",
"hours": "小时",
"days": "天",
"weeks": "周",
"months": "月",
"years": "年",
"invalidAmount": "请输入大于 0 的数。"
"quickAddMagic": {
"hint": "Use magic prefixes to define due dates, assignees and other task properties.",
"title": "快速添加 Magic",
"intro": "创建任务时,可以使用特殊关键字直接为新创建的任务添加属性。 这能够更快地将常用属性添加到任务中。",
"multiple": "你可以多次使用此功能。",
"label1": "要添加标签,只需在标签名称前加上 {prefix}。",
"label2": "Vikunja 首先检查标签是否存在,如果不存在则创建。",
"label3": "要使用空格,只需在标签名称周围添加一个 \" 或 '。",
"label4": "例如:{prefix} “带空格的标签”。",
"priority1": "要设置任务的优先级,请添加数字 1-5并以 {prefix} 为前缀。",
"priority2": "数字越大,优先级越高。",
"assignees": "将任务分配给用户,请将带有 {prefix} 前缀的用户名添加到此任务中。",
"project1": "To set a project for the task to appear in, enter its name prefixed with {prefix}.",
"project2": "This will return an error if the project does not exist.",
"project3": "To use spaces, simply add a \" or ' around the project name.",
"project4": "For example: {prefix}\"Project with spaces\".",
"dateAndTime": "日期与时间",
"date": "任何日期都将当做新任务的截止日期。 可以使用以下格式的日期:",
"dateWeekday": "任意工作日,将使用该日期的下一个日期",
"dateCurrentYear": "将使用当前年份",
"dateNth": "将使用当月的第 {day} 天",
"dateTime": "将日期格式与 “{time}”(或 {timePM})组合以设置时间。",
"repeats": "重复的任务",
"repeatsDescription": "将任务设置为间隔重复,只需在任务文本中添加 “{suffix}” 即可。 内容必须是数字,并且可以省略使用类型(参见示例)。"
"team": {
"title": "团队",
"noTeams": "你目前不属于任何团队。",
"create": {
"title": "创建一个新团队。",
"success": "团队已成功创建。"
"edit": {
"title": "编辑团队 \"{team}\"",
"members": "团队成员",
"search": "输入以搜索用户…",
"addUser": "加入到团队",
"makeMember": "设为成员",
"makeAdmin": "设为管理员",
"success": "团队已更新。",
"userAddedSuccess": "团队成员已添加。",
"madeMember": "该团队成员已添加为成员。",
"madeAdmin": "该团队成员已成为管理员。",
"mustSelectUser": "请选择一个用户",
"delete": {
"header": "删除此团队",
"text1": "确定要删除此团队及其所有成员吗?",
"text2": "All team members will lose access to projects shared with this team. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "团队已删除。"
"deleteUser": {
"header": "从团队中删除用户",
"text1": "确定要将此成员移出团队吗?",
"text2": "They will lose access to all projects this team has access to. This CANNOT BE UNDONE!",
"success": "此用户已成功从团队中删除。"
"leave": {
"title": "离开团队",
"text1": "您确定要离开这个团队吗?",
"text2": "You will lose access to all projects this team has access to. If you change your mind you'll need a team admin to add you again.",
"success": "您已经成功离开了团队。"
"attributes": {
"name": "团队名称",
"namePlaceholder": "团队的名字在这里……",
"nameRequired": "请指定名称。",
"description": "描述信息",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "团队描述在这里…",
"admin": "管理员",
"member": "成员"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "键盘快捷键",
"general": "常规",
"allPages": "这些快捷方式适用于所有页面。",
"currentPageOnly": "这些快捷方式仅适用于当前页面。",
"somePagesOnly": "这些快捷方式仅适用于某些页面。",
"toggleMenu": "切换菜单",
"quickSearch": "打开搜索/快速操作栏",
"then": "组合",
"task": {
"title": "任务页面",
"done": "标记任务已完成 / 取消",
"assign": "分配此任务给一个用户",
"labels": "向此任务添加标签",
"dueDate": "更改此任务的截止日期",
"attachment": "向此任务添加附件。",
"related": "修改此任务的相关任务",
"color": "更改此任务的颜色",
"move": "Move this task to another project",
"reminder": "管理此任务的提醒",
"description": "切换编辑时的任务描述",
"delete": "Delete this task",
"priority": "Change the priority of this task",
"favorite": "Mark this task as favorite / unfavorite"
"project": {
"title": "Project Views",
"switchToListView": "Switch to list view",
"switchToGanttView": "Switch to gantt view",
"switchToKanbanView": "Switch to kanban view",
"switchToTableView": "Switch to table view"
"navigation": {
"title": "导航栏",
"overview": "导航到概览",
"upcoming": "导航到即将到来的任务",
"labels": "导航到标签",
"teams": "导航到小组",
"projects": "Navigate to projects"
"update": {
"available": "There is an update available!",
"do": "立即更新"
"menu": {
"edit": "编辑",
"archive": "归档",
"duplicate": "复制",
"delete": "删除",
"unarchive": "取消存档",
"setBackground": "设置背景",
"share": "共享",
"newProject": "New project",
"createProject": "Create project"
"apiConfig": {
"url": "Vikunja URL",
"urlPlaceholder": "例如: http://localhost:3456",
"change": "换一换",
"use": "在 {0} 使用 Vikunja 安装程序",
"error": "Could not find or use Vikunja installation at \"{domain}\". Please check if the url has the correct format and you can reach it when accessing it directly and try again.",
"success": "在 “{domain}” 上使用 Vikunja 安装程序。",
"urlRequired": "Url 是必需的。"
"loadingError": {
"failed": "加载失败,请 {0}。 如果错误仍然存在,请 {1}。",
"tryAgain": "重试",
"contact": "联系我们"
"notification": {
"title": "通知",
"none": "没有任何通知。 祝你今天过得愉快!",
"explainer": "Notifications will appear here when actions projects or tasks you subscribed to happen."
"quickActions": {
"commands": "命令",
"placeholder": "输入命令或搜索…",
"hint": "You can use {project} to limit the search to a project. Combine {project} or {label} (labels) with a search query to search for a task with these labels or on that project. Use {assignee} to only search for teams.",
"tasks": "任务",
"projects": "Projects",
"teams": "团队",
"labels": "Labels",
"newProject": "Enter the title of the new project…",
"newTask": "输入新任务的标题...",
"newTeam": "输入新团队的名称...",
"createTask": "Create a task in the current project ({title})",
"createProject": "Create a project",
"cmds": {
"newTask": "新建任务",
"newProject": "New project",
"newTeam": "新建团队"
"date": {
"locale": "中文",
"altFormatLong": "Y M d H:i",
"altFormatShort": "j M Y"
"error": {
"error": "错误",
"success": "成功",
"0001": "不允许这样操作",
"1001": "具有此用户名的用户已存在。",
"1002": "已存在使用该邮箱的用户。",
"1004": "未提供用户名和密码。",
"1005": "用户不存在。",
"1006": "无法获取用户 ID。",
"1008": "未提供密码重置令牌。",
"1009": "密码重置令牌无效。",
"1010": "电子邮件确认令牌无效。",
"1011": "用户名或密码错误。",
"1012": "用户的电子邮件地址未确认。",
"1013": "新密码为空。",
"1014": "旧密码为空。",
"1015": "该用户已启用 Totp。",
"1016": "此用户未启用 Totp。",
"1017": "totp 密码无效。",
"1018": "用户头像设置无效。",
"2001": "ID 不能为空或 0。",
"2002": "一些请求数据无效。",
"3001": "The project does not exist.",
"3004": "You need to have read permissions on that project to perform that action.",
"3005": "The project title cannot be empty.",
"3006": "The project share does not exist.",
"3007": "A project with this identifier already exists.",
"3008": "The project is archived and can therefore only be accessed read only. This is also true for all tasks associated with this project.",
"4001": "The project task text cannot be empty.",
"4002": "The project task does not exist.",
"4003": "All bulk editing tasks must belong to the same project.",
"4004": "批量编辑任务时至少需要选择一项任务。",
"4005": "你没有权限查看此任务。",
"4006": "不能将上级任务设置为任务本身。",
"4007": "不能创建具有无效关系类型的任务关联。",
"4008": "不能创建已经存在的任务关系。",
"4009": "任务关系不存在。",
"4010": "无法将任务与其自身相关联。",
"4011": "任务附件不存在。",
"4012": "任务附件过大。",
"4013": "任务排序参数无效。",
"4014": "任务排序顺序无效。",
"4015": "任务评论不存在。",
"4016": "任务字段无效。",
"4017": "任务筛选比较器无效。",
"4018": "任务筛选连接器无效。",
"4019": "任务筛选值无效。",
"6001": "团队名称不能为空。",
"6002": "团队不存在。",
"6004": "The team already has access to that project.",
"6005": "该用户已经是此团队的成员。",
"6006": "无法删除最后一个团队成员。",
"6007": "The team does not have access to the project to perform that action.",
"7002": "The user already has access to that project.",
"7003": "You do not have access to that project.",
"8001": "此标签已存在于该任务中。",
"8002": "标签不存在。",
"8003": "你没有权限访问此标签。",
"9001": "权限无效。",
"10001": "存储桶不存在。",
"10002": "The bucket does not belong to that project.",
"10003": "You cannot remove the last bucket on a project.",
"10004": "无法将任务添加到此存储桶,因为已超过此存储桶可容纳的任务限制。",
"10005": "There can be only one done bucket per project.",
"11001": "已保存筛选器不存在。",
"11002": "已保存的筛选器不适用于链接共享。",
"12001": "订阅实体类型无效。",
"12002": "你已经订阅实体本身或上级实体。",
"13001": "此链接共享需要密码进行身份验证,但没有提供密码。",
"13002": "提供的链接共享密码无效。"
"about": {
"title": "关于",
"frontendVersion": "前端版本:{version}",
"apiVersion": "API 版本:{version}"
"time": {
"units": {
"seconds": "second|seconds",
"minutes": "minute|minutes",
"hours": "hour|hours",
"days": "day|days",
"weeks": "week|weeks",
"months": "month|months",
"years": "year|years"