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Currently only used for testing pourposes. diff --git a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_add_update.go b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_add_update.go index 0047564c4c7..3e775868435 100644 --- a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_add_update.go +++ b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_add_update.go @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package v1 import ( "code.vikunja.io/api/pkg/models" "code.vikunja.io/web/handler" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" ) diff --git a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_confirm_email.go b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_confirm_email.go index d3a4d97bfb8..a58a84e6879 100644 --- a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_confirm_email.go +++ b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_confirm_email.go @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package v1 import ( "code.vikunja.io/api/pkg/models" "code.vikunja.io/web/handler" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" ) diff --git a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_delete.go b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_delete.go index 6b9cf0216c5..658094c7fa7 100644 --- a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_delete.go +++ b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_delete.go @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package v1 import ( "code.vikunja.io/api/pkg/models" "code.vikunja.io/web/handler" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" "strconv" ) diff --git a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_list.go b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_list.go index 9af44a9af91..0389d3f407b 100644 --- a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_list.go +++ b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_list.go @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package v1 import ( "code.vikunja.io/api/pkg/models" "code.vikunja.io/web/handler" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" ) diff --git a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_password_reset.go b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_password_reset.go index aa44caa777a..1a3b5888264 100644 --- a/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_password_reset.go +++ b/pkg/routes/api/v1/user_password_reset.go @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ package v1 import ( "code.vikunja.io/api/pkg/models" "code.vikunja.io/web/handler" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" ) diff --git 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"github.com/asaskevich/govalidator" - "github.com/labstack/echo" - "github.com/labstack/echo/middleware" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware" elog "github.com/labstack/gommon/log" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" "github.com/spf13/viper" diff --git a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/go.mod b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/go.mod index d25eced30b8..7eb45c7af34 100644 --- a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/go.mod +++ b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/go.mod @@ -2,15 +2,10 @@ module code.vikunja.io/web require ( github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect - github.com/labstack/echo v3.3.5+incompatible - github.com/labstack/gommon v0.2.8 // indirect - github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.0.9 // indirect - github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.4 // indirect + github.com/labstack/echo/v4 v4.1.5 github.com/op/go-logging v0.0.0-20160315200505-970db520ece7 - github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect - github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2 // indirect - 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h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ= diff --git a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/create.go b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/create.go index f4deeb438f5..a140f13763d 100644 --- a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/create.go +++ b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/create.go @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ package handler import ( - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" ) diff --git a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/delete.go b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/delete.go index 8205c937ef0..715adc4ed74 100644 --- a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/delete.go +++ b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/delete.go @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ package handler import ( - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" ) diff --git a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/helper.go b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/helper.go index f7430a0bfa1..92f3371d8ed 100644 --- a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/helper.go +++ b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/helper.go @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ package handler import ( "code.vikunja.io/web" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" ) diff --git a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/paramBinder.go b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/paramBinder.go index b9effd2874c..e24eb2a4755 100644 --- a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/paramBinder.go +++ b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/paramBinder.go @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ package handler import ( "errors" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" diff --git a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/read_all.go b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/read_all.go index c9cc68086de..24dc7e407ad 100644 --- a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/read_all.go +++ b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/read_all.go @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ package handler import ( - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" "strconv" ) diff --git a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/read_one.go b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/read_one.go index d982fed8bb5..d46137037d4 100644 --- a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/read_one.go +++ b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/read_one.go @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ package handler import ( - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" ) diff --git a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/update.go b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/update.go index d2f4d4aba17..ef9834a1790 100644 --- a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/update.go +++ b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/handler/update.go @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ package handler import ( - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "net/http" ) diff --git a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/web.go b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/web.go index 4231ab4368d..d7b40cac2e5 100644 --- a/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/web.go +++ b/vendor/code.vikunja.io/web/web.go @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ package web -import "github.com/labstack/echo" +import "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" // Rights defines rights methods type Rights interface { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/.travis.yml index facfc91c65a..cf31e6af6d5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/.travis.yml @@ -1,7 +1,12 @@ language: go go: - - 1.4 - - 1.5 - - 1.6 + - 1.4.x + - 1.5.x + - 1.6.x + - 1.7.x + - 1.8.x + - 1.9.x + - "1.10.x" + - "1.11.x" - tip diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/README.md b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/README.md index 09e8a32cbe9..07de0c49866 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/README.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Purell is a tiny Go library to normalize URLs. It returns a pure URL. Pure-ell. Based on the [wikipedia paper][wiki] and the [RFC 3986 document][rfc]. -[![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/PuerkitoBio/purell.png)](http://travis-ci.org/PuerkitoBio/purell) +[![build status](https://travis-ci.org/PuerkitoBio/purell.svg?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/PuerkitoBio/purell) ## Install @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Based on the [wikipedia paper][wiki] and the [RFC 3986 document][rfc]. ## Changelog +* **v1.1.1** : Fix failing test due to Go1.12 changes (thanks to @ianlancetaylor). * **2016-11-14 (v1.1.0)** : IDN: Conform to RFC 5895: Fold character width (thanks to @beeker1121). * **2016-07-27 (v1.0.0)** : Normalize IDN to ASCII (thanks to @zenovich). * **2015-02-08** : Add fix for relative paths issue ([PR #5][pr5]) and add fix for unnecessary encoding of reserved characters ([see issue #7][iss7]). diff --git a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/purell.go b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/purell.go index 645e1b76f79..6d0fc190a18 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/purell.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell/purell.go @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ func sortQuery(u *url.URL) { if len(q) > 0 { arKeys := make([]string, len(q)) i := 0 - for k, _ := range q { + for k := range q { arKeys[i] = k i++ } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/asaskevich/govalidator/README.md b/vendor/github.com/asaskevich/govalidator/README.md index 0e8793f719a..40f9a87811b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/asaskevich/govalidator/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/asaskevich/govalidator/README.md @@ -330,8 +330,10 @@ Validators with parameters "range(min|max)": Range, "length(min|max)": ByteLength, "runelength(min|max)": RuneLength, +"stringlength(min|max)": StringLength, "matches(pattern)": StringMatches, "in(string1|string2|...|stringN)": IsIn, +"rsapub(keylength)" : IsRsaPub, ``` And here is small example of usage: @@ -339,12 +341,14 @@ And here is small example of usage: type Post struct { Title string `valid:"alphanum,required"` Message string `valid:"duck,ascii"` + Message2 string `valid:"animal(dog)"` AuthorIP string `valid:"ipv4"` Date string `valid:"-"` } post := &Post{ Title: "My Example Post", Message: "duck", + Message2: "dog", AuthorIP: "", } @@ -353,6 +357,13 @@ govalidator.TagMap["duck"] = govalidator.Validator(func(str string) bool { return str == "duck" }) +// Add your own struct validation tags with parameter +govalidator.ParamTagMap["animal"] = govalidator.ParamValidator(func(str string, params ...string) bool { + species := params[0] + return str == species +}) +govalidator.ParamTagRegexMap["animal"] = regexp.MustCompile("^animal\\((\\w+)\\)$") + result, err := govalidator.ValidateStruct(post) if err != nil { println("error: " + err.Error()) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/.golangci.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/.golangci.yml index ed53e5cd761..00277082fbe 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/.golangci.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/.golangci.yml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ linters-settings: golint: min-confidence: 0 gocyclo: - min-complexity: 25 + min-complexity: 45 maligned: suggest-new: true dupl: @@ -19,3 +19,5 @@ linters: - maligned - unparam - lll + - gochecknoinits + - gochecknoglobals diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/bindata.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/bindata.go index 1717ea1052e..d5ec7b900a7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/bindata.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/bindata.go @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -// Code generated by go-bindata. +// Code generated by go-bindata. DO NOT EDIT. // sources: -// schemas/jsonschema-draft-04.json -// schemas/v2/schema.json -// DO NOT EDIT! +// schemas/jsonschema-draft-04.json (4.357kB) +// schemas/v2/schema.json (40.249kB) package spec import ( "bytes" "compress/gzip" + "crypto/sha256" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ func bindataRead(data []byte, name string) ([]byte, error) { } type asset struct { - bytes []byte - info os.FileInfo + bytes []byte + info os.FileInfo + digest [sha256.Size]byte } type bindataFileInfo struct { @@ -84,8 +85,8 @@ func jsonschemaDraft04JSON() (*asset, error) { return nil, err } - info := bindataFileInfo{name: "jsonschema-draft-04.json", size: 4357, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1523760398, 0)} - a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info} + info := bindataFileInfo{name: "jsonschema-draft-04.json", size: 4357, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1540282154, 0)} + a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info, digest: [32]uint8{0xe1, 0x48, 0x9d, 0xb, 0x47, 0x55, 0xf0, 0x27, 0x93, 0x30, 0x25, 0x91, 0xd3, 0xfc, 0xb8, 0xf0, 0x7b, 0x68, 0x93, 0xa8, 0x2a, 0x94, 0xf2, 0x48, 0x95, 0xf8, 0xe4, 0xed, 0xf1, 0x1b, 0x82, 0xe2}} return a, nil } @@ -104,8 +105,8 @@ func v2SchemaJSON() (*asset, error) { return nil, err } - info := bindataFileInfo{name: "v2/schema.json", size: 40249, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1523760397, 0)} - a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info} + info := bindataFileInfo{name: "v2/schema.json", size: 40249, mode: os.FileMode(436), modTime: time.Unix(1540282154, 0)} + a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info, digest: [32]uint8{0xcb, 0x25, 0x27, 0xe8, 0x46, 0xae, 0x22, 0xc4, 0xf4, 0x8b, 0x1, 0x32, 0x4d, 0x1f, 0xf8, 0xdf, 0x75, 0x15, 0xc8, 0x2d, 0xc7, 0xed, 0xe, 0x7e, 0x0, 0x75, 0xc0, 0xf9, 0xd2, 0x1f, 0x75, 0x57}} return a, nil } @@ -113,8 +114,8 @@ func v2SchemaJSON() (*asset, error) { // It returns an error if the asset could not be found or // could not be loaded. func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error) { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok { + canonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) + if f, ok := _bindata[canonicalName]; ok { a, err := f() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s can't read by error: %v", name, err) @@ -124,6 +125,12 @@ func Asset(name string) ([]byte, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Asset %s not found", name) } +// AssetString returns the asset contents as a string (instead of a []byte). +func AssetString(name string) (string, error) { + data, err := Asset(name) + return string(data), err +} + // MustAsset is like Asset but panics when Asset would return an error. // It simplifies safe initialization of global variables. func MustAsset(name string) []byte { @@ -135,12 +142,18 @@ func MustAsset(name string) []byte { return a } +// MustAssetString is like AssetString but panics when Asset would return an +// error. It simplifies safe initialization of global variables. +func MustAssetString(name string) string { + return string(MustAsset(name)) +} + // AssetInfo loads and returns the asset info for the given name. // It returns an error if the asset could not be found or // could not be loaded. func AssetInfo(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - if f, ok := _bindata[cannonicalName]; ok { + canonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) + if f, ok := _bindata[canonicalName]; ok { a, err := f() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s can't read by error: %v", name, err) @@ -150,6 +163,33 @@ func AssetInfo(name string) (os.FileInfo, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("AssetInfo %s not found", name) } +// AssetDigest returns the digest of the file with the given name. It returns an +// error if the asset could not be found or the digest could not be loaded. +func AssetDigest(name string) ([sha256.Size]byte, error) { + canonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) + if f, ok := _bindata[canonicalName]; ok { + a, err := f() + if err != nil { + return [sha256.Size]byte{}, fmt.Errorf("AssetDigest %s can't read by error: %v", name, err) + } + return a.digest, nil + } + return [sha256.Size]byte{}, fmt.Errorf("AssetDigest %s not found", name) +} + +// Digests returns a map of all known files and their checksums. +func Digests() (map[string][sha256.Size]byte, error) { + mp := make(map[string][sha256.Size]byte, len(_bindata)) + for name := range _bindata { + a, err := _bindata[name]() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + mp[name] = a.digest + } + return mp, nil +} + // AssetNames returns the names of the assets. func AssetNames() []string { names := make([]string, 0, len(_bindata)) @@ -162,7 +202,8 @@ func AssetNames() []string { // _bindata is a table, holding each asset generator, mapped to its name. var _bindata = map[string]func() (*asset, error){ "jsonschema-draft-04.json": jsonschemaDraft04JSON, - "v2/schema.json": v2SchemaJSON, + + "v2/schema.json": v2SchemaJSON, } // AssetDir returns the file names below a certain @@ -174,15 +215,15 @@ var _bindata = map[string]func() (*asset, error){ // img/ // a.png // b.png -// then AssetDir("data") would return []string{"foo.txt", "img"} -// AssetDir("data/img") would return []string{"a.png", "b.png"} -// AssetDir("foo.txt") and AssetDir("notexist") would return an error +// then AssetDir("data") would return []string{"foo.txt", "img"}, +// AssetDir("data/img") would return []string{"a.png", "b.png"}, +// AssetDir("foo.txt") and AssetDir("notexist") would return an error, and // AssetDir("") will return []string{"data"}. func AssetDir(name string) ([]string, error) { node := _bintree if len(name) != 0 { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - pathList := strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/") + canonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) + pathList := strings.Split(canonicalName, "/") for _, p := range pathList { node = node.Children[p] if node == nil { @@ -212,7 +253,7 @@ var _bintree = &bintree{nil, map[string]*bintree{ }}, }} -// RestoreAsset restores an asset under the given directory +// RestoreAsset restores an asset under the given directory. func RestoreAsset(dir, name string) error { data, err := Asset(name) if err != nil { @@ -230,14 +271,10 @@ func RestoreAsset(dir, name string) error { if err != nil { return err } - err = os.Chtimes(_filePath(dir, name), info.ModTime(), info.ModTime()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return nil + return os.Chtimes(_filePath(dir, name), info.ModTime(), info.ModTime()) } -// RestoreAssets restores an asset under the given directory recursively +// RestoreAssets restores an asset under the given directory recursively. func RestoreAssets(dir, name string) error { children, err := AssetDir(name) // File @@ -255,6 +292,6 @@ func RestoreAssets(dir, name string) error { } func _filePath(dir, name string) string { - cannonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) - return filepath.Join(append([]string{dir}, strings.Split(cannonicalName, "/")...)...) + canonicalName := strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1) + return filepath.Join(append([]string{dir}, strings.Split(canonicalName, "/")...)...) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/cache.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/cache.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3fada0daef1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/cache.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package spec + +import "sync" + +// ResolutionCache a cache for resolving urls +type ResolutionCache interface { + Get(string) (interface{}, bool) + Set(string, interface{}) +} + +type simpleCache struct { + lock sync.RWMutex + store map[string]interface{} +} + +// Get retrieves a cached URI +func (s *simpleCache) Get(uri string) (interface{}, bool) { + debugLog("getting %q from resolution cache", uri) + s.lock.RLock() + v, ok := s.store[uri] + debugLog("got %q from resolution cache: %t", uri, ok) + + s.lock.RUnlock() + return v, ok +} + +// Set caches a URI +func (s *simpleCache) Set(uri string, data interface{}) { + s.lock.Lock() + s.store[uri] = data + s.lock.Unlock() +} + +var resCache ResolutionCache + +func init() { + resCache = initResolutionCache() +} + +// initResolutionCache initializes the URI resolution cache +func initResolutionCache() ResolutionCache { + return &simpleCache{store: map[string]interface{}{ + "http://swagger.io/v2/schema.json": MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), + "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema": MustLoadJSONSchemaDraft04(), + }} +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/debug.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/debug.go index 7edb95a6142..389c528ff61 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/debug.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/debug.go @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import ( var ( // Debug is true when the SWAGGER_DEBUG env var is not empty. - // It enables a more verbose logging of validators. + // It enables a more verbose logging of this package. Debug = os.Getenv("SWAGGER_DEBUG") != "" - // validateLogger is a debug logger for this package + // specLogger is a debug logger for this package specLogger *log.Logger ) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/expander.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/expander.go index 456a9dd7efb..1e7fc8c490c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/expander.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/expander.go @@ -17,20 +17,10 @@ package spec import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" - "log" - "net/url" - "os" - "path" - "path/filepath" - "reflect" "strings" - "sync" - - "github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer" - "github.com/go-openapi/swag" ) -// ExpandOptions provides options for expand. +// ExpandOptions provides options for spec expand type ExpandOptions struct { RelativeBase string SkipSchemas bool @@ -38,68 +28,6 @@ type ExpandOptions struct { AbsoluteCircularRef bool } -// ResolutionCache a cache for resolving urls -type ResolutionCache interface { - Get(string) (interface{}, bool) - Set(string, interface{}) -} - -type simpleCache struct { - lock sync.RWMutex - store map[string]interface{} -} - -var resCache ResolutionCache - -func init() { - resCache = initResolutionCache() -} - -// initResolutionCache initializes the URI resolution cache -func initResolutionCache() ResolutionCache { - return &simpleCache{store: map[string]interface{}{ - "http://swagger.io/v2/schema.json": MustLoadSwagger20Schema(), - "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema": MustLoadJSONSchemaDraft04(), - }} -} - -// resolverContext allows to share a context during spec processing. -// At the moment, it just holds the index of circular references found. -type resolverContext struct { - // circulars holds all visited circular references, which allows shortcuts. - // NOTE: this is not just a performance improvement: it is required to figure out - // circular references which participate several cycles. - // This structure is privately instantiated and needs not be locked against - // concurrent access, unless we chose to implement a parallel spec walking. - circulars map[string]bool - basePath string -} - -func newResolverContext(originalBasePath string) *resolverContext { - return &resolverContext{ - circulars: make(map[string]bool), - basePath: originalBasePath, // keep the root base path in context - } -} - -// Get retrieves a cached URI -func (s *simpleCache) Get(uri string) (interface{}, bool) { - debugLog("getting %q from resolution cache", uri) - s.lock.RLock() - v, ok := s.store[uri] - debugLog("got %q from resolution cache: %t", uri, ok) - - s.lock.RUnlock() - return v, ok -} - -// Set caches a URI -func (s *simpleCache) Set(uri string, data interface{}) { - s.lock.Lock() - s.store[uri] = data - s.lock.Unlock() -} - // ResolveRefWithBase resolves a reference against a context root with preservation of base path func ResolveRefWithBase(root interface{}, ref *Ref, opts *ExpandOptions) (*Schema, error) { resolver, err := defaultSchemaLoader(root, opts, nil, nil) @@ -179,7 +107,10 @@ func ResolveResponseWithBase(root interface{}, ref Ref, opts *ExpandOptions) (*R return result, nil } -// ResolveItems resolves header and parameter items reference against a context root and base path +// ResolveItems resolves parameter items reference against a context root and base path. +// +// NOTE: stricly speaking, this construct is not supported by Swagger 2.0. +// Similarly, $ref are forbidden in response headers. func ResolveItems(root interface{}, ref Ref, opts *ExpandOptions) (*Items, error) { resolver, err := defaultSchemaLoader(root, opts, nil, nil) if err != nil { @@ -213,341 +144,11 @@ func ResolvePathItem(root interface{}, ref Ref, opts *ExpandOptions) (*PathItem, return result, nil } -type schemaLoader struct { - root interface{} - options *ExpandOptions - cache ResolutionCache - context *resolverContext - loadDoc func(string) (json.RawMessage, error) -} - -var idPtr, _ = jsonpointer.New("/id") -var refPtr, _ = jsonpointer.New("/$ref") - -// PathLoader function to use when loading remote refs -var PathLoader func(string) (json.RawMessage, error) - -func init() { - PathLoader = func(path string) (json.RawMessage, error) { - data, err := swag.LoadFromFileOrHTTP(path) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return json.RawMessage(data), nil - } -} - -func defaultSchemaLoader( - root interface{}, - expandOptions *ExpandOptions, - cache ResolutionCache, - context *resolverContext) (*schemaLoader, error) { - - if cache == nil { - cache = resCache - } - if expandOptions == nil { - expandOptions = &ExpandOptions{} - } - absBase, _ := absPath(expandOptions.RelativeBase) - if context == nil { - context = newResolverContext(absBase) - } - return &schemaLoader{ - root: root, - options: expandOptions, - cache: cache, - context: context, - loadDoc: func(path string) (json.RawMessage, error) { - debugLog("fetching document at %q", path) - return PathLoader(path) - }, - }, nil -} - -func idFromNode(node interface{}) (*Ref, error) { - if idValue, _, err := idPtr.Get(node); err == nil { - if refStr, ok := idValue.(string); ok && refStr != "" { - idRef, err := NewRef(refStr) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &idRef, nil - } - } - return nil, nil -} - -func nextRef(startingNode interface{}, startingRef *Ref, ptr *jsonpointer.Pointer) *Ref { - if startingRef == nil { - return nil - } - - if ptr == nil { - return startingRef - } - - ret := startingRef - var idRef *Ref - node := startingNode - - for _, tok := range ptr.DecodedTokens() { - node, _, _ = jsonpointer.GetForToken(node, tok) - if node == nil { - break - } - - idRef, _ = idFromNode(node) - if idRef != nil { - nw, err := ret.Inherits(*idRef) - if err != nil { - break - } - ret = nw - } - - refRef, _, _ := refPtr.Get(node) - if refRef != nil { - var rf Ref - switch value := refRef.(type) { - case string: - rf, _ = NewRef(value) - } - nw, err := ret.Inherits(rf) - if err != nil { - break - } - nwURL := nw.GetURL() - if nwURL.Scheme == "file" || (nwURL.Scheme == "" && nwURL.Host == "") { - nwpt := filepath.ToSlash(nwURL.Path) - if filepath.IsAbs(nwpt) { - _, err := os.Stat(nwpt) - if err != nil { - nwURL.Path = filepath.Join(".", nwpt) - } - } - } - - ret = nw - } - - } - - return ret -} - -// normalize absolute path for cache. -// on Windows, drive letters should be converted to lower as scheme in net/url.URL -func normalizeAbsPath(path string) string { - u, err := url.Parse(path) - if err != nil { - debugLog("normalize absolute path failed: %s", err) - return path - } - return u.String() -} - -// base or refPath could be a file path or a URL -// given a base absolute path and a ref path, return the absolute path of refPath -// 1) if refPath is absolute, return it -// 2) if refPath is relative, join it with basePath keeping the scheme, hosts, and ports if exists -// base could be a directory or a full file path -func normalizePaths(refPath, base string) string { - refURL, _ := url.Parse(refPath) - if path.IsAbs(refURL.Path) || filepath.IsAbs(refPath) { - // refPath is actually absolute - if refURL.Host != "" { - return refPath - } - parts := strings.Split(refPath, "#") - result := filepath.FromSlash(parts[0]) - if len(parts) == 2 { - result += "#" + parts[1] - } - return result - } - - // relative refPath - baseURL, _ := url.Parse(base) - if !strings.HasPrefix(refPath, "#") { - // combining paths - if baseURL.Host != "" { - baseURL.Path = path.Join(path.Dir(baseURL.Path), refURL.Path) - } else { // base is a file - newBase := fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(base), filepath.FromSlash(refURL.Path)), refURL.Fragment) - return newBase - } - - } - // copying fragment from ref to base - baseURL.Fragment = refURL.Fragment - return baseURL.String() -} - -// denormalizePaths returns to simplest notation on file $ref, -// i.e. strips the absolute path and sets a path relative to the base path. -// -// This is currently used when we rewrite ref after a circular ref has been detected -func denormalizeFileRef(ref *Ref, relativeBase, originalRelativeBase string) *Ref { - debugLog("denormalizeFileRef for: %s", ref.String()) - - if ref.String() == "" || ref.IsRoot() || ref.HasFragmentOnly { - return ref - } - // strip relativeBase from URI - relativeBaseURL, _ := url.Parse(relativeBase) - relativeBaseURL.Fragment = "" - - if relativeBaseURL.IsAbs() && strings.HasPrefix(ref.String(), relativeBase) { - // this should work for absolute URI (e.g. http://...): we have an exact match, just trim prefix - r, _ := NewRef(strings.TrimPrefix(ref.String(), relativeBase)) - return &r - } - - if relativeBaseURL.IsAbs() { - // other absolute URL get unchanged (i.e. with a non-empty scheme) - return ref - } - - // for relative file URIs: - originalRelativeBaseURL, _ := url.Parse(originalRelativeBase) - originalRelativeBaseURL.Fragment = "" - if strings.HasPrefix(ref.String(), originalRelativeBaseURL.String()) { - // the resulting ref is in the expanded spec: return a local ref - r, _ := NewRef(strings.TrimPrefix(ref.String(), originalRelativeBaseURL.String())) - return &r - } - - // check if we may set a relative path, considering the original base path for this spec. - // Example: - // spec is located at /mypath/spec.json - // my normalized ref points to: /mypath/item.json#/target - // expected result: item.json#/target - parts := strings.Split(ref.String(), "#") - relativePath, err := filepath.Rel(path.Dir(originalRelativeBaseURL.String()), parts[0]) - if err != nil { - // there is no common ancestor (e.g. different drives on windows) - // leaves the ref unchanged - return ref - } - if len(parts) == 2 { - relativePath += "#" + parts[1] - } - r, _ := NewRef(relativePath) - return &r -} - -// relativeBase could be an ABSOLUTE file path or an ABSOLUTE URL -func normalizeFileRef(ref *Ref, relativeBase string) *Ref { - // This is important for when the reference is pointing to the root schema - if ref.String() == "" { - r, _ := NewRef(relativeBase) - return &r - } - - debugLog("normalizing %s against %s", ref.String(), relativeBase) - - s := normalizePaths(ref.String(), relativeBase) - r, _ := NewRef(s) - return &r -} - -func (r *schemaLoader) resolveRef(ref *Ref, target interface{}, basePath string) error { - tgt := reflect.ValueOf(target) - if tgt.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { - return fmt.Errorf("resolve ref: target needs to be a pointer") - } - - refURL := ref.GetURL() - if refURL == nil { - return nil - } - - var res interface{} - var data interface{} - var err error - // Resolve against the root if it isn't nil, and if ref is pointing at the root, or has a fragment only which means - // it is pointing somewhere in the root. - root := r.root - if (ref.IsRoot() || ref.HasFragmentOnly) && root == nil && basePath != "" { - if baseRef, erb := NewRef(basePath); erb == nil { - root, _, _, _ = r.load(baseRef.GetURL()) - } - } - if (ref.IsRoot() || ref.HasFragmentOnly) && root != nil { - data = root - } else { - baseRef := normalizeFileRef(ref, basePath) - debugLog("current ref is: %s", ref.String()) - debugLog("current ref normalized file: %s", baseRef.String()) - data, _, _, err = r.load(baseRef.GetURL()) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - - res = data - if ref.String() != "" { - res, _, err = ref.GetPointer().Get(data) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - if err := swag.DynamicJSONToStruct(res, target); err != nil { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -func (r *schemaLoader) load(refURL *url.URL) (interface{}, url.URL, bool, error) { - debugLog("loading schema from url: %s", refURL) - toFetch := *refURL - toFetch.Fragment = "" - - normalized := normalizeAbsPath(toFetch.String()) - - data, fromCache := r.cache.Get(normalized) - if !fromCache { - b, err := r.loadDoc(normalized) - if err != nil { - return nil, url.URL{}, false, err - } - - if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &data); err != nil { - return nil, url.URL{}, false, err - } - r.cache.Set(normalized, data) - } - - return data, toFetch, fromCache, nil -} - -// Resolve resolves a reference against basePath and stores the result in target -// Resolve is not in charge of following references, it only resolves ref by following its URL -// if the schema that ref is referring to has more refs in it. Resolve doesn't resolve them -// if basePath is an empty string, ref is resolved against the root schema stored in the schemaLoader struct -func (r *schemaLoader) Resolve(ref *Ref, target interface{}, basePath string) error { - return r.resolveRef(ref, target, basePath) -} - -// absPath returns the absolute path of a file -func absPath(fname string) (string, error) { - if strings.HasPrefix(fname, "http") { - return fname, nil - } - if filepath.IsAbs(fname) { - return fname, nil - } - wd, err := os.Getwd() - return filepath.Join(wd, fname), err -} - // ExpandSpec expands the references in a swagger spec func ExpandSpec(spec *Swagger, options *ExpandOptions) error { resolver, err := defaultSchemaLoader(spec, options, nil, nil) // Just in case this ever returns an error. - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } @@ -561,7 +162,7 @@ func ExpandSpec(spec *Swagger, options *ExpandOptions) error { for key, definition := range spec.Definitions { var def *Schema var err error - if def, err = expandSchema(definition, []string{fmt.Sprintf("#/definitions/%s", key)}, resolver, specBasePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if def, err = expandSchema(definition, []string{fmt.Sprintf("#/definitions/%s", key)}, resolver, specBasePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } if def != nil { @@ -570,23 +171,26 @@ func ExpandSpec(spec *Swagger, options *ExpandOptions) error { } } - for key, parameter := range spec.Parameters { - if err := expandParameter(¶meter, resolver, specBasePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + for key := range spec.Parameters { + parameter := spec.Parameters[key] + if err := expandParameterOrResponse(¶meter, resolver, specBasePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } spec.Parameters[key] = parameter } - for key, response := range spec.Responses { - if err := expandResponse(&response, resolver, specBasePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + for key := range spec.Responses { + response := spec.Responses[key] + if err := expandParameterOrResponse(&response, resolver, specBasePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } spec.Responses[key] = response } if spec.Paths != nil { - for key, path := range spec.Paths.Paths { - if err := expandPathItem(&path, resolver, specBasePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + for key := range spec.Paths.Paths { + path := spec.Paths.Paths[key] + if err := expandPathItem(&path, resolver, specBasePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } spec.Paths.Paths[key] = path @@ -596,18 +200,6 @@ func ExpandSpec(spec *Swagger, options *ExpandOptions) error { return nil } -func shouldStopOnError(err error, opts *ExpandOptions) bool { - if err != nil && !opts.ContinueOnError { - return true - } - - if err != nil { - log.Println(err) - } - - return false -} - // baseForRoot loads in the cache the root document and produces a fake "root" base path entry // for further $ref resolution func baseForRoot(root interface{}, cache ResolutionCache) string { @@ -686,52 +278,6 @@ func expandItems(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, bas return &target, nil } -// basePathFromSchemaID returns a new basePath based on an existing basePath and a schema ID -func basePathFromSchemaID(oldBasePath, id string) string { - u, err := url.Parse(oldBasePath) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - uid, err := url.Parse(id) - if err != nil { - panic(err) - } - - if path.IsAbs(uid.Path) { - return id - } - u.Path = path.Join(path.Dir(u.Path), uid.Path) - return u.String() -} - -// isCircular detects cycles in sequences of $ref. -// It relies on a private context (which needs not be locked). -func (r *schemaLoader) isCircular(ref *Ref, basePath string, parentRefs ...string) (foundCycle bool) { - normalizedRef := normalizePaths(ref.String(), basePath) - if _, ok := r.context.circulars[normalizedRef]; ok { - // circular $ref has been already detected in another explored cycle - foundCycle = true - return - } - foundCycle = swag.ContainsStringsCI(parentRefs, normalizedRef) - if foundCycle { - r.context.circulars[normalizedRef] = true - } - return -} - -func updateBasePath(transitive *schemaLoader, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) string { - if transitive != resolver { - debugLog("got a new resolver") - if transitive.options != nil && transitive.options.RelativeBase != "" { - basePath, _ = absPath(transitive.options.RelativeBase) - debugLog("new basePath = %s", basePath) - } - } - - return basePath -} - func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) (*Schema, error) { if target.Ref.String() == "" && target.Ref.IsRoot() { // normalizing is important @@ -741,8 +287,8 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba } - /* change the base path of resolution when an ID is encountered - otherwise the basePath should inherit the parent's */ + // change the base path of resolution when an ID is encountered + // otherwise the basePath should inherit the parent's // important: ID can be relative path if target.ID != "" { debugLog("schema has ID: %s", target.ID) @@ -756,12 +302,11 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba basePath = normalizePaths(refPath, basePath) } - /* Explain here what this function does */ var t *Schema - /* if Ref is found, everything else doesn't matter */ - /* Ref also changes the resolution scope of children expandSchema */ + // if Ref is found, everything else doesn't matter + // Ref also changes the resolution scope of children expandSchema if target.Ref.String() != "" { - /* Here the resolution scope is changed because a $ref was encountered */ + // here the resolution scope is changed because a $ref was encountered normalizedRef := normalizeFileRef(&target.Ref, basePath) normalizedBasePath := normalizedRef.RemoteURI() @@ -779,31 +324,27 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba return &target, nil } - debugLog("basePath: %s", basePath) - if Debug { - b, _ := json.Marshal(target) - debugLog("calling Resolve with target: %s", string(b)) - } - if err := resolver.Resolve(&target.Ref, &t, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + debugLog("basePath: %s: calling Resolve with target: %#v", basePath, target) + if err := resolver.Resolve(&target.Ref, &t, basePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return nil, err } if t != nil { parentRefs = append(parentRefs, normalizedRef.String()) var err error - transitiveResolver, err := transitiveResolver(basePath, target.Ref, resolver) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + transitiveResolver, err := resolver.transitiveResolver(basePath, target.Ref) + if transitiveResolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return nil, err } - basePath = updateBasePath(transitiveResolver, resolver, normalizedBasePath) + basePath = resolver.updateBasePath(transitiveResolver, normalizedBasePath) return expandSchema(*t, parentRefs, transitiveResolver, basePath) } } t, err := expandItems(target, parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } if t != nil { @@ -812,21 +353,21 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba for i := range target.AllOf { t, err := expandSchema(target.AllOf[i], parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } target.AllOf[i] = *t } for i := range target.AnyOf { t, err := expandSchema(target.AnyOf[i], parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } target.AnyOf[i] = *t } for i := range target.OneOf { t, err := expandSchema(target.OneOf[i], parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } if t != nil { @@ -835,7 +376,7 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba } if target.Not != nil { t, err := expandSchema(*target.Not, parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } if t != nil { @@ -844,7 +385,7 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba } for k := range target.Properties { t, err := expandSchema(target.Properties[k], parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } if t != nil { @@ -853,7 +394,7 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba } if target.AdditionalProperties != nil && target.AdditionalProperties.Schema != nil { t, err := expandSchema(*target.AdditionalProperties.Schema, parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } if t != nil { @@ -862,7 +403,7 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba } for k := range target.PatternProperties { t, err := expandSchema(target.PatternProperties[k], parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } if t != nil { @@ -872,7 +413,7 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba for k := range target.Dependencies { if target.Dependencies[k].Schema != nil { t, err := expandSchema(*target.Dependencies[k].Schema, parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } if t != nil { @@ -882,7 +423,7 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba } if target.AdditionalItems != nil && target.AdditionalItems.Schema != nil { t, err := expandSchema(*target.AdditionalItems.Schema, parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } if t != nil { @@ -891,7 +432,7 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba } for k := range target.Definitions { t, err := expandSchema(target.Definitions[k], parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return &target, err } if t != nil { @@ -901,75 +442,42 @@ func expandSchema(target Schema, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, ba return &target, nil } -func derefPathItem(pathItem *PathItem, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) error { - curRef := pathItem.Ref.String() - if curRef != "" { - normalizedRef := normalizeFileRef(&pathItem.Ref, basePath) - normalizedBasePath := normalizedRef.RemoteURI() - - if resolver.isCircular(normalizedRef, basePath, parentRefs...) { - return nil - } - - if err := resolver.Resolve(&pathItem.Ref, pathItem, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - - if pathItem.Ref.String() != "" && pathItem.Ref.String() != curRef && basePath != normalizedBasePath { - parentRefs = append(parentRefs, normalizedRef.String()) - return derefPathItem(pathItem, parentRefs, resolver, normalizedBasePath) - } - } - - return nil -} - func expandPathItem(pathItem *PathItem, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) error { if pathItem == nil { return nil } parentRefs := []string{} - if err := derefPathItem(pathItem, parentRefs, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if err := resolver.deref(pathItem, parentRefs, basePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } if pathItem.Ref.String() != "" { var err error - resolver, err = transitiveResolver(basePath, pathItem.Ref, resolver) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + resolver, err = resolver.transitiveResolver(basePath, pathItem.Ref) + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } } pathItem.Ref = Ref{} - // Currently unused: - //parentRefs = parentRefs[0:] - for idx := range pathItem.Parameters { - if err := expandParameter(&(pathItem.Parameters[idx]), resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if err := expandParameterOrResponse(&(pathItem.Parameters[idx]), resolver, basePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } } - if err := expandOperation(pathItem.Get, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err + ops := []*Operation{ + pathItem.Get, + pathItem.Head, + pathItem.Options, + pathItem.Put, + pathItem.Post, + pathItem.Patch, + pathItem.Delete, } - if err := expandOperation(pathItem.Head, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - if err := expandOperation(pathItem.Options, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - if err := expandOperation(pathItem.Put, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - if err := expandOperation(pathItem.Post, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - if err := expandOperation(pathItem.Patch, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - if err := expandOperation(pathItem.Delete, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err + for _, op := range ops { + if err := expandOperation(op, resolver, basePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { + return err + } } return nil } @@ -979,8 +487,9 @@ func expandOperation(op *Operation, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) err return nil } - for i, param := range op.Parameters { - if err := expandParameter(¶m, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + for i := range op.Parameters { + param := op.Parameters[i] + if err := expandParameterOrResponse(¶m, resolver, basePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } op.Parameters[i] = param @@ -988,11 +497,12 @@ func expandOperation(op *Operation, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) err if op.Responses != nil { responses := op.Responses - if err := expandResponse(responses.Default, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if err := expandParameterOrResponse(responses.Default, resolver, basePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } - for code, response := range responses.StatusCodeResponses { - if err := expandResponse(&response, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + for code := range responses.StatusCodeResponses { + response := responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] + if err := expandParameterOrResponse(&response, resolver, basePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] = response @@ -1001,34 +511,6 @@ func expandOperation(op *Operation, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) err return nil } -func transitiveResolver(basePath string, ref Ref, resolver *schemaLoader) (*schemaLoader, error) { - if ref.IsRoot() || ref.HasFragmentOnly { - return resolver, nil - } - - baseRef, _ := NewRef(basePath) - currentRef := normalizeFileRef(&ref, basePath) - // Set a new root to resolve against - if !strings.HasPrefix(currentRef.String(), baseRef.String()) { - rootURL := currentRef.GetURL() - rootURL.Fragment = "" - root, _ := resolver.cache.Get(rootURL.String()) - var err error - - // shallow copy of resolver options to set a new RelativeBase when - // traversing multiple documents - newOptions := resolver.options - newOptions.RelativeBase = rootURL.String() - debugLog("setting new root: %s", newOptions.RelativeBase) - resolver, err = defaultSchemaLoader(root, newOptions, resolver.cache, resolver.context) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - return resolver, nil -} - // ExpandResponseWithRoot expands a response based on a root document, not a fetchable document func ExpandResponseWithRoot(response *Response, root interface{}, cache ResolutionCache) error { opts := &ExpandOptions{ @@ -1043,7 +525,7 @@ func ExpandResponseWithRoot(response *Response, root interface{}, cache Resoluti return err } - return expandResponse(response, resolver, opts.RelativeBase) + return expandParameterOrResponse(response, resolver, opts.RelativeBase) } // ExpandResponse expands a response based on a basepath @@ -1062,70 +544,7 @@ func ExpandResponse(response *Response, basePath string) error { return err } - return expandResponse(response, resolver, opts.RelativeBase) -} - -func derefResponse(response *Response, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) error { - curRef := response.Ref.String() - if curRef != "" { - /* Here the resolution scope is changed because a $ref was encountered */ - normalizedRef := normalizeFileRef(&response.Ref, basePath) - normalizedBasePath := normalizedRef.RemoteURI() - - if resolver.isCircular(normalizedRef, basePath, parentRefs...) { - return nil - } - - if err := resolver.Resolve(&response.Ref, response, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - - if response.Ref.String() != "" && response.Ref.String() != curRef && basePath != normalizedBasePath { - parentRefs = append(parentRefs, normalizedRef.String()) - return derefResponse(response, parentRefs, resolver, normalizedBasePath) - } - } - - return nil -} - -func expandResponse(response *Response, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) error { - if response == nil { - return nil - } - parentRefs := []string{} - if err := derefResponse(response, parentRefs, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - if response.Ref.String() != "" { - transitiveResolver, err := transitiveResolver(basePath, response.Ref, resolver) - if shouldStopOnError(err, transitiveResolver.options) { - return err - } - basePath = updateBasePath(transitiveResolver, resolver, basePath) - resolver = transitiveResolver - } - if response.Schema != nil && response.Schema.Ref.String() != "" { - // schema expanded to a $ref in another root - var ern error - response.Schema.Ref, ern = NewRef(normalizePaths(response.Schema.Ref.String(), response.Ref.RemoteURI())) - if ern != nil { - return ern - } - } - response.Ref = Ref{} - - parentRefs = parentRefs[0:] - if !resolver.options.SkipSchemas && response.Schema != nil { - // parentRefs = append(parentRefs, response.Schema.Ref.String()) - s, err := expandSchema(*response.Schema, parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - *response.Schema = *s - } - - return nil + return expandParameterOrResponse(response, resolver, opts.RelativeBase) } // ExpandParameterWithRoot expands a parameter based on a root document, not a fetchable document @@ -1142,10 +561,10 @@ func ExpandParameterWithRoot(parameter *Parameter, root interface{}, cache Resol return err } - return expandParameter(parameter, resolver, opts.RelativeBase) + return expandParameterOrResponse(parameter, resolver, opts.RelativeBase) } -// ExpandParameter expands a parameter based on a basepath +// ExpandParameter expands a parameter based on a basepath. // This is the exported version of expandParameter // all refs inside parameter will be resolved relative to basePath func ExpandParameter(parameter *Parameter, basePath string) error { @@ -1161,67 +580,71 @@ func ExpandParameter(parameter *Parameter, basePath string) error { return err } - return expandParameter(parameter, resolver, opts.RelativeBase) + return expandParameterOrResponse(parameter, resolver, opts.RelativeBase) } -func derefParameter(parameter *Parameter, parentRefs []string, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) error { - curRef := parameter.Ref.String() - if curRef != "" { - normalizedRef := normalizeFileRef(¶meter.Ref, basePath) - normalizedBasePath := normalizedRef.RemoteURI() - - if resolver.isCircular(normalizedRef, basePath, parentRefs...) { - return nil +func getRefAndSchema(input interface{}) (*Ref, *Schema, error) { + var ref *Ref + var sch *Schema + switch refable := input.(type) { + case *Parameter: + if refable == nil { + return nil, nil, nil } - - if err := resolver.Resolve(¶meter.Ref, parameter, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { - return err - } - - if parameter.Ref.String() != "" && parameter.Ref.String() != curRef && basePath != normalizedBasePath { - parentRefs = append(parentRefs, normalizedRef.String()) - return derefParameter(parameter, parentRefs, resolver, normalizedBasePath) + ref = &refable.Ref + sch = refable.Schema + case *Response: + if refable == nil { + return nil, nil, nil } + ref = &refable.Ref + sch = refable.Schema + default: + return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("expand: unsupported type %T. Input should be of type *Parameter or *Response", input) } - - return nil + return ref, sch, nil } -func expandParameter(parameter *Parameter, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) error { - if parameter == nil { - return nil - } - - parentRefs := []string{} - if err := derefParameter(parameter, parentRefs, resolver, basePath); shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { +func expandParameterOrResponse(input interface{}, resolver *schemaLoader, basePath string) error { + ref, _, err := getRefAndSchema(input) + if err != nil { return err } - if parameter.Ref.String() != "" { - transitiveResolver, err := transitiveResolver(basePath, parameter.Ref, resolver) - if shouldStopOnError(err, transitiveResolver.options) { + if ref == nil { + return nil + } + parentRefs := []string{} + if err := resolver.deref(input, parentRefs, basePath); resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { + return err + } + ref, sch, _ := getRefAndSchema(input) + if ref.String() != "" { + transitiveResolver, err := resolver.transitiveResolver(basePath, *ref) + if transitiveResolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } - basePath = updateBasePath(transitiveResolver, resolver, basePath) + basePath = resolver.updateBasePath(transitiveResolver, basePath) resolver = transitiveResolver } - if parameter.Schema != nil && parameter.Schema.Ref.String() != "" { + if sch != nil && sch.Ref.String() != "" { // schema expanded to a $ref in another root var ern error - parameter.Schema.Ref, ern = NewRef(normalizePaths(parameter.Schema.Ref.String(), parameter.Ref.RemoteURI())) + sch.Ref, ern = NewRef(normalizePaths(sch.Ref.String(), ref.RemoteURI())) if ern != nil { return ern } } - parameter.Ref = Ref{} + if ref != nil { + *ref = Ref{} + } - parentRefs = parentRefs[0:] - if !resolver.options.SkipSchemas && parameter.Schema != nil { - s, err := expandSchema(*parameter.Schema, parentRefs, resolver, basePath) - if shouldStopOnError(err, resolver.options) { + if !resolver.options.SkipSchemas && sch != nil { + s, err := expandSchema(*sch, parentRefs, resolver, basePath) + if resolver.shouldStopOnError(err) { return err } - *parameter.Schema = *s + *sch = *s } return nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/header.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/header.go index 82f77f7709b..39efe452bb0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/header.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/header.go @@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ import ( "github.com/go-openapi/swag" ) +const ( + jsonArray = "array" +) + // HeaderProps describes a response header type HeaderProps struct { Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` @@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ func (h *Header) Typed(tpe, format string) *Header { // CollectionOf a fluent builder method for an array item func (h *Header) CollectionOf(items *Items, format string) *Header { - h.Type = "array" + h.Type = jsonArray h.Items = items h.CollectionFormat = format return h diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/info.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/info.go index cfb37ec12a6..c458b49b216 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/info.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/info.go @@ -161,8 +161,5 @@ func (i *Info) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &i.InfoProps); err != nil { return err } - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &i.VendorExtensible); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil + return json.Unmarshal(data, &i.VendorExtensible) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/items.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/items.go index cf429897166..78389317e4a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/items.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/items.go @@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ import ( "github.com/go-openapi/swag" ) +const ( + jsonRef = "$ref" +) + // SimpleSchema describe swagger simple schemas for parameters and headers type SimpleSchema struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` @@ -89,7 +93,7 @@ func (i *Items) Typed(tpe, format string) *Items { // CollectionOf a fluent builder method for an array item func (i *Items) CollectionOf(items *Items, format string) *Items { - i.Type = "array" + i.Type = jsonArray i.Items = items i.CollectionFormat = format return i @@ -217,7 +221,7 @@ func (i Items) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { // JSONLookup look up a value by the json property name func (i Items) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { - if token == "$ref" { + if token == jsonRef { return &i.Ref, nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b8957e7c0c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/normalizer.go @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package spec + +import ( + "fmt" + "net/url" + "os" + "path" + "path/filepath" + "strings" +) + +// normalize absolute path for cache. +// on Windows, drive letters should be converted to lower as scheme in net/url.URL +func normalizeAbsPath(path string) string { + u, err := url.Parse(path) + if err != nil { + debugLog("normalize absolute path failed: %s", err) + return path + } + return u.String() +} + +// base or refPath could be a file path or a URL +// given a base absolute path and a ref path, return the absolute path of refPath +// 1) if refPath is absolute, return it +// 2) if refPath is relative, join it with basePath keeping the scheme, hosts, and ports if exists +// base could be a directory or a full file path +func normalizePaths(refPath, base string) string { + refURL, _ := url.Parse(refPath) + if path.IsAbs(refURL.Path) || filepath.IsAbs(refPath) { + // refPath is actually absolute + if refURL.Host != "" { + return refPath + } + parts := strings.Split(refPath, "#") + result := filepath.FromSlash(parts[0]) + if len(parts) == 2 { + result += "#" + parts[1] + } + return result + } + + // relative refPath + baseURL, _ := url.Parse(base) + if !strings.HasPrefix(refPath, "#") { + // combining paths + if baseURL.Host != "" { + baseURL.Path = path.Join(path.Dir(baseURL.Path), refURL.Path) + } else { // base is a file + newBase := fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(base), filepath.FromSlash(refURL.Path)), refURL.Fragment) + return newBase + } + + } + // copying fragment from ref to base + baseURL.Fragment = refURL.Fragment + return baseURL.String() +} + +// denormalizePaths returns to simplest notation on file $ref, +// i.e. strips the absolute path and sets a path relative to the base path. +// +// This is currently used when we rewrite ref after a circular ref has been detected +func denormalizeFileRef(ref *Ref, relativeBase, originalRelativeBase string) *Ref { + debugLog("denormalizeFileRef for: %s", ref.String()) + + if ref.String() == "" || ref.IsRoot() || ref.HasFragmentOnly { + return ref + } + // strip relativeBase from URI + relativeBaseURL, _ := url.Parse(relativeBase) + relativeBaseURL.Fragment = "" + + if relativeBaseURL.IsAbs() && strings.HasPrefix(ref.String(), relativeBase) { + // this should work for absolute URI (e.g. http://...): we have an exact match, just trim prefix + r, _ := NewRef(strings.TrimPrefix(ref.String(), relativeBase)) + return &r + } + + if relativeBaseURL.IsAbs() { + // other absolute URL get unchanged (i.e. with a non-empty scheme) + return ref + } + + // for relative file URIs: + originalRelativeBaseURL, _ := url.Parse(originalRelativeBase) + originalRelativeBaseURL.Fragment = "" + if strings.HasPrefix(ref.String(), originalRelativeBaseURL.String()) { + // the resulting ref is in the expanded spec: return a local ref + r, _ := NewRef(strings.TrimPrefix(ref.String(), originalRelativeBaseURL.String())) + return &r + } + + // check if we may set a relative path, considering the original base path for this spec. + // Example: + // spec is located at /mypath/spec.json + // my normalized ref points to: /mypath/item.json#/target + // expected result: item.json#/target + parts := strings.Split(ref.String(), "#") + relativePath, err := filepath.Rel(path.Dir(originalRelativeBaseURL.String()), parts[0]) + if err != nil { + // there is no common ancestor (e.g. different drives on windows) + // leaves the ref unchanged + return ref + } + if len(parts) == 2 { + relativePath += "#" + parts[1] + } + r, _ := NewRef(relativePath) + return &r +} + +// relativeBase could be an ABSOLUTE file path or an ABSOLUTE URL +func normalizeFileRef(ref *Ref, relativeBase string) *Ref { + // This is important for when the reference is pointing to the root schema + if ref.String() == "" { + r, _ := NewRef(relativeBase) + return &r + } + + debugLog("normalizing %s against %s", ref.String(), relativeBase) + + s := normalizePaths(ref.String(), relativeBase) + r, _ := NewRef(s) + return &r +} + +// absPath returns the absolute path of a file +func absPath(fname string) (string, error) { + if strings.HasPrefix(fname, "http") { + return fname, nil + } + if filepath.IsAbs(fname) { + return fname, nil + } + wd, err := os.Getwd() + return filepath.Join(wd, fname), err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/operation.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/operation.go index 32f7d8fe725..b1ebd59945b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/operation.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/operation.go @@ -15,24 +15,37 @@ package spec import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/gob" "encoding/json" + "sort" "github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" ) +func init() { + //gob.Register(map[string][]interface{}{}) + gob.Register(map[string]interface{}{}) + gob.Register([]interface{}{}) +} + // OperationProps describes an operation +// +// NOTES: +// - schemes, when present must be from [http, https, ws, wss]: see validate +// - Security is handled as a special case: see MarshalJSON function type OperationProps struct { Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Consumes []string `json:"consumes,omitempty"` Produces []string `json:"produces,omitempty"` - Schemes []string `json:"schemes,omitempty"` // the scheme, when present must be from [http, https, ws, wss] + Schemes []string `json:"schemes,omitempty"` Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Summary string `json:"summary,omitempty"` ExternalDocs *ExternalDocumentation `json:"externalDocs,omitempty"` ID string `json:"operationId,omitempty"` Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty"` - Security []map[string][]string `json:"security,omitempty"` //Special case, see MarshalJSON function + Security []map[string][]string `json:"security,omitempty"` Parameters []Parameter `json:"parameters,omitempty"` Responses *Responses `json:"responses,omitempty"` } @@ -76,11 +89,17 @@ func (o *Operation) SuccessResponse() (*Response, int, bool) { return nil, 0, false } - for k, v := range o.Responses.StatusCodeResponses { - if k/100 == 2 { - return &v, k, true + responseCodes := make([]int, 0, len(o.Responses.StatusCodeResponses)) + for k := range o.Responses.StatusCodeResponses { + if k >= 200 && k < 300 { + responseCodes = append(responseCodes, k) } } + if len(responseCodes) > 0 { + sort.Ints(responseCodes) + v := o.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[responseCodes[0]] + return &v, responseCodes[0], true + } return o.Responses.Default, 0, false } @@ -99,10 +118,7 @@ func (o *Operation) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &o.OperationProps); err != nil { return err } - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &o.VendorExtensible); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil + return json.Unmarshal(data, &o.VendorExtensible) } // MarshalJSON converts this items object to JSON @@ -216,7 +232,7 @@ func (o *Operation) AddParam(param *Parameter) *Operation { // RemoveParam removes a parameter from the operation func (o *Operation) RemoveParam(name, in string) *Operation { for i, p := range o.Parameters { - if p.Name == name && p.In == name { + if p.Name == name && p.In == in { o.Parameters = append(o.Parameters[:i], o.Parameters[i+1:]...) return o } @@ -257,3 +273,126 @@ func (o *Operation) RespondsWith(code int, response *Response) *Operation { o.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] = *response return o } + +type opsAlias OperationProps + +type gobAlias struct { + Security []map[string]struct { + List []string + Pad bool + } + Alias *opsAlias + SecurityIsEmpty bool +} + +// GobEncode provides a safe gob encoder for Operation, including empty security requirements +func (o Operation) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) { + raw := struct { + Ext VendorExtensible + Props OperationProps + }{ + Ext: o.VendorExtensible, + Props: o.OperationProps, + } + var b bytes.Buffer + err := gob.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(raw) + return b.Bytes(), err +} + +// GobDecode provides a safe gob decoder for Operation, including empty security requirements +func (o *Operation) GobDecode(b []byte) error { + var raw struct { + Ext VendorExtensible + Props OperationProps + } + + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b) + err := gob.NewDecoder(buf).Decode(&raw) + if err != nil { + return err + } + o.VendorExtensible = raw.Ext + o.OperationProps = raw.Props + return nil +} + +// GobEncode provides a safe gob encoder for Operation, including empty security requirements +func (op OperationProps) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) { + raw := gobAlias{ + Alias: (*opsAlias)(&op), + } + + var b bytes.Buffer + if op.Security == nil { + // nil security requirement + err := gob.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(raw) + return b.Bytes(), err + } + + if len(op.Security) == 0 { + // empty, but non-nil security requirement + raw.SecurityIsEmpty = true + raw.Alias.Security = nil + err := gob.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(raw) + return b.Bytes(), err + } + + raw.Security = make([]map[string]struct { + List []string + Pad bool + }, 0, len(op.Security)) + for _, req := range op.Security { + v := make(map[string]struct { + List []string + Pad bool + }, len(req)) + for k, val := range req { + v[k] = struct { + List []string + Pad bool + }{ + List: val, + } + } + raw.Security = append(raw.Security, v) + } + + err := gob.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(raw) + return b.Bytes(), err +} + +// GobDecode provides a safe gob decoder for Operation, including empty security requirements +func (op *OperationProps) GobDecode(b []byte) error { + var raw gobAlias + + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b) + err := gob.NewDecoder(buf).Decode(&raw) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if raw.Alias == nil { + return nil + } + + switch { + case raw.SecurityIsEmpty: + // empty, but non-nil security requirement + raw.Alias.Security = []map[string][]string{} + case len(raw.Alias.Security) == 0: + // nil security requirement + raw.Alias.Security = nil + default: + raw.Alias.Security = make([]map[string][]string, 0, len(raw.Security)) + for _, req := range raw.Security { + v := make(map[string][]string, len(req)) + for k, val := range req { + v[k] = make([]string, 0, len(val.List)) + v[k] = append(v[k], val.List...) + } + raw.Alias.Security = append(raw.Alias.Security, v) + } + } + + *op = *(*OperationProps)(raw.Alias) + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/parameter.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/parameter.go index cb1a88d252a..cecdff54568 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/parameter.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/parameter.go @@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ func PathParam(name string) *Parameter { // BodyParam creates a body parameter func BodyParam(name string, schema *Schema) *Parameter { - return &Parameter{ParamProps: ParamProps{Name: name, In: "body", Schema: schema}, SimpleSchema: SimpleSchema{Type: "object"}} + return &Parameter{ParamProps: ParamProps{Name: name, In: "body", Schema: schema}, + SimpleSchema: SimpleSchema{Type: "object"}} } // FormDataParam creates a body parameter @@ -49,12 +50,15 @@ func FormDataParam(name string) *Parameter { // FileParam creates a body parameter func FileParam(name string) *Parameter { - return &Parameter{ParamProps: ParamProps{Name: name, In: "formData"}, SimpleSchema: SimpleSchema{Type: "file"}} + return &Parameter{ParamProps: ParamProps{Name: name, In: "formData"}, + SimpleSchema: SimpleSchema{Type: "file"}} } // SimpleArrayParam creates a param for a simple array (string, int, date etc) func SimpleArrayParam(name, tpe, fmt string) *Parameter { - return &Parameter{ParamProps: ParamProps{Name: name}, SimpleSchema: SimpleSchema{Type: "array", CollectionFormat: "csv", Items: &Items{SimpleSchema: SimpleSchema{Type: "string", Format: fmt}}}} + return &Parameter{ParamProps: ParamProps{Name: name}, + SimpleSchema: SimpleSchema{Type: jsonArray, CollectionFormat: "csv", + Items: &Items{SimpleSchema: SimpleSchema{Type: "string", Format: fmt}}}} } // ParamRef creates a parameter that's a json reference @@ -65,25 +69,43 @@ func ParamRef(uri string) *Parameter { } // ParamProps describes the specific attributes of an operation parameter +// +// NOTE: +// - Schema is defined when "in" == "body": see validate +// - AllowEmptyValue is allowed where "in" == "query" || "formData" type ParamProps struct { Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` In string `json:"in,omitempty"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` - Schema *Schema `json:"schema,omitempty"` // when in == "body" - AllowEmptyValue bool `json:"allowEmptyValue,omitempty"` // when in == "query" || "formData" + Schema *Schema `json:"schema,omitempty"` + AllowEmptyValue bool `json:"allowEmptyValue,omitempty"` } // Parameter a unique parameter is defined by a combination of a [name](#parameterName) and [location](#parameterIn). // // There are five possible parameter types. -// * Path - Used together with [Path Templating](#pathTemplating), where the parameter value is actually part of the operation's URL. This does not include the host or base path of the API. For example, in `/items/{itemId}`, the path parameter is `itemId`. +// * Path - Used together with [Path Templating](#pathTemplating), where the parameter value is actually part +// of the operation's URL. This does not include the host or base path of the API. For example, in `/items/{itemId}`, +// the path parameter is `itemId`. // * Query - Parameters that are appended to the URL. For example, in `/items?id=###`, the query parameter is `id`. // * Header - Custom headers that are expected as part of the request. -// * Body - The payload that's appended to the HTTP request. Since there can only be one payload, there can only be *one* body parameter. The name of the body parameter has no effect on the parameter itself and is used for documentation purposes only. Since Form parameters are also in the payload, body and form parameters cannot exist together for the same operation. -// * Form - Used to describe the payload of an HTTP request when either `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` or `multipart/form-data` are used as the content type of the request (in Swagger's definition, the [`consumes`](#operationConsumes) property of an operation). This is the only parameter type that can be used to send files, thus supporting the `file` type. Since form parameters are sent in the payload, they cannot be declared together with a body parameter for the same operation. Form parameters have a different format based on the content-type used (for further details, consult http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4): -// * `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` - Similar to the format of Query parameters but as a payload. For example, `foo=1&bar=swagger` - both `foo` and `bar` are form parameters. This is normally used for simple parameters that are being transferred. -// * `multipart/form-data` - each parameter takes a section in the payload with an internal header. For example, for the header `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="submit-name"` the name of the parameter is `submit-name`. This type of form parameters is more commonly used for file transfers. +// * Body - The payload that's appended to the HTTP request. Since there can only be one payload, there can only be +// _one_ body parameter. The name of the body parameter has no effect on the parameter itself and is used for +// documentation purposes only. Since Form parameters are also in the payload, body and form parameters cannot exist +// together for the same operation. +// * Form - Used to describe the payload of an HTTP request when either `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` or +// `multipart/form-data` are used as the content type of the request (in Swagger's definition, +// the [`consumes`](#operationConsumes) property of an operation). This is the only parameter type that can be used +// to send files, thus supporting the `file` type. Since form parameters are sent in the payload, they cannot be +// declared together with a body parameter for the same operation. Form parameters have a different format based on +// the content-type used (for further details, consult http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4). +// * `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` - Similar to the format of Query parameters but as a payload. +// For example, `foo=1&bar=swagger` - both `foo` and `bar` are form parameters. This is normally used for simple +// parameters that are being transferred. +// * `multipart/form-data` - each parameter takes a section in the payload with an internal header. +// For example, for the header `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="submit-name"` the name of the parameter is +// `submit-name`. This type of form parameters is more commonly used for file transfers. // // For more information: http://goo.gl/8us55a#parameterObject type Parameter struct { @@ -99,7 +121,7 @@ func (p Parameter) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { if ex, ok := p.Extensions[token]; ok { return &ex, nil } - if token == "$ref" { + if token == jsonRef { return &p.Ref, nil } @@ -148,7 +170,7 @@ func (p *Parameter) Typed(tpe, format string) *Parameter { // CollectionOf a fluent builder method for an array parameter func (p *Parameter) CollectionOf(items *Items, format string) *Parameter { - p.Type = "array" + p.Type = jsonArray p.Items = items p.CollectionFormat = format return p @@ -270,10 +292,7 @@ func (p *Parameter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &p.VendorExtensible); err != nil { return err } - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &p.ParamProps); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil + return json.Unmarshal(data, &p.ParamProps) } // MarshalJSON converts this items object to JSON diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/path_item.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/path_item.go index a8ae63ece52..68fc8e90144 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/path_item.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/path_item.go @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func (p PathItem) JSONLookup(token string) (interface{}, error) { if ex, ok := p.Extensions[token]; ok { return &ex, nil } - if token == "$ref" { + if token == jsonRef { return &p.Ref, nil } r, _, err := jsonpointer.GetForToken(p.PathItemProps, token) @@ -65,10 +65,7 @@ func (p *PathItem) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &p.VendorExtensible); err != nil { return err } - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &p.PathItemProps); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil + return json.Unmarshal(data, &p.PathItemProps) } // MarshalJSON converts this items object to JSON diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/ref.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/ref.go index 1405bfd8ee2..08ff869b2fc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/ref.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/ref.go @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ package spec import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/gob" "encoding/json" "net/http" "os" @@ -148,6 +150,28 @@ func (r *Ref) UnmarshalJSON(d []byte) error { return r.fromMap(v) } +// GobEncode provides a safe gob encoder for Ref +func (r Ref) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) { + var b bytes.Buffer + raw, err := r.MarshalJSON() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + err = gob.NewEncoder(&b).Encode(raw) + return b.Bytes(), err +} + +// GobDecode provides a safe gob decoder for Ref +func (r *Ref) GobDecode(b []byte) error { + var raw []byte + buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b) + err := gob.NewDecoder(buf).Decode(&raw) + if err != nil { + return err + } + return json.Unmarshal(raw, r) +} + func (r *Ref) fromMap(v map[string]interface{}) error { if v == nil { return nil diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/response.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/response.go index 586db0d7801..27729c1d93b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/response.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/response.go @@ -58,10 +58,7 @@ func (r *Response) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &r.Refable); err != nil { return err } - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &r.VendorExtensible); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil + return json.Unmarshal(data, &r.VendorExtensible) } // MarshalJSON converts this items object to JSON diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema.go index b9481e29bcd..ce30d26e324 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema.go @@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ func DateTimeProperty() *Schema { // MapProperty creates a map property func MapProperty(property *Schema) *Schema { - return &Schema{SchemaProps: SchemaProps{Type: []string{"object"}, AdditionalProperties: &SchemaOrBool{Allows: true, Schema: property}}} + return &Schema{SchemaProps: SchemaProps{Type: []string{"object"}, + AdditionalProperties: &SchemaOrBool{Allows: true, Schema: property}}} } // RefProperty creates a ref property @@ -155,54 +156,6 @@ func (r *SchemaURL) fromMap(v map[string]interface{}) error { return nil } -// type ExtraSchemaProps map[string]interface{} - -// // JSONSchema represents a structure that is a json schema draft 04 -// type JSONSchema struct { -// SchemaProps -// ExtraSchemaProps -// } - -// // MarshalJSON marshal this to JSON -// func (s JSONSchema) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { -// b1, err := json.Marshal(s.SchemaProps) -// if err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// b2, err := s.Ref.MarshalJSON() -// if err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// b3, err := s.Schema.MarshalJSON() -// if err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// b4, err := json.Marshal(s.ExtraSchemaProps) -// if err != nil { -// return nil, err -// } -// return swag.ConcatJSON(b1, b2, b3, b4), nil -// } - -// // UnmarshalJSON marshal this from JSON -// func (s *JSONSchema) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { -// var sch JSONSchema -// if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &sch.SchemaProps); err != nil { -// return err -// } -// if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &sch.Ref); err != nil { -// return err -// } -// if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &sch.Schema); err != nil { -// return err -// } -// if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &sch.ExtraSchemaProps); err != nil { -// return err -// } -// *s = sch -// return nil -// } - // SchemaProps describes a JSON schema (draft 4) type SchemaProps struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` @@ -351,7 +304,7 @@ func (s *Schema) AddType(tpe, format string) *Schema { // CollectionOf a fluent builder method for an array parameter func (s *Schema) CollectionOf(items Schema) *Schema { - s.Type = []string{"array"} + s.Type = []string{jsonArray} s.Items = &SchemaOrArray{Schema: &items} return s } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema_loader.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema_loader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c34a96fa04e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/schema_loader.go @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package spec + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "log" + "net/url" + "reflect" + "strings" + + "github.com/go-openapi/swag" +) + +// PathLoader function to use when loading remote refs +var PathLoader func(string) (json.RawMessage, error) + +func init() { + PathLoader = func(path string) (json.RawMessage, error) { + data, err := swag.LoadFromFileOrHTTP(path) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return json.RawMessage(data), nil + } +} + +// resolverContext allows to share a context during spec processing. +// At the moment, it just holds the index of circular references found. +type resolverContext struct { + // circulars holds all visited circular references, which allows shortcuts. + // NOTE: this is not just a performance improvement: it is required to figure out + // circular references which participate several cycles. + // This structure is privately instantiated and needs not be locked against + // concurrent access, unless we chose to implement a parallel spec walking. + circulars map[string]bool + basePath string +} + +func newResolverContext(originalBasePath string) *resolverContext { + return &resolverContext{ + circulars: make(map[string]bool), + basePath: originalBasePath, // keep the root base path in context + } +} + +type schemaLoader struct { + root interface{} + options *ExpandOptions + cache ResolutionCache + context *resolverContext + loadDoc func(string) (json.RawMessage, error) +} + +func (r *schemaLoader) transitiveResolver(basePath string, ref Ref) (*schemaLoader, error) { + if ref.IsRoot() || ref.HasFragmentOnly { + return r, nil + } + + baseRef, _ := NewRef(basePath) + currentRef := normalizeFileRef(&ref, basePath) + if strings.HasPrefix(currentRef.String(), baseRef.String()) { + return r, nil + } + + // Set a new root to resolve against + rootURL := currentRef.GetURL() + rootURL.Fragment = "" + root, _ := r.cache.Get(rootURL.String()) + + // shallow copy of resolver options to set a new RelativeBase when + // traversing multiple documents + newOptions := r.options + newOptions.RelativeBase = rootURL.String() + debugLog("setting new root: %s", newOptions.RelativeBase) + resolver, err := defaultSchemaLoader(root, newOptions, r.cache, r.context) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return resolver, nil +} + +func (r *schemaLoader) updateBasePath(transitive *schemaLoader, basePath string) string { + if transitive != r { + debugLog("got a new resolver") + if transitive.options != nil && transitive.options.RelativeBase != "" { + basePath, _ = absPath(transitive.options.RelativeBase) + debugLog("new basePath = %s", basePath) + } + } + return basePath +} + +func (r *schemaLoader) resolveRef(ref *Ref, target interface{}, basePath string) error { + tgt := reflect.ValueOf(target) + if tgt.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + return fmt.Errorf("resolve ref: target needs to be a pointer") + } + + refURL := ref.GetURL() + if refURL == nil { + return nil + } + + var res interface{} + var data interface{} + var err error + // Resolve against the root if it isn't nil, and if ref is pointing at the root, or has a fragment only which means + // it is pointing somewhere in the root. + root := r.root + if (ref.IsRoot() || ref.HasFragmentOnly) && root == nil && basePath != "" { + if baseRef, erb := NewRef(basePath); erb == nil { + root, _, _, _ = r.load(baseRef.GetURL()) + } + } + if (ref.IsRoot() || ref.HasFragmentOnly) && root != nil { + data = root + } else { + baseRef := normalizeFileRef(ref, basePath) + debugLog("current ref is: %s", ref.String()) + debugLog("current ref normalized file: %s", baseRef.String()) + data, _, _, err = r.load(baseRef.GetURL()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + res = data + if ref.String() != "" { + res, _, err = ref.GetPointer().Get(data) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return swag.DynamicJSONToStruct(res, target) +} + +func (r *schemaLoader) load(refURL *url.URL) (interface{}, url.URL, bool, error) { + debugLog("loading schema from url: %s", refURL) + toFetch := *refURL + toFetch.Fragment = "" + + normalized := normalizeAbsPath(toFetch.String()) + + data, fromCache := r.cache.Get(normalized) + if !fromCache { + b, err := r.loadDoc(normalized) + if err != nil { + return nil, url.URL{}, false, err + } + + if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &data); err != nil { + return nil, url.URL{}, false, err + } + r.cache.Set(normalized, data) + } + + return data, toFetch, fromCache, nil +} + +// isCircular detects cycles in sequences of $ref. +// It relies on a private context (which needs not be locked). +func (r *schemaLoader) isCircular(ref *Ref, basePath string, parentRefs ...string) (foundCycle bool) { + normalizedRef := normalizePaths(ref.String(), basePath) + if _, ok := r.context.circulars[normalizedRef]; ok { + // circular $ref has been already detected in another explored cycle + foundCycle = true + return + } + foundCycle = swag.ContainsStringsCI(parentRefs, normalizedRef) + if foundCycle { + r.context.circulars[normalizedRef] = true + } + return +} + +// Resolve resolves a reference against basePath and stores the result in target +// Resolve is not in charge of following references, it only resolves ref by following its URL +// if the schema that ref is referring to has more refs in it. Resolve doesn't resolve them +// if basePath is an empty string, ref is resolved against the root schema stored in the schemaLoader struct +func (r *schemaLoader) Resolve(ref *Ref, target interface{}, basePath string) error { + return r.resolveRef(ref, target, basePath) +} + +func (r *schemaLoader) deref(input interface{}, parentRefs []string, basePath string) error { + var ref *Ref + switch refable := input.(type) { + case *Schema: + ref = &refable.Ref + case *Parameter: + ref = &refable.Ref + case *Response: + ref = &refable.Ref + case *PathItem: + ref = &refable.Ref + default: + return fmt.Errorf("deref: unsupported type %T", input) + } + + curRef := ref.String() + if curRef != "" { + normalizedRef := normalizeFileRef(ref, basePath) + normalizedBasePath := normalizedRef.RemoteURI() + + if r.isCircular(normalizedRef, basePath, parentRefs...) { + return nil + } + + if err := r.resolveRef(ref, input, basePath); r.shouldStopOnError(err) { + return err + } + + // NOTE(fredbi): removed basePath check => needs more testing + if ref.String() != "" && ref.String() != curRef { + parentRefs = append(parentRefs, normalizedRef.String()) + return r.deref(input, parentRefs, normalizedBasePath) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (r *schemaLoader) shouldStopOnError(err error) bool { + if err != nil && !r.options.ContinueOnError { + return true + } + + if err != nil { + log.Println(err) + } + + return false +} + +func defaultSchemaLoader( + root interface{}, + expandOptions *ExpandOptions, + cache ResolutionCache, + context *resolverContext) (*schemaLoader, error) { + + if cache == nil { + cache = resCache + } + if expandOptions == nil { + expandOptions = &ExpandOptions{} + } + absBase, _ := absPath(expandOptions.RelativeBase) + if context == nil { + context = newResolverContext(absBase) + } + return &schemaLoader{ + root: root, + options: expandOptions, + cache: cache, + context: context, + loadDoc: func(path string) (json.RawMessage, error) { + debugLog("fetching document at %q", path) + return PathLoader(path) + }, + }, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/security_scheme.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/security_scheme.go index 9f1b454eac9..fe353842a6f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/security_scheme.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/security_scheme.go @@ -136,8 +136,5 @@ func (s *SecurityScheme) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &s.SecuritySchemeProps); err != nil { return err } - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &s.VendorExtensible); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil + return json.Unmarshal(data, &s.VendorExtensible) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/swagger.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/swagger.go index 4586a21c860..454617e5852 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/swagger.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/swagger.go @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ import ( ) // Swagger this is the root document object for the API specification. -// It combines what previously was the Resource Listing and API Declaration (version 1.2 and earlier) together into one document. +// It combines what previously was the Resource Listing and API Declaration (version 1.2 and earlier) +// together into one document. // // For more information: http://goo.gl/8us55a#swagger-object- type Swagger struct { @@ -68,16 +69,21 @@ func (s *Swagger) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { } // SwaggerProps captures the top-level properties of an Api specification +// +// NOTE: validation rules +// - the scheme, when present must be from [http, https, ws, wss] +// - BasePath must start with a leading "/" +// - Paths is required type SwaggerProps struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Consumes []string `json:"consumes,omitempty"` Produces []string `json:"produces,omitempty"` - Schemes []string `json:"schemes,omitempty"` // the scheme, when present must be from [http, https, ws, wss] + Schemes []string `json:"schemes,omitempty"` Swagger string `json:"swagger,omitempty"` Info *Info `json:"info,omitempty"` Host string `json:"host,omitempty"` - BasePath string `json:"basePath,omitempty"` // must start with a leading "/" - Paths *Paths `json:"paths"` // required + BasePath string `json:"basePath,omitempty"` + Paths *Paths `json:"paths"` Definitions Definitions `json:"definitions,omitempty"` Parameters map[string]Parameter `json:"parameters,omitempty"` Responses map[string]Response `json:"responses,omitempty"` @@ -244,9 +250,9 @@ func (s *StringOrArray) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { if single == nil { return nil } - switch single.(type) { + switch v := single.(type) { case string: - *s = StringOrArray([]string{single.(string)}) + *s = StringOrArray([]string{v}) return nil default: return fmt.Errorf("only string or array is allowed, not %T", single) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/tag.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/tag.go index 25256c4beca..faa3d3de1eb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/tag.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/tag.go @@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ type TagProps struct { // NewTag creates a new tag func NewTag(name, description string, externalDocs *ExternalDocumentation) Tag { - return Tag{TagProps: TagProps{description, name, externalDocs}} + return Tag{TagProps: TagProps{Description: description, Name: name, ExternalDocs: externalDocs}} } -// Tag allows adding meta data to a single tag that is used by the [Operation Object](http://goo.gl/8us55a#operationObject). +// Tag allows adding meta data to a single tag that is used by the +// [Operation Object](http://goo.gl/8us55a#operationObject). // It is not mandatory to have a Tag Object per tag used there. // // For more information: http://goo.gl/8us55a#tagObject diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/unused.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/unused.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..aa12b56f6e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/spec/unused.go @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + +package spec + +/* + +import ( + "net/url" + "os" + "path" + "path/filepath" + + "github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer" +) + + // Some currently unused functions and definitions that + // used to be part of the expander. + + // Moved here for the record and possible future reuse + +var ( + idPtr, _ = jsonpointer.New("/id") + refPtr, _ = jsonpointer.New("/$ref") +) + +func idFromNode(node interface{}) (*Ref, error) { + if idValue, _, err := idPtr.Get(node); err == nil { + if refStr, ok := idValue.(string); ok && refStr != "" { + idRef, err := NewRef(refStr) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &idRef, nil + } + } + return nil, nil +} + +func nextRef(startingNode interface{}, startingRef *Ref, ptr *jsonpointer.Pointer) *Ref { + if startingRef == nil { + return nil + } + + if ptr == nil { + return startingRef + } + + ret := startingRef + var idRef *Ref + node := startingNode + + for _, tok := range ptr.DecodedTokens() { + node, _, _ = jsonpointer.GetForToken(node, tok) + if node == nil { + break + } + + idRef, _ = idFromNode(node) + if idRef != nil { + nw, err := ret.Inherits(*idRef) + if err != nil { + break + } + ret = nw + } + + refRef, _, _ := refPtr.Get(node) + if refRef != nil { + var rf Ref + switch value := refRef.(type) { + case string: + rf, _ = NewRef(value) + } + nw, err := ret.Inherits(rf) + if err != nil { + break + } + nwURL := nw.GetURL() + if nwURL.Scheme == "file" || (nwURL.Scheme == "" && nwURL.Host == "") { + nwpt := filepath.ToSlash(nwURL.Path) + if filepath.IsAbs(nwpt) { + _, err := os.Stat(nwpt) + if err != nil { + nwURL.Path = filepath.Join(".", nwpt) + } + } + } + + ret = nw + } + + } + + return ret +} + +// basePathFromSchemaID returns a new basePath based on an existing basePath and a schema ID +func basePathFromSchemaID(oldBasePath, id string) string { + u, err := url.Parse(oldBasePath) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + uid, err := url.Parse(id) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + if path.IsAbs(uid.Path) { + return id + } + u.Path = path.Join(path.Dir(u.Path), uid.Path) + return u.String() +} +*/ + +// type ExtraSchemaProps map[string]interface{} + +// // JSONSchema represents a structure that is a json schema draft 04 +// type JSONSchema struct { +// SchemaProps +// ExtraSchemaProps +// } + +// // MarshalJSON marshal this to JSON +// func (s JSONSchema) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { +// b1, err := json.Marshal(s.SchemaProps) +// if err != nil { +// return nil, err +// } +// b2, err := s.Ref.MarshalJSON() +// if err != nil { +// return nil, err +// } +// b3, err := s.Schema.MarshalJSON() +// if err != nil { +// return nil, err +// } +// b4, err := json.Marshal(s.ExtraSchemaProps) +// if err != nil { +// return nil, err +// } +// return swag.ConcatJSON(b1, b2, b3, b4), nil +// } + +// // UnmarshalJSON marshal this from JSON +// func (s *JSONSchema) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { +// var sch JSONSchema +// if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &sch.SchemaProps); err != nil { +// return err +// } +// if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &sch.Ref); err != nil { +// return err +// } +// if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &sch.Schema); err != nil { +// return err +// } +// if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &sch.ExtraSchemaProps); err != nil { +// return err +// } +// *s = sch +// return nil +// } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml index 6b237e4a795..625c3d6affe 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/.golangci.yml @@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ linters: disable: - maligned - lll + - gochecknoinits + - gochecknoglobals diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/json.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/json.go index 33da5e4e7d6..62ab15e5405 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/json.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/json.go @@ -68,15 +68,16 @@ func WriteJSON(data interface{}) ([]byte, error) { // ReadJSON reads json data, prefers finding an appropriate interface to short-circuit the unmarshaller // so it takes the fastes option available func ReadJSON(data []byte, value interface{}) error { + trimmedData := bytes.Trim(data, "\x00") if d, ok := value.(ejUnmarshaler); ok { - jl := &jlexer.Lexer{Data: data} + jl := &jlexer.Lexer{Data: trimmedData} d.UnmarshalEasyJSON(jl) return jl.Error() } if d, ok := value.(json.Unmarshaler); ok { - return d.UnmarshalJSON(data) + return d.UnmarshalJSON(trimmedData) } - return json.Unmarshal(data, value) + return json.Unmarshal(trimmedData, value) } // DynamicJSONToStruct converts an untyped json structure into a struct diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/net.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/net.go index 8323fa37b66..821235f84d4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/net.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/net.go @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + package swag import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go18.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go18.go index ef48086db38..c2e686d3133 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go18.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go18.go @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + // +build go1.8 package swag diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go19.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go19.go index 567680c793a..eb2f2d8bc78 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go19.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/post_go19.go @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + // +build go1.9 package swag @@ -48,6 +62,6 @@ func (m *indexOfInitialisms) sorted() (result []string) { result = append(result, k) return true }) - sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(byLength(result))) + sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(byInitialism(result))) return } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go18.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go18.go index 860bb2bbb1e..6607f339357 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go18.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go18.go @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + // +build !go1.8 package swag diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go19.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go19.go index 72c48ae7520..4bae187d1e4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go19.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/pre_go19.go @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers +// +// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +// You may obtain a copy of the License at +// +// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +// +// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +// limitations under the License. + // +build !go1.9 package swag @@ -50,6 +64,6 @@ func (m *indexOfInitialisms) sorted() (result []string) { for k := range m.index { result = append(result, k) } - sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(byLength(result))) + sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(byInitialism(result))) return } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/util.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/util.go index e659968fb10..87c54df80de 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/util.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/util.go @@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ var once sync.Once var isInitialism func(string) bool +var ( + splitRex1 *regexp.Regexp + splitRex2 *regexp.Regexp + splitReplacer *strings.Replacer +) + func init() { // Taken from https://github.com/golang/lint/blob/3390df4df2787994aea98de825b964ac7944b817/lint.go#L732-L769 var configuredInitialisms = map[string]bool{ @@ -153,49 +159,54 @@ func SplitByFormat(data, format string) []string { return result } -type byLength []string +type byInitialism []string -func (s byLength) Len() int { +func (s byInitialism) Len() int { return len(s) } -func (s byLength) Swap(i, j int) { +func (s byInitialism) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } -func (s byLength) Less(i, j int) bool { - return len(s[i]) < len(s[j]) +func (s byInitialism) Less(i, j int) bool { + if len(s[i]) != len(s[j]) { + return len(s[i]) < len(s[j]) + } + + return strings.Compare(s[i], s[j]) > 0 } // Prepares strings by splitting by caps, spaces, dashes, and underscore func split(str string) []string { - repl := strings.NewReplacer( - "@", "At ", - "&", "And ", - "|", "Pipe ", - "$", "Dollar ", - "!", "Bang ", - "-", " ", - "_", " ", - ) - - rex1 := regexp.MustCompile(`(\p{Lu})`) - rex2 := regexp.MustCompile(`(\pL|\pM|\pN|\p{Pc})+`) + // check if consecutive single char things make up an initialism + once.Do(func() { + splitRex1 = regexp.MustCompile(`(\p{Lu})`) + splitRex2 = regexp.MustCompile(`(\pL|\pM|\pN|\p{Pc})+`) + splitReplacer = strings.NewReplacer( + "@", "At ", + "&", "And ", + "|", "Pipe ", + "$", "Dollar ", + "!", "Bang ", + "-", " ", + "_", " ", + ) + ensureSorted() + }) str = trim(str) // Convert dash and underscore to spaces - str = repl.Replace(str) + str = splitReplacer.Replace(str) // Split when uppercase is found (needed for Snake) - str = rex1.ReplaceAllString(str, " $1") + str = splitRex1.ReplaceAllString(str, " $1") - // check if consecutive single char things make up an initialism - once.Do(ensureSorted) for _, k := range initialisms { - str = strings.Replace(str, rex1.ReplaceAllString(k, " $1"), " "+k, -1) + str = strings.Replace(str, splitRex1.ReplaceAllString(k, " $1"), " "+k, -1) } // Get the final list of words //words = rex2.FindAllString(str, -1) - return rex2.FindAllString(str, -1) + return splitRex2.FindAllString(str, -1) } // Removes leading whitespaces @@ -215,7 +226,7 @@ func lower(str string) string { // Camelize an uppercased word func Camelize(word string) (camelized string) { - for pos, ru := range word { + for pos, ru := range []rune(word) { if pos > 0 { camelized += string(unicode.ToLower(ru)) } else { @@ -271,7 +282,7 @@ func ToHumanNameTitle(name string) string { for _, w := range in { uw := upper(w) if !isInitialism(uw) { - out = append(out, upper(w[:1])+lower(w[1:])) + out = append(out, Camelize(w)) } else { out = append(out, w) } @@ -289,7 +300,7 @@ func ToJSONName(name string) string { out = append(out, lower(w)) continue } - out = append(out, upper(w[:1])+lower(w[1:])) + out = append(out, Camelize(w)) } return strings.Join(out, "") } @@ -315,19 +326,15 @@ func ToGoName(name string) string { uw := upper(w) mod := int(math.Min(float64(len(uw)), 2)) if !isInitialism(uw) && !isInitialism(uw[:len(uw)-mod]) { - uw = upper(w[:1]) + lower(w[1:]) + uw = Camelize(w) } out = append(out, uw) } result := strings.Join(out, "") if len(result) > 0 { - ud := upper(result[:1]) - ru := []rune(ud) - if unicode.IsUpper(ru[0]) { - result = ud + result[1:] - } else { - result = "X" + ud + result[1:] + if !unicode.IsUpper([]rune(result)[0]) { + result = "X" + result } } return result diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/yaml.go b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/yaml.go index f458c81a84a..435e2948eb6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/yaml.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-openapi/swag/yaml.go @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import ( "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer" "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jwriter" - yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" ) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/.travis.yml index 632feca0644..6b110b4cbb4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/.travis.yml @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ services: - redis-server go: - - 1.7.x - - 1.8.x - 1.9.x - 1.10.x - 1.11.x diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/Makefile index 1fbdac91c53..fa3b4e004f2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/Makefile +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/Makefile @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ all: testdeps go test ./... -short -race env GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go test ./... go vet + go get github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign + ineffassign . testdeps: testdata/redis/src/redis-server @@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ bench: testdeps testdata/redis: mkdir -p $@ - wget -qO- https://github.com/antirez/redis/archive/unstable.tar.gz | tar xvz --strip-components=1 -C $@ + wget -qO- https://github.com/antirez/redis/archive/5.0.tar.gz | tar xvz --strip-components=1 -C $@ testdata/redis/src/redis-server: testdata/redis sed -i.bak 's/libjemalloc.a/libjemalloc.a -lrt/g' $ 0 { go c.reaper(opt.IdleCheckFrequency) } @@ -727,17 +681,17 @@ func NewClusterClient(opt *ClusterOptions) *ClusterClient { return c } -// ReloadState reloads cluster state. It calls ClusterSlots func +func (c *ClusterClient) init() { + c.cmdable.setProcessor(c.Process) +} + +// ReloadState reloads cluster state. If available it calls ClusterSlots func // to get cluster slots information. func (c *ClusterClient) ReloadState() error { _, err := c.state.Reload() return err } -func (c *ClusterClient) init() { - c.cmdable.setProcessor(c.Process) -} - func (c *ClusterClient) Context() context.Context { if c.ctx != nil { return c.ctx @@ -818,6 +772,11 @@ func cmdSlot(cmd Cmder, pos int) int { } func (c *ClusterClient) cmdSlot(cmd Cmder) int { + args := cmd.Args() + if args[0] == "cluster" && args[1] == "getkeysinslot" { + return args[2].(int) + } + cmdInfo := c.cmdInfo(cmd.Name()) return cmdSlot(cmd, cmdFirstKeyPos(cmd, cmdInfo)) } @@ -829,7 +788,7 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) cmdSlotAndNode(cmd Cmder) (int, *clusterNode, error) { } cmdInfo := c.cmdInfo(cmd.Name()) - slot := cmdSlot(cmd, cmdFirstKeyPos(cmd, cmdInfo)) + slot := c.cmdSlot(cmd) if c.opt.ReadOnly && cmdInfo != nil && cmdInfo.ReadOnly { if c.opt.RouteByLatency { @@ -890,15 +849,12 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) Watch(fn func(*Tx) error, keys ...string) error { if err == nil { break } - - if internal.IsRetryableError(err, true) { + if err != Nil { c.state.LazyReload() - continue } moved, ask, addr := internal.IsMovedError(err) if moved || ask { - c.state.LazyReload() node, err = c.nodes.GetOrCreate(addr) if err != nil { return err @@ -906,7 +862,7 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) Watch(fn func(*Tx) error, keys ...string) error { continue } - if err == pool.ErrClosed { + if err == pool.ErrClosed || internal.IsReadOnlyError(err) { node, err = c.slotMasterNode(slot) if err != nil { return err @@ -914,6 +870,10 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) Watch(fn func(*Tx) error, keys ...string) error { continue } + if internal.IsRetryableError(err, true) { + continue + } + return err } @@ -978,16 +938,34 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) defaultProcess(cmd Cmder) error { if err == nil { break } + if err != Nil { + c.state.LazyReload() + } - // If slave is loading - read from master. + // If slave is loading - pick another node. if c.opt.ReadOnly && internal.IsLoadingError(err) { node.MarkAsLoading() + node = nil + continue + } + + var moved bool + var addr string + moved, ask, addr = internal.IsMovedError(err) + if moved || ask { + node, err = c.nodes.GetOrCreate(addr) + if err != nil { + break + } + continue + } + + if err == pool.ErrClosed || internal.IsReadOnlyError(err) { + node = nil continue } if internal.IsRetryableError(err, true) { - c.state.LazyReload() - // First retry the same node. if attempt == 0 { continue @@ -1001,24 +979,6 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) defaultProcess(cmd Cmder) error { continue } - var moved bool - var addr string - moved, ask, addr = internal.IsMovedError(err) - if moved || ask { - c.state.LazyReload() - - node, err = c.nodes.GetOrCreate(addr) - if err != nil { - break - } - continue - } - - if err == pool.ErrClosed { - node = nil - continue - } - break } @@ -1349,14 +1309,15 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) pipelineProcessCmds( } err = cn.WithReader(c.opt.ReadTimeout, func(rd *proto.Reader) error { - return c.pipelineReadCmds(rd, cmds, failedCmds) + return c.pipelineReadCmds(node, rd, cmds, failedCmds) }) return err } func (c *ClusterClient) pipelineReadCmds( - rd *proto.Reader, cmds []Cmder, failedCmds *cmdsMap, + node *clusterNode, rd *proto.Reader, cmds []Cmder, failedCmds *cmdsMap, ) error { + var firstErr error for _, cmd := range cmds { err := cmd.readReply(rd) if err == nil { @@ -1371,9 +1332,14 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) pipelineReadCmds( continue } - return err + failedCmds.mu.Lock() + failedCmds.m[node] = append(failedCmds.m[node], cmd) + failedCmds.mu.Unlock() + if firstErr == nil { + firstErr = err + } } - return nil + return firstErr } func (c *ClusterClient) checkMovedErr( @@ -1561,40 +1527,46 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) txPipelineReadQueued( return nil } -func (c *ClusterClient) pubSub(channels []string) *PubSub { +func (c *ClusterClient) pubSub() *PubSub { var node *clusterNode pubsub := &PubSub{ opt: c.opt.clientOptions(), newConn: func(channels []string) (*pool.Conn, error) { - if node == nil { - var slot int - if len(channels) > 0 { - slot = hashtag.Slot(channels[0]) - } else { - slot = -1 - } - - masterNode, err := c.slotMasterNode(slot) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - node = masterNode + if node != nil { + panic("node != nil") } - return node.Client.newConn() + + slot := hashtag.Slot(channels[0]) + + var err error + node, err = c.slotMasterNode(slot) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + cn, err := node.Client.newConn() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return cn, nil }, closeConn: func(cn *pool.Conn) error { - return node.Client.connPool.CloseConn(cn) + err := node.Client.connPool.CloseConn(cn) + node = nil + return err }, } pubsub.init() + return pubsub } // Subscribe subscribes the client to the specified channels. // Channels can be omitted to create empty subscription. func (c *ClusterClient) Subscribe(channels ...string) *PubSub { - pubsub := c.pubSub(channels) + pubsub := c.pubSub() if len(channels) > 0 { _ = pubsub.Subscribe(channels...) } @@ -1604,7 +1576,7 @@ func (c *ClusterClient) Subscribe(channels ...string) *PubSub { // PSubscribe subscribes the client to the given patterns. // Patterns can be omitted to create empty subscription. func (c *ClusterClient) PSubscribe(channels ...string) *PubSub { - pubsub := c.pubSub(channels) + pubsub := c.pubSub() if len(channels) > 0 { _ = pubsub.PSubscribe(channels...) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/command.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/command.go index 05dd6755a93..cb4f94b122e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/command.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/command.go @@ -1337,6 +1337,68 @@ func zSliceParser(rd *proto.Reader, n int64) (interface{}, error) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +type ZWithKeyCmd struct { + baseCmd + + val ZWithKey +} + +var _ Cmder = (*ZWithKeyCmd)(nil) + +func NewZWithKeyCmd(args ...interface{}) *ZWithKeyCmd { + return &ZWithKeyCmd{ + baseCmd: baseCmd{_args: args}, + } +} + +func (cmd *ZWithKeyCmd) Val() ZWithKey { + return cmd.val +} + +func (cmd *ZWithKeyCmd) Result() (ZWithKey, error) { + return cmd.Val(), cmd.Err() +} + +func (cmd *ZWithKeyCmd) String() string { + return cmdString(cmd, cmd.val) +} + +func (cmd *ZWithKeyCmd) readReply(rd *proto.Reader) error { + var v interface{} + v, cmd.err = rd.ReadArrayReply(zWithKeyParser) + if cmd.err != nil { + return cmd.err + } + cmd.val = v.(ZWithKey) + return nil +} + +// Implements proto.MultiBulkParse +func zWithKeyParser(rd *proto.Reader, n int64) (interface{}, error) { + if n != 3 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %d elements, expected 3", n) + } + + var z ZWithKey + var err error + + z.Key, err = rd.ReadString() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + z.Member, err = rd.ReadString() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + z.Score, err = rd.ReadFloatReply() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return z, nil +} + +//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + type ScanCmd struct { baseCmd diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/commands.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/commands.go index e9a8992f64e..653e4abe963 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/commands.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/commands.go @@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ type Cmdable interface { SUnion(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd SUnionStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd XAdd(a *XAddArgs) *StringCmd + XDel(stream string, ids ...string) *IntCmd XLen(stream string) *IntCmd XRange(stream, start, stop string) *XMessageSliceCmd XRangeN(stream, start, stop string, count int64) *XMessageSliceCmd @@ -174,6 +175,7 @@ type Cmdable interface { XRead(a *XReadArgs) *XStreamSliceCmd XReadStreams(streams ...string) *XStreamSliceCmd XGroupCreate(stream, group, start string) *StatusCmd + XGroupCreateMkStream(stream, group, start string) *StatusCmd XGroupSetID(stream, group, start string) *StatusCmd XGroupDestroy(stream, group string) *IntCmd XGroupDelConsumer(stream, group, consumer string) *IntCmd @@ -185,6 +187,8 @@ type Cmdable interface { XClaimJustID(a *XClaimArgs) *StringSliceCmd XTrim(key string, maxLen int64) *IntCmd XTrimApprox(key string, maxLen int64) *IntCmd + BZPopMax(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *ZWithKeyCmd + BZPopMin(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *ZWithKeyCmd ZAdd(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd ZAddNX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd ZAddXX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd @@ -228,6 +232,7 @@ type Cmdable interface { ClientKillByFilter(keys ...string) *IntCmd ClientList() *StringCmd ClientPause(dur time.Duration) *BoolCmd + ClientID() *IntCmd ConfigGet(parameter string) *SliceCmd ConfigResetStat() *StatusCmd ConfigSet(parameter, value string) *StatusCmd @@ -265,6 +270,7 @@ type Cmdable interface { ClusterResetHard() *StatusCmd ClusterInfo() *StringCmd ClusterKeySlot(key string) *IntCmd + ClusterGetKeysInSlot(slot int, count int) *StringSliceCmd ClusterCountFailureReports(nodeID string) *IntCmd ClusterCountKeysInSlot(slot int) *IntCmd ClusterDelSlots(slots ...int) *StatusCmd @@ -1337,6 +1343,16 @@ func (c *cmdable) XAdd(a *XAddArgs) *StringCmd { return cmd } +func (c *cmdable) XDel(stream string, ids ...string) *IntCmd { + args := []interface{}{"xdel", stream} + for _, id := range ids { + args = append(args, id) + } + cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) + c.process(cmd) + return cmd +} + func (c *cmdable) XLen(stream string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("xlen", stream) c.process(cmd) @@ -1410,6 +1426,12 @@ func (c *cmdable) XGroupCreate(stream, group, start string) *StatusCmd { return cmd } +func (c *cmdable) XGroupCreateMkStream(stream, group, start string) *StatusCmd { + cmd := NewStatusCmd("xgroup", "create", stream, group, start, "mkstream") + c.process(cmd) + return cmd +} + func (c *cmdable) XGroupSetID(stream, group, start string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("xgroup", "setid", stream, group, start) c.process(cmd) @@ -1431,9 +1453,11 @@ func (c *cmdable) XGroupDelConsumer(stream, group, consumer string) *IntCmd { type XReadGroupArgs struct { Group string Consumer string - Streams []string - Count int64 - Block time.Duration + // List of streams and ids. + Streams []string + Count int64 + Block time.Duration + NoAck bool } func (c *cmdable) XReadGroup(a *XReadGroupArgs) *XStreamSliceCmd { @@ -1445,6 +1469,9 @@ func (c *cmdable) XReadGroup(a *XReadGroupArgs) *XStreamSliceCmd { if a.Block >= 0 { args = append(args, "block", int64(a.Block/time.Millisecond)) } + if a.NoAck { + args = append(args, "noack") + } args = append(args, "streams") for _, s := range a.Streams { args = append(args, s) @@ -1550,6 +1577,12 @@ type Z struct { Member interface{} } +// ZWithKey represents sorted set member including the name of the key where it was popped. +type ZWithKey struct { + Z + Key string +} + // ZStore is used as an arg to ZInterStore and ZUnionStore. type ZStore struct { Weights []float64 @@ -1557,6 +1590,34 @@ type ZStore struct { Aggregate string } +// Redis `BZPOPMAX key [key ...] timeout` command. +func (c *cmdable) BZPopMax(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *ZWithKeyCmd { + args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)+1) + args[0] = "bzpopmax" + for i, key := range keys { + args[1+i] = key + } + args[len(args)-1] = formatSec(timeout) + cmd := NewZWithKeyCmd(args...) + cmd.setReadTimeout(timeout) + c.process(cmd) + return cmd +} + +// Redis `BZPOPMIN key [key ...] timeout` command. +func (c *cmdable) BZPopMin(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *ZWithKeyCmd { + args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)+1) + args[0] = "bzpopmin" + for i, key := range keys { + args[1+i] = key + } + args[len(args)-1] = formatSec(timeout) + cmd := NewZWithKeyCmd(args...) + cmd.setReadTimeout(timeout) + c.process(cmd) + return cmd +} + func (c *cmdable) zAdd(a []interface{}, n int, members ...Z) *IntCmd { for i, m := range members { a[n+2*i] = m.Score @@ -2010,6 +2071,24 @@ func (c *cmdable) ClientPause(dur time.Duration) *BoolCmd { return cmd } +func (c *cmdable) ClientID() *IntCmd { + cmd := NewIntCmd("client", "id") + c.process(cmd) + return cmd +} + +func (c *cmdable) ClientUnblock(id int64) *IntCmd { + cmd := NewIntCmd("client", "unblock", id) + c.process(cmd) + return cmd +} + +func (c *cmdable) ClientUnblockWithError(id int64) *IntCmd { + cmd := NewIntCmd("client", "unblock", id, "error") + c.process(cmd) + return cmd +} + // ClientSetName assigns a name to the connection. func (c *statefulCmdable) ClientSetName(name string) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("client", "setname", name) @@ -2325,6 +2404,12 @@ func (c *cmdable) ClusterKeySlot(key string) *IntCmd { return cmd } +func (c *cmdable) ClusterGetKeysInSlot(slot int, count int) *StringSliceCmd { + cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("cluster", "getkeysinslot", slot, count) + c.process(cmd) + return cmd +} + func (c *cmdable) ClusterCountFailureReports(nodeID string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("cluster", "count-failure-reports", nodeID) c.process(cmd) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/error.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/error.go index 5feb861e831..34f6bd4dc7a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/error.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/error.go @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ func IsBadConn(err error, allowTimeout bool) bool { return false } if IsRedisError(err) { - return strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "READONLY ") + // #790 + return IsReadOnlyError(err) } if allowTimeout { if netErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && netErr.Timeout() { @@ -82,3 +83,7 @@ func IsMovedError(err error) (moved bool, ask bool, addr string) { func IsLoadingError(err error) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "LOADING ") } + +func IsReadOnlyError(err error) bool { + return strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "READONLY ") +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/singleflight/singleflight.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/singleflight/singleflight.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3b174172459..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/singleflight/singleflight.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -/* -Copyright 2013 Google Inc. - -Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - -Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -limitations under the License. -*/ - -// Package singleflight provides a duplicate function call suppression -// mechanism. -package singleflight - -import "sync" - -// call is an in-flight or completed Do call -type call struct { - wg sync.WaitGroup - val interface{} - err error -} - -// Group represents a class of work and forms a namespace in which -// units of work can be executed with duplicate suppression. -type Group struct { - mu sync.Mutex // protects m - m map[string]*call // lazily initialized -} - -// Do executes and returns the results of the given function, making -// sure that only one execution is in-flight for a given key at a -// time. If a duplicate comes in, the duplicate caller waits for the -// original to complete and receives the same results. -func (g *Group) Do(key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error) { - g.mu.Lock() - if g.m == nil { - g.m = make(map[string]*call) - } - if c, ok := g.m[key]; ok { - g.mu.Unlock() - c.wg.Wait() - return c.val, c.err - } - c := new(call) - c.wg.Add(1) - g.m[key] = c - g.mu.Unlock() - - c.val, c.err = fn() - c.wg.Done() - - g.mu.Lock() - delete(g.m, key) - g.mu.Unlock() - - return c.val, c.err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/options.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/options.go index 088f6977440..b6fabf3f242 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/options.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/options.go @@ -14,6 +14,17 @@ import ( "github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/pool" ) +// Limiter is the interface of a rate limiter or a circuit breaker. +type Limiter interface { + // Allow returns a nil if operation is allowed or an error otherwise. + // If operation is allowed client must report the result of operation + // whether is a success or a failure. + Allow() error + // ReportResult reports the result of previously allowed operation. + // nil indicates a success, non-nil error indicates a failure. + ReportResult(result error) +} + type Options struct { // The network type, either tcp or unix. // Default is tcp. @@ -90,6 +101,9 @@ func (opt *Options) init() { if opt.Network == "" { opt.Network = "tcp" } + if opt.Addr == "" { + opt.Addr = "localhost:6379" + } if opt.Dialer == nil { opt.Dialer = func() (net.Conn, error) { netDialer := &net.Dialer{ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/pipeline.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/pipeline.go index ba852283ed8..b3a8844af03 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/pipeline.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/pipeline.go @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ type pipelineExecer func([]Cmder) error type Pipeliner interface { StatefulCmdable + Do(args ...interface{}) *Cmd Process(cmd Cmder) error Close() error Discard() error @@ -31,6 +32,12 @@ type Pipeline struct { closed bool } +func (c *Pipeline) Do(args ...interface{}) *Cmd { + cmd := NewCmd(args...) + _ = c.Process(cmd) + return cmd +} + // Process queues the cmd for later execution. func (c *Pipeline) Process(cmd Cmder) error { c.mu.Lock() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/redis.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/redis.go index 92a07fc6ef7..aca30648f55 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/redis.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/redis.go @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ func SetLogger(logger *log.Logger) { type baseClient struct { opt *Options connPool pool.Pooler + limiter Limiter process func(Cmder) error processPipeline func([]Cmder) error @@ -61,6 +62,24 @@ func (c *baseClient) newConn() (*pool.Conn, error) { } func (c *baseClient) getConn() (*pool.Conn, error) { + if c.limiter != nil { + err := c.limiter.Allow() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + cn, err := c._getConn() + if err != nil { + if c.limiter != nil { + c.limiter.ReportResult(err) + } + return nil, err + } + return cn, nil +} + +func (c *baseClient) _getConn() (*pool.Conn, error) { cn, err := c.connPool.Get() if err != nil { return nil, err @@ -78,6 +97,10 @@ func (c *baseClient) getConn() (*pool.Conn, error) { } func (c *baseClient) releaseConn(cn *pool.Conn, err error) { + if c.limiter != nil { + c.limiter.ReportResult(err) + } + if internal.IsBadConn(err, false) { c.connPool.Remove(cn) } else { @@ -86,6 +109,10 @@ func (c *baseClient) releaseConn(cn *pool.Conn, err error) { } func (c *baseClient) releaseConnStrict(cn *pool.Conn, err error) { + if c.limiter != nil { + c.limiter.ReportResult(err) + } + if err == nil || internal.IsRedisError(err) { c.connPool.Put(cn) } else { @@ -132,7 +159,7 @@ func (c *baseClient) initConn(cn *pool.Conn) error { // Do creates a Cmd from the args and processes the cmd. func (c *baseClient) Do(args ...interface{}) *Cmd { cmd := NewCmd(args...) - c.Process(cmd) + _ = c.Process(cmd) return cmd } @@ -396,12 +423,12 @@ func (c *Client) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Client { if ctx == nil { panic("nil context") } - c2 := c.copy() + c2 := c.clone() c2.ctx = ctx return c2 } -func (c *Client) copy() *Client { +func (c *Client) clone() *Client { cp := *c cp.init() return &cp @@ -412,6 +439,11 @@ func (c *Client) Options() *Options { return c.opt } +func (c *Client) SetLimiter(l Limiter) *Client { + c.limiter = l + return c +} + type PoolStats pool.Stats // PoolStats returns connection pool stats. @@ -460,6 +492,30 @@ func (c *Client) pubSub() *PubSub { // Subscribe subscribes the client to the specified channels. // Channels can be omitted to create empty subscription. +// Note that this method does not wait on a response from Redis, so the +// subscription may not be active immediately. To force the connection to wait, +// you may call the Receive() method on the returned *PubSub like so: +// +// sub := client.Subscribe(queryResp) +// iface, err := sub.Receive() +// if err != nil { +// // handle error +// } +// +// // Should be *Subscription, but others are possible if other actions have been +// // taken on sub since it was created. +// switch iface.(type) { +// case *Subscription: +// // subscribe succeeded +// case *Message: +// // received first message +// case *Pong: +// // pong received +// default: +// // handle error +// } +// +// ch := sub.Channel() func (c *Client) Subscribe(channels ...string) *PubSub { pubsub := c.pubSub() if len(channels) > 0 { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/ring.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/ring.go index 689f144c281..250e5f640c0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/ring.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/ring.go @@ -319,12 +319,12 @@ func (c *ringShards) Close() error { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -// Ring is a Redis client that uses constistent hashing to distribute +// Ring is a Redis client that uses consistent hashing to distribute // keys across multiple Redis servers (shards). It's safe for // concurrent use by multiple goroutines. // // Ring monitors the state of each shard and removes dead shards from -// the ring. When shard comes online it is added back to the ring. This +// the ring. When a shard comes online it is added back to the ring. This // gives you maximum availability and partition tolerance, but no // consistency between different shards or even clients. Each client // uses shards that are available to the client and does not do any diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/sentinel.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/sentinel.go index 951fb1dbc94..7cbb90bdb47 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/sentinel.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/sentinel.go @@ -164,6 +164,24 @@ func (c *SentinelClient) Sentinels(name string) *SliceCmd { return cmd } +// Failover forces a failover as if the master was not reachable, and without +// asking for agreement to other Sentinels. +func (c *SentinelClient) Failover(name string) *StatusCmd { + cmd := NewStatusCmd("sentinel", "failover", name) + c.Process(cmd) + return cmd +} + +// Reset resets all the masters with matching name. The pattern argument is a +// glob-style pattern. The reset process clears any previous state in a master +// (including a failover in progress), and removes every slave and sentinel +// already discovered and associated with the master. +func (c *SentinelClient) Reset(pattern string) *IntCmd { + cmd := NewIntCmd("sentinel", "reset", pattern) + c.Process(cmd) + return cmd +} + type sentinelFailover struct { sentinelAddrs []string @@ -176,6 +194,7 @@ type sentinelFailover struct { masterName string _masterAddr string sentinel *SentinelClient + pubsub *PubSub } func (c *sentinelFailover) Close() error { @@ -304,13 +323,27 @@ func (c *sentinelFailover) switchMaster(addr string) { func (c *sentinelFailover) setSentinel(sentinel *SentinelClient) { c.discoverSentinels(sentinel) c.sentinel = sentinel - go c.listen(sentinel) + + c.pubsub = sentinel.Subscribe("+switch-master") + go c.listen(c.pubsub) } func (c *sentinelFailover) closeSentinel() error { - err := c.sentinel.Close() + var firstErr error + + err := c.pubsub.Close() + if err != nil && firstErr == err { + firstErr = err + } + c.pubsub = nil + + err = c.sentinel.Close() + if err != nil && firstErr == err { + firstErr = err + } c.sentinel = nil - return err + + return firstErr } func (c *sentinelFailover) discoverSentinels(sentinel *SentinelClient) { @@ -335,10 +368,7 @@ func (c *sentinelFailover) discoverSentinels(sentinel *SentinelClient) { } } -func (c *sentinelFailover) listen(sentinel *SentinelClient) { - pubsub := sentinel.Subscribe("+switch-master") - defer pubsub.Close() - +func (c *sentinelFailover) listen(pubsub *PubSub) { ch := pubsub.Channel() for { msg, ok := <-ch diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/tx.go b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/tx.go index 6a7da99ddd9..fb3e6331023 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/tx.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-redis/redis/tx.go @@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ func (c *Client) newTx() *Tx { return &tx } -// Watch prepares a transcaction and marks the keys to be watched +// Watch prepares a transaction and marks the keys to be watched // for conditional execution if there are any keys. // -// The transaction is automatically closed when the fn exits. +// The transaction is automatically closed when fn exits. func (c *Client) Watch(fn func(*Tx) error, keys ...string) error { tx := c.newTx() if len(keys) > 0 { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/builder.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/builder.go index 14e79de45eb..ffe86d4dcb5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/builder.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/builder.go @@ -245,6 +245,23 @@ func (b *Builder) Or(cond Cond) *Builder { return b } +type insertColsSorter struct { + cols []string + vals []interface{} +} + +func (s insertColsSorter) Len() int { + return len(s.cols) +} +func (s insertColsSorter) Swap(i, j int) { + s.cols[i], s.cols[j] = s.cols[j], s.cols[i] + s.vals[i], s.vals[j] = s.vals[j], s.vals[i] +} + +func (s insertColsSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { + return s.cols[i] < s.cols[j] +} + // Insert sets insert SQL func (b *Builder) Insert(eq ...interface{}) *Builder { if len(eq) > 0 { @@ -275,10 +292,10 @@ func (b *Builder) Insert(eq ...interface{}) *Builder { } if len(b.insertCols) == len(b.insertVals) { - sort.Slice(b.insertVals, func(i, j int) bool { - return b.insertCols[i] < b.insertCols[j] + sort.Sort(insertColsSorter{ + cols: b.insertCols, + vals: b.insertVals, }) - sort.Strings(b.insertCols) } b.optype = insertType return b diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/go.mod index ef1a659ad11..cc4d2dfc567 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/go.mod +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/go.mod @@ -1 +1,6 @@ -module "github.com/go-xorm/builder" +module github.com/go-xorm/builder + +require ( + github.com/go-xorm/sqlfiddle v0.0.0-20180821085327-62ce714f951a + github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/go.sum new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..468ba4a2d56 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/builder/go.sum @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0 h1:ZDRjVQ15GmhC3fiQ8ni8+OwkZQO4DARzQgrnXU1Liz8= +github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= +github.com/go-xorm/sqlfiddle v0.0.0-20180821085327-62ce714f951a h1:9wScpmSP5A3Bk8V3XHWUcJmYTh+ZnlHVyc+A4oZYS3Y= +github.com/go-xorm/sqlfiddle v0.0.0-20180821085327-62ce714f951a/go.mod h1:56xuuqnHyryaerycW3BfssRdxQstACi0Epw/yC5E2xM= +github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM= +github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= +github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0 h1:TivCn/peBQ7UY8ooIcPgZFpTNSz0Q2U6UrFlUfqbe0Q= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/cache.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/cache.go index 8f9531da940..dc4992dfb11 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/cache.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/cache.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/circle.yml b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/circle.yml deleted file mode 100644 index e6a05be2727..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/circle.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -dependencies: - override: - # './...' is a relative pattern which means all subdirectories - - go get -t -d -v ./... - - go build -v - -database: - override: - - mysql -u root -e "CREATE DATABASE core_test DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci" - -test: - override: - # './...' is a relative pattern which means all subdirectories - - go test -v -race - - go test -v -race --dbtype=sqlite3 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/column.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/column.go index 20912b713c4..40d8f9268d7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/column.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/column.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( @@ -41,6 +45,7 @@ type Column struct { Comment string } +// NewColumn creates a new column func NewColumn(name, fieldName string, sqlType SQLType, len1, len2 int, nullable bool) *Column { return &Column{ Name: name, @@ -66,7 +71,7 @@ func NewColumn(name, fieldName string, sqlType SQLType, len1, len2 int, nullable } } -// generate column description string according dialect +// String generate column description string according dialect func (col *Column) String(d Dialect) string { sql := d.QuoteStr() + col.Name + d.QuoteStr() + " " @@ -94,6 +99,7 @@ func (col *Column) String(d Dialect) string { return sql } +// StringNoPk generate column description string according dialect without primary keys func (col *Column) StringNoPk(d Dialect) string { sql := d.QuoteStr() + col.Name + d.QuoteStr() + " " @@ -114,12 +120,13 @@ func (col *Column) StringNoPk(d Dialect) string { return sql } -// return col's filed of struct's value +// ValueOf returns column's filed of struct's value func (col *Column) ValueOf(bean interface{}) (*reflect.Value, error) { dataStruct := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(bean)) return col.ValueOfV(&dataStruct) } +// ValueOfV returns column's filed of struct's value accept reflevt value func (col *Column) ValueOfV(dataStruct *reflect.Value) (*reflect.Value, error) { var fieldValue reflect.Value fieldPath := strings.Split(col.FieldName, ".") diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/converstion.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/converstion.go index 18522fbeebd..9703c36e085 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/converstion.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/converstion.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core // Conversion is an interface. A type implements Conversion will according diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/db.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/db.go index 9969fa43134..3e50a14795d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/db.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/db.go @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( + "context" "database/sql" "database/sql/driver" - "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "regexp" @@ -68,6 +72,7 @@ type cacheStruct struct { idx int } +// DB is a wrap of sql.DB with extra contents type DB struct { *sql.DB Mapper IMapper @@ -75,6 +80,7 @@ type DB struct { reflectCacheMutex sync.RWMutex } +// Open opens a database func Open(driverName, dataSourceName string) (*DB, error) { db, err := sql.Open(driverName, dataSourceName) if err != nil { @@ -87,6 +93,7 @@ func Open(driverName, dataSourceName string) (*DB, error) { }, nil } +// FromDB creates a DB from a sql.DB func FromDB(db *sql.DB) *DB { return &DB{ DB: db, @@ -108,8 +115,9 @@ func (db *DB) reflectNew(typ reflect.Type) reflect.Value { return cs.value.Index(cs.idx).Addr() } -func (db *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { - rows, err := db.DB.Query(query, args...) +// QueryContext overwrites sql.DB.QueryContext +func (db *DB) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + rows, err := db.DB.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...) if err != nil { if rows != nil { rows.Close() @@ -119,161 +127,69 @@ func (db *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { return &Rows{rows, db}, nil } -func (db *DB) QueryMap(query string, mp interface{}) (*Rows, error) { +// Query overwrites sql.DB.Query +func (db *DB) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + return db.QueryContext(context.Background(), query, args...) +} + +func (db *DB) QueryMapContext(ctx context.Context, query string, mp interface{}) (*Rows, error) { query, args, err := MapToSlice(query, mp) if err != nil { return nil, err } - return db.Query(query, args...) + return db.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...) } -func (db *DB) QueryStruct(query string, st interface{}) (*Rows, error) { +func (db *DB) QueryMap(query string, mp interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + return db.QueryMapContext(context.Background(), query, mp) +} + +func (db *DB) QueryStructContext(ctx context.Context, query string, st interface{}) (*Rows, error) { query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) if err != nil { return nil, err } - return db.Query(query, args...) + return db.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...) } -func (db *DB) QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *Row { - rows, err := db.Query(query, args...) +func (db *DB) QueryStruct(query string, st interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + return db.QueryStructContext(context.Background(), query, st) +} + +func (db *DB) QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *Row { + rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...) if err != nil { return &Row{nil, err} } return &Row{rows, nil} } -func (db *DB) QueryRowMap(query string, mp interface{}) *Row { +func (db *DB) QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *Row { + return db.QueryRowContext(context.Background(), query, args...) +} + +func (db *DB) QueryRowMapContext(ctx context.Context, query string, mp interface{}) *Row { query, args, err := MapToSlice(query, mp) if err != nil { return &Row{nil, err} } - return db.QueryRow(query, args...) + return db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...) } -func (db *DB) QueryRowStruct(query string, st interface{}) *Row { +func (db *DB) QueryRowMap(query string, mp interface{}) *Row { + return db.QueryRowMapContext(context.Background(), query, mp) +} + +func (db *DB) QueryRowStructContext(ctx context.Context, query string, st interface{}) *Row { query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) if err != nil { return &Row{nil, err} } - return db.QueryRow(query, args...) + return db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...) } -type Stmt struct { - *sql.Stmt - db *DB - names map[string]int -} - -func (db *DB) Prepare(query string) (*Stmt, error) { - names := make(map[string]int) - var i int - query = re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(query, func(src string) string { - names[src[1:]] = i - i += 1 - return "?" - }) - - stmt, err := db.DB.Prepare(query) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &Stmt{stmt, db, names}, nil -} - -func (s *Stmt) ExecMap(mp interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { - vv := reflect.ValueOf(mp) - if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Map { - return nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer") - } - - args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) - for k, i := range s.names { - args[i] = vv.Elem().MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k)).Interface() - } - return s.Stmt.Exec(args...) -} - -func (s *Stmt) ExecStruct(st interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { - vv := reflect.ValueOf(st) - if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer") - } - - args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) - for k, i := range s.names { - args[i] = vv.Elem().FieldByName(k).Interface() - } - return s.Stmt.Exec(args...) -} - -func (s *Stmt) Query(args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { - rows, err := s.Stmt.Query(args...) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &Rows{rows, s.db}, nil -} - -func (s *Stmt) QueryMap(mp interface{}) (*Rows, error) { - vv := reflect.ValueOf(mp) - if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Map { - return nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer") - } - - args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) - for k, i := range s.names { - args[i] = vv.Elem().MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k)).Interface() - } - - return s.Query(args...) -} - -func (s *Stmt) QueryStruct(st interface{}) (*Rows, error) { - vv := reflect.ValueOf(st) - if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer") - } - - args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) - for k, i := range s.names { - args[i] = vv.Elem().FieldByName(k).Interface() - } - - return s.Query(args...) -} - -func (s *Stmt) QueryRow(args ...interface{}) *Row { - rows, err := s.Query(args...) - return &Row{rows, err} -} - -func (s *Stmt) QueryRowMap(mp interface{}) *Row { - vv := reflect.ValueOf(mp) - if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Map { - return &Row{nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer")} - } - - args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) - for k, i := range s.names { - args[i] = vv.Elem().MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k)).Interface() - } - - return s.QueryRow(args...) -} - -func (s *Stmt) QueryRowStruct(st interface{}) *Row { - vv := reflect.ValueOf(st) - if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return &Row{nil, errors.New("st should be a struct's pointer")} - } - - args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) - for k, i := range s.names { - args[i] = vv.Elem().FieldByName(k).Interface() - } - - return s.QueryRow(args...) +func (db *DB) QueryRowStruct(query string, st interface{}) *Row { + return db.QueryRowStructContext(context.Background(), query, st) } var ( @@ -282,120 +198,26 @@ var ( // insert into (name) values (?) // insert into (name) values (?name) -func (db *DB) ExecMap(query string, mp interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { +func (db *DB) ExecMapContext(ctx context.Context, query string, mp interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { query, args, err := MapToSlice(query, mp) if err != nil { return nil, err } - return db.DB.Exec(query, args...) + return db.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...) +} + +func (db *DB) ExecMap(query string, mp interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + return db.ExecMapContext(context.Background(), query, mp) +} + +func (db *DB) ExecStructContext(ctx context.Context, query string, st interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return db.DB.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...) } func (db *DB) ExecStruct(query string, st interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { - query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return db.DB.Exec(query, args...) -} - -type EmptyScanner struct { -} - -func (EmptyScanner) Scan(src interface{}) error { - return nil -} - -type Tx struct { - *sql.Tx - db *DB -} - -func (db *DB) Begin() (*Tx, error) { - tx, err := db.DB.Begin() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &Tx{tx, db}, nil -} - -func (tx *Tx) Prepare(query string) (*Stmt, error) { - names := make(map[string]int) - var i int - query = re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(query, func(src string) string { - names[src[1:]] = i - i += 1 - return "?" - }) - - stmt, err := tx.Tx.Prepare(query) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &Stmt{stmt, tx.db, names}, nil -} - -func (tx *Tx) Stmt(stmt *Stmt) *Stmt { - // TODO: - return stmt -} - -func (tx *Tx) ExecMap(query string, mp interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { - query, args, err := MapToSlice(query, mp) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return tx.Tx.Exec(query, args...) -} - -func (tx *Tx) ExecStruct(query string, st interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { - query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return tx.Tx.Exec(query, args...) -} - -func (tx *Tx) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { - rows, err := tx.Tx.Query(query, args...) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return &Rows{rows, tx.db}, nil -} - -func (tx *Tx) QueryMap(query string, mp interface{}) (*Rows, error) { - query, args, err := MapToSlice(query, mp) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return tx.Query(query, args...) -} - -func (tx *Tx) QueryStruct(query string, st interface{}) (*Rows, error) { - query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return tx.Query(query, args...) -} - -func (tx *Tx) QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *Row { - rows, err := tx.Query(query, args...) - return &Row{rows, err} -} - -func (tx *Tx) QueryRowMap(query string, mp interface{}) *Row { - query, args, err := MapToSlice(query, mp) - if err != nil { - return &Row{nil, err} - } - return tx.QueryRow(query, args...) -} - -func (tx *Tx) QueryRowStruct(query string, st interface{}) *Row { - query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) - if err != nil { - return &Row{nil, err} - } - return tx.QueryRow(query, args...) + return db.ExecStructContext(context.Background(), query, st) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/dialect.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/dialect.go index c288a084783..5d35a4f11d9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/dialect.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/dialect.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/driver.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/driver.go index 0f1020b403b..ceef4ba6182 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/driver.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/driver.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core type Driver interface { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/error.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/error.go index 640e6036e66..63ea53e466c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/error.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/error.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import "errors" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/filter.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/filter.go index 35b0ece6764..6aeed4244c1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/filter.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/filter.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/go.mod index 70c86bcbc83..b68392bb926 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/go.mod +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/go.mod @@ -1 +1,7 @@ -module "github.com/go-xorm/core" +module github.com/go-xorm/core + +require ( + github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.1 + github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.10.0 + google.golang.org/appengine v1.4.0 // indirect +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/go.sum new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8f20f8bc901 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/go.sum @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.1 h1:g24URVg0OFbNUTx9qqY1IRZ9D9z3iPyi5zKhQZpNwpA= +github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.1/go.mod h1:zAC/RDZ24gD3HViQzih4MyKcchzm+sOG5ZlKdlhCg5w= +github.com/golang/protobuf v1.2.0/go.mod h1:6lQm79b+lXiMfvg/cZm0SGofjICqVBUtrP5yJMmIC1U= +github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.10.0 h1:jbhqpg7tQe4SupckyijYiy0mJJ/pRyHvXf7JdWK860o= +github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.10.0/go.mod h1:FPy6KqzDD04eiIsT53CuJW3U88zkxoIYsOqkbpncsNc= +golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20180724234803-3673e40ba225/go.mod h1:mL1N/T3taQHkDXs73rZJwtUhF3w3ftmwwsq0BUmARs4= +golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= +google.golang.org/appengine v1.4.0 h1:/wp5JvzpHIxhs/dumFmF7BXTf3Z+dd4uXta4kVyO508= +google.golang.org/appengine v1.4.0/go.mod h1:xpcJRLb0r/rnEns0DIKYYv+WjYCduHsrkT7/EB5XEv4= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/ilogger.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/ilogger.go index c8d78496054..348ab88f4f0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/ilogger.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/ilogger.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core type LogLevel int diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/index.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/index.go index 9aa1b7ac99b..ac97b685053 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/index.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/index.go @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( "fmt" - "sort" "strings" ) @@ -46,11 +49,16 @@ func (index *Index) Equal(dst *Index) bool { if len(index.Cols) != len(dst.Cols) { return false } - sort.StringSlice(index.Cols).Sort() - sort.StringSlice(dst.Cols).Sort() for i := 0; i < len(index.Cols); i++ { - if index.Cols[i] != dst.Cols[i] { + var found bool + for j := 0; j < len(dst.Cols); j++ { + if index.Cols[i] == dst.Cols[j] { + found = true + break + } + } + if !found { return false } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/mapper.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/mapper.go index bb72a156624..ec44ea0db9b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/mapper.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/mapper.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/pk.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/pk.go index 1810dd944be..05a7672d86b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/pk.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/pk.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/rows.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/rows.go index 580de4f9c66..2b046d84cc7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/rows.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/rows.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/scan.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/scan.go index b7c159b2740..897b534159e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/scan.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/scan.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( @@ -53,3 +57,10 @@ func convertTime(dest *NullTime, src interface{}) error { } return nil } + +type EmptyScanner struct { +} + +func (EmptyScanner) Scan(src interface{}) error { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/stmt.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/stmt.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..20ee202b9b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/stmt.go @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package core + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql" + "errors" + "reflect" +) + +type Stmt struct { + *sql.Stmt + db *DB + names map[string]int +} + +func (db *DB) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (*Stmt, error) { + names := make(map[string]int) + var i int + query = re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(query, func(src string) string { + names[src[1:]] = i + i += 1 + return "?" + }) + + stmt, err := db.DB.PrepareContext(ctx, query) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &Stmt{stmt, db, names}, nil +} + +func (db *DB) Prepare(query string) (*Stmt, error) { + return db.PrepareContext(context.Background(), query) +} + +func (s *Stmt) ExecMapContext(ctx context.Context, mp interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + vv := reflect.ValueOf(mp) + if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Map { + return nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer") + } + + args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) + for k, i := range s.names { + args[i] = vv.Elem().MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k)).Interface() + } + return s.Stmt.ExecContext(ctx, args...) +} + +func (s *Stmt) ExecMap(mp interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + return s.ExecMapContext(context.Background(), mp) +} + +func (s *Stmt) ExecStructContext(ctx context.Context, st interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + vv := reflect.ValueOf(st) + if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer") + } + + args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) + for k, i := range s.names { + args[i] = vv.Elem().FieldByName(k).Interface() + } + return s.Stmt.ExecContext(ctx, args...) +} + +func (s *Stmt) ExecStruct(st interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + return s.ExecStructContext(context.Background(), st) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + rows, err := s.Stmt.QueryContext(ctx, args...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &Rows{rows, s.db}, nil +} + +func (s *Stmt) Query(args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + return s.QueryContext(context.Background(), args...) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryMapContext(ctx context.Context, mp interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + vv := reflect.ValueOf(mp) + if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Map { + return nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer") + } + + args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) + for k, i := range s.names { + args[i] = vv.Elem().MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k)).Interface() + } + + return s.QueryContext(ctx, args...) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryMap(mp interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + return s.QueryMapContext(context.Background(), mp) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryStructContext(ctx context.Context, st interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + vv := reflect.ValueOf(st) + if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer") + } + + args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) + for k, i := range s.names { + args[i] = vv.Elem().FieldByName(k).Interface() + } + + return s.Query(args...) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryStruct(st interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + return s.QueryStructContext(context.Background(), st) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) *Row { + rows, err := s.QueryContext(ctx, args...) + return &Row{rows, err} +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryRow(args ...interface{}) *Row { + return s.QueryRowContext(context.Background(), args...) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryRowMapContext(ctx context.Context, mp interface{}) *Row { + vv := reflect.ValueOf(mp) + if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Map { + return &Row{nil, errors.New("mp should be a map's pointer")} + } + + args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) + for k, i := range s.names { + args[i] = vv.Elem().MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(k)).Interface() + } + + return s.QueryRowContext(ctx, args...) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryRowMap(mp interface{}) *Row { + return s.QueryRowMapContext(context.Background(), mp) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryRowStructContext(ctx context.Context, st interface{}) *Row { + vv := reflect.ValueOf(st) + if vv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || vv.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return &Row{nil, errors.New("st should be a struct's pointer")} + } + + args := make([]interface{}, len(s.names)) + for k, i := range s.names { + args[i] = vv.Elem().FieldByName(k).Interface() + } + + return s.QueryRowContext(ctx, args...) +} + +func (s *Stmt) QueryRowStruct(st interface{}) *Row { + return s.QueryRowStructContext(context.Background(), st) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/table.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/table.go index b5d079404c8..d129e60f8b9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/table.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/table.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/tx.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/tx.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a56b70063eb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/tx.go @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package core + +import ( + "context" + "database/sql" +) + +type Tx struct { + *sql.Tx + db *DB +} + +func (db *DB) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts *sql.TxOptions) (*Tx, error) { + tx, err := db.DB.BeginTx(ctx, opts) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &Tx{tx, db}, nil +} + +func (db *DB) Begin() (*Tx, error) { + tx, err := db.DB.Begin() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &Tx{tx, db}, nil +} + +func (tx *Tx) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (*Stmt, error) { + names := make(map[string]int) + var i int + query = re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(query, func(src string) string { + names[src[1:]] = i + i += 1 + return "?" + }) + + stmt, err := tx.Tx.PrepareContext(ctx, query) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &Stmt{stmt, tx.db, names}, nil +} + +func (tx *Tx) Prepare(query string) (*Stmt, error) { + return tx.PrepareContext(context.Background(), query) +} + +func (tx *Tx) StmtContext(ctx context.Context, stmt *Stmt) *Stmt { + stmt.Stmt = tx.Tx.StmtContext(ctx, stmt.Stmt) + return stmt +} + +func (tx *Tx) Stmt(stmt *Stmt) *Stmt { + return tx.StmtContext(context.Background(), stmt) +} + +func (tx *Tx) ExecMapContext(ctx context.Context, query string, mp interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + query, args, err := MapToSlice(query, mp) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return tx.Tx.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...) +} + +func (tx *Tx) ExecMap(query string, mp interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + return tx.ExecMapContext(context.Background(), query, mp) +} + +func (tx *Tx) ExecStructContext(ctx context.Context, query string, st interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return tx.Tx.ExecContext(ctx, query, args...) +} + +func (tx *Tx) ExecStruct(query string, st interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { + return tx.ExecStructContext(context.Background(), query, st) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + rows, err := tx.Tx.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &Rows{rows, tx.db}, nil +} + +func (tx *Tx) Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + return tx.QueryContext(context.Background(), query, args...) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryMapContext(ctx context.Context, query string, mp interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + query, args, err := MapToSlice(query, mp) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return tx.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryMap(query string, mp interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + return tx.QueryMapContext(context.Background(), query, mp) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryStructContext(ctx context.Context, query string, st interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return tx.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryStruct(query string, st interface{}) (*Rows, error) { + return tx.QueryStructContext(context.Background(), query, st) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryRowContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) *Row { + rows, err := tx.QueryContext(ctx, query, args...) + return &Row{rows, err} +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *Row { + return tx.QueryRowContext(context.Background(), query, args...) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryRowMapContext(ctx context.Context, query string, mp interface{}) *Row { + query, args, err := MapToSlice(query, mp) + if err != nil { + return &Row{nil, err} + } + return tx.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryRowMap(query string, mp interface{}) *Row { + return tx.QueryRowMapContext(context.Background(), query, mp) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryRowStructContext(ctx context.Context, query string, st interface{}) *Row { + query, args, err := StructToSlice(query, st) + if err != nil { + return &Row{nil, err} + } + return tx.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, args...) +} + +func (tx *Tx) QueryRowStruct(query string, st interface{}) *Row { + return tx.QueryRowStructContext(context.Background(), query, st) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/type.go b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/type.go index 5cbf9305730..8164953602e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/type.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/go-xorm/core/type.go @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + package core import ( @@ -71,6 +75,7 @@ var ( Char = "CHAR" Varchar = "VARCHAR" + NChar = "NCHAR" NVarchar = "NVARCHAR" TinyText = "TINYTEXT" Text = "TEXT" @@ -84,12 +89,15 @@ var ( Date = "DATE" DateTime = "DATETIME" + SmallDateTime = "SMALLDATETIME" Time = "TIME" TimeStamp = "TIMESTAMP" TimeStampz = "TIMESTAMPZ" Decimal = "DECIMAL" Numeric = "NUMERIC" + Money = "MONEY" + SmallMoney = "SMALLMONEY" Real = "REAL" Float = "FLOAT" @@ -127,6 +135,7 @@ var ( Jsonb: TEXT_TYPE, Char: TEXT_TYPE, + NChar: TEXT_TYPE, Varchar: TEXT_TYPE, NVarchar: TEXT_TYPE, TinyText: TEXT_TYPE, @@ -143,12 +152,15 @@ var ( Time: TIME_TYPE, TimeStamp: TIME_TYPE, TimeStampz: TIME_TYPE, + SmallDateTime: TIME_TYPE, Decimal: NUMERIC_TYPE, Numeric: NUMERIC_TYPE, Real: NUMERIC_TYPE, Float: NUMERIC_TYPE, Double: NUMERIC_TYPE, + Money: NUMERIC_TYPE, + SmallMoney: NUMERIC_TYPE, Binary: BLOB_TYPE, VarBinary: BLOB_TYPE, @@ -295,15 +307,15 @@ func SQLType2Type(st SQLType) reflect.Type { return reflect.TypeOf(float32(1)) case Double: return reflect.TypeOf(float64(1)) - case Char, Varchar, NVarchar, TinyText, Text, NText, MediumText, LongText, Enum, Set, Uuid, Clob, SysName: + case Char, NChar, Varchar, NVarchar, TinyText, Text, NText, MediumText, LongText, Enum, Set, Uuid, Clob, SysName: return reflect.TypeOf("") case TinyBlob, Blob, LongBlob, Bytea, Binary, MediumBlob, VarBinary, UniqueIdentifier: return reflect.TypeOf([]byte{}) case Bool: return reflect.TypeOf(true) - case DateTime, Date, Time, TimeStamp, TimeStampz: + case DateTime, Date, Time, TimeStamp, TimeStampz, SmallDateTime: return reflect.TypeOf(c_TIME_DEFAULT) - case Decimal, Numeric: + case Decimal, Numeric, Money, SmallMoney: return reflect.TypeOf("") default: return reflect.TypeOf("") diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go index d9aa3c42d66..63b0f08bef2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go @@ -186,7 +186,6 @@ func (p *Buffer) DecodeVarint() (x uint64, err error) { if b&0x80 == 0 { goto done } - // x -= 0x80 << 63 // Always zero. return 0, errOverflow diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..35b882c09aa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format +// +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// https://github.com/golang/protobuf +// +// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are +// met: +// +// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer +// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the +// distribution. +// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its +// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from +// this software without specific prior written permission. +// +// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT +// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + +package proto + +import "errors" + +// Deprecated: do not use. +type Stats struct{ Emalloc, Dmalloc, Encode, Decode, Chit, Cmiss, Size uint64 } + +// Deprecated: do not use. +func GetStats() Stats { return Stats{} } + +// Deprecated: do not use. +func MarshalMessageSet(interface{}) ([]byte, error) { + return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented") +} + +// Deprecated: do not use. +func UnmarshalMessageSet([]byte, interface{}) error { + return errors.New("proto: not implemented") +} + +// Deprecated: do not use. +func MarshalMessageSetJSON(interface{}) ([]byte, error) { + return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented") +} + +// Deprecated: do not use. +func UnmarshalMessageSetJSON([]byte, interface{}) error { + return errors.New("proto: not implemented") +} + +// Deprecated: do not use. +func RegisterMessageSetType(Message, int32, string) {} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go index d4db5a1c145..f9b6e41b3c1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go @@ -246,7 +246,8 @@ func equalExtMap(base reflect.Type, em1, em2 map[int32]Extension) bool { return false } - m1, m2 := e1.value, e2.value + m1 := extensionAsLegacyType(e1.value) + m2 := extensionAsLegacyType(e2.value) if m1 == nil && m2 == nil { // Both have only encoded form. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go index 816a3b9d6c0..fa88add30a4 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go @@ -185,9 +185,25 @@ type Extension struct { // extension will have only enc set. When such an extension is // accessed using GetExtension (or GetExtensions) desc and value // will be set. - desc *ExtensionDesc + desc *ExtensionDesc + + // value is a concrete value for the extension field. Let the type of + // desc.ExtensionType be the "API type" and the type of Extension.value + // be the "storage type". The API type and storage type are the same except: + // * For scalars (except []byte), the API type uses *T, + // while the storage type uses T. + // * For repeated fields, the API type uses []T, while the storage type + // uses *[]T. + // + // The reason for the divergence is so that the storage type more naturally + // matches what is expected of when retrieving the values through the + // protobuf reflection APIs. + // + // The value may only be populated if desc is also populated. value interface{} - enc []byte + + // enc is the raw bytes for the extension field. + enc []byte } // SetRawExtension is for testing only. @@ -334,7 +350,7 @@ func GetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) { // descriptors with the same field number. return nil, errors.New("proto: descriptor conflict") } - return e.value, nil + return extensionAsLegacyType(e.value), nil } if extension.ExtensionType == nil { @@ -349,11 +365,11 @@ func GetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) { // Remember the decoded version and drop the encoded version. // That way it is safe to mutate what we return. - e.value = v + e.value = extensionAsStorageType(v) e.desc = extension e.enc = nil emap[extension.Field] = e - return e.value, nil + return extensionAsLegacyType(e.value), nil } // defaultExtensionValue returns the default value for extension. @@ -488,7 +504,7 @@ func SetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc, value interface{}) error } typ := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType) if typ != reflect.TypeOf(value) { - return errors.New("proto: bad extension value type") + return fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extension value type. got: %T, want: %T", value, extension.ExtensionType) } // nil extension values need to be caught early, because the // encoder can't distinguish an ErrNil due to a nil extension @@ -500,7 +516,7 @@ func SetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc, value interface{}) error } extmap := epb.extensionsWrite() - extmap[extension.Field] = Extension{desc: extension, value: value} + extmap[extension.Field] = Extension{desc: extension, value: extensionAsStorageType(value)} return nil } @@ -541,3 +557,51 @@ func RegisterExtension(desc *ExtensionDesc) { func RegisteredExtensions(pb Message) map[int32]*ExtensionDesc { return extensionMaps[reflect.TypeOf(pb).Elem()] } + +// extensionAsLegacyType converts an value in the storage type as the API type. +// See Extension.value. +func extensionAsLegacyType(v interface{}) interface{} { + switch rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String: + // Represent primitive types as a pointer to the value. + rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type()) + rv2.Elem().Set(rv) + v = rv2.Interface() + case reflect.Ptr: + // Represent slice types as the value itself. + switch rv.Type().Elem().Kind() { + case reflect.Slice: + if rv.IsNil() { + v = reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem()).Interface() + } else { + v = rv.Elem().Interface() + } + } + } + return v +} + +// extensionAsStorageType converts an value in the API type as the storage type. +// See Extension.value. +func extensionAsStorageType(v interface{}) interface{} { + switch rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() { + case reflect.Ptr: + // Represent slice types as the value itself. + switch rv.Type().Elem().Kind() { + case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String: + if rv.IsNil() { + v = reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem()).Interface() + } else { + v = rv.Elem().Interface() + } + } + case reflect.Slice: + // Represent slice types as a pointer to the value. + if rv.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { + rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type()) + rv2.Elem().Set(rv) + v = rv2.Interface() + } + } + return v +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go index 75565cc6dcf..fdd328bb7f5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go @@ -341,26 +341,6 @@ type Message interface { ProtoMessage() } -// Stats records allocation details about the protocol buffer encoders -// and decoders. Useful for tuning the library itself. -type Stats struct { - Emalloc uint64 // mallocs in encode - Dmalloc uint64 // mallocs in decode - Encode uint64 // number of encodes - Decode uint64 // number of decodes - Chit uint64 // number of cache hits - Cmiss uint64 // number of cache misses - Size uint64 // number of sizes -} - -// Set to true to enable stats collection. -const collectStats = false - -var stats Stats - -// GetStats returns a copy of the global Stats structure. -func GetStats() Stats { return stats } - // A Buffer is a buffer manager for marshaling and unmarshaling // protocol buffers. It may be reused between invocations to // reduce memory usage. It is not necessary to use a Buffer; @@ -960,13 +940,19 @@ func isProto3Zero(v reflect.Value) bool { return false } -// ProtoPackageIsVersion2 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files -// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package. -const ProtoPackageIsVersion2 = true +const ( + // ProtoPackageIsVersion3 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files + // to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package. + ProtoPackageIsVersion3 = true -// ProtoPackageIsVersion1 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files -// to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package. -const ProtoPackageIsVersion1 = true + // ProtoPackageIsVersion2 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files + // to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package. + ProtoPackageIsVersion2 = true + + // ProtoPackageIsVersion1 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files + // to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package. + ProtoPackageIsVersion1 = true +) // InternalMessageInfo is a type used internally by generated .pb.go files. // This type is not intended to be used by non-generated code. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go index 3b6ca41d5e5..f48a756761e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go @@ -36,13 +36,7 @@ package proto */ import ( - "bytes" - "encoding/json" "errors" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "sort" - "sync" ) // errNoMessageTypeID occurs when a protocol buffer does not have a message type ID. @@ -145,46 +139,9 @@ func skipVarint(buf []byte) []byte { return buf[i+1:] } -// MarshalMessageSet encodes the extension map represented by m in the message set wire format. -// It is called by generated Marshal methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option. -func MarshalMessageSet(exts interface{}) ([]byte, error) { - return marshalMessageSet(exts, false) -} - -// marshaMessageSet implements above function, with the opt to turn on / off deterministic during Marshal. -func marshalMessageSet(exts interface{}, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - switch exts := exts.(type) { - case *XXX_InternalExtensions: - var u marshalInfo - siz := u.sizeMessageSet(exts) - b := make([]byte, 0, siz) - return u.appendMessageSet(b, exts, deterministic) - - case map[int32]Extension: - // This is an old-style extension map. - // Wrap it in a new-style XXX_InternalExtensions. - ie := XXX_InternalExtensions{ - p: &struct { - mu sync.Mutex - extensionMap map[int32]Extension - }{ - extensionMap: exts, - }, - } - - var u marshalInfo - siz := u.sizeMessageSet(&ie) - b := make([]byte, 0, siz) - return u.appendMessageSet(b, &ie, deterministic) - - default: - return nil, errors.New("proto: not an extension map") - } -} - -// UnmarshalMessageSet decodes the extension map encoded in buf in the message set wire format. +// unmarshalMessageSet decodes the extension map encoded in buf in the message set wire format. // It is called by Unmarshal methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option. -func UnmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error { +func unmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error { var m map[int32]Extension switch exts := exts.(type) { case *XXX_InternalExtensions: @@ -222,93 +179,3 @@ func UnmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error { } return nil } - -// MarshalMessageSetJSON encodes the extension map represented by m in JSON format. -// It is called by generated MarshalJSON methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option. -func MarshalMessageSetJSON(exts interface{}) ([]byte, error) { - var m map[int32]Extension - switch exts := exts.(type) { - case *XXX_InternalExtensions: - var mu sync.Locker - m, mu = exts.extensionsRead() - if m != nil { - // Keep the extensions map locked until we're done marshaling to prevent - // races between marshaling and unmarshaling the lazily-{en,de}coded - // values. - mu.Lock() - defer mu.Unlock() - } - case map[int32]Extension: - m = exts - default: - return nil, errors.New("proto: not an extension map") - } - var b bytes.Buffer - b.WriteByte('{') - - // Process the map in key order for deterministic output. - ids := make([]int32, 0, len(m)) - for id := range m { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - sort.Sort(int32Slice(ids)) // int32Slice defined in text.go - - for i, id := range ids { - ext := m[id] - msd, ok := messageSetMap[id] - if !ok { - // Unknown type; we can't render it, so skip it. - continue - } - - if i > 0 && b.Len() > 1 { - b.WriteByte(',') - } - - fmt.Fprintf(&b, `"[%s]":`, msd.name) - - x := ext.value - if x == nil { - x = reflect.New(msd.t.Elem()).Interface() - if err := Unmarshal(ext.enc, x.(Message)); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - d, err := json.Marshal(x) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - b.Write(d) - } - b.WriteByte('}') - return b.Bytes(), nil -} - -// UnmarshalMessageSetJSON decodes the extension map encoded in buf in JSON format. -// It is called by generated UnmarshalJSON methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option. -func UnmarshalMessageSetJSON(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error { - // Common-case fast path. - if len(buf) == 0 || bytes.Equal(buf, []byte("{}")) { - return nil - } - - // This is fairly tricky, and it's not clear that it is needed. - return errors.New("TODO: UnmarshalMessageSetJSON not yet implemented") -} - -// A global registry of types that can be used in a MessageSet. - -var messageSetMap = make(map[int32]messageSetDesc) - -type messageSetDesc struct { - t reflect.Type // pointer to struct - name string -} - -// RegisterMessageSetType is called from the generated code. -func RegisterMessageSetType(m Message, fieldNum int32, name string) { - messageSetMap[fieldNum] = messageSetDesc{ - t: reflect.TypeOf(m), - name: name, - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go index b6cad90834b..94fa9194a88 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go @@ -79,10 +79,13 @@ func toPointer(i *Message) pointer { // toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to // the interface data. -func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr bool) pointer { +func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr, deref bool) pointer { v := reflect.ValueOf(*i) u := reflect.New(v.Type()) u.Elem().Set(v) + if deref { + u = u.Elem() + } return pointer{v: u} } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go index d55a335d945..dbfffe071b8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go @@ -85,16 +85,21 @@ func toPointer(i *Message) pointer { // toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to // the interface data. -func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr bool) pointer { +func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr, deref bool) (p pointer) { // Super-tricky - read or get the address of data word of interface value. if isptr { // The interface is of pointer type, thus it is a direct interface. // The data word is the pointer data itself. We take its address. - return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(i)) + ptrSize)} + p = pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(i)) + ptrSize)} + } else { + // The interface is not of pointer type. The data word is the pointer + // to the data. + p = pointer{p: (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(i))[1]} } - // The interface is not of pointer type. The data word is the pointer - // to the data. - return pointer{p: (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(i))[1]} + if deref { + p.p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p) + } + return p } // valToPointer converts v to a pointer. v must be of pointer type. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go index 50b99b83a8c..79668ff5c5c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go @@ -334,9 +334,6 @@ func GetProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties { sprop, ok := propertiesMap[t] propertiesMu.RUnlock() if ok { - if collectStats { - stats.Chit++ - } return sprop } @@ -346,17 +343,20 @@ func GetProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties { return sprop } +type ( + oneofFuncsIface interface { + XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(Message, *Buffer) error, func(Message, int, int, *Buffer) (bool, error), func(Message) int, []interface{}) + } + oneofWrappersIface interface { + XXX_OneofWrappers() []interface{} + } +) + // getPropertiesLocked requires that propertiesMu is held. func getPropertiesLocked(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties { if prop, ok := propertiesMap[t]; ok { - if collectStats { - stats.Chit++ - } return prop } - if collectStats { - stats.Cmiss++ - } prop := new(StructProperties) // in case of recursive protos, fill this in now. @@ -391,13 +391,14 @@ func getPropertiesLocked(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties { // Re-order prop.order. sort.Sort(prop) - type oneofMessage interface { - XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(Message, *Buffer) error, func(Message, int, int, *Buffer) (bool, error), func(Message) int, []interface{}) + var oots []interface{} + switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) { + case oneofFuncsIface: + _, _, _, oots = m.XXX_OneofFuncs() + case oneofWrappersIface: + oots = m.XXX_OneofWrappers() } - if om, ok := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(oneofMessage); ok { - var oots []interface{} - _, _, _, oots = om.XXX_OneofFuncs() - + if len(oots) > 0 { // Interpret oneof metadata. prop.OneofTypes = make(map[string]*OneofProperties) for _, oot := range oots { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go index b16794496f5..5cb11fa955e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ type marshalElemInfo struct { sizer sizer marshaler marshaler isptr bool // elem is pointer typed, thus interface of this type is a direct interface (extension only) + deref bool // dereference the pointer before operating on it; implies isptr } var ( @@ -320,8 +321,11 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) computeMarshalInfo() { // get oneof implementers var oneofImplementers []interface{} - if m, ok := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(oneofMessage); ok { + switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) { + case oneofFuncsIface: _, _, _, oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofFuncs() + case oneofWrappersIface: + oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofWrappers() } n := t.NumField() @@ -407,13 +411,22 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) getExtElemInfo(desc *ExtensionDesc) *marshalElemInfo { panic("tag is not an integer") } wt := wiretype(tags[0]) + if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { + t = t.Elem() + } sizer, marshaler := typeMarshaler(t, tags, false, false) + var deref bool + if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { + t = reflect.PtrTo(t) + deref = true + } e = &marshalElemInfo{ wiretag: uint64(tag)<<3 | wt, tagsize: SizeVarint(uint64(tag) << 3), sizer: sizer, marshaler: marshaler, isptr: t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr, + deref: deref, } // update cache @@ -448,7 +461,7 @@ func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeMarshalFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField) { func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeOneofFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField, oneofImplementers []interface{}) { fi.field = toField(f) - fi.wiretag = 1<<31 - 1 // Use a large tag number, make oneofs sorted at the end. This tag will not appear on the wire. + fi.wiretag = math.MaxInt32 // Use a large tag number, make oneofs sorted at the end. This tag will not appear on the wire. fi.isPointer = true fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = makeOneOfMarshaler(fi, f) fi.oneofElems = make(map[reflect.Type]*marshalElemInfo) @@ -476,10 +489,6 @@ func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeOneofFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField, oneofI } } -type oneofMessage interface { - XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(Message, *Buffer) error, func(Message, int, int, *Buffer) (bool, error), func(Message) int, []interface{}) -} - // wiretype returns the wire encoding of the type. func wiretype(encoding string) uint64 { switch encoding { @@ -2310,8 +2319,8 @@ func makeMapMarshaler(f *reflect.StructField) (sizer, marshaler) { for _, k := range m.MapKeys() { ki := k.Interface() vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface() - kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false) // pointer to key - vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr) // pointer to value + kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false, false) // pointer to key + vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr, false) // pointer to value siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1) n += siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize } @@ -2329,8 +2338,8 @@ func makeMapMarshaler(f *reflect.StructField) (sizer, marshaler) { for _, k := range keys { ki := k.Interface() vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface() - kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false) // pointer to key - vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr) // pointer to value + kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false, false) // pointer to key + vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr, false) // pointer to value b = appendVarint(b, tag) siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valCachedSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1) b = appendVarint(b, uint64(siz)) @@ -2399,7 +2408,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) sizeExtensions(ext *XXX_InternalExtensions) int { // the last time this function was called. ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr) + p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize) } mu.Unlock() @@ -2434,7 +2443,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendExtensions(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, de ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr) + p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic) if !nerr.Merge(err) { return b, err @@ -2465,7 +2474,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendExtensions(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, de ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr) + p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic) if !nerr.Merge(err) { return b, err @@ -2510,7 +2519,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) sizeMessageSet(ext *XXX_InternalExtensions) int { ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr) + p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) n += ei.sizer(p, 1) // message, tag = 3 (size=1) } mu.Unlock() @@ -2553,7 +2562,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendMessageSet(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, de ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr) + p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic) if !nerr.Merge(err) { return b, err @@ -2591,7 +2600,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendMessageSet(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, de ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr) + p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic) b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup) if !nerr.Merge(err) { @@ -2621,7 +2630,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) sizeV1Extensions(m map[int32]Extension) int { ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr) + p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize) } return n @@ -2656,7 +2665,7 @@ func (u *marshalInfo) appendV1Extensions(b []byte, m map[int32]Extension, determ ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr) + p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic) if !nerr.Merge(err) { return b, err diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go index ebf1caa56a2..acee2fc5296 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ func (u *unmarshalInfo) unmarshal(m pointer, b []byte) error { u.computeUnmarshalInfo() } if u.isMessageSet { - return UnmarshalMessageSet(b, m.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions()) + return unmarshalMessageSet(b, m.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions()) } var reqMask uint64 // bitmask of required fields we've seen. var errLater error @@ -362,46 +362,48 @@ func (u *unmarshalInfo) computeUnmarshalInfo() { } // Find any types associated with oneof fields. - // TODO: XXX_OneofFuncs returns more info than we need. Get rid of some of it? - fn := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).MethodByName("XXX_OneofFuncs") - if fn.IsValid() { - res := fn.Call(nil)[3] // last return value from XXX_OneofFuncs: []interface{} - for i := res.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - v := res.Index(i) // interface{} - tptr := reflect.ValueOf(v.Interface()).Type() // *Msg_X - typ := tptr.Elem() // Msg_X + var oneofImplementers []interface{} + switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) { + case oneofFuncsIface: + _, _, _, oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofFuncs() + case oneofWrappersIface: + oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofWrappers() + } + for _, v := range oneofImplementers { + tptr := reflect.TypeOf(v) // *Msg_X + typ := tptr.Elem() // Msg_X - f := typ.Field(0) // oneof implementers have one field - baseUnmarshal := fieldUnmarshaler(&f) - tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",") - fieldNum, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1]) - if err != nil { - panic("protobuf tag field not an integer: " + tags[1]) - } - var name string - for _, tag := range tags { - if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") { - name = strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "name=") - break - } - } - - // Find the oneof field that this struct implements. - // Might take O(n^2) to process all of the oneofs, but who cares. - for _, of := range oneofFields { - if tptr.Implements(of.ityp) { - // We have found the corresponding interface for this struct. - // That lets us know where this struct should be stored - // when we encounter it during unmarshaling. - unmarshal := makeUnmarshalOneof(typ, of.ityp, baseUnmarshal) - u.setTag(fieldNum, of.field, unmarshal, 0, name) - } + f := typ.Field(0) // oneof implementers have one field + baseUnmarshal := fieldUnmarshaler(&f) + tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",") + fieldNum, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1]) + if err != nil { + panic("protobuf tag field not an integer: " + tags[1]) + } + var name string + for _, tag := range tags { + if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") { + name = strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "name=") + break } } + + // Find the oneof field that this struct implements. + // Might take O(n^2) to process all of the oneofs, but who cares. + for _, of := range oneofFields { + if tptr.Implements(of.ityp) { + // We have found the corresponding interface for this struct. + // That lets us know where this struct should be stored + // when we encounter it during unmarshaling. + unmarshal := makeUnmarshalOneof(typ, of.ityp, baseUnmarshal) + u.setTag(fieldNum, of.field, unmarshal, 0, name) + } + } + } // Get extension ranges, if any. - fn = reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).MethodByName("ExtensionRangeArray") + fn := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).MethodByName("ExtensionRangeArray") if fn.IsValid() { if !u.extensions.IsValid() && !u.oldExtensions.IsValid() { panic("a message with extensions, but no extensions field in " + t.Name()) @@ -1948,7 +1950,7 @@ func encodeVarint(b []byte, x uint64) []byte { // If there is an error, it returns 0,0. func decodeVarint(b []byte) (uint64, int) { var x, y uint64 - if len(b) <= 0 { + if len(b) == 0 { goto bad } x = uint64(b[0]) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/README.md b/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/README.md index 8b76f1fbf33..02fc81e0626 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/README.md @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ It is ready for production use. [It is used in several projects by Docker, Googl [![Build Status][1]][2] [![Coverage Status][7]][8] [![Sourcegraph][9]][10] +[![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fimdario%2Fmergo.svg?type=shield)](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fimdario%2Fmergo?ref=badge_shield) [1]: https://travis-ci.org/imdario/mergo.png [2]: https://travis-ci.org/imdario/mergo @@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ It is ready for production use. [It is used in several projects by Docker, Googl ### Latest release -[Release v0.3.6](https://github.com/imdario/mergo/releases/tag/v0.3.6). +[Release v0.3.7](https://github.com/imdario/mergo/releases/tag/v0.3.7). ### Important note @@ -217,6 +218,21 @@ If I can help you, you have an idea or you are using Mergo in your projects, don Written by [Dario Castañé](http://dario.im). +## Top Contributors + +[![0](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/images/0)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/links/0) +[![1](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/images/1)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/links/1) +[![2](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/images/2)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/links/2) +[![3](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/images/3)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/links/3) +[![4](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/images/4)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/links/4) +[![5](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/images/5)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/links/5) +[![6](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/images/6)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/links/6) +[![7](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/images/7)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/imdario/imdario/mergo/links/7) + + ## License [BSD 3-Clause](http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) license, as [Go language](http://golang.org/LICENSE). + + +[![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fimdario%2Fmergo.svg?type=large)](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fimdario%2Fmergo?ref=badge_large) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/map.go b/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/map.go index 6ea38e636b6..3f5afa83a13 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/map.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/map.go @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ func deepMap(dst, src reflect.Value, visited map[uintptr]*visit, depth int, conf case reflect.Struct: srcMap := src.Interface().(map[string]interface{}) for key := range srcMap { + config.overwriteWithEmptyValue = true srcValue := srcMap[key] fieldName := changeInitialCase(key, unicode.ToUpper) dstElement := dst.FieldByName(fieldName) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/merge.go b/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/merge.go index 44f70a89d91..f8de6c54305 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/merge.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/imdario/mergo/merge.go @@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ func hasExportedField(dst reflect.Value) (exported bool) { } type Config struct { - Overwrite bool - AppendSlice bool - Transformers Transformers + Overwrite bool + AppendSlice bool + Transformers Transformers + overwriteWithEmptyValue bool } type Transformers interface { @@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ type Transformers interface { // short circuiting on recursive types. func deepMerge(dst, src reflect.Value, visited map[uintptr]*visit, depth int, config *Config) (err error) { overwrite := config.Overwrite + overwriteWithEmptySrc := config.overwriteWithEmptyValue + config.overwriteWithEmptyValue = false if !src.IsValid() { return @@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ func deepMerge(dst, src reflect.Value, visited map[uintptr]*visit, depth int, co } } } else { - if dst.CanSet() && !isEmptyValue(src) && (overwrite || isEmptyValue(dst)) { + if dst.CanSet() && (!isEmptyValue(src) || overwriteWithEmptySrc) && (overwrite || isEmptyValue(dst)) { dst.Set(src) } } @@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ func deepMerge(dst, src reflect.Value, visited map[uintptr]*visit, depth int, co dstSlice = reflect.ValueOf(dstElement.Interface()) } - if !isEmptyValue(src) && (overwrite || isEmptyValue(dst)) && !config.AppendSlice { + if (!isEmptyValue(src) || overwriteWithEmptySrc) && (overwrite || isEmptyValue(dst)) && !config.AppendSlice { dstSlice = srcSlice } else if config.AppendSlice { if srcSlice.Type() != dstSlice.Type() { @@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ func deepMerge(dst, src reflect.Value, visited map[uintptr]*visit, depth int, co dst.SetMapIndex(key, dstSlice) } } - if dstElement.IsValid() && reflect.TypeOf(srcElement.Interface()).Kind() == reflect.Map { + if dstElement.IsValid() && !isEmptyValue(dstElement) && (reflect.TypeOf(srcElement.Interface()).Kind() == reflect.Map || reflect.TypeOf(srcElement.Interface()).Kind() == reflect.Slice) { continue } @@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ func deepMerge(dst, src reflect.Value, visited map[uintptr]*visit, depth int, co if !dst.CanSet() { break } - if !isEmptyValue(src) && (overwrite || isEmptyValue(dst)) && !config.AppendSlice { + if (!isEmptyValue(src) || overwriteWithEmptySrc) && (overwrite || isEmptyValue(dst)) && !config.AppendSlice { dst.Set(src) } else if config.AppendSlice { if src.Type() != dst.Type() { @@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ func deepMerge(dst, src reflect.Value, visited map[uintptr]*visit, depth int, co return } default: - if dst.CanSet() && !isEmptyValue(src) && (overwrite || isEmptyValue(dst)) { + if dst.CanSet() && (!isEmptyValue(src) || overwriteWithEmptySrc) && (overwrite || isEmptyValue(dst)) { dst.Set(src) } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/.editorconfig b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.editorconfig similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/.editorconfig rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.editorconfig diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/.gitattributes b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.gitattributes similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/.gitattributes rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.gitattributes diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.gitignore similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/.gitignore rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.gitignore diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.travis.yml similarity index 96% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/.travis.yml rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.travis.yml index 30346d7fa6b..3897356dd2f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/.travis.yml @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ language: go go: - 1.11.x + - 1.12.x - tip env: - GO111MODULE=on diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/LICENSE similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/LICENSE rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/LICENSE diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/Makefile rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/Makefile diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/README.md b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/README.md similarity index 84% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/README.md rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/README.md index 49e4d3b101f..1db5e35638b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/README.md @@ -4,12 +4,26 @@ [![GoDoc](http://img.shields.io/badge/go-documentation-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](http://godoc.org/github.com/labstack/echo) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/labstack/echo?style=flat-square)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/labstack/echo) [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/labstack/echo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/labstack/echo) -[![Codecov](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/labstack/echo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://codecov.io/gh/labstack/echo) +[![Codecov](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/labstack/echo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://codecov.io/gh/labstack/echo) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/labstack/echo](https://img.shields.io/badge/gitter-join%20chat-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](https://gitter.im/labstack/echo) [![Forum](https://img.shields.io/badge/community-forum-00afd1.svg?style=flat-square)](https://forum.labstack.com) [![Twitter](https://img.shields.io/badge/twitter-@labstack-55acee.svg?style=flat-square)](https://twitter.com/labstack) [![License](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-mit-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/labstack/echo/master/LICENSE) +## Supported Go versions + +As of version 4.0.0, Echo is available as a [Go module](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules). +Therefore a Go version capable of understanding /vN suffixed imports is required: + +- 1.9.7+ +- 1.10.3+ +- 1.11+ + +Any of these versions will allow you to import Echo as `github.com/labstack/echo/v4` which is the recommended +way of using Echo going forward. + +For older versions, please use the latest v3 tag. + ## Feature Overview - Optimized HTTP router which smartly prioritize routes @@ -44,8 +58,8 @@ package main import ( "net/http" - "github.com/labstack/echo" - "github.com/labstack/echo/middleware" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware" ) func main() { @@ -90,6 +104,7 @@ func hello(c echo.Context) error { - Improve/fix documentation ## Credits + - [Vishal Rana](https://github.com/vishr) - Author - [Nitin Rana](https://github.com/nr17) - Consultant - [Contributors](https://github.com/labstack/echo/graphs/contributors) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/bind.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/bind.go similarity index 96% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/bind.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/bind.go index 4998e25b4b2..cb65ed2db25 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/bind.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/bind.go @@ -47,10 +47,8 @@ func (b *DefaultBinder) Bind(i interface{}, c Context) (err error) { return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Unmarshal type error: expected=%v, got=%v, field=%v, offset=%v", ute.Type, ute.Value, ute.Field, ute.Offset)).SetInternal(err) } else if se, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok { return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Syntax error: offset=%v, error=%v", se.Offset, se.Error())).SetInternal(err) - } else { - return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()).SetInternal(err) } - return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()) + return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()).SetInternal(err) } case strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMEApplicationXML), strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMETextXML): if err = xml.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(i); err != nil { @@ -58,10 +56,8 @@ func (b *DefaultBinder) Bind(i interface{}, c Context) (err error) { return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported type error: type=%v, error=%v", ute.Type, ute.Error())).SetInternal(err) } else if se, ok := err.(*xml.SyntaxError); ok { return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Syntax error: line=%v, error=%v", se.Line, se.Error())).SetInternal(err) - } else { - return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()).SetInternal(err) } - return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()) + return NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error()).SetInternal(err) } case strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMEApplicationForm), strings.HasPrefix(ctype, MIMEMultipartForm): params, err := c.FormParams() diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/context.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/context.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context.go index d4722700fba..98cf50bc00f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/context.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/context.go @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import ( "os" "path/filepath" "strings" + "sync" ) type ( @@ -198,6 +199,7 @@ type ( handler HandlerFunc store Map echo *Echo + lock sync.RWMutex } ) @@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ func (c *context) IsTLS() bool { func (c *context) IsWebSocket() bool { upgrade := c.request.Header.Get(HeaderUpgrade) - return upgrade == "websocket" || upgrade == "Websocket" + return strings.ToLower(upgrade) == "websocket" } func (c *context) Scheme() string { @@ -360,10 +362,15 @@ func (c *context) Cookies() []*http.Cookie { } func (c *context) Get(key string) interface{} { + c.lock.RLock() + defer c.lock.RUnlock() return c.store[key] } func (c *context) Set(key string, val interface{}) { + c.lock.Lock() + defer c.lock.Unlock() + if c.store == nil { c.store = make(Map) } @@ -597,4 +604,3 @@ func (c *context) Reset(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter) { // NOTE: Don't reset because it has to have length c.echo.maxParam at all times // c.pvalues = nil } - diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/echo.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo.go similarity index 85% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/echo.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo.go index 982865154be..39c30d2e72b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/echo.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/echo.go @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ Example: import ( "net/http" - "github.com/labstack/echo" - "github.com/labstack/echo/middleware" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware" ) // Handler @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import ( "errors" "fmt" "io" + "io/ioutil" stdLog "log" "net" "net/http" @@ -56,18 +57,21 @@ import ( "github.com/labstack/gommon/color" "github.com/labstack/gommon/log" + "golang.org/x/crypto/acme" "golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert" ) type ( // Echo is the top-level framework instance. Echo struct { + common StdLogger *stdLog.Logger colorer *color.Color premiddleware []MiddlewareFunc middleware []MiddlewareFunc maxParam *int router *Router + routers map[string]*Router notFoundHandler HandlerFunc pool sync.Pool Server *http.Server @@ -122,10 +126,8 @@ type ( // Map defines a generic map of type `map[string]interface{}`. Map map[string]interface{} - // i is the interface for Echo and Group. - i interface { - GET(string, HandlerFunc, ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route - } + // Common struct for Echo & Group. + common struct{} ) // HTTP methods @@ -211,17 +213,18 @@ const ( HeaderAccessControlMaxAge = "Access-Control-Max-Age" // Security - HeaderStrictTransportSecurity = "Strict-Transport-Security" - HeaderXContentTypeOptions = "X-Content-Type-Options" - HeaderXXSSProtection = "X-XSS-Protection" - HeaderXFrameOptions = "X-Frame-Options" - HeaderContentSecurityPolicy = "Content-Security-Policy" - HeaderXCSRFToken = "X-CSRF-Token" + HeaderStrictTransportSecurity = "Strict-Transport-Security" + HeaderXContentTypeOptions = "X-Content-Type-Options" + HeaderXXSSProtection = "X-XSS-Protection" + HeaderXFrameOptions = "X-Frame-Options" + HeaderContentSecurityPolicy = "Content-Security-Policy" + HeaderContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly = "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only" + HeaderXCSRFToken = "X-CSRF-Token" ) const ( // Version of Echo - Version = "3.3.10-dev" + Version = "4.1.5" website = "https://echo.labstack.com" // http://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Small%20Slant&t=Echo banner = ` @@ -269,6 +272,7 @@ var ( ErrRendererNotRegistered = errors.New("renderer not registered") ErrInvalidRedirectCode = errors.New("invalid redirect status code") ErrCookieNotFound = errors.New("cookie not found") + ErrInvalidCertOrKeyType = errors.New("invalid cert or key type, must be string or []byte") ) // Error handlers @@ -304,6 +308,7 @@ func New() (e *Echo) { return e.NewContext(nil, nil) } e.router = NewRouter(e) + e.routers = map[string]*Router{} return } @@ -319,11 +324,16 @@ func (e *Echo) NewContext(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter) Context { } } -// Router returns router. +// Router returns the default router. func (e *Echo) Router() *Router { return e.router } +// Routers returns the map of host => router. +func (e *Echo) Routers() map[string]*Router { + return e.routers +} + // DefaultHTTPErrorHandler is the default HTTP error handler. It sends a JSON response // with status code. func (e *Echo) DefaultHTTPErrorHandler(err error, c Context) { @@ -450,10 +460,10 @@ func (e *Echo) Static(prefix, root string) *Route { if root == "" { root = "." // For security we want to restrict to CWD. } - return static(e, prefix, root) + return e.static(prefix, root, e.GET) } -func static(i i, prefix, root string) *Route { +func (common) static(prefix, root string, get func(string, HandlerFunc, ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route) *Route { h := func(c Context) error { p, err := url.PathUnescape(c.Param("*")) if err != nil { @@ -462,26 +472,28 @@ func static(i i, prefix, root string) *Route { name := filepath.Join(root, path.Clean("/"+p)) // "/"+ for security return c.File(name) } - i.GET(prefix, h) if prefix == "/" { - return i.GET(prefix+"*", h) + return get(prefix+"*", h) } - - return i.GET(prefix+"/*", h) + return get(prefix+"/*", h) } -// File registers a new route with path to serve a static file with optional route-level middleware. -func (e *Echo) File(path, file string, m ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route { - return e.GET(path, func(c Context) error { +func (common) file(path, file string, get func(string, HandlerFunc, ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route, + m ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route { + return get(path, func(c Context) error { return c.File(file) }, m...) } -// Add registers a new route for an HTTP method and path with matching handler -// in the router with optional route-level middleware. -func (e *Echo) Add(method, path string, handler HandlerFunc, middleware ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route { +// File registers a new route with path to serve a static file with optional route-level middleware. +func (e *Echo) File(path, file string, m ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route { + return e.file(path, file, e.GET, m...) +} + +func (e *Echo) add(host, method, path string, handler HandlerFunc, middleware ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route { name := handlerName(handler) - e.router.Add(method, path, func(c Context) error { + router := e.findRouter(host) + router.Add(method, path, func(c Context) error { h := handler // Chain middleware for i := len(middleware) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { @@ -498,6 +510,20 @@ func (e *Echo) Add(method, path string, handler HandlerFunc, middleware ...Middl return r } +// Add registers a new route for an HTTP method and path with matching handler +// in the router with optional route-level middleware. +func (e *Echo) Add(method, path string, handler HandlerFunc, middleware ...MiddlewareFunc) *Route { + return e.add("", method, path, handler, middleware...) +} + +// Host creates a new router group for the provided host and optional host-level middleware. +func (e *Echo) Host(name string, m ...MiddlewareFunc) (g *Group) { + e.routers[name] = NewRouter(e) + g = &Group{host: name, echo: e} + g.Use(m...) + return +} + // Group creates a new router group with prefix and optional group-level middleware. func (e *Echo) Group(prefix string, m ...MiddlewareFunc) (g *Group) { g = &Group{prefix: prefix, echo: e} @@ -570,23 +596,17 @@ func (e *Echo) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { h := NotFoundHandler if e.premiddleware == nil { - e.router.Find(r.Method, getPath(r), c) + e.findRouter(r.Host).Find(r.Method, getPath(r), c) h = c.Handler() - for i := len(e.middleware) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - h = e.middleware[i](h) - } + h = applyMiddleware(h, e.middleware...) } else { h = func(c Context) error { - e.router.Find(r.Method, getPath(r), c) + e.findRouter(r.Host).Find(r.Method, getPath(r), c) h := c.Handler() - for i := len(e.middleware) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - h = e.middleware[i](h) - } + h = applyMiddleware(h, e.middleware...) return h(c) } - for i := len(e.premiddleware) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - h = e.premiddleware[i](h) - } + h = applyMiddleware(h, e.premiddleware...) } // Execute chain @@ -605,25 +625,46 @@ func (e *Echo) Start(address string) error { } // StartTLS starts an HTTPS server. -func (e *Echo) StartTLS(address string, certFile, keyFile string) (err error) { - if certFile == "" || keyFile == "" { - return errors.New("invalid tls configuration") +// If `certFile` or `keyFile` is `string` the values are treated as file paths. +// If `certFile` or `keyFile` is `[]byte` the values are treated as the certificate or key as-is. +func (e *Echo) StartTLS(address string, certFile, keyFile interface{}) (err error) { + var cert []byte + if cert, err = filepathOrContent(certFile); err != nil { + return } + + var key []byte + if key, err = filepathOrContent(keyFile); err != nil { + return + } + s := e.TLSServer s.TLSConfig = new(tls.Config) s.TLSConfig.Certificates = make([]tls.Certificate, 1) - s.TLSConfig.Certificates[0], err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certFile, keyFile) - if err != nil { + if s.TLSConfig.Certificates[0], err = tls.X509KeyPair(cert, key); err != nil { return } + return e.startTLS(address) } +func filepathOrContent(fileOrContent interface{}) (content []byte, err error) { + switch v := fileOrContent.(type) { + case string: + return ioutil.ReadFile(v) + case []byte: + return v, nil + default: + return nil, ErrInvalidCertOrKeyType + } +} + // StartAutoTLS starts an HTTPS server using certificates automatically installed from https://letsencrypt.org. func (e *Echo) StartAutoTLS(address string) error { s := e.TLSServer s.TLSConfig = new(tls.Config) s.TLSConfig.GetCertificate = e.AutoTLSManager.GetCertificate + s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, acme.ALPNProto) return e.startTLS(address) } @@ -742,6 +783,15 @@ func getPath(r *http.Request) string { return path } +func (e *Echo) findRouter(host string) *Router { + if len(e.routers) > 0 { + if r, ok := e.routers[host]; ok { + return r + } + } + return e.router +} + func handlerName(h HandlerFunc) string { t := reflect.ValueOf(h).Type() if t.Kind() == reflect.Func { @@ -764,13 +814,14 @@ type tcpKeepAliveListener struct { } func (ln tcpKeepAliveListener) Accept() (c net.Conn, err error) { - tc, err := ln.AcceptTCP() - if err != nil { + if c, err = ln.AcceptTCP(); err != nil { + return + } else if err = c.(*net.TCPConn).SetKeepAlive(true); err != nil { + return + } else if err = c.(*net.TCPConn).SetKeepAlivePeriod(3 * time.Minute); err != nil { return } - tc.SetKeepAlive(true) - tc.SetKeepAlivePeriod(3 * time.Minute) - return tc, nil + return } func newListener(address string) (*tcpKeepAliveListener, error) { @@ -780,3 +831,10 @@ func newListener(address string) (*tcpKeepAliveListener, error) { } return &tcpKeepAliveListener{l.(*net.TCPListener)}, nil } + +func applyMiddleware(h HandlerFunc, middleware ...MiddlewareFunc) HandlerFunc { + for i := len(middleware) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + h = middleware[i](h) + } + return h +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/go.mod new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9a2e53154d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/go.mod @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 + +go 1.12 + +require ( + github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible + github.com/labstack/gommon v0.2.8 + github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.1 // indirect + github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.7 // indirect + github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0 + github.com/valyala/fasttemplate v1.0.1 + golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190426145343-a29dc8fdc734 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/go.sum new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4a46384c0dc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/go.sum @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0 h1:ZDRjVQ15GmhC3fiQ8ni8+OwkZQO4DARzQgrnXU1Liz8= +github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= +github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible h1:7qlOGliEKZXTDg6OTjfoBKDXWrumCAMpl/TFQ4/5kLM= +github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:E3ru+11k8xSBh+hMPgOLZmtrrCbhqsmaPHjLKYnJCaQ= +github.com/labstack/gommon v0.2.8 h1:JvRqmeZcfrHC5u6uVleB4NxxNbzx6gpbJiQknDbKQu0= +github.com/labstack/gommon v0.2.8/go.mod h1:/tj9csK2iPSBvn+3NLM9e52usepMtrd5ilFYA+wQNJ4= +github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.1 h1:G1f5SKeVxmagw/IyvzvtZE4Gybcc4Tr1tf7I8z0XgOg= +github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.1/go.mod h1:FuOcm+DKB9mbwrcAfNl7/TZVBZ6rcnceauSikq3lYCQ= +github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.5/go.mod h1:Iq45c/XA43vh69/j3iqttzPXn0bhXyGjM0Hdxcsrc5s= +github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.7 h1:UvyT9uN+3r7yLEYSlJsbQGdsaB/a0DlgWP3pql6iwOc= +github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.7/go.mod h1:Iq45c/XA43vh69/j3iqttzPXn0bhXyGjM0Hdxcsrc5s= +github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM= +github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= +github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0 h1:TivCn/peBQ7UY8ooIcPgZFpTNSz0Q2U6UrFlUfqbe0Q= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI= +github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool v1.0.0 h1:GqA5TC/0021Y/b9FG4Oi9Mr3q7XYx6KllzawFIhcdPw= +github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool v1.0.0/go.mod h1:6bBcMArwyJ5K/AmCkWv1jt77kVWyCJ6HpOuEn7z0Csc= +github.com/valyala/fasttemplate v1.0.1 h1:tY9CJiPnMXf1ERmG2EyK7gNUd+c6RKGD0IfU8WdUSz8= +github.com/valyala/fasttemplate v1.0.1/go.mod h1:UQGH1tvbgY+Nz5t2n7tXsz52dQxojPUpymEIMZ47gx8= +golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w= +golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190426145343-a29dc8fdc734 h1:p/H982KKEjUnLJkM3tt/LemDnOc1GiZL5FCVlORJ5zo= +golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190426145343-a29dc8fdc734/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8UmvKecakEJjdnWj3jj499lnFckfCI= +golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190404232315-eb5bcb51f2a3 h1:0GoQqolDA55aaLxZyTzK/Y2ePZzZTUrRacwib7cNsYQ= +golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190404232315-eb5bcb51f2a3/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190222072716-a9d3bda3a223/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d h1:+R4KGOnez64A81RvjARKc4UT5/tI9ujCIVX+P5KiHuI= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs= +golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 h1:g61tztE5qeGQ89tm6NTjjM9VPIm088od1l6aSorWRWg= +golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/group.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group.go similarity index 92% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/group.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group.go index 3e3732b6713..5d958253579 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/group.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/group.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package echo import ( "net/http" - "path" ) type ( @@ -10,6 +9,8 @@ type ( // routes that share a common middleware or functionality that should be separate // from the parent echo instance while still inheriting from it. Group struct { + common + host string prefix string middleware []MiddlewareFunc echo *Echo @@ -19,13 +20,13 @@ type ( // Use implements `Echo#Use()` for sub-routes within the Group. func (g *Group) Use(middleware ...MiddlewareFunc) { g.middleware = append(g.middleware, middleware...) + if len(g.middleware) == 0 { + return + } // Allow all requests to reach the group as they might get dropped if router // doesn't find a match, making none of the group middleware process. - for _, p := range []string{"", "/*"} { - g.echo.Any(path.Clean(g.prefix+p), func(c Context) error { - return NotFoundHandler(c) - }, g.middleware...) - } + g.Any("", NotFoundHandler) + g.Any("/*", NotFoundHandler) } // CONNECT implements `Echo#CONNECT()` for sub-routes within the Group. @@ -92,21 +93,23 @@ func (g *Group) Match(methods []string, path string, handler HandlerFunc, middle } // Group creates a new sub-group with prefix and optional sub-group-level middleware. -func (g *Group) Group(prefix string, middleware ...MiddlewareFunc) *Group { +func (g *Group) Group(prefix string, middleware ...MiddlewareFunc) (sg *Group) { m := make([]MiddlewareFunc, 0, len(g.middleware)+len(middleware)) m = append(m, g.middleware...) m = append(m, middleware...) - return g.echo.Group(g.prefix+prefix, m...) + sg = g.echo.Group(g.prefix+prefix, m...) + sg.host = g.host + return } // Static implements `Echo#Static()` for sub-routes within the Group. func (g *Group) Static(prefix, root string) { - static(g, prefix, root) + g.static(prefix, root, g.GET) } // File implements `Echo#File()` for sub-routes within the Group. func (g *Group) File(path, file string) { - g.echo.File(g.prefix+path, file) + g.file(g.prefix+path, file, g.GET) } // Add implements `Echo#Add()` for sub-routes within the Group. @@ -117,5 +120,5 @@ func (g *Group) Add(method, path string, handler HandlerFunc, middleware ...Midd m := make([]MiddlewareFunc, 0, len(g.middleware)+len(middleware)) m = append(m, g.middleware...) m = append(m, middleware...) - return g.echo.Add(method, g.prefix+path, handler, m...) + return g.echo.add(g.host, method, g.prefix+path, handler, m...) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/log.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/log.go similarity index 100% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/log.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/log.go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/basic_auth.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/basic_auth.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/basic_auth.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/basic_auth.go index e6c9632458f..76ba2420698 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/basic_auth.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/basic_auth.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "strconv" "strings" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/body_dump.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/body_dump.go similarity index 94% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/body_dump.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/body_dump.go index e64e5e11263..418d279d97e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/body_dump.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/body_dump.go @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import ( "net" "net/http" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( @@ -105,7 +105,3 @@ func (w *bodyDumpResponseWriter) Flush() { func (w *bodyDumpResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) { return w.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker).Hijack() } - -func (w *bodyDumpResponseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool { - return w.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/body_limit.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/body_limit.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/body_limit.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/body_limit.go index c83f57e1f10..b436bd59562 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/body_limit.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/body_limit.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "io" "sync" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "github.com/labstack/gommon/bytes" ) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/compress.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/compress.go similarity index 94% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/compress.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/compress.go index b876009cb3e..89da16efee6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/compress.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/compress.go @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import ( "net/http" "strings" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( @@ -111,12 +111,11 @@ func (w *gzipResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { func (w *gzipResponseWriter) Flush() { w.Writer.(*gzip.Writer).Flush() + if flusher, ok := w.ResponseWriter.(http.Flusher); ok { + flusher.Flush() + } } func (w *gzipResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) { return w.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker).Hijack() } - -func (w *gzipResponseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool { - return w.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/cors.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/cors.go similarity index 97% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/cors.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/cors.go index d8b633ff46d..5dfe31f95fe 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/cors.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/cors.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "strconv" "strings" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( @@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ func CORSWithConfig(config CORSConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc { allowOrigin = o break } + if matchSubdomain(origin, o) { + allowOrigin = origin + break + } } // Simple request diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/csrf.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/csrf.go similarity index 99% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/csrf.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/csrf.go index 477872ea41f..09a66bb64f6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/csrf.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/csrf.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "strings" "time" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "github.com/labstack/gommon/random" ) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/jwt.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/jwt.go similarity index 99% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/jwt.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/jwt.go index 051c589cdf7..861d3142ed8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/jwt.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/jwt.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "strings" "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/key_auth.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/key_auth.go similarity index 99% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/key_auth.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/key_auth.go index c12f4ca9d7b..fe01e23e08e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/key_auth.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/key_auth.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "net/http" "strings" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/logger.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/logger.go similarity index 96% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/logger.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/logger.go index dab3ef7bff1..6fd59efbc5f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/logger.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/logger.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package middleware import ( "bytes" + "encoding/json" "io" "os" "strconv" @@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ import ( "sync" "time" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "github.com/labstack/gommon/color" "github.com/valyala/fasttemplate" ) @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ type ( // Skipper defines a function to skip middleware. Skipper Skipper - // Tags to constructed the logger format. + // Tags to construct the logger format. // // - time_unix // - time_unix_nano @@ -175,7 +176,10 @@ func LoggerWithConfig(config LoggerConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc { return buf.WriteString(s) case "error": if err != nil { - return buf.WriteString(err.Error()) + // Error may contain invalid JSON e.g. `"` + b, _ := json.Marshal(err.Error()) + b = b[1 : len(b)-1] + return buf.Write(b) } case "latency": l := stop.Sub(start) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/method_override.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/method_override.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/method_override.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/method_override.go index 0a6103bb546..92b14d2ed88 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/method_override.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/method_override.go @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package middleware import ( "net/http" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/middleware.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/middleware.go similarity index 96% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/middleware.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/middleware.go index febbdae9532..d0b7153cbf1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/middleware.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/middleware.go @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import ( "strconv" "strings" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/proxy.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/proxy.go similarity index 97% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/proxy.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/proxy.go index 1789c756a4d..532346d56e1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/proxy.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/proxy.go @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import ( "sync/atomic" "time" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) // TODO: Handle TLS proxy @@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ type ( // "/users/*/orders/*": "/user/$1/order/$2", Rewrite map[string]string - // Context key to store selected ProxyTarget into context. + // Context key to store selected ProxyTarget into context. // Optional. Default value "target". ContextKey string - // To customize the transport to remote. + // To customize the transport to remote. // Examples: If custom TLS certificates are required. Transport http.RoundTripper @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ func Proxy(balancer ProxyBalancer) echo.MiddlewareFunc { func ProxyWithConfig(config ProxyConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc { // Defaults if config.Skipper == nil { - config.Skipper = DefaultLoggerConfig.Skipper + config.Skipper = DefaultProxyConfig.Skipper } if config.Balancer == nil { panic("echo: proxy middleware requires balancer") diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/proxy_1_11.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/proxy_1_11.go similarity index 95% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/proxy_1_11.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/proxy_1_11.go index 193015af15a..7784f9c69e6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/proxy_1_11.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/proxy_1_11.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import ( "net/http" "net/http/httputil" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) func proxyHTTP(tgt *ProxyTarget, c echo.Context, config ProxyConfig) http.Handler { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/proxy_1_11_n.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/proxy_1_11_n.go similarity index 87% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/proxy_1_11_n.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/proxy_1_11_n.go index d4620e26cf9..9a78929fef5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/proxy_1_11_n.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/proxy_1_11_n.go @@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ package middleware import ( - "github.com/labstack/echo" "net/http" "net/http/httputil" + + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) func proxyHTTP(t *ProxyTarget, c echo.Context, config ProxyConfig) http.Handler { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/recover.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/recover.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/recover.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/recover.go index 2a42c5b189d..e87aaf32122 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/recover.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/recover.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "runtime" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/redirect.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/redirect.go similarity index 95% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/redirect.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/redirect.go index 422263dec32..813e5b85605 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/redirect.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/redirect.go @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package middleware import ( "net/http" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) // RedirectConfig defines the config for Redirect middleware. @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ type RedirectConfig struct { // 2) return the appropriate redirect url. type redirectLogic func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) -const www = "www" +const www = "www." // DefaultRedirectConfig is the default Redirect middleware config. var DefaultRedirectConfig = RedirectConfig{ @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func HTTPSWWWRedirect() echo.MiddlewareFunc { // See `HTTPSWWWRedirect()`. func HTTPSWWWRedirectWithConfig(config RedirectConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc { return redirect(config, func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) { - if ok = scheme != "https" && host[:3] != www; ok { + if ok = scheme != "https" && host[:4] != www; ok { url = "https://www." + host + uri } return @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ func HTTPSNonWWWRedirect() echo.MiddlewareFunc { func HTTPSNonWWWRedirectWithConfig(config RedirectConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc { return redirect(config, func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) { if ok = scheme != "https"; ok { - if host[:3] == www { + if host[:4] == www { host = host[4:] } url = "https://" + host + uri @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ func WWWRedirect() echo.MiddlewareFunc { // See `WWWRedirect()`. func WWWRedirectWithConfig(config RedirectConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc { return redirect(config, func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) { - if ok = host[:3] != www; ok { + if ok = host[:4] != www; ok { url = scheme + "://www." + host + uri } return @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func NonWWWRedirect() echo.MiddlewareFunc { // See `NonWWWRedirect()`. func NonWWWRedirectWithConfig(config RedirectConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc { return redirect(config, func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) { - if ok = host[:3] == www; ok { + if ok = host[:4] == www; ok { url = scheme + "://" + host[4:] + uri } return diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/request_id.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/request_id.go similarity index 97% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/request_id.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/request_id.go index f376c296d83..21f801f3b9a 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/request_id.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/request_id.go @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ package middleware import ( - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "github.com/labstack/gommon/random" ) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/rewrite.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/rewrite.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/rewrite.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/rewrite.go index 1b322126dfb..a64e10bb33e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/rewrite.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/rewrite.go @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import ( "regexp" "strings" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/secure.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/secure.go similarity index 78% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/secure.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/secure.go index 188c0c4063e..77a1487fe8d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/secure.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/secure.go @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package middleware import ( "fmt" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( @@ -53,6 +53,19 @@ type ( // trusted web page context. // Optional. Default value "". ContentSecurityPolicy string `yaml:"content_security_policy"` + + // CSPReportOnly would use the `Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only` header instead + // of the `Content-Security-Policy` header. This allows iterative updates of the + // content security policy by only reporting the violations that would + // have occurred instead of blocking the resource. + // Optional. Default value false. + CSPReportOnly bool `yaml:"csp_report_only"` + + // HSTSPreloadEnabled will add the preload tag in the `Strict Transport Security` + // header, which enables the domain to be included in the HSTS preload list + // maintained by Chrome (and used by Firefox and Safari): https://hstspreload.org/ + // Optional. Default value false. + HSTSPreloadEnabled bool `yaml:"hsts_preload_enabled"` } ) @@ -63,6 +76,7 @@ var ( XSSProtection: "1; mode=block", ContentTypeNosniff: "nosniff", XFrameOptions: "SAMEORIGIN", + HSTSPreloadEnabled: false, } ) @@ -105,10 +119,17 @@ func SecureWithConfig(config SecureConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc { if !config.HSTSExcludeSubdomains { subdomains = "; includeSubdomains" } + if config.HSTSPreloadEnabled { + subdomains = fmt.Sprintf("%s; preload", subdomains) + } res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderStrictTransportSecurity, fmt.Sprintf("max-age=%d%s", config.HSTSMaxAge, subdomains)) } if config.ContentSecurityPolicy != "" { - res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderContentSecurityPolicy, config.ContentSecurityPolicy) + if config.CSPReportOnly { + res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly, config.ContentSecurityPolicy) + } else { + res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderContentSecurityPolicy, config.ContentSecurityPolicy) + } } return next(c) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/slash.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/slash.go similarity index 95% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/slash.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/slash.go index 9af56cafece..0492b334b58 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/slash.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/slash.go @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ package middleware import ( - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "strings" + + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" ) type ( @@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ func AddTrailingSlashWithConfig(config TrailingSlashConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc url := req.URL path := url.Path qs := c.QueryString() - if path != "/" && path[len(path)-1] != '/' { + if !strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") { path += "/" uri := path if qs != "" { @@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ func RemoveTrailingSlashWithConfig(config TrailingSlashConfig) echo.MiddlewareFu path := url.Path qs := c.QueryString() l := len(path) - 1 - if l >= 0 && path != "/" && path[l] == '/' { + if l > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") { path = path[:l] uri := path if qs != "" { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/static.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/static.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/static.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/static.go index 55485f34d93..bc2087a7768 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/middleware/static.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/static.go @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import ( "path/filepath" "strings" - "github.com/labstack/echo" + "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "github.com/labstack/gommon/bytes" ) @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ const html = ` transition: opacity 0.25s; } li span { - color: #707070; + color: #707070; font-size: 12px; } li a:hover { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/util.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/util.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ab951a0e961 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware/util.go @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +package middleware + +import ( + "strings" +) + +func matchScheme(domain, pattern string) bool { + didx := strings.Index(domain, ":") + pidx := strings.Index(pattern, ":") + return didx != -1 && pidx != -1 && domain[:didx] == pattern[:pidx] +} + +// matchSubdomain compares authority with wildcard +func matchSubdomain(domain, pattern string) bool { + if !matchScheme(domain, pattern) { + return false + } + didx := strings.Index(domain, "://") + pidx := strings.Index(pattern, "://") + if didx == -1 || pidx == -1 { + return false + } + domAuth := domain[didx+3:] + // to avoid long loop by invalid long domain + if len(domAuth) > 253 { + return false + } + patAuth := pattern[pidx+3:] + + domComp := strings.Split(domAuth, ".") + patComp := strings.Split(patAuth, ".") + for i := len(domComp)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + opp := len(domComp) - 1 - i + domComp[i], domComp[opp] = domComp[opp], domComp[i] + } + for i := len(patComp)/2 - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + opp := len(patComp) - 1 - i + patComp[i], patComp[opp] = patComp[opp], patComp[i] + } + + for i, v := range domComp { + if len(patComp) <= i { + return false + } + p := patComp[i] + if p == "*" { + return true + } + if p != v { + return false + } + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/response.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/response.go similarity index 87% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/response.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/response.go index 6244783b0b0..eb2d988df99 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/response.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/response.go @@ -91,15 +91,6 @@ func (r *Response) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) { return r.Writer.(http.Hijacker).Hijack() } -// CloseNotify implements the http.CloseNotifier interface to allow detecting -// when the underlying connection has gone away. -// This mechanism can be used to cancel long operations on the server if the -// client has disconnected before the response is ready. -// See [http.CloseNotifier](https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/#CloseNotifier) -func (r *Response) CloseNotify() <-chan bool { - return r.Writer.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify() -} - func (r *Response) reset(w http.ResponseWriter) { r.beforeFuncs = nil r.afterFuncs = nil diff --git a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/router.go b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/router.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/router.go rename to vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/router.go index 73f0b68b960..85e316a798d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/router.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/v4/router.go @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func NewRouter(e *Echo) *Router { func (r *Router) Add(method, path string, h HandlerFunc) { // Validate path if path == "" { - panic("echo: path cannot be empty") + path = "/" } if path[0] != '/' { path = "/" + path @@ -79,14 +79,13 @@ func (r *Router) Add(method, path string, h HandlerFunc) { if i == l { r.insert(method, path[:i], h, pkind, ppath, pnames) - return + } else { + r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, pkind, "", nil) } - r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, pkind, "", nil) } else if path[i] == '*' { r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, skind, "", nil) pnames = append(pnames, "*") r.insert(method, path[:i+1], h, akind, ppath, pnames) - return } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer/lexer.go b/vendor/github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer/lexer.go index 51f056615c3..ef640751e12 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer/lexer.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer/lexer.go @@ -521,11 +521,12 @@ func (r *Lexer) SkipRecursive() { r.scanToken() var start, end byte - if r.token.delimValue == '{' { + switch r.token.delimValue { + case '{': start, end = '{', '}' - } else if r.token.delimValue == '[' { + case '[': start, end = '[', ']' - } else { + default: r.consume() return } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.dockerignore b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.dockerignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7b5883475df --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.dockerignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +cmd/tomll/tomll +cmd/tomljson/tomljson diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.gitignore index 99e38bbc53f..e6ba63a5c5c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.gitignore +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.gitignore @@ -1,2 +1,5 @@ test_program/test_program_bin fuzz/ +cmd/tomll/tomll +cmd/tomljson/tomljson +cmd/tomltestgen/tomltestgen diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.travis.yml index c9fbf304bf3..abb03e997b9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/.travis.yml @@ -1,23 +1,22 @@ sudo: false language: go go: - - 1.8.x - - 1.9.x - - 1.10.x + - 1.11.x + - 1.12.x - tip matrix: allow_failures: - go: tip fast_finish: true +env: + - GO111MODULE=on script: - if [ -n "$(go fmt ./...)" ]; then exit 1; fi - - ./test.sh + - go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic + - go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd/tomljson + - go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd/tomll + - go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml/query - ./benchmark.sh $TRAVIS_BRANCH https://github.com/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG.git -before_install: - - go get github.com/axw/gocov/gocov - - go get github.com/mattn/goveralls - - if ! go get code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/cover; then go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/cover; fi -branches: - only: [master] + after_success: - - $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -service=travis-ci -coverprofile=coverage.out -repotoken $COVERALLS_TOKEN + - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/CONTRIBUTING.md b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..405c911c903 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +## Contributing + +Thank you for your interest in go-toml! We appreciate you considering +contributing to go-toml! + +The main goal is the project is to provide an easy-to-use TOML +implementation for Go that gets the job done and gets out of your way – +dealing with TOML is probably not the central piece of your project. + +As the single maintainer of go-toml, time is scarce. All help, big or +small, is more than welcomed! + +### Ask questions + +Any question you may have, somebody else might have it too. Always feel +free to ask them on the [issues tracker][issues-tracker]. We will try to +answer them as clearly and quickly as possible, time permitting. + +Asking questions also helps us identify areas where the documentation needs +improvement, or new features that weren't envisioned before. Sometimes, a +seemingly innocent question leads to the fix of a bug. Don't hesitate and +ask away! + +### Improve the documentation + +The best way to share your knowledge and experience with go-toml is to +improve the documentation. Fix a typo, clarify an interface, add an +example, anything goes! + +The documentation is present in the [README][readme] and thorough the +source code. On release, it gets updated on [GoDoc][godoc]. To make a +change to the documentation, create a pull request with your proposed +changes. For simple changes like that, the easiest way to go is probably +the "Fork this project and edit the file" button on Github, displayed at +the top right of the file. Unless it's a trivial change (for example a +typo), provide a little bit of context in your pull request description or +commit message. + +### Report a bug + +Found a bug! Sorry to hear that :(. Help us and other track them down and +fix by reporting it. [File a new bug report][bug-report] on the [issues +tracker][issues-tracker]. The template should provide enough guidance on +what to include. When in doubt: add more details! By reducing ambiguity and +providing more information, it decreases back and forth and saves everyone +time. + +### Code changes + +Want to contribute a patch? Very happy to hear that! + +First, some high-level rules: + +* A short proposal with some POC code is better than a lengthy piece of + text with no code. Code speaks louder than words. +* No backward-incompatible patch will be accepted unless discussed. + Sometimes it's hard, and Go's lack of versioning by default does not + help, but we try not to break people's programs unless we absolutely have + to. +* If you are writing a new feature or extending an existing one, make sure + to write some documentation. +* Bug fixes need to be accompanied with regression tests. +* New code needs to be tested. +* Your commit messages need to explain why the change is needed, even if + already included in the PR description. + +It does sound like a lot, but those best practices are here to save time +overall and continuously improve the quality of the project, which is +something everyone benefits from. + +#### Get started + +The fairly standard code contribution process looks like that: + +1. [Fork the project][fork]. +2. Make your changes, commit on any branch you like. +3. [Open up a pull request][pull-request] +4. Review, potential ask for changes. +5. Merge. You're in! + +Feel free to ask for help! You can create draft pull requests to gather +some early feedback! + +#### Run the tests + +You can run tests for go-toml using Go's test tool: `go test ./...`. +When creating a pull requests, all tests will be ran on Linux on a few Go +versions (Travis CI), and on Windows using the latest Go version +(AppVeyor). + +#### Style + +Try to look around and follow the same format and structure as the rest of +the code. We enforce using `go fmt` on the whole code base. + +--- + +### Maintainers-only + +#### Merge pull request + +Checklist: + +* Passing CI. +* Does not introduce backward-incompatible changes (unless discussed). +* Has relevant doc changes. +* Has relevant unit tests. + +1. Merge using "squash and merge". +2. Make sure to edit the commit message to keep all the useful information + nice and clean. +3. Make sure the commit title is clear and contains the PR number (#123). + +#### New release + +1. Go to [releases][releases]. Click on "X commits to master since this + release". +2. Make note of all the changes. Look for backward incompatible changes, + new features, and bug fixes. +3. Pick the new version using the above and semver. +4. Create a [new release][new-release]. +5. Follow the same format as [1.1.0][release-110]. + +[issues-tracker]: https://github.com/pelletier/go-toml/issues +[bug-report]: https://github.com/pelletier/go-toml/issues/new?template=bug_report.md +[godoc]: https://godoc.org/github.com/pelletier/go-toml +[readme]: ./README.md +[fork]: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo +[pull-request]: https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request +[releases]: https://github.com/pelletier/go-toml/releases +[new-release]: https://github.com/pelletier/go-toml/releases/new +[release-110]: https://github.com/pelletier/go-toml/releases/tag/v1.1.0 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/Dockerfile b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8f439d4791e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +FROM golang:1.12-alpine3.9 as builder +WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/pelletier/go-toml +COPY . . +ENV CGO_ENABLED=0 +ENV GOOS=linux +RUN go install ./... + +FROM scratch +COPY --from=builder /go/bin/tomll /usr/bin/tomll +COPY --from=builder /go/bin/tomljson /usr/bin/tomljson diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..041cdc4a2f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +**Issue:** add link to pelletier/go-toml issue here + +Explanation of what this pull request does. + +More detailed description of the decisions being made and the reasons why (if the patch is non-trivial). diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/README.md b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/README.md index 0d357acf35d..f0311b99c4b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/README.md @@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ This library supports TOML version [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/pelletier/go-toml?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/pelletier/go-toml) [![license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/pelletier/go-toml.svg)](https://github.com/pelletier/go-toml/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/pelletier/go-toml.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/pelletier/go-toml) -[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/pelletier/go-toml/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/pelletier/go-toml?branch=master) +[![Windows Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/4aepwwjori266hkt/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/pelletier/go-toml/branch/master) +[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/pelletier/go-toml/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/pelletier/go-toml) [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/pelletier/go-toml)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/pelletier/go-toml) +[![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fpelletier%2Fgo-toml.svg?type=shield)](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fpelletier%2Fgo-toml?ref=badge_shield) ## Features @@ -99,6 +101,23 @@ Go-toml provides two handy command line tools: tomljson --help ``` +### Docker image + +Those tools are also availble as a Docker image from +[dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/r/pelletier/go-toml). For example, to +use `tomljson`: + +``` +docker run -v $PWD:/workdir pelletier/go-toml tomljson /workdir/example.toml +``` + +Only master (`latest`) and tagged versions are published to dockerhub. You +can build your own image as usual: + +``` +docker build -t go-toml . +``` + ## Contribute Feel free to report bugs and patches using GitHub's pull requests system on @@ -107,12 +126,7 @@ much appreciated! ### Run tests -You have to make sure two kind of tests run: - -1. The Go unit tests -2. The TOML examples base - -You can run both of them using `./test.sh`. +`go test ./...` ### Fuzzing diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/appveyor.yml b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/appveyor.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..40e8a415964 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/appveyor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +version: "{build}" + +# Source Config +clone_folder: c:\gopath\src\github.com\pelletier\go-toml + +# Build host +environment: + GOPATH: c:\gopath + DEPTESTBYPASS501: 1 + GOVERSION: 1.12 + GO111MODULE: on + +init: + - git config --global core.autocrlf input + +# Build +install: + # Install the specific Go version. + - rmdir c:\go /s /q + - appveyor DownloadFile https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go%GOVERSION%.windows-amd64.msi + - msiexec /i go%GOVERSION%.windows-amd64.msi /q + - choco install bzr + - set Path=c:\go\bin;c:\gopath\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Bazaar\;C:\Program Files\Mercurial\%Path% + - go version + - go env + +build: false +deploy: false + +test_script: + - go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml + - go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd/tomljson + - go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd/tomll + - go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml/query diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/go.mod new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f4690e19d31 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/go.mod @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +module github.com/pelletier/go-toml + +go 1.12 + +require ( + github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1 + github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 + gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/go.sum new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8d91a47853b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/go.sum @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1 h1:WXkYYl6Yr3qBf1K79EBnL4mak0OimBfB0XUf9Vl28OQ= +github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU= +github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c= +github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= +gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= +gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw= +gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/keysparsing.go b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/keysparsing.go index 284db64678b..e923bc4f9b7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/keysparsing.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/keysparsing.go @@ -3,79 +3,107 @@ package toml import ( - "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "unicode" ) // Convert the bare key group string to an array. -// The input supports double quotation to allow "." inside the key name, +// The input supports double quotation and single quotation, // but escape sequences are not supported. Lexers must unescape them beforehand. func parseKey(key string) ([]string, error) { - groups := []string{} - var buffer bytes.Buffer - inQuotes := false - wasInQuotes := false - ignoreSpace := true - expectDot := false + runes := []rune(key) + var groups []string - for _, char := range key { - if ignoreSpace { - if char == ' ' { - continue - } - ignoreSpace = false + if len(key) == 0 { + return nil, errors.New("empty key") + } + + idx := 0 + for idx < len(runes) { + for ; idx < len(runes) && isSpace(runes[idx]); idx++ { + // skip leading whitespace } - switch char { - case '"': - if inQuotes { - groups = append(groups, buffer.String()) - buffer.Reset() - wasInQuotes = true - } - inQuotes = !inQuotes - expectDot = false - case '.': - if inQuotes { - buffer.WriteRune(char) - } else { - if !wasInQuotes { - if buffer.Len() == 0 { - return nil, errors.New("empty table key") + if idx >= len(runes) { + break + } + r := runes[idx] + if isValidBareChar(r) { + // parse bare key + startIdx := idx + endIdx := -1 + idx++ + for idx < len(runes) { + r = runes[idx] + if isValidBareChar(r) { + idx++ + } else if r == '.' { + endIdx = idx + break + } else if isSpace(r) { + endIdx = idx + for ; idx < len(runes) && isSpace(runes[idx]); idx++ { + // skip trailing whitespace } - groups = append(groups, buffer.String()) - buffer.Reset() + if idx < len(runes) && runes[idx] != '.' { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key character after whitespace: %c", runes[idx]) + } + break + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid bare key character: %c", r) } - ignoreSpace = true - expectDot = false - wasInQuotes = false } - case ' ': - if inQuotes { - buffer.WriteRune(char) - } else { - expectDot = true + if endIdx == -1 { + endIdx = idx } - default: - if !inQuotes && !isValidBareChar(char) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid bare character: %c", char) + groups = append(groups, string(runes[startIdx:endIdx])) + } else if r == '\'' { + // parse single quoted key + idx++ + startIdx := idx + for { + if idx >= len(runes) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unclosed single-quoted key") + } + r = runes[idx] + if r == '\'' { + groups = append(groups, string(runes[startIdx:idx])) + idx++ + break + } + idx++ } - if !inQuotes && expectDot { - return nil, errors.New("what?") + } else if r == '"' { + // parse double quoted key + idx++ + startIdx := idx + for { + if idx >= len(runes) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unclosed double-quoted key") + } + r = runes[idx] + if r == '"' { + groups = append(groups, string(runes[startIdx:idx])) + idx++ + break + } + idx++ } - buffer.WriteRune(char) - expectDot = false + } else if r == '.' { + idx++ + if idx >= len(runes) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected end of key") + } + r = runes[idx] + if !isValidBareChar(r) && r != '\'' && r != '"' && r != ' ' { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("expecting key part after dot") + } + } else { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key character: %c", r) } } - if inQuotes { - return nil, errors.New("mismatched quotes") - } - if buffer.Len() > 0 { - groups = append(groups, buffer.String()) - } if len(groups) == 0 { - return nil, errors.New("empty key") + return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty key") } return groups, nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/lexer.go b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/lexer.go index d11de428594..6254d390dc5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/lexer.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/lexer.go @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ func (l *tomlLexer) lexKey() tomlLexStateFn { if err != nil { return l.errorf(err.Error()) } - growingString += str + growingString += "\"" + str + "\"" l.next() continue } else if r == '\'' { @@ -318,13 +318,15 @@ func (l *tomlLexer) lexKey() tomlLexStateFn { if err != nil { return l.errorf(err.Error()) } - growingString += str + growingString += "'" + str + "'" l.next() continue } else if r == '\n' { return l.errorf("keys cannot contain new lines") } else if isSpace(r) { break + } else if r == '.' { + // skip } else if !isValidBareChar(r) { return l.errorf("keys cannot contain %c character", r) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal.go b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal.go index 671da5564c3..0e1c57e80be 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal.go @@ -6,20 +6,28 @@ import ( "fmt" "io" "reflect" + "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) -const tagKeyMultiline = "multiline" +const ( + tagFieldName = "toml" + tagFieldComment = "comment" + tagCommented = "commented" + tagMultiline = "multiline" + tagDefault = "default" +) type tomlOpts struct { - name string - comment string - commented bool - multiline bool - include bool - omitempty bool + name string + comment string + commented bool + multiline bool + include bool + omitempty bool + defaultValue string } type encOpts struct { @@ -31,10 +39,37 @@ var encOptsDefaults = encOpts{ quoteMapKeys: false, } +type annotation struct { + tag string + comment string + commented string + multiline string + defaultValue string +} + +var annotationDefault = annotation{ + tag: tagFieldName, + comment: tagFieldComment, + commented: tagCommented, + multiline: tagMultiline, + defaultValue: tagDefault, +} + +type marshalOrder int + +// Orders the Encoder can write the fields to the output stream. +const ( + // Sort fields alphabetically. + OrderAlphabetical marshalOrder = iota + 1 + // Preserve the order the fields are encountered. For example, the order of fields in + // a struct. + OrderPreserve +) + var timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) var marshalerType = reflect.TypeOf(new(Marshaler)).Elem() -// Check if the given marshall type maps to a Tree primitive +// Check if the given marshal type maps to a Tree primitive func isPrimitive(mtype reflect.Type) bool { switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Ptr: @@ -56,7 +91,7 @@ func isPrimitive(mtype reflect.Type) bool { } } -// Check if the given marshall type maps to a Tree slice +// Check if the given marshal type maps to a Tree slice func isTreeSlice(mtype reflect.Type) bool { switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Slice: @@ -66,7 +101,7 @@ func isTreeSlice(mtype reflect.Type) bool { } } -// Check if the given marshall type maps to a non-Tree slice +// Check if the given marshal type maps to a non-Tree slice func isOtherSlice(mtype reflect.Type) bool { switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Ptr: @@ -78,7 +113,7 @@ func isOtherSlice(mtype reflect.Type) bool { } } -// Check if the given marshall type maps to a Tree +// Check if the given marshal type maps to a Tree func isTree(mtype reflect.Type) bool { switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Map: @@ -136,6 +171,8 @@ Tree primitive types and corresponding marshal types: string string, pointers to same bool bool, pointers to same time.Time time.Time{}, pointers to same + +For additional flexibility, use the Encoder API. */ func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) { return NewEncoder(nil).marshal(v) @@ -145,13 +182,21 @@ func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) { type Encoder struct { w io.Writer encOpts + annotation + line int + col int + order marshalOrder } // NewEncoder returns a new encoder that writes to w. func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder { return &Encoder{ - w: w, - encOpts: encOptsDefaults, + w: w, + encOpts: encOptsDefaults, + annotation: annotationDefault, + line: 0, + col: 1, + order: OrderAlphabetical, } } @@ -197,11 +242,49 @@ func (e *Encoder) ArraysWithOneElementPerLine(v bool) *Encoder { return e } +// Order allows to change in which order fields will be written to the output stream. +func (e *Encoder) Order(ord marshalOrder) *Encoder { + e.order = ord + return e +} + +// SetTagName allows changing default tag "toml" +func (e *Encoder) SetTagName(v string) *Encoder { + e.tag = v + return e +} + +// SetTagComment allows changing default tag "comment" +func (e *Encoder) SetTagComment(v string) *Encoder { + e.comment = v + return e +} + +// SetTagCommented allows changing default tag "commented" +func (e *Encoder) SetTagCommented(v string) *Encoder { + e.commented = v + return e +} + +// SetTagMultiline allows changing default tag "multiline" +func (e *Encoder) SetTagMultiline(v string) *Encoder { + e.multiline = v + return e +} + func (e *Encoder) marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) { mtype := reflect.TypeOf(v) - if mtype.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return []byte{}, errors.New("Only a struct can be marshaled to TOML") + + switch mtype.Kind() { + case reflect.Struct, reflect.Map: + case reflect.Ptr: + if mtype.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return []byte{}, errors.New("Only pointer to struct can be marshaled to TOML") + } + default: + return []byte{}, errors.New("Only a struct or map can be marshaled to TOML") } + sval := reflect.ValueOf(v) if isCustomMarshaler(mtype) { return callCustomMarshaler(sval) @@ -212,22 +295,27 @@ func (e *Encoder) marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) { } var buf bytes.Buffer - _, err = t.writeTo(&buf, "", "", 0, e.arraysOneElementPerLine) + _, err = t.writeToOrdered(&buf, "", "", 0, e.arraysOneElementPerLine, e.order) return buf.Bytes(), err } +// Create next tree with a position based on Encoder.line +func (e *Encoder) nextTree() *Tree { + return newTreeWithPosition(Position{Line: e.line, Col: 1}) +} + // Convert given marshal struct or map value to toml tree func (e *Encoder) valueToTree(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) (*Tree, error) { if mtype.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { return e.valueToTree(mtype.Elem(), mval.Elem()) } - tval := newTree() + tval := e.nextTree() switch mtype.Kind() { case reflect.Struct: for i := 0; i < mtype.NumField(); i++ { mtypef, mvalf := mtype.Field(i), mval.Field(i) - opts := tomlOptions(mtypef) + opts := tomlOptions(mtypef, e.annotation) if opts.include && (!opts.omitempty || !isZero(mvalf)) { val, err := e.valueToToml(mtypef.Type, mvalf) if err != nil { @@ -242,7 +330,26 @@ func (e *Encoder) valueToTree(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) (*Tree, er } } case reflect.Map: - for _, key := range mval.MapKeys() { + keys := mval.MapKeys() + if e.order == OrderPreserve && len(keys) > 0 { + // Sorting []reflect.Value is not straight forward. + // + // OrderPreserve will support deterministic results when string is used + // as the key to maps. + typ := keys[0].Type() + kind := keys[0].Kind() + if kind == reflect.String { + ikeys := make([]string, len(keys)) + for i := range keys { + ikeys[i] = keys[i].Interface().(string) + } + sort.Strings(ikeys) + for i := range ikeys { + keys[i] = reflect.ValueOf(ikeys[i]).Convert(typ) + } + } + } + for _, key := range keys { mvalf := mval.MapIndex(key) val, err := e.valueToToml(mtype.Elem(), mvalf) if err != nil { @@ -290,6 +397,7 @@ func (e *Encoder) valueToOtherSlice(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) (int // Convert given marshal value to toml value func (e *Encoder) valueToToml(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) (interface{}, error) { + e.line++ if mtype.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { return e.valueToToml(mtype.Elem(), mval.Elem()) } @@ -307,6 +415,9 @@ func (e *Encoder) valueToToml(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) (interface case reflect.Bool: return mval.Bool(), nil case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + if mtype.Kind() == reflect.Int64 && mtype == reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(1)) { + return fmt.Sprint(mval), nil + } return mval.Int(), nil case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: return mval.Uint(), nil @@ -326,7 +437,7 @@ func (e *Encoder) valueToToml(mtype reflect.Type, mval reflect.Value) (interface // Neither Unmarshaler interfaces nor UnmarshalTOML functions are supported for // sub-structs, and only definite types can be unmarshaled. func (t *Tree) Unmarshal(v interface{}) error { - d := Decoder{tval: t} + d := Decoder{tval: t, tagName: tagFieldName} return d.unmarshal(v) } @@ -347,6 +458,14 @@ func (t *Tree) Marshal() ([]byte, error) { // The following struct annotations are supported: // // toml:"Field" Overrides the field's name to map to. +// default:"foo" Provides a default value. +// +// For default values, only fields of the following types are supported: +// * string +// * bool +// * int +// * int64 +// * float64 // // See Marshal() documentation for types mapping table. func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error { @@ -362,6 +481,7 @@ type Decoder struct { r io.Reader tval *Tree encOpts + tagName string } // NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r. @@ -369,6 +489,7 @@ func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder { return &Decoder{ r: r, encOpts: encOptsDefaults, + tagName: tagFieldName, } } @@ -385,13 +506,27 @@ func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error { return d.unmarshal(v) } +// SetTagName allows changing default tag "toml" +func (d *Decoder) SetTagName(v string) *Decoder { + d.tagName = v + return d +} + func (d *Decoder) unmarshal(v interface{}) error { mtype := reflect.TypeOf(v) - if mtype.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || mtype.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return errors.New("Only a pointer to struct can be unmarshaled from TOML") + if mtype.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + return errors.New("only a pointer to struct or map can be unmarshaled from TOML") } - sval, err := d.valueFromTree(mtype.Elem(), d.tval) + elem := mtype.Elem() + + switch elem.Kind() { + case reflect.Struct, reflect.Map: + default: + return errors.New("only a pointer to struct or map can be unmarshaled from TOML") + } + + sval, err := d.valueFromTree(elem, d.tval) if err != nil { return err } @@ -410,10 +545,18 @@ func (d *Decoder) valueFromTree(mtype reflect.Type, tval *Tree) (reflect.Value, mval = reflect.New(mtype).Elem() for i := 0; i < mtype.NumField(); i++ { mtypef := mtype.Field(i) - opts := tomlOptions(mtypef) + an := annotation{tag: d.tagName} + opts := tomlOptions(mtypef, an) if opts.include { baseKey := opts.name - keysToTry := []string{baseKey, strings.ToLower(baseKey), strings.ToTitle(baseKey)} + keysToTry := []string{ + baseKey, + strings.ToLower(baseKey), + strings.ToTitle(baseKey), + strings.ToLower(string(baseKey[0])) + baseKey[1:], + } + + found := false for _, key := range keysToTry { exists := tval.Has(key) if !exists { @@ -425,8 +568,42 @@ func (d *Decoder) valueFromTree(mtype reflect.Type, tval *Tree) (reflect.Value, return mval, formatError(err, tval.GetPosition(key)) } mval.Field(i).Set(mvalf) + found = true break } + + if !found && opts.defaultValue != "" { + mvalf := mval.Field(i) + var val interface{} + var err error + switch mvalf.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + val, err = strconv.ParseBool(opts.defaultValue) + if err != nil { + return mval.Field(i), err + } + case reflect.Int: + val, err = strconv.Atoi(opts.defaultValue) + if err != nil { + return mval.Field(i), err + } + case reflect.String: + val = opts.defaultValue + case reflect.Int64: + val, err = strconv.ParseInt(opts.defaultValue, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return mval.Field(i), err + } + case reflect.Float64: + val, err = strconv.ParseFloat(opts.defaultValue, 64) + if err != nil { + return mval.Field(i), err + } + default: + return mval.Field(i), fmt.Errorf("unsuported field type for default option") + } + mval.Field(i).Set(reflect.ValueOf(val)) + } } } case reflect.Map: @@ -438,7 +615,7 @@ func (d *Decoder) valueFromTree(mtype reflect.Type, tval *Tree) (reflect.Value, if err != nil { return mval, formatError(err, tval.GetPosition(key)) } - mval.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(key), mvalf) + mval.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(key).Convert(mtype.Key()), mvalf) } } return mval, nil @@ -476,20 +653,20 @@ func (d *Decoder) valueFromToml(mtype reflect.Type, tval interface{}) (reflect.V return d.unwrapPointer(mtype, tval) } - switch tval.(type) { + switch t := tval.(type) { case *Tree: if isTree(mtype) { - return d.valueFromTree(mtype, tval.(*Tree)) + return d.valueFromTree(mtype, t) } return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to a tree", tval, tval) case []*Tree: if isTreeSlice(mtype) { - return d.valueFromTreeSlice(mtype, tval.([]*Tree)) + return d.valueFromTreeSlice(mtype, t) } return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to trees", tval, tval) case []interface{}: if isOtherSlice(mtype) { - return d.valueFromOtherSlice(mtype, tval.([]interface{})) + return d.valueFromOtherSlice(mtype, t) } return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to a slice", tval, tval) default: @@ -512,10 +689,17 @@ func (d *Decoder) valueFromToml(mtype reflect.Type, tval interface{}) (reflect.V return val.Convert(mtype), nil case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: val := reflect.ValueOf(tval) + if mtype.Kind() == reflect.Int64 && mtype == reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(1)) && val.Kind() == reflect.String { + d, err := time.ParseDuration(val.String()) + if err != nil { + return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to %v. %s", tval, tval, mtype.String(), err) + } + return reflect.ValueOf(d), nil + } if !val.Type().ConvertibleTo(mtype) { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to %v", tval, tval, mtype.String()) } - if reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(mtype)).OverflowInt(val.Int()) { + if reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(mtype)).OverflowInt(val.Convert(mtype).Int()) { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("%v(%T) would overflow %v", tval, tval, mtype.String()) } @@ -525,10 +709,11 @@ func (d *Decoder) valueFromToml(mtype reflect.Type, tval interface{}) (reflect.V if !val.Type().ConvertibleTo(mtype) { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to %v", tval, tval, mtype.String()) } - if val.Int() < 0 { + + if val.Convert(reflect.TypeOf(int(1))).Int() < 0 { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("%v(%T) is negative so does not fit in %v", tval, tval, mtype.String()) } - if reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(mtype)).OverflowUint(uint64(val.Int())) { + if reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(mtype)).OverflowUint(uint64(val.Convert(mtype).Uint())) { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("%v(%T) would overflow %v", tval, tval, mtype.String()) } @@ -538,7 +723,7 @@ func (d *Decoder) valueFromToml(mtype reflect.Type, tval interface{}) (reflect.V if !val.Type().ConvertibleTo(mtype) { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("Can't convert %v(%T) to %v", tval, tval, mtype.String()) } - if reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(mtype)).OverflowFloat(val.Float()) { + if reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(mtype)).OverflowFloat(val.Convert(mtype).Float()) { return reflect.ValueOf(nil), fmt.Errorf("%v(%T) would overflow %v", tval, tval, mtype.String()) } @@ -559,16 +744,25 @@ func (d *Decoder) unwrapPointer(mtype reflect.Type, tval interface{}) (reflect.V return mval, nil } -func tomlOptions(vf reflect.StructField) tomlOpts { - tag := vf.Tag.Get("toml") +func tomlOptions(vf reflect.StructField, an annotation) tomlOpts { + tag := vf.Tag.Get(an.tag) parse := strings.Split(tag, ",") var comment string - if c := vf.Tag.Get("comment"); c != "" { + if c := vf.Tag.Get(an.comment); c != "" { comment = c } - commented, _ := strconv.ParseBool(vf.Tag.Get("commented")) - multiline, _ := strconv.ParseBool(vf.Tag.Get(tagKeyMultiline)) - result := tomlOpts{name: vf.Name, comment: comment, commented: commented, multiline: multiline, include: true, omitempty: false} + commented, _ := strconv.ParseBool(vf.Tag.Get(an.commented)) + multiline, _ := strconv.ParseBool(vf.Tag.Get(an.multiline)) + defaultValue := vf.Tag.Get(tagDefault) + result := tomlOpts{ + name: vf.Name, + comment: comment, + commented: commented, + multiline: multiline, + include: true, + omitempty: false, + defaultValue: defaultValue, + } if parse[0] != "" { if parse[0] == "-" && len(parse) == 1 { result.include = false diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal_OrderPreserve_Map_test.toml b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal_OrderPreserve_Map_test.toml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a3bd5130d97 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal_OrderPreserve_Map_test.toml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +title = "TOML Marshal Testing" + +[basic_map] + one = "one" + two = "two" + +[long_map] + a7 = "1" + b3 = "2" + c8 = "3" + d4 = "4" + e6 = "5" + f5 = "6" + g10 = "7" + h1 = "8" + i2 = "9" + j9 = "10" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal_OrderPreserve_test.toml b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal_OrderPreserve_test.toml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9d68b59996f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/marshal_OrderPreserve_test.toml @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +title = "TOML Marshal Testing" + +[basic_lists] + floats = [12.3,45.6,78.9] + bools = [true,false,true] + dates = [1979-05-27T07:32:00Z,1980-05-27T07:32:00Z] + ints = [8001,8001,8002] + uints = [5002,5003] + strings = ["One","Two","Three"] + +[[subdocptrs]] + name = "Second" + +[basic_map] + one = "one" + two = "two" + +[subdoc] + + [subdoc.second] + name = "Second" + + [subdoc.first] + name = "First" + +[basic] + uint = 5001 + bool = true + float = 123.4 + int = 5000 + string = "Bite me" + date = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z + +[[subdoclist]] + name = "List.First" + +[[subdoclist]] + name = "List.Second" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/parser.go b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/parser.go index 2d27599a999..a7498e49b34 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/parser.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/parser.go @@ -77,8 +77,10 @@ func (p *tomlParser) parseStart() tomlParserStateFn { return p.parseAssign case tokenEOF: return nil + case tokenError: + p.raiseError(tok, "parsing error: %s", tok.String()) default: - p.raiseError(tok, "unexpected token") + p.raiseError(tok, "unexpected token %s", tok.typ) } return nil } @@ -165,6 +167,11 @@ func (p *tomlParser) parseAssign() tomlParserStateFn { key := p.getToken() p.assume(tokenEqual) + parsedKey, err := parseKey(key.val) + if err != nil { + p.raiseError(key, "invalid key: %s", err.Error()) + } + value := p.parseRvalue() var tableKey []string if len(p.currentTable) > 0 { @@ -173,6 +180,9 @@ func (p *tomlParser) parseAssign() tomlParserStateFn { tableKey = []string{} } + prefixKey := parsedKey[0 : len(parsedKey)-1] + tableKey = append(tableKey, prefixKey...) + // find the table to assign, looking out for arrays of tables var targetNode *Tree switch node := p.tree.GetPath(tableKey).(type) { @@ -180,17 +190,19 @@ func (p *tomlParser) parseAssign() tomlParserStateFn { targetNode = node[len(node)-1] case *Tree: targetNode = node + case nil: + // create intermediate + if err := p.tree.createSubTree(tableKey, key.Position); err != nil { + p.raiseError(key, "could not create intermediate group: %s", err) + } + targetNode = p.tree.GetPath(tableKey).(*Tree) default: p.raiseError(key, "Unknown table type for path: %s", strings.Join(tableKey, ".")) } // assign value to the found table - keyVals := []string{key.val} - if len(keyVals) != 1 { - p.raiseError(key, "Invalid key") - } - keyVal := keyVals[0] + keyVal := parsedKey[len(parsedKey)-1] localKey := []string{keyVal} finalKey := append(tableKey, keyVal) if targetNode.GetPath(localKey) != nil { @@ -338,7 +350,7 @@ Loop: case tokenRightCurlyBrace: p.getToken() break Loop - case tokenKey: + case tokenKey, tokenInteger, tokenString: if !tokenIsComma(previous) && previous != nil { p.raiseError(follow, "comma expected between fields in inline table") } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/test.sh b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/test.sh deleted file mode 100644 index ba6adf3fc7c..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/test.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -# fail out of the script if anything here fails -set -e -set -o pipefail - -# set the path to the present working directory -export GOPATH=`pwd` - -function git_clone() { - path=$1 - branch=$2 - version=$3 - if [ ! -d "src/$path" ]; then - mkdir -p src/$path - git clone https://$path.git src/$path - fi - pushd src/$path - git checkout "$branch" - git reset --hard "$version" - popd -} - -# Remove potential previous runs -rm -rf src test_program_bin toml-test - -go get github.com/pelletier/go-buffruneio -go get github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew -go get gopkg.in/yaml.v2 -go get github.com/BurntSushi/toml - -# get code for BurntSushi TOML validation -# pinning all to 'HEAD' for version 0.3.x work (TODO: pin to commit hash when tests stabilize) -git_clone github.com/BurntSushi/toml master HEAD -git_clone github.com/BurntSushi/toml-test master HEAD #was: 0.2.0 HEAD - -# build the BurntSushi test application -go build -o toml-test github.com/BurntSushi/toml-test - -# vendorize the current lib for testing -# NOTE: this basically mocks an install without having to go back out to github for code -mkdir -p src/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd -mkdir -p src/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/query -cp *.go *.toml src/github.com/pelletier/go-toml -cp -R cmd/* src/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd -cp -R query/* src/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/query -go build -o test_program_bin src/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd/test_program.go - -# Run basic unit tests -go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml -covermode=count -coverprofile=coverage.out -go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml/cmd/tomljson -go test github.com/pelletier/go-toml/query - -# run the entire BurntSushi test suite -if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then - echo "Running all BurntSushi tests" - ./toml-test ./test_program_bin | tee test_out -else - # run a specific test - test=$1 - test_path='src/github.com/BurntSushi/toml-test/tests' - valid_test="$test_path/valid/$test" - invalid_test="$test_path/invalid/$test" - - if [ -e "$valid_test.toml" ]; then - echo "Valid Test TOML for $test:" - echo "====" - cat "$valid_test.toml" - - echo "Valid Test JSON for $test:" - echo "====" - cat "$valid_test.json" - - echo "Go-TOML Output for $test:" - echo "====" - cat "$valid_test.toml" | ./test_program_bin - fi - - if [ -e "$invalid_test.toml" ]; then - echo "Invalid Test TOML for $test:" - echo "====" - cat "$invalid_test.toml" - - echo "Go-TOML Output for $test:" - echo "====" - echo "go-toml Output:" - cat "$invalid_test.toml" | ./test_program_bin - fi -fi diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/toml.go b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/toml.go index 98c185ad0b8..358a9be5ce8 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/toml.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/toml.go @@ -27,9 +27,13 @@ type Tree struct { } func newTree() *Tree { + return newTreeWithPosition(Position{}) +} + +func newTreeWithPosition(pos Position) *Tree { return &Tree{ values: make(map[string]interface{}), - position: Position{}, + position: pos, } } @@ -194,10 +198,10 @@ func (t *Tree) SetWithOptions(key string, opts SetOptions, value interface{}) { // formatting instructions to the key, that will be reused by Marshal(). func (t *Tree) SetPathWithOptions(keys []string, opts SetOptions, value interface{}) { subtree := t - for _, intermediateKey := range keys[:len(keys)-1] { + for i, intermediateKey := range keys[:len(keys)-1] { nextTree, exists := subtree.values[intermediateKey] if !exists { - nextTree = newTree() + nextTree = newTreeWithPosition(Position{Line: t.position.Line + i, Col: t.position.Col}) subtree.values[intermediateKey] = nextTree // add new element here } switch node := nextTree.(type) { @@ -207,7 +211,7 @@ func (t *Tree) SetPathWithOptions(keys []string, opts SetOptions, value interfac // go to most recent element if len(node) == 0 { // create element if it does not exist - subtree.values[intermediateKey] = append(node, newTree()) + subtree.values[intermediateKey] = append(node, newTreeWithPosition(Position{Line: t.position.Line + i, Col: t.position.Col})) } subtree = node[len(node)-1] } @@ -215,19 +219,21 @@ func (t *Tree) SetPathWithOptions(keys []string, opts SetOptions, value interfac var toInsert interface{} - switch value.(type) { + switch v := value.(type) { case *Tree: - tt := value.(*Tree) - tt.comment = opts.Comment + v.comment = opts.Comment toInsert = value case []*Tree: toInsert = value case *tomlValue: - tt := value.(*tomlValue) - tt.comment = opts.Comment - toInsert = tt + v.comment = opts.Comment + toInsert = v default: - toInsert = &tomlValue{value: value, comment: opts.Comment, commented: opts.Commented, multiline: opts.Multiline} + toInsert = &tomlValue{value: value, + comment: opts.Comment, + commented: opts.Commented, + multiline: opts.Multiline, + position: Position{Line: subtree.position.Line + len(subtree.values) + 1, Col: subtree.position.Col}} } subtree.values[keys[len(keys)-1]] = toInsert @@ -256,44 +262,35 @@ func (t *Tree) SetPath(keys []string, value interface{}) { // SetPathWithComment is the same as SetPath, but allows you to provide comment // information to the key, that will be reused by Marshal(). func (t *Tree) SetPathWithComment(keys []string, comment string, commented bool, value interface{}) { - subtree := t - for _, intermediateKey := range keys[:len(keys)-1] { - nextTree, exists := subtree.values[intermediateKey] - if !exists { - nextTree = newTree() - subtree.values[intermediateKey] = nextTree // add new element here - } - switch node := nextTree.(type) { - case *Tree: - subtree = node - case []*Tree: - // go to most recent element - if len(node) == 0 { - // create element if it does not exist - subtree.values[intermediateKey] = append(node, newTree()) - } - subtree = node[len(node)-1] - } + t.SetPathWithOptions(keys, SetOptions{Comment: comment, Commented: commented}, value) +} + +// Delete removes a key from the tree. +// Key is a dot-separated path (e.g. a.b.c). +func (t *Tree) Delete(key string) error { + keys, err := parseKey(key) + if err != nil { + return err } + return t.DeletePath(keys) +} - var toInsert interface{} - - switch value.(type) { +// DeletePath removes a key from the tree. +// Keys is an array of path elements (e.g. {"a","b","c"}). +func (t *Tree) DeletePath(keys []string) error { + keyLen := len(keys) + if keyLen == 1 { + delete(t.values, keys[0]) + return nil + } + tree := t.GetPath(keys[:keyLen-1]) + item := keys[keyLen-1] + switch node := tree.(type) { case *Tree: - tt := value.(*Tree) - tt.comment = comment - toInsert = value - case []*Tree: - toInsert = value - case *tomlValue: - tt := value.(*tomlValue) - tt.comment = comment - toInsert = tt - default: - toInsert = &tomlValue{value: value, comment: comment, commented: commented} + delete(node.values, item) + return nil } - - subtree.values[keys[len(keys)-1]] = toInsert + return errors.New("no such key to delete") } // createSubTree takes a tree and a key and create the necessary intermediate @@ -305,10 +302,10 @@ func (t *Tree) SetPathWithComment(keys []string, comment string, commented bool, // Returns nil on success, error object on failure func (t *Tree) createSubTree(keys []string, pos Position) error { subtree := t - for _, intermediateKey := range keys { + for i, intermediateKey := range keys { nextTree, exists := subtree.values[intermediateKey] if !exists { - tree := newTree() + tree := newTreeWithPosition(Position{Line: t.position.Line + i, Col: t.position.Col}) tree.position = pos subtree.values[intermediateKey] = tree nextTree = tree @@ -337,10 +334,39 @@ func LoadBytes(b []byte) (tree *Tree, err error) { err = errors.New(r.(string)) } }() + + if len(b) >= 4 && (hasUTF32BigEndianBOM4(b) || hasUTF32LittleEndianBOM4(b)) { + b = b[4:] + } else if len(b) >= 3 && hasUTF8BOM3(b) { + b = b[3:] + } else if len(b) >= 2 && (hasUTF16BigEndianBOM2(b) || hasUTF16LittleEndianBOM2(b)) { + b = b[2:] + } + tree = parseToml(lexToml(b)) return } +func hasUTF16BigEndianBOM2(b []byte) bool { + return b[0] == 0xFE && b[1] == 0xFF +} + +func hasUTF16LittleEndianBOM2(b []byte) bool { + return b[0] == 0xFF && b[1] == 0xFE +} + +func hasUTF8BOM3(b []byte) bool { + return b[0] == 0xEF && b[1] == 0xBB && b[2] == 0xBF +} + +func hasUTF32BigEndianBOM4(b []byte) bool { + return b[0] == 0x00 && b[1] == 0x00 && b[2] == 0xFE && b[3] == 0xFF +} + +func hasUTF32LittleEndianBOM4(b []byte) bool { + return b[0] == 0xFF && b[1] == 0xFE && b[2] == 0x00 && b[3] == 0x00 +} + // LoadReader creates a Tree from any io.Reader. func LoadReader(reader io.Reader) (tree *Tree, err error) { inputBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/tomltree_write.go b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/tomltree_write.go index e4049e29f2a..198d5ac1741 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/tomltree_write.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/pelletier/go-toml/tomltree_write.go @@ -12,6 +12,18 @@ import ( "time" ) +type valueComplexity int + +const ( + valueSimple valueComplexity = iota + 1 + valueComplex +) + +type sortNode struct { + key string + complexity valueComplexity +} + // Encodes a string to a TOML-compliant multi-line string value // This function is a clone of the existing encodeTomlString function, except that whitespace characters // are preserved. Quotation marks and backslashes are also not escaped. @@ -153,111 +165,200 @@ func tomlValueStringRepresentation(v interface{}, indent string, arraysOneElemen return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported value type %T: %v", v, v) } -func (t *Tree) writeTo(w io.Writer, indent, keyspace string, bytesCount int64, arraysOneElementPerLine bool) (int64, error) { - simpleValuesKeys := make([]string, 0) - complexValuesKeys := make([]string, 0) +func getTreeArrayLine(trees []*Tree) (line int) { + // get lowest line number that is not 0 + for _, tv := range trees { + if tv.position.Line < line || line == 0 { + line = tv.position.Line + } + } + return +} + +func sortByLines(t *Tree) (vals []sortNode) { + var ( + line int + lines []int + tv *Tree + tom *tomlValue + node sortNode + ) + vals = make([]sortNode, 0) + m := make(map[int]sortNode) + + for k := range t.values { + v := t.values[k] + switch v.(type) { + case *Tree: + tv = v.(*Tree) + line = tv.position.Line + node = sortNode{key: k, complexity: valueComplex} + case []*Tree: + line = getTreeArrayLine(v.([]*Tree)) + node = sortNode{key: k, complexity: valueComplex} + default: + tom = v.(*tomlValue) + line = tom.position.Line + node = sortNode{key: k, complexity: valueSimple} + } + lines = append(lines, line) + vals = append(vals, node) + m[line] = node + } + sort.Ints(lines) + + for i, line := range lines { + vals[i] = m[line] + } + + return vals +} + +func sortAlphabetical(t *Tree) (vals []sortNode) { + var ( + node sortNode + simpVals []string + compVals []string + ) + vals = make([]sortNode, 0) + m := make(map[string]sortNode) for k := range t.values { v := t.values[k] switch v.(type) { case *Tree, []*Tree: - complexValuesKeys = append(complexValuesKeys, k) + node = sortNode{key: k, complexity: valueComplex} + compVals = append(compVals, node.key) default: - simpleValuesKeys = append(simpleValuesKeys, k) + node = sortNode{key: k, complexity: valueSimple} + simpVals = append(simpVals, node.key) } + vals = append(vals, node) + m[node.key] = node } - sort.Strings(simpleValuesKeys) - sort.Strings(complexValuesKeys) - - for _, k := range simpleValuesKeys { - v, ok := t.values[k].(*tomlValue) - if !ok { - return bytesCount, fmt.Errorf("invalid value type at %s: %T", k, t.values[k]) - } - - repr, err := tomlValueStringRepresentation(v, indent, arraysOneElementPerLine) - if err != nil { - return bytesCount, err - } - - if v.comment != "" { - comment := strings.Replace(v.comment, "\n", "\n"+indent+"#", -1) - start := "# " - if strings.HasPrefix(comment, "#") { - start = "" - } - writtenBytesCountComment, errc := writeStrings(w, "\n", indent, start, comment, "\n") - bytesCount += int64(writtenBytesCountComment) - if errc != nil { - return bytesCount, errc - } - } - - var commented string - if v.commented { - commented = "# " - } - writtenBytesCount, err := writeStrings(w, indent, commented, k, " = ", repr, "\n") - bytesCount += int64(writtenBytesCount) - if err != nil { - return bytesCount, err - } + // Simples first to match previous implementation + sort.Strings(simpVals) + i := 0 + for _, key := range simpVals { + vals[i] = m[key] + i++ } - for _, k := range complexValuesKeys { - v := t.values[k] + sort.Strings(compVals) + for _, key := range compVals { + vals[i] = m[key] + i++ + } - combinedKey := k - if keyspace != "" { - combinedKey = keyspace + "." + combinedKey - } - var commented string - if t.commented { - commented = "# " - } + return vals +} - switch node := v.(type) { - // node has to be of those two types given how keys are sorted above - case *Tree: - tv, ok := t.values[k].(*Tree) +func (t *Tree) writeTo(w io.Writer, indent, keyspace string, bytesCount int64, arraysOneElementPerLine bool) (int64, error) { + return t.writeToOrdered(w, indent, keyspace, bytesCount, arraysOneElementPerLine, OrderAlphabetical) +} + +func (t *Tree) writeToOrdered(w io.Writer, indent, keyspace string, bytesCount int64, arraysOneElementPerLine bool, ord marshalOrder) (int64, error) { + var orderedVals []sortNode + + switch ord { + case OrderPreserve: + orderedVals = sortByLines(t) + default: + orderedVals = sortAlphabetical(t) + } + + for _, node := range orderedVals { + switch node.complexity { + case valueComplex: + k := node.key + v := t.values[k] + + combinedKey := k + if keyspace != "" { + combinedKey = keyspace + "." + combinedKey + } + var commented string + if t.commented { + commented = "# " + } + + switch node := v.(type) { + // node has to be of those two types given how keys are sorted above + case *Tree: + tv, ok := t.values[k].(*Tree) + if !ok { + return bytesCount, fmt.Errorf("invalid value type at %s: %T", k, t.values[k]) + } + if tv.comment != "" { + comment := strings.Replace(tv.comment, "\n", "\n"+indent+"#", -1) + start := "# " + if strings.HasPrefix(comment, "#") { + start = "" + } + writtenBytesCountComment, errc := writeStrings(w, "\n", indent, start, comment) + bytesCount += int64(writtenBytesCountComment) + if errc != nil { + return bytesCount, errc + } + } + writtenBytesCount, err := writeStrings(w, "\n", indent, commented, "[", combinedKey, "]\n") + bytesCount += int64(writtenBytesCount) + if err != nil { + return bytesCount, err + } + bytesCount, err = node.writeToOrdered(w, indent+" ", combinedKey, bytesCount, arraysOneElementPerLine, ord) + if err != nil { + return bytesCount, err + } + case []*Tree: + for _, subTree := range node { + writtenBytesCount, err := writeStrings(w, "\n", indent, commented, "[[", combinedKey, "]]\n") + bytesCount += int64(writtenBytesCount) + if err != nil { + return bytesCount, err + } + + bytesCount, err = subTree.writeToOrdered(w, indent+" ", combinedKey, bytesCount, arraysOneElementPerLine, ord) + if err != nil { + return bytesCount, err + } + } + } + default: // Simple + k := node.key + v, ok := t.values[k].(*tomlValue) if !ok { return bytesCount, fmt.Errorf("invalid value type at %s: %T", k, t.values[k]) } - if tv.comment != "" { - comment := strings.Replace(tv.comment, "\n", "\n"+indent+"#", -1) + + repr, err := tomlValueStringRepresentation(v, indent, arraysOneElementPerLine) + if err != nil { + return bytesCount, err + } + + if v.comment != "" { + comment := strings.Replace(v.comment, "\n", "\n"+indent+"#", -1) start := "# " if strings.HasPrefix(comment, "#") { start = "" } - writtenBytesCountComment, errc := writeStrings(w, "\n", indent, start, comment) + writtenBytesCountComment, errc := writeStrings(w, "\n", indent, start, comment, "\n") bytesCount += int64(writtenBytesCountComment) if errc != nil { return bytesCount, errc } } - writtenBytesCount, err := writeStrings(w, "\n", indent, commented, "[", combinedKey, "]\n") + + var commented string + if v.commented { + commented = "# " + } + writtenBytesCount, err := writeStrings(w, indent, commented, k, " = ", repr, "\n") bytesCount += int64(writtenBytesCount) if err != nil { return bytesCount, err } - bytesCount, err = node.writeTo(w, indent+" ", combinedKey, bytesCount, arraysOneElementPerLine) - if err != nil { - return bytesCount, err - } - case []*Tree: - for _, subTree := range node { - writtenBytesCount, err := writeStrings(w, "\n", indent, commented, "[[", combinedKey, "]]\n") - bytesCount += int64(writtenBytesCount) - if err != nil { - return bytesCount, err - } - - bytesCount, err = subTree.writeTo(w, indent+" ", combinedKey, bytesCount, arraysOneElementPerLine) - if err != nil { - return bytesCount, err - } - } } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml index 588ceca183f..d4b92663bac 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ language: go go_import_path: github.com/pkg/errors go: - - 1.4.3 - - 1.5.4 - - 1.6.2 - - 1.7.1 + - 1.4.x + - 1.5.x + - 1.6.x + - 1.7.x + - 1.8.x + - 1.9.x + - 1.10.x + - 1.11.x - tip script: diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md index 273db3c98ae..6483ba2afb5 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# errors [![Travis-CI](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors) [![AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/b98mptawhudj53ep/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/davecheney/errors/branch/master) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors) [![Report card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/pkg/errors)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/pkg/errors) +# errors [![Travis-CI](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors) [![AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/b98mptawhudj53ep/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/davecheney/errors/branch/master) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors) [![Report card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/pkg/errors)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/pkg/errors) [![Sourcegraph](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/pkg/errors/-/badge.svg)](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/pkg/errors?badge) Package errors provides simple error handling primitives. @@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ We welcome pull requests, bug fixes and issue reports. With that said, the bar f Before proposing a change, please discuss your change by raising an issue. -## Licence +## License BSD-2-Clause diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go index 842ee80456d..7421f326ffe 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ // return err // } // -// which applied recursively up the call stack results in error reports +// which when applied recursively up the call stack results in error reports // without context or debugging information. The errors package allows // programmers to add context to the failure path in their code in a way // that does not destroy the original value of the error. @@ -15,16 +15,17 @@ // // The errors.Wrap function returns a new error that adds context to the // original error by recording a stack trace at the point Wrap is called, -// and the supplied message. For example +// together with the supplied message. For example // // _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) // if err != nil { // return errors.Wrap(err, "read failed") // } // -// If additional control is required the errors.WithStack and errors.WithMessage -// functions destructure errors.Wrap into its component operations of annotating -// an error with a stack trace and an a message, respectively. +// If additional control is required, the errors.WithStack and +// errors.WithMessage functions destructure errors.Wrap into its component +// operations: annotating an error with a stack trace and with a message, +// respectively. // // Retrieving the cause of an error // @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ // } // // can be inspected by errors.Cause. errors.Cause will recursively retrieve -// the topmost error which does not implement causer, which is assumed to be +// the topmost error that does not implement causer, which is assumed to be // the original cause. For example: // // switch err := errors.Cause(err).(type) { @@ -48,16 +49,16 @@ // // unknown error // } // -// causer interface is not exported by this package, but is considered a part -// of stable public API. +// Although the causer interface is not exported by this package, it is +// considered a part of its stable public interface. // // Formatted printing of errors // // All error values returned from this package implement fmt.Formatter and can -// be formatted by the fmt package. The following verbs are supported +// be formatted by the fmt package. The following verbs are supported: // // %s print the error. If the error has a Cause it will be -// printed recursively +// printed recursively. // %v see %s // %+v extended format. Each Frame of the error's StackTrace will // be printed in detail. @@ -65,13 +66,13 @@ // Retrieving the stack trace of an error or wrapper // // New, Errorf, Wrap, and Wrapf record a stack trace at the point they are -// invoked. This information can be retrieved with the following interface. +// invoked. This information can be retrieved with the following interface: // // type stackTracer interface { // StackTrace() errors.StackTrace // } // -// Where errors.StackTrace is defined as +// The returned errors.StackTrace type is defined as // // type StackTrace []Frame // @@ -85,8 +86,8 @@ // } // } // -// stackTracer interface is not exported by this package, but is considered a part -// of stable public API. +// Although the stackTracer interface is not exported by this package, it is +// considered a part of its stable public interface. // // See the documentation for Frame.Format for more details. package errors @@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ func Wrap(err error, message string) error { } // Wrapf returns an error annotating err with a stack trace -// at the point Wrapf is call, and the format specifier. +// at the point Wrapf is called, and the format specifier. // If err is nil, Wrapf returns nil. func Wrapf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error { if err == nil { @@ -220,6 +221,18 @@ func WithMessage(err error, message string) error { } } +// WithMessagef annotates err with the format specifier. +// If err is nil, WithMessagef returns nil. +func WithMessagef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error { + if err == nil { + return nil + } + return &withMessage{ + cause: err, + msg: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), + } +} + type withMessage struct { cause error msg string diff --git a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go index 6b1f2891a5a..2874a048cf3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go @@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ func (f Frame) line() int { // // Format accepts flags that alter the printing of some verbs, as follows: // -// %+s path of source file relative to the compile time GOPATH +// %+s function name and path of source file relative to the compile time +// GOPATH separated by \n\t (\n\t) // %+v equivalent to %+s:%d func (f Frame) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { switch verb { @@ -79,6 +80,14 @@ func (f Frame) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { // StackTrace is stack of Frames from innermost (newest) to outermost (oldest). type StackTrace []Frame +// Format formats the stack of Frames according to the fmt.Formatter interface. +// +// %s lists source files for each Frame in the stack +// %v lists the source file and line number for each Frame in the stack +// +// Format accepts flags that alter the printing of some verbs, as follows: +// +// %+v Prints filename, function, and line number for each Frame in the stack. func (st StackTrace) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { switch verb { case 'v': @@ -136,43 +145,3 @@ func funcname(name string) string { i = strings.Index(name, ".") return name[i+1:] } - -func trimGOPATH(name, file string) string { - // Here we want to get the source file path relative to the compile time - // GOPATH. As of Go 1.6.x there is no direct way to know the compiled - // GOPATH at runtime, but we can infer the number of path segments in the - // GOPATH. We note that fn.Name() returns the function name qualified by - // the import path, which does not include the GOPATH. Thus we can trim - // segments from the beginning of the file path until the number of path - // separators remaining is one more than the number of path separators in - // the function name. For example, given: - // - // GOPATH /home/user - // file /home/user/src/pkg/sub/file.go - // fn.Name() pkg/sub.Type.Method - // - // We want to produce: - // - // pkg/sub/file.go - // - // From this we can easily see that fn.Name() has one less path separator - // than our desired output. We count separators from the end of the file - // path until it finds two more than in the function name and then move - // one character forward to preserve the initial path segment without a - // leading separator. - const sep = "/" - goal := strings.Count(name, sep) + 2 - i := len(file) - for n := 0; n < goal; n++ { - i = strings.LastIndex(file[:i], sep) - if i == -1 { - // not enough separators found, set i so that the slice expression - // below leaves file unmodified - i = -len(sep) - break - } - } - // get back to 0 or trim the leading separator - file = file[i+len(sep):] - return file -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/copyOnWriteFs.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/copyOnWriteFs.go index 9aef39794c1..e8108a851e1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/copyOnWriteFs.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/copyOnWriteFs.go @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ func (u *CopyOnWriteFs) Mkdir(name string, perm os.FileMode) error { return u.layer.MkdirAll(name, perm) } if dir { - return syscall.EEXIST + return ErrFileExists } return u.layer.MkdirAll(name, perm) } @@ -282,7 +282,8 @@ func (u *CopyOnWriteFs) MkdirAll(name string, perm os.FileMode) error { return u.layer.MkdirAll(name, perm) } if dir { - return syscall.EEXIST + // This is in line with how os.MkdirAll behaves. + return nil } return u.layer.MkdirAll(name, perm) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/go.mod index 9eff4fed5b8..08685509957 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/go.mod +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/go.mod @@ -1 +1,3 @@ module github.com/spf13/afero + +require golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/go.sum new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6bad37b2a77 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/go.sum @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 h1:g61tztE5qeGQ89tm6NTjjM9VPIm088od1l6aSorWRWg= +golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/unionFile.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/unionFile.go index 1e78f7d1efb..eda96312df6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/unionFile.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/afero/unionFile.go @@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ var defaultUnionMergeDirsFn = func(lofi, bofi []os.FileInfo) ([]os.FileInfo, err } // Readdir will weave the two directories together and -// return a single view of the overlayed directories +// return a single view of the overlayed directories. +// At the end of the directory view, the error is io.EOF if c > 0. func (f *UnionFile) Readdir(c int) (ofi []os.FileInfo, err error) { var merge DirsMerger = f.Merger if merge == nil { @@ -185,9 +186,23 @@ func (f *UnionFile) Readdir(c int) (ofi []os.FileInfo, err error) { } f.files = append(f.files, merged...) } - if c == -1 { + + if c <= 0 && len(f.files) == 0 { + return f.files, nil + } + + if f.off >= len(f.files) { + return nil, io.EOF + } + + if c <= 0 { return f.files[f.off:], nil } + + if c > len(f.files) { + c = len(f.files) + } + defer func() { f.off += c }() return f.files[f.off:c], nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/.travis.yml index 4da9766841a..6420d1c27f3 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/.travis.yml @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ language: go +env: + - GO111MODULE=on sudo: required go: - - 1.7.5 - - 1.8 + - "1.11.x" - tip os: - linux diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/cast.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/cast.go index 8b8c208befd..9fba638d468 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/cast.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/cast.go @@ -122,6 +122,18 @@ func ToStringMapBool(i interface{}) map[string]bool { return v } +// ToStringMapInt casts an interface to a map[string]int type. +func ToStringMapInt(i interface{}) map[string]int { + v, _ := ToStringMapIntE(i) + return v +} + +// ToStringMapInt64 casts an interface to a map[string]int64 type. +func ToStringMapInt64(i interface{}) map[string]int64 { + v, _ := ToStringMapInt64E(i) + return v +} + // ToStringMap casts an interface to a map[string]interface{} type. func ToStringMap(i interface{}) map[string]interface{} { v, _ := ToStringMapE(i) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go index 4fe19289347..a4859fb0af9 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/caste.go @@ -990,6 +990,87 @@ func ToStringMapE(i interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) { } } +// ToStringMapIntE casts an interface to a map[string]int{} type. +func ToStringMapIntE(i interface{}) (map[string]int, error) { + var m = map[string]int{} + if i == nil { + return m, fmt.Errorf("unable to cast %#v of type %T to map[string]int", i, i) + } + + switch v := i.(type) { + case map[interface{}]interface{}: + for k, val := range v { + m[ToString(k)] = ToInt(val) + } + return m, nil + case map[string]interface{}: + for k, val := range v { + m[k] = ToInt(val) + } + return m, nil + case map[string]int: + return v, nil + case string: + err := jsonStringToObject(v, &m) + return m, err + } + + if reflect.TypeOf(i).Kind() != reflect.Map { + return m, fmt.Errorf("unable to cast %#v of type %T to map[string]int", i, i) + } + + mVal := reflect.ValueOf(m) + v := reflect.ValueOf(i) + for _, keyVal := range v.MapKeys() { + val, err := ToIntE(v.MapIndex(keyVal).Interface()) + if err != nil { + return m, fmt.Errorf("unable to cast %#v of type %T to map[string]int", i, i) + } + mVal.SetMapIndex(keyVal, reflect.ValueOf(val)) + } + return m, nil +} + +// ToStringMapInt64E casts an interface to a map[string]int64{} type. +func ToStringMapInt64E(i interface{}) (map[string]int64, error) { + var m = map[string]int64{} + if i == nil { + return m, fmt.Errorf("unable to cast %#v of type %T to map[string]int64", i, i) + } + + switch v := i.(type) { + case map[interface{}]interface{}: + for k, val := range v { + m[ToString(k)] = ToInt64(val) + } + return m, nil + case map[string]interface{}: + for k, val := range v { + m[k] = ToInt64(val) + } + return m, nil + case map[string]int64: + return v, nil + case string: + err := jsonStringToObject(v, &m) + return m, err + } + + if reflect.TypeOf(i).Kind() != reflect.Map { + return m, fmt.Errorf("unable to cast %#v of type %T to map[string]int64", i, i) + } + mVal := reflect.ValueOf(m) + v := reflect.ValueOf(i) + for _, keyVal := range v.MapKeys() { + val, err := ToInt64E(v.MapIndex(keyVal).Interface()) + if err != nil { + return m, fmt.Errorf("unable to cast %#v of type %T to map[string]int64", i, i) + } + mVal.SetMapIndex(keyVal, reflect.ValueOf(val)) + } + return m, nil +} + // ToSliceE casts an interface to a []interface{} type. func ToSliceE(i interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) { var s []interface{} @@ -1137,9 +1218,11 @@ func StringToDate(s string) (time.Time, error) { "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST", // Time.String() "2006-01-02", "02 Jan 2006", + "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700", // RFC3339 without timezone hh:mm colon "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -07:00", "2006-01-02 15:04:05 -0700", "2006-01-02 15:04:05Z07:00", // RFC3339 without T + "2006-01-02 15:04:05Z0700", // RFC3339 without T or timezone hh:mm colon "2006-01-02 15:04:05", time.Kitchen, time.Stamp, diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/go.mod new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c1c0232dd93 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/go.mod @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +module github.com/spf13/cast + +require ( + github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect + github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/go.sum new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e03ee77d9e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/cast/go.sum @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c= +github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= +github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM= +github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2 h1:bSDNvY7ZPG5RlJ8otE/7V6gMiyenm9RtJ7IUVIAoJ1w= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/.gitignore index 00268614f04..a71f88af866 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/.gitignore +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/.gitignore @@ -20,3 +20,5 @@ _cgo_export.* _testmain.go *.exe +*.bench +go.sum \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/default_notepad.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/default_notepad.go index bcb763403c2..a018c15c4c6 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/default_notepad.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/default_notepad.go @@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ func SetStdoutThreshold(threshold Threshold) { reloadDefaultNotepad() } +// SetStdoutOutput set the stdout output for the default notepad. Default is stdout. +func SetStdoutOutput(handle io.Writer) { + defaultNotepad.outHandle = handle + defaultNotepad.init() + reloadDefaultNotepad() +} + // SetPrefix set the prefix for the default logger. Empty by default. func SetPrefix(prefix string) { defaultNotepad.SetPrefix(prefix) @@ -76,6 +83,13 @@ func SetFlags(flags int) { reloadDefaultNotepad() } +// SetLogListeners configures the default logger with one or more log listeners. +func SetLogListeners(l ...LogListener) { + defaultNotepad.logListeners = l + defaultNotepad.init() + reloadDefaultNotepad() +} + // Level returns the current global log threshold. func LogThreshold() Threshold { return defaultNotepad.logThreshold @@ -95,19 +109,3 @@ func GetLogThreshold() Threshold { func GetStdoutThreshold() Threshold { return defaultNotepad.GetStdoutThreshold() } - -// LogCountForLevel returns the number of log invocations for a given threshold. -func LogCountForLevel(l Threshold) uint64 { - return defaultNotepad.LogCountForLevel(l) -} - -// LogCountForLevelsGreaterThanorEqualTo returns the number of log invocations -// greater than or equal to a given threshold. -func LogCountForLevelsGreaterThanorEqualTo(threshold Threshold) uint64 { - return defaultNotepad.LogCountForLevelsGreaterThanorEqualTo(threshold) -} - -// ResetLogCounters resets the invocation counters for all levels. -func ResetLogCounters() { - defaultNotepad.ResetLogCounters() -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/go.mod index bce549c04c4..1dbcfd3e889 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/go.mod +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/go.mod @@ -1 +1,7 @@ module github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman + +require ( + github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect + github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/log_counter.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/log_counter.go index 11423ac41e1..41285f3dcac 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/log_counter.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/log_counter.go @@ -6,50 +6,41 @@ package jwalterweatherman import ( + "io" "sync/atomic" ) -type logCounter struct { - counter uint64 +// Counter is an io.Writer that increments a counter on Write. +type Counter struct { + count uint64 } -func (c *logCounter) incr() { - atomic.AddUint64(&c.counter, 1) +func (c *Counter) incr() { + atomic.AddUint64(&c.count, 1) } -func (c *logCounter) resetCounter() { - atomic.StoreUint64(&c.counter, 0) +// Reset resets the counter. +func (c *Counter) Reset() { + atomic.StoreUint64(&c.count, 0) } -func (c *logCounter) getCount() uint64 { - return atomic.LoadUint64(&c.counter) +// Count returns the current count. +func (c *Counter) Count() uint64 { + return atomic.LoadUint64(&c.count) } -func (c *logCounter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { +func (c *Counter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { c.incr() return len(p), nil } -// LogCountForLevel returns the number of log invocations for a given threshold. -func (n *Notepad) LogCountForLevel(l Threshold) uint64 { - return n.logCounters[l].getCount() -} - -// LogCountForLevelsGreaterThanorEqualTo returns the number of log invocations -// greater than or equal to a given threshold. -func (n *Notepad) LogCountForLevelsGreaterThanorEqualTo(threshold Threshold) uint64 { - var cnt uint64 - - for i := int(threshold); i < len(n.logCounters); i++ { - cnt += n.LogCountForLevel(Threshold(i)) - } - - return cnt -} - -// ResetLogCounters resets the invocation counters for all levels. -func (n *Notepad) ResetLogCounters() { - for _, np := range n.logCounters { - np.resetCounter() +// LogCounter creates a LogListener that counts log statements >= the given threshold. +func LogCounter(counter *Counter, t1 Threshold) LogListener { + return func(t2 Threshold) io.Writer { + if t2 < t1 { + // Not interested in this threshold. + return nil + } + return counter } } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/notepad.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/notepad.go index ae5aaf7114a..cc7957bf703 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/notepad.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman/notepad.go @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ package jwalterweatherman import ( "fmt" "io" + "io/ioutil" "log" ) @@ -58,13 +59,28 @@ type Notepad struct { prefix string flags int - // One per Threshold - logCounters [7]*logCounter + logListeners []LogListener } -// NewNotepad create a new notepad. -func NewNotepad(outThreshold Threshold, logThreshold Threshold, outHandle, logHandle io.Writer, prefix string, flags int) *Notepad { - n := &Notepad{} +// A LogListener can ble supplied to a Notepad to listen on log writes for a given +// threshold. This can be used to capture log events in unit tests and similar. +// Note that this function will be invoked once for each log threshold. If +// the given threshold is not of interest to you, return nil. +// Note that these listeners will receive log events for a given threshold, even +// if the current configuration says not to log it. That way you can count ERRORs even +// if you don't print them to the console. +type LogListener func(t Threshold) io.Writer + +// NewNotepad creates a new Notepad. +func NewNotepad( + outThreshold Threshold, + logThreshold Threshold, + outHandle, logHandle io.Writer, + prefix string, flags int, + logListeners ...LogListener, +) *Notepad { + + n := &Notepad{logListeners: logListeners} n.loggers = [7]**log.Logger{&n.TRACE, &n.DEBUG, &n.INFO, &n.WARN, &n.ERROR, &n.CRITICAL, &n.FATAL} n.outHandle = outHandle @@ -95,28 +111,43 @@ func (n *Notepad) init() { for t, logger := range n.loggers { threshold := Threshold(t) - counter := &logCounter{} - n.logCounters[t] = counter prefix := n.prefix + threshold.String() + " " switch { case threshold >= n.logThreshold && threshold >= n.stdoutThreshold: - *logger = log.New(io.MultiWriter(counter, logAndOut), prefix, n.flags) + *logger = log.New(n.createLogWriters(threshold, logAndOut), prefix, n.flags) case threshold >= n.logThreshold: - *logger = log.New(io.MultiWriter(counter, n.logHandle), prefix, n.flags) + *logger = log.New(n.createLogWriters(threshold, n.logHandle), prefix, n.flags) case threshold >= n.stdoutThreshold: - *logger = log.New(io.MultiWriter(counter, n.outHandle), prefix, n.flags) + *logger = log.New(n.createLogWriters(threshold, n.outHandle), prefix, n.flags) default: - // counter doesn't care about prefix and flags, so don't use them - // for performance. - *logger = log.New(counter, "", 0) + *logger = log.New(n.createLogWriters(threshold, ioutil.Discard), prefix, n.flags) } } } +func (n *Notepad) createLogWriters(t Threshold, handle io.Writer) io.Writer { + if len(n.logListeners) == 0 { + return handle + } + writers := []io.Writer{handle} + for _, l := range n.logListeners { + w := l(t) + if w != nil { + writers = append(writers, w) + } + } + + if len(writers) == 1 { + return handle + } + + return io.MultiWriter(writers...) +} + // SetLogThreshold changes the threshold above which messages are written to the // log file. func (n *Notepad) SetLogThreshold(threshold Threshold) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/flag.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/flag.go index 5cc710ccdd5..9beeda8ecca 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/flag.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/flag.go @@ -925,13 +925,16 @@ func stripUnknownFlagValue(args []string) []string { } first := args[0] - if first[0] == '-' { + if len(first) > 0 && first[0] == '-' { //--unknown --next-flag ... return args } //--unknown arg ... (args will be arg ...) - return args[1:] + if len(args) > 1 { + return args[1:] + } + return nil } func (f *FlagSet) parseLongArg(s string, args []string, fn parseFunc) (a []string, err error) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/string_to_int.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/string_to_int.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5ceda3965df --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/string_to_int.go @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +package pflag + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +// -- stringToInt Value +type stringToIntValue struct { + value *map[string]int + changed bool +} + +func newStringToIntValue(val map[string]int, p *map[string]int) *stringToIntValue { + ssv := new(stringToIntValue) + ssv.value = p + *ssv.value = val + return ssv +} + +// Format: a=1,b=2 +func (s *stringToIntValue) Set(val string) error { + ss := strings.Split(val, ",") + out := make(map[string]int, len(ss)) + for _, pair := range ss { + kv := strings.SplitN(pair, "=", 2) + if len(kv) != 2 { + return fmt.Errorf("%s must be formatted as key=value", pair) + } + var err error + out[kv[0]], err = strconv.Atoi(kv[1]) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + if !s.changed { + *s.value = out + } else { + for k, v := range out { + (*s.value)[k] = v + } + } + s.changed = true + return nil +} + +func (s *stringToIntValue) Type() string { + return "stringToInt" +} + +func (s *stringToIntValue) String() string { + var buf bytes.Buffer + i := 0 + for k, v := range *s.value { + if i > 0 { + buf.WriteRune(',') + } + buf.WriteString(k) + buf.WriteRune('=') + buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(v)) + i++ + } + return "[" + buf.String() + "]" +} + +func stringToIntConv(val string) (interface{}, error) { + val = strings.Trim(val, "[]") + // An empty string would cause an empty map + if len(val) == 0 { + return map[string]int{}, nil + } + ss := strings.Split(val, ",") + out := make(map[string]int, len(ss)) + for _, pair := range ss { + kv := strings.SplitN(pair, "=", 2) + if len(kv) != 2 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s must be formatted as key=value", pair) + } + var err error + out[kv[0]], err = strconv.Atoi(kv[1]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + return out, nil +} + +// GetStringToInt return the map[string]int value of a flag with the given name +func (f *FlagSet) GetStringToInt(name string) (map[string]int, error) { + val, err := f.getFlagType(name, "stringToInt", stringToIntConv) + if err != nil { + return map[string]int{}, err + } + return val.(map[string]int), nil +} + +// StringToIntVar defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string. +// The argument p points to a map[string]int variable in which to store the values of the multiple flags. +// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma +func (f *FlagSet) StringToIntVar(p *map[string]int, name string, value map[string]int, usage string) { + f.VarP(newStringToIntValue(value, p), name, "", usage) +} + +// StringToIntVarP is like StringToIntVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash. +func (f *FlagSet) StringToIntVarP(p *map[string]int, name, shorthand string, value map[string]int, usage string) { + f.VarP(newStringToIntValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage) +} + +// StringToIntVar defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string. +// The argument p points to a map[string]int variable in which to store the value of the flag. +// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma +func StringToIntVar(p *map[string]int, name string, value map[string]int, usage string) { + CommandLine.VarP(newStringToIntValue(value, p), name, "", usage) +} + +// StringToIntVarP is like StringToIntVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash. +func StringToIntVarP(p *map[string]int, name, shorthand string, value map[string]int, usage string) { + CommandLine.VarP(newStringToIntValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage) +} + +// StringToInt defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string. +// The return value is the address of a map[string]int variable that stores the value of the flag. +// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma +func (f *FlagSet) StringToInt(name string, value map[string]int, usage string) *map[string]int { + p := map[string]int{} + f.StringToIntVarP(&p, name, "", value, usage) + return &p +} + +// StringToIntP is like StringToInt, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash. +func (f *FlagSet) StringToIntP(name, shorthand string, value map[string]int, usage string) *map[string]int { + p := map[string]int{} + f.StringToIntVarP(&p, name, shorthand, value, usage) + return &p +} + +// StringToInt defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string. +// The return value is the address of a map[string]int variable that stores the value of the flag. +// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma +func StringToInt(name string, value map[string]int, usage string) *map[string]int { + return CommandLine.StringToIntP(name, "", value, usage) +} + +// StringToIntP is like StringToInt, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash. +func StringToIntP(name, shorthand string, value map[string]int, usage string) *map[string]int { + return CommandLine.StringToIntP(name, shorthand, value, usage) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/string_to_string.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/string_to_string.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..890a01afc03 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/pflag/string_to_string.go @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +package pflag + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/csv" + "fmt" + "strings" +) + +// -- stringToString Value +type stringToStringValue struct { + value *map[string]string + changed bool +} + +func newStringToStringValue(val map[string]string, p *map[string]string) *stringToStringValue { + ssv := new(stringToStringValue) + ssv.value = p + *ssv.value = val + return ssv +} + +// Format: a=1,b=2 +func (s *stringToStringValue) Set(val string) error { + var ss []string + n := strings.Count(val, "=") + switch n { + case 0: + return fmt.Errorf("%s must be formatted as key=value", val) + case 1: + ss = append(ss, strings.Trim(val, `"`)) + default: + r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(val)) + var err error + ss, err = r.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + out := make(map[string]string, len(ss)) + for _, pair := range ss { + kv := strings.SplitN(pair, "=", 2) + if len(kv) != 2 { + return fmt.Errorf("%s must be formatted as key=value", pair) + } + out[kv[0]] = kv[1] + } + if !s.changed { + *s.value = out + } else { + for k, v := range out { + (*s.value)[k] = v + } + } + s.changed = true + return nil +} + +func (s *stringToStringValue) Type() string { + return "stringToString" +} + +func (s *stringToStringValue) String() string { + records := make([]string, 0, len(*s.value)>>1) + for k, v := range *s.value { + records = append(records, k+"="+v) + } + + var buf bytes.Buffer + w := csv.NewWriter(&buf) + if err := w.Write(records); err != nil { + panic(err) + } + w.Flush() + return "[" + strings.TrimSpace(buf.String()) + "]" +} + +func stringToStringConv(val string) (interface{}, error) { + val = strings.Trim(val, "[]") + // An empty string would cause an empty map + if len(val) == 0 { + return map[string]string{}, nil + } + r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(val)) + ss, err := r.Read() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + out := make(map[string]string, len(ss)) + for _, pair := range ss { + kv := strings.SplitN(pair, "=", 2) + if len(kv) != 2 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s must be formatted as key=value", pair) + } + out[kv[0]] = kv[1] + } + return out, nil +} + +// GetStringToString return the map[string]string value of a flag with the given name +func (f *FlagSet) GetStringToString(name string) (map[string]string, error) { + val, err := f.getFlagType(name, "stringToString", stringToStringConv) + if err != nil { + return map[string]string{}, err + } + return val.(map[string]string), nil +} + +// StringToStringVar defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string. +// The argument p points to a map[string]string variable in which to store the values of the multiple flags. +// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma +func (f *FlagSet) StringToStringVar(p *map[string]string, name string, value map[string]string, usage string) { + f.VarP(newStringToStringValue(value, p), name, "", usage) +} + +// StringToStringVarP is like StringToStringVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash. +func (f *FlagSet) StringToStringVarP(p *map[string]string, name, shorthand string, value map[string]string, usage string) { + f.VarP(newStringToStringValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage) +} + +// StringToStringVar defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string. +// The argument p points to a map[string]string variable in which to store the value of the flag. +// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma +func StringToStringVar(p *map[string]string, name string, value map[string]string, usage string) { + CommandLine.VarP(newStringToStringValue(value, p), name, "", usage) +} + +// StringToStringVarP is like StringToStringVar, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash. +func StringToStringVarP(p *map[string]string, name, shorthand string, value map[string]string, usage string) { + CommandLine.VarP(newStringToStringValue(value, p), name, shorthand, usage) +} + +// StringToString defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string. +// The return value is the address of a map[string]string variable that stores the value of the flag. +// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma +func (f *FlagSet) StringToString(name string, value map[string]string, usage string) *map[string]string { + p := map[string]string{} + f.StringToStringVarP(&p, name, "", value, usage) + return &p +} + +// StringToStringP is like StringToString, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash. +func (f *FlagSet) StringToStringP(name, shorthand string, value map[string]string, usage string) *map[string]string { + p := map[string]string{} + f.StringToStringVarP(&p, name, shorthand, value, usage) + return &p +} + +// StringToString defines a string flag with specified name, default value, and usage string. +// The return value is the address of a map[string]string variable that stores the value of the flag. +// The value of each argument will not try to be separated by comma +func StringToString(name string, value map[string]string, usage string) *map[string]string { + return CommandLine.StringToStringP(name, "", value, usage) +} + +// StringToStringP is like StringToString, but accepts a shorthand letter that can be used after a single dash. +func StringToStringP(name, shorthand string, value map[string]string, usage string) *map[string]string { + return CommandLine.StringToStringP(name, shorthand, value, usage) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.gitignore index 352a34a566c..01b5c44b9c1 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.gitignore +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.gitignore @@ -21,4 +21,9 @@ _testmain.go *.exe *.test -*.bench \ No newline at end of file +*.bench + +.vscode + +# exclude dependencies in the `/vendor` folder +vendor diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.travis.yml index 22a8a00e2ec..bb83057ba45 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/.travis.yml @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ go_import_path: github.com/spf13/viper language: go + +env: + global: + - GO111MODULE="on" + go: - - 1.10.x - 1.11.x - tip diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/README.md b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/README.md index 87bbc8b44e4..0208eac84da 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/README.md @@ -179,13 +179,14 @@ viper.GetBool("verbose") // true ### Working with Environment Variables Viper has full support for environment variables. This enables 12 factor -applications out of the box. There are four methods that exist to aid working +applications out of the box. There are five methods that exist to aid working with ENV: * `AutomaticEnv()` * `BindEnv(string...) : error` * `SetEnvPrefix(string)` * `SetEnvKeyReplacer(string...) *strings.Replacer` + * `AllowEmptyEnvVar(bool)` _When working with ENV variables, it’s important to recognize that Viper treats ENV variables as case sensitive._ @@ -217,6 +218,10 @@ keys to an extent. This is useful if you want to use `-` or something in your `Get()` calls, but want your environmental variables to use `_` delimiters. An example of using it can be found in `viper_test.go`. +By default empty environment variables are considered unset and will fall back to +the next configuration source. To treat empty environment variables as set, use +the `AllowEmptyEnv` method. + #### Env example ```go diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/go.mod index 3f4e1c227c8..86e801c150b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/go.mod +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/go.mod @@ -1,16 +1,24 @@ module github.com/spf13/viper require ( + github.com/armon/consul-api v0.0.0-20180202201655-eb2c6b5be1b6 // indirect + github.com/coreos/etcd v3.3.10+incompatible // indirect + github.com/coreos/go-etcd v2.0.0+incompatible // indirect + github.com/coreos/go-semver v0.2.0 // indirect github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7 github.com/hashicorp/hcl v1.0.0 github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.0 - github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.0.0 + github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2 github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.2.0 github.com/spf13/afero v1.1.2 - github.com/spf13/cast v1.2.0 + github.com/spf13/cast v1.3.0 github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman v1.0.0 - github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.2 - golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180906133057-8cf3aee42992 // indirect + github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.3 + github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2 + github.com/ugorji/go/codec v0.0.0-20181204163529-d75b2dcb6bc8 // indirect + github.com/xordataexchange/crypt v0.0.3-0.20170626215501-b2862e3d0a77 + golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20181203042331-505ab145d0a9 // indirect + golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20181205085412-a5c9d58dba9a // indirect golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 // indirect - gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1 + gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 ) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/go.sum b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/go.sum index 3e3b874bcef..5c9fb7d5447 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/go.sum +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/go.sum @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +github.com/armon/consul-api v0.0.0-20180202201655-eb2c6b5be1b6/go.mod h1:grANhF5doyWs3UAsr3K4I6qtAmlQcZDesFNEHPZAzj8= +github.com/coreos/etcd v3.3.10+incompatible/go.mod h1:uF7uidLiAD3TWHmW31ZFd/JWoc32PjwdhPthX9715RE= +github.com/coreos/go-etcd v2.0.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:Jez6KQU2B/sWsbdaef3ED8NzMklzPG4d5KIOhIy30Tk= +github.com/coreos/go-semver v0.2.0/go.mod h1:nnelYz7RCh+5ahJtPPxZlU+153eP4D4r3EedlOD2RNk= github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7 h1:IXs+QLmnXW2CcXuY+8Mzv/fWEsPGWxqefPtCP5CnV9I= github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7/go.mod h1:jwhsz4b93w/PPRr/qN1Yymfu8t87LnFCMoQvtojpjFo= @@ -5,22 +9,27 @@ github.com/hashicorp/hcl v1.0.0 h1:0Anlzjpi4vEasTeNFn2mLJgTSwt0+6sfsiTG8qcWGx4= github.com/hashicorp/hcl v1.0.0/go.mod h1:E5yfLk+7swimpb2L/Alb/PJmXilQ/rhwaUYs4T20WEQ= github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.0 h1:LLgXmsheXeRoUOBOjtwPQCWIYqM/LU1ayDtDePerRcY= github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.0/go.mod h1:PppfXfuXeibc/6YijjN8zIbojt8czPbwD3XqdrwzmxQ= -github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.0.0 h1:vVpGvMXJPqSDh2VYHF7gsfQj8Ncx+Xw5Y1KHeTRY+7I= -github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.0.0/go.mod h1:FVVH3fgwuzCH5S8UJGiWEs2h04kUh9fWfEaFds41c1Y= +github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2 h1:fmNYVwqnSfB9mZU6OS2O6GsXM+wcskZDuKQzvN1EDeE= +github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2/go.mod h1:FVVH3fgwuzCH5S8UJGiWEs2h04kUh9fWfEaFds41c1Y= github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.2.0 h1:T5zMGML61Wp+FlcbWjRDT7yAxhJNAiPPLOFECq181zc= github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.2.0/go.mod h1:5z9KED0ma1S8pY6P1sdut58dfprrGBbd/94hg7ilaic= +github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= github.com/spf13/afero v1.1.2 h1:m8/z1t7/fwjysjQRYbP0RD+bUIF/8tJwPdEZsI83ACI= github.com/spf13/afero v1.1.2/go.mod h1:j4pytiNVoe2o6bmDsKpLACNPDBIoEAkihy7loJ1B0CQ= -github.com/spf13/cast v1.2.0 h1:HHl1DSRbEQN2i8tJmtS6ViPyHx35+p51amrdsiTCrkg= -github.com/spf13/cast v1.2.0/go.mod h1:r2rcYCSwa1IExKTDiTfzaxqT2FNHs8hODu4LnUfgKEg= +github.com/spf13/cast v1.3.0 h1:oget//CVOEoFewqQxwr0Ej5yjygnqGkvggSE/gB35Q8= +github.com/spf13/cast v1.3.0/go.mod h1:Qx5cxh0v+4UWYiBimWS+eyWzqEqokIECu5etghLkUJE= github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman v1.0.0 h1:XHEdyB+EcvlqZamSM4ZOMGlc93t6AcsBEu9Gc1vn7yk= github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman v1.0.0/go.mod h1:cQK4TGJAtQXfYWX+Ddv3mKDzgVb68N+wFjFa4jdeBTo= -github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.2 h1:Fy0orTDgHdbnzHcsOgfCN4LtHf0ec3wwtiwJqwvf3Gc= -github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.2/go.mod h1:DYY7MBk1bdzusC3SYhjObp+wFpr4gzcvqqNjLnInEg4= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180906133057-8cf3aee42992 h1:BH3eQWeGbwRU2+wxxuuPOdFBmaiBH81O8BugSjHeTFg= -golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20180906133057-8cf3aee42992/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= +github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.3 h1:zPAT6CGy6wXeQ7NtTnaTerfKOsV6V6F8agHXFiazDkg= +github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.3/go.mod h1:DYY7MBk1bdzusC3SYhjObp+wFpr4gzcvqqNjLnInEg4= +github.com/stretchr/testify v1.2.2/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs= +github.com/ugorji/go/codec v0.0.0-20181204163529-d75b2dcb6bc8/go.mod h1:VFNgLljTbGfSG7qAOspJ7OScBnGdDN/yBr0sguwnwf0= +github.com/xordataexchange/crypt v0.0.3-0.20170626215501-b2862e3d0a77/go.mod h1:aYKd//L2LvnjZzWKhF00oedf4jCCReLcmhLdhm1A27Q= +golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20181203042331-505ab145d0a9/go.mod h1:6SG95UA2DQfeDnfUPMdvaQW0Q7yPrPDi9nlGo2tz2b4= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20181205085412-a5c9d58dba9a h1:1n5lsVfiQW3yfsRGu98756EH1YthsFqr/5mxHduZW2A= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20181205085412-a5c9d58dba9a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 h1:g61tztE5qeGQ89tm6NTjjM9VPIm088od1l6aSorWRWg= golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= -gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1 h1:mUhvW9EsL+naU5Q3cakzfE91YhliOondGd6ZrsDBHQE= -gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= +gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw= +gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go index 051a3effbf3..7173c6e9a20 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/spf13/viper/viper.go @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import ( "path/filepath" "reflect" "strings" + "sync" "time" yaml "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" @@ -186,6 +187,7 @@ type Viper struct { automaticEnvApplied bool envKeyReplacer *strings.Replacer + allowEmptyEnv bool config map[string]interface{} override map[string]interface{} @@ -276,48 +278,73 @@ func (v *Viper) OnConfigChange(run func(in fsnotify.Event)) { } func WatchConfig() { v.WatchConfig() } + func (v *Viper) WatchConfig() { + initWG := sync.WaitGroup{} + initWG.Add(1) go func() { watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer watcher.Close() - // we have to watch the entire directory to pick up renames/atomic saves in a cross-platform way filename, err := v.getConfigFile() if err != nil { - log.Println("error:", err) + log.Printf("error: %v\n", err) return } configFile := filepath.Clean(filename) configDir, _ := filepath.Split(configFile) + realConfigFile, _ := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filename) - done := make(chan bool) + eventsWG := sync.WaitGroup{} + eventsWG.Add(1) go func() { for { select { - case event := <-watcher.Events: - // we only care about the config file - if filepath.Clean(event.Name) == configFile { - if event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write || event.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create { - err := v.ReadInConfig() - if err != nil { - log.Println("error:", err) - } + case event, ok := <-watcher.Events: + if !ok { // 'Events' channel is closed + eventsWG.Done() + return + } + currentConfigFile, _ := filepath.EvalSymlinks(filename) + // we only care about the config file with the following cases: + // 1 - if the config file was modified or created + // 2 - if the real path to the config file changed (eg: k8s ConfigMap replacement) + const writeOrCreateMask = fsnotify.Write | fsnotify.Create + if (filepath.Clean(event.Name) == configFile && + event.Op&writeOrCreateMask != 0) || + (currentConfigFile != "" && currentConfigFile != realConfigFile) { + realConfigFile = currentConfigFile + err := v.ReadInConfig() + if err != nil { + log.Printf("error reading config file: %v\n", err) + } + if v.onConfigChange != nil { v.onConfigChange(event) } + } else if filepath.Clean(event.Name) == configFile && + event.Op&fsnotify.Remove&fsnotify.Remove != 0 { + eventsWG.Done() + return } - case err := <-watcher.Errors: - log.Println("error:", err) + + case err, ok := <-watcher.Errors: + if ok { // 'Errors' channel is not closed + log.Printf("watcher error: %v\n", err) + } + eventsWG.Done() + return } } }() - watcher.Add(configDir) - <-done + initWG.Done() // done initalizing the watch in this go routine, so the parent routine can move on... + eventsWG.Wait() // now, wait for event loop to end in this go-routine... }() + initWG.Wait() // make sure that the go routine above fully ended before returning } // SetConfigFile explicitly defines the path, name and extension of the config file. @@ -347,6 +374,14 @@ func (v *Viper) mergeWithEnvPrefix(in string) string { return strings.ToUpper(in) } +// AllowEmptyEnv tells Viper to consider set, +// but empty environment variables as valid values instead of falling back. +// For backward compatibility reasons this is false by default. +func AllowEmptyEnv(allowEmptyEnv bool) { v.AllowEmptyEnv(allowEmptyEnv) } +func (v *Viper) AllowEmptyEnv(allowEmptyEnv bool) { + v.allowEmptyEnv = allowEmptyEnv +} + // TODO: should getEnv logic be moved into find(). Can generalize the use of // rewriting keys many things, Ex: Get('someKey') -> some_key // (camel case to snake case for JSON keys perhaps) @@ -354,11 +389,14 @@ func (v *Viper) mergeWithEnvPrefix(in string) string { // getEnv is a wrapper around os.Getenv which replaces characters in the original // key. This allows env vars which have different keys than the config object // keys. -func (v *Viper) getEnv(key string) string { +func (v *Viper) getEnv(key string) (string, bool) { if v.envKeyReplacer != nil { key = v.envKeyReplacer.Replace(key) } - return os.Getenv(key) + + val, ok := os.LookupEnv(key) + + return val, ok && (v.allowEmptyEnv || val != "") } // ConfigFileUsed returns the file used to populate the config registry. @@ -585,10 +623,9 @@ func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInFlatMap(path []string, mi interface{}) string { // "foo.bar.baz" in a lower-priority map func (v *Viper) isPathShadowedInAutoEnv(path []string) string { var parentKey string - var val string for i := 1; i < len(path); i++ { parentKey = strings.Join(path[0:i], v.keyDelim) - if val = v.getEnv(v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(parentKey)); val != "" { + if _, ok := v.getEnv(v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(parentKey)); ok { return parentKey } } @@ -774,8 +811,6 @@ func (v *Viper) UnmarshalKey(key string, rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConf return err } - v.insensitiviseMaps() - return nil } @@ -791,8 +826,6 @@ func (v *Viper) Unmarshal(rawVal interface{}, opts ...DecoderConfigOption) error return err } - v.insensitiviseMaps() - return nil } @@ -835,8 +868,6 @@ func (v *Viper) UnmarshalExact(rawVal interface{}) error { return err } - v.insensitiviseMaps() - return nil } @@ -967,7 +998,7 @@ func (v *Viper) find(lcaseKey string) interface{} { if v.automaticEnvApplied { // even if it hasn't been registered, if automaticEnv is used, // check any Get request - if val = v.getEnv(v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(lcaseKey)); val != "" { + if val, ok := v.getEnv(v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(lcaseKey)); ok { return val } if nested && v.isPathShadowedInAutoEnv(path) != "" { @@ -976,7 +1007,7 @@ func (v *Viper) find(lcaseKey string) interface{} { } envkey, exists := v.env[lcaseKey] if exists { - if val = v.getEnv(envkey); val != "" { + if val, ok := v.getEnv(envkey); ok { return val } } @@ -1222,13 +1253,21 @@ func (v *Viper) ReadConfig(in io.Reader) error { // MergeConfig merges a new configuration with an existing config. func MergeConfig(in io.Reader) error { return v.MergeConfig(in) } func (v *Viper) MergeConfig(in io.Reader) error { - if v.config == nil { - v.config = make(map[string]interface{}) - } cfg := make(map[string]interface{}) if err := v.unmarshalReader(in, cfg); err != nil { return err } + return v.MergeConfigMap(cfg) +} + +// MergeConfigMap merges the configuration from the map given with an existing config. +// Note that the map given may be modified. +func MergeConfigMap(cfg map[string]interface{}) error { return v.MergeConfigMap(cfg) } +func (v *Viper) MergeConfigMap(cfg map[string]interface{}) error { + if v.config == nil { + v.config = make(map[string]interface{}) + } + insensitiviseMap(cfg) mergeMaps(cfg, v.config, nil) return nil } @@ -1534,13 +1573,6 @@ func (v *Viper) WatchRemoteConfigOnChannel() error { return v.watchKeyValueConfigOnChannel() } -func (v *Viper) insensitiviseMaps() { - insensitiviseMap(v.config) - insensitiviseMap(v.defaults) - insensitiviseMap(v.override) - insensitiviseMap(v.kvstore) -} - // Retrieve the first found remote configuration. func (v *Viper) getKeyValueConfig() error { if RemoteConfig == nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.gitignore index d86409b8b55..e09612418f7 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.gitignore +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.gitignore @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -testdata/simple/docs +dist +testdata/simple*/docs cover.out # Test binary, build with `go test -c` diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.golint_exclude b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.golint_exclude deleted file mode 100644 index 956da6fab9d..00000000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.golint_exclude +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -^example diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.goreleaser.yml b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.goreleaser.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d0b576ab1d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.goreleaser.yml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +build: + main: cmd/swag/main.go +archive: + replacements: + darwin: Darwin + linux: Linux + windows: Windows + 386: i386 + amd64: x86_64 +checksum: + name_template: 'checksums.txt' +snapshot: + name_template: "{{ .Tag }}-next" +changelog: + sort: asc + filters: + exclude: + - '^docs:' + - '^test:' diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.travis.yml index a5d20f30fd8..00fd376464b 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.travis.yml +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/.travis.yml @@ -1,15 +1,19 @@ language: go +sudo: false go: - 1.9.x - 1.10.x - 1.11.x + - 1.12.x -before_install: - - make deps +install: + - make install script: + - make fmt-check - make lint + - make vet - make build - make test diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/Makefile index f5cb8bb4b54..dcdd8d853ed 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/Makefile +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/Makefile @@ -1,36 +1,78 @@ -#! /usr/bin/make -GOCMD=$(shell which go) -GOLINT=$(shell which golint) -GOIMPORT=$(shell which goimports) -GOBUILD=$(GOCMD) build -GOCLEAN=$(GOCMD) clean -GOTEST=$(GOCMD) test -GOGET=$(GOCMD) get -GOLIST=$(GOCMD) list -BINARY_NAME=swag -PACKAGES=$(shell $(GOLIST) -f {{.Dir}} ./... | grep -v /example) +GOCMD:=$(shell which go) +GOLINT:=$(shell which golint) +GOIMPORT:=$(shell which goimports) +GOFMT:=$(shell which gofmt) +GOBUILD:=$(GOCMD) build +GOCLEAN:=$(GOCMD) clean +GOTEST:=$(GOCMD) test +GOGET:=$(GOCMD) get +GOLIST:=$(GOCMD) list +GOVET:=$(GOCMD) vet + +BINARY_NAME:=swag +PACKAGES:=$(shell $(GOLIST) ./...) +GOFILES:=$(shell find . -name "*.go" -type f) + +export GO111MODULE := on all: test build +.PHONY: build build: $(GOBUILD) -o $(BINARY_NAME) -v ./cmd/... +.PHONY: test test: - $(GOTEST) -v ./... + echo "mode: count" > coverage.out + for PKG in $(PACKAGES); do \ + $(GOCMD) test -v -covermode=count -coverprofile=profile.out $$PKG > tmp.out; \ + cat tmp.out; \ + if grep -q "^--- FAIL" tmp.out; then \ + rm tmp.out; \ + exit 1; \ + elif grep -q "build failed" tmp.out; then \ + rm tmp.out; \ + exit; \ + fi; \ + if [ -f profile.out ]; then \ + cat profile.out | grep -v "mode:" >> coverage.out; \ + rm profile.out; \ + fi; \ + done +.PHONY: clean clean: $(GOCLEAN) rm -f $(BINARY_NAME) -lint: - for PKG in $(PACKAGES); do golint -set_exit_status $$PKG || exit 1; done; - -deps: +.PHONY: install +install: $(GOGET) -v ./... $(GOGET) github.com/stretchr/testify/assert - $(GOGET) golang.org/x/lint/golint - $(GOGET) golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports +.PHONY: lint +lint: + which golint || $(GOGET) -u golang.org/x/lint/golint + for PKG in $(PACKAGES); do golint -set_exit_status $$PKG || exit 1; done; + +.PHONY: vet +vet: + $(GOVET) $(PACKAGES) + +.PHONY: fmt +fmt: + $(GOFMT) -s -w $(GOFILES) + +.PHONY: fmt-check +fmt-check: + @diff=$$($(GOFMT) -s -d $(GOFILES)); \ + if [ -n "$$diff" ]; then \ + echo "Please run 'make fmt' and commit the result:"; \ + echo "$${diff}"; \ + exit 1; \ + fi; + +.PHONY: view-covered view-covered: $(GOTEST) -coverprofile=cover.out $(TARGET) - $(GOCMD) tool cover -html=cover.out + $(GOCMD) tool cover -html=cover.out \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/README.md b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/README.md index 05f81692daa..b69ca61e280 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/README.md +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/README.md @@ -1,71 +1,77 @@ # swag -

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- Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0 for Go. -

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gopher image source is tenntenn/gopher-stickers. It has licenses creative commons licensing.

- -## Content - - [Getting started](#getting-started) - - [Go web frameworks](#supported-web-frameworks) - - [Supported Web Frameworks](#supported-web-frameworks) - - [How to use it with Gin](#how-to-use-it-with-gin) - - [Implementation Status](#implementation-status) - - [swag cli](#swag-cli) - - [General API Info](#general-api-info) - - [Security](#security) - - [API Operation](#api-operation) - - [TIPS](#tips) - - [User defined structure with an array type](#user-defined-structure-with-an-array-type) - - [Use multiple path params](#use-multiple-path-params) - - [Example value of struct](#example-value-of-struct) - - [Description of struct](#description-of-struct) -- [About the Project](#about-the-project) - -## Summary Swag converts Go annotations to Swagger Documentation 2.0. We've created a variety of plugins for popular [Go web frameworks](#supported-web-frameworks). This allows you to quickly integrate with an existing Go project (using Swagger UI). -## Examples - -[swaggo + gin](https://github.com/swaggo/swag/tree/master/example) - +## Contents + - [Getting started](#getting-started) + - [Supported Web Frameworks](#supported-web-frameworks) + - [How to use it with Gin](#how-to-use-it-with-gin) + - [Implementation Status](#implementation-status) + - [Declarative Comments Format](#declarative-comments-format) + - [General API Info](##general-api-info) + - [API Operation](#api-operation) + - [Security](#security) + - [Examples](#examples) + - [Descriptions over multiple lines](#descriptions-over-multiple-lines) + - [User defined structure with an array type](#user-defined-structure-with-an-array-type) + - [Add a headers in response](#add-a-headers-in-response) + - [Use multiple path params](#use-multiple-path-params) + - [Example value of struct](#example-value-of-struct) + - [Description of struct](#description-of-struct) + - [Override swagger type of a struct field](#Override-swagger-type-of-a-struct-field) + - [Add extension info to struct field](#add-extension-info-to-struct-field) + - [How to using security annotations](#how-to-using-security-annotations) +- [About the Project](#about-the-project) ## Getting started -1. Add comments to your API source code, [See Declarative Comments Format](#general-api-info). +1. Add comments to your API source code, See [Declarative Comments Format](#declarative-comments-format). 2. Download swag by using: ```sh $ go get -u github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag ``` +Or download the pre-compiled binaries binray form [release page](https://github.com/swaggo/swag/releases). 3. Run `swag init` in the project's root folder which contains the `main.go` file. This will parse your comments and generate the required files (`docs` folder and `docs/docs.go`). ```sh $ swag init ``` -4. In order to serve these files, you can utilize one of our supported plugins. For go's core library, check out [net/http](https://github.com/swaggo/http-swagger). - - * Make sure to import the generated `docs/docs.go` so that your specific configuration gets `init`'ed. - * If your General API annotation do not live in `main.go`, you can let swag know with `-g`. + Make sure to import the generated `docs/docs.go` so that your specific configuration gets `init`'ed. If your General API annotations do not live in `main.go`, you can let swag know with `-g` flag. ```sh swag init -g http/api.go ``` +## swag cli + +```sh +$ swag init -h +NAME: + swag init - Create docs.go + +USAGE: + swag init [command options] [arguments...] + +OPTIONS: + --generalInfo value, -g value Go file path in which 'swagger general API Info' is written (default: "main.go") + --dir value, -d value Directory you want to parse (default: "./") + --propertyStrategy value, -p value Property Naming Strategy like snakecase,camelcase,pascalcase (default: "camelcase") + --output value, -o value Output directory for al the generated files(swagger.json, swagger.yaml and doc.go) (default: "./docs") + --parseVendor Parse go files in 'vendor' folder, disabled by default --output value, -o value Output directory for al the generated files(swagger.json, swagger.yaml and doc.go) (default: "./docs") +``` + ## Supported Web Frameworks - [gin](http://github.com/swaggo/gin-swagger) @@ -215,6 +221,7 @@ import ( // @Produce json // @Param id path int true "Account ID" // @Success 200 {object} model.Account +// @Header 200 {string} Token "qwerty" // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.HTTPError // @Failure 404 {object} httputil.HTTPError // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.HTTPError @@ -241,6 +248,7 @@ func (c *Controller) ShowAccount(ctx *gin.Context) { // @Produce json // @Param q query string false "name search by q" // @Success 200 {array} model.Account +// @Header 200 {string} Token "qwerty" // @Failure 400 {object} httputil.HTTPError // @Failure 404 {object} httputil.HTTPError // @Failure 500 {object} httputil.HTTPError @@ -286,67 +294,33 @@ $ swag init - [x] Grouping Operations With Tags - [ ] Swagger Extensions -# swag cli +# Declarative Comments Format -```console -$ swag init -h -NAME: - swag init - Create docs.go - -USAGE: - swag init [command options] [arguments...] - -OPTIONS: - --generalInfo value, -g value Go file path in which 'swagger general API Info' is written (default: "main.go") - --dir value, -d value Directory you want to parse (default: "./") - --swagger value, -s value Output the swagger conf for json and yaml (default: "./docs/swagger") - --propertyStrategy value, -p value Property Naming Strategy like snakecase,camelcase,pascalcase (default: "camelcase") -``` - -# General API Info +## General API Info **Example** [celler/main.go](https://github.com/swaggo/swag/blob/master/example/celler/main.go) -| annotation | description | example | -|-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------| -| title | **Required.** The title of the application. | // @title Swagger Example API | -| version | **Required.** Provides the version of the application API. | // @version 1.0 | -| description | A short description of the application. | // @description This is a sample server celler server. | -| tag.name | Name of a tag. | // @tag.name This is the name of the tag | -| tag.description | Description of the tag | // @tag.description Cool Description | -| tag.docs.url | Url of the external Documentation of the tag | // @tag.docs.url https://example.com | -| tag.docs.descripiton | Description of the external Documentation of the tag | // @tag.docs.descirption Best example documentation | -| termsOfService | The Terms of Service for the API. | // @termsOfService http://swagger.io/terms/ | -| contact.name | The contact information for the exposed API. | // @contact.name API Support | -| contact.url | The URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be in the format of a URL. | // @contact.url http://www.swagger.io/support | -| contact.email | The email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be in the format of an email address.| // @contact.email support@swagger.io | -| license.name | **Required.** The license name used for the API. | // @license.name Apache 2.0 | -| license.url | A URL to the license used for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL. | // @license.url http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html | -| host | The host (name or ip) serving the API. | // @host localhost:8080 | -| BasePath | The base path on which the API is served. | // @BasePath /api/v1 | +| annotation | description | example | +|-------------|--------------------------------------------|---------------------------------| +| title | **Required.** The title of the application.| // @title Swagger Example API | +| version | **Required.** Provides the version of the application API.| // @version 1.0 | +| description | A short description of the application. |// @description This is a sample server celler server. | +| tag.name | Name of a tag.| // @tag.name This is the name of the tag | +| tag.description | Description of the tag | // @tag.description Cool Description | +| tag.docs.url | Url of the external Documentation of the tag | // @tag.docs.url https://example.com| +| tag.docs.descripiton | Description of the external Documentation of the tag| // @tag.docs.descirption Best example documentation | +| termsOfService | The Terms of Service for the API.| // @termsOfService http://swagger.io/terms/ | +| contact.name | The contact information for the exposed API.| // @contact.name API Support | +| contact.url | The URL pointing to the contact information. MUST be in the format of a URL. | // @contact.url http://www.swagger.io/support| +| contact.email| The email address of the contact person/organization. MUST be in the format of an email address.| // @contact.email support@swagger.io | +| license.name | **Required.** The license name used for the API.|// @license.name Apache 2.0| +| license.url | A URL to the license used for the API. MUST be in the format of a URL. | // @license.url http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html | +| host | The host (name or ip) serving the API. | // @host localhost:8080 | +| BasePath | The base path on which the API is served. | // @BasePath /api/v1 | +| schemes | The transfer protocol for the operation that separated by spaces. | // @schemes http https | -## Security - -| annotation | description | parameters | example | -|-----------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| -| securitydefinitions.basic | [Basic](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/2-0/authentication/basic-authentication/) auth. | | // @securityDefinitions.basic BasicAuth | -| securitydefinitions.apikey | [API key](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/2-0/authentication/api-keys/) auth. | in, name | // @securityDefinitions.apikey ApiKeyAuth | -| securitydefinitions.oauth2.application | [OAuth2 application](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/oauth2/) auth. | tokenUrl, scope | // @securitydefinitions.oauth2.application OAuth2Application | -| securitydefinitions.oauth2.implicit | [OAuth2 implicit](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/oauth2/) auth. | authorizationUrl, scope | // @securitydefinitions.oauth2.implicit OAuth2Implicit | -| securitydefinitions.oauth2.password | [OAuth2 password](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/oauth2/) auth. | tokenUrl, scope | // @securitydefinitions.oauth2.password OAuth2Password | -| securitydefinitions.oauth2.accessCode | [OAuth2 access code](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/oauth2/) auth. | tokenUrl, authorizationUrl, scope | // @securitydefinitions.oauth2.accessCode OAuth2AccessCode | - - -| parameters annotation | example | -|-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| -| in | // @in header | -| name | // @name Authorization | -| tokenUrl | // @tokenUrl https://example.com/oauth/token | -| authorizationurl | // @authorizationurl https://example.com/oauth/authorize | -| scope.hoge | // @scope.write Grants write access | - -# API Operation +## API Operation **Example** [celler/controller](https://github.com/swaggo/swag/tree/master/example/celler/controller) @@ -364,50 +338,30 @@ OPTIONS: | security | [Security](#security) to each API operation. | | success | Success response that separated by spaces. `return code`,`{param type}`,`data type`,`comment` | | failure | Failure response that separated by spaces. `return code`,`{param type}`,`data type`,`comment` | +| header | Header in response that separated by spaces. `return code`,`{param type}`,`data type`,`comment` | | router | Path definition that separated by spaces. `path`,`[httpMethod]` | ## Mime Types -| Mime Type | annotation | -|-----------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| -| application/json | application/json, json | -| text/xml | text/xml, xml | -| text/plain | text/plain, plain | -| html | text/html, html | -| multipart/form-data | multipart/form-data, mpfd | -| application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/x-www-form-urlencoded, x-www-form-urlencoded | -| application/vnd.api+json | application/vnd.api+json, json-api | -| application/x-json-stream | application/x-json-stream, json-stream | -| application/octet-stream | application/octet-stream, octet-stream | -| image/png | image/png, png | -| image/jpeg | image/jpeg, jpeg | -| image/gif | image/gif, gif | +`swag` accepts all MIME Types which are in the correct format, that is, match `*/*`. +Besides that, `swag` also accepts aliases for some MIME Types as follows: -## Security +| Alias | MIME Type | +|-----------------------|-----------------------------------| +| json | application/json | +| xml | text/xml | +| plain | text/plain | +| html | text/html | +| mpfd | multipart/form-data | +| x-www-form-urlencoded | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | +| json-api | application/vnd.api+json | +| json-stream | application/x-json-stream | +| octet-stream | application/octet-stream | +| png | image/png | +| jpeg | image/jpeg | +| gif | image/gif | -General API info. -```go -// @securityDefinitions.basic BasicAuth - -// @securitydefinitions.oauth2.application OAuth2Application -// @tokenUrl https://example.com/oauth/token -// @scope.write Grants write access -// @scope.admin Grants read and write access to administrative information -``` - -Each API operation. - -```go -// @Security ApiKeyAuth -``` - -Make it AND condition - -```go -// @Security ApiKeyAuth -// @Security OAuth2Application[write, admin] -``` ## Param Type @@ -426,6 +380,26 @@ Make it AND condition - boolean (bool) - user defined struct +## Security +| annotation | description | parameters | example | +|------------|-------------|------------|---------| +| securitydefinitions.basic | [Basic](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/2-0/authentication/basic-authentication/) auth. | | // @securityDefinitions.basic BasicAuth | +| securitydefinitions.apikey | [API key](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/2-0/authentication/api-keys/) auth. | in, name | // @securityDefinitions.apikey ApiKeyAuth | +| securitydefinitions.oauth2.application | [OAuth2 application](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/oauth2/) auth. | tokenUrl, scope | // @securitydefinitions.oauth2.application OAuth2Application | +| securitydefinitions.oauth2.implicit | [OAuth2 implicit](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/oauth2/) auth. | authorizationUrl, scope | // @securitydefinitions.oauth2.implicit OAuth2Implicit | +| securitydefinitions.oauth2.password | [OAuth2 password](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/oauth2/) auth. | tokenUrl, scope | // @securitydefinitions.oauth2.password OAuth2Password | +| securitydefinitions.oauth2.accessCode | [OAuth2 access code](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/oauth2/) auth. | tokenUrl, authorizationUrl, scope | // @securitydefinitions.oauth2.accessCode OAuth2AccessCode | + + +| parameters annotation | example | +|-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +| in | // @in header | +| name | // @name Authorization | +| tokenUrl | // @tokenUrl https://example.com/oauth/token | +| authorizationurl | // @authorizationurl https://example.com/oauth/authorize | +| scope.hoge | // @scope.write Grants write access | + + ## Attribute ```go @@ -457,12 +431,12 @@ Field Name | Type | Description maxLength | `integer` | See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fge-json-schema-validation-00#section-5.2.1. minLength | `integer` | See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fge-json-schema-validation-00#section-5.2.2. enums | [\*] | See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fge-json-schema-validation-00#section-5.5.1. +format | `string` | The extending format for the previously mentioned [`type`](#parameterType). See [Data Type Formats](#dataTypeFormat) for further details. ### Future Field Name | Type | Description ---|:---:|--- -format | `string` | The extending format for the previously mentioned [`type`](#parameterType). See [Data Type Formats](#dataTypeFormat) for further details. multipleOf | `number` | See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fge-json-schema-validation-00#section-5.1.1. pattern | `string` | See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fge-json-schema-validation-00#section-5.2.3. maxItems | `integer` | See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fge-json-schema-validation-00#section-5.3.2. @@ -470,7 +444,17 @@ Field Name | Type | Description uniqueItems | `boolean` | See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fge-json-schema-validation-00#section-5.3.4. collectionFormat | `string` | Determines the format of the array if type array is used. Possible values are: Default value is `csv`. -## TIPS +## Examples + +### Descriptions over multiple lines + +You can add descriptions spanning multiple lines in either the general api description or routes definitions like so: + +```go +// @description This is the first line +// @description This is the second line +// @description And so forth. +``` ### User defined structure with an array type @@ -486,6 +470,13 @@ type Account struct { Name string `json:"name" example:"account name"` } ``` +### Add a headers in response + +```go +// @Success 200 {string} string "ok" +// @Header 200 {string} Location "/entity/1" +// @Header 200 {string} Token "qwerty" +``` ### Use multiple path params @@ -511,22 +502,129 @@ type Account struct { ```go type Account struct { - // ID this is userid - ID int `json:"id" + // ID this is userid + ID int `json:"id"` + Name string `json:"name"` // This is Name } ``` ### Override swagger type of a struct field ```go +type TimestampTime struct { + time.Time +} + +///implement encoding.JSON.Marshaler interface +func (t *TimestampTime) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { + bin := make([]byte, 16) + bin = strconv.AppendInt(bin[:0], t.Time.Unix(), 10) + return bin, nil +} + +func (t *TimestampTime) UnmarshalJSON(bin []byte) error { + v, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(bin), 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return err + } + t.Time = time.Unix(v, 0) + return nil +} +/// + type Account struct { // Override primitive type by simply specifying it via `swaggertype` tag ID sql.NullInt64 `json:"id" swaggertype:"integer"` + // Override struct type to a primitive type 'integer' by specifying it via `swaggertype` tag + RegisterTime TimestampTime `json:"register_time" swaggertype:"primitive,integer"` + // Array types can be overridden using "array," format Coeffs []big.Float `json:"coeffs" swaggertype:"array,number"` } ``` +### Add extension info to struct field + +```go +type Account struct { + ID int `json:"id" extensions:"x-nullable,x-abc=def"` // extensions fields must start with "x-" +} +``` + +generate swagger doc as follows: + +```go +"Account": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "id": { + "type": "string", + "x-nullable": true, + "x-abc": "def" + } + } +} +``` + +### How to using security annotations + +General API info. + +```go +// @securityDefinitions.basic BasicAuth + +// @securitydefinitions.oauth2.application OAuth2Application +// @tokenUrl https://example.com/oauth/token +// @scope.write Grants write access +// @scope.admin Grants read and write access to administrative information +``` + +Each API operation. + +```go +// @Security ApiKeyAuth +``` + +Make it AND condition + +```go +// @Security ApiKeyAuth +// @Security OAuth2Application[write, admin] +``` + ## About the Project -This project was inspired by [yvasiyarov/swagger](https://github.com/yvasiyarov/swagger) but we simplified the usage and added support a variety of [web frameworks](#supported-web-frameworks). +This project was inspired by [yvasiyarov/swagger](https://github.com/yvasiyarov/swagger) but we simplified the usage and added support a variety of [web frameworks](#supported-web-frameworks). Gopher image source is [tenntenn/gopher-stickers](https://github.com/tenntenn/gopher-stickers). It has licenses [creative commons licensing](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en). +## Contributors + +This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](CONTRIBUTING.md)]. + + + +## Backers + +Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](https://opencollective.com/swag#backer)] + + + + +## Sponsors + +Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](https://opencollective.com/swag#sponsor)] + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +## License +[![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fswaggo%2Fswag.svg?type=large)](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fswaggo%2Fswag?ref=badge_large) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag/main.go b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag/main.go index 91590b77b04..61f2ce04cdb 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag/main.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag/main.go @@ -20,18 +20,25 @@ func main() { Aliases: []string{"i"}, Usage: "Create docs.go", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { - dir := c.String("dir") + searchDir := c.String("dir") mainAPIFile := c.String("generalInfo") - swaggerConfDir := c.String("swagger") strategy := c.String("propertyStrategy") + outputDir := c.String("output") + parseVendor := c.Bool("parseVendor") + switch strategy { case swag.CamelCase, swag.SnakeCase, swag.PascalCase: default: return errors.Errorf("not supported %s propertyStrategy", strategy) } - gen.New().Build(dir, mainAPIFile, swaggerConfDir, strategy) - return nil + return gen.New().Build(&gen.Config{ + SearchDir: searchDir, + MainAPIFile: mainAPIFile, + PropNamingStrategy: strategy, + OutputDir: outputDir, + ParseVendor: parseVendor, + }) }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ @@ -44,16 +51,20 @@ func main() { Value: "./", Usage: "Directory you want to parse", }, - cli.StringFlag{ - Name: "swagger, s", - Value: "./docs/swagger", - Usage: "Output the swagger conf for json and yaml", - }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "propertyStrategy, p", Value: "camelcase", Usage: "Property Naming Strategy like snakecase,camelcase,pascalcase", }, + cli.StringFlag{ + Name: "output, o", + Value: "./docs", + Usage: "Output directory for al the generated files(swagger.json, swagger.yaml and doc.go)", + }, + cli.BoolFlag{ + Name: "parseVendor", + Usage: "Parse go files in 'vendor' folder, disabled by default", + }, }, }, } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/debug.go b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/debug.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..68025eb5c26 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/debug.go @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +package swag + +import ( + "log" +) + +const ( + test = iota + release +) + +var swagMode = release + +func isRelease() bool { + return swagMode == release +} + +//Println calls Output to print to the standard logger when release mode. +func Println(v ...interface{}) { + if isRelease() { + log.Println(v...) + } +} + +//Printf calls Output to print to the standard logger when release mode. +func Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) { + if isRelease() { + log.Printf(format, v...) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/gen/gen.go b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/gen/gen.go index 906f74ab1b2..c2fc54b1e0f 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/gen/gen.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/gen/gen.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package gen import ( "encoding/json" + "fmt" "log" "os" "path" @@ -22,12 +23,38 @@ func New() *Gen { return &Gen{} } +// Config presents Gen configurations. +type Config struct { + // SearchDir the swag would be parse + SearchDir string + + //OutputDir represents the output directory for al the generated files + OutputDir string + + //MainAPIFile the Go file path in which 'swagger general API Info' is written + MainAPIFile string + + //PropNamingStrategy represents property naming strategy like snakecase,camelcase,pascalcase + PropNamingStrategy string + + //ParseVendor whether swag should be parse vendor folder + ParseVendor bool +} + // Build builds swagger json file for gived searchDir and mainAPIFile. Returns json -func (g *Gen) Build(searchDir, mainAPIFile, swaggerConfDir, propNamingStrategy string) error { +func (g *Gen) Build(config *Config) error { + if _, err := os.Stat(config.SearchDir); os.IsNotExist(err) { + return fmt.Errorf("dir: %s is not exist", config.SearchDir) + } + log.Println("Generate swagger docs....") p := swag.New() - p.PropNamingStrategy = propNamingStrategy - p.ParseAPI(searchDir, mainAPIFile) + p.PropNamingStrategy = config.PropNamingStrategy + p.ParseVendor = config.ParseVendor + + if err := p.ParseAPI(config.SearchDir, config.MainAPIFile); err != nil { + return err + } swagger := p.GetSwagger() b, err := json.MarshalIndent(swagger, "", " ") @@ -35,15 +62,14 @@ func (g *Gen) Build(searchDir, mainAPIFile, swaggerConfDir, propNamingStrategy s return err } - os.MkdirAll(path.Join(searchDir, "docs"), os.ModePerm) - docs, err := os.Create(path.Join(searchDir, "docs", "docs.go")) + os.MkdirAll(config.OutputDir, os.ModePerm) + docs, err := os.Create(path.Join(config.OutputDir, "docs.go")) if err != nil { return err } defer docs.Close() - os.Mkdir(swaggerConfDir, os.ModePerm) - swaggerJSON, err := os.Create(path.Join(swaggerConfDir, "swagger.json")) + swaggerJSON, err := os.Create(path.Join(config.OutputDir, "swagger.json")) if err != nil { return err } @@ -51,7 +77,7 @@ func (g *Gen) Build(searchDir, mainAPIFile, swaggerConfDir, propNamingStrategy s defer swaggerJSON.Close() swaggerJSON.Write(b) - swaggerYAML, err := os.Create(path.Join(swaggerConfDir, "swagger.yaml")) + swaggerYAML, err := os.Create(path.Join(config.OutputDir, "swagger.yaml")) if err != nil { return err } @@ -75,6 +101,9 @@ func (g *Gen) Build(searchDir, mainAPIFile, swaggerConfDir, propNamingStrategy s } log.Printf("create docs.go at %+v", docs.Name()) + log.Printf("create swagger.json at %+v", swaggerJSON.Name()) + log.Printf("create swagger.yaml at %+v", swaggerYAML.Name()) + return nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/go.mod 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+gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw= +gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI= diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/operation.go b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/operation.go index f07dff92daa..9f8388a58dc 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/operation.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/operation.go @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import ( "go/ast" goparser "go/parser" "go/token" - "log" "net/http" "os" "regexp" @@ -28,6 +27,23 @@ type Operation struct { parser *Parser } +var mimeTypeAliases = map[string]string{ + "json": "application/json", + "xml": "text/xml", + "plain": "text/plain", + "html": "text/html", + "mpfd": "multipart/form-data", + "x-www-form-urlencoded": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", + "json-api": "application/vnd.api+json", + "json-stream": "application/x-json-stream", + "octet-stream": "application/octet-stream", + "png": "image/png", + "jpeg": "image/jpeg", + "gif": "image/gif", +} + +var mimeTypePattern = regexp.MustCompile("^[^/]+/[^/]+$") + // NewOperation creates a new Operation with default properties. // map[int]Response func NewOperation() *Operation { @@ -53,7 +69,7 @@ func (operation *Operation) ParseComment(comment string, astFile *ast.File) erro if operation.Description == "" { operation.Description = lineRemainder } else { - operation.Description += "
" + lineRemainder + operation.Description += "\n" + lineRemainder } case "@summary": operation.Summary = lineRemainder @@ -81,28 +97,32 @@ func (operation *Operation) ParseComment(comment string, astFile *ast.File) erro } } } - + case "@header": + if err := operation.ParseResponseHeaderComment(lineRemainder, astFile); err != nil { + return err + } case "@router": - if err := operation.ParseRouterComment(strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):])); err != nil { + if err := operation.ParseRouterComment(lineRemainder); err != nil { return err } case "@security": - if err := operation.ParseSecurityComment(strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):])); err != nil { + if err := operation.ParseSecurityComment(lineRemainder); err != nil { return err } } return nil } +var paramPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(\S+)[\s]+([\w]+)[\s]+([\S.]+)[\s]+([\w]+)[\s]+"([^"]+)"`) + // ParseParamComment parses params return []string of param properties -// @Param queryText form string true "The email for login" -// [param name] [paramType] [data type] [is mandatory?] [Comment] -// @Param some_id path int true "Some ID" +// E.g. @Param queryText form string true "The email for login" +// [param name] [paramType] [data type] [is mandatory?] [Comment] +// E.g. @Param some_id path int true "Some ID" func (operation *Operation) ParseParamComment(commentLine string, astFile *ast.File) error { - re := regexp.MustCompile(`([-\w]+)[\s]+([\w]+)[\s]+([\S.]+)[\s]+([\w]+)[\s]+"([^"]+)"`) - matches := re.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine) + matches := paramPattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine) if len(matches) != 6 { - return fmt.Errorf("can not parse param comment \"%s\"", commentLine) + return fmt.Errorf("missing required param comment parameters \"%s\"", commentLine) } name := matches[1] paramType := matches[2] @@ -121,52 +141,68 @@ func (operation *Operation) ParseParamComment(commentLine string, astFile *ast.F param = createParameter(paramType, description, name, TransToValidSchemeType(schemaType), required) case "body": param = createParameter(paramType, description, name, "object", required) // TODO: if Parameter types can be objects, but also primitives and arrays - // TODO: this snippets have to extract out - refSplit := strings.Split(schemaType, ".") - if len(refSplit) == 2 { - pkgName := refSplit[0] - typeName := refSplit[1] - if typeSpec, ok := operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName]; ok { - operation.parser.registerTypes[schemaType] = typeSpec - } else { - var typeSpec *ast.TypeSpec - if astFile != nil { - for _, imp := range astFile.Imports { - if imp.Name != nil && imp.Name.Name == pkgName { // the import had an alias that matched - break - } - impPath := strings.Replace(imp.Path.Value, `"`, ``, -1) - if strings.HasSuffix(impPath, "/"+pkgName) { - var err error - typeSpec, err = findTypeDef(impPath, typeName) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrapf(err, "can not find ref type: %q", schemaType) - } - break - } - } - } - - if typeSpec == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("can not find ref type:\"%s\"", schemaType) - } - - operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName] = typeSpec - operation.parser.registerTypes[schemaType] = typeSpec - - } - param.Schema.Ref = spec.Ref{ - Ref: jsonreference.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + schemaType), - } + if err := operation.registerSchemaType(schemaType, astFile); err != nil { + return err + } + param.Schema.Ref = spec.Ref{ + Ref: jsonreference.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/" + schemaType), } case "formData": param = createParameter(paramType, description, name, TransToValidSchemeType(schemaType), required) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("%s is not supported paramType", paramType) + } + + if err := operation.parseAndExtractionParamAttribute(commentLine, schemaType, ¶m); err != nil { + return err } - param = operation.parseAndExtractionParamAttribute(commentLine, schemaType, param) operation.Operation.Parameters = append(operation.Operation.Parameters, param) return nil } +func (operation *Operation) registerSchemaType(schemaType string, astFile *ast.File) error { + refSplit := strings.Split(schemaType, ".") + if len(refSplit) != 2 { + return nil + } + pkgName := refSplit[0] + typeName := refSplit[1] + if typeSpec, ok := operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName]; ok { + operation.parser.registerTypes[schemaType] = typeSpec + return nil + } + var typeSpec *ast.TypeSpec + if astFile == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("can not register schema type: %q reason: astFile == nil", schemaType) + } + for _, imp := range astFile.Imports { + if imp.Name != nil && imp.Name.Name == pkgName { // the import had an alias that matched + break + } + impPath := strings.Replace(imp.Path.Value, `"`, ``, -1) + if strings.HasSuffix(impPath, "/"+pkgName) { + var err error + typeSpec, err = findTypeDef(impPath, typeName) + if err != nil { + return errors.Wrapf(err, "can not find type def: %q", schemaType) + } + break + } + } + + if typeSpec == nil { + return fmt.Errorf("can not find schema type: %q", schemaType) + } + + if _, ok := operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName]; !ok { + operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName] = make(map[string]*ast.TypeSpec) + } + + operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName] = typeSpec + operation.parser.registerTypes[schemaType] = typeSpec + return nil +} + var regexAttributes = map[string]*regexp.Regexp{ // for Enums(A, B) "enums": regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)enums\(.*\)`), @@ -184,99 +220,104 @@ var regexAttributes = map[string]*regexp.Regexp{ "format": regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)format\(.*\)`), } -func (operation *Operation) parseAndExtractionParamAttribute(commentLine, schemaType string, param spec.Parameter) spec.Parameter { +func (operation *Operation) parseAndExtractionParamAttribute(commentLine, schemaType string, param *spec.Parameter) error { schemaType = TransToValidSchemeType(schemaType) for attrKey, re := range regexAttributes { switch attrKey { case "enums": - attr := re.FindString(commentLine) - l := strings.Index(attr, "(") - r := strings.Index(attr, ")") - if !(l == -1 && r == -1) { - enums := strings.Split(attr[l+1:r], ",") - for _, e := range enums { - e = strings.TrimSpace(e) - param.Enum = append(param.Enum, defineType(schemaType, e)) - } + enums, err := findAttrList(re, commentLine) + if err != nil { + break + } + for _, e := range enums { + e = strings.TrimSpace(e) + param.Enum = append(param.Enum, defineType(schemaType, e)) } case "maxinum": - attr := re.FindString(commentLine) - l := strings.Index(attr, "(") - r := strings.Index(attr, ")") - if !(l == -1 && r == -1) { - if schemaType != "integer" && schemaType != "number" { - log.Panicf("maxinum is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, schemaType) - } - attr = strings.TrimSpace(attr[l+1 : r]) - n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(attr, 64) - if err != nil { - log.Panicf("maximum is allow only a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, attr) - } - param.Maximum = &n + attr, err := findAttr(re, commentLine) + if err != nil { + break } + if schemaType != "integer" && schemaType != "number" { + return fmt.Errorf("maxinum is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, schemaType) + } + n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(attr, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("maximum is allow only a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, attr) + } + param.Maximum = &n case "mininum": - attr := re.FindString(commentLine) - l := strings.Index(attr, "(") - r := strings.Index(attr, ")") - if !(l == -1 && r == -1) { - if schemaType != "integer" && schemaType != "number" { - log.Panicf("mininum is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, schemaType) - } - attr = strings.TrimSpace(attr[l+1 : r]) - n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(attr, 64) - if err != nil { - log.Panicf("mininum is allow only a number got=%s", attr) - } - param.Minimum = &n + attr, err := findAttr(re, commentLine) + if err != nil { + break } + if schemaType != "integer" && schemaType != "number" { + return fmt.Errorf("mininum is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, schemaType) + } + n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(attr, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("mininum is allow only a number got=%s", attr) + } + param.Minimum = &n case "default": - attr := re.FindString(commentLine) - l := strings.Index(attr, "(") - r := strings.Index(attr, ")") - if !(l == -1 && r == -1) { - attr = strings.TrimSpace(attr[l+1 : r]) - param.Default = defineType(schemaType, attr) + attr, err := findAttr(re, commentLine) + if err != nil { + break } + param.Default = defineType(schemaType, attr) case "maxlength": - attr := re.FindString(commentLine) - l := strings.Index(attr, "(") - r := strings.Index(attr, ")") - if !(l == -1 && r == -1) { - if schemaType != "string" { - log.Panicf("maxlength is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, schemaType) - } - attr = strings.TrimSpace(attr[l+1 : r]) - n, err := strconv.ParseInt(attr, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - log.Panicf("maxlength is allow only a number got=%s", attr) - } - param.MaxLength = &n + attr, err := findAttr(re, commentLine) + if err != nil { + break } + if schemaType != "string" { + return fmt.Errorf("maxlength is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, schemaType) + } + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(attr, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("maxlength is allow only a number got=%s", attr) + } + param.MaxLength = &n case "minlength": - attr := re.FindString(commentLine) - l := strings.Index(attr, "(") - r := strings.Index(attr, ")") - if !(l == -1 && r == -1) { - if schemaType != "string" { - log.Panicf("maxlength is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, schemaType) - } - attr = strings.TrimSpace(attr[l+1 : r]) - n, err := strconv.ParseInt(attr, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - log.Panicf("minlength is allow only a number got=%s", attr) - } - param.MinLength = &n + attr, err := findAttr(re, commentLine) + if err != nil { + break } + if schemaType != "string" { + return fmt.Errorf("maxlength is attribute to set to a number. comment=%s got=%s", commentLine, schemaType) + } + n, err := strconv.ParseInt(attr, 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("minlength is allow only a number got=%s", attr) + } + param.MinLength = &n case "format": - attr := re.FindString(commentLine) - l := strings.Index(attr, "(") - r := strings.Index(attr, ")") - if !(l == -1 && r == -1) { - param.Format = strings.TrimSpace(attr[l+1 : r]) + attr, err := findAttr(re, commentLine) + if err != nil { + break } + param.Format = attr } } - return param + return nil +} + +func findAttr(re *regexp.Regexp, commentLine string) (string, error) { + attr := re.FindString(commentLine) + l := strings.Index(attr, "(") + r := strings.Index(attr, ")") + if l == -1 || r == -1 { + return "", fmt.Errorf("can not find regex=%s, comment=%s", re.String(), commentLine) + } + return strings.TrimSpace(attr[l+1 : r]), nil +} + +func findAttrList(re *regexp.Regexp, commentLine string) ([]string, error) { + attr, err := findAttr(re, commentLine) + if err != nil { + return []string{""}, err + } + return strings.Split(attr, ","), nil } // defineType enum value define the type (object and array unsupported) @@ -318,82 +359,40 @@ func (operation *Operation) ParseTagsComment(commentLine string) { // ParseAcceptComment parses comment for given `accept` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseAcceptComment(commentLine string) error { - accepts := strings.Split(commentLine, ",") - for _, a := range accepts { - switch a { - case "json", "application/json": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "application/json") - case "xml", "text/xml": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "text/xml") - case "plain", "text/plain": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "text/plain") - case "html", "text/html": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "text/html") - case "mpfd", "multipart/form-data": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "multipart/form-data") - case "x-www-form-urlencoded", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") - case "json-api", "application/vnd.api+json": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "application/vnd.api+json") - case "json-stream", "application/x-json-stream": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "application/x-json-stream") - case "octet-stream", "application/octet-stream": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "application/octet-stream") - case "png", "image/png": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "image/png") - case "jpeg", "image/jpeg": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "image/jpeg") - case "gif", "image/gif": - operation.Consumes = append(operation.Consumes, "image/gif") - default: - return fmt.Errorf("%v accept type can't accepted", a) + return parseMimeTypeList(commentLine, &operation.Consumes, "%v accept type can't be accepted") +} + +// ParseProduceComment parses comment for given `produce` comment string. +func (operation *Operation) ParseProduceComment(commentLine string) error { + return parseMimeTypeList(commentLine, &operation.Produces, "%v produce type can't be accepted") +} + +// parseMimeTypeList parses a list of MIME Types for a comment like +// `produce` (`Content-Type:` response header) or +// `accept` (`Accept:` request header) +func parseMimeTypeList(mimeTypeList string, typeList *[]string, format string) error { + mimeTypes := strings.Split(mimeTypeList, ",") + for _, typeName := range mimeTypes { + if mimeTypePattern.MatchString(typeName) { + *typeList = append(*typeList, typeName) + continue } + if aliasMimeType, ok := mimeTypeAliases[typeName]; ok { + *typeList = append(*typeList, aliasMimeType) + continue + } + return fmt.Errorf(format, typeName) } return nil } -// ParseProduceComment parses comment for gived `produce` comment string. -func (operation *Operation) ParseProduceComment(commentLine string) error { - produces := strings.Split(commentLine, ",") - for _, a := range produces { - switch a { - case "json", "application/json": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "application/json") - case "xml", "text/xml": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "text/xml") - case "plain", "text/plain": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "text/plain") - case "html", "text/html": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "text/html") - case "mpfd", "multipart/form-data": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "multipart/form-data") - case "x-www-form-urlencoded", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") - case "json-api", "application/vnd.api+json": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "application/vnd.api+json") - case "json-stream", "application/x-json-stream": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "application/x-json-stream") - case "octet-stream", "application/octet-stream": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "application/octet-stream") - case "png", "image/png": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "image/png") - case "jpeg", "image/jpeg": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "image/jpeg") - case "gif", "image/gif": - operation.Produces = append(operation.Produces, "image/gif") - default: - return fmt.Errorf("%v produce type can't accepted", a) - } - } - return nil -} +var routerPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`([\w\.\/\-{}\+]+)[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)`) // ParseRouterComment parses comment for gived `router` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseRouterComment(commentLine string) error { - re := regexp.MustCompile(`([\w\.\/\-{}\+]+)[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)`) var matches []string - if matches = re.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 3 { + if matches = routerPattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 3 { return fmt.Errorf("can not parse router comment \"%s\"", commentLine) } path := matches[1] @@ -433,6 +432,7 @@ func (operation *Operation) ParseSecurityComment(commentLine string) error { // findTypeDef attempts to find the *ast.TypeSpec for a specific type given the // type's name and the package's import path +// TODO: improve finding external pkg func findTypeDef(importPath, typeName string) (*ast.TypeSpec, error) { cwd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { @@ -485,12 +485,13 @@ func findTypeDef(importPath, typeName string) (*ast.TypeSpec, error) { return nil, errors.New("type spec not found") } +var responsePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`([\d]+)[\s]+([\w\{\}]+)[\s]+([\w\-\.\/]+)[^"]*(.*)?`) + // ParseResponseComment parses comment for gived `response` comment string. func (operation *Operation) ParseResponseComment(commentLine string, astFile *ast.File) error { - re := regexp.MustCompile(`([\d]+)[\s]+([\w\{\}]+)[\s]+([\w\-\.\/]+)[^"]*(.*)?`) var matches []string - if matches = re.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 5 { + if matches = responsePattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 5 { return fmt.Errorf("can not parse response comment \"%s\"", commentLine) } @@ -508,46 +509,8 @@ func (operation *Operation) ParseResponseComment(commentLine string, astFile *as refType := matches[3] if operation.parser != nil { // checking refType has existing in 'TypeDefinitions' - refSplit := strings.Split(refType, ".") - if len(refSplit) == 2 { - pkgName := refSplit[0] - typeName := refSplit[1] - - if typeSpec, ok := operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName]; ok { - operation.parser.registerTypes[refType] = typeSpec - } else { - var typeSpec *ast.TypeSpec - if astFile != nil { - for _, imp := range astFile.Imports { - if imp.Name != nil && imp.Name.Name == pkgName { // the import had an alias that matched - break - } - impPath := strings.Replace(imp.Path.Value, `"`, ``, -1) - - if strings.HasSuffix(impPath, "/"+pkgName) { - var err error - - typeSpec, err = findTypeDef(impPath, typeName) - if err != nil { - return errors.Wrapf(err, "can not find ref type: %q", refType) - } - break - } - } - } - - if typeSpec == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("can not find ref type: %q", refType) - } - - if _, ok := operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName]; !ok { - operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName] = make(map[string]*ast.TypeSpec) - - } - operation.parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName] = typeSpec - operation.parser.registerTypes[refType] = typeSpec - } - + if err := operation.registerSchemaType(refType, astFile); err != nil { + return err } } @@ -595,12 +558,59 @@ func (operation *Operation) ParseResponseComment(commentLine string, astFile *as return nil } -// ParseEmptyResponseComment parse only comment out status code and description,eg: @Success 200 "it's ok" -func (operation *Operation) ParseEmptyResponseComment(commentLine string) error { - re := regexp.MustCompile(`([\d]+)[\s]+"(.*)"`) +// ParseResponseHeaderComment parses comment for gived `response header` comment string. +func (operation *Operation) ParseResponseHeaderComment(commentLine string, astFile *ast.File) error { var matches []string - if matches = re.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 3 { + if matches = responsePattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 5 { + return fmt.Errorf("can not parse response comment \"%s\"", commentLine) + } + + response := spec.Response{} + + code, _ := strconv.Atoi(matches[1]) + + responseDescription := strings.Trim(matches[4], "\"") + if responseDescription == "" { + responseDescription = http.StatusText(code) + } + response.Description = responseDescription + + schemaType := strings.Trim(matches[2], "{}") + refType := matches[3] + + if operation.Responses == nil { + operation.Responses = &spec.Responses{ + ResponsesProps: spec.ResponsesProps{ + StatusCodeResponses: make(map[int]spec.Response), + }, + } + } + + response, responseExist := operation.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] + if responseExist { + header := spec.Header{} + header.Description = responseDescription + header.Type = schemaType + + if response.Headers == nil { + response.Headers = make(map[string]spec.Header) + } + response.Headers[refType] = header + + operation.Responses.StatusCodeResponses[code] = response + } + + return nil +} + +var emptyResponsePattern = regexp.MustCompile(`([\d]+)[\s]+"(.*)"`) + +// ParseEmptyResponseComment parse only comment out status code and description,eg: @Success 200 "it's ok" +func (operation *Operation) ParseEmptyResponseComment(commentLine string) error { + var matches []string + + if matches = emptyResponsePattern.FindStringSubmatch(commentLine); len(matches) != 3 { return fmt.Errorf("can not parse response comment \"%s\"", commentLine) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/parser.go b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/parser.go index dd4fee1166a..6957c4db87e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/parser.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/parser.go @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import ( "go/ast" goparser "go/parser" "go/token" - "log" "net/http" "os" "path" @@ -51,6 +50,8 @@ type Parser struct { PropNamingStrategy string + ParseVendor bool + // structStack stores full names of the structures that were already parsed or are being parsed now structStack []string } @@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ func New() *Parser { // ParseAPI parses general api info for gived searchDir and mainAPIFile func (parser *Parser) ParseAPI(searchDir string, mainAPIFile string) error { - log.Println("Generate general API Info") + Println("Generate general API Info") if err := parser.getAllGoFileInfo(searchDir); err != nil { return err } @@ -92,8 +93,10 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseAPI(searchDir string, mainAPIFile string) error { parser.ParseType(astFile) } - for _, astFile := range parser.files { - parser.ParseRouterAPIInfo(astFile) + for fileName, astFile := range parser.files { + if err := parser.ParseRouterAPIInfo(fileName, astFile); err != nil { + return err + } } parser.ParseDefinitions() @@ -122,15 +125,24 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { if fileTree.Comments != nil { for _, comment := range fileTree.Comments { comments := strings.Split(comment.Text(), "\n") + previousAttribute := "" for _, commentLine := range comments { attribute := strings.ToLower(strings.Split(commentLine, " ")[0]) + multilineBlock := false + if previousAttribute == attribute { + multilineBlock = true + } switch attribute { case "@version": parser.swagger.Info.Version = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) case "@title": parser.swagger.Info.Title = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) case "@description": - parser.swagger.Info.Description = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) + if parser.swagger.Info.Description == "{{.Description}}" { + parser.swagger.Info.Description = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) + } else if multilineBlock { + parser.swagger.Info.Description += "\n" + strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) + } case "@termsofservice": parser.swagger.Info.TermsOfService = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) case "@contact.name": @@ -148,7 +160,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { case "@basepath": parser.swagger.BasePath = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) case "@schemes": - parser.swagger.Schemes = GetSchemes(commentLine) + parser.swagger.Schemes = getSchemes(commentLine) case "@tag.name": commentInfo := strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) parser.swagger.Tags = append(parser.swagger.Tags, spec.Tag{ @@ -173,11 +185,12 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { commentInfo := strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]) tag := parser.swagger.Tags[len(parser.swagger.Tags)-1] if tag.TagProps.ExternalDocs == nil { - log.Panic("@tag.docs.description needs to come after a @tags.docs.url") + return errors.New("@tag.docs.description needs to come after a @tags.docs.url") } tag.TagProps.ExternalDocs.Description = commentInfo replaceLastTag(parser.swagger.Tags, tag) } + previousAttribute = attribute } for i := 0; i < len(comments); i++ { @@ -198,7 +211,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { } } if len(attrMap) != 2 { - log.Panic("@securitydefinitions.apikey is @name and @in required") + return errors.New("@securitydefinitions.apikey is @name and @in required") } securityMap[strings.TrimSpace(comments[i][len(attribute):])] = spec.APIKeyAuth(attrMap["@name"], attrMap["@in"]) case "@securitydefinitions.oauth2.application": @@ -208,8 +221,18 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { securityAttr := strings.ToLower(strings.Split(v, " ")[0]) if securityAttr == "@tokenurl" { attrMap[securityAttr] = strings.TrimSpace(v[len(securityAttr):]) - } else if isExistsScope(securityAttr) { - scopes[getScopeScheme(securityAttr)] = v[len(securityAttr):] + } else { + isExists, err := isExistsScope(securityAttr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if isExists { + scopScheme, err := getScopeScheme(securityAttr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + scopes[scopScheme] = v[len(securityAttr):] + } } // next securityDefinitions if strings.Index(securityAttr, "@securitydefinitions.") == 0 { @@ -217,7 +240,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { } } if len(attrMap) != 1 { - log.Panic("@securitydefinitions.oauth2.application is @tokenUrl required") + return errors.New("@securitydefinitions.oauth2.application is @tokenUrl required") } securityScheme := spec.OAuth2Application(attrMap["@tokenurl"]) for scope, description := range scopes { @@ -231,8 +254,18 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { securityAttr := strings.ToLower(strings.Split(v, " ")[0]) if securityAttr == "@authorizationurl" { attrMap[securityAttr] = strings.TrimSpace(v[len(securityAttr):]) - } else if isExistsScope(securityAttr) { - scopes[getScopeScheme(securityAttr)] = v[len(securityAttr):] + } else { + isExists, err := isExistsScope(securityAttr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if isExists { + scopScheme, err := getScopeScheme(securityAttr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + scopes[scopScheme] = v[len(securityAttr):] + } } // next securityDefinitions if strings.Index(securityAttr, "@securitydefinitions.") == 0 { @@ -240,7 +273,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { } } if len(attrMap) != 1 { - log.Panic("@securitydefinitions.oauth2.implicit is @authorizationUrl required") + return errors.New("@securitydefinitions.oauth2.implicit is @authorizationUrl required") } securityScheme := spec.OAuth2Implicit(attrMap["@authorizationurl"]) for scope, description := range scopes { @@ -254,8 +287,18 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { securityAttr := strings.ToLower(strings.Split(v, " ")[0]) if securityAttr == "@tokenurl" { attrMap[securityAttr] = strings.TrimSpace(v[len(securityAttr):]) - } else if isExistsScope(securityAttr) { - scopes[getScopeScheme(securityAttr)] = v[len(securityAttr):] + } else { + isExists, err := isExistsScope(securityAttr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if isExists { + scopScheme, err := getScopeScheme(securityAttr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + scopes[scopScheme] = v[len(securityAttr):] + } } // next securityDefinitions if strings.Index(securityAttr, "@securitydefinitions.") == 0 { @@ -263,7 +306,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { } } if len(attrMap) != 1 { - log.Panic("@securitydefinitions.oauth2.password is @tokenUrl required") + return errors.New("@securitydefinitions.oauth2.password is @tokenUrl required") } securityScheme := spec.OAuth2Password(attrMap["@tokenurl"]) for scope, description := range scopes { @@ -277,8 +320,18 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { securityAttr := strings.ToLower(strings.Split(v, " ")[0]) if securityAttr == "@tokenurl" || securityAttr == "@authorizationurl" { attrMap[securityAttr] = strings.TrimSpace(v[len(securityAttr):]) - } else if isExistsScope(securityAttr) { - scopes[getScopeScheme(securityAttr)] = v[len(securityAttr):] + } else { + isExists, err := isExistsScope(securityAttr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if isExists { + scopScheme, err := getScopeScheme(securityAttr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + scopes[scopScheme] = v[len(securityAttr):] + } } // next securityDefinitions if strings.Index(securityAttr, "@securitydefinitions.") == 0 { @@ -286,7 +339,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { } } if len(attrMap) != 2 { - log.Panic("@securitydefinitions.oauth2.accessCode is @tokenUrl and @authorizationUrl required") + return errors.New("@securitydefinitions.oauth2.accessCode is @tokenUrl and @authorizationUrl required") } securityScheme := spec.OAuth2AccessToken(attrMap["@authorizationurl"], attrMap["@tokenurl"]) for scope, description := range scopes { @@ -304,34 +357,34 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseGeneralAPIInfo(mainAPIFile string) error { return nil } -func getScopeScheme(scope string) string { +func getScopeScheme(scope string) (string, error) { scopeValue := scope[strings.Index(scope, "@scope."):] if scopeValue == "" { - panic("@scope is empty") + return "", errors.New("@scope is empty") } - return scope[len("@scope."):] + return scope[len("@scope."):], nil } -func isExistsScope(scope string) bool { +func isExistsScope(scope string) (bool, error) { s := strings.Fields(scope) for _, v := range s { if strings.Index(v, "@scope.") != -1 { if strings.Index(v, ",") != -1 { - panic("@scope can't use comma(,) get=" + v) + return false, fmt.Errorf("@scope can't use comma(,) get=" + v) } } } - return strings.Index(scope, "@scope.") != -1 + return strings.Index(scope, "@scope.") != -1, nil } -// GetSchemes parses swagger schemes for given commentLine -func GetSchemes(commentLine string) []string { +// getSchemes parses swagger schemes for given commentLine +func getSchemes(commentLine string) []string { attribute := strings.ToLower(strings.Split(commentLine, " ")[0]) return strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(commentLine[len(attribute):]), " ") } // ParseRouterAPIInfo parses router api info for given astFile -func (parser *Parser) ParseRouterAPIInfo(astFile *ast.File) { +func (parser *Parser) ParseRouterAPIInfo(fileName string, astFile *ast.File) error { for _, astDescription := range astFile.Decls { switch astDeclaration := astDescription.(type) { case *ast.FuncDecl: @@ -340,7 +393,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseRouterAPIInfo(astFile *ast.File) { operation.parser = parser for _, comment := range astDeclaration.Doc.List { if err := operation.ParseComment(comment.Text, astFile); err != nil { - log.Panicf("ParseComment panic:%+v", err) + return fmt.Errorf("ParseComment error in file %s :%+v", fileName, err) } } var pathItem spec.PathItem @@ -370,6 +423,8 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseRouterAPIInfo(astFile *ast.File) { } } } + + return nil } // ParseType parses type info for given astFile. @@ -407,7 +462,15 @@ func (parser *Parser) isInStructStack(refTypeName string) bool { // ParseDefinitions parses Swagger Api definitions. func (parser *Parser) ParseDefinitions() { - for refTypeName, typeSpec := range parser.registerTypes { + // sort the typeNames so that parsing definitions is deterministic + typeNames := make([]string, 0, len(parser.registerTypes)) + for refTypeName := range parser.registerTypes { + typeNames = append(typeNames, refTypeName) + } + sort.Strings(typeNames) + + for _, refTypeName := range typeNames { + typeSpec := parser.registerTypes[refTypeName] ss := strings.Split(refTypeName, ".") pkgName := ss[0] parser.structStack = nil @@ -418,24 +481,30 @@ func (parser *Parser) ParseDefinitions() { // ParseDefinition parses given type spec that corresponds to the type under // given name and package, and populates swagger schema definitions registry // with a schema for the given type -func (parser *Parser) ParseDefinition(pkgName, typeName string, typeSpec *ast.TypeSpec) { +func (parser *Parser) ParseDefinition(pkgName, typeName string, typeSpec *ast.TypeSpec) error { refTypeName := fullTypeName(pkgName, typeName) if _, isParsed := parser.swagger.Definitions[refTypeName]; isParsed { - log.Println("Skipping '" + refTypeName + "', already parsed.") - return + Println("Skipping '" + refTypeName + "', already parsed.") + return nil } if parser.isInStructStack(refTypeName) { - log.Println("Skipping '" + refTypeName + "', recursion detected.") - return + Println("Skipping '" + refTypeName + "', recursion detected.") + return nil } parser.structStack = append(parser.structStack, refTypeName) - log.Println("Generating " + refTypeName) - parser.swagger.Definitions[refTypeName] = parser.parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName, typeSpec.Type, true) + Println("Generating " + refTypeName) + + schema, err := parser.parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName, typeSpec.Type) + if err != nil { + return err + } + parser.swagger.Definitions[refTypeName] = schema + return nil } -func (parser *Parser) collectRequiredFields(pkgName string, properties map[string]spec.Schema) (requiredFields []string) { +func (parser *Parser) collectRequiredFields(pkgName string, properties map[string]spec.Schema, extraRequired []string) (requiredFields []string) { // created sorted list of properties keys so when we iterate over them it's deterministic ks := make([]string, 0, len(properties)) for k := range properties { @@ -461,6 +530,12 @@ func (parser *Parser) collectRequiredFields(pkgName string, properties map[strin properties[k] = prop } + if extraRequired != nil { + requiredFields = append(requiredFields, extraRequired...) + } + + sort.Strings(requiredFields) + return } @@ -473,22 +548,35 @@ func fullTypeName(pkgName, typeName string) string { // parseTypeExpr parses given type expression that corresponds to the type under // given name and package, and returns swagger schema for it. -func (parser *Parser) parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName string, typeExpr ast.Expr, flattenRequired bool) spec.Schema { +func (parser *Parser) parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName string, typeExpr ast.Expr) (spec.Schema, error) { + //TODO: return pointer to spec.Schema + switch expr := typeExpr.(type) { // type Foo struct {...} case *ast.StructType: refTypeName := fullTypeName(pkgName, typeName) if schema, isParsed := parser.swagger.Definitions[refTypeName]; isParsed { - return schema + return schema, nil } + extraRequired := make([]string, 0) properties := make(map[string]spec.Schema) for _, field := range expr.Fields.List { var fieldProps map[string]spec.Schema + var requiredFromAnon []string if field.Names == nil { - fieldProps = parser.parseAnonymousField(pkgName, field) + var err error + fieldProps, requiredFromAnon, err = parser.parseAnonymousField(pkgName, field) + if err != nil { + return spec.Schema{}, err + } + extraRequired = append(extraRequired, requiredFromAnon...) } else { - fieldProps = parser.parseStruct(pkgName, field) + var err error + fieldProps, err = parser.parseStruct(pkgName, field) + if err != nil { + return spec.Schema{}, err + } } for k, v := range fieldProps { @@ -496,17 +584,16 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName string, typeExpr ast.Expr, } } - required := parser.collectRequiredFields(pkgName, properties) + // collect requireds from our properties and anonymous fields + required := parser.collectRequiredFields(pkgName, properties, extraRequired) - // unset required from properties because we've aggregated them - if flattenRequired { - for k, prop := range properties { - tname := prop.SchemaProps.Type[0] - if tname != "object" { - prop.SchemaProps.Required = make([]string, 0) - } - properties[k] = prop + // unset required from properties because we've collected them + for k, prop := range properties { + tname := prop.SchemaProps.Type[0] + if tname != "object" { + prop.SchemaProps.Required = make([]string, 0) } + properties[k] = prop } return spec.Schema{ @@ -514,25 +601,28 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName string, typeExpr ast.Expr, Type: []string{"object"}, Properties: properties, Required: required, - }, - } + }}, nil // type Foo Baz case *ast.Ident: refTypeName := fullTypeName(pkgName, expr.Name) if _, isParsed := parser.swagger.Definitions[refTypeName]; !isParsed { - typedef := parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][expr.Name] - parser.ParseDefinition(pkgName, expr.Name, typedef) + if typedef, ok := parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][expr.Name]; ok { + parser.ParseDefinition(pkgName, expr.Name, typedef) + } } - return parser.swagger.Definitions[refTypeName] + return parser.swagger.Definitions[refTypeName], nil // type Foo *Baz case *ast.StarExpr: - return parser.parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName, expr.X, true) + return parser.parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName, expr.X) // type Foo []Baz case *ast.ArrayType: - itemSchema := parser.parseTypeExpr(pkgName, "", expr.Elt, true) + itemSchema, err := parser.parseTypeExpr(pkgName, "", expr.Elt) + if err != nil { + return spec.Schema{}, err + } return spec.Schema{ SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ Type: []string{"array"}, @@ -540,7 +630,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName string, typeExpr ast.Expr, Schema: &itemSchema, }, }, - } + }, nil // type Foo pkg.Bar case *ast.SelectorExpr: @@ -552,20 +642,33 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName string, typeExpr ast.Expr, typedef := parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName] parser.ParseDefinition(pkgName, typeName, typedef) } - return parser.swagger.Definitions[refTypeName] + return parser.swagger.Definitions[refTypeName], nil } // type Foo map[string]Bar + case *ast.MapType: + itemSchema, err := parser.parseTypeExpr(pkgName, "", expr.Value) + if err != nil { + return spec.Schema{}, err + } + return spec.Schema{ + SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ + Type: []string{"object"}, + AdditionalProperties: &spec.SchemaOrBool{ + Schema: &itemSchema, + }, + }, + }, nil // ... default: - log.Printf("Type definition of type '%T' is not supported yet. Using 'object' instead.\n", typeExpr) + Printf("Type definition of type '%T' is not supported yet. Using 'object' instead.\n", typeExpr) } return spec.Schema{ SchemaProps: spec.SchemaProps{ Type: []string{"object"}, }, - } + }, nil } type structField struct { @@ -582,18 +685,25 @@ type structField struct { minLength *int64 enums []interface{} defaultValue interface{} + extensions map[string]interface{} } -func (parser *Parser) parseStruct(pkgName string, field *ast.Field) (properties map[string]spec.Schema) { - properties = map[string]spec.Schema{} - structField := parser.parseField(field) +func (parser *Parser) parseStruct(pkgName string, field *ast.Field) (map[string]spec.Schema, error) { + properties := map[string]spec.Schema{} + structField, err := parser.parseField(field) + if err != nil { + return properties, nil + } if structField.name == "" { - return + return properties, nil } var desc string if field.Doc != nil { desc = strings.TrimSpace(field.Doc.Text()) } + if desc == "" && field.Comment != nil { + desc = strings.TrimSpace(field.Comment.Text()) + } // TODO: find package of schemaType and/or arrayType if structField.crossPkg != "" { @@ -684,13 +794,20 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseStruct(pkgName string, field *ast.Field) (properties SwaggerSchemaProps: spec.SwaggerSchemaProps{ Example: structField.exampleValue, }, + VendorExtensible: spec.VendorExtensible{ + Extensions: structField.extensions, + }, } + nestStruct, ok := field.Type.(*ast.StructType) if ok { props := map[string]spec.Schema{} nestRequired := make([]string, 0) for _, v := range nestStruct.Fields.List { - p := parser.parseStruct(pkgName, v) + p, err := parser.parseStruct(pkgName, v) + if err != nil { + return properties, err + } for k, v := range p { if v.SchemaProps.Type[0] != "object" { nestRequired = append(nestRequired, v.SchemaProps.Required...) @@ -720,10 +837,10 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseStruct(pkgName string, field *ast.Field) (properties } } } - return + return properties, nil } -func (parser *Parser) parseAnonymousField(pkgName string, field *ast.Field) map[string]spec.Schema { +func (parser *Parser) parseAnonymousField(pkgName string, field *ast.Field) (map[string]spec.Schema, []string, error) { properties := make(map[string]spec.Schema) fullTypeName := "" @@ -733,10 +850,17 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseAnonymousField(pkgName string, field *ast.Field) map[ case *ast.StarExpr: if ftypeX, ok := ftype.X.(*ast.Ident); ok { fullTypeName = ftypeX.Name + } else if ftypeX, ok := ftype.X.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { + if packageX, ok := ftypeX.X.(*ast.Ident); ok { + fullTypeName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", packageX.Name, ftypeX.Sel.Name) + } + } else { + Printf("Composite field type of '%T' is unhandle by parser. Skipping", ftype) + return properties, []string{}, nil } default: - log.Printf("Field type of '%T' is unsupported. Skipping", ftype) - return properties + Printf("Field type of '%T' is unsupported. Skipping", ftype) + return properties, []string{}, nil } typeName := fullTypeName @@ -746,8 +870,10 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseAnonymousField(pkgName string, field *ast.Field) map[ } typeSpec := parser.TypeDefinitions[pkgName][typeName] - schema := parser.parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName, typeSpec.Type, false) - + schema, err := parser.parseTypeExpr(pkgName, typeName, typeSpec.Type) + if err != nil { + return properties, []string{}, err + } schemaType := "unknown" if len(schema.SchemaProps.Type) > 0 { schemaType = schema.SchemaProps.Type[0] @@ -761,14 +887,14 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseAnonymousField(pkgName string, field *ast.Field) map[ case "array": properties[typeName] = schema default: - log.Printf("Can't extract properties from a schema of type '%s'", schemaType) + Printf("Can't extract properties from a schema of type '%s'", schemaType) } - return properties + return properties, schema.SchemaProps.Required, nil } -func (parser *Parser) parseField(field *ast.Field) *structField { - prop := getPropertyName(field, parser) +func (parser *Parser) parseField(field *ast.Field) (*structField, error) { + prop := getPropertyName(field.Type, parser) if len(prop.ArrayType) == 0 { CheckSchemaType(prop.SchemaType) } else { @@ -793,7 +919,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseField(field *ast.Field) *structField { } if field.Tag == nil { - return structField + return structField, nil } // `json:"tag"` -> json:"tag" structTag := reflect.StructTag(strings.Replace(field.Tag.Value, "`", "", -1)) @@ -818,8 +944,13 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseField(field *ast.Field) *structField { if 0 < len(parts) && len(parts) <= 2 { newSchemaType := parts[0] newArrayType := structField.arrayType - if len(parts) >= 2 && newSchemaType == "array" { - newArrayType = parts[1] + if len(parts) >= 2 { + if newSchemaType == "array" { + newArrayType = parts[1] + } else if newSchemaType == "primitive" { + newSchemaType = parts[1] + newArrayType = parts[1] + } } CheckSchemaType(newSchemaType) @@ -829,7 +960,11 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseField(field *ast.Field) *structField { } } if exampleTag := structTag.Get("example"); exampleTag != "" { - structField.exampleValue = defineTypeOfExample(structField.schemaType, structField.arrayType, exampleTag) + example, err := defineTypeOfExample(structField.schemaType, structField.arrayType, exampleTag) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + structField.exampleValue = example } if formatTag := structTag.Get("format"); formatTag != "" { structField.formatType = formatTag @@ -850,6 +985,17 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseField(field *ast.Field) *structField { } } } + if extensionsTag := structTag.Get("extensions"); extensionsTag != "" { + structField.extensions = map[string]interface{}{} + for _, val := range strings.Split(extensionsTag, ",") { + parts := strings.SplitN(val, "=", 2) + if len(parts) == 2 { + structField.extensions[parts[0]] = parts[1] + } else { + structField.extensions[parts[0]] = true + } + } + } if enumsTag := structTag.Get("enums"); enumsTag != "" { enumType := structField.schemaType if structField.schemaType == "array" { @@ -865,15 +1011,33 @@ func (parser *Parser) parseField(field *ast.Field) *structField { } if IsNumericType(structField.schemaType) || IsNumericType(structField.arrayType) { - structField.maximum = getFloatTag(structTag, "maximum") - structField.minimum = getFloatTag(structTag, "minimum") + maximum, err := getFloatTag(structTag, "maximum") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + structField.maximum = maximum + + minimum, err := getFloatTag(structTag, "minimum") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + structField.minimum = minimum } if structField.schemaType == "string" || structField.arrayType == "string" { - structField.maxLength = getIntTag(structTag, "maxLength") - structField.minLength = getIntTag(structTag, "minLength") + maxLength, err := getIntTag(structTag, "maxLength") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + structField.maxLength = maxLength + + minLength, err := getIntTag(structTag, "minLength") + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + structField.minLength = minLength } - return structField + return structField, nil } func replaceLastTag(slice []spec.Tag, element spec.Tag) { @@ -881,32 +1045,32 @@ func replaceLastTag(slice []spec.Tag, element spec.Tag) { slice = append(slice, element) } -func getFloatTag(structTag reflect.StructTag, tagName string) *float64 { +func getFloatTag(structTag reflect.StructTag, tagName string) (*float64, error) { strValue := structTag.Get(tagName) if strValue == "" { - return nil + return nil, nil } value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strValue, 64) if err != nil { - panic(fmt.Errorf("can't parse numeric value of %q tag: %v", tagName, err)) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse numeric value of %q tag: %v", tagName, err) } - return &value + return &value, nil } -func getIntTag(structTag reflect.StructTag, tagName string) *int64 { +func getIntTag(structTag reflect.StructTag, tagName string) (*int64, error) { strValue := structTag.Get(tagName) if strValue == "" { - return nil + return nil, nil } value, err := strconv.ParseInt(strValue, 10, 64) if err != nil { - panic(fmt.Errorf("can't parse numeric value of %q tag: %v", tagName, err)) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse numeric value of %q tag: %v", tagName, err) } - return &value + return &value, nil } func toSnakeCase(in string) string { @@ -942,37 +1106,41 @@ func toLowerCamelCase(in string) string { } // defineTypeOfExample example value define the type (object and array unsupported) -func defineTypeOfExample(schemaType, arrayType, exampleValue string) interface{} { +func defineTypeOfExample(schemaType, arrayType, exampleValue string) (interface{}, error) { switch schemaType { case "string": - return exampleValue + return exampleValue, nil case "number": v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(exampleValue, 64) if err != nil { - panic(fmt.Errorf("example value %s can't convert to %s err: %s", exampleValue, schemaType, err)) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("example value %s can't convert to %s err: %s", exampleValue, schemaType, err) } - return v + return v, nil case "integer": v, err := strconv.Atoi(exampleValue) if err != nil { - panic(fmt.Errorf("example value %s can't convert to %s err: %s", exampleValue, schemaType, err)) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("example value %s can't convert to %s err: %s", exampleValue, schemaType, err) } - return v + return v, nil case "boolean": v, err := strconv.ParseBool(exampleValue) if err != nil { - panic(fmt.Errorf("example value %s can't convert to %s err: %s", exampleValue, schemaType, err)) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("example value %s can't convert to %s err: %s", exampleValue, schemaType, err) } - return v + return v, nil case "array": values := strings.Split(exampleValue, ",") result := make([]interface{}, 0) for _, value := range values { - result = append(result, defineTypeOfExample(arrayType, "", value)) + v, err := defineTypeOfExample(arrayType, "", value) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + result = append(result, v) } - return result + return result, nil default: - panic(fmt.Errorf("%s is unsupported type in example value", schemaType)) + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is unsupported type in example value", schemaType) } } @@ -982,7 +1150,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) getAllGoFileInfo(searchDir string) error { } func (parser *Parser) visit(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { - if err := Skip(f); err != nil { + if err := parser.Skip(path, f); err != nil { return err } @@ -990,7 +1158,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) visit(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { fset := token.NewFileSet() // positions are relative to fset astFile, err := goparser.ParseFile(fset, path, nil, goparser.ParseComments) if err != nil { - log.Panicf("ParseFile panic:%+v", err) + return fmt.Errorf("ParseFile error:%+v", err) } parser.files[path] = astFile @@ -999,10 +1167,12 @@ func (parser *Parser) visit(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { } // Skip returns filepath.SkipDir error if match vendor and hidden folder -func Skip(f os.FileInfo) error { - // exclude vendor folder - if f.IsDir() && f.Name() == "vendor" { - return filepath.SkipDir +func (parser *Parser) Skip(path string, f os.FileInfo) error { + + if !parser.ParseVendor { // ignore vendor + if f.IsDir() && f.Name() == "vendor" { + return filepath.SkipDir + } } // exclude all hidden folder diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/property.go b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/property.go index 3c9ea6cfc84..5d1b385589e 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/property.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/property.go @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import ( "errors" "fmt" "go/ast" - "log" "strings" ) @@ -61,83 +60,69 @@ func parseFieldSelectorExpr(astTypeSelectorExpr *ast.SelectorExpr, parser *Parse } } - log.Printf("%s is not supported. but it will be set with string temporary. Please report any problems.\n", astTypeSelectorExpr.Sel.Name) + Printf("%s is not supported. but it will be set with string temporary. Please report any problems.\n", astTypeSelectorExpr.Sel.Name) return propertyName{SchemaType: "string", ArrayType: "string"} } // getPropertyName returns the string value for the given field if it exists, otherwise it panics. // allowedValues: array, boolean, integer, null, number, object, string -func getPropertyName(field *ast.Field, parser *Parser) propertyName { - if astTypeSelectorExpr, ok := field.Type.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { +func getPropertyName(expr ast.Expr, parser *Parser) propertyName { + if astTypeSelectorExpr, ok := expr.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { return parseFieldSelectorExpr(astTypeSelectorExpr, parser, newProperty) } // check if it is a custom type - typeName := fmt.Sprintf("%v", field.Type) + typeName := fmt.Sprintf("%v", expr) if actualPrimitiveType, isCustomType := parser.CustomPrimitiveTypes[typeName]; isCustomType { return propertyName{SchemaType: actualPrimitiveType, ArrayType: actualPrimitiveType} } - if astTypeIdent, ok := field.Type.(*ast.Ident); ok { + if astTypeIdent, ok := expr.(*ast.Ident); ok { name := astTypeIdent.Name schemeType := TransToValidSchemeType(name) return propertyName{SchemaType: schemeType, ArrayType: schemeType} } - if ptr, ok := field.Type.(*ast.StarExpr); ok { - if astTypeSelectorExpr, ok := ptr.X.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { - return parseFieldSelectorExpr(astTypeSelectorExpr, parser, newProperty) - } - // TODO support custom pointer type? - if _, ok := ptr.X.(*ast.MapType); ok { // if map - //TODO support map - return propertyName{SchemaType: "object", ArrayType: "object"} - } - if _, ok := ptr.X.(*ast.StructType); ok { // if struct - return propertyName{SchemaType: "object", ArrayType: "object"} - } - if astTypeIdent, ok := ptr.X.(*ast.Ident); ok { - name := astTypeIdent.Name - schemeType := TransToValidSchemeType(name) - return propertyName{SchemaType: schemeType, ArrayType: schemeType} - } - if astTypeArray, ok := ptr.X.(*ast.ArrayType); ok { // if array - if astTypeArrayExpr, ok := astTypeArray.Elt.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { - return parseFieldSelectorExpr(astTypeArrayExpr, parser, newArrayProperty) - } - if astTypeArrayIdent, ok := astTypeArray.Elt.(*ast.Ident); ok { - name := TransToValidSchemeType(astTypeArrayIdent.Name) - return propertyName{SchemaType: "array", ArrayType: name} - } - } + + if ptr, ok := expr.(*ast.StarExpr); ok { + return getPropertyName(ptr.X, parser) } - if astTypeArray, ok := field.Type.(*ast.ArrayType); ok { // if array - if astTypeArrayExpr, ok := astTypeArray.Elt.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { - return parseFieldSelectorExpr(astTypeArrayExpr, parser, newArrayProperty) - } - if astTypeArrayExpr, ok := astTypeArray.Elt.(*ast.StarExpr); ok { - if astTypeArraySel, ok := astTypeArrayExpr.X.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { - return parseFieldSelectorExpr(astTypeArraySel, parser, newArrayProperty) - } - if astTypeArrayIdent, ok := astTypeArrayExpr.X.(*ast.Ident); ok { - name := TransToValidSchemeType(astTypeArrayIdent.Name) - return propertyName{SchemaType: "array", ArrayType: name} - } - } - itemTypeName := TransToValidSchemeType(fmt.Sprintf("%s", astTypeArray.Elt)) - if actualPrimitiveType, isCustomType := parser.CustomPrimitiveTypes[itemTypeName]; isCustomType { - itemTypeName = actualPrimitiveType - } - return propertyName{SchemaType: "array", ArrayType: itemTypeName} + + if astTypeArray, ok := expr.(*ast.ArrayType); ok { // if array + return getArrayPropertyName(astTypeArray, parser) } - if _, ok := field.Type.(*ast.MapType); ok { // if map + + if _, ok := expr.(*ast.MapType); ok { // if map //TODO: support map return propertyName{SchemaType: "object", ArrayType: "object"} } - if _, ok := field.Type.(*ast.StructType); ok { // if struct + + if _, ok := expr.(*ast.StructType); ok { // if struct return propertyName{SchemaType: "object", ArrayType: "object"} } - if _, ok := field.Type.(*ast.InterfaceType); ok { // if interface{} + + if _, ok := expr.(*ast.InterfaceType); ok { // if interface{} return propertyName{SchemaType: "object", ArrayType: "object"} } - panic("not supported" + fmt.Sprint(field.Type)) + + panic("not supported" + fmt.Sprint(expr)) +} + +func getArrayPropertyName(astTypeArray *ast.ArrayType, parser *Parser) propertyName { + if astTypeArrayExpr, ok := astTypeArray.Elt.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { + return parseFieldSelectorExpr(astTypeArrayExpr, parser, newArrayProperty) + } + if astTypeArrayExpr, ok := astTypeArray.Elt.(*ast.StarExpr); ok { + if astTypeArraySel, ok := astTypeArrayExpr.X.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok { + return parseFieldSelectorExpr(astTypeArraySel, parser, newArrayProperty) + } + if astTypeArrayIdent, ok := astTypeArrayExpr.X.(*ast.Ident); ok { + name := TransToValidSchemeType(astTypeArrayIdent.Name) + return propertyName{SchemaType: "array", ArrayType: name} + } + } + itemTypeName := TransToValidSchemeType(fmt.Sprintf("%s", astTypeArray.Elt)) + if actualPrimitiveType, isCustomType := parser.CustomPrimitiveTypes[itemTypeName]; isCustomType { + itemTypeName = actualPrimitiveType + } + return propertyName{SchemaType: "array", ArrayType: itemTypeName} } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/schema.go b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/schema.go index e9c90a7025c..6b799aa788d 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/schema.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/schema.go @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package swag import "fmt" -// CheckSchemaType TODO: NEEDS COMMENT INFO +// CheckSchemaType begins panicking if typeName is not a name of primitive type func CheckSchemaType(typeName string) { if !IsPrimitiveType(typeName) { panic(fmt.Errorf("%s is not basic types", typeName)) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/version.go b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/version.go index faaa47e33bf..7f24a554b00 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/version.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/swaggo/swag/version.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ package swag // Version of swag -const Version = "v1.4.0" +const Version = "v1.5.0" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/README.md b/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/README.md index b12ba6389e6..487eba71073 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/README.md +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/README.md @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ Golint requires a go get -u golang.org/x/lint/golint +To find out where `golint` was installed you can run `go list -f {{.Target}} golang.org/x/lint/golint`. For `golint` to be used globally add that directory to the `$PATH` environment setting. + ## Usage Invoke `golint` with one or more filenames, directories, or packages named diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/go.mod b/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/go.mod new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d5ba4dbfd6c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/go.mod @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +module golang.org/x/lint + +require golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190311212946-11955173bddd diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/go.sum b/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/go.sum new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7d0e2e61884 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/go.sum @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w= +golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190311183353-d8887717615a/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg= +golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY= +golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ= +golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190311212946-11955173bddd h1:/e+gpKk9r3dJobndpTytxS2gOy6m5uvpg+ISQoEcusQ= +golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190311212946-11955173bddd/go.mod h1:LCzVGOaR6xXOjkQ3onu1FJEFr0SW1gC7cKk1uF8kGRs= diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/lint.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/lint.go index 915fbcb3002..6b9fd6e2b62 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/lint.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/lint/lint.go @@ -540,6 +540,18 @@ var knownNameExceptions = map[string]bool{ "kWh": true, } +func isInTopLevel(f *ast.File, ident *ast.Ident) bool { + path, _ := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(f, ident.Pos(), ident.End()) + for _, f := range path { + switch f.(type) { + case *ast.File, *ast.GenDecl, *ast.ValueSpec, *ast.Ident: + continue + } + return false + } + return true +} + // lintNames examines all names in the file. // It complains if any use underscores or incorrect known initialisms. func (f *file) lintNames() { @@ -561,12 +573,22 @@ func (f *file) lintNames() { // Handle two common styles from other languages that don't belong in Go. if len(id.Name) >= 5 && allCapsRE.MatchString(id.Name) && strings.Contains(id.Name, "_") { - f.errorf(id, 0.8, link(styleGuideBase+"#mixed-caps"), category("naming"), "don't use ALL_CAPS in Go names; use CamelCase") - return + capCount := 0 + for _, c := range id.Name { + if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' { + capCount++ + } + } + if capCount >= 2 { + f.errorf(id, 0.8, link(styleGuideBase+"#mixed-caps"), category("naming"), "don't use ALL_CAPS in Go names; use CamelCase") + return + } } - if len(id.Name) > 2 && id.Name[0] == 'k' && id.Name[1] >= 'A' && id.Name[1] <= 'Z' { - should := string(id.Name[1]+'a'-'A') + id.Name[2:] - f.errorf(id, 0.8, link(styleGuideBase+"#mixed-caps"), category("naming"), "don't use leading k in Go names; %s %s should be %s", thing, id.Name, should) + if thing == "const" || (thing == "var" && isInTopLevel(f.f, id)) { + if len(id.Name) > 2 && id.Name[0] == 'k' && id.Name[1] >= 'A' && id.Name[1] <= 'Z' { + should := string(id.Name[1]+'a'-'A') + id.Name[2:] + f.errorf(id, 0.8, link(styleGuideBase+"#mixed-caps"), category("naming"), "don't use leading k in Go names; %s %s should be %s", thing, id.Name, should) + } } should := lintName(id.Name) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna10.0.0.go similarity index 99% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna10.0.0.go index 346fe4423ed..a98a31f4038 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna10.0.0.go @@ -4,14 +4,16 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// +build go1.10 + // Package idna implements IDNA2008 using the compatibility processing // defined by UTS (Unicode Technical Standard) #46, which defines a standard to // deal with the transition from IDNA2003. // // IDNA2008 (Internationalized Domain Names for Applications), is defined in RFC // 5890, RFC 5891, RFC 5892, RFC 5893 and RFC 5894. -// UTS #46 is defined in http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46. -// See http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/idna.jsp for a visualization of the +// UTS #46 is defined in https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46. +// See https://unicode.org/cldr/utility/idna.jsp for a visualization of the // differences between these two standards. package idna // import "golang.org/x/net/idna" @@ -297,7 +299,7 @@ func (e runeError) Error() string { } // process implements the algorithm described in section 4 of UTS #46, -// see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46. +// see https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46. func (p *Profile) process(s string, toASCII bool) (string, error) { var err error var isBidi bool diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna9.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8842146b5d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/idna9.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,682 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !go1.10 + +// Package idna implements IDNA2008 using the compatibility processing +// defined by UTS (Unicode Technical Standard) #46, which defines a standard to +// deal with the transition from IDNA2003. +// +// IDNA2008 (Internationalized Domain Names for Applications), is defined in RFC +// 5890, RFC 5891, RFC 5892, RFC 5893 and RFC 5894. +// UTS #46 is defined in https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46. +// See https://unicode.org/cldr/utility/idna.jsp for a visualization of the +// differences between these two standards. +package idna // import "golang.org/x/net/idna" + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + "unicode/utf8" + + "golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule" + "golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm" +) + +// NOTE: Unlike common practice in Go APIs, the functions will return a +// sanitized domain name in case of errors. Browsers sometimes use a partially +// evaluated string as lookup. +// TODO: the current error handling is, in my opinion, the least opinionated. +// Other strategies are also viable, though: +// Option 1) Return an empty string in case of error, but allow the user to +// specify explicitly which errors to ignore. +// Option 2) Return the partially evaluated string if it is itself a valid +// string, otherwise return the empty string in case of error. +// Option 3) Option 1 and 2. +// Option 4) Always return an empty string for now and implement Option 1 as +// needed, and document that the return string may not be empty in case of +// error in the future. +// I think Option 1 is best, but it is quite opinionated. + +// ToASCII is a wrapper for Punycode.ToASCII. +func ToASCII(s string) (string, error) { + return Punycode.process(s, true) +} + +// ToUnicode is a wrapper for Punycode.ToUnicode. +func ToUnicode(s string) (string, error) { + return Punycode.process(s, false) +} + +// An Option configures a Profile at creation time. +type Option func(*options) + +// Transitional sets a Profile to use the Transitional mapping as defined in UTS +// #46. This will cause, for example, "ß" to be mapped to "ss". Using the +// transitional mapping provides a compromise between IDNA2003 and IDNA2008 +// compatibility. It is used by most browsers when resolving domain names. This +// option is only meaningful if combined with MapForLookup. +func Transitional(transitional bool) Option { + return func(o *options) { o.transitional = true } +} + +// VerifyDNSLength sets whether a Profile should fail if any of the IDN parts +// are longer than allowed by the RFC. +func VerifyDNSLength(verify bool) Option { + return func(o *options) { o.verifyDNSLength = verify } +} + +// RemoveLeadingDots removes leading label separators. Leading runes that map to +// dots, such as U+3002 IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP, are removed as well. +// +// This is the behavior suggested by the UTS #46 and is adopted by some +// browsers. +func RemoveLeadingDots(remove bool) Option { + return func(o *options) { o.removeLeadingDots = remove } +} + +// ValidateLabels sets whether to check the mandatory label validation criteria +// as defined in Section 5.4 of RFC 5891. This includes testing for correct use +// of hyphens ('-'), normalization, validity of runes, and the context rules. +func ValidateLabels(enable bool) Option { + return func(o *options) { + // Don't override existing mappings, but set one that at least checks + // normalization if it is not set. + if o.mapping == nil && enable { + o.mapping = normalize + } + o.trie = trie + o.validateLabels = enable + o.fromPuny = validateFromPunycode + } +} + +// StrictDomainName limits the set of permissable ASCII characters to those +// allowed in domain names as defined in RFC 1034 (A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and the +// hyphen). This is set by default for MapForLookup and ValidateForRegistration. +// +// This option is useful, for instance, for browsers that allow characters +// outside this range, for example a '_' (U+005F LOW LINE). See +// http://www.rfc-editor.org/std/std3.txt for more details This option +// corresponds to the UseSTD3ASCIIRules option in UTS #46. +func StrictDomainName(use bool) Option { + return func(o *options) { + o.trie = trie + o.useSTD3Rules = use + o.fromPuny = validateFromPunycode + } +} + +// NOTE: the following options pull in tables. The tables should not be linked +// in as long as the options are not used. + +// BidiRule enables the Bidi rule as defined in RFC 5893. Any application +// that relies on proper validation of labels should include this rule. +func BidiRule() Option { + return func(o *options) { o.bidirule = bidirule.ValidString } +} + +// ValidateForRegistration sets validation options to verify that a given IDN is +// properly formatted for registration as defined by Section 4 of RFC 5891. +func ValidateForRegistration() Option { + return func(o *options) { + o.mapping = validateRegistration + StrictDomainName(true)(o) + ValidateLabels(true)(o) + VerifyDNSLength(true)(o) + BidiRule()(o) + } +} + +// MapForLookup sets validation and mapping options such that a given IDN is +// transformed for domain name lookup according to the requirements set out in +// Section 5 of RFC 5891. The mappings follow the recommendations of RFC 5894, +// RFC 5895 and UTS 46. It does not add the Bidi Rule. Use the BidiRule option +// to add this check. +// +// The mappings include normalization and mapping case, width and other +// compatibility mappings. +func MapForLookup() Option { + return func(o *options) { + o.mapping = validateAndMap + StrictDomainName(true)(o) + ValidateLabels(true)(o) + RemoveLeadingDots(true)(o) + } +} + +type options struct { + transitional bool + useSTD3Rules bool + validateLabels bool + verifyDNSLength bool + removeLeadingDots bool + + trie *idnaTrie + + // fromPuny calls validation rules when converting A-labels to U-labels. + fromPuny func(p *Profile, s string) error + + // mapping implements a validation and mapping step as defined in RFC 5895 + // or UTS 46, tailored to, for example, domain registration or lookup. + mapping func(p *Profile, s string) (string, error) + + // bidirule, if specified, checks whether s conforms to the Bidi Rule + // defined in RFC 5893. + bidirule func(s string) bool +} + +// A Profile defines the configuration of a IDNA mapper. +type Profile struct { + options +} + +func apply(o *options, opts []Option) { + for _, f := range opts { + f(o) + } +} + +// New creates a new Profile. +// +// With no options, the returned Profile is the most permissive and equals the +// Punycode Profile. Options can be passed to further restrict the Profile. The +// MapForLookup and ValidateForRegistration options set a collection of options, +// for lookup and registration purposes respectively, which can be tailored by +// adding more fine-grained options, where later options override earlier +// options. +func New(o ...Option) *Profile { + p := &Profile{} + apply(&p.options, o) + return p +} + +// ToASCII converts a domain or domain label to its ASCII form. For example, +// ToASCII("bücher.example.com") is "xn--bcher-kva.example.com", and +// ToASCII("golang") is "golang". If an error is encountered it will return +// an error and a (partially) processed result. +func (p *Profile) ToASCII(s string) (string, error) { + return p.process(s, true) +} + +// ToUnicode converts a domain or domain label to its Unicode form. For example, +// ToUnicode("xn--bcher-kva.example.com") is "bücher.example.com", and +// ToUnicode("golang") is "golang". If an error is encountered it will return +// an error and a (partially) processed result. +func (p *Profile) ToUnicode(s string) (string, error) { + pp := *p + pp.transitional = false + return pp.process(s, false) +} + +// String reports a string with a description of the profile for debugging +// purposes. The string format may change with different versions. +func (p *Profile) String() string { + s := "" + if p.transitional { + s = "Transitional" + } else { + s = "NonTransitional" + } + if p.useSTD3Rules { + s += ":UseSTD3Rules" + } + if p.validateLabels { + s += ":ValidateLabels" + } + if p.verifyDNSLength { + s += ":VerifyDNSLength" + } + return s +} + +var ( + // Punycode is a Profile that does raw punycode processing with a minimum + // of validation. + Punycode *Profile = punycode + + // Lookup is the recommended profile for looking up domain names, according + // to Section 5 of RFC 5891. The exact configuration of this profile may + // change over time. + Lookup *Profile = lookup + + // Display is the recommended profile for displaying domain names. + // The configuration of this profile may change over time. + Display *Profile = display + + // Registration is the recommended profile for checking whether a given + // IDN is valid for registration, according to Section 4 of RFC 5891. + Registration *Profile = registration + + punycode = &Profile{} + lookup = &Profile{options{ + transitional: true, + useSTD3Rules: true, + validateLabels: true, + removeLeadingDots: true, + trie: trie, + fromPuny: validateFromPunycode, + mapping: validateAndMap, + bidirule: bidirule.ValidString, + }} + display = &Profile{options{ + useSTD3Rules: true, + validateLabels: true, + removeLeadingDots: true, + trie: trie, + fromPuny: validateFromPunycode, + mapping: validateAndMap, + bidirule: bidirule.ValidString, + }} + registration = &Profile{options{ + useSTD3Rules: true, + validateLabels: true, + verifyDNSLength: true, + trie: trie, + fromPuny: validateFromPunycode, + mapping: validateRegistration, + bidirule: bidirule.ValidString, + }} + + // TODO: profiles + // Register: recommended for approving domain names: don't do any mappings + // but rather reject on invalid input. Bundle or block deviation characters. +) + +type labelError struct{ label, code_ string } + +func (e labelError) code() string { return e.code_ } +func (e labelError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("idna: invalid label %q", e.label) +} + +type runeError rune + +func (e runeError) code() string { return "P1" } +func (e runeError) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("idna: disallowed rune %U", e) +} + +// process implements the algorithm described in section 4 of UTS #46, +// see https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46. +func (p *Profile) process(s string, toASCII bool) (string, error) { + var err error + if p.mapping != nil { + s, err = p.mapping(p, s) + } + // Remove leading empty labels. + if p.removeLeadingDots { + for ; len(s) > 0 && s[0] == '.'; s = s[1:] { + } + } + // It seems like we should only create this error on ToASCII, but the + // UTS 46 conformance tests suggests we should always check this. + if err == nil && p.verifyDNSLength && s == "" { + err = &labelError{s, "A4"} + } + labels := labelIter{orig: s} + for ; !labels.done(); labels.next() { + label := labels.label() + if label == "" { + // Empty labels are not okay. The label iterator skips the last + // label if it is empty. + if err == nil && p.verifyDNSLength { + err = &labelError{s, "A4"} + } + continue + } + if strings.HasPrefix(label, acePrefix) { + u, err2 := decode(label[len(acePrefix):]) + if err2 != nil { + if err == nil { + err = err2 + } + // Spec says keep the old label. + continue + } + labels.set(u) + if err == nil && p.validateLabels { + err = p.fromPuny(p, u) + } + if err == nil { + // This should be called on NonTransitional, according to the + // spec, but that currently does not have any effect. Use the + // original profile to preserve options. + err = p.validateLabel(u) + } + } else if err == nil { + err = p.validateLabel(label) + } + } + if toASCII { + for labels.reset(); !labels.done(); labels.next() { + label := labels.label() + if !ascii(label) { + a, err2 := encode(acePrefix, label) + if err == nil { + err = err2 + } + label = a + labels.set(a) + } + n := len(label) + if p.verifyDNSLength && err == nil && (n == 0 || n > 63) { + err = &labelError{label, "A4"} + } + } + } + s = labels.result() + if toASCII && p.verifyDNSLength && err == nil { + // Compute the length of the domain name minus the root label and its dot. + n := len(s) + if n > 0 && s[n-1] == '.' { + n-- + } + if len(s) < 1 || n > 253 { + err = &labelError{s, "A4"} + } + } + return s, err +} + +func normalize(p *Profile, s string) (string, error) { + return norm.NFC.String(s), nil +} + +func validateRegistration(p *Profile, s string) (string, error) { + if !norm.NFC.IsNormalString(s) { + return s, &labelError{s, "V1"} + } + for i := 0; i < len(s); { + v, sz := trie.lookupString(s[i:]) + // Copy bytes not copied so far. + switch p.simplify(info(v).category()) { + // TODO: handle the NV8 defined in the Unicode idna data set to allow + // for strict conformance to IDNA2008. + case valid, deviation: + case disallowed, mapped, unknown, ignored: + r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:]) + return s, runeError(r) + } + i += sz + } + return s, nil +} + +func validateAndMap(p *Profile, s string) (string, error) { + var ( + err error + b []byte + k int + ) + for i := 0; i < len(s); { + v, sz := trie.lookupString(s[i:]) + start := i + i += sz + // Copy bytes not copied so far. + switch p.simplify(info(v).category()) { + case valid: + continue + case disallowed: + if err == nil { + r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[start:]) + err = runeError(r) + } + continue + case mapped, deviation: + b = append(b, s[k:start]...) + b = info(v).appendMapping(b, s[start:i]) + case ignored: + b = append(b, s[k:start]...) + // drop the rune + case unknown: + b = append(b, s[k:start]...) + b = append(b, "\ufffd"...) + } + k = i + } + if k == 0 { + // No changes so far. + s = norm.NFC.String(s) + } else { + b = append(b, s[k:]...) + if norm.NFC.QuickSpan(b) != len(b) { + b = norm.NFC.Bytes(b) + } + // TODO: the punycode converters require strings as input. + s = string(b) + } + return s, err +} + +// A labelIter allows iterating over domain name labels. +type labelIter struct { + orig string + slice []string + curStart int + curEnd int + i int +} + +func (l *labelIter) reset() { + l.curStart = 0 + l.curEnd = 0 + l.i = 0 +} + +func (l *labelIter) done() bool { + return l.curStart >= len(l.orig) +} + +func (l *labelIter) result() string { + if l.slice != nil { + return strings.Join(l.slice, ".") + } + return l.orig +} + +func (l *labelIter) label() string { + if l.slice != nil { + return l.slice[l.i] + } + p := strings.IndexByte(l.orig[l.curStart:], '.') + l.curEnd = l.curStart + p + if p == -1 { + l.curEnd = len(l.orig) + } + return l.orig[l.curStart:l.curEnd] +} + +// next sets the value to the next label. It skips the last label if it is empty. +func (l *labelIter) next() { + l.i++ + if l.slice != nil { + if l.i >= len(l.slice) || l.i == len(l.slice)-1 && l.slice[l.i] == "" { + l.curStart = len(l.orig) + } + } else { + l.curStart = l.curEnd + 1 + if l.curStart == len(l.orig)-1 && l.orig[l.curStart] == '.' { + l.curStart = len(l.orig) + } + } +} + +func (l *labelIter) set(s string) { + if l.slice == nil { + l.slice = strings.Split(l.orig, ".") + } + l.slice[l.i] = s +} + +// acePrefix is the ASCII Compatible Encoding prefix. +const acePrefix = "xn--" + +func (p *Profile) simplify(cat category) category { + switch cat { + case disallowedSTD3Mapped: + if p.useSTD3Rules { + cat = disallowed + } else { + cat = mapped + } + case disallowedSTD3Valid: + if p.useSTD3Rules { + cat = disallowed + } else { + cat = valid + } + case deviation: + if !p.transitional { + cat = valid + } + case validNV8, validXV8: + // TODO: handle V2008 + cat = valid + } + return cat +} + +func validateFromPunycode(p *Profile, s string) error { + if !norm.NFC.IsNormalString(s) { + return &labelError{s, "V1"} + } + for i := 0; i < len(s); { + v, sz := trie.lookupString(s[i:]) + if c := p.simplify(info(v).category()); c != valid && c != deviation { + return &labelError{s, "V6"} + } + i += sz + } + return nil +} + +const ( + zwnj = "\u200c" + zwj = "\u200d" +) + +type joinState int8 + +const ( + stateStart joinState = iota + stateVirama + stateBefore + stateBeforeVirama + stateAfter + stateFAIL +) + +var joinStates = [][numJoinTypes]joinState{ + stateStart: { + joiningL: stateBefore, + joiningD: stateBefore, + joinZWNJ: stateFAIL, + joinZWJ: stateFAIL, + joinVirama: stateVirama, + }, + stateVirama: { + joiningL: stateBefore, + joiningD: stateBefore, + }, + stateBefore: { + joiningL: stateBefore, + joiningD: stateBefore, + joiningT: stateBefore, + joinZWNJ: stateAfter, + joinZWJ: stateFAIL, + joinVirama: stateBeforeVirama, + }, + stateBeforeVirama: { + joiningL: stateBefore, + joiningD: stateBefore, + joiningT: stateBefore, + }, + stateAfter: { + joiningL: stateFAIL, + joiningD: stateBefore, + joiningT: stateAfter, + joiningR: stateStart, + joinZWNJ: stateFAIL, + joinZWJ: stateFAIL, + joinVirama: stateAfter, // no-op as we can't accept joiners here + }, + stateFAIL: { + 0: stateFAIL, + joiningL: stateFAIL, + joiningD: stateFAIL, + joiningT: stateFAIL, + joiningR: stateFAIL, + joinZWNJ: stateFAIL, + joinZWJ: stateFAIL, + joinVirama: stateFAIL, + }, +} + +// validateLabel validates the criteria from Section 4.1. Item 1, 4, and 6 are +// already implicitly satisfied by the overall implementation. +func (p *Profile) validateLabel(s string) error { + if s == "" { + if p.verifyDNSLength { + return &labelError{s, "A4"} + } + return nil + } + if p.bidirule != nil && !p.bidirule(s) { + return &labelError{s, "B"} + } + if !p.validateLabels { + return nil + } + trie := p.trie // p.validateLabels is only set if trie is set. + if len(s) > 4 && s[2] == '-' && s[3] == '-' { + return &labelError{s, "V2"} + } + if s[0] == '-' || s[len(s)-1] == '-' { + return &labelError{s, "V3"} + } + // TODO: merge the use of this in the trie. + v, sz := trie.lookupString(s) + x := info(v) + if x.isModifier() { + return &labelError{s, "V5"} + } + // Quickly return in the absence of zero-width (non) joiners. + if strings.Index(s, zwj) == -1 && strings.Index(s, zwnj) == -1 { + return nil + } + st := stateStart + for i := 0; ; { + jt := x.joinType() + if s[i:i+sz] == zwj { + jt = joinZWJ + } else if s[i:i+sz] == zwnj { + jt = joinZWNJ + } + st = joinStates[st][jt] + if x.isViramaModifier() { + st = joinStates[st][joinVirama] + } + if i += sz; i == len(s) { + break + } + v, sz = trie.lookupString(s[i:]) + x = info(v) + } + if st == stateFAIL || st == stateAfter { + return &labelError{s, "C"} + } + return nil +} + +func ascii(s string) bool { + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + if s[i] >= utf8.RuneSelf { + return false + } + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables10.0.0.go similarity index 99% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables10.0.0.go index f910b269144..54fddb4b16c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables10.0.0.go @@ -1,11 +1,13 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. +// +build go1.10,!go1.13 + package idna // UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. const UnicodeVersion = "10.0.0" -var mappings string = "" + // Size: 8176 bytes +var mappings string = "" + // Size: 8175 bytes "\x00\x01 \x03 ̈\x01a\x03 ̄\x012\x013\x03 ́\x03 ̧\x011\x01o\x051⁄4\x051⁄2" + "\x053⁄4\x03i̇\x03l·\x03ʼn\x01s\x03dž\x03ⱥ\x03ⱦ\x01h\x01j\x01r\x01w\x01y" + "\x03 ̆\x03 ̇\x03 ̊\x03 ̨\x03 ̃\x03 ̋\x01l\x01x\x04̈́\x03 ι\x01;\x05 ̈́" + @@ -4554,4 +4556,4 @@ var idnaSparseValues = [1915]valueRange{ {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, } -// Total table size 42115 bytes (41KiB); checksum: F4A1FA4E +// Total table size 42114 bytes (41KiB); checksum: 355A58A4 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables11.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c515d7ad2a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables11.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,4653 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build go1.13 + +package idna + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "11.0.0" + +var mappings string = "" + // Size: 8175 bytes + "\x00\x01 \x03 ̈\x01a\x03 ̄\x012\x013\x03 ́\x03 ̧\x011\x01o\x051⁄4\x051⁄2" + + "\x053⁄4\x03i̇\x03l·\x03ʼn\x01s\x03dž\x03ⱥ\x03ⱦ\x01h\x01j\x01r\x01w\x01y" + + "\x03 ̆\x03 ̇\x03 ̊\x03 ̨\x03 ̃\x03 ̋\x01l\x01x\x04̈́\x03 ι\x01;\x05 ̈́" + + "\x04եւ\x04اٴ\x04وٴ\x04ۇٴ\x04يٴ\x06क़\x06ख़\x06ग़\x06ज़\x06ड़\x06ढ़\x06फ़" + + "\x06य़\x06ড়\x06ঢ়\x06য়\x06ਲ਼\x06ਸ਼\x06ਖ਼\x06ਗ਼\x06ਜ਼\x06ਫ਼\x06ଡ଼\x06ଢ଼" + + "\x06ํา\x06ໍາ\x06ຫນ\x06ຫມ\x06གྷ\x06ཌྷ\x06དྷ\x06བྷ\x06ཛྷ\x06ཀྵ\x06ཱི\x06ཱུ" + + "\x06ྲྀ\x09ྲཱྀ\x06ླྀ\x09ླཱྀ\x06ཱྀ\x06ྒྷ\x06ྜྷ\x06ྡྷ\x06ྦྷ\x06ྫྷ\x06ྐྵ\x02" + + "в\x02д\x02о\x02с\x02т\x02ъ\x02ѣ\x02æ\x01b\x01d\x01e\x02ǝ\x01g\x01i\x01k" + + "\x01m\x01n\x02ȣ\x01p\x01t\x01u\x02ɐ\x02ɑ\x02ə\x02ɛ\x02ɜ\x02ŋ\x02ɔ\x02ɯ" + + "\x01v\x02β\x02γ\x02δ\x02φ\x02χ\x02ρ\x02н\x02ɒ\x01c\x02ɕ\x02ð\x01f\x02ɟ" + + "\x02ɡ\x02ɥ\x02ɨ\x02ɩ\x02ɪ\x02ʝ\x02ɭ\x02ʟ\x02ɱ\x02ɰ\x02ɲ\x02ɳ\x02ɴ\x02ɵ" + + "\x02ɸ\x02ʂ\x02ʃ\x02ƫ\x02ʉ\x02ʊ\x02ʋ\x02ʌ\x01z\x02ʐ\x02ʑ\x02ʒ\x02θ\x02ss" + + "\x02ά\x02έ\x02ή\x02ί\x02ό\x02ύ\x02ώ\x05ἀι\x05ἁι\x05ἂι\x05ἃι\x05ἄι\x05ἅι" + + "\x05ἆι\x05ἇι\x05ἠι\x05ἡι\x05ἢι\x05ἣι\x05ἤι\x05ἥι\x05ἦι\x05ἧι\x05ὠι\x05ὡι" + + "\x05ὢι\x05ὣι\x05ὤι\x05ὥι\x05ὦι\x05ὧι\x05ὰι\x04αι\x04άι\x05ᾶι\x02ι\x05 ̈͂" + + "\x05ὴι\x04ηι\x04ήι\x05ῆι\x05 ̓̀\x05 ̓́\x05 ̓͂\x02ΐ\x05 ̔̀\x05 ̔́\x05 ̔͂" + + "\x02ΰ\x05 ̈̀\x01`\x05ὼι\x04ωι\x04ώι\x05ῶι\x06′′\x09′′′\x06‵‵\x09‵‵‵\x02!" + + "!\x02??\x02?!\x02!?\x0c′′′′\x010\x014\x015\x016\x017\x018\x019\x01+\x01=" + + "\x01(\x01)\x02rs\x02ħ\x02no\x01q\x02sm\x02tm\x02ω\x02å\x02א\x02ב\x02ג" + + "\x02ד\x02π\x051⁄7\x051⁄9\x061⁄10\x051⁄3\x052⁄3\x051⁄5\x052⁄5\x053⁄5\x054" + + "⁄5\x051⁄6\x055⁄6\x051⁄8\x053⁄8\x055⁄8\x057⁄8\x041⁄\x02ii\x02iv\x02vi" + + "\x04viii\x02ix\x02xi\x050⁄3\x06∫∫\x09∫∫∫\x06∮∮\x09∮∮∮\x0210\x0211\x0212" + + "\x0213\x0214\x0215\x0216\x0217\x0218\x0219\x0220\x04(10)\x04(11)\x04(12)" + + "\x04(13)\x04(14)\x04(15)\x04(16)\x04(17)\x04(18)\x04(19)\x04(20)\x0c∫∫∫∫" + + "\x02==\x05⫝̸\x02ɫ\x02ɽ\x02ȿ\x02ɀ\x01.\x04 ゙\x04 ゚\x06より\x06コト\x05(ᄀ)\x05" + + "(ᄂ)\x05(ᄃ)\x05(ᄅ)\x05(ᄆ)\x05(ᄇ)\x05(ᄉ)\x05(ᄋ)\x05(ᄌ)\x05(ᄎ)\x05(ᄏ)\x05(ᄐ" + + ")\x05(ᄑ)\x05(ᄒ)\x05(가)\x05(나)\x05(다)\x05(라)\x05(마)\x05(바)\x05(사)\x05(아)" + + "\x05(자)\x05(차)\x05(카)\x05(타)\x05(파)\x05(하)\x05(주)\x08(오전)\x08(오후)\x05(一)" + + "\x05(二)\x05(三)\x05(四)\x05(五)\x05(六)\x05(七)\x05(八)\x05(九)\x05(十)\x05(月)" + + "\x05(火)\x05(水)\x05(木)\x05(金)\x05(土)\x05(日)\x05(株)\x05(有)\x05(社)\x05(名)" + + "\x05(特)\x05(財)\x05(祝)\x05(労)\x05(代)\x05(呼)\x05(学)\x05(監)\x05(企)\x05(資)" + + "\x05(協)\x05(祭)\x05(休)\x05(自)\x05(至)\x0221\x0222\x0223\x0224\x0225\x0226" + + "\x0227\x0228\x0229\x0230\x0231\x0232\x0233\x0234\x0235\x06참고\x06주의\x0236" + + "\x0237\x0238\x0239\x0240\x0241\x0242\x0243\x0244\x0245\x0246\x0247\x0248" + + "\x0249\x0250\x041月\x042月\x043月\x044月\x045月\x046月\x047月\x048月\x049月\x0510" + + "月\x0511月\x0512月\x02hg\x02ev\x0cアパート\x0cアルファ\x0cアンペア\x09アール\x0cイニング\x09" + + "インチ\x09ウォン\x0fエスクード\x0cエーカー\x09オンス\x09オーム\x09カイリ\x0cカラット\x0cカロリー\x09ガロ" + + "ン\x09ガンマ\x06ギガ\x09ギニー\x0cキュリー\x0cギルダー\x06キロ\x0fキログラム\x12キロメートル\x0fキロワッ" + + "ト\x09グラム\x0fグラムトン\x0fクルゼイロ\x0cクローネ\x09ケース\x09コルナ\x09コーポ\x0cサイクル\x0fサンチ" + + "ーム\x0cシリング\x09センチ\x09セント\x09ダース\x06デシ\x06ドル\x06トン\x06ナノ\x09ノット\x09ハイツ" + + "\x0fパーセント\x09パーツ\x0cバーレル\x0fピアストル\x09ピクル\x06ピコ\x06ビル\x0fファラッド\x0cフィート" + + "\x0fブッシェル\x09フラン\x0fヘクタール\x06ペソ\x09ペニヒ\x09ヘルツ\x09ペンス\x09ページ\x09ベータ\x0cポイ" + + "ント\x09ボルト\x06ホン\x09ポンド\x09ホール\x09ホーン\x0cマイクロ\x09マイル\x09マッハ\x09マルク\x0fマ" + + "ンション\x0cミクロン\x06ミリ\x0fミリバール\x06メガ\x0cメガトン\x0cメートル\x09ヤード\x09ヤール\x09ユアン" + + "\x0cリットル\x06リラ\x09ルピー\x0cルーブル\x06レム\x0fレントゲン\x09ワット\x040点\x041点\x042点" + + "\x043点\x044点\x045点\x046点\x047点\x048点\x049点\x0510点\x0511点\x0512点\x0513点" + + "\x0514点\x0515点\x0516点\x0517点\x0518点\x0519点\x0520点\x0521点\x0522点\x0523点" + + "\x0524点\x02da\x02au\x02ov\x02pc\x02dm\x02iu\x06平成\x06昭和\x06大正\x06明治\x0c株" + + "式会社\x02pa\x02na\x02ma\x02ka\x02kb\x02mb\x02gb\x04kcal\x02pf\x02nf\x02m" + + "g\x02kg\x02hz\x02ml\x02dl\x02kl\x02fm\x02nm\x02mm\x02cm\x02km\x02m2\x02m" + + "3\x05m∕s\x06m∕s2\x07rad∕s\x08rad∕s2\x02ps\x02ns\x02ms\x02pv\x02nv\x02mv" + + "\x02kv\x02pw\x02nw\x02mw\x02kw\x02bq\x02cc\x02cd\x06c∕kg\x02db\x02gy\x02" + + "ha\x02hp\x02in\x02kk\x02kt\x02lm\x02ln\x02lx\x02ph\x02pr\x02sr\x02sv\x02" + + "wb\x05v∕m\x05a∕m\x041日\x042日\x043日\x044日\x045日\x046日\x047日\x048日\x049日" + + "\x0510日\x0511日\x0512日\x0513日\x0514日\x0515日\x0516日\x0517日\x0518日\x0519日" + + "\x0520日\x0521日\x0522日\x0523日\x0524日\x0525日\x0526日\x0527日\x0528日\x0529日" + + "\x0530日\x0531日\x02ь\x02ɦ\x02ɬ\x02ʞ\x02ʇ\x02œ\x04𤋮\x04𢡊\x04𢡄\x04𣏕\x04𥉉" + + "\x04𥳐\x04𧻓\x02ff\x02fi\x02fl\x02st\x04մն\x04մե\x04մի\x04վն\x04մխ\x04יִ" + + "\x04ײַ\x02ע\x02ה\x02כ\x02ל\x02ם\x02ר\x02ת\x04שׁ\x04שׂ\x06שּׁ\x06שּׂ\x04א" + + "ַ\x04אָ\x04אּ\x04בּ\x04גּ\x04דּ\x04הּ\x04וּ\x04זּ\x04טּ\x04יּ\x04ךּ\x04" + + "כּ\x04לּ\x04מּ\x04נּ\x04סּ\x04ףּ\x04פּ\x04צּ\x04קּ\x04רּ\x04שּ\x04תּ" + + "\x04וֹ\x04בֿ\x04כֿ\x04פֿ\x04אל\x02ٱ\x02ٻ\x02پ\x02ڀ\x02ٺ\x02ٿ\x02ٹ\x02ڤ" + + "\x02ڦ\x02ڄ\x02ڃ\x02چ\x02ڇ\x02ڍ\x02ڌ\x02ڎ\x02ڈ\x02ژ\x02ڑ\x02ک\x02گ\x02ڳ" + + "\x02ڱ\x02ں\x02ڻ\x02ۀ\x02ہ\x02ھ\x02ے\x02ۓ\x02ڭ\x02ۇ\x02ۆ\x02ۈ\x02ۋ\x02ۅ" + + "\x02ۉ\x02ې\x02ى\x04ئا\x04ئە\x04ئو\x04ئۇ\x04ئۆ\x04ئۈ\x04ئې\x04ئى\x02ی\x04" + + "ئج\x04ئح\x04ئم\x04ئي\x04بج\x04بح\x04بخ\x04بم\x04بى\x04بي\x04تج\x04تح" + + "\x04تخ\x04تم\x04تى\x04تي\x04ثج\x04ثم\x04ثى\x04ثي\x04جح\x04جم\x04حج\x04حم" + + "\x04خج\x04خح\x04خم\x04سج\x04سح\x04سخ\x04سم\x04صح\x04صم\x04ضج\x04ضح\x04ضخ" + + "\x04ضم\x04طح\x04طم\x04ظم\x04عج\x04عم\x04غج\x04غم\x04فج\x04فح\x04فخ\x04فم" + + "\x04فى\x04في\x04قح\x04قم\x04قى\x04قي\x04كا\x04كج\x04كح\x04كخ\x04كل\x04كم" + + "\x04كى\x04كي\x04لج\x04لح\x04لخ\x04لم\x04لى\x04لي\x04مج\x04مح\x04مخ\x04مم" + + "\x04مى\x04مي\x04نج\x04نح\x04نخ\x04نم\x04نى\x04ني\x04هج\x04هم\x04هى\x04هي" + + "\x04يج\x04يح\x04يخ\x04يم\x04يى\x04يي\x04ذٰ\x04رٰ\x04ىٰ\x05 ٌّ\x05 ٍّ\x05" + + " َّ\x05 ُّ\x05 ِّ\x05 ّٰ\x04ئر\x04ئز\x04ئن\x04بر\x04بز\x04بن\x04تر\x04تز" + + "\x04تن\x04ثر\x04ثز\x04ثن\x04ما\x04نر\x04نز\x04نن\x04ير\x04يز\x04ين\x04ئخ" + + "\x04ئه\x04به\x04ته\x04صخ\x04له\x04نه\x04هٰ\x04يه\x04ثه\x04سه\x04شم\x04شه" + + "\x06ـَّ\x06ـُّ\x06ـِّ\x04طى\x04طي\x04عى\x04عي\x04غى\x04غي\x04سى\x04سي" + + "\x04شى\x04شي\x04حى\x04حي\x04جى\x04جي\x04خى\x04خي\x04صى\x04صي\x04ضى\x04ضي" + + "\x04شج\x04شح\x04شخ\x04شر\x04سر\x04صر\x04ضر\x04اً\x06تجم\x06تحج\x06تحم" + + "\x06تخم\x06تمج\x06تمح\x06تمخ\x06جمح\x06حمي\x06حمى\x06سحج\x06سجح\x06سجى" + + "\x06سمح\x06سمج\x06سمم\x06صحح\x06صمم\x06شحم\x06شجي\x06شمخ\x06شمم\x06ضحى" + + "\x06ضخم\x06طمح\x06طمم\x06طمي\x06عجم\x06عمم\x06عمى\x06غمم\x06غمي\x06غمى" + + "\x06فخم\x06قمح\x06قمم\x06لحم\x06لحي\x06لحى\x06لجج\x06لخم\x06لمح\x06محج" + + "\x06محم\x06محي\x06مجح\x06مجم\x06مخج\x06مخم\x06مجخ\x06همج\x06همم\x06نحم" + + "\x06نحى\x06نجم\x06نجى\x06نمي\x06نمى\x06يمم\x06بخي\x06تجي\x06تجى\x06تخي" + + "\x06تخى\x06تمي\x06تمى\x06جمي\x06جحى\x06جمى\x06سخى\x06صحي\x06شحي\x06ضحي" + + "\x06لجي\x06لمي\x06يحي\x06يجي\x06يمي\x06ممي\x06قمي\x06نحي\x06عمي\x06كمي" + + "\x06نجح\x06مخي\x06لجم\x06كمم\x06جحي\x06حجي\x06مجي\x06فمي\x06بحي\x06سخي" + + "\x06نجي\x06صلے\x06قلے\x08الله\x08اكبر\x08محمد\x08صلعم\x08رسول\x08عليه" + + "\x08وسلم\x06صلى!صلى الله عليه وسلم\x0fجل جلاله\x08ریال\x01,\x01:\x01!" + + "\x01?\x01_\x01{\x01}\x01[\x01]\x01#\x01&\x01*\x01-\x01<\x01>\x01\\\x01$" + + "\x01%\x01@\x04ـً\x04ـَ\x04ـُ\x04ـِ\x04ـّ\x04ـْ\x02ء\x02آ\x02أ\x02ؤ\x02إ" + + "\x02ئ\x02ا\x02ب\x02ة\x02ت\x02ث\x02ج\x02ح\x02خ\x02د\x02ذ\x02ر\x02ز\x02س" + + "\x02ش\x02ص\x02ض\x02ط\x02ظ\x02ع\x02غ\x02ف\x02ق\x02ك\x02ل\x02م\x02ن\x02ه" + + "\x02و\x02ي\x04لآ\x04لأ\x04لإ\x04لا\x01\x22\x01'\x01/\x01^\x01|\x01~\x02¢" + + "\x02£\x02¬\x02¦\x02¥\x08𝅗𝅥\x08𝅘𝅥\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅮\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅯\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅰\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅱\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅲\x08𝆹" + + "𝅥\x08𝆺𝅥\x0c𝆹𝅥𝅮\x0c𝆺𝅥𝅮\x0c𝆹𝅥𝅯\x0c𝆺𝅥𝅯\x02ı\x02ȷ\x02α\x02ε\x02ζ\x02η\x02" + + "κ\x02λ\x02μ\x02ν\x02ξ\x02ο\x02σ\x02τ\x02υ\x02ψ\x03∇\x03∂\x02ϝ\x02ٮ\x02ڡ" + + "\x02ٯ\x020,\x021,\x022,\x023,\x024,\x025,\x026,\x027,\x028,\x029,\x03(a)" + + "\x03(b)\x03(c)\x03(d)\x03(e)\x03(f)\x03(g)\x03(h)\x03(i)\x03(j)\x03(k)" + + "\x03(l)\x03(m)\x03(n)\x03(o)\x03(p)\x03(q)\x03(r)\x03(s)\x03(t)\x03(u)" + + "\x03(v)\x03(w)\x03(x)\x03(y)\x03(z)\x07〔s〕\x02wz\x02hv\x02sd\x03ppv\x02w" + + "c\x02mc\x02md\x02dj\x06ほか\x06ココ\x03サ\x03手\x03字\x03双\x03デ\x03二\x03多\x03解" + + "\x03天\x03交\x03映\x03無\x03料\x03前\x03後\x03再\x03新\x03初\x03終\x03生\x03販\x03声" + + "\x03吹\x03演\x03投\x03捕\x03一\x03三\x03遊\x03左\x03中\x03右\x03指\x03走\x03打\x03禁" + + "\x03空\x03合\x03満\x03有\x03月\x03申\x03割\x03営\x03配\x09〔本〕\x09〔三〕\x09〔二〕\x09〔安" + + "〕\x09〔点〕\x09〔打〕\x09〔盗〕\x09〔勝〕\x09〔敗〕\x03得\x03可\x03丽\x03丸\x03乁\x03你\x03" + + "侮\x03侻\x03倂\x03偺\x03備\x03僧\x03像\x03㒞\x03免\x03兔\x03兤\x03具\x03㒹\x03內\x03" + + "冗\x03冤\x03仌\x03冬\x03况\x03凵\x03刃\x03㓟\x03刻\x03剆\x03剷\x03㔕\x03勇\x03勉\x03" + + "勤\x03勺\x03包\x03匆\x03北\x03卉\x03卑\x03博\x03即\x03卽\x03卿\x03灰\x03及\x03叟\x03" + + "叫\x03叱\x03吆\x03咞\x03吸\x03呈\x03周\x03咢\x03哶\x03唐\x03啓\x03啣\x03善\x03喙\x03" + + "喫\x03喳\x03嗂\x03圖\x03嘆\x03圗\x03噑\x03噴\x03切\x03壮\x03城\x03埴\x03堍\x03型\x03" + + "堲\x03報\x03墬\x03売\x03壷\x03夆\x03夢\x03奢\x03姬\x03娛\x03娧\x03姘\x03婦\x03㛮\x03" + + "嬈\x03嬾\x03寃\x03寘\x03寧\x03寳\x03寿\x03将\x03尢\x03㞁\x03屠\x03屮\x03峀\x03岍\x03" + + "嵃\x03嵮\x03嵫\x03嵼\x03巡\x03巢\x03㠯\x03巽\x03帨\x03帽\x03幩\x03㡢\x03㡼\x03庰\x03" + + "庳\x03庶\x03廊\x03廾\x03舁\x03弢\x03㣇\x03形\x03彫\x03㣣\x03徚\x03忍\x03志\x03忹\x03" + + "悁\x03㤺\x03㤜\x03悔\x03惇\x03慈\x03慌\x03慎\x03慺\x03憎\x03憲\x03憤\x03憯\x03懞\x03" + + "懲\x03懶\x03成\x03戛\x03扝\x03抱\x03拔\x03捐\x03挽\x03拼\x03捨\x03掃\x03揤\x03搢\x03" + + "揅\x03掩\x03㨮\x03摩\x03摾\x03撝\x03摷\x03㩬\x03敏\x03敬\x03旣\x03書\x03晉\x03㬙\x03" + + "暑\x03㬈\x03㫤\x03冒\x03冕\x03最\x03暜\x03肭\x03䏙\x03朗\x03望\x03朡\x03杞\x03杓\x03" + + "㭉\x03柺\x03枅\x03桒\x03梅\x03梎\x03栟\x03椔\x03㮝\x03楂\x03榣\x03槪\x03檨\x03櫛\x03" + + "㰘\x03次\x03歔\x03㱎\x03歲\x03殟\x03殺\x03殻\x03汎\x03沿\x03泍\x03汧\x03洖\x03派\x03" + + "海\x03流\x03浩\x03浸\x03涅\x03洴\x03港\x03湮\x03㴳\x03滋\x03滇\x03淹\x03潮\x03濆\x03" + + "瀹\x03瀞\x03瀛\x03㶖\x03灊\x03災\x03灷\x03炭\x03煅\x03熜\x03爨\x03爵\x03牐\x03犀\x03" + + "犕\x03獺\x03王\x03㺬\x03玥\x03㺸\x03瑇\x03瑜\x03瑱\x03璅\x03瓊\x03㼛\x03甤\x03甾\x03" + + "異\x03瘐\x03㿼\x03䀈\x03直\x03眞\x03真\x03睊\x03䀹\x03瞋\x03䁆\x03䂖\x03硎\x03碌\x03" + + "磌\x03䃣\x03祖\x03福\x03秫\x03䄯\x03穀\x03穊\x03穏\x03䈂\x03篆\x03築\x03䈧\x03糒\x03" + + "䊠\x03糨\x03糣\x03紀\x03絣\x03䌁\x03緇\x03縂\x03繅\x03䌴\x03䍙\x03罺\x03羕\x03翺\x03" + + "者\x03聠\x03聰\x03䏕\x03育\x03脃\x03䐋\x03脾\x03媵\x03舄\x03辞\x03䑫\x03芑\x03芋\x03" + + "芝\x03劳\x03花\x03芳\x03芽\x03苦\x03若\x03茝\x03荣\x03莭\x03茣\x03莽\x03菧\x03著\x03" + + "荓\x03菊\x03菌\x03菜\x03䔫\x03蓱\x03蓳\x03蔖\x03蕤\x03䕝\x03䕡\x03䕫\x03虐\x03虜\x03" + + "虧\x03虩\x03蚩\x03蚈\x03蜎\x03蛢\x03蝹\x03蜨\x03蝫\x03螆\x03蟡\x03蠁\x03䗹\x03衠\x03" + + "衣\x03裗\x03裞\x03䘵\x03裺\x03㒻\x03䚾\x03䛇\x03誠\x03諭\x03變\x03豕\x03貫\x03賁\x03" + + "贛\x03起\x03跋\x03趼\x03跰\x03軔\x03輸\x03邔\x03郱\x03鄑\x03鄛\x03鈸\x03鋗\x03鋘\x03" + + "鉼\x03鏹\x03鐕\x03開\x03䦕\x03閷\x03䧦\x03雃\x03嶲\x03霣\x03䩮\x03䩶\x03韠\x03䪲\x03" + + "頋\x03頩\x03飢\x03䬳\x03餩\x03馧\x03駂\x03駾\x03䯎\x03鬒\x03鱀\x03鳽\x03䳎\x03䳭\x03" + + "鵧\x03䳸\x03麻\x03䵖\x03黹\x03黾\x03鼅\x03鼏\x03鼖\x03鼻" + +var xorData string = "" + // Size: 4855 bytes + "\x02\x0c\x09\x02\xb0\xec\x02\xad\xd8\x02\xad\xd9\x02\x06\x07\x02\x0f\x12" + + "\x02\x0f\x1f\x02\x0f\x1d\x02\x01\x13\x02\x0f\x16\x02\x0f\x0b\x02\x0f3" + + "\x02\x0f7\x02\x0f?\x02\x0f/\x02\x0f*\x02\x0c&\x02\x0c*\x02\x0c;\x02\x0c9" + + "\x02\x0c%\x02\xab\xed\x02\xab\xe2\x02\xab\xe3\x02\xa9\xe0\x02\xa9\xe1" + + "\x02\xa9\xe6\x02\xa3\xcb\x02\xa3\xc8\x02\xa3\xc9\x02\x01#\x02\x01\x08" + + "\x02\x0e>\x02\x0e'\x02\x0f\x03\x02\x03\x0d\x02\x03\x09\x02\x03\x17\x02" + + "\x03\x0e\x02\x02\x03\x02\x011\x02\x01\x00\x02\x01\x10\x02\x03<\x02\x07" + + "\x0d\x02\x02\x0c\x02\x0c0\x02\x01\x03\x02\x01\x01\x02\x01 \x02\x01\x22" + + 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+ "\x1a\x03\x06(\x1d\x03\x06+\x1b\x03\x06\x0b\x05\x03\x06\x0b\x17\x03\x06" + + "\x0c\x04\x03\x06\x1e\x19\x03\x06+0\x03\x062\x18\x03\x0b\x16\x1e\x03\x0a+" + + "\x16\x03\x0a-?\x03\x0a#:\x03\x0a#\x10\x03\x0a%$\x03\x0a>+\x03\x0a01\x03" + + "\x0a1\x10\x03\x0a\x099\x03\x0a\x0a\x12\x03\x0a\x19\x1f\x03\x0a\x19\x12" + + "\x03\x09*)\x03\x09-\x16\x03\x09.1\x03\x09.2\x03\x09<\x0e\x03\x09> \x03" + + "\x093\x12\x03\x09\x0b\x01\x03\x09\x1c2\x03\x09\x11\x1c\x03\x09\x15%\x03" + + "\x08,&\x03\x08!\x22\x03\x089(\x03\x08\x0b\x1a\x03\x08\x0d2\x03\x08\x0c" + + "\x04\x03\x08\x0c\x06\x03\x08\x0c\x1f\x03\x08\x0c\x0c\x03\x08\x0f\x1f\x03" + + "\x08\x0f\x1d\x03\x08\x00\x14\x03\x08\x03\x14\x03\x08\x06\x16\x03\x08\x1e" + + "#\x03\x08\x11\x11\x03\x08\x10\x18\x03\x08\x14(\x03\x07)\x1e\x03\x07.1" + + "\x03\x07 $\x03\x07 '\x03\x078\x08\x03\x07\x0d0\x03\x07\x0f7\x03\x07\x05#" + + "\x03\x07\x05\x1a\x03\x07\x1a7\x03\x07\x1d-\x03\x07\x17\x10\x03\x06)\x1f" + + 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"\x0d\x1b\x1a\x03\x0d\x1b&\x03\x0c=.\x03\x0c=%\x03\x0c>\x1e\x03\x0c>\x14" + + "\x03\x0c?\x06\x03\x0c?\x0b\x03\x0c?\x0c\x03\x0c?\x0d\x03\x0c?\x02\x03" + + "\x0c>\x0f\x03\x0c>\x08\x03\x0c>\x09\x03\x0c>,\x03\x0c>\x0c\x03\x0c?\x13" + + "\x03\x0c?\x16\x03\x0c?\x15\x03\x0c?\x1c\x03\x0c?\x1f\x03\x0c?\x1d\x03" + + "\x0c?\x1a\x03\x0c?\x17\x03\x0c?\x08\x03\x0c?\x09\x03\x0c?\x0e\x03\x0c?" + + "\x04\x03\x0c?\x05\x03\x0c" + + "\x03\x0c=2\x03\x0c=6\x03\x0c<\x07\x03\x0c<\x05\x03\x0e:!\x03\x0e:#\x03" + + "\x0e8\x09\x03\x0e:&\x03\x0e8\x0b\x03\x0e:$\x03\x0e:,\x03\x0e8\x1a\x03" + + "\x0e8\x1e\x03\x0e:*\x03\x0e:7\x03\x0e:5\x03\x0e:;\x03\x0e:\x15\x03\x0e:<" + + "\x03\x0e:4\x03\x0e:'\x03\x0e:-\x03\x0e:%\x03\x0e:?\x03\x0e:=\x03\x0e:)" + + "\x03\x0e:/\x03\xcfs'\x03\x0d=\x0f\x03\x0d+*\x03\x0d99\x03\x0d9;\x03\x0d9" + + "?\x03\x0d)\x0d\x03\x0d(%\x02\x01\x18\x02\x01(\x02\x01\x1e\x03\x0f$!\x03" + + "\x0f87\x03\x0f4\x0e\x03\x0f5\x1d\x03\x06'\x03\x03\x0f\x08\x18\x03\x0f" + + "\x0d\x1b\x03\x0e2=\x03\x0e;\x08\x03\x0e:\x0b\x03\x0e\x06$\x03\x0e\x0d)" + + "\x03\x0e\x16\x1f\x03\x0e\x16\x1b\x03\x0d$\x0a\x03\x05,\x1d\x03\x0d. \x03" + + "\x0d.#\x03\x0c(/\x03\x09%\x02\x03\x0d90\x03\x0d\x0e4\x03\x0d\x0d\x0f\x03" + + "\x0c#\x00\x03\x0c,\x1e\x03\x0c2\x0e\x03\x0c\x01\x17\x03\x0c\x09:\x03\x0e" + + "\x173\x03\x0c\x08\x03\x03\x0c\x11\x07\x03\x0c\x10\x18\x03\x0c\x1f\x1c" + + "\x03\x0c\x19\x0e\x03\x0c\x1a\x1f\x03\x0f0>\x03\x0b->\x03\x0b<+\x03\x0b8" + + "\x13\x03\x0b\x043\x03\x0b\x14\x03\x03\x0b\x16%\x03\x0d\x22&\x03\x0b\x1a" + + "\x1a\x03\x0b\x1a\x04\x03\x0a%9\x03\x0a&2\x03\x0a&0\x03\x0a!\x1a\x03\x0a!" + + "7\x03\x0a5\x10\x03\x0a=4\x03\x0a?\x0e\x03\x0a>\x10\x03\x0a\x00 \x03\x0a" + + "\x0f:\x03\x0a\x0f9\x03\x0a\x0b\x0a\x03\x0a\x17%\x03\x0a\x1b-\x03\x09-" + + "\x1a\x03\x09,4\x03\x09.,\x03\x09)\x09\x03\x096!\x03\x091\x1f\x03\x093" + + "\x16\x03\x0c+\x1f\x03\x098 \x03\x098=\x03\x0c(\x1a\x03\x0c(\x16\x03\x09" + + "\x0a+\x03\x09\x16\x12\x03\x09\x13\x0e\x03\x09\x153\x03\x08)!\x03\x09\x1a" + + "\x01\x03\x09\x18\x01\x03\x08%#\x03\x08>\x22\x03\x08\x05%\x03\x08\x02*" + + "\x03\x08\x15;\x03\x08\x1b7\x03\x0f\x07\x1d\x03\x0f\x04\x03\x03\x070\x0c" + + "\x03\x07;\x0b\x03\x07\x08\x17\x03\x07\x12\x06\x03\x06/-\x03\x0671\x03" + + "\x065+\x03\x06>7\x03\x06\x049\x03\x05+\x1e\x03\x05,\x17\x03\x05 \x1d\x03" + + "\x05\x22\x05\x03\x050\x1d" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return idnaValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return idnaValues[c0] + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = idnaIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = idnaIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return idnaValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return idnaValues[c0] + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = idnaIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = idnaIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// idnaTrie. Total size: 29404 bytes (28.71 KiB). Checksum: 848c45acb5f7991c. +type idnaTrie struct{} + +func newIdnaTrie(i int) *idnaTrie { + return &idnaTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + case n < 125: + return uint16(idnaValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + default: + n -= 125 + return uint16(idnaSparse.lookup(n, b)) + } +} + +// idnaValues: 127 blocks, 8128 entries, 16256 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var idnaValues = [8128]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x0080, 0x01: 0x0080, 0x02: 0x0080, 0x03: 0x0080, 0x04: 0x0080, 0x05: 0x0080, + 0x06: 0x0080, 0x07: 0x0080, 0x08: 0x0080, 0x09: 0x0080, 0x0a: 0x0080, 0x0b: 0x0080, + 0x0c: 0x0080, 0x0d: 0x0080, 0x0e: 0x0080, 0x0f: 0x0080, 0x10: 0x0080, 0x11: 0x0080, + 0x12: 0x0080, 0x13: 0x0080, 0x14: 0x0080, 0x15: 0x0080, 0x16: 0x0080, 0x17: 0x0080, + 0x18: 0x0080, 0x19: 0x0080, 0x1a: 0x0080, 0x1b: 0x0080, 0x1c: 0x0080, 0x1d: 0x0080, + 0x1e: 0x0080, 0x1f: 0x0080, 0x20: 0x0080, 0x21: 0x0080, 0x22: 0x0080, 0x23: 0x0080, + 0x24: 0x0080, 0x25: 0x0080, 0x26: 0x0080, 0x27: 0x0080, 0x28: 0x0080, 0x29: 0x0080, + 0x2a: 0x0080, 0x2b: 0x0080, 0x2c: 0x0080, 0x2d: 0x0008, 0x2e: 0x0008, 0x2f: 0x0080, + 0x30: 0x0008, 0x31: 0x0008, 0x32: 0x0008, 0x33: 0x0008, 0x34: 0x0008, 0x35: 0x0008, + 0x36: 0x0008, 0x37: 0x0008, 0x38: 0x0008, 0x39: 0x0008, 0x3a: 0x0080, 0x3b: 0x0080, + 0x3c: 0x0080, 0x3d: 0x0080, 0x3e: 0x0080, 0x3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x0080, 0x41: 0xe105, 0x42: 0xe105, 0x43: 0xe105, 0x44: 0xe105, 0x45: 0xe105, + 0x46: 0xe105, 0x47: 0xe105, 0x48: 0xe105, 0x49: 0xe105, 0x4a: 0xe105, 0x4b: 0xe105, + 0x4c: 0xe105, 0x4d: 0xe105, 0x4e: 0xe105, 0x4f: 0xe105, 0x50: 0xe105, 0x51: 0xe105, + 0x52: 0xe105, 0x53: 0xe105, 0x54: 0xe105, 0x55: 0xe105, 0x56: 0xe105, 0x57: 0xe105, + 0x58: 0xe105, 0x59: 0xe105, 0x5a: 0xe105, 0x5b: 0x0080, 0x5c: 0x0080, 0x5d: 0x0080, + 0x5e: 0x0080, 0x5f: 0x0080, 0x60: 0x0080, 0x61: 0x0008, 0x62: 0x0008, 0x63: 0x0008, + 0x64: 0x0008, 0x65: 0x0008, 0x66: 0x0008, 0x67: 0x0008, 0x68: 0x0008, 0x69: 0x0008, + 0x6a: 0x0008, 0x6b: 0x0008, 0x6c: 0x0008, 0x6d: 0x0008, 0x6e: 0x0008, 0x6f: 0x0008, + 0x70: 0x0008, 0x71: 0x0008, 0x72: 0x0008, 0x73: 0x0008, 0x74: 0x0008, 0x75: 0x0008, + 0x76: 0x0008, 0x77: 0x0008, 0x78: 0x0008, 0x79: 0x0008, 0x7a: 0x0008, 0x7b: 0x0080, + 0x7c: 0x0080, 0x7d: 0x0080, 0x7e: 0x0080, 0x7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0040, 0xc1: 0x0040, 0xc2: 0x0040, 0xc3: 0x0040, 0xc4: 0x0040, 0xc5: 0x0040, + 0xc6: 0x0040, 0xc7: 0x0040, 0xc8: 0x0040, 0xc9: 0x0040, 0xca: 0x0040, 0xcb: 0x0040, + 0xcc: 0x0040, 0xcd: 0x0040, 0xce: 0x0040, 0xcf: 0x0040, 0xd0: 0x0040, 0xd1: 0x0040, + 0xd2: 0x0040, 0xd3: 0x0040, 0xd4: 0x0040, 0xd5: 0x0040, 0xd6: 0x0040, 0xd7: 0x0040, + 0xd8: 0x0040, 0xd9: 0x0040, 0xda: 0x0040, 0xdb: 0x0040, 0xdc: 0x0040, 0xdd: 0x0040, + 0xde: 0x0040, 0xdf: 0x0040, 0xe0: 0x000a, 0xe1: 0x0018, 0xe2: 0x0018, 0xe3: 0x0018, + 0xe4: 0x0018, 0xe5: 0x0018, 0xe6: 0x0018, 0xe7: 0x0018, 0xe8: 0x001a, 0xe9: 0x0018, + 0xea: 0x0039, 0xeb: 0x0018, 0xec: 0x0018, 0xed: 0x03c0, 0xee: 0x0018, 0xef: 0x004a, + 0xf0: 0x0018, 0xf1: 0x0018, 0xf2: 0x0069, 0xf3: 0x0079, 0xf4: 0x008a, 0xf5: 0x0005, + 0xf6: 0x0018, 0xf7: 0x0008, 0xf8: 0x00aa, 0xf9: 0x00c9, 0xfa: 0x00d9, 0xfb: 0x0018, + 0xfc: 0x00e9, 0xfd: 0x0119, 0xfe: 0x0149, 0xff: 0x0018, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0xe00d, 0x101: 0x0008, 0x102: 0xe00d, 0x103: 0x0008, 0x104: 0xe00d, 0x105: 0x0008, + 0x106: 0xe00d, 0x107: 0x0008, 0x108: 0xe00d, 0x109: 0x0008, 0x10a: 0xe00d, 0x10b: 0x0008, + 0x10c: 0xe00d, 0x10d: 0x0008, 0x10e: 0xe00d, 0x10f: 0x0008, 0x110: 0xe00d, 0x111: 0x0008, + 0x112: 0xe00d, 0x113: 0x0008, 0x114: 0xe00d, 0x115: 0x0008, 0x116: 0xe00d, 0x117: 0x0008, + 0x118: 0xe00d, 0x119: 0x0008, 0x11a: 0xe00d, 0x11b: 0x0008, 0x11c: 0xe00d, 0x11d: 0x0008, + 0x11e: 0xe00d, 0x11f: 0x0008, 0x120: 0xe00d, 0x121: 0x0008, 0x122: 0xe00d, 0x123: 0x0008, + 0x124: 0xe00d, 0x125: 0x0008, 0x126: 0xe00d, 0x127: 0x0008, 0x128: 0xe00d, 0x129: 0x0008, + 0x12a: 0xe00d, 0x12b: 0x0008, 0x12c: 0xe00d, 0x12d: 0x0008, 0x12e: 0xe00d, 0x12f: 0x0008, + 0x130: 0x0179, 0x131: 0x0008, 0x132: 0x0035, 0x133: 0x004d, 0x134: 0xe00d, 0x135: 0x0008, + 0x136: 0xe00d, 0x137: 0x0008, 0x138: 0x0008, 0x139: 0xe01d, 0x13a: 0x0008, 0x13b: 0xe03d, + 0x13c: 0x0008, 0x13d: 0xe01d, 0x13e: 0x0008, 0x13f: 0x0199, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x0199, 0x141: 0xe01d, 0x142: 0x0008, 0x143: 0xe03d, 0x144: 0x0008, 0x145: 0xe01d, + 0x146: 0x0008, 0x147: 0xe07d, 0x148: 0x0008, 0x149: 0x01b9, 0x14a: 0xe00d, 0x14b: 0x0008, + 0x14c: 0xe00d, 0x14d: 0x0008, 0x14e: 0xe00d, 0x14f: 0x0008, 0x150: 0xe00d, 0x151: 0x0008, + 0x152: 0xe00d, 0x153: 0x0008, 0x154: 0xe00d, 0x155: 0x0008, 0x156: 0xe00d, 0x157: 0x0008, + 0x158: 0xe00d, 0x159: 0x0008, 0x15a: 0xe00d, 0x15b: 0x0008, 0x15c: 0xe00d, 0x15d: 0x0008, + 0x15e: 0xe00d, 0x15f: 0x0008, 0x160: 0xe00d, 0x161: 0x0008, 0x162: 0xe00d, 0x163: 0x0008, + 0x164: 0xe00d, 0x165: 0x0008, 0x166: 0xe00d, 0x167: 0x0008, 0x168: 0xe00d, 0x169: 0x0008, + 0x16a: 0xe00d, 0x16b: 0x0008, 0x16c: 0xe00d, 0x16d: 0x0008, 0x16e: 0xe00d, 0x16f: 0x0008, + 0x170: 0xe00d, 0x171: 0x0008, 0x172: 0xe00d, 0x173: 0x0008, 0x174: 0xe00d, 0x175: 0x0008, + 0x176: 0xe00d, 0x177: 0x0008, 0x178: 0x0065, 0x179: 0xe01d, 0x17a: 0x0008, 0x17b: 0xe03d, + 0x17c: 0x0008, 0x17d: 0xe01d, 0x17e: 0x0008, 0x17f: 0x01d9, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x0008, 0x181: 0x007d, 0x182: 0xe00d, 0x183: 0x0008, 0x184: 0xe00d, 0x185: 0x0008, + 0x186: 0x007d, 0x187: 0xe07d, 0x188: 0x0008, 0x189: 0x0095, 0x18a: 0x00ad, 0x18b: 0xe03d, + 0x18c: 0x0008, 0x18d: 0x0008, 0x18e: 0x00c5, 0x18f: 0x00dd, 0x190: 0x00f5, 0x191: 0xe01d, + 0x192: 0x0008, 0x193: 0x010d, 0x194: 0x0125, 0x195: 0x0008, 0x196: 0x013d, 0x197: 0x013d, + 0x198: 0xe00d, 0x199: 0x0008, 0x19a: 0x0008, 0x19b: 0x0008, 0x19c: 0x010d, 0x19d: 0x0155, + 0x19e: 0x0008, 0x19f: 0x016d, 0x1a0: 0xe00d, 0x1a1: 0x0008, 0x1a2: 0xe00d, 0x1a3: 0x0008, + 0x1a4: 0xe00d, 0x1a5: 0x0008, 0x1a6: 0x0185, 0x1a7: 0xe07d, 0x1a8: 0x0008, 0x1a9: 0x019d, + 0x1aa: 0x0008, 0x1ab: 0x0008, 0x1ac: 0xe00d, 0x1ad: 0x0008, 0x1ae: 0x0185, 0x1af: 0xe0fd, + 0x1b0: 0x0008, 0x1b1: 0x01b5, 0x1b2: 0x01cd, 0x1b3: 0xe03d, 0x1b4: 0x0008, 0x1b5: 0xe01d, + 0x1b6: 0x0008, 0x1b7: 0x01e5, 0x1b8: 0xe00d, 0x1b9: 0x0008, 0x1ba: 0x0008, 0x1bb: 0x0008, + 0x1bc: 0xe00d, 0x1bd: 0x0008, 0x1be: 0x0008, 0x1bf: 0x0008, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0008, 0x1c1: 0x0008, 0x1c2: 0x0008, 0x1c3: 0x0008, 0x1c4: 0x01e9, 0x1c5: 0x01e9, + 0x1c6: 0x01e9, 0x1c7: 0x01fd, 0x1c8: 0x0215, 0x1c9: 0x022d, 0x1ca: 0x0245, 0x1cb: 0x025d, + 0x1cc: 0x0275, 0x1cd: 0xe01d, 0x1ce: 0x0008, 0x1cf: 0xe0fd, 0x1d0: 0x0008, 0x1d1: 0xe01d, + 0x1d2: 0x0008, 0x1d3: 0xe03d, 0x1d4: 0x0008, 0x1d5: 0xe01d, 0x1d6: 0x0008, 0x1d7: 0xe07d, + 0x1d8: 0x0008, 0x1d9: 0xe01d, 0x1da: 0x0008, 0x1db: 0xe03d, 0x1dc: 0x0008, 0x1dd: 0x0008, + 0x1de: 0xe00d, 0x1df: 0x0008, 0x1e0: 0xe00d, 0x1e1: 0x0008, 0x1e2: 0xe00d, 0x1e3: 0x0008, + 0x1e4: 0xe00d, 0x1e5: 0x0008, 0x1e6: 0xe00d, 0x1e7: 0x0008, 0x1e8: 0xe00d, 0x1e9: 0x0008, + 0x1ea: 0xe00d, 0x1eb: 0x0008, 0x1ec: 0xe00d, 0x1ed: 0x0008, 0x1ee: 0xe00d, 0x1ef: 0x0008, + 0x1f0: 0x0008, 0x1f1: 0x028d, 0x1f2: 0x02a5, 0x1f3: 0x02bd, 0x1f4: 0xe00d, 0x1f5: 0x0008, + 0x1f6: 0x02d5, 0x1f7: 0x02ed, 0x1f8: 0xe00d, 0x1f9: 0x0008, 0x1fa: 0xe00d, 0x1fb: 0x0008, + 0x1fc: 0xe00d, 0x1fd: 0x0008, 0x1fe: 0xe00d, 0x1ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0xe00d, 0x201: 0x0008, 0x202: 0xe00d, 0x203: 0x0008, 0x204: 0xe00d, 0x205: 0x0008, + 0x206: 0xe00d, 0x207: 0x0008, 0x208: 0xe00d, 0x209: 0x0008, 0x20a: 0xe00d, 0x20b: 0x0008, + 0x20c: 0xe00d, 0x20d: 0x0008, 0x20e: 0xe00d, 0x20f: 0x0008, 0x210: 0xe00d, 0x211: 0x0008, + 0x212: 0xe00d, 0x213: 0x0008, 0x214: 0xe00d, 0x215: 0x0008, 0x216: 0xe00d, 0x217: 0x0008, + 0x218: 0xe00d, 0x219: 0x0008, 0x21a: 0xe00d, 0x21b: 0x0008, 0x21c: 0xe00d, 0x21d: 0x0008, + 0x21e: 0xe00d, 0x21f: 0x0008, 0x220: 0x0305, 0x221: 0x0008, 0x222: 0xe00d, 0x223: 0x0008, + 0x224: 0xe00d, 0x225: 0x0008, 0x226: 0xe00d, 0x227: 0x0008, 0x228: 0xe00d, 0x229: 0x0008, + 0x22a: 0xe00d, 0x22b: 0x0008, 0x22c: 0xe00d, 0x22d: 0x0008, 0x22e: 0xe00d, 0x22f: 0x0008, + 0x230: 0xe00d, 0x231: 0x0008, 0x232: 0xe00d, 0x233: 0x0008, 0x234: 0x0008, 0x235: 0x0008, + 0x236: 0x0008, 0x237: 0x0008, 0x238: 0x0008, 0x239: 0x0008, 0x23a: 0x0209, 0x23b: 0xe03d, + 0x23c: 0x0008, 0x23d: 0x031d, 0x23e: 0x0229, 0x23f: 0x0008, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x0008, 0x241: 0x0008, 0x242: 0x0018, 0x243: 0x0018, 0x244: 0x0018, 0x245: 0x0018, + 0x246: 0x0008, 0x247: 0x0008, 0x248: 0x0008, 0x249: 0x0008, 0x24a: 0x0008, 0x24b: 0x0008, + 0x24c: 0x0008, 0x24d: 0x0008, 0x24e: 0x0008, 0x24f: 0x0008, 0x250: 0x0008, 0x251: 0x0008, + 0x252: 0x0018, 0x253: 0x0018, 0x254: 0x0018, 0x255: 0x0018, 0x256: 0x0018, 0x257: 0x0018, + 0x258: 0x029a, 0x259: 0x02ba, 0x25a: 0x02da, 0x25b: 0x02fa, 0x25c: 0x031a, 0x25d: 0x033a, + 0x25e: 0x0018, 0x25f: 0x0018, 0x260: 0x03ad, 0x261: 0x0359, 0x262: 0x01d9, 0x263: 0x0369, + 0x264: 0x03c5, 0x265: 0x0018, 0x266: 0x0018, 0x267: 0x0018, 0x268: 0x0018, 0x269: 0x0018, + 0x26a: 0x0018, 0x26b: 0x0018, 0x26c: 0x0008, 0x26d: 0x0018, 0x26e: 0x0008, 0x26f: 0x0018, + 0x270: 0x0018, 0x271: 0x0018, 0x272: 0x0018, 0x273: 0x0018, 0x274: 0x0018, 0x275: 0x0018, + 0x276: 0x0018, 0x277: 0x0018, 0x278: 0x0018, 0x279: 0x0018, 0x27a: 0x0018, 0x27b: 0x0018, + 0x27c: 0x0018, 0x27d: 0x0018, 0x27e: 0x0018, 0x27f: 0x0018, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x03dd, 0x281: 0x03dd, 0x282: 0x3308, 0x283: 0x03f5, 0x284: 0x0379, 0x285: 0x040d, + 0x286: 0x3308, 0x287: 0x3308, 0x288: 0x3308, 0x289: 0x3308, 0x28a: 0x3308, 0x28b: 0x3308, + 0x28c: 0x3308, 0x28d: 0x3308, 0x28e: 0x3308, 0x28f: 0x33c0, 0x290: 0x3308, 0x291: 0x3308, + 0x292: 0x3308, 0x293: 0x3308, 0x294: 0x3308, 0x295: 0x3308, 0x296: 0x3308, 0x297: 0x3308, + 0x298: 0x3308, 0x299: 0x3308, 0x29a: 0x3308, 0x29b: 0x3308, 0x29c: 0x3308, 0x29d: 0x3308, + 0x29e: 0x3308, 0x29f: 0x3308, 0x2a0: 0x3308, 0x2a1: 0x3308, 0x2a2: 0x3308, 0x2a3: 0x3308, + 0x2a4: 0x3308, 0x2a5: 0x3308, 0x2a6: 0x3308, 0x2a7: 0x3308, 0x2a8: 0x3308, 0x2a9: 0x3308, + 0x2aa: 0x3308, 0x2ab: 0x3308, 0x2ac: 0x3308, 0x2ad: 0x3308, 0x2ae: 0x3308, 0x2af: 0x3308, + 0x2b0: 0xe00d, 0x2b1: 0x0008, 0x2b2: 0xe00d, 0x2b3: 0x0008, 0x2b4: 0x0425, 0x2b5: 0x0008, + 0x2b6: 0xe00d, 0x2b7: 0x0008, 0x2b8: 0x0040, 0x2b9: 0x0040, 0x2ba: 0x03a2, 0x2bb: 0x0008, + 0x2bc: 0x0008, 0x2bd: 0x0008, 0x2be: 0x03c2, 0x2bf: 0x043d, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x0040, 0x2c1: 0x0040, 0x2c2: 0x0040, 0x2c3: 0x0040, 0x2c4: 0x008a, 0x2c5: 0x03d2, + 0x2c6: 0xe155, 0x2c7: 0x0455, 0x2c8: 0xe12d, 0x2c9: 0xe13d, 0x2ca: 0xe12d, 0x2cb: 0x0040, + 0x2cc: 0x03dd, 0x2cd: 0x0040, 0x2ce: 0x046d, 0x2cf: 0x0485, 0x2d0: 0x0008, 0x2d1: 0xe105, + 0x2d2: 0xe105, 0x2d3: 0xe105, 0x2d4: 0xe105, 0x2d5: 0xe105, 0x2d6: 0xe105, 0x2d7: 0xe105, + 0x2d8: 0xe105, 0x2d9: 0xe105, 0x2da: 0xe105, 0x2db: 0xe105, 0x2dc: 0xe105, 0x2dd: 0xe105, + 0x2de: 0xe105, 0x2df: 0xe105, 0x2e0: 0x049d, 0x2e1: 0x049d, 0x2e2: 0x0040, 0x2e3: 0x049d, + 0x2e4: 0x049d, 0x2e5: 0x049d, 0x2e6: 0x049d, 0x2e7: 0x049d, 0x2e8: 0x049d, 0x2e9: 0x049d, + 0x2ea: 0x049d, 0x2eb: 0x049d, 0x2ec: 0x0008, 0x2ed: 0x0008, 0x2ee: 0x0008, 0x2ef: 0x0008, + 0x2f0: 0x0008, 0x2f1: 0x0008, 0x2f2: 0x0008, 0x2f3: 0x0008, 0x2f4: 0x0008, 0x2f5: 0x0008, + 0x2f6: 0x0008, 0x2f7: 0x0008, 0x2f8: 0x0008, 0x2f9: 0x0008, 0x2fa: 0x0008, 0x2fb: 0x0008, + 0x2fc: 0x0008, 0x2fd: 0x0008, 0x2fe: 0x0008, 0x2ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0008, 0x301: 0x0008, 0x302: 0xe00f, 0x303: 0x0008, 0x304: 0x0008, 0x305: 0x0008, + 0x306: 0x0008, 0x307: 0x0008, 0x308: 0x0008, 0x309: 0x0008, 0x30a: 0x0008, 0x30b: 0x0008, + 0x30c: 0x0008, 0x30d: 0x0008, 0x30e: 0x0008, 0x30f: 0xe0c5, 0x310: 0x04b5, 0x311: 0x04cd, + 0x312: 0xe0bd, 0x313: 0xe0f5, 0x314: 0xe0fd, 0x315: 0xe09d, 0x316: 0xe0b5, 0x317: 0x0008, + 0x318: 0xe00d, 0x319: 0x0008, 0x31a: 0xe00d, 0x31b: 0x0008, 0x31c: 0xe00d, 0x31d: 0x0008, + 0x31e: 0xe00d, 0x31f: 0x0008, 0x320: 0xe00d, 0x321: 0x0008, 0x322: 0xe00d, 0x323: 0x0008, + 0x324: 0xe00d, 0x325: 0x0008, 0x326: 0xe00d, 0x327: 0x0008, 0x328: 0xe00d, 0x329: 0x0008, + 0x32a: 0xe00d, 0x32b: 0x0008, 0x32c: 0xe00d, 0x32d: 0x0008, 0x32e: 0xe00d, 0x32f: 0x0008, + 0x330: 0x04e5, 0x331: 0xe185, 0x332: 0xe18d, 0x333: 0x0008, 0x334: 0x04fd, 0x335: 0x03dd, + 0x336: 0x0018, 0x337: 0xe07d, 0x338: 0x0008, 0x339: 0xe1d5, 0x33a: 0xe00d, 0x33b: 0x0008, + 0x33c: 0x0008, 0x33d: 0x0515, 0x33e: 0x052d, 0x33f: 0x052d, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x0008, 0x341: 0x0008, 0x342: 0x0008, 0x343: 0x0008, 0x344: 0x0008, 0x345: 0x0008, + 0x346: 0x0008, 0x347: 0x0008, 0x348: 0x0008, 0x349: 0x0008, 0x34a: 0x0008, 0x34b: 0x0008, + 0x34c: 0x0008, 0x34d: 0x0008, 0x34e: 0x0008, 0x34f: 0x0008, 0x350: 0x0008, 0x351: 0x0008, + 0x352: 0x0008, 0x353: 0x0008, 0x354: 0x0008, 0x355: 0x0008, 0x356: 0x0008, 0x357: 0x0008, + 0x358: 0x0008, 0x359: 0x0008, 0x35a: 0x0008, 0x35b: 0x0008, 0x35c: 0x0008, 0x35d: 0x0008, + 0x35e: 0x0008, 0x35f: 0x0008, 0x360: 0xe00d, 0x361: 0x0008, 0x362: 0xe00d, 0x363: 0x0008, + 0x364: 0xe00d, 0x365: 0x0008, 0x366: 0xe00d, 0x367: 0x0008, 0x368: 0xe00d, 0x369: 0x0008, + 0x36a: 0xe00d, 0x36b: 0x0008, 0x36c: 0xe00d, 0x36d: 0x0008, 0x36e: 0xe00d, 0x36f: 0x0008, + 0x370: 0xe00d, 0x371: 0x0008, 0x372: 0xe00d, 0x373: 0x0008, 0x374: 0xe00d, 0x375: 0x0008, + 0x376: 0xe00d, 0x377: 0x0008, 0x378: 0xe00d, 0x379: 0x0008, 0x37a: 0xe00d, 0x37b: 0x0008, + 0x37c: 0xe00d, 0x37d: 0x0008, 0x37e: 0xe00d, 0x37f: 0x0008, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0xe00d, 0x381: 0x0008, 0x382: 0x0018, 0x383: 0x3308, 0x384: 0x3308, 0x385: 0x3308, + 0x386: 0x3308, 0x387: 0x3308, 0x388: 0x3318, 0x389: 0x3318, 0x38a: 0xe00d, 0x38b: 0x0008, + 0x38c: 0xe00d, 0x38d: 0x0008, 0x38e: 0xe00d, 0x38f: 0x0008, 0x390: 0xe00d, 0x391: 0x0008, + 0x392: 0xe00d, 0x393: 0x0008, 0x394: 0xe00d, 0x395: 0x0008, 0x396: 0xe00d, 0x397: 0x0008, + 0x398: 0xe00d, 0x399: 0x0008, 0x39a: 0xe00d, 0x39b: 0x0008, 0x39c: 0xe00d, 0x39d: 0x0008, + 0x39e: 0xe00d, 0x39f: 0x0008, 0x3a0: 0xe00d, 0x3a1: 0x0008, 0x3a2: 0xe00d, 0x3a3: 0x0008, + 0x3a4: 0xe00d, 0x3a5: 0x0008, 0x3a6: 0xe00d, 0x3a7: 0x0008, 0x3a8: 0xe00d, 0x3a9: 0x0008, + 0x3aa: 0xe00d, 0x3ab: 0x0008, 0x3ac: 0xe00d, 0x3ad: 0x0008, 0x3ae: 0xe00d, 0x3af: 0x0008, + 0x3b0: 0xe00d, 0x3b1: 0x0008, 0x3b2: 0xe00d, 0x3b3: 0x0008, 0x3b4: 0xe00d, 0x3b5: 0x0008, + 0x3b6: 0xe00d, 0x3b7: 0x0008, 0x3b8: 0xe00d, 0x3b9: 0x0008, 0x3ba: 0xe00d, 0x3bb: 0x0008, + 0x3bc: 0xe00d, 0x3bd: 0x0008, 0x3be: 0xe00d, 0x3bf: 0x0008, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x0040, 0x3c1: 0xe01d, 0x3c2: 0x0008, 0x3c3: 0xe03d, 0x3c4: 0x0008, 0x3c5: 0xe01d, + 0x3c6: 0x0008, 0x3c7: 0xe07d, 0x3c8: 0x0008, 0x3c9: 0xe01d, 0x3ca: 0x0008, 0x3cb: 0xe03d, + 0x3cc: 0x0008, 0x3cd: 0xe01d, 0x3ce: 0x0008, 0x3cf: 0x0008, 0x3d0: 0xe00d, 0x3d1: 0x0008, + 0x3d2: 0xe00d, 0x3d3: 0x0008, 0x3d4: 0xe00d, 0x3d5: 0x0008, 0x3d6: 0xe00d, 0x3d7: 0x0008, + 0x3d8: 0xe00d, 0x3d9: 0x0008, 0x3da: 0xe00d, 0x3db: 0x0008, 0x3dc: 0xe00d, 0x3dd: 0x0008, + 0x3de: 0xe00d, 0x3df: 0x0008, 0x3e0: 0xe00d, 0x3e1: 0x0008, 0x3e2: 0xe00d, 0x3e3: 0x0008, + 0x3e4: 0xe00d, 0x3e5: 0x0008, 0x3e6: 0xe00d, 0x3e7: 0x0008, 0x3e8: 0xe00d, 0x3e9: 0x0008, + 0x3ea: 0xe00d, 0x3eb: 0x0008, 0x3ec: 0xe00d, 0x3ed: 0x0008, 0x3ee: 0xe00d, 0x3ef: 0x0008, + 0x3f0: 0xe00d, 0x3f1: 0x0008, 0x3f2: 0xe00d, 0x3f3: 0x0008, 0x3f4: 0xe00d, 0x3f5: 0x0008, + 0x3f6: 0xe00d, 0x3f7: 0x0008, 0x3f8: 0xe00d, 0x3f9: 0x0008, 0x3fa: 0xe00d, 0x3fb: 0x0008, + 0x3fc: 0xe00d, 0x3fd: 0x0008, 0x3fe: 0xe00d, 0x3ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xe00d, 0x401: 0x0008, 0x402: 0xe00d, 0x403: 0x0008, 0x404: 0xe00d, 0x405: 0x0008, + 0x406: 0xe00d, 0x407: 0x0008, 0x408: 0xe00d, 0x409: 0x0008, 0x40a: 0xe00d, 0x40b: 0x0008, + 0x40c: 0xe00d, 0x40d: 0x0008, 0x40e: 0xe00d, 0x40f: 0x0008, 0x410: 0xe00d, 0x411: 0x0008, + 0x412: 0xe00d, 0x413: 0x0008, 0x414: 0xe00d, 0x415: 0x0008, 0x416: 0xe00d, 0x417: 0x0008, + 0x418: 0xe00d, 0x419: 0x0008, 0x41a: 0xe00d, 0x41b: 0x0008, 0x41c: 0xe00d, 0x41d: 0x0008, + 0x41e: 0xe00d, 0x41f: 0x0008, 0x420: 0xe00d, 0x421: 0x0008, 0x422: 0xe00d, 0x423: 0x0008, + 0x424: 0xe00d, 0x425: 0x0008, 0x426: 0xe00d, 0x427: 0x0008, 0x428: 0xe00d, 0x429: 0x0008, + 0x42a: 0xe00d, 0x42b: 0x0008, 0x42c: 0xe00d, 0x42d: 0x0008, 0x42e: 0xe00d, 0x42f: 0x0008, + 0x430: 0x0040, 0x431: 0x03f5, 0x432: 0x03f5, 0x433: 0x03f5, 0x434: 0x03f5, 0x435: 0x03f5, + 0x436: 0x03f5, 0x437: 0x03f5, 0x438: 0x03f5, 0x439: 0x03f5, 0x43a: 0x03f5, 0x43b: 0x03f5, + 0x43c: 0x03f5, 0x43d: 0x03f5, 0x43e: 0x03f5, 0x43f: 0x03f5, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x0840, 0x441: 0x0840, 0x442: 0x0840, 0x443: 0x0840, 0x444: 0x0840, 0x445: 0x0840, + 0x446: 0x0018, 0x447: 0x0018, 0x448: 0x0818, 0x449: 0x0018, 0x44a: 0x0018, 0x44b: 0x0818, + 0x44c: 0x0018, 0x44d: 0x0818, 0x44e: 0x0018, 0x44f: 0x0018, 0x450: 0x3308, 0x451: 0x3308, + 0x452: 0x3308, 0x453: 0x3308, 0x454: 0x3308, 0x455: 0x3308, 0x456: 0x3308, 0x457: 0x3308, + 0x458: 0x3308, 0x459: 0x3308, 0x45a: 0x3308, 0x45b: 0x0818, 0x45c: 0x0b40, 0x45d: 0x0040, + 0x45e: 0x0818, 0x45f: 0x0818, 0x460: 0x0a08, 0x461: 0x0808, 0x462: 0x0c08, 0x463: 0x0c08, + 0x464: 0x0c08, 0x465: 0x0c08, 0x466: 0x0a08, 0x467: 0x0c08, 0x468: 0x0a08, 0x469: 0x0c08, + 0x46a: 0x0a08, 0x46b: 0x0a08, 0x46c: 0x0a08, 0x46d: 0x0a08, 0x46e: 0x0a08, 0x46f: 0x0c08, + 0x470: 0x0c08, 0x471: 0x0c08, 0x472: 0x0c08, 0x473: 0x0a08, 0x474: 0x0a08, 0x475: 0x0a08, + 0x476: 0x0a08, 0x477: 0x0a08, 0x478: 0x0a08, 0x479: 0x0a08, 0x47a: 0x0a08, 0x47b: 0x0a08, + 0x47c: 0x0a08, 0x47d: 0x0a08, 0x47e: 0x0a08, 0x47f: 0x0a08, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x0818, 0x481: 0x0a08, 0x482: 0x0a08, 0x483: 0x0a08, 0x484: 0x0a08, 0x485: 0x0a08, + 0x486: 0x0a08, 0x487: 0x0a08, 0x488: 0x0c08, 0x489: 0x0a08, 0x48a: 0x0a08, 0x48b: 0x3308, + 0x48c: 0x3308, 0x48d: 0x3308, 0x48e: 0x3308, 0x48f: 0x3308, 0x490: 0x3308, 0x491: 0x3308, + 0x492: 0x3308, 0x493: 0x3308, 0x494: 0x3308, 0x495: 0x3308, 0x496: 0x3308, 0x497: 0x3308, + 0x498: 0x3308, 0x499: 0x3308, 0x49a: 0x3308, 0x49b: 0x3308, 0x49c: 0x3308, 0x49d: 0x3308, + 0x49e: 0x3308, 0x49f: 0x3308, 0x4a0: 0x0808, 0x4a1: 0x0808, 0x4a2: 0x0808, 0x4a3: 0x0808, + 0x4a4: 0x0808, 0x4a5: 0x0808, 0x4a6: 0x0808, 0x4a7: 0x0808, 0x4a8: 0x0808, 0x4a9: 0x0808, + 0x4aa: 0x0018, 0x4ab: 0x0818, 0x4ac: 0x0818, 0x4ad: 0x0818, 0x4ae: 0x0a08, 0x4af: 0x0a08, + 0x4b0: 0x3308, 0x4b1: 0x0c08, 0x4b2: 0x0c08, 0x4b3: 0x0c08, 0x4b4: 0x0808, 0x4b5: 0x0429, + 0x4b6: 0x0451, 0x4b7: 0x0479, 0x4b8: 0x04a1, 0x4b9: 0x0a08, 0x4ba: 0x0a08, 0x4bb: 0x0a08, + 0x4bc: 0x0a08, 0x4bd: 0x0a08, 0x4be: 0x0a08, 0x4bf: 0x0a08, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x0c08, 0x4c1: 0x0a08, 0x4c2: 0x0a08, 0x4c3: 0x0c08, 0x4c4: 0x0c08, 0x4c5: 0x0c08, + 0x4c6: 0x0c08, 0x4c7: 0x0c08, 0x4c8: 0x0c08, 0x4c9: 0x0c08, 0x4ca: 0x0c08, 0x4cb: 0x0c08, + 0x4cc: 0x0a08, 0x4cd: 0x0c08, 0x4ce: 0x0a08, 0x4cf: 0x0c08, 0x4d0: 0x0a08, 0x4d1: 0x0a08, + 0x4d2: 0x0c08, 0x4d3: 0x0c08, 0x4d4: 0x0818, 0x4d5: 0x0c08, 0x4d6: 0x3308, 0x4d7: 0x3308, + 0x4d8: 0x3308, 0x4d9: 0x3308, 0x4da: 0x3308, 0x4db: 0x3308, 0x4dc: 0x3308, 0x4dd: 0x0840, + 0x4de: 0x0018, 0x4df: 0x3308, 0x4e0: 0x3308, 0x4e1: 0x3308, 0x4e2: 0x3308, 0x4e3: 0x3308, + 0x4e4: 0x3308, 0x4e5: 0x0808, 0x4e6: 0x0808, 0x4e7: 0x3308, 0x4e8: 0x3308, 0x4e9: 0x0018, + 0x4ea: 0x3308, 0x4eb: 0x3308, 0x4ec: 0x3308, 0x4ed: 0x3308, 0x4ee: 0x0c08, 0x4ef: 0x0c08, + 0x4f0: 0x0008, 0x4f1: 0x0008, 0x4f2: 0x0008, 0x4f3: 0x0008, 0x4f4: 0x0008, 0x4f5: 0x0008, + 0x4f6: 0x0008, 0x4f7: 0x0008, 0x4f8: 0x0008, 0x4f9: 0x0008, 0x4fa: 0x0a08, 0x4fb: 0x0a08, + 0x4fc: 0x0a08, 0x4fd: 0x0808, 0x4fe: 0x0808, 0x4ff: 0x0a08, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x0818, 0x501: 0x0818, 0x502: 0x0818, 0x503: 0x0818, 0x504: 0x0818, 0x505: 0x0818, + 0x506: 0x0818, 0x507: 0x0818, 0x508: 0x0818, 0x509: 0x0818, 0x50a: 0x0818, 0x50b: 0x0818, + 0x50c: 0x0818, 0x50d: 0x0818, 0x50e: 0x0040, 0x50f: 0x0b40, 0x510: 0x0c08, 0x511: 0x3308, + 0x512: 0x0a08, 0x513: 0x0a08, 0x514: 0x0a08, 0x515: 0x0c08, 0x516: 0x0c08, 0x517: 0x0c08, + 0x518: 0x0c08, 0x519: 0x0c08, 0x51a: 0x0a08, 0x51b: 0x0a08, 0x51c: 0x0a08, 0x51d: 0x0a08, + 0x51e: 0x0c08, 0x51f: 0x0a08, 0x520: 0x0a08, 0x521: 0x0a08, 0x522: 0x0a08, 0x523: 0x0a08, + 0x524: 0x0a08, 0x525: 0x0a08, 0x526: 0x0a08, 0x527: 0x0a08, 0x528: 0x0c08, 0x529: 0x0a08, + 0x52a: 0x0c08, 0x52b: 0x0a08, 0x52c: 0x0c08, 0x52d: 0x0a08, 0x52e: 0x0a08, 0x52f: 0x0c08, + 0x530: 0x3308, 0x531: 0x3308, 0x532: 0x3308, 0x533: 0x3308, 0x534: 0x3308, 0x535: 0x3308, + 0x536: 0x3308, 0x537: 0x3308, 0x538: 0x3308, 0x539: 0x3308, 0x53a: 0x3308, 0x53b: 0x3308, + 0x53c: 0x3308, 0x53d: 0x3308, 0x53e: 0x3308, 0x53f: 0x3308, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0c08, 0x541: 0x0a08, 0x542: 0x0a08, 0x543: 0x0a08, 0x544: 0x0a08, 0x545: 0x0a08, + 0x546: 0x0c08, 0x547: 0x0c08, 0x548: 0x0a08, 0x549: 0x0c08, 0x54a: 0x0a08, 0x54b: 0x0a08, + 0x54c: 0x0a08, 0x54d: 0x0a08, 0x54e: 0x0a08, 0x54f: 0x0a08, 0x550: 0x0a08, 0x551: 0x0a08, + 0x552: 0x0a08, 0x553: 0x0a08, 0x554: 0x0c08, 0x555: 0x0a08, 0x556: 0x0808, 0x557: 0x0808, + 0x558: 0x0808, 0x559: 0x3308, 0x55a: 0x3308, 0x55b: 0x3308, 0x55c: 0x0040, 0x55d: 0x0040, + 0x55e: 0x0818, 0x55f: 0x0040, 0x560: 0x0a08, 0x561: 0x0808, 0x562: 0x0a08, 0x563: 0x0a08, + 0x564: 0x0a08, 0x565: 0x0a08, 0x566: 0x0808, 0x567: 0x0c08, 0x568: 0x0a08, 0x569: 0x0c08, + 0x56a: 0x0c08, 0x56b: 0x0040, 0x56c: 0x0040, 0x56d: 0x0040, 0x56e: 0x0040, 0x56f: 0x0040, + 0x570: 0x0040, 0x571: 0x0040, 0x572: 0x0040, 0x573: 0x0040, 0x574: 0x0040, 0x575: 0x0040, + 0x576: 0x0040, 0x577: 0x0040, 0x578: 0x0040, 0x579: 0x0040, 0x57a: 0x0040, 0x57b: 0x0040, + 0x57c: 0x0040, 0x57d: 0x0040, 0x57e: 0x0040, 0x57f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x3008, 0x581: 0x3308, 0x582: 0x3308, 0x583: 0x3308, 0x584: 0x3308, 0x585: 0x3308, + 0x586: 0x3308, 0x587: 0x3308, 0x588: 0x3308, 0x589: 0x3008, 0x58a: 0x3008, 0x58b: 0x3008, + 0x58c: 0x3008, 0x58d: 0x3b08, 0x58e: 0x3008, 0x58f: 0x3008, 0x590: 0x0008, 0x591: 0x3308, + 0x592: 0x3308, 0x593: 0x3308, 0x594: 0x3308, 0x595: 0x3308, 0x596: 0x3308, 0x597: 0x3308, + 0x598: 0x04c9, 0x599: 0x0501, 0x59a: 0x0539, 0x59b: 0x0571, 0x59c: 0x05a9, 0x59d: 0x05e1, + 0x59e: 0x0619, 0x59f: 0x0651, 0x5a0: 0x0008, 0x5a1: 0x0008, 0x5a2: 0x3308, 0x5a3: 0x3308, + 0x5a4: 0x0018, 0x5a5: 0x0018, 0x5a6: 0x0008, 0x5a7: 0x0008, 0x5a8: 0x0008, 0x5a9: 0x0008, + 0x5aa: 0x0008, 0x5ab: 0x0008, 0x5ac: 0x0008, 0x5ad: 0x0008, 0x5ae: 0x0008, 0x5af: 0x0008, + 0x5b0: 0x0018, 0x5b1: 0x0008, 0x5b2: 0x0008, 0x5b3: 0x0008, 0x5b4: 0x0008, 0x5b5: 0x0008, + 0x5b6: 0x0008, 0x5b7: 0x0008, 0x5b8: 0x0008, 0x5b9: 0x0008, 0x5ba: 0x0008, 0x5bb: 0x0008, + 0x5bc: 0x0008, 0x5bd: 0x0008, 0x5be: 0x0008, 0x5bf: 0x0008, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x0008, 0x5c1: 0x3308, 0x5c2: 0x3008, 0x5c3: 0x3008, 0x5c4: 0x0040, 0x5c5: 0x0008, + 0x5c6: 0x0008, 0x5c7: 0x0008, 0x5c8: 0x0008, 0x5c9: 0x0008, 0x5ca: 0x0008, 0x5cb: 0x0008, + 0x5cc: 0x0008, 0x5cd: 0x0040, 0x5ce: 0x0040, 0x5cf: 0x0008, 0x5d0: 0x0008, 0x5d1: 0x0040, + 0x5d2: 0x0040, 0x5d3: 0x0008, 0x5d4: 0x0008, 0x5d5: 0x0008, 0x5d6: 0x0008, 0x5d7: 0x0008, + 0x5d8: 0x0008, 0x5d9: 0x0008, 0x5da: 0x0008, 0x5db: 0x0008, 0x5dc: 0x0008, 0x5dd: 0x0008, + 0x5de: 0x0008, 0x5df: 0x0008, 0x5e0: 0x0008, 0x5e1: 0x0008, 0x5e2: 0x0008, 0x5e3: 0x0008, + 0x5e4: 0x0008, 0x5e5: 0x0008, 0x5e6: 0x0008, 0x5e7: 0x0008, 0x5e8: 0x0008, 0x5e9: 0x0040, + 0x5ea: 0x0008, 0x5eb: 0x0008, 0x5ec: 0x0008, 0x5ed: 0x0008, 0x5ee: 0x0008, 0x5ef: 0x0008, + 0x5f0: 0x0008, 0x5f1: 0x0040, 0x5f2: 0x0008, 0x5f3: 0x0040, 0x5f4: 0x0040, 0x5f5: 0x0040, + 0x5f6: 0x0008, 0x5f7: 0x0008, 0x5f8: 0x0008, 0x5f9: 0x0008, 0x5fa: 0x0040, 0x5fb: 0x0040, + 0x5fc: 0x3308, 0x5fd: 0x0008, 0x5fe: 0x3008, 0x5ff: 0x3008, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x3008, 0x601: 0x3308, 0x602: 0x3308, 0x603: 0x3308, 0x604: 0x3308, 0x605: 0x0040, + 0x606: 0x0040, 0x607: 0x3008, 0x608: 0x3008, 0x609: 0x0040, 0x60a: 0x0040, 0x60b: 0x3008, + 0x60c: 0x3008, 0x60d: 0x3b08, 0x60e: 0x0008, 0x60f: 0x0040, 0x610: 0x0040, 0x611: 0x0040, + 0x612: 0x0040, 0x613: 0x0040, 0x614: 0x0040, 0x615: 0x0040, 0x616: 0x0040, 0x617: 0x3008, + 0x618: 0x0040, 0x619: 0x0040, 0x61a: 0x0040, 0x61b: 0x0040, 0x61c: 0x0689, 0x61d: 0x06c1, + 0x61e: 0x0040, 0x61f: 0x06f9, 0x620: 0x0008, 0x621: 0x0008, 0x622: 0x3308, 0x623: 0x3308, + 0x624: 0x0040, 0x625: 0x0040, 0x626: 0x0008, 0x627: 0x0008, 0x628: 0x0008, 0x629: 0x0008, + 0x62a: 0x0008, 0x62b: 0x0008, 0x62c: 0x0008, 0x62d: 0x0008, 0x62e: 0x0008, 0x62f: 0x0008, + 0x630: 0x0008, 0x631: 0x0008, 0x632: 0x0018, 0x633: 0x0018, 0x634: 0x0018, 0x635: 0x0018, + 0x636: 0x0018, 0x637: 0x0018, 0x638: 0x0018, 0x639: 0x0018, 0x63a: 0x0018, 0x63b: 0x0018, + 0x63c: 0x0008, 0x63d: 0x0018, 0x63e: 0x3308, 0x63f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x0040, 0x641: 0x3308, 0x642: 0x3308, 0x643: 0x3008, 0x644: 0x0040, 0x645: 0x0008, + 0x646: 0x0008, 0x647: 0x0008, 0x648: 0x0008, 0x649: 0x0008, 0x64a: 0x0008, 0x64b: 0x0040, + 0x64c: 0x0040, 0x64d: 0x0040, 0x64e: 0x0040, 0x64f: 0x0008, 0x650: 0x0008, 0x651: 0x0040, + 0x652: 0x0040, 0x653: 0x0008, 0x654: 0x0008, 0x655: 0x0008, 0x656: 0x0008, 0x657: 0x0008, + 0x658: 0x0008, 0x659: 0x0008, 0x65a: 0x0008, 0x65b: 0x0008, 0x65c: 0x0008, 0x65d: 0x0008, + 0x65e: 0x0008, 0x65f: 0x0008, 0x660: 0x0008, 0x661: 0x0008, 0x662: 0x0008, 0x663: 0x0008, + 0x664: 0x0008, 0x665: 0x0008, 0x666: 0x0008, 0x667: 0x0008, 0x668: 0x0008, 0x669: 0x0040, + 0x66a: 0x0008, 0x66b: 0x0008, 0x66c: 0x0008, 0x66d: 0x0008, 0x66e: 0x0008, 0x66f: 0x0008, + 0x670: 0x0008, 0x671: 0x0040, 0x672: 0x0008, 0x673: 0x0731, 0x674: 0x0040, 0x675: 0x0008, + 0x676: 0x0769, 0x677: 0x0040, 0x678: 0x0008, 0x679: 0x0008, 0x67a: 0x0040, 0x67b: 0x0040, + 0x67c: 0x3308, 0x67d: 0x0040, 0x67e: 0x3008, 0x67f: 0x3008, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x3008, 0x681: 0x3308, 0x682: 0x3308, 0x683: 0x0040, 0x684: 0x0040, 0x685: 0x0040, + 0x686: 0x0040, 0x687: 0x3308, 0x688: 0x3308, 0x689: 0x0040, 0x68a: 0x0040, 0x68b: 0x3308, + 0x68c: 0x3308, 0x68d: 0x3b08, 0x68e: 0x0040, 0x68f: 0x0040, 0x690: 0x0040, 0x691: 0x3308, + 0x692: 0x0040, 0x693: 0x0040, 0x694: 0x0040, 0x695: 0x0040, 0x696: 0x0040, 0x697: 0x0040, + 0x698: 0x0040, 0x699: 0x07a1, 0x69a: 0x07d9, 0x69b: 0x0811, 0x69c: 0x0008, 0x69d: 0x0040, + 0x69e: 0x0849, 0x69f: 0x0040, 0x6a0: 0x0040, 0x6a1: 0x0040, 0x6a2: 0x0040, 0x6a3: 0x0040, + 0x6a4: 0x0040, 0x6a5: 0x0040, 0x6a6: 0x0008, 0x6a7: 0x0008, 0x6a8: 0x0008, 0x6a9: 0x0008, + 0x6aa: 0x0008, 0x6ab: 0x0008, 0x6ac: 0x0008, 0x6ad: 0x0008, 0x6ae: 0x0008, 0x6af: 0x0008, + 0x6b0: 0x3308, 0x6b1: 0x3308, 0x6b2: 0x0008, 0x6b3: 0x0008, 0x6b4: 0x0008, 0x6b5: 0x3308, + 0x6b6: 0x0018, 0x6b7: 0x0040, 0x6b8: 0x0040, 0x6b9: 0x0040, 0x6ba: 0x0040, 0x6bb: 0x0040, + 0x6bc: 0x0040, 0x6bd: 0x0040, 0x6be: 0x0040, 0x6bf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x0040, 0x6c1: 0x3308, 0x6c2: 0x3308, 0x6c3: 0x3008, 0x6c4: 0x0040, 0x6c5: 0x0008, + 0x6c6: 0x0008, 0x6c7: 0x0008, 0x6c8: 0x0008, 0x6c9: 0x0008, 0x6ca: 0x0008, 0x6cb: 0x0008, + 0x6cc: 0x0008, 0x6cd: 0x0008, 0x6ce: 0x0040, 0x6cf: 0x0008, 0x6d0: 0x0008, 0x6d1: 0x0008, + 0x6d2: 0x0040, 0x6d3: 0x0008, 0x6d4: 0x0008, 0x6d5: 0x0008, 0x6d6: 0x0008, 0x6d7: 0x0008, + 0x6d8: 0x0008, 0x6d9: 0x0008, 0x6da: 0x0008, 0x6db: 0x0008, 0x6dc: 0x0008, 0x6dd: 0x0008, + 0x6de: 0x0008, 0x6df: 0x0008, 0x6e0: 0x0008, 0x6e1: 0x0008, 0x6e2: 0x0008, 0x6e3: 0x0008, + 0x6e4: 0x0008, 0x6e5: 0x0008, 0x6e6: 0x0008, 0x6e7: 0x0008, 0x6e8: 0x0008, 0x6e9: 0x0040, + 0x6ea: 0x0008, 0x6eb: 0x0008, 0x6ec: 0x0008, 0x6ed: 0x0008, 0x6ee: 0x0008, 0x6ef: 0x0008, + 0x6f0: 0x0008, 0x6f1: 0x0040, 0x6f2: 0x0008, 0x6f3: 0x0008, 0x6f4: 0x0040, 0x6f5: 0x0008, + 0x6f6: 0x0008, 0x6f7: 0x0008, 0x6f8: 0x0008, 0x6f9: 0x0008, 0x6fa: 0x0040, 0x6fb: 0x0040, + 0x6fc: 0x3308, 0x6fd: 0x0008, 0x6fe: 0x3008, 0x6ff: 0x3008, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x3008, 0x701: 0x3308, 0x702: 0x3308, 0x703: 0x3308, 0x704: 0x3308, 0x705: 0x3308, + 0x706: 0x0040, 0x707: 0x3308, 0x708: 0x3308, 0x709: 0x3008, 0x70a: 0x0040, 0x70b: 0x3008, + 0x70c: 0x3008, 0x70d: 0x3b08, 0x70e: 0x0040, 0x70f: 0x0040, 0x710: 0x0008, 0x711: 0x0040, + 0x712: 0x0040, 0x713: 0x0040, 0x714: 0x0040, 0x715: 0x0040, 0x716: 0x0040, 0x717: 0x0040, + 0x718: 0x0040, 0x719: 0x0040, 0x71a: 0x0040, 0x71b: 0x0040, 0x71c: 0x0040, 0x71d: 0x0040, + 0x71e: 0x0040, 0x71f: 0x0040, 0x720: 0x0008, 0x721: 0x0008, 0x722: 0x3308, 0x723: 0x3308, + 0x724: 0x0040, 0x725: 0x0040, 0x726: 0x0008, 0x727: 0x0008, 0x728: 0x0008, 0x729: 0x0008, + 0x72a: 0x0008, 0x72b: 0x0008, 0x72c: 0x0008, 0x72d: 0x0008, 0x72e: 0x0008, 0x72f: 0x0008, + 0x730: 0x0018, 0x731: 0x0018, 0x732: 0x0040, 0x733: 0x0040, 0x734: 0x0040, 0x735: 0x0040, + 0x736: 0x0040, 0x737: 0x0040, 0x738: 0x0040, 0x739: 0x0008, 0x73a: 0x3308, 0x73b: 0x3308, + 0x73c: 0x3308, 0x73d: 0x3308, 0x73e: 0x3308, 0x73f: 0x3308, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x0040, 0x741: 0x3308, 0x742: 0x3008, 0x743: 0x3008, 0x744: 0x0040, 0x745: 0x0008, + 0x746: 0x0008, 0x747: 0x0008, 0x748: 0x0008, 0x749: 0x0008, 0x74a: 0x0008, 0x74b: 0x0008, + 0x74c: 0x0008, 0x74d: 0x0040, 0x74e: 0x0040, 0x74f: 0x0008, 0x750: 0x0008, 0x751: 0x0040, + 0x752: 0x0040, 0x753: 0x0008, 0x754: 0x0008, 0x755: 0x0008, 0x756: 0x0008, 0x757: 0x0008, + 0x758: 0x0008, 0x759: 0x0008, 0x75a: 0x0008, 0x75b: 0x0008, 0x75c: 0x0008, 0x75d: 0x0008, + 0x75e: 0x0008, 0x75f: 0x0008, 0x760: 0x0008, 0x761: 0x0008, 0x762: 0x0008, 0x763: 0x0008, + 0x764: 0x0008, 0x765: 0x0008, 0x766: 0x0008, 0x767: 0x0008, 0x768: 0x0008, 0x769: 0x0040, + 0x76a: 0x0008, 0x76b: 0x0008, 0x76c: 0x0008, 0x76d: 0x0008, 0x76e: 0x0008, 0x76f: 0x0008, + 0x770: 0x0008, 0x771: 0x0040, 0x772: 0x0008, 0x773: 0x0008, 0x774: 0x0040, 0x775: 0x0008, + 0x776: 0x0008, 0x777: 0x0008, 0x778: 0x0008, 0x779: 0x0008, 0x77a: 0x0040, 0x77b: 0x0040, + 0x77c: 0x3308, 0x77d: 0x0008, 0x77e: 0x3008, 0x77f: 0x3308, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x780: 0x3008, 0x781: 0x3308, 0x782: 0x3308, 0x783: 0x3308, 0x784: 0x3308, 0x785: 0x0040, + 0x786: 0x0040, 0x787: 0x3008, 0x788: 0x3008, 0x789: 0x0040, 0x78a: 0x0040, 0x78b: 0x3008, + 0x78c: 0x3008, 0x78d: 0x3b08, 0x78e: 0x0040, 0x78f: 0x0040, 0x790: 0x0040, 0x791: 0x0040, + 0x792: 0x0040, 0x793: 0x0040, 0x794: 0x0040, 0x795: 0x0040, 0x796: 0x3308, 0x797: 0x3008, + 0x798: 0x0040, 0x799: 0x0040, 0x79a: 0x0040, 0x79b: 0x0040, 0x79c: 0x0881, 0x79d: 0x08b9, + 0x79e: 0x0040, 0x79f: 0x0008, 0x7a0: 0x0008, 0x7a1: 0x0008, 0x7a2: 0x3308, 0x7a3: 0x3308, + 0x7a4: 0x0040, 0x7a5: 0x0040, 0x7a6: 0x0008, 0x7a7: 0x0008, 0x7a8: 0x0008, 0x7a9: 0x0008, + 0x7aa: 0x0008, 0x7ab: 0x0008, 0x7ac: 0x0008, 0x7ad: 0x0008, 0x7ae: 0x0008, 0x7af: 0x0008, + 0x7b0: 0x0018, 0x7b1: 0x0008, 0x7b2: 0x0018, 0x7b3: 0x0018, 0x7b4: 0x0018, 0x7b5: 0x0018, + 0x7b6: 0x0018, 0x7b7: 0x0018, 0x7b8: 0x0040, 0x7b9: 0x0040, 0x7ba: 0x0040, 0x7bb: 0x0040, + 0x7bc: 0x0040, 0x7bd: 0x0040, 0x7be: 0x0040, 0x7bf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x0040, 0x7c1: 0x0040, 0x7c2: 0x3308, 0x7c3: 0x0008, 0x7c4: 0x0040, 0x7c5: 0x0008, + 0x7c6: 0x0008, 0x7c7: 0x0008, 0x7c8: 0x0008, 0x7c9: 0x0008, 0x7ca: 0x0008, 0x7cb: 0x0040, + 0x7cc: 0x0040, 0x7cd: 0x0040, 0x7ce: 0x0008, 0x7cf: 0x0008, 0x7d0: 0x0008, 0x7d1: 0x0040, + 0x7d2: 0x0008, 0x7d3: 0x0008, 0x7d4: 0x0008, 0x7d5: 0x0008, 0x7d6: 0x0040, 0x7d7: 0x0040, + 0x7d8: 0x0040, 0x7d9: 0x0008, 0x7da: 0x0008, 0x7db: 0x0040, 0x7dc: 0x0008, 0x7dd: 0x0040, + 0x7de: 0x0008, 0x7df: 0x0008, 0x7e0: 0x0040, 0x7e1: 0x0040, 0x7e2: 0x0040, 0x7e3: 0x0008, + 0x7e4: 0x0008, 0x7e5: 0x0040, 0x7e6: 0x0040, 0x7e7: 0x0040, 0x7e8: 0x0008, 0x7e9: 0x0008, + 0x7ea: 0x0008, 0x7eb: 0x0040, 0x7ec: 0x0040, 0x7ed: 0x0040, 0x7ee: 0x0008, 0x7ef: 0x0008, + 0x7f0: 0x0008, 0x7f1: 0x0008, 0x7f2: 0x0008, 0x7f3: 0x0008, 0x7f4: 0x0008, 0x7f5: 0x0008, + 0x7f6: 0x0008, 0x7f7: 0x0008, 0x7f8: 0x0008, 0x7f9: 0x0008, 0x7fa: 0x0040, 0x7fb: 0x0040, + 0x7fc: 0x0040, 0x7fd: 0x0040, 0x7fe: 0x3008, 0x7ff: 0x3008, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x3308, 0x801: 0x3008, 0x802: 0x3008, 0x803: 0x3008, 0x804: 0x3008, 0x805: 0x0040, + 0x806: 0x3308, 0x807: 0x3308, 0x808: 0x3308, 0x809: 0x0040, 0x80a: 0x3308, 0x80b: 0x3308, + 0x80c: 0x3308, 0x80d: 0x3b08, 0x80e: 0x0040, 0x80f: 0x0040, 0x810: 0x0040, 0x811: 0x0040, + 0x812: 0x0040, 0x813: 0x0040, 0x814: 0x0040, 0x815: 0x3308, 0x816: 0x3308, 0x817: 0x0040, + 0x818: 0x0008, 0x819: 0x0008, 0x81a: 0x0008, 0x81b: 0x0040, 0x81c: 0x0040, 0x81d: 0x0040, + 0x81e: 0x0040, 0x81f: 0x0040, 0x820: 0x0008, 0x821: 0x0008, 0x822: 0x3308, 0x823: 0x3308, + 0x824: 0x0040, 0x825: 0x0040, 0x826: 0x0008, 0x827: 0x0008, 0x828: 0x0008, 0x829: 0x0008, + 0x82a: 0x0008, 0x82b: 0x0008, 0x82c: 0x0008, 0x82d: 0x0008, 0x82e: 0x0008, 0x82f: 0x0008, + 0x830: 0x0040, 0x831: 0x0040, 0x832: 0x0040, 0x833: 0x0040, 0x834: 0x0040, 0x835: 0x0040, + 0x836: 0x0040, 0x837: 0x0040, 0x838: 0x0018, 0x839: 0x0018, 0x83a: 0x0018, 0x83b: 0x0018, + 0x83c: 0x0018, 0x83d: 0x0018, 0x83e: 0x0018, 0x83f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x0008, 0x841: 0x3308, 0x842: 0x3008, 0x843: 0x3008, 0x844: 0x0018, 0x845: 0x0008, + 0x846: 0x0008, 0x847: 0x0008, 0x848: 0x0008, 0x849: 0x0008, 0x84a: 0x0008, 0x84b: 0x0008, + 0x84c: 0x0008, 0x84d: 0x0040, 0x84e: 0x0008, 0x84f: 0x0008, 0x850: 0x0008, 0x851: 0x0040, + 0x852: 0x0008, 0x853: 0x0008, 0x854: 0x0008, 0x855: 0x0008, 0x856: 0x0008, 0x857: 0x0008, + 0x858: 0x0008, 0x859: 0x0008, 0x85a: 0x0008, 0x85b: 0x0008, 0x85c: 0x0008, 0x85d: 0x0008, + 0x85e: 0x0008, 0x85f: 0x0008, 0x860: 0x0008, 0x861: 0x0008, 0x862: 0x0008, 0x863: 0x0008, + 0x864: 0x0008, 0x865: 0x0008, 0x866: 0x0008, 0x867: 0x0008, 0x868: 0x0008, 0x869: 0x0040, + 0x86a: 0x0008, 0x86b: 0x0008, 0x86c: 0x0008, 0x86d: 0x0008, 0x86e: 0x0008, 0x86f: 0x0008, + 0x870: 0x0008, 0x871: 0x0008, 0x872: 0x0008, 0x873: 0x0008, 0x874: 0x0040, 0x875: 0x0008, + 0x876: 0x0008, 0x877: 0x0008, 0x878: 0x0008, 0x879: 0x0008, 0x87a: 0x0040, 0x87b: 0x0040, + 0x87c: 0x3308, 0x87d: 0x0008, 0x87e: 0x3008, 0x87f: 0x3308, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x3008, 0x881: 0x3008, 0x882: 0x3008, 0x883: 0x3008, 0x884: 0x3008, 0x885: 0x0040, + 0x886: 0x3308, 0x887: 0x3008, 0x888: 0x3008, 0x889: 0x0040, 0x88a: 0x3008, 0x88b: 0x3008, + 0x88c: 0x3308, 0x88d: 0x3b08, 0x88e: 0x0040, 0x88f: 0x0040, 0x890: 0x0040, 0x891: 0x0040, + 0x892: 0x0040, 0x893: 0x0040, 0x894: 0x0040, 0x895: 0x3008, 0x896: 0x3008, 0x897: 0x0040, + 0x898: 0x0040, 0x899: 0x0040, 0x89a: 0x0040, 0x89b: 0x0040, 0x89c: 0x0040, 0x89d: 0x0040, + 0x89e: 0x0008, 0x89f: 0x0040, 0x8a0: 0x0008, 0x8a1: 0x0008, 0x8a2: 0x3308, 0x8a3: 0x3308, + 0x8a4: 0x0040, 0x8a5: 0x0040, 0x8a6: 0x0008, 0x8a7: 0x0008, 0x8a8: 0x0008, 0x8a9: 0x0008, + 0x8aa: 0x0008, 0x8ab: 0x0008, 0x8ac: 0x0008, 0x8ad: 0x0008, 0x8ae: 0x0008, 0x8af: 0x0008, + 0x8b0: 0x0040, 0x8b1: 0x0008, 0x8b2: 0x0008, 0x8b3: 0x0040, 0x8b4: 0x0040, 0x8b5: 0x0040, + 0x8b6: 0x0040, 0x8b7: 0x0040, 0x8b8: 0x0040, 0x8b9: 0x0040, 0x8ba: 0x0040, 0x8bb: 0x0040, + 0x8bc: 0x0040, 0x8bd: 0x0040, 0x8be: 0x0040, 0x8bf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x3008, 0x8c1: 0x3308, 0x8c2: 0x3308, 0x8c3: 0x3308, 0x8c4: 0x3308, 0x8c5: 0x0040, + 0x8c6: 0x3008, 0x8c7: 0x3008, 0x8c8: 0x3008, 0x8c9: 0x0040, 0x8ca: 0x3008, 0x8cb: 0x3008, + 0x8cc: 0x3008, 0x8cd: 0x3b08, 0x8ce: 0x0008, 0x8cf: 0x0018, 0x8d0: 0x0040, 0x8d1: 0x0040, + 0x8d2: 0x0040, 0x8d3: 0x0040, 0x8d4: 0x0008, 0x8d5: 0x0008, 0x8d6: 0x0008, 0x8d7: 0x3008, + 0x8d8: 0x0018, 0x8d9: 0x0018, 0x8da: 0x0018, 0x8db: 0x0018, 0x8dc: 0x0018, 0x8dd: 0x0018, + 0x8de: 0x0018, 0x8df: 0x0008, 0x8e0: 0x0008, 0x8e1: 0x0008, 0x8e2: 0x3308, 0x8e3: 0x3308, + 0x8e4: 0x0040, 0x8e5: 0x0040, 0x8e6: 0x0008, 0x8e7: 0x0008, 0x8e8: 0x0008, 0x8e9: 0x0008, + 0x8ea: 0x0008, 0x8eb: 0x0008, 0x8ec: 0x0008, 0x8ed: 0x0008, 0x8ee: 0x0008, 0x8ef: 0x0008, + 0x8f0: 0x0018, 0x8f1: 0x0018, 0x8f2: 0x0018, 0x8f3: 0x0018, 0x8f4: 0x0018, 0x8f5: 0x0018, + 0x8f6: 0x0018, 0x8f7: 0x0018, 0x8f8: 0x0018, 0x8f9: 0x0018, 0x8fa: 0x0008, 0x8fb: 0x0008, + 0x8fc: 0x0008, 0x8fd: 0x0008, 0x8fe: 0x0008, 0x8ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x0040, 0x901: 0x0008, 0x902: 0x0008, 0x903: 0x0040, 0x904: 0x0008, 0x905: 0x0040, + 0x906: 0x0040, 0x907: 0x0008, 0x908: 0x0008, 0x909: 0x0040, 0x90a: 0x0008, 0x90b: 0x0040, + 0x90c: 0x0040, 0x90d: 0x0008, 0x90e: 0x0040, 0x90f: 0x0040, 0x910: 0x0040, 0x911: 0x0040, + 0x912: 0x0040, 0x913: 0x0040, 0x914: 0x0008, 0x915: 0x0008, 0x916: 0x0008, 0x917: 0x0008, + 0x918: 0x0040, 0x919: 0x0008, 0x91a: 0x0008, 0x91b: 0x0008, 0x91c: 0x0008, 0x91d: 0x0008, + 0x91e: 0x0008, 0x91f: 0x0008, 0x920: 0x0040, 0x921: 0x0008, 0x922: 0x0008, 0x923: 0x0008, + 0x924: 0x0040, 0x925: 0x0008, 0x926: 0x0040, 0x927: 0x0008, 0x928: 0x0040, 0x929: 0x0040, + 0x92a: 0x0008, 0x92b: 0x0008, 0x92c: 0x0040, 0x92d: 0x0008, 0x92e: 0x0008, 0x92f: 0x0008, + 0x930: 0x0008, 0x931: 0x3308, 0x932: 0x0008, 0x933: 0x0929, 0x934: 0x3308, 0x935: 0x3308, + 0x936: 0x3308, 0x937: 0x3308, 0x938: 0x3308, 0x939: 0x3308, 0x93a: 0x0040, 0x93b: 0x3308, + 0x93c: 0x3308, 0x93d: 0x0008, 0x93e: 0x0040, 0x93f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x0008, 0x941: 0x0008, 0x942: 0x0008, 0x943: 0x09d1, 0x944: 0x0008, 0x945: 0x0008, + 0x946: 0x0008, 0x947: 0x0008, 0x948: 0x0040, 0x949: 0x0008, 0x94a: 0x0008, 0x94b: 0x0008, + 0x94c: 0x0008, 0x94d: 0x0a09, 0x94e: 0x0008, 0x94f: 0x0008, 0x950: 0x0008, 0x951: 0x0008, + 0x952: 0x0a41, 0x953: 0x0008, 0x954: 0x0008, 0x955: 0x0008, 0x956: 0x0008, 0x957: 0x0a79, + 0x958: 0x0008, 0x959: 0x0008, 0x95a: 0x0008, 0x95b: 0x0008, 0x95c: 0x0ab1, 0x95d: 0x0008, + 0x95e: 0x0008, 0x95f: 0x0008, 0x960: 0x0008, 0x961: 0x0008, 0x962: 0x0008, 0x963: 0x0008, + 0x964: 0x0008, 0x965: 0x0008, 0x966: 0x0008, 0x967: 0x0008, 0x968: 0x0008, 0x969: 0x0ae9, + 0x96a: 0x0008, 0x96b: 0x0008, 0x96c: 0x0008, 0x96d: 0x0040, 0x96e: 0x0040, 0x96f: 0x0040, + 0x970: 0x0040, 0x971: 0x3308, 0x972: 0x3308, 0x973: 0x0b21, 0x974: 0x3308, 0x975: 0x0b59, + 0x976: 0x0b91, 0x977: 0x0bc9, 0x978: 0x0c19, 0x979: 0x0c51, 0x97a: 0x3308, 0x97b: 0x3308, + 0x97c: 0x3308, 0x97d: 0x3308, 0x97e: 0x3308, 0x97f: 0x3008, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x980: 0x3308, 0x981: 0x0ca1, 0x982: 0x3308, 0x983: 0x3308, 0x984: 0x3b08, 0x985: 0x0018, + 0x986: 0x3308, 0x987: 0x3308, 0x988: 0x0008, 0x989: 0x0008, 0x98a: 0x0008, 0x98b: 0x0008, + 0x98c: 0x0008, 0x98d: 0x3308, 0x98e: 0x3308, 0x98f: 0x3308, 0x990: 0x3308, 0x991: 0x3308, + 0x992: 0x3308, 0x993: 0x0cd9, 0x994: 0x3308, 0x995: 0x3308, 0x996: 0x3308, 0x997: 0x3308, + 0x998: 0x0040, 0x999: 0x3308, 0x99a: 0x3308, 0x99b: 0x3308, 0x99c: 0x3308, 0x99d: 0x0d11, + 0x99e: 0x3308, 0x99f: 0x3308, 0x9a0: 0x3308, 0x9a1: 0x3308, 0x9a2: 0x0d49, 0x9a3: 0x3308, + 0x9a4: 0x3308, 0x9a5: 0x3308, 0x9a6: 0x3308, 0x9a7: 0x0d81, 0x9a8: 0x3308, 0x9a9: 0x3308, + 0x9aa: 0x3308, 0x9ab: 0x3308, 0x9ac: 0x0db9, 0x9ad: 0x3308, 0x9ae: 0x3308, 0x9af: 0x3308, + 0x9b0: 0x3308, 0x9b1: 0x3308, 0x9b2: 0x3308, 0x9b3: 0x3308, 0x9b4: 0x3308, 0x9b5: 0x3308, + 0x9b6: 0x3308, 0x9b7: 0x3308, 0x9b8: 0x3308, 0x9b9: 0x0df1, 0x9ba: 0x3308, 0x9bb: 0x3308, + 0x9bc: 0x3308, 0x9bd: 0x0040, 0x9be: 0x0018, 0x9bf: 0x0018, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c0: 0x0008, 0x9c1: 0x0008, 0x9c2: 0x0008, 0x9c3: 0x0008, 0x9c4: 0x0008, 0x9c5: 0x0008, + 0x9c6: 0x0008, 0x9c7: 0x0008, 0x9c8: 0x0008, 0x9c9: 0x0008, 0x9ca: 0x0008, 0x9cb: 0x0008, + 0x9cc: 0x0008, 0x9cd: 0x0008, 0x9ce: 0x0008, 0x9cf: 0x0008, 0x9d0: 0x0008, 0x9d1: 0x0008, + 0x9d2: 0x0008, 0x9d3: 0x0008, 0x9d4: 0x0008, 0x9d5: 0x0008, 0x9d6: 0x0008, 0x9d7: 0x0008, + 0x9d8: 0x0008, 0x9d9: 0x0008, 0x9da: 0x0008, 0x9db: 0x0008, 0x9dc: 0x0008, 0x9dd: 0x0008, + 0x9de: 0x0008, 0x9df: 0x0008, 0x9e0: 0x0008, 0x9e1: 0x0008, 0x9e2: 0x0008, 0x9e3: 0x0008, + 0x9e4: 0x0008, 0x9e5: 0x0008, 0x9e6: 0x0008, 0x9e7: 0x0008, 0x9e8: 0x0008, 0x9e9: 0x0008, + 0x9ea: 0x0008, 0x9eb: 0x0008, 0x9ec: 0x0039, 0x9ed: 0x0ed1, 0x9ee: 0x0ee9, 0x9ef: 0x0008, + 0x9f0: 0x0ef9, 0x9f1: 0x0f09, 0x9f2: 0x0f19, 0x9f3: 0x0f31, 0x9f4: 0x0249, 0x9f5: 0x0f41, + 0x9f6: 0x0259, 0x9f7: 0x0f51, 0x9f8: 0x0359, 0x9f9: 0x0f61, 0x9fa: 0x0f71, 0x9fb: 0x0008, + 0x9fc: 0x00d9, 0x9fd: 0x0f81, 0x9fe: 0x0f99, 0x9ff: 0x0269, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa00: 0x0fa9, 0xa01: 0x0fb9, 0xa02: 0x0279, 0xa03: 0x0039, 0xa04: 0x0fc9, 0xa05: 0x0fe1, + 0xa06: 0x059d, 0xa07: 0x0ee9, 0xa08: 0x0ef9, 0xa09: 0x0f09, 0xa0a: 0x0ff9, 0xa0b: 0x1011, + 0xa0c: 0x1029, 0xa0d: 0x0f31, 0xa0e: 0x0008, 0xa0f: 0x0f51, 0xa10: 0x0f61, 0xa11: 0x1041, + 0xa12: 0x00d9, 0xa13: 0x1059, 0xa14: 0x05b5, 0xa15: 0x05b5, 0xa16: 0x0f99, 0xa17: 0x0fa9, + 0xa18: 0x0fb9, 0xa19: 0x059d, 0xa1a: 0x1071, 0xa1b: 0x1089, 0xa1c: 0x05cd, 0xa1d: 0x1099, + 0xa1e: 0x10b1, 0xa1f: 0x10c9, 0xa20: 0x10e1, 0xa21: 0x10f9, 0xa22: 0x0f41, 0xa23: 0x0269, + 0xa24: 0x0fb9, 0xa25: 0x1089, 0xa26: 0x1099, 0xa27: 0x10b1, 0xa28: 0x1111, 0xa29: 0x10e1, + 0xa2a: 0x10f9, 0xa2b: 0x0008, 0xa2c: 0x0008, 0xa2d: 0x0008, 0xa2e: 0x0008, 0xa2f: 0x0008, + 0xa30: 0x0008, 0xa31: 0x0008, 0xa32: 0x0008, 0xa33: 0x0008, 0xa34: 0x0008, 0xa35: 0x0008, + 0xa36: 0x0008, 0xa37: 0x0008, 0xa38: 0x1129, 0xa39: 0x0008, 0xa3a: 0x0008, 0xa3b: 0x0008, + 0xa3c: 0x0008, 0xa3d: 0x0008, 0xa3e: 0x0008, 0xa3f: 0x0008, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa40: 0x0008, 0xa41: 0x0008, 0xa42: 0x0008, 0xa43: 0x0008, 0xa44: 0x0008, 0xa45: 0x0008, + 0xa46: 0x0008, 0xa47: 0x0008, 0xa48: 0x0008, 0xa49: 0x0008, 0xa4a: 0x0008, 0xa4b: 0x0008, + 0xa4c: 0x0008, 0xa4d: 0x0008, 0xa4e: 0x0008, 0xa4f: 0x0008, 0xa50: 0x0008, 0xa51: 0x0008, + 0xa52: 0x0008, 0xa53: 0x0008, 0xa54: 0x0008, 0xa55: 0x0008, 0xa56: 0x0008, 0xa57: 0x0008, + 0xa58: 0x0008, 0xa59: 0x0008, 0xa5a: 0x0008, 0xa5b: 0x1141, 0xa5c: 0x1159, 0xa5d: 0x1169, + 0xa5e: 0x1181, 0xa5f: 0x1029, 0xa60: 0x1199, 0xa61: 0x11a9, 0xa62: 0x11c1, 0xa63: 0x11d9, + 0xa64: 0x11f1, 0xa65: 0x1209, 0xa66: 0x1221, 0xa67: 0x05e5, 0xa68: 0x1239, 0xa69: 0x1251, + 0xa6a: 0xe17d, 0xa6b: 0x1269, 0xa6c: 0x1281, 0xa6d: 0x1299, 0xa6e: 0x12b1, 0xa6f: 0x12c9, + 0xa70: 0x12e1, 0xa71: 0x12f9, 0xa72: 0x1311, 0xa73: 0x1329, 0xa74: 0x1341, 0xa75: 0x1359, + 0xa76: 0x1371, 0xa77: 0x1389, 0xa78: 0x05fd, 0xa79: 0x13a1, 0xa7a: 0x13b9, 0xa7b: 0x13d1, + 0xa7c: 0x13e1, 0xa7d: 0x13f9, 0xa7e: 0x1411, 0xa7f: 0x1429, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa80: 0xe00d, 0xa81: 0x0008, 0xa82: 0xe00d, 0xa83: 0x0008, 0xa84: 0xe00d, 0xa85: 0x0008, + 0xa86: 0xe00d, 0xa87: 0x0008, 0xa88: 0xe00d, 0xa89: 0x0008, 0xa8a: 0xe00d, 0xa8b: 0x0008, + 0xa8c: 0xe00d, 0xa8d: 0x0008, 0xa8e: 0xe00d, 0xa8f: 0x0008, 0xa90: 0xe00d, 0xa91: 0x0008, + 0xa92: 0xe00d, 0xa93: 0x0008, 0xa94: 0xe00d, 0xa95: 0x0008, 0xa96: 0xe00d, 0xa97: 0x0008, + 0xa98: 0xe00d, 0xa99: 0x0008, 0xa9a: 0xe00d, 0xa9b: 0x0008, 0xa9c: 0xe00d, 0xa9d: 0x0008, + 0xa9e: 0xe00d, 0xa9f: 0x0008, 0xaa0: 0xe00d, 0xaa1: 0x0008, 0xaa2: 0xe00d, 0xaa3: 0x0008, + 0xaa4: 0xe00d, 0xaa5: 0x0008, 0xaa6: 0xe00d, 0xaa7: 0x0008, 0xaa8: 0xe00d, 0xaa9: 0x0008, + 0xaaa: 0xe00d, 0xaab: 0x0008, 0xaac: 0xe00d, 0xaad: 0x0008, 0xaae: 0xe00d, 0xaaf: 0x0008, + 0xab0: 0xe00d, 0xab1: 0x0008, 0xab2: 0xe00d, 0xab3: 0x0008, 0xab4: 0xe00d, 0xab5: 0x0008, + 0xab6: 0xe00d, 0xab7: 0x0008, 0xab8: 0xe00d, 0xab9: 0x0008, 0xaba: 0xe00d, 0xabb: 0x0008, + 0xabc: 0xe00d, 0xabd: 0x0008, 0xabe: 0xe00d, 0xabf: 0x0008, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xac0: 0xe00d, 0xac1: 0x0008, 0xac2: 0xe00d, 0xac3: 0x0008, 0xac4: 0xe00d, 0xac5: 0x0008, + 0xac6: 0xe00d, 0xac7: 0x0008, 0xac8: 0xe00d, 0xac9: 0x0008, 0xaca: 0xe00d, 0xacb: 0x0008, + 0xacc: 0xe00d, 0xacd: 0x0008, 0xace: 0xe00d, 0xacf: 0x0008, 0xad0: 0xe00d, 0xad1: 0x0008, + 0xad2: 0xe00d, 0xad3: 0x0008, 0xad4: 0xe00d, 0xad5: 0x0008, 0xad6: 0x0008, 0xad7: 0x0008, + 0xad8: 0x0008, 0xad9: 0x0008, 0xada: 0x0615, 0xadb: 0x0635, 0xadc: 0x0008, 0xadd: 0x0008, + 0xade: 0x1441, 0xadf: 0x0008, 0xae0: 0xe00d, 0xae1: 0x0008, 0xae2: 0xe00d, 0xae3: 0x0008, + 0xae4: 0xe00d, 0xae5: 0x0008, 0xae6: 0xe00d, 0xae7: 0x0008, 0xae8: 0xe00d, 0xae9: 0x0008, + 0xaea: 0xe00d, 0xaeb: 0x0008, 0xaec: 0xe00d, 0xaed: 0x0008, 0xaee: 0xe00d, 0xaef: 0x0008, + 0xaf0: 0xe00d, 0xaf1: 0x0008, 0xaf2: 0xe00d, 0xaf3: 0x0008, 0xaf4: 0xe00d, 0xaf5: 0x0008, + 0xaf6: 0xe00d, 0xaf7: 0x0008, 0xaf8: 0xe00d, 0xaf9: 0x0008, 0xafa: 0xe00d, 0xafb: 0x0008, + 0xafc: 0xe00d, 0xafd: 0x0008, 0xafe: 0xe00d, 0xaff: 0x0008, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb00: 0x0008, 0xb01: 0x0008, 0xb02: 0x0008, 0xb03: 0x0008, 0xb04: 0x0008, 0xb05: 0x0008, + 0xb06: 0x0040, 0xb07: 0x0040, 0xb08: 0xe045, 0xb09: 0xe045, 0xb0a: 0xe045, 0xb0b: 0xe045, + 0xb0c: 0xe045, 0xb0d: 0xe045, 0xb0e: 0x0040, 0xb0f: 0x0040, 0xb10: 0x0008, 0xb11: 0x0008, + 0xb12: 0x0008, 0xb13: 0x0008, 0xb14: 0x0008, 0xb15: 0x0008, 0xb16: 0x0008, 0xb17: 0x0008, + 0xb18: 0x0040, 0xb19: 0xe045, 0xb1a: 0x0040, 0xb1b: 0xe045, 0xb1c: 0x0040, 0xb1d: 0xe045, + 0xb1e: 0x0040, 0xb1f: 0xe045, 0xb20: 0x0008, 0xb21: 0x0008, 0xb22: 0x0008, 0xb23: 0x0008, + 0xb24: 0x0008, 0xb25: 0x0008, 0xb26: 0x0008, 0xb27: 0x0008, 0xb28: 0xe045, 0xb29: 0xe045, + 0xb2a: 0xe045, 0xb2b: 0xe045, 0xb2c: 0xe045, 0xb2d: 0xe045, 0xb2e: 0xe045, 0xb2f: 0xe045, + 0xb30: 0x0008, 0xb31: 0x1459, 0xb32: 0x0008, 0xb33: 0x1471, 0xb34: 0x0008, 0xb35: 0x1489, + 0xb36: 0x0008, 0xb37: 0x14a1, 0xb38: 0x0008, 0xb39: 0x14b9, 0xb3a: 0x0008, 0xb3b: 0x14d1, + 0xb3c: 0x0008, 0xb3d: 0x14e9, 0xb3e: 0x0040, 0xb3f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb40: 0x1501, 0xb41: 0x1531, 0xb42: 0x1561, 0xb43: 0x1591, 0xb44: 0x15c1, 0xb45: 0x15f1, + 0xb46: 0x1621, 0xb47: 0x1651, 0xb48: 0x1501, 0xb49: 0x1531, 0xb4a: 0x1561, 0xb4b: 0x1591, + 0xb4c: 0x15c1, 0xb4d: 0x15f1, 0xb4e: 0x1621, 0xb4f: 0x1651, 0xb50: 0x1681, 0xb51: 0x16b1, + 0xb52: 0x16e1, 0xb53: 0x1711, 0xb54: 0x1741, 0xb55: 0x1771, 0xb56: 0x17a1, 0xb57: 0x17d1, + 0xb58: 0x1681, 0xb59: 0x16b1, 0xb5a: 0x16e1, 0xb5b: 0x1711, 0xb5c: 0x1741, 0xb5d: 0x1771, + 0xb5e: 0x17a1, 0xb5f: 0x17d1, 0xb60: 0x1801, 0xb61: 0x1831, 0xb62: 0x1861, 0xb63: 0x1891, + 0xb64: 0x18c1, 0xb65: 0x18f1, 0xb66: 0x1921, 0xb67: 0x1951, 0xb68: 0x1801, 0xb69: 0x1831, + 0xb6a: 0x1861, 0xb6b: 0x1891, 0xb6c: 0x18c1, 0xb6d: 0x18f1, 0xb6e: 0x1921, 0xb6f: 0x1951, + 0xb70: 0x0008, 0xb71: 0x0008, 0xb72: 0x1981, 0xb73: 0x19b1, 0xb74: 0x19d9, 0xb75: 0x0040, + 0xb76: 0x0008, 0xb77: 0x1a01, 0xb78: 0xe045, 0xb79: 0xe045, 0xb7a: 0x064d, 0xb7b: 0x1459, + 0xb7c: 0x19b1, 0xb7d: 0x0666, 0xb7e: 0x1a31, 0xb7f: 0x0686, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb80: 0x06a6, 0xb81: 0x1a4a, 0xb82: 0x1a79, 0xb83: 0x1aa9, 0xb84: 0x1ad1, 0xb85: 0x0040, + 0xb86: 0x0008, 0xb87: 0x1af9, 0xb88: 0x06c5, 0xb89: 0x1471, 0xb8a: 0x06dd, 0xb8b: 0x1489, + 0xb8c: 0x1aa9, 0xb8d: 0x1b2a, 0xb8e: 0x1b5a, 0xb8f: 0x1b8a, 0xb90: 0x0008, 0xb91: 0x0008, + 0xb92: 0x0008, 0xb93: 0x1bb9, 0xb94: 0x0040, 0xb95: 0x0040, 0xb96: 0x0008, 0xb97: 0x0008, + 0xb98: 0xe045, 0xb99: 0xe045, 0xb9a: 0x06f5, 0xb9b: 0x14a1, 0xb9c: 0x0040, 0xb9d: 0x1bd2, + 0xb9e: 0x1c02, 0xb9f: 0x1c32, 0xba0: 0x0008, 0xba1: 0x0008, 0xba2: 0x0008, 0xba3: 0x1c61, + 0xba4: 0x0008, 0xba5: 0x0008, 0xba6: 0x0008, 0xba7: 0x0008, 0xba8: 0xe045, 0xba9: 0xe045, + 0xbaa: 0x070d, 0xbab: 0x14d1, 0xbac: 0xe04d, 0xbad: 0x1c7a, 0xbae: 0x03d2, 0xbaf: 0x1caa, + 0xbb0: 0x0040, 0xbb1: 0x0040, 0xbb2: 0x1cb9, 0xbb3: 0x1ce9, 0xbb4: 0x1d11, 0xbb5: 0x0040, + 0xbb6: 0x0008, 0xbb7: 0x1d39, 0xbb8: 0x0725, 0xbb9: 0x14b9, 0xbba: 0x0515, 0xbbb: 0x14e9, + 0xbbc: 0x1ce9, 0xbbd: 0x073e, 0xbbe: 0x075e, 0xbbf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x000a, 0xbc1: 0x000a, 0xbc2: 0x000a, 0xbc3: 0x000a, 0xbc4: 0x000a, 0xbc5: 0x000a, + 0xbc6: 0x000a, 0xbc7: 0x000a, 0xbc8: 0x000a, 0xbc9: 0x000a, 0xbca: 0x000a, 0xbcb: 0x03c0, + 0xbcc: 0x0003, 0xbcd: 0x0003, 0xbce: 0x0340, 0xbcf: 0x0b40, 0xbd0: 0x0018, 0xbd1: 0xe00d, + 0xbd2: 0x0018, 0xbd3: 0x0018, 0xbd4: 0x0018, 0xbd5: 0x0018, 0xbd6: 0x0018, 0xbd7: 0x077e, + 0xbd8: 0x0018, 0xbd9: 0x0018, 0xbda: 0x0018, 0xbdb: 0x0018, 0xbdc: 0x0018, 0xbdd: 0x0018, + 0xbde: 0x0018, 0xbdf: 0x0018, 0xbe0: 0x0018, 0xbe1: 0x0018, 0xbe2: 0x0018, 0xbe3: 0x0018, + 0xbe4: 0x0040, 0xbe5: 0x0040, 0xbe6: 0x0040, 0xbe7: 0x0018, 0xbe8: 0x0040, 0xbe9: 0x0040, + 0xbea: 0x0340, 0xbeb: 0x0340, 0xbec: 0x0340, 0xbed: 0x0340, 0xbee: 0x0340, 0xbef: 0x000a, + 0xbf0: 0x0018, 0xbf1: 0x0018, 0xbf2: 0x0018, 0xbf3: 0x1d69, 0xbf4: 0x1da1, 0xbf5: 0x0018, + 0xbf6: 0x1df1, 0xbf7: 0x1e29, 0xbf8: 0x0018, 0xbf9: 0x0018, 0xbfa: 0x0018, 0xbfb: 0x0018, + 0xbfc: 0x1e7a, 0xbfd: 0x0018, 0xbfe: 0x079e, 0xbff: 0x0018, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x0018, 0xc01: 0x0018, 0xc02: 0x0018, 0xc03: 0x0018, 0xc04: 0x0018, 0xc05: 0x0018, + 0xc06: 0x0018, 0xc07: 0x1e92, 0xc08: 0x1eaa, 0xc09: 0x1ec2, 0xc0a: 0x0018, 0xc0b: 0x0018, + 0xc0c: 0x0018, 0xc0d: 0x0018, 0xc0e: 0x0018, 0xc0f: 0x0018, 0xc10: 0x0018, 0xc11: 0x0018, + 0xc12: 0x0018, 0xc13: 0x0018, 0xc14: 0x0018, 0xc15: 0x0018, 0xc16: 0x0018, 0xc17: 0x1ed9, + 0xc18: 0x0018, 0xc19: 0x0018, 0xc1a: 0x0018, 0xc1b: 0x0018, 0xc1c: 0x0018, 0xc1d: 0x0018, + 0xc1e: 0x0018, 0xc1f: 0x000a, 0xc20: 0x03c0, 0xc21: 0x0340, 0xc22: 0x0340, 0xc23: 0x0340, + 0xc24: 0x03c0, 0xc25: 0x0040, 0xc26: 0x0040, 0xc27: 0x0040, 0xc28: 0x0040, 0xc29: 0x0040, + 0xc2a: 0x0340, 0xc2b: 0x0340, 0xc2c: 0x0340, 0xc2d: 0x0340, 0xc2e: 0x0340, 0xc2f: 0x0340, + 0xc30: 0x1f41, 0xc31: 0x0f41, 0xc32: 0x0040, 0xc33: 0x0040, 0xc34: 0x1f51, 0xc35: 0x1f61, + 0xc36: 0x1f71, 0xc37: 0x1f81, 0xc38: 0x1f91, 0xc39: 0x1fa1, 0xc3a: 0x1fb2, 0xc3b: 0x07bd, + 0xc3c: 0x1fc2, 0xc3d: 0x1fd2, 0xc3e: 0x1fe2, 0xc3f: 0x0f71, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x1f41, 0xc41: 0x00c9, 0xc42: 0x0069, 0xc43: 0x0079, 0xc44: 0x1f51, 0xc45: 0x1f61, + 0xc46: 0x1f71, 0xc47: 0x1f81, 0xc48: 0x1f91, 0xc49: 0x1fa1, 0xc4a: 0x1fb2, 0xc4b: 0x07d5, + 0xc4c: 0x1fc2, 0xc4d: 0x1fd2, 0xc4e: 0x1fe2, 0xc4f: 0x0040, 0xc50: 0x0039, 0xc51: 0x0f09, + 0xc52: 0x00d9, 0xc53: 0x0369, 0xc54: 0x0ff9, 0xc55: 0x0249, 0xc56: 0x0f51, 0xc57: 0x0359, + 0xc58: 0x0f61, 0xc59: 0x0f71, 0xc5a: 0x0f99, 0xc5b: 0x01d9, 0xc5c: 0x0fa9, 0xc5d: 0x0040, + 0xc5e: 0x0040, 0xc5f: 0x0040, 0xc60: 0x0018, 0xc61: 0x0018, 0xc62: 0x0018, 0xc63: 0x0018, + 0xc64: 0x0018, 0xc65: 0x0018, 0xc66: 0x0018, 0xc67: 0x0018, 0xc68: 0x1ff1, 0xc69: 0x0018, + 0xc6a: 0x0018, 0xc6b: 0x0018, 0xc6c: 0x0018, 0xc6d: 0x0018, 0xc6e: 0x0018, 0xc6f: 0x0018, + 0xc70: 0x0018, 0xc71: 0x0018, 0xc72: 0x0018, 0xc73: 0x0018, 0xc74: 0x0018, 0xc75: 0x0018, + 0xc76: 0x0018, 0xc77: 0x0018, 0xc78: 0x0018, 0xc79: 0x0018, 0xc7a: 0x0018, 0xc7b: 0x0018, + 0xc7c: 0x0018, 0xc7d: 0x0018, 0xc7e: 0x0018, 0xc7f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x07ee, 0xc81: 0x080e, 0xc82: 0x1159, 0xc83: 0x082d, 0xc84: 0x0018, 0xc85: 0x084e, + 0xc86: 0x086e, 0xc87: 0x1011, 0xc88: 0x0018, 0xc89: 0x088d, 0xc8a: 0x0f31, 0xc8b: 0x0249, + 0xc8c: 0x0249, 0xc8d: 0x0249, 0xc8e: 0x0249, 0xc8f: 0x2009, 0xc90: 0x0f41, 0xc91: 0x0f41, + 0xc92: 0x0359, 0xc93: 0x0359, 0xc94: 0x0018, 0xc95: 0x0f71, 0xc96: 0x2021, 0xc97: 0x0018, + 0xc98: 0x0018, 0xc99: 0x0f99, 0xc9a: 0x2039, 0xc9b: 0x0269, 0xc9c: 0x0269, 0xc9d: 0x0269, + 0xc9e: 0x0018, 0xc9f: 0x0018, 0xca0: 0x2049, 0xca1: 0x08ad, 0xca2: 0x2061, 0xca3: 0x0018, + 0xca4: 0x13d1, 0xca5: 0x0018, 0xca6: 0x2079, 0xca7: 0x0018, 0xca8: 0x13d1, 0xca9: 0x0018, + 0xcaa: 0x0f51, 0xcab: 0x2091, 0xcac: 0x0ee9, 0xcad: 0x1159, 0xcae: 0x0018, 0xcaf: 0x0f09, + 0xcb0: 0x0f09, 0xcb1: 0x1199, 0xcb2: 0x0040, 0xcb3: 0x0f61, 0xcb4: 0x00d9, 0xcb5: 0x20a9, + 0xcb6: 0x20c1, 0xcb7: 0x20d9, 0xcb8: 0x20f1, 0xcb9: 0x0f41, 0xcba: 0x0018, 0xcbb: 0x08cd, + 0xcbc: 0x2109, 0xcbd: 0x10b1, 0xcbe: 0x10b1, 0xcbf: 0x2109, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc0: 0x08ed, 0xcc1: 0x0018, 0xcc2: 0x0018, 0xcc3: 0x0018, 0xcc4: 0x0018, 0xcc5: 0x0ef9, + 0xcc6: 0x0ef9, 0xcc7: 0x0f09, 0xcc8: 0x0f41, 0xcc9: 0x0259, 0xcca: 0x0018, 0xccb: 0x0018, + 0xccc: 0x0018, 0xccd: 0x0018, 0xcce: 0x0008, 0xccf: 0x0018, 0xcd0: 0x2121, 0xcd1: 0x2151, + 0xcd2: 0x2181, 0xcd3: 0x21b9, 0xcd4: 0x21e9, 0xcd5: 0x2219, 0xcd6: 0x2249, 0xcd7: 0x2279, + 0xcd8: 0x22a9, 0xcd9: 0x22d9, 0xcda: 0x2309, 0xcdb: 0x2339, 0xcdc: 0x2369, 0xcdd: 0x2399, + 0xcde: 0x23c9, 0xcdf: 0x23f9, 0xce0: 0x0f41, 0xce1: 0x2421, 0xce2: 0x0905, 0xce3: 0x2439, + 0xce4: 0x1089, 0xce5: 0x2451, 0xce6: 0x0925, 0xce7: 0x2469, 0xce8: 0x2491, 0xce9: 0x0369, + 0xcea: 0x24a9, 0xceb: 0x0945, 0xcec: 0x0359, 0xced: 0x1159, 0xcee: 0x0ef9, 0xcef: 0x0f61, + 0xcf0: 0x0f41, 0xcf1: 0x2421, 0xcf2: 0x0965, 0xcf3: 0x2439, 0xcf4: 0x1089, 0xcf5: 0x2451, + 0xcf6: 0x0985, 0xcf7: 0x2469, 0xcf8: 0x2491, 0xcf9: 0x0369, 0xcfa: 0x24a9, 0xcfb: 0x09a5, + 0xcfc: 0x0359, 0xcfd: 0x1159, 0xcfe: 0x0ef9, 0xcff: 0x0f61, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd00: 0x0018, 0xd01: 0x0018, 0xd02: 0x0018, 0xd03: 0x0018, 0xd04: 0x0018, 0xd05: 0x0018, + 0xd06: 0x0018, 0xd07: 0x0018, 0xd08: 0x0018, 0xd09: 0x0018, 0xd0a: 0x0018, 0xd0b: 0x0040, + 0xd0c: 0x0040, 0xd0d: 0x0040, 0xd0e: 0x0040, 0xd0f: 0x0040, 0xd10: 0x0040, 0xd11: 0x0040, + 0xd12: 0x0040, 0xd13: 0x0040, 0xd14: 0x0040, 0xd15: 0x0040, 0xd16: 0x0040, 0xd17: 0x0040, + 0xd18: 0x0040, 0xd19: 0x0040, 0xd1a: 0x0040, 0xd1b: 0x0040, 0xd1c: 0x0040, 0xd1d: 0x0040, + 0xd1e: 0x0040, 0xd1f: 0x0040, 0xd20: 0x00c9, 0xd21: 0x0069, 0xd22: 0x0079, 0xd23: 0x1f51, + 0xd24: 0x1f61, 0xd25: 0x1f71, 0xd26: 0x1f81, 0xd27: 0x1f91, 0xd28: 0x1fa1, 0xd29: 0x2601, + 0xd2a: 0x2619, 0xd2b: 0x2631, 0xd2c: 0x2649, 0xd2d: 0x2661, 0xd2e: 0x2679, 0xd2f: 0x2691, + 0xd30: 0x26a9, 0xd31: 0x26c1, 0xd32: 0x26d9, 0xd33: 0x26f1, 0xd34: 0x0a06, 0xd35: 0x0a26, + 0xd36: 0x0a46, 0xd37: 0x0a66, 0xd38: 0x0a86, 0xd39: 0x0aa6, 0xd3a: 0x0ac6, 0xd3b: 0x0ae6, + 0xd3c: 0x0b06, 0xd3d: 0x270a, 0xd3e: 0x2732, 0xd3f: 0x275a, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x2782, 0xd41: 0x27aa, 0xd42: 0x27d2, 0xd43: 0x27fa, 0xd44: 0x2822, 0xd45: 0x284a, + 0xd46: 0x2872, 0xd47: 0x289a, 0xd48: 0x0040, 0xd49: 0x0040, 0xd4a: 0x0040, 0xd4b: 0x0040, + 0xd4c: 0x0040, 0xd4d: 0x0040, 0xd4e: 0x0040, 0xd4f: 0x0040, 0xd50: 0x0040, 0xd51: 0x0040, + 0xd52: 0x0040, 0xd53: 0x0040, 0xd54: 0x0040, 0xd55: 0x0040, 0xd56: 0x0040, 0xd57: 0x0040, + 0xd58: 0x0040, 0xd59: 0x0040, 0xd5a: 0x0040, 0xd5b: 0x0040, 0xd5c: 0x0b26, 0xd5d: 0x0b46, + 0xd5e: 0x0b66, 0xd5f: 0x0b86, 0xd60: 0x0ba6, 0xd61: 0x0bc6, 0xd62: 0x0be6, 0xd63: 0x0c06, + 0xd64: 0x0c26, 0xd65: 0x0c46, 0xd66: 0x0c66, 0xd67: 0x0c86, 0xd68: 0x0ca6, 0xd69: 0x0cc6, + 0xd6a: 0x0ce6, 0xd6b: 0x0d06, 0xd6c: 0x0d26, 0xd6d: 0x0d46, 0xd6e: 0x0d66, 0xd6f: 0x0d86, + 0xd70: 0x0da6, 0xd71: 0x0dc6, 0xd72: 0x0de6, 0xd73: 0x0e06, 0xd74: 0x0e26, 0xd75: 0x0e46, + 0xd76: 0x0039, 0xd77: 0x0ee9, 0xd78: 0x1159, 0xd79: 0x0ef9, 0xd7a: 0x0f09, 0xd7b: 0x1199, + 0xd7c: 0x0f31, 0xd7d: 0x0249, 0xd7e: 0x0f41, 0xd7f: 0x0259, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd80: 0x0f51, 0xd81: 0x0359, 0xd82: 0x0f61, 0xd83: 0x0f71, 0xd84: 0x00d9, 0xd85: 0x0f99, + 0xd86: 0x2039, 0xd87: 0x0269, 0xd88: 0x01d9, 0xd89: 0x0fa9, 0xd8a: 0x0fb9, 0xd8b: 0x1089, + 0xd8c: 0x0279, 0xd8d: 0x0369, 0xd8e: 0x0289, 0xd8f: 0x13d1, 0xd90: 0x0039, 0xd91: 0x0ee9, + 0xd92: 0x1159, 0xd93: 0x0ef9, 0xd94: 0x0f09, 0xd95: 0x1199, 0xd96: 0x0f31, 0xd97: 0x0249, + 0xd98: 0x0f41, 0xd99: 0x0259, 0xd9a: 0x0f51, 0xd9b: 0x0359, 0xd9c: 0x0f61, 0xd9d: 0x0f71, + 0xd9e: 0x00d9, 0xd9f: 0x0f99, 0xda0: 0x2039, 0xda1: 0x0269, 0xda2: 0x01d9, 0xda3: 0x0fa9, + 0xda4: 0x0fb9, 0xda5: 0x1089, 0xda6: 0x0279, 0xda7: 0x0369, 0xda8: 0x0289, 0xda9: 0x13d1, + 0xdaa: 0x1f41, 0xdab: 0x0018, 0xdac: 0x0018, 0xdad: 0x0018, 0xdae: 0x0018, 0xdaf: 0x0018, + 0xdb0: 0x0018, 0xdb1: 0x0018, 0xdb2: 0x0018, 0xdb3: 0x0018, 0xdb4: 0x0018, 0xdb5: 0x0018, + 0xdb6: 0x0018, 0xdb7: 0x0018, 0xdb8: 0x0018, 0xdb9: 0x0018, 0xdba: 0x0018, 0xdbb: 0x0018, + 0xdbc: 0x0018, 0xdbd: 0x0018, 0xdbe: 0x0018, 0xdbf: 0x0018, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x0008, 0xdc1: 0x0008, 0xdc2: 0x0008, 0xdc3: 0x0008, 0xdc4: 0x0008, 0xdc5: 0x0008, + 0xdc6: 0x0008, 0xdc7: 0x0008, 0xdc8: 0x0008, 0xdc9: 0x0008, 0xdca: 0x0008, 0xdcb: 0x0008, + 0xdcc: 0x0008, 0xdcd: 0x0008, 0xdce: 0x0008, 0xdcf: 0x0008, 0xdd0: 0x0008, 0xdd1: 0x0008, + 0xdd2: 0x0008, 0xdd3: 0x0008, 0xdd4: 0x0008, 0xdd5: 0x0008, 0xdd6: 0x0008, 0xdd7: 0x0008, + 0xdd8: 0x0008, 0xdd9: 0x0008, 0xdda: 0x0008, 0xddb: 0x0008, 0xddc: 0x0008, 0xddd: 0x0008, + 0xdde: 0x0008, 0xddf: 0x0040, 0xde0: 0xe00d, 0xde1: 0x0008, 0xde2: 0x2971, 0xde3: 0x0ebd, + 0xde4: 0x2989, 0xde5: 0x0008, 0xde6: 0x0008, 0xde7: 0xe07d, 0xde8: 0x0008, 0xde9: 0xe01d, + 0xdea: 0x0008, 0xdeb: 0xe03d, 0xdec: 0x0008, 0xded: 0x0fe1, 0xdee: 0x1281, 0xdef: 0x0fc9, + 0xdf0: 0x1141, 0xdf1: 0x0008, 0xdf2: 0xe00d, 0xdf3: 0x0008, 0xdf4: 0x0008, 0xdf5: 0xe01d, + 0xdf6: 0x0008, 0xdf7: 0x0008, 0xdf8: 0x0008, 0xdf9: 0x0008, 0xdfa: 0x0008, 0xdfb: 0x0008, + 0xdfc: 0x0259, 0xdfd: 0x1089, 0xdfe: 0x29a1, 0xdff: 0x29b9, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0xe00d, 0xe01: 0x0008, 0xe02: 0xe00d, 0xe03: 0x0008, 0xe04: 0xe00d, 0xe05: 0x0008, + 0xe06: 0xe00d, 0xe07: 0x0008, 0xe08: 0xe00d, 0xe09: 0x0008, 0xe0a: 0xe00d, 0xe0b: 0x0008, + 0xe0c: 0xe00d, 0xe0d: 0x0008, 0xe0e: 0xe00d, 0xe0f: 0x0008, 0xe10: 0xe00d, 0xe11: 0x0008, + 0xe12: 0xe00d, 0xe13: 0x0008, 0xe14: 0xe00d, 0xe15: 0x0008, 0xe16: 0xe00d, 0xe17: 0x0008, + 0xe18: 0xe00d, 0xe19: 0x0008, 0xe1a: 0xe00d, 0xe1b: 0x0008, 0xe1c: 0xe00d, 0xe1d: 0x0008, + 0xe1e: 0xe00d, 0xe1f: 0x0008, 0xe20: 0xe00d, 0xe21: 0x0008, 0xe22: 0xe00d, 0xe23: 0x0008, + 0xe24: 0x0008, 0xe25: 0x0018, 0xe26: 0x0018, 0xe27: 0x0018, 0xe28: 0x0018, 0xe29: 0x0018, + 0xe2a: 0x0018, 0xe2b: 0xe03d, 0xe2c: 0x0008, 0xe2d: 0xe01d, 0xe2e: 0x0008, 0xe2f: 0x3308, + 0xe30: 0x3308, 0xe31: 0x3308, 0xe32: 0xe00d, 0xe33: 0x0008, 0xe34: 0x0040, 0xe35: 0x0040, + 0xe36: 0x0040, 0xe37: 0x0040, 0xe38: 0x0040, 0xe39: 0x0018, 0xe3a: 0x0018, 0xe3b: 0x0018, + 0xe3c: 0x0018, 0xe3d: 0x0018, 0xe3e: 0x0018, 0xe3f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x26fd, 0xe41: 0x271d, 0xe42: 0x273d, 0xe43: 0x275d, 0xe44: 0x277d, 0xe45: 0x279d, + 0xe46: 0x27bd, 0xe47: 0x27dd, 0xe48: 0x27fd, 0xe49: 0x281d, 0xe4a: 0x283d, 0xe4b: 0x285d, + 0xe4c: 0x287d, 0xe4d: 0x289d, 0xe4e: 0x28bd, 0xe4f: 0x28dd, 0xe50: 0x28fd, 0xe51: 0x291d, + 0xe52: 0x293d, 0xe53: 0x295d, 0xe54: 0x297d, 0xe55: 0x299d, 0xe56: 0x0040, 0xe57: 0x0040, + 0xe58: 0x0040, 0xe59: 0x0040, 0xe5a: 0x0040, 0xe5b: 0x0040, 0xe5c: 0x0040, 0xe5d: 0x0040, + 0xe5e: 0x0040, 0xe5f: 0x0040, 0xe60: 0x0040, 0xe61: 0x0040, 0xe62: 0x0040, 0xe63: 0x0040, + 0xe64: 0x0040, 0xe65: 0x0040, 0xe66: 0x0040, 0xe67: 0x0040, 0xe68: 0x0040, 0xe69: 0x0040, + 0xe6a: 0x0040, 0xe6b: 0x0040, 0xe6c: 0x0040, 0xe6d: 0x0040, 0xe6e: 0x0040, 0xe6f: 0x0040, + 0xe70: 0x0040, 0xe71: 0x0040, 0xe72: 0x0040, 0xe73: 0x0040, 0xe74: 0x0040, 0xe75: 0x0040, + 0xe76: 0x0040, 0xe77: 0x0040, 0xe78: 0x0040, 0xe79: 0x0040, 0xe7a: 0x0040, 0xe7b: 0x0040, + 0xe7c: 0x0040, 0xe7d: 0x0040, 0xe7e: 0x0040, 0xe7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x000a, 0xe81: 0x0018, 0xe82: 0x29d1, 0xe83: 0x0018, 0xe84: 0x0018, 0xe85: 0x0008, + 0xe86: 0x0008, 0xe87: 0x0008, 0xe88: 0x0018, 0xe89: 0x0018, 0xe8a: 0x0018, 0xe8b: 0x0018, + 0xe8c: 0x0018, 0xe8d: 0x0018, 0xe8e: 0x0018, 0xe8f: 0x0018, 0xe90: 0x0018, 0xe91: 0x0018, + 0xe92: 0x0018, 0xe93: 0x0018, 0xe94: 0x0018, 0xe95: 0x0018, 0xe96: 0x0018, 0xe97: 0x0018, + 0xe98: 0x0018, 0xe99: 0x0018, 0xe9a: 0x0018, 0xe9b: 0x0018, 0xe9c: 0x0018, 0xe9d: 0x0018, + 0xe9e: 0x0018, 0xe9f: 0x0018, 0xea0: 0x0018, 0xea1: 0x0018, 0xea2: 0x0018, 0xea3: 0x0018, + 0xea4: 0x0018, 0xea5: 0x0018, 0xea6: 0x0018, 0xea7: 0x0018, 0xea8: 0x0018, 0xea9: 0x0018, + 0xeaa: 0x3308, 0xeab: 0x3308, 0xeac: 0x3308, 0xead: 0x3308, 0xeae: 0x3018, 0xeaf: 0x3018, + 0xeb0: 0x0018, 0xeb1: 0x0018, 0xeb2: 0x0018, 0xeb3: 0x0018, 0xeb4: 0x0018, 0xeb5: 0x0018, + 0xeb6: 0xe125, 0xeb7: 0x0018, 0xeb8: 0x29bd, 0xeb9: 0x29dd, 0xeba: 0x29fd, 0xebb: 0x0018, + 0xebc: 0x0008, 0xebd: 0x0018, 0xebe: 0x0018, 0xebf: 0x0018, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x2b3d, 0xec1: 0x2b5d, 0xec2: 0x2b7d, 0xec3: 0x2b9d, 0xec4: 0x2bbd, 0xec5: 0x2bdd, + 0xec6: 0x2bdd, 0xec7: 0x2bdd, 0xec8: 0x2bfd, 0xec9: 0x2bfd, 0xeca: 0x2bfd, 0xecb: 0x2bfd, + 0xecc: 0x2c1d, 0xecd: 0x2c1d, 0xece: 0x2c1d, 0xecf: 0x2c3d, 0xed0: 0x2c5d, 0xed1: 0x2c5d, + 0xed2: 0x2a7d, 0xed3: 0x2a7d, 0xed4: 0x2c5d, 0xed5: 0x2c5d, 0xed6: 0x2c7d, 0xed7: 0x2c7d, + 0xed8: 0x2c5d, 0xed9: 0x2c5d, 0xeda: 0x2a7d, 0xedb: 0x2a7d, 0xedc: 0x2c5d, 0xedd: 0x2c5d, + 0xede: 0x2c3d, 0xedf: 0x2c3d, 0xee0: 0x2c9d, 0xee1: 0x2c9d, 0xee2: 0x2cbd, 0xee3: 0x2cbd, + 0xee4: 0x0040, 0xee5: 0x2cdd, 0xee6: 0x2cfd, 0xee7: 0x2d1d, 0xee8: 0x2d1d, 0xee9: 0x2d3d, + 0xeea: 0x2d5d, 0xeeb: 0x2d7d, 0xeec: 0x2d9d, 0xeed: 0x2dbd, 0xeee: 0x2ddd, 0xeef: 0x2dfd, + 0xef0: 0x2e1d, 0xef1: 0x2e3d, 0xef2: 0x2e3d, 0xef3: 0x2e5d, 0xef4: 0x2e7d, 0xef5: 0x2e7d, + 0xef6: 0x2e9d, 0xef7: 0x2ebd, 0xef8: 0x2e5d, 0xef9: 0x2edd, 0xefa: 0x2efd, 0xefb: 0x2edd, + 0xefc: 0x2e5d, 0xefd: 0x2f1d, 0xefe: 0x2f3d, 0xeff: 0x2f5d, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x2f7d, 0xf01: 0x2f9d, 0xf02: 0x2cfd, 0xf03: 0x2cdd, 0xf04: 0x2fbd, 0xf05: 0x2fdd, + 0xf06: 0x2ffd, 0xf07: 0x301d, 0xf08: 0x303d, 0xf09: 0x305d, 0xf0a: 0x307d, 0xf0b: 0x309d, + 0xf0c: 0x30bd, 0xf0d: 0x30dd, 0xf0e: 0x30fd, 0xf0f: 0x0040, 0xf10: 0x0018, 0xf11: 0x0018, + 0xf12: 0x311d, 0xf13: 0x313d, 0xf14: 0x315d, 0xf15: 0x317d, 0xf16: 0x319d, 0xf17: 0x31bd, + 0xf18: 0x31dd, 0xf19: 0x31fd, 0xf1a: 0x321d, 0xf1b: 0x323d, 0xf1c: 0x315d, 0xf1d: 0x325d, + 0xf1e: 0x327d, 0xf1f: 0x329d, 0xf20: 0x0008, 0xf21: 0x0008, 0xf22: 0x0008, 0xf23: 0x0008, + 0xf24: 0x0008, 0xf25: 0x0008, 0xf26: 0x0008, 0xf27: 0x0008, 0xf28: 0x0008, 0xf29: 0x0008, + 0xf2a: 0x0008, 0xf2b: 0x0008, 0xf2c: 0x0008, 0xf2d: 0x0008, 0xf2e: 0x0008, 0xf2f: 0x0008, + 0xf30: 0x0008, 0xf31: 0x0008, 0xf32: 0x0008, 0xf33: 0x0008, 0xf34: 0x0008, 0xf35: 0x0008, + 0xf36: 0x0008, 0xf37: 0x0008, 0xf38: 0x0008, 0xf39: 0x0008, 0xf3a: 0x0008, 0xf3b: 0x0040, + 0xf3c: 0x0040, 0xf3d: 0x0040, 0xf3e: 0x0040, 0xf3f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x36a2, 0xf41: 0x36d2, 0xf42: 0x3702, 0xf43: 0x3732, 0xf44: 0x32bd, 0xf45: 0x32dd, + 0xf46: 0x32fd, 0xf47: 0x331d, 0xf48: 0x0018, 0xf49: 0x0018, 0xf4a: 0x0018, 0xf4b: 0x0018, + 0xf4c: 0x0018, 0xf4d: 0x0018, 0xf4e: 0x0018, 0xf4f: 0x0018, 0xf50: 0x333d, 0xf51: 0x3761, + 0xf52: 0x3779, 0xf53: 0x3791, 0xf54: 0x37a9, 0xf55: 0x37c1, 0xf56: 0x37d9, 0xf57: 0x37f1, + 0xf58: 0x3809, 0xf59: 0x3821, 0xf5a: 0x3839, 0xf5b: 0x3851, 0xf5c: 0x3869, 0xf5d: 0x3881, + 0xf5e: 0x3899, 0xf5f: 0x38b1, 0xf60: 0x335d, 0xf61: 0x337d, 0xf62: 0x339d, 0xf63: 0x33bd, + 0xf64: 0x33dd, 0xf65: 0x33dd, 0xf66: 0x33fd, 0xf67: 0x341d, 0xf68: 0x343d, 0xf69: 0x345d, + 0xf6a: 0x347d, 0xf6b: 0x349d, 0xf6c: 0x34bd, 0xf6d: 0x34dd, 0xf6e: 0x34fd, 0xf6f: 0x351d, + 0xf70: 0x353d, 0xf71: 0x355d, 0xf72: 0x357d, 0xf73: 0x359d, 0xf74: 0x35bd, 0xf75: 0x35dd, + 0xf76: 0x35fd, 0xf77: 0x361d, 0xf78: 0x363d, 0xf79: 0x365d, 0xf7a: 0x367d, 0xf7b: 0x369d, + 0xf7c: 0x38c9, 0xf7d: 0x3901, 0xf7e: 0x36bd, 0xf7f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x36dd, 0xf81: 0x36fd, 0xf82: 0x371d, 0xf83: 0x373d, 0xf84: 0x375d, 0xf85: 0x377d, + 0xf86: 0x379d, 0xf87: 0x37bd, 0xf88: 0x37dd, 0xf89: 0x37fd, 0xf8a: 0x381d, 0xf8b: 0x383d, + 0xf8c: 0x385d, 0xf8d: 0x387d, 0xf8e: 0x389d, 0xf8f: 0x38bd, 0xf90: 0x38dd, 0xf91: 0x38fd, + 0xf92: 0x391d, 0xf93: 0x393d, 0xf94: 0x395d, 0xf95: 0x397d, 0xf96: 0x399d, 0xf97: 0x39bd, + 0xf98: 0x39dd, 0xf99: 0x39fd, 0xf9a: 0x3a1d, 0xf9b: 0x3a3d, 0xf9c: 0x3a5d, 0xf9d: 0x3a7d, + 0xf9e: 0x3a9d, 0xf9f: 0x3abd, 0xfa0: 0x3add, 0xfa1: 0x3afd, 0xfa2: 0x3b1d, 0xfa3: 0x3b3d, + 0xfa4: 0x3b5d, 0xfa5: 0x3b7d, 0xfa6: 0x127d, 0xfa7: 0x3b9d, 0xfa8: 0x3bbd, 0xfa9: 0x3bdd, + 0xfaa: 0x3bfd, 0xfab: 0x3c1d, 0xfac: 0x3c3d, 0xfad: 0x3c5d, 0xfae: 0x239d, 0xfaf: 0x3c7d, + 0xfb0: 0x3c9d, 0xfb1: 0x3939, 0xfb2: 0x3951, 0xfb3: 0x3969, 0xfb4: 0x3981, 0xfb5: 0x3999, + 0xfb6: 0x39b1, 0xfb7: 0x39c9, 0xfb8: 0x39e1, 0xfb9: 0x39f9, 0xfba: 0x3a11, 0xfbb: 0x3a29, + 0xfbc: 0x3a41, 0xfbd: 0x3a59, 0xfbe: 0x3a71, 0xfbf: 0x3a89, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x3aa1, 0xfc1: 0x3ac9, 0xfc2: 0x3af1, 0xfc3: 0x3b19, 0xfc4: 0x3b41, 0xfc5: 0x3b69, + 0xfc6: 0x3b91, 0xfc7: 0x3bb9, 0xfc8: 0x3be1, 0xfc9: 0x3c09, 0xfca: 0x3c39, 0xfcb: 0x3c69, + 0xfcc: 0x3c99, 0xfcd: 0x3cbd, 0xfce: 0x3cb1, 0xfcf: 0x3cdd, 0xfd0: 0x3cfd, 0xfd1: 0x3d15, + 0xfd2: 0x3d2d, 0xfd3: 0x3d45, 0xfd4: 0x3d5d, 0xfd5: 0x3d5d, 0xfd6: 0x3d45, 0xfd7: 0x3d75, + 0xfd8: 0x07bd, 0xfd9: 0x3d8d, 0xfda: 0x3da5, 0xfdb: 0x3dbd, 0xfdc: 0x3dd5, 0xfdd: 0x3ded, + 0xfde: 0x3e05, 0xfdf: 0x3e1d, 0xfe0: 0x3e35, 0xfe1: 0x3e4d, 0xfe2: 0x3e65, 0xfe3: 0x3e7d, + 0xfe4: 0x3e95, 0xfe5: 0x3e95, 0xfe6: 0x3ead, 0xfe7: 0x3ead, 0xfe8: 0x3ec5, 0xfe9: 0x3ec5, + 0xfea: 0x3edd, 0xfeb: 0x3ef5, 0xfec: 0x3f0d, 0xfed: 0x3f25, 0xfee: 0x3f3d, 0xfef: 0x3f3d, + 0xff0: 0x3f55, 0xff1: 0x3f55, 0xff2: 0x3f55, 0xff3: 0x3f6d, 0xff4: 0x3f85, 0xff5: 0x3f9d, + 0xff6: 0x3fb5, 0xff7: 0x3f9d, 0xff8: 0x3fcd, 0xff9: 0x3fe5, 0xffa: 0x3f6d, 0xffb: 0x3ffd, + 0xffc: 0x4015, 0xffd: 0x4015, 0xffe: 0x4015, 0xfff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x3cc9, 0x1001: 0x3d31, 0x1002: 0x3d99, 0x1003: 0x3e01, 0x1004: 0x3e51, 0x1005: 0x3eb9, + 0x1006: 0x3f09, 0x1007: 0x3f59, 0x1008: 0x3fd9, 0x1009: 0x4041, 0x100a: 0x4091, 0x100b: 0x40e1, + 0x100c: 0x4131, 0x100d: 0x4199, 0x100e: 0x4201, 0x100f: 0x4251, 0x1010: 0x42a1, 0x1011: 0x42d9, + 0x1012: 0x4329, 0x1013: 0x4391, 0x1014: 0x43f9, 0x1015: 0x4431, 0x1016: 0x44b1, 0x1017: 0x4549, + 0x1018: 0x45c9, 0x1019: 0x4619, 0x101a: 0x4699, 0x101b: 0x4719, 0x101c: 0x4781, 0x101d: 0x47d1, + 0x101e: 0x4821, 0x101f: 0x4871, 0x1020: 0x48d9, 0x1021: 0x4959, 0x1022: 0x49c1, 0x1023: 0x4a11, + 0x1024: 0x4a61, 0x1025: 0x4ab1, 0x1026: 0x4ae9, 0x1027: 0x4b21, 0x1028: 0x4b59, 0x1029: 0x4b91, + 0x102a: 0x4be1, 0x102b: 0x4c31, 0x102c: 0x4cb1, 0x102d: 0x4d01, 0x102e: 0x4d69, 0x102f: 0x4de9, + 0x1030: 0x4e39, 0x1031: 0x4e71, 0x1032: 0x4ea9, 0x1033: 0x4f29, 0x1034: 0x4f91, 0x1035: 0x5011, + 0x1036: 0x5061, 0x1037: 0x50e1, 0x1038: 0x5119, 0x1039: 0x5169, 0x103a: 0x51b9, 0x103b: 0x5209, + 0x103c: 0x5259, 0x103d: 0x52a9, 0x103e: 0x5311, 0x103f: 0x5361, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x5399, 0x1041: 0x53e9, 0x1042: 0x5439, 0x1043: 0x5489, 0x1044: 0x54f1, 0x1045: 0x5541, + 0x1046: 0x5591, 0x1047: 0x55e1, 0x1048: 0x5661, 0x1049: 0x56c9, 0x104a: 0x5701, 0x104b: 0x5781, + 0x104c: 0x57b9, 0x104d: 0x5821, 0x104e: 0x5889, 0x104f: 0x58d9, 0x1050: 0x5929, 0x1051: 0x5979, + 0x1052: 0x59e1, 0x1053: 0x5a19, 0x1054: 0x5a69, 0x1055: 0x5ad1, 0x1056: 0x5b09, 0x1057: 0x5b89, + 0x1058: 0x5bd9, 0x1059: 0x5c01, 0x105a: 0x5c29, 0x105b: 0x5c51, 0x105c: 0x5c79, 0x105d: 0x5ca1, + 0x105e: 0x5cc9, 0x105f: 0x5cf1, 0x1060: 0x5d19, 0x1061: 0x5d41, 0x1062: 0x5d69, 0x1063: 0x5d99, + 0x1064: 0x5dc9, 0x1065: 0x5df9, 0x1066: 0x5e29, 0x1067: 0x5e59, 0x1068: 0x5e89, 0x1069: 0x5eb9, + 0x106a: 0x5ee9, 0x106b: 0x5f19, 0x106c: 0x5f49, 0x106d: 0x5f79, 0x106e: 0x5fa9, 0x106f: 0x5fd9, + 0x1070: 0x6009, 0x1071: 0x402d, 0x1072: 0x6039, 0x1073: 0x6051, 0x1074: 0x404d, 0x1075: 0x6069, + 0x1076: 0x6081, 0x1077: 0x6099, 0x1078: 0x406d, 0x1079: 0x406d, 0x107a: 0x60b1, 0x107b: 0x60c9, + 0x107c: 0x6101, 0x107d: 0x6139, 0x107e: 0x6171, 0x107f: 0x61a9, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x6211, 0x1081: 0x6229, 0x1082: 0x408d, 0x1083: 0x6241, 0x1084: 0x6259, 0x1085: 0x6271, + 0x1086: 0x6289, 0x1087: 0x62a1, 0x1088: 0x40ad, 0x1089: 0x62b9, 0x108a: 0x62e1, 0x108b: 0x62f9, + 0x108c: 0x40cd, 0x108d: 0x40cd, 0x108e: 0x6311, 0x108f: 0x6329, 0x1090: 0x6341, 0x1091: 0x40ed, + 0x1092: 0x410d, 0x1093: 0x412d, 0x1094: 0x414d, 0x1095: 0x416d, 0x1096: 0x6359, 0x1097: 0x6371, + 0x1098: 0x6389, 0x1099: 0x63a1, 0x109a: 0x63b9, 0x109b: 0x418d, 0x109c: 0x63d1, 0x109d: 0x63e9, + 0x109e: 0x6401, 0x109f: 0x41ad, 0x10a0: 0x41cd, 0x10a1: 0x6419, 0x10a2: 0x41ed, 0x10a3: 0x420d, + 0x10a4: 0x422d, 0x10a5: 0x6431, 0x10a6: 0x424d, 0x10a7: 0x6449, 0x10a8: 0x6479, 0x10a9: 0x6211, + 0x10aa: 0x426d, 0x10ab: 0x428d, 0x10ac: 0x42ad, 0x10ad: 0x42cd, 0x10ae: 0x64b1, 0x10af: 0x64f1, + 0x10b0: 0x6539, 0x10b1: 0x6551, 0x10b2: 0x42ed, 0x10b3: 0x6569, 0x10b4: 0x6581, 0x10b5: 0x6599, + 0x10b6: 0x430d, 0x10b7: 0x65b1, 0x10b8: 0x65c9, 0x10b9: 0x65b1, 0x10ba: 0x65e1, 0x10bb: 0x65f9, + 0x10bc: 0x432d, 0x10bd: 0x6611, 0x10be: 0x6629, 0x10bf: 0x6611, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c0: 0x434d, 0x10c1: 0x436d, 0x10c2: 0x0040, 0x10c3: 0x6641, 0x10c4: 0x6659, 0x10c5: 0x6671, + 0x10c6: 0x6689, 0x10c7: 0x0040, 0x10c8: 0x66c1, 0x10c9: 0x66d9, 0x10ca: 0x66f1, 0x10cb: 0x6709, + 0x10cc: 0x6721, 0x10cd: 0x6739, 0x10ce: 0x6401, 0x10cf: 0x6751, 0x10d0: 0x6769, 0x10d1: 0x6781, + 0x10d2: 0x438d, 0x10d3: 0x6799, 0x10d4: 0x6289, 0x10d5: 0x43ad, 0x10d6: 0x43cd, 0x10d7: 0x67b1, + 0x10d8: 0x0040, 0x10d9: 0x43ed, 0x10da: 0x67c9, 0x10db: 0x67e1, 0x10dc: 0x67f9, 0x10dd: 0x6811, + 0x10de: 0x6829, 0x10df: 0x6859, 0x10e0: 0x6889, 0x10e1: 0x68b1, 0x10e2: 0x68d9, 0x10e3: 0x6901, + 0x10e4: 0x6929, 0x10e5: 0x6951, 0x10e6: 0x6979, 0x10e7: 0x69a1, 0x10e8: 0x69c9, 0x10e9: 0x69f1, + 0x10ea: 0x6a21, 0x10eb: 0x6a51, 0x10ec: 0x6a81, 0x10ed: 0x6ab1, 0x10ee: 0x6ae1, 0x10ef: 0x6b11, + 0x10f0: 0x6b41, 0x10f1: 0x6b71, 0x10f2: 0x6ba1, 0x10f3: 0x6bd1, 0x10f4: 0x6c01, 0x10f5: 0x6c31, + 0x10f6: 0x6c61, 0x10f7: 0x6c91, 0x10f8: 0x6cc1, 0x10f9: 0x6cf1, 0x10fa: 0x6d21, 0x10fb: 0x6d51, + 0x10fc: 0x6d81, 0x10fd: 0x6db1, 0x10fe: 0x6de1, 0x10ff: 0x440d, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0xe00d, 0x1101: 0x0008, 0x1102: 0xe00d, 0x1103: 0x0008, 0x1104: 0xe00d, 0x1105: 0x0008, + 0x1106: 0xe00d, 0x1107: 0x0008, 0x1108: 0xe00d, 0x1109: 0x0008, 0x110a: 0xe00d, 0x110b: 0x0008, + 0x110c: 0xe00d, 0x110d: 0x0008, 0x110e: 0xe00d, 0x110f: 0x0008, 0x1110: 0xe00d, 0x1111: 0x0008, + 0x1112: 0xe00d, 0x1113: 0x0008, 0x1114: 0xe00d, 0x1115: 0x0008, 0x1116: 0xe00d, 0x1117: 0x0008, + 0x1118: 0xe00d, 0x1119: 0x0008, 0x111a: 0xe00d, 0x111b: 0x0008, 0x111c: 0xe00d, 0x111d: 0x0008, + 0x111e: 0xe00d, 0x111f: 0x0008, 0x1120: 0xe00d, 0x1121: 0x0008, 0x1122: 0xe00d, 0x1123: 0x0008, + 0x1124: 0xe00d, 0x1125: 0x0008, 0x1126: 0xe00d, 0x1127: 0x0008, 0x1128: 0xe00d, 0x1129: 0x0008, + 0x112a: 0xe00d, 0x112b: 0x0008, 0x112c: 0xe00d, 0x112d: 0x0008, 0x112e: 0x0008, 0x112f: 0x3308, + 0x1130: 0x3318, 0x1131: 0x3318, 0x1132: 0x3318, 0x1133: 0x0018, 0x1134: 0x3308, 0x1135: 0x3308, + 0x1136: 0x3308, 0x1137: 0x3308, 0x1138: 0x3308, 0x1139: 0x3308, 0x113a: 0x3308, 0x113b: 0x3308, + 0x113c: 0x3308, 0x113d: 0x3308, 0x113e: 0x0018, 0x113f: 0x0008, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0xe00d, 0x1141: 0x0008, 0x1142: 0xe00d, 0x1143: 0x0008, 0x1144: 0xe00d, 0x1145: 0x0008, + 0x1146: 0xe00d, 0x1147: 0x0008, 0x1148: 0xe00d, 0x1149: 0x0008, 0x114a: 0xe00d, 0x114b: 0x0008, + 0x114c: 0xe00d, 0x114d: 0x0008, 0x114e: 0xe00d, 0x114f: 0x0008, 0x1150: 0xe00d, 0x1151: 0x0008, + 0x1152: 0xe00d, 0x1153: 0x0008, 0x1154: 0xe00d, 0x1155: 0x0008, 0x1156: 0xe00d, 0x1157: 0x0008, + 0x1158: 0xe00d, 0x1159: 0x0008, 0x115a: 0xe00d, 0x115b: 0x0008, 0x115c: 0x0ea1, 0x115d: 0x6e11, + 0x115e: 0x3308, 0x115f: 0x3308, 0x1160: 0x0008, 0x1161: 0x0008, 0x1162: 0x0008, 0x1163: 0x0008, + 0x1164: 0x0008, 0x1165: 0x0008, 0x1166: 0x0008, 0x1167: 0x0008, 0x1168: 0x0008, 0x1169: 0x0008, + 0x116a: 0x0008, 0x116b: 0x0008, 0x116c: 0x0008, 0x116d: 0x0008, 0x116e: 0x0008, 0x116f: 0x0008, + 0x1170: 0x0008, 0x1171: 0x0008, 0x1172: 0x0008, 0x1173: 0x0008, 0x1174: 0x0008, 0x1175: 0x0008, + 0x1176: 0x0008, 0x1177: 0x0008, 0x1178: 0x0008, 0x1179: 0x0008, 0x117a: 0x0008, 0x117b: 0x0008, + 0x117c: 0x0008, 0x117d: 0x0008, 0x117e: 0x0008, 0x117f: 0x0008, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x0018, 0x1181: 0x0018, 0x1182: 0x0018, 0x1183: 0x0018, 0x1184: 0x0018, 0x1185: 0x0018, + 0x1186: 0x0018, 0x1187: 0x0018, 0x1188: 0x0018, 0x1189: 0x0018, 0x118a: 0x0018, 0x118b: 0x0018, + 0x118c: 0x0018, 0x118d: 0x0018, 0x118e: 0x0018, 0x118f: 0x0018, 0x1190: 0x0018, 0x1191: 0x0018, + 0x1192: 0x0018, 0x1193: 0x0018, 0x1194: 0x0018, 0x1195: 0x0018, 0x1196: 0x0018, 0x1197: 0x0008, + 0x1198: 0x0008, 0x1199: 0x0008, 0x119a: 0x0008, 0x119b: 0x0008, 0x119c: 0x0008, 0x119d: 0x0008, + 0x119e: 0x0008, 0x119f: 0x0008, 0x11a0: 0x0018, 0x11a1: 0x0018, 0x11a2: 0xe00d, 0x11a3: 0x0008, + 0x11a4: 0xe00d, 0x11a5: 0x0008, 0x11a6: 0xe00d, 0x11a7: 0x0008, 0x11a8: 0xe00d, 0x11a9: 0x0008, + 0x11aa: 0xe00d, 0x11ab: 0x0008, 0x11ac: 0xe00d, 0x11ad: 0x0008, 0x11ae: 0xe00d, 0x11af: 0x0008, + 0x11b0: 0x0008, 0x11b1: 0x0008, 0x11b2: 0xe00d, 0x11b3: 0x0008, 0x11b4: 0xe00d, 0x11b5: 0x0008, + 0x11b6: 0xe00d, 0x11b7: 0x0008, 0x11b8: 0xe00d, 0x11b9: 0x0008, 0x11ba: 0xe00d, 0x11bb: 0x0008, + 0x11bc: 0xe00d, 0x11bd: 0x0008, 0x11be: 0xe00d, 0x11bf: 0x0008, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c0: 0xe00d, 0x11c1: 0x0008, 0x11c2: 0xe00d, 0x11c3: 0x0008, 0x11c4: 0xe00d, 0x11c5: 0x0008, + 0x11c6: 0xe00d, 0x11c7: 0x0008, 0x11c8: 0xe00d, 0x11c9: 0x0008, 0x11ca: 0xe00d, 0x11cb: 0x0008, + 0x11cc: 0xe00d, 0x11cd: 0x0008, 0x11ce: 0xe00d, 0x11cf: 0x0008, 0x11d0: 0xe00d, 0x11d1: 0x0008, + 0x11d2: 0xe00d, 0x11d3: 0x0008, 0x11d4: 0xe00d, 0x11d5: 0x0008, 0x11d6: 0xe00d, 0x11d7: 0x0008, + 0x11d8: 0xe00d, 0x11d9: 0x0008, 0x11da: 0xe00d, 0x11db: 0x0008, 0x11dc: 0xe00d, 0x11dd: 0x0008, + 0x11de: 0xe00d, 0x11df: 0x0008, 0x11e0: 0xe00d, 0x11e1: 0x0008, 0x11e2: 0xe00d, 0x11e3: 0x0008, + 0x11e4: 0xe00d, 0x11e5: 0x0008, 0x11e6: 0xe00d, 0x11e7: 0x0008, 0x11e8: 0xe00d, 0x11e9: 0x0008, + 0x11ea: 0xe00d, 0x11eb: 0x0008, 0x11ec: 0xe00d, 0x11ed: 0x0008, 0x11ee: 0xe00d, 0x11ef: 0x0008, + 0x11f0: 0xe0fd, 0x11f1: 0x0008, 0x11f2: 0x0008, 0x11f3: 0x0008, 0x11f4: 0x0008, 0x11f5: 0x0008, + 0x11f6: 0x0008, 0x11f7: 0x0008, 0x11f8: 0x0008, 0x11f9: 0xe01d, 0x11fa: 0x0008, 0x11fb: 0xe03d, + 0x11fc: 0x0008, 0x11fd: 0x442d, 0x11fe: 0xe00d, 0x11ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0xe00d, 0x1201: 0x0008, 0x1202: 0xe00d, 0x1203: 0x0008, 0x1204: 0xe00d, 0x1205: 0x0008, + 0x1206: 0xe00d, 0x1207: 0x0008, 0x1208: 0x0008, 0x1209: 0x0018, 0x120a: 0x0018, 0x120b: 0xe03d, + 0x120c: 0x0008, 0x120d: 0x11d9, 0x120e: 0x0008, 0x120f: 0x0008, 0x1210: 0xe00d, 0x1211: 0x0008, + 0x1212: 0xe00d, 0x1213: 0x0008, 0x1214: 0x0008, 0x1215: 0x0008, 0x1216: 0xe00d, 0x1217: 0x0008, + 0x1218: 0xe00d, 0x1219: 0x0008, 0x121a: 0xe00d, 0x121b: 0x0008, 0x121c: 0xe00d, 0x121d: 0x0008, + 0x121e: 0xe00d, 0x121f: 0x0008, 0x1220: 0xe00d, 0x1221: 0x0008, 0x1222: 0xe00d, 0x1223: 0x0008, + 0x1224: 0xe00d, 0x1225: 0x0008, 0x1226: 0xe00d, 0x1227: 0x0008, 0x1228: 0xe00d, 0x1229: 0x0008, + 0x122a: 0x6e29, 0x122b: 0x1029, 0x122c: 0x11c1, 0x122d: 0x6e41, 0x122e: 0x1221, 0x122f: 0x0008, + 0x1230: 0x6e59, 0x1231: 0x6e71, 0x1232: 0x1239, 0x1233: 0x444d, 0x1234: 0xe00d, 0x1235: 0x0008, + 0x1236: 0xe00d, 0x1237: 0x0008, 0x1238: 0x0040, 0x1239: 0x0008, 0x123a: 0x0040, 0x123b: 0x0040, + 0x123c: 0x0040, 0x123d: 0x0040, 0x123e: 0x0040, 0x123f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x64d5, 0x1241: 0x64f5, 0x1242: 0x6515, 0x1243: 0x6535, 0x1244: 0x6555, 0x1245: 0x6575, + 0x1246: 0x6595, 0x1247: 0x65b5, 0x1248: 0x65d5, 0x1249: 0x65f5, 0x124a: 0x6615, 0x124b: 0x6635, + 0x124c: 0x6655, 0x124d: 0x6675, 0x124e: 0x0008, 0x124f: 0x0008, 0x1250: 0x6695, 0x1251: 0x0008, + 0x1252: 0x66b5, 0x1253: 0x0008, 0x1254: 0x0008, 0x1255: 0x66d5, 0x1256: 0x66f5, 0x1257: 0x6715, + 0x1258: 0x6735, 0x1259: 0x6755, 0x125a: 0x6775, 0x125b: 0x6795, 0x125c: 0x67b5, 0x125d: 0x67d5, + 0x125e: 0x67f5, 0x125f: 0x0008, 0x1260: 0x6815, 0x1261: 0x0008, 0x1262: 0x6835, 0x1263: 0x0008, + 0x1264: 0x0008, 0x1265: 0x6855, 0x1266: 0x6875, 0x1267: 0x0008, 0x1268: 0x0008, 0x1269: 0x0008, + 0x126a: 0x6895, 0x126b: 0x68b5, 0x126c: 0x68d5, 0x126d: 0x68f5, 0x126e: 0x6915, 0x126f: 0x6935, + 0x1270: 0x6955, 0x1271: 0x6975, 0x1272: 0x6995, 0x1273: 0x69b5, 0x1274: 0x69d5, 0x1275: 0x69f5, + 0x1276: 0x6a15, 0x1277: 0x6a35, 0x1278: 0x6a55, 0x1279: 0x6a75, 0x127a: 0x6a95, 0x127b: 0x6ab5, + 0x127c: 0x6ad5, 0x127d: 0x6af5, 0x127e: 0x6b15, 0x127f: 0x6b35, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x7a95, 0x1281: 0x7ab5, 0x1282: 0x7ad5, 0x1283: 0x7af5, 0x1284: 0x7b15, 0x1285: 0x7b35, + 0x1286: 0x7b55, 0x1287: 0x7b75, 0x1288: 0x7b95, 0x1289: 0x7bb5, 0x128a: 0x7bd5, 0x128b: 0x7bf5, + 0x128c: 0x7c15, 0x128d: 0x7c35, 0x128e: 0x7c55, 0x128f: 0x6ec9, 0x1290: 0x6ef1, 0x1291: 0x6f19, + 0x1292: 0x7c75, 0x1293: 0x7c95, 0x1294: 0x7cb5, 0x1295: 0x6f41, 0x1296: 0x6f69, 0x1297: 0x6f91, + 0x1298: 0x7cd5, 0x1299: 0x7cf5, 0x129a: 0x0040, 0x129b: 0x0040, 0x129c: 0x0040, 0x129d: 0x0040, + 0x129e: 0x0040, 0x129f: 0x0040, 0x12a0: 0x0040, 0x12a1: 0x0040, 0x12a2: 0x0040, 0x12a3: 0x0040, + 0x12a4: 0x0040, 0x12a5: 0x0040, 0x12a6: 0x0040, 0x12a7: 0x0040, 0x12a8: 0x0040, 0x12a9: 0x0040, + 0x12aa: 0x0040, 0x12ab: 0x0040, 0x12ac: 0x0040, 0x12ad: 0x0040, 0x12ae: 0x0040, 0x12af: 0x0040, + 0x12b0: 0x0040, 0x12b1: 0x0040, 0x12b2: 0x0040, 0x12b3: 0x0040, 0x12b4: 0x0040, 0x12b5: 0x0040, + 0x12b6: 0x0040, 0x12b7: 0x0040, 0x12b8: 0x0040, 0x12b9: 0x0040, 0x12ba: 0x0040, 0x12bb: 0x0040, + 0x12bc: 0x0040, 0x12bd: 0x0040, 0x12be: 0x0040, 0x12bf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12c0: 0x6fb9, 0x12c1: 0x6fd1, 0x12c2: 0x6fe9, 0x12c3: 0x7d15, 0x12c4: 0x7d35, 0x12c5: 0x7001, + 0x12c6: 0x7001, 0x12c7: 0x0040, 0x12c8: 0x0040, 0x12c9: 0x0040, 0x12ca: 0x0040, 0x12cb: 0x0040, + 0x12cc: 0x0040, 0x12cd: 0x0040, 0x12ce: 0x0040, 0x12cf: 0x0040, 0x12d0: 0x0040, 0x12d1: 0x0040, + 0x12d2: 0x0040, 0x12d3: 0x7019, 0x12d4: 0x7041, 0x12d5: 0x7069, 0x12d6: 0x7091, 0x12d7: 0x70b9, + 0x12d8: 0x0040, 0x12d9: 0x0040, 0x12da: 0x0040, 0x12db: 0x0040, 0x12dc: 0x0040, 0x12dd: 0x70e1, + 0x12de: 0x3308, 0x12df: 0x7109, 0x12e0: 0x7131, 0x12e1: 0x20a9, 0x12e2: 0x20f1, 0x12e3: 0x7149, + 0x12e4: 0x7161, 0x12e5: 0x7179, 0x12e6: 0x7191, 0x12e7: 0x71a9, 0x12e8: 0x71c1, 0x12e9: 0x1fb2, + 0x12ea: 0x71d9, 0x12eb: 0x7201, 0x12ec: 0x7229, 0x12ed: 0x7261, 0x12ee: 0x7299, 0x12ef: 0x72c1, + 0x12f0: 0x72e9, 0x12f1: 0x7311, 0x12f2: 0x7339, 0x12f3: 0x7361, 0x12f4: 0x7389, 0x12f5: 0x73b1, + 0x12f6: 0x73d9, 0x12f7: 0x0040, 0x12f8: 0x7401, 0x12f9: 0x7429, 0x12fa: 0x7451, 0x12fb: 0x7479, + 0x12fc: 0x74a1, 0x12fd: 0x0040, 0x12fe: 0x74c9, 0x12ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x74f1, 0x1301: 0x7519, 0x1302: 0x0040, 0x1303: 0x7541, 0x1304: 0x7569, 0x1305: 0x0040, + 0x1306: 0x7591, 0x1307: 0x75b9, 0x1308: 0x75e1, 0x1309: 0x7609, 0x130a: 0x7631, 0x130b: 0x7659, + 0x130c: 0x7681, 0x130d: 0x76a9, 0x130e: 0x76d1, 0x130f: 0x76f9, 0x1310: 0x7721, 0x1311: 0x7721, + 0x1312: 0x7739, 0x1313: 0x7739, 0x1314: 0x7739, 0x1315: 0x7739, 0x1316: 0x7751, 0x1317: 0x7751, + 0x1318: 0x7751, 0x1319: 0x7751, 0x131a: 0x7769, 0x131b: 0x7769, 0x131c: 0x7769, 0x131d: 0x7769, + 0x131e: 0x7781, 0x131f: 0x7781, 0x1320: 0x7781, 0x1321: 0x7781, 0x1322: 0x7799, 0x1323: 0x7799, + 0x1324: 0x7799, 0x1325: 0x7799, 0x1326: 0x77b1, 0x1327: 0x77b1, 0x1328: 0x77b1, 0x1329: 0x77b1, + 0x132a: 0x77c9, 0x132b: 0x77c9, 0x132c: 0x77c9, 0x132d: 0x77c9, 0x132e: 0x77e1, 0x132f: 0x77e1, + 0x1330: 0x77e1, 0x1331: 0x77e1, 0x1332: 0x77f9, 0x1333: 0x77f9, 0x1334: 0x77f9, 0x1335: 0x77f9, + 0x1336: 0x7811, 0x1337: 0x7811, 0x1338: 0x7811, 0x1339: 0x7811, 0x133a: 0x7829, 0x133b: 0x7829, + 0x133c: 0x7829, 0x133d: 0x7829, 0x133e: 0x7841, 0x133f: 0x7841, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1340: 0x7841, 0x1341: 0x7841, 0x1342: 0x7859, 0x1343: 0x7859, 0x1344: 0x7871, 0x1345: 0x7871, + 0x1346: 0x7889, 0x1347: 0x7889, 0x1348: 0x78a1, 0x1349: 0x78a1, 0x134a: 0x78b9, 0x134b: 0x78b9, + 0x134c: 0x78d1, 0x134d: 0x78d1, 0x134e: 0x78e9, 0x134f: 0x78e9, 0x1350: 0x78e9, 0x1351: 0x78e9, + 0x1352: 0x7901, 0x1353: 0x7901, 0x1354: 0x7901, 0x1355: 0x7901, 0x1356: 0x7919, 0x1357: 0x7919, + 0x1358: 0x7919, 0x1359: 0x7919, 0x135a: 0x7931, 0x135b: 0x7931, 0x135c: 0x7931, 0x135d: 0x7931, + 0x135e: 0x7949, 0x135f: 0x7949, 0x1360: 0x7961, 0x1361: 0x7961, 0x1362: 0x7961, 0x1363: 0x7961, + 0x1364: 0x7979, 0x1365: 0x7979, 0x1366: 0x7991, 0x1367: 0x7991, 0x1368: 0x7991, 0x1369: 0x7991, + 0x136a: 0x79a9, 0x136b: 0x79a9, 0x136c: 0x79a9, 0x136d: 0x79a9, 0x136e: 0x79c1, 0x136f: 0x79c1, + 0x1370: 0x79d9, 0x1371: 0x79d9, 0x1372: 0x0818, 0x1373: 0x0818, 0x1374: 0x0818, 0x1375: 0x0818, + 0x1376: 0x0818, 0x1377: 0x0818, 0x1378: 0x0818, 0x1379: 0x0818, 0x137a: 0x0818, 0x137b: 0x0818, + 0x137c: 0x0818, 0x137d: 0x0818, 0x137e: 0x0818, 0x137f: 0x0818, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x0818, 0x1381: 0x0818, 0x1382: 0x0040, 0x1383: 0x0040, 0x1384: 0x0040, 0x1385: 0x0040, + 0x1386: 0x0040, 0x1387: 0x0040, 0x1388: 0x0040, 0x1389: 0x0040, 0x138a: 0x0040, 0x138b: 0x0040, + 0x138c: 0x0040, 0x138d: 0x0040, 0x138e: 0x0040, 0x138f: 0x0040, 0x1390: 0x0040, 0x1391: 0x0040, + 0x1392: 0x0040, 0x1393: 0x79f1, 0x1394: 0x79f1, 0x1395: 0x79f1, 0x1396: 0x79f1, 0x1397: 0x7a09, + 0x1398: 0x7a09, 0x1399: 0x7a21, 0x139a: 0x7a21, 0x139b: 0x7a39, 0x139c: 0x7a39, 0x139d: 0x0479, + 0x139e: 0x7a51, 0x139f: 0x7a51, 0x13a0: 0x7a69, 0x13a1: 0x7a69, 0x13a2: 0x7a81, 0x13a3: 0x7a81, + 0x13a4: 0x7a99, 0x13a5: 0x7a99, 0x13a6: 0x7a99, 0x13a7: 0x7a99, 0x13a8: 0x7ab1, 0x13a9: 0x7ab1, + 0x13aa: 0x7ac9, 0x13ab: 0x7ac9, 0x13ac: 0x7af1, 0x13ad: 0x7af1, 0x13ae: 0x7b19, 0x13af: 0x7b19, + 0x13b0: 0x7b41, 0x13b1: 0x7b41, 0x13b2: 0x7b69, 0x13b3: 0x7b69, 0x13b4: 0x7b91, 0x13b5: 0x7b91, + 0x13b6: 0x7bb9, 0x13b7: 0x7bb9, 0x13b8: 0x7bb9, 0x13b9: 0x7be1, 0x13ba: 0x7be1, 0x13bb: 0x7be1, + 0x13bc: 0x7c09, 0x13bd: 0x7c09, 0x13be: 0x7c09, 0x13bf: 0x7c09, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x85f9, 0x13c1: 0x8621, 0x13c2: 0x8649, 0x13c3: 0x8671, 0x13c4: 0x8699, 0x13c5: 0x86c1, + 0x13c6: 0x86e9, 0x13c7: 0x8711, 0x13c8: 0x8739, 0x13c9: 0x8761, 0x13ca: 0x8789, 0x13cb: 0x87b1, + 0x13cc: 0x87d9, 0x13cd: 0x8801, 0x13ce: 0x8829, 0x13cf: 0x8851, 0x13d0: 0x8879, 0x13d1: 0x88a1, + 0x13d2: 0x88c9, 0x13d3: 0x88f1, 0x13d4: 0x8919, 0x13d5: 0x8941, 0x13d6: 0x8969, 0x13d7: 0x8991, + 0x13d8: 0x89b9, 0x13d9: 0x89e1, 0x13da: 0x8a09, 0x13db: 0x8a31, 0x13dc: 0x8a59, 0x13dd: 0x8a81, + 0x13de: 0x8aaa, 0x13df: 0x8ada, 0x13e0: 0x8b0a, 0x13e1: 0x8b3a, 0x13e2: 0x8b6a, 0x13e3: 0x8b9a, + 0x13e4: 0x8bc9, 0x13e5: 0x8bf1, 0x13e6: 0x7c71, 0x13e7: 0x8c19, 0x13e8: 0x7be1, 0x13e9: 0x7c99, + 0x13ea: 0x8c41, 0x13eb: 0x8c69, 0x13ec: 0x7d39, 0x13ed: 0x8c91, 0x13ee: 0x7d61, 0x13ef: 0x7d89, + 0x13f0: 0x8cb9, 0x13f1: 0x8ce1, 0x13f2: 0x7e29, 0x13f3: 0x8d09, 0x13f4: 0x7e51, 0x13f5: 0x7e79, + 0x13f6: 0x8d31, 0x13f7: 0x8d59, 0x13f8: 0x7ec9, 0x13f9: 0x8d81, 0x13fa: 0x7ef1, 0x13fb: 0x7f19, + 0x13fc: 0x83a1, 0x13fd: 0x83c9, 0x13fe: 0x8441, 0x13ff: 0x8469, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x8491, 0x1401: 0x8531, 0x1402: 0x8559, 0x1403: 0x8581, 0x1404: 0x85a9, 0x1405: 0x8649, + 0x1406: 0x8671, 0x1407: 0x8699, 0x1408: 0x8da9, 0x1409: 0x8739, 0x140a: 0x8dd1, 0x140b: 0x8df9, + 0x140c: 0x8829, 0x140d: 0x8e21, 0x140e: 0x8851, 0x140f: 0x8879, 0x1410: 0x8a81, 0x1411: 0x8e49, + 0x1412: 0x8e71, 0x1413: 0x89b9, 0x1414: 0x8e99, 0x1415: 0x89e1, 0x1416: 0x8a09, 0x1417: 0x7c21, + 0x1418: 0x7c49, 0x1419: 0x8ec1, 0x141a: 0x7c71, 0x141b: 0x8ee9, 0x141c: 0x7cc1, 0x141d: 0x7ce9, + 0x141e: 0x7d11, 0x141f: 0x7d39, 0x1420: 0x8f11, 0x1421: 0x7db1, 0x1422: 0x7dd9, 0x1423: 0x7e01, + 0x1424: 0x7e29, 0x1425: 0x8f39, 0x1426: 0x7ec9, 0x1427: 0x7f41, 0x1428: 0x7f69, 0x1429: 0x7f91, + 0x142a: 0x7fb9, 0x142b: 0x7fe1, 0x142c: 0x8031, 0x142d: 0x8059, 0x142e: 0x8081, 0x142f: 0x80a9, + 0x1430: 0x80d1, 0x1431: 0x80f9, 0x1432: 0x8f61, 0x1433: 0x8121, 0x1434: 0x8149, 0x1435: 0x8171, + 0x1436: 0x8199, 0x1437: 0x81c1, 0x1438: 0x81e9, 0x1439: 0x8239, 0x143a: 0x8261, 0x143b: 0x8289, + 0x143c: 0x82b1, 0x143d: 0x82d9, 0x143e: 0x8301, 0x143f: 0x8329, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x8351, 0x1441: 0x8379, 0x1442: 0x83f1, 0x1443: 0x8419, 0x1444: 0x84b9, 0x1445: 0x84e1, + 0x1446: 0x8509, 0x1447: 0x8531, 0x1448: 0x8559, 0x1449: 0x85d1, 0x144a: 0x85f9, 0x144b: 0x8621, + 0x144c: 0x8649, 0x144d: 0x8f89, 0x144e: 0x86c1, 0x144f: 0x86e9, 0x1450: 0x8711, 0x1451: 0x8739, + 0x1452: 0x87b1, 0x1453: 0x87d9, 0x1454: 0x8801, 0x1455: 0x8829, 0x1456: 0x8fb1, 0x1457: 0x88a1, + 0x1458: 0x88c9, 0x1459: 0x8fd9, 0x145a: 0x8941, 0x145b: 0x8969, 0x145c: 0x8991, 0x145d: 0x89b9, + 0x145e: 0x9001, 0x145f: 0x7c71, 0x1460: 0x8ee9, 0x1461: 0x7d39, 0x1462: 0x8f11, 0x1463: 0x7e29, + 0x1464: 0x8f39, 0x1465: 0x7ec9, 0x1466: 0x9029, 0x1467: 0x80d1, 0x1468: 0x9051, 0x1469: 0x9079, + 0x146a: 0x90a1, 0x146b: 0x8531, 0x146c: 0x8559, 0x146d: 0x8649, 0x146e: 0x8829, 0x146f: 0x8fb1, + 0x1470: 0x89b9, 0x1471: 0x9001, 0x1472: 0x90c9, 0x1473: 0x9101, 0x1474: 0x9139, 0x1475: 0x9171, + 0x1476: 0x9199, 0x1477: 0x91c1, 0x1478: 0x91e9, 0x1479: 0x9211, 0x147a: 0x9239, 0x147b: 0x9261, + 0x147c: 0x9289, 0x147d: 0x92b1, 0x147e: 0x92d9, 0x147f: 0x9301, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x9329, 0x1481: 0x9351, 0x1482: 0x9379, 0x1483: 0x93a1, 0x1484: 0x93c9, 0x1485: 0x93f1, + 0x1486: 0x9419, 0x1487: 0x9441, 0x1488: 0x9469, 0x1489: 0x9491, 0x148a: 0x94b9, 0x148b: 0x94e1, + 0x148c: 0x9079, 0x148d: 0x9509, 0x148e: 0x9531, 0x148f: 0x9559, 0x1490: 0x9581, 0x1491: 0x9171, + 0x1492: 0x9199, 0x1493: 0x91c1, 0x1494: 0x91e9, 0x1495: 0x9211, 0x1496: 0x9239, 0x1497: 0x9261, + 0x1498: 0x9289, 0x1499: 0x92b1, 0x149a: 0x92d9, 0x149b: 0x9301, 0x149c: 0x9329, 0x149d: 0x9351, + 0x149e: 0x9379, 0x149f: 0x93a1, 0x14a0: 0x93c9, 0x14a1: 0x93f1, 0x14a2: 0x9419, 0x14a3: 0x9441, + 0x14a4: 0x9469, 0x14a5: 0x9491, 0x14a6: 0x94b9, 0x14a7: 0x94e1, 0x14a8: 0x9079, 0x14a9: 0x9509, + 0x14aa: 0x9531, 0x14ab: 0x9559, 0x14ac: 0x9581, 0x14ad: 0x9491, 0x14ae: 0x94b9, 0x14af: 0x94e1, + 0x14b0: 0x9079, 0x14b1: 0x9051, 0x14b2: 0x90a1, 0x14b3: 0x8211, 0x14b4: 0x8059, 0x14b5: 0x8081, + 0x14b6: 0x80a9, 0x14b7: 0x9491, 0x14b8: 0x94b9, 0x14b9: 0x94e1, 0x14ba: 0x8211, 0x14bb: 0x8239, + 0x14bc: 0x95a9, 0x14bd: 0x95a9, 0x14be: 0x0018, 0x14bf: 0x0018, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x0040, 0x14c1: 0x0040, 0x14c2: 0x0040, 0x14c3: 0x0040, 0x14c4: 0x0040, 0x14c5: 0x0040, + 0x14c6: 0x0040, 0x14c7: 0x0040, 0x14c8: 0x0040, 0x14c9: 0x0040, 0x14ca: 0x0040, 0x14cb: 0x0040, + 0x14cc: 0x0040, 0x14cd: 0x0040, 0x14ce: 0x0040, 0x14cf: 0x0040, 0x14d0: 0x95d1, 0x14d1: 0x9609, + 0x14d2: 0x9609, 0x14d3: 0x9641, 0x14d4: 0x9679, 0x14d5: 0x96b1, 0x14d6: 0x96e9, 0x14d7: 0x9721, + 0x14d8: 0x9759, 0x14d9: 0x9759, 0x14da: 0x9791, 0x14db: 0x97c9, 0x14dc: 0x9801, 0x14dd: 0x9839, + 0x14de: 0x9871, 0x14df: 0x98a9, 0x14e0: 0x98a9, 0x14e1: 0x98e1, 0x14e2: 0x9919, 0x14e3: 0x9919, + 0x14e4: 0x9951, 0x14e5: 0x9951, 0x14e6: 0x9989, 0x14e7: 0x99c1, 0x14e8: 0x99c1, 0x14e9: 0x99f9, + 0x14ea: 0x9a31, 0x14eb: 0x9a31, 0x14ec: 0x9a69, 0x14ed: 0x9a69, 0x14ee: 0x9aa1, 0x14ef: 0x9ad9, + 0x14f0: 0x9ad9, 0x14f1: 0x9b11, 0x14f2: 0x9b11, 0x14f3: 0x9b49, 0x14f4: 0x9b81, 0x14f5: 0x9bb9, + 0x14f6: 0x9bf1, 0x14f7: 0x9bf1, 0x14f8: 0x9c29, 0x14f9: 0x9c61, 0x14fa: 0x9c99, 0x14fb: 0x9cd1, + 0x14fc: 0x9d09, 0x14fd: 0x9d09, 0x14fe: 0x9d41, 0x14ff: 0x9d79, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0xa949, 0x1501: 0xa981, 0x1502: 0xa9b9, 0x1503: 0xa8a1, 0x1504: 0x9bb9, 0x1505: 0x9989, + 0x1506: 0xa9f1, 0x1507: 0xaa29, 0x1508: 0x0040, 0x1509: 0x0040, 0x150a: 0x0040, 0x150b: 0x0040, + 0x150c: 0x0040, 0x150d: 0x0040, 0x150e: 0x0040, 0x150f: 0x0040, 0x1510: 0x0040, 0x1511: 0x0040, + 0x1512: 0x0040, 0x1513: 0x0040, 0x1514: 0x0040, 0x1515: 0x0040, 0x1516: 0x0040, 0x1517: 0x0040, + 0x1518: 0x0040, 0x1519: 0x0040, 0x151a: 0x0040, 0x151b: 0x0040, 0x151c: 0x0040, 0x151d: 0x0040, + 0x151e: 0x0040, 0x151f: 0x0040, 0x1520: 0x0040, 0x1521: 0x0040, 0x1522: 0x0040, 0x1523: 0x0040, + 0x1524: 0x0040, 0x1525: 0x0040, 0x1526: 0x0040, 0x1527: 0x0040, 0x1528: 0x0040, 0x1529: 0x0040, + 0x152a: 0x0040, 0x152b: 0x0040, 0x152c: 0x0040, 0x152d: 0x0040, 0x152e: 0x0040, 0x152f: 0x0040, + 0x1530: 0xaa61, 0x1531: 0xaa99, 0x1532: 0xaad1, 0x1533: 0xab19, 0x1534: 0xab61, 0x1535: 0xaba9, + 0x1536: 0xabf1, 0x1537: 0xac39, 0x1538: 0xac81, 0x1539: 0xacc9, 0x153a: 0xad02, 0x153b: 0xae12, + 0x153c: 0xae91, 0x153d: 0x0018, 0x153e: 0x0040, 0x153f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1540: 0x33c0, 0x1541: 0x33c0, 0x1542: 0x33c0, 0x1543: 0x33c0, 0x1544: 0x33c0, 0x1545: 0x33c0, + 0x1546: 0x33c0, 0x1547: 0x33c0, 0x1548: 0x33c0, 0x1549: 0x33c0, 0x154a: 0x33c0, 0x154b: 0x33c0, + 0x154c: 0x33c0, 0x154d: 0x33c0, 0x154e: 0x33c0, 0x154f: 0x33c0, 0x1550: 0xaeda, 0x1551: 0x7d55, + 0x1552: 0x0040, 0x1553: 0xaeea, 0x1554: 0x03c2, 0x1555: 0xaefa, 0x1556: 0xaf0a, 0x1557: 0x7d75, + 0x1558: 0x7d95, 0x1559: 0x0040, 0x155a: 0x0040, 0x155b: 0x0040, 0x155c: 0x0040, 0x155d: 0x0040, + 0x155e: 0x0040, 0x155f: 0x0040, 0x1560: 0x3308, 0x1561: 0x3308, 0x1562: 0x3308, 0x1563: 0x3308, + 0x1564: 0x3308, 0x1565: 0x3308, 0x1566: 0x3308, 0x1567: 0x3308, 0x1568: 0x3308, 0x1569: 0x3308, + 0x156a: 0x3308, 0x156b: 0x3308, 0x156c: 0x3308, 0x156d: 0x3308, 0x156e: 0x3308, 0x156f: 0x3308, + 0x1570: 0x0040, 0x1571: 0x7db5, 0x1572: 0x7dd5, 0x1573: 0xaf1a, 0x1574: 0xaf1a, 0x1575: 0x1fd2, + 0x1576: 0x1fe2, 0x1577: 0xaf2a, 0x1578: 0xaf3a, 0x1579: 0x7df5, 0x157a: 0x7e15, 0x157b: 0x7e35, + 0x157c: 0x7df5, 0x157d: 0x7e55, 0x157e: 0x7e75, 0x157f: 0x7e55, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x7e95, 0x1581: 0x7eb5, 0x1582: 0x7ed5, 0x1583: 0x7eb5, 0x1584: 0x7ef5, 0x1585: 0x0018, + 0x1586: 0x0018, 0x1587: 0xaf4a, 0x1588: 0xaf5a, 0x1589: 0x7f16, 0x158a: 0x7f36, 0x158b: 0x7f56, + 0x158c: 0x7f76, 0x158d: 0xaf1a, 0x158e: 0xaf1a, 0x158f: 0xaf1a, 0x1590: 0xaeda, 0x1591: 0x7f95, + 0x1592: 0x0040, 0x1593: 0x0040, 0x1594: 0x03c2, 0x1595: 0xaeea, 0x1596: 0xaf0a, 0x1597: 0xaefa, + 0x1598: 0x7fb5, 0x1599: 0x1fd2, 0x159a: 0x1fe2, 0x159b: 0xaf2a, 0x159c: 0xaf3a, 0x159d: 0x7e95, + 0x159e: 0x7ef5, 0x159f: 0xaf6a, 0x15a0: 0xaf7a, 0x15a1: 0xaf8a, 0x15a2: 0x1fb2, 0x15a3: 0xaf99, + 0x15a4: 0xafaa, 0x15a5: 0xafba, 0x15a6: 0x1fc2, 0x15a7: 0x0040, 0x15a8: 0xafca, 0x15a9: 0xafda, + 0x15aa: 0xafea, 0x15ab: 0xaffa, 0x15ac: 0x0040, 0x15ad: 0x0040, 0x15ae: 0x0040, 0x15af: 0x0040, + 0x15b0: 0x7fd6, 0x15b1: 0xb009, 0x15b2: 0x7ff6, 0x15b3: 0x0808, 0x15b4: 0x8016, 0x15b5: 0x0040, + 0x15b6: 0x8036, 0x15b7: 0xb031, 0x15b8: 0x8056, 0x15b9: 0xb059, 0x15ba: 0x8076, 0x15bb: 0xb081, + 0x15bc: 0x8096, 0x15bd: 0xb0a9, 0x15be: 0x80b6, 0x15bf: 0xb0d1, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0xb0f9, 0x15c1: 0xb111, 0x15c2: 0xb111, 0x15c3: 0xb129, 0x15c4: 0xb129, 0x15c5: 0xb141, + 0x15c6: 0xb141, 0x15c7: 0xb159, 0x15c8: 0xb159, 0x15c9: 0xb171, 0x15ca: 0xb171, 0x15cb: 0xb171, + 0x15cc: 0xb171, 0x15cd: 0xb189, 0x15ce: 0xb189, 0x15cf: 0xb1a1, 0x15d0: 0xb1a1, 0x15d1: 0xb1a1, + 0x15d2: 0xb1a1, 0x15d3: 0xb1b9, 0x15d4: 0xb1b9, 0x15d5: 0xb1d1, 0x15d6: 0xb1d1, 0x15d7: 0xb1d1, + 0x15d8: 0xb1d1, 0x15d9: 0xb1e9, 0x15da: 0xb1e9, 0x15db: 0xb1e9, 0x15dc: 0xb1e9, 0x15dd: 0xb201, + 0x15de: 0xb201, 0x15df: 0xb201, 0x15e0: 0xb201, 0x15e1: 0xb219, 0x15e2: 0xb219, 0x15e3: 0xb219, + 0x15e4: 0xb219, 0x15e5: 0xb231, 0x15e6: 0xb231, 0x15e7: 0xb231, 0x15e8: 0xb231, 0x15e9: 0xb249, + 0x15ea: 0xb249, 0x15eb: 0xb261, 0x15ec: 0xb261, 0x15ed: 0xb279, 0x15ee: 0xb279, 0x15ef: 0xb291, + 0x15f0: 0xb291, 0x15f1: 0xb2a9, 0x15f2: 0xb2a9, 0x15f3: 0xb2a9, 0x15f4: 0xb2a9, 0x15f5: 0xb2c1, + 0x15f6: 0xb2c1, 0x15f7: 0xb2c1, 0x15f8: 0xb2c1, 0x15f9: 0xb2d9, 0x15fa: 0xb2d9, 0x15fb: 0xb2d9, + 0x15fc: 0xb2d9, 0x15fd: 0xb2f1, 0x15fe: 0xb2f1, 0x15ff: 0xb2f1, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0xb2f1, 0x1601: 0xb309, 0x1602: 0xb309, 0x1603: 0xb309, 0x1604: 0xb309, 0x1605: 0xb321, + 0x1606: 0xb321, 0x1607: 0xb321, 0x1608: 0xb321, 0x1609: 0xb339, 0x160a: 0xb339, 0x160b: 0xb339, + 0x160c: 0xb339, 0x160d: 0xb351, 0x160e: 0xb351, 0x160f: 0xb351, 0x1610: 0xb351, 0x1611: 0xb369, + 0x1612: 0xb369, 0x1613: 0xb369, 0x1614: 0xb369, 0x1615: 0xb381, 0x1616: 0xb381, 0x1617: 0xb381, + 0x1618: 0xb381, 0x1619: 0xb399, 0x161a: 0xb399, 0x161b: 0xb399, 0x161c: 0xb399, 0x161d: 0xb3b1, + 0x161e: 0xb3b1, 0x161f: 0xb3b1, 0x1620: 0xb3b1, 0x1621: 0xb3c9, 0x1622: 0xb3c9, 0x1623: 0xb3c9, + 0x1624: 0xb3c9, 0x1625: 0xb3e1, 0x1626: 0xb3e1, 0x1627: 0xb3e1, 0x1628: 0xb3e1, 0x1629: 0xb3f9, + 0x162a: 0xb3f9, 0x162b: 0xb3f9, 0x162c: 0xb3f9, 0x162d: 0xb411, 0x162e: 0xb411, 0x162f: 0x7ab1, + 0x1630: 0x7ab1, 0x1631: 0xb429, 0x1632: 0xb429, 0x1633: 0xb429, 0x1634: 0xb429, 0x1635: 0xb441, + 0x1636: 0xb441, 0x1637: 0xb469, 0x1638: 0xb469, 0x1639: 0xb491, 0x163a: 0xb491, 0x163b: 0xb4b9, + 0x163c: 0xb4b9, 0x163d: 0x0040, 0x163e: 0x0040, 0x163f: 0x03c0, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x0040, 0x1641: 0xaefa, 0x1642: 0xb4e2, 0x1643: 0xaf6a, 0x1644: 0xafda, 0x1645: 0xafea, + 0x1646: 0xaf7a, 0x1647: 0xb4f2, 0x1648: 0x1fd2, 0x1649: 0x1fe2, 0x164a: 0xaf8a, 0x164b: 0x1fb2, + 0x164c: 0xaeda, 0x164d: 0xaf99, 0x164e: 0x29d1, 0x164f: 0xb502, 0x1650: 0x1f41, 0x1651: 0x00c9, + 0x1652: 0x0069, 0x1653: 0x0079, 0x1654: 0x1f51, 0x1655: 0x1f61, 0x1656: 0x1f71, 0x1657: 0x1f81, + 0x1658: 0x1f91, 0x1659: 0x1fa1, 0x165a: 0xaeea, 0x165b: 0x03c2, 0x165c: 0xafaa, 0x165d: 0x1fc2, + 0x165e: 0xafba, 0x165f: 0xaf0a, 0x1660: 0xaffa, 0x1661: 0x0039, 0x1662: 0x0ee9, 0x1663: 0x1159, + 0x1664: 0x0ef9, 0x1665: 0x0f09, 0x1666: 0x1199, 0x1667: 0x0f31, 0x1668: 0x0249, 0x1669: 0x0f41, + 0x166a: 0x0259, 0x166b: 0x0f51, 0x166c: 0x0359, 0x166d: 0x0f61, 0x166e: 0x0f71, 0x166f: 0x00d9, + 0x1670: 0x0f99, 0x1671: 0x2039, 0x1672: 0x0269, 0x1673: 0x01d9, 0x1674: 0x0fa9, 0x1675: 0x0fb9, + 0x1676: 0x1089, 0x1677: 0x0279, 0x1678: 0x0369, 0x1679: 0x0289, 0x167a: 0x13d1, 0x167b: 0xaf4a, + 0x167c: 0xafca, 0x167d: 0xaf5a, 0x167e: 0xb512, 0x167f: 0xaf1a, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x1caa, 0x1681: 0x0039, 0x1682: 0x0ee9, 0x1683: 0x1159, 0x1684: 0x0ef9, 0x1685: 0x0f09, + 0x1686: 0x1199, 0x1687: 0x0f31, 0x1688: 0x0249, 0x1689: 0x0f41, 0x168a: 0x0259, 0x168b: 0x0f51, + 0x168c: 0x0359, 0x168d: 0x0f61, 0x168e: 0x0f71, 0x168f: 0x00d9, 0x1690: 0x0f99, 0x1691: 0x2039, + 0x1692: 0x0269, 0x1693: 0x01d9, 0x1694: 0x0fa9, 0x1695: 0x0fb9, 0x1696: 0x1089, 0x1697: 0x0279, + 0x1698: 0x0369, 0x1699: 0x0289, 0x169a: 0x13d1, 0x169b: 0xaf2a, 0x169c: 0xb522, 0x169d: 0xaf3a, + 0x169e: 0xb532, 0x169f: 0x80d5, 0x16a0: 0x80f5, 0x16a1: 0x29d1, 0x16a2: 0x8115, 0x16a3: 0x8115, + 0x16a4: 0x8135, 0x16a5: 0x8155, 0x16a6: 0x8175, 0x16a7: 0x8195, 0x16a8: 0x81b5, 0x16a9: 0x81d5, + 0x16aa: 0x81f5, 0x16ab: 0x8215, 0x16ac: 0x8235, 0x16ad: 0x8255, 0x16ae: 0x8275, 0x16af: 0x8295, + 0x16b0: 0x82b5, 0x16b1: 0x82d5, 0x16b2: 0x82f5, 0x16b3: 0x8315, 0x16b4: 0x8335, 0x16b5: 0x8355, + 0x16b6: 0x8375, 0x16b7: 0x8395, 0x16b8: 0x83b5, 0x16b9: 0x83d5, 0x16ba: 0x83f5, 0x16bb: 0x8415, + 0x16bc: 0x81b5, 0x16bd: 0x8435, 0x16be: 0x8455, 0x16bf: 0x8215, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x8475, 0x16c1: 0x8495, 0x16c2: 0x84b5, 0x16c3: 0x84d5, 0x16c4: 0x84f5, 0x16c5: 0x8515, + 0x16c6: 0x8535, 0x16c7: 0x8555, 0x16c8: 0x84d5, 0x16c9: 0x8575, 0x16ca: 0x84d5, 0x16cb: 0x8595, + 0x16cc: 0x8595, 0x16cd: 0x85b5, 0x16ce: 0x85b5, 0x16cf: 0x85d5, 0x16d0: 0x8515, 0x16d1: 0x85f5, + 0x16d2: 0x8615, 0x16d3: 0x85f5, 0x16d4: 0x8635, 0x16d5: 0x8615, 0x16d6: 0x8655, 0x16d7: 0x8655, + 0x16d8: 0x8675, 0x16d9: 0x8675, 0x16da: 0x8695, 0x16db: 0x8695, 0x16dc: 0x8615, 0x16dd: 0x8115, + 0x16de: 0x86b5, 0x16df: 0x86d5, 0x16e0: 0x0040, 0x16e1: 0x86f5, 0x16e2: 0x8715, 0x16e3: 0x8735, + 0x16e4: 0x8755, 0x16e5: 0x8735, 0x16e6: 0x8775, 0x16e7: 0x8795, 0x16e8: 0x87b5, 0x16e9: 0x87b5, + 0x16ea: 0x87d5, 0x16eb: 0x87d5, 0x16ec: 0x87f5, 0x16ed: 0x87f5, 0x16ee: 0x87d5, 0x16ef: 0x87d5, + 0x16f0: 0x8815, 0x16f1: 0x8835, 0x16f2: 0x8855, 0x16f3: 0x8875, 0x16f4: 0x8895, 0x16f5: 0x88b5, + 0x16f6: 0x88b5, 0x16f7: 0x88b5, 0x16f8: 0x88d5, 0x16f9: 0x88d5, 0x16fa: 0x88d5, 0x16fb: 0x88d5, + 0x16fc: 0x87b5, 0x16fd: 0x87b5, 0x16fe: 0x87b5, 0x16ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x0040, 0x1701: 0x0040, 0x1702: 0x8715, 0x1703: 0x86f5, 0x1704: 0x88f5, 0x1705: 0x86f5, + 0x1706: 0x8715, 0x1707: 0x86f5, 0x1708: 0x0040, 0x1709: 0x0040, 0x170a: 0x8915, 0x170b: 0x8715, + 0x170c: 0x8935, 0x170d: 0x88f5, 0x170e: 0x8935, 0x170f: 0x8715, 0x1710: 0x0040, 0x1711: 0x0040, + 0x1712: 0x8955, 0x1713: 0x8975, 0x1714: 0x8875, 0x1715: 0x8935, 0x1716: 0x88f5, 0x1717: 0x8935, + 0x1718: 0x0040, 0x1719: 0x0040, 0x171a: 0x8995, 0x171b: 0x89b5, 0x171c: 0x8995, 0x171d: 0x0040, + 0x171e: 0x0040, 0x171f: 0x0040, 0x1720: 0xb541, 0x1721: 0xb559, 0x1722: 0xb571, 0x1723: 0x89d6, + 0x1724: 0xb589, 0x1725: 0xb5a1, 0x1726: 0x89f5, 0x1727: 0x0040, 0x1728: 0x8a15, 0x1729: 0x8a35, + 0x172a: 0x8a55, 0x172b: 0x8a35, 0x172c: 0x8a75, 0x172d: 0x8a95, 0x172e: 0x8ab5, 0x172f: 0x0040, + 0x1730: 0x0040, 0x1731: 0x0040, 0x1732: 0x0040, 0x1733: 0x0040, 0x1734: 0x0040, 0x1735: 0x0040, + 0x1736: 0x0040, 0x1737: 0x0040, 0x1738: 0x0040, 0x1739: 0x0340, 0x173a: 0x0340, 0x173b: 0x0340, + 0x173c: 0x0040, 0x173d: 0x0040, 0x173e: 0x0040, 0x173f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x0a08, 0x1741: 0x0a08, 0x1742: 0x0a08, 0x1743: 0x0a08, 0x1744: 0x0a08, 0x1745: 0x0c08, + 0x1746: 0x0808, 0x1747: 0x0c08, 0x1748: 0x0818, 0x1749: 0x0c08, 0x174a: 0x0c08, 0x174b: 0x0808, + 0x174c: 0x0808, 0x174d: 0x0908, 0x174e: 0x0c08, 0x174f: 0x0c08, 0x1750: 0x0c08, 0x1751: 0x0c08, + 0x1752: 0x0c08, 0x1753: 0x0a08, 0x1754: 0x0a08, 0x1755: 0x0a08, 0x1756: 0x0a08, 0x1757: 0x0908, + 0x1758: 0x0a08, 0x1759: 0x0a08, 0x175a: 0x0a08, 0x175b: 0x0a08, 0x175c: 0x0a08, 0x175d: 0x0c08, + 0x175e: 0x0a08, 0x175f: 0x0a08, 0x1760: 0x0a08, 0x1761: 0x0c08, 0x1762: 0x0808, 0x1763: 0x0808, + 0x1764: 0x0c08, 0x1765: 0x3308, 0x1766: 0x3308, 0x1767: 0x0040, 0x1768: 0x0040, 0x1769: 0x0040, + 0x176a: 0x0040, 0x176b: 0x0a18, 0x176c: 0x0a18, 0x176d: 0x0a18, 0x176e: 0x0a18, 0x176f: 0x0c18, + 0x1770: 0x0818, 0x1771: 0x0818, 0x1772: 0x0818, 0x1773: 0x0818, 0x1774: 0x0818, 0x1775: 0x0818, + 0x1776: 0x0818, 0x1777: 0x0040, 0x1778: 0x0040, 0x1779: 0x0040, 0x177a: 0x0040, 0x177b: 0x0040, + 0x177c: 0x0040, 0x177d: 0x0040, 0x177e: 0x0040, 0x177f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x0a08, 0x1781: 0x0c08, 0x1782: 0x0a08, 0x1783: 0x0c08, 0x1784: 0x0c08, 0x1785: 0x0c08, + 0x1786: 0x0a08, 0x1787: 0x0a08, 0x1788: 0x0a08, 0x1789: 0x0c08, 0x178a: 0x0a08, 0x178b: 0x0a08, + 0x178c: 0x0c08, 0x178d: 0x0a08, 0x178e: 0x0c08, 0x178f: 0x0c08, 0x1790: 0x0a08, 0x1791: 0x0c08, + 0x1792: 0x0040, 0x1793: 0x0040, 0x1794: 0x0040, 0x1795: 0x0040, 0x1796: 0x0040, 0x1797: 0x0040, + 0x1798: 0x0040, 0x1799: 0x0818, 0x179a: 0x0818, 0x179b: 0x0818, 0x179c: 0x0818, 0x179d: 0x0040, + 0x179e: 0x0040, 0x179f: 0x0040, 0x17a0: 0x0040, 0x17a1: 0x0040, 0x17a2: 0x0040, 0x17a3: 0x0040, + 0x17a4: 0x0040, 0x17a5: 0x0040, 0x17a6: 0x0040, 0x17a7: 0x0040, 0x17a8: 0x0040, 0x17a9: 0x0c18, + 0x17aa: 0x0c18, 0x17ab: 0x0c18, 0x17ac: 0x0c18, 0x17ad: 0x0a18, 0x17ae: 0x0a18, 0x17af: 0x0818, + 0x17b0: 0x0040, 0x17b1: 0x0040, 0x17b2: 0x0040, 0x17b3: 0x0040, 0x17b4: 0x0040, 0x17b5: 0x0040, + 0x17b6: 0x0040, 0x17b7: 0x0040, 0x17b8: 0x0040, 0x17b9: 0x0040, 0x17ba: 0x0040, 0x17bb: 0x0040, + 0x17bc: 0x0040, 0x17bd: 0x0040, 0x17be: 0x0040, 0x17bf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x3308, 0x17c1: 0x3308, 0x17c2: 0x3008, 0x17c3: 0x3008, 0x17c4: 0x0040, 0x17c5: 0x0008, + 0x17c6: 0x0008, 0x17c7: 0x0008, 0x17c8: 0x0008, 0x17c9: 0x0008, 0x17ca: 0x0008, 0x17cb: 0x0008, + 0x17cc: 0x0008, 0x17cd: 0x0040, 0x17ce: 0x0040, 0x17cf: 0x0008, 0x17d0: 0x0008, 0x17d1: 0x0040, + 0x17d2: 0x0040, 0x17d3: 0x0008, 0x17d4: 0x0008, 0x17d5: 0x0008, 0x17d6: 0x0008, 0x17d7: 0x0008, + 0x17d8: 0x0008, 0x17d9: 0x0008, 0x17da: 0x0008, 0x17db: 0x0008, 0x17dc: 0x0008, 0x17dd: 0x0008, + 0x17de: 0x0008, 0x17df: 0x0008, 0x17e0: 0x0008, 0x17e1: 0x0008, 0x17e2: 0x0008, 0x17e3: 0x0008, + 0x17e4: 0x0008, 0x17e5: 0x0008, 0x17e6: 0x0008, 0x17e7: 0x0008, 0x17e8: 0x0008, 0x17e9: 0x0040, + 0x17ea: 0x0008, 0x17eb: 0x0008, 0x17ec: 0x0008, 0x17ed: 0x0008, 0x17ee: 0x0008, 0x17ef: 0x0008, + 0x17f0: 0x0008, 0x17f1: 0x0040, 0x17f2: 0x0008, 0x17f3: 0x0008, 0x17f4: 0x0040, 0x17f5: 0x0008, + 0x17f6: 0x0008, 0x17f7: 0x0008, 0x17f8: 0x0008, 0x17f9: 0x0008, 0x17fa: 0x0040, 0x17fb: 0x3308, + 0x17fc: 0x3308, 0x17fd: 0x0008, 0x17fe: 0x3008, 0x17ff: 0x3008, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x3308, 0x1801: 0x3008, 0x1802: 0x3008, 0x1803: 0x3008, 0x1804: 0x3008, 0x1805: 0x0040, + 0x1806: 0x0040, 0x1807: 0x3008, 0x1808: 0x3008, 0x1809: 0x0040, 0x180a: 0x0040, 0x180b: 0x3008, + 0x180c: 0x3008, 0x180d: 0x3808, 0x180e: 0x0040, 0x180f: 0x0040, 0x1810: 0x0008, 0x1811: 0x0040, + 0x1812: 0x0040, 0x1813: 0x0040, 0x1814: 0x0040, 0x1815: 0x0040, 0x1816: 0x0040, 0x1817: 0x3008, + 0x1818: 0x0040, 0x1819: 0x0040, 0x181a: 0x0040, 0x181b: 0x0040, 0x181c: 0x0040, 0x181d: 0x0008, + 0x181e: 0x0008, 0x181f: 0x0008, 0x1820: 0x0008, 0x1821: 0x0008, 0x1822: 0x3008, 0x1823: 0x3008, + 0x1824: 0x0040, 0x1825: 0x0040, 0x1826: 0x3308, 0x1827: 0x3308, 0x1828: 0x3308, 0x1829: 0x3308, + 0x182a: 0x3308, 0x182b: 0x3308, 0x182c: 0x3308, 0x182d: 0x0040, 0x182e: 0x0040, 0x182f: 0x0040, + 0x1830: 0x3308, 0x1831: 0x3308, 0x1832: 0x3308, 0x1833: 0x3308, 0x1834: 0x3308, 0x1835: 0x0040, + 0x1836: 0x0040, 0x1837: 0x0040, 0x1838: 0x0040, 0x1839: 0x0040, 0x183a: 0x0040, 0x183b: 0x0040, + 0x183c: 0x0040, 0x183d: 0x0040, 0x183e: 0x0040, 0x183f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x0039, 0x1841: 0x0ee9, 0x1842: 0x1159, 0x1843: 0x0ef9, 0x1844: 0x0f09, 0x1845: 0x1199, + 0x1846: 0x0f31, 0x1847: 0x0249, 0x1848: 0x0f41, 0x1849: 0x0259, 0x184a: 0x0f51, 0x184b: 0x0359, + 0x184c: 0x0f61, 0x184d: 0x0f71, 0x184e: 0x00d9, 0x184f: 0x0f99, 0x1850: 0x2039, 0x1851: 0x0269, + 0x1852: 0x01d9, 0x1853: 0x0fa9, 0x1854: 0x0fb9, 0x1855: 0x1089, 0x1856: 0x0279, 0x1857: 0x0369, + 0x1858: 0x0289, 0x1859: 0x13d1, 0x185a: 0x0039, 0x185b: 0x0ee9, 0x185c: 0x1159, 0x185d: 0x0ef9, + 0x185e: 0x0f09, 0x185f: 0x1199, 0x1860: 0x0f31, 0x1861: 0x0249, 0x1862: 0x0f41, 0x1863: 0x0259, + 0x1864: 0x0f51, 0x1865: 0x0359, 0x1866: 0x0f61, 0x1867: 0x0f71, 0x1868: 0x00d9, 0x1869: 0x0f99, + 0x186a: 0x2039, 0x186b: 0x0269, 0x186c: 0x01d9, 0x186d: 0x0fa9, 0x186e: 0x0fb9, 0x186f: 0x1089, + 0x1870: 0x0279, 0x1871: 0x0369, 0x1872: 0x0289, 0x1873: 0x13d1, 0x1874: 0x0039, 0x1875: 0x0ee9, + 0x1876: 0x1159, 0x1877: 0x0ef9, 0x1878: 0x0f09, 0x1879: 0x1199, 0x187a: 0x0f31, 0x187b: 0x0249, + 0x187c: 0x0f41, 0x187d: 0x0259, 0x187e: 0x0f51, 0x187f: 0x0359, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x0f61, 0x1881: 0x0f71, 0x1882: 0x00d9, 0x1883: 0x0f99, 0x1884: 0x2039, 0x1885: 0x0269, + 0x1886: 0x01d9, 0x1887: 0x0fa9, 0x1888: 0x0fb9, 0x1889: 0x1089, 0x188a: 0x0279, 0x188b: 0x0369, + 0x188c: 0x0289, 0x188d: 0x13d1, 0x188e: 0x0039, 0x188f: 0x0ee9, 0x1890: 0x1159, 0x1891: 0x0ef9, + 0x1892: 0x0f09, 0x1893: 0x1199, 0x1894: 0x0f31, 0x1895: 0x0040, 0x1896: 0x0f41, 0x1897: 0x0259, + 0x1898: 0x0f51, 0x1899: 0x0359, 0x189a: 0x0f61, 0x189b: 0x0f71, 0x189c: 0x00d9, 0x189d: 0x0f99, + 0x189e: 0x2039, 0x189f: 0x0269, 0x18a0: 0x01d9, 0x18a1: 0x0fa9, 0x18a2: 0x0fb9, 0x18a3: 0x1089, + 0x18a4: 0x0279, 0x18a5: 0x0369, 0x18a6: 0x0289, 0x18a7: 0x13d1, 0x18a8: 0x0039, 0x18a9: 0x0ee9, + 0x18aa: 0x1159, 0x18ab: 0x0ef9, 0x18ac: 0x0f09, 0x18ad: 0x1199, 0x18ae: 0x0f31, 0x18af: 0x0249, + 0x18b0: 0x0f41, 0x18b1: 0x0259, 0x18b2: 0x0f51, 0x18b3: 0x0359, 0x18b4: 0x0f61, 0x18b5: 0x0f71, + 0x18b6: 0x00d9, 0x18b7: 0x0f99, 0x18b8: 0x2039, 0x18b9: 0x0269, 0x18ba: 0x01d9, 0x18bb: 0x0fa9, + 0x18bc: 0x0fb9, 0x18bd: 0x1089, 0x18be: 0x0279, 0x18bf: 0x0369, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x0289, 0x18c1: 0x13d1, 0x18c2: 0x0039, 0x18c3: 0x0ee9, 0x18c4: 0x1159, 0x18c5: 0x0ef9, + 0x18c6: 0x0f09, 0x18c7: 0x1199, 0x18c8: 0x0f31, 0x18c9: 0x0249, 0x18ca: 0x0f41, 0x18cb: 0x0259, + 0x18cc: 0x0f51, 0x18cd: 0x0359, 0x18ce: 0x0f61, 0x18cf: 0x0f71, 0x18d0: 0x00d9, 0x18d1: 0x0f99, + 0x18d2: 0x2039, 0x18d3: 0x0269, 0x18d4: 0x01d9, 0x18d5: 0x0fa9, 0x18d6: 0x0fb9, 0x18d7: 0x1089, + 0x18d8: 0x0279, 0x18d9: 0x0369, 0x18da: 0x0289, 0x18db: 0x13d1, 0x18dc: 0x0039, 0x18dd: 0x0040, + 0x18de: 0x1159, 0x18df: 0x0ef9, 0x18e0: 0x0040, 0x18e1: 0x0040, 0x18e2: 0x0f31, 0x18e3: 0x0040, + 0x18e4: 0x0040, 0x18e5: 0x0259, 0x18e6: 0x0f51, 0x18e7: 0x0040, 0x18e8: 0x0040, 0x18e9: 0x0f71, + 0x18ea: 0x00d9, 0x18eb: 0x0f99, 0x18ec: 0x2039, 0x18ed: 0x0040, 0x18ee: 0x01d9, 0x18ef: 0x0fa9, + 0x18f0: 0x0fb9, 0x18f1: 0x1089, 0x18f2: 0x0279, 0x18f3: 0x0369, 0x18f4: 0x0289, 0x18f5: 0x13d1, + 0x18f6: 0x0039, 0x18f7: 0x0ee9, 0x18f8: 0x1159, 0x18f9: 0x0ef9, 0x18fa: 0x0040, 0x18fb: 0x1199, + 0x18fc: 0x0040, 0x18fd: 0x0249, 0x18fe: 0x0f41, 0x18ff: 0x0259, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x0f51, 0x1901: 0x0359, 0x1902: 0x0f61, 0x1903: 0x0f71, 0x1904: 0x0040, 0x1905: 0x0f99, + 0x1906: 0x2039, 0x1907: 0x0269, 0x1908: 0x01d9, 0x1909: 0x0fa9, 0x190a: 0x0fb9, 0x190b: 0x1089, + 0x190c: 0x0279, 0x190d: 0x0369, 0x190e: 0x0289, 0x190f: 0x13d1, 0x1910: 0x0039, 0x1911: 0x0ee9, + 0x1912: 0x1159, 0x1913: 0x0ef9, 0x1914: 0x0f09, 0x1915: 0x1199, 0x1916: 0x0f31, 0x1917: 0x0249, + 0x1918: 0x0f41, 0x1919: 0x0259, 0x191a: 0x0f51, 0x191b: 0x0359, 0x191c: 0x0f61, 0x191d: 0x0f71, + 0x191e: 0x00d9, 0x191f: 0x0f99, 0x1920: 0x2039, 0x1921: 0x0269, 0x1922: 0x01d9, 0x1923: 0x0fa9, + 0x1924: 0x0fb9, 0x1925: 0x1089, 0x1926: 0x0279, 0x1927: 0x0369, 0x1928: 0x0289, 0x1929: 0x13d1, + 0x192a: 0x0039, 0x192b: 0x0ee9, 0x192c: 0x1159, 0x192d: 0x0ef9, 0x192e: 0x0f09, 0x192f: 0x1199, + 0x1930: 0x0f31, 0x1931: 0x0249, 0x1932: 0x0f41, 0x1933: 0x0259, 0x1934: 0x0f51, 0x1935: 0x0359, + 0x1936: 0x0f61, 0x1937: 0x0f71, 0x1938: 0x00d9, 0x1939: 0x0f99, 0x193a: 0x2039, 0x193b: 0x0269, + 0x193c: 0x01d9, 0x193d: 0x0fa9, 0x193e: 0x0fb9, 0x193f: 0x1089, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x0279, 0x1941: 0x0369, 0x1942: 0x0289, 0x1943: 0x13d1, 0x1944: 0x0039, 0x1945: 0x0ee9, + 0x1946: 0x0040, 0x1947: 0x0ef9, 0x1948: 0x0f09, 0x1949: 0x1199, 0x194a: 0x0f31, 0x194b: 0x0040, + 0x194c: 0x0040, 0x194d: 0x0259, 0x194e: 0x0f51, 0x194f: 0x0359, 0x1950: 0x0f61, 0x1951: 0x0f71, + 0x1952: 0x00d9, 0x1953: 0x0f99, 0x1954: 0x2039, 0x1955: 0x0040, 0x1956: 0x01d9, 0x1957: 0x0fa9, + 0x1958: 0x0fb9, 0x1959: 0x1089, 0x195a: 0x0279, 0x195b: 0x0369, 0x195c: 0x0289, 0x195d: 0x0040, + 0x195e: 0x0039, 0x195f: 0x0ee9, 0x1960: 0x1159, 0x1961: 0x0ef9, 0x1962: 0x0f09, 0x1963: 0x1199, + 0x1964: 0x0f31, 0x1965: 0x0249, 0x1966: 0x0f41, 0x1967: 0x0259, 0x1968: 0x0f51, 0x1969: 0x0359, + 0x196a: 0x0f61, 0x196b: 0x0f71, 0x196c: 0x00d9, 0x196d: 0x0f99, 0x196e: 0x2039, 0x196f: 0x0269, + 0x1970: 0x01d9, 0x1971: 0x0fa9, 0x1972: 0x0fb9, 0x1973: 0x1089, 0x1974: 0x0279, 0x1975: 0x0369, + 0x1976: 0x0289, 0x1977: 0x13d1, 0x1978: 0x0039, 0x1979: 0x0ee9, 0x197a: 0x0040, 0x197b: 0x0ef9, + 0x197c: 0x0f09, 0x197d: 0x1199, 0x197e: 0x0f31, 0x197f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x0f41, 0x1981: 0x0259, 0x1982: 0x0f51, 0x1983: 0x0359, 0x1984: 0x0f61, 0x1985: 0x0040, + 0x1986: 0x00d9, 0x1987: 0x0040, 0x1988: 0x0040, 0x1989: 0x0040, 0x198a: 0x01d9, 0x198b: 0x0fa9, + 0x198c: 0x0fb9, 0x198d: 0x1089, 0x198e: 0x0279, 0x198f: 0x0369, 0x1990: 0x0289, 0x1991: 0x0040, + 0x1992: 0x0039, 0x1993: 0x0ee9, 0x1994: 0x1159, 0x1995: 0x0ef9, 0x1996: 0x0f09, 0x1997: 0x1199, + 0x1998: 0x0f31, 0x1999: 0x0249, 0x199a: 0x0f41, 0x199b: 0x0259, 0x199c: 0x0f51, 0x199d: 0x0359, + 0x199e: 0x0f61, 0x199f: 0x0f71, 0x19a0: 0x00d9, 0x19a1: 0x0f99, 0x19a2: 0x2039, 0x19a3: 0x0269, + 0x19a4: 0x01d9, 0x19a5: 0x0fa9, 0x19a6: 0x0fb9, 0x19a7: 0x1089, 0x19a8: 0x0279, 0x19a9: 0x0369, + 0x19aa: 0x0289, 0x19ab: 0x13d1, 0x19ac: 0x0039, 0x19ad: 0x0ee9, 0x19ae: 0x1159, 0x19af: 0x0ef9, + 0x19b0: 0x0f09, 0x19b1: 0x1199, 0x19b2: 0x0f31, 0x19b3: 0x0249, 0x19b4: 0x0f41, 0x19b5: 0x0259, + 0x19b6: 0x0f51, 0x19b7: 0x0359, 0x19b8: 0x0f61, 0x19b9: 0x0f71, 0x19ba: 0x00d9, 0x19bb: 0x0f99, + 0x19bc: 0x2039, 0x19bd: 0x0269, 0x19be: 0x01d9, 0x19bf: 0x0fa9, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x0fb9, 0x19c1: 0x1089, 0x19c2: 0x0279, 0x19c3: 0x0369, 0x19c4: 0x0289, 0x19c5: 0x13d1, + 0x19c6: 0x0039, 0x19c7: 0x0ee9, 0x19c8: 0x1159, 0x19c9: 0x0ef9, 0x19ca: 0x0f09, 0x19cb: 0x1199, + 0x19cc: 0x0f31, 0x19cd: 0x0249, 0x19ce: 0x0f41, 0x19cf: 0x0259, 0x19d0: 0x0f51, 0x19d1: 0x0359, + 0x19d2: 0x0f61, 0x19d3: 0x0f71, 0x19d4: 0x00d9, 0x19d5: 0x0f99, 0x19d6: 0x2039, 0x19d7: 0x0269, + 0x19d8: 0x01d9, 0x19d9: 0x0fa9, 0x19da: 0x0fb9, 0x19db: 0x1089, 0x19dc: 0x0279, 0x19dd: 0x0369, + 0x19de: 0x0289, 0x19df: 0x13d1, 0x19e0: 0x0039, 0x19e1: 0x0ee9, 0x19e2: 0x1159, 0x19e3: 0x0ef9, + 0x19e4: 0x0f09, 0x19e5: 0x1199, 0x19e6: 0x0f31, 0x19e7: 0x0249, 0x19e8: 0x0f41, 0x19e9: 0x0259, + 0x19ea: 0x0f51, 0x19eb: 0x0359, 0x19ec: 0x0f61, 0x19ed: 0x0f71, 0x19ee: 0x00d9, 0x19ef: 0x0f99, + 0x19f0: 0x2039, 0x19f1: 0x0269, 0x19f2: 0x01d9, 0x19f3: 0x0fa9, 0x19f4: 0x0fb9, 0x19f5: 0x1089, + 0x19f6: 0x0279, 0x19f7: 0x0369, 0x19f8: 0x0289, 0x19f9: 0x13d1, 0x19fa: 0x0039, 0x19fb: 0x0ee9, + 0x19fc: 0x1159, 0x19fd: 0x0ef9, 0x19fe: 0x0f09, 0x19ff: 0x1199, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a00: 0x0f31, 0x1a01: 0x0249, 0x1a02: 0x0f41, 0x1a03: 0x0259, 0x1a04: 0x0f51, 0x1a05: 0x0359, + 0x1a06: 0x0f61, 0x1a07: 0x0f71, 0x1a08: 0x00d9, 0x1a09: 0x0f99, 0x1a0a: 0x2039, 0x1a0b: 0x0269, + 0x1a0c: 0x01d9, 0x1a0d: 0x0fa9, 0x1a0e: 0x0fb9, 0x1a0f: 0x1089, 0x1a10: 0x0279, 0x1a11: 0x0369, + 0x1a12: 0x0289, 0x1a13: 0x13d1, 0x1a14: 0x0039, 0x1a15: 0x0ee9, 0x1a16: 0x1159, 0x1a17: 0x0ef9, + 0x1a18: 0x0f09, 0x1a19: 0x1199, 0x1a1a: 0x0f31, 0x1a1b: 0x0249, 0x1a1c: 0x0f41, 0x1a1d: 0x0259, + 0x1a1e: 0x0f51, 0x1a1f: 0x0359, 0x1a20: 0x0f61, 0x1a21: 0x0f71, 0x1a22: 0x00d9, 0x1a23: 0x0f99, + 0x1a24: 0x2039, 0x1a25: 0x0269, 0x1a26: 0x01d9, 0x1a27: 0x0fa9, 0x1a28: 0x0fb9, 0x1a29: 0x1089, + 0x1a2a: 0x0279, 0x1a2b: 0x0369, 0x1a2c: 0x0289, 0x1a2d: 0x13d1, 0x1a2e: 0x0039, 0x1a2f: 0x0ee9, + 0x1a30: 0x1159, 0x1a31: 0x0ef9, 0x1a32: 0x0f09, 0x1a33: 0x1199, 0x1a34: 0x0f31, 0x1a35: 0x0249, + 0x1a36: 0x0f41, 0x1a37: 0x0259, 0x1a38: 0x0f51, 0x1a39: 0x0359, 0x1a3a: 0x0f61, 0x1a3b: 0x0f71, + 0x1a3c: 0x00d9, 0x1a3d: 0x0f99, 0x1a3e: 0x2039, 0x1a3f: 0x0269, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a40: 0x01d9, 0x1a41: 0x0fa9, 0x1a42: 0x0fb9, 0x1a43: 0x1089, 0x1a44: 0x0279, 0x1a45: 0x0369, + 0x1a46: 0x0289, 0x1a47: 0x13d1, 0x1a48: 0x0039, 0x1a49: 0x0ee9, 0x1a4a: 0x1159, 0x1a4b: 0x0ef9, + 0x1a4c: 0x0f09, 0x1a4d: 0x1199, 0x1a4e: 0x0f31, 0x1a4f: 0x0249, 0x1a50: 0x0f41, 0x1a51: 0x0259, + 0x1a52: 0x0f51, 0x1a53: 0x0359, 0x1a54: 0x0f61, 0x1a55: 0x0f71, 0x1a56: 0x00d9, 0x1a57: 0x0f99, + 0x1a58: 0x2039, 0x1a59: 0x0269, 0x1a5a: 0x01d9, 0x1a5b: 0x0fa9, 0x1a5c: 0x0fb9, 0x1a5d: 0x1089, + 0x1a5e: 0x0279, 0x1a5f: 0x0369, 0x1a60: 0x0289, 0x1a61: 0x13d1, 0x1a62: 0x0039, 0x1a63: 0x0ee9, + 0x1a64: 0x1159, 0x1a65: 0x0ef9, 0x1a66: 0x0f09, 0x1a67: 0x1199, 0x1a68: 0x0f31, 0x1a69: 0x0249, + 0x1a6a: 0x0f41, 0x1a6b: 0x0259, 0x1a6c: 0x0f51, 0x1a6d: 0x0359, 0x1a6e: 0x0f61, 0x1a6f: 0x0f71, + 0x1a70: 0x00d9, 0x1a71: 0x0f99, 0x1a72: 0x2039, 0x1a73: 0x0269, 0x1a74: 0x01d9, 0x1a75: 0x0fa9, + 0x1a76: 0x0fb9, 0x1a77: 0x1089, 0x1a78: 0x0279, 0x1a79: 0x0369, 0x1a7a: 0x0289, 0x1a7b: 0x13d1, + 0x1a7c: 0x0039, 0x1a7d: 0x0ee9, 0x1a7e: 0x1159, 0x1a7f: 0x0ef9, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x0f09, 0x1a81: 0x1199, 0x1a82: 0x0f31, 0x1a83: 0x0249, 0x1a84: 0x0f41, 0x1a85: 0x0259, + 0x1a86: 0x0f51, 0x1a87: 0x0359, 0x1a88: 0x0f61, 0x1a89: 0x0f71, 0x1a8a: 0x00d9, 0x1a8b: 0x0f99, + 0x1a8c: 0x2039, 0x1a8d: 0x0269, 0x1a8e: 0x01d9, 0x1a8f: 0x0fa9, 0x1a90: 0x0fb9, 0x1a91: 0x1089, + 0x1a92: 0x0279, 0x1a93: 0x0369, 0x1a94: 0x0289, 0x1a95: 0x13d1, 0x1a96: 0x0039, 0x1a97: 0x0ee9, + 0x1a98: 0x1159, 0x1a99: 0x0ef9, 0x1a9a: 0x0f09, 0x1a9b: 0x1199, 0x1a9c: 0x0f31, 0x1a9d: 0x0249, + 0x1a9e: 0x0f41, 0x1a9f: 0x0259, 0x1aa0: 0x0f51, 0x1aa1: 0x0359, 0x1aa2: 0x0f61, 0x1aa3: 0x0f71, + 0x1aa4: 0x00d9, 0x1aa5: 0x0f99, 0x1aa6: 0x2039, 0x1aa7: 0x0269, 0x1aa8: 0x01d9, 0x1aa9: 0x0fa9, + 0x1aaa: 0x0fb9, 0x1aab: 0x1089, 0x1aac: 0x0279, 0x1aad: 0x0369, 0x1aae: 0x0289, 0x1aaf: 0x13d1, + 0x1ab0: 0x0039, 0x1ab1: 0x0ee9, 0x1ab2: 0x1159, 0x1ab3: 0x0ef9, 0x1ab4: 0x0f09, 0x1ab5: 0x1199, + 0x1ab6: 0x0f31, 0x1ab7: 0x0249, 0x1ab8: 0x0f41, 0x1ab9: 0x0259, 0x1aba: 0x0f51, 0x1abb: 0x0359, + 0x1abc: 0x0f61, 0x1abd: 0x0f71, 0x1abe: 0x00d9, 0x1abf: 0x0f99, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x2039, 0x1ac1: 0x0269, 0x1ac2: 0x01d9, 0x1ac3: 0x0fa9, 0x1ac4: 0x0fb9, 0x1ac5: 0x1089, + 0x1ac6: 0x0279, 0x1ac7: 0x0369, 0x1ac8: 0x0289, 0x1ac9: 0x13d1, 0x1aca: 0x0039, 0x1acb: 0x0ee9, + 0x1acc: 0x1159, 0x1acd: 0x0ef9, 0x1ace: 0x0f09, 0x1acf: 0x1199, 0x1ad0: 0x0f31, 0x1ad1: 0x0249, + 0x1ad2: 0x0f41, 0x1ad3: 0x0259, 0x1ad4: 0x0f51, 0x1ad5: 0x0359, 0x1ad6: 0x0f61, 0x1ad7: 0x0f71, + 0x1ad8: 0x00d9, 0x1ad9: 0x0f99, 0x1ada: 0x2039, 0x1adb: 0x0269, 0x1adc: 0x01d9, 0x1add: 0x0fa9, + 0x1ade: 0x0fb9, 0x1adf: 0x1089, 0x1ae0: 0x0279, 0x1ae1: 0x0369, 0x1ae2: 0x0289, 0x1ae3: 0x13d1, + 0x1ae4: 0xba81, 0x1ae5: 0xba99, 0x1ae6: 0x0040, 0x1ae7: 0x0040, 0x1ae8: 0xbab1, 0x1ae9: 0x1099, + 0x1aea: 0x10b1, 0x1aeb: 0x10c9, 0x1aec: 0xbac9, 0x1aed: 0xbae1, 0x1aee: 0xbaf9, 0x1aef: 0x1429, + 0x1af0: 0x1a31, 0x1af1: 0xbb11, 0x1af2: 0xbb29, 0x1af3: 0xbb41, 0x1af4: 0xbb59, 0x1af5: 0xbb71, + 0x1af6: 0xbb89, 0x1af7: 0x2109, 0x1af8: 0x1111, 0x1af9: 0x1429, 0x1afa: 0xbba1, 0x1afb: 0xbbb9, + 0x1afc: 0xbbd1, 0x1afd: 0x10e1, 0x1afe: 0x10f9, 0x1aff: 0xbbe9, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x2079, 0x1b01: 0xbc01, 0x1b02: 0xbab1, 0x1b03: 0x1099, 0x1b04: 0x10b1, 0x1b05: 0x10c9, + 0x1b06: 0xbac9, 0x1b07: 0xbae1, 0x1b08: 0xbaf9, 0x1b09: 0x1429, 0x1b0a: 0x1a31, 0x1b0b: 0xbb11, + 0x1b0c: 0xbb29, 0x1b0d: 0xbb41, 0x1b0e: 0xbb59, 0x1b0f: 0xbb71, 0x1b10: 0xbb89, 0x1b11: 0x2109, + 0x1b12: 0x1111, 0x1b13: 0xbba1, 0x1b14: 0xbba1, 0x1b15: 0xbbb9, 0x1b16: 0xbbd1, 0x1b17: 0x10e1, + 0x1b18: 0x10f9, 0x1b19: 0xbbe9, 0x1b1a: 0x2079, 0x1b1b: 0xbc21, 0x1b1c: 0xbac9, 0x1b1d: 0x1429, + 0x1b1e: 0xbb11, 0x1b1f: 0x10e1, 0x1b20: 0x1111, 0x1b21: 0x2109, 0x1b22: 0xbab1, 0x1b23: 0x1099, + 0x1b24: 0x10b1, 0x1b25: 0x10c9, 0x1b26: 0xbac9, 0x1b27: 0xbae1, 0x1b28: 0xbaf9, 0x1b29: 0x1429, + 0x1b2a: 0x1a31, 0x1b2b: 0xbb11, 0x1b2c: 0xbb29, 0x1b2d: 0xbb41, 0x1b2e: 0xbb59, 0x1b2f: 0xbb71, + 0x1b30: 0xbb89, 0x1b31: 0x2109, 0x1b32: 0x1111, 0x1b33: 0x1429, 0x1b34: 0xbba1, 0x1b35: 0xbbb9, + 0x1b36: 0xbbd1, 0x1b37: 0x10e1, 0x1b38: 0x10f9, 0x1b39: 0xbbe9, 0x1b3a: 0x2079, 0x1b3b: 0xbc01, + 0x1b3c: 0xbab1, 0x1b3d: 0x1099, 0x1b3e: 0x10b1, 0x1b3f: 0x10c9, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0xbac9, 0x1b41: 0xbae1, 0x1b42: 0xbaf9, 0x1b43: 0x1429, 0x1b44: 0x1a31, 0x1b45: 0xbb11, + 0x1b46: 0xbb29, 0x1b47: 0xbb41, 0x1b48: 0xbb59, 0x1b49: 0xbb71, 0x1b4a: 0xbb89, 0x1b4b: 0x2109, + 0x1b4c: 0x1111, 0x1b4d: 0xbba1, 0x1b4e: 0xbba1, 0x1b4f: 0xbbb9, 0x1b50: 0xbbd1, 0x1b51: 0x10e1, + 0x1b52: 0x10f9, 0x1b53: 0xbbe9, 0x1b54: 0x2079, 0x1b55: 0xbc21, 0x1b56: 0xbac9, 0x1b57: 0x1429, + 0x1b58: 0xbb11, 0x1b59: 0x10e1, 0x1b5a: 0x1111, 0x1b5b: 0x2109, 0x1b5c: 0xbab1, 0x1b5d: 0x1099, + 0x1b5e: 0x10b1, 0x1b5f: 0x10c9, 0x1b60: 0xbac9, 0x1b61: 0xbae1, 0x1b62: 0xbaf9, 0x1b63: 0x1429, + 0x1b64: 0x1a31, 0x1b65: 0xbb11, 0x1b66: 0xbb29, 0x1b67: 0xbb41, 0x1b68: 0xbb59, 0x1b69: 0xbb71, + 0x1b6a: 0xbb89, 0x1b6b: 0x2109, 0x1b6c: 0x1111, 0x1b6d: 0x1429, 0x1b6e: 0xbba1, 0x1b6f: 0xbbb9, + 0x1b70: 0xbbd1, 0x1b71: 0x10e1, 0x1b72: 0x10f9, 0x1b73: 0xbbe9, 0x1b74: 0x2079, 0x1b75: 0xbc01, + 0x1b76: 0xbab1, 0x1b77: 0x1099, 0x1b78: 0x10b1, 0x1b79: 0x10c9, 0x1b7a: 0xbac9, 0x1b7b: 0xbae1, + 0x1b7c: 0xbaf9, 0x1b7d: 0x1429, 0x1b7e: 0x1a31, 0x1b7f: 0xbb11, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0xbb29, 0x1b81: 0xbb41, 0x1b82: 0xbb59, 0x1b83: 0xbb71, 0x1b84: 0xbb89, 0x1b85: 0x2109, + 0x1b86: 0x1111, 0x1b87: 0xbba1, 0x1b88: 0xbba1, 0x1b89: 0xbbb9, 0x1b8a: 0xbbd1, 0x1b8b: 0x10e1, + 0x1b8c: 0x10f9, 0x1b8d: 0xbbe9, 0x1b8e: 0x2079, 0x1b8f: 0xbc21, 0x1b90: 0xbac9, 0x1b91: 0x1429, + 0x1b92: 0xbb11, 0x1b93: 0x10e1, 0x1b94: 0x1111, 0x1b95: 0x2109, 0x1b96: 0xbab1, 0x1b97: 0x1099, + 0x1b98: 0x10b1, 0x1b99: 0x10c9, 0x1b9a: 0xbac9, 0x1b9b: 0xbae1, 0x1b9c: 0xbaf9, 0x1b9d: 0x1429, + 0x1b9e: 0x1a31, 0x1b9f: 0xbb11, 0x1ba0: 0xbb29, 0x1ba1: 0xbb41, 0x1ba2: 0xbb59, 0x1ba3: 0xbb71, + 0x1ba4: 0xbb89, 0x1ba5: 0x2109, 0x1ba6: 0x1111, 0x1ba7: 0x1429, 0x1ba8: 0xbba1, 0x1ba9: 0xbbb9, + 0x1baa: 0xbbd1, 0x1bab: 0x10e1, 0x1bac: 0x10f9, 0x1bad: 0xbbe9, 0x1bae: 0x2079, 0x1baf: 0xbc01, + 0x1bb0: 0xbab1, 0x1bb1: 0x1099, 0x1bb2: 0x10b1, 0x1bb3: 0x10c9, 0x1bb4: 0xbac9, 0x1bb5: 0xbae1, + 0x1bb6: 0xbaf9, 0x1bb7: 0x1429, 0x1bb8: 0x1a31, 0x1bb9: 0xbb11, 0x1bba: 0xbb29, 0x1bbb: 0xbb41, + 0x1bbc: 0xbb59, 0x1bbd: 0xbb71, 0x1bbe: 0xbb89, 0x1bbf: 0x2109, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bc0: 0x1111, 0x1bc1: 0xbba1, 0x1bc2: 0xbba1, 0x1bc3: 0xbbb9, 0x1bc4: 0xbbd1, 0x1bc5: 0x10e1, + 0x1bc6: 0x10f9, 0x1bc7: 0xbbe9, 0x1bc8: 0x2079, 0x1bc9: 0xbc21, 0x1bca: 0xbac9, 0x1bcb: 0x1429, + 0x1bcc: 0xbb11, 0x1bcd: 0x10e1, 0x1bce: 0x1111, 0x1bcf: 0x2109, 0x1bd0: 0xbab1, 0x1bd1: 0x1099, + 0x1bd2: 0x10b1, 0x1bd3: 0x10c9, 0x1bd4: 0xbac9, 0x1bd5: 0xbae1, 0x1bd6: 0xbaf9, 0x1bd7: 0x1429, + 0x1bd8: 0x1a31, 0x1bd9: 0xbb11, 0x1bda: 0xbb29, 0x1bdb: 0xbb41, 0x1bdc: 0xbb59, 0x1bdd: 0xbb71, + 0x1bde: 0xbb89, 0x1bdf: 0x2109, 0x1be0: 0x1111, 0x1be1: 0x1429, 0x1be2: 0xbba1, 0x1be3: 0xbbb9, + 0x1be4: 0xbbd1, 0x1be5: 0x10e1, 0x1be6: 0x10f9, 0x1be7: 0xbbe9, 0x1be8: 0x2079, 0x1be9: 0xbc01, + 0x1bea: 0xbab1, 0x1beb: 0x1099, 0x1bec: 0x10b1, 0x1bed: 0x10c9, 0x1bee: 0xbac9, 0x1bef: 0xbae1, + 0x1bf0: 0xbaf9, 0x1bf1: 0x1429, 0x1bf2: 0x1a31, 0x1bf3: 0xbb11, 0x1bf4: 0xbb29, 0x1bf5: 0xbb41, + 0x1bf6: 0xbb59, 0x1bf7: 0xbb71, 0x1bf8: 0xbb89, 0x1bf9: 0x2109, 0x1bfa: 0x1111, 0x1bfb: 0xbba1, + 0x1bfc: 0xbba1, 0x1bfd: 0xbbb9, 0x1bfe: 0xbbd1, 0x1bff: 0x10e1, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c00: 0x10f9, 0x1c01: 0xbbe9, 0x1c02: 0x2079, 0x1c03: 0xbc21, 0x1c04: 0xbac9, 0x1c05: 0x1429, + 0x1c06: 0xbb11, 0x1c07: 0x10e1, 0x1c08: 0x1111, 0x1c09: 0x2109, 0x1c0a: 0xbc41, 0x1c0b: 0xbc41, + 0x1c0c: 0x0040, 0x1c0d: 0x0040, 0x1c0e: 0x1f41, 0x1c0f: 0x00c9, 0x1c10: 0x0069, 0x1c11: 0x0079, + 0x1c12: 0x1f51, 0x1c13: 0x1f61, 0x1c14: 0x1f71, 0x1c15: 0x1f81, 0x1c16: 0x1f91, 0x1c17: 0x1fa1, + 0x1c18: 0x1f41, 0x1c19: 0x00c9, 0x1c1a: 0x0069, 0x1c1b: 0x0079, 0x1c1c: 0x1f51, 0x1c1d: 0x1f61, + 0x1c1e: 0x1f71, 0x1c1f: 0x1f81, 0x1c20: 0x1f91, 0x1c21: 0x1fa1, 0x1c22: 0x1f41, 0x1c23: 0x00c9, + 0x1c24: 0x0069, 0x1c25: 0x0079, 0x1c26: 0x1f51, 0x1c27: 0x1f61, 0x1c28: 0x1f71, 0x1c29: 0x1f81, + 0x1c2a: 0x1f91, 0x1c2b: 0x1fa1, 0x1c2c: 0x1f41, 0x1c2d: 0x00c9, 0x1c2e: 0x0069, 0x1c2f: 0x0079, + 0x1c30: 0x1f51, 0x1c31: 0x1f61, 0x1c32: 0x1f71, 0x1c33: 0x1f81, 0x1c34: 0x1f91, 0x1c35: 0x1fa1, + 0x1c36: 0x1f41, 0x1c37: 0x00c9, 0x1c38: 0x0069, 0x1c39: 0x0079, 0x1c3a: 0x1f51, 0x1c3b: 0x1f61, + 0x1c3c: 0x1f71, 0x1c3d: 0x1f81, 0x1c3e: 0x1f91, 0x1c3f: 0x1fa1, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c40: 0xe115, 0x1c41: 0xe115, 0x1c42: 0xe135, 0x1c43: 0xe135, 0x1c44: 0xe115, 0x1c45: 0xe115, + 0x1c46: 0xe175, 0x1c47: 0xe175, 0x1c48: 0xe115, 0x1c49: 0xe115, 0x1c4a: 0xe135, 0x1c4b: 0xe135, + 0x1c4c: 0xe115, 0x1c4d: 0xe115, 0x1c4e: 0xe1f5, 0x1c4f: 0xe1f5, 0x1c50: 0xe115, 0x1c51: 0xe115, + 0x1c52: 0xe135, 0x1c53: 0xe135, 0x1c54: 0xe115, 0x1c55: 0xe115, 0x1c56: 0xe175, 0x1c57: 0xe175, + 0x1c58: 0xe115, 0x1c59: 0xe115, 0x1c5a: 0xe135, 0x1c5b: 0xe135, 0x1c5c: 0xe115, 0x1c5d: 0xe115, + 0x1c5e: 0x8b05, 0x1c5f: 0x8b05, 0x1c60: 0x04b5, 0x1c61: 0x04b5, 0x1c62: 0x0a08, 0x1c63: 0x0a08, + 0x1c64: 0x0a08, 0x1c65: 0x0a08, 0x1c66: 0x0a08, 0x1c67: 0x0a08, 0x1c68: 0x0a08, 0x1c69: 0x0a08, + 0x1c6a: 0x0a08, 0x1c6b: 0x0a08, 0x1c6c: 0x0a08, 0x1c6d: 0x0a08, 0x1c6e: 0x0a08, 0x1c6f: 0x0a08, + 0x1c70: 0x0a08, 0x1c71: 0x0a08, 0x1c72: 0x0a08, 0x1c73: 0x0a08, 0x1c74: 0x0a08, 0x1c75: 0x0a08, + 0x1c76: 0x0a08, 0x1c77: 0x0a08, 0x1c78: 0x0a08, 0x1c79: 0x0a08, 0x1c7a: 0x0a08, 0x1c7b: 0x0a08, + 0x1c7c: 0x0a08, 0x1c7d: 0x0a08, 0x1c7e: 0x0a08, 0x1c7f: 0x0a08, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0xb189, 0x1c81: 0xb1a1, 0x1c82: 0xb201, 0x1c83: 0xb249, 0x1c84: 0x0040, 0x1c85: 0xb411, + 0x1c86: 0xb291, 0x1c87: 0xb219, 0x1c88: 0xb309, 0x1c89: 0xb429, 0x1c8a: 0xb399, 0x1c8b: 0xb3b1, + 0x1c8c: 0xb3c9, 0x1c8d: 0xb3e1, 0x1c8e: 0xb2a9, 0x1c8f: 0xb339, 0x1c90: 0xb369, 0x1c91: 0xb2d9, + 0x1c92: 0xb381, 0x1c93: 0xb279, 0x1c94: 0xb2c1, 0x1c95: 0xb1d1, 0x1c96: 0xb1e9, 0x1c97: 0xb231, + 0x1c98: 0xb261, 0x1c99: 0xb2f1, 0x1c9a: 0xb321, 0x1c9b: 0xb351, 0x1c9c: 0xbc59, 0x1c9d: 0x7949, + 0x1c9e: 0xbc71, 0x1c9f: 0xbc89, 0x1ca0: 0x0040, 0x1ca1: 0xb1a1, 0x1ca2: 0xb201, 0x1ca3: 0x0040, + 0x1ca4: 0xb3f9, 0x1ca5: 0x0040, 0x1ca6: 0x0040, 0x1ca7: 0xb219, 0x1ca8: 0x0040, 0x1ca9: 0xb429, + 0x1caa: 0xb399, 0x1cab: 0xb3b1, 0x1cac: 0xb3c9, 0x1cad: 0xb3e1, 0x1cae: 0xb2a9, 0x1caf: 0xb339, + 0x1cb0: 0xb369, 0x1cb1: 0xb2d9, 0x1cb2: 0xb381, 0x1cb3: 0x0040, 0x1cb4: 0xb2c1, 0x1cb5: 0xb1d1, + 0x1cb6: 0xb1e9, 0x1cb7: 0xb231, 0x1cb8: 0x0040, 0x1cb9: 0xb2f1, 0x1cba: 0x0040, 0x1cbb: 0xb351, + 0x1cbc: 0x0040, 0x1cbd: 0x0040, 0x1cbe: 0x0040, 0x1cbf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cc0: 0x0040, 0x1cc1: 0x0040, 0x1cc2: 0xb201, 0x1cc3: 0x0040, 0x1cc4: 0x0040, 0x1cc5: 0x0040, + 0x1cc6: 0x0040, 0x1cc7: 0xb219, 0x1cc8: 0x0040, 0x1cc9: 0xb429, 0x1cca: 0x0040, 0x1ccb: 0xb3b1, + 0x1ccc: 0x0040, 0x1ccd: 0xb3e1, 0x1cce: 0xb2a9, 0x1ccf: 0xb339, 0x1cd0: 0x0040, 0x1cd1: 0xb2d9, + 0x1cd2: 0xb381, 0x1cd3: 0x0040, 0x1cd4: 0xb2c1, 0x1cd5: 0x0040, 0x1cd6: 0x0040, 0x1cd7: 0xb231, + 0x1cd8: 0x0040, 0x1cd9: 0xb2f1, 0x1cda: 0x0040, 0x1cdb: 0xb351, 0x1cdc: 0x0040, 0x1cdd: 0x7949, + 0x1cde: 0x0040, 0x1cdf: 0xbc89, 0x1ce0: 0x0040, 0x1ce1: 0xb1a1, 0x1ce2: 0xb201, 0x1ce3: 0x0040, + 0x1ce4: 0xb3f9, 0x1ce5: 0x0040, 0x1ce6: 0x0040, 0x1ce7: 0xb219, 0x1ce8: 0xb309, 0x1ce9: 0xb429, + 0x1cea: 0xb399, 0x1ceb: 0x0040, 0x1cec: 0xb3c9, 0x1ced: 0xb3e1, 0x1cee: 0xb2a9, 0x1cef: 0xb339, + 0x1cf0: 0xb369, 0x1cf1: 0xb2d9, 0x1cf2: 0xb381, 0x1cf3: 0x0040, 0x1cf4: 0xb2c1, 0x1cf5: 0xb1d1, + 0x1cf6: 0xb1e9, 0x1cf7: 0xb231, 0x1cf8: 0x0040, 0x1cf9: 0xb2f1, 0x1cfa: 0xb321, 0x1cfb: 0xb351, + 0x1cfc: 0xbc59, 0x1cfd: 0x0040, 0x1cfe: 0xbc71, 0x1cff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d00: 0xb189, 0x1d01: 0xb1a1, 0x1d02: 0xb201, 0x1d03: 0xb249, 0x1d04: 0xb3f9, 0x1d05: 0xb411, + 0x1d06: 0xb291, 0x1d07: 0xb219, 0x1d08: 0xb309, 0x1d09: 0xb429, 0x1d0a: 0x0040, 0x1d0b: 0xb3b1, + 0x1d0c: 0xb3c9, 0x1d0d: 0xb3e1, 0x1d0e: 0xb2a9, 0x1d0f: 0xb339, 0x1d10: 0xb369, 0x1d11: 0xb2d9, + 0x1d12: 0xb381, 0x1d13: 0xb279, 0x1d14: 0xb2c1, 0x1d15: 0xb1d1, 0x1d16: 0xb1e9, 0x1d17: 0xb231, + 0x1d18: 0xb261, 0x1d19: 0xb2f1, 0x1d1a: 0xb321, 0x1d1b: 0xb351, 0x1d1c: 0x0040, 0x1d1d: 0x0040, + 0x1d1e: 0x0040, 0x1d1f: 0x0040, 0x1d20: 0x0040, 0x1d21: 0xb1a1, 0x1d22: 0xb201, 0x1d23: 0xb249, + 0x1d24: 0x0040, 0x1d25: 0xb411, 0x1d26: 0xb291, 0x1d27: 0xb219, 0x1d28: 0xb309, 0x1d29: 0xb429, + 0x1d2a: 0x0040, 0x1d2b: 0xb3b1, 0x1d2c: 0xb3c9, 0x1d2d: 0xb3e1, 0x1d2e: 0xb2a9, 0x1d2f: 0xb339, + 0x1d30: 0xb369, 0x1d31: 0xb2d9, 0x1d32: 0xb381, 0x1d33: 0xb279, 0x1d34: 0xb2c1, 0x1d35: 0xb1d1, + 0x1d36: 0xb1e9, 0x1d37: 0xb231, 0x1d38: 0xb261, 0x1d39: 0xb2f1, 0x1d3a: 0xb321, 0x1d3b: 0xb351, + 0x1d3c: 0x0040, 0x1d3d: 0x0040, 0x1d3e: 0x0040, 0x1d3f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d40: 0x0040, 0x1d41: 0xbca2, 0x1d42: 0xbcba, 0x1d43: 0xbcd2, 0x1d44: 0xbcea, 0x1d45: 0xbd02, + 0x1d46: 0xbd1a, 0x1d47: 0xbd32, 0x1d48: 0xbd4a, 0x1d49: 0xbd62, 0x1d4a: 0xbd7a, 0x1d4b: 0x0018, + 0x1d4c: 0x0018, 0x1d4d: 0x0040, 0x1d4e: 0x0040, 0x1d4f: 0x0040, 0x1d50: 0xbd92, 0x1d51: 0xbdb2, + 0x1d52: 0xbdd2, 0x1d53: 0xbdf2, 0x1d54: 0xbe12, 0x1d55: 0xbe32, 0x1d56: 0xbe52, 0x1d57: 0xbe72, + 0x1d58: 0xbe92, 0x1d59: 0xbeb2, 0x1d5a: 0xbed2, 0x1d5b: 0xbef2, 0x1d5c: 0xbf12, 0x1d5d: 0xbf32, + 0x1d5e: 0xbf52, 0x1d5f: 0xbf72, 0x1d60: 0xbf92, 0x1d61: 0xbfb2, 0x1d62: 0xbfd2, 0x1d63: 0xbff2, + 0x1d64: 0xc012, 0x1d65: 0xc032, 0x1d66: 0xc052, 0x1d67: 0xc072, 0x1d68: 0xc092, 0x1d69: 0xc0b2, + 0x1d6a: 0xc0d1, 0x1d6b: 0x1159, 0x1d6c: 0x0269, 0x1d6d: 0x6671, 0x1d6e: 0xc111, 0x1d6f: 0x0018, + 0x1d70: 0x0039, 0x1d71: 0x0ee9, 0x1d72: 0x1159, 0x1d73: 0x0ef9, 0x1d74: 0x0f09, 0x1d75: 0x1199, + 0x1d76: 0x0f31, 0x1d77: 0x0249, 0x1d78: 0x0f41, 0x1d79: 0x0259, 0x1d7a: 0x0f51, 0x1d7b: 0x0359, + 0x1d7c: 0x0f61, 0x1d7d: 0x0f71, 0x1d7e: 0x00d9, 0x1d7f: 0x0f99, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d80: 0x2039, 0x1d81: 0x0269, 0x1d82: 0x01d9, 0x1d83: 0x0fa9, 0x1d84: 0x0fb9, 0x1d85: 0x1089, + 0x1d86: 0x0279, 0x1d87: 0x0369, 0x1d88: 0x0289, 0x1d89: 0x13d1, 0x1d8a: 0xc129, 0x1d8b: 0x65b1, + 0x1d8c: 0xc141, 0x1d8d: 0x1441, 0x1d8e: 0xc159, 0x1d8f: 0xc179, 0x1d90: 0x0018, 0x1d91: 0x0018, + 0x1d92: 0x0018, 0x1d93: 0x0018, 0x1d94: 0x0018, 0x1d95: 0x0018, 0x1d96: 0x0018, 0x1d97: 0x0018, + 0x1d98: 0x0018, 0x1d99: 0x0018, 0x1d9a: 0x0018, 0x1d9b: 0x0018, 0x1d9c: 0x0018, 0x1d9d: 0x0018, + 0x1d9e: 0x0018, 0x1d9f: 0x0018, 0x1da0: 0x0018, 0x1da1: 0x0018, 0x1da2: 0x0018, 0x1da3: 0x0018, + 0x1da4: 0x0018, 0x1da5: 0x0018, 0x1da6: 0x0018, 0x1da7: 0x0018, 0x1da8: 0x0018, 0x1da9: 0x0018, + 0x1daa: 0xc191, 0x1dab: 0xc1a9, 0x1dac: 0x0040, 0x1dad: 0x0040, 0x1dae: 0x0040, 0x1daf: 0x0040, + 0x1db0: 0x0018, 0x1db1: 0x0018, 0x1db2: 0x0018, 0x1db3: 0x0018, 0x1db4: 0x0018, 0x1db5: 0x0018, + 0x1db6: 0x0018, 0x1db7: 0x0018, 0x1db8: 0x0018, 0x1db9: 0x0018, 0x1dba: 0x0018, 0x1dbb: 0x0018, + 0x1dbc: 0x0018, 0x1dbd: 0x0018, 0x1dbe: 0x0018, 0x1dbf: 0x0018, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dc0: 0xc1d9, 0x1dc1: 0xc211, 0x1dc2: 0xc249, 0x1dc3: 0x0040, 0x1dc4: 0x0040, 0x1dc5: 0x0040, + 0x1dc6: 0x0040, 0x1dc7: 0x0040, 0x1dc8: 0x0040, 0x1dc9: 0x0040, 0x1dca: 0x0040, 0x1dcb: 0x0040, + 0x1dcc: 0x0040, 0x1dcd: 0x0040, 0x1dce: 0x0040, 0x1dcf: 0x0040, 0x1dd0: 0xc269, 0x1dd1: 0xc289, + 0x1dd2: 0xc2a9, 0x1dd3: 0xc2c9, 0x1dd4: 0xc2e9, 0x1dd5: 0xc309, 0x1dd6: 0xc329, 0x1dd7: 0xc349, + 0x1dd8: 0xc369, 0x1dd9: 0xc389, 0x1dda: 0xc3a9, 0x1ddb: 0xc3c9, 0x1ddc: 0xc3e9, 0x1ddd: 0xc409, + 0x1dde: 0xc429, 0x1ddf: 0xc449, 0x1de0: 0xc469, 0x1de1: 0xc489, 0x1de2: 0xc4a9, 0x1de3: 0xc4c9, + 0x1de4: 0xc4e9, 0x1de5: 0xc509, 0x1de6: 0xc529, 0x1de7: 0xc549, 0x1de8: 0xc569, 0x1de9: 0xc589, + 0x1dea: 0xc5a9, 0x1deb: 0xc5c9, 0x1dec: 0xc5e9, 0x1ded: 0xc609, 0x1dee: 0xc629, 0x1def: 0xc649, + 0x1df0: 0xc669, 0x1df1: 0xc689, 0x1df2: 0xc6a9, 0x1df3: 0xc6c9, 0x1df4: 0xc6e9, 0x1df5: 0xc709, + 0x1df6: 0xc729, 0x1df7: 0xc749, 0x1df8: 0xc769, 0x1df9: 0xc789, 0x1dfa: 0xc7a9, 0x1dfb: 0xc7c9, + 0x1dfc: 0x0040, 0x1dfd: 0x0040, 0x1dfe: 0x0040, 0x1dff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e00: 0xcaf9, 0x1e01: 0xcb19, 0x1e02: 0xcb39, 0x1e03: 0x8b1d, 0x1e04: 0xcb59, 0x1e05: 0xcb79, + 0x1e06: 0xcb99, 0x1e07: 0xcbb9, 0x1e08: 0xcbd9, 0x1e09: 0xcbf9, 0x1e0a: 0xcc19, 0x1e0b: 0xcc39, + 0x1e0c: 0xcc59, 0x1e0d: 0x8b3d, 0x1e0e: 0xcc79, 0x1e0f: 0xcc99, 0x1e10: 0xccb9, 0x1e11: 0xccd9, + 0x1e12: 0x8b5d, 0x1e13: 0xccf9, 0x1e14: 0xcd19, 0x1e15: 0xc429, 0x1e16: 0x8b7d, 0x1e17: 0xcd39, + 0x1e18: 0xcd59, 0x1e19: 0xcd79, 0x1e1a: 0xcd99, 0x1e1b: 0xcdb9, 0x1e1c: 0x8b9d, 0x1e1d: 0xcdd9, + 0x1e1e: 0xcdf9, 0x1e1f: 0xce19, 0x1e20: 0xce39, 0x1e21: 0xce59, 0x1e22: 0xc789, 0x1e23: 0xce79, + 0x1e24: 0xce99, 0x1e25: 0xceb9, 0x1e26: 0xced9, 0x1e27: 0xcef9, 0x1e28: 0xcf19, 0x1e29: 0xcf39, + 0x1e2a: 0xcf59, 0x1e2b: 0xcf79, 0x1e2c: 0xcf99, 0x1e2d: 0xcfb9, 0x1e2e: 0xcfd9, 0x1e2f: 0xcff9, + 0x1e30: 0xd019, 0x1e31: 0xd039, 0x1e32: 0xd039, 0x1e33: 0xd039, 0x1e34: 0x8bbd, 0x1e35: 0xd059, + 0x1e36: 0xd079, 0x1e37: 0xd099, 0x1e38: 0x8bdd, 0x1e39: 0xd0b9, 0x1e3a: 0xd0d9, 0x1e3b: 0xd0f9, + 0x1e3c: 0xd119, 0x1e3d: 0xd139, 0x1e3e: 0xd159, 0x1e3f: 0xd179, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e40: 0xd199, 0x1e41: 0xd1b9, 0x1e42: 0xd1d9, 0x1e43: 0xd1f9, 0x1e44: 0xd219, 0x1e45: 0xd239, + 0x1e46: 0xd239, 0x1e47: 0xd259, 0x1e48: 0xd279, 0x1e49: 0xd299, 0x1e4a: 0xd2b9, 0x1e4b: 0xd2d9, + 0x1e4c: 0xd2f9, 0x1e4d: 0xd319, 0x1e4e: 0xd339, 0x1e4f: 0xd359, 0x1e50: 0xd379, 0x1e51: 0xd399, + 0x1e52: 0xd3b9, 0x1e53: 0xd3d9, 0x1e54: 0xd3f9, 0x1e55: 0xd419, 0x1e56: 0xd439, 0x1e57: 0xd459, + 0x1e58: 0xd479, 0x1e59: 0x8bfd, 0x1e5a: 0xd499, 0x1e5b: 0xd4b9, 0x1e5c: 0xd4d9, 0x1e5d: 0xc309, + 0x1e5e: 0xd4f9, 0x1e5f: 0xd519, 0x1e60: 0x8c1d, 0x1e61: 0x8c3d, 0x1e62: 0xd539, 0x1e63: 0xd559, + 0x1e64: 0xd579, 0x1e65: 0xd599, 0x1e66: 0xd5b9, 0x1e67: 0xd5d9, 0x1e68: 0x2040, 0x1e69: 0xd5f9, + 0x1e6a: 0xd619, 0x1e6b: 0xd619, 0x1e6c: 0x8c5d, 0x1e6d: 0xd639, 0x1e6e: 0xd659, 0x1e6f: 0xd679, + 0x1e70: 0xd699, 0x1e71: 0x8c7d, 0x1e72: 0xd6b9, 0x1e73: 0xd6d9, 0x1e74: 0x2040, 0x1e75: 0xd6f9, + 0x1e76: 0xd719, 0x1e77: 0xd739, 0x1e78: 0xd759, 0x1e79: 0xd779, 0x1e7a: 0xd799, 0x1e7b: 0x8c9d, + 0x1e7c: 0xd7b9, 0x1e7d: 0x8cbd, 0x1e7e: 0xd7d9, 0x1e7f: 0xd7f9, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0xd819, 0x1e81: 0xd839, 0x1e82: 0xd859, 0x1e83: 0xd879, 0x1e84: 0xd899, 0x1e85: 0xd8b9, + 0x1e86: 0xd8d9, 0x1e87: 0xd8f9, 0x1e88: 0xd919, 0x1e89: 0x8cdd, 0x1e8a: 0xd939, 0x1e8b: 0xd959, + 0x1e8c: 0xd979, 0x1e8d: 0xd999, 0x1e8e: 0xd9b9, 0x1e8f: 0x8cfd, 0x1e90: 0xd9d9, 0x1e91: 0x8d1d, + 0x1e92: 0x8d3d, 0x1e93: 0xd9f9, 0x1e94: 0xda19, 0x1e95: 0xda19, 0x1e96: 0xda39, 0x1e97: 0x8d5d, + 0x1e98: 0x8d7d, 0x1e99: 0xda59, 0x1e9a: 0xda79, 0x1e9b: 0xda99, 0x1e9c: 0xdab9, 0x1e9d: 0xdad9, + 0x1e9e: 0xdaf9, 0x1e9f: 0xdb19, 0x1ea0: 0xdb39, 0x1ea1: 0xdb59, 0x1ea2: 0xdb79, 0x1ea3: 0xdb99, + 0x1ea4: 0x8d9d, 0x1ea5: 0xdbb9, 0x1ea6: 0xdbd9, 0x1ea7: 0xdbf9, 0x1ea8: 0xdc19, 0x1ea9: 0xdbf9, + 0x1eaa: 0xdc39, 0x1eab: 0xdc59, 0x1eac: 0xdc79, 0x1ead: 0xdc99, 0x1eae: 0xdcb9, 0x1eaf: 0xdcd9, + 0x1eb0: 0xdcf9, 0x1eb1: 0xdd19, 0x1eb2: 0xdd39, 0x1eb3: 0xdd59, 0x1eb4: 0xdd79, 0x1eb5: 0xdd99, + 0x1eb6: 0xddb9, 0x1eb7: 0xddd9, 0x1eb8: 0x8dbd, 0x1eb9: 0xddf9, 0x1eba: 0xde19, 0x1ebb: 0xde39, + 0x1ebc: 0xde59, 0x1ebd: 0xde79, 0x1ebe: 0x8ddd, 0x1ebf: 0xde99, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ec0: 0xe599, 0x1ec1: 0xe5b9, 0x1ec2: 0xe5d9, 0x1ec3: 0xe5f9, 0x1ec4: 0xe619, 0x1ec5: 0xe639, + 0x1ec6: 0x8efd, 0x1ec7: 0xe659, 0x1ec8: 0xe679, 0x1ec9: 0xe699, 0x1eca: 0xe6b9, 0x1ecb: 0xe6d9, + 0x1ecc: 0xe6f9, 0x1ecd: 0x8f1d, 0x1ece: 0xe719, 0x1ecf: 0xe739, 0x1ed0: 0x8f3d, 0x1ed1: 0x8f5d, + 0x1ed2: 0xe759, 0x1ed3: 0xe779, 0x1ed4: 0xe799, 0x1ed5: 0xe7b9, 0x1ed6: 0xe7d9, 0x1ed7: 0xe7f9, + 0x1ed8: 0xe819, 0x1ed9: 0xe839, 0x1eda: 0xe859, 0x1edb: 0x8f7d, 0x1edc: 0xe879, 0x1edd: 0x8f9d, + 0x1ede: 0xe899, 0x1edf: 0x2040, 0x1ee0: 0xe8b9, 0x1ee1: 0xe8d9, 0x1ee2: 0xe8f9, 0x1ee3: 0x8fbd, + 0x1ee4: 0xe919, 0x1ee5: 0xe939, 0x1ee6: 0x8fdd, 0x1ee7: 0x8ffd, 0x1ee8: 0xe959, 0x1ee9: 0xe979, + 0x1eea: 0xe999, 0x1eeb: 0xe9b9, 0x1eec: 0xe9d9, 0x1eed: 0xe9d9, 0x1eee: 0xe9f9, 0x1eef: 0xea19, + 0x1ef0: 0xea39, 0x1ef1: 0xea59, 0x1ef2: 0xea79, 0x1ef3: 0xea99, 0x1ef4: 0xeab9, 0x1ef5: 0x901d, + 0x1ef6: 0xead9, 0x1ef7: 0x903d, 0x1ef8: 0xeaf9, 0x1ef9: 0x905d, 0x1efa: 0xeb19, 0x1efb: 0x907d, + 0x1efc: 0x909d, 0x1efd: 0x90bd, 0x1efe: 0xeb39, 0x1eff: 0xeb59, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f00: 0xeb79, 0x1f01: 0x90dd, 0x1f02: 0x90fd, 0x1f03: 0x911d, 0x1f04: 0x913d, 0x1f05: 0xeb99, + 0x1f06: 0xebb9, 0x1f07: 0xebb9, 0x1f08: 0xebd9, 0x1f09: 0xebf9, 0x1f0a: 0xec19, 0x1f0b: 0xec39, + 0x1f0c: 0xec59, 0x1f0d: 0x915d, 0x1f0e: 0xec79, 0x1f0f: 0xec99, 0x1f10: 0xecb9, 0x1f11: 0xecd9, + 0x1f12: 0x917d, 0x1f13: 0xecf9, 0x1f14: 0x919d, 0x1f15: 0x91bd, 0x1f16: 0xed19, 0x1f17: 0xed39, + 0x1f18: 0xed59, 0x1f19: 0xed79, 0x1f1a: 0xed99, 0x1f1b: 0xedb9, 0x1f1c: 0x91dd, 0x1f1d: 0x91fd, + 0x1f1e: 0x921d, 0x1f1f: 0x2040, 0x1f20: 0xedd9, 0x1f21: 0x923d, 0x1f22: 0xedf9, 0x1f23: 0xee19, + 0x1f24: 0xee39, 0x1f25: 0x925d, 0x1f26: 0xee59, 0x1f27: 0xee79, 0x1f28: 0xee99, 0x1f29: 0xeeb9, + 0x1f2a: 0xeed9, 0x1f2b: 0x927d, 0x1f2c: 0xeef9, 0x1f2d: 0xef19, 0x1f2e: 0xef39, 0x1f2f: 0xef59, + 0x1f30: 0xef79, 0x1f31: 0xef99, 0x1f32: 0x929d, 0x1f33: 0x92bd, 0x1f34: 0xefb9, 0x1f35: 0x92dd, + 0x1f36: 0xefd9, 0x1f37: 0x92fd, 0x1f38: 0xeff9, 0x1f39: 0xf019, 0x1f3a: 0xf039, 0x1f3b: 0x931d, + 0x1f3c: 0x933d, 0x1f3d: 0xf059, 0x1f3e: 0x935d, 0x1f3f: 0xf079, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f40: 0xf6b9, 0x1f41: 0xf6d9, 0x1f42: 0xf6f9, 0x1f43: 0xf719, 0x1f44: 0xf739, 0x1f45: 0x951d, + 0x1f46: 0xf759, 0x1f47: 0xf779, 0x1f48: 0xf799, 0x1f49: 0xf7b9, 0x1f4a: 0xf7d9, 0x1f4b: 0x953d, + 0x1f4c: 0x955d, 0x1f4d: 0xf7f9, 0x1f4e: 0xf819, 0x1f4f: 0xf839, 0x1f50: 0xf859, 0x1f51: 0xf879, + 0x1f52: 0xf899, 0x1f53: 0x957d, 0x1f54: 0xf8b9, 0x1f55: 0xf8d9, 0x1f56: 0xf8f9, 0x1f57: 0xf919, + 0x1f58: 0x959d, 0x1f59: 0x95bd, 0x1f5a: 0xf939, 0x1f5b: 0xf959, 0x1f5c: 0xf979, 0x1f5d: 0x95dd, + 0x1f5e: 0xf999, 0x1f5f: 0xf9b9, 0x1f60: 0x6815, 0x1f61: 0x95fd, 0x1f62: 0xf9d9, 0x1f63: 0xf9f9, + 0x1f64: 0xfa19, 0x1f65: 0x961d, 0x1f66: 0xfa39, 0x1f67: 0xfa59, 0x1f68: 0xfa79, 0x1f69: 0xfa99, + 0x1f6a: 0xfab9, 0x1f6b: 0xfad9, 0x1f6c: 0xfaf9, 0x1f6d: 0x963d, 0x1f6e: 0xfb19, 0x1f6f: 0xfb39, + 0x1f70: 0xfb59, 0x1f71: 0x965d, 0x1f72: 0xfb79, 0x1f73: 0xfb99, 0x1f74: 0xfbb9, 0x1f75: 0xfbd9, + 0x1f76: 0x7b35, 0x1f77: 0x967d, 0x1f78: 0xfbf9, 0x1f79: 0xfc19, 0x1f7a: 0xfc39, 0x1f7b: 0x969d, + 0x1f7c: 0xfc59, 0x1f7d: 0x96bd, 0x1f7e: 0xfc79, 0x1f7f: 0xfc79, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1f80: 0xfc99, 0x1f81: 0x96dd, 0x1f82: 0xfcb9, 0x1f83: 0xfcd9, 0x1f84: 0xfcf9, 0x1f85: 0xfd19, + 0x1f86: 0xfd39, 0x1f87: 0xfd59, 0x1f88: 0xfd79, 0x1f89: 0x96fd, 0x1f8a: 0xfd99, 0x1f8b: 0xfdb9, + 0x1f8c: 0xfdd9, 0x1f8d: 0xfdf9, 0x1f8e: 0xfe19, 0x1f8f: 0xfe39, 0x1f90: 0x971d, 0x1f91: 0xfe59, + 0x1f92: 0x973d, 0x1f93: 0x975d, 0x1f94: 0x977d, 0x1f95: 0xfe79, 0x1f96: 0xfe99, 0x1f97: 0xfeb9, + 0x1f98: 0xfed9, 0x1f99: 0xfef9, 0x1f9a: 0xff19, 0x1f9b: 0xff39, 0x1f9c: 0xff59, 0x1f9d: 0x979d, + 0x1f9e: 0x0040, 0x1f9f: 0x0040, 0x1fa0: 0x0040, 0x1fa1: 0x0040, 0x1fa2: 0x0040, 0x1fa3: 0x0040, + 0x1fa4: 0x0040, 0x1fa5: 0x0040, 0x1fa6: 0x0040, 0x1fa7: 0x0040, 0x1fa8: 0x0040, 0x1fa9: 0x0040, + 0x1faa: 0x0040, 0x1fab: 0x0040, 0x1fac: 0x0040, 0x1fad: 0x0040, 0x1fae: 0x0040, 0x1faf: 0x0040, + 0x1fb0: 0x0040, 0x1fb1: 0x0040, 0x1fb2: 0x0040, 0x1fb3: 0x0040, 0x1fb4: 0x0040, 0x1fb5: 0x0040, + 0x1fb6: 0x0040, 0x1fb7: 0x0040, 0x1fb8: 0x0040, 0x1fb9: 0x0040, 0x1fba: 0x0040, 0x1fbb: 0x0040, + 0x1fbc: 0x0040, 0x1fbd: 0x0040, 0x1fbe: 0x0040, 0x1fbf: 0x0040, +} + +// idnaIndex: 36 blocks, 2304 entries, 4608 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var idnaIndex = [2304]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x7d, 0xc4: 0x02, 0xc5: 0x03, 0xc6: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, + 0xc8: 0x06, 0xc9: 0x7e, 0xca: 0x7f, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x80, 0xcd: 0x08, 0xce: 0x09, 0xcf: 0x0a, + 0xd0: 0x81, 0xd1: 0x0b, 0xd2: 0x0c, 0xd3: 0x0d, 0xd4: 0x0e, 0xd5: 0x82, 0xd6: 0x83, 0xd7: 0x84, + 0xd8: 0x0f, 0xd9: 0x10, 0xda: 0x85, 0xdb: 0x11, 0xdc: 0x12, 0xdd: 0x86, 0xde: 0x87, 0xdf: 0x88, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, 0xe5: 0x07, 0xe6: 0x07, 0xe7: 0x07, + 0xe8: 0x07, 0xe9: 0x08, 0xea: 0x09, 0xeb: 0x07, 0xec: 0x07, 0xed: 0x0a, 0xee: 0x0b, 0xef: 0x0c, + 0xf0: 0x1d, 0xf1: 0x1e, 0xf2: 0x1e, 0xf3: 0x20, 0xf4: 0x21, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x89, 0x121: 0x13, 0x122: 0x8a, 0x123: 0x8b, 0x124: 0x8c, 0x125: 0x14, 0x126: 0x15, 0x127: 0x16, + 0x128: 0x17, 0x129: 0x18, 0x12a: 0x19, 0x12b: 0x1a, 0x12c: 0x1b, 0x12d: 0x1c, 0x12e: 0x1d, 0x12f: 0x8d, + 0x130: 0x8e, 0x131: 0x1e, 0x132: 0x1f, 0x133: 0x20, 0x134: 0x8f, 0x135: 0x21, 0x136: 0x90, 0x137: 0x91, + 0x138: 0x92, 0x139: 0x93, 0x13a: 0x22, 0x13b: 0x94, 0x13c: 0x95, 0x13d: 0x23, 0x13e: 0x24, 0x13f: 0x96, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x97, 0x141: 0x98, 0x142: 0x99, 0x143: 0x9a, 0x144: 0x9b, 0x145: 0x9c, 0x146: 0x9d, 0x147: 0x9e, + 0x148: 0x9f, 0x149: 0xa0, 0x14a: 0xa1, 0x14b: 0xa2, 0x14c: 0xa3, 0x14d: 0xa4, 0x14e: 0xa5, 0x14f: 0xa6, + 0x150: 0xa7, 0x151: 0x9f, 0x152: 0x9f, 0x153: 0x9f, 0x154: 0x9f, 0x155: 0x9f, 0x156: 0x9f, 0x157: 0x9f, + 0x158: 0x9f, 0x159: 0xa8, 0x15a: 0xa9, 0x15b: 0xaa, 0x15c: 0xab, 0x15d: 0xac, 0x15e: 0xad, 0x15f: 0xae, + 0x160: 0xaf, 0x161: 0xb0, 0x162: 0xb1, 0x163: 0xb2, 0x164: 0xb3, 0x165: 0xb4, 0x166: 0xb5, 0x167: 0xb6, + 0x168: 0xb7, 0x169: 0xb8, 0x16a: 0xb9, 0x16b: 0xba, 0x16c: 0xbb, 0x16d: 0xbc, 0x16e: 0xbd, 0x16f: 0xbe, + 0x170: 0xbf, 0x171: 0xc0, 0x172: 0xc1, 0x173: 0xc2, 0x174: 0x25, 0x175: 0x26, 0x176: 0x27, 0x177: 0xc3, + 0x178: 0x28, 0x179: 0x28, 0x17a: 0x29, 0x17b: 0x28, 0x17c: 0xc4, 0x17d: 0x2a, 0x17e: 0x2b, 0x17f: 0x2c, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x2d, 0x181: 0x2e, 0x182: 0x2f, 0x183: 0xc5, 0x184: 0x30, 0x185: 0x31, 0x186: 0xc6, 0x187: 0x9b, + 0x188: 0xc7, 0x189: 0xc8, 0x18a: 0x9b, 0x18b: 0x9b, 0x18c: 0xc9, 0x18d: 0x9b, 0x18e: 0x9b, 0x18f: 0x9b, + 0x190: 0xca, 0x191: 0x32, 0x192: 0x33, 0x193: 0x34, 0x194: 0x9b, 0x195: 0x9b, 0x196: 0x9b, 0x197: 0x9b, + 0x198: 0x9b, 0x199: 0x9b, 0x19a: 0x9b, 0x19b: 0x9b, 0x19c: 0x9b, 0x19d: 0x9b, 0x19e: 0x9b, 0x19f: 0x9b, + 0x1a0: 0x9b, 0x1a1: 0x9b, 0x1a2: 0x9b, 0x1a3: 0x9b, 0x1a4: 0x9b, 0x1a5: 0x9b, 0x1a6: 0x9b, 0x1a7: 0x9b, + 0x1a8: 0xcb, 0x1a9: 0xcc, 0x1aa: 0x9b, 0x1ab: 0xcd, 0x1ac: 0x9b, 0x1ad: 0xce, 0x1ae: 0xcf, 0x1af: 0xd0, + 0x1b0: 0xd1, 0x1b1: 0x35, 0x1b2: 0x28, 0x1b3: 0x36, 0x1b4: 0xd2, 0x1b5: 0xd3, 0x1b6: 0xd4, 0x1b7: 0xd5, + 0x1b8: 0xd6, 0x1b9: 0xd7, 0x1ba: 0xd8, 0x1bb: 0xd9, 0x1bc: 0xda, 0x1bd: 0xdb, 0x1be: 0xdc, 0x1bf: 0x37, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x38, 0x1c1: 0xdd, 0x1c2: 0xde, 0x1c3: 0xdf, 0x1c4: 0xe0, 0x1c5: 0x39, 0x1c6: 0x3a, 0x1c7: 0xe1, + 0x1c8: 0xe2, 0x1c9: 0x3b, 0x1ca: 0x3c, 0x1cb: 0x3d, 0x1cc: 0x3e, 0x1cd: 0x3f, 0x1ce: 0x40, 0x1cf: 0x41, + 0x1d0: 0x9f, 0x1d1: 0x9f, 0x1d2: 0x9f, 0x1d3: 0x9f, 0x1d4: 0x9f, 0x1d5: 0x9f, 0x1d6: 0x9f, 0x1d7: 0x9f, + 0x1d8: 0x9f, 0x1d9: 0x9f, 0x1da: 0x9f, 0x1db: 0x9f, 0x1dc: 0x9f, 0x1dd: 0x9f, 0x1de: 0x9f, 0x1df: 0x9f, + 0x1e0: 0x9f, 0x1e1: 0x9f, 0x1e2: 0x9f, 0x1e3: 0x9f, 0x1e4: 0x9f, 0x1e5: 0x9f, 0x1e6: 0x9f, 0x1e7: 0x9f, + 0x1e8: 0x9f, 0x1e9: 0x9f, 0x1ea: 0x9f, 0x1eb: 0x9f, 0x1ec: 0x9f, 0x1ed: 0x9f, 0x1ee: 0x9f, 0x1ef: 0x9f, + 0x1f0: 0x9f, 0x1f1: 0x9f, 0x1f2: 0x9f, 0x1f3: 0x9f, 0x1f4: 0x9f, 0x1f5: 0x9f, 0x1f6: 0x9f, 0x1f7: 0x9f, + 0x1f8: 0x9f, 0x1f9: 0x9f, 0x1fa: 0x9f, 0x1fb: 0x9f, 0x1fc: 0x9f, 0x1fd: 0x9f, 0x1fe: 0x9f, 0x1ff: 0x9f, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x9f, 0x201: 0x9f, 0x202: 0x9f, 0x203: 0x9f, 0x204: 0x9f, 0x205: 0x9f, 0x206: 0x9f, 0x207: 0x9f, + 0x208: 0x9f, 0x209: 0x9f, 0x20a: 0x9f, 0x20b: 0x9f, 0x20c: 0x9f, 0x20d: 0x9f, 0x20e: 0x9f, 0x20f: 0x9f, + 0x210: 0x9f, 0x211: 0x9f, 0x212: 0x9f, 0x213: 0x9f, 0x214: 0x9f, 0x215: 0x9f, 0x216: 0x9f, 0x217: 0x9f, + 0x218: 0x9f, 0x219: 0x9f, 0x21a: 0x9f, 0x21b: 0x9f, 0x21c: 0x9f, 0x21d: 0x9f, 0x21e: 0x9f, 0x21f: 0x9f, + 0x220: 0x9f, 0x221: 0x9f, 0x222: 0x9f, 0x223: 0x9f, 0x224: 0x9f, 0x225: 0x9f, 0x226: 0x9f, 0x227: 0x9f, + 0x228: 0x9f, 0x229: 0x9f, 0x22a: 0x9f, 0x22b: 0x9f, 0x22c: 0x9f, 0x22d: 0x9f, 0x22e: 0x9f, 0x22f: 0x9f, + 0x230: 0x9f, 0x231: 0x9f, 0x232: 0x9f, 0x233: 0x9f, 0x234: 0x9f, 0x235: 0x9f, 0x236: 0xb2, 0x237: 0x9b, + 0x238: 0x9f, 0x239: 0x9f, 0x23a: 0x9f, 0x23b: 0x9f, 0x23c: 0x9f, 0x23d: 0x9f, 0x23e: 0x9f, 0x23f: 0x9f, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x9f, 0x241: 0x9f, 0x242: 0x9f, 0x243: 0x9f, 0x244: 0x9f, 0x245: 0x9f, 0x246: 0x9f, 0x247: 0x9f, + 0x248: 0x9f, 0x249: 0x9f, 0x24a: 0x9f, 0x24b: 0x9f, 0x24c: 0x9f, 0x24d: 0x9f, 0x24e: 0x9f, 0x24f: 0x9f, + 0x250: 0x9f, 0x251: 0x9f, 0x252: 0x9f, 0x253: 0x9f, 0x254: 0x9f, 0x255: 0x9f, 0x256: 0x9f, 0x257: 0x9f, + 0x258: 0x9f, 0x259: 0x9f, 0x25a: 0x9f, 0x25b: 0x9f, 0x25c: 0x9f, 0x25d: 0x9f, 0x25e: 0x9f, 0x25f: 0x9f, + 0x260: 0x9f, 0x261: 0x9f, 0x262: 0x9f, 0x263: 0x9f, 0x264: 0x9f, 0x265: 0x9f, 0x266: 0x9f, 0x267: 0x9f, + 0x268: 0x9f, 0x269: 0x9f, 0x26a: 0x9f, 0x26b: 0x9f, 0x26c: 0x9f, 0x26d: 0x9f, 0x26e: 0x9f, 0x26f: 0x9f, + 0x270: 0x9f, 0x271: 0x9f, 0x272: 0x9f, 0x273: 0x9f, 0x274: 0x9f, 0x275: 0x9f, 0x276: 0x9f, 0x277: 0x9f, + 0x278: 0x9f, 0x279: 0x9f, 0x27a: 0x9f, 0x27b: 0x9f, 0x27c: 0x9f, 0x27d: 0x9f, 0x27e: 0x9f, 0x27f: 0x9f, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x9f, 0x281: 0x9f, 0x282: 0x9f, 0x283: 0x9f, 0x284: 0x9f, 0x285: 0x9f, 0x286: 0x9f, 0x287: 0x9f, + 0x288: 0x9f, 0x289: 0x9f, 0x28a: 0x9f, 0x28b: 0x9f, 0x28c: 0x9f, 0x28d: 0x9f, 0x28e: 0x9f, 0x28f: 0x9f, + 0x290: 0x9f, 0x291: 0x9f, 0x292: 0x9f, 0x293: 0x9f, 0x294: 0x9f, 0x295: 0x9f, 0x296: 0x9f, 0x297: 0x9f, + 0x298: 0x9f, 0x299: 0x9f, 0x29a: 0x9f, 0x29b: 0x9f, 0x29c: 0x9f, 0x29d: 0x9f, 0x29e: 0x9f, 0x29f: 0x9f, + 0x2a0: 0x9f, 0x2a1: 0x9f, 0x2a2: 0x9f, 0x2a3: 0x9f, 0x2a4: 0x9f, 0x2a5: 0x9f, 0x2a6: 0x9f, 0x2a7: 0x9f, + 0x2a8: 0x9f, 0x2a9: 0x9f, 0x2aa: 0x9f, 0x2ab: 0x9f, 0x2ac: 0x9f, 0x2ad: 0x9f, 0x2ae: 0x9f, 0x2af: 0x9f, + 0x2b0: 0x9f, 0x2b1: 0x9f, 0x2b2: 0x9f, 0x2b3: 0x9f, 0x2b4: 0x9f, 0x2b5: 0x9f, 0x2b6: 0x9f, 0x2b7: 0x9f, + 0x2b8: 0x9f, 0x2b9: 0x9f, 0x2ba: 0x9f, 0x2bb: 0x9f, 0x2bc: 0x9f, 0x2bd: 0x9f, 0x2be: 0x9f, 0x2bf: 0xe3, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x9f, 0x2c1: 0x9f, 0x2c2: 0x9f, 0x2c3: 0x9f, 0x2c4: 0x9f, 0x2c5: 0x9f, 0x2c6: 0x9f, 0x2c7: 0x9f, + 0x2c8: 0x9f, 0x2c9: 0x9f, 0x2ca: 0x9f, 0x2cb: 0x9f, 0x2cc: 0x9f, 0x2cd: 0x9f, 0x2ce: 0x9f, 0x2cf: 0x9f, + 0x2d0: 0x9f, 0x2d1: 0x9f, 0x2d2: 0xe4, 0x2d3: 0xe5, 0x2d4: 0x9f, 0x2d5: 0x9f, 0x2d6: 0x9f, 0x2d7: 0x9f, + 0x2d8: 0xe6, 0x2d9: 0x42, 0x2da: 0x43, 0x2db: 0xe7, 0x2dc: 0x44, 0x2dd: 0x45, 0x2de: 0x46, 0x2df: 0xe8, + 0x2e0: 0xe9, 0x2e1: 0xea, 0x2e2: 0xeb, 0x2e3: 0xec, 0x2e4: 0xed, 0x2e5: 0xee, 0x2e6: 0xef, 0x2e7: 0xf0, + 0x2e8: 0xf1, 0x2e9: 0xf2, 0x2ea: 0xf3, 0x2eb: 0xf4, 0x2ec: 0xf5, 0x2ed: 0xf6, 0x2ee: 0xf7, 0x2ef: 0xf8, + 0x2f0: 0x9f, 0x2f1: 0x9f, 0x2f2: 0x9f, 0x2f3: 0x9f, 0x2f4: 0x9f, 0x2f5: 0x9f, 0x2f6: 0x9f, 0x2f7: 0x9f, + 0x2f8: 0x9f, 0x2f9: 0x9f, 0x2fa: 0x9f, 0x2fb: 0x9f, 0x2fc: 0x9f, 0x2fd: 0x9f, 0x2fe: 0x9f, 0x2ff: 0x9f, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x9f, 0x301: 0x9f, 0x302: 0x9f, 0x303: 0x9f, 0x304: 0x9f, 0x305: 0x9f, 0x306: 0x9f, 0x307: 0x9f, + 0x308: 0x9f, 0x309: 0x9f, 0x30a: 0x9f, 0x30b: 0x9f, 0x30c: 0x9f, 0x30d: 0x9f, 0x30e: 0x9f, 0x30f: 0x9f, + 0x310: 0x9f, 0x311: 0x9f, 0x312: 0x9f, 0x313: 0x9f, 0x314: 0x9f, 0x315: 0x9f, 0x316: 0x9f, 0x317: 0x9f, + 0x318: 0x9f, 0x319: 0x9f, 0x31a: 0x9f, 0x31b: 0x9f, 0x31c: 0x9f, 0x31d: 0x9f, 0x31e: 0xf9, 0x31f: 0xfa, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0xba, 0x341: 0xba, 0x342: 0xba, 0x343: 0xba, 0x344: 0xba, 0x345: 0xba, 0x346: 0xba, 0x347: 0xba, + 0x348: 0xba, 0x349: 0xba, 0x34a: 0xba, 0x34b: 0xba, 0x34c: 0xba, 0x34d: 0xba, 0x34e: 0xba, 0x34f: 0xba, + 0x350: 0xba, 0x351: 0xba, 0x352: 0xba, 0x353: 0xba, 0x354: 0xba, 0x355: 0xba, 0x356: 0xba, 0x357: 0xba, + 0x358: 0xba, 0x359: 0xba, 0x35a: 0xba, 0x35b: 0xba, 0x35c: 0xba, 0x35d: 0xba, 0x35e: 0xba, 0x35f: 0xba, + 0x360: 0xba, 0x361: 0xba, 0x362: 0xba, 0x363: 0xba, 0x364: 0xba, 0x365: 0xba, 0x366: 0xba, 0x367: 0xba, + 0x368: 0xba, 0x369: 0xba, 0x36a: 0xba, 0x36b: 0xba, 0x36c: 0xba, 0x36d: 0xba, 0x36e: 0xba, 0x36f: 0xba, + 0x370: 0xba, 0x371: 0xba, 0x372: 0xba, 0x373: 0xba, 0x374: 0xba, 0x375: 0xba, 0x376: 0xba, 0x377: 0xba, + 0x378: 0xba, 0x379: 0xba, 0x37a: 0xba, 0x37b: 0xba, 0x37c: 0xba, 0x37d: 0xba, 0x37e: 0xba, 0x37f: 0xba, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0xba, 0x381: 0xba, 0x382: 0xba, 0x383: 0xba, 0x384: 0xba, 0x385: 0xba, 0x386: 0xba, 0x387: 0xba, + 0x388: 0xba, 0x389: 0xba, 0x38a: 0xba, 0x38b: 0xba, 0x38c: 0xba, 0x38d: 0xba, 0x38e: 0xba, 0x38f: 0xba, + 0x390: 0xba, 0x391: 0xba, 0x392: 0xba, 0x393: 0xba, 0x394: 0xba, 0x395: 0xba, 0x396: 0xba, 0x397: 0xba, + 0x398: 0xba, 0x399: 0xba, 0x39a: 0xba, 0x39b: 0xba, 0x39c: 0xba, 0x39d: 0xba, 0x39e: 0xba, 0x39f: 0xba, + 0x3a0: 0xba, 0x3a1: 0xba, 0x3a2: 0xba, 0x3a3: 0xba, 0x3a4: 0xfb, 0x3a5: 0xfc, 0x3a6: 0xfd, 0x3a7: 0xfe, + 0x3a8: 0x47, 0x3a9: 0xff, 0x3aa: 0x100, 0x3ab: 0x48, 0x3ac: 0x49, 0x3ad: 0x4a, 0x3ae: 0x4b, 0x3af: 0x4c, + 0x3b0: 0x101, 0x3b1: 0x4d, 0x3b2: 0x4e, 0x3b3: 0x4f, 0x3b4: 0x50, 0x3b5: 0x51, 0x3b6: 0x102, 0x3b7: 0x52, + 0x3b8: 0x53, 0x3b9: 0x54, 0x3ba: 0x55, 0x3bb: 0x56, 0x3bc: 0x57, 0x3bd: 0x58, 0x3be: 0x59, 0x3bf: 0x5a, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x103, 0x3c1: 0x104, 0x3c2: 0x9f, 0x3c3: 0x105, 0x3c4: 0x106, 0x3c5: 0x9b, 0x3c6: 0x107, 0x3c7: 0x108, + 0x3c8: 0xba, 0x3c9: 0xba, 0x3ca: 0x109, 0x3cb: 0x10a, 0x3cc: 0x10b, 0x3cd: 0x10c, 0x3ce: 0x10d, 0x3cf: 0x10e, + 0x3d0: 0x10f, 0x3d1: 0x9f, 0x3d2: 0x110, 0x3d3: 0x111, 0x3d4: 0x112, 0x3d5: 0x113, 0x3d6: 0xba, 0x3d7: 0xba, + 0x3d8: 0x9f, 0x3d9: 0x9f, 0x3da: 0x9f, 0x3db: 0x9f, 0x3dc: 0x114, 0x3dd: 0x115, 0x3de: 0xba, 0x3df: 0xba, + 0x3e0: 0x116, 0x3e1: 0x117, 0x3e2: 0x118, 0x3e3: 0x119, 0x3e4: 0x11a, 0x3e5: 0xba, 0x3e6: 0x11b, 0x3e7: 0x11c, + 0x3e8: 0x11d, 0x3e9: 0x11e, 0x3ea: 0x11f, 0x3eb: 0x5b, 0x3ec: 0x120, 0x3ed: 0x121, 0x3ee: 0x5c, 0x3ef: 0xba, + 0x3f0: 0x122, 0x3f1: 0x123, 0x3f2: 0x124, 0x3f3: 0x125, 0x3f4: 0x126, 0x3f5: 0xba, 0x3f6: 0xba, 0x3f7: 0xba, + 0x3f8: 0xba, 0x3f9: 0x127, 0x3fa: 0xba, 0x3fb: 0xba, 0x3fc: 0x128, 0x3fd: 0x129, 0x3fe: 0xba, 0x3ff: 0xba, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x12a, 0x401: 0x12b, 0x402: 0x12c, 0x403: 0x12d, 0x404: 0x12e, 0x405: 0x12f, 0x406: 0x130, 0x407: 0x131, + 0x408: 0x132, 0x409: 0xba, 0x40a: 0x133, 0x40b: 0x134, 0x40c: 0x5d, 0x40d: 0x5e, 0x40e: 0xba, 0x40f: 0xba, + 0x410: 0x135, 0x411: 0x136, 0x412: 0x137, 0x413: 0x138, 0x414: 0xba, 0x415: 0xba, 0x416: 0x139, 0x417: 0x13a, + 0x418: 0x13b, 0x419: 0x13c, 0x41a: 0x13d, 0x41b: 0x13e, 0x41c: 0x13f, 0x41d: 0xba, 0x41e: 0xba, 0x41f: 0xba, + 0x420: 0x140, 0x421: 0xba, 0x422: 0x141, 0x423: 0x142, 0x424: 0xba, 0x425: 0xba, 0x426: 0xba, 0x427: 0xba, + 0x428: 0x143, 0x429: 0x144, 0x42a: 0x145, 0x42b: 0x146, 0x42c: 0xba, 0x42d: 0xba, 0x42e: 0xba, 0x42f: 0xba, + 0x430: 0x147, 0x431: 0x148, 0x432: 0x149, 0x433: 0xba, 0x434: 0x14a, 0x435: 0x14b, 0x436: 0x14c, 0x437: 0xba, + 0x438: 0xba, 0x439: 0xba, 0x43a: 0xba, 0x43b: 0x14d, 0x43c: 0xba, 0x43d: 0xba, 0x43e: 0xba, 0x43f: 0xba, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x9f, 0x441: 0x9f, 0x442: 0x9f, 0x443: 0x9f, 0x444: 0x9f, 0x445: 0x9f, 0x446: 0x9f, 0x447: 0x9f, + 0x448: 0x9f, 0x449: 0x9f, 0x44a: 0x9f, 0x44b: 0x9f, 0x44c: 0x9f, 0x44d: 0x9f, 0x44e: 0x14e, 0x44f: 0xba, + 0x450: 0x9b, 0x451: 0x14f, 0x452: 0x9f, 0x453: 0x9f, 0x454: 0x9f, 0x455: 0x150, 0x456: 0xba, 0x457: 0xba, + 0x458: 0xba, 0x459: 0xba, 0x45a: 0xba, 0x45b: 0xba, 0x45c: 0xba, 0x45d: 0xba, 0x45e: 0xba, 0x45f: 0xba, + 0x460: 0xba, 0x461: 0xba, 0x462: 0xba, 0x463: 0xba, 0x464: 0xba, 0x465: 0xba, 0x466: 0xba, 0x467: 0xba, + 0x468: 0xba, 0x469: 0xba, 0x46a: 0xba, 0x46b: 0xba, 0x46c: 0xba, 0x46d: 0xba, 0x46e: 0xba, 0x46f: 0xba, + 0x470: 0xba, 0x471: 0xba, 0x472: 0xba, 0x473: 0xba, 0x474: 0xba, 0x475: 0xba, 0x476: 0xba, 0x477: 0xba, + 0x478: 0xba, 0x479: 0xba, 0x47a: 0xba, 0x47b: 0xba, 0x47c: 0xba, 0x47d: 0xba, 0x47e: 0xba, 0x47f: 0xba, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x9f, 0x481: 0x9f, 0x482: 0x9f, 0x483: 0x9f, 0x484: 0x9f, 0x485: 0x9f, 0x486: 0x9f, 0x487: 0x9f, + 0x488: 0x9f, 0x489: 0x9f, 0x48a: 0x9f, 0x48b: 0x9f, 0x48c: 0x9f, 0x48d: 0x9f, 0x48e: 0x9f, 0x48f: 0x9f, + 0x490: 0x151, 0x491: 0xba, 0x492: 0xba, 0x493: 0xba, 0x494: 0xba, 0x495: 0xba, 0x496: 0xba, 0x497: 0xba, + 0x498: 0xba, 0x499: 0xba, 0x49a: 0xba, 0x49b: 0xba, 0x49c: 0xba, 0x49d: 0xba, 0x49e: 0xba, 0x49f: 0xba, + 0x4a0: 0xba, 0x4a1: 0xba, 0x4a2: 0xba, 0x4a3: 0xba, 0x4a4: 0xba, 0x4a5: 0xba, 0x4a6: 0xba, 0x4a7: 0xba, + 0x4a8: 0xba, 0x4a9: 0xba, 0x4aa: 0xba, 0x4ab: 0xba, 0x4ac: 0xba, 0x4ad: 0xba, 0x4ae: 0xba, 0x4af: 0xba, + 0x4b0: 0xba, 0x4b1: 0xba, 0x4b2: 0xba, 0x4b3: 0xba, 0x4b4: 0xba, 0x4b5: 0xba, 0x4b6: 0xba, 0x4b7: 0xba, + 0x4b8: 0xba, 0x4b9: 0xba, 0x4ba: 0xba, 0x4bb: 0xba, 0x4bc: 0xba, 0x4bd: 0xba, 0x4be: 0xba, 0x4bf: 0xba, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0xba, 0x4c1: 0xba, 0x4c2: 0xba, 0x4c3: 0xba, 0x4c4: 0xba, 0x4c5: 0xba, 0x4c6: 0xba, 0x4c7: 0xba, + 0x4c8: 0xba, 0x4c9: 0xba, 0x4ca: 0xba, 0x4cb: 0xba, 0x4cc: 0xba, 0x4cd: 0xba, 0x4ce: 0xba, 0x4cf: 0xba, + 0x4d0: 0x9f, 0x4d1: 0x9f, 0x4d2: 0x9f, 0x4d3: 0x9f, 0x4d4: 0x9f, 0x4d5: 0x9f, 0x4d6: 0x9f, 0x4d7: 0x9f, + 0x4d8: 0x9f, 0x4d9: 0x152, 0x4da: 0xba, 0x4db: 0xba, 0x4dc: 0xba, 0x4dd: 0xba, 0x4de: 0xba, 0x4df: 0xba, + 0x4e0: 0xba, 0x4e1: 0xba, 0x4e2: 0xba, 0x4e3: 0xba, 0x4e4: 0xba, 0x4e5: 0xba, 0x4e6: 0xba, 0x4e7: 0xba, + 0x4e8: 0xba, 0x4e9: 0xba, 0x4ea: 0xba, 0x4eb: 0xba, 0x4ec: 0xba, 0x4ed: 0xba, 0x4ee: 0xba, 0x4ef: 0xba, + 0x4f0: 0xba, 0x4f1: 0xba, 0x4f2: 0xba, 0x4f3: 0xba, 0x4f4: 0xba, 0x4f5: 0xba, 0x4f6: 0xba, 0x4f7: 0xba, + 0x4f8: 0xba, 0x4f9: 0xba, 0x4fa: 0xba, 0x4fb: 0xba, 0x4fc: 0xba, 0x4fd: 0xba, 0x4fe: 0xba, 0x4ff: 0xba, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0xba, 0x501: 0xba, 0x502: 0xba, 0x503: 0xba, 0x504: 0xba, 0x505: 0xba, 0x506: 0xba, 0x507: 0xba, + 0x508: 0xba, 0x509: 0xba, 0x50a: 0xba, 0x50b: 0xba, 0x50c: 0xba, 0x50d: 0xba, 0x50e: 0xba, 0x50f: 0xba, + 0x510: 0xba, 0x511: 0xba, 0x512: 0xba, 0x513: 0xba, 0x514: 0xba, 0x515: 0xba, 0x516: 0xba, 0x517: 0xba, + 0x518: 0xba, 0x519: 0xba, 0x51a: 0xba, 0x51b: 0xba, 0x51c: 0xba, 0x51d: 0xba, 0x51e: 0xba, 0x51f: 0xba, + 0x520: 0x9f, 0x521: 0x9f, 0x522: 0x9f, 0x523: 0x9f, 0x524: 0x9f, 0x525: 0x9f, 0x526: 0x9f, 0x527: 0x9f, + 0x528: 0x146, 0x529: 0x153, 0x52a: 0xba, 0x52b: 0x154, 0x52c: 0x155, 0x52d: 0x156, 0x52e: 0x157, 0x52f: 0xba, + 0x530: 0xba, 0x531: 0xba, 0x532: 0xba, 0x533: 0xba, 0x534: 0xba, 0x535: 0xba, 0x536: 0xba, 0x537: 0xba, + 0x538: 0xba, 0x539: 0x158, 0x53a: 0x159, 0x53b: 0xba, 0x53c: 0x9f, 0x53d: 0x15a, 0x53e: 0x15b, 0x53f: 0x15c, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x9f, 0x541: 0x9f, 0x542: 0x9f, 0x543: 0x9f, 0x544: 0x9f, 0x545: 0x9f, 0x546: 0x9f, 0x547: 0x9f, + 0x548: 0x9f, 0x549: 0x9f, 0x54a: 0x9f, 0x54b: 0x9f, 0x54c: 0x9f, 0x54d: 0x9f, 0x54e: 0x9f, 0x54f: 0x9f, + 0x550: 0x9f, 0x551: 0x9f, 0x552: 0x9f, 0x553: 0x9f, 0x554: 0x9f, 0x555: 0x9f, 0x556: 0x9f, 0x557: 0x9f, + 0x558: 0x9f, 0x559: 0x9f, 0x55a: 0x9f, 0x55b: 0x9f, 0x55c: 0x9f, 0x55d: 0x9f, 0x55e: 0x9f, 0x55f: 0x15d, + 0x560: 0x9f, 0x561: 0x9f, 0x562: 0x9f, 0x563: 0x9f, 0x564: 0x9f, 0x565: 0x9f, 0x566: 0x9f, 0x567: 0x9f, + 0x568: 0x9f, 0x569: 0x9f, 0x56a: 0x9f, 0x56b: 0x15e, 0x56c: 0xba, 0x56d: 0xba, 0x56e: 0xba, 0x56f: 0xba, + 0x570: 0xba, 0x571: 0xba, 0x572: 0xba, 0x573: 0xba, 0x574: 0xba, 0x575: 0xba, 0x576: 0xba, 0x577: 0xba, + 0x578: 0xba, 0x579: 0xba, 0x57a: 0xba, 0x57b: 0xba, 0x57c: 0xba, 0x57d: 0xba, 0x57e: 0xba, 0x57f: 0xba, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x9f, 0x581: 0x9f, 0x582: 0x9f, 0x583: 0x9f, 0x584: 0x15f, 0x585: 0x160, 0x586: 0x9f, 0x587: 0x9f, + 0x588: 0x9f, 0x589: 0x9f, 0x58a: 0x9f, 0x58b: 0x161, 0x58c: 0xba, 0x58d: 0xba, 0x58e: 0xba, 0x58f: 0xba, + 0x590: 0xba, 0x591: 0xba, 0x592: 0xba, 0x593: 0xba, 0x594: 0xba, 0x595: 0xba, 0x596: 0xba, 0x597: 0xba, + 0x598: 0xba, 0x599: 0xba, 0x59a: 0xba, 0x59b: 0xba, 0x59c: 0xba, 0x59d: 0xba, 0x59e: 0xba, 0x59f: 0xba, + 0x5a0: 0xba, 0x5a1: 0xba, 0x5a2: 0xba, 0x5a3: 0xba, 0x5a4: 0xba, 0x5a5: 0xba, 0x5a6: 0xba, 0x5a7: 0xba, + 0x5a8: 0xba, 0x5a9: 0xba, 0x5aa: 0xba, 0x5ab: 0xba, 0x5ac: 0xba, 0x5ad: 0xba, 0x5ae: 0xba, 0x5af: 0xba, + 0x5b0: 0x9f, 0x5b1: 0x162, 0x5b2: 0x163, 0x5b3: 0xba, 0x5b4: 0xba, 0x5b5: 0xba, 0x5b6: 0xba, 0x5b7: 0xba, + 0x5b8: 0xba, 0x5b9: 0xba, 0x5ba: 0xba, 0x5bb: 0xba, 0x5bc: 0xba, 0x5bd: 0xba, 0x5be: 0xba, 0x5bf: 0xba, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x9b, 0x5c1: 0x9b, 0x5c2: 0x9b, 0x5c3: 0x164, 0x5c4: 0x165, 0x5c5: 0x166, 0x5c6: 0x167, 0x5c7: 0x168, + 0x5c8: 0x9b, 0x5c9: 0x169, 0x5ca: 0xba, 0x5cb: 0x16a, 0x5cc: 0x9b, 0x5cd: 0x16b, 0x5ce: 0xba, 0x5cf: 0xba, + 0x5d0: 0x5f, 0x5d1: 0x60, 0x5d2: 0x61, 0x5d3: 0x62, 0x5d4: 0x63, 0x5d5: 0x64, 0x5d6: 0x65, 0x5d7: 0x66, + 0x5d8: 0x67, 0x5d9: 0x68, 0x5da: 0x69, 0x5db: 0x6a, 0x5dc: 0x6b, 0x5dd: 0x6c, 0x5de: 0x6d, 0x5df: 0x6e, + 0x5e0: 0x9b, 0x5e1: 0x9b, 0x5e2: 0x9b, 0x5e3: 0x9b, 0x5e4: 0x9b, 0x5e5: 0x9b, 0x5e6: 0x9b, 0x5e7: 0x9b, + 0x5e8: 0x16c, 0x5e9: 0x16d, 0x5ea: 0x16e, 0x5eb: 0xba, 0x5ec: 0xba, 0x5ed: 0xba, 0x5ee: 0xba, 0x5ef: 0xba, + 0x5f0: 0xba, 0x5f1: 0xba, 0x5f2: 0xba, 0x5f3: 0xba, 0x5f4: 0xba, 0x5f5: 0xba, 0x5f6: 0xba, 0x5f7: 0xba, + 0x5f8: 0xba, 0x5f9: 0xba, 0x5fa: 0xba, 0x5fb: 0xba, 0x5fc: 0xba, 0x5fd: 0xba, 0x5fe: 0xba, 0x5ff: 0xba, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x16f, 0x601: 0xba, 0x602: 0xba, 0x603: 0xba, 0x604: 0xba, 0x605: 0xba, 0x606: 0xba, 0x607: 0xba, + 0x608: 0xba, 0x609: 0xba, 0x60a: 0xba, 0x60b: 0xba, 0x60c: 0xba, 0x60d: 0xba, 0x60e: 0xba, 0x60f: 0xba, + 0x610: 0xba, 0x611: 0xba, 0x612: 0xba, 0x613: 0xba, 0x614: 0xba, 0x615: 0xba, 0x616: 0xba, 0x617: 0xba, + 0x618: 0xba, 0x619: 0xba, 0x61a: 0xba, 0x61b: 0xba, 0x61c: 0xba, 0x61d: 0xba, 0x61e: 0xba, 0x61f: 0xba, + 0x620: 0x122, 0x621: 0x122, 0x622: 0x122, 0x623: 0x170, 0x624: 0x6f, 0x625: 0x171, 0x626: 0xba, 0x627: 0xba, + 0x628: 0xba, 0x629: 0xba, 0x62a: 0xba, 0x62b: 0xba, 0x62c: 0xba, 0x62d: 0xba, 0x62e: 0xba, 0x62f: 0xba, + 0x630: 0xba, 0x631: 0x172, 0x632: 0x173, 0x633: 0xba, 0x634: 0xba, 0x635: 0xba, 0x636: 0xba, 0x637: 0xba, + 0x638: 0x70, 0x639: 0x71, 0x63a: 0x72, 0x63b: 0x174, 0x63c: 0xba, 0x63d: 0xba, 0x63e: 0xba, 0x63f: 0xba, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x175, 0x641: 0x9b, 0x642: 0x176, 0x643: 0x177, 0x644: 0x73, 0x645: 0x74, 0x646: 0x178, 0x647: 0x179, + 0x648: 0x75, 0x649: 0x17a, 0x64a: 0xba, 0x64b: 0xba, 0x64c: 0x9b, 0x64d: 0x9b, 0x64e: 0x9b, 0x64f: 0x9b, + 0x650: 0x9b, 0x651: 0x9b, 0x652: 0x9b, 0x653: 0x9b, 0x654: 0x9b, 0x655: 0x9b, 0x656: 0x9b, 0x657: 0x9b, + 0x658: 0x9b, 0x659: 0x9b, 0x65a: 0x9b, 0x65b: 0x17b, 0x65c: 0x9b, 0x65d: 0x17c, 0x65e: 0x9b, 0x65f: 0x17d, + 0x660: 0x17e, 0x661: 0x17f, 0x662: 0x180, 0x663: 0xba, 0x664: 0x181, 0x665: 0x182, 0x666: 0x183, 0x667: 0x184, + 0x668: 0xba, 0x669: 0x185, 0x66a: 0xba, 0x66b: 0xba, 0x66c: 0xba, 0x66d: 0xba, 0x66e: 0xba, 0x66f: 0xba, + 0x670: 0xba, 0x671: 0xba, 0x672: 0xba, 0x673: 0xba, 0x674: 0xba, 0x675: 0xba, 0x676: 0xba, 0x677: 0xba, + 0x678: 0xba, 0x679: 0xba, 0x67a: 0xba, 0x67b: 0xba, 0x67c: 0xba, 0x67d: 0xba, 0x67e: 0xba, 0x67f: 0xba, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x9f, 0x681: 0x9f, 0x682: 0x9f, 0x683: 0x9f, 0x684: 0x9f, 0x685: 0x9f, 0x686: 0x9f, 0x687: 0x9f, + 0x688: 0x9f, 0x689: 0x9f, 0x68a: 0x9f, 0x68b: 0x9f, 0x68c: 0x9f, 0x68d: 0x9f, 0x68e: 0x9f, 0x68f: 0x9f, + 0x690: 0x9f, 0x691: 0x9f, 0x692: 0x9f, 0x693: 0x9f, 0x694: 0x9f, 0x695: 0x9f, 0x696: 0x9f, 0x697: 0x9f, + 0x698: 0x9f, 0x699: 0x9f, 0x69a: 0x9f, 0x69b: 0x186, 0x69c: 0x9f, 0x69d: 0x9f, 0x69e: 0x9f, 0x69f: 0x9f, + 0x6a0: 0x9f, 0x6a1: 0x9f, 0x6a2: 0x9f, 0x6a3: 0x9f, 0x6a4: 0x9f, 0x6a5: 0x9f, 0x6a6: 0x9f, 0x6a7: 0x9f, + 0x6a8: 0x9f, 0x6a9: 0x9f, 0x6aa: 0x9f, 0x6ab: 0x9f, 0x6ac: 0x9f, 0x6ad: 0x9f, 0x6ae: 0x9f, 0x6af: 0x9f, + 0x6b0: 0x9f, 0x6b1: 0x9f, 0x6b2: 0x9f, 0x6b3: 0x9f, 0x6b4: 0x9f, 0x6b5: 0x9f, 0x6b6: 0x9f, 0x6b7: 0x9f, + 0x6b8: 0x9f, 0x6b9: 0x9f, 0x6ba: 0x9f, 0x6bb: 0x9f, 0x6bc: 0x9f, 0x6bd: 0x9f, 0x6be: 0x9f, 0x6bf: 0x9f, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x9f, 0x6c1: 0x9f, 0x6c2: 0x9f, 0x6c3: 0x9f, 0x6c4: 0x9f, 0x6c5: 0x9f, 0x6c6: 0x9f, 0x6c7: 0x9f, + 0x6c8: 0x9f, 0x6c9: 0x9f, 0x6ca: 0x9f, 0x6cb: 0x9f, 0x6cc: 0x9f, 0x6cd: 0x9f, 0x6ce: 0x9f, 0x6cf: 0x9f, + 0x6d0: 0x9f, 0x6d1: 0x9f, 0x6d2: 0x9f, 0x6d3: 0x9f, 0x6d4: 0x9f, 0x6d5: 0x9f, 0x6d6: 0x9f, 0x6d7: 0x9f, + 0x6d8: 0x9f, 0x6d9: 0x9f, 0x6da: 0x9f, 0x6db: 0x9f, 0x6dc: 0x187, 0x6dd: 0x9f, 0x6de: 0x9f, 0x6df: 0x9f, + 0x6e0: 0x188, 0x6e1: 0x9f, 0x6e2: 0x9f, 0x6e3: 0x9f, 0x6e4: 0x9f, 0x6e5: 0x9f, 0x6e6: 0x9f, 0x6e7: 0x9f, + 0x6e8: 0x9f, 0x6e9: 0x9f, 0x6ea: 0x9f, 0x6eb: 0x9f, 0x6ec: 0x9f, 0x6ed: 0x9f, 0x6ee: 0x9f, 0x6ef: 0x9f, + 0x6f0: 0x9f, 0x6f1: 0x9f, 0x6f2: 0x9f, 0x6f3: 0x9f, 0x6f4: 0x9f, 0x6f5: 0x9f, 0x6f6: 0x9f, 0x6f7: 0x9f, + 0x6f8: 0x9f, 0x6f9: 0x9f, 0x6fa: 0x9f, 0x6fb: 0x9f, 0x6fc: 0x9f, 0x6fd: 0x9f, 0x6fe: 0x9f, 0x6ff: 0x9f, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x9f, 0x701: 0x9f, 0x702: 0x9f, 0x703: 0x9f, 0x704: 0x9f, 0x705: 0x9f, 0x706: 0x9f, 0x707: 0x9f, + 0x708: 0x9f, 0x709: 0x9f, 0x70a: 0x9f, 0x70b: 0x9f, 0x70c: 0x9f, 0x70d: 0x9f, 0x70e: 0x9f, 0x70f: 0x9f, + 0x710: 0x9f, 0x711: 0x9f, 0x712: 0x9f, 0x713: 0x9f, 0x714: 0x9f, 0x715: 0x9f, 0x716: 0x9f, 0x717: 0x9f, + 0x718: 0x9f, 0x719: 0x9f, 0x71a: 0x9f, 0x71b: 0x9f, 0x71c: 0x9f, 0x71d: 0x9f, 0x71e: 0x9f, 0x71f: 0x9f, + 0x720: 0x9f, 0x721: 0x9f, 0x722: 0x9f, 0x723: 0x9f, 0x724: 0x9f, 0x725: 0x9f, 0x726: 0x9f, 0x727: 0x9f, + 0x728: 0x9f, 0x729: 0x9f, 0x72a: 0x9f, 0x72b: 0x9f, 0x72c: 0x9f, 0x72d: 0x9f, 0x72e: 0x9f, 0x72f: 0x9f, + 0x730: 0x9f, 0x731: 0x9f, 0x732: 0x9f, 0x733: 0x9f, 0x734: 0x9f, 0x735: 0x9f, 0x736: 0x9f, 0x737: 0x9f, + 0x738: 0x9f, 0x739: 0x9f, 0x73a: 0x189, 0x73b: 0x9f, 0x73c: 0x9f, 0x73d: 0x9f, 0x73e: 0x9f, 0x73f: 0x9f, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x9f, 0x741: 0x9f, 0x742: 0x9f, 0x743: 0x9f, 0x744: 0x9f, 0x745: 0x9f, 0x746: 0x9f, 0x747: 0x9f, + 0x748: 0x9f, 0x749: 0x9f, 0x74a: 0x9f, 0x74b: 0x9f, 0x74c: 0x9f, 0x74d: 0x9f, 0x74e: 0x9f, 0x74f: 0x9f, + 0x750: 0x9f, 0x751: 0x9f, 0x752: 0x9f, 0x753: 0x9f, 0x754: 0x9f, 0x755: 0x9f, 0x756: 0x9f, 0x757: 0x9f, + 0x758: 0x9f, 0x759: 0x9f, 0x75a: 0x9f, 0x75b: 0x9f, 0x75c: 0x9f, 0x75d: 0x9f, 0x75e: 0x9f, 0x75f: 0x9f, + 0x760: 0x9f, 0x761: 0x9f, 0x762: 0x9f, 0x763: 0x9f, 0x764: 0x9f, 0x765: 0x9f, 0x766: 0x9f, 0x767: 0x9f, + 0x768: 0x9f, 0x769: 0x9f, 0x76a: 0x9f, 0x76b: 0x9f, 0x76c: 0x9f, 0x76d: 0x9f, 0x76e: 0x9f, 0x76f: 0x18a, + 0x770: 0xba, 0x771: 0xba, 0x772: 0xba, 0x773: 0xba, 0x774: 0xba, 0x775: 0xba, 0x776: 0xba, 0x777: 0xba, + 0x778: 0xba, 0x779: 0xba, 0x77a: 0xba, 0x77b: 0xba, 0x77c: 0xba, 0x77d: 0xba, 0x77e: 0xba, 0x77f: 0xba, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x780: 0xba, 0x781: 0xba, 0x782: 0xba, 0x783: 0xba, 0x784: 0xba, 0x785: 0xba, 0x786: 0xba, 0x787: 0xba, + 0x788: 0xba, 0x789: 0xba, 0x78a: 0xba, 0x78b: 0xba, 0x78c: 0xba, 0x78d: 0xba, 0x78e: 0xba, 0x78f: 0xba, + 0x790: 0xba, 0x791: 0xba, 0x792: 0xba, 0x793: 0xba, 0x794: 0xba, 0x795: 0xba, 0x796: 0xba, 0x797: 0xba, + 0x798: 0xba, 0x799: 0xba, 0x79a: 0xba, 0x79b: 0xba, 0x79c: 0xba, 0x79d: 0xba, 0x79e: 0xba, 0x79f: 0xba, + 0x7a0: 0x76, 0x7a1: 0x77, 0x7a2: 0x78, 0x7a3: 0x18b, 0x7a4: 0x79, 0x7a5: 0x7a, 0x7a6: 0x18c, 0x7a7: 0x7b, + 0x7a8: 0x7c, 0x7a9: 0xba, 0x7aa: 0xba, 0x7ab: 0xba, 0x7ac: 0xba, 0x7ad: 0xba, 0x7ae: 0xba, 0x7af: 0xba, + 0x7b0: 0xba, 0x7b1: 0xba, 0x7b2: 0xba, 0x7b3: 0xba, 0x7b4: 0xba, 0x7b5: 0xba, 0x7b6: 0xba, 0x7b7: 0xba, + 0x7b8: 0xba, 0x7b9: 0xba, 0x7ba: 0xba, 0x7bb: 0xba, 0x7bc: 0xba, 0x7bd: 0xba, 0x7be: 0xba, 0x7bf: 0xba, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7d0: 0x0d, 0x7d1: 0x0e, 0x7d2: 0x0f, 0x7d3: 0x10, 0x7d4: 0x11, 0x7d5: 0x0b, 0x7d6: 0x12, 0x7d7: 0x07, + 0x7d8: 0x13, 0x7d9: 0x0b, 0x7da: 0x0b, 0x7db: 0x14, 0x7dc: 0x0b, 0x7dd: 0x15, 0x7de: 0x16, 0x7df: 0x17, + 0x7e0: 0x07, 0x7e1: 0x07, 0x7e2: 0x07, 0x7e3: 0x07, 0x7e4: 0x07, 0x7e5: 0x07, 0x7e6: 0x07, 0x7e7: 0x07, + 0x7e8: 0x07, 0x7e9: 0x07, 0x7ea: 0x18, 0x7eb: 0x19, 0x7ec: 0x1a, 0x7ed: 0x07, 0x7ee: 0x1b, 0x7ef: 0x1c, + 0x7f0: 0x0b, 0x7f1: 0x0b, 0x7f2: 0x0b, 0x7f3: 0x0b, 0x7f4: 0x0b, 0x7f5: 0x0b, 0x7f6: 0x0b, 0x7f7: 0x0b, + 0x7f8: 0x0b, 0x7f9: 0x0b, 0x7fa: 0x0b, 0x7fb: 0x0b, 0x7fc: 0x0b, 0x7fd: 0x0b, 0x7fe: 0x0b, 0x7ff: 0x0b, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x0b, 0x801: 0x0b, 0x802: 0x0b, 0x803: 0x0b, 0x804: 0x0b, 0x805: 0x0b, 0x806: 0x0b, 0x807: 0x0b, + 0x808: 0x0b, 0x809: 0x0b, 0x80a: 0x0b, 0x80b: 0x0b, 0x80c: 0x0b, 0x80d: 0x0b, 0x80e: 0x0b, 0x80f: 0x0b, + 0x810: 0x0b, 0x811: 0x0b, 0x812: 0x0b, 0x813: 0x0b, 0x814: 0x0b, 0x815: 0x0b, 0x816: 0x0b, 0x817: 0x0b, + 0x818: 0x0b, 0x819: 0x0b, 0x81a: 0x0b, 0x81b: 0x0b, 0x81c: 0x0b, 0x81d: 0x0b, 0x81e: 0x0b, 0x81f: 0x0b, + 0x820: 0x0b, 0x821: 0x0b, 0x822: 0x0b, 0x823: 0x0b, 0x824: 0x0b, 0x825: 0x0b, 0x826: 0x0b, 0x827: 0x0b, + 0x828: 0x0b, 0x829: 0x0b, 0x82a: 0x0b, 0x82b: 0x0b, 0x82c: 0x0b, 0x82d: 0x0b, 0x82e: 0x0b, 0x82f: 0x0b, + 0x830: 0x0b, 0x831: 0x0b, 0x832: 0x0b, 0x833: 0x0b, 0x834: 0x0b, 0x835: 0x0b, 0x836: 0x0b, 0x837: 0x0b, + 0x838: 0x0b, 0x839: 0x0b, 0x83a: 0x0b, 0x83b: 0x0b, 0x83c: 0x0b, 0x83d: 0x0b, 0x83e: 0x0b, 0x83f: 0x0b, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x18d, 0x841: 0x18e, 0x842: 0xba, 0x843: 0xba, 0x844: 0x18f, 0x845: 0x18f, 0x846: 0x18f, 0x847: 0x190, + 0x848: 0xba, 0x849: 0xba, 0x84a: 0xba, 0x84b: 0xba, 0x84c: 0xba, 0x84d: 0xba, 0x84e: 0xba, 0x84f: 0xba, + 0x850: 0xba, 0x851: 0xba, 0x852: 0xba, 0x853: 0xba, 0x854: 0xba, 0x855: 0xba, 0x856: 0xba, 0x857: 0xba, + 0x858: 0xba, 0x859: 0xba, 0x85a: 0xba, 0x85b: 0xba, 0x85c: 0xba, 0x85d: 0xba, 0x85e: 0xba, 0x85f: 0xba, + 0x860: 0xba, 0x861: 0xba, 0x862: 0xba, 0x863: 0xba, 0x864: 0xba, 0x865: 0xba, 0x866: 0xba, 0x867: 0xba, + 0x868: 0xba, 0x869: 0xba, 0x86a: 0xba, 0x86b: 0xba, 0x86c: 0xba, 0x86d: 0xba, 0x86e: 0xba, 0x86f: 0xba, + 0x870: 0xba, 0x871: 0xba, 0x872: 0xba, 0x873: 0xba, 0x874: 0xba, 0x875: 0xba, 0x876: 0xba, 0x877: 0xba, + 0x878: 0xba, 0x879: 0xba, 0x87a: 0xba, 0x87b: 0xba, 0x87c: 0xba, 0x87d: 0xba, 0x87e: 0xba, 0x87f: 0xba, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x0b, 0x881: 0x0b, 0x882: 0x0b, 0x883: 0x0b, 0x884: 0x0b, 0x885: 0x0b, 0x886: 0x0b, 0x887: 0x0b, + 0x888: 0x0b, 0x889: 0x0b, 0x88a: 0x0b, 0x88b: 0x0b, 0x88c: 0x0b, 0x88d: 0x0b, 0x88e: 0x0b, 0x88f: 0x0b, + 0x890: 0x0b, 0x891: 0x0b, 0x892: 0x0b, 0x893: 0x0b, 0x894: 0x0b, 0x895: 0x0b, 0x896: 0x0b, 0x897: 0x0b, + 0x898: 0x0b, 0x899: 0x0b, 0x89a: 0x0b, 0x89b: 0x0b, 0x89c: 0x0b, 0x89d: 0x0b, 0x89e: 0x0b, 0x89f: 0x0b, + 0x8a0: 0x1f, 0x8a1: 0x0b, 0x8a2: 0x0b, 0x8a3: 0x0b, 0x8a4: 0x0b, 0x8a5: 0x0b, 0x8a6: 0x0b, 0x8a7: 0x0b, + 0x8a8: 0x0b, 0x8a9: 0x0b, 0x8aa: 0x0b, 0x8ab: 0x0b, 0x8ac: 0x0b, 0x8ad: 0x0b, 0x8ae: 0x0b, 0x8af: 0x0b, + 0x8b0: 0x0b, 0x8b1: 0x0b, 0x8b2: 0x0b, 0x8b3: 0x0b, 0x8b4: 0x0b, 0x8b5: 0x0b, 0x8b6: 0x0b, 0x8b7: 0x0b, + 0x8b8: 0x0b, 0x8b9: 0x0b, 0x8ba: 0x0b, 0x8bb: 0x0b, 0x8bc: 0x0b, 0x8bd: 0x0b, 0x8be: 0x0b, 0x8bf: 0x0b, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x0b, 0x8c1: 0x0b, 0x8c2: 0x0b, 0x8c3: 0x0b, 0x8c4: 0x0b, 0x8c5: 0x0b, 0x8c6: 0x0b, 0x8c7: 0x0b, + 0x8c8: 0x0b, 0x8c9: 0x0b, 0x8ca: 0x0b, 0x8cb: 0x0b, 0x8cc: 0x0b, 0x8cd: 0x0b, 0x8ce: 0x0b, 0x8cf: 0x0b, +} + +// idnaSparseOffset: 276 entries, 552 bytes +var idnaSparseOffset = []uint16{0x0, 0x8, 0x19, 0x25, 0x27, 0x2c, 0x33, 0x3e, 0x4a, 0x4e, 0x5d, 0x62, 0x6c, 0x78, 0x86, 0x8b, 0x94, 0xa4, 0xb2, 0xbe, 0xca, 0xdb, 0xe5, 0xec, 0xf9, 0x10a, 0x111, 0x11c, 0x12b, 0x139, 0x143, 0x145, 0x14a, 0x14d, 0x150, 0x152, 0x15e, 0x169, 0x171, 0x177, 0x17d, 0x182, 0x187, 0x18a, 0x18e, 0x194, 0x199, 0x1a5, 0x1af, 0x1b5, 0x1c6, 0x1d0, 0x1d3, 0x1db, 0x1de, 0x1eb, 0x1f3, 0x1f7, 0x1fe, 0x206, 0x216, 0x222, 0x224, 0x22e, 0x23a, 0x246, 0x252, 0x25a, 0x25f, 0x269, 0x27a, 0x27e, 0x289, 0x28d, 0x296, 0x29e, 0x2a4, 0x2a9, 0x2ac, 0x2b0, 0x2b6, 0x2ba, 0x2be, 0x2c2, 0x2c7, 0x2cd, 0x2d5, 0x2dc, 0x2e7, 0x2f1, 0x2f5, 0x2f8, 0x2fe, 0x302, 0x304, 0x307, 0x309, 0x30c, 0x316, 0x319, 0x328, 0x32c, 0x331, 0x334, 0x338, 0x33d, 0x342, 0x348, 0x34e, 0x35d, 0x363, 0x367, 0x376, 0x37b, 0x383, 0x38d, 0x398, 0x3a0, 0x3b1, 0x3ba, 0x3ca, 0x3d7, 0x3e1, 0x3e6, 0x3f3, 0x3f7, 0x3fc, 0x3fe, 0x402, 0x404, 0x408, 0x411, 0x417, 0x41b, 0x42b, 0x435, 0x43a, 0x43d, 0x443, 0x44a, 0x44f, 0x453, 0x459, 0x45e, 0x467, 0x46c, 0x472, 0x479, 0x480, 0x487, 0x48b, 0x490, 0x493, 0x498, 0x4a4, 0x4aa, 0x4af, 0x4b6, 0x4be, 0x4c3, 0x4c7, 0x4d7, 0x4de, 0x4e2, 0x4e6, 0x4ed, 0x4ef, 0x4f2, 0x4f5, 0x4f9, 0x502, 0x506, 0x50e, 0x516, 0x51c, 0x525, 0x531, 0x538, 0x541, 0x54b, 0x552, 0x560, 0x56d, 0x57a, 0x583, 0x587, 0x596, 0x59e, 0x5a9, 0x5b2, 0x5b8, 0x5c0, 0x5c9, 0x5d3, 0x5d6, 0x5e2, 0x5eb, 0x5ee, 0x5f3, 0x5fe, 0x607, 0x613, 0x616, 0x620, 0x629, 0x635, 0x642, 0x64f, 0x65d, 0x664, 0x667, 0x66c, 0x66f, 0x672, 0x675, 0x67c, 0x683, 0x687, 0x692, 0x695, 0x698, 0x69b, 0x6a1, 0x6a6, 0x6aa, 0x6ad, 0x6b0, 0x6b3, 0x6b6, 0x6b9, 0x6be, 0x6c8, 0x6cb, 0x6cf, 0x6de, 0x6ea, 0x6ee, 0x6f3, 0x6f7, 0x6fc, 0x700, 0x705, 0x70e, 0x719, 0x71f, 0x727, 0x72a, 0x72d, 0x731, 0x735, 0x73b, 0x741, 0x746, 0x749, 0x759, 0x760, 0x763, 0x766, 0x76a, 0x770, 0x775, 0x77a, 0x782, 0x787, 0x78b, 0x78f, 0x792, 0x795, 0x799, 0x79d, 0x7a0, 0x7b0, 0x7c1, 0x7c6, 0x7c8, 0x7ca} + +// idnaSparseValues: 1997 entries, 7988 bytes +var idnaSparseValues = [1997]valueRange{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xe105, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xe105, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x001f, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xe01d, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0335, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x034d, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0365, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x19 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0249, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x037d, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0259, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0269, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x034d, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0395, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0xe1bd, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0279, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0289, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3, offset 0x25 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x27 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x03f5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xe105, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x049d, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x2c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xe185, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0545, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x33 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0401, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x3e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x4a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x4e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x5d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x62 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x6c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x78 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x86 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0840, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x8b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x94 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11, offset 0xa4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x12, offset 0xb2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x13, offset 0xbe + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x14, offset 0xca + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x15, offset 0xdb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x08f1, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x16, offset 0xe5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x17, offset 0xec + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0961, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0999, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x18, offset 0xf9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xe03d, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x10a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x111 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x11c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x12b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x139 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x055d, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x055d, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xe105, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x143 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x145 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x2018, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x14a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2018, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x14d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x2018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x150 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x152 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x15e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x169 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x171 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x177 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x28, offset 0x17d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x29, offset 0x182 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0x187 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0x18a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0x18e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0x194 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0x199 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0x1a5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x30, offset 0x1af + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3340, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x31, offset 0x1b5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x32, offset 0x1c6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0218, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x33c0, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x33, offset 0x1d0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x34, offset 0x1d3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x35, offset 0x1db + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x36, offset 0x1de + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x37, offset 0x1eb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x38, offset 0x1f3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x39, offset 0x1f7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0028, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0x1fe + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0x206 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0x216 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0x222 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0x224 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0x22e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x23a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x246 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x252 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x25a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x25f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0e29, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0e41, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0e59, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0e71, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0e89, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0ea1, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0eb9, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x057d, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x269 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x27a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x27e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x289 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x28d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x24c1, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x296 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x24f1, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x2529, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x2579, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x25b1, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x29e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0080, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0080, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x2a4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x09c5, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x09e5, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x2a9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x2ac + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x28c1, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x2b0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0e66, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x292a, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0e86, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x2b6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x2941, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x2ba + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x2be + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x2c2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x2c7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xe185, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x03f5, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0ea5, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x2cd + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x2d5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0xe075, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x2dc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x2e7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x2f1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x2f5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x2f8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0edd, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x2fe + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0efd, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x302 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0f1d, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x304 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x171d, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x18fd, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x307 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x1efd, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x309 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x30c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x29e2, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x2a0a, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x2a31, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x316 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x2a69, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x319 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x2a1d, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x2a3d, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x2a5d, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x2a7d, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x2a5d, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x2a9d, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x2abd, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2add, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x2afd, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x2b1d, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x2afd, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x328 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x32c + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x2aa2, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x305a, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x30a2, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x331 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x334 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x338 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x33d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x342 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x348 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2009, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x6e89, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x34e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x35d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0108, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x363 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x367 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x376 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x37b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x383 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x38d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x398 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x3a0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x3b1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x3ba + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x3ca + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x3d7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x4465, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x447d, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x2971, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0xe06d, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x4495, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x3e1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x44b5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x44d5, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x44f5, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x44d5, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x3e6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x3f3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x3f7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x3fc + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x4515, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x3fe + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x4d15, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x4ad5, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x4fb5, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x402 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x54f5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x404 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x5cf5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x5655, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x5d95, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x408 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x6b55, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6d15, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x6d55, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x6ea1, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x70b5, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x70d5, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x411 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x72d5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x6535, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x7895, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x6f55, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x7975, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x417 + {value: 0x0028, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x7c21, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x7be1, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x7c99, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x41b + {value: 0x0038, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x9db1, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x9e59, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x9e91, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x9ec9, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0xa089, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xa1a1, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0xa281, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x9d41, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x9db1, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0xa789, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xa869, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0xa7f9, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0xa8d9, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x42b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x435 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x43a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x43d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x443 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x44a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x44f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x453 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x459 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x45e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x467 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x46c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x472 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xe145, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe1c5, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xe145, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x8ad5, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x8aed, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x479 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8aed, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x8ad5, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x480 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xe145, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe1c5, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xe145, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x487 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x48b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x490 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x493 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x498 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x4a4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x4aa + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x4af + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x4b6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x4be + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x4c3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x4c7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x4d7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x4de + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x4e2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x4e6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x4ed + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x4ef + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x4f2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x03dd, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x4f5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x4f9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0908, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x502 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x506 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x50e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0a18, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0c18, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x516 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x51c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x525 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x531 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x538 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x541 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x54b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x552 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x560 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x56d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x57a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x583 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x587 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x596 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x59e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x5a9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x5b2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x5b8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x5c0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x5c9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x5d3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x5d6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x5e2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x5eb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x049d, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x5ee + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x5f3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x5fe + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x607 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x613 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x616 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x620 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x629 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x635 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x642 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x64f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x65d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x664 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x667 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x66c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x66f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x672 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x675 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x67c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x683 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x687 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x692 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x695 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x698 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x69b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x6a1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x6a6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x6aa + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x6ad + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x6b0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x6b3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x6b6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x6b9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x6be + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x03c0, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x6c8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x6cb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x6cf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0xb5b9, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0xb601, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb649, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0xb6b1, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0xb719, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0xb781, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0xb7e9, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3018, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3018, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0340, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x6de + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0xb851, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xb899, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0xb8e1, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0xb949, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0xb9b1, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x6ea + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0xba19, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x6ee + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x6f3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x6f7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x6fc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x700 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x705 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x70e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x719 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x71f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x727 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x72a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x72d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x731 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x735 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x73b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x741 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xc1c1, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x746 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x749 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0xc7e9, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xc839, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xc889, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0xc8d9, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0xc929, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0xc979, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0xc9c9, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0xca19, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xca69, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xcab9, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0xcad9, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x759 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x760 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x763 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x766 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x102, offset 0x76a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x103, offset 0x770 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x104, offset 0x775 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x105, offset 0x77a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x106, offset 0x782 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x107, offset 0x787 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x108, offset 0x78b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x109, offset 0x78f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10a, offset 0x792 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10b, offset 0x795 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10c, offset 0x799 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10d, offset 0x79d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10e, offset 0x7a0 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0xdeb9, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x8dfd, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0xdff9, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x8e1d, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0xe239, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x8e3d, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0xe2d9, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x7ed5, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0xe3d9, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8e5d, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0xe439, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x8e7d, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0xe4f9, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x8edd, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xe519, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10f, offset 0x7b0 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x937d, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xf099, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x939d, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0xd9f9, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xf159, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x941d, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xf2b9, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x943d, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0xf439, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x949d, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0xf4b9, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x94bd, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0xf4d9, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x94dd, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0xf519, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x2040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x110, offset 0x7c1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0340, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0340, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x111, offset 0x7c6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0340, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x112, offset 0x7c8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x33c0, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x113, offset 0x7ca + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x33c0, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, +} + +// Total table size 42466 bytes (41KiB); checksum: 355A58A4 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables9.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8b65fa16783 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/net/idna/tables9.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,4486 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build !go1.10 + +package idna + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "9.0.0" + +var mappings string = "" + // Size: 8175 bytes + "\x00\x01 \x03 ̈\x01a\x03 ̄\x012\x013\x03 ́\x03 ̧\x011\x01o\x051⁄4\x051⁄2" + + "\x053⁄4\x03i̇\x03l·\x03ʼn\x01s\x03dž\x03ⱥ\x03ⱦ\x01h\x01j\x01r\x01w\x01y" + + "\x03 ̆\x03 ̇\x03 ̊\x03 ̨\x03 ̃\x03 ̋\x01l\x01x\x04̈́\x03 ι\x01;\x05 ̈́" + + "\x04եւ\x04اٴ\x04وٴ\x04ۇٴ\x04يٴ\x06क़\x06ख़\x06ग़\x06ज़\x06ड़\x06ढ़\x06फ़" + + "\x06य़\x06ড়\x06ঢ়\x06য়\x06ਲ਼\x06ਸ਼\x06ਖ਼\x06ਗ਼\x06ਜ਼\x06ਫ਼\x06ଡ଼\x06ଢ଼" + + "\x06ํา\x06ໍາ\x06ຫນ\x06ຫມ\x06གྷ\x06ཌྷ\x06དྷ\x06བྷ\x06ཛྷ\x06ཀྵ\x06ཱི\x06ཱུ" + + "\x06ྲྀ\x09ྲཱྀ\x06ླྀ\x09ླཱྀ\x06ཱྀ\x06ྒྷ\x06ྜྷ\x06ྡྷ\x06ྦྷ\x06ྫྷ\x06ྐྵ\x02" + + "в\x02д\x02о\x02с\x02т\x02ъ\x02ѣ\x02æ\x01b\x01d\x01e\x02ǝ\x01g\x01i\x01k" + + "\x01m\x01n\x02ȣ\x01p\x01t\x01u\x02ɐ\x02ɑ\x02ə\x02ɛ\x02ɜ\x02ŋ\x02ɔ\x02ɯ" + + "\x01v\x02β\x02γ\x02δ\x02φ\x02χ\x02ρ\x02н\x02ɒ\x01c\x02ɕ\x02ð\x01f\x02ɟ" + + "\x02ɡ\x02ɥ\x02ɨ\x02ɩ\x02ɪ\x02ʝ\x02ɭ\x02ʟ\x02ɱ\x02ɰ\x02ɲ\x02ɳ\x02ɴ\x02ɵ" + + "\x02ɸ\x02ʂ\x02ʃ\x02ƫ\x02ʉ\x02ʊ\x02ʋ\x02ʌ\x01z\x02ʐ\x02ʑ\x02ʒ\x02θ\x02ss" + + "\x02ά\x02έ\x02ή\x02ί\x02ό\x02ύ\x02ώ\x05ἀι\x05ἁι\x05ἂι\x05ἃι\x05ἄι\x05ἅι" + + "\x05ἆι\x05ἇι\x05ἠι\x05ἡι\x05ἢι\x05ἣι\x05ἤι\x05ἥι\x05ἦι\x05ἧι\x05ὠι\x05ὡι" + + "\x05ὢι\x05ὣι\x05ὤι\x05ὥι\x05ὦι\x05ὧι\x05ὰι\x04αι\x04άι\x05ᾶι\x02ι\x05 ̈͂" + + "\x05ὴι\x04ηι\x04ήι\x05ῆι\x05 ̓̀\x05 ̓́\x05 ̓͂\x02ΐ\x05 ̔̀\x05 ̔́\x05 ̔͂" + + "\x02ΰ\x05 ̈̀\x01`\x05ὼι\x04ωι\x04ώι\x05ῶι\x06′′\x09′′′\x06‵‵\x09‵‵‵\x02!" + + "!\x02??\x02?!\x02!?\x0c′′′′\x010\x014\x015\x016\x017\x018\x019\x01+\x01=" + + "\x01(\x01)\x02rs\x02ħ\x02no\x01q\x02sm\x02tm\x02ω\x02å\x02א\x02ב\x02ג" + + "\x02ד\x02π\x051⁄7\x051⁄9\x061⁄10\x051⁄3\x052⁄3\x051⁄5\x052⁄5\x053⁄5\x054" + + "⁄5\x051⁄6\x055⁄6\x051⁄8\x053⁄8\x055⁄8\x057⁄8\x041⁄\x02ii\x02iv\x02vi" + + "\x04viii\x02ix\x02xi\x050⁄3\x06∫∫\x09∫∫∫\x06∮∮\x09∮∮∮\x0210\x0211\x0212" + + "\x0213\x0214\x0215\x0216\x0217\x0218\x0219\x0220\x04(10)\x04(11)\x04(12)" + + "\x04(13)\x04(14)\x04(15)\x04(16)\x04(17)\x04(18)\x04(19)\x04(20)\x0c∫∫∫∫" + + "\x02==\x05⫝̸\x02ɫ\x02ɽ\x02ȿ\x02ɀ\x01.\x04 ゙\x04 ゚\x06より\x06コト\x05(ᄀ)\x05" + + "(ᄂ)\x05(ᄃ)\x05(ᄅ)\x05(ᄆ)\x05(ᄇ)\x05(ᄉ)\x05(ᄋ)\x05(ᄌ)\x05(ᄎ)\x05(ᄏ)\x05(ᄐ" + + ")\x05(ᄑ)\x05(ᄒ)\x05(가)\x05(나)\x05(다)\x05(라)\x05(마)\x05(바)\x05(사)\x05(아)" + + "\x05(자)\x05(차)\x05(카)\x05(타)\x05(파)\x05(하)\x05(주)\x08(오전)\x08(오후)\x05(一)" + + "\x05(二)\x05(三)\x05(四)\x05(五)\x05(六)\x05(七)\x05(八)\x05(九)\x05(十)\x05(月)" + + "\x05(火)\x05(水)\x05(木)\x05(金)\x05(土)\x05(日)\x05(株)\x05(有)\x05(社)\x05(名)" + + "\x05(特)\x05(財)\x05(祝)\x05(労)\x05(代)\x05(呼)\x05(学)\x05(監)\x05(企)\x05(資)" + + "\x05(協)\x05(祭)\x05(休)\x05(自)\x05(至)\x0221\x0222\x0223\x0224\x0225\x0226" + + "\x0227\x0228\x0229\x0230\x0231\x0232\x0233\x0234\x0235\x06참고\x06주의\x0236" + + "\x0237\x0238\x0239\x0240\x0241\x0242\x0243\x0244\x0245\x0246\x0247\x0248" + + "\x0249\x0250\x041月\x042月\x043月\x044月\x045月\x046月\x047月\x048月\x049月\x0510" + + "月\x0511月\x0512月\x02hg\x02ev\x0cアパート\x0cアルファ\x0cアンペア\x09アール\x0cイニング\x09" + + "インチ\x09ウォン\x0fエスクード\x0cエーカー\x09オンス\x09オーム\x09カイリ\x0cカラット\x0cカロリー\x09ガロ" + + "ン\x09ガンマ\x06ギガ\x09ギニー\x0cキュリー\x0cギルダー\x06キロ\x0fキログラム\x12キロメートル\x0fキロワッ" + + "ト\x09グラム\x0fグラムトン\x0fクルゼイロ\x0cクローネ\x09ケース\x09コルナ\x09コーポ\x0cサイクル\x0fサンチ" + + "ーム\x0cシリング\x09センチ\x09セント\x09ダース\x06デシ\x06ドル\x06トン\x06ナノ\x09ノット\x09ハイツ" + + "\x0fパーセント\x09パーツ\x0cバーレル\x0fピアストル\x09ピクル\x06ピコ\x06ビル\x0fファラッド\x0cフィート" + + "\x0fブッシェル\x09フラン\x0fヘクタール\x06ペソ\x09ペニヒ\x09ヘルツ\x09ペンス\x09ページ\x09ベータ\x0cポイ" + + "ント\x09ボルト\x06ホン\x09ポンド\x09ホール\x09ホーン\x0cマイクロ\x09マイル\x09マッハ\x09マルク\x0fマ" + + "ンション\x0cミクロン\x06ミリ\x0fミリバール\x06メガ\x0cメガトン\x0cメートル\x09ヤード\x09ヤール\x09ユアン" + + "\x0cリットル\x06リラ\x09ルピー\x0cルーブル\x06レム\x0fレントゲン\x09ワット\x040点\x041点\x042点" + + "\x043点\x044点\x045点\x046点\x047点\x048点\x049点\x0510点\x0511点\x0512点\x0513点" + + "\x0514点\x0515点\x0516点\x0517点\x0518点\x0519点\x0520点\x0521点\x0522点\x0523点" + + "\x0524点\x02da\x02au\x02ov\x02pc\x02dm\x02iu\x06平成\x06昭和\x06大正\x06明治\x0c株" + + "式会社\x02pa\x02na\x02ma\x02ka\x02kb\x02mb\x02gb\x04kcal\x02pf\x02nf\x02m" + + "g\x02kg\x02hz\x02ml\x02dl\x02kl\x02fm\x02nm\x02mm\x02cm\x02km\x02m2\x02m" + + "3\x05m∕s\x06m∕s2\x07rad∕s\x08rad∕s2\x02ps\x02ns\x02ms\x02pv\x02nv\x02mv" + + "\x02kv\x02pw\x02nw\x02mw\x02kw\x02bq\x02cc\x02cd\x06c∕kg\x02db\x02gy\x02" + + "ha\x02hp\x02in\x02kk\x02kt\x02lm\x02ln\x02lx\x02ph\x02pr\x02sr\x02sv\x02" + + "wb\x05v∕m\x05a∕m\x041日\x042日\x043日\x044日\x045日\x046日\x047日\x048日\x049日" + + "\x0510日\x0511日\x0512日\x0513日\x0514日\x0515日\x0516日\x0517日\x0518日\x0519日" + + "\x0520日\x0521日\x0522日\x0523日\x0524日\x0525日\x0526日\x0527日\x0528日\x0529日" + + "\x0530日\x0531日\x02ь\x02ɦ\x02ɬ\x02ʞ\x02ʇ\x02œ\x04𤋮\x04𢡊\x04𢡄\x04𣏕\x04𥉉" + + "\x04𥳐\x04𧻓\x02ff\x02fi\x02fl\x02st\x04մն\x04մե\x04մի\x04վն\x04մխ\x04יִ" + + "\x04ײַ\x02ע\x02ה\x02כ\x02ל\x02ם\x02ר\x02ת\x04שׁ\x04שׂ\x06שּׁ\x06שּׂ\x04א" + + "ַ\x04אָ\x04אּ\x04בּ\x04גּ\x04דּ\x04הּ\x04וּ\x04זּ\x04טּ\x04יּ\x04ךּ\x04" + + "כּ\x04לּ\x04מּ\x04נּ\x04סּ\x04ףּ\x04פּ\x04צּ\x04קּ\x04רּ\x04שּ\x04תּ" + + "\x04וֹ\x04בֿ\x04כֿ\x04פֿ\x04אל\x02ٱ\x02ٻ\x02پ\x02ڀ\x02ٺ\x02ٿ\x02ٹ\x02ڤ" + + "\x02ڦ\x02ڄ\x02ڃ\x02چ\x02ڇ\x02ڍ\x02ڌ\x02ڎ\x02ڈ\x02ژ\x02ڑ\x02ک\x02گ\x02ڳ" + + "\x02ڱ\x02ں\x02ڻ\x02ۀ\x02ہ\x02ھ\x02ے\x02ۓ\x02ڭ\x02ۇ\x02ۆ\x02ۈ\x02ۋ\x02ۅ" + + "\x02ۉ\x02ې\x02ى\x04ئا\x04ئە\x04ئو\x04ئۇ\x04ئۆ\x04ئۈ\x04ئې\x04ئى\x02ی\x04" + + "ئج\x04ئح\x04ئم\x04ئي\x04بج\x04بح\x04بخ\x04بم\x04بى\x04بي\x04تج\x04تح" + + "\x04تخ\x04تم\x04تى\x04تي\x04ثج\x04ثم\x04ثى\x04ثي\x04جح\x04جم\x04حج\x04حم" + + "\x04خج\x04خح\x04خم\x04سج\x04سح\x04سخ\x04سم\x04صح\x04صم\x04ضج\x04ضح\x04ضخ" + + "\x04ضم\x04طح\x04طم\x04ظم\x04عج\x04عم\x04غج\x04غم\x04فج\x04فح\x04فخ\x04فم" + + "\x04فى\x04في\x04قح\x04قم\x04قى\x04قي\x04كا\x04كج\x04كح\x04كخ\x04كل\x04كم" + + "\x04كى\x04كي\x04لج\x04لح\x04لخ\x04لم\x04لى\x04لي\x04مج\x04مح\x04مخ\x04مم" + + "\x04مى\x04مي\x04نج\x04نح\x04نخ\x04نم\x04نى\x04ني\x04هج\x04هم\x04هى\x04هي" + + "\x04يج\x04يح\x04يخ\x04يم\x04يى\x04يي\x04ذٰ\x04رٰ\x04ىٰ\x05 ٌّ\x05 ٍّ\x05" + + " َّ\x05 ُّ\x05 ِّ\x05 ّٰ\x04ئر\x04ئز\x04ئن\x04بر\x04بز\x04بن\x04تر\x04تز" + + "\x04تن\x04ثر\x04ثز\x04ثن\x04ما\x04نر\x04نز\x04نن\x04ير\x04يز\x04ين\x04ئخ" + + "\x04ئه\x04به\x04ته\x04صخ\x04له\x04نه\x04هٰ\x04يه\x04ثه\x04سه\x04شم\x04شه" + + "\x06ـَّ\x06ـُّ\x06ـِّ\x04طى\x04طي\x04عى\x04عي\x04غى\x04غي\x04سى\x04سي" + + "\x04شى\x04شي\x04حى\x04حي\x04جى\x04جي\x04خى\x04خي\x04صى\x04صي\x04ضى\x04ضي" + + "\x04شج\x04شح\x04شخ\x04شر\x04سر\x04صر\x04ضر\x04اً\x06تجم\x06تحج\x06تحم" + + "\x06تخم\x06تمج\x06تمح\x06تمخ\x06جمح\x06حمي\x06حمى\x06سحج\x06سجح\x06سجى" + + "\x06سمح\x06سمج\x06سمم\x06صحح\x06صمم\x06شحم\x06شجي\x06شمخ\x06شمم\x06ضحى" + + "\x06ضخم\x06طمح\x06طمم\x06طمي\x06عجم\x06عمم\x06عمى\x06غمم\x06غمي\x06غمى" + + "\x06فخم\x06قمح\x06قمم\x06لحم\x06لحي\x06لحى\x06لجج\x06لخم\x06لمح\x06محج" + + "\x06محم\x06محي\x06مجح\x06مجم\x06مخج\x06مخم\x06مجخ\x06همج\x06همم\x06نحم" + + "\x06نحى\x06نجم\x06نجى\x06نمي\x06نمى\x06يمم\x06بخي\x06تجي\x06تجى\x06تخي" + + "\x06تخى\x06تمي\x06تمى\x06جمي\x06جحى\x06جمى\x06سخى\x06صحي\x06شحي\x06ضحي" + + "\x06لجي\x06لمي\x06يحي\x06يجي\x06يمي\x06ممي\x06قمي\x06نحي\x06عمي\x06كمي" + + "\x06نجح\x06مخي\x06لجم\x06كمم\x06جحي\x06حجي\x06مجي\x06فمي\x06بحي\x06سخي" + + "\x06نجي\x06صلے\x06قلے\x08الله\x08اكبر\x08محمد\x08صلعم\x08رسول\x08عليه" + + "\x08وسلم\x06صلى!صلى الله عليه وسلم\x0fجل جلاله\x08ریال\x01,\x01:\x01!" + + "\x01?\x01_\x01{\x01}\x01[\x01]\x01#\x01&\x01*\x01-\x01<\x01>\x01\\\x01$" + + "\x01%\x01@\x04ـً\x04ـَ\x04ـُ\x04ـِ\x04ـّ\x04ـْ\x02ء\x02آ\x02أ\x02ؤ\x02إ" + + "\x02ئ\x02ا\x02ب\x02ة\x02ت\x02ث\x02ج\x02ح\x02خ\x02د\x02ذ\x02ر\x02ز\x02س" + + "\x02ش\x02ص\x02ض\x02ط\x02ظ\x02ع\x02غ\x02ف\x02ق\x02ك\x02ل\x02م\x02ن\x02ه" + + "\x02و\x02ي\x04لآ\x04لأ\x04لإ\x04لا\x01\x22\x01'\x01/\x01^\x01|\x01~\x02¢" + + "\x02£\x02¬\x02¦\x02¥\x08𝅗𝅥\x08𝅘𝅥\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅮\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅯\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅰\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅱\x0c𝅘𝅥𝅲\x08𝆹" + + "𝅥\x08𝆺𝅥\x0c𝆹𝅥𝅮\x0c𝆺𝅥𝅮\x0c𝆹𝅥𝅯\x0c𝆺𝅥𝅯\x02ı\x02ȷ\x02α\x02ε\x02ζ\x02η\x02" + + "κ\x02λ\x02μ\x02ν\x02ξ\x02ο\x02σ\x02τ\x02υ\x02ψ\x03∇\x03∂\x02ϝ\x02ٮ\x02ڡ" + + "\x02ٯ\x020,\x021,\x022,\x023,\x024,\x025,\x026,\x027,\x028,\x029,\x03(a)" + + "\x03(b)\x03(c)\x03(d)\x03(e)\x03(f)\x03(g)\x03(h)\x03(i)\x03(j)\x03(k)" + + "\x03(l)\x03(m)\x03(n)\x03(o)\x03(p)\x03(q)\x03(r)\x03(s)\x03(t)\x03(u)" + + "\x03(v)\x03(w)\x03(x)\x03(y)\x03(z)\x07〔s〕\x02wz\x02hv\x02sd\x03ppv\x02w" + + "c\x02mc\x02md\x02dj\x06ほか\x06ココ\x03サ\x03手\x03字\x03双\x03デ\x03二\x03多\x03解" + + "\x03天\x03交\x03映\x03無\x03料\x03前\x03後\x03再\x03新\x03初\x03終\x03生\x03販\x03声" + + "\x03吹\x03演\x03投\x03捕\x03一\x03三\x03遊\x03左\x03中\x03右\x03指\x03走\x03打\x03禁" + + "\x03空\x03合\x03満\x03有\x03月\x03申\x03割\x03営\x03配\x09〔本〕\x09〔三〕\x09〔二〕\x09〔安" + + "〕\x09〔点〕\x09〔打〕\x09〔盗〕\x09〔勝〕\x09〔敗〕\x03得\x03可\x03丽\x03丸\x03乁\x03你\x03" + + "侮\x03侻\x03倂\x03偺\x03備\x03僧\x03像\x03㒞\x03免\x03兔\x03兤\x03具\x03㒹\x03內\x03" + + "冗\x03冤\x03仌\x03冬\x03况\x03凵\x03刃\x03㓟\x03刻\x03剆\x03剷\x03㔕\x03勇\x03勉\x03" + + "勤\x03勺\x03包\x03匆\x03北\x03卉\x03卑\x03博\x03即\x03卽\x03卿\x03灰\x03及\x03叟\x03" + + "叫\x03叱\x03吆\x03咞\x03吸\x03呈\x03周\x03咢\x03哶\x03唐\x03啓\x03啣\x03善\x03喙\x03" + + "喫\x03喳\x03嗂\x03圖\x03嘆\x03圗\x03噑\x03噴\x03切\x03壮\x03城\x03埴\x03堍\x03型\x03" + + "堲\x03報\x03墬\x03売\x03壷\x03夆\x03夢\x03奢\x03姬\x03娛\x03娧\x03姘\x03婦\x03㛮\x03" + + "嬈\x03嬾\x03寃\x03寘\x03寧\x03寳\x03寿\x03将\x03尢\x03㞁\x03屠\x03屮\x03峀\x03岍\x03" + + "嵃\x03嵮\x03嵫\x03嵼\x03巡\x03巢\x03㠯\x03巽\x03帨\x03帽\x03幩\x03㡢\x03㡼\x03庰\x03" + + "庳\x03庶\x03廊\x03廾\x03舁\x03弢\x03㣇\x03形\x03彫\x03㣣\x03徚\x03忍\x03志\x03忹\x03" + + "悁\x03㤺\x03㤜\x03悔\x03惇\x03慈\x03慌\x03慎\x03慺\x03憎\x03憲\x03憤\x03憯\x03懞\x03" + + "懲\x03懶\x03成\x03戛\x03扝\x03抱\x03拔\x03捐\x03挽\x03拼\x03捨\x03掃\x03揤\x03搢\x03" + + "揅\x03掩\x03㨮\x03摩\x03摾\x03撝\x03摷\x03㩬\x03敏\x03敬\x03旣\x03書\x03晉\x03㬙\x03" + + "暑\x03㬈\x03㫤\x03冒\x03冕\x03最\x03暜\x03肭\x03䏙\x03朗\x03望\x03朡\x03杞\x03杓\x03" + + "㭉\x03柺\x03枅\x03桒\x03梅\x03梎\x03栟\x03椔\x03㮝\x03楂\x03榣\x03槪\x03檨\x03櫛\x03" + + "㰘\x03次\x03歔\x03㱎\x03歲\x03殟\x03殺\x03殻\x03汎\x03沿\x03泍\x03汧\x03洖\x03派\x03" + + "海\x03流\x03浩\x03浸\x03涅\x03洴\x03港\x03湮\x03㴳\x03滋\x03滇\x03淹\x03潮\x03濆\x03" + + "瀹\x03瀞\x03瀛\x03㶖\x03灊\x03災\x03灷\x03炭\x03煅\x03熜\x03爨\x03爵\x03牐\x03犀\x03" + + "犕\x03獺\x03王\x03㺬\x03玥\x03㺸\x03瑇\x03瑜\x03瑱\x03璅\x03瓊\x03㼛\x03甤\x03甾\x03" + + "異\x03瘐\x03㿼\x03䀈\x03直\x03眞\x03真\x03睊\x03䀹\x03瞋\x03䁆\x03䂖\x03硎\x03碌\x03" + + "磌\x03䃣\x03祖\x03福\x03秫\x03䄯\x03穀\x03穊\x03穏\x03䈂\x03篆\x03築\x03䈧\x03糒\x03" + + "䊠\x03糨\x03糣\x03紀\x03絣\x03䌁\x03緇\x03縂\x03繅\x03䌴\x03䍙\x03罺\x03羕\x03翺\x03" + + "者\x03聠\x03聰\x03䏕\x03育\x03脃\x03䐋\x03脾\x03媵\x03舄\x03辞\x03䑫\x03芑\x03芋\x03" + + "芝\x03劳\x03花\x03芳\x03芽\x03苦\x03若\x03茝\x03荣\x03莭\x03茣\x03莽\x03菧\x03著\x03" + + "荓\x03菊\x03菌\x03菜\x03䔫\x03蓱\x03蓳\x03蔖\x03蕤\x03䕝\x03䕡\x03䕫\x03虐\x03虜\x03" + + "虧\x03虩\x03蚩\x03蚈\x03蜎\x03蛢\x03蝹\x03蜨\x03蝫\x03螆\x03蟡\x03蠁\x03䗹\x03衠\x03" + + "衣\x03裗\x03裞\x03䘵\x03裺\x03㒻\x03䚾\x03䛇\x03誠\x03諭\x03變\x03豕\x03貫\x03賁\x03" + + "贛\x03起\x03跋\x03趼\x03跰\x03軔\x03輸\x03邔\x03郱\x03鄑\x03鄛\x03鈸\x03鋗\x03鋘\x03" + + "鉼\x03鏹\x03鐕\x03開\x03䦕\x03閷\x03䧦\x03雃\x03嶲\x03霣\x03䩮\x03䩶\x03韠\x03䪲\x03" + + "頋\x03頩\x03飢\x03䬳\x03餩\x03馧\x03駂\x03駾\x03䯎\x03鬒\x03鱀\x03鳽\x03䳎\x03䳭\x03" + + "鵧\x03䳸\x03麻\x03䵖\x03黹\x03黾\x03鼅\x03鼏\x03鼖\x03鼻" + +var xorData string = "" + // Size: 4855 bytes + "\x02\x0c\x09\x02\xb0\xec\x02\xad\xd8\x02\xad\xd9\x02\x06\x07\x02\x0f\x12" + + "\x02\x0f\x1f\x02\x0f\x1d\x02\x01\x13\x02\x0f\x16\x02\x0f\x0b\x02\x0f3" + + "\x02\x0f7\x02\x0f?\x02\x0f/\x02\x0f*\x02\x0c&\x02\x0c*\x02\x0c;\x02\x0c9" + + "\x02\x0c%\x02\xab\xed\x02\xab\xe2\x02\xab\xe3\x02\xa9\xe0\x02\xa9\xe1" + + "\x02\xa9\xe6\x02\xa3\xcb\x02\xa3\xc8\x02\xa3\xc9\x02\x01#\x02\x01\x08" + + "\x02\x0e>\x02\x0e'\x02\x0f\x03\x02\x03\x0d\x02\x03\x09\x02\x03\x17\x02" + + "\x03\x0e\x02\x02\x03\x02\x011\x02\x01\x00\x02\x01\x10\x02\x03<\x02\x07" + + "\x0d\x02\x02\x0c\x02\x0c0\x02\x01\x03\x02\x01\x01\x02\x01 \x02\x01\x22" + + 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"\x03\x08\x01\x1f\x03\x08\x11\x22\x03\x07'8\x03\x07\x1a>\x03\x0757\x03" + + "\x06&9\x03\x06+\x11\x03\x0a.\x0b\x03\x0a,>\x03\x0a4#\x03\x08%\x17\x03" + + "\x07\x05\x22\x03\x07\x0c\x0b\x03\x0a\x1d+\x03\x0a\x19\x16\x03\x09+\x1f" + + "\x03\x09\x08\x0b\x03\x08\x16\x18\x03\x08+\x12\x03\x0b\x1d\x0c\x03\x0a=" + + "\x10\x03\x0a\x09\x0d\x03\x0a\x10\x11\x03\x09&0\x03\x08(\x1f\x03\x087\x07" + + "\x03\x08\x185\x03\x07'6\x03\x06.\x05\x03\x06=\x04\x03\x06;;\x03\x06\x06," + + "\x03\x0b\x18>\x03\x08\x00\x18\x03\x06 \x03\x03\x06<\x00\x03\x09%\x18\x03" + + "\x0b\x1c<\x03\x0a%!\x03\x0a\x09\x12\x03\x0a\x16\x02\x03\x090'\x03\x09" + + "\x0e=\x03\x08 \x0e\x03\x08>\x03\x03\x074>\x03\x06&?\x03\x06\x19\x09\x03" + + "\x06?(\x03\x0a-\x0e\x03\x09:3\x03\x098:\x03\x09\x12\x0b\x03\x09\x1d\x17" + + "\x03\x087\x05\x03\x082\x14\x03\x08\x06%\x03\x08\x13\x1f\x03\x06\x06\x0e" + + "\x03\x0a\x22<\x03\x09/<\x03\x06>+\x03\x0a'?\x03\x0a\x13\x0c\x03\x09\x10<" + + "\x03\x07\x1b=\x03\x0a\x19\x13\x03\x09\x22\x1d\x03\x09\x07\x0d\x03\x08)" + + "\x1c\x03\x06=\x1a\x03\x0a/4\x03\x0a7\x11\x03\x0a\x16:\x03\x09?3\x03\x09:" + + "/\x03\x09\x05\x0a\x03\x09\x14\x06\x03\x087\x22\x03\x080\x07\x03\x08\x1a" + + "\x1f\x03\x07\x04(\x03\x07\x04\x09\x03\x06 %\x03\x06<\x08\x03\x0a+\x14" + + "\x03\x09\x1d\x16\x03\x0a70\x03\x08 >\x03\x0857\x03\x070\x0a\x03\x06=\x12" + + "\x03\x06\x16%\x03\x06\x1d,\x03\x099#\x03\x09\x10>\x03\x07 \x1e\x03\x08" + + "\x0c<\x03\x08\x0b\x18\x03\x08\x15+\x03\x08,:\x03\x08%\x22\x03\x07\x0a$" + + "\x03\x0b\x1c=\x03\x07+\x08\x03\x0a/\x05\x03\x0a \x07\x03\x0a\x12'\x03" + + "\x09#\x11\x03\x08\x1b\x15\x03\x0a\x06\x01\x03\x09\x1c\x1b\x03\x0922\x03" + + "\x07\x14<\x03\x07\x09\x04\x03\x061\x04\x03\x07\x0e\x01\x03\x0a\x13\x18" + + "\x03\x0a-\x0c\x03\x0a?\x0d\x03\x0a\x09\x0a\x03\x091&\x03\x0a/\x0b\x03" + + "\x08$<\x03\x083\x1d\x03\x08\x0c$\x03\x08\x0d\x07\x03\x08\x0d?\x03\x08" + + "\x0e\x14\x03\x065\x0a\x03\x08\x1a#\x03\x08\x16#\x03\x0702\x03\x07\x03" + + "\x1a\x03\x06(\x1d\x03\x06+\x1b\x03\x06\x0b\x05\x03\x06\x0b\x17\x03\x06" + + "\x0c\x04\x03\x06\x1e\x19\x03\x06+0\x03\x062\x18\x03\x0b\x16\x1e\x03\x0a+" + + "\x16\x03\x0a-?\x03\x0a#:\x03\x0a#\x10\x03\x0a%$\x03\x0a>+\x03\x0a01\x03" + + "\x0a1\x10\x03\x0a\x099\x03\x0a\x0a\x12\x03\x0a\x19\x1f\x03\x0a\x19\x12" + + "\x03\x09*)\x03\x09-\x16\x03\x09.1\x03\x09.2\x03\x09<\x0e\x03\x09> \x03" + + "\x093\x12\x03\x09\x0b\x01\x03\x09\x1c2\x03\x09\x11\x1c\x03\x09\x15%\x03" + + "\x08,&\x03\x08!\x22\x03\x089(\x03\x08\x0b\x1a\x03\x08\x0d2\x03\x08\x0c" + + "\x04\x03\x08\x0c\x06\x03\x08\x0c\x1f\x03\x08\x0c\x0c\x03\x08\x0f\x1f\x03" + + "\x08\x0f\x1d\x03\x08\x00\x14\x03\x08\x03\x14\x03\x08\x06\x16\x03\x08\x1e" + + "#\x03\x08\x11\x11\x03\x08\x10\x18\x03\x08\x14(\x03\x07)\x1e\x03\x07.1" + + "\x03\x07 $\x03\x07 '\x03\x078\x08\x03\x07\x0d0\x03\x07\x0f7\x03\x07\x05#" + + "\x03\x07\x05\x1a\x03\x07\x1a7\x03\x07\x1d-\x03\x07\x17\x10\x03\x06)\x1f" + + "\x03\x062\x0b\x03\x066\x16\x03\x06\x09\x11\x03\x09(\x1e\x03\x07!5\x03" + + "\x0b\x11\x16\x03\x0a/\x04\x03\x0a,\x1a\x03\x0b\x173\x03\x0a,1\x03\x0a/5" + + "\x03\x0a\x221\x03\x0a\x22\x0d\x03\x0a?%\x03\x0a<,\x03\x0a?#\x03\x0a>\x19" + + "\x03\x0a\x08&\x03\x0a\x0b\x0e\x03\x0a\x0c:\x03\x0a\x0c+\x03\x0a\x03\x22" + + "\x03\x0a\x06)\x03\x0a\x11\x10\x03\x0a\x11\x1a\x03\x0a\x17-\x03\x0a\x14(" + + "\x03\x09)\x1e\x03\x09/\x09\x03\x09.\x00\x03\x09,\x07\x03\x09/*\x03\x09-9" + + "\x03\x09\x228\x03\x09%\x09\x03\x09:\x12\x03\x09;\x1d\x03\x09?\x06\x03" + + "\x093%\x03\x096\x05\x03\x096\x08\x03\x097\x02\x03\x09\x07,\x03\x09\x04," + + "\x03\x09\x1f\x16\x03\x09\x11\x03\x03\x09\x11\x12\x03\x09\x168\x03\x08*" + + "\x05\x03\x08/2\x03\x084:\x03\x08\x22+\x03\x08 0\x03\x08&\x0a\x03\x08;" + + "\x10\x03\x08>$\x03\x08>\x18\x03\x0829\x03\x082:\x03\x081,\x03\x081<\x03" + + "\x081\x1c\x03\x087#\x03\x087*\x03\x08\x09'\x03\x08\x00\x1d\x03\x08\x05-" + + "\x03\x08\x1f4\x03\x08\x1d\x04\x03\x08\x16\x0f\x03\x07*7\x03\x07'!\x03" + + "\x07%\x1b\x03\x077\x0c\x03\x07\x0c1\x03\x07\x0c.\x03\x07\x00\x06\x03\x07" + + "\x01\x02\x03\x07\x010\x03\x07\x06=\x03\x07\x01\x03\x03\x07\x01\x13\x03" + + "\x07\x06\x06\x03\x07\x05\x0a\x03\x07\x1f\x09\x03\x07\x17:\x03\x06*1\x03" + + "\x06-\x1d\x03\x06\x223\x03\x062:\x03\x060$\x03\x066\x1e\x03\x064\x12\x03" + + "\x0645\x03\x06\x0b\x00\x03\x06\x0b7\x03\x06\x07\x1f\x03\x06\x15\x12\x03" + + "\x0c\x05\x0f\x03\x0b+\x0b\x03\x0b+-\x03\x06\x16\x1b\x03\x06\x15\x17\x03" + + "\x89\xca\xea\x03\x89\xca\xe8\x03\x0c8\x10\x03\x0c8\x01\x03\x0c8\x0f\x03" + + "\x0d8%\x03\x0d8!\x03\x0c8-\x03\x0c8/\x03\x0c8+\x03\x0c87\x03\x0c85\x03" + + "\x0c9\x09\x03\x0c9\x0d\x03\x0c9\x0f\x03\x0c9\x0b\x03\xcfu\x0c\x03\xcfu" + + "\x0f\x03\xcfu\x0e\x03\xcfu\x09\x03\x0c9\x10\x03\x0d9\x0c\x03\xcf`;\x03" + + "\xcf`>\x03\xcf`9\x03\xcf`8\x03\xcf`7\x03\xcf`*\x03\xcf`-\x03\xcf`,\x03" + + "\x0d\x1b\x1a\x03\x0d\x1b&\x03\x0c=.\x03\x0c=%\x03\x0c>\x1e\x03\x0c>\x14" + + "\x03\x0c?\x06\x03\x0c?\x0b\x03\x0c?\x0c\x03\x0c?\x0d\x03\x0c?\x02\x03" + + "\x0c>\x0f\x03\x0c>\x08\x03\x0c>\x09\x03\x0c>,\x03\x0c>\x0c\x03\x0c?\x13" + + "\x03\x0c?\x16\x03\x0c?\x15\x03\x0c?\x1c\x03\x0c?\x1f\x03\x0c?\x1d\x03" + + "\x0c?\x1a\x03\x0c?\x17\x03\x0c?\x08\x03\x0c?\x09\x03\x0c?\x0e\x03\x0c?" + + "\x04\x03\x0c?\x05\x03\x0c" + + "\x03\x0c=2\x03\x0c=6\x03\x0c<\x07\x03\x0c<\x05\x03\x0e:!\x03\x0e:#\x03" + + "\x0e8\x09\x03\x0e:&\x03\x0e8\x0b\x03\x0e:$\x03\x0e:,\x03\x0e8\x1a\x03" + + "\x0e8\x1e\x03\x0e:*\x03\x0e:7\x03\x0e:5\x03\x0e:;\x03\x0e:\x15\x03\x0e:<" + + "\x03\x0e:4\x03\x0e:'\x03\x0e:-\x03\x0e:%\x03\x0e:?\x03\x0e:=\x03\x0e:)" + + "\x03\x0e:/\x03\xcfs'\x03\x0d=\x0f\x03\x0d+*\x03\x0d99\x03\x0d9;\x03\x0d9" + + "?\x03\x0d)\x0d\x03\x0d(%\x02\x01\x18\x02\x01(\x02\x01\x1e\x03\x0f$!\x03" + + "\x0f87\x03\x0f4\x0e\x03\x0f5\x1d\x03\x06'\x03\x03\x0f\x08\x18\x03\x0f" + + "\x0d\x1b\x03\x0e2=\x03\x0e;\x08\x03\x0e:\x0b\x03\x0e\x06$\x03\x0e\x0d)" + + "\x03\x0e\x16\x1f\x03\x0e\x16\x1b\x03\x0d$\x0a\x03\x05,\x1d\x03\x0d. \x03" + + "\x0d.#\x03\x0c(/\x03\x09%\x02\x03\x0d90\x03\x0d\x0e4\x03\x0d\x0d\x0f\x03" + + "\x0c#\x00\x03\x0c,\x1e\x03\x0c2\x0e\x03\x0c\x01\x17\x03\x0c\x09:\x03\x0e" + + "\x173\x03\x0c\x08\x03\x03\x0c\x11\x07\x03\x0c\x10\x18\x03\x0c\x1f\x1c" + + "\x03\x0c\x19\x0e\x03\x0c\x1a\x1f\x03\x0f0>\x03\x0b->\x03\x0b<+\x03\x0b8" + + "\x13\x03\x0b\x043\x03\x0b\x14\x03\x03\x0b\x16%\x03\x0d\x22&\x03\x0b\x1a" + + "\x1a\x03\x0b\x1a\x04\x03\x0a%9\x03\x0a&2\x03\x0a&0\x03\x0a!\x1a\x03\x0a!" + + "7\x03\x0a5\x10\x03\x0a=4\x03\x0a?\x0e\x03\x0a>\x10\x03\x0a\x00 \x03\x0a" + + "\x0f:\x03\x0a\x0f9\x03\x0a\x0b\x0a\x03\x0a\x17%\x03\x0a\x1b-\x03\x09-" + + "\x1a\x03\x09,4\x03\x09.,\x03\x09)\x09\x03\x096!\x03\x091\x1f\x03\x093" + + "\x16\x03\x0c+\x1f\x03\x098 \x03\x098=\x03\x0c(\x1a\x03\x0c(\x16\x03\x09" + + "\x0a+\x03\x09\x16\x12\x03\x09\x13\x0e\x03\x09\x153\x03\x08)!\x03\x09\x1a" + + "\x01\x03\x09\x18\x01\x03\x08%#\x03\x08>\x22\x03\x08\x05%\x03\x08\x02*" + + "\x03\x08\x15;\x03\x08\x1b7\x03\x0f\x07\x1d\x03\x0f\x04\x03\x03\x070\x0c" + + "\x03\x07;\x0b\x03\x07\x08\x17\x03\x07\x12\x06\x03\x06/-\x03\x0671\x03" + + "\x065+\x03\x06>7\x03\x06\x049\x03\x05+\x1e\x03\x05,\x17\x03\x05 \x1d\x03" + + "\x05\x22\x05\x03\x050\x1d" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return idnaValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return idnaValues[c0] + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = idnaIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = idnaIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return idnaValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = idnaIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return idnaValues[c0] + } + i := idnaIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = idnaIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = idnaIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// idnaTrie. Total size: 28600 bytes (27.93 KiB). Checksum: 95575047b5d8fff. +type idnaTrie struct{} + +func newIdnaTrie(i int) *idnaTrie { + return &idnaTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *idnaTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + case n < 124: + return uint16(idnaValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + default: + n -= 124 + return uint16(idnaSparse.lookup(n, b)) + } +} + +// idnaValues: 126 blocks, 8064 entries, 16128 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var idnaValues = [8064]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x0080, 0x01: 0x0080, 0x02: 0x0080, 0x03: 0x0080, 0x04: 0x0080, 0x05: 0x0080, + 0x06: 0x0080, 0x07: 0x0080, 0x08: 0x0080, 0x09: 0x0080, 0x0a: 0x0080, 0x0b: 0x0080, + 0x0c: 0x0080, 0x0d: 0x0080, 0x0e: 0x0080, 0x0f: 0x0080, 0x10: 0x0080, 0x11: 0x0080, + 0x12: 0x0080, 0x13: 0x0080, 0x14: 0x0080, 0x15: 0x0080, 0x16: 0x0080, 0x17: 0x0080, + 0x18: 0x0080, 0x19: 0x0080, 0x1a: 0x0080, 0x1b: 0x0080, 0x1c: 0x0080, 0x1d: 0x0080, + 0x1e: 0x0080, 0x1f: 0x0080, 0x20: 0x0080, 0x21: 0x0080, 0x22: 0x0080, 0x23: 0x0080, + 0x24: 0x0080, 0x25: 0x0080, 0x26: 0x0080, 0x27: 0x0080, 0x28: 0x0080, 0x29: 0x0080, + 0x2a: 0x0080, 0x2b: 0x0080, 0x2c: 0x0080, 0x2d: 0x0008, 0x2e: 0x0008, 0x2f: 0x0080, + 0x30: 0x0008, 0x31: 0x0008, 0x32: 0x0008, 0x33: 0x0008, 0x34: 0x0008, 0x35: 0x0008, + 0x36: 0x0008, 0x37: 0x0008, 0x38: 0x0008, 0x39: 0x0008, 0x3a: 0x0080, 0x3b: 0x0080, + 0x3c: 0x0080, 0x3d: 0x0080, 0x3e: 0x0080, 0x3f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x0080, 0x41: 0xe105, 0x42: 0xe105, 0x43: 0xe105, 0x44: 0xe105, 0x45: 0xe105, + 0x46: 0xe105, 0x47: 0xe105, 0x48: 0xe105, 0x49: 0xe105, 0x4a: 0xe105, 0x4b: 0xe105, + 0x4c: 0xe105, 0x4d: 0xe105, 0x4e: 0xe105, 0x4f: 0xe105, 0x50: 0xe105, 0x51: 0xe105, + 0x52: 0xe105, 0x53: 0xe105, 0x54: 0xe105, 0x55: 0xe105, 0x56: 0xe105, 0x57: 0xe105, + 0x58: 0xe105, 0x59: 0xe105, 0x5a: 0xe105, 0x5b: 0x0080, 0x5c: 0x0080, 0x5d: 0x0080, + 0x5e: 0x0080, 0x5f: 0x0080, 0x60: 0x0080, 0x61: 0x0008, 0x62: 0x0008, 0x63: 0x0008, + 0x64: 0x0008, 0x65: 0x0008, 0x66: 0x0008, 0x67: 0x0008, 0x68: 0x0008, 0x69: 0x0008, + 0x6a: 0x0008, 0x6b: 0x0008, 0x6c: 0x0008, 0x6d: 0x0008, 0x6e: 0x0008, 0x6f: 0x0008, + 0x70: 0x0008, 0x71: 0x0008, 0x72: 0x0008, 0x73: 0x0008, 0x74: 0x0008, 0x75: 0x0008, + 0x76: 0x0008, 0x77: 0x0008, 0x78: 0x0008, 0x79: 0x0008, 0x7a: 0x0008, 0x7b: 0x0080, + 0x7c: 0x0080, 0x7d: 0x0080, 0x7e: 0x0080, 0x7f: 0x0080, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x0040, 0xc1: 0x0040, 0xc2: 0x0040, 0xc3: 0x0040, 0xc4: 0x0040, 0xc5: 0x0040, + 0xc6: 0x0040, 0xc7: 0x0040, 0xc8: 0x0040, 0xc9: 0x0040, 0xca: 0x0040, 0xcb: 0x0040, + 0xcc: 0x0040, 0xcd: 0x0040, 0xce: 0x0040, 0xcf: 0x0040, 0xd0: 0x0040, 0xd1: 0x0040, + 0xd2: 0x0040, 0xd3: 0x0040, 0xd4: 0x0040, 0xd5: 0x0040, 0xd6: 0x0040, 0xd7: 0x0040, + 0xd8: 0x0040, 0xd9: 0x0040, 0xda: 0x0040, 0xdb: 0x0040, 0xdc: 0x0040, 0xdd: 0x0040, + 0xde: 0x0040, 0xdf: 0x0040, 0xe0: 0x000a, 0xe1: 0x0018, 0xe2: 0x0018, 0xe3: 0x0018, + 0xe4: 0x0018, 0xe5: 0x0018, 0xe6: 0x0018, 0xe7: 0x0018, 0xe8: 0x001a, 0xe9: 0x0018, + 0xea: 0x0039, 0xeb: 0x0018, 0xec: 0x0018, 0xed: 0x03c0, 0xee: 0x0018, 0xef: 0x004a, + 0xf0: 0x0018, 0xf1: 0x0018, 0xf2: 0x0069, 0xf3: 0x0079, 0xf4: 0x008a, 0xf5: 0x0005, + 0xf6: 0x0018, 0xf7: 0x0008, 0xf8: 0x00aa, 0xf9: 0x00c9, 0xfa: 0x00d9, 0xfb: 0x0018, + 0xfc: 0x00e9, 0xfd: 0x0119, 0xfe: 0x0149, 0xff: 0x0018, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0xe00d, 0x101: 0x0008, 0x102: 0xe00d, 0x103: 0x0008, 0x104: 0xe00d, 0x105: 0x0008, + 0x106: 0xe00d, 0x107: 0x0008, 0x108: 0xe00d, 0x109: 0x0008, 0x10a: 0xe00d, 0x10b: 0x0008, + 0x10c: 0xe00d, 0x10d: 0x0008, 0x10e: 0xe00d, 0x10f: 0x0008, 0x110: 0xe00d, 0x111: 0x0008, + 0x112: 0xe00d, 0x113: 0x0008, 0x114: 0xe00d, 0x115: 0x0008, 0x116: 0xe00d, 0x117: 0x0008, + 0x118: 0xe00d, 0x119: 0x0008, 0x11a: 0xe00d, 0x11b: 0x0008, 0x11c: 0xe00d, 0x11d: 0x0008, + 0x11e: 0xe00d, 0x11f: 0x0008, 0x120: 0xe00d, 0x121: 0x0008, 0x122: 0xe00d, 0x123: 0x0008, + 0x124: 0xe00d, 0x125: 0x0008, 0x126: 0xe00d, 0x127: 0x0008, 0x128: 0xe00d, 0x129: 0x0008, + 0x12a: 0xe00d, 0x12b: 0x0008, 0x12c: 0xe00d, 0x12d: 0x0008, 0x12e: 0xe00d, 0x12f: 0x0008, + 0x130: 0x0179, 0x131: 0x0008, 0x132: 0x0035, 0x133: 0x004d, 0x134: 0xe00d, 0x135: 0x0008, + 0x136: 0xe00d, 0x137: 0x0008, 0x138: 0x0008, 0x139: 0xe01d, 0x13a: 0x0008, 0x13b: 0xe03d, + 0x13c: 0x0008, 0x13d: 0xe01d, 0x13e: 0x0008, 0x13f: 0x0199, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x0199, 0x141: 0xe01d, 0x142: 0x0008, 0x143: 0xe03d, 0x144: 0x0008, 0x145: 0xe01d, + 0x146: 0x0008, 0x147: 0xe07d, 0x148: 0x0008, 0x149: 0x01b9, 0x14a: 0xe00d, 0x14b: 0x0008, + 0x14c: 0xe00d, 0x14d: 0x0008, 0x14e: 0xe00d, 0x14f: 0x0008, 0x150: 0xe00d, 0x151: 0x0008, + 0x152: 0xe00d, 0x153: 0x0008, 0x154: 0xe00d, 0x155: 0x0008, 0x156: 0xe00d, 0x157: 0x0008, + 0x158: 0xe00d, 0x159: 0x0008, 0x15a: 0xe00d, 0x15b: 0x0008, 0x15c: 0xe00d, 0x15d: 0x0008, + 0x15e: 0xe00d, 0x15f: 0x0008, 0x160: 0xe00d, 0x161: 0x0008, 0x162: 0xe00d, 0x163: 0x0008, + 0x164: 0xe00d, 0x165: 0x0008, 0x166: 0xe00d, 0x167: 0x0008, 0x168: 0xe00d, 0x169: 0x0008, + 0x16a: 0xe00d, 0x16b: 0x0008, 0x16c: 0xe00d, 0x16d: 0x0008, 0x16e: 0xe00d, 0x16f: 0x0008, + 0x170: 0xe00d, 0x171: 0x0008, 0x172: 0xe00d, 0x173: 0x0008, 0x174: 0xe00d, 0x175: 0x0008, + 0x176: 0xe00d, 0x177: 0x0008, 0x178: 0x0065, 0x179: 0xe01d, 0x17a: 0x0008, 0x17b: 0xe03d, + 0x17c: 0x0008, 0x17d: 0xe01d, 0x17e: 0x0008, 0x17f: 0x01d9, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x0008, 0x181: 0x007d, 0x182: 0xe00d, 0x183: 0x0008, 0x184: 0xe00d, 0x185: 0x0008, + 0x186: 0x007d, 0x187: 0xe07d, 0x188: 0x0008, 0x189: 0x0095, 0x18a: 0x00ad, 0x18b: 0xe03d, + 0x18c: 0x0008, 0x18d: 0x0008, 0x18e: 0x00c5, 0x18f: 0x00dd, 0x190: 0x00f5, 0x191: 0xe01d, + 0x192: 0x0008, 0x193: 0x010d, 0x194: 0x0125, 0x195: 0x0008, 0x196: 0x013d, 0x197: 0x013d, + 0x198: 0xe00d, 0x199: 0x0008, 0x19a: 0x0008, 0x19b: 0x0008, 0x19c: 0x010d, 0x19d: 0x0155, + 0x19e: 0x0008, 0x19f: 0x016d, 0x1a0: 0xe00d, 0x1a1: 0x0008, 0x1a2: 0xe00d, 0x1a3: 0x0008, + 0x1a4: 0xe00d, 0x1a5: 0x0008, 0x1a6: 0x0185, 0x1a7: 0xe07d, 0x1a8: 0x0008, 0x1a9: 0x019d, + 0x1aa: 0x0008, 0x1ab: 0x0008, 0x1ac: 0xe00d, 0x1ad: 0x0008, 0x1ae: 0x0185, 0x1af: 0xe0fd, + 0x1b0: 0x0008, 0x1b1: 0x01b5, 0x1b2: 0x01cd, 0x1b3: 0xe03d, 0x1b4: 0x0008, 0x1b5: 0xe01d, + 0x1b6: 0x0008, 0x1b7: 0x01e5, 0x1b8: 0xe00d, 0x1b9: 0x0008, 0x1ba: 0x0008, 0x1bb: 0x0008, + 0x1bc: 0xe00d, 0x1bd: 0x0008, 0x1be: 0x0008, 0x1bf: 0x0008, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0008, 0x1c1: 0x0008, 0x1c2: 0x0008, 0x1c3: 0x0008, 0x1c4: 0x01e9, 0x1c5: 0x01e9, + 0x1c6: 0x01e9, 0x1c7: 0x01fd, 0x1c8: 0x0215, 0x1c9: 0x022d, 0x1ca: 0x0245, 0x1cb: 0x025d, + 0x1cc: 0x0275, 0x1cd: 0xe01d, 0x1ce: 0x0008, 0x1cf: 0xe0fd, 0x1d0: 0x0008, 0x1d1: 0xe01d, + 0x1d2: 0x0008, 0x1d3: 0xe03d, 0x1d4: 0x0008, 0x1d5: 0xe01d, 0x1d6: 0x0008, 0x1d7: 0xe07d, + 0x1d8: 0x0008, 0x1d9: 0xe01d, 0x1da: 0x0008, 0x1db: 0xe03d, 0x1dc: 0x0008, 0x1dd: 0x0008, + 0x1de: 0xe00d, 0x1df: 0x0008, 0x1e0: 0xe00d, 0x1e1: 0x0008, 0x1e2: 0xe00d, 0x1e3: 0x0008, + 0x1e4: 0xe00d, 0x1e5: 0x0008, 0x1e6: 0xe00d, 0x1e7: 0x0008, 0x1e8: 0xe00d, 0x1e9: 0x0008, + 0x1ea: 0xe00d, 0x1eb: 0x0008, 0x1ec: 0xe00d, 0x1ed: 0x0008, 0x1ee: 0xe00d, 0x1ef: 0x0008, + 0x1f0: 0x0008, 0x1f1: 0x028d, 0x1f2: 0x02a5, 0x1f3: 0x02bd, 0x1f4: 0xe00d, 0x1f5: 0x0008, + 0x1f6: 0x02d5, 0x1f7: 0x02ed, 0x1f8: 0xe00d, 0x1f9: 0x0008, 0x1fa: 0xe00d, 0x1fb: 0x0008, + 0x1fc: 0xe00d, 0x1fd: 0x0008, 0x1fe: 0xe00d, 0x1ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0xe00d, 0x201: 0x0008, 0x202: 0xe00d, 0x203: 0x0008, 0x204: 0xe00d, 0x205: 0x0008, + 0x206: 0xe00d, 0x207: 0x0008, 0x208: 0xe00d, 0x209: 0x0008, 0x20a: 0xe00d, 0x20b: 0x0008, + 0x20c: 0xe00d, 0x20d: 0x0008, 0x20e: 0xe00d, 0x20f: 0x0008, 0x210: 0xe00d, 0x211: 0x0008, + 0x212: 0xe00d, 0x213: 0x0008, 0x214: 0xe00d, 0x215: 0x0008, 0x216: 0xe00d, 0x217: 0x0008, + 0x218: 0xe00d, 0x219: 0x0008, 0x21a: 0xe00d, 0x21b: 0x0008, 0x21c: 0xe00d, 0x21d: 0x0008, + 0x21e: 0xe00d, 0x21f: 0x0008, 0x220: 0x0305, 0x221: 0x0008, 0x222: 0xe00d, 0x223: 0x0008, + 0x224: 0xe00d, 0x225: 0x0008, 0x226: 0xe00d, 0x227: 0x0008, 0x228: 0xe00d, 0x229: 0x0008, + 0x22a: 0xe00d, 0x22b: 0x0008, 0x22c: 0xe00d, 0x22d: 0x0008, 0x22e: 0xe00d, 0x22f: 0x0008, + 0x230: 0xe00d, 0x231: 0x0008, 0x232: 0xe00d, 0x233: 0x0008, 0x234: 0x0008, 0x235: 0x0008, + 0x236: 0x0008, 0x237: 0x0008, 0x238: 0x0008, 0x239: 0x0008, 0x23a: 0x0209, 0x23b: 0xe03d, + 0x23c: 0x0008, 0x23d: 0x031d, 0x23e: 0x0229, 0x23f: 0x0008, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x0008, 0x241: 0x0008, 0x242: 0x0018, 0x243: 0x0018, 0x244: 0x0018, 0x245: 0x0018, + 0x246: 0x0008, 0x247: 0x0008, 0x248: 0x0008, 0x249: 0x0008, 0x24a: 0x0008, 0x24b: 0x0008, + 0x24c: 0x0008, 0x24d: 0x0008, 0x24e: 0x0008, 0x24f: 0x0008, 0x250: 0x0008, 0x251: 0x0008, + 0x252: 0x0018, 0x253: 0x0018, 0x254: 0x0018, 0x255: 0x0018, 0x256: 0x0018, 0x257: 0x0018, + 0x258: 0x029a, 0x259: 0x02ba, 0x25a: 0x02da, 0x25b: 0x02fa, 0x25c: 0x031a, 0x25d: 0x033a, + 0x25e: 0x0018, 0x25f: 0x0018, 0x260: 0x03ad, 0x261: 0x0359, 0x262: 0x01d9, 0x263: 0x0369, + 0x264: 0x03c5, 0x265: 0x0018, 0x266: 0x0018, 0x267: 0x0018, 0x268: 0x0018, 0x269: 0x0018, + 0x26a: 0x0018, 0x26b: 0x0018, 0x26c: 0x0008, 0x26d: 0x0018, 0x26e: 0x0008, 0x26f: 0x0018, + 0x270: 0x0018, 0x271: 0x0018, 0x272: 0x0018, 0x273: 0x0018, 0x274: 0x0018, 0x275: 0x0018, + 0x276: 0x0018, 0x277: 0x0018, 0x278: 0x0018, 0x279: 0x0018, 0x27a: 0x0018, 0x27b: 0x0018, + 0x27c: 0x0018, 0x27d: 0x0018, 0x27e: 0x0018, 0x27f: 0x0018, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x03dd, 0x281: 0x03dd, 0x282: 0x3308, 0x283: 0x03f5, 0x284: 0x0379, 0x285: 0x040d, + 0x286: 0x3308, 0x287: 0x3308, 0x288: 0x3308, 0x289: 0x3308, 0x28a: 0x3308, 0x28b: 0x3308, + 0x28c: 0x3308, 0x28d: 0x3308, 0x28e: 0x3308, 0x28f: 0x33c0, 0x290: 0x3308, 0x291: 0x3308, + 0x292: 0x3308, 0x293: 0x3308, 0x294: 0x3308, 0x295: 0x3308, 0x296: 0x3308, 0x297: 0x3308, + 0x298: 0x3308, 0x299: 0x3308, 0x29a: 0x3308, 0x29b: 0x3308, 0x29c: 0x3308, 0x29d: 0x3308, + 0x29e: 0x3308, 0x29f: 0x3308, 0x2a0: 0x3308, 0x2a1: 0x3308, 0x2a2: 0x3308, 0x2a3: 0x3308, + 0x2a4: 0x3308, 0x2a5: 0x3308, 0x2a6: 0x3308, 0x2a7: 0x3308, 0x2a8: 0x3308, 0x2a9: 0x3308, + 0x2aa: 0x3308, 0x2ab: 0x3308, 0x2ac: 0x3308, 0x2ad: 0x3308, 0x2ae: 0x3308, 0x2af: 0x3308, + 0x2b0: 0xe00d, 0x2b1: 0x0008, 0x2b2: 0xe00d, 0x2b3: 0x0008, 0x2b4: 0x0425, 0x2b5: 0x0008, + 0x2b6: 0xe00d, 0x2b7: 0x0008, 0x2b8: 0x0040, 0x2b9: 0x0040, 0x2ba: 0x03a2, 0x2bb: 0x0008, + 0x2bc: 0x0008, 0x2bd: 0x0008, 0x2be: 0x03c2, 0x2bf: 0x043d, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x0040, 0x2c1: 0x0040, 0x2c2: 0x0040, 0x2c3: 0x0040, 0x2c4: 0x008a, 0x2c5: 0x03d2, + 0x2c6: 0xe155, 0x2c7: 0x0455, 0x2c8: 0xe12d, 0x2c9: 0xe13d, 0x2ca: 0xe12d, 0x2cb: 0x0040, + 0x2cc: 0x03dd, 0x2cd: 0x0040, 0x2ce: 0x046d, 0x2cf: 0x0485, 0x2d0: 0x0008, 0x2d1: 0xe105, + 0x2d2: 0xe105, 0x2d3: 0xe105, 0x2d4: 0xe105, 0x2d5: 0xe105, 0x2d6: 0xe105, 0x2d7: 0xe105, + 0x2d8: 0xe105, 0x2d9: 0xe105, 0x2da: 0xe105, 0x2db: 0xe105, 0x2dc: 0xe105, 0x2dd: 0xe105, + 0x2de: 0xe105, 0x2df: 0xe105, 0x2e0: 0x049d, 0x2e1: 0x049d, 0x2e2: 0x0040, 0x2e3: 0x049d, + 0x2e4: 0x049d, 0x2e5: 0x049d, 0x2e6: 0x049d, 0x2e7: 0x049d, 0x2e8: 0x049d, 0x2e9: 0x049d, + 0x2ea: 0x049d, 0x2eb: 0x049d, 0x2ec: 0x0008, 0x2ed: 0x0008, 0x2ee: 0x0008, 0x2ef: 0x0008, + 0x2f0: 0x0008, 0x2f1: 0x0008, 0x2f2: 0x0008, 0x2f3: 0x0008, 0x2f4: 0x0008, 0x2f5: 0x0008, + 0x2f6: 0x0008, 0x2f7: 0x0008, 0x2f8: 0x0008, 0x2f9: 0x0008, 0x2fa: 0x0008, 0x2fb: 0x0008, + 0x2fc: 0x0008, 0x2fd: 0x0008, 0x2fe: 0x0008, 0x2ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x0008, 0x301: 0x0008, 0x302: 0xe00f, 0x303: 0x0008, 0x304: 0x0008, 0x305: 0x0008, + 0x306: 0x0008, 0x307: 0x0008, 0x308: 0x0008, 0x309: 0x0008, 0x30a: 0x0008, 0x30b: 0x0008, + 0x30c: 0x0008, 0x30d: 0x0008, 0x30e: 0x0008, 0x30f: 0xe0c5, 0x310: 0x04b5, 0x311: 0x04cd, + 0x312: 0xe0bd, 0x313: 0xe0f5, 0x314: 0xe0fd, 0x315: 0xe09d, 0x316: 0xe0b5, 0x317: 0x0008, + 0x318: 0xe00d, 0x319: 0x0008, 0x31a: 0xe00d, 0x31b: 0x0008, 0x31c: 0xe00d, 0x31d: 0x0008, + 0x31e: 0xe00d, 0x31f: 0x0008, 0x320: 0xe00d, 0x321: 0x0008, 0x322: 0xe00d, 0x323: 0x0008, + 0x324: 0xe00d, 0x325: 0x0008, 0x326: 0xe00d, 0x327: 0x0008, 0x328: 0xe00d, 0x329: 0x0008, + 0x32a: 0xe00d, 0x32b: 0x0008, 0x32c: 0xe00d, 0x32d: 0x0008, 0x32e: 0xe00d, 0x32f: 0x0008, + 0x330: 0x04e5, 0x331: 0xe185, 0x332: 0xe18d, 0x333: 0x0008, 0x334: 0x04fd, 0x335: 0x03dd, + 0x336: 0x0018, 0x337: 0xe07d, 0x338: 0x0008, 0x339: 0xe1d5, 0x33a: 0xe00d, 0x33b: 0x0008, + 0x33c: 0x0008, 0x33d: 0x0515, 0x33e: 0x052d, 0x33f: 0x052d, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x0008, 0x341: 0x0008, 0x342: 0x0008, 0x343: 0x0008, 0x344: 0x0008, 0x345: 0x0008, + 0x346: 0x0008, 0x347: 0x0008, 0x348: 0x0008, 0x349: 0x0008, 0x34a: 0x0008, 0x34b: 0x0008, + 0x34c: 0x0008, 0x34d: 0x0008, 0x34e: 0x0008, 0x34f: 0x0008, 0x350: 0x0008, 0x351: 0x0008, + 0x352: 0x0008, 0x353: 0x0008, 0x354: 0x0008, 0x355: 0x0008, 0x356: 0x0008, 0x357: 0x0008, + 0x358: 0x0008, 0x359: 0x0008, 0x35a: 0x0008, 0x35b: 0x0008, 0x35c: 0x0008, 0x35d: 0x0008, + 0x35e: 0x0008, 0x35f: 0x0008, 0x360: 0xe00d, 0x361: 0x0008, 0x362: 0xe00d, 0x363: 0x0008, + 0x364: 0xe00d, 0x365: 0x0008, 0x366: 0xe00d, 0x367: 0x0008, 0x368: 0xe00d, 0x369: 0x0008, + 0x36a: 0xe00d, 0x36b: 0x0008, 0x36c: 0xe00d, 0x36d: 0x0008, 0x36e: 0xe00d, 0x36f: 0x0008, + 0x370: 0xe00d, 0x371: 0x0008, 0x372: 0xe00d, 0x373: 0x0008, 0x374: 0xe00d, 0x375: 0x0008, + 0x376: 0xe00d, 0x377: 0x0008, 0x378: 0xe00d, 0x379: 0x0008, 0x37a: 0xe00d, 0x37b: 0x0008, + 0x37c: 0xe00d, 0x37d: 0x0008, 0x37e: 0xe00d, 0x37f: 0x0008, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0xe00d, 0x381: 0x0008, 0x382: 0x0018, 0x383: 0x3308, 0x384: 0x3308, 0x385: 0x3308, + 0x386: 0x3308, 0x387: 0x3308, 0x388: 0x3318, 0x389: 0x3318, 0x38a: 0xe00d, 0x38b: 0x0008, + 0x38c: 0xe00d, 0x38d: 0x0008, 0x38e: 0xe00d, 0x38f: 0x0008, 0x390: 0xe00d, 0x391: 0x0008, + 0x392: 0xe00d, 0x393: 0x0008, 0x394: 0xe00d, 0x395: 0x0008, 0x396: 0xe00d, 0x397: 0x0008, + 0x398: 0xe00d, 0x399: 0x0008, 0x39a: 0xe00d, 0x39b: 0x0008, 0x39c: 0xe00d, 0x39d: 0x0008, + 0x39e: 0xe00d, 0x39f: 0x0008, 0x3a0: 0xe00d, 0x3a1: 0x0008, 0x3a2: 0xe00d, 0x3a3: 0x0008, + 0x3a4: 0xe00d, 0x3a5: 0x0008, 0x3a6: 0xe00d, 0x3a7: 0x0008, 0x3a8: 0xe00d, 0x3a9: 0x0008, + 0x3aa: 0xe00d, 0x3ab: 0x0008, 0x3ac: 0xe00d, 0x3ad: 0x0008, 0x3ae: 0xe00d, 0x3af: 0x0008, + 0x3b0: 0xe00d, 0x3b1: 0x0008, 0x3b2: 0xe00d, 0x3b3: 0x0008, 0x3b4: 0xe00d, 0x3b5: 0x0008, + 0x3b6: 0xe00d, 0x3b7: 0x0008, 0x3b8: 0xe00d, 0x3b9: 0x0008, 0x3ba: 0xe00d, 0x3bb: 0x0008, + 0x3bc: 0xe00d, 0x3bd: 0x0008, 0x3be: 0xe00d, 0x3bf: 0x0008, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x0040, 0x3c1: 0xe01d, 0x3c2: 0x0008, 0x3c3: 0xe03d, 0x3c4: 0x0008, 0x3c5: 0xe01d, + 0x3c6: 0x0008, 0x3c7: 0xe07d, 0x3c8: 0x0008, 0x3c9: 0xe01d, 0x3ca: 0x0008, 0x3cb: 0xe03d, + 0x3cc: 0x0008, 0x3cd: 0xe01d, 0x3ce: 0x0008, 0x3cf: 0x0008, 0x3d0: 0xe00d, 0x3d1: 0x0008, + 0x3d2: 0xe00d, 0x3d3: 0x0008, 0x3d4: 0xe00d, 0x3d5: 0x0008, 0x3d6: 0xe00d, 0x3d7: 0x0008, + 0x3d8: 0xe00d, 0x3d9: 0x0008, 0x3da: 0xe00d, 0x3db: 0x0008, 0x3dc: 0xe00d, 0x3dd: 0x0008, + 0x3de: 0xe00d, 0x3df: 0x0008, 0x3e0: 0xe00d, 0x3e1: 0x0008, 0x3e2: 0xe00d, 0x3e3: 0x0008, + 0x3e4: 0xe00d, 0x3e5: 0x0008, 0x3e6: 0xe00d, 0x3e7: 0x0008, 0x3e8: 0xe00d, 0x3e9: 0x0008, + 0x3ea: 0xe00d, 0x3eb: 0x0008, 0x3ec: 0xe00d, 0x3ed: 0x0008, 0x3ee: 0xe00d, 0x3ef: 0x0008, + 0x3f0: 0xe00d, 0x3f1: 0x0008, 0x3f2: 0xe00d, 0x3f3: 0x0008, 0x3f4: 0xe00d, 0x3f5: 0x0008, + 0x3f6: 0xe00d, 0x3f7: 0x0008, 0x3f8: 0xe00d, 0x3f9: 0x0008, 0x3fa: 0xe00d, 0x3fb: 0x0008, + 0x3fc: 0xe00d, 0x3fd: 0x0008, 0x3fe: 0xe00d, 0x3ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xe00d, 0x401: 0x0008, 0x402: 0xe00d, 0x403: 0x0008, 0x404: 0xe00d, 0x405: 0x0008, + 0x406: 0xe00d, 0x407: 0x0008, 0x408: 0xe00d, 0x409: 0x0008, 0x40a: 0xe00d, 0x40b: 0x0008, + 0x40c: 0xe00d, 0x40d: 0x0008, 0x40e: 0xe00d, 0x40f: 0x0008, 0x410: 0xe00d, 0x411: 0x0008, + 0x412: 0xe00d, 0x413: 0x0008, 0x414: 0xe00d, 0x415: 0x0008, 0x416: 0xe00d, 0x417: 0x0008, + 0x418: 0xe00d, 0x419: 0x0008, 0x41a: 0xe00d, 0x41b: 0x0008, 0x41c: 0xe00d, 0x41d: 0x0008, + 0x41e: 0xe00d, 0x41f: 0x0008, 0x420: 0xe00d, 0x421: 0x0008, 0x422: 0xe00d, 0x423: 0x0008, + 0x424: 0xe00d, 0x425: 0x0008, 0x426: 0xe00d, 0x427: 0x0008, 0x428: 0xe00d, 0x429: 0x0008, + 0x42a: 0xe00d, 0x42b: 0x0008, 0x42c: 0xe00d, 0x42d: 0x0008, 0x42e: 0xe00d, 0x42f: 0x0008, + 0x430: 0x0040, 0x431: 0x03f5, 0x432: 0x03f5, 0x433: 0x03f5, 0x434: 0x03f5, 0x435: 0x03f5, + 0x436: 0x03f5, 0x437: 0x03f5, 0x438: 0x03f5, 0x439: 0x03f5, 0x43a: 0x03f5, 0x43b: 0x03f5, + 0x43c: 0x03f5, 0x43d: 0x03f5, 0x43e: 0x03f5, 0x43f: 0x03f5, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x0840, 0x441: 0x0840, 0x442: 0x0840, 0x443: 0x0840, 0x444: 0x0840, 0x445: 0x0840, + 0x446: 0x0018, 0x447: 0x0018, 0x448: 0x0818, 0x449: 0x0018, 0x44a: 0x0018, 0x44b: 0x0818, + 0x44c: 0x0018, 0x44d: 0x0818, 0x44e: 0x0018, 0x44f: 0x0018, 0x450: 0x3308, 0x451: 0x3308, + 0x452: 0x3308, 0x453: 0x3308, 0x454: 0x3308, 0x455: 0x3308, 0x456: 0x3308, 0x457: 0x3308, + 0x458: 0x3308, 0x459: 0x3308, 0x45a: 0x3308, 0x45b: 0x0818, 0x45c: 0x0b40, 0x45d: 0x0040, + 0x45e: 0x0818, 0x45f: 0x0818, 0x460: 0x0a08, 0x461: 0x0808, 0x462: 0x0c08, 0x463: 0x0c08, + 0x464: 0x0c08, 0x465: 0x0c08, 0x466: 0x0a08, 0x467: 0x0c08, 0x468: 0x0a08, 0x469: 0x0c08, + 0x46a: 0x0a08, 0x46b: 0x0a08, 0x46c: 0x0a08, 0x46d: 0x0a08, 0x46e: 0x0a08, 0x46f: 0x0c08, + 0x470: 0x0c08, 0x471: 0x0c08, 0x472: 0x0c08, 0x473: 0x0a08, 0x474: 0x0a08, 0x475: 0x0a08, + 0x476: 0x0a08, 0x477: 0x0a08, 0x478: 0x0a08, 0x479: 0x0a08, 0x47a: 0x0a08, 0x47b: 0x0a08, + 0x47c: 0x0a08, 0x47d: 0x0a08, 0x47e: 0x0a08, 0x47f: 0x0a08, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x0818, 0x481: 0x0a08, 0x482: 0x0a08, 0x483: 0x0a08, 0x484: 0x0a08, 0x485: 0x0a08, + 0x486: 0x0a08, 0x487: 0x0a08, 0x488: 0x0c08, 0x489: 0x0a08, 0x48a: 0x0a08, 0x48b: 0x3308, + 0x48c: 0x3308, 0x48d: 0x3308, 0x48e: 0x3308, 0x48f: 0x3308, 0x490: 0x3308, 0x491: 0x3308, + 0x492: 0x3308, 0x493: 0x3308, 0x494: 0x3308, 0x495: 0x3308, 0x496: 0x3308, 0x497: 0x3308, + 0x498: 0x3308, 0x499: 0x3308, 0x49a: 0x3308, 0x49b: 0x3308, 0x49c: 0x3308, 0x49d: 0x3308, + 0x49e: 0x3308, 0x49f: 0x3308, 0x4a0: 0x0808, 0x4a1: 0x0808, 0x4a2: 0x0808, 0x4a3: 0x0808, + 0x4a4: 0x0808, 0x4a5: 0x0808, 0x4a6: 0x0808, 0x4a7: 0x0808, 0x4a8: 0x0808, 0x4a9: 0x0808, + 0x4aa: 0x0018, 0x4ab: 0x0818, 0x4ac: 0x0818, 0x4ad: 0x0818, 0x4ae: 0x0a08, 0x4af: 0x0a08, + 0x4b0: 0x3308, 0x4b1: 0x0c08, 0x4b2: 0x0c08, 0x4b3: 0x0c08, 0x4b4: 0x0808, 0x4b5: 0x0429, + 0x4b6: 0x0451, 0x4b7: 0x0479, 0x4b8: 0x04a1, 0x4b9: 0x0a08, 0x4ba: 0x0a08, 0x4bb: 0x0a08, + 0x4bc: 0x0a08, 0x4bd: 0x0a08, 0x4be: 0x0a08, 0x4bf: 0x0a08, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x0c08, 0x4c1: 0x0a08, 0x4c2: 0x0a08, 0x4c3: 0x0c08, 0x4c4: 0x0c08, 0x4c5: 0x0c08, + 0x4c6: 0x0c08, 0x4c7: 0x0c08, 0x4c8: 0x0c08, 0x4c9: 0x0c08, 0x4ca: 0x0c08, 0x4cb: 0x0c08, + 0x4cc: 0x0a08, 0x4cd: 0x0c08, 0x4ce: 0x0a08, 0x4cf: 0x0c08, 0x4d0: 0x0a08, 0x4d1: 0x0a08, + 0x4d2: 0x0c08, 0x4d3: 0x0c08, 0x4d4: 0x0818, 0x4d5: 0x0c08, 0x4d6: 0x3308, 0x4d7: 0x3308, + 0x4d8: 0x3308, 0x4d9: 0x3308, 0x4da: 0x3308, 0x4db: 0x3308, 0x4dc: 0x3308, 0x4dd: 0x0840, + 0x4de: 0x0018, 0x4df: 0x3308, 0x4e0: 0x3308, 0x4e1: 0x3308, 0x4e2: 0x3308, 0x4e3: 0x3308, + 0x4e4: 0x3308, 0x4e5: 0x0808, 0x4e6: 0x0808, 0x4e7: 0x3308, 0x4e8: 0x3308, 0x4e9: 0x0018, + 0x4ea: 0x3308, 0x4eb: 0x3308, 0x4ec: 0x3308, 0x4ed: 0x3308, 0x4ee: 0x0c08, 0x4ef: 0x0c08, + 0x4f0: 0x0008, 0x4f1: 0x0008, 0x4f2: 0x0008, 0x4f3: 0x0008, 0x4f4: 0x0008, 0x4f5: 0x0008, + 0x4f6: 0x0008, 0x4f7: 0x0008, 0x4f8: 0x0008, 0x4f9: 0x0008, 0x4fa: 0x0a08, 0x4fb: 0x0a08, + 0x4fc: 0x0a08, 0x4fd: 0x0808, 0x4fe: 0x0808, 0x4ff: 0x0a08, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x0818, 0x501: 0x0818, 0x502: 0x0818, 0x503: 0x0818, 0x504: 0x0818, 0x505: 0x0818, + 0x506: 0x0818, 0x507: 0x0818, 0x508: 0x0818, 0x509: 0x0818, 0x50a: 0x0818, 0x50b: 0x0818, + 0x50c: 0x0818, 0x50d: 0x0818, 0x50e: 0x0040, 0x50f: 0x0b40, 0x510: 0x0c08, 0x511: 0x3308, + 0x512: 0x0a08, 0x513: 0x0a08, 0x514: 0x0a08, 0x515: 0x0c08, 0x516: 0x0c08, 0x517: 0x0c08, + 0x518: 0x0c08, 0x519: 0x0c08, 0x51a: 0x0a08, 0x51b: 0x0a08, 0x51c: 0x0a08, 0x51d: 0x0a08, + 0x51e: 0x0c08, 0x51f: 0x0a08, 0x520: 0x0a08, 0x521: 0x0a08, 0x522: 0x0a08, 0x523: 0x0a08, + 0x524: 0x0a08, 0x525: 0x0a08, 0x526: 0x0a08, 0x527: 0x0a08, 0x528: 0x0c08, 0x529: 0x0a08, + 0x52a: 0x0c08, 0x52b: 0x0a08, 0x52c: 0x0c08, 0x52d: 0x0a08, 0x52e: 0x0a08, 0x52f: 0x0c08, + 0x530: 0x3308, 0x531: 0x3308, 0x532: 0x3308, 0x533: 0x3308, 0x534: 0x3308, 0x535: 0x3308, + 0x536: 0x3308, 0x537: 0x3308, 0x538: 0x3308, 0x539: 0x3308, 0x53a: 0x3308, 0x53b: 0x3308, + 0x53c: 0x3308, 0x53d: 0x3308, 0x53e: 0x3308, 0x53f: 0x3308, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x3008, 0x541: 0x3308, 0x542: 0x3308, 0x543: 0x3308, 0x544: 0x3308, 0x545: 0x3308, + 0x546: 0x3308, 0x547: 0x3308, 0x548: 0x3308, 0x549: 0x3008, 0x54a: 0x3008, 0x54b: 0x3008, + 0x54c: 0x3008, 0x54d: 0x3b08, 0x54e: 0x3008, 0x54f: 0x3008, 0x550: 0x0008, 0x551: 0x3308, + 0x552: 0x3308, 0x553: 0x3308, 0x554: 0x3308, 0x555: 0x3308, 0x556: 0x3308, 0x557: 0x3308, + 0x558: 0x04c9, 0x559: 0x0501, 0x55a: 0x0539, 0x55b: 0x0571, 0x55c: 0x05a9, 0x55d: 0x05e1, + 0x55e: 0x0619, 0x55f: 0x0651, 0x560: 0x0008, 0x561: 0x0008, 0x562: 0x3308, 0x563: 0x3308, + 0x564: 0x0018, 0x565: 0x0018, 0x566: 0x0008, 0x567: 0x0008, 0x568: 0x0008, 0x569: 0x0008, + 0x56a: 0x0008, 0x56b: 0x0008, 0x56c: 0x0008, 0x56d: 0x0008, 0x56e: 0x0008, 0x56f: 0x0008, + 0x570: 0x0018, 0x571: 0x0008, 0x572: 0x0008, 0x573: 0x0008, 0x574: 0x0008, 0x575: 0x0008, + 0x576: 0x0008, 0x577: 0x0008, 0x578: 0x0008, 0x579: 0x0008, 0x57a: 0x0008, 0x57b: 0x0008, + 0x57c: 0x0008, 0x57d: 0x0008, 0x57e: 0x0008, 0x57f: 0x0008, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x0008, 0x581: 0x3308, 0x582: 0x3008, 0x583: 0x3008, 0x584: 0x0040, 0x585: 0x0008, + 0x586: 0x0008, 0x587: 0x0008, 0x588: 0x0008, 0x589: 0x0008, 0x58a: 0x0008, 0x58b: 0x0008, + 0x58c: 0x0008, 0x58d: 0x0040, 0x58e: 0x0040, 0x58f: 0x0008, 0x590: 0x0008, 0x591: 0x0040, + 0x592: 0x0040, 0x593: 0x0008, 0x594: 0x0008, 0x595: 0x0008, 0x596: 0x0008, 0x597: 0x0008, + 0x598: 0x0008, 0x599: 0x0008, 0x59a: 0x0008, 0x59b: 0x0008, 0x59c: 0x0008, 0x59d: 0x0008, + 0x59e: 0x0008, 0x59f: 0x0008, 0x5a0: 0x0008, 0x5a1: 0x0008, 0x5a2: 0x0008, 0x5a3: 0x0008, + 0x5a4: 0x0008, 0x5a5: 0x0008, 0x5a6: 0x0008, 0x5a7: 0x0008, 0x5a8: 0x0008, 0x5a9: 0x0040, + 0x5aa: 0x0008, 0x5ab: 0x0008, 0x5ac: 0x0008, 0x5ad: 0x0008, 0x5ae: 0x0008, 0x5af: 0x0008, + 0x5b0: 0x0008, 0x5b1: 0x0040, 0x5b2: 0x0008, 0x5b3: 0x0040, 0x5b4: 0x0040, 0x5b5: 0x0040, + 0x5b6: 0x0008, 0x5b7: 0x0008, 0x5b8: 0x0008, 0x5b9: 0x0008, 0x5ba: 0x0040, 0x5bb: 0x0040, + 0x5bc: 0x3308, 0x5bd: 0x0008, 0x5be: 0x3008, 0x5bf: 0x3008, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x3008, 0x5c1: 0x3308, 0x5c2: 0x3308, 0x5c3: 0x3308, 0x5c4: 0x3308, 0x5c5: 0x0040, + 0x5c6: 0x0040, 0x5c7: 0x3008, 0x5c8: 0x3008, 0x5c9: 0x0040, 0x5ca: 0x0040, 0x5cb: 0x3008, + 0x5cc: 0x3008, 0x5cd: 0x3b08, 0x5ce: 0x0008, 0x5cf: 0x0040, 0x5d0: 0x0040, 0x5d1: 0x0040, + 0x5d2: 0x0040, 0x5d3: 0x0040, 0x5d4: 0x0040, 0x5d5: 0x0040, 0x5d6: 0x0040, 0x5d7: 0x3008, + 0x5d8: 0x0040, 0x5d9: 0x0040, 0x5da: 0x0040, 0x5db: 0x0040, 0x5dc: 0x0689, 0x5dd: 0x06c1, + 0x5de: 0x0040, 0x5df: 0x06f9, 0x5e0: 0x0008, 0x5e1: 0x0008, 0x5e2: 0x3308, 0x5e3: 0x3308, + 0x5e4: 0x0040, 0x5e5: 0x0040, 0x5e6: 0x0008, 0x5e7: 0x0008, 0x5e8: 0x0008, 0x5e9: 0x0008, + 0x5ea: 0x0008, 0x5eb: 0x0008, 0x5ec: 0x0008, 0x5ed: 0x0008, 0x5ee: 0x0008, 0x5ef: 0x0008, + 0x5f0: 0x0008, 0x5f1: 0x0008, 0x5f2: 0x0018, 0x5f3: 0x0018, 0x5f4: 0x0018, 0x5f5: 0x0018, + 0x5f6: 0x0018, 0x5f7: 0x0018, 0x5f8: 0x0018, 0x5f9: 0x0018, 0x5fa: 0x0018, 0x5fb: 0x0018, + 0x5fc: 0x0040, 0x5fd: 0x0040, 0x5fe: 0x0040, 0x5ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0040, 0x601: 0x3308, 0x602: 0x3308, 0x603: 0x3008, 0x604: 0x0040, 0x605: 0x0008, + 0x606: 0x0008, 0x607: 0x0008, 0x608: 0x0008, 0x609: 0x0008, 0x60a: 0x0008, 0x60b: 0x0040, + 0x60c: 0x0040, 0x60d: 0x0040, 0x60e: 0x0040, 0x60f: 0x0008, 0x610: 0x0008, 0x611: 0x0040, + 0x612: 0x0040, 0x613: 0x0008, 0x614: 0x0008, 0x615: 0x0008, 0x616: 0x0008, 0x617: 0x0008, + 0x618: 0x0008, 0x619: 0x0008, 0x61a: 0x0008, 0x61b: 0x0008, 0x61c: 0x0008, 0x61d: 0x0008, + 0x61e: 0x0008, 0x61f: 0x0008, 0x620: 0x0008, 0x621: 0x0008, 0x622: 0x0008, 0x623: 0x0008, + 0x624: 0x0008, 0x625: 0x0008, 0x626: 0x0008, 0x627: 0x0008, 0x628: 0x0008, 0x629: 0x0040, + 0x62a: 0x0008, 0x62b: 0x0008, 0x62c: 0x0008, 0x62d: 0x0008, 0x62e: 0x0008, 0x62f: 0x0008, + 0x630: 0x0008, 0x631: 0x0040, 0x632: 0x0008, 0x633: 0x0731, 0x634: 0x0040, 0x635: 0x0008, + 0x636: 0x0769, 0x637: 0x0040, 0x638: 0x0008, 0x639: 0x0008, 0x63a: 0x0040, 0x63b: 0x0040, + 0x63c: 0x3308, 0x63d: 0x0040, 0x63e: 0x3008, 0x63f: 0x3008, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x3008, 0x641: 0x3308, 0x642: 0x3308, 0x643: 0x0040, 0x644: 0x0040, 0x645: 0x0040, + 0x646: 0x0040, 0x647: 0x3308, 0x648: 0x3308, 0x649: 0x0040, 0x64a: 0x0040, 0x64b: 0x3308, + 0x64c: 0x3308, 0x64d: 0x3b08, 0x64e: 0x0040, 0x64f: 0x0040, 0x650: 0x0040, 0x651: 0x3308, + 0x652: 0x0040, 0x653: 0x0040, 0x654: 0x0040, 0x655: 0x0040, 0x656: 0x0040, 0x657: 0x0040, + 0x658: 0x0040, 0x659: 0x07a1, 0x65a: 0x07d9, 0x65b: 0x0811, 0x65c: 0x0008, 0x65d: 0x0040, + 0x65e: 0x0849, 0x65f: 0x0040, 0x660: 0x0040, 0x661: 0x0040, 0x662: 0x0040, 0x663: 0x0040, + 0x664: 0x0040, 0x665: 0x0040, 0x666: 0x0008, 0x667: 0x0008, 0x668: 0x0008, 0x669: 0x0008, + 0x66a: 0x0008, 0x66b: 0x0008, 0x66c: 0x0008, 0x66d: 0x0008, 0x66e: 0x0008, 0x66f: 0x0008, + 0x670: 0x3308, 0x671: 0x3308, 0x672: 0x0008, 0x673: 0x0008, 0x674: 0x0008, 0x675: 0x3308, + 0x676: 0x0040, 0x677: 0x0040, 0x678: 0x0040, 0x679: 0x0040, 0x67a: 0x0040, 0x67b: 0x0040, + 0x67c: 0x0040, 0x67d: 0x0040, 0x67e: 0x0040, 0x67f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x0040, 0x681: 0x3308, 0x682: 0x3308, 0x683: 0x3008, 0x684: 0x0040, 0x685: 0x0008, + 0x686: 0x0008, 0x687: 0x0008, 0x688: 0x0008, 0x689: 0x0008, 0x68a: 0x0008, 0x68b: 0x0008, + 0x68c: 0x0008, 0x68d: 0x0008, 0x68e: 0x0040, 0x68f: 0x0008, 0x690: 0x0008, 0x691: 0x0008, + 0x692: 0x0040, 0x693: 0x0008, 0x694: 0x0008, 0x695: 0x0008, 0x696: 0x0008, 0x697: 0x0008, + 0x698: 0x0008, 0x699: 0x0008, 0x69a: 0x0008, 0x69b: 0x0008, 0x69c: 0x0008, 0x69d: 0x0008, + 0x69e: 0x0008, 0x69f: 0x0008, 0x6a0: 0x0008, 0x6a1: 0x0008, 0x6a2: 0x0008, 0x6a3: 0x0008, + 0x6a4: 0x0008, 0x6a5: 0x0008, 0x6a6: 0x0008, 0x6a7: 0x0008, 0x6a8: 0x0008, 0x6a9: 0x0040, + 0x6aa: 0x0008, 0x6ab: 0x0008, 0x6ac: 0x0008, 0x6ad: 0x0008, 0x6ae: 0x0008, 0x6af: 0x0008, + 0x6b0: 0x0008, 0x6b1: 0x0040, 0x6b2: 0x0008, 0x6b3: 0x0008, 0x6b4: 0x0040, 0x6b5: 0x0008, + 0x6b6: 0x0008, 0x6b7: 0x0008, 0x6b8: 0x0008, 0x6b9: 0x0008, 0x6ba: 0x0040, 0x6bb: 0x0040, + 0x6bc: 0x3308, 0x6bd: 0x0008, 0x6be: 0x3008, 0x6bf: 0x3008, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x3008, 0x6c1: 0x3308, 0x6c2: 0x3308, 0x6c3: 0x3308, 0x6c4: 0x3308, 0x6c5: 0x3308, + 0x6c6: 0x0040, 0x6c7: 0x3308, 0x6c8: 0x3308, 0x6c9: 0x3008, 0x6ca: 0x0040, 0x6cb: 0x3008, + 0x6cc: 0x3008, 0x6cd: 0x3b08, 0x6ce: 0x0040, 0x6cf: 0x0040, 0x6d0: 0x0008, 0x6d1: 0x0040, + 0x6d2: 0x0040, 0x6d3: 0x0040, 0x6d4: 0x0040, 0x6d5: 0x0040, 0x6d6: 0x0040, 0x6d7: 0x0040, + 0x6d8: 0x0040, 0x6d9: 0x0040, 0x6da: 0x0040, 0x6db: 0x0040, 0x6dc: 0x0040, 0x6dd: 0x0040, + 0x6de: 0x0040, 0x6df: 0x0040, 0x6e0: 0x0008, 0x6e1: 0x0008, 0x6e2: 0x3308, 0x6e3: 0x3308, + 0x6e4: 0x0040, 0x6e5: 0x0040, 0x6e6: 0x0008, 0x6e7: 0x0008, 0x6e8: 0x0008, 0x6e9: 0x0008, + 0x6ea: 0x0008, 0x6eb: 0x0008, 0x6ec: 0x0008, 0x6ed: 0x0008, 0x6ee: 0x0008, 0x6ef: 0x0008, + 0x6f0: 0x0018, 0x6f1: 0x0018, 0x6f2: 0x0040, 0x6f3: 0x0040, 0x6f4: 0x0040, 0x6f5: 0x0040, + 0x6f6: 0x0040, 0x6f7: 0x0040, 0x6f8: 0x0040, 0x6f9: 0x0008, 0x6fa: 0x0040, 0x6fb: 0x0040, + 0x6fc: 0x0040, 0x6fd: 0x0040, 0x6fe: 0x0040, 0x6ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x0040, 0x701: 0x3308, 0x702: 0x3008, 0x703: 0x3008, 0x704: 0x0040, 0x705: 0x0008, + 0x706: 0x0008, 0x707: 0x0008, 0x708: 0x0008, 0x709: 0x0008, 0x70a: 0x0008, 0x70b: 0x0008, + 0x70c: 0x0008, 0x70d: 0x0040, 0x70e: 0x0040, 0x70f: 0x0008, 0x710: 0x0008, 0x711: 0x0040, + 0x712: 0x0040, 0x713: 0x0008, 0x714: 0x0008, 0x715: 0x0008, 0x716: 0x0008, 0x717: 0x0008, + 0x718: 0x0008, 0x719: 0x0008, 0x71a: 0x0008, 0x71b: 0x0008, 0x71c: 0x0008, 0x71d: 0x0008, + 0x71e: 0x0008, 0x71f: 0x0008, 0x720: 0x0008, 0x721: 0x0008, 0x722: 0x0008, 0x723: 0x0008, + 0x724: 0x0008, 0x725: 0x0008, 0x726: 0x0008, 0x727: 0x0008, 0x728: 0x0008, 0x729: 0x0040, + 0x72a: 0x0008, 0x72b: 0x0008, 0x72c: 0x0008, 0x72d: 0x0008, 0x72e: 0x0008, 0x72f: 0x0008, + 0x730: 0x0008, 0x731: 0x0040, 0x732: 0x0008, 0x733: 0x0008, 0x734: 0x0040, 0x735: 0x0008, + 0x736: 0x0008, 0x737: 0x0008, 0x738: 0x0008, 0x739: 0x0008, 0x73a: 0x0040, 0x73b: 0x0040, + 0x73c: 0x3308, 0x73d: 0x0008, 0x73e: 0x3008, 0x73f: 0x3308, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x3008, 0x741: 0x3308, 0x742: 0x3308, 0x743: 0x3308, 0x744: 0x3308, 0x745: 0x0040, + 0x746: 0x0040, 0x747: 0x3008, 0x748: 0x3008, 0x749: 0x0040, 0x74a: 0x0040, 0x74b: 0x3008, + 0x74c: 0x3008, 0x74d: 0x3b08, 0x74e: 0x0040, 0x74f: 0x0040, 0x750: 0x0040, 0x751: 0x0040, + 0x752: 0x0040, 0x753: 0x0040, 0x754: 0x0040, 0x755: 0x0040, 0x756: 0x3308, 0x757: 0x3008, + 0x758: 0x0040, 0x759: 0x0040, 0x75a: 0x0040, 0x75b: 0x0040, 0x75c: 0x0881, 0x75d: 0x08b9, + 0x75e: 0x0040, 0x75f: 0x0008, 0x760: 0x0008, 0x761: 0x0008, 0x762: 0x3308, 0x763: 0x3308, + 0x764: 0x0040, 0x765: 0x0040, 0x766: 0x0008, 0x767: 0x0008, 0x768: 0x0008, 0x769: 0x0008, + 0x76a: 0x0008, 0x76b: 0x0008, 0x76c: 0x0008, 0x76d: 0x0008, 0x76e: 0x0008, 0x76f: 0x0008, + 0x770: 0x0018, 0x771: 0x0008, 0x772: 0x0018, 0x773: 0x0018, 0x774: 0x0018, 0x775: 0x0018, + 0x776: 0x0018, 0x777: 0x0018, 0x778: 0x0040, 0x779: 0x0040, 0x77a: 0x0040, 0x77b: 0x0040, + 0x77c: 0x0040, 0x77d: 0x0040, 0x77e: 0x0040, 0x77f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x780: 0x0040, 0x781: 0x0040, 0x782: 0x3308, 0x783: 0x0008, 0x784: 0x0040, 0x785: 0x0008, + 0x786: 0x0008, 0x787: 0x0008, 0x788: 0x0008, 0x789: 0x0008, 0x78a: 0x0008, 0x78b: 0x0040, + 0x78c: 0x0040, 0x78d: 0x0040, 0x78e: 0x0008, 0x78f: 0x0008, 0x790: 0x0008, 0x791: 0x0040, + 0x792: 0x0008, 0x793: 0x0008, 0x794: 0x0008, 0x795: 0x0008, 0x796: 0x0040, 0x797: 0x0040, + 0x798: 0x0040, 0x799: 0x0008, 0x79a: 0x0008, 0x79b: 0x0040, 0x79c: 0x0008, 0x79d: 0x0040, + 0x79e: 0x0008, 0x79f: 0x0008, 0x7a0: 0x0040, 0x7a1: 0x0040, 0x7a2: 0x0040, 0x7a3: 0x0008, + 0x7a4: 0x0008, 0x7a5: 0x0040, 0x7a6: 0x0040, 0x7a7: 0x0040, 0x7a8: 0x0008, 0x7a9: 0x0008, + 0x7aa: 0x0008, 0x7ab: 0x0040, 0x7ac: 0x0040, 0x7ad: 0x0040, 0x7ae: 0x0008, 0x7af: 0x0008, + 0x7b0: 0x0008, 0x7b1: 0x0008, 0x7b2: 0x0008, 0x7b3: 0x0008, 0x7b4: 0x0008, 0x7b5: 0x0008, + 0x7b6: 0x0008, 0x7b7: 0x0008, 0x7b8: 0x0008, 0x7b9: 0x0008, 0x7ba: 0x0040, 0x7bb: 0x0040, + 0x7bc: 0x0040, 0x7bd: 0x0040, 0x7be: 0x3008, 0x7bf: 0x3008, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x3308, 0x7c1: 0x3008, 0x7c2: 0x3008, 0x7c3: 0x3008, 0x7c4: 0x3008, 0x7c5: 0x0040, + 0x7c6: 0x3308, 0x7c7: 0x3308, 0x7c8: 0x3308, 0x7c9: 0x0040, 0x7ca: 0x3308, 0x7cb: 0x3308, + 0x7cc: 0x3308, 0x7cd: 0x3b08, 0x7ce: 0x0040, 0x7cf: 0x0040, 0x7d0: 0x0040, 0x7d1: 0x0040, + 0x7d2: 0x0040, 0x7d3: 0x0040, 0x7d4: 0x0040, 0x7d5: 0x3308, 0x7d6: 0x3308, 0x7d7: 0x0040, + 0x7d8: 0x0008, 0x7d9: 0x0008, 0x7da: 0x0008, 0x7db: 0x0040, 0x7dc: 0x0040, 0x7dd: 0x0040, + 0x7de: 0x0040, 0x7df: 0x0040, 0x7e0: 0x0008, 0x7e1: 0x0008, 0x7e2: 0x3308, 0x7e3: 0x3308, + 0x7e4: 0x0040, 0x7e5: 0x0040, 0x7e6: 0x0008, 0x7e7: 0x0008, 0x7e8: 0x0008, 0x7e9: 0x0008, + 0x7ea: 0x0008, 0x7eb: 0x0008, 0x7ec: 0x0008, 0x7ed: 0x0008, 0x7ee: 0x0008, 0x7ef: 0x0008, + 0x7f0: 0x0040, 0x7f1: 0x0040, 0x7f2: 0x0040, 0x7f3: 0x0040, 0x7f4: 0x0040, 0x7f5: 0x0040, + 0x7f6: 0x0040, 0x7f7: 0x0040, 0x7f8: 0x0018, 0x7f9: 0x0018, 0x7fa: 0x0018, 0x7fb: 0x0018, + 0x7fc: 0x0018, 0x7fd: 0x0018, 0x7fe: 0x0018, 0x7ff: 0x0018, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x0008, 0x801: 0x3308, 0x802: 0x3008, 0x803: 0x3008, 0x804: 0x0040, 0x805: 0x0008, + 0x806: 0x0008, 0x807: 0x0008, 0x808: 0x0008, 0x809: 0x0008, 0x80a: 0x0008, 0x80b: 0x0008, + 0x80c: 0x0008, 0x80d: 0x0040, 0x80e: 0x0008, 0x80f: 0x0008, 0x810: 0x0008, 0x811: 0x0040, + 0x812: 0x0008, 0x813: 0x0008, 0x814: 0x0008, 0x815: 0x0008, 0x816: 0x0008, 0x817: 0x0008, + 0x818: 0x0008, 0x819: 0x0008, 0x81a: 0x0008, 0x81b: 0x0008, 0x81c: 0x0008, 0x81d: 0x0008, + 0x81e: 0x0008, 0x81f: 0x0008, 0x820: 0x0008, 0x821: 0x0008, 0x822: 0x0008, 0x823: 0x0008, + 0x824: 0x0008, 0x825: 0x0008, 0x826: 0x0008, 0x827: 0x0008, 0x828: 0x0008, 0x829: 0x0040, + 0x82a: 0x0008, 0x82b: 0x0008, 0x82c: 0x0008, 0x82d: 0x0008, 0x82e: 0x0008, 0x82f: 0x0008, + 0x830: 0x0008, 0x831: 0x0008, 0x832: 0x0008, 0x833: 0x0008, 0x834: 0x0040, 0x835: 0x0008, + 0x836: 0x0008, 0x837: 0x0008, 0x838: 0x0008, 0x839: 0x0008, 0x83a: 0x0040, 0x83b: 0x0040, + 0x83c: 0x3308, 0x83d: 0x0008, 0x83e: 0x3008, 0x83f: 0x3308, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x3008, 0x841: 0x3008, 0x842: 0x3008, 0x843: 0x3008, 0x844: 0x3008, 0x845: 0x0040, + 0x846: 0x3308, 0x847: 0x3008, 0x848: 0x3008, 0x849: 0x0040, 0x84a: 0x3008, 0x84b: 0x3008, + 0x84c: 0x3308, 0x84d: 0x3b08, 0x84e: 0x0040, 0x84f: 0x0040, 0x850: 0x0040, 0x851: 0x0040, + 0x852: 0x0040, 0x853: 0x0040, 0x854: 0x0040, 0x855: 0x3008, 0x856: 0x3008, 0x857: 0x0040, + 0x858: 0x0040, 0x859: 0x0040, 0x85a: 0x0040, 0x85b: 0x0040, 0x85c: 0x0040, 0x85d: 0x0040, + 0x85e: 0x0008, 0x85f: 0x0040, 0x860: 0x0008, 0x861: 0x0008, 0x862: 0x3308, 0x863: 0x3308, + 0x864: 0x0040, 0x865: 0x0040, 0x866: 0x0008, 0x867: 0x0008, 0x868: 0x0008, 0x869: 0x0008, + 0x86a: 0x0008, 0x86b: 0x0008, 0x86c: 0x0008, 0x86d: 0x0008, 0x86e: 0x0008, 0x86f: 0x0008, + 0x870: 0x0040, 0x871: 0x0008, 0x872: 0x0008, 0x873: 0x0040, 0x874: 0x0040, 0x875: 0x0040, + 0x876: 0x0040, 0x877: 0x0040, 0x878: 0x0040, 0x879: 0x0040, 0x87a: 0x0040, 0x87b: 0x0040, + 0x87c: 0x0040, 0x87d: 0x0040, 0x87e: 0x0040, 0x87f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x3008, 0x881: 0x3308, 0x882: 0x3308, 0x883: 0x3308, 0x884: 0x3308, 0x885: 0x0040, + 0x886: 0x3008, 0x887: 0x3008, 0x888: 0x3008, 0x889: 0x0040, 0x88a: 0x3008, 0x88b: 0x3008, + 0x88c: 0x3008, 0x88d: 0x3b08, 0x88e: 0x0008, 0x88f: 0x0018, 0x890: 0x0040, 0x891: 0x0040, + 0x892: 0x0040, 0x893: 0x0040, 0x894: 0x0008, 0x895: 0x0008, 0x896: 0x0008, 0x897: 0x3008, + 0x898: 0x0018, 0x899: 0x0018, 0x89a: 0x0018, 0x89b: 0x0018, 0x89c: 0x0018, 0x89d: 0x0018, + 0x89e: 0x0018, 0x89f: 0x0008, 0x8a0: 0x0008, 0x8a1: 0x0008, 0x8a2: 0x3308, 0x8a3: 0x3308, + 0x8a4: 0x0040, 0x8a5: 0x0040, 0x8a6: 0x0008, 0x8a7: 0x0008, 0x8a8: 0x0008, 0x8a9: 0x0008, + 0x8aa: 0x0008, 0x8ab: 0x0008, 0x8ac: 0x0008, 0x8ad: 0x0008, 0x8ae: 0x0008, 0x8af: 0x0008, + 0x8b0: 0x0018, 0x8b1: 0x0018, 0x8b2: 0x0018, 0x8b3: 0x0018, 0x8b4: 0x0018, 0x8b5: 0x0018, + 0x8b6: 0x0018, 0x8b7: 0x0018, 0x8b8: 0x0018, 0x8b9: 0x0018, 0x8ba: 0x0008, 0x8bb: 0x0008, + 0x8bc: 0x0008, 0x8bd: 0x0008, 0x8be: 0x0008, 0x8bf: 0x0008, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x0040, 0x8c1: 0x0008, 0x8c2: 0x0008, 0x8c3: 0x0040, 0x8c4: 0x0008, 0x8c5: 0x0040, + 0x8c6: 0x0040, 0x8c7: 0x0008, 0x8c8: 0x0008, 0x8c9: 0x0040, 0x8ca: 0x0008, 0x8cb: 0x0040, + 0x8cc: 0x0040, 0x8cd: 0x0008, 0x8ce: 0x0040, 0x8cf: 0x0040, 0x8d0: 0x0040, 0x8d1: 0x0040, + 0x8d2: 0x0040, 0x8d3: 0x0040, 0x8d4: 0x0008, 0x8d5: 0x0008, 0x8d6: 0x0008, 0x8d7: 0x0008, + 0x8d8: 0x0040, 0x8d9: 0x0008, 0x8da: 0x0008, 0x8db: 0x0008, 0x8dc: 0x0008, 0x8dd: 0x0008, + 0x8de: 0x0008, 0x8df: 0x0008, 0x8e0: 0x0040, 0x8e1: 0x0008, 0x8e2: 0x0008, 0x8e3: 0x0008, + 0x8e4: 0x0040, 0x8e5: 0x0008, 0x8e6: 0x0040, 0x8e7: 0x0008, 0x8e8: 0x0040, 0x8e9: 0x0040, + 0x8ea: 0x0008, 0x8eb: 0x0008, 0x8ec: 0x0040, 0x8ed: 0x0008, 0x8ee: 0x0008, 0x8ef: 0x0008, + 0x8f0: 0x0008, 0x8f1: 0x3308, 0x8f2: 0x0008, 0x8f3: 0x0929, 0x8f4: 0x3308, 0x8f5: 0x3308, + 0x8f6: 0x3308, 0x8f7: 0x3308, 0x8f8: 0x3308, 0x8f9: 0x3308, 0x8fa: 0x0040, 0x8fb: 0x3308, + 0x8fc: 0x3308, 0x8fd: 0x0008, 0x8fe: 0x0040, 0x8ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x0008, 0x901: 0x0008, 0x902: 0x0008, 0x903: 0x09d1, 0x904: 0x0008, 0x905: 0x0008, + 0x906: 0x0008, 0x907: 0x0008, 0x908: 0x0040, 0x909: 0x0008, 0x90a: 0x0008, 0x90b: 0x0008, + 0x90c: 0x0008, 0x90d: 0x0a09, 0x90e: 0x0008, 0x90f: 0x0008, 0x910: 0x0008, 0x911: 0x0008, + 0x912: 0x0a41, 0x913: 0x0008, 0x914: 0x0008, 0x915: 0x0008, 0x916: 0x0008, 0x917: 0x0a79, + 0x918: 0x0008, 0x919: 0x0008, 0x91a: 0x0008, 0x91b: 0x0008, 0x91c: 0x0ab1, 0x91d: 0x0008, + 0x91e: 0x0008, 0x91f: 0x0008, 0x920: 0x0008, 0x921: 0x0008, 0x922: 0x0008, 0x923: 0x0008, + 0x924: 0x0008, 0x925: 0x0008, 0x926: 0x0008, 0x927: 0x0008, 0x928: 0x0008, 0x929: 0x0ae9, + 0x92a: 0x0008, 0x92b: 0x0008, 0x92c: 0x0008, 0x92d: 0x0040, 0x92e: 0x0040, 0x92f: 0x0040, + 0x930: 0x0040, 0x931: 0x3308, 0x932: 0x3308, 0x933: 0x0b21, 0x934: 0x3308, 0x935: 0x0b59, + 0x936: 0x0b91, 0x937: 0x0bc9, 0x938: 0x0c19, 0x939: 0x0c51, 0x93a: 0x3308, 0x93b: 0x3308, + 0x93c: 0x3308, 0x93d: 0x3308, 0x93e: 0x3308, 0x93f: 0x3008, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x3308, 0x941: 0x0ca1, 0x942: 0x3308, 0x943: 0x3308, 0x944: 0x3b08, 0x945: 0x0018, + 0x946: 0x3308, 0x947: 0x3308, 0x948: 0x0008, 0x949: 0x0008, 0x94a: 0x0008, 0x94b: 0x0008, + 0x94c: 0x0008, 0x94d: 0x3308, 0x94e: 0x3308, 0x94f: 0x3308, 0x950: 0x3308, 0x951: 0x3308, + 0x952: 0x3308, 0x953: 0x0cd9, 0x954: 0x3308, 0x955: 0x3308, 0x956: 0x3308, 0x957: 0x3308, + 0x958: 0x0040, 0x959: 0x3308, 0x95a: 0x3308, 0x95b: 0x3308, 0x95c: 0x3308, 0x95d: 0x0d11, + 0x95e: 0x3308, 0x95f: 0x3308, 0x960: 0x3308, 0x961: 0x3308, 0x962: 0x0d49, 0x963: 0x3308, + 0x964: 0x3308, 0x965: 0x3308, 0x966: 0x3308, 0x967: 0x0d81, 0x968: 0x3308, 0x969: 0x3308, + 0x96a: 0x3308, 0x96b: 0x3308, 0x96c: 0x0db9, 0x96d: 0x3308, 0x96e: 0x3308, 0x96f: 0x3308, + 0x970: 0x3308, 0x971: 0x3308, 0x972: 0x3308, 0x973: 0x3308, 0x974: 0x3308, 0x975: 0x3308, + 0x976: 0x3308, 0x977: 0x3308, 0x978: 0x3308, 0x979: 0x0df1, 0x97a: 0x3308, 0x97b: 0x3308, + 0x97c: 0x3308, 0x97d: 0x0040, 0x97e: 0x0018, 0x97f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x980: 0x0008, 0x981: 0x0008, 0x982: 0x0008, 0x983: 0x0008, 0x984: 0x0008, 0x985: 0x0008, + 0x986: 0x0008, 0x987: 0x0008, 0x988: 0x0008, 0x989: 0x0008, 0x98a: 0x0008, 0x98b: 0x0008, + 0x98c: 0x0008, 0x98d: 0x0008, 0x98e: 0x0008, 0x98f: 0x0008, 0x990: 0x0008, 0x991: 0x0008, + 0x992: 0x0008, 0x993: 0x0008, 0x994: 0x0008, 0x995: 0x0008, 0x996: 0x0008, 0x997: 0x0008, + 0x998: 0x0008, 0x999: 0x0008, 0x99a: 0x0008, 0x99b: 0x0008, 0x99c: 0x0008, 0x99d: 0x0008, + 0x99e: 0x0008, 0x99f: 0x0008, 0x9a0: 0x0008, 0x9a1: 0x0008, 0x9a2: 0x0008, 0x9a3: 0x0008, + 0x9a4: 0x0008, 0x9a5: 0x0008, 0x9a6: 0x0008, 0x9a7: 0x0008, 0x9a8: 0x0008, 0x9a9: 0x0008, + 0x9aa: 0x0008, 0x9ab: 0x0008, 0x9ac: 0x0039, 0x9ad: 0x0ed1, 0x9ae: 0x0ee9, 0x9af: 0x0008, + 0x9b0: 0x0ef9, 0x9b1: 0x0f09, 0x9b2: 0x0f19, 0x9b3: 0x0f31, 0x9b4: 0x0249, 0x9b5: 0x0f41, + 0x9b6: 0x0259, 0x9b7: 0x0f51, 0x9b8: 0x0359, 0x9b9: 0x0f61, 0x9ba: 0x0f71, 0x9bb: 0x0008, + 0x9bc: 0x00d9, 0x9bd: 0x0f81, 0x9be: 0x0f99, 0x9bf: 0x0269, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c0: 0x0fa9, 0x9c1: 0x0fb9, 0x9c2: 0x0279, 0x9c3: 0x0039, 0x9c4: 0x0fc9, 0x9c5: 0x0fe1, + 0x9c6: 0x059d, 0x9c7: 0x0ee9, 0x9c8: 0x0ef9, 0x9c9: 0x0f09, 0x9ca: 0x0ff9, 0x9cb: 0x1011, + 0x9cc: 0x1029, 0x9cd: 0x0f31, 0x9ce: 0x0008, 0x9cf: 0x0f51, 0x9d0: 0x0f61, 0x9d1: 0x1041, + 0x9d2: 0x00d9, 0x9d3: 0x1059, 0x9d4: 0x05b5, 0x9d5: 0x05b5, 0x9d6: 0x0f99, 0x9d7: 0x0fa9, + 0x9d8: 0x0fb9, 0x9d9: 0x059d, 0x9da: 0x1071, 0x9db: 0x1089, 0x9dc: 0x05cd, 0x9dd: 0x1099, + 0x9de: 0x10b1, 0x9df: 0x10c9, 0x9e0: 0x10e1, 0x9e1: 0x10f9, 0x9e2: 0x0f41, 0x9e3: 0x0269, + 0x9e4: 0x0fb9, 0x9e5: 0x1089, 0x9e6: 0x1099, 0x9e7: 0x10b1, 0x9e8: 0x1111, 0x9e9: 0x10e1, + 0x9ea: 0x10f9, 0x9eb: 0x0008, 0x9ec: 0x0008, 0x9ed: 0x0008, 0x9ee: 0x0008, 0x9ef: 0x0008, + 0x9f0: 0x0008, 0x9f1: 0x0008, 0x9f2: 0x0008, 0x9f3: 0x0008, 0x9f4: 0x0008, 0x9f5: 0x0008, + 0x9f6: 0x0008, 0x9f7: 0x0008, 0x9f8: 0x1129, 0x9f9: 0x0008, 0x9fa: 0x0008, 0x9fb: 0x0008, + 0x9fc: 0x0008, 0x9fd: 0x0008, 0x9fe: 0x0008, 0x9ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa00: 0x0008, 0xa01: 0x0008, 0xa02: 0x0008, 0xa03: 0x0008, 0xa04: 0x0008, 0xa05: 0x0008, + 0xa06: 0x0008, 0xa07: 0x0008, 0xa08: 0x0008, 0xa09: 0x0008, 0xa0a: 0x0008, 0xa0b: 0x0008, + 0xa0c: 0x0008, 0xa0d: 0x0008, 0xa0e: 0x0008, 0xa0f: 0x0008, 0xa10: 0x0008, 0xa11: 0x0008, + 0xa12: 0x0008, 0xa13: 0x0008, 0xa14: 0x0008, 0xa15: 0x0008, 0xa16: 0x0008, 0xa17: 0x0008, + 0xa18: 0x0008, 0xa19: 0x0008, 0xa1a: 0x0008, 0xa1b: 0x1141, 0xa1c: 0x1159, 0xa1d: 0x1169, + 0xa1e: 0x1181, 0xa1f: 0x1029, 0xa20: 0x1199, 0xa21: 0x11a9, 0xa22: 0x11c1, 0xa23: 0x11d9, + 0xa24: 0x11f1, 0xa25: 0x1209, 0xa26: 0x1221, 0xa27: 0x05e5, 0xa28: 0x1239, 0xa29: 0x1251, + 0xa2a: 0xe17d, 0xa2b: 0x1269, 0xa2c: 0x1281, 0xa2d: 0x1299, 0xa2e: 0x12b1, 0xa2f: 0x12c9, + 0xa30: 0x12e1, 0xa31: 0x12f9, 0xa32: 0x1311, 0xa33: 0x1329, 0xa34: 0x1341, 0xa35: 0x1359, + 0xa36: 0x1371, 0xa37: 0x1389, 0xa38: 0x05fd, 0xa39: 0x13a1, 0xa3a: 0x13b9, 0xa3b: 0x13d1, + 0xa3c: 0x13e1, 0xa3d: 0x13f9, 0xa3e: 0x1411, 0xa3f: 0x1429, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa40: 0xe00d, 0xa41: 0x0008, 0xa42: 0xe00d, 0xa43: 0x0008, 0xa44: 0xe00d, 0xa45: 0x0008, + 0xa46: 0xe00d, 0xa47: 0x0008, 0xa48: 0xe00d, 0xa49: 0x0008, 0xa4a: 0xe00d, 0xa4b: 0x0008, + 0xa4c: 0xe00d, 0xa4d: 0x0008, 0xa4e: 0xe00d, 0xa4f: 0x0008, 0xa50: 0xe00d, 0xa51: 0x0008, + 0xa52: 0xe00d, 0xa53: 0x0008, 0xa54: 0xe00d, 0xa55: 0x0008, 0xa56: 0xe00d, 0xa57: 0x0008, + 0xa58: 0xe00d, 0xa59: 0x0008, 0xa5a: 0xe00d, 0xa5b: 0x0008, 0xa5c: 0xe00d, 0xa5d: 0x0008, + 0xa5e: 0xe00d, 0xa5f: 0x0008, 0xa60: 0xe00d, 0xa61: 0x0008, 0xa62: 0xe00d, 0xa63: 0x0008, + 0xa64: 0xe00d, 0xa65: 0x0008, 0xa66: 0xe00d, 0xa67: 0x0008, 0xa68: 0xe00d, 0xa69: 0x0008, + 0xa6a: 0xe00d, 0xa6b: 0x0008, 0xa6c: 0xe00d, 0xa6d: 0x0008, 0xa6e: 0xe00d, 0xa6f: 0x0008, + 0xa70: 0xe00d, 0xa71: 0x0008, 0xa72: 0xe00d, 0xa73: 0x0008, 0xa74: 0xe00d, 0xa75: 0x0008, + 0xa76: 0xe00d, 0xa77: 0x0008, 0xa78: 0xe00d, 0xa79: 0x0008, 0xa7a: 0xe00d, 0xa7b: 0x0008, + 0xa7c: 0xe00d, 0xa7d: 0x0008, 0xa7e: 0xe00d, 0xa7f: 0x0008, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa80: 0xe00d, 0xa81: 0x0008, 0xa82: 0xe00d, 0xa83: 0x0008, 0xa84: 0xe00d, 0xa85: 0x0008, + 0xa86: 0xe00d, 0xa87: 0x0008, 0xa88: 0xe00d, 0xa89: 0x0008, 0xa8a: 0xe00d, 0xa8b: 0x0008, + 0xa8c: 0xe00d, 0xa8d: 0x0008, 0xa8e: 0xe00d, 0xa8f: 0x0008, 0xa90: 0xe00d, 0xa91: 0x0008, + 0xa92: 0xe00d, 0xa93: 0x0008, 0xa94: 0xe00d, 0xa95: 0x0008, 0xa96: 0x0008, 0xa97: 0x0008, + 0xa98: 0x0008, 0xa99: 0x0008, 0xa9a: 0x0615, 0xa9b: 0x0635, 0xa9c: 0x0008, 0xa9d: 0x0008, + 0xa9e: 0x1441, 0xa9f: 0x0008, 0xaa0: 0xe00d, 0xaa1: 0x0008, 0xaa2: 0xe00d, 0xaa3: 0x0008, + 0xaa4: 0xe00d, 0xaa5: 0x0008, 0xaa6: 0xe00d, 0xaa7: 0x0008, 0xaa8: 0xe00d, 0xaa9: 0x0008, + 0xaaa: 0xe00d, 0xaab: 0x0008, 0xaac: 0xe00d, 0xaad: 0x0008, 0xaae: 0xe00d, 0xaaf: 0x0008, + 0xab0: 0xe00d, 0xab1: 0x0008, 0xab2: 0xe00d, 0xab3: 0x0008, 0xab4: 0xe00d, 0xab5: 0x0008, + 0xab6: 0xe00d, 0xab7: 0x0008, 0xab8: 0xe00d, 0xab9: 0x0008, 0xaba: 0xe00d, 0xabb: 0x0008, + 0xabc: 0xe00d, 0xabd: 0x0008, 0xabe: 0xe00d, 0xabf: 0x0008, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xac0: 0x0008, 0xac1: 0x0008, 0xac2: 0x0008, 0xac3: 0x0008, 0xac4: 0x0008, 0xac5: 0x0008, + 0xac6: 0x0040, 0xac7: 0x0040, 0xac8: 0xe045, 0xac9: 0xe045, 0xaca: 0xe045, 0xacb: 0xe045, + 0xacc: 0xe045, 0xacd: 0xe045, 0xace: 0x0040, 0xacf: 0x0040, 0xad0: 0x0008, 0xad1: 0x0008, + 0xad2: 0x0008, 0xad3: 0x0008, 0xad4: 0x0008, 0xad5: 0x0008, 0xad6: 0x0008, 0xad7: 0x0008, + 0xad8: 0x0040, 0xad9: 0xe045, 0xada: 0x0040, 0xadb: 0xe045, 0xadc: 0x0040, 0xadd: 0xe045, + 0xade: 0x0040, 0xadf: 0xe045, 0xae0: 0x0008, 0xae1: 0x0008, 0xae2: 0x0008, 0xae3: 0x0008, + 0xae4: 0x0008, 0xae5: 0x0008, 0xae6: 0x0008, 0xae7: 0x0008, 0xae8: 0xe045, 0xae9: 0xe045, + 0xaea: 0xe045, 0xaeb: 0xe045, 0xaec: 0xe045, 0xaed: 0xe045, 0xaee: 0xe045, 0xaef: 0xe045, + 0xaf0: 0x0008, 0xaf1: 0x1459, 0xaf2: 0x0008, 0xaf3: 0x1471, 0xaf4: 0x0008, 0xaf5: 0x1489, + 0xaf6: 0x0008, 0xaf7: 0x14a1, 0xaf8: 0x0008, 0xaf9: 0x14b9, 0xafa: 0x0008, 0xafb: 0x14d1, + 0xafc: 0x0008, 0xafd: 0x14e9, 0xafe: 0x0040, 0xaff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb00: 0x1501, 0xb01: 0x1531, 0xb02: 0x1561, 0xb03: 0x1591, 0xb04: 0x15c1, 0xb05: 0x15f1, + 0xb06: 0x1621, 0xb07: 0x1651, 0xb08: 0x1501, 0xb09: 0x1531, 0xb0a: 0x1561, 0xb0b: 0x1591, + 0xb0c: 0x15c1, 0xb0d: 0x15f1, 0xb0e: 0x1621, 0xb0f: 0x1651, 0xb10: 0x1681, 0xb11: 0x16b1, + 0xb12: 0x16e1, 0xb13: 0x1711, 0xb14: 0x1741, 0xb15: 0x1771, 0xb16: 0x17a1, 0xb17: 0x17d1, + 0xb18: 0x1681, 0xb19: 0x16b1, 0xb1a: 0x16e1, 0xb1b: 0x1711, 0xb1c: 0x1741, 0xb1d: 0x1771, + 0xb1e: 0x17a1, 0xb1f: 0x17d1, 0xb20: 0x1801, 0xb21: 0x1831, 0xb22: 0x1861, 0xb23: 0x1891, + 0xb24: 0x18c1, 0xb25: 0x18f1, 0xb26: 0x1921, 0xb27: 0x1951, 0xb28: 0x1801, 0xb29: 0x1831, + 0xb2a: 0x1861, 0xb2b: 0x1891, 0xb2c: 0x18c1, 0xb2d: 0x18f1, 0xb2e: 0x1921, 0xb2f: 0x1951, + 0xb30: 0x0008, 0xb31: 0x0008, 0xb32: 0x1981, 0xb33: 0x19b1, 0xb34: 0x19d9, 0xb35: 0x0040, + 0xb36: 0x0008, 0xb37: 0x1a01, 0xb38: 0xe045, 0xb39: 0xe045, 0xb3a: 0x064d, 0xb3b: 0x1459, + 0xb3c: 0x19b1, 0xb3d: 0x0666, 0xb3e: 0x1a31, 0xb3f: 0x0686, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb40: 0x06a6, 0xb41: 0x1a4a, 0xb42: 0x1a79, 0xb43: 0x1aa9, 0xb44: 0x1ad1, 0xb45: 0x0040, + 0xb46: 0x0008, 0xb47: 0x1af9, 0xb48: 0x06c5, 0xb49: 0x1471, 0xb4a: 0x06dd, 0xb4b: 0x1489, + 0xb4c: 0x1aa9, 0xb4d: 0x1b2a, 0xb4e: 0x1b5a, 0xb4f: 0x1b8a, 0xb50: 0x0008, 0xb51: 0x0008, + 0xb52: 0x0008, 0xb53: 0x1bb9, 0xb54: 0x0040, 0xb55: 0x0040, 0xb56: 0x0008, 0xb57: 0x0008, + 0xb58: 0xe045, 0xb59: 0xe045, 0xb5a: 0x06f5, 0xb5b: 0x14a1, 0xb5c: 0x0040, 0xb5d: 0x1bd2, + 0xb5e: 0x1c02, 0xb5f: 0x1c32, 0xb60: 0x0008, 0xb61: 0x0008, 0xb62: 0x0008, 0xb63: 0x1c61, + 0xb64: 0x0008, 0xb65: 0x0008, 0xb66: 0x0008, 0xb67: 0x0008, 0xb68: 0xe045, 0xb69: 0xe045, + 0xb6a: 0x070d, 0xb6b: 0x14d1, 0xb6c: 0xe04d, 0xb6d: 0x1c7a, 0xb6e: 0x03d2, 0xb6f: 0x1caa, + 0xb70: 0x0040, 0xb71: 0x0040, 0xb72: 0x1cb9, 0xb73: 0x1ce9, 0xb74: 0x1d11, 0xb75: 0x0040, + 0xb76: 0x0008, 0xb77: 0x1d39, 0xb78: 0x0725, 0xb79: 0x14b9, 0xb7a: 0x0515, 0xb7b: 0x14e9, + 0xb7c: 0x1ce9, 0xb7d: 0x073e, 0xb7e: 0x075e, 0xb7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb80: 0x000a, 0xb81: 0x000a, 0xb82: 0x000a, 0xb83: 0x000a, 0xb84: 0x000a, 0xb85: 0x000a, + 0xb86: 0x000a, 0xb87: 0x000a, 0xb88: 0x000a, 0xb89: 0x000a, 0xb8a: 0x000a, 0xb8b: 0x03c0, + 0xb8c: 0x0003, 0xb8d: 0x0003, 0xb8e: 0x0340, 0xb8f: 0x0b40, 0xb90: 0x0018, 0xb91: 0xe00d, + 0xb92: 0x0018, 0xb93: 0x0018, 0xb94: 0x0018, 0xb95: 0x0018, 0xb96: 0x0018, 0xb97: 0x077e, + 0xb98: 0x0018, 0xb99: 0x0018, 0xb9a: 0x0018, 0xb9b: 0x0018, 0xb9c: 0x0018, 0xb9d: 0x0018, + 0xb9e: 0x0018, 0xb9f: 0x0018, 0xba0: 0x0018, 0xba1: 0x0018, 0xba2: 0x0018, 0xba3: 0x0018, + 0xba4: 0x0040, 0xba5: 0x0040, 0xba6: 0x0040, 0xba7: 0x0018, 0xba8: 0x0040, 0xba9: 0x0040, + 0xbaa: 0x0340, 0xbab: 0x0340, 0xbac: 0x0340, 0xbad: 0x0340, 0xbae: 0x0340, 0xbaf: 0x000a, + 0xbb0: 0x0018, 0xbb1: 0x0018, 0xbb2: 0x0018, 0xbb3: 0x1d69, 0xbb4: 0x1da1, 0xbb5: 0x0018, + 0xbb6: 0x1df1, 0xbb7: 0x1e29, 0xbb8: 0x0018, 0xbb9: 0x0018, 0xbba: 0x0018, 0xbbb: 0x0018, + 0xbbc: 0x1e7a, 0xbbd: 0x0018, 0xbbe: 0x079e, 0xbbf: 0x0018, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x0018, 0xbc1: 0x0018, 0xbc2: 0x0018, 0xbc3: 0x0018, 0xbc4: 0x0018, 0xbc5: 0x0018, + 0xbc6: 0x0018, 0xbc7: 0x1e92, 0xbc8: 0x1eaa, 0xbc9: 0x1ec2, 0xbca: 0x0018, 0xbcb: 0x0018, + 0xbcc: 0x0018, 0xbcd: 0x0018, 0xbce: 0x0018, 0xbcf: 0x0018, 0xbd0: 0x0018, 0xbd1: 0x0018, + 0xbd2: 0x0018, 0xbd3: 0x0018, 0xbd4: 0x0018, 0xbd5: 0x0018, 0xbd6: 0x0018, 0xbd7: 0x1ed9, + 0xbd8: 0x0018, 0xbd9: 0x0018, 0xbda: 0x0018, 0xbdb: 0x0018, 0xbdc: 0x0018, 0xbdd: 0x0018, + 0xbde: 0x0018, 0xbdf: 0x000a, 0xbe0: 0x03c0, 0xbe1: 0x0340, 0xbe2: 0x0340, 0xbe3: 0x0340, + 0xbe4: 0x03c0, 0xbe5: 0x0040, 0xbe6: 0x0040, 0xbe7: 0x0040, 0xbe8: 0x0040, 0xbe9: 0x0040, + 0xbea: 0x0340, 0xbeb: 0x0340, 0xbec: 0x0340, 0xbed: 0x0340, 0xbee: 0x0340, 0xbef: 0x0340, + 0xbf0: 0x1f41, 0xbf1: 0x0f41, 0xbf2: 0x0040, 0xbf3: 0x0040, 0xbf4: 0x1f51, 0xbf5: 0x1f61, + 0xbf6: 0x1f71, 0xbf7: 0x1f81, 0xbf8: 0x1f91, 0xbf9: 0x1fa1, 0xbfa: 0x1fb2, 0xbfb: 0x07bd, + 0xbfc: 0x1fc2, 0xbfd: 0x1fd2, 0xbfe: 0x1fe2, 0xbff: 0x0f71, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x1f41, 0xc01: 0x00c9, 0xc02: 0x0069, 0xc03: 0x0079, 0xc04: 0x1f51, 0xc05: 0x1f61, + 0xc06: 0x1f71, 0xc07: 0x1f81, 0xc08: 0x1f91, 0xc09: 0x1fa1, 0xc0a: 0x1fb2, 0xc0b: 0x07d5, + 0xc0c: 0x1fc2, 0xc0d: 0x1fd2, 0xc0e: 0x1fe2, 0xc0f: 0x0040, 0xc10: 0x0039, 0xc11: 0x0f09, + 0xc12: 0x00d9, 0xc13: 0x0369, 0xc14: 0x0ff9, 0xc15: 0x0249, 0xc16: 0x0f51, 0xc17: 0x0359, + 0xc18: 0x0f61, 0xc19: 0x0f71, 0xc1a: 0x0f99, 0xc1b: 0x01d9, 0xc1c: 0x0fa9, 0xc1d: 0x0040, + 0xc1e: 0x0040, 0xc1f: 0x0040, 0xc20: 0x0018, 0xc21: 0x0018, 0xc22: 0x0018, 0xc23: 0x0018, + 0xc24: 0x0018, 0xc25: 0x0018, 0xc26: 0x0018, 0xc27: 0x0018, 0xc28: 0x1ff1, 0xc29: 0x0018, + 0xc2a: 0x0018, 0xc2b: 0x0018, 0xc2c: 0x0018, 0xc2d: 0x0018, 0xc2e: 0x0018, 0xc2f: 0x0018, + 0xc30: 0x0018, 0xc31: 0x0018, 0xc32: 0x0018, 0xc33: 0x0018, 0xc34: 0x0018, 0xc35: 0x0018, + 0xc36: 0x0018, 0xc37: 0x0018, 0xc38: 0x0018, 0xc39: 0x0018, 0xc3a: 0x0018, 0xc3b: 0x0018, + 0xc3c: 0x0018, 0xc3d: 0x0018, 0xc3e: 0x0018, 0xc3f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x07ee, 0xc41: 0x080e, 0xc42: 0x1159, 0xc43: 0x082d, 0xc44: 0x0018, 0xc45: 0x084e, + 0xc46: 0x086e, 0xc47: 0x1011, 0xc48: 0x0018, 0xc49: 0x088d, 0xc4a: 0x0f31, 0xc4b: 0x0249, + 0xc4c: 0x0249, 0xc4d: 0x0249, 0xc4e: 0x0249, 0xc4f: 0x2009, 0xc50: 0x0f41, 0xc51: 0x0f41, + 0xc52: 0x0359, 0xc53: 0x0359, 0xc54: 0x0018, 0xc55: 0x0f71, 0xc56: 0x2021, 0xc57: 0x0018, + 0xc58: 0x0018, 0xc59: 0x0f99, 0xc5a: 0x2039, 0xc5b: 0x0269, 0xc5c: 0x0269, 0xc5d: 0x0269, + 0xc5e: 0x0018, 0xc5f: 0x0018, 0xc60: 0x2049, 0xc61: 0x08ad, 0xc62: 0x2061, 0xc63: 0x0018, + 0xc64: 0x13d1, 0xc65: 0x0018, 0xc66: 0x2079, 0xc67: 0x0018, 0xc68: 0x13d1, 0xc69: 0x0018, + 0xc6a: 0x0f51, 0xc6b: 0x2091, 0xc6c: 0x0ee9, 0xc6d: 0x1159, 0xc6e: 0x0018, 0xc6f: 0x0f09, + 0xc70: 0x0f09, 0xc71: 0x1199, 0xc72: 0x0040, 0xc73: 0x0f61, 0xc74: 0x00d9, 0xc75: 0x20a9, + 0xc76: 0x20c1, 0xc77: 0x20d9, 0xc78: 0x20f1, 0xc79: 0x0f41, 0xc7a: 0x0018, 0xc7b: 0x08cd, + 0xc7c: 0x2109, 0xc7d: 0x10b1, 0xc7e: 0x10b1, 0xc7f: 0x2109, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x08ed, 0xc81: 0x0018, 0xc82: 0x0018, 0xc83: 0x0018, 0xc84: 0x0018, 0xc85: 0x0ef9, + 0xc86: 0x0ef9, 0xc87: 0x0f09, 0xc88: 0x0f41, 0xc89: 0x0259, 0xc8a: 0x0018, 0xc8b: 0x0018, + 0xc8c: 0x0018, 0xc8d: 0x0018, 0xc8e: 0x0008, 0xc8f: 0x0018, 0xc90: 0x2121, 0xc91: 0x2151, + 0xc92: 0x2181, 0xc93: 0x21b9, 0xc94: 0x21e9, 0xc95: 0x2219, 0xc96: 0x2249, 0xc97: 0x2279, + 0xc98: 0x22a9, 0xc99: 0x22d9, 0xc9a: 0x2309, 0xc9b: 0x2339, 0xc9c: 0x2369, 0xc9d: 0x2399, + 0xc9e: 0x23c9, 0xc9f: 0x23f9, 0xca0: 0x0f41, 0xca1: 0x2421, 0xca2: 0x0905, 0xca3: 0x2439, + 0xca4: 0x1089, 0xca5: 0x2451, 0xca6: 0x0925, 0xca7: 0x2469, 0xca8: 0x2491, 0xca9: 0x0369, + 0xcaa: 0x24a9, 0xcab: 0x0945, 0xcac: 0x0359, 0xcad: 0x1159, 0xcae: 0x0ef9, 0xcaf: 0x0f61, + 0xcb0: 0x0f41, 0xcb1: 0x2421, 0xcb2: 0x0965, 0xcb3: 0x2439, 0xcb4: 0x1089, 0xcb5: 0x2451, + 0xcb6: 0x0985, 0xcb7: 0x2469, 0xcb8: 0x2491, 0xcb9: 0x0369, 0xcba: 0x24a9, 0xcbb: 0x09a5, + 0xcbc: 0x0359, 0xcbd: 0x1159, 0xcbe: 0x0ef9, 0xcbf: 0x0f61, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc0: 0x0018, 0xcc1: 0x0018, 0xcc2: 0x0018, 0xcc3: 0x0018, 0xcc4: 0x0018, 0xcc5: 0x0018, + 0xcc6: 0x0018, 0xcc7: 0x0018, 0xcc8: 0x0018, 0xcc9: 0x0018, 0xcca: 0x0018, 0xccb: 0x0040, + 0xccc: 0x0040, 0xccd: 0x0040, 0xcce: 0x0040, 0xccf: 0x0040, 0xcd0: 0x0040, 0xcd1: 0x0040, + 0xcd2: 0x0040, 0xcd3: 0x0040, 0xcd4: 0x0040, 0xcd5: 0x0040, 0xcd6: 0x0040, 0xcd7: 0x0040, + 0xcd8: 0x0040, 0xcd9: 0x0040, 0xcda: 0x0040, 0xcdb: 0x0040, 0xcdc: 0x0040, 0xcdd: 0x0040, + 0xcde: 0x0040, 0xcdf: 0x0040, 0xce0: 0x00c9, 0xce1: 0x0069, 0xce2: 0x0079, 0xce3: 0x1f51, + 0xce4: 0x1f61, 0xce5: 0x1f71, 0xce6: 0x1f81, 0xce7: 0x1f91, 0xce8: 0x1fa1, 0xce9: 0x2601, + 0xcea: 0x2619, 0xceb: 0x2631, 0xcec: 0x2649, 0xced: 0x2661, 0xcee: 0x2679, 0xcef: 0x2691, + 0xcf0: 0x26a9, 0xcf1: 0x26c1, 0xcf2: 0x26d9, 0xcf3: 0x26f1, 0xcf4: 0x0a06, 0xcf5: 0x0a26, + 0xcf6: 0x0a46, 0xcf7: 0x0a66, 0xcf8: 0x0a86, 0xcf9: 0x0aa6, 0xcfa: 0x0ac6, 0xcfb: 0x0ae6, + 0xcfc: 0x0b06, 0xcfd: 0x270a, 0xcfe: 0x2732, 0xcff: 0x275a, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd00: 0x2782, 0xd01: 0x27aa, 0xd02: 0x27d2, 0xd03: 0x27fa, 0xd04: 0x2822, 0xd05: 0x284a, + 0xd06: 0x2872, 0xd07: 0x289a, 0xd08: 0x0040, 0xd09: 0x0040, 0xd0a: 0x0040, 0xd0b: 0x0040, + 0xd0c: 0x0040, 0xd0d: 0x0040, 0xd0e: 0x0040, 0xd0f: 0x0040, 0xd10: 0x0040, 0xd11: 0x0040, + 0xd12: 0x0040, 0xd13: 0x0040, 0xd14: 0x0040, 0xd15: 0x0040, 0xd16: 0x0040, 0xd17: 0x0040, + 0xd18: 0x0040, 0xd19: 0x0040, 0xd1a: 0x0040, 0xd1b: 0x0040, 0xd1c: 0x0b26, 0xd1d: 0x0b46, + 0xd1e: 0x0b66, 0xd1f: 0x0b86, 0xd20: 0x0ba6, 0xd21: 0x0bc6, 0xd22: 0x0be6, 0xd23: 0x0c06, + 0xd24: 0x0c26, 0xd25: 0x0c46, 0xd26: 0x0c66, 0xd27: 0x0c86, 0xd28: 0x0ca6, 0xd29: 0x0cc6, + 0xd2a: 0x0ce6, 0xd2b: 0x0d06, 0xd2c: 0x0d26, 0xd2d: 0x0d46, 0xd2e: 0x0d66, 0xd2f: 0x0d86, + 0xd30: 0x0da6, 0xd31: 0x0dc6, 0xd32: 0x0de6, 0xd33: 0x0e06, 0xd34: 0x0e26, 0xd35: 0x0e46, + 0xd36: 0x0039, 0xd37: 0x0ee9, 0xd38: 0x1159, 0xd39: 0x0ef9, 0xd3a: 0x0f09, 0xd3b: 0x1199, + 0xd3c: 0x0f31, 0xd3d: 0x0249, 0xd3e: 0x0f41, 0xd3f: 0x0259, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x0f51, 0xd41: 0x0359, 0xd42: 0x0f61, 0xd43: 0x0f71, 0xd44: 0x00d9, 0xd45: 0x0f99, + 0xd46: 0x2039, 0xd47: 0x0269, 0xd48: 0x01d9, 0xd49: 0x0fa9, 0xd4a: 0x0fb9, 0xd4b: 0x1089, + 0xd4c: 0x0279, 0xd4d: 0x0369, 0xd4e: 0x0289, 0xd4f: 0x13d1, 0xd50: 0x0039, 0xd51: 0x0ee9, + 0xd52: 0x1159, 0xd53: 0x0ef9, 0xd54: 0x0f09, 0xd55: 0x1199, 0xd56: 0x0f31, 0xd57: 0x0249, + 0xd58: 0x0f41, 0xd59: 0x0259, 0xd5a: 0x0f51, 0xd5b: 0x0359, 0xd5c: 0x0f61, 0xd5d: 0x0f71, + 0xd5e: 0x00d9, 0xd5f: 0x0f99, 0xd60: 0x2039, 0xd61: 0x0269, 0xd62: 0x01d9, 0xd63: 0x0fa9, + 0xd64: 0x0fb9, 0xd65: 0x1089, 0xd66: 0x0279, 0xd67: 0x0369, 0xd68: 0x0289, 0xd69: 0x13d1, + 0xd6a: 0x1f41, 0xd6b: 0x0018, 0xd6c: 0x0018, 0xd6d: 0x0018, 0xd6e: 0x0018, 0xd6f: 0x0018, + 0xd70: 0x0018, 0xd71: 0x0018, 0xd72: 0x0018, 0xd73: 0x0018, 0xd74: 0x0018, 0xd75: 0x0018, + 0xd76: 0x0018, 0xd77: 0x0018, 0xd78: 0x0018, 0xd79: 0x0018, 0xd7a: 0x0018, 0xd7b: 0x0018, + 0xd7c: 0x0018, 0xd7d: 0x0018, 0xd7e: 0x0018, 0xd7f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd80: 0x0008, 0xd81: 0x0008, 0xd82: 0x0008, 0xd83: 0x0008, 0xd84: 0x0008, 0xd85: 0x0008, + 0xd86: 0x0008, 0xd87: 0x0008, 0xd88: 0x0008, 0xd89: 0x0008, 0xd8a: 0x0008, 0xd8b: 0x0008, + 0xd8c: 0x0008, 0xd8d: 0x0008, 0xd8e: 0x0008, 0xd8f: 0x0008, 0xd90: 0x0008, 0xd91: 0x0008, + 0xd92: 0x0008, 0xd93: 0x0008, 0xd94: 0x0008, 0xd95: 0x0008, 0xd96: 0x0008, 0xd97: 0x0008, + 0xd98: 0x0008, 0xd99: 0x0008, 0xd9a: 0x0008, 0xd9b: 0x0008, 0xd9c: 0x0008, 0xd9d: 0x0008, + 0xd9e: 0x0008, 0xd9f: 0x0040, 0xda0: 0xe00d, 0xda1: 0x0008, 0xda2: 0x2971, 0xda3: 0x0ebd, + 0xda4: 0x2989, 0xda5: 0x0008, 0xda6: 0x0008, 0xda7: 0xe07d, 0xda8: 0x0008, 0xda9: 0xe01d, + 0xdaa: 0x0008, 0xdab: 0xe03d, 0xdac: 0x0008, 0xdad: 0x0fe1, 0xdae: 0x1281, 0xdaf: 0x0fc9, + 0xdb0: 0x1141, 0xdb1: 0x0008, 0xdb2: 0xe00d, 0xdb3: 0x0008, 0xdb4: 0x0008, 0xdb5: 0xe01d, + 0xdb6: 0x0008, 0xdb7: 0x0008, 0xdb8: 0x0008, 0xdb9: 0x0008, 0xdba: 0x0008, 0xdbb: 0x0008, + 0xdbc: 0x0259, 0xdbd: 0x1089, 0xdbe: 0x29a1, 0xdbf: 0x29b9, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0xe00d, 0xdc1: 0x0008, 0xdc2: 0xe00d, 0xdc3: 0x0008, 0xdc4: 0xe00d, 0xdc5: 0x0008, + 0xdc6: 0xe00d, 0xdc7: 0x0008, 0xdc8: 0xe00d, 0xdc9: 0x0008, 0xdca: 0xe00d, 0xdcb: 0x0008, + 0xdcc: 0xe00d, 0xdcd: 0x0008, 0xdce: 0xe00d, 0xdcf: 0x0008, 0xdd0: 0xe00d, 0xdd1: 0x0008, + 0xdd2: 0xe00d, 0xdd3: 0x0008, 0xdd4: 0xe00d, 0xdd5: 0x0008, 0xdd6: 0xe00d, 0xdd7: 0x0008, + 0xdd8: 0xe00d, 0xdd9: 0x0008, 0xdda: 0xe00d, 0xddb: 0x0008, 0xddc: 0xe00d, 0xddd: 0x0008, + 0xdde: 0xe00d, 0xddf: 0x0008, 0xde0: 0xe00d, 0xde1: 0x0008, 0xde2: 0xe00d, 0xde3: 0x0008, + 0xde4: 0x0008, 0xde5: 0x0018, 0xde6: 0x0018, 0xde7: 0x0018, 0xde8: 0x0018, 0xde9: 0x0018, + 0xdea: 0x0018, 0xdeb: 0xe03d, 0xdec: 0x0008, 0xded: 0xe01d, 0xdee: 0x0008, 0xdef: 0x3308, + 0xdf0: 0x3308, 0xdf1: 0x3308, 0xdf2: 0xe00d, 0xdf3: 0x0008, 0xdf4: 0x0040, 0xdf5: 0x0040, + 0xdf6: 0x0040, 0xdf7: 0x0040, 0xdf8: 0x0040, 0xdf9: 0x0018, 0xdfa: 0x0018, 0xdfb: 0x0018, + 0xdfc: 0x0018, 0xdfd: 0x0018, 0xdfe: 0x0018, 0xdff: 0x0018, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x26fd, 0xe01: 0x271d, 0xe02: 0x273d, 0xe03: 0x275d, 0xe04: 0x277d, 0xe05: 0x279d, + 0xe06: 0x27bd, 0xe07: 0x27dd, 0xe08: 0x27fd, 0xe09: 0x281d, 0xe0a: 0x283d, 0xe0b: 0x285d, + 0xe0c: 0x287d, 0xe0d: 0x289d, 0xe0e: 0x28bd, 0xe0f: 0x28dd, 0xe10: 0x28fd, 0xe11: 0x291d, + 0xe12: 0x293d, 0xe13: 0x295d, 0xe14: 0x297d, 0xe15: 0x299d, 0xe16: 0x0040, 0xe17: 0x0040, + 0xe18: 0x0040, 0xe19: 0x0040, 0xe1a: 0x0040, 0xe1b: 0x0040, 0xe1c: 0x0040, 0xe1d: 0x0040, + 0xe1e: 0x0040, 0xe1f: 0x0040, 0xe20: 0x0040, 0xe21: 0x0040, 0xe22: 0x0040, 0xe23: 0x0040, + 0xe24: 0x0040, 0xe25: 0x0040, 0xe26: 0x0040, 0xe27: 0x0040, 0xe28: 0x0040, 0xe29: 0x0040, + 0xe2a: 0x0040, 0xe2b: 0x0040, 0xe2c: 0x0040, 0xe2d: 0x0040, 0xe2e: 0x0040, 0xe2f: 0x0040, + 0xe30: 0x0040, 0xe31: 0x0040, 0xe32: 0x0040, 0xe33: 0x0040, 0xe34: 0x0040, 0xe35: 0x0040, + 0xe36: 0x0040, 0xe37: 0x0040, 0xe38: 0x0040, 0xe39: 0x0040, 0xe3a: 0x0040, 0xe3b: 0x0040, + 0xe3c: 0x0040, 0xe3d: 0x0040, 0xe3e: 0x0040, 0xe3f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x000a, 0xe41: 0x0018, 0xe42: 0x29d1, 0xe43: 0x0018, 0xe44: 0x0018, 0xe45: 0x0008, + 0xe46: 0x0008, 0xe47: 0x0008, 0xe48: 0x0018, 0xe49: 0x0018, 0xe4a: 0x0018, 0xe4b: 0x0018, + 0xe4c: 0x0018, 0xe4d: 0x0018, 0xe4e: 0x0018, 0xe4f: 0x0018, 0xe50: 0x0018, 0xe51: 0x0018, + 0xe52: 0x0018, 0xe53: 0x0018, 0xe54: 0x0018, 0xe55: 0x0018, 0xe56: 0x0018, 0xe57: 0x0018, + 0xe58: 0x0018, 0xe59: 0x0018, 0xe5a: 0x0018, 0xe5b: 0x0018, 0xe5c: 0x0018, 0xe5d: 0x0018, + 0xe5e: 0x0018, 0xe5f: 0x0018, 0xe60: 0x0018, 0xe61: 0x0018, 0xe62: 0x0018, 0xe63: 0x0018, + 0xe64: 0x0018, 0xe65: 0x0018, 0xe66: 0x0018, 0xe67: 0x0018, 0xe68: 0x0018, 0xe69: 0x0018, + 0xe6a: 0x3308, 0xe6b: 0x3308, 0xe6c: 0x3308, 0xe6d: 0x3308, 0xe6e: 0x3018, 0xe6f: 0x3018, + 0xe70: 0x0018, 0xe71: 0x0018, 0xe72: 0x0018, 0xe73: 0x0018, 0xe74: 0x0018, 0xe75: 0x0018, + 0xe76: 0xe125, 0xe77: 0x0018, 0xe78: 0x29bd, 0xe79: 0x29dd, 0xe7a: 0x29fd, 0xe7b: 0x0018, + 0xe7c: 0x0008, 0xe7d: 0x0018, 0xe7e: 0x0018, 0xe7f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x2b3d, 0xe81: 0x2b5d, 0xe82: 0x2b7d, 0xe83: 0x2b9d, 0xe84: 0x2bbd, 0xe85: 0x2bdd, + 0xe86: 0x2bdd, 0xe87: 0x2bdd, 0xe88: 0x2bfd, 0xe89: 0x2bfd, 0xe8a: 0x2bfd, 0xe8b: 0x2bfd, + 0xe8c: 0x2c1d, 0xe8d: 0x2c1d, 0xe8e: 0x2c1d, 0xe8f: 0x2c3d, 0xe90: 0x2c5d, 0xe91: 0x2c5d, + 0xe92: 0x2a7d, 0xe93: 0x2a7d, 0xe94: 0x2c5d, 0xe95: 0x2c5d, 0xe96: 0x2c7d, 0xe97: 0x2c7d, + 0xe98: 0x2c5d, 0xe99: 0x2c5d, 0xe9a: 0x2a7d, 0xe9b: 0x2a7d, 0xe9c: 0x2c5d, 0xe9d: 0x2c5d, + 0xe9e: 0x2c3d, 0xe9f: 0x2c3d, 0xea0: 0x2c9d, 0xea1: 0x2c9d, 0xea2: 0x2cbd, 0xea3: 0x2cbd, + 0xea4: 0x0040, 0xea5: 0x2cdd, 0xea6: 0x2cfd, 0xea7: 0x2d1d, 0xea8: 0x2d1d, 0xea9: 0x2d3d, + 0xeaa: 0x2d5d, 0xeab: 0x2d7d, 0xeac: 0x2d9d, 0xead: 0x2dbd, 0xeae: 0x2ddd, 0xeaf: 0x2dfd, + 0xeb0: 0x2e1d, 0xeb1: 0x2e3d, 0xeb2: 0x2e3d, 0xeb3: 0x2e5d, 0xeb4: 0x2e7d, 0xeb5: 0x2e7d, + 0xeb6: 0x2e9d, 0xeb7: 0x2ebd, 0xeb8: 0x2e5d, 0xeb9: 0x2edd, 0xeba: 0x2efd, 0xebb: 0x2edd, + 0xebc: 0x2e5d, 0xebd: 0x2f1d, 0xebe: 0x2f3d, 0xebf: 0x2f5d, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x2f7d, 0xec1: 0x2f9d, 0xec2: 0x2cfd, 0xec3: 0x2cdd, 0xec4: 0x2fbd, 0xec5: 0x2fdd, + 0xec6: 0x2ffd, 0xec7: 0x301d, 0xec8: 0x303d, 0xec9: 0x305d, 0xeca: 0x307d, 0xecb: 0x309d, + 0xecc: 0x30bd, 0xecd: 0x30dd, 0xece: 0x30fd, 0xecf: 0x0040, 0xed0: 0x0018, 0xed1: 0x0018, + 0xed2: 0x311d, 0xed3: 0x313d, 0xed4: 0x315d, 0xed5: 0x317d, 0xed6: 0x319d, 0xed7: 0x31bd, + 0xed8: 0x31dd, 0xed9: 0x31fd, 0xeda: 0x321d, 0xedb: 0x323d, 0xedc: 0x315d, 0xedd: 0x325d, + 0xede: 0x327d, 0xedf: 0x329d, 0xee0: 0x0008, 0xee1: 0x0008, 0xee2: 0x0008, 0xee3: 0x0008, + 0xee4: 0x0008, 0xee5: 0x0008, 0xee6: 0x0008, 0xee7: 0x0008, 0xee8: 0x0008, 0xee9: 0x0008, + 0xeea: 0x0008, 0xeeb: 0x0008, 0xeec: 0x0008, 0xeed: 0x0008, 0xeee: 0x0008, 0xeef: 0x0008, + 0xef0: 0x0008, 0xef1: 0x0008, 0xef2: 0x0008, 0xef3: 0x0008, 0xef4: 0x0008, 0xef5: 0x0008, + 0xef6: 0x0008, 0xef7: 0x0008, 0xef8: 0x0008, 0xef9: 0x0008, 0xefa: 0x0008, 0xefb: 0x0040, + 0xefc: 0x0040, 0xefd: 0x0040, 0xefe: 0x0040, 0xeff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x36a2, 0xf01: 0x36d2, 0xf02: 0x3702, 0xf03: 0x3732, 0xf04: 0x32bd, 0xf05: 0x32dd, + 0xf06: 0x32fd, 0xf07: 0x331d, 0xf08: 0x0018, 0xf09: 0x0018, 0xf0a: 0x0018, 0xf0b: 0x0018, + 0xf0c: 0x0018, 0xf0d: 0x0018, 0xf0e: 0x0018, 0xf0f: 0x0018, 0xf10: 0x333d, 0xf11: 0x3761, + 0xf12: 0x3779, 0xf13: 0x3791, 0xf14: 0x37a9, 0xf15: 0x37c1, 0xf16: 0x37d9, 0xf17: 0x37f1, + 0xf18: 0x3809, 0xf19: 0x3821, 0xf1a: 0x3839, 0xf1b: 0x3851, 0xf1c: 0x3869, 0xf1d: 0x3881, + 0xf1e: 0x3899, 0xf1f: 0x38b1, 0xf20: 0x335d, 0xf21: 0x337d, 0xf22: 0x339d, 0xf23: 0x33bd, + 0xf24: 0x33dd, 0xf25: 0x33dd, 0xf26: 0x33fd, 0xf27: 0x341d, 0xf28: 0x343d, 0xf29: 0x345d, + 0xf2a: 0x347d, 0xf2b: 0x349d, 0xf2c: 0x34bd, 0xf2d: 0x34dd, 0xf2e: 0x34fd, 0xf2f: 0x351d, + 0xf30: 0x353d, 0xf31: 0x355d, 0xf32: 0x357d, 0xf33: 0x359d, 0xf34: 0x35bd, 0xf35: 0x35dd, + 0xf36: 0x35fd, 0xf37: 0x361d, 0xf38: 0x363d, 0xf39: 0x365d, 0xf3a: 0x367d, 0xf3b: 0x369d, + 0xf3c: 0x38c9, 0xf3d: 0x3901, 0xf3e: 0x36bd, 0xf3f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x36dd, 0xf41: 0x36fd, 0xf42: 0x371d, 0xf43: 0x373d, 0xf44: 0x375d, 0xf45: 0x377d, + 0xf46: 0x379d, 0xf47: 0x37bd, 0xf48: 0x37dd, 0xf49: 0x37fd, 0xf4a: 0x381d, 0xf4b: 0x383d, + 0xf4c: 0x385d, 0xf4d: 0x387d, 0xf4e: 0x389d, 0xf4f: 0x38bd, 0xf50: 0x38dd, 0xf51: 0x38fd, + 0xf52: 0x391d, 0xf53: 0x393d, 0xf54: 0x395d, 0xf55: 0x397d, 0xf56: 0x399d, 0xf57: 0x39bd, + 0xf58: 0x39dd, 0xf59: 0x39fd, 0xf5a: 0x3a1d, 0xf5b: 0x3a3d, 0xf5c: 0x3a5d, 0xf5d: 0x3a7d, + 0xf5e: 0x3a9d, 0xf5f: 0x3abd, 0xf60: 0x3add, 0xf61: 0x3afd, 0xf62: 0x3b1d, 0xf63: 0x3b3d, + 0xf64: 0x3b5d, 0xf65: 0x3b7d, 0xf66: 0x127d, 0xf67: 0x3b9d, 0xf68: 0x3bbd, 0xf69: 0x3bdd, + 0xf6a: 0x3bfd, 0xf6b: 0x3c1d, 0xf6c: 0x3c3d, 0xf6d: 0x3c5d, 0xf6e: 0x239d, 0xf6f: 0x3c7d, + 0xf70: 0x3c9d, 0xf71: 0x3939, 0xf72: 0x3951, 0xf73: 0x3969, 0xf74: 0x3981, 0xf75: 0x3999, + 0xf76: 0x39b1, 0xf77: 0x39c9, 0xf78: 0x39e1, 0xf79: 0x39f9, 0xf7a: 0x3a11, 0xf7b: 0x3a29, + 0xf7c: 0x3a41, 0xf7d: 0x3a59, 0xf7e: 0x3a71, 0xf7f: 0x3a89, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x3aa1, 0xf81: 0x3ac9, 0xf82: 0x3af1, 0xf83: 0x3b19, 0xf84: 0x3b41, 0xf85: 0x3b69, + 0xf86: 0x3b91, 0xf87: 0x3bb9, 0xf88: 0x3be1, 0xf89: 0x3c09, 0xf8a: 0x3c39, 0xf8b: 0x3c69, + 0xf8c: 0x3c99, 0xf8d: 0x3cbd, 0xf8e: 0x3cb1, 0xf8f: 0x3cdd, 0xf90: 0x3cfd, 0xf91: 0x3d15, + 0xf92: 0x3d2d, 0xf93: 0x3d45, 0xf94: 0x3d5d, 0xf95: 0x3d5d, 0xf96: 0x3d45, 0xf97: 0x3d75, + 0xf98: 0x07bd, 0xf99: 0x3d8d, 0xf9a: 0x3da5, 0xf9b: 0x3dbd, 0xf9c: 0x3dd5, 0xf9d: 0x3ded, + 0xf9e: 0x3e05, 0xf9f: 0x3e1d, 0xfa0: 0x3e35, 0xfa1: 0x3e4d, 0xfa2: 0x3e65, 0xfa3: 0x3e7d, + 0xfa4: 0x3e95, 0xfa5: 0x3e95, 0xfa6: 0x3ead, 0xfa7: 0x3ead, 0xfa8: 0x3ec5, 0xfa9: 0x3ec5, + 0xfaa: 0x3edd, 0xfab: 0x3ef5, 0xfac: 0x3f0d, 0xfad: 0x3f25, 0xfae: 0x3f3d, 0xfaf: 0x3f3d, + 0xfb0: 0x3f55, 0xfb1: 0x3f55, 0xfb2: 0x3f55, 0xfb3: 0x3f6d, 0xfb4: 0x3f85, 0xfb5: 0x3f9d, + 0xfb6: 0x3fb5, 0xfb7: 0x3f9d, 0xfb8: 0x3fcd, 0xfb9: 0x3fe5, 0xfba: 0x3f6d, 0xfbb: 0x3ffd, + 0xfbc: 0x4015, 0xfbd: 0x4015, 0xfbe: 0x4015, 0xfbf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x3cc9, 0xfc1: 0x3d31, 0xfc2: 0x3d99, 0xfc3: 0x3e01, 0xfc4: 0x3e51, 0xfc5: 0x3eb9, + 0xfc6: 0x3f09, 0xfc7: 0x3f59, 0xfc8: 0x3fd9, 0xfc9: 0x4041, 0xfca: 0x4091, 0xfcb: 0x40e1, + 0xfcc: 0x4131, 0xfcd: 0x4199, 0xfce: 0x4201, 0xfcf: 0x4251, 0xfd0: 0x42a1, 0xfd1: 0x42d9, + 0xfd2: 0x4329, 0xfd3: 0x4391, 0xfd4: 0x43f9, 0xfd5: 0x4431, 0xfd6: 0x44b1, 0xfd7: 0x4549, + 0xfd8: 0x45c9, 0xfd9: 0x4619, 0xfda: 0x4699, 0xfdb: 0x4719, 0xfdc: 0x4781, 0xfdd: 0x47d1, + 0xfde: 0x4821, 0xfdf: 0x4871, 0xfe0: 0x48d9, 0xfe1: 0x4959, 0xfe2: 0x49c1, 0xfe3: 0x4a11, + 0xfe4: 0x4a61, 0xfe5: 0x4ab1, 0xfe6: 0x4ae9, 0xfe7: 0x4b21, 0xfe8: 0x4b59, 0xfe9: 0x4b91, + 0xfea: 0x4be1, 0xfeb: 0x4c31, 0xfec: 0x4cb1, 0xfed: 0x4d01, 0xfee: 0x4d69, 0xfef: 0x4de9, + 0xff0: 0x4e39, 0xff1: 0x4e71, 0xff2: 0x4ea9, 0xff3: 0x4f29, 0xff4: 0x4f91, 0xff5: 0x5011, + 0xff6: 0x5061, 0xff7: 0x50e1, 0xff8: 0x5119, 0xff9: 0x5169, 0xffa: 0x51b9, 0xffb: 0x5209, + 0xffc: 0x5259, 0xffd: 0x52a9, 0xffe: 0x5311, 0xfff: 0x5361, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x5399, 0x1001: 0x53e9, 0x1002: 0x5439, 0x1003: 0x5489, 0x1004: 0x54f1, 0x1005: 0x5541, + 0x1006: 0x5591, 0x1007: 0x55e1, 0x1008: 0x5661, 0x1009: 0x56c9, 0x100a: 0x5701, 0x100b: 0x5781, + 0x100c: 0x57b9, 0x100d: 0x5821, 0x100e: 0x5889, 0x100f: 0x58d9, 0x1010: 0x5929, 0x1011: 0x5979, + 0x1012: 0x59e1, 0x1013: 0x5a19, 0x1014: 0x5a69, 0x1015: 0x5ad1, 0x1016: 0x5b09, 0x1017: 0x5b89, + 0x1018: 0x5bd9, 0x1019: 0x5c01, 0x101a: 0x5c29, 0x101b: 0x5c51, 0x101c: 0x5c79, 0x101d: 0x5ca1, + 0x101e: 0x5cc9, 0x101f: 0x5cf1, 0x1020: 0x5d19, 0x1021: 0x5d41, 0x1022: 0x5d69, 0x1023: 0x5d99, + 0x1024: 0x5dc9, 0x1025: 0x5df9, 0x1026: 0x5e29, 0x1027: 0x5e59, 0x1028: 0x5e89, 0x1029: 0x5eb9, + 0x102a: 0x5ee9, 0x102b: 0x5f19, 0x102c: 0x5f49, 0x102d: 0x5f79, 0x102e: 0x5fa9, 0x102f: 0x5fd9, + 0x1030: 0x6009, 0x1031: 0x402d, 0x1032: 0x6039, 0x1033: 0x6051, 0x1034: 0x404d, 0x1035: 0x6069, + 0x1036: 0x6081, 0x1037: 0x6099, 0x1038: 0x406d, 0x1039: 0x406d, 0x103a: 0x60b1, 0x103b: 0x60c9, + 0x103c: 0x6101, 0x103d: 0x6139, 0x103e: 0x6171, 0x103f: 0x61a9, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x6211, 0x1041: 0x6229, 0x1042: 0x408d, 0x1043: 0x6241, 0x1044: 0x6259, 0x1045: 0x6271, + 0x1046: 0x6289, 0x1047: 0x62a1, 0x1048: 0x40ad, 0x1049: 0x62b9, 0x104a: 0x62e1, 0x104b: 0x62f9, + 0x104c: 0x40cd, 0x104d: 0x40cd, 0x104e: 0x6311, 0x104f: 0x6329, 0x1050: 0x6341, 0x1051: 0x40ed, + 0x1052: 0x410d, 0x1053: 0x412d, 0x1054: 0x414d, 0x1055: 0x416d, 0x1056: 0x6359, 0x1057: 0x6371, + 0x1058: 0x6389, 0x1059: 0x63a1, 0x105a: 0x63b9, 0x105b: 0x418d, 0x105c: 0x63d1, 0x105d: 0x63e9, + 0x105e: 0x6401, 0x105f: 0x41ad, 0x1060: 0x41cd, 0x1061: 0x6419, 0x1062: 0x41ed, 0x1063: 0x420d, + 0x1064: 0x422d, 0x1065: 0x6431, 0x1066: 0x424d, 0x1067: 0x6449, 0x1068: 0x6479, 0x1069: 0x6211, + 0x106a: 0x426d, 0x106b: 0x428d, 0x106c: 0x42ad, 0x106d: 0x42cd, 0x106e: 0x64b1, 0x106f: 0x64f1, + 0x1070: 0x6539, 0x1071: 0x6551, 0x1072: 0x42ed, 0x1073: 0x6569, 0x1074: 0x6581, 0x1075: 0x6599, + 0x1076: 0x430d, 0x1077: 0x65b1, 0x1078: 0x65c9, 0x1079: 0x65b1, 0x107a: 0x65e1, 0x107b: 0x65f9, + 0x107c: 0x432d, 0x107d: 0x6611, 0x107e: 0x6629, 0x107f: 0x6611, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x434d, 0x1081: 0x436d, 0x1082: 0x0040, 0x1083: 0x6641, 0x1084: 0x6659, 0x1085: 0x6671, + 0x1086: 0x6689, 0x1087: 0x0040, 0x1088: 0x66c1, 0x1089: 0x66d9, 0x108a: 0x66f1, 0x108b: 0x6709, + 0x108c: 0x6721, 0x108d: 0x6739, 0x108e: 0x6401, 0x108f: 0x6751, 0x1090: 0x6769, 0x1091: 0x6781, + 0x1092: 0x438d, 0x1093: 0x6799, 0x1094: 0x6289, 0x1095: 0x43ad, 0x1096: 0x43cd, 0x1097: 0x67b1, + 0x1098: 0x0040, 0x1099: 0x43ed, 0x109a: 0x67c9, 0x109b: 0x67e1, 0x109c: 0x67f9, 0x109d: 0x6811, + 0x109e: 0x6829, 0x109f: 0x6859, 0x10a0: 0x6889, 0x10a1: 0x68b1, 0x10a2: 0x68d9, 0x10a3: 0x6901, + 0x10a4: 0x6929, 0x10a5: 0x6951, 0x10a6: 0x6979, 0x10a7: 0x69a1, 0x10a8: 0x69c9, 0x10a9: 0x69f1, + 0x10aa: 0x6a21, 0x10ab: 0x6a51, 0x10ac: 0x6a81, 0x10ad: 0x6ab1, 0x10ae: 0x6ae1, 0x10af: 0x6b11, + 0x10b0: 0x6b41, 0x10b1: 0x6b71, 0x10b2: 0x6ba1, 0x10b3: 0x6bd1, 0x10b4: 0x6c01, 0x10b5: 0x6c31, + 0x10b6: 0x6c61, 0x10b7: 0x6c91, 0x10b8: 0x6cc1, 0x10b9: 0x6cf1, 0x10ba: 0x6d21, 0x10bb: 0x6d51, + 0x10bc: 0x6d81, 0x10bd: 0x6db1, 0x10be: 0x6de1, 0x10bf: 0x440d, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c0: 0xe00d, 0x10c1: 0x0008, 0x10c2: 0xe00d, 0x10c3: 0x0008, 0x10c4: 0xe00d, 0x10c5: 0x0008, + 0x10c6: 0xe00d, 0x10c7: 0x0008, 0x10c8: 0xe00d, 0x10c9: 0x0008, 0x10ca: 0xe00d, 0x10cb: 0x0008, + 0x10cc: 0xe00d, 0x10cd: 0x0008, 0x10ce: 0xe00d, 0x10cf: 0x0008, 0x10d0: 0xe00d, 0x10d1: 0x0008, + 0x10d2: 0xe00d, 0x10d3: 0x0008, 0x10d4: 0xe00d, 0x10d5: 0x0008, 0x10d6: 0xe00d, 0x10d7: 0x0008, + 0x10d8: 0xe00d, 0x10d9: 0x0008, 0x10da: 0xe00d, 0x10db: 0x0008, 0x10dc: 0xe00d, 0x10dd: 0x0008, + 0x10de: 0xe00d, 0x10df: 0x0008, 0x10e0: 0xe00d, 0x10e1: 0x0008, 0x10e2: 0xe00d, 0x10e3: 0x0008, + 0x10e4: 0xe00d, 0x10e5: 0x0008, 0x10e6: 0xe00d, 0x10e7: 0x0008, 0x10e8: 0xe00d, 0x10e9: 0x0008, + 0x10ea: 0xe00d, 0x10eb: 0x0008, 0x10ec: 0xe00d, 0x10ed: 0x0008, 0x10ee: 0x0008, 0x10ef: 0x3308, + 0x10f0: 0x3318, 0x10f1: 0x3318, 0x10f2: 0x3318, 0x10f3: 0x0018, 0x10f4: 0x3308, 0x10f5: 0x3308, + 0x10f6: 0x3308, 0x10f7: 0x3308, 0x10f8: 0x3308, 0x10f9: 0x3308, 0x10fa: 0x3308, 0x10fb: 0x3308, + 0x10fc: 0x3308, 0x10fd: 0x3308, 0x10fe: 0x0018, 0x10ff: 0x0008, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0xe00d, 0x1101: 0x0008, 0x1102: 0xe00d, 0x1103: 0x0008, 0x1104: 0xe00d, 0x1105: 0x0008, + 0x1106: 0xe00d, 0x1107: 0x0008, 0x1108: 0xe00d, 0x1109: 0x0008, 0x110a: 0xe00d, 0x110b: 0x0008, + 0x110c: 0xe00d, 0x110d: 0x0008, 0x110e: 0xe00d, 0x110f: 0x0008, 0x1110: 0xe00d, 0x1111: 0x0008, + 0x1112: 0xe00d, 0x1113: 0x0008, 0x1114: 0xe00d, 0x1115: 0x0008, 0x1116: 0xe00d, 0x1117: 0x0008, + 0x1118: 0xe00d, 0x1119: 0x0008, 0x111a: 0xe00d, 0x111b: 0x0008, 0x111c: 0x0ea1, 0x111d: 0x6e11, + 0x111e: 0x3308, 0x111f: 0x3308, 0x1120: 0x0008, 0x1121: 0x0008, 0x1122: 0x0008, 0x1123: 0x0008, + 0x1124: 0x0008, 0x1125: 0x0008, 0x1126: 0x0008, 0x1127: 0x0008, 0x1128: 0x0008, 0x1129: 0x0008, + 0x112a: 0x0008, 0x112b: 0x0008, 0x112c: 0x0008, 0x112d: 0x0008, 0x112e: 0x0008, 0x112f: 0x0008, + 0x1130: 0x0008, 0x1131: 0x0008, 0x1132: 0x0008, 0x1133: 0x0008, 0x1134: 0x0008, 0x1135: 0x0008, + 0x1136: 0x0008, 0x1137: 0x0008, 0x1138: 0x0008, 0x1139: 0x0008, 0x113a: 0x0008, 0x113b: 0x0008, + 0x113c: 0x0008, 0x113d: 0x0008, 0x113e: 0x0008, 0x113f: 0x0008, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0x0018, 0x1141: 0x0018, 0x1142: 0x0018, 0x1143: 0x0018, 0x1144: 0x0018, 0x1145: 0x0018, + 0x1146: 0x0018, 0x1147: 0x0018, 0x1148: 0x0018, 0x1149: 0x0018, 0x114a: 0x0018, 0x114b: 0x0018, + 0x114c: 0x0018, 0x114d: 0x0018, 0x114e: 0x0018, 0x114f: 0x0018, 0x1150: 0x0018, 0x1151: 0x0018, + 0x1152: 0x0018, 0x1153: 0x0018, 0x1154: 0x0018, 0x1155: 0x0018, 0x1156: 0x0018, 0x1157: 0x0008, + 0x1158: 0x0008, 0x1159: 0x0008, 0x115a: 0x0008, 0x115b: 0x0008, 0x115c: 0x0008, 0x115d: 0x0008, + 0x115e: 0x0008, 0x115f: 0x0008, 0x1160: 0x0018, 0x1161: 0x0018, 0x1162: 0xe00d, 0x1163: 0x0008, + 0x1164: 0xe00d, 0x1165: 0x0008, 0x1166: 0xe00d, 0x1167: 0x0008, 0x1168: 0xe00d, 0x1169: 0x0008, + 0x116a: 0xe00d, 0x116b: 0x0008, 0x116c: 0xe00d, 0x116d: 0x0008, 0x116e: 0xe00d, 0x116f: 0x0008, + 0x1170: 0x0008, 0x1171: 0x0008, 0x1172: 0xe00d, 0x1173: 0x0008, 0x1174: 0xe00d, 0x1175: 0x0008, + 0x1176: 0xe00d, 0x1177: 0x0008, 0x1178: 0xe00d, 0x1179: 0x0008, 0x117a: 0xe00d, 0x117b: 0x0008, + 0x117c: 0xe00d, 0x117d: 0x0008, 0x117e: 0xe00d, 0x117f: 0x0008, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0xe00d, 0x1181: 0x0008, 0x1182: 0xe00d, 0x1183: 0x0008, 0x1184: 0xe00d, 0x1185: 0x0008, + 0x1186: 0xe00d, 0x1187: 0x0008, 0x1188: 0xe00d, 0x1189: 0x0008, 0x118a: 0xe00d, 0x118b: 0x0008, + 0x118c: 0xe00d, 0x118d: 0x0008, 0x118e: 0xe00d, 0x118f: 0x0008, 0x1190: 0xe00d, 0x1191: 0x0008, + 0x1192: 0xe00d, 0x1193: 0x0008, 0x1194: 0xe00d, 0x1195: 0x0008, 0x1196: 0xe00d, 0x1197: 0x0008, + 0x1198: 0xe00d, 0x1199: 0x0008, 0x119a: 0xe00d, 0x119b: 0x0008, 0x119c: 0xe00d, 0x119d: 0x0008, + 0x119e: 0xe00d, 0x119f: 0x0008, 0x11a0: 0xe00d, 0x11a1: 0x0008, 0x11a2: 0xe00d, 0x11a3: 0x0008, + 0x11a4: 0xe00d, 0x11a5: 0x0008, 0x11a6: 0xe00d, 0x11a7: 0x0008, 0x11a8: 0xe00d, 0x11a9: 0x0008, + 0x11aa: 0xe00d, 0x11ab: 0x0008, 0x11ac: 0xe00d, 0x11ad: 0x0008, 0x11ae: 0xe00d, 0x11af: 0x0008, + 0x11b0: 0xe0fd, 0x11b1: 0x0008, 0x11b2: 0x0008, 0x11b3: 0x0008, 0x11b4: 0x0008, 0x11b5: 0x0008, + 0x11b6: 0x0008, 0x11b7: 0x0008, 0x11b8: 0x0008, 0x11b9: 0xe01d, 0x11ba: 0x0008, 0x11bb: 0xe03d, + 0x11bc: 0x0008, 0x11bd: 0x442d, 0x11be: 0xe00d, 0x11bf: 0x0008, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c0: 0xe00d, 0x11c1: 0x0008, 0x11c2: 0xe00d, 0x11c3: 0x0008, 0x11c4: 0xe00d, 0x11c5: 0x0008, + 0x11c6: 0xe00d, 0x11c7: 0x0008, 0x11c8: 0x0008, 0x11c9: 0x0018, 0x11ca: 0x0018, 0x11cb: 0xe03d, + 0x11cc: 0x0008, 0x11cd: 0x11d9, 0x11ce: 0x0008, 0x11cf: 0x0008, 0x11d0: 0xe00d, 0x11d1: 0x0008, + 0x11d2: 0xe00d, 0x11d3: 0x0008, 0x11d4: 0x0008, 0x11d5: 0x0008, 0x11d6: 0xe00d, 0x11d7: 0x0008, + 0x11d8: 0xe00d, 0x11d9: 0x0008, 0x11da: 0xe00d, 0x11db: 0x0008, 0x11dc: 0xe00d, 0x11dd: 0x0008, + 0x11de: 0xe00d, 0x11df: 0x0008, 0x11e0: 0xe00d, 0x11e1: 0x0008, 0x11e2: 0xe00d, 0x11e3: 0x0008, + 0x11e4: 0xe00d, 0x11e5: 0x0008, 0x11e6: 0xe00d, 0x11e7: 0x0008, 0x11e8: 0xe00d, 0x11e9: 0x0008, + 0x11ea: 0x6e29, 0x11eb: 0x1029, 0x11ec: 0x11c1, 0x11ed: 0x6e41, 0x11ee: 0x1221, 0x11ef: 0x0040, + 0x11f0: 0x6e59, 0x11f1: 0x6e71, 0x11f2: 0x1239, 0x11f3: 0x444d, 0x11f4: 0xe00d, 0x11f5: 0x0008, + 0x11f6: 0xe00d, 0x11f7: 0x0008, 0x11f8: 0x0040, 0x11f9: 0x0040, 0x11fa: 0x0040, 0x11fb: 0x0040, + 0x11fc: 0x0040, 0x11fd: 0x0040, 0x11fe: 0x0040, 0x11ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x64d5, 0x1201: 0x64f5, 0x1202: 0x6515, 0x1203: 0x6535, 0x1204: 0x6555, 0x1205: 0x6575, + 0x1206: 0x6595, 0x1207: 0x65b5, 0x1208: 0x65d5, 0x1209: 0x65f5, 0x120a: 0x6615, 0x120b: 0x6635, + 0x120c: 0x6655, 0x120d: 0x6675, 0x120e: 0x0008, 0x120f: 0x0008, 0x1210: 0x6695, 0x1211: 0x0008, + 0x1212: 0x66b5, 0x1213: 0x0008, 0x1214: 0x0008, 0x1215: 0x66d5, 0x1216: 0x66f5, 0x1217: 0x6715, + 0x1218: 0x6735, 0x1219: 0x6755, 0x121a: 0x6775, 0x121b: 0x6795, 0x121c: 0x67b5, 0x121d: 0x67d5, + 0x121e: 0x67f5, 0x121f: 0x0008, 0x1220: 0x6815, 0x1221: 0x0008, 0x1222: 0x6835, 0x1223: 0x0008, + 0x1224: 0x0008, 0x1225: 0x6855, 0x1226: 0x6875, 0x1227: 0x0008, 0x1228: 0x0008, 0x1229: 0x0008, + 0x122a: 0x6895, 0x122b: 0x68b5, 0x122c: 0x68d5, 0x122d: 0x68f5, 0x122e: 0x6915, 0x122f: 0x6935, + 0x1230: 0x6955, 0x1231: 0x6975, 0x1232: 0x6995, 0x1233: 0x69b5, 0x1234: 0x69d5, 0x1235: 0x69f5, + 0x1236: 0x6a15, 0x1237: 0x6a35, 0x1238: 0x6a55, 0x1239: 0x6a75, 0x123a: 0x6a95, 0x123b: 0x6ab5, + 0x123c: 0x6ad5, 0x123d: 0x6af5, 0x123e: 0x6b15, 0x123f: 0x6b35, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x7a95, 0x1241: 0x7ab5, 0x1242: 0x7ad5, 0x1243: 0x7af5, 0x1244: 0x7b15, 0x1245: 0x7b35, + 0x1246: 0x7b55, 0x1247: 0x7b75, 0x1248: 0x7b95, 0x1249: 0x7bb5, 0x124a: 0x7bd5, 0x124b: 0x7bf5, + 0x124c: 0x7c15, 0x124d: 0x7c35, 0x124e: 0x7c55, 0x124f: 0x6ec9, 0x1250: 0x6ef1, 0x1251: 0x6f19, + 0x1252: 0x7c75, 0x1253: 0x7c95, 0x1254: 0x7cb5, 0x1255: 0x6f41, 0x1256: 0x6f69, 0x1257: 0x6f91, + 0x1258: 0x7cd5, 0x1259: 0x7cf5, 0x125a: 0x0040, 0x125b: 0x0040, 0x125c: 0x0040, 0x125d: 0x0040, + 0x125e: 0x0040, 0x125f: 0x0040, 0x1260: 0x0040, 0x1261: 0x0040, 0x1262: 0x0040, 0x1263: 0x0040, + 0x1264: 0x0040, 0x1265: 0x0040, 0x1266: 0x0040, 0x1267: 0x0040, 0x1268: 0x0040, 0x1269: 0x0040, + 0x126a: 0x0040, 0x126b: 0x0040, 0x126c: 0x0040, 0x126d: 0x0040, 0x126e: 0x0040, 0x126f: 0x0040, + 0x1270: 0x0040, 0x1271: 0x0040, 0x1272: 0x0040, 0x1273: 0x0040, 0x1274: 0x0040, 0x1275: 0x0040, + 0x1276: 0x0040, 0x1277: 0x0040, 0x1278: 0x0040, 0x1279: 0x0040, 0x127a: 0x0040, 0x127b: 0x0040, + 0x127c: 0x0040, 0x127d: 0x0040, 0x127e: 0x0040, 0x127f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x6fb9, 0x1281: 0x6fd1, 0x1282: 0x6fe9, 0x1283: 0x7d15, 0x1284: 0x7d35, 0x1285: 0x7001, + 0x1286: 0x7001, 0x1287: 0x0040, 0x1288: 0x0040, 0x1289: 0x0040, 0x128a: 0x0040, 0x128b: 0x0040, + 0x128c: 0x0040, 0x128d: 0x0040, 0x128e: 0x0040, 0x128f: 0x0040, 0x1290: 0x0040, 0x1291: 0x0040, + 0x1292: 0x0040, 0x1293: 0x7019, 0x1294: 0x7041, 0x1295: 0x7069, 0x1296: 0x7091, 0x1297: 0x70b9, + 0x1298: 0x0040, 0x1299: 0x0040, 0x129a: 0x0040, 0x129b: 0x0040, 0x129c: 0x0040, 0x129d: 0x70e1, + 0x129e: 0x3308, 0x129f: 0x7109, 0x12a0: 0x7131, 0x12a1: 0x20a9, 0x12a2: 0x20f1, 0x12a3: 0x7149, + 0x12a4: 0x7161, 0x12a5: 0x7179, 0x12a6: 0x7191, 0x12a7: 0x71a9, 0x12a8: 0x71c1, 0x12a9: 0x1fb2, + 0x12aa: 0x71d9, 0x12ab: 0x7201, 0x12ac: 0x7229, 0x12ad: 0x7261, 0x12ae: 0x7299, 0x12af: 0x72c1, + 0x12b0: 0x72e9, 0x12b1: 0x7311, 0x12b2: 0x7339, 0x12b3: 0x7361, 0x12b4: 0x7389, 0x12b5: 0x73b1, + 0x12b6: 0x73d9, 0x12b7: 0x0040, 0x12b8: 0x7401, 0x12b9: 0x7429, 0x12ba: 0x7451, 0x12bb: 0x7479, + 0x12bc: 0x74a1, 0x12bd: 0x0040, 0x12be: 0x74c9, 0x12bf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12c0: 0x74f1, 0x12c1: 0x7519, 0x12c2: 0x0040, 0x12c3: 0x7541, 0x12c4: 0x7569, 0x12c5: 0x0040, + 0x12c6: 0x7591, 0x12c7: 0x75b9, 0x12c8: 0x75e1, 0x12c9: 0x7609, 0x12ca: 0x7631, 0x12cb: 0x7659, + 0x12cc: 0x7681, 0x12cd: 0x76a9, 0x12ce: 0x76d1, 0x12cf: 0x76f9, 0x12d0: 0x7721, 0x12d1: 0x7721, + 0x12d2: 0x7739, 0x12d3: 0x7739, 0x12d4: 0x7739, 0x12d5: 0x7739, 0x12d6: 0x7751, 0x12d7: 0x7751, + 0x12d8: 0x7751, 0x12d9: 0x7751, 0x12da: 0x7769, 0x12db: 0x7769, 0x12dc: 0x7769, 0x12dd: 0x7769, + 0x12de: 0x7781, 0x12df: 0x7781, 0x12e0: 0x7781, 0x12e1: 0x7781, 0x12e2: 0x7799, 0x12e3: 0x7799, + 0x12e4: 0x7799, 0x12e5: 0x7799, 0x12e6: 0x77b1, 0x12e7: 0x77b1, 0x12e8: 0x77b1, 0x12e9: 0x77b1, + 0x12ea: 0x77c9, 0x12eb: 0x77c9, 0x12ec: 0x77c9, 0x12ed: 0x77c9, 0x12ee: 0x77e1, 0x12ef: 0x77e1, + 0x12f0: 0x77e1, 0x12f1: 0x77e1, 0x12f2: 0x77f9, 0x12f3: 0x77f9, 0x12f4: 0x77f9, 0x12f5: 0x77f9, + 0x12f6: 0x7811, 0x12f7: 0x7811, 0x12f8: 0x7811, 0x12f9: 0x7811, 0x12fa: 0x7829, 0x12fb: 0x7829, + 0x12fc: 0x7829, 0x12fd: 0x7829, 0x12fe: 0x7841, 0x12ff: 0x7841, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x7841, 0x1301: 0x7841, 0x1302: 0x7859, 0x1303: 0x7859, 0x1304: 0x7871, 0x1305: 0x7871, + 0x1306: 0x7889, 0x1307: 0x7889, 0x1308: 0x78a1, 0x1309: 0x78a1, 0x130a: 0x78b9, 0x130b: 0x78b9, + 0x130c: 0x78d1, 0x130d: 0x78d1, 0x130e: 0x78e9, 0x130f: 0x78e9, 0x1310: 0x78e9, 0x1311: 0x78e9, + 0x1312: 0x7901, 0x1313: 0x7901, 0x1314: 0x7901, 0x1315: 0x7901, 0x1316: 0x7919, 0x1317: 0x7919, + 0x1318: 0x7919, 0x1319: 0x7919, 0x131a: 0x7931, 0x131b: 0x7931, 0x131c: 0x7931, 0x131d: 0x7931, + 0x131e: 0x7949, 0x131f: 0x7949, 0x1320: 0x7961, 0x1321: 0x7961, 0x1322: 0x7961, 0x1323: 0x7961, + 0x1324: 0x7979, 0x1325: 0x7979, 0x1326: 0x7991, 0x1327: 0x7991, 0x1328: 0x7991, 0x1329: 0x7991, + 0x132a: 0x79a9, 0x132b: 0x79a9, 0x132c: 0x79a9, 0x132d: 0x79a9, 0x132e: 0x79c1, 0x132f: 0x79c1, + 0x1330: 0x79d9, 0x1331: 0x79d9, 0x1332: 0x0818, 0x1333: 0x0818, 0x1334: 0x0818, 0x1335: 0x0818, + 0x1336: 0x0818, 0x1337: 0x0818, 0x1338: 0x0818, 0x1339: 0x0818, 0x133a: 0x0818, 0x133b: 0x0818, + 0x133c: 0x0818, 0x133d: 0x0818, 0x133e: 0x0818, 0x133f: 0x0818, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1340: 0x0818, 0x1341: 0x0818, 0x1342: 0x0040, 0x1343: 0x0040, 0x1344: 0x0040, 0x1345: 0x0040, + 0x1346: 0x0040, 0x1347: 0x0040, 0x1348: 0x0040, 0x1349: 0x0040, 0x134a: 0x0040, 0x134b: 0x0040, + 0x134c: 0x0040, 0x134d: 0x0040, 0x134e: 0x0040, 0x134f: 0x0040, 0x1350: 0x0040, 0x1351: 0x0040, + 0x1352: 0x0040, 0x1353: 0x79f1, 0x1354: 0x79f1, 0x1355: 0x79f1, 0x1356: 0x79f1, 0x1357: 0x7a09, + 0x1358: 0x7a09, 0x1359: 0x7a21, 0x135a: 0x7a21, 0x135b: 0x7a39, 0x135c: 0x7a39, 0x135d: 0x0479, + 0x135e: 0x7a51, 0x135f: 0x7a51, 0x1360: 0x7a69, 0x1361: 0x7a69, 0x1362: 0x7a81, 0x1363: 0x7a81, + 0x1364: 0x7a99, 0x1365: 0x7a99, 0x1366: 0x7a99, 0x1367: 0x7a99, 0x1368: 0x7ab1, 0x1369: 0x7ab1, + 0x136a: 0x7ac9, 0x136b: 0x7ac9, 0x136c: 0x7af1, 0x136d: 0x7af1, 0x136e: 0x7b19, 0x136f: 0x7b19, + 0x1370: 0x7b41, 0x1371: 0x7b41, 0x1372: 0x7b69, 0x1373: 0x7b69, 0x1374: 0x7b91, 0x1375: 0x7b91, + 0x1376: 0x7bb9, 0x1377: 0x7bb9, 0x1378: 0x7bb9, 0x1379: 0x7be1, 0x137a: 0x7be1, 0x137b: 0x7be1, + 0x137c: 0x7c09, 0x137d: 0x7c09, 0x137e: 0x7c09, 0x137f: 0x7c09, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x85f9, 0x1381: 0x8621, 0x1382: 0x8649, 0x1383: 0x8671, 0x1384: 0x8699, 0x1385: 0x86c1, + 0x1386: 0x86e9, 0x1387: 0x8711, 0x1388: 0x8739, 0x1389: 0x8761, 0x138a: 0x8789, 0x138b: 0x87b1, + 0x138c: 0x87d9, 0x138d: 0x8801, 0x138e: 0x8829, 0x138f: 0x8851, 0x1390: 0x8879, 0x1391: 0x88a1, + 0x1392: 0x88c9, 0x1393: 0x88f1, 0x1394: 0x8919, 0x1395: 0x8941, 0x1396: 0x8969, 0x1397: 0x8991, + 0x1398: 0x89b9, 0x1399: 0x89e1, 0x139a: 0x8a09, 0x139b: 0x8a31, 0x139c: 0x8a59, 0x139d: 0x8a81, + 0x139e: 0x8aaa, 0x139f: 0x8ada, 0x13a0: 0x8b0a, 0x13a1: 0x8b3a, 0x13a2: 0x8b6a, 0x13a3: 0x8b9a, + 0x13a4: 0x8bc9, 0x13a5: 0x8bf1, 0x13a6: 0x7c71, 0x13a7: 0x8c19, 0x13a8: 0x7be1, 0x13a9: 0x7c99, + 0x13aa: 0x8c41, 0x13ab: 0x8c69, 0x13ac: 0x7d39, 0x13ad: 0x8c91, 0x13ae: 0x7d61, 0x13af: 0x7d89, + 0x13b0: 0x8cb9, 0x13b1: 0x8ce1, 0x13b2: 0x7e29, 0x13b3: 0x8d09, 0x13b4: 0x7e51, 0x13b5: 0x7e79, + 0x13b6: 0x8d31, 0x13b7: 0x8d59, 0x13b8: 0x7ec9, 0x13b9: 0x8d81, 0x13ba: 0x7ef1, 0x13bb: 0x7f19, + 0x13bc: 0x83a1, 0x13bd: 0x83c9, 0x13be: 0x8441, 0x13bf: 0x8469, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x8491, 0x13c1: 0x8531, 0x13c2: 0x8559, 0x13c3: 0x8581, 0x13c4: 0x85a9, 0x13c5: 0x8649, + 0x13c6: 0x8671, 0x13c7: 0x8699, 0x13c8: 0x8da9, 0x13c9: 0x8739, 0x13ca: 0x8dd1, 0x13cb: 0x8df9, + 0x13cc: 0x8829, 0x13cd: 0x8e21, 0x13ce: 0x8851, 0x13cf: 0x8879, 0x13d0: 0x8a81, 0x13d1: 0x8e49, + 0x13d2: 0x8e71, 0x13d3: 0x89b9, 0x13d4: 0x8e99, 0x13d5: 0x89e1, 0x13d6: 0x8a09, 0x13d7: 0x7c21, + 0x13d8: 0x7c49, 0x13d9: 0x8ec1, 0x13da: 0x7c71, 0x13db: 0x8ee9, 0x13dc: 0x7cc1, 0x13dd: 0x7ce9, + 0x13de: 0x7d11, 0x13df: 0x7d39, 0x13e0: 0x8f11, 0x13e1: 0x7db1, 0x13e2: 0x7dd9, 0x13e3: 0x7e01, + 0x13e4: 0x7e29, 0x13e5: 0x8f39, 0x13e6: 0x7ec9, 0x13e7: 0x7f41, 0x13e8: 0x7f69, 0x13e9: 0x7f91, + 0x13ea: 0x7fb9, 0x13eb: 0x7fe1, 0x13ec: 0x8031, 0x13ed: 0x8059, 0x13ee: 0x8081, 0x13ef: 0x80a9, + 0x13f0: 0x80d1, 0x13f1: 0x80f9, 0x13f2: 0x8f61, 0x13f3: 0x8121, 0x13f4: 0x8149, 0x13f5: 0x8171, + 0x13f6: 0x8199, 0x13f7: 0x81c1, 0x13f8: 0x81e9, 0x13f9: 0x8239, 0x13fa: 0x8261, 0x13fb: 0x8289, + 0x13fc: 0x82b1, 0x13fd: 0x82d9, 0x13fe: 0x8301, 0x13ff: 0x8329, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x8351, 0x1401: 0x8379, 0x1402: 0x83f1, 0x1403: 0x8419, 0x1404: 0x84b9, 0x1405: 0x84e1, + 0x1406: 0x8509, 0x1407: 0x8531, 0x1408: 0x8559, 0x1409: 0x85d1, 0x140a: 0x85f9, 0x140b: 0x8621, + 0x140c: 0x8649, 0x140d: 0x8f89, 0x140e: 0x86c1, 0x140f: 0x86e9, 0x1410: 0x8711, 0x1411: 0x8739, + 0x1412: 0x87b1, 0x1413: 0x87d9, 0x1414: 0x8801, 0x1415: 0x8829, 0x1416: 0x8fb1, 0x1417: 0x88a1, + 0x1418: 0x88c9, 0x1419: 0x8fd9, 0x141a: 0x8941, 0x141b: 0x8969, 0x141c: 0x8991, 0x141d: 0x89b9, + 0x141e: 0x9001, 0x141f: 0x7c71, 0x1420: 0x8ee9, 0x1421: 0x7d39, 0x1422: 0x8f11, 0x1423: 0x7e29, + 0x1424: 0x8f39, 0x1425: 0x7ec9, 0x1426: 0x9029, 0x1427: 0x80d1, 0x1428: 0x9051, 0x1429: 0x9079, + 0x142a: 0x90a1, 0x142b: 0x8531, 0x142c: 0x8559, 0x142d: 0x8649, 0x142e: 0x8829, 0x142f: 0x8fb1, + 0x1430: 0x89b9, 0x1431: 0x9001, 0x1432: 0x90c9, 0x1433: 0x9101, 0x1434: 0x9139, 0x1435: 0x9171, + 0x1436: 0x9199, 0x1437: 0x91c1, 0x1438: 0x91e9, 0x1439: 0x9211, 0x143a: 0x9239, 0x143b: 0x9261, + 0x143c: 0x9289, 0x143d: 0x92b1, 0x143e: 0x92d9, 0x143f: 0x9301, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x9329, 0x1441: 0x9351, 0x1442: 0x9379, 0x1443: 0x93a1, 0x1444: 0x93c9, 0x1445: 0x93f1, + 0x1446: 0x9419, 0x1447: 0x9441, 0x1448: 0x9469, 0x1449: 0x9491, 0x144a: 0x94b9, 0x144b: 0x94e1, + 0x144c: 0x9079, 0x144d: 0x9509, 0x144e: 0x9531, 0x144f: 0x9559, 0x1450: 0x9581, 0x1451: 0x9171, + 0x1452: 0x9199, 0x1453: 0x91c1, 0x1454: 0x91e9, 0x1455: 0x9211, 0x1456: 0x9239, 0x1457: 0x9261, + 0x1458: 0x9289, 0x1459: 0x92b1, 0x145a: 0x92d9, 0x145b: 0x9301, 0x145c: 0x9329, 0x145d: 0x9351, + 0x145e: 0x9379, 0x145f: 0x93a1, 0x1460: 0x93c9, 0x1461: 0x93f1, 0x1462: 0x9419, 0x1463: 0x9441, + 0x1464: 0x9469, 0x1465: 0x9491, 0x1466: 0x94b9, 0x1467: 0x94e1, 0x1468: 0x9079, 0x1469: 0x9509, + 0x146a: 0x9531, 0x146b: 0x9559, 0x146c: 0x9581, 0x146d: 0x9491, 0x146e: 0x94b9, 0x146f: 0x94e1, + 0x1470: 0x9079, 0x1471: 0x9051, 0x1472: 0x90a1, 0x1473: 0x8211, 0x1474: 0x8059, 0x1475: 0x8081, + 0x1476: 0x80a9, 0x1477: 0x9491, 0x1478: 0x94b9, 0x1479: 0x94e1, 0x147a: 0x8211, 0x147b: 0x8239, + 0x147c: 0x95a9, 0x147d: 0x95a9, 0x147e: 0x0018, 0x147f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x0040, 0x1481: 0x0040, 0x1482: 0x0040, 0x1483: 0x0040, 0x1484: 0x0040, 0x1485: 0x0040, + 0x1486: 0x0040, 0x1487: 0x0040, 0x1488: 0x0040, 0x1489: 0x0040, 0x148a: 0x0040, 0x148b: 0x0040, + 0x148c: 0x0040, 0x148d: 0x0040, 0x148e: 0x0040, 0x148f: 0x0040, 0x1490: 0x95d1, 0x1491: 0x9609, + 0x1492: 0x9609, 0x1493: 0x9641, 0x1494: 0x9679, 0x1495: 0x96b1, 0x1496: 0x96e9, 0x1497: 0x9721, + 0x1498: 0x9759, 0x1499: 0x9759, 0x149a: 0x9791, 0x149b: 0x97c9, 0x149c: 0x9801, 0x149d: 0x9839, + 0x149e: 0x9871, 0x149f: 0x98a9, 0x14a0: 0x98a9, 0x14a1: 0x98e1, 0x14a2: 0x9919, 0x14a3: 0x9919, + 0x14a4: 0x9951, 0x14a5: 0x9951, 0x14a6: 0x9989, 0x14a7: 0x99c1, 0x14a8: 0x99c1, 0x14a9: 0x99f9, + 0x14aa: 0x9a31, 0x14ab: 0x9a31, 0x14ac: 0x9a69, 0x14ad: 0x9a69, 0x14ae: 0x9aa1, 0x14af: 0x9ad9, + 0x14b0: 0x9ad9, 0x14b1: 0x9b11, 0x14b2: 0x9b11, 0x14b3: 0x9b49, 0x14b4: 0x9b81, 0x14b5: 0x9bb9, + 0x14b6: 0x9bf1, 0x14b7: 0x9bf1, 0x14b8: 0x9c29, 0x14b9: 0x9c61, 0x14ba: 0x9c99, 0x14bb: 0x9cd1, + 0x14bc: 0x9d09, 0x14bd: 0x9d09, 0x14be: 0x9d41, 0x14bf: 0x9d79, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0xa949, 0x14c1: 0xa981, 0x14c2: 0xa9b9, 0x14c3: 0xa8a1, 0x14c4: 0x9bb9, 0x14c5: 0x9989, + 0x14c6: 0xa9f1, 0x14c7: 0xaa29, 0x14c8: 0x0040, 0x14c9: 0x0040, 0x14ca: 0x0040, 0x14cb: 0x0040, + 0x14cc: 0x0040, 0x14cd: 0x0040, 0x14ce: 0x0040, 0x14cf: 0x0040, 0x14d0: 0x0040, 0x14d1: 0x0040, + 0x14d2: 0x0040, 0x14d3: 0x0040, 0x14d4: 0x0040, 0x14d5: 0x0040, 0x14d6: 0x0040, 0x14d7: 0x0040, + 0x14d8: 0x0040, 0x14d9: 0x0040, 0x14da: 0x0040, 0x14db: 0x0040, 0x14dc: 0x0040, 0x14dd: 0x0040, + 0x14de: 0x0040, 0x14df: 0x0040, 0x14e0: 0x0040, 0x14e1: 0x0040, 0x14e2: 0x0040, 0x14e3: 0x0040, + 0x14e4: 0x0040, 0x14e5: 0x0040, 0x14e6: 0x0040, 0x14e7: 0x0040, 0x14e8: 0x0040, 0x14e9: 0x0040, + 0x14ea: 0x0040, 0x14eb: 0x0040, 0x14ec: 0x0040, 0x14ed: 0x0040, 0x14ee: 0x0040, 0x14ef: 0x0040, + 0x14f0: 0xaa61, 0x14f1: 0xaa99, 0x14f2: 0xaad1, 0x14f3: 0xab19, 0x14f4: 0xab61, 0x14f5: 0xaba9, + 0x14f6: 0xabf1, 0x14f7: 0xac39, 0x14f8: 0xac81, 0x14f9: 0xacc9, 0x14fa: 0xad02, 0x14fb: 0xae12, + 0x14fc: 0xae91, 0x14fd: 0x0018, 0x14fe: 0x0040, 0x14ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x33c0, 0x1501: 0x33c0, 0x1502: 0x33c0, 0x1503: 0x33c0, 0x1504: 0x33c0, 0x1505: 0x33c0, + 0x1506: 0x33c0, 0x1507: 0x33c0, 0x1508: 0x33c0, 0x1509: 0x33c0, 0x150a: 0x33c0, 0x150b: 0x33c0, + 0x150c: 0x33c0, 0x150d: 0x33c0, 0x150e: 0x33c0, 0x150f: 0x33c0, 0x1510: 0xaeda, 0x1511: 0x7d55, + 0x1512: 0x0040, 0x1513: 0xaeea, 0x1514: 0x03c2, 0x1515: 0xaefa, 0x1516: 0xaf0a, 0x1517: 0x7d75, + 0x1518: 0x7d95, 0x1519: 0x0040, 0x151a: 0x0040, 0x151b: 0x0040, 0x151c: 0x0040, 0x151d: 0x0040, + 0x151e: 0x0040, 0x151f: 0x0040, 0x1520: 0x3308, 0x1521: 0x3308, 0x1522: 0x3308, 0x1523: 0x3308, + 0x1524: 0x3308, 0x1525: 0x3308, 0x1526: 0x3308, 0x1527: 0x3308, 0x1528: 0x3308, 0x1529: 0x3308, + 0x152a: 0x3308, 0x152b: 0x3308, 0x152c: 0x3308, 0x152d: 0x3308, 0x152e: 0x3308, 0x152f: 0x3308, + 0x1530: 0x0040, 0x1531: 0x7db5, 0x1532: 0x7dd5, 0x1533: 0xaf1a, 0x1534: 0xaf1a, 0x1535: 0x1fd2, + 0x1536: 0x1fe2, 0x1537: 0xaf2a, 0x1538: 0xaf3a, 0x1539: 0x7df5, 0x153a: 0x7e15, 0x153b: 0x7e35, + 0x153c: 0x7df5, 0x153d: 0x7e55, 0x153e: 0x7e75, 0x153f: 0x7e55, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1540: 0x7e95, 0x1541: 0x7eb5, 0x1542: 0x7ed5, 0x1543: 0x7eb5, 0x1544: 0x7ef5, 0x1545: 0x0018, + 0x1546: 0x0018, 0x1547: 0xaf4a, 0x1548: 0xaf5a, 0x1549: 0x7f16, 0x154a: 0x7f36, 0x154b: 0x7f56, + 0x154c: 0x7f76, 0x154d: 0xaf1a, 0x154e: 0xaf1a, 0x154f: 0xaf1a, 0x1550: 0xaeda, 0x1551: 0x7f95, + 0x1552: 0x0040, 0x1553: 0x0040, 0x1554: 0x03c2, 0x1555: 0xaeea, 0x1556: 0xaf0a, 0x1557: 0xaefa, + 0x1558: 0x7fb5, 0x1559: 0x1fd2, 0x155a: 0x1fe2, 0x155b: 0xaf2a, 0x155c: 0xaf3a, 0x155d: 0x7e95, + 0x155e: 0x7ef5, 0x155f: 0xaf6a, 0x1560: 0xaf7a, 0x1561: 0xaf8a, 0x1562: 0x1fb2, 0x1563: 0xaf99, + 0x1564: 0xafaa, 0x1565: 0xafba, 0x1566: 0x1fc2, 0x1567: 0x0040, 0x1568: 0xafca, 0x1569: 0xafda, + 0x156a: 0xafea, 0x156b: 0xaffa, 0x156c: 0x0040, 0x156d: 0x0040, 0x156e: 0x0040, 0x156f: 0x0040, + 0x1570: 0x7fd6, 0x1571: 0xb009, 0x1572: 0x7ff6, 0x1573: 0x0808, 0x1574: 0x8016, 0x1575: 0x0040, + 0x1576: 0x8036, 0x1577: 0xb031, 0x1578: 0x8056, 0x1579: 0xb059, 0x157a: 0x8076, 0x157b: 0xb081, + 0x157c: 0x8096, 0x157d: 0xb0a9, 0x157e: 0x80b6, 0x157f: 0xb0d1, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0xb0f9, 0x1581: 0xb111, 0x1582: 0xb111, 0x1583: 0xb129, 0x1584: 0xb129, 0x1585: 0xb141, + 0x1586: 0xb141, 0x1587: 0xb159, 0x1588: 0xb159, 0x1589: 0xb171, 0x158a: 0xb171, 0x158b: 0xb171, + 0x158c: 0xb171, 0x158d: 0xb189, 0x158e: 0xb189, 0x158f: 0xb1a1, 0x1590: 0xb1a1, 0x1591: 0xb1a1, + 0x1592: 0xb1a1, 0x1593: 0xb1b9, 0x1594: 0xb1b9, 0x1595: 0xb1d1, 0x1596: 0xb1d1, 0x1597: 0xb1d1, + 0x1598: 0xb1d1, 0x1599: 0xb1e9, 0x159a: 0xb1e9, 0x159b: 0xb1e9, 0x159c: 0xb1e9, 0x159d: 0xb201, + 0x159e: 0xb201, 0x159f: 0xb201, 0x15a0: 0xb201, 0x15a1: 0xb219, 0x15a2: 0xb219, 0x15a3: 0xb219, + 0x15a4: 0xb219, 0x15a5: 0xb231, 0x15a6: 0xb231, 0x15a7: 0xb231, 0x15a8: 0xb231, 0x15a9: 0xb249, + 0x15aa: 0xb249, 0x15ab: 0xb261, 0x15ac: 0xb261, 0x15ad: 0xb279, 0x15ae: 0xb279, 0x15af: 0xb291, + 0x15b0: 0xb291, 0x15b1: 0xb2a9, 0x15b2: 0xb2a9, 0x15b3: 0xb2a9, 0x15b4: 0xb2a9, 0x15b5: 0xb2c1, + 0x15b6: 0xb2c1, 0x15b7: 0xb2c1, 0x15b8: 0xb2c1, 0x15b9: 0xb2d9, 0x15ba: 0xb2d9, 0x15bb: 0xb2d9, + 0x15bc: 0xb2d9, 0x15bd: 0xb2f1, 0x15be: 0xb2f1, 0x15bf: 0xb2f1, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0xb2f1, 0x15c1: 0xb309, 0x15c2: 0xb309, 0x15c3: 0xb309, 0x15c4: 0xb309, 0x15c5: 0xb321, + 0x15c6: 0xb321, 0x15c7: 0xb321, 0x15c8: 0xb321, 0x15c9: 0xb339, 0x15ca: 0xb339, 0x15cb: 0xb339, + 0x15cc: 0xb339, 0x15cd: 0xb351, 0x15ce: 0xb351, 0x15cf: 0xb351, 0x15d0: 0xb351, 0x15d1: 0xb369, + 0x15d2: 0xb369, 0x15d3: 0xb369, 0x15d4: 0xb369, 0x15d5: 0xb381, 0x15d6: 0xb381, 0x15d7: 0xb381, + 0x15d8: 0xb381, 0x15d9: 0xb399, 0x15da: 0xb399, 0x15db: 0xb399, 0x15dc: 0xb399, 0x15dd: 0xb3b1, + 0x15de: 0xb3b1, 0x15df: 0xb3b1, 0x15e0: 0xb3b1, 0x15e1: 0xb3c9, 0x15e2: 0xb3c9, 0x15e3: 0xb3c9, + 0x15e4: 0xb3c9, 0x15e5: 0xb3e1, 0x15e6: 0xb3e1, 0x15e7: 0xb3e1, 0x15e8: 0xb3e1, 0x15e9: 0xb3f9, + 0x15ea: 0xb3f9, 0x15eb: 0xb3f9, 0x15ec: 0xb3f9, 0x15ed: 0xb411, 0x15ee: 0xb411, 0x15ef: 0x7ab1, + 0x15f0: 0x7ab1, 0x15f1: 0xb429, 0x15f2: 0xb429, 0x15f3: 0xb429, 0x15f4: 0xb429, 0x15f5: 0xb441, + 0x15f6: 0xb441, 0x15f7: 0xb469, 0x15f8: 0xb469, 0x15f9: 0xb491, 0x15fa: 0xb491, 0x15fb: 0xb4b9, + 0x15fc: 0xb4b9, 0x15fd: 0x0040, 0x15fe: 0x0040, 0x15ff: 0x03c0, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x0040, 0x1601: 0xaefa, 0x1602: 0xb4e2, 0x1603: 0xaf6a, 0x1604: 0xafda, 0x1605: 0xafea, + 0x1606: 0xaf7a, 0x1607: 0xb4f2, 0x1608: 0x1fd2, 0x1609: 0x1fe2, 0x160a: 0xaf8a, 0x160b: 0x1fb2, + 0x160c: 0xaeda, 0x160d: 0xaf99, 0x160e: 0x29d1, 0x160f: 0xb502, 0x1610: 0x1f41, 0x1611: 0x00c9, + 0x1612: 0x0069, 0x1613: 0x0079, 0x1614: 0x1f51, 0x1615: 0x1f61, 0x1616: 0x1f71, 0x1617: 0x1f81, + 0x1618: 0x1f91, 0x1619: 0x1fa1, 0x161a: 0xaeea, 0x161b: 0x03c2, 0x161c: 0xafaa, 0x161d: 0x1fc2, + 0x161e: 0xafba, 0x161f: 0xaf0a, 0x1620: 0xaffa, 0x1621: 0x0039, 0x1622: 0x0ee9, 0x1623: 0x1159, + 0x1624: 0x0ef9, 0x1625: 0x0f09, 0x1626: 0x1199, 0x1627: 0x0f31, 0x1628: 0x0249, 0x1629: 0x0f41, + 0x162a: 0x0259, 0x162b: 0x0f51, 0x162c: 0x0359, 0x162d: 0x0f61, 0x162e: 0x0f71, 0x162f: 0x00d9, + 0x1630: 0x0f99, 0x1631: 0x2039, 0x1632: 0x0269, 0x1633: 0x01d9, 0x1634: 0x0fa9, 0x1635: 0x0fb9, + 0x1636: 0x1089, 0x1637: 0x0279, 0x1638: 0x0369, 0x1639: 0x0289, 0x163a: 0x13d1, 0x163b: 0xaf4a, + 0x163c: 0xafca, 0x163d: 0xaf5a, 0x163e: 0xb512, 0x163f: 0xaf1a, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x1caa, 0x1641: 0x0039, 0x1642: 0x0ee9, 0x1643: 0x1159, 0x1644: 0x0ef9, 0x1645: 0x0f09, + 0x1646: 0x1199, 0x1647: 0x0f31, 0x1648: 0x0249, 0x1649: 0x0f41, 0x164a: 0x0259, 0x164b: 0x0f51, + 0x164c: 0x0359, 0x164d: 0x0f61, 0x164e: 0x0f71, 0x164f: 0x00d9, 0x1650: 0x0f99, 0x1651: 0x2039, + 0x1652: 0x0269, 0x1653: 0x01d9, 0x1654: 0x0fa9, 0x1655: 0x0fb9, 0x1656: 0x1089, 0x1657: 0x0279, + 0x1658: 0x0369, 0x1659: 0x0289, 0x165a: 0x13d1, 0x165b: 0xaf2a, 0x165c: 0xb522, 0x165d: 0xaf3a, + 0x165e: 0xb532, 0x165f: 0x80d5, 0x1660: 0x80f5, 0x1661: 0x29d1, 0x1662: 0x8115, 0x1663: 0x8115, + 0x1664: 0x8135, 0x1665: 0x8155, 0x1666: 0x8175, 0x1667: 0x8195, 0x1668: 0x81b5, 0x1669: 0x81d5, + 0x166a: 0x81f5, 0x166b: 0x8215, 0x166c: 0x8235, 0x166d: 0x8255, 0x166e: 0x8275, 0x166f: 0x8295, + 0x1670: 0x82b5, 0x1671: 0x82d5, 0x1672: 0x82f5, 0x1673: 0x8315, 0x1674: 0x8335, 0x1675: 0x8355, + 0x1676: 0x8375, 0x1677: 0x8395, 0x1678: 0x83b5, 0x1679: 0x83d5, 0x167a: 0x83f5, 0x167b: 0x8415, + 0x167c: 0x81b5, 0x167d: 0x8435, 0x167e: 0x8455, 0x167f: 0x8215, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x8475, 0x1681: 0x8495, 0x1682: 0x84b5, 0x1683: 0x84d5, 0x1684: 0x84f5, 0x1685: 0x8515, + 0x1686: 0x8535, 0x1687: 0x8555, 0x1688: 0x84d5, 0x1689: 0x8575, 0x168a: 0x84d5, 0x168b: 0x8595, + 0x168c: 0x8595, 0x168d: 0x85b5, 0x168e: 0x85b5, 0x168f: 0x85d5, 0x1690: 0x8515, 0x1691: 0x85f5, + 0x1692: 0x8615, 0x1693: 0x85f5, 0x1694: 0x8635, 0x1695: 0x8615, 0x1696: 0x8655, 0x1697: 0x8655, + 0x1698: 0x8675, 0x1699: 0x8675, 0x169a: 0x8695, 0x169b: 0x8695, 0x169c: 0x8615, 0x169d: 0x8115, + 0x169e: 0x86b5, 0x169f: 0x86d5, 0x16a0: 0x0040, 0x16a1: 0x86f5, 0x16a2: 0x8715, 0x16a3: 0x8735, + 0x16a4: 0x8755, 0x16a5: 0x8735, 0x16a6: 0x8775, 0x16a7: 0x8795, 0x16a8: 0x87b5, 0x16a9: 0x87b5, + 0x16aa: 0x87d5, 0x16ab: 0x87d5, 0x16ac: 0x87f5, 0x16ad: 0x87f5, 0x16ae: 0x87d5, 0x16af: 0x87d5, + 0x16b0: 0x8815, 0x16b1: 0x8835, 0x16b2: 0x8855, 0x16b3: 0x8875, 0x16b4: 0x8895, 0x16b5: 0x88b5, + 0x16b6: 0x88b5, 0x16b7: 0x88b5, 0x16b8: 0x88d5, 0x16b9: 0x88d5, 0x16ba: 0x88d5, 0x16bb: 0x88d5, + 0x16bc: 0x87b5, 0x16bd: 0x87b5, 0x16be: 0x87b5, 0x16bf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x0040, 0x16c1: 0x0040, 0x16c2: 0x8715, 0x16c3: 0x86f5, 0x16c4: 0x88f5, 0x16c5: 0x86f5, + 0x16c6: 0x8715, 0x16c7: 0x86f5, 0x16c8: 0x0040, 0x16c9: 0x0040, 0x16ca: 0x8915, 0x16cb: 0x8715, + 0x16cc: 0x8935, 0x16cd: 0x88f5, 0x16ce: 0x8935, 0x16cf: 0x8715, 0x16d0: 0x0040, 0x16d1: 0x0040, + 0x16d2: 0x8955, 0x16d3: 0x8975, 0x16d4: 0x8875, 0x16d5: 0x8935, 0x16d6: 0x88f5, 0x16d7: 0x8935, + 0x16d8: 0x0040, 0x16d9: 0x0040, 0x16da: 0x8995, 0x16db: 0x89b5, 0x16dc: 0x8995, 0x16dd: 0x0040, + 0x16de: 0x0040, 0x16df: 0x0040, 0x16e0: 0xb541, 0x16e1: 0xb559, 0x16e2: 0xb571, 0x16e3: 0x89d6, + 0x16e4: 0xb589, 0x16e5: 0xb5a1, 0x16e6: 0x89f5, 0x16e7: 0x0040, 0x16e8: 0x8a15, 0x16e9: 0x8a35, + 0x16ea: 0x8a55, 0x16eb: 0x8a35, 0x16ec: 0x8a75, 0x16ed: 0x8a95, 0x16ee: 0x8ab5, 0x16ef: 0x0040, + 0x16f0: 0x0040, 0x16f1: 0x0040, 0x16f2: 0x0040, 0x16f3: 0x0040, 0x16f4: 0x0040, 0x16f5: 0x0040, + 0x16f6: 0x0040, 0x16f7: 0x0040, 0x16f8: 0x0040, 0x16f9: 0x0340, 0x16fa: 0x0340, 0x16fb: 0x0340, + 0x16fc: 0x0040, 0x16fd: 0x0040, 0x16fe: 0x0040, 0x16ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x0a08, 0x1701: 0x0a08, 0x1702: 0x0a08, 0x1703: 0x0a08, 0x1704: 0x0a08, 0x1705: 0x0c08, + 0x1706: 0x0808, 0x1707: 0x0c08, 0x1708: 0x0818, 0x1709: 0x0c08, 0x170a: 0x0c08, 0x170b: 0x0808, + 0x170c: 0x0808, 0x170d: 0x0908, 0x170e: 0x0c08, 0x170f: 0x0c08, 0x1710: 0x0c08, 0x1711: 0x0c08, + 0x1712: 0x0c08, 0x1713: 0x0a08, 0x1714: 0x0a08, 0x1715: 0x0a08, 0x1716: 0x0a08, 0x1717: 0x0908, + 0x1718: 0x0a08, 0x1719: 0x0a08, 0x171a: 0x0a08, 0x171b: 0x0a08, 0x171c: 0x0a08, 0x171d: 0x0c08, + 0x171e: 0x0a08, 0x171f: 0x0a08, 0x1720: 0x0a08, 0x1721: 0x0c08, 0x1722: 0x0808, 0x1723: 0x0808, + 0x1724: 0x0c08, 0x1725: 0x3308, 0x1726: 0x3308, 0x1727: 0x0040, 0x1728: 0x0040, 0x1729: 0x0040, + 0x172a: 0x0040, 0x172b: 0x0a18, 0x172c: 0x0a18, 0x172d: 0x0a18, 0x172e: 0x0a18, 0x172f: 0x0c18, + 0x1730: 0x0818, 0x1731: 0x0818, 0x1732: 0x0818, 0x1733: 0x0818, 0x1734: 0x0818, 0x1735: 0x0818, + 0x1736: 0x0818, 0x1737: 0x0040, 0x1738: 0x0040, 0x1739: 0x0040, 0x173a: 0x0040, 0x173b: 0x0040, + 0x173c: 0x0040, 0x173d: 0x0040, 0x173e: 0x0040, 0x173f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x0a08, 0x1741: 0x0c08, 0x1742: 0x0a08, 0x1743: 0x0c08, 0x1744: 0x0c08, 0x1745: 0x0c08, + 0x1746: 0x0a08, 0x1747: 0x0a08, 0x1748: 0x0a08, 0x1749: 0x0c08, 0x174a: 0x0a08, 0x174b: 0x0a08, + 0x174c: 0x0c08, 0x174d: 0x0a08, 0x174e: 0x0c08, 0x174f: 0x0c08, 0x1750: 0x0a08, 0x1751: 0x0c08, + 0x1752: 0x0040, 0x1753: 0x0040, 0x1754: 0x0040, 0x1755: 0x0040, 0x1756: 0x0040, 0x1757: 0x0040, + 0x1758: 0x0040, 0x1759: 0x0818, 0x175a: 0x0818, 0x175b: 0x0818, 0x175c: 0x0818, 0x175d: 0x0040, + 0x175e: 0x0040, 0x175f: 0x0040, 0x1760: 0x0040, 0x1761: 0x0040, 0x1762: 0x0040, 0x1763: 0x0040, + 0x1764: 0x0040, 0x1765: 0x0040, 0x1766: 0x0040, 0x1767: 0x0040, 0x1768: 0x0040, 0x1769: 0x0c18, + 0x176a: 0x0c18, 0x176b: 0x0c18, 0x176c: 0x0c18, 0x176d: 0x0a18, 0x176e: 0x0a18, 0x176f: 0x0818, + 0x1770: 0x0040, 0x1771: 0x0040, 0x1772: 0x0040, 0x1773: 0x0040, 0x1774: 0x0040, 0x1775: 0x0040, + 0x1776: 0x0040, 0x1777: 0x0040, 0x1778: 0x0040, 0x1779: 0x0040, 0x177a: 0x0040, 0x177b: 0x0040, + 0x177c: 0x0040, 0x177d: 0x0040, 0x177e: 0x0040, 0x177f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x3308, 0x1781: 0x3308, 0x1782: 0x3008, 0x1783: 0x3008, 0x1784: 0x0040, 0x1785: 0x0008, + 0x1786: 0x0008, 0x1787: 0x0008, 0x1788: 0x0008, 0x1789: 0x0008, 0x178a: 0x0008, 0x178b: 0x0008, + 0x178c: 0x0008, 0x178d: 0x0040, 0x178e: 0x0040, 0x178f: 0x0008, 0x1790: 0x0008, 0x1791: 0x0040, + 0x1792: 0x0040, 0x1793: 0x0008, 0x1794: 0x0008, 0x1795: 0x0008, 0x1796: 0x0008, 0x1797: 0x0008, + 0x1798: 0x0008, 0x1799: 0x0008, 0x179a: 0x0008, 0x179b: 0x0008, 0x179c: 0x0008, 0x179d: 0x0008, + 0x179e: 0x0008, 0x179f: 0x0008, 0x17a0: 0x0008, 0x17a1: 0x0008, 0x17a2: 0x0008, 0x17a3: 0x0008, + 0x17a4: 0x0008, 0x17a5: 0x0008, 0x17a6: 0x0008, 0x17a7: 0x0008, 0x17a8: 0x0008, 0x17a9: 0x0040, + 0x17aa: 0x0008, 0x17ab: 0x0008, 0x17ac: 0x0008, 0x17ad: 0x0008, 0x17ae: 0x0008, 0x17af: 0x0008, + 0x17b0: 0x0008, 0x17b1: 0x0040, 0x17b2: 0x0008, 0x17b3: 0x0008, 0x17b4: 0x0040, 0x17b5: 0x0008, + 0x17b6: 0x0008, 0x17b7: 0x0008, 0x17b8: 0x0008, 0x17b9: 0x0008, 0x17ba: 0x0040, 0x17bb: 0x0040, + 0x17bc: 0x3308, 0x17bd: 0x0008, 0x17be: 0x3008, 0x17bf: 0x3008, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x3308, 0x17c1: 0x3008, 0x17c2: 0x3008, 0x17c3: 0x3008, 0x17c4: 0x3008, 0x17c5: 0x0040, + 0x17c6: 0x0040, 0x17c7: 0x3008, 0x17c8: 0x3008, 0x17c9: 0x0040, 0x17ca: 0x0040, 0x17cb: 0x3008, + 0x17cc: 0x3008, 0x17cd: 0x3808, 0x17ce: 0x0040, 0x17cf: 0x0040, 0x17d0: 0x0008, 0x17d1: 0x0040, + 0x17d2: 0x0040, 0x17d3: 0x0040, 0x17d4: 0x0040, 0x17d5: 0x0040, 0x17d6: 0x0040, 0x17d7: 0x3008, + 0x17d8: 0x0040, 0x17d9: 0x0040, 0x17da: 0x0040, 0x17db: 0x0040, 0x17dc: 0x0040, 0x17dd: 0x0008, + 0x17de: 0x0008, 0x17df: 0x0008, 0x17e0: 0x0008, 0x17e1: 0x0008, 0x17e2: 0x3008, 0x17e3: 0x3008, + 0x17e4: 0x0040, 0x17e5: 0x0040, 0x17e6: 0x3308, 0x17e7: 0x3308, 0x17e8: 0x3308, 0x17e9: 0x3308, + 0x17ea: 0x3308, 0x17eb: 0x3308, 0x17ec: 0x3308, 0x17ed: 0x0040, 0x17ee: 0x0040, 0x17ef: 0x0040, + 0x17f0: 0x3308, 0x17f1: 0x3308, 0x17f2: 0x3308, 0x17f3: 0x3308, 0x17f4: 0x3308, 0x17f5: 0x0040, + 0x17f6: 0x0040, 0x17f7: 0x0040, 0x17f8: 0x0040, 0x17f9: 0x0040, 0x17fa: 0x0040, 0x17fb: 0x0040, + 0x17fc: 0x0040, 0x17fd: 0x0040, 0x17fe: 0x0040, 0x17ff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x0039, 0x1801: 0x0ee9, 0x1802: 0x1159, 0x1803: 0x0ef9, 0x1804: 0x0f09, 0x1805: 0x1199, + 0x1806: 0x0f31, 0x1807: 0x0249, 0x1808: 0x0f41, 0x1809: 0x0259, 0x180a: 0x0f51, 0x180b: 0x0359, + 0x180c: 0x0f61, 0x180d: 0x0f71, 0x180e: 0x00d9, 0x180f: 0x0f99, 0x1810: 0x2039, 0x1811: 0x0269, + 0x1812: 0x01d9, 0x1813: 0x0fa9, 0x1814: 0x0fb9, 0x1815: 0x1089, 0x1816: 0x0279, 0x1817: 0x0369, + 0x1818: 0x0289, 0x1819: 0x13d1, 0x181a: 0x0039, 0x181b: 0x0ee9, 0x181c: 0x1159, 0x181d: 0x0ef9, + 0x181e: 0x0f09, 0x181f: 0x1199, 0x1820: 0x0f31, 0x1821: 0x0249, 0x1822: 0x0f41, 0x1823: 0x0259, + 0x1824: 0x0f51, 0x1825: 0x0359, 0x1826: 0x0f61, 0x1827: 0x0f71, 0x1828: 0x00d9, 0x1829: 0x0f99, + 0x182a: 0x2039, 0x182b: 0x0269, 0x182c: 0x01d9, 0x182d: 0x0fa9, 0x182e: 0x0fb9, 0x182f: 0x1089, + 0x1830: 0x0279, 0x1831: 0x0369, 0x1832: 0x0289, 0x1833: 0x13d1, 0x1834: 0x0039, 0x1835: 0x0ee9, + 0x1836: 0x1159, 0x1837: 0x0ef9, 0x1838: 0x0f09, 0x1839: 0x1199, 0x183a: 0x0f31, 0x183b: 0x0249, + 0x183c: 0x0f41, 0x183d: 0x0259, 0x183e: 0x0f51, 0x183f: 0x0359, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x0f61, 0x1841: 0x0f71, 0x1842: 0x00d9, 0x1843: 0x0f99, 0x1844: 0x2039, 0x1845: 0x0269, + 0x1846: 0x01d9, 0x1847: 0x0fa9, 0x1848: 0x0fb9, 0x1849: 0x1089, 0x184a: 0x0279, 0x184b: 0x0369, + 0x184c: 0x0289, 0x184d: 0x13d1, 0x184e: 0x0039, 0x184f: 0x0ee9, 0x1850: 0x1159, 0x1851: 0x0ef9, + 0x1852: 0x0f09, 0x1853: 0x1199, 0x1854: 0x0f31, 0x1855: 0x0040, 0x1856: 0x0f41, 0x1857: 0x0259, + 0x1858: 0x0f51, 0x1859: 0x0359, 0x185a: 0x0f61, 0x185b: 0x0f71, 0x185c: 0x00d9, 0x185d: 0x0f99, + 0x185e: 0x2039, 0x185f: 0x0269, 0x1860: 0x01d9, 0x1861: 0x0fa9, 0x1862: 0x0fb9, 0x1863: 0x1089, + 0x1864: 0x0279, 0x1865: 0x0369, 0x1866: 0x0289, 0x1867: 0x13d1, 0x1868: 0x0039, 0x1869: 0x0ee9, + 0x186a: 0x1159, 0x186b: 0x0ef9, 0x186c: 0x0f09, 0x186d: 0x1199, 0x186e: 0x0f31, 0x186f: 0x0249, + 0x1870: 0x0f41, 0x1871: 0x0259, 0x1872: 0x0f51, 0x1873: 0x0359, 0x1874: 0x0f61, 0x1875: 0x0f71, + 0x1876: 0x00d9, 0x1877: 0x0f99, 0x1878: 0x2039, 0x1879: 0x0269, 0x187a: 0x01d9, 0x187b: 0x0fa9, + 0x187c: 0x0fb9, 0x187d: 0x1089, 0x187e: 0x0279, 0x187f: 0x0369, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x0289, 0x1881: 0x13d1, 0x1882: 0x0039, 0x1883: 0x0ee9, 0x1884: 0x1159, 0x1885: 0x0ef9, + 0x1886: 0x0f09, 0x1887: 0x1199, 0x1888: 0x0f31, 0x1889: 0x0249, 0x188a: 0x0f41, 0x188b: 0x0259, + 0x188c: 0x0f51, 0x188d: 0x0359, 0x188e: 0x0f61, 0x188f: 0x0f71, 0x1890: 0x00d9, 0x1891: 0x0f99, + 0x1892: 0x2039, 0x1893: 0x0269, 0x1894: 0x01d9, 0x1895: 0x0fa9, 0x1896: 0x0fb9, 0x1897: 0x1089, + 0x1898: 0x0279, 0x1899: 0x0369, 0x189a: 0x0289, 0x189b: 0x13d1, 0x189c: 0x0039, 0x189d: 0x0040, + 0x189e: 0x1159, 0x189f: 0x0ef9, 0x18a0: 0x0040, 0x18a1: 0x0040, 0x18a2: 0x0f31, 0x18a3: 0x0040, + 0x18a4: 0x0040, 0x18a5: 0x0259, 0x18a6: 0x0f51, 0x18a7: 0x0040, 0x18a8: 0x0040, 0x18a9: 0x0f71, + 0x18aa: 0x00d9, 0x18ab: 0x0f99, 0x18ac: 0x2039, 0x18ad: 0x0040, 0x18ae: 0x01d9, 0x18af: 0x0fa9, + 0x18b0: 0x0fb9, 0x18b1: 0x1089, 0x18b2: 0x0279, 0x18b3: 0x0369, 0x18b4: 0x0289, 0x18b5: 0x13d1, + 0x18b6: 0x0039, 0x18b7: 0x0ee9, 0x18b8: 0x1159, 0x18b9: 0x0ef9, 0x18ba: 0x0040, 0x18bb: 0x1199, + 0x18bc: 0x0040, 0x18bd: 0x0249, 0x18be: 0x0f41, 0x18bf: 0x0259, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x0f51, 0x18c1: 0x0359, 0x18c2: 0x0f61, 0x18c3: 0x0f71, 0x18c4: 0x0040, 0x18c5: 0x0f99, + 0x18c6: 0x2039, 0x18c7: 0x0269, 0x18c8: 0x01d9, 0x18c9: 0x0fa9, 0x18ca: 0x0fb9, 0x18cb: 0x1089, + 0x18cc: 0x0279, 0x18cd: 0x0369, 0x18ce: 0x0289, 0x18cf: 0x13d1, 0x18d0: 0x0039, 0x18d1: 0x0ee9, + 0x18d2: 0x1159, 0x18d3: 0x0ef9, 0x18d4: 0x0f09, 0x18d5: 0x1199, 0x18d6: 0x0f31, 0x18d7: 0x0249, + 0x18d8: 0x0f41, 0x18d9: 0x0259, 0x18da: 0x0f51, 0x18db: 0x0359, 0x18dc: 0x0f61, 0x18dd: 0x0f71, + 0x18de: 0x00d9, 0x18df: 0x0f99, 0x18e0: 0x2039, 0x18e1: 0x0269, 0x18e2: 0x01d9, 0x18e3: 0x0fa9, + 0x18e4: 0x0fb9, 0x18e5: 0x1089, 0x18e6: 0x0279, 0x18e7: 0x0369, 0x18e8: 0x0289, 0x18e9: 0x13d1, + 0x18ea: 0x0039, 0x18eb: 0x0ee9, 0x18ec: 0x1159, 0x18ed: 0x0ef9, 0x18ee: 0x0f09, 0x18ef: 0x1199, + 0x18f0: 0x0f31, 0x18f1: 0x0249, 0x18f2: 0x0f41, 0x18f3: 0x0259, 0x18f4: 0x0f51, 0x18f5: 0x0359, + 0x18f6: 0x0f61, 0x18f7: 0x0f71, 0x18f8: 0x00d9, 0x18f9: 0x0f99, 0x18fa: 0x2039, 0x18fb: 0x0269, + 0x18fc: 0x01d9, 0x18fd: 0x0fa9, 0x18fe: 0x0fb9, 0x18ff: 0x1089, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x0279, 0x1901: 0x0369, 0x1902: 0x0289, 0x1903: 0x13d1, 0x1904: 0x0039, 0x1905: 0x0ee9, + 0x1906: 0x0040, 0x1907: 0x0ef9, 0x1908: 0x0f09, 0x1909: 0x1199, 0x190a: 0x0f31, 0x190b: 0x0040, + 0x190c: 0x0040, 0x190d: 0x0259, 0x190e: 0x0f51, 0x190f: 0x0359, 0x1910: 0x0f61, 0x1911: 0x0f71, + 0x1912: 0x00d9, 0x1913: 0x0f99, 0x1914: 0x2039, 0x1915: 0x0040, 0x1916: 0x01d9, 0x1917: 0x0fa9, + 0x1918: 0x0fb9, 0x1919: 0x1089, 0x191a: 0x0279, 0x191b: 0x0369, 0x191c: 0x0289, 0x191d: 0x0040, + 0x191e: 0x0039, 0x191f: 0x0ee9, 0x1920: 0x1159, 0x1921: 0x0ef9, 0x1922: 0x0f09, 0x1923: 0x1199, + 0x1924: 0x0f31, 0x1925: 0x0249, 0x1926: 0x0f41, 0x1927: 0x0259, 0x1928: 0x0f51, 0x1929: 0x0359, + 0x192a: 0x0f61, 0x192b: 0x0f71, 0x192c: 0x00d9, 0x192d: 0x0f99, 0x192e: 0x2039, 0x192f: 0x0269, + 0x1930: 0x01d9, 0x1931: 0x0fa9, 0x1932: 0x0fb9, 0x1933: 0x1089, 0x1934: 0x0279, 0x1935: 0x0369, + 0x1936: 0x0289, 0x1937: 0x13d1, 0x1938: 0x0039, 0x1939: 0x0ee9, 0x193a: 0x0040, 0x193b: 0x0ef9, + 0x193c: 0x0f09, 0x193d: 0x1199, 0x193e: 0x0f31, 0x193f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x0f41, 0x1941: 0x0259, 0x1942: 0x0f51, 0x1943: 0x0359, 0x1944: 0x0f61, 0x1945: 0x0040, + 0x1946: 0x00d9, 0x1947: 0x0040, 0x1948: 0x0040, 0x1949: 0x0040, 0x194a: 0x01d9, 0x194b: 0x0fa9, + 0x194c: 0x0fb9, 0x194d: 0x1089, 0x194e: 0x0279, 0x194f: 0x0369, 0x1950: 0x0289, 0x1951: 0x0040, + 0x1952: 0x0039, 0x1953: 0x0ee9, 0x1954: 0x1159, 0x1955: 0x0ef9, 0x1956: 0x0f09, 0x1957: 0x1199, + 0x1958: 0x0f31, 0x1959: 0x0249, 0x195a: 0x0f41, 0x195b: 0x0259, 0x195c: 0x0f51, 0x195d: 0x0359, + 0x195e: 0x0f61, 0x195f: 0x0f71, 0x1960: 0x00d9, 0x1961: 0x0f99, 0x1962: 0x2039, 0x1963: 0x0269, + 0x1964: 0x01d9, 0x1965: 0x0fa9, 0x1966: 0x0fb9, 0x1967: 0x1089, 0x1968: 0x0279, 0x1969: 0x0369, + 0x196a: 0x0289, 0x196b: 0x13d1, 0x196c: 0x0039, 0x196d: 0x0ee9, 0x196e: 0x1159, 0x196f: 0x0ef9, + 0x1970: 0x0f09, 0x1971: 0x1199, 0x1972: 0x0f31, 0x1973: 0x0249, 0x1974: 0x0f41, 0x1975: 0x0259, + 0x1976: 0x0f51, 0x1977: 0x0359, 0x1978: 0x0f61, 0x1979: 0x0f71, 0x197a: 0x00d9, 0x197b: 0x0f99, + 0x197c: 0x2039, 0x197d: 0x0269, 0x197e: 0x01d9, 0x197f: 0x0fa9, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x0fb9, 0x1981: 0x1089, 0x1982: 0x0279, 0x1983: 0x0369, 0x1984: 0x0289, 0x1985: 0x13d1, + 0x1986: 0x0039, 0x1987: 0x0ee9, 0x1988: 0x1159, 0x1989: 0x0ef9, 0x198a: 0x0f09, 0x198b: 0x1199, + 0x198c: 0x0f31, 0x198d: 0x0249, 0x198e: 0x0f41, 0x198f: 0x0259, 0x1990: 0x0f51, 0x1991: 0x0359, + 0x1992: 0x0f61, 0x1993: 0x0f71, 0x1994: 0x00d9, 0x1995: 0x0f99, 0x1996: 0x2039, 0x1997: 0x0269, + 0x1998: 0x01d9, 0x1999: 0x0fa9, 0x199a: 0x0fb9, 0x199b: 0x1089, 0x199c: 0x0279, 0x199d: 0x0369, + 0x199e: 0x0289, 0x199f: 0x13d1, 0x19a0: 0x0039, 0x19a1: 0x0ee9, 0x19a2: 0x1159, 0x19a3: 0x0ef9, + 0x19a4: 0x0f09, 0x19a5: 0x1199, 0x19a6: 0x0f31, 0x19a7: 0x0249, 0x19a8: 0x0f41, 0x19a9: 0x0259, + 0x19aa: 0x0f51, 0x19ab: 0x0359, 0x19ac: 0x0f61, 0x19ad: 0x0f71, 0x19ae: 0x00d9, 0x19af: 0x0f99, + 0x19b0: 0x2039, 0x19b1: 0x0269, 0x19b2: 0x01d9, 0x19b3: 0x0fa9, 0x19b4: 0x0fb9, 0x19b5: 0x1089, + 0x19b6: 0x0279, 0x19b7: 0x0369, 0x19b8: 0x0289, 0x19b9: 0x13d1, 0x19ba: 0x0039, 0x19bb: 0x0ee9, + 0x19bc: 0x1159, 0x19bd: 0x0ef9, 0x19be: 0x0f09, 0x19bf: 0x1199, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19c0: 0x0f31, 0x19c1: 0x0249, 0x19c2: 0x0f41, 0x19c3: 0x0259, 0x19c4: 0x0f51, 0x19c5: 0x0359, + 0x19c6: 0x0f61, 0x19c7: 0x0f71, 0x19c8: 0x00d9, 0x19c9: 0x0f99, 0x19ca: 0x2039, 0x19cb: 0x0269, + 0x19cc: 0x01d9, 0x19cd: 0x0fa9, 0x19ce: 0x0fb9, 0x19cf: 0x1089, 0x19d0: 0x0279, 0x19d1: 0x0369, + 0x19d2: 0x0289, 0x19d3: 0x13d1, 0x19d4: 0x0039, 0x19d5: 0x0ee9, 0x19d6: 0x1159, 0x19d7: 0x0ef9, + 0x19d8: 0x0f09, 0x19d9: 0x1199, 0x19da: 0x0f31, 0x19db: 0x0249, 0x19dc: 0x0f41, 0x19dd: 0x0259, + 0x19de: 0x0f51, 0x19df: 0x0359, 0x19e0: 0x0f61, 0x19e1: 0x0f71, 0x19e2: 0x00d9, 0x19e3: 0x0f99, + 0x19e4: 0x2039, 0x19e5: 0x0269, 0x19e6: 0x01d9, 0x19e7: 0x0fa9, 0x19e8: 0x0fb9, 0x19e9: 0x1089, + 0x19ea: 0x0279, 0x19eb: 0x0369, 0x19ec: 0x0289, 0x19ed: 0x13d1, 0x19ee: 0x0039, 0x19ef: 0x0ee9, + 0x19f0: 0x1159, 0x19f1: 0x0ef9, 0x19f2: 0x0f09, 0x19f3: 0x1199, 0x19f4: 0x0f31, 0x19f5: 0x0249, + 0x19f6: 0x0f41, 0x19f7: 0x0259, 0x19f8: 0x0f51, 0x19f9: 0x0359, 0x19fa: 0x0f61, 0x19fb: 0x0f71, + 0x19fc: 0x00d9, 0x19fd: 0x0f99, 0x19fe: 0x2039, 0x19ff: 0x0269, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a00: 0x01d9, 0x1a01: 0x0fa9, 0x1a02: 0x0fb9, 0x1a03: 0x1089, 0x1a04: 0x0279, 0x1a05: 0x0369, + 0x1a06: 0x0289, 0x1a07: 0x13d1, 0x1a08: 0x0039, 0x1a09: 0x0ee9, 0x1a0a: 0x1159, 0x1a0b: 0x0ef9, + 0x1a0c: 0x0f09, 0x1a0d: 0x1199, 0x1a0e: 0x0f31, 0x1a0f: 0x0249, 0x1a10: 0x0f41, 0x1a11: 0x0259, + 0x1a12: 0x0f51, 0x1a13: 0x0359, 0x1a14: 0x0f61, 0x1a15: 0x0f71, 0x1a16: 0x00d9, 0x1a17: 0x0f99, + 0x1a18: 0x2039, 0x1a19: 0x0269, 0x1a1a: 0x01d9, 0x1a1b: 0x0fa9, 0x1a1c: 0x0fb9, 0x1a1d: 0x1089, + 0x1a1e: 0x0279, 0x1a1f: 0x0369, 0x1a20: 0x0289, 0x1a21: 0x13d1, 0x1a22: 0x0039, 0x1a23: 0x0ee9, + 0x1a24: 0x1159, 0x1a25: 0x0ef9, 0x1a26: 0x0f09, 0x1a27: 0x1199, 0x1a28: 0x0f31, 0x1a29: 0x0249, + 0x1a2a: 0x0f41, 0x1a2b: 0x0259, 0x1a2c: 0x0f51, 0x1a2d: 0x0359, 0x1a2e: 0x0f61, 0x1a2f: 0x0f71, + 0x1a30: 0x00d9, 0x1a31: 0x0f99, 0x1a32: 0x2039, 0x1a33: 0x0269, 0x1a34: 0x01d9, 0x1a35: 0x0fa9, + 0x1a36: 0x0fb9, 0x1a37: 0x1089, 0x1a38: 0x0279, 0x1a39: 0x0369, 0x1a3a: 0x0289, 0x1a3b: 0x13d1, + 0x1a3c: 0x0039, 0x1a3d: 0x0ee9, 0x1a3e: 0x1159, 0x1a3f: 0x0ef9, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a40: 0x0f09, 0x1a41: 0x1199, 0x1a42: 0x0f31, 0x1a43: 0x0249, 0x1a44: 0x0f41, 0x1a45: 0x0259, + 0x1a46: 0x0f51, 0x1a47: 0x0359, 0x1a48: 0x0f61, 0x1a49: 0x0f71, 0x1a4a: 0x00d9, 0x1a4b: 0x0f99, + 0x1a4c: 0x2039, 0x1a4d: 0x0269, 0x1a4e: 0x01d9, 0x1a4f: 0x0fa9, 0x1a50: 0x0fb9, 0x1a51: 0x1089, + 0x1a52: 0x0279, 0x1a53: 0x0369, 0x1a54: 0x0289, 0x1a55: 0x13d1, 0x1a56: 0x0039, 0x1a57: 0x0ee9, + 0x1a58: 0x1159, 0x1a59: 0x0ef9, 0x1a5a: 0x0f09, 0x1a5b: 0x1199, 0x1a5c: 0x0f31, 0x1a5d: 0x0249, + 0x1a5e: 0x0f41, 0x1a5f: 0x0259, 0x1a60: 0x0f51, 0x1a61: 0x0359, 0x1a62: 0x0f61, 0x1a63: 0x0f71, + 0x1a64: 0x00d9, 0x1a65: 0x0f99, 0x1a66: 0x2039, 0x1a67: 0x0269, 0x1a68: 0x01d9, 0x1a69: 0x0fa9, + 0x1a6a: 0x0fb9, 0x1a6b: 0x1089, 0x1a6c: 0x0279, 0x1a6d: 0x0369, 0x1a6e: 0x0289, 0x1a6f: 0x13d1, + 0x1a70: 0x0039, 0x1a71: 0x0ee9, 0x1a72: 0x1159, 0x1a73: 0x0ef9, 0x1a74: 0x0f09, 0x1a75: 0x1199, + 0x1a76: 0x0f31, 0x1a77: 0x0249, 0x1a78: 0x0f41, 0x1a79: 0x0259, 0x1a7a: 0x0f51, 0x1a7b: 0x0359, + 0x1a7c: 0x0f61, 0x1a7d: 0x0f71, 0x1a7e: 0x00d9, 0x1a7f: 0x0f99, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x2039, 0x1a81: 0x0269, 0x1a82: 0x01d9, 0x1a83: 0x0fa9, 0x1a84: 0x0fb9, 0x1a85: 0x1089, + 0x1a86: 0x0279, 0x1a87: 0x0369, 0x1a88: 0x0289, 0x1a89: 0x13d1, 0x1a8a: 0x0039, 0x1a8b: 0x0ee9, + 0x1a8c: 0x1159, 0x1a8d: 0x0ef9, 0x1a8e: 0x0f09, 0x1a8f: 0x1199, 0x1a90: 0x0f31, 0x1a91: 0x0249, + 0x1a92: 0x0f41, 0x1a93: 0x0259, 0x1a94: 0x0f51, 0x1a95: 0x0359, 0x1a96: 0x0f61, 0x1a97: 0x0f71, + 0x1a98: 0x00d9, 0x1a99: 0x0f99, 0x1a9a: 0x2039, 0x1a9b: 0x0269, 0x1a9c: 0x01d9, 0x1a9d: 0x0fa9, + 0x1a9e: 0x0fb9, 0x1a9f: 0x1089, 0x1aa0: 0x0279, 0x1aa1: 0x0369, 0x1aa2: 0x0289, 0x1aa3: 0x13d1, + 0x1aa4: 0xba81, 0x1aa5: 0xba99, 0x1aa6: 0x0040, 0x1aa7: 0x0040, 0x1aa8: 0xbab1, 0x1aa9: 0x1099, + 0x1aaa: 0x10b1, 0x1aab: 0x10c9, 0x1aac: 0xbac9, 0x1aad: 0xbae1, 0x1aae: 0xbaf9, 0x1aaf: 0x1429, + 0x1ab0: 0x1a31, 0x1ab1: 0xbb11, 0x1ab2: 0xbb29, 0x1ab3: 0xbb41, 0x1ab4: 0xbb59, 0x1ab5: 0xbb71, + 0x1ab6: 0xbb89, 0x1ab7: 0x2109, 0x1ab8: 0x1111, 0x1ab9: 0x1429, 0x1aba: 0xbba1, 0x1abb: 0xbbb9, + 0x1abc: 0xbbd1, 0x1abd: 0x10e1, 0x1abe: 0x10f9, 0x1abf: 0xbbe9, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x2079, 0x1ac1: 0xbc01, 0x1ac2: 0xbab1, 0x1ac3: 0x1099, 0x1ac4: 0x10b1, 0x1ac5: 0x10c9, + 0x1ac6: 0xbac9, 0x1ac7: 0xbae1, 0x1ac8: 0xbaf9, 0x1ac9: 0x1429, 0x1aca: 0x1a31, 0x1acb: 0xbb11, + 0x1acc: 0xbb29, 0x1acd: 0xbb41, 0x1ace: 0xbb59, 0x1acf: 0xbb71, 0x1ad0: 0xbb89, 0x1ad1: 0x2109, + 0x1ad2: 0x1111, 0x1ad3: 0xbba1, 0x1ad4: 0xbba1, 0x1ad5: 0xbbb9, 0x1ad6: 0xbbd1, 0x1ad7: 0x10e1, + 0x1ad8: 0x10f9, 0x1ad9: 0xbbe9, 0x1ada: 0x2079, 0x1adb: 0xbc21, 0x1adc: 0xbac9, 0x1add: 0x1429, + 0x1ade: 0xbb11, 0x1adf: 0x10e1, 0x1ae0: 0x1111, 0x1ae1: 0x2109, 0x1ae2: 0xbab1, 0x1ae3: 0x1099, + 0x1ae4: 0x10b1, 0x1ae5: 0x10c9, 0x1ae6: 0xbac9, 0x1ae7: 0xbae1, 0x1ae8: 0xbaf9, 0x1ae9: 0x1429, + 0x1aea: 0x1a31, 0x1aeb: 0xbb11, 0x1aec: 0xbb29, 0x1aed: 0xbb41, 0x1aee: 0xbb59, 0x1aef: 0xbb71, + 0x1af0: 0xbb89, 0x1af1: 0x2109, 0x1af2: 0x1111, 0x1af3: 0x1429, 0x1af4: 0xbba1, 0x1af5: 0xbbb9, + 0x1af6: 0xbbd1, 0x1af7: 0x10e1, 0x1af8: 0x10f9, 0x1af9: 0xbbe9, 0x1afa: 0x2079, 0x1afb: 0xbc01, + 0x1afc: 0xbab1, 0x1afd: 0x1099, 0x1afe: 0x10b1, 0x1aff: 0x10c9, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0xbac9, 0x1b01: 0xbae1, 0x1b02: 0xbaf9, 0x1b03: 0x1429, 0x1b04: 0x1a31, 0x1b05: 0xbb11, + 0x1b06: 0xbb29, 0x1b07: 0xbb41, 0x1b08: 0xbb59, 0x1b09: 0xbb71, 0x1b0a: 0xbb89, 0x1b0b: 0x2109, + 0x1b0c: 0x1111, 0x1b0d: 0xbba1, 0x1b0e: 0xbba1, 0x1b0f: 0xbbb9, 0x1b10: 0xbbd1, 0x1b11: 0x10e1, + 0x1b12: 0x10f9, 0x1b13: 0xbbe9, 0x1b14: 0x2079, 0x1b15: 0xbc21, 0x1b16: 0xbac9, 0x1b17: 0x1429, + 0x1b18: 0xbb11, 0x1b19: 0x10e1, 0x1b1a: 0x1111, 0x1b1b: 0x2109, 0x1b1c: 0xbab1, 0x1b1d: 0x1099, + 0x1b1e: 0x10b1, 0x1b1f: 0x10c9, 0x1b20: 0xbac9, 0x1b21: 0xbae1, 0x1b22: 0xbaf9, 0x1b23: 0x1429, + 0x1b24: 0x1a31, 0x1b25: 0xbb11, 0x1b26: 0xbb29, 0x1b27: 0xbb41, 0x1b28: 0xbb59, 0x1b29: 0xbb71, + 0x1b2a: 0xbb89, 0x1b2b: 0x2109, 0x1b2c: 0x1111, 0x1b2d: 0x1429, 0x1b2e: 0xbba1, 0x1b2f: 0xbbb9, + 0x1b30: 0xbbd1, 0x1b31: 0x10e1, 0x1b32: 0x10f9, 0x1b33: 0xbbe9, 0x1b34: 0x2079, 0x1b35: 0xbc01, + 0x1b36: 0xbab1, 0x1b37: 0x1099, 0x1b38: 0x10b1, 0x1b39: 0x10c9, 0x1b3a: 0xbac9, 0x1b3b: 0xbae1, + 0x1b3c: 0xbaf9, 0x1b3d: 0x1429, 0x1b3e: 0x1a31, 0x1b3f: 0xbb11, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0xbb29, 0x1b41: 0xbb41, 0x1b42: 0xbb59, 0x1b43: 0xbb71, 0x1b44: 0xbb89, 0x1b45: 0x2109, + 0x1b46: 0x1111, 0x1b47: 0xbba1, 0x1b48: 0xbba1, 0x1b49: 0xbbb9, 0x1b4a: 0xbbd1, 0x1b4b: 0x10e1, + 0x1b4c: 0x10f9, 0x1b4d: 0xbbe9, 0x1b4e: 0x2079, 0x1b4f: 0xbc21, 0x1b50: 0xbac9, 0x1b51: 0x1429, + 0x1b52: 0xbb11, 0x1b53: 0x10e1, 0x1b54: 0x1111, 0x1b55: 0x2109, 0x1b56: 0xbab1, 0x1b57: 0x1099, + 0x1b58: 0x10b1, 0x1b59: 0x10c9, 0x1b5a: 0xbac9, 0x1b5b: 0xbae1, 0x1b5c: 0xbaf9, 0x1b5d: 0x1429, + 0x1b5e: 0x1a31, 0x1b5f: 0xbb11, 0x1b60: 0xbb29, 0x1b61: 0xbb41, 0x1b62: 0xbb59, 0x1b63: 0xbb71, + 0x1b64: 0xbb89, 0x1b65: 0x2109, 0x1b66: 0x1111, 0x1b67: 0x1429, 0x1b68: 0xbba1, 0x1b69: 0xbbb9, + 0x1b6a: 0xbbd1, 0x1b6b: 0x10e1, 0x1b6c: 0x10f9, 0x1b6d: 0xbbe9, 0x1b6e: 0x2079, 0x1b6f: 0xbc01, + 0x1b70: 0xbab1, 0x1b71: 0x1099, 0x1b72: 0x10b1, 0x1b73: 0x10c9, 0x1b74: 0xbac9, 0x1b75: 0xbae1, + 0x1b76: 0xbaf9, 0x1b77: 0x1429, 0x1b78: 0x1a31, 0x1b79: 0xbb11, 0x1b7a: 0xbb29, 0x1b7b: 0xbb41, + 0x1b7c: 0xbb59, 0x1b7d: 0xbb71, 0x1b7e: 0xbb89, 0x1b7f: 0x2109, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x1111, 0x1b81: 0xbba1, 0x1b82: 0xbba1, 0x1b83: 0xbbb9, 0x1b84: 0xbbd1, 0x1b85: 0x10e1, + 0x1b86: 0x10f9, 0x1b87: 0xbbe9, 0x1b88: 0x2079, 0x1b89: 0xbc21, 0x1b8a: 0xbac9, 0x1b8b: 0x1429, + 0x1b8c: 0xbb11, 0x1b8d: 0x10e1, 0x1b8e: 0x1111, 0x1b8f: 0x2109, 0x1b90: 0xbab1, 0x1b91: 0x1099, + 0x1b92: 0x10b1, 0x1b93: 0x10c9, 0x1b94: 0xbac9, 0x1b95: 0xbae1, 0x1b96: 0xbaf9, 0x1b97: 0x1429, + 0x1b98: 0x1a31, 0x1b99: 0xbb11, 0x1b9a: 0xbb29, 0x1b9b: 0xbb41, 0x1b9c: 0xbb59, 0x1b9d: 0xbb71, + 0x1b9e: 0xbb89, 0x1b9f: 0x2109, 0x1ba0: 0x1111, 0x1ba1: 0x1429, 0x1ba2: 0xbba1, 0x1ba3: 0xbbb9, + 0x1ba4: 0xbbd1, 0x1ba5: 0x10e1, 0x1ba6: 0x10f9, 0x1ba7: 0xbbe9, 0x1ba8: 0x2079, 0x1ba9: 0xbc01, + 0x1baa: 0xbab1, 0x1bab: 0x1099, 0x1bac: 0x10b1, 0x1bad: 0x10c9, 0x1bae: 0xbac9, 0x1baf: 0xbae1, + 0x1bb0: 0xbaf9, 0x1bb1: 0x1429, 0x1bb2: 0x1a31, 0x1bb3: 0xbb11, 0x1bb4: 0xbb29, 0x1bb5: 0xbb41, + 0x1bb6: 0xbb59, 0x1bb7: 0xbb71, 0x1bb8: 0xbb89, 0x1bb9: 0x2109, 0x1bba: 0x1111, 0x1bbb: 0xbba1, + 0x1bbc: 0xbba1, 0x1bbd: 0xbbb9, 0x1bbe: 0xbbd1, 0x1bbf: 0x10e1, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bc0: 0x10f9, 0x1bc1: 0xbbe9, 0x1bc2: 0x2079, 0x1bc3: 0xbc21, 0x1bc4: 0xbac9, 0x1bc5: 0x1429, + 0x1bc6: 0xbb11, 0x1bc7: 0x10e1, 0x1bc8: 0x1111, 0x1bc9: 0x2109, 0x1bca: 0xbc41, 0x1bcb: 0xbc41, + 0x1bcc: 0x0040, 0x1bcd: 0x0040, 0x1bce: 0x1f41, 0x1bcf: 0x00c9, 0x1bd0: 0x0069, 0x1bd1: 0x0079, + 0x1bd2: 0x1f51, 0x1bd3: 0x1f61, 0x1bd4: 0x1f71, 0x1bd5: 0x1f81, 0x1bd6: 0x1f91, 0x1bd7: 0x1fa1, + 0x1bd8: 0x1f41, 0x1bd9: 0x00c9, 0x1bda: 0x0069, 0x1bdb: 0x0079, 0x1bdc: 0x1f51, 0x1bdd: 0x1f61, + 0x1bde: 0x1f71, 0x1bdf: 0x1f81, 0x1be0: 0x1f91, 0x1be1: 0x1fa1, 0x1be2: 0x1f41, 0x1be3: 0x00c9, + 0x1be4: 0x0069, 0x1be5: 0x0079, 0x1be6: 0x1f51, 0x1be7: 0x1f61, 0x1be8: 0x1f71, 0x1be9: 0x1f81, + 0x1bea: 0x1f91, 0x1beb: 0x1fa1, 0x1bec: 0x1f41, 0x1bed: 0x00c9, 0x1bee: 0x0069, 0x1bef: 0x0079, + 0x1bf0: 0x1f51, 0x1bf1: 0x1f61, 0x1bf2: 0x1f71, 0x1bf3: 0x1f81, 0x1bf4: 0x1f91, 0x1bf5: 0x1fa1, + 0x1bf6: 0x1f41, 0x1bf7: 0x00c9, 0x1bf8: 0x0069, 0x1bf9: 0x0079, 0x1bfa: 0x1f51, 0x1bfb: 0x1f61, + 0x1bfc: 0x1f71, 0x1bfd: 0x1f81, 0x1bfe: 0x1f91, 0x1bff: 0x1fa1, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c00: 0xe115, 0x1c01: 0xe115, 0x1c02: 0xe135, 0x1c03: 0xe135, 0x1c04: 0xe115, 0x1c05: 0xe115, + 0x1c06: 0xe175, 0x1c07: 0xe175, 0x1c08: 0xe115, 0x1c09: 0xe115, 0x1c0a: 0xe135, 0x1c0b: 0xe135, + 0x1c0c: 0xe115, 0x1c0d: 0xe115, 0x1c0e: 0xe1f5, 0x1c0f: 0xe1f5, 0x1c10: 0xe115, 0x1c11: 0xe115, + 0x1c12: 0xe135, 0x1c13: 0xe135, 0x1c14: 0xe115, 0x1c15: 0xe115, 0x1c16: 0xe175, 0x1c17: 0xe175, + 0x1c18: 0xe115, 0x1c19: 0xe115, 0x1c1a: 0xe135, 0x1c1b: 0xe135, 0x1c1c: 0xe115, 0x1c1d: 0xe115, + 0x1c1e: 0x8b05, 0x1c1f: 0x8b05, 0x1c20: 0x04b5, 0x1c21: 0x04b5, 0x1c22: 0x0a08, 0x1c23: 0x0a08, + 0x1c24: 0x0a08, 0x1c25: 0x0a08, 0x1c26: 0x0a08, 0x1c27: 0x0a08, 0x1c28: 0x0a08, 0x1c29: 0x0a08, + 0x1c2a: 0x0a08, 0x1c2b: 0x0a08, 0x1c2c: 0x0a08, 0x1c2d: 0x0a08, 0x1c2e: 0x0a08, 0x1c2f: 0x0a08, + 0x1c30: 0x0a08, 0x1c31: 0x0a08, 0x1c32: 0x0a08, 0x1c33: 0x0a08, 0x1c34: 0x0a08, 0x1c35: 0x0a08, + 0x1c36: 0x0a08, 0x1c37: 0x0a08, 0x1c38: 0x0a08, 0x1c39: 0x0a08, 0x1c3a: 0x0a08, 0x1c3b: 0x0a08, + 0x1c3c: 0x0a08, 0x1c3d: 0x0a08, 0x1c3e: 0x0a08, 0x1c3f: 0x0a08, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c40: 0xb189, 0x1c41: 0xb1a1, 0x1c42: 0xb201, 0x1c43: 0xb249, 0x1c44: 0x0040, 0x1c45: 0xb411, + 0x1c46: 0xb291, 0x1c47: 0xb219, 0x1c48: 0xb309, 0x1c49: 0xb429, 0x1c4a: 0xb399, 0x1c4b: 0xb3b1, + 0x1c4c: 0xb3c9, 0x1c4d: 0xb3e1, 0x1c4e: 0xb2a9, 0x1c4f: 0xb339, 0x1c50: 0xb369, 0x1c51: 0xb2d9, + 0x1c52: 0xb381, 0x1c53: 0xb279, 0x1c54: 0xb2c1, 0x1c55: 0xb1d1, 0x1c56: 0xb1e9, 0x1c57: 0xb231, + 0x1c58: 0xb261, 0x1c59: 0xb2f1, 0x1c5a: 0xb321, 0x1c5b: 0xb351, 0x1c5c: 0xbc59, 0x1c5d: 0x7949, + 0x1c5e: 0xbc71, 0x1c5f: 0xbc89, 0x1c60: 0x0040, 0x1c61: 0xb1a1, 0x1c62: 0xb201, 0x1c63: 0x0040, + 0x1c64: 0xb3f9, 0x1c65: 0x0040, 0x1c66: 0x0040, 0x1c67: 0xb219, 0x1c68: 0x0040, 0x1c69: 0xb429, + 0x1c6a: 0xb399, 0x1c6b: 0xb3b1, 0x1c6c: 0xb3c9, 0x1c6d: 0xb3e1, 0x1c6e: 0xb2a9, 0x1c6f: 0xb339, + 0x1c70: 0xb369, 0x1c71: 0xb2d9, 0x1c72: 0xb381, 0x1c73: 0x0040, 0x1c74: 0xb2c1, 0x1c75: 0xb1d1, + 0x1c76: 0xb1e9, 0x1c77: 0xb231, 0x1c78: 0x0040, 0x1c79: 0xb2f1, 0x1c7a: 0x0040, 0x1c7b: 0xb351, + 0x1c7c: 0x0040, 0x1c7d: 0x0040, 0x1c7e: 0x0040, 0x1c7f: 0x0040, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0x0040, 0x1c81: 0x0040, 0x1c82: 0xb201, 0x1c83: 0x0040, 0x1c84: 0x0040, 0x1c85: 0x0040, + 0x1c86: 0x0040, 0x1c87: 0xb219, 0x1c88: 0x0040, 0x1c89: 0xb429, 0x1c8a: 0x0040, 0x1c8b: 0xb3b1, + 0x1c8c: 0x0040, 0x1c8d: 0xb3e1, 0x1c8e: 0xb2a9, 0x1c8f: 0xb339, 0x1c90: 0x0040, 0x1c91: 0xb2d9, + 0x1c92: 0xb381, 0x1c93: 0x0040, 0x1c94: 0xb2c1, 0x1c95: 0x0040, 0x1c96: 0x0040, 0x1c97: 0xb231, + 0x1c98: 0x0040, 0x1c99: 0xb2f1, 0x1c9a: 0x0040, 0x1c9b: 0xb351, 0x1c9c: 0x0040, 0x1c9d: 0x7949, + 0x1c9e: 0x0040, 0x1c9f: 0xbc89, 0x1ca0: 0x0040, 0x1ca1: 0xb1a1, 0x1ca2: 0xb201, 0x1ca3: 0x0040, + 0x1ca4: 0xb3f9, 0x1ca5: 0x0040, 0x1ca6: 0x0040, 0x1ca7: 0xb219, 0x1ca8: 0xb309, 0x1ca9: 0xb429, + 0x1caa: 0xb399, 0x1cab: 0x0040, 0x1cac: 0xb3c9, 0x1cad: 0xb3e1, 0x1cae: 0xb2a9, 0x1caf: 0xb339, + 0x1cb0: 0xb369, 0x1cb1: 0xb2d9, 0x1cb2: 0xb381, 0x1cb3: 0x0040, 0x1cb4: 0xb2c1, 0x1cb5: 0xb1d1, + 0x1cb6: 0xb1e9, 0x1cb7: 0xb231, 0x1cb8: 0x0040, 0x1cb9: 0xb2f1, 0x1cba: 0xb321, 0x1cbb: 0xb351, + 0x1cbc: 0xbc59, 0x1cbd: 0x0040, 0x1cbe: 0xbc71, 0x1cbf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cc0: 0xb189, 0x1cc1: 0xb1a1, 0x1cc2: 0xb201, 0x1cc3: 0xb249, 0x1cc4: 0xb3f9, 0x1cc5: 0xb411, + 0x1cc6: 0xb291, 0x1cc7: 0xb219, 0x1cc8: 0xb309, 0x1cc9: 0xb429, 0x1cca: 0x0040, 0x1ccb: 0xb3b1, + 0x1ccc: 0xb3c9, 0x1ccd: 0xb3e1, 0x1cce: 0xb2a9, 0x1ccf: 0xb339, 0x1cd0: 0xb369, 0x1cd1: 0xb2d9, + 0x1cd2: 0xb381, 0x1cd3: 0xb279, 0x1cd4: 0xb2c1, 0x1cd5: 0xb1d1, 0x1cd6: 0xb1e9, 0x1cd7: 0xb231, + 0x1cd8: 0xb261, 0x1cd9: 0xb2f1, 0x1cda: 0xb321, 0x1cdb: 0xb351, 0x1cdc: 0x0040, 0x1cdd: 0x0040, + 0x1cde: 0x0040, 0x1cdf: 0x0040, 0x1ce0: 0x0040, 0x1ce1: 0xb1a1, 0x1ce2: 0xb201, 0x1ce3: 0xb249, + 0x1ce4: 0x0040, 0x1ce5: 0xb411, 0x1ce6: 0xb291, 0x1ce7: 0xb219, 0x1ce8: 0xb309, 0x1ce9: 0xb429, + 0x1cea: 0x0040, 0x1ceb: 0xb3b1, 0x1cec: 0xb3c9, 0x1ced: 0xb3e1, 0x1cee: 0xb2a9, 0x1cef: 0xb339, + 0x1cf0: 0xb369, 0x1cf1: 0xb2d9, 0x1cf2: 0xb381, 0x1cf3: 0xb279, 0x1cf4: 0xb2c1, 0x1cf5: 0xb1d1, + 0x1cf6: 0xb1e9, 0x1cf7: 0xb231, 0x1cf8: 0xb261, 0x1cf9: 0xb2f1, 0x1cfa: 0xb321, 0x1cfb: 0xb351, + 0x1cfc: 0x0040, 0x1cfd: 0x0040, 0x1cfe: 0x0040, 0x1cff: 0x0040, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d00: 0x0040, 0x1d01: 0xbca2, 0x1d02: 0xbcba, 0x1d03: 0xbcd2, 0x1d04: 0xbcea, 0x1d05: 0xbd02, + 0x1d06: 0xbd1a, 0x1d07: 0xbd32, 0x1d08: 0xbd4a, 0x1d09: 0xbd62, 0x1d0a: 0xbd7a, 0x1d0b: 0x0018, + 0x1d0c: 0x0018, 0x1d0d: 0x0040, 0x1d0e: 0x0040, 0x1d0f: 0x0040, 0x1d10: 0xbd92, 0x1d11: 0xbdb2, + 0x1d12: 0xbdd2, 0x1d13: 0xbdf2, 0x1d14: 0xbe12, 0x1d15: 0xbe32, 0x1d16: 0xbe52, 0x1d17: 0xbe72, + 0x1d18: 0xbe92, 0x1d19: 0xbeb2, 0x1d1a: 0xbed2, 0x1d1b: 0xbef2, 0x1d1c: 0xbf12, 0x1d1d: 0xbf32, + 0x1d1e: 0xbf52, 0x1d1f: 0xbf72, 0x1d20: 0xbf92, 0x1d21: 0xbfb2, 0x1d22: 0xbfd2, 0x1d23: 0xbff2, + 0x1d24: 0xc012, 0x1d25: 0xc032, 0x1d26: 0xc052, 0x1d27: 0xc072, 0x1d28: 0xc092, 0x1d29: 0xc0b2, + 0x1d2a: 0xc0d1, 0x1d2b: 0x1159, 0x1d2c: 0x0269, 0x1d2d: 0x6671, 0x1d2e: 0xc111, 0x1d2f: 0x0040, + 0x1d30: 0x0039, 0x1d31: 0x0ee9, 0x1d32: 0x1159, 0x1d33: 0x0ef9, 0x1d34: 0x0f09, 0x1d35: 0x1199, + 0x1d36: 0x0f31, 0x1d37: 0x0249, 0x1d38: 0x0f41, 0x1d39: 0x0259, 0x1d3a: 0x0f51, 0x1d3b: 0x0359, + 0x1d3c: 0x0f61, 0x1d3d: 0x0f71, 0x1d3e: 0x00d9, 0x1d3f: 0x0f99, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d40: 0x2039, 0x1d41: 0x0269, 0x1d42: 0x01d9, 0x1d43: 0x0fa9, 0x1d44: 0x0fb9, 0x1d45: 0x1089, + 0x1d46: 0x0279, 0x1d47: 0x0369, 0x1d48: 0x0289, 0x1d49: 0x13d1, 0x1d4a: 0xc129, 0x1d4b: 0x65b1, + 0x1d4c: 0xc141, 0x1d4d: 0x1441, 0x1d4e: 0xc159, 0x1d4f: 0xc179, 0x1d50: 0x0018, 0x1d51: 0x0018, + 0x1d52: 0x0018, 0x1d53: 0x0018, 0x1d54: 0x0018, 0x1d55: 0x0018, 0x1d56: 0x0018, 0x1d57: 0x0018, + 0x1d58: 0x0018, 0x1d59: 0x0018, 0x1d5a: 0x0018, 0x1d5b: 0x0018, 0x1d5c: 0x0018, 0x1d5d: 0x0018, + 0x1d5e: 0x0018, 0x1d5f: 0x0018, 0x1d60: 0x0018, 0x1d61: 0x0018, 0x1d62: 0x0018, 0x1d63: 0x0018, + 0x1d64: 0x0018, 0x1d65: 0x0018, 0x1d66: 0x0018, 0x1d67: 0x0018, 0x1d68: 0x0018, 0x1d69: 0x0018, + 0x1d6a: 0xc191, 0x1d6b: 0xc1a9, 0x1d6c: 0x0040, 0x1d6d: 0x0040, 0x1d6e: 0x0040, 0x1d6f: 0x0040, + 0x1d70: 0x0018, 0x1d71: 0x0018, 0x1d72: 0x0018, 0x1d73: 0x0018, 0x1d74: 0x0018, 0x1d75: 0x0018, + 0x1d76: 0x0018, 0x1d77: 0x0018, 0x1d78: 0x0018, 0x1d79: 0x0018, 0x1d7a: 0x0018, 0x1d7b: 0x0018, + 0x1d7c: 0x0018, 0x1d7d: 0x0018, 0x1d7e: 0x0018, 0x1d7f: 0x0018, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d80: 0xc1d9, 0x1d81: 0xc211, 0x1d82: 0xc249, 0x1d83: 0x0040, 0x1d84: 0x0040, 0x1d85: 0x0040, + 0x1d86: 0x0040, 0x1d87: 0x0040, 0x1d88: 0x0040, 0x1d89: 0x0040, 0x1d8a: 0x0040, 0x1d8b: 0x0040, + 0x1d8c: 0x0040, 0x1d8d: 0x0040, 0x1d8e: 0x0040, 0x1d8f: 0x0040, 0x1d90: 0xc269, 0x1d91: 0xc289, + 0x1d92: 0xc2a9, 0x1d93: 0xc2c9, 0x1d94: 0xc2e9, 0x1d95: 0xc309, 0x1d96: 0xc329, 0x1d97: 0xc349, + 0x1d98: 0xc369, 0x1d99: 0xc389, 0x1d9a: 0xc3a9, 0x1d9b: 0xc3c9, 0x1d9c: 0xc3e9, 0x1d9d: 0xc409, + 0x1d9e: 0xc429, 0x1d9f: 0xc449, 0x1da0: 0xc469, 0x1da1: 0xc489, 0x1da2: 0xc4a9, 0x1da3: 0xc4c9, + 0x1da4: 0xc4e9, 0x1da5: 0xc509, 0x1da6: 0xc529, 0x1da7: 0xc549, 0x1da8: 0xc569, 0x1da9: 0xc589, + 0x1daa: 0xc5a9, 0x1dab: 0xc5c9, 0x1dac: 0xc5e9, 0x1dad: 0xc609, 0x1dae: 0xc629, 0x1daf: 0xc649, + 0x1db0: 0xc669, 0x1db1: 0xc689, 0x1db2: 0xc6a9, 0x1db3: 0xc6c9, 0x1db4: 0xc6e9, 0x1db5: 0xc709, + 0x1db6: 0xc729, 0x1db7: 0xc749, 0x1db8: 0xc769, 0x1db9: 0xc789, 0x1dba: 0xc7a9, 0x1dbb: 0xc7c9, + 0x1dbc: 0x0040, 0x1dbd: 0x0040, 0x1dbe: 0x0040, 0x1dbf: 0x0040, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1dc0: 0xcaf9, 0x1dc1: 0xcb19, 0x1dc2: 0xcb39, 0x1dc3: 0x8b1d, 0x1dc4: 0xcb59, 0x1dc5: 0xcb79, + 0x1dc6: 0xcb99, 0x1dc7: 0xcbb9, 0x1dc8: 0xcbd9, 0x1dc9: 0xcbf9, 0x1dca: 0xcc19, 0x1dcb: 0xcc39, + 0x1dcc: 0xcc59, 0x1dcd: 0x8b3d, 0x1dce: 0xcc79, 0x1dcf: 0xcc99, 0x1dd0: 0xccb9, 0x1dd1: 0xccd9, + 0x1dd2: 0x8b5d, 0x1dd3: 0xccf9, 0x1dd4: 0xcd19, 0x1dd5: 0xc429, 0x1dd6: 0x8b7d, 0x1dd7: 0xcd39, + 0x1dd8: 0xcd59, 0x1dd9: 0xcd79, 0x1dda: 0xcd99, 0x1ddb: 0xcdb9, 0x1ddc: 0x8b9d, 0x1ddd: 0xcdd9, + 0x1dde: 0xcdf9, 0x1ddf: 0xce19, 0x1de0: 0xce39, 0x1de1: 0xce59, 0x1de2: 0xc789, 0x1de3: 0xce79, + 0x1de4: 0xce99, 0x1de5: 0xceb9, 0x1de6: 0xced9, 0x1de7: 0xcef9, 0x1de8: 0xcf19, 0x1de9: 0xcf39, + 0x1dea: 0xcf59, 0x1deb: 0xcf79, 0x1dec: 0xcf99, 0x1ded: 0xcfb9, 0x1dee: 0xcfd9, 0x1def: 0xcff9, + 0x1df0: 0xd019, 0x1df1: 0xd039, 0x1df2: 0xd039, 0x1df3: 0xd039, 0x1df4: 0x8bbd, 0x1df5: 0xd059, + 0x1df6: 0xd079, 0x1df7: 0xd099, 0x1df8: 0x8bdd, 0x1df9: 0xd0b9, 0x1dfa: 0xd0d9, 0x1dfb: 0xd0f9, + 0x1dfc: 0xd119, 0x1dfd: 0xd139, 0x1dfe: 0xd159, 0x1dff: 0xd179, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e00: 0xd199, 0x1e01: 0xd1b9, 0x1e02: 0xd1d9, 0x1e03: 0xd1f9, 0x1e04: 0xd219, 0x1e05: 0xd239, + 0x1e06: 0xd239, 0x1e07: 0xd259, 0x1e08: 0xd279, 0x1e09: 0xd299, 0x1e0a: 0xd2b9, 0x1e0b: 0xd2d9, + 0x1e0c: 0xd2f9, 0x1e0d: 0xd319, 0x1e0e: 0xd339, 0x1e0f: 0xd359, 0x1e10: 0xd379, 0x1e11: 0xd399, + 0x1e12: 0xd3b9, 0x1e13: 0xd3d9, 0x1e14: 0xd3f9, 0x1e15: 0xd419, 0x1e16: 0xd439, 0x1e17: 0xd459, + 0x1e18: 0xd479, 0x1e19: 0x8bfd, 0x1e1a: 0xd499, 0x1e1b: 0xd4b9, 0x1e1c: 0xd4d9, 0x1e1d: 0xc309, + 0x1e1e: 0xd4f9, 0x1e1f: 0xd519, 0x1e20: 0x8c1d, 0x1e21: 0x8c3d, 0x1e22: 0xd539, 0x1e23: 0xd559, + 0x1e24: 0xd579, 0x1e25: 0xd599, 0x1e26: 0xd5b9, 0x1e27: 0xd5d9, 0x1e28: 0x2040, 0x1e29: 0xd5f9, + 0x1e2a: 0xd619, 0x1e2b: 0xd619, 0x1e2c: 0x8c5d, 0x1e2d: 0xd639, 0x1e2e: 0xd659, 0x1e2f: 0xd679, + 0x1e30: 0xd699, 0x1e31: 0x8c7d, 0x1e32: 0xd6b9, 0x1e33: 0xd6d9, 0x1e34: 0x2040, 0x1e35: 0xd6f9, + 0x1e36: 0xd719, 0x1e37: 0xd739, 0x1e38: 0xd759, 0x1e39: 0xd779, 0x1e3a: 0xd799, 0x1e3b: 0x8c9d, + 0x1e3c: 0xd7b9, 0x1e3d: 0x8cbd, 0x1e3e: 0xd7d9, 0x1e3f: 0xd7f9, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e40: 0xd819, 0x1e41: 0xd839, 0x1e42: 0xd859, 0x1e43: 0xd879, 0x1e44: 0xd899, 0x1e45: 0xd8b9, + 0x1e46: 0xd8d9, 0x1e47: 0xd8f9, 0x1e48: 0xd919, 0x1e49: 0x8cdd, 0x1e4a: 0xd939, 0x1e4b: 0xd959, + 0x1e4c: 0xd979, 0x1e4d: 0xd999, 0x1e4e: 0xd9b9, 0x1e4f: 0x8cfd, 0x1e50: 0xd9d9, 0x1e51: 0x8d1d, + 0x1e52: 0x8d3d, 0x1e53: 0xd9f9, 0x1e54: 0xda19, 0x1e55: 0xda19, 0x1e56: 0xda39, 0x1e57: 0x8d5d, + 0x1e58: 0x8d7d, 0x1e59: 0xda59, 0x1e5a: 0xda79, 0x1e5b: 0xda99, 0x1e5c: 0xdab9, 0x1e5d: 0xdad9, + 0x1e5e: 0xdaf9, 0x1e5f: 0xdb19, 0x1e60: 0xdb39, 0x1e61: 0xdb59, 0x1e62: 0xdb79, 0x1e63: 0xdb99, + 0x1e64: 0x8d9d, 0x1e65: 0xdbb9, 0x1e66: 0xdbd9, 0x1e67: 0xdbf9, 0x1e68: 0xdc19, 0x1e69: 0xdbf9, + 0x1e6a: 0xdc39, 0x1e6b: 0xdc59, 0x1e6c: 0xdc79, 0x1e6d: 0xdc99, 0x1e6e: 0xdcb9, 0x1e6f: 0xdcd9, + 0x1e70: 0xdcf9, 0x1e71: 0xdd19, 0x1e72: 0xdd39, 0x1e73: 0xdd59, 0x1e74: 0xdd79, 0x1e75: 0xdd99, + 0x1e76: 0xddb9, 0x1e77: 0xddd9, 0x1e78: 0x8dbd, 0x1e79: 0xddf9, 0x1e7a: 0xde19, 0x1e7b: 0xde39, + 0x1e7c: 0xde59, 0x1e7d: 0xde79, 0x1e7e: 0x8ddd, 0x1e7f: 0xde99, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0xe599, 0x1e81: 0xe5b9, 0x1e82: 0xe5d9, 0x1e83: 0xe5f9, 0x1e84: 0xe619, 0x1e85: 0xe639, + 0x1e86: 0x8efd, 0x1e87: 0xe659, 0x1e88: 0xe679, 0x1e89: 0xe699, 0x1e8a: 0xe6b9, 0x1e8b: 0xe6d9, + 0x1e8c: 0xe6f9, 0x1e8d: 0x8f1d, 0x1e8e: 0xe719, 0x1e8f: 0xe739, 0x1e90: 0x8f3d, 0x1e91: 0x8f5d, + 0x1e92: 0xe759, 0x1e93: 0xe779, 0x1e94: 0xe799, 0x1e95: 0xe7b9, 0x1e96: 0xe7d9, 0x1e97: 0xe7f9, + 0x1e98: 0xe819, 0x1e99: 0xe839, 0x1e9a: 0xe859, 0x1e9b: 0x8f7d, 0x1e9c: 0xe879, 0x1e9d: 0x8f9d, + 0x1e9e: 0xe899, 0x1e9f: 0x2040, 0x1ea0: 0xe8b9, 0x1ea1: 0xe8d9, 0x1ea2: 0xe8f9, 0x1ea3: 0x8fbd, + 0x1ea4: 0xe919, 0x1ea5: 0xe939, 0x1ea6: 0x8fdd, 0x1ea7: 0x8ffd, 0x1ea8: 0xe959, 0x1ea9: 0xe979, + 0x1eaa: 0xe999, 0x1eab: 0xe9b9, 0x1eac: 0xe9d9, 0x1ead: 0xe9d9, 0x1eae: 0xe9f9, 0x1eaf: 0xea19, + 0x1eb0: 0xea39, 0x1eb1: 0xea59, 0x1eb2: 0xea79, 0x1eb3: 0xea99, 0x1eb4: 0xeab9, 0x1eb5: 0x901d, + 0x1eb6: 0xead9, 0x1eb7: 0x903d, 0x1eb8: 0xeaf9, 0x1eb9: 0x905d, 0x1eba: 0xeb19, 0x1ebb: 0x907d, + 0x1ebc: 0x909d, 0x1ebd: 0x90bd, 0x1ebe: 0xeb39, 0x1ebf: 0xeb59, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ec0: 0xeb79, 0x1ec1: 0x90dd, 0x1ec2: 0x90fd, 0x1ec3: 0x911d, 0x1ec4: 0x913d, 0x1ec5: 0xeb99, + 0x1ec6: 0xebb9, 0x1ec7: 0xebb9, 0x1ec8: 0xebd9, 0x1ec9: 0xebf9, 0x1eca: 0xec19, 0x1ecb: 0xec39, + 0x1ecc: 0xec59, 0x1ecd: 0x915d, 0x1ece: 0xec79, 0x1ecf: 0xec99, 0x1ed0: 0xecb9, 0x1ed1: 0xecd9, + 0x1ed2: 0x917d, 0x1ed3: 0xecf9, 0x1ed4: 0x919d, 0x1ed5: 0x91bd, 0x1ed6: 0xed19, 0x1ed7: 0xed39, + 0x1ed8: 0xed59, 0x1ed9: 0xed79, 0x1eda: 0xed99, 0x1edb: 0xedb9, 0x1edc: 0x91dd, 0x1edd: 0x91fd, + 0x1ede: 0x921d, 0x1edf: 0x2040, 0x1ee0: 0xedd9, 0x1ee1: 0x923d, 0x1ee2: 0xedf9, 0x1ee3: 0xee19, + 0x1ee4: 0xee39, 0x1ee5: 0x925d, 0x1ee6: 0xee59, 0x1ee7: 0xee79, 0x1ee8: 0xee99, 0x1ee9: 0xeeb9, + 0x1eea: 0xeed9, 0x1eeb: 0x927d, 0x1eec: 0xeef9, 0x1eed: 0xef19, 0x1eee: 0xef39, 0x1eef: 0xef59, + 0x1ef0: 0xef79, 0x1ef1: 0xef99, 0x1ef2: 0x929d, 0x1ef3: 0x92bd, 0x1ef4: 0xefb9, 0x1ef5: 0x92dd, + 0x1ef6: 0xefd9, 0x1ef7: 0x92fd, 0x1ef8: 0xeff9, 0x1ef9: 0xf019, 0x1efa: 0xf039, 0x1efb: 0x931d, + 0x1efc: 0x933d, 0x1efd: 0xf059, 0x1efe: 0x935d, 0x1eff: 0xf079, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f00: 0xf6b9, 0x1f01: 0xf6d9, 0x1f02: 0xf6f9, 0x1f03: 0xf719, 0x1f04: 0xf739, 0x1f05: 0x951d, + 0x1f06: 0xf759, 0x1f07: 0xf779, 0x1f08: 0xf799, 0x1f09: 0xf7b9, 0x1f0a: 0xf7d9, 0x1f0b: 0x953d, + 0x1f0c: 0x955d, 0x1f0d: 0xf7f9, 0x1f0e: 0xf819, 0x1f0f: 0xf839, 0x1f10: 0xf859, 0x1f11: 0xf879, + 0x1f12: 0xf899, 0x1f13: 0x957d, 0x1f14: 0xf8b9, 0x1f15: 0xf8d9, 0x1f16: 0xf8f9, 0x1f17: 0xf919, + 0x1f18: 0x959d, 0x1f19: 0x95bd, 0x1f1a: 0xf939, 0x1f1b: 0xf959, 0x1f1c: 0xf979, 0x1f1d: 0x95dd, + 0x1f1e: 0xf999, 0x1f1f: 0xf9b9, 0x1f20: 0x6815, 0x1f21: 0x95fd, 0x1f22: 0xf9d9, 0x1f23: 0xf9f9, + 0x1f24: 0xfa19, 0x1f25: 0x961d, 0x1f26: 0xfa39, 0x1f27: 0xfa59, 0x1f28: 0xfa79, 0x1f29: 0xfa99, + 0x1f2a: 0xfab9, 0x1f2b: 0xfad9, 0x1f2c: 0xfaf9, 0x1f2d: 0x963d, 0x1f2e: 0xfb19, 0x1f2f: 0xfb39, + 0x1f30: 0xfb59, 0x1f31: 0x965d, 0x1f32: 0xfb79, 0x1f33: 0xfb99, 0x1f34: 0xfbb9, 0x1f35: 0xfbd9, + 0x1f36: 0x7b35, 0x1f37: 0x967d, 0x1f38: 0xfbf9, 0x1f39: 0xfc19, 0x1f3a: 0xfc39, 0x1f3b: 0x969d, + 0x1f3c: 0xfc59, 0x1f3d: 0x96bd, 0x1f3e: 0xfc79, 0x1f3f: 0xfc79, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f40: 0xfc99, 0x1f41: 0x96dd, 0x1f42: 0xfcb9, 0x1f43: 0xfcd9, 0x1f44: 0xfcf9, 0x1f45: 0xfd19, + 0x1f46: 0xfd39, 0x1f47: 0xfd59, 0x1f48: 0xfd79, 0x1f49: 0x96fd, 0x1f4a: 0xfd99, 0x1f4b: 0xfdb9, + 0x1f4c: 0xfdd9, 0x1f4d: 0xfdf9, 0x1f4e: 0xfe19, 0x1f4f: 0xfe39, 0x1f50: 0x971d, 0x1f51: 0xfe59, + 0x1f52: 0x973d, 0x1f53: 0x975d, 0x1f54: 0x977d, 0x1f55: 0xfe79, 0x1f56: 0xfe99, 0x1f57: 0xfeb9, + 0x1f58: 0xfed9, 0x1f59: 0xfef9, 0x1f5a: 0xff19, 0x1f5b: 0xff39, 0x1f5c: 0xff59, 0x1f5d: 0x979d, + 0x1f5e: 0x0040, 0x1f5f: 0x0040, 0x1f60: 0x0040, 0x1f61: 0x0040, 0x1f62: 0x0040, 0x1f63: 0x0040, + 0x1f64: 0x0040, 0x1f65: 0x0040, 0x1f66: 0x0040, 0x1f67: 0x0040, 0x1f68: 0x0040, 0x1f69: 0x0040, + 0x1f6a: 0x0040, 0x1f6b: 0x0040, 0x1f6c: 0x0040, 0x1f6d: 0x0040, 0x1f6e: 0x0040, 0x1f6f: 0x0040, + 0x1f70: 0x0040, 0x1f71: 0x0040, 0x1f72: 0x0040, 0x1f73: 0x0040, 0x1f74: 0x0040, 0x1f75: 0x0040, + 0x1f76: 0x0040, 0x1f77: 0x0040, 0x1f78: 0x0040, 0x1f79: 0x0040, 0x1f7a: 0x0040, 0x1f7b: 0x0040, + 0x1f7c: 0x0040, 0x1f7d: 0x0040, 0x1f7e: 0x0040, 0x1f7f: 0x0040, +} + +// idnaIndex: 35 blocks, 2240 entries, 4480 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var idnaIndex = [2240]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x7c, 0xc4: 0x02, 0xc5: 0x03, 0xc6: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, + 0xc8: 0x06, 0xc9: 0x7d, 0xca: 0x7e, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x7f, 0xcd: 0x08, 0xce: 0x09, 0xcf: 0x0a, + 0xd0: 0x80, 0xd1: 0x0b, 0xd2: 0x0c, 0xd3: 0x0d, 0xd4: 0x0e, 0xd5: 0x81, 0xd6: 0x82, 0xd7: 0x83, + 0xd8: 0x0f, 0xd9: 0x10, 0xda: 0x84, 0xdb: 0x11, 0xdc: 0x12, 0xdd: 0x85, 0xde: 0x86, 0xdf: 0x87, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, 0xe5: 0x07, 0xe6: 0x07, 0xe7: 0x07, + 0xe8: 0x07, 0xe9: 0x08, 0xea: 0x09, 0xeb: 0x07, 0xec: 0x07, 0xed: 0x0a, 0xee: 0x0b, 0xef: 0x0c, + 0xf0: 0x1c, 0xf1: 0x1d, 0xf2: 0x1d, 0xf3: 0x1f, 0xf4: 0x20, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x88, 0x121: 0x89, 0x122: 0x8a, 0x123: 0x8b, 0x124: 0x8c, 0x125: 0x13, 0x126: 0x14, 0x127: 0x15, + 0x128: 0x16, 0x129: 0x17, 0x12a: 0x18, 0x12b: 0x19, 0x12c: 0x1a, 0x12d: 0x1b, 0x12e: 0x1c, 0x12f: 0x8d, + 0x130: 0x8e, 0x131: 0x1d, 0x132: 0x1e, 0x133: 0x1f, 0x134: 0x8f, 0x135: 0x20, 0x136: 0x90, 0x137: 0x91, + 0x138: 0x92, 0x139: 0x93, 0x13a: 0x21, 0x13b: 0x94, 0x13c: 0x95, 0x13d: 0x22, 0x13e: 0x23, 0x13f: 0x96, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x97, 0x141: 0x98, 0x142: 0x99, 0x143: 0x9a, 0x144: 0x9b, 0x145: 0x9c, 0x146: 0x9d, 0x147: 0x9e, + 0x148: 0x9f, 0x149: 0xa0, 0x14a: 0xa1, 0x14b: 0xa2, 0x14c: 0xa3, 0x14d: 0xa4, 0x14e: 0xa5, 0x14f: 0xa6, + 0x150: 0xa7, 0x151: 0x9f, 0x152: 0x9f, 0x153: 0x9f, 0x154: 0x9f, 0x155: 0x9f, 0x156: 0x9f, 0x157: 0x9f, + 0x158: 0x9f, 0x159: 0xa8, 0x15a: 0xa9, 0x15b: 0xaa, 0x15c: 0xab, 0x15d: 0xac, 0x15e: 0xad, 0x15f: 0xae, + 0x160: 0xaf, 0x161: 0xb0, 0x162: 0xb1, 0x163: 0xb2, 0x164: 0xb3, 0x165: 0xb4, 0x166: 0xb5, 0x167: 0xb6, + 0x168: 0xb7, 0x169: 0xb8, 0x16a: 0xb9, 0x16b: 0xba, 0x16c: 0xbb, 0x16d: 0xbc, 0x16e: 0xbd, 0x16f: 0xbe, + 0x170: 0xbf, 0x171: 0xc0, 0x172: 0xc1, 0x173: 0xc2, 0x174: 0x24, 0x175: 0x25, 0x176: 0x26, 0x177: 0xc3, + 0x178: 0x27, 0x179: 0x27, 0x17a: 0x28, 0x17b: 0x27, 0x17c: 0xc4, 0x17d: 0x29, 0x17e: 0x2a, 0x17f: 0x2b, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x2c, 0x181: 0x2d, 0x182: 0x2e, 0x183: 0xc5, 0x184: 0x2f, 0x185: 0x30, 0x186: 0xc6, 0x187: 0x9b, + 0x188: 0xc7, 0x189: 0xc8, 0x18a: 0x9b, 0x18b: 0x9b, 0x18c: 0xc9, 0x18d: 0x9b, 0x18e: 0x9b, 0x18f: 0xca, + 0x190: 0xcb, 0x191: 0x31, 0x192: 0x32, 0x193: 0x33, 0x194: 0x9b, 0x195: 0x9b, 0x196: 0x9b, 0x197: 0x9b, + 0x198: 0x9b, 0x199: 0x9b, 0x19a: 0x9b, 0x19b: 0x9b, 0x19c: 0x9b, 0x19d: 0x9b, 0x19e: 0x9b, 0x19f: 0x9b, + 0x1a0: 0x9b, 0x1a1: 0x9b, 0x1a2: 0x9b, 0x1a3: 0x9b, 0x1a4: 0x9b, 0x1a5: 0x9b, 0x1a6: 0x9b, 0x1a7: 0x9b, + 0x1a8: 0xcc, 0x1a9: 0xcd, 0x1aa: 0x9b, 0x1ab: 0xce, 0x1ac: 0x9b, 0x1ad: 0xcf, 0x1ae: 0xd0, 0x1af: 0xd1, + 0x1b0: 0xd2, 0x1b1: 0x34, 0x1b2: 0x27, 0x1b3: 0x35, 0x1b4: 0xd3, 0x1b5: 0xd4, 0x1b6: 0xd5, 0x1b7: 0xd6, + 0x1b8: 0xd7, 0x1b9: 0xd8, 0x1ba: 0xd9, 0x1bb: 0xda, 0x1bc: 0xdb, 0x1bd: 0xdc, 0x1be: 0xdd, 0x1bf: 0x36, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x37, 0x1c1: 0xde, 0x1c2: 0xdf, 0x1c3: 0xe0, 0x1c4: 0xe1, 0x1c5: 0x38, 0x1c6: 0x39, 0x1c7: 0xe2, + 0x1c8: 0xe3, 0x1c9: 0x3a, 0x1ca: 0x3b, 0x1cb: 0x3c, 0x1cc: 0x3d, 0x1cd: 0x3e, 0x1ce: 0x3f, 0x1cf: 0x40, + 0x1d0: 0x9f, 0x1d1: 0x9f, 0x1d2: 0x9f, 0x1d3: 0x9f, 0x1d4: 0x9f, 0x1d5: 0x9f, 0x1d6: 0x9f, 0x1d7: 0x9f, + 0x1d8: 0x9f, 0x1d9: 0x9f, 0x1da: 0x9f, 0x1db: 0x9f, 0x1dc: 0x9f, 0x1dd: 0x9f, 0x1de: 0x9f, 0x1df: 0x9f, + 0x1e0: 0x9f, 0x1e1: 0x9f, 0x1e2: 0x9f, 0x1e3: 0x9f, 0x1e4: 0x9f, 0x1e5: 0x9f, 0x1e6: 0x9f, 0x1e7: 0x9f, + 0x1e8: 0x9f, 0x1e9: 0x9f, 0x1ea: 0x9f, 0x1eb: 0x9f, 0x1ec: 0x9f, 0x1ed: 0x9f, 0x1ee: 0x9f, 0x1ef: 0x9f, + 0x1f0: 0x9f, 0x1f1: 0x9f, 0x1f2: 0x9f, 0x1f3: 0x9f, 0x1f4: 0x9f, 0x1f5: 0x9f, 0x1f6: 0x9f, 0x1f7: 0x9f, + 0x1f8: 0x9f, 0x1f9: 0x9f, 0x1fa: 0x9f, 0x1fb: 0x9f, 0x1fc: 0x9f, 0x1fd: 0x9f, 0x1fe: 0x9f, 0x1ff: 0x9f, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x9f, 0x201: 0x9f, 0x202: 0x9f, 0x203: 0x9f, 0x204: 0x9f, 0x205: 0x9f, 0x206: 0x9f, 0x207: 0x9f, + 0x208: 0x9f, 0x209: 0x9f, 0x20a: 0x9f, 0x20b: 0x9f, 0x20c: 0x9f, 0x20d: 0x9f, 0x20e: 0x9f, 0x20f: 0x9f, + 0x210: 0x9f, 0x211: 0x9f, 0x212: 0x9f, 0x213: 0x9f, 0x214: 0x9f, 0x215: 0x9f, 0x216: 0x9f, 0x217: 0x9f, + 0x218: 0x9f, 0x219: 0x9f, 0x21a: 0x9f, 0x21b: 0x9f, 0x21c: 0x9f, 0x21d: 0x9f, 0x21e: 0x9f, 0x21f: 0x9f, + 0x220: 0x9f, 0x221: 0x9f, 0x222: 0x9f, 0x223: 0x9f, 0x224: 0x9f, 0x225: 0x9f, 0x226: 0x9f, 0x227: 0x9f, + 0x228: 0x9f, 0x229: 0x9f, 0x22a: 0x9f, 0x22b: 0x9f, 0x22c: 0x9f, 0x22d: 0x9f, 0x22e: 0x9f, 0x22f: 0x9f, + 0x230: 0x9f, 0x231: 0x9f, 0x232: 0x9f, 0x233: 0x9f, 0x234: 0x9f, 0x235: 0x9f, 0x236: 0xb2, 0x237: 0x9b, + 0x238: 0x9f, 0x239: 0x9f, 0x23a: 0x9f, 0x23b: 0x9f, 0x23c: 0x9f, 0x23d: 0x9f, 0x23e: 0x9f, 0x23f: 0x9f, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x9f, 0x241: 0x9f, 0x242: 0x9f, 0x243: 0x9f, 0x244: 0x9f, 0x245: 0x9f, 0x246: 0x9f, 0x247: 0x9f, + 0x248: 0x9f, 0x249: 0x9f, 0x24a: 0x9f, 0x24b: 0x9f, 0x24c: 0x9f, 0x24d: 0x9f, 0x24e: 0x9f, 0x24f: 0x9f, + 0x250: 0x9f, 0x251: 0x9f, 0x252: 0x9f, 0x253: 0x9f, 0x254: 0x9f, 0x255: 0x9f, 0x256: 0x9f, 0x257: 0x9f, + 0x258: 0x9f, 0x259: 0x9f, 0x25a: 0x9f, 0x25b: 0x9f, 0x25c: 0x9f, 0x25d: 0x9f, 0x25e: 0x9f, 0x25f: 0x9f, + 0x260: 0x9f, 0x261: 0x9f, 0x262: 0x9f, 0x263: 0x9f, 0x264: 0x9f, 0x265: 0x9f, 0x266: 0x9f, 0x267: 0x9f, + 0x268: 0x9f, 0x269: 0x9f, 0x26a: 0x9f, 0x26b: 0x9f, 0x26c: 0x9f, 0x26d: 0x9f, 0x26e: 0x9f, 0x26f: 0x9f, + 0x270: 0x9f, 0x271: 0x9f, 0x272: 0x9f, 0x273: 0x9f, 0x274: 0x9f, 0x275: 0x9f, 0x276: 0x9f, 0x277: 0x9f, + 0x278: 0x9f, 0x279: 0x9f, 0x27a: 0x9f, 0x27b: 0x9f, 0x27c: 0x9f, 0x27d: 0x9f, 0x27e: 0x9f, 0x27f: 0x9f, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x9f, 0x281: 0x9f, 0x282: 0x9f, 0x283: 0x9f, 0x284: 0x9f, 0x285: 0x9f, 0x286: 0x9f, 0x287: 0x9f, + 0x288: 0x9f, 0x289: 0x9f, 0x28a: 0x9f, 0x28b: 0x9f, 0x28c: 0x9f, 0x28d: 0x9f, 0x28e: 0x9f, 0x28f: 0x9f, + 0x290: 0x9f, 0x291: 0x9f, 0x292: 0x9f, 0x293: 0x9f, 0x294: 0x9f, 0x295: 0x9f, 0x296: 0x9f, 0x297: 0x9f, + 0x298: 0x9f, 0x299: 0x9f, 0x29a: 0x9f, 0x29b: 0x9f, 0x29c: 0x9f, 0x29d: 0x9f, 0x29e: 0x9f, 0x29f: 0x9f, + 0x2a0: 0x9f, 0x2a1: 0x9f, 0x2a2: 0x9f, 0x2a3: 0x9f, 0x2a4: 0x9f, 0x2a5: 0x9f, 0x2a6: 0x9f, 0x2a7: 0x9f, + 0x2a8: 0x9f, 0x2a9: 0x9f, 0x2aa: 0x9f, 0x2ab: 0x9f, 0x2ac: 0x9f, 0x2ad: 0x9f, 0x2ae: 0x9f, 0x2af: 0x9f, + 0x2b0: 0x9f, 0x2b1: 0x9f, 0x2b2: 0x9f, 0x2b3: 0x9f, 0x2b4: 0x9f, 0x2b5: 0x9f, 0x2b6: 0x9f, 0x2b7: 0x9f, + 0x2b8: 0x9f, 0x2b9: 0x9f, 0x2ba: 0x9f, 0x2bb: 0x9f, 0x2bc: 0x9f, 0x2bd: 0x9f, 0x2be: 0x9f, 0x2bf: 0xe4, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x9f, 0x2c1: 0x9f, 0x2c2: 0x9f, 0x2c3: 0x9f, 0x2c4: 0x9f, 0x2c5: 0x9f, 0x2c6: 0x9f, 0x2c7: 0x9f, + 0x2c8: 0x9f, 0x2c9: 0x9f, 0x2ca: 0x9f, 0x2cb: 0x9f, 0x2cc: 0x9f, 0x2cd: 0x9f, 0x2ce: 0x9f, 0x2cf: 0x9f, + 0x2d0: 0x9f, 0x2d1: 0x9f, 0x2d2: 0xe5, 0x2d3: 0xe6, 0x2d4: 0x9f, 0x2d5: 0x9f, 0x2d6: 0x9f, 0x2d7: 0x9f, + 0x2d8: 0xe7, 0x2d9: 0x41, 0x2da: 0x42, 0x2db: 0xe8, 0x2dc: 0x43, 0x2dd: 0x44, 0x2de: 0x45, 0x2df: 0xe9, + 0x2e0: 0xea, 0x2e1: 0xeb, 0x2e2: 0xec, 0x2e3: 0xed, 0x2e4: 0xee, 0x2e5: 0xef, 0x2e6: 0xf0, 0x2e7: 0xf1, + 0x2e8: 0xf2, 0x2e9: 0xf3, 0x2ea: 0xf4, 0x2eb: 0xf5, 0x2ec: 0xf6, 0x2ed: 0xf7, 0x2ee: 0xf8, 0x2ef: 0xf9, + 0x2f0: 0x9f, 0x2f1: 0x9f, 0x2f2: 0x9f, 0x2f3: 0x9f, 0x2f4: 0x9f, 0x2f5: 0x9f, 0x2f6: 0x9f, 0x2f7: 0x9f, + 0x2f8: 0x9f, 0x2f9: 0x9f, 0x2fa: 0x9f, 0x2fb: 0x9f, 0x2fc: 0x9f, 0x2fd: 0x9f, 0x2fe: 0x9f, 0x2ff: 0x9f, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x9f, 0x301: 0x9f, 0x302: 0x9f, 0x303: 0x9f, 0x304: 0x9f, 0x305: 0x9f, 0x306: 0x9f, 0x307: 0x9f, + 0x308: 0x9f, 0x309: 0x9f, 0x30a: 0x9f, 0x30b: 0x9f, 0x30c: 0x9f, 0x30d: 0x9f, 0x30e: 0x9f, 0x30f: 0x9f, + 0x310: 0x9f, 0x311: 0x9f, 0x312: 0x9f, 0x313: 0x9f, 0x314: 0x9f, 0x315: 0x9f, 0x316: 0x9f, 0x317: 0x9f, + 0x318: 0x9f, 0x319: 0x9f, 0x31a: 0x9f, 0x31b: 0x9f, 0x31c: 0x9f, 0x31d: 0x9f, 0x31e: 0xfa, 0x31f: 0xfb, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0xba, 0x341: 0xba, 0x342: 0xba, 0x343: 0xba, 0x344: 0xba, 0x345: 0xba, 0x346: 0xba, 0x347: 0xba, + 0x348: 0xba, 0x349: 0xba, 0x34a: 0xba, 0x34b: 0xba, 0x34c: 0xba, 0x34d: 0xba, 0x34e: 0xba, 0x34f: 0xba, + 0x350: 0xba, 0x351: 0xba, 0x352: 0xba, 0x353: 0xba, 0x354: 0xba, 0x355: 0xba, 0x356: 0xba, 0x357: 0xba, + 0x358: 0xba, 0x359: 0xba, 0x35a: 0xba, 0x35b: 0xba, 0x35c: 0xba, 0x35d: 0xba, 0x35e: 0xba, 0x35f: 0xba, + 0x360: 0xba, 0x361: 0xba, 0x362: 0xba, 0x363: 0xba, 0x364: 0xba, 0x365: 0xba, 0x366: 0xba, 0x367: 0xba, + 0x368: 0xba, 0x369: 0xba, 0x36a: 0xba, 0x36b: 0xba, 0x36c: 0xba, 0x36d: 0xba, 0x36e: 0xba, 0x36f: 0xba, + 0x370: 0xba, 0x371: 0xba, 0x372: 0xba, 0x373: 0xba, 0x374: 0xba, 0x375: 0xba, 0x376: 0xba, 0x377: 0xba, + 0x378: 0xba, 0x379: 0xba, 0x37a: 0xba, 0x37b: 0xba, 0x37c: 0xba, 0x37d: 0xba, 0x37e: 0xba, 0x37f: 0xba, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0xba, 0x381: 0xba, 0x382: 0xba, 0x383: 0xba, 0x384: 0xba, 0x385: 0xba, 0x386: 0xba, 0x387: 0xba, + 0x388: 0xba, 0x389: 0xba, 0x38a: 0xba, 0x38b: 0xba, 0x38c: 0xba, 0x38d: 0xba, 0x38e: 0xba, 0x38f: 0xba, + 0x390: 0xba, 0x391: 0xba, 0x392: 0xba, 0x393: 0xba, 0x394: 0xba, 0x395: 0xba, 0x396: 0xba, 0x397: 0xba, + 0x398: 0xba, 0x399: 0xba, 0x39a: 0xba, 0x39b: 0xba, 0x39c: 0xba, 0x39d: 0xba, 0x39e: 0xba, 0x39f: 0xba, + 0x3a0: 0xba, 0x3a1: 0xba, 0x3a2: 0xba, 0x3a3: 0xba, 0x3a4: 0xfc, 0x3a5: 0xfd, 0x3a6: 0xfe, 0x3a7: 0xff, + 0x3a8: 0x46, 0x3a9: 0x100, 0x3aa: 0x101, 0x3ab: 0x47, 0x3ac: 0x48, 0x3ad: 0x49, 0x3ae: 0x4a, 0x3af: 0x4b, + 0x3b0: 0x102, 0x3b1: 0x4c, 0x3b2: 0x4d, 0x3b3: 0x4e, 0x3b4: 0x4f, 0x3b5: 0x50, 0x3b6: 0x103, 0x3b7: 0x51, + 0x3b8: 0x52, 0x3b9: 0x53, 0x3ba: 0x54, 0x3bb: 0x55, 0x3bc: 0x56, 0x3bd: 0x57, 0x3be: 0x58, 0x3bf: 0x59, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x104, 0x3c1: 0x105, 0x3c2: 0x9f, 0x3c3: 0x106, 0x3c4: 0x107, 0x3c5: 0x9b, 0x3c6: 0x108, 0x3c7: 0x109, + 0x3c8: 0xba, 0x3c9: 0xba, 0x3ca: 0x10a, 0x3cb: 0x10b, 0x3cc: 0x10c, 0x3cd: 0x10d, 0x3ce: 0x10e, 0x3cf: 0x10f, + 0x3d0: 0x110, 0x3d1: 0x9f, 0x3d2: 0x111, 0x3d3: 0x112, 0x3d4: 0x113, 0x3d5: 0x114, 0x3d6: 0xba, 0x3d7: 0xba, + 0x3d8: 0x9f, 0x3d9: 0x9f, 0x3da: 0x9f, 0x3db: 0x9f, 0x3dc: 0x115, 0x3dd: 0x116, 0x3de: 0xba, 0x3df: 0xba, + 0x3e0: 0x117, 0x3e1: 0x118, 0x3e2: 0x119, 0x3e3: 0x11a, 0x3e4: 0x11b, 0x3e5: 0xba, 0x3e6: 0x11c, 0x3e7: 0x11d, + 0x3e8: 0x11e, 0x3e9: 0x11f, 0x3ea: 0x120, 0x3eb: 0x5a, 0x3ec: 0x121, 0x3ed: 0x122, 0x3ee: 0x5b, 0x3ef: 0xba, + 0x3f0: 0x123, 0x3f1: 0x124, 0x3f2: 0x125, 0x3f3: 0x126, 0x3f4: 0xba, 0x3f5: 0xba, 0x3f6: 0xba, 0x3f7: 0xba, + 0x3f8: 0xba, 0x3f9: 0x127, 0x3fa: 0xba, 0x3fb: 0xba, 0x3fc: 0xba, 0x3fd: 0xba, 0x3fe: 0xba, 0x3ff: 0xba, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x128, 0x401: 0x129, 0x402: 0x12a, 0x403: 0x12b, 0x404: 0x12c, 0x405: 0x12d, 0x406: 0x12e, 0x407: 0x12f, + 0x408: 0x130, 0x409: 0xba, 0x40a: 0x131, 0x40b: 0x132, 0x40c: 0x5c, 0x40d: 0x5d, 0x40e: 0xba, 0x40f: 0xba, + 0x410: 0x133, 0x411: 0x134, 0x412: 0x135, 0x413: 0x136, 0x414: 0xba, 0x415: 0xba, 0x416: 0x137, 0x417: 0x138, + 0x418: 0x139, 0x419: 0x13a, 0x41a: 0x13b, 0x41b: 0x13c, 0x41c: 0x13d, 0x41d: 0xba, 0x41e: 0xba, 0x41f: 0xba, + 0x420: 0xba, 0x421: 0xba, 0x422: 0x13e, 0x423: 0x13f, 0x424: 0xba, 0x425: 0xba, 0x426: 0xba, 0x427: 0xba, + 0x428: 0xba, 0x429: 0xba, 0x42a: 0xba, 0x42b: 0x140, 0x42c: 0xba, 0x42d: 0xba, 0x42e: 0xba, 0x42f: 0xba, + 0x430: 0x141, 0x431: 0x142, 0x432: 0x143, 0x433: 0xba, 0x434: 0xba, 0x435: 0xba, 0x436: 0xba, 0x437: 0xba, + 0x438: 0xba, 0x439: 0xba, 0x43a: 0xba, 0x43b: 0xba, 0x43c: 0xba, 0x43d: 0xba, 0x43e: 0xba, 0x43f: 0xba, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x9f, 0x441: 0x9f, 0x442: 0x9f, 0x443: 0x9f, 0x444: 0x9f, 0x445: 0x9f, 0x446: 0x9f, 0x447: 0x9f, + 0x448: 0x9f, 0x449: 0x9f, 0x44a: 0x9f, 0x44b: 0x9f, 0x44c: 0x9f, 0x44d: 0x9f, 0x44e: 0x144, 0x44f: 0xba, + 0x450: 0x9b, 0x451: 0x145, 0x452: 0x9f, 0x453: 0x9f, 0x454: 0x9f, 0x455: 0x146, 0x456: 0xba, 0x457: 0xba, + 0x458: 0xba, 0x459: 0xba, 0x45a: 0xba, 0x45b: 0xba, 0x45c: 0xba, 0x45d: 0xba, 0x45e: 0xba, 0x45f: 0xba, + 0x460: 0xba, 0x461: 0xba, 0x462: 0xba, 0x463: 0xba, 0x464: 0xba, 0x465: 0xba, 0x466: 0xba, 0x467: 0xba, + 0x468: 0xba, 0x469: 0xba, 0x46a: 0xba, 0x46b: 0xba, 0x46c: 0xba, 0x46d: 0xba, 0x46e: 0xba, 0x46f: 0xba, + 0x470: 0xba, 0x471: 0xba, 0x472: 0xba, 0x473: 0xba, 0x474: 0xba, 0x475: 0xba, 0x476: 0xba, 0x477: 0xba, + 0x478: 0xba, 0x479: 0xba, 0x47a: 0xba, 0x47b: 0xba, 0x47c: 0xba, 0x47d: 0xba, 0x47e: 0xba, 0x47f: 0xba, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x9f, 0x481: 0x9f, 0x482: 0x9f, 0x483: 0x9f, 0x484: 0x9f, 0x485: 0x9f, 0x486: 0x9f, 0x487: 0x9f, + 0x488: 0x9f, 0x489: 0x9f, 0x48a: 0x9f, 0x48b: 0x9f, 0x48c: 0x9f, 0x48d: 0x9f, 0x48e: 0x9f, 0x48f: 0x9f, + 0x490: 0x147, 0x491: 0xba, 0x492: 0xba, 0x493: 0xba, 0x494: 0xba, 0x495: 0xba, 0x496: 0xba, 0x497: 0xba, + 0x498: 0xba, 0x499: 0xba, 0x49a: 0xba, 0x49b: 0xba, 0x49c: 0xba, 0x49d: 0xba, 0x49e: 0xba, 0x49f: 0xba, + 0x4a0: 0xba, 0x4a1: 0xba, 0x4a2: 0xba, 0x4a3: 0xba, 0x4a4: 0xba, 0x4a5: 0xba, 0x4a6: 0xba, 0x4a7: 0xba, + 0x4a8: 0xba, 0x4a9: 0xba, 0x4aa: 0xba, 0x4ab: 0xba, 0x4ac: 0xba, 0x4ad: 0xba, 0x4ae: 0xba, 0x4af: 0xba, + 0x4b0: 0xba, 0x4b1: 0xba, 0x4b2: 0xba, 0x4b3: 0xba, 0x4b4: 0xba, 0x4b5: 0xba, 0x4b6: 0xba, 0x4b7: 0xba, + 0x4b8: 0xba, 0x4b9: 0xba, 0x4ba: 0xba, 0x4bb: 0xba, 0x4bc: 0xba, 0x4bd: 0xba, 0x4be: 0xba, 0x4bf: 0xba, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0xba, 0x4c1: 0xba, 0x4c2: 0xba, 0x4c3: 0xba, 0x4c4: 0xba, 0x4c5: 0xba, 0x4c6: 0xba, 0x4c7: 0xba, + 0x4c8: 0xba, 0x4c9: 0xba, 0x4ca: 0xba, 0x4cb: 0xba, 0x4cc: 0xba, 0x4cd: 0xba, 0x4ce: 0xba, 0x4cf: 0xba, + 0x4d0: 0x9f, 0x4d1: 0x9f, 0x4d2: 0x9f, 0x4d3: 0x9f, 0x4d4: 0x9f, 0x4d5: 0x9f, 0x4d6: 0x9f, 0x4d7: 0x9f, + 0x4d8: 0x9f, 0x4d9: 0x148, 0x4da: 0xba, 0x4db: 0xba, 0x4dc: 0xba, 0x4dd: 0xba, 0x4de: 0xba, 0x4df: 0xba, + 0x4e0: 0xba, 0x4e1: 0xba, 0x4e2: 0xba, 0x4e3: 0xba, 0x4e4: 0xba, 0x4e5: 0xba, 0x4e6: 0xba, 0x4e7: 0xba, + 0x4e8: 0xba, 0x4e9: 0xba, 0x4ea: 0xba, 0x4eb: 0xba, 0x4ec: 0xba, 0x4ed: 0xba, 0x4ee: 0xba, 0x4ef: 0xba, + 0x4f0: 0xba, 0x4f1: 0xba, 0x4f2: 0xba, 0x4f3: 0xba, 0x4f4: 0xba, 0x4f5: 0xba, 0x4f6: 0xba, 0x4f7: 0xba, + 0x4f8: 0xba, 0x4f9: 0xba, 0x4fa: 0xba, 0x4fb: 0xba, 0x4fc: 0xba, 0x4fd: 0xba, 0x4fe: 0xba, 0x4ff: 0xba, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0xba, 0x501: 0xba, 0x502: 0xba, 0x503: 0xba, 0x504: 0xba, 0x505: 0xba, 0x506: 0xba, 0x507: 0xba, + 0x508: 0xba, 0x509: 0xba, 0x50a: 0xba, 0x50b: 0xba, 0x50c: 0xba, 0x50d: 0xba, 0x50e: 0xba, 0x50f: 0xba, + 0x510: 0xba, 0x511: 0xba, 0x512: 0xba, 0x513: 0xba, 0x514: 0xba, 0x515: 0xba, 0x516: 0xba, 0x517: 0xba, + 0x518: 0xba, 0x519: 0xba, 0x51a: 0xba, 0x51b: 0xba, 0x51c: 0xba, 0x51d: 0xba, 0x51e: 0xba, 0x51f: 0xba, + 0x520: 0x9f, 0x521: 0x9f, 0x522: 0x9f, 0x523: 0x9f, 0x524: 0x9f, 0x525: 0x9f, 0x526: 0x9f, 0x527: 0x9f, + 0x528: 0x140, 0x529: 0x149, 0x52a: 0xba, 0x52b: 0x14a, 0x52c: 0x14b, 0x52d: 0x14c, 0x52e: 0x14d, 0x52f: 0xba, + 0x530: 0xba, 0x531: 0xba, 0x532: 0xba, 0x533: 0xba, 0x534: 0xba, 0x535: 0xba, 0x536: 0xba, 0x537: 0xba, + 0x538: 0xba, 0x539: 0xba, 0x53a: 0xba, 0x53b: 0xba, 0x53c: 0x9f, 0x53d: 0x14e, 0x53e: 0x14f, 0x53f: 0x150, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x9f, 0x541: 0x9f, 0x542: 0x9f, 0x543: 0x9f, 0x544: 0x9f, 0x545: 0x9f, 0x546: 0x9f, 0x547: 0x9f, + 0x548: 0x9f, 0x549: 0x9f, 0x54a: 0x9f, 0x54b: 0x9f, 0x54c: 0x9f, 0x54d: 0x9f, 0x54e: 0x9f, 0x54f: 0x9f, + 0x550: 0x9f, 0x551: 0x9f, 0x552: 0x9f, 0x553: 0x9f, 0x554: 0x9f, 0x555: 0x9f, 0x556: 0x9f, 0x557: 0x9f, + 0x558: 0x9f, 0x559: 0x9f, 0x55a: 0x9f, 0x55b: 0x9f, 0x55c: 0x9f, 0x55d: 0x9f, 0x55e: 0x9f, 0x55f: 0x151, + 0x560: 0x9f, 0x561: 0x9f, 0x562: 0x9f, 0x563: 0x9f, 0x564: 0x9f, 0x565: 0x9f, 0x566: 0x9f, 0x567: 0x9f, + 0x568: 0x9f, 0x569: 0x9f, 0x56a: 0x9f, 0x56b: 0x152, 0x56c: 0xba, 0x56d: 0xba, 0x56e: 0xba, 0x56f: 0xba, + 0x570: 0xba, 0x571: 0xba, 0x572: 0xba, 0x573: 0xba, 0x574: 0xba, 0x575: 0xba, 0x576: 0xba, 0x577: 0xba, + 0x578: 0xba, 0x579: 0xba, 0x57a: 0xba, 0x57b: 0xba, 0x57c: 0xba, 0x57d: 0xba, 0x57e: 0xba, 0x57f: 0xba, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x153, 0x581: 0xba, 0x582: 0xba, 0x583: 0xba, 0x584: 0xba, 0x585: 0xba, 0x586: 0xba, 0x587: 0xba, + 0x588: 0xba, 0x589: 0xba, 0x58a: 0xba, 0x58b: 0xba, 0x58c: 0xba, 0x58d: 0xba, 0x58e: 0xba, 0x58f: 0xba, + 0x590: 0xba, 0x591: 0xba, 0x592: 0xba, 0x593: 0xba, 0x594: 0xba, 0x595: 0xba, 0x596: 0xba, 0x597: 0xba, + 0x598: 0xba, 0x599: 0xba, 0x59a: 0xba, 0x59b: 0xba, 0x59c: 0xba, 0x59d: 0xba, 0x59e: 0xba, 0x59f: 0xba, + 0x5a0: 0xba, 0x5a1: 0xba, 0x5a2: 0xba, 0x5a3: 0xba, 0x5a4: 0xba, 0x5a5: 0xba, 0x5a6: 0xba, 0x5a7: 0xba, + 0x5a8: 0xba, 0x5a9: 0xba, 0x5aa: 0xba, 0x5ab: 0xba, 0x5ac: 0xba, 0x5ad: 0xba, 0x5ae: 0xba, 0x5af: 0xba, + 0x5b0: 0x9f, 0x5b1: 0x154, 0x5b2: 0x155, 0x5b3: 0xba, 0x5b4: 0xba, 0x5b5: 0xba, 0x5b6: 0xba, 0x5b7: 0xba, + 0x5b8: 0xba, 0x5b9: 0xba, 0x5ba: 0xba, 0x5bb: 0xba, 0x5bc: 0xba, 0x5bd: 0xba, 0x5be: 0xba, 0x5bf: 0xba, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x9b, 0x5c1: 0x9b, 0x5c2: 0x9b, 0x5c3: 0x156, 0x5c4: 0x157, 0x5c5: 0x158, 0x5c6: 0x159, 0x5c7: 0x15a, + 0x5c8: 0x9b, 0x5c9: 0x15b, 0x5ca: 0xba, 0x5cb: 0xba, 0x5cc: 0x9b, 0x5cd: 0x15c, 0x5ce: 0xba, 0x5cf: 0xba, + 0x5d0: 0x5e, 0x5d1: 0x5f, 0x5d2: 0x60, 0x5d3: 0x61, 0x5d4: 0x62, 0x5d5: 0x63, 0x5d6: 0x64, 0x5d7: 0x65, + 0x5d8: 0x66, 0x5d9: 0x67, 0x5da: 0x68, 0x5db: 0x69, 0x5dc: 0x6a, 0x5dd: 0x6b, 0x5de: 0x6c, 0x5df: 0x6d, + 0x5e0: 0x9b, 0x5e1: 0x9b, 0x5e2: 0x9b, 0x5e3: 0x9b, 0x5e4: 0x9b, 0x5e5: 0x9b, 0x5e6: 0x9b, 0x5e7: 0x9b, + 0x5e8: 0x15d, 0x5e9: 0x15e, 0x5ea: 0x15f, 0x5eb: 0xba, 0x5ec: 0xba, 0x5ed: 0xba, 0x5ee: 0xba, 0x5ef: 0xba, + 0x5f0: 0xba, 0x5f1: 0xba, 0x5f2: 0xba, 0x5f3: 0xba, 0x5f4: 0xba, 0x5f5: 0xba, 0x5f6: 0xba, 0x5f7: 0xba, + 0x5f8: 0xba, 0x5f9: 0xba, 0x5fa: 0xba, 0x5fb: 0xba, 0x5fc: 0xba, 0x5fd: 0xba, 0x5fe: 0xba, 0x5ff: 0xba, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x160, 0x601: 0xba, 0x602: 0xba, 0x603: 0xba, 0x604: 0xba, 0x605: 0xba, 0x606: 0xba, 0x607: 0xba, + 0x608: 0xba, 0x609: 0xba, 0x60a: 0xba, 0x60b: 0xba, 0x60c: 0xba, 0x60d: 0xba, 0x60e: 0xba, 0x60f: 0xba, + 0x610: 0xba, 0x611: 0xba, 0x612: 0xba, 0x613: 0xba, 0x614: 0xba, 0x615: 0xba, 0x616: 0xba, 0x617: 0xba, + 0x618: 0xba, 0x619: 0xba, 0x61a: 0xba, 0x61b: 0xba, 0x61c: 0xba, 0x61d: 0xba, 0x61e: 0xba, 0x61f: 0xba, + 0x620: 0x123, 0x621: 0x123, 0x622: 0x123, 0x623: 0x161, 0x624: 0x6e, 0x625: 0x162, 0x626: 0xba, 0x627: 0xba, + 0x628: 0xba, 0x629: 0xba, 0x62a: 0xba, 0x62b: 0xba, 0x62c: 0xba, 0x62d: 0xba, 0x62e: 0xba, 0x62f: 0xba, + 0x630: 0xba, 0x631: 0xba, 0x632: 0xba, 0x633: 0xba, 0x634: 0xba, 0x635: 0xba, 0x636: 0xba, 0x637: 0xba, + 0x638: 0x6f, 0x639: 0x70, 0x63a: 0x71, 0x63b: 0x163, 0x63c: 0xba, 0x63d: 0xba, 0x63e: 0xba, 0x63f: 0xba, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x164, 0x641: 0x9b, 0x642: 0x165, 0x643: 0x166, 0x644: 0x72, 0x645: 0x73, 0x646: 0x167, 0x647: 0x168, + 0x648: 0x74, 0x649: 0x169, 0x64a: 0xba, 0x64b: 0xba, 0x64c: 0x9b, 0x64d: 0x9b, 0x64e: 0x9b, 0x64f: 0x9b, + 0x650: 0x9b, 0x651: 0x9b, 0x652: 0x9b, 0x653: 0x9b, 0x654: 0x9b, 0x655: 0x9b, 0x656: 0x9b, 0x657: 0x9b, + 0x658: 0x9b, 0x659: 0x9b, 0x65a: 0x9b, 0x65b: 0x16a, 0x65c: 0x9b, 0x65d: 0x16b, 0x65e: 0x9b, 0x65f: 0x16c, + 0x660: 0x16d, 0x661: 0x16e, 0x662: 0x16f, 0x663: 0xba, 0x664: 0x170, 0x665: 0x171, 0x666: 0x172, 0x667: 0x173, + 0x668: 0xba, 0x669: 0xba, 0x66a: 0xba, 0x66b: 0xba, 0x66c: 0xba, 0x66d: 0xba, 0x66e: 0xba, 0x66f: 0xba, + 0x670: 0xba, 0x671: 0xba, 0x672: 0xba, 0x673: 0xba, 0x674: 0xba, 0x675: 0xba, 0x676: 0xba, 0x677: 0xba, + 0x678: 0xba, 0x679: 0xba, 0x67a: 0xba, 0x67b: 0xba, 0x67c: 0xba, 0x67d: 0xba, 0x67e: 0xba, 0x67f: 0xba, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x9f, 0x681: 0x9f, 0x682: 0x9f, 0x683: 0x9f, 0x684: 0x9f, 0x685: 0x9f, 0x686: 0x9f, 0x687: 0x9f, + 0x688: 0x9f, 0x689: 0x9f, 0x68a: 0x9f, 0x68b: 0x9f, 0x68c: 0x9f, 0x68d: 0x9f, 0x68e: 0x9f, 0x68f: 0x9f, + 0x690: 0x9f, 0x691: 0x9f, 0x692: 0x9f, 0x693: 0x9f, 0x694: 0x9f, 0x695: 0x9f, 0x696: 0x9f, 0x697: 0x9f, + 0x698: 0x9f, 0x699: 0x9f, 0x69a: 0x9f, 0x69b: 0x174, 0x69c: 0x9f, 0x69d: 0x9f, 0x69e: 0x9f, 0x69f: 0x9f, + 0x6a0: 0x9f, 0x6a1: 0x9f, 0x6a2: 0x9f, 0x6a3: 0x9f, 0x6a4: 0x9f, 0x6a5: 0x9f, 0x6a6: 0x9f, 0x6a7: 0x9f, + 0x6a8: 0x9f, 0x6a9: 0x9f, 0x6aa: 0x9f, 0x6ab: 0x9f, 0x6ac: 0x9f, 0x6ad: 0x9f, 0x6ae: 0x9f, 0x6af: 0x9f, + 0x6b0: 0x9f, 0x6b1: 0x9f, 0x6b2: 0x9f, 0x6b3: 0x9f, 0x6b4: 0x9f, 0x6b5: 0x9f, 0x6b6: 0x9f, 0x6b7: 0x9f, + 0x6b8: 0x9f, 0x6b9: 0x9f, 0x6ba: 0x9f, 0x6bb: 0x9f, 0x6bc: 0x9f, 0x6bd: 0x9f, 0x6be: 0x9f, 0x6bf: 0x9f, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x9f, 0x6c1: 0x9f, 0x6c2: 0x9f, 0x6c3: 0x9f, 0x6c4: 0x9f, 0x6c5: 0x9f, 0x6c6: 0x9f, 0x6c7: 0x9f, + 0x6c8: 0x9f, 0x6c9: 0x9f, 0x6ca: 0x9f, 0x6cb: 0x9f, 0x6cc: 0x9f, 0x6cd: 0x9f, 0x6ce: 0x9f, 0x6cf: 0x9f, + 0x6d0: 0x9f, 0x6d1: 0x9f, 0x6d2: 0x9f, 0x6d3: 0x9f, 0x6d4: 0x9f, 0x6d5: 0x9f, 0x6d6: 0x9f, 0x6d7: 0x9f, + 0x6d8: 0x9f, 0x6d9: 0x9f, 0x6da: 0x9f, 0x6db: 0x9f, 0x6dc: 0x175, 0x6dd: 0x9f, 0x6de: 0x9f, 0x6df: 0x9f, + 0x6e0: 0x176, 0x6e1: 0x9f, 0x6e2: 0x9f, 0x6e3: 0x9f, 0x6e4: 0x9f, 0x6e5: 0x9f, 0x6e6: 0x9f, 0x6e7: 0x9f, + 0x6e8: 0x9f, 0x6e9: 0x9f, 0x6ea: 0x9f, 0x6eb: 0x9f, 0x6ec: 0x9f, 0x6ed: 0x9f, 0x6ee: 0x9f, 0x6ef: 0x9f, + 0x6f0: 0x9f, 0x6f1: 0x9f, 0x6f2: 0x9f, 0x6f3: 0x9f, 0x6f4: 0x9f, 0x6f5: 0x9f, 0x6f6: 0x9f, 0x6f7: 0x9f, + 0x6f8: 0x9f, 0x6f9: 0x9f, 0x6fa: 0x9f, 0x6fb: 0x9f, 0x6fc: 0x9f, 0x6fd: 0x9f, 0x6fe: 0x9f, 0x6ff: 0x9f, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x9f, 0x701: 0x9f, 0x702: 0x9f, 0x703: 0x9f, 0x704: 0x9f, 0x705: 0x9f, 0x706: 0x9f, 0x707: 0x9f, + 0x708: 0x9f, 0x709: 0x9f, 0x70a: 0x9f, 0x70b: 0x9f, 0x70c: 0x9f, 0x70d: 0x9f, 0x70e: 0x9f, 0x70f: 0x9f, + 0x710: 0x9f, 0x711: 0x9f, 0x712: 0x9f, 0x713: 0x9f, 0x714: 0x9f, 0x715: 0x9f, 0x716: 0x9f, 0x717: 0x9f, + 0x718: 0x9f, 0x719: 0x9f, 0x71a: 0x9f, 0x71b: 0x9f, 0x71c: 0x9f, 0x71d: 0x9f, 0x71e: 0x9f, 0x71f: 0x9f, + 0x720: 0x9f, 0x721: 0x9f, 0x722: 0x9f, 0x723: 0x9f, 0x724: 0x9f, 0x725: 0x9f, 0x726: 0x9f, 0x727: 0x9f, + 0x728: 0x9f, 0x729: 0x9f, 0x72a: 0x9f, 0x72b: 0x9f, 0x72c: 0x9f, 0x72d: 0x9f, 0x72e: 0x9f, 0x72f: 0x9f, + 0x730: 0x9f, 0x731: 0x9f, 0x732: 0x9f, 0x733: 0x9f, 0x734: 0x9f, 0x735: 0x9f, 0x736: 0x9f, 0x737: 0x9f, + 0x738: 0x9f, 0x739: 0x9f, 0x73a: 0x177, 0x73b: 0xba, 0x73c: 0xba, 0x73d: 0xba, 0x73e: 0xba, 0x73f: 0xba, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0xba, 0x741: 0xba, 0x742: 0xba, 0x743: 0xba, 0x744: 0xba, 0x745: 0xba, 0x746: 0xba, 0x747: 0xba, + 0x748: 0xba, 0x749: 0xba, 0x74a: 0xba, 0x74b: 0xba, 0x74c: 0xba, 0x74d: 0xba, 0x74e: 0xba, 0x74f: 0xba, + 0x750: 0xba, 0x751: 0xba, 0x752: 0xba, 0x753: 0xba, 0x754: 0xba, 0x755: 0xba, 0x756: 0xba, 0x757: 0xba, + 0x758: 0xba, 0x759: 0xba, 0x75a: 0xba, 0x75b: 0xba, 0x75c: 0xba, 0x75d: 0xba, 0x75e: 0xba, 0x75f: 0xba, + 0x760: 0x75, 0x761: 0x76, 0x762: 0x77, 0x763: 0x178, 0x764: 0x78, 0x765: 0x79, 0x766: 0x179, 0x767: 0x7a, + 0x768: 0x7b, 0x769: 0xba, 0x76a: 0xba, 0x76b: 0xba, 0x76c: 0xba, 0x76d: 0xba, 0x76e: 0xba, 0x76f: 0xba, + 0x770: 0xba, 0x771: 0xba, 0x772: 0xba, 0x773: 0xba, 0x774: 0xba, 0x775: 0xba, 0x776: 0xba, 0x777: 0xba, + 0x778: 0xba, 0x779: 0xba, 0x77a: 0xba, 0x77b: 0xba, 0x77c: 0xba, 0x77d: 0xba, 0x77e: 0xba, 0x77f: 0xba, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x790: 0x0d, 0x791: 0x0e, 0x792: 0x0f, 0x793: 0x10, 0x794: 0x11, 0x795: 0x0b, 0x796: 0x12, 0x797: 0x07, + 0x798: 0x13, 0x799: 0x0b, 0x79a: 0x0b, 0x79b: 0x14, 0x79c: 0x0b, 0x79d: 0x15, 0x79e: 0x16, 0x79f: 0x17, + 0x7a0: 0x07, 0x7a1: 0x07, 0x7a2: 0x07, 0x7a3: 0x07, 0x7a4: 0x07, 0x7a5: 0x07, 0x7a6: 0x07, 0x7a7: 0x07, + 0x7a8: 0x07, 0x7a9: 0x07, 0x7aa: 0x18, 0x7ab: 0x19, 0x7ac: 0x1a, 0x7ad: 0x0b, 0x7ae: 0x0b, 0x7af: 0x1b, + 0x7b0: 0x0b, 0x7b1: 0x0b, 0x7b2: 0x0b, 0x7b3: 0x0b, 0x7b4: 0x0b, 0x7b5: 0x0b, 0x7b6: 0x0b, 0x7b7: 0x0b, + 0x7b8: 0x0b, 0x7b9: 0x0b, 0x7ba: 0x0b, 0x7bb: 0x0b, 0x7bc: 0x0b, 0x7bd: 0x0b, 0x7be: 0x0b, 0x7bf: 0x0b, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x0b, 0x7c1: 0x0b, 0x7c2: 0x0b, 0x7c3: 0x0b, 0x7c4: 0x0b, 0x7c5: 0x0b, 0x7c6: 0x0b, 0x7c7: 0x0b, + 0x7c8: 0x0b, 0x7c9: 0x0b, 0x7ca: 0x0b, 0x7cb: 0x0b, 0x7cc: 0x0b, 0x7cd: 0x0b, 0x7ce: 0x0b, 0x7cf: 0x0b, + 0x7d0: 0x0b, 0x7d1: 0x0b, 0x7d2: 0x0b, 0x7d3: 0x0b, 0x7d4: 0x0b, 0x7d5: 0x0b, 0x7d6: 0x0b, 0x7d7: 0x0b, + 0x7d8: 0x0b, 0x7d9: 0x0b, 0x7da: 0x0b, 0x7db: 0x0b, 0x7dc: 0x0b, 0x7dd: 0x0b, 0x7de: 0x0b, 0x7df: 0x0b, + 0x7e0: 0x0b, 0x7e1: 0x0b, 0x7e2: 0x0b, 0x7e3: 0x0b, 0x7e4: 0x0b, 0x7e5: 0x0b, 0x7e6: 0x0b, 0x7e7: 0x0b, + 0x7e8: 0x0b, 0x7e9: 0x0b, 0x7ea: 0x0b, 0x7eb: 0x0b, 0x7ec: 0x0b, 0x7ed: 0x0b, 0x7ee: 0x0b, 0x7ef: 0x0b, + 0x7f0: 0x0b, 0x7f1: 0x0b, 0x7f2: 0x0b, 0x7f3: 0x0b, 0x7f4: 0x0b, 0x7f5: 0x0b, 0x7f6: 0x0b, 0x7f7: 0x0b, + 0x7f8: 0x0b, 0x7f9: 0x0b, 0x7fa: 0x0b, 0x7fb: 0x0b, 0x7fc: 0x0b, 0x7fd: 0x0b, 0x7fe: 0x0b, 0x7ff: 0x0b, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x17a, 0x801: 0x17b, 0x802: 0xba, 0x803: 0xba, 0x804: 0x17c, 0x805: 0x17c, 0x806: 0x17c, 0x807: 0x17d, + 0x808: 0xba, 0x809: 0xba, 0x80a: 0xba, 0x80b: 0xba, 0x80c: 0xba, 0x80d: 0xba, 0x80e: 0xba, 0x80f: 0xba, + 0x810: 0xba, 0x811: 0xba, 0x812: 0xba, 0x813: 0xba, 0x814: 0xba, 0x815: 0xba, 0x816: 0xba, 0x817: 0xba, + 0x818: 0xba, 0x819: 0xba, 0x81a: 0xba, 0x81b: 0xba, 0x81c: 0xba, 0x81d: 0xba, 0x81e: 0xba, 0x81f: 0xba, + 0x820: 0xba, 0x821: 0xba, 0x822: 0xba, 0x823: 0xba, 0x824: 0xba, 0x825: 0xba, 0x826: 0xba, 0x827: 0xba, + 0x828: 0xba, 0x829: 0xba, 0x82a: 0xba, 0x82b: 0xba, 0x82c: 0xba, 0x82d: 0xba, 0x82e: 0xba, 0x82f: 0xba, + 0x830: 0xba, 0x831: 0xba, 0x832: 0xba, 0x833: 0xba, 0x834: 0xba, 0x835: 0xba, 0x836: 0xba, 0x837: 0xba, + 0x838: 0xba, 0x839: 0xba, 0x83a: 0xba, 0x83b: 0xba, 0x83c: 0xba, 0x83d: 0xba, 0x83e: 0xba, 0x83f: 0xba, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x0b, 0x841: 0x0b, 0x842: 0x0b, 0x843: 0x0b, 0x844: 0x0b, 0x845: 0x0b, 0x846: 0x0b, 0x847: 0x0b, + 0x848: 0x0b, 0x849: 0x0b, 0x84a: 0x0b, 0x84b: 0x0b, 0x84c: 0x0b, 0x84d: 0x0b, 0x84e: 0x0b, 0x84f: 0x0b, + 0x850: 0x0b, 0x851: 0x0b, 0x852: 0x0b, 0x853: 0x0b, 0x854: 0x0b, 0x855: 0x0b, 0x856: 0x0b, 0x857: 0x0b, + 0x858: 0x0b, 0x859: 0x0b, 0x85a: 0x0b, 0x85b: 0x0b, 0x85c: 0x0b, 0x85d: 0x0b, 0x85e: 0x0b, 0x85f: 0x0b, + 0x860: 0x1e, 0x861: 0x0b, 0x862: 0x0b, 0x863: 0x0b, 0x864: 0x0b, 0x865: 0x0b, 0x866: 0x0b, 0x867: 0x0b, + 0x868: 0x0b, 0x869: 0x0b, 0x86a: 0x0b, 0x86b: 0x0b, 0x86c: 0x0b, 0x86d: 0x0b, 0x86e: 0x0b, 0x86f: 0x0b, + 0x870: 0x0b, 0x871: 0x0b, 0x872: 0x0b, 0x873: 0x0b, 0x874: 0x0b, 0x875: 0x0b, 0x876: 0x0b, 0x877: 0x0b, + 0x878: 0x0b, 0x879: 0x0b, 0x87a: 0x0b, 0x87b: 0x0b, 0x87c: 0x0b, 0x87d: 0x0b, 0x87e: 0x0b, 0x87f: 0x0b, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x0b, 0x881: 0x0b, 0x882: 0x0b, 0x883: 0x0b, 0x884: 0x0b, 0x885: 0x0b, 0x886: 0x0b, 0x887: 0x0b, + 0x888: 0x0b, 0x889: 0x0b, 0x88a: 0x0b, 0x88b: 0x0b, 0x88c: 0x0b, 0x88d: 0x0b, 0x88e: 0x0b, 0x88f: 0x0b, +} + +// idnaSparseOffset: 258 entries, 516 bytes +var idnaSparseOffset = []uint16{0x0, 0x8, 0x19, 0x25, 0x27, 0x2c, 0x34, 0x3f, 0x4b, 0x4f, 0x5e, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x77, 0x85, 0x93, 0x98, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0xbf, 0xcc, 0xd8, 0xe9, 0xf3, 0xfa, 0x107, 0x118, 0x11f, 0x12a, 0x139, 0x147, 0x151, 0x153, 0x158, 0x15b, 0x15e, 0x160, 0x16c, 0x177, 0x17f, 0x185, 0x18b, 0x190, 0x195, 0x198, 0x19c, 0x1a2, 0x1a7, 0x1b3, 0x1bd, 0x1c3, 0x1d4, 0x1de, 0x1e1, 0x1e9, 0x1ec, 0x1f9, 0x201, 0x205, 0x20c, 0x214, 0x224, 0x230, 0x232, 0x23c, 0x248, 0x254, 0x260, 0x268, 0x26d, 0x277, 0x288, 0x28c, 0x297, 0x29b, 0x2a4, 0x2ac, 0x2b2, 0x2b7, 0x2ba, 0x2bd, 0x2c1, 0x2c7, 0x2cb, 0x2cf, 0x2d5, 0x2dc, 0x2e2, 0x2ea, 0x2f1, 0x2fc, 0x306, 0x30a, 0x30d, 0x313, 0x317, 0x319, 0x31c, 0x31e, 0x321, 0x32b, 0x32e, 0x33d, 0x341, 0x346, 0x349, 0x34d, 0x352, 0x357, 0x35d, 0x363, 0x372, 0x378, 0x37c, 0x38b, 0x390, 0x398, 0x3a2, 0x3ad, 0x3b5, 0x3c6, 0x3cf, 0x3df, 0x3ec, 0x3f6, 0x3fb, 0x408, 0x40c, 0x411, 0x413, 0x417, 0x419, 0x41d, 0x426, 0x42c, 0x430, 0x440, 0x44a, 0x44f, 0x452, 0x458, 0x45f, 0x464, 0x468, 0x46e, 0x473, 0x47c, 0x481, 0x487, 0x48e, 0x495, 0x49c, 0x4a0, 0x4a5, 0x4a8, 0x4ad, 0x4b9, 0x4bf, 0x4c4, 0x4cb, 0x4d3, 0x4d8, 0x4dc, 0x4ec, 0x4f3, 0x4f7, 0x4fb, 0x502, 0x504, 0x507, 0x50a, 0x50e, 0x512, 0x518, 0x521, 0x52d, 0x534, 0x53d, 0x545, 0x54c, 0x55a, 0x567, 0x574, 0x57d, 0x581, 0x58f, 0x597, 0x5a2, 0x5ab, 0x5b1, 0x5b9, 0x5c2, 0x5cc, 0x5cf, 0x5db, 0x5de, 0x5e3, 0x5e6, 0x5f0, 0x5f9, 0x605, 0x608, 0x60d, 0x610, 0x613, 0x616, 0x61d, 0x624, 0x628, 0x633, 0x636, 0x63c, 0x641, 0x645, 0x648, 0x64b, 0x64e, 0x653, 0x65d, 0x660, 0x664, 0x673, 0x67f, 0x683, 0x688, 0x68d, 0x691, 0x696, 0x69f, 0x6aa, 0x6b0, 0x6b8, 0x6bc, 0x6c0, 0x6c6, 0x6cc, 0x6d1, 0x6d4, 0x6e2, 0x6e9, 0x6ec, 0x6ef, 0x6f3, 0x6f9, 0x6fe, 0x708, 0x70d, 0x710, 0x713, 0x716, 0x719, 0x71d, 0x720, 0x730, 0x741, 0x746, 0x748, 0x74a} + +// idnaSparseValues: 1869 entries, 7476 bytes +var idnaSparseValues = [1869]valueRange{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xe105, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xe105, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x001f, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xe01d, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0335, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x034d, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0365, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0xe00d, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x19 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0249, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x037d, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0259, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0269, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x034d, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0395, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0xe1bd, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0279, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0289, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3, offset 0x25 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x27 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x03f5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xe105, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x049d, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x2c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xe185, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0545, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x34 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0401, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x3f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x4b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x4f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x5e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x63 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x6b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x77 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x85 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0c08, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x93 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0840, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x98 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x11, offset 0xa1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x12, offset 0xb1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x13, offset 0xbf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x14, offset 0xcc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x15, offset 0xd8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x16, offset 0xe9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x08f1, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x17, offset 0xf3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x18, offset 0xfa + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0961, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0999, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x107 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xe03d, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x118 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x11f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x12a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x139 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x147 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x055d, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x055d, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xe105, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x151 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x153 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x2018, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x158 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2018, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x15b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x2018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x15e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x160 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x16c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x177 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x17f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x28, offset 0x185 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x29, offset 0x18b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0x190 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0x195 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0x198 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0x19c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0x1a2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0x1a7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x30, offset 0x1b3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x31, offset 0x1bd + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3340, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x32, offset 0x1c3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x33, offset 0x1d4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0218, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x33c0, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x34, offset 0x1de + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x35, offset 0x1e1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x36, offset 0x1e9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x37, offset 0x1ec + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x38, offset 0x1f9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x39, offset 0x201 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0x205 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0028, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0x20c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0x214 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0x224 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0x230 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0x232 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x23c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x248 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x254 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x260 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x268 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x26d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0e29, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0e41, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0e59, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0e71, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0e89, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0ea1, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0eb9, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x057d, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x277 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x288 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x28c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xe045, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x297 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x29b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x24c1, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x2a4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x24f1, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x2529, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x2579, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x25b1, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x2ac + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0080, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0080, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x2b2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x09c5, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x09e5, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x2b7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x2ba + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x2bd + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x28c1, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x2c1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0e66, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x292a, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0e86, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x2c7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x2941, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x2cb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x2cf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x2d5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x2dc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xe185, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x03f5, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0ea5, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x2e2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x2ea + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0xe075, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x2f1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x2fc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x306 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x30a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x30d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0edd, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x313 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0efd, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x317 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0f1d, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x319 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x171d, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x18fd, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x31c + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x1efd, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x31e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x321 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x29e2, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x2a0a, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x2a31, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x32b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x2a69, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x32e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x2a1d, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x2a3d, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x2a5d, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x2a7d, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x2a5d, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x2a9d, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x2abd, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2add, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x2afd, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x2b1d, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x2afd, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x33d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x341 + {value: 0x0030, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x2aa2, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x305a, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x30a2, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x346 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x349 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x34d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x352 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x357 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x35d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x2009, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x6e89, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x363 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x372 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0208, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0108, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x378 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x37c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x38b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x390 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x398 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x3a2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x3ad + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x3b5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x3c6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x3cf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x3df + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x3ec + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x4465, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x447d, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x2971, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0xe06d, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x4495, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x3f6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x44b5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x44d5, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x44f5, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x44d5, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x3fb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x408 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x40c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x411 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x4515, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x413 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x4d15, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x4ad5, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x4fb5, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x417 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x54f5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x419 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x5cf5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x5655, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x5d95, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x41d + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x6b55, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x6d15, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x6d55, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x6ea1, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x70b5, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x70d5, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x426 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x72d5, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x6535, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x7895, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x6f55, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x7975, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x42c + {value: 0x0028, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x7c21, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x7be1, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x7c99, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x430 + {value: 0x0038, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x9db1, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x9e59, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x9e91, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x9ec9, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0xa089, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xa1a1, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0xa281, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x9d41, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x9db1, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0xa789, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xa869, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0xa7f9, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0xa8d9, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x440 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x44a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x44f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x452 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x458 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x45f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x464 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x468 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x46e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x473 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x47c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x481 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x487 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xe145, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe1c5, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xe145, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x8ad5, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x8aed, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x48e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8aed, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x8ad5, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x495 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xe145, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe1c5, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xe145, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x49c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x4a0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x4a5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x4a8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x4ad + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x4b9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x4bf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x4c4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x4cb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x4d3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x4d8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x4dc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x4ec + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x4f3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x4f7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x4fb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x502 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x504 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x507 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x03dd, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x50a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x50e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x512 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x518 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x521 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0340, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x52d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x534 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x53d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x545 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x83, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x54c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x55a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x93, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x567 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x574 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x57d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x581 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x58f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x597 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x5a2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x5ab + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x5b1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x5b9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x5c2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x3808, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x5cc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x5cf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x5db + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x049d, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x5de + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x5e3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x5e6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x3b08, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x5f0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x5f9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x605 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x608 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x60d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x84, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x610 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x613 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x616 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x61d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x624 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x628 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x633 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x636 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x3008, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x63c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x641 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x645 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x648 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x64b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x82, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x64e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x653 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x03c0, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x65d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x660 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x664 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0xb5b9, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0xb601, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xb649, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0xb6b1, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0xb719, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0xb781, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0xb7e9, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x3018, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x3018, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0340, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x673 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0xb851, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xb899, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0xb8e1, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0xb949, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0xb9b1, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x67f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0xba19, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x683 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x3318, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x86, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x688 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x68d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x691 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x696 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x69f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x6aa + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x6b0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x0a08, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3308, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0808, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0818, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x6b8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x6bc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x6c0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xea, offset 0x6c6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xeb, offset 0x6cc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xc1c1, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xec, offset 0x6d1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xed, offset 0x6d4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0xc7e9, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xc839, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xc889, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0xc8d9, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0xc929, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0xc979, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0xc9c9, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0xca19, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xca69, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xcab9, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0xcad9, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xee, offset 0x6e2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xef, offset 0x6e9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf0, offset 0x6ec + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x95, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf1, offset 0x6ef + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf2, offset 0x6f3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf3, offset 0x6f9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf4, offset 0x6fe + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf5, offset 0x708 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf6, offset 0x70d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf7, offset 0x710 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0018, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf8, offset 0x713 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x97, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xf9, offset 0x716 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfa, offset 0x719 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfb, offset 0x71d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfc, offset 0x720 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0xdeb9, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x8dfd, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0xdff9, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x8e1d, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0xe239, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x8e3d, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0xe2d9, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x7ed5, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0xe3d9, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8e5d, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0xe439, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x8e7d, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0xe4f9, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x8edd, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xe519, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfd, offset 0x730 + {value: 0x0020, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x937d, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xf099, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x939d, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0xd9f9, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xf159, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x941d, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xf2b9, lo: 0x98, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x943d, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0xf439, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x949d, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0xf4b9, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x94bd, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0xf4d9, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x94dd, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0xf519, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x2040, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xfe, offset 0x741 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x0340, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0340, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xff, offset 0x746 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0340, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x100, offset 0x748 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x33c0, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x101, offset 0x74a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x33c0, lo: 0x80, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0040, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, +} + +// Total table size 41662 bytes (40KiB); checksum: 355A58A4 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_arm64.s new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0cedea3d39d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_arm64.s @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !gccgo + +#include "textflag.h" + +// +// System call support for arm64, OpenBSD +// + +// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. +// The runtime may know about them. + +TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 + JMP syscall·Syscall(SB) + +TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 + JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB) + +TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104 + JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) + +TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 + JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) + +TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 + JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh index 1e5c59d0dd2..80d00707bb0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh @@ -146,24 +146,39 @@ netbsd_arm) # API consistent across platforms. mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char" ;; +netbsd_arm64) + mkerrors="$mkerrors -m64" + mksyscall="go run mksyscall.go -netbsd" + mksysnum="go run mksysnum.go 'http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master'" + mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs" + ;; openbsd_386) mkerrors="$mkerrors -m32" mksyscall="go run mksyscall.go -l32 -openbsd" - mksysctl="./mksysctl_openbsd.pl" + mksysctl="go run mksysctl_openbsd.go" mksysnum="go run mksysnum.go 'https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master'" mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs" ;; openbsd_amd64) mkerrors="$mkerrors -m64" mksyscall="go run mksyscall.go -openbsd" - mksysctl="./mksysctl_openbsd.pl" + mksysctl="go run mksysctl_openbsd.go" mksysnum="go run mksysnum.go 'https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master'" mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs" ;; openbsd_arm) mkerrors="$mkerrors" mksyscall="go run mksyscall.go -l32 -openbsd -arm" - mksysctl="./mksysctl_openbsd.pl" + mksysctl="go run mksysctl_openbsd.go" + mksysnum="go run mksysnum.go 'https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master'" + # Let the type of C char be signed for making the bare syscall + # API consistent across platforms. + mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char" + ;; +openbsd_arm64) + mkerrors="$mkerrors -m64" + mksyscall="go run mksyscall.go -openbsd" + mksysctl="go run mksysctl_openbsd.go" mksysnum="go run mksysnum.go 'https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master'" # Let the type of C char be signed for making the bare syscall # API consistent across platforms. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh index cfb61ba0497..b3c33c2c324 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh @@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ struct ltchars { #include #include #include +#include #include #include @@ -499,6 +500,7 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 ~ /^NFN/ || $2 ~ /^XDP_/ || $2 ~ /^(HDIO|WIN|SMART)_/ || + $2 ~ /^CRYPTO_/ || $2 !~ "WMESGLEN" && $2 ~ /^W[A-Z0-9]+$/ || $2 ~/^PPPIOC/ || diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysctl_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysctl_openbsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b6b409909cc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysctl_openbsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build ignore + +// Parse the header files for OpenBSD and generate a Go usable sysctl MIB. +// +// Build a MIB with each entry being an array containing the level, type and +// a hash that will contain additional entries if the current entry is a node. +// We then walk this MIB and create a flattened sysctl name to OID hash. + +package main + +import ( + "bufio" + "fmt" + "os" + "path/filepath" + "regexp" + "sort" + "strings" +) + +var ( + goos, goarch string +) + +// cmdLine returns this programs's commandline arguments. +func cmdLine() string { + return "go run mksysctl_openbsd.go " + strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ") +} + +// buildTags returns build tags. +func buildTags() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s", goarch, goos) +} + +// reMatch performs regular expression match and stores the substring slice to value pointed by m. +func reMatch(re *regexp.Regexp, str string, m *[]string) bool { + *m = re.FindStringSubmatch(str) + if *m != nil { + return true + } + return false +} + +type nodeElement struct { + n int + t string + pE *map[string]nodeElement +} + +var ( + debugEnabled bool + mib map[string]nodeElement + node *map[string]nodeElement + nodeMap map[string]string + sysCtl []string +) + +var ( + ctlNames1RE = regexp.MustCompile(`^#define\s+(CTL_NAMES)\s+{`) + ctlNames2RE = regexp.MustCompile(`^#define\s+(CTL_(.*)_NAMES)\s+{`) + ctlNames3RE = regexp.MustCompile(`^#define\s+((.*)CTL_NAMES)\s+{`) + netInetRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^netinet/`) + netInet6RE = regexp.MustCompile(`^netinet6/`) + netRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^net/`) + bracesRE = regexp.MustCompile(`{.*}`) + ctlTypeRE = regexp.MustCompile(`{\s+"(\w+)",\s+(CTLTYPE_[A-Z]+)\s+}`) + fsNetKernRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(fs|net|kern)_`) +) + +func debug(s string) { + if debugEnabled { + fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, s) + } +} + +// Walk the MIB and build a sysctl name to OID mapping. +func buildSysctl(pNode *map[string]nodeElement, name string, oid []int) { + lNode := pNode // local copy of pointer to node + var keys []string + for k := range *lNode { + keys = append(keys, k) + } + sort.Strings(keys) + + for _, key := range keys { + nodename := name + if name != "" { + nodename += "." + } + nodename += key + + nodeoid := append(oid, (*pNode)[key].n) + + if (*pNode)[key].t == `CTLTYPE_NODE` { + if _, ok := nodeMap[nodename]; ok { + lNode = &mib + ctlName := nodeMap[nodename] + for _, part := range strings.Split(ctlName, ".") { + lNode = ((*lNode)[part]).pE + } + } else { + lNode = (*pNode)[key].pE + } + buildSysctl(lNode, nodename, nodeoid) + } else if (*pNode)[key].t != "" { + oidStr := []string{} + for j := range nodeoid { + oidStr = append(oidStr, fmt.Sprintf("%d", nodeoid[j])) + } + text := "\t{ \"" + nodename + "\", []_C_int{ " + strings.Join(oidStr, ", ") + " } }, \n" + sysCtl = append(sysCtl, text) + } + } +} + +func main() { + // Get the OS (using GOOS_TARGET if it exist) + goos = os.Getenv("GOOS_TARGET") + if goos == "" { + goos = os.Getenv("GOOS") + } + // Get the architecture (using GOARCH_TARGET if it exists) + goarch = os.Getenv("GOARCH_TARGET") + if goarch == "" { + goarch = os.Getenv("GOARCH") + } + // Check if GOOS and GOARCH environment variables are defined + if goarch == "" || goos == "" { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "GOARCH or GOOS not defined in environment\n") + os.Exit(1) + } + + mib = make(map[string]nodeElement) + headers := [...]string{ + `sys/sysctl.h`, + `sys/socket.h`, + `sys/tty.h`, + `sys/malloc.h`, + `sys/mount.h`, + `sys/namei.h`, + `sys/sem.h`, + `sys/shm.h`, + `sys/vmmeter.h`, + `uvm/uvmexp.h`, + `uvm/uvm_param.h`, + `uvm/uvm_swap_encrypt.h`, + `ddb/db_var.h`, + `net/if.h`, + `net/if_pfsync.h`, + `net/pipex.h`, + `netinet/in.h`, + `netinet/icmp_var.h`, + `netinet/igmp_var.h`, + `netinet/ip_ah.h`, + `netinet/ip_carp.h`, + `netinet/ip_divert.h`, + `netinet/ip_esp.h`, + `netinet/ip_ether.h`, + `netinet/ip_gre.h`, + `netinet/ip_ipcomp.h`, + `netinet/ip_ipip.h`, + `netinet/pim_var.h`, + `netinet/tcp_var.h`, + `netinet/udp_var.h`, + `netinet6/in6.h`, + `netinet6/ip6_divert.h`, + `netinet6/pim6_var.h`, + `netinet/icmp6.h`, + `netmpls/mpls.h`, + } + + ctls := [...]string{ + `kern`, + `vm`, + `fs`, + `net`, + //debug /* Special handling required */ + `hw`, + //machdep /* Arch specific */ + `user`, + `ddb`, + //vfs /* Special handling required */ + `fs.posix`, + `kern.forkstat`, + `kern.intrcnt`, + `kern.malloc`, + `kern.nchstats`, + `kern.seminfo`, + `kern.shminfo`, + `kern.timecounter`, + `kern.tty`, + `kern.watchdog`, + `net.bpf`, + `net.ifq`, + `net.inet`, + `net.inet.ah`, + `net.inet.carp`, + `net.inet.divert`, + `net.inet.esp`, + `net.inet.etherip`, + `net.inet.gre`, + `net.inet.icmp`, + `net.inet.igmp`, + `net.inet.ip`, + `net.inet.ip.ifq`, + `net.inet.ipcomp`, + `net.inet.ipip`, + `net.inet.mobileip`, + `net.inet.pfsync`, + `net.inet.pim`, + `net.inet.tcp`, + `net.inet.udp`, + `net.inet6`, + `net.inet6.divert`, + `net.inet6.ip6`, + `net.inet6.icmp6`, + `net.inet6.pim6`, + `net.inet6.tcp6`, + `net.inet6.udp6`, + `net.mpls`, + `net.mpls.ifq`, + `net.key`, + `net.pflow`, + `net.pfsync`, + `net.pipex`, + `net.rt`, + `vm.swapencrypt`, + //vfsgenctl /* Special handling required */ + } + + // Node name "fixups" + ctlMap := map[string]string{ + "ipproto": "net.inet", + "net.inet.ipproto": "net.inet", + "net.inet6.ipv6proto": "net.inet6", + "net.inet6.ipv6": "net.inet6.ip6", + "net.inet.icmpv6": "net.inet6.icmp6", + "net.inet6.divert6": "net.inet6.divert", + "net.inet6.tcp6": "net.inet.tcp", + "net.inet6.udp6": "net.inet.udp", + "mpls": "net.mpls", + "swpenc": "vm.swapencrypt", + } + + // Node mappings + nodeMap = map[string]string{ + "net.inet.ip.ifq": "net.ifq", + "net.inet.pfsync": "net.pfsync", + "net.mpls.ifq": "net.ifq", + } + + mCtls := make(map[string]bool) + for _, ctl := range ctls { + mCtls[ctl] = true + } + + for _, header := range headers { + debug("Processing " + header) + file, err := os.Open(filepath.Join("/usr/include", header)) + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + s := bufio.NewScanner(file) + for s.Scan() { + var sub []string + if reMatch(ctlNames1RE, s.Text(), &sub) || + reMatch(ctlNames2RE, s.Text(), &sub) || + reMatch(ctlNames3RE, s.Text(), &sub) { + if sub[1] == `CTL_NAMES` { + // Top level. + node = &mib + } else { + // Node. + nodename := strings.ToLower(sub[2]) + ctlName := "" + if reMatch(netInetRE, header, &sub) { + ctlName = "net.inet." + nodename + } else if reMatch(netInet6RE, header, &sub) { + ctlName = "net.inet6." + nodename + } else if reMatch(netRE, header, &sub) { + ctlName = "net." + nodename + } else { + ctlName = nodename + ctlName = fsNetKernRE.ReplaceAllString(ctlName, `$1.`) + } + + if val, ok := ctlMap[ctlName]; ok { + ctlName = val + } + if _, ok := mCtls[ctlName]; !ok { + debug("Ignoring " + ctlName + "...") + continue + } + + // Walk down from the top of the MIB. + node = &mib + for _, part := range strings.Split(ctlName, ".") { + if _, ok := (*node)[part]; !ok { + debug("Missing node " + part) + (*node)[part] = nodeElement{n: 0, t: "", pE: &map[string]nodeElement{}} + } + node = (*node)[part].pE + } + } + + // Populate current node with entries. + i := -1 + for !strings.HasPrefix(s.Text(), "}") { + s.Scan() + if reMatch(bracesRE, s.Text(), &sub) { + i++ + } + if !reMatch(ctlTypeRE, s.Text(), &sub) { + continue + } + (*node)[sub[1]] = nodeElement{n: i, t: sub[2], pE: &map[string]nodeElement{}} + } + } + } + err = s.Err() + if err != nil { + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err) + os.Exit(1) + } + file.Close() + } + buildSysctl(&mib, "", []int{}) + + sort.Strings(sysCtl) + text := strings.Join(sysCtl, "") + + fmt.Printf(srcTemplate, cmdLine(), buildTags(), text) +} + +const srcTemplate = `// %s +// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build %s + +package unix + +type mibentry struct { + ctlname string + ctloid []_C_int +} + +var sysctlMib = []mibentry { +%s +} +` diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysctl_openbsd.pl b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysctl_openbsd.pl deleted file mode 100644 index 20632e14608..00000000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mksysctl_openbsd.pl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,265 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env perl - -# Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -# license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -# -# Parse the header files for OpenBSD and generate a Go usable sysctl MIB. -# -# Build a MIB with each entry being an array containing the level, type and -# a hash that will contain additional entries if the current entry is a node. -# We then walk this MIB and create a flattened sysctl name to OID hash. -# - -use strict; - -if($ENV{'GOARCH'} eq "" || $ENV{'GOOS'} eq "") { - print STDERR "GOARCH or GOOS not defined in environment\n"; - exit 1; -} - -my $debug = 0; -my %ctls = (); - -my @headers = qw ( - sys/sysctl.h - sys/socket.h - sys/tty.h - sys/malloc.h - sys/mount.h - sys/namei.h - sys/sem.h - sys/shm.h - sys/vmmeter.h - uvm/uvmexp.h - uvm/uvm_param.h - uvm/uvm_swap_encrypt.h - ddb/db_var.h - net/if.h - net/if_pfsync.h - net/pipex.h - netinet/in.h - netinet/icmp_var.h - netinet/igmp_var.h - netinet/ip_ah.h - netinet/ip_carp.h - netinet/ip_divert.h - netinet/ip_esp.h - netinet/ip_ether.h - netinet/ip_gre.h - netinet/ip_ipcomp.h - netinet/ip_ipip.h - netinet/pim_var.h - netinet/tcp_var.h - netinet/udp_var.h - netinet6/in6.h - netinet6/ip6_divert.h - netinet6/pim6_var.h - netinet/icmp6.h - netmpls/mpls.h -); - -my @ctls = qw ( - kern - vm - fs - net - #debug # Special handling required - hw - #machdep # Arch specific - user - ddb - #vfs # Special handling required - fs.posix - kern.forkstat - kern.intrcnt - kern.malloc - kern.nchstats - kern.seminfo - kern.shminfo - kern.timecounter - kern.tty - kern.watchdog - net.bpf - net.ifq - net.inet - net.inet.ah - net.inet.carp - net.inet.divert - net.inet.esp - net.inet.etherip - net.inet.gre - net.inet.icmp - net.inet.igmp - net.inet.ip - net.inet.ip.ifq - net.inet.ipcomp - net.inet.ipip - net.inet.mobileip - net.inet.pfsync - net.inet.pim - net.inet.tcp - net.inet.udp - net.inet6 - net.inet6.divert - net.inet6.ip6 - net.inet6.icmp6 - net.inet6.pim6 - net.inet6.tcp6 - net.inet6.udp6 - net.mpls - net.mpls.ifq - net.key - net.pflow - net.pfsync - net.pipex - net.rt - vm.swapencrypt - #vfsgenctl # Special handling required -); - -# Node name "fixups" -my %ctl_map = ( - "ipproto" => "net.inet", - "net.inet.ipproto" => "net.inet", - "net.inet6.ipv6proto" => "net.inet6", - "net.inet6.ipv6" => "net.inet6.ip6", - "net.inet.icmpv6" => "net.inet6.icmp6", - "net.inet6.divert6" => "net.inet6.divert", - "net.inet6.tcp6" => "net.inet.tcp", - "net.inet6.udp6" => "net.inet.udp", - "mpls" => "net.mpls", - "swpenc" => "vm.swapencrypt" -); - -# Node mappings -my %node_map = ( - "net.inet.ip.ifq" => "net.ifq", - "net.inet.pfsync" => "net.pfsync", - "net.mpls.ifq" => "net.ifq" -); - -my $ctlname; -my %mib = (); -my %sysctl = (); -my $node; - -sub debug() { - print STDERR "$_[0]\n" if $debug; -} - -# Walk the MIB and build a sysctl name to OID mapping. -sub build_sysctl() { - my ($node, $name, $oid) = @_; - my %node = %{$node}; - my @oid = @{$oid}; - - foreach my $key (sort keys %node) { - my @node = @{$node{$key}}; - my $nodename = $name.($name ne '' ? '.' : '').$key; - my @nodeoid = (@oid, $node[0]); - if ($node[1] eq 'CTLTYPE_NODE') { - if (exists $node_map{$nodename}) { - $node = \%mib; - $ctlname = $node_map{$nodename}; - foreach my $part (split /\./, $ctlname) { - $node = \%{@{$$node{$part}}[2]}; - } - } else { - $node = $node[2]; - } - &build_sysctl($node, $nodename, \@nodeoid); - } elsif ($node[1] ne '') { - $sysctl{$nodename} = \@nodeoid; - } - } -} - -foreach my $ctl (@ctls) { - $ctls{$ctl} = $ctl; -} - -# Build MIB -foreach my $header (@headers) { - &debug("Processing $header..."); - open HEADER, "/usr/include/$header" || - print STDERR "Failed to open $header\n"; - while (
) { - if ($_ =~ /^#define\s+(CTL_NAMES)\s+{/ || - $_ =~ /^#define\s+(CTL_(.*)_NAMES)\s+{/ || - $_ =~ /^#define\s+((.*)CTL_NAMES)\s+{/) { - if ($1 eq 'CTL_NAMES') { - # Top level. - $node = \%mib; - } else { - # Node. - my $nodename = lc($2); - if ($header =~ /^netinet\//) { - $ctlname = "net.inet.$nodename"; - } elsif ($header =~ /^netinet6\//) { - $ctlname = "net.inet6.$nodename"; - } elsif ($header =~ /^net\//) { - $ctlname = "net.$nodename"; - } else { - $ctlname = "$nodename"; - $ctlname =~ s/^(fs|net|kern)_/$1\./; - } - if (exists $ctl_map{$ctlname}) { - $ctlname = $ctl_map{$ctlname}; - } - if (not exists $ctls{$ctlname}) { - &debug("Ignoring $ctlname..."); - next; - } - - # Walk down from the top of the MIB. - $node = \%mib; - foreach my $part (split /\./, $ctlname) { - if (not exists $$node{$part}) { - &debug("Missing node $part"); - $$node{$part} = [ 0, '', {} ]; - } - $node = \%{@{$$node{$part}}[2]}; - } - } - - # Populate current node with entries. - my $i = -1; - while (defined($_) && $_ !~ /^}/) { - $_ =
; - $i++ if $_ =~ /{.*}/; - next if $_ !~ /{\s+"(\w+)",\s+(CTLTYPE_[A-Z]+)\s+}/; - $$node{$1} = [ $i, $2, {} ]; - } - } - } - close HEADER; -} - -&build_sysctl(\%mib, "", []); - -print < 0 { + // Account for the additional NULL byte added by + // BytePtrFromString in kexecFileLoad. The kexec_file_load + // syscall expects a NULL-terminated string. + cmdlineLen++ + } + return kexecFileLoad(kernelFd, initrdFd, cmdlineLen, cmdline, flags) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0fb39cf5eb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build arm64,openbsd + +package unix + +func setTimespec(sec, nsec int64) Timespec { + return Timespec{Sec: sec, Nsec: nsec} +} + +func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { + return Timeval{Sec: sec, Usec: usec} +} + +func SetKevent(k *Kevent_t, fd, mode, flags int) { + k.Ident = uint64(fd) + k.Filter = int16(mode) + k.Flags = uint16(flags) +} + +func (iov *Iovec) SetLen(length int) { + iov.Len = uint64(length) +} + +func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) { + msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length) +} + +func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { + cmsg.Len = uint32(length) +} + +// SYS___SYSCTL is used by syscall_bsd.go for all BSDs, but in modern versions +// of openbsd/amd64 the syscall is called sysctl instead of __sysctl. +const SYS___SYSCTL = SYS_SYSCTL diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/openbsd_unveil.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/unveil_openbsd.go similarity index 98% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/openbsd_unveil.go rename to vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/unveil_openbsd.go index aebc2dc5768..168d5ae7791 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/openbsd_unveil.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/unveil_openbsd.go @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build openbsd - package unix import ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go index 9e99d67cb8a..21151ebc37b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1487,6 +1501,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -1957,6 +1972,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2005,6 +2021,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2016,9 +2034,17 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x13 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x15 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x15 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2312,8 +2338,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x40986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x40046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x51106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x40046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x400c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x40104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x40046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x40804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x4f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x40084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go index e3091f1e30b..43cc0097e5f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1487,6 +1501,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -1958,6 +1973,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2006,6 +2022,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2017,9 +2035,17 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x13 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x15 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x15 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2313,8 +2339,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x40986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x40046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x51106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x40046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x400c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x40104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x40046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x40804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x4f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x40084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go index a75dfebcc48..d78d8eacb4a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1485,6 +1499,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -1964,6 +1979,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2012,6 +2028,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2023,9 +2041,17 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x13 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x15 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x15 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2319,8 +2345,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x40986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x40046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x51106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x40046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x400c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x40104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x40046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x40804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x4f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x40084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go index 393ad7c91b2..7802684dad9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -499,6 +503,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -507,8 +512,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -522,6 +531,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -530,6 +543,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1488,6 +1502,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -1948,6 +1963,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -1996,6 +2012,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2007,9 +2025,17 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x13 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x15 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x15 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2304,8 +2330,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x40986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x40046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x51106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x40046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x400c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x40104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x40046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x40804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x4f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x40084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go index ba1beb90935..b0b34f69e2c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1485,6 +1499,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -1957,6 +1972,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2005,6 +2021,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2016,10 +2034,18 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x1f SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x1005 SO_STYLE = 0x1008 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2314,8 +2340,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x80986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x80046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x91106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x80046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x800c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x80104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x80046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x80804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x20004f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x80084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go index efba3e5c9df..2b5a8260be3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1485,6 +1499,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -1957,6 +1972,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2005,6 +2021,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2016,10 +2034,18 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x1f SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x1005 SO_STYLE = 0x1008 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2314,8 +2340,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x80986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x80046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x91106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x80046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x800c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x80104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x80046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x80804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x20004f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x80084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go index d3f6e906524..a06b4ae4dc7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1485,6 +1499,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -1957,6 +1972,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2005,6 +2021,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2016,10 +2034,18 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x1f SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x1005 SO_STYLE = 0x1008 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2314,8 +2340,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x80986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x80046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x91106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x80046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x800c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x80104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x80046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x80804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x20004f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x80084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go index 7275cd876b3..10901321c95 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1485,6 +1499,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -1957,6 +1972,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2005,6 +2021,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2016,10 +2034,18 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x1f SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x1005 SO_STYLE = 0x1008 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2314,8 +2340,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x80986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x80046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x91106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x80046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x800c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x80104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x80046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x80804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x20004f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x80084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go index 7586a134ef7..b2d58a74445 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x3000 CREAD = 0x800 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x100 CS7 = 0x200 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1487,6 +1501,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -2015,6 +2030,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2063,6 +2079,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x10 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2074,9 +2092,17 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x11 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x13 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x13 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2374,8 +2400,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x80986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x80046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x91106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x80046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x800c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x80104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x80046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x80804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x20004f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x80084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go index b861ec78347..154ed57df5e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x3000 CREAD = 0x800 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x100 CS7 = 0x200 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1487,6 +1501,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -2015,6 +2030,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2063,6 +2079,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x10 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2074,9 +2092,17 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x11 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x13 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x13 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2374,8 +2400,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x80986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x80046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x91106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x80046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x800c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x80104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x80046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x80804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x20004f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x80084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go index a321ec23f46..ae90d7db569 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1485,6 +1499,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -1945,6 +1960,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -1993,6 +2009,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2004,9 +2022,17 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x13 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x15 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x15 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2300,8 +2326,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x40986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x40046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x51106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x40046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x400c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x40104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x40046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x40804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x4f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x40084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go index f6c99164ffc..93816c54f2e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go @@ -320,6 +320,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -497,6 +501,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -505,8 +510,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -520,6 +529,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -528,6 +541,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1485,6 +1499,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -2018,6 +2033,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe @@ -2066,6 +2082,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -2077,9 +2095,17 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x13 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x15 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x15 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3d SO_TYPE = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2373,8 +2399,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x40986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x40046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x51106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x40046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x400c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x40104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x40046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x40804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x4f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x40084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go index c1e95e29cbc..861d5700673 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go @@ -323,6 +323,10 @@ const ( CRDLY = 0x600 CREAD = 0x80 CRTSCTS = 0x80000000 + CRYPTO_MAX_NAME = 0x40 + CRYPTO_MSG_MAX = 0x15 + CRYPTO_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x6 + CRYPTO_REPORT_MAXSIZE = 0x160 CS5 = 0x0 CS6 = 0x10 CS7 = 0x20 @@ -501,6 +505,7 @@ const ( FAN_ALL_MARK_FLAGS = 0xff FAN_ALL_OUTGOING_EVENTS = 0x3403b FAN_ALL_PERM_EVENTS = 0x30000 + FAN_ATTRIB = 0x4 FAN_AUDIT = 0x10 FAN_CLASS_CONTENT = 0x4 FAN_CLASS_NOTIF = 0x0 @@ -509,8 +514,12 @@ const ( FAN_CLOSE = 0x18 FAN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x10 FAN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x8 + FAN_CREATE = 0x100 + FAN_DELETE = 0x200 + FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 @@ -524,6 +533,10 @@ const ( FAN_MARK_ONLYDIR = 0x8 FAN_MARK_REMOVE = 0x2 FAN_MODIFY = 0x2 + FAN_MOVE = 0xc0 + FAN_MOVED_FROM = 0x40 + FAN_MOVED_TO = 0x80 + FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 @@ -532,6 +545,7 @@ const ( FAN_OPEN_EXEC_PERM = 0x40000 FAN_OPEN_PERM = 0x10000 FAN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x4000 + FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -1489,6 +1503,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_TSC = 0x1a PR_SET_UNALIGN = 0x6 PR_SPEC_DISABLE = 0x4 + PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC = 0x10 PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 @@ -2010,6 +2025,7 @@ const ( SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x35 SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x36 SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0xd + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x41 SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x32 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0x400 @@ -2058,6 +2074,8 @@ const ( SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x100b SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x800 SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x2000 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x44 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x2000 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x24 @@ -2069,9 +2087,17 @@ const ( SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x100a SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1000 SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x4000 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x45 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x4000 SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x1d SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x43 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x23 SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x21 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x42 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x21 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x46 + SO_TIMESTAMP_OLD = 0x1d SO_TXTIME = 0x3f SO_TYPE = 0x1008 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 0x2 @@ -2362,8 +2388,10 @@ const ( UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x80986f00 UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x80046f01 UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x91106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x80046f04 UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x800c6f02 UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x80104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x80046f05 UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x80804f07 UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x20004f08 UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x80084f00 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ec5f92de888 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -0,0 +1,1789 @@ +// mkerrors.sh -m64 +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build arm64,openbsd + +// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. +// cgo -godefs -- -m64 _const.go + +package unix + +import "syscall" + +const ( + AF_APPLETALK = 0x10 + AF_BLUETOOTH = 0x20 + AF_CCITT = 0xa + AF_CHAOS = 0x5 + AF_CNT = 0x15 + AF_COIP = 0x14 + AF_DATAKIT = 0x9 + AF_DECnet = 0xc + AF_DLI = 0xd + AF_E164 = 0x1a + AF_ECMA = 0x8 + AF_ENCAP = 0x1c + AF_HYLINK = 0xf + AF_IMPLINK = 0x3 + AF_INET = 0x2 + AF_INET6 = 0x18 + AF_IPX = 0x17 + AF_ISDN = 0x1a + AF_ISO = 0x7 + AF_KEY = 0x1e + AF_LAT = 0xe + AF_LINK = 0x12 + AF_LOCAL = 0x1 + AF_MAX = 0x24 + AF_MPLS = 0x21 + AF_NATM = 0x1b + AF_NS = 0x6 + AF_OSI = 0x7 + AF_PUP = 0x4 + AF_ROUTE = 0x11 + AF_SIP = 0x1d + AF_SNA = 0xb + AF_UNIX = 0x1 + AF_UNSPEC = 0x0 + ALTWERASE = 0x200 + ARPHRD_ETHER = 0x1 + ARPHRD_FRELAY = 0xf + ARPHRD_IEEE1394 = 0x18 + ARPHRD_IEEE802 = 0x6 + B0 = 0x0 + B110 = 0x6e + B115200 = 0x1c200 + B1200 = 0x4b0 + B134 = 0x86 + B14400 = 0x3840 + B150 = 0x96 + B1800 = 0x708 + B19200 = 0x4b00 + B200 = 0xc8 + B230400 = 0x38400 + B2400 = 0x960 + B28800 = 0x7080 + B300 = 0x12c + B38400 = 0x9600 + B4800 = 0x12c0 + B50 = 0x32 + B57600 = 0xe100 + B600 = 0x258 + B7200 = 0x1c20 + B75 = 0x4b + B76800 = 0x12c00 + B9600 = 0x2580 + BIOCFLUSH = 0x20004268 + BIOCGBLEN = 0x40044266 + BIOCGDIRFILT = 0x4004427c + BIOCGDLT = 0x4004426a + BIOCGDLTLIST = 0xc010427b + BIOCGETIF = 0x4020426b + BIOCGFILDROP = 0x40044278 + BIOCGHDRCMPLT = 0x40044274 + BIOCGRSIG = 0x40044273 + BIOCGRTIMEOUT = 0x4010426e + BIOCGSTATS = 0x4008426f + BIOCIMMEDIATE = 0x80044270 + BIOCLOCK = 0x20004276 + BIOCPROMISC = 0x20004269 + BIOCSBLEN = 0xc0044266 + BIOCSDIRFILT = 0x8004427d + BIOCSDLT = 0x8004427a + BIOCSETF = 0x80104267 + BIOCSETIF = 0x8020426c + BIOCSETWF = 0x80104277 + BIOCSFILDROP = 0x80044279 + BIOCSHDRCMPLT = 0x80044275 + BIOCSRSIG = 0x80044272 + BIOCSRTIMEOUT = 0x8010426d + BIOCVERSION = 0x40044271 + BPF_A = 0x10 + BPF_ABS = 0x20 + BPF_ADD = 0x0 + BPF_ALIGNMENT = 0x4 + BPF_ALU = 0x4 + BPF_AND = 0x50 + BPF_B = 0x10 + BPF_DIRECTION_IN = 0x1 + BPF_DIRECTION_OUT = 0x2 + BPF_DIV = 0x30 + BPF_FILDROP_CAPTURE = 0x1 + BPF_FILDROP_DROP = 0x2 + BPF_FILDROP_PASS = 0x0 + BPF_H = 0x8 + BPF_IMM = 0x0 + BPF_IND = 0x40 + BPF_JA = 0x0 + BPF_JEQ = 0x10 + BPF_JGE = 0x30 + BPF_JGT = 0x20 + BPF_JMP = 0x5 + BPF_JSET = 0x40 + BPF_K = 0x0 + BPF_LD = 0x0 + BPF_LDX = 0x1 + BPF_LEN = 0x80 + BPF_LSH = 0x60 + BPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x1 + BPF_MAXBUFSIZE = 0x200000 + BPF_MAXINSNS = 0x200 + BPF_MEM = 0x60 + BPF_MEMWORDS = 0x10 + BPF_MINBUFSIZE = 0x20 + BPF_MINOR_VERSION = 0x1 + BPF_MISC = 0x7 + BPF_MSH = 0xa0 + BPF_MUL = 0x20 + BPF_NEG = 0x80 + BPF_OR = 0x40 + BPF_RELEASE = 0x30bb6 + BPF_RET = 0x6 + BPF_RSH = 0x70 + BPF_ST = 0x2 + BPF_STX = 0x3 + BPF_SUB = 0x10 + BPF_TAX = 0x0 + BPF_TXA = 0x80 + BPF_W = 0x0 + BPF_X = 0x8 + BRKINT = 0x2 + CFLUSH = 0xf + CLOCAL = 0x8000 + CLOCK_BOOTTIME = 0x6 + CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 0x3 + CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0x2 + CLOCK_REALTIME = 0x0 + CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x4 + CLOCK_UPTIME = 0x5 + CREAD = 0x800 + CRTSCTS = 0x10000 + CS5 = 0x0 + CS6 = 0x100 + CS7 = 0x200 + CS8 = 0x300 + CSIZE = 0x300 + CSTART = 0x11 + CSTATUS = 0xff + CSTOP = 0x13 + CSTOPB = 0x400 + CSUSP = 0x1a + CTL_HW = 0x6 + CTL_KERN = 0x1 + CTL_MAXNAME = 0xc + CTL_NET = 0x4 + DIOCOSFPFLUSH = 0x2000444e + DLT_ARCNET = 0x7 + DLT_ATM_RFC1483 = 0xb + DLT_AX25 = 0x3 + DLT_CHAOS = 0x5 + DLT_C_HDLC = 0x68 + DLT_EN10MB = 0x1 + DLT_EN3MB = 0x2 + DLT_ENC = 0xd + DLT_FDDI = 0xa + DLT_IEEE802 = 0x6 + DLT_IEEE802_11 = 0x69 + DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO = 0x7f + DLT_LOOP = 0xc + DLT_MPLS = 0xdb + DLT_NULL = 0x0 + DLT_OPENFLOW = 0x10b + DLT_PFLOG = 0x75 + DLT_PFSYNC = 0x12 + DLT_PPP = 0x9 + DLT_PPP_BSDOS = 0x10 + DLT_PPP_ETHER = 0x33 + DLT_PPP_SERIAL = 0x32 + DLT_PRONET = 0x4 + DLT_RAW = 0xe + DLT_SLIP = 0x8 + DLT_SLIP_BSDOS = 0xf + DLT_USBPCAP = 0xf9 + DLT_USER0 = 0x93 + DLT_USER1 = 0x94 + DLT_USER10 = 0x9d + DLT_USER11 = 0x9e + DLT_USER12 = 0x9f + DLT_USER13 = 0xa0 + DLT_USER14 = 0xa1 + DLT_USER15 = 0xa2 + DLT_USER2 = 0x95 + DLT_USER3 = 0x96 + DLT_USER4 = 0x97 + DLT_USER5 = 0x98 + DLT_USER6 = 0x99 + DLT_USER7 = 0x9a + DLT_USER8 = 0x9b + DLT_USER9 = 0x9c + DT_BLK = 0x6 + DT_CHR = 0x2 + DT_DIR = 0x4 + DT_FIFO = 0x1 + DT_LNK = 0xa + DT_REG = 0x8 + DT_SOCK = 0xc + DT_UNKNOWN = 0x0 + ECHO = 0x8 + ECHOCTL = 0x40 + ECHOE = 0x2 + ECHOK = 0x4 + ECHOKE = 0x1 + ECHONL = 0x10 + ECHOPRT = 0x20 + EMT_TAGOVF = 0x1 + EMUL_ENABLED = 0x1 + EMUL_NATIVE = 0x2 + ENDRUNDISC = 0x9 + ETHERMIN = 0x2e + ETHERMTU = 0x5dc + ETHERTYPE_8023 = 0x4 + ETHERTYPE_AARP = 0x80f3 + ETHERTYPE_ACCTON = 0x8390 + ETHERTYPE_AEONIC = 0x8036 + ETHERTYPE_ALPHA = 0x814a + ETHERTYPE_AMBER = 0x6008 + ETHERTYPE_AMOEBA = 0x8145 + ETHERTYPE_AOE = 0x88a2 + ETHERTYPE_APOLLO = 0x80f7 + ETHERTYPE_APOLLODOMAIN = 0x8019 + ETHERTYPE_APPLETALK = 0x809b + ETHERTYPE_APPLITEK = 0x80c7 + ETHERTYPE_ARGONAUT = 0x803a + ETHERTYPE_ARP = 0x806 + ETHERTYPE_AT = 0x809b + ETHERTYPE_ATALK = 0x809b + ETHERTYPE_ATOMIC = 0x86df + ETHERTYPE_ATT = 0x8069 + ETHERTYPE_ATTSTANFORD = 0x8008 + ETHERTYPE_AUTOPHON = 0x806a + ETHERTYPE_AXIS = 0x8856 + ETHERTYPE_BCLOOP = 0x9003 + ETHERTYPE_BOFL = 0x8102 + ETHERTYPE_CABLETRON = 0x7034 + ETHERTYPE_CHAOS = 0x804 + ETHERTYPE_COMDESIGN = 0x806c + ETHERTYPE_COMPUGRAPHIC = 0x806d + ETHERTYPE_COUNTERPOINT = 0x8062 + ETHERTYPE_CRONUS = 0x8004 + ETHERTYPE_CRONUSVLN = 0x8003 + ETHERTYPE_DCA = 0x1234 + ETHERTYPE_DDE = 0x807b + ETHERTYPE_DEBNI = 0xaaaa + ETHERTYPE_DECAM = 0x8048 + ETHERTYPE_DECCUST = 0x6006 + ETHERTYPE_DECDIAG = 0x6005 + ETHERTYPE_DECDNS = 0x803c + ETHERTYPE_DECDTS = 0x803e + ETHERTYPE_DECEXPER = 0x6000 + ETHERTYPE_DECLAST = 0x8041 + ETHERTYPE_DECLTM = 0x803f + ETHERTYPE_DECMUMPS = 0x6009 + ETHERTYPE_DECNETBIOS = 0x8040 + ETHERTYPE_DELTACON = 0x86de + ETHERTYPE_DIDDLE = 0x4321 + ETHERTYPE_DLOG1 = 0x660 + ETHERTYPE_DLOG2 = 0x661 + ETHERTYPE_DN = 0x6003 + ETHERTYPE_DOGFIGHT = 0x1989 + ETHERTYPE_DSMD = 0x8039 + ETHERTYPE_ECMA = 0x803 + ETHERTYPE_ENCRYPT = 0x803d + ETHERTYPE_ES = 0x805d + ETHERTYPE_EXCELAN = 0x8010 + ETHERTYPE_EXPERDATA = 0x8049 + ETHERTYPE_FLIP = 0x8146 + ETHERTYPE_FLOWCONTROL = 0x8808 + ETHERTYPE_FRARP = 0x808 + ETHERTYPE_GENDYN = 0x8068 + ETHERTYPE_HAYES = 0x8130 + ETHERTYPE_HIPPI_FP = 0x8180 + ETHERTYPE_HITACHI = 0x8820 + ETHERTYPE_HP = 0x8005 + ETHERTYPE_IEEEPUP = 0xa00 + ETHERTYPE_IEEEPUPAT = 0xa01 + ETHERTYPE_IMLBL = 0x4c42 + ETHERTYPE_IMLBLDIAG = 0x424c + ETHERTYPE_IP = 0x800 + ETHERTYPE_IPAS = 0x876c + ETHERTYPE_IPV6 = 0x86dd + ETHERTYPE_IPX = 0x8137 + ETHERTYPE_IPXNEW = 0x8037 + ETHERTYPE_KALPANA = 0x8582 + ETHERTYPE_LANBRIDGE = 0x8038 + ETHERTYPE_LANPROBE = 0x8888 + ETHERTYPE_LAT = 0x6004 + ETHERTYPE_LBACK = 0x9000 + ETHERTYPE_LITTLE = 0x8060 + ETHERTYPE_LLDP = 0x88cc + ETHERTYPE_LOGICRAFT = 0x8148 + ETHERTYPE_LOOPBACK = 0x9000 + ETHERTYPE_MATRA = 0x807a + ETHERTYPE_MAX = 0xffff + ETHERTYPE_MERIT = 0x807c + ETHERTYPE_MICP = 0x873a + ETHERTYPE_MOPDL = 0x6001 + ETHERTYPE_MOPRC = 0x6002 + ETHERTYPE_MOTOROLA = 0x818d + ETHERTYPE_MPLS = 0x8847 + ETHERTYPE_MPLS_MCAST = 0x8848 + ETHERTYPE_MUMPS = 0x813f + ETHERTYPE_NBPCC = 0x3c04 + ETHERTYPE_NBPCLAIM = 0x3c09 + ETHERTYPE_NBPCLREQ = 0x3c05 + ETHERTYPE_NBPCLRSP = 0x3c06 + ETHERTYPE_NBPCREQ = 0x3c02 + ETHERTYPE_NBPCRSP = 0x3c03 + ETHERTYPE_NBPDG = 0x3c07 + ETHERTYPE_NBPDGB = 0x3c08 + ETHERTYPE_NBPDLTE = 0x3c0a + ETHERTYPE_NBPRAR = 0x3c0c + ETHERTYPE_NBPRAS = 0x3c0b + ETHERTYPE_NBPRST = 0x3c0d + ETHERTYPE_NBPSCD = 0x3c01 + ETHERTYPE_NBPVCD = 0x3c00 + ETHERTYPE_NBS = 0x802 + ETHERTYPE_NCD = 0x8149 + ETHERTYPE_NESTAR = 0x8006 + ETHERTYPE_NETBEUI = 0x8191 + ETHERTYPE_NOVELL = 0x8138 + ETHERTYPE_NS = 0x600 + ETHERTYPE_NSAT = 0x601 + ETHERTYPE_NSCOMPAT = 0x807 + ETHERTYPE_NTRAILER = 0x10 + ETHERTYPE_OS9 = 0x7007 + ETHERTYPE_OS9NET = 0x7009 + ETHERTYPE_PACER = 0x80c6 + ETHERTYPE_PAE = 0x888e + ETHERTYPE_PBB = 0x88e7 + ETHERTYPE_PCS = 0x4242 + ETHERTYPE_PLANNING = 0x8044 + ETHERTYPE_PPP = 0x880b + ETHERTYPE_PPPOE = 0x8864 + ETHERTYPE_PPPOEDISC = 0x8863 + ETHERTYPE_PRIMENTS = 0x7031 + ETHERTYPE_PUP = 0x200 + ETHERTYPE_PUPAT = 0x200 + ETHERTYPE_QINQ = 0x88a8 + ETHERTYPE_RACAL = 0x7030 + ETHERTYPE_RATIONAL = 0x8150 + ETHERTYPE_RAWFR = 0x6559 + ETHERTYPE_RCL = 0x1995 + ETHERTYPE_RDP = 0x8739 + ETHERTYPE_RETIX = 0x80f2 + ETHERTYPE_REVARP = 0x8035 + ETHERTYPE_SCA = 0x6007 + ETHERTYPE_SECTRA = 0x86db + ETHERTYPE_SECUREDATA = 0x876d + ETHERTYPE_SGITW = 0x817e + ETHERTYPE_SG_BOUNCE = 0x8016 + ETHERTYPE_SG_DIAG = 0x8013 + ETHERTYPE_SG_NETGAMES = 0x8014 + ETHERTYPE_SG_RESV = 0x8015 + ETHERTYPE_SIMNET = 0x5208 + ETHERTYPE_SLOW = 0x8809 + ETHERTYPE_SNA = 0x80d5 + ETHERTYPE_SNMP = 0x814c + ETHERTYPE_SONIX = 0xfaf5 + ETHERTYPE_SPIDER = 0x809f + ETHERTYPE_SPRITE = 0x500 + ETHERTYPE_STP = 0x8181 + ETHERTYPE_TALARIS = 0x812b + ETHERTYPE_TALARISMC = 0x852b + ETHERTYPE_TCPCOMP = 0x876b + ETHERTYPE_TCPSM = 0x9002 + ETHERTYPE_TEC = 0x814f + ETHERTYPE_TIGAN = 0x802f + ETHERTYPE_TRAIL = 0x1000 + ETHERTYPE_TRANSETHER = 0x6558 + ETHERTYPE_TYMSHARE = 0x802e + ETHERTYPE_UBBST = 0x7005 + ETHERTYPE_UBDEBUG = 0x900 + ETHERTYPE_UBDIAGLOOP = 0x7002 + ETHERTYPE_UBDL = 0x7000 + ETHERTYPE_UBNIU = 0x7001 + ETHERTYPE_UBNMC = 0x7003 + ETHERTYPE_VALID = 0x1600 + ETHERTYPE_VARIAN = 0x80dd + ETHERTYPE_VAXELN = 0x803b + ETHERTYPE_VEECO = 0x8067 + ETHERTYPE_VEXP = 0x805b + ETHERTYPE_VGLAB = 0x8131 + ETHERTYPE_VINES = 0xbad + ETHERTYPE_VINESECHO = 0xbaf + ETHERTYPE_VINESLOOP = 0xbae + ETHERTYPE_VITAL = 0xff00 + ETHERTYPE_VLAN = 0x8100 + ETHERTYPE_VLTLMAN = 0x8080 + ETHERTYPE_VPROD = 0x805c + ETHERTYPE_VURESERVED = 0x8147 + ETHERTYPE_WATERLOO = 0x8130 + ETHERTYPE_WELLFLEET = 0x8103 + ETHERTYPE_X25 = 0x805 + ETHERTYPE_X75 = 0x801 + ETHERTYPE_XNSSM = 0x9001 + ETHERTYPE_XTP = 0x817d + ETHER_ADDR_LEN = 0x6 + ETHER_ALIGN = 0x2 + ETHER_CRC_LEN = 0x4 + ETHER_CRC_POLY_BE = 0x4c11db6 + ETHER_CRC_POLY_LE = 0xedb88320 + ETHER_HDR_LEN = 0xe + ETHER_MAX_DIX_LEN = 0x600 + ETHER_MAX_HARDMTU_LEN = 0xff9b + ETHER_MAX_LEN = 0x5ee + ETHER_MIN_LEN = 0x40 + ETHER_TYPE_LEN = 0x2 + ETHER_VLAN_ENCAP_LEN = 0x4 + EVFILT_AIO = -0x3 + EVFILT_DEVICE = -0x8 + EVFILT_PROC = -0x5 + EVFILT_READ = -0x1 + EVFILT_SIGNAL = -0x6 + EVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 0x8 + EVFILT_TIMER = -0x7 + EVFILT_VNODE = -0x4 + EVFILT_WRITE = -0x2 + EVL_ENCAPLEN = 0x4 + EVL_PRIO_BITS = 0xd + EVL_PRIO_MAX = 0x7 + EVL_VLID_MASK = 0xfff + EVL_VLID_MAX = 0xffe + EVL_VLID_MIN = 0x1 + EVL_VLID_NULL = 0x0 + EV_ADD = 0x1 + EV_CLEAR = 0x20 + EV_DELETE = 0x2 + EV_DISABLE = 0x8 + EV_DISPATCH = 0x80 + EV_ENABLE = 0x4 + EV_EOF = 0x8000 + EV_ERROR = 0x4000 + EV_FLAG1 = 0x2000 + EV_ONESHOT = 0x10 + EV_RECEIPT = 0x40 + EV_SYSFLAGS = 0xf000 + EXTA = 0x4b00 + EXTB = 0x9600 + EXTPROC = 0x800 + FD_CLOEXEC = 0x1 + FD_SETSIZE = 0x400 + FLUSHO = 0x800000 + F_DUPFD = 0x0 + F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0xa + F_GETFD = 0x1 + F_GETFL = 0x3 + F_GETLK = 0x7 + F_GETOWN = 0x5 + F_ISATTY = 0xb + F_OK = 0x0 + F_RDLCK = 0x1 + F_SETFD = 0x2 + F_SETFL = 0x4 + F_SETLK = 0x8 + F_SETLKW = 0x9 + F_SETOWN = 0x6 + F_UNLCK = 0x2 + F_WRLCK = 0x3 + HUPCL = 0x4000 + HW_MACHINE = 0x1 + ICANON = 0x100 + ICMP6_FILTER = 0x12 + ICRNL = 0x100 + IEXTEN = 0x400 + IFAN_ARRIVAL = 0x0 + IFAN_DEPARTURE = 0x1 + IFF_ALLMULTI = 0x200 + IFF_BROADCAST = 0x2 + IFF_CANTCHANGE = 0x8e52 + IFF_DEBUG = 0x4 + IFF_LINK0 = 0x1000 + IFF_LINK1 = 0x2000 + IFF_LINK2 = 0x4000 + IFF_LOOPBACK = 0x8 + IFF_MULTICAST = 0x8000 + IFF_NOARP = 0x80 + IFF_OACTIVE = 0x400 + IFF_POINTOPOINT = 0x10 + IFF_PROMISC = 0x100 + IFF_RUNNING = 0x40 + IFF_SIMPLEX = 0x800 + IFF_STATICARP = 0x20 + IFF_UP = 0x1 + IFNAMSIZ = 0x10 + IFT_1822 = 0x2 + IFT_A12MPPSWITCH = 0x82 + IFT_AAL2 = 0xbb + IFT_AAL5 = 0x31 + IFT_ADSL = 0x5e + IFT_AFLANE8023 = 0x3b + IFT_AFLANE8025 = 0x3c + IFT_ARAP = 0x58 + IFT_ARCNET = 0x23 + IFT_ARCNETPLUS = 0x24 + IFT_ASYNC = 0x54 + IFT_ATM = 0x25 + IFT_ATMDXI = 0x69 + IFT_ATMFUNI = 0x6a + IFT_ATMIMA = 0x6b + IFT_ATMLOGICAL = 0x50 + IFT_ATMRADIO = 0xbd + IFT_ATMSUBINTERFACE = 0x86 + IFT_ATMVCIENDPT = 0xc2 + IFT_ATMVIRTUAL = 0x95 + IFT_BGPPOLICYACCOUNTING = 0xa2 + IFT_BLUETOOTH = 0xf8 + IFT_BRIDGE = 0xd1 + IFT_BSC = 0x53 + IFT_CARP = 0xf7 + IFT_CCTEMUL = 0x3d + IFT_CEPT = 0x13 + IFT_CES = 0x85 + IFT_CHANNEL = 0x46 + IFT_CNR = 0x55 + IFT_COFFEE = 0x84 + IFT_COMPOSITELINK = 0x9b + IFT_DCN = 0x8d + IFT_DIGITALPOWERLINE = 0x8a + IFT_DIGITALWRAPPEROVERHEADCHANNEL = 0xba + IFT_DLSW = 0x4a + IFT_DOCSCABLEDOWNSTREAM = 0x80 + IFT_DOCSCABLEMACLAYER = 0x7f + IFT_DOCSCABLEUPSTREAM = 0x81 + IFT_DOCSCABLEUPSTREAMCHANNEL = 0xcd + IFT_DS0 = 0x51 + IFT_DS0BUNDLE = 0x52 + IFT_DS1FDL = 0xaa + IFT_DS3 = 0x1e + IFT_DTM = 0x8c + IFT_DUMMY = 0xf1 + IFT_DVBASILN = 0xac + IFT_DVBASIOUT = 0xad + IFT_DVBRCCDOWNSTREAM = 0x93 + IFT_DVBRCCMACLAYER = 0x92 + IFT_DVBRCCUPSTREAM = 0x94 + IFT_ECONET = 0xce + IFT_ENC = 0xf4 + IFT_EON = 0x19 + IFT_EPLRS = 0x57 + IFT_ESCON = 0x49 + IFT_ETHER = 0x6 + IFT_FAITH = 0xf3 + IFT_FAST = 0x7d + IFT_FASTETHER = 0x3e + IFT_FASTETHERFX = 0x45 + IFT_FDDI = 0xf + IFT_FIBRECHANNEL = 0x38 + IFT_FRAMERELAYINTERCONNECT = 0x3a + IFT_FRAMERELAYMPI = 0x5c + IFT_FRDLCIENDPT = 0xc1 + IFT_FRELAY = 0x20 + IFT_FRELAYDCE = 0x2c + IFT_FRF16MFRBUNDLE = 0xa3 + IFT_FRFORWARD = 0x9e + IFT_G703AT2MB = 0x43 + IFT_G703AT64K = 0x42 + IFT_GIF = 0xf0 + IFT_GIGABITETHERNET = 0x75 + IFT_GR303IDT = 0xb2 + IFT_GR303RDT = 0xb1 + IFT_H323GATEKEEPER = 0xa4 + IFT_H323PROXY = 0xa5 + IFT_HDH1822 = 0x3 + IFT_HDLC = 0x76 + IFT_HDSL2 = 0xa8 + IFT_HIPERLAN2 = 0xb7 + IFT_HIPPI = 0x2f + IFT_HIPPIINTERFACE = 0x39 + IFT_HOSTPAD = 0x5a + IFT_HSSI = 0x2e + IFT_HY = 0xe + IFT_IBM370PARCHAN = 0x48 + IFT_IDSL = 0x9a + IFT_IEEE1394 = 0x90 + IFT_IEEE80211 = 0x47 + IFT_IEEE80212 = 0x37 + IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG = 0xa1 + IFT_IFGSN = 0x91 + IFT_IMT = 0xbe + IFT_INFINIBAND = 0xc7 + IFT_INTERLEAVE = 0x7c + IFT_IP = 0x7e + IFT_IPFORWARD = 0x8e + IFT_IPOVERATM = 0x72 + IFT_IPOVERCDLC = 0x6d + IFT_IPOVERCLAW = 0x6e + IFT_IPSWITCH = 0x4e + IFT_ISDN = 0x3f + IFT_ISDNBASIC = 0x14 + IFT_ISDNPRIMARY = 0x15 + IFT_ISDNS = 0x4b + IFT_ISDNU = 0x4c + IFT_ISO88022LLC = 0x29 + IFT_ISO88023 = 0x7 + IFT_ISO88024 = 0x8 + IFT_ISO88025 = 0x9 + IFT_ISO88025CRFPINT = 0x62 + IFT_ISO88025DTR = 0x56 + IFT_ISO88025FIBER = 0x73 + IFT_ISO88026 = 0xa + IFT_ISUP = 0xb3 + IFT_L2VLAN = 0x87 + IFT_L3IPVLAN = 0x88 + IFT_L3IPXVLAN = 0x89 + IFT_LAPB = 0x10 + IFT_LAPD = 0x4d + IFT_LAPF = 0x77 + IFT_LINEGROUP = 0xd2 + IFT_LOCALTALK = 0x2a + IFT_LOOP = 0x18 + IFT_MBIM = 0xfa + IFT_MEDIAMAILOVERIP = 0x8b + IFT_MFSIGLINK = 0xa7 + IFT_MIOX25 = 0x26 + IFT_MODEM = 0x30 + IFT_MPC = 0x71 + IFT_MPLS = 0xa6 + IFT_MPLSTUNNEL = 0x96 + IFT_MSDSL = 0x8f + IFT_MVL = 0xbf + IFT_MYRINET = 0x63 + IFT_NFAS = 0xaf + IFT_NSIP = 0x1b + IFT_OPTICALCHANNEL = 0xc3 + IFT_OPTICALTRANSPORT = 0xc4 + IFT_OTHER = 0x1 + IFT_P10 = 0xc + IFT_P80 = 0xd + IFT_PARA = 0x22 + IFT_PFLOG = 0xf5 + IFT_PFLOW = 0xf9 + IFT_PFSYNC = 0xf6 + IFT_PLC = 0xae + IFT_PON155 = 0xcf + IFT_PON622 = 0xd0 + IFT_POS = 0xab + IFT_PPP = 0x17 + IFT_PPPMULTILINKBUNDLE = 0x6c + IFT_PROPATM = 0xc5 + IFT_PROPBWAP2MP = 0xb8 + IFT_PROPCNLS = 0x59 + IFT_PROPDOCSWIRELESSDOWNSTREAM = 0xb5 + IFT_PROPDOCSWIRELESSMACLAYER = 0xb4 + IFT_PROPDOCSWIRELESSUPSTREAM = 0xb6 + IFT_PROPMUX = 0x36 + IFT_PROPVIRTUAL = 0x35 + IFT_PROPWIRELESSP2P = 0x9d + IFT_PTPSERIAL = 0x16 + IFT_PVC = 0xf2 + IFT_Q2931 = 0xc9 + IFT_QLLC = 0x44 + IFT_RADIOMAC = 0xbc + IFT_RADSL = 0x5f + IFT_REACHDSL = 0xc0 + IFT_RFC1483 = 0x9f + IFT_RS232 = 0x21 + IFT_RSRB = 0x4f + IFT_SDLC = 0x11 + IFT_SDSL = 0x60 + IFT_SHDSL = 0xa9 + IFT_SIP = 0x1f + IFT_SIPSIG = 0xcc + IFT_SIPTG = 0xcb + IFT_SLIP = 0x1c + IFT_SMDSDXI = 0x2b + IFT_SMDSICIP = 0x34 + IFT_SONET = 0x27 + IFT_SONETOVERHEADCHANNEL = 0xb9 + IFT_SONETPATH = 0x32 + IFT_SONETVT = 0x33 + IFT_SRP = 0x97 + IFT_SS7SIGLINK = 0x9c + IFT_STACKTOSTACK = 0x6f + IFT_STARLAN = 0xb + IFT_T1 = 0x12 + IFT_TDLC = 0x74 + IFT_TELINK = 0xc8 + IFT_TERMPAD = 0x5b + IFT_TR008 = 0xb0 + IFT_TRANSPHDLC = 0x7b + IFT_TUNNEL = 0x83 + IFT_ULTRA = 0x1d + IFT_USB = 0xa0 + IFT_V11 = 0x40 + IFT_V35 = 0x2d + IFT_V36 = 0x41 + IFT_V37 = 0x78 + IFT_VDSL = 0x61 + IFT_VIRTUALIPADDRESS = 0x70 + IFT_VIRTUALTG = 0xca + IFT_VOICEDID = 0xd5 + IFT_VOICEEM = 0x64 + IFT_VOICEEMFGD = 0xd3 + IFT_VOICEENCAP = 0x67 + IFT_VOICEFGDEANA = 0xd4 + IFT_VOICEFXO = 0x65 + IFT_VOICEFXS = 0x66 + IFT_VOICEOVERATM = 0x98 + IFT_VOICEOVERCABLE = 0xc6 + IFT_VOICEOVERFRAMERELAY = 0x99 + IFT_VOICEOVERIP = 0x68 + IFT_X213 = 0x5d + IFT_X25 = 0x5 + IFT_X25DDN = 0x4 + IFT_X25HUNTGROUP = 0x7a + IFT_X25MLP = 0x79 + IFT_X25PLE = 0x28 + IFT_XETHER = 0x1a + IGNBRK = 0x1 + IGNCR = 0x80 + IGNPAR = 0x4 + IMAXBEL = 0x2000 + INLCR = 0x40 + INPCK = 0x10 + IN_CLASSA_HOST = 0xffffff + IN_CLASSA_MAX = 0x80 + IN_CLASSA_NET = 0xff000000 + IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 0x18 + IN_CLASSB_HOST = 0xffff + IN_CLASSB_MAX = 0x10000 + IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000 + IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 0x10 + IN_CLASSC_HOST = 0xff + IN_CLASSC_NET = 0xffffff00 + IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 0x8 + IN_CLASSD_HOST = 0xfffffff + IN_CLASSD_NET = 0xf0000000 + IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT = 0x1c + IN_LOOPBACKNET = 0x7f + IN_RFC3021_HOST = 0x1 + IN_RFC3021_NET = 0xfffffffe + IN_RFC3021_NSHIFT = 0x1f + IPPROTO_AH = 0x33 + IPPROTO_CARP = 0x70 + IPPROTO_DIVERT = 0x102 + IPPROTO_DONE = 0x101 + IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 0x3c + IPPROTO_EGP = 0x8 + IPPROTO_ENCAP = 0x62 + IPPROTO_EON = 0x50 + IPPROTO_ESP = 0x32 + IPPROTO_ETHERIP = 0x61 + IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 0x2c + IPPROTO_GGP = 0x3 + IPPROTO_GRE = 0x2f + IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0x0 + IPPROTO_ICMP = 0x1 + IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 0x3a + IPPROTO_IDP = 0x16 + IPPROTO_IGMP = 0x2 + IPPROTO_IP = 0x0 + IPPROTO_IPCOMP = 0x6c + IPPROTO_IPIP = 0x4 + IPPROTO_IPV4 = 0x4 + IPPROTO_IPV6 = 0x29 + IPPROTO_MAX = 0x100 + IPPROTO_MAXID = 0x103 + IPPROTO_MOBILE = 0x37 + IPPROTO_MPLS = 0x89 + IPPROTO_NONE = 0x3b + IPPROTO_PFSYNC = 0xf0 + IPPROTO_PIM = 0x67 + IPPROTO_PUP = 0xc + IPPROTO_RAW = 0xff + IPPROTO_ROUTING = 0x2b + IPPROTO_RSVP = 0x2e + IPPROTO_TCP = 0x6 + IPPROTO_TP = 0x1d + IPPROTO_UDP = 0x11 + IPV6_AUTH_LEVEL = 0x35 + IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL = 0x3b + IPV6_CHECKSUM = 0x1a + IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0x1 + IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 + IPV6_DEFHLIM = 0x40 + IPV6_DONTFRAG = 0x3e + IPV6_DSTOPTS = 0x32 + IPV6_ESP_NETWORK_LEVEL = 0x37 + IPV6_ESP_TRANS_LEVEL = 0x36 + IPV6_FAITH = 0x1d + IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK = 0xffffff0f + IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK = 0xffff0f00 + IPV6_FRAGTTL = 0x78 + IPV6_HLIMDEC = 0x1 + IPV6_HOPLIMIT = 0x2f + IPV6_HOPOPTS = 0x31 + IPV6_IPCOMP_LEVEL = 0x3c + IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 0xc + IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 0xd + IPV6_MAXHLIM = 0xff + IPV6_MAXPACKET = 0xffff + IPV6_MINHOPCOUNT = 0x41 + IPV6_MMTU = 0x500 + IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0xa + IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 + IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb + IPV6_NEXTHOP = 0x30 + IPV6_OPTIONS = 0x1 + IPV6_PATHMTU = 0x2c + IPV6_PIPEX = 0x3f + IPV6_PKTINFO = 0x2e + IPV6_PORTRANGE = 0xe + IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 + IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 + IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 + IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = 0x28 + IPV6_RECVDSTPORT = 0x40 + IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = 0x25 + IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = 0x27 + IPV6_RECVPATHMTU = 0x2b + IPV6_RECVPKTINFO = 0x24 + IPV6_RECVRTHDR = 0x26 + IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 0x39 + IPV6_RTABLE = 0x1021 + IPV6_RTHDR = 0x33 + IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = 0x23 + IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0x0 + IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 0x1 + IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0x0 + IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1 = 0x3 + IPV6_TCLASS = 0x3d + IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 0x4 + IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = 0x2a + IPV6_V6ONLY = 0x1b + IPV6_VERSION = 0x60 + IPV6_VERSION_MASK = 0xf0 + IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0xc + IP_AUTH_LEVEL = 0x14 + IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 + IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 0x1 + IP_DF = 0x4000 + IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 0xd + IP_ESP_NETWORK_LEVEL = 0x16 + IP_ESP_TRANS_LEVEL = 0x15 + IP_HDRINCL = 0x2 + IP_IPCOMP_LEVEL = 0x1d + IP_IPDEFTTL = 0x25 + IP_IPSECFLOWINFO = 0x24 + IP_IPSEC_LOCAL_AUTH = 0x1b + IP_IPSEC_LOCAL_CRED = 0x19 + IP_IPSEC_LOCAL_ID = 0x17 + IP_IPSEC_REMOTE_AUTH = 0x1c + IP_IPSEC_REMOTE_CRED = 0x1a + IP_IPSEC_REMOTE_ID = 0x18 + IP_MAXPACKET = 0xffff + IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff + IP_MF = 0x2000 + IP_MINTTL = 0x20 + IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xf + IP_MSS = 0x240 + IP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 + IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb + IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 0xa + IP_OFFMASK = 0x1fff + IP_OPTIONS = 0x1 + IP_PIPEX = 0x22 + IP_PORTRANGE = 0x13 + IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 + IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 + IP_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 + IP_RECVDSTADDR = 0x7 + IP_RECVDSTPORT = 0x21 + IP_RECVIF = 0x1e + IP_RECVOPTS = 0x5 + IP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x6 + IP_RECVRTABLE = 0x23 + IP_RECVTTL = 0x1f + IP_RETOPTS = 0x8 + IP_RF = 0x8000 + IP_RTABLE = 0x1021 + IP_SENDSRCADDR = 0x7 + IP_TOS = 0x3 + IP_TTL = 0x4 + ISIG = 0x80 + ISTRIP = 0x20 + IUCLC = 0x1000 + IXANY = 0x800 + IXOFF = 0x400 + IXON = 0x200 + KERN_HOSTNAME = 0xa + KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 + KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 + KERN_VERSION = 0x4 + LCNT_OVERLOAD_FLUSH = 0x6 + LOCK_EX = 0x2 + LOCK_NB = 0x4 + LOCK_SH = 0x1 + LOCK_UN = 0x8 + MADV_DONTNEED = 0x4 + MADV_FREE = 0x6 + MADV_NORMAL = 0x0 + MADV_RANDOM = 0x1 + MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 0x2 + MADV_SPACEAVAIL = 0x5 + MADV_WILLNEED = 0x3 + MAP_ANON = 0x1000 + MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000 + MAP_CONCEAL = 0x8000 + MAP_COPY = 0x2 + MAP_FILE = 0x0 + MAP_FIXED = 0x10 + MAP_FLAGMASK = 0xfff7 + MAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x0 + MAP_INHERIT = 0x0 + MAP_INHERIT_COPY = 0x1 + MAP_INHERIT_NONE = 0x2 + MAP_INHERIT_SHARE = 0x0 + MAP_INHERIT_ZERO = 0x3 + MAP_NOEXTEND = 0x0 + MAP_NORESERVE = 0x0 + MAP_PRIVATE = 0x2 + MAP_RENAME = 0x0 + MAP_SHARED = 0x1 + MAP_STACK = 0x4000 + MAP_TRYFIXED = 0x0 + MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 + MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 + MNT_ASYNC = 0x40 + MNT_DEFEXPORTED = 0x200 + MNT_DELEXPORT = 0x20000 + MNT_DOOMED = 0x8000000 + MNT_EXPORTANON = 0x400 + MNT_EXPORTED = 0x100 + MNT_EXRDONLY = 0x80 + MNT_FORCE = 0x80000 + MNT_LAZY = 0x3 + MNT_LOCAL = 0x1000 + MNT_NOATIME = 0x8000 + MNT_NODEV = 0x10 + MNT_NOEXEC = 0x4 + MNT_NOPERM = 0x20 + MNT_NOSUID = 0x8 + MNT_NOWAIT = 0x2 + MNT_QUOTA = 0x2000 + MNT_RDONLY = 0x1 + MNT_RELOAD = 0x40000 + MNT_ROOTFS = 0x4000 + MNT_SOFTDEP = 0x4000000 + MNT_STALLED = 0x100000 + MNT_SWAPPABLE = 0x200000 + MNT_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x2 + MNT_UPDATE = 0x10000 + MNT_VISFLAGMASK = 0x400ffff + MNT_WAIT = 0x1 + MNT_WANTRDWR = 0x2000000 + MNT_WXALLOWED = 0x800 + MSG_BCAST = 0x100 + MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC = 0x800 + MSG_CTRUNC = 0x20 + MSG_DONTROUTE = 0x4 + MSG_DONTWAIT = 0x80 + MSG_EOR = 0x8 + MSG_MCAST = 0x200 + MSG_NOSIGNAL = 0x400 + MSG_OOB = 0x1 + MSG_PEEK = 0x2 + MSG_TRUNC = 0x10 + MSG_WAITALL = 0x40 + MS_ASYNC = 0x1 + MS_INVALIDATE = 0x4 + MS_SYNC = 0x2 + NAME_MAX = 0xff + NET_RT_DUMP = 0x1 + NET_RT_FLAGS = 0x2 + NET_RT_IFLIST = 0x3 + NET_RT_IFNAMES = 0x6 + NET_RT_MAXID = 0x7 + NET_RT_STATS = 0x4 + NET_RT_TABLE = 0x5 + NOFLSH = 0x80000000 + NOKERNINFO = 0x2000000 + NOTE_ATTRIB = 0x8 + NOTE_CHANGE = 0x1 + NOTE_CHILD = 0x4 + NOTE_DELETE = 0x1 + NOTE_EOF = 0x2 + NOTE_EXEC = 0x20000000 + NOTE_EXIT = 0x80000000 + NOTE_EXTEND = 0x4 + NOTE_FORK = 0x40000000 + NOTE_LINK = 0x10 + NOTE_LOWAT = 0x1 + NOTE_PCTRLMASK = 0xf0000000 + NOTE_PDATAMASK = 0xfffff + NOTE_RENAME = 0x20 + NOTE_REVOKE = 0x40 + NOTE_TRACK = 0x1 + NOTE_TRACKERR = 0x2 + NOTE_TRUNCATE = 0x80 + NOTE_WRITE = 0x2 + OCRNL = 0x10 + OLCUC = 0x20 + ONLCR = 0x2 + ONLRET = 0x80 + ONOCR = 0x40 + ONOEOT = 0x8 + OPOST = 0x1 + OXTABS = 0x4 + O_ACCMODE = 0x3 + O_APPEND = 0x8 + O_ASYNC = 0x40 + O_CLOEXEC = 0x10000 + O_CREAT = 0x200 + O_DIRECTORY = 0x20000 + O_DSYNC = 0x80 + O_EXCL = 0x800 + O_EXLOCK = 0x20 + O_FSYNC = 0x80 + O_NDELAY = 0x4 + O_NOCTTY = 0x8000 + O_NOFOLLOW = 0x100 + O_NONBLOCK = 0x4 + O_RDONLY = 0x0 + O_RDWR = 0x2 + O_RSYNC = 0x80 + O_SHLOCK = 0x10 + O_SYNC = 0x80 + O_TRUNC = 0x400 + O_WRONLY = 0x1 + PARENB = 0x1000 + PARMRK = 0x8 + PARODD = 0x2000 + PENDIN = 0x20000000 + PF_FLUSH = 0x1 + PRIO_PGRP = 0x1 + PRIO_PROCESS = 0x0 + PRIO_USER = 0x2 + PROT_EXEC = 0x4 + PROT_NONE = 0x0 + PROT_READ = 0x1 + PROT_WRITE = 0x2 + RLIMIT_CORE = 0x4 + RLIMIT_CPU = 0x0 + RLIMIT_DATA = 0x2 + RLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1 + RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6 + RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8 + RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7 + RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 + RLIMIT_STACK = 0x3 + RLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff + RTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6 + RTAX_BFD = 0xb + RTAX_BRD = 0x7 + RTAX_DNS = 0xc + RTAX_DST = 0x0 + RTAX_GATEWAY = 0x1 + RTAX_GENMASK = 0x3 + RTAX_IFA = 0x5 + RTAX_IFP = 0x4 + RTAX_LABEL = 0xa + RTAX_MAX = 0xf + RTAX_NETMASK = 0x2 + RTAX_SEARCH = 0xe + RTAX_SRC = 0x8 + RTAX_SRCMASK = 0x9 + RTAX_STATIC = 0xd + RTA_AUTHOR = 0x40 + RTA_BFD = 0x800 + RTA_BRD = 0x80 + RTA_DNS = 0x1000 + RTA_DST = 0x1 + RTA_GATEWAY = 0x2 + RTA_GENMASK = 0x8 + RTA_IFA = 0x20 + RTA_IFP = 0x10 + RTA_LABEL = 0x400 + RTA_NETMASK = 0x4 + RTA_SEARCH = 0x4000 + RTA_SRC = 0x100 + RTA_SRCMASK = 0x200 + RTA_STATIC = 0x2000 + RTF_ANNOUNCE = 0x4000 + RTF_BFD = 0x1000000 + RTF_BLACKHOLE = 0x1000 + RTF_BROADCAST = 0x400000 + RTF_CACHED = 0x20000 + RTF_CLONED = 0x10000 + RTF_CLONING = 0x100 + RTF_CONNECTED = 0x800000 + RTF_DONE = 0x40 + RTF_DYNAMIC = 0x10 + RTF_FMASK = 0x110fc08 + RTF_GATEWAY = 0x2 + RTF_HOST = 0x4 + RTF_LLINFO = 0x400 + RTF_LOCAL = 0x200000 + RTF_MODIFIED = 0x20 + RTF_MPATH = 0x40000 + RTF_MPLS = 0x100000 + RTF_MULTICAST = 0x200 + RTF_PERMANENT_ARP = 0x2000 + RTF_PROTO1 = 0x8000 + RTF_PROTO2 = 0x4000 + RTF_PROTO3 = 0x2000 + RTF_REJECT = 0x8 + RTF_STATIC = 0x800 + RTF_UP = 0x1 + RTF_USETRAILERS = 0x8000 + RTM_80211INFO = 0x15 + RTM_ADD = 0x1 + RTM_BFD = 0x12 + RTM_CHANGE = 0x3 + RTM_CHGADDRATTR = 0x14 + RTM_DELADDR = 0xd + RTM_DELETE = 0x2 + RTM_DESYNC = 0x10 + RTM_GET = 0x4 + RTM_IFANNOUNCE = 0xf + RTM_IFINFO = 0xe + RTM_INVALIDATE = 0x11 + RTM_LOSING = 0x5 + RTM_MAXSIZE = 0x800 + RTM_MISS = 0x7 + RTM_NEWADDR = 0xc + RTM_PROPOSAL = 0x13 + RTM_REDIRECT = 0x6 + RTM_RESOLVE = 0xb + RTM_RTTUNIT = 0xf4240 + RTM_VERSION = 0x5 + RTV_EXPIRE = 0x4 + RTV_HOPCOUNT = 0x2 + RTV_MTU = 0x1 + RTV_RPIPE = 0x8 + RTV_RTT = 0x40 + RTV_RTTVAR = 0x80 + RTV_SPIPE = 0x10 + RTV_SSTHRESH = 0x20 + RT_TABLEID_BITS = 0x8 + RT_TABLEID_MASK = 0xff + RT_TABLEID_MAX = 0xff + RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -0x1 + RUSAGE_SELF = 0x0 + RUSAGE_THREAD = 0x1 + SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 + SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x4 + SHUT_RD = 0x0 + SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 + SHUT_WR = 0x1 + SIOCADDMULTI = 0x80206931 + SIOCAIFADDR = 0x8040691a + SIOCAIFGROUP = 0x80286987 + SIOCATMARK = 0x40047307 + SIOCBRDGADD = 0x8060693c + SIOCBRDGADDL = 0x80606949 + SIOCBRDGADDS = 0x80606941 + SIOCBRDGARL = 0x808c694d + SIOCBRDGDADDR = 0x81286947 + SIOCBRDGDEL = 0x8060693d + SIOCBRDGDELS = 0x80606942 + SIOCBRDGFLUSH = 0x80606948 + SIOCBRDGFRL = 0x808c694e + SIOCBRDGGCACHE = 0xc0186941 + SIOCBRDGGFD = 0xc0186952 + SIOCBRDGGHT = 0xc0186951 + SIOCBRDGGIFFLGS = 0xc060693e + SIOCBRDGGMA = 0xc0186953 + SIOCBRDGGPARAM = 0xc0406958 + SIOCBRDGGPRI = 0xc0186950 + SIOCBRDGGRL = 0xc030694f + SIOCBRDGGTO = 0xc0186946 + SIOCBRDGIFS = 0xc0606942 + SIOCBRDGRTS = 0xc0206943 + SIOCBRDGSADDR = 0xc1286944 + SIOCBRDGSCACHE = 0x80186940 + SIOCBRDGSFD = 0x80186952 + SIOCBRDGSHT = 0x80186951 + SIOCBRDGSIFCOST = 0x80606955 + SIOCBRDGSIFFLGS = 0x8060693f + SIOCBRDGSIFPRIO = 0x80606954 + SIOCBRDGSIFPROT = 0x8060694a + SIOCBRDGSMA = 0x80186953 + SIOCBRDGSPRI = 0x80186950 + SIOCBRDGSPROTO = 0x8018695a + SIOCBRDGSTO = 0x80186945 + SIOCBRDGSTXHC = 0x80186959 + SIOCDELLABEL = 0x80206997 + SIOCDELMULTI = 0x80206932 + SIOCDIFADDR = 0x80206919 + SIOCDIFGROUP = 0x80286989 + SIOCDIFPARENT = 0x802069b4 + SIOCDIFPHYADDR = 0x80206949 + SIOCDPWE3NEIGHBOR = 0x802069de + SIOCDVNETID = 0x802069af + SIOCGETKALIVE = 0xc01869a4 + SIOCGETLABEL = 0x8020699a + SIOCGETMPWCFG = 0xc02069ae + SIOCGETPFLOW = 0xc02069fe + SIOCGETPFSYNC = 0xc02069f8 + SIOCGETSGCNT = 0xc0207534 + SIOCGETVIFCNT = 0xc0287533 + SIOCGETVLAN = 0xc0206990 + SIOCGIFADDR = 0xc0206921 + SIOCGIFBRDADDR = 0xc0206923 + SIOCGIFCONF = 0xc0106924 + SIOCGIFDATA = 0xc020691b + SIOCGIFDESCR = 0xc0206981 + SIOCGIFDSTADDR = 0xc0206922 + SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0xc0206911 + SIOCGIFGATTR = 0xc028698b + SIOCGIFGENERIC = 0xc020693a + SIOCGIFGLIST = 0xc028698d + SIOCGIFGMEMB = 0xc028698a + SIOCGIFGROUP = 0xc0286988 + SIOCGIFHARDMTU = 0xc02069a5 + SIOCGIFLLPRIO = 0xc02069b6 + SIOCGIFMEDIA = 0xc0406938 + SIOCGIFMETRIC = 0xc0206917 + SIOCGIFMTU = 0xc020697e + SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0xc0206925 + SIOCGIFPAIR = 0xc02069b1 + SIOCGIFPARENT = 0xc02069b3 + SIOCGIFPRIORITY = 0xc020699c + SIOCGIFRDOMAIN = 0xc02069a0 + SIOCGIFRTLABEL = 0xc0206983 + SIOCGIFRXR = 0x802069aa + SIOCGIFSFFPAGE = 0xc1126939 + SIOCGIFXFLAGS = 0xc020699e + SIOCGLIFPHYADDR = 0xc218694b + SIOCGLIFPHYDF = 0xc02069c2 + SIOCGLIFPHYECN = 0xc02069c8 + SIOCGLIFPHYRTABLE = 0xc02069a2 + SIOCGLIFPHYTTL = 0xc02069a9 + SIOCGPGRP = 0x40047309 + SIOCGPWE3 = 0xc0206998 + SIOCGPWE3CTRLWORD = 0xc02069dc + SIOCGPWE3FAT = 0xc02069dd + SIOCGPWE3NEIGHBOR = 0xc21869de + SIOCGSPPPPARAMS = 0xc0206994 + SIOCGTXHPRIO = 0xc02069c6 + SIOCGUMBINFO = 0xc02069be + SIOCGUMBPARAM = 0xc02069c0 + SIOCGVH = 0xc02069f6 + SIOCGVNETFLOWID = 0xc02069c4 + SIOCGVNETID = 0xc02069a7 + SIOCIFAFATTACH = 0x801169ab + SIOCIFAFDETACH = 0x801169ac + SIOCIFCREATE = 0x8020697a + SIOCIFDESTROY = 0x80206979 + SIOCIFGCLONERS = 0xc0106978 + SIOCSETKALIVE = 0x801869a3 + SIOCSETLABEL = 0x80206999 + SIOCSETMPWCFG = 0x802069ad + SIOCSETPFLOW = 0x802069fd + SIOCSETPFSYNC = 0x802069f7 + SIOCSETVLAN = 0x8020698f + SIOCSIFADDR = 0x8020690c + SIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x80206913 + SIOCSIFDESCR = 0x80206980 + SIOCSIFDSTADDR = 0x8020690e + SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x80206910 + SIOCSIFGATTR = 0x8028698c + SIOCSIFGENERIC = 0x80206939 + SIOCSIFLLADDR = 0x8020691f + SIOCSIFLLPRIO = 0x802069b5 + SIOCSIFMEDIA = 0xc0206937 + SIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x80206918 + SIOCSIFMTU = 0x8020697f + SIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x80206916 + SIOCSIFPAIR = 0x802069b0 + SIOCSIFPARENT = 0x802069b2 + SIOCSIFPRIORITY = 0x8020699b + SIOCSIFRDOMAIN = 0x8020699f + SIOCSIFRTLABEL = 0x80206982 + SIOCSIFXFLAGS = 0x8020699d + SIOCSLIFPHYADDR = 0x8218694a + SIOCSLIFPHYDF = 0x802069c1 + SIOCSLIFPHYECN = 0x802069c7 + SIOCSLIFPHYRTABLE = 0x802069a1 + SIOCSLIFPHYTTL = 0x802069a8 + SIOCSPGRP = 0x80047308 + SIOCSPWE3CTRLWORD = 0x802069dc + SIOCSPWE3FAT = 0x802069dd + SIOCSPWE3NEIGHBOR = 0x821869de + SIOCSSPPPPARAMS = 0x80206993 + SIOCSTXHPRIO = 0x802069c5 + SIOCSUMBPARAM = 0x802069bf + SIOCSVH = 0xc02069f5 + SIOCSVNETFLOWID = 0x802069c3 + SIOCSVNETID = 0x802069a6 + SIOCSWGDPID = 0xc018695b + SIOCSWGMAXFLOW = 0xc0186960 + SIOCSWGMAXGROUP = 0xc018695d + SIOCSWSDPID = 0x8018695c + SIOCSWSPORTNO = 0xc060695f + SOCK_CLOEXEC = 0x8000 + SOCK_DGRAM = 0x2 + SOCK_DNS = 0x1000 + SOCK_NONBLOCK = 0x4000 + SOCK_RAW = 0x3 + SOCK_RDM = 0x4 + SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 + SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 + SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff + SOMAXCONN = 0x80 + SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 + SO_BINDANY = 0x1000 + SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 + SO_DEBUG = 0x1 + SO_DONTROUTE = 0x10 + SO_ERROR = 0x1007 + SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x8 + SO_LINGER = 0x80 + SO_NETPROC = 0x1020 + SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 + SO_PEERCRED = 0x1022 + SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 + SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 + SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 + SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 + SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 + SO_RTABLE = 0x1021 + SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001 + SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 + SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 + SO_SPLICE = 0x1023 + SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x800 + SO_TYPE = 0x1008 + SO_USELOOPBACK = 0x40 + SO_ZEROIZE = 0x2000 + S_BLKSIZE = 0x200 + S_IEXEC = 0x40 + S_IFBLK = 0x6000 + S_IFCHR = 0x2000 + S_IFDIR = 0x4000 + S_IFIFO = 0x1000 + S_IFLNK = 0xa000 + S_IFMT = 0xf000 + S_IFREG = 0x8000 + S_IFSOCK = 0xc000 + S_IREAD = 0x100 + S_IRGRP = 0x20 + S_IROTH = 0x4 + S_IRUSR = 0x100 + S_IRWXG = 0x38 + S_IRWXO = 0x7 + S_IRWXU = 0x1c0 + S_ISGID = 0x400 + S_ISTXT = 0x200 + S_ISUID = 0x800 + S_ISVTX = 0x200 + S_IWGRP = 0x10 + S_IWOTH = 0x2 + S_IWRITE = 0x80 + S_IWUSR = 0x80 + S_IXGRP = 0x8 + S_IXOTH = 0x1 + S_IXUSR = 0x40 + TCIFLUSH = 0x1 + TCIOFF = 0x3 + TCIOFLUSH = 0x3 + TCION = 0x4 + TCOFLUSH = 0x2 + TCOOFF = 0x1 + TCOON = 0x2 + TCP_MAXBURST = 0x4 + TCP_MAXSEG = 0x2 + TCP_MAXWIN = 0xffff + TCP_MAX_SACK = 0x3 + TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 0xe + TCP_MD5SIG = 0x4 + TCP_MSS = 0x200 + TCP_NODELAY = 0x1 + TCP_NOPUSH = 0x10 + TCP_SACK_ENABLE = 0x8 + TCSAFLUSH = 0x2 + TIMER_ABSTIME = 0x1 + TIMER_RELTIME = 0x0 + TIOCCBRK = 0x2000747a + TIOCCDTR = 0x20007478 + TIOCCHKVERAUTH = 0x2000741e + TIOCCLRVERAUTH = 0x2000741d + TIOCCONS = 0x80047462 + TIOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e + TIOCEXCL = 0x2000740d + TIOCEXT = 0x80047460 + TIOCFLAG_CLOCAL = 0x2 + TIOCFLAG_CRTSCTS = 0x4 + TIOCFLAG_MDMBUF = 0x8 + TIOCFLAG_PPS = 0x10 + TIOCFLAG_SOFTCAR = 0x1 + TIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410 + TIOCGETA = 0x402c7413 + TIOCGETD = 0x4004741a + TIOCGFLAGS = 0x4004745d + TIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477 + TIOCGSID = 0x40047463 + TIOCGTSTAMP = 0x4010745b + TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468 + TIOCMBIC = 0x8004746b + TIOCMBIS = 0x8004746c + TIOCMGET = 0x4004746a + TIOCMODG = 0x4004746a + TIOCMODS = 0x8004746d + TIOCMSET = 0x8004746d + TIOCM_CAR = 0x40 + TIOCM_CD = 0x40 + TIOCM_CTS = 0x20 + TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 + TIOCM_DTR = 0x2 + TIOCM_LE = 0x1 + TIOCM_RI = 0x80 + TIOCM_RNG = 0x80 + TIOCM_RTS = 0x4 + TIOCM_SR = 0x10 + TIOCM_ST = 0x8 + TIOCNOTTY = 0x20007471 + TIOCNXCL = 0x2000740e + TIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473 + TIOCPKT = 0x80047470 + TIOCPKT_DATA = 0x0 + TIOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20 + TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1 + TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2 + TIOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40 + TIOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10 + TIOCPKT_START = 0x8 + TIOCPKT_STOP = 0x4 + TIOCREMOTE = 0x80047469 + TIOCSBRK = 0x2000747b + TIOCSCTTY = 0x20007461 + TIOCSDTR = 0x20007479 + TIOCSETA = 0x802c7414 + TIOCSETAF = 0x802c7416 + TIOCSETAW = 0x802c7415 + TIOCSETD = 0x8004741b + TIOCSETVERAUTH = 0x8004741c + TIOCSFLAGS = 0x8004745c + TIOCSIG = 0x8004745f + TIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476 + TIOCSTART = 0x2000746e + TIOCSTAT = 0x20007465 + TIOCSTOP = 0x2000746f + TIOCSTSTAMP = 0x8008745a + TIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467 + TIOCUCNTL = 0x80047466 + TIOCUCNTL_CBRK = 0x7a + TIOCUCNTL_SBRK = 0x7b + TOSTOP = 0x400000 + UTIME_NOW = -0x2 + UTIME_OMIT = -0x1 + VDISCARD = 0xf + VDSUSP = 0xb + VEOF = 0x0 + VEOL = 0x1 + VEOL2 = 0x2 + VERASE = 0x3 + VINTR = 0x8 + VKILL = 0x5 + VLNEXT = 0xe + VMIN = 0x10 + VM_ANONMIN = 0x7 + VM_LOADAVG = 0x2 + VM_MALLOC_CONF = 0xc + VM_MAXID = 0xd + VM_MAXSLP = 0xa + VM_METER = 0x1 + VM_NKMEMPAGES = 0x6 + VM_PSSTRINGS = 0x3 + VM_SWAPENCRYPT = 0x5 + VM_USPACE = 0xb + VM_UVMEXP = 0x4 + VM_VNODEMIN = 0x9 + VM_VTEXTMIN = 0x8 + VQUIT = 0x9 + VREPRINT = 0x6 + VSTART = 0xc + VSTATUS = 0x12 + VSTOP = 0xd + VSUSP = 0xa + VTIME = 0x11 + VWERASE = 0x4 + WALTSIG = 0x4 + WCONTINUED = 0x8 + WCOREFLAG = 0x80 + WNOHANG = 0x1 + WUNTRACED = 0x2 + XCASE = 0x1000000 +) + +// Errors +const ( + E2BIG = syscall.Errno(0x7) + EACCES = syscall.Errno(0xd) + EADDRINUSE = syscall.Errno(0x30) + EADDRNOTAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x31) + EAFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2f) + EAGAIN = syscall.Errno(0x23) + EALREADY = syscall.Errno(0x25) + EAUTH = syscall.Errno(0x50) + EBADF = syscall.Errno(0x9) + EBADMSG = syscall.Errno(0x5c) + EBADRPC = syscall.Errno(0x48) + EBUSY = syscall.Errno(0x10) + ECANCELED = syscall.Errno(0x58) + ECHILD = syscall.Errno(0xa) + ECONNABORTED = syscall.Errno(0x35) + ECONNREFUSED = syscall.Errno(0x3d) + ECONNRESET = syscall.Errno(0x36) + EDEADLK = syscall.Errno(0xb) + EDESTADDRREQ = syscall.Errno(0x27) + EDOM = syscall.Errno(0x21) + EDQUOT = syscall.Errno(0x45) + EEXIST = syscall.Errno(0x11) + EFAULT = syscall.Errno(0xe) + EFBIG = syscall.Errno(0x1b) + EFTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x4f) + EHOSTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x40) + EHOSTUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x41) + EIDRM = syscall.Errno(0x59) + EILSEQ = syscall.Errno(0x54) + EINPROGRESS = syscall.Errno(0x24) + EINTR = syscall.Errno(0x4) + EINVAL = syscall.Errno(0x16) + EIO = syscall.Errno(0x5) + EIPSEC = syscall.Errno(0x52) + EISCONN = syscall.Errno(0x38) + EISDIR = syscall.Errno(0x15) + ELAST = syscall.Errno(0x5f) + ELOOP = syscall.Errno(0x3e) + EMEDIUMTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x56) + EMFILE = syscall.Errno(0x18) + EMLINK = syscall.Errno(0x1f) + EMSGSIZE = syscall.Errno(0x28) + ENAMETOOLONG = syscall.Errno(0x3f) + ENEEDAUTH = syscall.Errno(0x51) + ENETDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x32) + ENETRESET = syscall.Errno(0x34) + ENETUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x33) + ENFILE = syscall.Errno(0x17) + ENOATTR = syscall.Errno(0x53) + ENOBUFS = syscall.Errno(0x37) + ENODEV = syscall.Errno(0x13) + ENOENT = syscall.Errno(0x2) + ENOEXEC = syscall.Errno(0x8) + ENOLCK = syscall.Errno(0x4d) + ENOMEDIUM = syscall.Errno(0x55) + ENOMEM = syscall.Errno(0xc) + ENOMSG = syscall.Errno(0x5a) + ENOPROTOOPT = syscall.Errno(0x2a) + ENOSPC = syscall.Errno(0x1c) + ENOSYS = syscall.Errno(0x4e) + ENOTBLK = syscall.Errno(0xf) + ENOTCONN = syscall.Errno(0x39) + ENOTDIR = syscall.Errno(0x14) + ENOTEMPTY = syscall.Errno(0x42) + ENOTRECOVERABLE = syscall.Errno(0x5d) + ENOTSOCK = syscall.Errno(0x26) + ENOTSUP = syscall.Errno(0x5b) + ENOTTY = syscall.Errno(0x19) + ENXIO = syscall.Errno(0x6) + EOPNOTSUPP = syscall.Errno(0x2d) + EOVERFLOW = syscall.Errno(0x57) + EOWNERDEAD = syscall.Errno(0x5e) + EPERM = syscall.Errno(0x1) + EPFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2e) + EPIPE = syscall.Errno(0x20) + EPROCLIM = syscall.Errno(0x43) + EPROCUNAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x4c) + EPROGMISMATCH = syscall.Errno(0x4b) + EPROGUNAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x4a) + EPROTO = syscall.Errno(0x5f) + EPROTONOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2b) + EPROTOTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x29) + ERANGE = syscall.Errno(0x22) + EREMOTE = syscall.Errno(0x47) + EROFS = syscall.Errno(0x1e) + ERPCMISMATCH = syscall.Errno(0x49) + ESHUTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x3a) + ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2c) + ESPIPE = syscall.Errno(0x1d) + ESRCH = syscall.Errno(0x3) + ESTALE = syscall.Errno(0x46) + ETIMEDOUT = syscall.Errno(0x3c) + ETOOMANYREFS = syscall.Errno(0x3b) + ETXTBSY = syscall.Errno(0x1a) + EUSERS = syscall.Errno(0x44) + EWOULDBLOCK = syscall.Errno(0x23) + EXDEV = syscall.Errno(0x12) +) + +// Signals +const ( + SIGABRT = syscall.Signal(0x6) + SIGALRM = syscall.Signal(0xe) + SIGBUS = syscall.Signal(0xa) + SIGCHLD = syscall.Signal(0x14) + SIGCONT = syscall.Signal(0x13) + SIGEMT = syscall.Signal(0x7) + SIGFPE = syscall.Signal(0x8) + SIGHUP = syscall.Signal(0x1) + SIGILL = syscall.Signal(0x4) + SIGINFO = syscall.Signal(0x1d) + SIGINT = syscall.Signal(0x2) + SIGIO = syscall.Signal(0x17) + SIGIOT = syscall.Signal(0x6) + SIGKILL = syscall.Signal(0x9) + SIGPIPE = syscall.Signal(0xd) + SIGPROF = syscall.Signal(0x1b) + SIGQUIT = syscall.Signal(0x3) + SIGSEGV = syscall.Signal(0xb) + SIGSTOP = syscall.Signal(0x11) + SIGSYS = syscall.Signal(0xc) + SIGTERM = syscall.Signal(0xf) + SIGTHR = syscall.Signal(0x20) + SIGTRAP = syscall.Signal(0x5) + SIGTSTP = syscall.Signal(0x12) + SIGTTIN = syscall.Signal(0x15) + SIGTTOU = syscall.Signal(0x16) + SIGURG = syscall.Signal(0x10) + SIGUSR1 = syscall.Signal(0x1e) + SIGUSR2 = syscall.Signal(0x1f) + SIGVTALRM = syscall.Signal(0x1a) + SIGWINCH = syscall.Signal(0x1c) + SIGXCPU = syscall.Signal(0x18) + SIGXFSZ = syscall.Signal(0x19) +) + +// Error table +var errorList = [...]struct { + num syscall.Errno + name string + desc string +}{ + {1, "EPERM", "operation not permitted"}, + {2, "ENOENT", "no such file or directory"}, + {3, "ESRCH", "no such process"}, + {4, "EINTR", "interrupted system call"}, + {5, "EIO", "input/output error"}, + {6, "ENXIO", "device not configured"}, + {7, "E2BIG", "argument list too long"}, + {8, "ENOEXEC", "exec format error"}, + {9, "EBADF", "bad file descriptor"}, + {10, "ECHILD", "no child processes"}, + {11, "EDEADLK", "resource deadlock avoided"}, + {12, "ENOMEM", "cannot allocate memory"}, + {13, "EACCES", "permission denied"}, + {14, "EFAULT", "bad address"}, + {15, "ENOTBLK", "block device required"}, + {16, "EBUSY", "device busy"}, + {17, "EEXIST", "file exists"}, + {18, "EXDEV", "cross-device link"}, + {19, "ENODEV", "operation not supported by device"}, + {20, "ENOTDIR", "not a directory"}, + {21, "EISDIR", "is a directory"}, + {22, "EINVAL", "invalid argument"}, + {23, "ENFILE", "too many open files in system"}, + {24, "EMFILE", "too many open files"}, + {25, "ENOTTY", "inappropriate ioctl for device"}, + {26, "ETXTBSY", "text file busy"}, + {27, "EFBIG", "file too large"}, + {28, "ENOSPC", "no space left on device"}, + {29, "ESPIPE", "illegal seek"}, + {30, "EROFS", "read-only file system"}, + {31, "EMLINK", "too many links"}, + {32, "EPIPE", "broken pipe"}, + {33, "EDOM", "numerical argument out of domain"}, + {34, "ERANGE", "result too large"}, + {35, "EAGAIN", "resource temporarily unavailable"}, + {36, "EINPROGRESS", "operation now in progress"}, + {37, "EALREADY", "operation already in progress"}, + {38, "ENOTSOCK", "socket operation on non-socket"}, + {39, "EDESTADDRREQ", "destination address required"}, + {40, "EMSGSIZE", "message too long"}, + {41, "EPROTOTYPE", "protocol wrong type for socket"}, + {42, "ENOPROTOOPT", "protocol not available"}, + {43, "EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol not supported"}, + {44, "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT", "socket type not supported"}, + {45, "EOPNOTSUPP", "operation not supported"}, + {46, "EPFNOSUPPORT", "protocol family not supported"}, + {47, "EAFNOSUPPORT", "address family not supported by protocol family"}, + {48, "EADDRINUSE", "address already in use"}, + {49, "EADDRNOTAVAIL", "can't assign requested address"}, + {50, "ENETDOWN", "network is down"}, + {51, "ENETUNREACH", "network is unreachable"}, + {52, "ENETRESET", "network dropped connection on reset"}, + {53, "ECONNABORTED", "software caused connection abort"}, + {54, "ECONNRESET", "connection reset by peer"}, + {55, "ENOBUFS", "no buffer space available"}, + {56, "EISCONN", "socket is already connected"}, + {57, "ENOTCONN", "socket is not connected"}, + {58, "ESHUTDOWN", "can't send after socket shutdown"}, + {59, "ETOOMANYREFS", "too many references: can't splice"}, + {60, "ETIMEDOUT", "operation timed out"}, + {61, "ECONNREFUSED", "connection refused"}, + {62, "ELOOP", "too many levels of symbolic links"}, + {63, "ENAMETOOLONG", "file name too long"}, + {64, "EHOSTDOWN", "host is down"}, + {65, "EHOSTUNREACH", "no route to host"}, + {66, "ENOTEMPTY", "directory not empty"}, + {67, "EPROCLIM", "too many processes"}, + {68, "EUSERS", "too many users"}, + {69, "EDQUOT", "disk quota exceeded"}, + {70, "ESTALE", "stale NFS file handle"}, + {71, "EREMOTE", "too many levels of remote in path"}, + {72, "EBADRPC", "RPC struct is bad"}, + {73, "ERPCMISMATCH", "RPC version wrong"}, + {74, "EPROGUNAVAIL", "RPC program not available"}, + {75, "EPROGMISMATCH", "program version wrong"}, + {76, "EPROCUNAVAIL", "bad procedure for program"}, + {77, "ENOLCK", "no locks available"}, + {78, "ENOSYS", "function not implemented"}, + {79, "EFTYPE", "inappropriate file type or format"}, + {80, "EAUTH", "authentication error"}, + {81, "ENEEDAUTH", "need authenticator"}, + {82, "EIPSEC", "IPsec processing failure"}, + {83, "ENOATTR", "attribute not found"}, + {84, "EILSEQ", "illegal byte sequence"}, + {85, "ENOMEDIUM", "no medium found"}, + {86, "EMEDIUMTYPE", "wrong medium type"}, + {87, "EOVERFLOW", "value too large to be stored in data type"}, + {88, "ECANCELED", "operation canceled"}, + {89, "EIDRM", "identifier removed"}, + {90, "ENOMSG", "no message of desired type"}, + {91, "ENOTSUP", "not supported"}, + {92, "EBADMSG", "bad message"}, + {93, "ENOTRECOVERABLE", "state not recoverable"}, + {94, "EOWNERDEAD", "previous owner died"}, + {95, "ELAST", "protocol error"}, +} + +// Signal table +var signalList = [...]struct { + num syscall.Signal + name string + desc string +}{ + {1, "SIGHUP", "hangup"}, + {2, "SIGINT", "interrupt"}, + {3, "SIGQUIT", "quit"}, + {4, "SIGILL", "illegal instruction"}, + {5, "SIGTRAP", "trace/BPT trap"}, + {6, "SIGABRT", "abort trap"}, + {7, "SIGEMT", "EMT trap"}, + {8, "SIGFPE", "floating point exception"}, + {9, "SIGKILL", "killed"}, + {10, "SIGBUS", "bus error"}, + {11, "SIGSEGV", "segmentation fault"}, + {12, "SIGSYS", "bad system call"}, + {13, "SIGPIPE", "broken pipe"}, + {14, "SIGALRM", "alarm clock"}, + {15, "SIGTERM", "terminated"}, + {16, "SIGURG", "urgent I/O condition"}, + {17, "SIGSTOP", "suspended (signal)"}, + {18, "SIGTSTP", "suspended"}, + {19, "SIGCONT", "continued"}, + {20, "SIGCHLD", "child exited"}, + {21, "SIGTTIN", "stopped (tty input)"}, + {22, "SIGTTOU", "stopped (tty output)"}, + {23, "SIGIO", "I/O possible"}, + {24, "SIGXCPU", "cputime limit exceeded"}, + {25, "SIGXFSZ", "filesize limit exceeded"}, + {26, "SIGVTALRM", "virtual timer expired"}, + {27, "SIGPROF", "profiling timer expired"}, + {28, "SIGWINCH", "window size changes"}, + {29, "SIGINFO", "information request"}, + {30, "SIGUSR1", "user defined signal 1"}, + {31, "SIGUSR2", "user defined signal 2"}, + {32, "SIGTHR", "thread AST"}, +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go index daec1d5d2c8..092a91c710b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go @@ -2366,3 +2366,18 @@ func armSyncFileRange(fd int, flags int, off int64, n int64) (err error) { } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(cmdline) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD, uintptr(kernelFd), uintptr(initrdFd), uintptr(cmdlineLen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..eb589904614 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -0,0 +1,1692 @@ +// go run mksyscall.go -openbsd -tags openbsd,arm64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_openbsd.go syscall_openbsd_arm64.go +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build openbsd,arm64 + +package unix + +import ( + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +var _ syscall.Errno + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETGROUPS, uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETGROUPS, uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func wait4(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_WAIT4, uintptr(pid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), uintptr(options), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0, 0) + wpid = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_BIND, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CONNECT, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SOCKET, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPEERNAME, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETSOCKNAME, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Shutdown(s int, how int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SHUTDOWN, uintptr(s), uintptr(how), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall6(SYS_SOCKETPAIR, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_RECVFROM, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SENDTO, uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_RECVMSG, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SENDMSG, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, nevent int, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEVENT, uintptr(kq), uintptr(change), uintptr(nchange), uintptr(event), uintptr(nevent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(mib) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UTIMES, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func futimes(fd int, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FUTIMES, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCNTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + val = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Madvise(b []byte, behav int) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(b) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MADVISE, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(behav)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mlock(b []byte) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(b) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MLOCK, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mlockall(flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MLOCKALL, uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mprotect(b []byte, prot int) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(b) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MPROTECT, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(prot)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Msync(b []byte, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(b) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MSYNC, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(flags)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Munlock(b []byte) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(b) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MUNLOCK, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Munlockall() (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MUNLOCKALL, 0, 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getdents(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_GETDENTS, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getcwd(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS___GETCWD, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PPOLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sigmask)), 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCESS, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Adjtime(delta *Timeval, olddelta *Timeval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ADJTIME, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(delta)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(olddelta)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Chdir(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHDIR, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Chflags(path string, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHFLAGS, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHMOD, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Chown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHOWN, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Chroot(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CHROOT, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Close(fd int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CLOSE, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Dup(fd int) (nfd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + nfd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Dup2(from int, to int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(from), uintptr(to), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Exit(code int) { + Syscall(SYS_EXIT, uintptr(code), 0, 0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Faccessat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FACCESSAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchdir(fd int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHDIR, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchflags(fd int, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHFLAGS, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchmod(fd int, mode uint32) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHMOD, uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FCHMODAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchownat(dirfd int, path string, uid int, gid int, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FCHOWNAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid), uintptr(flags), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Flock(fd int, how int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FLOCK, uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fpathconf(fd int, name int) (val int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FPATHCONF, uintptr(fd), uintptr(name), 0) + val = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FSTAT, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FSTATAT, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FSTATFS, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fsync(fd int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FSYNC, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FTRUNCATE, uintptr(fd), 0, uintptr(length)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getegid() (egid int) { + r0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETEGID, 0, 0, 0) + egid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Geteuid() (uid int) { + r0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETEUID, 0, 0, 0) + uid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getgid() (gid int) { + r0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETGID, 0, 0, 0) + gid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPGID, uintptr(pid), 0, 0) + pgid = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getpgrp() (pgrp int) { + r0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPGRP, 0, 0, 0) + pgrp = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getpid() (pid int) { + r0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPID, 0, 0, 0) + pid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getppid() (ppid int) { + r0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPPID, 0, 0, 0) + ppid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_GETPRIORITY, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), 0) + prio = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETRLIMIT, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getrtable() (rtable int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETRTABLE, 0, 0, 0) + rtable = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETRUSAGE, uintptr(who), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETSID, uintptr(pid), 0, 0) + sid = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Gettimeofday(tv *Timeval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tv)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getuid() (uid int) { + r0, _, _ := RawSyscall(SYS_GETUID, 0, 0, 0) + uid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Issetugid() (tainted bool) { + r0, _, _ := Syscall(SYS_ISSETUGID, 0, 0, 0) + tainted = bool(r0 != 0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Kill(pid int, signum syscall.Signal) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KILL, uintptr(pid), uintptr(signum), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Kqueue() (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_KQUEUE, 0, 0, 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LCHOWN, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Link(path string, link string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LINK, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Linkat(pathfd int, path string, linkfd int, link string, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_LINKAT, uintptr(pathfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(linkfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Listen(s int, backlog int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LISTEN, uintptr(s), uintptr(backlog), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LSTAT, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MKDIR, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mkdirat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MKDIRAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MKFIFO, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mkfifoat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MKFIFOAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MKNOD, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mknodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_MKNODAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Nanosleep(time *Timespec, leftover *Timespec) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_NANOSLEEP, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(leftover)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_OPEN, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm)) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_OPENAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm), 0, 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_PATHCONF, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(name), 0) + val = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PREAD, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), 0, uintptr(offset), 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PWRITE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), 0, uintptr(offset), 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_READ, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_READLINK, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_READLINKAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf)), 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Rename(from string, to string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(from) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(to) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_RENAME, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Renameat(fromfd int, from string, tofd int, to string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(from) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(to) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_RENAMEAT, uintptr(fromfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(tofd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Revoke(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_REVOKE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Rmdir(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_RMDIR, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_LSEEK, uintptr(fd), 0, uintptr(offset), uintptr(whence), 0, 0) + newoffset = int64(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Select(n int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setegid(egid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETEGID, uintptr(egid), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Seteuid(euid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETEUID, uintptr(euid), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setgid(gid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETGID, uintptr(gid), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setlogin(name string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(name) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETLOGIN, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setpgid(pid int, pgid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETPGID, uintptr(pid), uintptr(pgid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setpriority(which int, who int, prio int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETPRIORITY, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), uintptr(prio)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETREGID, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETREUID, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setresgid(rgid int, egid int, sgid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRESGID, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), uintptr(sgid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setresuid(ruid int, euid int, suid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRESUID, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), uintptr(suid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRLIMIT, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setrtable(rtable int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRTABLE, uintptr(rtable), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setsid() (pid int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETSID, 0, 0, 0) + pid = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Settimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setuid(uid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETUID, uintptr(uid), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_STAT, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_STATFS, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Symlink(path string, link string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SYMLINK, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Symlinkat(oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(oldpath) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(newpath) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SYMLINKAT, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(newdirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Sync() (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SYNC, 0, 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_TRUNCATE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, uintptr(length)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Umask(newmask int) (oldmask int) { + r0, _, _ := Syscall(SYS_UMASK, uintptr(newmask), 0, 0) + oldmask = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Unlink(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UNLINK, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UNLINKAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UNMOUNT, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_WRITE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall9(SYS_MMAP, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flag), uintptr(fd), 0, uintptr(pos), 0, 0) + ret = uintptr(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MUNMAP, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_READ, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_WRITE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_UTIMENSAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(times)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go index b005031abed..37dcc74c2de 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ // mksysctl_openbsd.pl // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +// +build 386,openbsd + package unix type mibentry struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go index d014451c9d8..fe6caa6eb7f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// mksysctl_openbsd.pl +// go run mksysctl_openbsd.go // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. // +build amd64,openbsd diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go index b005031abed..6eb8c0b086a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ -// mksysctl_openbsd.pl +// go run mksysctl_openbsd.go // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +// +build arm,openbsd + package unix type mibentry struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ba4304fd233 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +// go run mksysctl_openbsd.go +// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build arm64,openbsd + +package unix + +type mibentry struct { + ctlname string + ctloid []_C_int +} + +var sysctlMib = []mibentry{ + {"ddb.console", []_C_int{9, 6}}, + {"ddb.log", []_C_int{9, 7}}, + {"ddb.max_line", []_C_int{9, 3}}, + {"ddb.max_width", []_C_int{9, 2}}, + {"ddb.panic", []_C_int{9, 5}}, + {"ddb.profile", []_C_int{9, 9}}, + {"ddb.radix", []_C_int{9, 1}}, + {"ddb.tab_stop_width", []_C_int{9, 4}}, + {"ddb.trigger", []_C_int{9, 8}}, + {"fs.posix.setuid", []_C_int{3, 1, 1}}, + {"hw.allowpowerdown", []_C_int{6, 22}}, + {"hw.byteorder", []_C_int{6, 4}}, + {"hw.cpuspeed", []_C_int{6, 12}}, + {"hw.diskcount", []_C_int{6, 10}}, + {"hw.disknames", []_C_int{6, 8}}, + {"hw.diskstats", []_C_int{6, 9}}, + {"hw.machine", []_C_int{6, 1}}, + {"hw.model", []_C_int{6, 2}}, + {"hw.ncpu", []_C_int{6, 3}}, + {"hw.ncpufound", []_C_int{6, 21}}, + {"hw.ncpuonline", []_C_int{6, 25}}, + {"hw.pagesize", []_C_int{6, 7}}, + {"hw.perfpolicy", []_C_int{6, 23}}, + {"hw.physmem", []_C_int{6, 19}}, + {"hw.product", []_C_int{6, 15}}, + {"hw.serialno", []_C_int{6, 17}}, + {"hw.setperf", []_C_int{6, 13}}, + {"hw.smt", []_C_int{6, 24}}, + {"hw.usermem", []_C_int{6, 20}}, + {"hw.uuid", []_C_int{6, 18}}, + {"hw.vendor", []_C_int{6, 14}}, + {"hw.version", []_C_int{6, 16}}, + {"kern.allowkmem", []_C_int{1, 52}}, + {"kern.argmax", []_C_int{1, 8}}, + {"kern.audio", []_C_int{1, 84}}, + {"kern.boottime", []_C_int{1, 21}}, + {"kern.bufcachepercent", []_C_int{1, 72}}, + {"kern.ccpu", []_C_int{1, 45}}, + {"kern.clockrate", []_C_int{1, 12}}, + {"kern.consdev", []_C_int{1, 75}}, + {"kern.cp_time", []_C_int{1, 40}}, + {"kern.cp_time2", []_C_int{1, 71}}, + {"kern.cpustats", []_C_int{1, 85}}, + {"kern.domainname", []_C_int{1, 22}}, + {"kern.file", []_C_int{1, 73}}, + {"kern.forkstat", []_C_int{1, 42}}, + {"kern.fscale", []_C_int{1, 46}}, + {"kern.fsync", []_C_int{1, 33}}, + {"kern.global_ptrace", []_C_int{1, 81}}, + {"kern.hostid", []_C_int{1, 11}}, + {"kern.hostname", []_C_int{1, 10}}, + {"kern.intrcnt.nintrcnt", []_C_int{1, 63, 1}}, + {"kern.job_control", []_C_int{1, 19}}, + {"kern.malloc.buckets", []_C_int{1, 39, 1}}, + {"kern.malloc.kmemnames", []_C_int{1, 39, 3}}, + {"kern.maxclusters", []_C_int{1, 67}}, + {"kern.maxfiles", []_C_int{1, 7}}, + {"kern.maxlocksperuid", []_C_int{1, 70}}, + {"kern.maxpartitions", []_C_int{1, 23}}, + {"kern.maxproc", []_C_int{1, 6}}, + {"kern.maxthread", []_C_int{1, 25}}, + {"kern.maxvnodes", []_C_int{1, 5}}, + {"kern.mbstat", []_C_int{1, 59}}, + {"kern.msgbuf", []_C_int{1, 48}}, + {"kern.msgbufsize", []_C_int{1, 38}}, + {"kern.nchstats", []_C_int{1, 41}}, + {"kern.netlivelocks", []_C_int{1, 76}}, + {"kern.nfiles", []_C_int{1, 56}}, + {"kern.ngroups", []_C_int{1, 18}}, + {"kern.nosuidcoredump", []_C_int{1, 32}}, + {"kern.nprocs", []_C_int{1, 47}}, + {"kern.nselcoll", []_C_int{1, 43}}, + {"kern.nthreads", []_C_int{1, 26}}, + {"kern.numvnodes", []_C_int{1, 58}}, + {"kern.osrelease", []_C_int{1, 2}}, + {"kern.osrevision", []_C_int{1, 3}}, + {"kern.ostype", []_C_int{1, 1}}, + {"kern.osversion", []_C_int{1, 27}}, + {"kern.pool_debug", []_C_int{1, 77}}, + {"kern.posix1version", []_C_int{1, 17}}, + {"kern.proc", []_C_int{1, 66}}, + {"kern.rawpartition", []_C_int{1, 24}}, + {"kern.saved_ids", []_C_int{1, 20}}, + {"kern.securelevel", []_C_int{1, 9}}, + {"kern.seminfo", []_C_int{1, 61}}, + {"kern.shminfo", []_C_int{1, 62}}, + {"kern.somaxconn", []_C_int{1, 28}}, + {"kern.sominconn", []_C_int{1, 29}}, + {"kern.splassert", []_C_int{1, 54}}, + {"kern.stackgap_random", []_C_int{1, 50}}, + {"kern.sysvipc_info", []_C_int{1, 51}}, + {"kern.sysvmsg", []_C_int{1, 34}}, + {"kern.sysvsem", []_C_int{1, 35}}, + {"kern.sysvshm", []_C_int{1, 36}}, + {"kern.timecounter.choice", []_C_int{1, 69, 4}}, + {"kern.timecounter.hardware", []_C_int{1, 69, 3}}, + {"kern.timecounter.tick", []_C_int{1, 69, 1}}, + {"kern.timecounter.timestepwarnings", []_C_int{1, 69, 2}}, + {"kern.tty.tk_cancc", []_C_int{1, 44, 4}}, + {"kern.tty.tk_nin", []_C_int{1, 44, 1}}, + {"kern.tty.tk_nout", []_C_int{1, 44, 2}}, + {"kern.tty.tk_rawcc", []_C_int{1, 44, 3}}, + {"kern.tty.ttyinfo", []_C_int{1, 44, 5}}, + {"kern.ttycount", []_C_int{1, 57}}, + {"kern.version", []_C_int{1, 4}}, + {"kern.watchdog.auto", []_C_int{1, 64, 2}}, + {"kern.watchdog.period", []_C_int{1, 64, 1}}, + {"kern.witnesswatch", []_C_int{1, 53}}, + {"kern.wxabort", []_C_int{1, 74}}, + {"net.bpf.bufsize", []_C_int{4, 31, 1}}, + {"net.bpf.maxbufsize", []_C_int{4, 31, 2}}, + {"net.inet.ah.enable", []_C_int{4, 2, 51, 1}}, + {"net.inet.ah.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 51, 2}}, + {"net.inet.carp.allow", []_C_int{4, 2, 112, 1}}, + {"net.inet.carp.log", []_C_int{4, 2, 112, 3}}, + {"net.inet.carp.preempt", []_C_int{4, 2, 112, 2}}, + {"net.inet.carp.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 112, 4}}, + {"net.inet.divert.recvspace", []_C_int{4, 2, 258, 1}}, + {"net.inet.divert.sendspace", []_C_int{4, 2, 258, 2}}, + {"net.inet.divert.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 258, 3}}, + {"net.inet.esp.enable", []_C_int{4, 2, 50, 1}}, + {"net.inet.esp.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 50, 4}}, + {"net.inet.esp.udpencap", []_C_int{4, 2, 50, 2}}, + {"net.inet.esp.udpencap_port", []_C_int{4, 2, 50, 3}}, + {"net.inet.etherip.allow", []_C_int{4, 2, 97, 1}}, + {"net.inet.etherip.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 97, 2}}, + {"net.inet.gre.allow", []_C_int{4, 2, 47, 1}}, + {"net.inet.gre.wccp", []_C_int{4, 2, 47, 2}}, + {"net.inet.icmp.bmcastecho", []_C_int{4, 2, 1, 2}}, + {"net.inet.icmp.errppslimit", []_C_int{4, 2, 1, 3}}, + {"net.inet.icmp.maskrepl", []_C_int{4, 2, 1, 1}}, + {"net.inet.icmp.rediraccept", []_C_int{4, 2, 1, 4}}, + {"net.inet.icmp.redirtimeout", []_C_int{4, 2, 1, 5}}, + {"net.inet.icmp.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 1, 7}}, + {"net.inet.icmp.tstamprepl", []_C_int{4, 2, 1, 6}}, + {"net.inet.igmp.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 2, 1}}, + {"net.inet.ip.arpdown", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 40}}, + {"net.inet.ip.arpqueued", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 36}}, + {"net.inet.ip.arptimeout", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 39}}, + {"net.inet.ip.encdebug", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 12}}, + {"net.inet.ip.forwarding", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 1}}, + {"net.inet.ip.ifq.congestion", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 30, 4}}, + {"net.inet.ip.ifq.drops", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 30, 3}}, + {"net.inet.ip.ifq.len", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 30, 1}}, + {"net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 30, 2}}, + {"net.inet.ip.maxqueue", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 11}}, + {"net.inet.ip.mforwarding", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 31}}, + {"net.inet.ip.mrtmfc", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 37}}, + {"net.inet.ip.mrtproto", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 34}}, + {"net.inet.ip.mrtstats", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 35}}, + {"net.inet.ip.mrtvif", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 38}}, + {"net.inet.ip.mtu", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 4}}, + {"net.inet.ip.mtudisc", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 27}}, + {"net.inet.ip.mtudisctimeout", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 28}}, + {"net.inet.ip.multipath", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 32}}, + {"net.inet.ip.portfirst", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 7}}, + {"net.inet.ip.porthifirst", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 9}}, + {"net.inet.ip.porthilast", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 10}}, + {"net.inet.ip.portlast", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 8}}, + {"net.inet.ip.redirect", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 2}}, + {"net.inet.ip.sourceroute", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 5}}, + {"net.inet.ip.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 33}}, + {"net.inet.ip.ttl", []_C_int{4, 2, 0, 3}}, + {"net.inet.ipcomp.enable", []_C_int{4, 2, 108, 1}}, + {"net.inet.ipcomp.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 108, 2}}, + {"net.inet.ipip.allow", []_C_int{4, 2, 4, 1}}, + {"net.inet.ipip.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 4, 2}}, + {"net.inet.mobileip.allow", []_C_int{4, 2, 55, 1}}, + {"net.inet.pfsync.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 240, 1}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.ackonpush", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 13}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.always_keepalive", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 22}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.baddynamic", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 6}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.drop", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 19}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.ecn", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 14}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.ident", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 9}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.keepidle", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 3}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.keepinittime", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 2}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.keepintvl", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 4}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.mssdflt", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 11}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.reasslimit", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 18}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.rfc1323", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 1}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.rfc3390", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 17}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.rootonly", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 24}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.rstppslimit", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 12}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.sack", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 10}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.sackholelimit", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 20}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.slowhz", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 5}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 21}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.synbucketlimit", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 16}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.syncachelimit", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 15}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.synhashsize", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 25}}, + {"net.inet.tcp.synuselimit", []_C_int{4, 2, 6, 23}}, + {"net.inet.udp.baddynamic", []_C_int{4, 2, 17, 2}}, + {"net.inet.udp.checksum", []_C_int{4, 2, 17, 1}}, + {"net.inet.udp.recvspace", []_C_int{4, 2, 17, 3}}, + {"net.inet.udp.rootonly", []_C_int{4, 2, 17, 6}}, + {"net.inet.udp.sendspace", []_C_int{4, 2, 17, 4}}, + {"net.inet.udp.stats", []_C_int{4, 2, 17, 5}}, + {"net.inet6.divert.recvspace", []_C_int{4, 24, 86, 1}}, + {"net.inet6.divert.sendspace", []_C_int{4, 24, 86, 2}}, + {"net.inet6.divert.stats", []_C_int{4, 24, 86, 3}}, + {"net.inet6.icmp6.errppslimit", []_C_int{4, 24, 30, 14}}, + {"net.inet6.icmp6.mtudisc_hiwat", []_C_int{4, 24, 30, 16}}, + {"net.inet6.icmp6.mtudisc_lowat", []_C_int{4, 24, 30, 17}}, + {"net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_debug", []_C_int{4, 24, 30, 18}}, + {"net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_delay", []_C_int{4, 24, 30, 8}}, + {"net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_maxnudhint", []_C_int{4, 24, 30, 15}}, + {"net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_mmaxtries", []_C_int{4, 24, 30, 10}}, + {"net.inet6.icmp6.nd6_umaxtries", []_C_int{4, 24, 30, 9}}, + {"net.inet6.icmp6.redirtimeout", []_C_int{4, 24, 30, 3}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.auto_flowlabel", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 17}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.dad_count", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 16}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.dad_pending", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 49}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.defmcasthlim", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 18}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.forwarding", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 1}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.forwsrcrt", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 5}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.hdrnestlimit", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 15}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.hlim", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 3}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.log_interval", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 14}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.maxdynroutes", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 48}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.maxfragpackets", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 9}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.maxfrags", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 41}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.mforwarding", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 42}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.mrtmfc", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 53}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.mrtmif", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 52}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.mrtproto", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 8}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.mtudisctimeout", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 50}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.multicast_mtudisc", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 44}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.multipath", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 43}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.neighborgcthresh", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 45}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.redirect", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 2}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.soiikey", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 54}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.sourcecheck", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 10}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.sourcecheck_logint", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 11}}, + {"net.inet6.ip6.use_deprecated", []_C_int{4, 24, 17, 21}}, + {"net.key.sadb_dump", []_C_int{4, 30, 1}}, + {"net.key.spd_dump", []_C_int{4, 30, 2}}, + {"net.mpls.ifq.congestion", []_C_int{4, 33, 3, 4}}, + {"net.mpls.ifq.drops", []_C_int{4, 33, 3, 3}}, + {"net.mpls.ifq.len", []_C_int{4, 33, 3, 1}}, + {"net.mpls.ifq.maxlen", []_C_int{4, 33, 3, 2}}, + {"net.mpls.mapttl_ip", []_C_int{4, 33, 5}}, + {"net.mpls.mapttl_ip6", []_C_int{4, 33, 6}}, + {"net.mpls.maxloop_inkernel", []_C_int{4, 33, 4}}, + {"net.mpls.ttl", []_C_int{4, 33, 2}}, + {"net.pflow.stats", []_C_int{4, 34, 1}}, + {"net.pipex.enable", []_C_int{4, 35, 1}}, + {"vm.anonmin", []_C_int{2, 7}}, + {"vm.loadavg", []_C_int{2, 2}}, + {"vm.malloc_conf", []_C_int{2, 12}}, + {"vm.maxslp", []_C_int{2, 10}}, + {"vm.nkmempages", []_C_int{2, 6}}, + {"vm.psstrings", []_C_int{2, 3}}, + {"vm.swapencrypt.enable", []_C_int{2, 5, 0}}, + {"vm.swapencrypt.keyscreated", []_C_int{2, 5, 1}}, + {"vm.swapencrypt.keysdeleted", []_C_int{2, 5, 2}}, + {"vm.uspace", []_C_int{2, 11}}, + {"vm.uvmexp", []_C_int{2, 4}}, + {"vm.vmmeter", []_C_int{2, 1}}, + {"vm.vnodemin", []_C_int{2, 9}}, + {"vm.vtextmin", []_C_int{2, 8}}, +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go index 8d17873de0f..33b6e4d1afc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go @@ -6,387 +6,421 @@ package unix const ( - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 - SYS_EXIT = 1 - SYS_FORK = 2 - SYS_READ = 3 - SYS_WRITE = 4 - SYS_OPEN = 5 - SYS_CLOSE = 6 - SYS_WAITPID = 7 - SYS_CREAT = 8 - SYS_LINK = 9 - SYS_UNLINK = 10 - SYS_EXECVE = 11 - SYS_CHDIR = 12 - SYS_TIME = 13 - SYS_MKNOD = 14 - SYS_CHMOD = 15 - SYS_LCHOWN = 16 - SYS_BREAK = 17 - SYS_OLDSTAT = 18 - SYS_LSEEK = 19 - SYS_GETPID = 20 - SYS_MOUNT = 21 - SYS_UMOUNT = 22 - SYS_SETUID = 23 - SYS_GETUID = 24 - SYS_STIME = 25 - SYS_PTRACE = 26 - SYS_ALARM = 27 - SYS_OLDFSTAT = 28 - SYS_PAUSE = 29 - SYS_UTIME = 30 - SYS_STTY = 31 - SYS_GTTY = 32 - SYS_ACCESS = 33 - SYS_NICE = 34 - SYS_FTIME = 35 - SYS_SYNC = 36 - SYS_KILL = 37 - SYS_RENAME = 38 - SYS_MKDIR = 39 - SYS_RMDIR = 40 - SYS_DUP = 41 - SYS_PIPE = 42 - SYS_TIMES = 43 - SYS_PROF = 44 - SYS_BRK = 45 - SYS_SETGID = 46 - SYS_GETGID = 47 - SYS_SIGNAL = 48 - SYS_GETEUID = 49 - SYS_GETEGID = 50 - SYS_ACCT = 51 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 - SYS_LOCK = 53 - SYS_IOCTL = 54 - SYS_FCNTL = 55 - SYS_MPX = 56 - SYS_SETPGID = 57 - SYS_ULIMIT = 58 - SYS_OLDOLDUNAME = 59 - SYS_UMASK = 60 - SYS_CHROOT = 61 - SYS_USTAT = 62 - SYS_DUP2 = 63 - SYS_GETPPID = 64 - SYS_GETPGRP = 65 - SYS_SETSID = 66 - SYS_SIGACTION = 67 - SYS_SGETMASK = 68 - SYS_SSETMASK = 69 - SYS_SETREUID = 70 - SYS_SETREGID = 71 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 76 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 80 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 81 - SYS_SELECT = 82 - SYS_SYMLINK = 83 - SYS_OLDLSTAT = 84 - SYS_READLINK = 85 - SYS_USELIB = 86 - SYS_SWAPON = 87 - SYS_REBOOT = 88 - SYS_READDIR = 89 - SYS_MMAP = 90 - SYS_MUNMAP = 91 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 - SYS_FCHMOD = 94 - SYS_FCHOWN = 95 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 - SYS_PROFIL = 98 - SYS_STATFS = 99 - SYS_FSTATFS = 100 - SYS_IOPERM = 101 - SYS_SOCKETCALL = 102 - SYS_SYSLOG = 103 - SYS_SETITIMER = 104 - SYS_GETITIMER = 105 - SYS_STAT = 106 - SYS_LSTAT = 107 - SYS_FSTAT = 108 - SYS_OLDUNAME = 109 - SYS_IOPL = 110 - SYS_VHANGUP = 111 - SYS_IDLE = 112 - SYS_VM86OLD = 113 - SYS_WAIT4 = 114 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 - SYS_SYSINFO = 116 - SYS_IPC = 117 - SYS_FSYNC = 118 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 - SYS_CLONE = 120 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 - SYS_UNAME = 122 - SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 123 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 - SYS_MPROTECT = 125 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 127 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 130 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 - SYS_GETPGID = 132 - SYS_FCHDIR = 133 - SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 - SYS_SYSFS = 135 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 137 - SYS_SETFSUID = 138 - SYS_SETFSGID = 139 - SYS__LLSEEK = 140 - SYS_GETDENTS = 141 - SYS__NEWSELECT = 142 - SYS_FLOCK = 143 - SYS_MSYNC = 144 - SYS_READV = 145 - SYS_WRITEV = 146 - SYS_GETSID = 147 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 - SYS__SYSCTL = 149 - SYS_MLOCK = 150 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 - SYS_MREMAP = 163 - SYS_SETRESUID = 164 - SYS_GETRESUID = 165 - SYS_VM86 = 166 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 167 - SYS_POLL = 168 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 169 - SYS_SETRESGID = 170 - SYS_GETRESGID = 171 - SYS_PRCTL = 172 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 173 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 174 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 175 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 176 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 177 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 178 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 179 - SYS_PREAD64 = 180 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 181 - SYS_CHOWN = 182 - SYS_GETCWD = 183 - SYS_CAPGET = 184 - SYS_CAPSET = 185 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 186 - SYS_SENDFILE = 187 - SYS_GETPMSG = 188 - SYS_PUTPMSG = 189 - SYS_VFORK = 190 - SYS_UGETRLIMIT = 191 - SYS_MMAP2 = 192 - SYS_TRUNCATE64 = 193 - SYS_FTRUNCATE64 = 194 - SYS_STAT64 = 195 - SYS_LSTAT64 = 196 - SYS_FSTAT64 = 197 - SYS_LCHOWN32 = 198 - SYS_GETUID32 = 199 - SYS_GETGID32 = 200 - SYS_GETEUID32 = 201 - SYS_GETEGID32 = 202 - SYS_SETREUID32 = 203 - SYS_SETREGID32 = 204 - SYS_GETGROUPS32 = 205 - SYS_SETGROUPS32 = 206 - SYS_FCHOWN32 = 207 - SYS_SETRESUID32 = 208 - SYS_GETRESUID32 = 209 - SYS_SETRESGID32 = 210 - SYS_GETRESGID32 = 211 - SYS_CHOWN32 = 212 - SYS_SETUID32 = 213 - SYS_SETGID32 = 214 - SYS_SETFSUID32 = 215 - SYS_SETFSGID32 = 216 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 217 - SYS_MINCORE = 218 - SYS_MADVISE = 219 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 220 - SYS_FCNTL64 = 221 - SYS_GETTID = 224 - SYS_READAHEAD = 225 - SYS_SETXATTR = 226 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 227 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 228 - SYS_GETXATTR = 229 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 230 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 231 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 232 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 233 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 234 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 235 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 236 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 237 - SYS_TKILL = 238 - SYS_SENDFILE64 = 239 - SYS_FUTEX = 240 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 241 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 242 - SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 243 - SYS_GET_THREAD_AREA = 244 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 245 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 246 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 247 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 248 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 249 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 250 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 252 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 253 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 254 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 255 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 256 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 257 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 258 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 259 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 260 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 261 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 262 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 263 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 264 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 265 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 266 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 267 - SYS_STATFS64 = 268 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 269 - SYS_TGKILL = 270 - SYS_UTIMES = 271 - SYS_FADVISE64_64 = 272 - SYS_VSERVER = 273 - SYS_MBIND = 274 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 275 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 276 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 277 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 278 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 279 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 280 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 281 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 282 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 283 - SYS_WAITID = 284 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 286 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 287 - SYS_KEYCTL = 288 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 289 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 290 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 291 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 292 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 293 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 294 - SYS_OPENAT = 295 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 296 - SYS_MKNODAT = 297 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 298 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 299 - SYS_FSTATAT64 = 300 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 301 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 302 - SYS_LINKAT = 303 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 304 - SYS_READLINKAT = 305 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 306 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 307 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 308 - SYS_PPOLL = 309 - SYS_UNSHARE = 310 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 311 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 312 - SYS_SPLICE = 313 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 314 - SYS_TEE = 315 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 316 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 317 - SYS_GETCPU = 318 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 319 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 320 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 321 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 322 - SYS_EVENTFD = 323 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 324 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 325 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 326 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 327 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 328 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 329 - SYS_DUP3 = 330 - SYS_PIPE2 = 331 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 332 - SYS_PREADV = 333 - SYS_PWRITEV = 334 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 335 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 336 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 337 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 338 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 339 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 340 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 341 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 342 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 343 - SYS_SYNCFS = 344 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 345 - SYS_SETNS = 346 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 347 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 348 - SYS_KCMP = 349 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 350 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 351 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 352 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 353 - SYS_SECCOMP = 354 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 355 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 356 - SYS_BPF = 357 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 358 - SYS_SOCKET = 359 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 360 - SYS_BIND = 361 - SYS_CONNECT = 362 - SYS_LISTEN = 363 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 364 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 365 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 366 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 367 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 368 - SYS_SENDTO = 369 - SYS_SENDMSG = 370 - SYS_RECVFROM = 371 - SYS_RECVMSG = 372 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 373 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 374 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 375 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 376 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 377 - SYS_PREADV2 = 378 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 379 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 380 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 381 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 382 - SYS_STATX = 383 - SYS_ARCH_PRCTL = 384 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 385 - SYS_RSEQ = 386 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 + SYS_EXIT = 1 + SYS_FORK = 2 + SYS_READ = 3 + SYS_WRITE = 4 + SYS_OPEN = 5 + SYS_CLOSE = 6 + SYS_WAITPID = 7 + SYS_CREAT = 8 + SYS_LINK = 9 + SYS_UNLINK = 10 + SYS_EXECVE = 11 + SYS_CHDIR = 12 + SYS_TIME = 13 + SYS_MKNOD = 14 + SYS_CHMOD = 15 + SYS_LCHOWN = 16 + SYS_BREAK = 17 + SYS_OLDSTAT = 18 + SYS_LSEEK = 19 + SYS_GETPID = 20 + SYS_MOUNT = 21 + SYS_UMOUNT = 22 + SYS_SETUID = 23 + SYS_GETUID = 24 + SYS_STIME = 25 + SYS_PTRACE = 26 + SYS_ALARM = 27 + SYS_OLDFSTAT = 28 + SYS_PAUSE = 29 + SYS_UTIME = 30 + SYS_STTY = 31 + SYS_GTTY = 32 + SYS_ACCESS = 33 + SYS_NICE = 34 + SYS_FTIME = 35 + SYS_SYNC = 36 + SYS_KILL = 37 + SYS_RENAME = 38 + SYS_MKDIR = 39 + SYS_RMDIR = 40 + SYS_DUP = 41 + SYS_PIPE = 42 + SYS_TIMES = 43 + SYS_PROF = 44 + SYS_BRK = 45 + SYS_SETGID = 46 + SYS_GETGID = 47 + SYS_SIGNAL = 48 + SYS_GETEUID = 49 + SYS_GETEGID = 50 + SYS_ACCT = 51 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 + SYS_LOCK = 53 + SYS_IOCTL = 54 + SYS_FCNTL = 55 + SYS_MPX = 56 + SYS_SETPGID = 57 + SYS_ULIMIT = 58 + SYS_OLDOLDUNAME = 59 + SYS_UMASK = 60 + SYS_CHROOT = 61 + SYS_USTAT = 62 + SYS_DUP2 = 63 + SYS_GETPPID = 64 + SYS_GETPGRP = 65 + SYS_SETSID = 66 + SYS_SIGACTION = 67 + SYS_SGETMASK = 68 + SYS_SSETMASK = 69 + SYS_SETREUID = 70 + SYS_SETREGID = 71 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 76 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 80 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 81 + SYS_SELECT = 82 + SYS_SYMLINK = 83 + SYS_OLDLSTAT = 84 + SYS_READLINK = 85 + SYS_USELIB = 86 + SYS_SWAPON = 87 + SYS_REBOOT = 88 + SYS_READDIR = 89 + SYS_MMAP = 90 + SYS_MUNMAP = 91 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 + SYS_FCHMOD = 94 + SYS_FCHOWN = 95 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 + SYS_PROFIL = 98 + SYS_STATFS = 99 + SYS_FSTATFS = 100 + SYS_IOPERM = 101 + SYS_SOCKETCALL = 102 + SYS_SYSLOG = 103 + SYS_SETITIMER = 104 + SYS_GETITIMER = 105 + SYS_STAT = 106 + SYS_LSTAT = 107 + SYS_FSTAT = 108 + SYS_OLDUNAME = 109 + SYS_IOPL = 110 + SYS_VHANGUP = 111 + SYS_IDLE = 112 + SYS_VM86OLD = 113 + SYS_WAIT4 = 114 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 + SYS_SYSINFO = 116 + SYS_IPC = 117 + SYS_FSYNC = 118 + SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 + SYS_CLONE = 120 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 + SYS_UNAME = 122 + SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 123 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 + SYS_MPROTECT = 125 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 127 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 130 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 + SYS_GETPGID = 132 + SYS_FCHDIR = 133 + SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 + SYS_SYSFS = 135 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 137 + SYS_SETFSUID = 138 + SYS_SETFSGID = 139 + SYS__LLSEEK = 140 + SYS_GETDENTS = 141 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 142 + SYS_FLOCK = 143 + SYS_MSYNC = 144 + SYS_READV = 145 + SYS_WRITEV = 146 + SYS_GETSID = 147 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 + SYS__SYSCTL = 149 + SYS_MLOCK = 150 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 + SYS_MREMAP = 163 + SYS_SETRESUID = 164 + SYS_GETRESUID = 165 + SYS_VM86 = 166 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 167 + SYS_POLL = 168 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 169 + SYS_SETRESGID = 170 + SYS_GETRESGID = 171 + SYS_PRCTL = 172 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 173 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 174 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 175 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 176 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 177 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 178 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 179 + SYS_PREAD64 = 180 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 181 + SYS_CHOWN = 182 + SYS_GETCWD = 183 + SYS_CAPGET = 184 + SYS_CAPSET = 185 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 186 + SYS_SENDFILE = 187 + SYS_GETPMSG = 188 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 189 + SYS_VFORK = 190 + SYS_UGETRLIMIT = 191 + SYS_MMAP2 = 192 + SYS_TRUNCATE64 = 193 + SYS_FTRUNCATE64 = 194 + SYS_STAT64 = 195 + SYS_LSTAT64 = 196 + SYS_FSTAT64 = 197 + SYS_LCHOWN32 = 198 + SYS_GETUID32 = 199 + SYS_GETGID32 = 200 + SYS_GETEUID32 = 201 + SYS_GETEGID32 = 202 + SYS_SETREUID32 = 203 + SYS_SETREGID32 = 204 + SYS_GETGROUPS32 = 205 + SYS_SETGROUPS32 = 206 + SYS_FCHOWN32 = 207 + SYS_SETRESUID32 = 208 + SYS_GETRESUID32 = 209 + SYS_SETRESGID32 = 210 + SYS_GETRESGID32 = 211 + SYS_CHOWN32 = 212 + SYS_SETUID32 = 213 + SYS_SETGID32 = 214 + SYS_SETFSUID32 = 215 + SYS_SETFSGID32 = 216 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 217 + SYS_MINCORE = 218 + SYS_MADVISE = 219 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 220 + SYS_FCNTL64 = 221 + SYS_GETTID = 224 + SYS_READAHEAD = 225 + SYS_SETXATTR = 226 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 227 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 228 + SYS_GETXATTR = 229 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 230 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 231 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 232 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 233 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 234 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 235 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 236 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 237 + SYS_TKILL = 238 + SYS_SENDFILE64 = 239 + SYS_FUTEX = 240 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 241 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 242 + SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 243 + SYS_GET_THREAD_AREA = 244 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 245 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 246 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 247 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 248 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 249 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 250 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 252 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 253 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 254 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 255 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 256 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 257 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 258 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 259 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 260 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 261 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 262 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 263 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 264 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 265 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 266 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 267 + SYS_STATFS64 = 268 + SYS_FSTATFS64 = 269 + SYS_TGKILL = 270 + SYS_UTIMES = 271 + SYS_FADVISE64_64 = 272 + SYS_VSERVER = 273 + SYS_MBIND = 274 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 275 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 276 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 277 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 278 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 279 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 280 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 281 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 282 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 283 + SYS_WAITID = 284 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 286 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 287 + SYS_KEYCTL = 288 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 289 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 290 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 291 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 292 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 293 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 294 + SYS_OPENAT = 295 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 296 + SYS_MKNODAT = 297 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 298 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 299 + SYS_FSTATAT64 = 300 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 301 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 302 + SYS_LINKAT = 303 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 304 + SYS_READLINKAT = 305 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 306 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 307 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 308 + SYS_PPOLL = 309 + SYS_UNSHARE = 310 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 311 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 312 + SYS_SPLICE = 313 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 314 + SYS_TEE = 315 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 316 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 317 + SYS_GETCPU = 318 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 319 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 320 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 321 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 322 + SYS_EVENTFD = 323 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 324 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 325 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 326 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 327 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 328 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 329 + SYS_DUP3 = 330 + SYS_PIPE2 = 331 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 332 + SYS_PREADV = 333 + SYS_PWRITEV = 334 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 335 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 336 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 337 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 338 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 339 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 340 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 341 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 342 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 343 + SYS_SYNCFS = 344 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 345 + SYS_SETNS = 346 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 347 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 348 + SYS_KCMP = 349 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 350 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 351 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 352 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 353 + SYS_SECCOMP = 354 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 355 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 356 + SYS_BPF = 357 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 358 + SYS_SOCKET = 359 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 360 + SYS_BIND = 361 + SYS_CONNECT = 362 + SYS_LISTEN = 363 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 364 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 365 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 366 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 367 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 368 + SYS_SENDTO = 369 + SYS_SENDMSG = 370 + SYS_RECVFROM = 371 + SYS_RECVMSG = 372 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 373 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 374 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 375 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 376 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 377 + SYS_PREADV2 = 378 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 379 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 380 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 381 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 382 + SYS_STATX = 383 + SYS_ARCH_PRCTL = 384 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 385 + SYS_RSEQ = 386 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME64 = 403 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME64 = 404 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME64 = 405 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES_TIME64 = 406 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP_TIME64 = 407 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME64 = 408 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME64 = 409 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME64 = 410 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME64 = 411 + SYS_UTIMENSAT_TIME64 = 412 + SYS_PSELECT6_TIME64 = 413 + SYS_PPOLL_TIME64 = 414 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS_TIME64 = 416 + SYS_RECVMMSG_TIME64 = 417 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND_TIME64 = 418 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE_TIME64 = 419 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP_TIME64 = 420 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT_TIME64 = 421 + SYS_FUTEX_TIME64 = 422 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL_TIME64 = 423 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go index b3d8ad79d42..9ba20784761 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go @@ -341,4 +341,8 @@ const ( SYS_STATX = 332 SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 333 SYS_RSEQ = 334 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go index e092822fbad..94f68f101b3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go @@ -6,359 +6,385 @@ package unix const ( - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 - SYS_EXIT = 1 - SYS_FORK = 2 - SYS_READ = 3 - SYS_WRITE = 4 - SYS_OPEN = 5 - SYS_CLOSE = 6 - SYS_CREAT = 8 - SYS_LINK = 9 - SYS_UNLINK = 10 - SYS_EXECVE = 11 - SYS_CHDIR = 12 - SYS_MKNOD = 14 - SYS_CHMOD = 15 - SYS_LCHOWN = 16 - SYS_LSEEK = 19 - SYS_GETPID = 20 - SYS_MOUNT = 21 - SYS_SETUID = 23 - SYS_GETUID = 24 - SYS_PTRACE = 26 - SYS_PAUSE = 29 - SYS_ACCESS = 33 - SYS_NICE = 34 - SYS_SYNC = 36 - SYS_KILL = 37 - SYS_RENAME = 38 - SYS_MKDIR = 39 - SYS_RMDIR = 40 - SYS_DUP = 41 - SYS_PIPE = 42 - SYS_TIMES = 43 - SYS_BRK = 45 - SYS_SETGID = 46 - SYS_GETGID = 47 - SYS_GETEUID = 49 - SYS_GETEGID = 50 - SYS_ACCT = 51 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 - SYS_IOCTL = 54 - SYS_FCNTL = 55 - SYS_SETPGID = 57 - SYS_UMASK = 60 - SYS_CHROOT = 61 - SYS_USTAT = 62 - SYS_DUP2 = 63 - SYS_GETPPID = 64 - SYS_GETPGRP = 65 - SYS_SETSID = 66 - SYS_SIGACTION = 67 - SYS_SETREUID = 70 - SYS_SETREGID = 71 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 80 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 81 - SYS_SYMLINK = 83 - SYS_READLINK = 85 - SYS_USELIB = 86 - SYS_SWAPON = 87 - SYS_REBOOT = 88 - SYS_MUNMAP = 91 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 - SYS_FCHMOD = 94 - SYS_FCHOWN = 95 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 - SYS_STATFS = 99 - SYS_FSTATFS = 100 - SYS_SYSLOG = 103 - SYS_SETITIMER = 104 - SYS_GETITIMER = 105 - SYS_STAT = 106 - SYS_LSTAT = 107 - SYS_FSTAT = 108 - SYS_VHANGUP = 111 - SYS_WAIT4 = 114 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 - SYS_SYSINFO = 116 - SYS_FSYNC = 118 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 - SYS_CLONE = 120 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 - SYS_UNAME = 122 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 - SYS_MPROTECT = 125 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 - SYS_GETPGID = 132 - SYS_FCHDIR = 133 - SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 - SYS_SYSFS = 135 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 - SYS_SETFSUID = 138 - SYS_SETFSGID = 139 - SYS__LLSEEK = 140 - SYS_GETDENTS = 141 - SYS__NEWSELECT = 142 - SYS_FLOCK = 143 - SYS_MSYNC = 144 - SYS_READV = 145 - SYS_WRITEV = 146 - SYS_GETSID = 147 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 - SYS__SYSCTL = 149 - SYS_MLOCK = 150 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 - SYS_MREMAP = 163 - SYS_SETRESUID = 164 - SYS_GETRESUID = 165 - SYS_POLL = 168 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 169 - SYS_SETRESGID = 170 - SYS_GETRESGID = 171 - SYS_PRCTL = 172 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 173 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 174 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 175 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 176 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 177 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 178 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 179 - SYS_PREAD64 = 180 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 181 - SYS_CHOWN = 182 - SYS_GETCWD = 183 - SYS_CAPGET = 184 - SYS_CAPSET = 185 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 186 - SYS_SENDFILE = 187 - SYS_VFORK = 190 - SYS_UGETRLIMIT = 191 - SYS_MMAP2 = 192 - SYS_TRUNCATE64 = 193 - SYS_FTRUNCATE64 = 194 - SYS_STAT64 = 195 - SYS_LSTAT64 = 196 - SYS_FSTAT64 = 197 - SYS_LCHOWN32 = 198 - SYS_GETUID32 = 199 - SYS_GETGID32 = 200 - SYS_GETEUID32 = 201 - SYS_GETEGID32 = 202 - SYS_SETREUID32 = 203 - SYS_SETREGID32 = 204 - SYS_GETGROUPS32 = 205 - SYS_SETGROUPS32 = 206 - SYS_FCHOWN32 = 207 - SYS_SETRESUID32 = 208 - SYS_GETRESUID32 = 209 - SYS_SETRESGID32 = 210 - SYS_GETRESGID32 = 211 - SYS_CHOWN32 = 212 - SYS_SETUID32 = 213 - SYS_SETGID32 = 214 - SYS_SETFSUID32 = 215 - SYS_SETFSGID32 = 216 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 217 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 218 - SYS_MINCORE = 219 - SYS_MADVISE = 220 - SYS_FCNTL64 = 221 - SYS_GETTID = 224 - SYS_READAHEAD = 225 - SYS_SETXATTR = 226 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 227 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 228 - SYS_GETXATTR = 229 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 230 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 231 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 232 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 233 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 234 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 235 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 236 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 237 - SYS_TKILL = 238 - SYS_SENDFILE64 = 239 - SYS_FUTEX = 240 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 241 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 242 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 243 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 244 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 245 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 246 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 247 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 248 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 249 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 250 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 251 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 252 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 253 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 256 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 257 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 258 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 259 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 260 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 261 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 262 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 263 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 264 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 265 - SYS_STATFS64 = 266 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 267 - SYS_TGKILL = 268 - SYS_UTIMES = 269 - SYS_ARM_FADVISE64_64 = 270 - SYS_PCICONFIG_IOBASE = 271 - SYS_PCICONFIG_READ = 272 - SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE = 273 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 274 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 275 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 276 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 277 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 278 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 279 - SYS_WAITID = 280 - SYS_SOCKET = 281 - SYS_BIND = 282 - SYS_CONNECT = 283 - SYS_LISTEN = 284 - SYS_ACCEPT = 285 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 286 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 287 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 288 - SYS_SEND = 289 - SYS_SENDTO = 290 - SYS_RECV = 291 - SYS_RECVFROM = 292 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 293 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 294 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 295 - SYS_SENDMSG = 296 - SYS_RECVMSG = 297 - SYS_SEMOP = 298 - SYS_SEMGET = 299 - SYS_SEMCTL = 300 - SYS_MSGSND = 301 - SYS_MSGRCV = 302 - SYS_MSGGET = 303 - SYS_MSGCTL = 304 - SYS_SHMAT = 305 - SYS_SHMDT = 306 - SYS_SHMGET = 307 - SYS_SHMCTL = 308 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 309 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 310 - SYS_KEYCTL = 311 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 312 - SYS_VSERVER = 313 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 314 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 315 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 316 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 317 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 318 - SYS_MBIND = 319 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 320 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 321 - SYS_OPENAT = 322 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 323 - SYS_MKNODAT = 324 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 325 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 326 - SYS_FSTATAT64 = 327 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 328 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 329 - SYS_LINKAT = 330 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 331 - SYS_READLINKAT = 332 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 333 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 334 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 335 - SYS_PPOLL = 336 - SYS_UNSHARE = 337 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 338 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 339 - SYS_SPLICE = 340 - SYS_ARM_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 341 - SYS_TEE = 342 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 343 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 344 - SYS_GETCPU = 345 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 346 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 347 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 348 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 349 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 350 - SYS_EVENTFD = 351 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 352 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 353 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 354 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 355 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 356 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 357 - SYS_DUP3 = 358 - SYS_PIPE2 = 359 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 360 - SYS_PREADV = 361 - SYS_PWRITEV = 362 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 363 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 364 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 365 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 366 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 367 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 368 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 369 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 370 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 371 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 372 - SYS_SYNCFS = 373 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 374 - SYS_SETNS = 375 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 376 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 377 - SYS_KCMP = 378 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 379 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 380 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 381 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 382 - SYS_SECCOMP = 383 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 384 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 385 - SYS_BPF = 386 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 387 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 388 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 389 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 390 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 391 - SYS_PREADV2 = 392 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 393 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 394 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 395 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 396 - SYS_STATX = 397 - SYS_RSEQ = 398 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 399 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 + SYS_EXIT = 1 + SYS_FORK = 2 + SYS_READ = 3 + SYS_WRITE = 4 + SYS_OPEN = 5 + SYS_CLOSE = 6 + SYS_CREAT = 8 + SYS_LINK = 9 + SYS_UNLINK = 10 + SYS_EXECVE = 11 + SYS_CHDIR = 12 + SYS_MKNOD = 14 + SYS_CHMOD = 15 + SYS_LCHOWN = 16 + SYS_LSEEK = 19 + SYS_GETPID = 20 + SYS_MOUNT = 21 + SYS_SETUID = 23 + SYS_GETUID = 24 + SYS_PTRACE = 26 + SYS_PAUSE = 29 + SYS_ACCESS = 33 + SYS_NICE = 34 + SYS_SYNC = 36 + SYS_KILL = 37 + SYS_RENAME = 38 + SYS_MKDIR = 39 + SYS_RMDIR = 40 + SYS_DUP = 41 + SYS_PIPE = 42 + SYS_TIMES = 43 + SYS_BRK = 45 + SYS_SETGID = 46 + SYS_GETGID = 47 + SYS_GETEUID = 49 + SYS_GETEGID = 50 + SYS_ACCT = 51 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 + SYS_IOCTL = 54 + SYS_FCNTL = 55 + SYS_SETPGID = 57 + SYS_UMASK = 60 + SYS_CHROOT = 61 + SYS_USTAT = 62 + SYS_DUP2 = 63 + SYS_GETPPID = 64 + SYS_GETPGRP = 65 + SYS_SETSID = 66 + SYS_SIGACTION = 67 + SYS_SETREUID = 70 + SYS_SETREGID = 71 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 80 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 81 + SYS_SYMLINK = 83 + SYS_READLINK = 85 + SYS_USELIB = 86 + SYS_SWAPON = 87 + SYS_REBOOT = 88 + SYS_MUNMAP = 91 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 + SYS_FCHMOD = 94 + SYS_FCHOWN = 95 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 + SYS_STATFS = 99 + SYS_FSTATFS = 100 + SYS_SYSLOG = 103 + SYS_SETITIMER = 104 + SYS_GETITIMER = 105 + SYS_STAT = 106 + SYS_LSTAT = 107 + SYS_FSTAT = 108 + SYS_VHANGUP = 111 + SYS_WAIT4 = 114 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 + SYS_SYSINFO = 116 + SYS_FSYNC = 118 + SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 + SYS_CLONE = 120 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 + SYS_UNAME = 122 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 + SYS_MPROTECT = 125 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 + SYS_GETPGID = 132 + SYS_FCHDIR = 133 + SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 + SYS_SYSFS = 135 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 + SYS_SETFSUID = 138 + SYS_SETFSGID = 139 + SYS__LLSEEK = 140 + SYS_GETDENTS = 141 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 142 + SYS_FLOCK = 143 + SYS_MSYNC = 144 + SYS_READV = 145 + SYS_WRITEV = 146 + SYS_GETSID = 147 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 + SYS__SYSCTL = 149 + SYS_MLOCK = 150 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 + SYS_MREMAP = 163 + SYS_SETRESUID = 164 + SYS_GETRESUID = 165 + SYS_POLL = 168 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 169 + SYS_SETRESGID = 170 + SYS_GETRESGID = 171 + SYS_PRCTL = 172 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 173 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 174 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 175 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 176 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 177 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 178 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 179 + SYS_PREAD64 = 180 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 181 + SYS_CHOWN = 182 + SYS_GETCWD = 183 + SYS_CAPGET = 184 + SYS_CAPSET = 185 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 186 + SYS_SENDFILE = 187 + SYS_VFORK = 190 + SYS_UGETRLIMIT = 191 + SYS_MMAP2 = 192 + SYS_TRUNCATE64 = 193 + SYS_FTRUNCATE64 = 194 + SYS_STAT64 = 195 + SYS_LSTAT64 = 196 + SYS_FSTAT64 = 197 + SYS_LCHOWN32 = 198 + SYS_GETUID32 = 199 + SYS_GETGID32 = 200 + SYS_GETEUID32 = 201 + SYS_GETEGID32 = 202 + SYS_SETREUID32 = 203 + SYS_SETREGID32 = 204 + SYS_GETGROUPS32 = 205 + SYS_SETGROUPS32 = 206 + SYS_FCHOWN32 = 207 + SYS_SETRESUID32 = 208 + SYS_GETRESUID32 = 209 + SYS_SETRESGID32 = 210 + SYS_GETRESGID32 = 211 + SYS_CHOWN32 = 212 + SYS_SETUID32 = 213 + SYS_SETGID32 = 214 + SYS_SETFSUID32 = 215 + SYS_SETFSGID32 = 216 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 217 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 218 + SYS_MINCORE = 219 + SYS_MADVISE = 220 + SYS_FCNTL64 = 221 + SYS_GETTID = 224 + SYS_READAHEAD = 225 + SYS_SETXATTR = 226 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 227 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 228 + SYS_GETXATTR = 229 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 230 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 231 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 232 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 233 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 234 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 235 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 236 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 237 + SYS_TKILL = 238 + SYS_SENDFILE64 = 239 + SYS_FUTEX = 240 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 241 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 242 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 243 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 244 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 245 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 246 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 247 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 248 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 249 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 250 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 251 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 252 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 253 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 256 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 257 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 258 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 259 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 260 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 261 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 262 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 263 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 264 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 265 + SYS_STATFS64 = 266 + SYS_FSTATFS64 = 267 + SYS_TGKILL = 268 + SYS_UTIMES = 269 + SYS_ARM_FADVISE64_64 = 270 + SYS_PCICONFIG_IOBASE = 271 + SYS_PCICONFIG_READ = 272 + SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE = 273 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 274 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 275 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 276 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 277 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 278 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 279 + SYS_WAITID = 280 + SYS_SOCKET = 281 + SYS_BIND = 282 + SYS_CONNECT = 283 + SYS_LISTEN = 284 + SYS_ACCEPT = 285 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 286 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 287 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 288 + SYS_SEND = 289 + SYS_SENDTO = 290 + SYS_RECV = 291 + SYS_RECVFROM = 292 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 293 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 294 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 295 + SYS_SENDMSG = 296 + SYS_RECVMSG = 297 + SYS_SEMOP = 298 + SYS_SEMGET = 299 + SYS_SEMCTL = 300 + SYS_MSGSND = 301 + SYS_MSGRCV = 302 + SYS_MSGGET = 303 + SYS_MSGCTL = 304 + SYS_SHMAT = 305 + SYS_SHMDT = 306 + SYS_SHMGET = 307 + SYS_SHMCTL = 308 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 309 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 310 + SYS_KEYCTL = 311 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 312 + SYS_VSERVER = 313 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 314 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 315 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 316 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 317 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 318 + SYS_MBIND = 319 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 320 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 321 + SYS_OPENAT = 322 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 323 + SYS_MKNODAT = 324 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 325 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 326 + SYS_FSTATAT64 = 327 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 328 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 329 + SYS_LINKAT = 330 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 331 + SYS_READLINKAT = 332 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 333 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 334 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 335 + SYS_PPOLL = 336 + SYS_UNSHARE = 337 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 338 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 339 + SYS_SPLICE = 340 + SYS_ARM_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 341 + SYS_TEE = 342 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 343 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 344 + SYS_GETCPU = 345 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 346 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 347 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 348 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 349 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 350 + SYS_EVENTFD = 351 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 352 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 353 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 354 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 355 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 356 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 357 + SYS_DUP3 = 358 + SYS_PIPE2 = 359 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 360 + SYS_PREADV = 361 + SYS_PWRITEV = 362 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 363 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 364 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 365 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 366 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 367 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 368 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 369 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 370 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 371 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 372 + SYS_SYNCFS = 373 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 374 + SYS_SETNS = 375 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 376 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 377 + SYS_KCMP = 378 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 379 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 380 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 381 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 382 + SYS_SECCOMP = 383 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 384 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 385 + SYS_BPF = 386 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 387 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 388 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 389 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 390 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 391 + SYS_PREADV2 = 392 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 393 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 394 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 395 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 396 + SYS_STATX = 397 + SYS_RSEQ = 398 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 399 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 400 + SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 401 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME64 = 403 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME64 = 404 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME64 = 405 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES_TIME64 = 406 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP_TIME64 = 407 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME64 = 408 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME64 = 409 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME64 = 410 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME64 = 411 + SYS_UTIMENSAT_TIME64 = 412 + SYS_PSELECT6_TIME64 = 413 + SYS_PPOLL_TIME64 = 414 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS_TIME64 = 416 + SYS_RECVMMSG_TIME64 = 417 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND_TIME64 = 418 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE_TIME64 = 419 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP_TIME64 = 420 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT_TIME64 = 421 + SYS_FUTEX_TIME64 = 422 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL_TIME64 = 423 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go index b81d508a730..15c413516eb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go @@ -286,4 +286,8 @@ const ( SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 292 SYS_RSEQ = 293 SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 294 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go index 6893a5bd055..638465b1428 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go @@ -6,372 +6,406 @@ package unix const ( - SYS_SYSCALL = 4000 - SYS_EXIT = 4001 - SYS_FORK = 4002 - SYS_READ = 4003 - SYS_WRITE = 4004 - SYS_OPEN = 4005 - SYS_CLOSE = 4006 - SYS_WAITPID = 4007 - SYS_CREAT = 4008 - SYS_LINK = 4009 - SYS_UNLINK = 4010 - SYS_EXECVE = 4011 - SYS_CHDIR = 4012 - SYS_TIME = 4013 - SYS_MKNOD = 4014 - SYS_CHMOD = 4015 - SYS_LCHOWN = 4016 - SYS_BREAK = 4017 - SYS_UNUSED18 = 4018 - SYS_LSEEK = 4019 - SYS_GETPID = 4020 - SYS_MOUNT = 4021 - SYS_UMOUNT = 4022 - SYS_SETUID = 4023 - SYS_GETUID = 4024 - SYS_STIME = 4025 - SYS_PTRACE = 4026 - SYS_ALARM = 4027 - SYS_UNUSED28 = 4028 - SYS_PAUSE = 4029 - SYS_UTIME = 4030 - SYS_STTY = 4031 - SYS_GTTY = 4032 - SYS_ACCESS = 4033 - SYS_NICE = 4034 - SYS_FTIME = 4035 - SYS_SYNC = 4036 - SYS_KILL = 4037 - SYS_RENAME = 4038 - SYS_MKDIR = 4039 - SYS_RMDIR = 4040 - SYS_DUP = 4041 - SYS_PIPE = 4042 - SYS_TIMES = 4043 - SYS_PROF = 4044 - SYS_BRK = 4045 - SYS_SETGID = 4046 - SYS_GETGID = 4047 - SYS_SIGNAL = 4048 - SYS_GETEUID = 4049 - SYS_GETEGID = 4050 - SYS_ACCT = 4051 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 4052 - SYS_LOCK = 4053 - SYS_IOCTL = 4054 - SYS_FCNTL = 4055 - SYS_MPX = 4056 - SYS_SETPGID = 4057 - SYS_ULIMIT = 4058 - SYS_UNUSED59 = 4059 - SYS_UMASK = 4060 - SYS_CHROOT = 4061 - SYS_USTAT = 4062 - SYS_DUP2 = 4063 - SYS_GETPPID = 4064 - SYS_GETPGRP = 4065 - SYS_SETSID = 4066 - SYS_SIGACTION = 4067 - SYS_SGETMASK = 4068 - SYS_SSETMASK = 4069 - SYS_SETREUID = 4070 - SYS_SETREGID = 4071 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 4072 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 4073 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 4074 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 4075 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 4076 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 4077 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 4078 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 4079 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 4080 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 4081 - SYS_RESERVED82 = 4082 - SYS_SYMLINK = 4083 - SYS_UNUSED84 = 4084 - SYS_READLINK = 4085 - SYS_USELIB = 4086 - SYS_SWAPON = 4087 - SYS_REBOOT = 4088 - SYS_READDIR = 4089 - SYS_MMAP = 4090 - SYS_MUNMAP = 4091 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 4092 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 4093 - SYS_FCHMOD = 4094 - SYS_FCHOWN = 4095 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 4096 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 4097 - SYS_PROFIL = 4098 - SYS_STATFS = 4099 - SYS_FSTATFS = 4100 - SYS_IOPERM = 4101 - SYS_SOCKETCALL = 4102 - SYS_SYSLOG = 4103 - SYS_SETITIMER = 4104 - SYS_GETITIMER = 4105 - SYS_STAT = 4106 - SYS_LSTAT = 4107 - SYS_FSTAT = 4108 - SYS_UNUSED109 = 4109 - SYS_IOPL = 4110 - SYS_VHANGUP = 4111 - SYS_IDLE = 4112 - SYS_VM86 = 4113 - SYS_WAIT4 = 4114 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 4115 - SYS_SYSINFO = 4116 - SYS_IPC = 4117 - SYS_FSYNC = 4118 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 4119 - SYS_CLONE = 4120 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 4121 - SYS_UNAME = 4122 - SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 4123 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 4124 - SYS_MPROTECT = 4125 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 4126 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 4127 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 4128 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 4129 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 4130 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 4131 - SYS_GETPGID = 4132 - SYS_FCHDIR = 4133 - SYS_BDFLUSH = 4134 - SYS_SYSFS = 4135 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 4136 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 4137 - SYS_SETFSUID = 4138 - SYS_SETFSGID = 4139 - SYS__LLSEEK = 4140 - SYS_GETDENTS = 4141 - SYS__NEWSELECT = 4142 - SYS_FLOCK = 4143 - SYS_MSYNC = 4144 - SYS_READV = 4145 - SYS_WRITEV = 4146 - SYS_CACHEFLUSH = 4147 - SYS_CACHECTL = 4148 - SYS_SYSMIPS = 4149 - SYS_UNUSED150 = 4150 - SYS_GETSID = 4151 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 4152 - SYS__SYSCTL = 4153 - SYS_MLOCK = 4154 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 4155 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 4156 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 4157 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 4158 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 4159 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 4160 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 4161 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 4162 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 4163 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 4164 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 4165 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 4166 - SYS_MREMAP = 4167 - SYS_ACCEPT = 4168 - SYS_BIND = 4169 - SYS_CONNECT = 4170 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 4171 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 4172 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 4173 - SYS_LISTEN = 4174 - SYS_RECV = 4175 - SYS_RECVFROM = 4176 - SYS_RECVMSG = 4177 - SYS_SEND = 4178 - SYS_SENDMSG = 4179 - SYS_SENDTO = 4180 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 4181 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 4182 - SYS_SOCKET = 4183 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 4184 - SYS_SETRESUID = 4185 - SYS_GETRESUID = 4186 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 4187 - SYS_POLL = 4188 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 4189 - SYS_SETRESGID = 4190 - SYS_GETRESGID = 4191 - SYS_PRCTL = 4192 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 4193 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 4194 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 4195 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 4196 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 4197 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 4198 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 4199 - SYS_PREAD64 = 4200 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 4201 - SYS_CHOWN = 4202 - SYS_GETCWD = 4203 - SYS_CAPGET = 4204 - SYS_CAPSET = 4205 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 4206 - SYS_SENDFILE = 4207 - SYS_GETPMSG = 4208 - SYS_PUTPMSG = 4209 - SYS_MMAP2 = 4210 - SYS_TRUNCATE64 = 4211 - SYS_FTRUNCATE64 = 4212 - SYS_STAT64 = 4213 - SYS_LSTAT64 = 4214 - SYS_FSTAT64 = 4215 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 4216 - SYS_MINCORE = 4217 - SYS_MADVISE = 4218 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 4219 - SYS_FCNTL64 = 4220 - SYS_RESERVED221 = 4221 - SYS_GETTID = 4222 - SYS_READAHEAD = 4223 - SYS_SETXATTR = 4224 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 4225 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 4226 - SYS_GETXATTR = 4227 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 4228 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 4229 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 4230 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 4231 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 4232 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 4233 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 4234 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 4235 - SYS_TKILL = 4236 - SYS_SENDFILE64 = 4237 - SYS_FUTEX = 4238 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 4239 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 4240 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 4241 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 4242 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 4243 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 4244 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 4245 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 4246 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 4247 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 4248 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 4249 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 4250 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 4251 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 4252 - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 4253 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 4254 - SYS_STATFS64 = 4255 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 4256 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 4257 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 4258 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 4259 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 4260 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 4261 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 4262 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 4263 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 4264 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 4265 - SYS_TGKILL = 4266 - SYS_UTIMES = 4267 - SYS_MBIND = 4268 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 4269 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 4270 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 4271 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 4272 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 4273 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 4274 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 4275 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 4276 - SYS_VSERVER = 4277 - SYS_WAITID = 4278 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 4280 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 4281 - SYS_KEYCTL = 4282 - SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 4283 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 4284 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 4285 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 4286 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 4287 - SYS_OPENAT = 4288 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 4289 - SYS_MKNODAT = 4290 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 4291 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 4292 - SYS_FSTATAT64 = 4293 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 4294 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 4295 - SYS_LINKAT = 4296 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 4297 - SYS_READLINKAT = 4298 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 4299 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 4300 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 4301 - SYS_PPOLL = 4302 - SYS_UNSHARE = 4303 - SYS_SPLICE = 4304 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 4305 - SYS_TEE = 4306 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 4307 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 4308 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 4309 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 4310 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 4311 - SYS_GETCPU = 4312 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 4313 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 4314 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 4315 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 4316 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 4317 - SYS_TIMERFD = 4318 - SYS_EVENTFD = 4319 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 4320 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 4321 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 4322 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 4323 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 4324 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 4325 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 4326 - SYS_DUP3 = 4327 - SYS_PIPE2 = 4328 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 4329 - SYS_PREADV = 4330 - SYS_PWRITEV = 4331 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 4332 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 4333 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 4334 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 4335 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 4336 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 4337 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 4338 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 4339 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 4340 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 4341 - SYS_SYNCFS = 4342 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 4343 - SYS_SETNS = 4344 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 4345 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 4346 - SYS_KCMP = 4347 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 4348 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 4349 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 4350 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 4351 - SYS_SECCOMP = 4352 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 4353 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 4354 - SYS_BPF = 4355 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 4356 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 4357 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 4358 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 4359 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 4360 - SYS_PREADV2 = 4361 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 4362 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 4363 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 4364 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 4365 - SYS_STATX = 4366 - SYS_RSEQ = 4367 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 4368 + SYS_SYSCALL = 4000 + SYS_EXIT = 4001 + SYS_FORK = 4002 + SYS_READ = 4003 + SYS_WRITE = 4004 + SYS_OPEN = 4005 + SYS_CLOSE = 4006 + SYS_WAITPID = 4007 + SYS_CREAT = 4008 + SYS_LINK = 4009 + SYS_UNLINK = 4010 + SYS_EXECVE = 4011 + SYS_CHDIR = 4012 + SYS_TIME = 4013 + SYS_MKNOD = 4014 + SYS_CHMOD = 4015 + SYS_LCHOWN = 4016 + SYS_BREAK = 4017 + SYS_UNUSED18 = 4018 + SYS_LSEEK = 4019 + SYS_GETPID = 4020 + SYS_MOUNT = 4021 + SYS_UMOUNT = 4022 + SYS_SETUID = 4023 + SYS_GETUID = 4024 + SYS_STIME = 4025 + SYS_PTRACE = 4026 + SYS_ALARM = 4027 + SYS_UNUSED28 = 4028 + SYS_PAUSE = 4029 + SYS_UTIME = 4030 + SYS_STTY = 4031 + SYS_GTTY = 4032 + SYS_ACCESS = 4033 + SYS_NICE = 4034 + SYS_FTIME = 4035 + SYS_SYNC = 4036 + SYS_KILL = 4037 + SYS_RENAME = 4038 + SYS_MKDIR = 4039 + SYS_RMDIR = 4040 + SYS_DUP = 4041 + SYS_PIPE = 4042 + SYS_TIMES = 4043 + SYS_PROF = 4044 + SYS_BRK = 4045 + SYS_SETGID = 4046 + SYS_GETGID = 4047 + SYS_SIGNAL = 4048 + SYS_GETEUID = 4049 + SYS_GETEGID = 4050 + SYS_ACCT = 4051 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 4052 + SYS_LOCK = 4053 + SYS_IOCTL = 4054 + SYS_FCNTL = 4055 + SYS_MPX = 4056 + SYS_SETPGID = 4057 + SYS_ULIMIT = 4058 + SYS_UNUSED59 = 4059 + SYS_UMASK = 4060 + SYS_CHROOT = 4061 + SYS_USTAT = 4062 + SYS_DUP2 = 4063 + SYS_GETPPID = 4064 + SYS_GETPGRP = 4065 + SYS_SETSID = 4066 + SYS_SIGACTION = 4067 + SYS_SGETMASK = 4068 + SYS_SSETMASK = 4069 + SYS_SETREUID = 4070 + SYS_SETREGID = 4071 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 4072 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 4073 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 4074 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 4075 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 4076 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 4077 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 4078 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 4079 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 4080 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 4081 + SYS_RESERVED82 = 4082 + SYS_SYMLINK = 4083 + SYS_UNUSED84 = 4084 + SYS_READLINK = 4085 + SYS_USELIB = 4086 + SYS_SWAPON = 4087 + SYS_REBOOT = 4088 + SYS_READDIR = 4089 + SYS_MMAP = 4090 + SYS_MUNMAP = 4091 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 4092 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 4093 + SYS_FCHMOD = 4094 + SYS_FCHOWN = 4095 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 4096 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 4097 + SYS_PROFIL = 4098 + SYS_STATFS = 4099 + SYS_FSTATFS = 4100 + SYS_IOPERM = 4101 + SYS_SOCKETCALL = 4102 + SYS_SYSLOG = 4103 + SYS_SETITIMER = 4104 + SYS_GETITIMER = 4105 + SYS_STAT = 4106 + SYS_LSTAT = 4107 + SYS_FSTAT = 4108 + SYS_UNUSED109 = 4109 + SYS_IOPL = 4110 + SYS_VHANGUP = 4111 + SYS_IDLE = 4112 + SYS_VM86 = 4113 + SYS_WAIT4 = 4114 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 4115 + SYS_SYSINFO = 4116 + SYS_IPC = 4117 + SYS_FSYNC = 4118 + SYS_SIGRETURN = 4119 + SYS_CLONE = 4120 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 4121 + SYS_UNAME = 4122 + SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 4123 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 4124 + SYS_MPROTECT = 4125 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 4126 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 4127 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 4128 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 4129 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 4130 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 4131 + SYS_GETPGID = 4132 + SYS_FCHDIR = 4133 + SYS_BDFLUSH = 4134 + SYS_SYSFS = 4135 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 4136 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 4137 + SYS_SETFSUID = 4138 + SYS_SETFSGID = 4139 + SYS__LLSEEK = 4140 + SYS_GETDENTS = 4141 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 4142 + SYS_FLOCK = 4143 + SYS_MSYNC = 4144 + SYS_READV = 4145 + SYS_WRITEV = 4146 + SYS_CACHEFLUSH = 4147 + SYS_CACHECTL = 4148 + SYS_SYSMIPS = 4149 + SYS_UNUSED150 = 4150 + SYS_GETSID = 4151 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 4152 + SYS__SYSCTL = 4153 + SYS_MLOCK = 4154 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 4155 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 4156 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 4157 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 4158 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 4159 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 4160 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 4161 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 4162 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 4163 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 4164 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 4165 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 4166 + SYS_MREMAP = 4167 + SYS_ACCEPT = 4168 + SYS_BIND = 4169 + SYS_CONNECT = 4170 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 4171 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 4172 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 4173 + SYS_LISTEN = 4174 + SYS_RECV = 4175 + SYS_RECVFROM = 4176 + SYS_RECVMSG = 4177 + SYS_SEND = 4178 + SYS_SENDMSG = 4179 + SYS_SENDTO = 4180 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 4181 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 4182 + SYS_SOCKET = 4183 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 4184 + SYS_SETRESUID = 4185 + SYS_GETRESUID = 4186 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 4187 + SYS_POLL = 4188 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 4189 + SYS_SETRESGID = 4190 + SYS_GETRESGID = 4191 + SYS_PRCTL = 4192 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 4193 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 4194 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 4195 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 4196 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 4197 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 4198 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 4199 + SYS_PREAD64 = 4200 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 4201 + SYS_CHOWN = 4202 + SYS_GETCWD = 4203 + SYS_CAPGET = 4204 + SYS_CAPSET = 4205 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 4206 + SYS_SENDFILE = 4207 + SYS_GETPMSG = 4208 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 4209 + SYS_MMAP2 = 4210 + SYS_TRUNCATE64 = 4211 + SYS_FTRUNCATE64 = 4212 + SYS_STAT64 = 4213 + SYS_LSTAT64 = 4214 + SYS_FSTAT64 = 4215 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 4216 + SYS_MINCORE = 4217 + SYS_MADVISE = 4218 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 4219 + SYS_FCNTL64 = 4220 + SYS_RESERVED221 = 4221 + SYS_GETTID = 4222 + SYS_READAHEAD = 4223 + SYS_SETXATTR = 4224 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 4225 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 4226 + SYS_GETXATTR = 4227 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 4228 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 4229 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 4230 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 4231 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 4232 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 4233 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 4234 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 4235 + SYS_TKILL = 4236 + SYS_SENDFILE64 = 4237 + SYS_FUTEX = 4238 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 4239 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 4240 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 4241 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 4242 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 4243 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 4244 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 4245 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 4246 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 4247 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 4248 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 4249 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 4250 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 4251 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 4252 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 4253 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 4254 + SYS_STATFS64 = 4255 + SYS_FSTATFS64 = 4256 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 4257 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 4258 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 4259 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 4260 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 4261 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 4262 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 4263 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 4264 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 4265 + SYS_TGKILL = 4266 + SYS_UTIMES = 4267 + SYS_MBIND = 4268 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 4269 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 4270 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 4271 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 4272 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 4273 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 4274 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 4275 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 4276 + SYS_VSERVER = 4277 + SYS_WAITID = 4278 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 4280 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 4281 + SYS_KEYCTL = 4282 + SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 4283 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 4284 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 4285 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 4286 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 4287 + SYS_OPENAT = 4288 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 4289 + SYS_MKNODAT = 4290 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 4291 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 4292 + SYS_FSTATAT64 = 4293 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 4294 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 4295 + SYS_LINKAT = 4296 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 4297 + SYS_READLINKAT = 4298 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 4299 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 4300 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 4301 + SYS_PPOLL = 4302 + SYS_UNSHARE = 4303 + SYS_SPLICE = 4304 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 4305 + SYS_TEE = 4306 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 4307 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 4308 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 4309 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 4310 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 4311 + SYS_GETCPU = 4312 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 4313 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 4314 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 4315 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 4316 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 4317 + SYS_TIMERFD = 4318 + SYS_EVENTFD = 4319 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 4320 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 4321 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 4322 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 4323 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 4324 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 4325 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 4326 + SYS_DUP3 = 4327 + SYS_PIPE2 = 4328 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 4329 + SYS_PREADV = 4330 + SYS_PWRITEV = 4331 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 4332 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 4333 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 4334 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 4335 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 4336 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 4337 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 4338 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 4339 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 4340 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 4341 + SYS_SYNCFS = 4342 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 4343 + SYS_SETNS = 4344 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 4345 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 4346 + SYS_KCMP = 4347 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 4348 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 4349 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 4350 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 4351 + SYS_SECCOMP = 4352 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 4353 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 4354 + SYS_BPF = 4355 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 4356 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 4357 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 4358 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 4359 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 4360 + SYS_PREADV2 = 4361 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 4362 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 4363 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 4364 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 4365 + SYS_STATX = 4366 + SYS_RSEQ = 4367 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 4368 + SYS_SEMGET = 4393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 4394 + SYS_SHMGET = 4395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 4396 + SYS_SHMAT = 4397 + SYS_SHMDT = 4398 + SYS_MSGGET = 4399 + SYS_MSGSND = 4400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 4401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 4402 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME64 = 4403 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME64 = 4404 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME64 = 4405 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES_TIME64 = 4406 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP_TIME64 = 4407 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME64 = 4408 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME64 = 4409 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME64 = 4410 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME64 = 4411 + SYS_UTIMENSAT_TIME64 = 4412 + SYS_PSELECT6_TIME64 = 4413 + SYS_PPOLL_TIME64 = 4414 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS_TIME64 = 4416 + SYS_RECVMMSG_TIME64 = 4417 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND_TIME64 = 4418 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE_TIME64 = 4419 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP_TIME64 = 4420 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT_TIME64 = 4421 + SYS_FUTEX_TIME64 = 4422 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL_TIME64 = 4423 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 4424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 4425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 4426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 4427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go index 40164cacdf5..57ec82aac4a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go @@ -334,4 +334,8 @@ const ( SYS_STATX = 5326 SYS_RSEQ = 5327 SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 5328 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 5424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 5425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 5426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 5427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go index 8a909738bc0..825a3e3b024 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go @@ -334,4 +334,8 @@ const ( SYS_STATX = 5326 SYS_RSEQ = 5327 SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 5328 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 5424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 5425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 5426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 5427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go index 8d781842245..f152dfdd054 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go @@ -6,372 +6,406 @@ package unix const ( - SYS_SYSCALL = 4000 - SYS_EXIT = 4001 - SYS_FORK = 4002 - SYS_READ = 4003 - SYS_WRITE = 4004 - SYS_OPEN = 4005 - SYS_CLOSE = 4006 - SYS_WAITPID = 4007 - SYS_CREAT = 4008 - SYS_LINK = 4009 - SYS_UNLINK = 4010 - SYS_EXECVE = 4011 - SYS_CHDIR = 4012 - SYS_TIME = 4013 - SYS_MKNOD = 4014 - SYS_CHMOD = 4015 - SYS_LCHOWN = 4016 - SYS_BREAK = 4017 - SYS_UNUSED18 = 4018 - SYS_LSEEK = 4019 - SYS_GETPID = 4020 - SYS_MOUNT = 4021 - SYS_UMOUNT = 4022 - SYS_SETUID = 4023 - SYS_GETUID = 4024 - SYS_STIME = 4025 - SYS_PTRACE = 4026 - SYS_ALARM = 4027 - SYS_UNUSED28 = 4028 - SYS_PAUSE = 4029 - SYS_UTIME = 4030 - SYS_STTY = 4031 - SYS_GTTY = 4032 - SYS_ACCESS = 4033 - SYS_NICE = 4034 - SYS_FTIME = 4035 - SYS_SYNC = 4036 - SYS_KILL = 4037 - SYS_RENAME = 4038 - SYS_MKDIR = 4039 - SYS_RMDIR = 4040 - SYS_DUP = 4041 - SYS_PIPE = 4042 - SYS_TIMES = 4043 - SYS_PROF = 4044 - SYS_BRK = 4045 - SYS_SETGID = 4046 - SYS_GETGID = 4047 - SYS_SIGNAL = 4048 - SYS_GETEUID = 4049 - SYS_GETEGID = 4050 - SYS_ACCT = 4051 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 4052 - SYS_LOCK = 4053 - SYS_IOCTL = 4054 - SYS_FCNTL = 4055 - SYS_MPX = 4056 - SYS_SETPGID = 4057 - SYS_ULIMIT = 4058 - SYS_UNUSED59 = 4059 - SYS_UMASK = 4060 - SYS_CHROOT = 4061 - SYS_USTAT = 4062 - SYS_DUP2 = 4063 - SYS_GETPPID = 4064 - SYS_GETPGRP = 4065 - SYS_SETSID = 4066 - SYS_SIGACTION = 4067 - SYS_SGETMASK = 4068 - SYS_SSETMASK = 4069 - SYS_SETREUID = 4070 - SYS_SETREGID = 4071 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 4072 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 4073 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 4074 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 4075 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 4076 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 4077 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 4078 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 4079 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 4080 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 4081 - SYS_RESERVED82 = 4082 - SYS_SYMLINK = 4083 - SYS_UNUSED84 = 4084 - SYS_READLINK = 4085 - SYS_USELIB = 4086 - SYS_SWAPON = 4087 - SYS_REBOOT = 4088 - SYS_READDIR = 4089 - SYS_MMAP = 4090 - SYS_MUNMAP = 4091 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 4092 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 4093 - SYS_FCHMOD = 4094 - SYS_FCHOWN = 4095 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 4096 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 4097 - SYS_PROFIL = 4098 - SYS_STATFS = 4099 - SYS_FSTATFS = 4100 - SYS_IOPERM = 4101 - SYS_SOCKETCALL = 4102 - SYS_SYSLOG = 4103 - SYS_SETITIMER = 4104 - SYS_GETITIMER = 4105 - SYS_STAT = 4106 - SYS_LSTAT = 4107 - SYS_FSTAT = 4108 - SYS_UNUSED109 = 4109 - SYS_IOPL = 4110 - SYS_VHANGUP = 4111 - SYS_IDLE = 4112 - SYS_VM86 = 4113 - SYS_WAIT4 = 4114 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 4115 - SYS_SYSINFO = 4116 - SYS_IPC = 4117 - SYS_FSYNC = 4118 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 4119 - SYS_CLONE = 4120 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 4121 - SYS_UNAME = 4122 - SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 4123 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 4124 - SYS_MPROTECT = 4125 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 4126 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 4127 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 4128 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 4129 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 4130 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 4131 - SYS_GETPGID = 4132 - SYS_FCHDIR = 4133 - SYS_BDFLUSH = 4134 - SYS_SYSFS = 4135 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 4136 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 4137 - SYS_SETFSUID = 4138 - SYS_SETFSGID = 4139 - SYS__LLSEEK = 4140 - SYS_GETDENTS = 4141 - SYS__NEWSELECT = 4142 - SYS_FLOCK = 4143 - SYS_MSYNC = 4144 - SYS_READV = 4145 - SYS_WRITEV = 4146 - SYS_CACHEFLUSH = 4147 - SYS_CACHECTL = 4148 - SYS_SYSMIPS = 4149 - SYS_UNUSED150 = 4150 - SYS_GETSID = 4151 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 4152 - SYS__SYSCTL = 4153 - SYS_MLOCK = 4154 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 4155 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 4156 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 4157 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 4158 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 4159 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 4160 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 4161 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 4162 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 4163 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 4164 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 4165 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 4166 - SYS_MREMAP = 4167 - SYS_ACCEPT = 4168 - SYS_BIND = 4169 - SYS_CONNECT = 4170 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 4171 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 4172 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 4173 - SYS_LISTEN = 4174 - SYS_RECV = 4175 - SYS_RECVFROM = 4176 - SYS_RECVMSG = 4177 - SYS_SEND = 4178 - SYS_SENDMSG = 4179 - SYS_SENDTO = 4180 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 4181 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 4182 - SYS_SOCKET = 4183 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 4184 - SYS_SETRESUID = 4185 - SYS_GETRESUID = 4186 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 4187 - SYS_POLL = 4188 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 4189 - SYS_SETRESGID = 4190 - SYS_GETRESGID = 4191 - SYS_PRCTL = 4192 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 4193 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 4194 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 4195 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 4196 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 4197 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 4198 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 4199 - SYS_PREAD64 = 4200 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 4201 - SYS_CHOWN = 4202 - SYS_GETCWD = 4203 - SYS_CAPGET = 4204 - SYS_CAPSET = 4205 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 4206 - SYS_SENDFILE = 4207 - SYS_GETPMSG = 4208 - SYS_PUTPMSG = 4209 - SYS_MMAP2 = 4210 - SYS_TRUNCATE64 = 4211 - SYS_FTRUNCATE64 = 4212 - SYS_STAT64 = 4213 - SYS_LSTAT64 = 4214 - SYS_FSTAT64 = 4215 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 4216 - SYS_MINCORE = 4217 - SYS_MADVISE = 4218 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 4219 - SYS_FCNTL64 = 4220 - SYS_RESERVED221 = 4221 - SYS_GETTID = 4222 - SYS_READAHEAD = 4223 - SYS_SETXATTR = 4224 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 4225 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 4226 - SYS_GETXATTR = 4227 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 4228 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 4229 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 4230 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 4231 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 4232 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 4233 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 4234 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 4235 - SYS_TKILL = 4236 - SYS_SENDFILE64 = 4237 - SYS_FUTEX = 4238 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 4239 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 4240 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 4241 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 4242 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 4243 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 4244 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 4245 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 4246 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 4247 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 4248 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 4249 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 4250 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 4251 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 4252 - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 4253 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 4254 - SYS_STATFS64 = 4255 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 4256 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 4257 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 4258 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 4259 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 4260 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 4261 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 4262 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 4263 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 4264 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 4265 - SYS_TGKILL = 4266 - SYS_UTIMES = 4267 - SYS_MBIND = 4268 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 4269 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 4270 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 4271 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 4272 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 4273 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 4274 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 4275 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 4276 - SYS_VSERVER = 4277 - SYS_WAITID = 4278 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 4280 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 4281 - SYS_KEYCTL = 4282 - SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 4283 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 4284 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 4285 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 4286 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 4287 - SYS_OPENAT = 4288 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 4289 - SYS_MKNODAT = 4290 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 4291 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 4292 - SYS_FSTATAT64 = 4293 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 4294 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 4295 - SYS_LINKAT = 4296 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 4297 - SYS_READLINKAT = 4298 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 4299 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 4300 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 4301 - SYS_PPOLL = 4302 - SYS_UNSHARE = 4303 - SYS_SPLICE = 4304 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 4305 - SYS_TEE = 4306 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 4307 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 4308 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 4309 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 4310 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 4311 - SYS_GETCPU = 4312 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 4313 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 4314 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 4315 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 4316 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 4317 - SYS_TIMERFD = 4318 - SYS_EVENTFD = 4319 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 4320 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 4321 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 4322 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 4323 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 4324 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 4325 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 4326 - SYS_DUP3 = 4327 - SYS_PIPE2 = 4328 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 4329 - SYS_PREADV = 4330 - SYS_PWRITEV = 4331 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 4332 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 4333 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 4334 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 4335 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 4336 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 4337 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 4338 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 4339 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 4340 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 4341 - SYS_SYNCFS = 4342 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 4343 - SYS_SETNS = 4344 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 4345 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 4346 - SYS_KCMP = 4347 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 4348 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 4349 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 4350 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 4351 - SYS_SECCOMP = 4352 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 4353 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 4354 - SYS_BPF = 4355 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 4356 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 4357 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 4358 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 4359 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 4360 - SYS_PREADV2 = 4361 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 4362 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 4363 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 4364 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 4365 - SYS_STATX = 4366 - SYS_RSEQ = 4367 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 4368 + SYS_SYSCALL = 4000 + SYS_EXIT = 4001 + SYS_FORK = 4002 + SYS_READ = 4003 + SYS_WRITE = 4004 + SYS_OPEN = 4005 + SYS_CLOSE = 4006 + SYS_WAITPID = 4007 + SYS_CREAT = 4008 + SYS_LINK = 4009 + SYS_UNLINK = 4010 + SYS_EXECVE = 4011 + SYS_CHDIR = 4012 + SYS_TIME = 4013 + SYS_MKNOD = 4014 + SYS_CHMOD = 4015 + SYS_LCHOWN = 4016 + SYS_BREAK = 4017 + SYS_UNUSED18 = 4018 + SYS_LSEEK = 4019 + SYS_GETPID = 4020 + SYS_MOUNT = 4021 + SYS_UMOUNT = 4022 + SYS_SETUID = 4023 + SYS_GETUID = 4024 + SYS_STIME = 4025 + SYS_PTRACE = 4026 + SYS_ALARM = 4027 + SYS_UNUSED28 = 4028 + SYS_PAUSE = 4029 + SYS_UTIME = 4030 + SYS_STTY = 4031 + SYS_GTTY = 4032 + SYS_ACCESS = 4033 + SYS_NICE = 4034 + SYS_FTIME = 4035 + SYS_SYNC = 4036 + SYS_KILL = 4037 + SYS_RENAME = 4038 + SYS_MKDIR = 4039 + SYS_RMDIR = 4040 + SYS_DUP = 4041 + SYS_PIPE = 4042 + SYS_TIMES = 4043 + SYS_PROF = 4044 + SYS_BRK = 4045 + SYS_SETGID = 4046 + SYS_GETGID = 4047 + SYS_SIGNAL = 4048 + SYS_GETEUID = 4049 + SYS_GETEGID = 4050 + SYS_ACCT = 4051 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 4052 + SYS_LOCK = 4053 + SYS_IOCTL = 4054 + SYS_FCNTL = 4055 + SYS_MPX = 4056 + SYS_SETPGID = 4057 + SYS_ULIMIT = 4058 + SYS_UNUSED59 = 4059 + SYS_UMASK = 4060 + SYS_CHROOT = 4061 + SYS_USTAT = 4062 + SYS_DUP2 = 4063 + SYS_GETPPID = 4064 + SYS_GETPGRP = 4065 + SYS_SETSID = 4066 + SYS_SIGACTION = 4067 + SYS_SGETMASK = 4068 + SYS_SSETMASK = 4069 + SYS_SETREUID = 4070 + SYS_SETREGID = 4071 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 4072 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 4073 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 4074 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 4075 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 4076 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 4077 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 4078 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 4079 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 4080 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 4081 + SYS_RESERVED82 = 4082 + SYS_SYMLINK = 4083 + SYS_UNUSED84 = 4084 + SYS_READLINK = 4085 + SYS_USELIB = 4086 + SYS_SWAPON = 4087 + SYS_REBOOT = 4088 + SYS_READDIR = 4089 + SYS_MMAP = 4090 + SYS_MUNMAP = 4091 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 4092 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 4093 + SYS_FCHMOD = 4094 + SYS_FCHOWN = 4095 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 4096 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 4097 + SYS_PROFIL = 4098 + SYS_STATFS = 4099 + SYS_FSTATFS = 4100 + SYS_IOPERM = 4101 + SYS_SOCKETCALL = 4102 + SYS_SYSLOG = 4103 + SYS_SETITIMER = 4104 + SYS_GETITIMER = 4105 + SYS_STAT = 4106 + SYS_LSTAT = 4107 + SYS_FSTAT = 4108 + SYS_UNUSED109 = 4109 + SYS_IOPL = 4110 + SYS_VHANGUP = 4111 + SYS_IDLE = 4112 + SYS_VM86 = 4113 + SYS_WAIT4 = 4114 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 4115 + SYS_SYSINFO = 4116 + SYS_IPC = 4117 + SYS_FSYNC = 4118 + SYS_SIGRETURN = 4119 + SYS_CLONE = 4120 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 4121 + SYS_UNAME = 4122 + SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 4123 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 4124 + SYS_MPROTECT = 4125 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 4126 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 4127 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 4128 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 4129 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 4130 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 4131 + SYS_GETPGID = 4132 + SYS_FCHDIR = 4133 + SYS_BDFLUSH = 4134 + SYS_SYSFS = 4135 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 4136 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 4137 + SYS_SETFSUID = 4138 + SYS_SETFSGID = 4139 + SYS__LLSEEK = 4140 + SYS_GETDENTS = 4141 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 4142 + SYS_FLOCK = 4143 + SYS_MSYNC = 4144 + SYS_READV = 4145 + SYS_WRITEV = 4146 + SYS_CACHEFLUSH = 4147 + SYS_CACHECTL = 4148 + SYS_SYSMIPS = 4149 + SYS_UNUSED150 = 4150 + SYS_GETSID = 4151 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 4152 + SYS__SYSCTL = 4153 + SYS_MLOCK = 4154 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 4155 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 4156 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 4157 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 4158 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 4159 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 4160 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 4161 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 4162 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 4163 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 4164 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 4165 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 4166 + SYS_MREMAP = 4167 + SYS_ACCEPT = 4168 + SYS_BIND = 4169 + SYS_CONNECT = 4170 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 4171 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 4172 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 4173 + SYS_LISTEN = 4174 + SYS_RECV = 4175 + SYS_RECVFROM = 4176 + SYS_RECVMSG = 4177 + SYS_SEND = 4178 + SYS_SENDMSG = 4179 + SYS_SENDTO = 4180 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 4181 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 4182 + SYS_SOCKET = 4183 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 4184 + SYS_SETRESUID = 4185 + SYS_GETRESUID = 4186 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 4187 + SYS_POLL = 4188 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 4189 + SYS_SETRESGID = 4190 + SYS_GETRESGID = 4191 + SYS_PRCTL = 4192 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 4193 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 4194 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 4195 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 4196 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 4197 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 4198 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 4199 + SYS_PREAD64 = 4200 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 4201 + SYS_CHOWN = 4202 + SYS_GETCWD = 4203 + SYS_CAPGET = 4204 + SYS_CAPSET = 4205 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 4206 + SYS_SENDFILE = 4207 + SYS_GETPMSG = 4208 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 4209 + SYS_MMAP2 = 4210 + SYS_TRUNCATE64 = 4211 + SYS_FTRUNCATE64 = 4212 + SYS_STAT64 = 4213 + SYS_LSTAT64 = 4214 + SYS_FSTAT64 = 4215 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 4216 + SYS_MINCORE = 4217 + SYS_MADVISE = 4218 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 4219 + SYS_FCNTL64 = 4220 + SYS_RESERVED221 = 4221 + SYS_GETTID = 4222 + SYS_READAHEAD = 4223 + SYS_SETXATTR = 4224 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 4225 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 4226 + SYS_GETXATTR = 4227 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 4228 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 4229 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 4230 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 4231 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 4232 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 4233 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 4234 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 4235 + SYS_TKILL = 4236 + SYS_SENDFILE64 = 4237 + SYS_FUTEX = 4238 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 4239 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 4240 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 4241 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 4242 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 4243 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 4244 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 4245 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 4246 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 4247 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 4248 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 4249 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 4250 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 4251 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 4252 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 4253 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 4254 + SYS_STATFS64 = 4255 + SYS_FSTATFS64 = 4256 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 4257 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 4258 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 4259 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 4260 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 4261 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 4262 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 4263 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 4264 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 4265 + SYS_TGKILL = 4266 + SYS_UTIMES = 4267 + SYS_MBIND = 4268 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 4269 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 4270 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 4271 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 4272 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 4273 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 4274 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 4275 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 4276 + SYS_VSERVER = 4277 + SYS_WAITID = 4278 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 4280 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 4281 + SYS_KEYCTL = 4282 + SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 4283 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 4284 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 4285 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 4286 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 4287 + SYS_OPENAT = 4288 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 4289 + SYS_MKNODAT = 4290 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 4291 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 4292 + SYS_FSTATAT64 = 4293 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 4294 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 4295 + SYS_LINKAT = 4296 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 4297 + SYS_READLINKAT = 4298 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 4299 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 4300 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 4301 + SYS_PPOLL = 4302 + SYS_UNSHARE = 4303 + SYS_SPLICE = 4304 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 4305 + SYS_TEE = 4306 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 4307 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 4308 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 4309 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 4310 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 4311 + SYS_GETCPU = 4312 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 4313 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 4314 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 4315 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 4316 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 4317 + SYS_TIMERFD = 4318 + SYS_EVENTFD = 4319 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 4320 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 4321 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 4322 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 4323 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 4324 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 4325 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 4326 + SYS_DUP3 = 4327 + SYS_PIPE2 = 4328 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 4329 + SYS_PREADV = 4330 + SYS_PWRITEV = 4331 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 4332 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 4333 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 4334 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 4335 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 4336 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 4337 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 4338 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 4339 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 4340 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 4341 + SYS_SYNCFS = 4342 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 4343 + SYS_SETNS = 4344 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 4345 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 4346 + SYS_KCMP = 4347 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 4348 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 4349 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 4350 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 4351 + SYS_SECCOMP = 4352 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 4353 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 4354 + SYS_BPF = 4355 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 4356 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 4357 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 4358 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 4359 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 4360 + SYS_PREADV2 = 4361 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 4362 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 4363 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 4364 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 4365 + SYS_STATX = 4366 + SYS_RSEQ = 4367 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 4368 + SYS_SEMGET = 4393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 4394 + SYS_SHMGET = 4395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 4396 + SYS_SHMAT = 4397 + SYS_SHMDT = 4398 + SYS_MSGGET = 4399 + SYS_MSGSND = 4400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 4401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 4402 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME64 = 4403 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME64 = 4404 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME64 = 4405 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES_TIME64 = 4406 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP_TIME64 = 4407 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME64 = 4408 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME64 = 4409 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME64 = 4410 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME64 = 4411 + SYS_UTIMENSAT_TIME64 = 4412 + SYS_PSELECT6_TIME64 = 4413 + SYS_PPOLL_TIME64 = 4414 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS_TIME64 = 4416 + SYS_RECVMMSG_TIME64 = 4417 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND_TIME64 = 4418 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE_TIME64 = 4419 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP_TIME64 = 4420 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT_TIME64 = 4421 + SYS_FUTEX_TIME64 = 4422 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL_TIME64 = 4423 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 4424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 4425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 4426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 4427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go index ec5bde3d563..7cbe78b196e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go @@ -372,4 +372,19 @@ const ( SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 386 SYS_RSEQ = 387 SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 388 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go index bdbabdbcdb1..51a2f1236ae 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -372,4 +372,19 @@ const ( SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 386 SYS_RSEQ = 387 SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 388 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go index 2c8c46a2fc1..323432ae301 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go @@ -285,4 +285,8 @@ const ( SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 292 SYS_RSEQ = 293 SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 294 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go index 6eb7c257f8c..9dca974849b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go @@ -334,4 +334,22 @@ const ( SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 381 SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 382 SYS_RSEQ = 383 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 384 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 385 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 386 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go index 6ed306370a5..d3da46f0de7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go @@ -348,4 +348,23 @@ const ( SYS_PWRITEV2 = 359 SYS_STATX = 360 SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 361 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 362 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 363 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 364 + SYS_RSEQ = 365 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fe2b689b637 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +// go run mksysnum.go https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build arm64,openbsd + +package unix + +const ( + SYS_EXIT = 1 // { void sys_exit(int rval); } + SYS_FORK = 2 // { int sys_fork(void); } + SYS_READ = 3 // { ssize_t sys_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbyte); } + SYS_WRITE = 4 // { ssize_t sys_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte); } + SYS_OPEN = 5 // { int sys_open(const char *path, int flags, ... mode_t mode); } + SYS_CLOSE = 6 // { int sys_close(int fd); } + SYS_GETENTROPY = 7 // { int sys_getentropy(void *buf, size_t nbyte); } + SYS___TFORK = 8 // { int sys___tfork(const struct __tfork *param, size_t psize); } + SYS_LINK = 9 // { int sys_link(const char *path, const char *link); } + SYS_UNLINK = 10 // { int sys_unlink(const char *path); } + SYS_WAIT4 = 11 // { pid_t sys_wait4(pid_t pid, int *status, int options, struct rusage *rusage); } + SYS_CHDIR = 12 // { int sys_chdir(const char *path); } + SYS_FCHDIR = 13 // { int sys_fchdir(int fd); } + SYS_MKNOD = 14 // { int sys_mknod(const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev); } + SYS_CHMOD = 15 // { int sys_chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode); } + SYS_CHOWN = 16 // { int sys_chown(const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid); } + SYS_OBREAK = 17 // { int sys_obreak(char *nsize); } break + SYS_GETDTABLECOUNT = 18 // { int sys_getdtablecount(void); } + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 19 // { int sys_getrusage(int who, struct rusage *rusage); } + SYS_GETPID = 20 // { pid_t sys_getpid(void); } + SYS_MOUNT = 21 // { int sys_mount(const char *type, const char *path, int flags, void *data); } + SYS_UNMOUNT = 22 // { int sys_unmount(const char *path, int flags); } + SYS_SETUID = 23 // { int sys_setuid(uid_t uid); } + SYS_GETUID = 24 // { uid_t sys_getuid(void); } + SYS_GETEUID = 25 // { uid_t sys_geteuid(void); } + SYS_PTRACE = 26 // { int sys_ptrace(int req, pid_t pid, caddr_t addr, int data); } + SYS_RECVMSG = 27 // { ssize_t sys_recvmsg(int s, struct msghdr *msg, int flags); } + SYS_SENDMSG = 28 // { ssize_t sys_sendmsg(int s, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags); } + SYS_RECVFROM = 29 // { ssize_t sys_recvfrom(int s, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, struct sockaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlenaddr); } + SYS_ACCEPT = 30 // { int sys_accept(int s, struct sockaddr *name, socklen_t *anamelen); } + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 31 // { int sys_getpeername(int fdes, struct sockaddr *asa, socklen_t *alen); } + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 32 // { int sys_getsockname(int fdes, struct sockaddr *asa, socklen_t *alen); } + SYS_ACCESS = 33 // { int sys_access(const char *path, int amode); } + SYS_CHFLAGS = 34 // { int sys_chflags(const char *path, u_int flags); } + SYS_FCHFLAGS = 35 // { int sys_fchflags(int fd, u_int flags); } + SYS_SYNC = 36 // { void sys_sync(void); } + SYS_STAT = 38 // { int sys_stat(const char *path, struct stat *ub); } + SYS_GETPPID = 39 // { pid_t sys_getppid(void); } + SYS_LSTAT = 40 // { int sys_lstat(const char *path, struct stat *ub); } + SYS_DUP = 41 // { int sys_dup(int fd); } + SYS_FSTATAT = 42 // { int sys_fstatat(int fd, const char *path, struct stat *buf, int flag); } + SYS_GETEGID = 43 // { gid_t sys_getegid(void); } + SYS_PROFIL = 44 // { int sys_profil(caddr_t samples, size_t size, u_long offset, u_int scale); } + SYS_KTRACE = 45 // { int sys_ktrace(const char *fname, int ops, int facs, pid_t pid); } + SYS_SIGACTION = 46 // { int sys_sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *nsa, struct sigaction *osa); } + SYS_GETGID = 47 // { gid_t sys_getgid(void); } + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 48 // { int sys_sigprocmask(int how, sigset_t mask); } + SYS_SETLOGIN = 50 // { int sys_setlogin(const char *namebuf); } + SYS_ACCT = 51 // { int sys_acct(const char *path); } + SYS_SIGPENDING = 52 // { int sys_sigpending(void); } + SYS_FSTAT = 53 // { int sys_fstat(int fd, struct stat *sb); } + SYS_IOCTL = 54 // { int sys_ioctl(int fd, u_long com, ... void *data); } + SYS_REBOOT = 55 // { int sys_reboot(int opt); } + SYS_REVOKE = 56 // { int sys_revoke(const char *path); } + SYS_SYMLINK = 57 // { int sys_symlink(const char *path, const char *link); } + SYS_READLINK = 58 // { ssize_t sys_readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t count); } + SYS_EXECVE = 59 // { int sys_execve(const char *path, char * const *argp, char * const *envp); } + SYS_UMASK = 60 // { mode_t sys_umask(mode_t newmask); } + SYS_CHROOT = 61 // { int sys_chroot(const char *path); } + SYS_GETFSSTAT = 62 // { int sys_getfsstat(struct statfs *buf, size_t bufsize, int flags); } + SYS_STATFS = 63 // { int sys_statfs(const char *path, struct statfs *buf); } + SYS_FSTATFS = 64 // { int sys_fstatfs(int fd, struct statfs *buf); } + SYS_FHSTATFS = 65 // { int sys_fhstatfs(const fhandle_t *fhp, struct statfs *buf); } + SYS_VFORK = 66 // { int sys_vfork(void); } + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 67 // { int sys_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, struct timezone *tzp); } + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 68 // { int sys_settimeofday(const struct timeval *tv, const struct timezone *tzp); } + SYS_SETITIMER = 69 // { int sys_setitimer(int which, const struct itimerval *itv, struct itimerval *oitv); } + SYS_GETITIMER = 70 // { int sys_getitimer(int which, struct itimerval *itv); } + SYS_SELECT = 71 // { int sys_select(int nd, fd_set *in, fd_set *ou, fd_set *ex, struct timeval *tv); } + SYS_KEVENT = 72 // { int sys_kevent(int fd, const struct kevent *changelist, int nchanges, struct kevent *eventlist, int nevents, const struct timespec *timeout); } + SYS_MUNMAP = 73 // { int sys_munmap(void *addr, size_t len); } + SYS_MPROTECT = 74 // { int sys_mprotect(void *addr, size_t len, int prot); } + SYS_MADVISE = 75 // { int sys_madvise(void *addr, size_t len, int behav); } + SYS_UTIMES = 76 // { int sys_utimes(const char *path, const struct timeval *tptr); } + SYS_FUTIMES = 77 // { int sys_futimes(int fd, const struct timeval *tptr); } + SYS_GETGROUPS = 79 // { int sys_getgroups(int gidsetsize, gid_t *gidset); } + SYS_SETGROUPS = 80 // { int sys_setgroups(int gidsetsize, const gid_t *gidset); } + SYS_GETPGRP = 81 // { int sys_getpgrp(void); } + SYS_SETPGID = 82 // { int sys_setpgid(pid_t pid, pid_t pgid); } + SYS_FUTEX = 83 // { int sys_futex(uint32_t *f, int op, int val, const struct timespec *timeout, uint32_t *g); } + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 84 // { int sys_utimensat(int fd, const char *path, const struct timespec *times, int flag); } + SYS_FUTIMENS = 85 // { int sys_futimens(int fd, const struct timespec *times); } + SYS_KBIND = 86 // { int sys_kbind(const struct __kbind *param, size_t psize, int64_t proc_cookie); } + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 87 // { int sys_clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp); } + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 88 // { int sys_clock_settime(clockid_t clock_id, const struct timespec *tp); } + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 89 // { int sys_clock_getres(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp); } + SYS_DUP2 = 90 // { int sys_dup2(int from, int to); } + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 91 // { int sys_nanosleep(const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp); } + SYS_FCNTL = 92 // { int sys_fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ... void *arg); } + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 93 // { int sys_accept4(int s, struct sockaddr *name, socklen_t *anamelen, int flags); } + SYS___THRSLEEP = 94 // { int sys___thrsleep(const volatile void *ident, clockid_t clock_id, const struct timespec *tp, void *lock, const int *abort); } + SYS_FSYNC = 95 // { int sys_fsync(int fd); } + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 96 // { int sys_setpriority(int which, id_t who, int prio); } + SYS_SOCKET = 97 // { int sys_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol); } + SYS_CONNECT = 98 // { int sys_connect(int s, const struct sockaddr *name, socklen_t namelen); } + SYS_GETDENTS = 99 // { int sys_getdents(int fd, void *buf, size_t buflen); } + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 100 // { int sys_getpriority(int which, id_t who); } + SYS_PIPE2 = 101 // { int sys_pipe2(int *fdp, int flags); } + SYS_DUP3 = 102 // { int sys_dup3(int from, int to, int flags); } + SYS_SIGRETURN = 103 // { int sys_sigreturn(struct sigcontext *sigcntxp); } + SYS_BIND = 104 // { int sys_bind(int s, const struct sockaddr *name, socklen_t namelen); } + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 105 // { int sys_setsockopt(int s, int level, int name, const void *val, socklen_t valsize); } + SYS_LISTEN = 106 // { int sys_listen(int s, int backlog); } + SYS_CHFLAGSAT = 107 // { int sys_chflagsat(int fd, const char *path, u_int flags, int atflags); } + SYS_PLEDGE = 108 // { int sys_pledge(const char *promises, const char *execpromises); } + SYS_PPOLL = 109 // { int sys_ppoll(struct pollfd *fds, u_int nfds, const struct timespec *ts, const sigset_t *mask); } + SYS_PSELECT = 110 // { int sys_pselect(int nd, fd_set *in, fd_set *ou, fd_set *ex, const struct timespec *ts, const sigset_t *mask); } + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 111 // { int sys_sigsuspend(int mask); } + SYS_SENDSYSLOG = 112 // { int sys_sendsyslog(const char *buf, size_t nbyte, int flags); } + SYS_UNVEIL = 114 // { int sys_unveil(const char *path, const char *permissions); } + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 118 // { int sys_getsockopt(int s, int level, int name, void *val, socklen_t *avalsize); } + SYS_THRKILL = 119 // { int sys_thrkill(pid_t tid, int signum, void *tcb); } + SYS_READV = 120 // { ssize_t sys_readv(int fd, const struct iovec *iovp, int iovcnt); } + SYS_WRITEV = 121 // { ssize_t sys_writev(int fd, const struct iovec *iovp, int iovcnt); } + SYS_KILL = 122 // { int sys_kill(int pid, int signum); } + SYS_FCHOWN = 123 // { int sys_fchown(int fd, uid_t uid, gid_t gid); } + SYS_FCHMOD = 124 // { int sys_fchmod(int fd, mode_t mode); } + SYS_SETREUID = 126 // { int sys_setreuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid); } + SYS_SETREGID = 127 // { int sys_setregid(gid_t rgid, gid_t egid); } + SYS_RENAME = 128 // { int sys_rename(const char *from, const char *to); } + SYS_FLOCK = 131 // { int sys_flock(int fd, int how); } + SYS_MKFIFO = 132 // { int sys_mkfifo(const char *path, mode_t mode); } + SYS_SENDTO = 133 // { ssize_t sys_sendto(int s, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *to, socklen_t tolen); } + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 134 // { int sys_shutdown(int s, int how); } + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 135 // { int sys_socketpair(int domain, int type, int protocol, int *rsv); } + SYS_MKDIR = 136 // { int sys_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode); } + SYS_RMDIR = 137 // { int sys_rmdir(const char *path); } + SYS_ADJTIME = 140 // { int sys_adjtime(const struct timeval *delta, struct timeval *olddelta); } + SYS_GETLOGIN_R = 141 // { int sys_getlogin_r(char *namebuf, u_int namelen); } + SYS_SETSID = 147 // { int sys_setsid(void); } + SYS_QUOTACTL = 148 // { int sys_quotactl(const char *path, int cmd, int uid, char *arg); } + SYS_NFSSVC = 155 // { int sys_nfssvc(int flag, void *argp); } + SYS_GETFH = 161 // { int sys_getfh(const char *fname, fhandle_t *fhp); } + SYS_SYSARCH = 165 // { int sys_sysarch(int op, void *parms); } + SYS_PREAD = 173 // { ssize_t sys_pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbyte, int pad, off_t offset); } + SYS_PWRITE = 174 // { ssize_t sys_pwrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbyte, int pad, off_t offset); } + SYS_SETGID = 181 // { int sys_setgid(gid_t gid); } + SYS_SETEGID = 182 // { int sys_setegid(gid_t egid); } + SYS_SETEUID = 183 // { int sys_seteuid(uid_t euid); } + SYS_PATHCONF = 191 // { long sys_pathconf(const char *path, int name); } + SYS_FPATHCONF = 192 // { long sys_fpathconf(int fd, int name); } + SYS_SWAPCTL = 193 // { int sys_swapctl(int cmd, const void *arg, int misc); } + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 194 // { int sys_getrlimit(int which, struct rlimit *rlp); } + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 195 // { int sys_setrlimit(int which, const struct rlimit *rlp); } + SYS_MMAP = 197 // { void *sys_mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, long pad, off_t pos); } + SYS_LSEEK = 199 // { off_t sys_lseek(int fd, int pad, off_t offset, int whence); } + SYS_TRUNCATE = 200 // { int sys_truncate(const char *path, int pad, off_t length); } + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 201 // { int sys_ftruncate(int fd, int pad, off_t length); } + SYS_SYSCTL = 202 // { int sys_sysctl(const int *name, u_int namelen, void *old, size_t *oldlenp, void *new, size_t newlen); } + SYS_MLOCK = 203 // { int sys_mlock(const void *addr, size_t len); } + SYS_MUNLOCK = 204 // { int sys_munlock(const void *addr, size_t len); } + SYS_GETPGID = 207 // { pid_t sys_getpgid(pid_t pid); } + SYS_UTRACE = 209 // { int sys_utrace(const char *label, const void *addr, size_t len); } + SYS_SEMGET = 221 // { int sys_semget(key_t key, int nsems, int semflg); } + SYS_MSGGET = 225 // { int sys_msgget(key_t key, int msgflg); } + SYS_MSGSND = 226 // { int sys_msgsnd(int msqid, const void *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg); } + SYS_MSGRCV = 227 // { int sys_msgrcv(int msqid, void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg); } + SYS_SHMAT = 228 // { void *sys_shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflg); } + SYS_SHMDT = 230 // { int sys_shmdt(const void *shmaddr); } + SYS_MINHERIT = 250 // { int sys_minherit(void *addr, size_t len, int inherit); } + SYS_POLL = 252 // { int sys_poll(struct pollfd *fds, u_int nfds, int timeout); } + SYS_ISSETUGID = 253 // { int sys_issetugid(void); } + SYS_LCHOWN = 254 // { int sys_lchown(const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid); } + SYS_GETSID = 255 // { pid_t sys_getsid(pid_t pid); } + SYS_MSYNC = 256 // { int sys_msync(void *addr, size_t len, int flags); } + SYS_PIPE = 263 // { int sys_pipe(int *fdp); } + SYS_FHOPEN = 264 // { int sys_fhopen(const fhandle_t *fhp, int flags); } + SYS_PREADV = 267 // { ssize_t sys_preadv(int fd, const struct iovec *iovp, int iovcnt, int pad, off_t offset); } + SYS_PWRITEV = 268 // { ssize_t sys_pwritev(int fd, const struct iovec *iovp, int iovcnt, int pad, off_t offset); } + SYS_KQUEUE = 269 // { int sys_kqueue(void); } + SYS_MLOCKALL = 271 // { int sys_mlockall(int flags); } + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 272 // { int sys_munlockall(void); } + SYS_GETRESUID = 281 // { int sys_getresuid(uid_t *ruid, uid_t *euid, uid_t *suid); } + SYS_SETRESUID = 282 // { int sys_setresuid(uid_t ruid, uid_t euid, uid_t suid); } + SYS_GETRESGID = 283 // { int sys_getresgid(gid_t *rgid, gid_t *egid, gid_t *sgid); } + SYS_SETRESGID = 284 // { int sys_setresgid(gid_t rgid, gid_t egid, gid_t sgid); } + SYS_MQUERY = 286 // { void *sys_mquery(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, long pad, off_t pos); } + SYS_CLOSEFROM = 287 // { int sys_closefrom(int fd); } + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 288 // { int sys_sigaltstack(const struct sigaltstack *nss, struct sigaltstack *oss); } + SYS_SHMGET = 289 // { int sys_shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg); } + SYS_SEMOP = 290 // { int sys_semop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, size_t nsops); } + SYS_FHSTAT = 294 // { int sys_fhstat(const fhandle_t *fhp, struct stat *sb); } + SYS___SEMCTL = 295 // { int sys___semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, union semun *arg); } + SYS_SHMCTL = 296 // { int sys_shmctl(int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf); } + SYS_MSGCTL = 297 // { int sys_msgctl(int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf); } + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 298 // { int sys_sched_yield(void); } + SYS_GETTHRID = 299 // { pid_t sys_getthrid(void); } + SYS___THRWAKEUP = 301 // { int sys___thrwakeup(const volatile void *ident, int n); } + SYS___THREXIT = 302 // { void sys___threxit(pid_t *notdead); } + SYS___THRSIGDIVERT = 303 // { int sys___thrsigdivert(sigset_t sigmask, siginfo_t *info, const struct timespec *timeout); } + SYS___GETCWD = 304 // { int sys___getcwd(char *buf, size_t len); } + SYS_ADJFREQ = 305 // { int sys_adjfreq(const int64_t *freq, int64_t *oldfreq); } + SYS_SETRTABLE = 310 // { int sys_setrtable(int rtableid); } + SYS_GETRTABLE = 311 // { int sys_getrtable(void); } + SYS_FACCESSAT = 313 // { int sys_faccessat(int fd, const char *path, int amode, int flag); } + SYS_FCHMODAT = 314 // { int sys_fchmodat(int fd, const char *path, mode_t mode, int flag); } + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 315 // { int sys_fchownat(int fd, const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, int flag); } + SYS_LINKAT = 317 // { int sys_linkat(int fd1, const char *path1, int fd2, const char *path2, int flag); } + SYS_MKDIRAT = 318 // { int sys_mkdirat(int fd, const char *path, mode_t mode); } + SYS_MKFIFOAT = 319 // { int sys_mkfifoat(int fd, const char *path, mode_t mode); } + SYS_MKNODAT = 320 // { int sys_mknodat(int fd, const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev); } + SYS_OPENAT = 321 // { int sys_openat(int fd, const char *path, int flags, ... mode_t mode); } + SYS_READLINKAT = 322 // { ssize_t sys_readlinkat(int fd, const char *path, char *buf, size_t count); } + SYS_RENAMEAT = 323 // { int sys_renameat(int fromfd, const char *from, int tofd, const char *to); } + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 324 // { int sys_symlinkat(const char *path, int fd, const char *link); } + SYS_UNLINKAT = 325 // { int sys_unlinkat(int fd, const char *path, int flag); } + SYS___SET_TCB = 329 // { void sys___set_tcb(void *tcb); } + SYS___GET_TCB = 330 // { void *sys___get_tcb(void); } +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go index a908f259e7d..06471afa360 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go @@ -1452,6 +1452,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2133,3 +2148,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go index e63fa7415a1..6bba58ed254 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go @@ -1464,6 +1464,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2146,3 +2161,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go index 34e4e6db078..07aa92b29d1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go @@ -1442,6 +1442,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2124,3 +2139,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]uint8 + Driver_name [64]uint8 + Module_name [64]uint8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go index 7f2e26f156d..66dba9aab6d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go @@ -1443,6 +1443,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2125,3 +2140,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go index 66e408fa0c9..b11b77d3ba4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go @@ -1448,6 +1448,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2130,3 +2145,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go index e60575a35ae..ccfd9522ebc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go @@ -1445,6 +1445,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2127,3 +2142,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go index af5836a41a3..95374fd9b50 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go @@ -1445,6 +1445,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2127,3 +2142,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go index 471706ac921..9d4953daf53 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go @@ -1448,6 +1448,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2130,3 +2145,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go index 6cfa149fa26..a436410d621 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go @@ -1453,6 +1453,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2135,3 +2150,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]uint8 + Driver_name [64]uint8 + Module_name [64]uint8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go index acb3773ff9b..dbe32bb3035 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -1453,6 +1453,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2135,3 +2150,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]uint8 + Driver_name [64]uint8 + Module_name [64]uint8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go index 9735b2576ef..774d5c3eb73 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go @@ -1470,6 +1470,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2152,3 +2167,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]uint8 + Driver_name [64]uint8 + Module_name [64]uint8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go index 5369f652f45..3b7747ed968 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go @@ -1467,6 +1467,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2149,3 +2164,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go index 552dbe51e8c..c606f4776b0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go @@ -1448,6 +1448,21 @@ type TpacketBlockDesc struct { Hdr [40]byte } +type TpacketBDTS struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type TpacketHdrV1 struct { + Block_status uint32 + Num_pkts uint32 + Offset_to_first_pkt uint32 + Blk_len uint32 + Seq_num uint64 + Ts_first_pkt TpacketBDTS + Ts_last_pkt TpacketBDTS +} + type TpacketReq struct { Block_size uint32 Block_nr uint32 @@ -2130,3 +2145,168 @@ type FanotifyResponse struct { Fd int32 Response uint32 } + +const ( + CRYPTO_MSG_BASE = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_NEWALG = 0x10 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELALG = 0x11 + CRYPTO_MSG_UPDATEALG = 0x12 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETALG = 0x13 + CRYPTO_MSG_DELRNG = 0x14 + CRYPTO_MSG_GETSTAT = 0x15 +) + +const ( + CRYPTOCFGA_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CRYPTOCFGA_PRIORITY_VAL = 0x1 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_LARVAL = 0x2 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_HASH = 0x3 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_BLKCIPHER = 0x4 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AEAD = 0x5 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_COMPRESS = 0x6 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_RNG = 0x7 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_CIPHER = 0x8 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_AKCIPHER = 0x9 + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_KPP = 0xa + CRYPTOCFGA_REPORT_ACOMP = 0xb + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_LARVAL = 0xc + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_HASH = 0xd + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_BLKCIPHER = 0xe + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AEAD = 0xf + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_COMPRESS = 0x10 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_RNG = 0x11 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_CIPHER = 0x12 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_AKCIPHER = 0x13 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_KPP = 0x14 + CRYPTOCFGA_STAT_ACOMP = 0x15 +) + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]int8 + Driver_name [64]int8 + Module_name [64]int8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]int8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]int8 + Geniv [64]int8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]int8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]int8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]int8 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fa369a32a2d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +// cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char types_openbsd.go | go run mkpost.go +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build arm64,openbsd + +package unix + +const ( + SizeofPtr = 0x8 + SizeofShort = 0x2 + SizeofInt = 0x4 + SizeofLong = 0x8 + SizeofLongLong = 0x8 +) + +type ( + _C_short int16 + _C_int int32 + _C_long int64 + _C_long_long int64 +) + +type Timespec struct { + Sec int64 + Nsec int64 +} + +type Timeval struct { + Sec int64 + Usec int64 +} + +type Rusage struct { + Utime Timeval + Stime Timeval + Maxrss int64 + Ixrss int64 + Idrss int64 + Isrss int64 + Minflt int64 + Majflt int64 + Nswap int64 + Inblock int64 + Oublock int64 + Msgsnd int64 + Msgrcv int64 + Nsignals int64 + Nvcsw int64 + Nivcsw int64 +} + +type Rlimit struct { + Cur uint64 + Max uint64 +} + +type _Gid_t uint32 + +type Stat_t struct { + Mode uint32 + Dev int32 + Ino uint64 + Nlink uint32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Rdev int32 + Atim Timespec + Mtim Timespec + Ctim Timespec + Size int64 + Blocks int64 + Blksize int32 + Flags uint32 + Gen uint32 + _ Timespec +} + +type Statfs_t struct { + F_flags uint32 + F_bsize uint32 + F_iosize uint32 + F_blocks uint64 + F_bfree uint64 + F_bavail int64 + F_files uint64 + F_ffree uint64 + F_favail int64 + F_syncwrites uint64 + F_syncreads uint64 + F_asyncwrites uint64 + F_asyncreads uint64 + F_fsid Fsid + F_namemax uint32 + F_owner uint32 + F_ctime uint64 + F_fstypename [16]int8 + F_mntonname [90]int8 + F_mntfromname [90]int8 + F_mntfromspec [90]int8 + _ [2]byte + Mount_info [160]byte +} + +type Flock_t struct { + Start int64 + Len int64 + Pid int32 + Type int16 + Whence int16 +} + +type Dirent struct { + Fileno uint64 + Off int64 + Reclen uint16 + Type uint8 + Namlen uint8 + _ [4]uint8 + Name [256]int8 +} + +type Fsid struct { + Val [2]int32 +} + +const ( + PathMax = 0x400 +) + +type RawSockaddrInet4 struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Port uint16 + Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + Zero [8]int8 +} + +type RawSockaddrInet6 struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Port uint16 + Flowinfo uint32 + Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + Scope_id uint32 +} + +type RawSockaddrUnix struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Path [104]int8 +} + +type RawSockaddrDatalink struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Index uint16 + Type uint8 + Nlen uint8 + Alen uint8 + Slen uint8 + Data [24]int8 +} + +type RawSockaddr struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Data [14]int8 +} + +type RawSockaddrAny struct { + Addr RawSockaddr + Pad [92]int8 +} + +type _Socklen uint32 + +type Linger struct { + Onoff int32 + Linger int32 +} + +type Iovec struct { + Base *byte + Len uint64 +} + +type IPMreq struct { + Multiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + Interface [4]byte /* in_addr */ +} + +type IPv6Mreq struct { + Multiaddr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + Interface uint32 +} + +type Msghdr struct { + Name *byte + Namelen uint32 + Iov *Iovec + Iovlen uint32 + Control *byte + Controllen uint32 + Flags int32 +} + +type Cmsghdr struct { + Len uint32 + Level int32 + Type int32 +} + +type Inet6Pktinfo struct { + Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + Ifindex uint32 +} + +type IPv6MTUInfo struct { + Addr RawSockaddrInet6 + Mtu uint32 +} + +type ICMPv6Filter struct { + Filt [8]uint32 +} + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = 0x1c + SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c + SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a + SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x20 + SizeofLinger = 0x8 + SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 + SizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x30 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc + SizeofInet6Pktinfo = 0x14 + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = 0x20 + SizeofICMPv6Filter = 0x20 +) + +const ( + PTRACE_TRACEME = 0x0 + PTRACE_CONT = 0x7 + PTRACE_KILL = 0x8 +) + +type Kevent_t struct { + Ident uint64 + Filter int16 + Flags uint16 + Fflags uint32 + Data int64 + Udata *byte +} + +type FdSet struct { + Bits [32]uint32 +} + +const ( + SizeofIfMsghdr = 0xa8 + SizeofIfData = 0x90 + SizeofIfaMsghdr = 0x18 + SizeofIfAnnounceMsghdr = 0x1a + SizeofRtMsghdr = 0x60 + SizeofRtMetrics = 0x38 +) + +type IfMsghdr struct { + Msglen uint16 + Version uint8 + Type uint8 + Hdrlen uint16 + Index uint16 + Tableid uint16 + Pad1 uint8 + Pad2 uint8 + Addrs int32 + Flags int32 + Xflags int32 + Data IfData +} + +type IfData struct { + Type uint8 + Addrlen uint8 + Hdrlen uint8 + Link_state uint8 + Mtu uint32 + Metric uint32 + Rdomain uint32 + Baudrate uint64 + Ipackets uint64 + Ierrors uint64 + Opackets uint64 + Oerrors uint64 + Collisions uint64 + Ibytes uint64 + Obytes uint64 + Imcasts uint64 + Omcasts uint64 + Iqdrops uint64 + Oqdrops uint64 + Noproto uint64 + Capabilities uint32 + Lastchange Timeval +} + +type IfaMsghdr struct { + Msglen uint16 + Version uint8 + Type uint8 + Hdrlen uint16 + Index uint16 + Tableid uint16 + Pad1 uint8 + Pad2 uint8 + Addrs int32 + Flags int32 + Metric int32 +} + +type IfAnnounceMsghdr struct { + Msglen uint16 + Version uint8 + Type uint8 + Hdrlen uint16 + Index uint16 + What uint16 + Name [16]int8 +} + +type RtMsghdr struct { + Msglen uint16 + Version uint8 + Type uint8 + Hdrlen uint16 + Index uint16 + Tableid uint16 + Priority uint8 + Mpls uint8 + Addrs int32 + Flags int32 + Fmask int32 + Pid int32 + Seq int32 + Errno int32 + Inits uint32 + Rmx RtMetrics +} + +type RtMetrics struct { + Pksent uint64 + Expire int64 + Locks uint32 + Mtu uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Hopcount uint32 + Recvpipe uint32 + Sendpipe uint32 + Ssthresh uint32 + Rtt uint32 + Rttvar uint32 + Pad uint32 +} + +type Mclpool struct{} + +const ( + SizeofBpfVersion = 0x4 + SizeofBpfStat = 0x8 + SizeofBpfProgram = 0x10 + SizeofBpfInsn = 0x8 + SizeofBpfHdr = 0x14 +) + +type BpfVersion struct { + Major uint16 + Minor uint16 +} + +type BpfStat struct { + Recv uint32 + Drop uint32 +} + +type BpfProgram struct { + Len uint32 + Insns *BpfInsn +} + +type BpfInsn struct { + Code uint16 + Jt uint8 + Jf uint8 + K uint32 +} + +type BpfHdr struct { + Tstamp BpfTimeval + Caplen uint32 + Datalen uint32 + Hdrlen uint16 + _ [2]byte +} + +type BpfTimeval struct { + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +type Termios struct { + Iflag uint32 + Oflag uint32 + Cflag uint32 + Lflag uint32 + Cc [20]uint8 + Ispeed int32 + Ospeed int32 +} + +type Winsize struct { + Row uint16 + Col uint16 + Xpixel uint16 + Ypixel uint16 +} + +const ( + AT_FDCWD = -0x64 + AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x2 +) + +type PollFd struct { + Fd int32 + Events int16 + Revents int16 +} + +const ( + POLLERR = 0x8 + POLLHUP = 0x10 + POLLIN = 0x1 + POLLNVAL = 0x20 + POLLOUT = 0x4 + POLLPRI = 0x2 + POLLRDBAND = 0x80 + POLLRDNORM = 0x40 + POLLWRBAND = 0x100 + POLLWRNORM = 0x4 +) + +type Sigset_t uint32 + +type Utsname struct { + Sysname [256]byte + Nodename [256]byte + Release [256]byte + Version [256]byte + Machine [256]byte +} + +const SizeofUvmexp = 0x158 + +type Uvmexp struct { + Pagesize int32 + Pagemask int32 + Pageshift int32 + Npages int32 + Free int32 + Active int32 + Inactive int32 + Paging int32 + Wired int32 + Zeropages int32 + Reserve_pagedaemon int32 + Reserve_kernel int32 + Unused01 int32 + Vnodepages int32 + Vtextpages int32 + Freemin int32 + Freetarg int32 + Inactarg int32 + Wiredmax int32 + Anonmin int32 + Vtextmin int32 + Vnodemin int32 + Anonminpct int32 + Vtextminpct int32 + Vnodeminpct int32 + Nswapdev int32 + Swpages int32 + Swpginuse int32 + Swpgonly int32 + Nswget int32 + Nanon int32 + Unused05 int32 + Unused06 int32 + Faults int32 + Traps int32 + Intrs int32 + Swtch int32 + Softs int32 + Syscalls int32 + Pageins int32 + Unused07 int32 + Unused08 int32 + Pgswapin int32 + Pgswapout int32 + Forks int32 + Forks_ppwait int32 + Forks_sharevm int32 + Pga_zerohit int32 + Pga_zeromiss int32 + Unused09 int32 + Fltnoram int32 + Fltnoanon int32 + Fltnoamap int32 + Fltpgwait int32 + Fltpgrele int32 + Fltrelck int32 + Fltrelckok int32 + Fltanget int32 + Fltanretry int32 + Fltamcopy int32 + Fltnamap int32 + Fltnomap int32 + Fltlget int32 + Fltget int32 + Flt_anon int32 + Flt_acow int32 + Flt_obj int32 + Flt_prcopy int32 + Flt_przero int32 + Pdwoke int32 + Pdrevs int32 + Pdswout int32 + Pdfreed int32 + Pdscans int32 + Pdanscan int32 + Pdobscan int32 + Pdreact int32 + Pdbusy int32 + Pdpageouts int32 + Pdpending int32 + Pddeact int32 + Unused11 int32 + Unused12 int32 + Unused13 int32 + Fpswtch int32 + Kmapent int32 +} + +const SizeofClockinfo = 0x14 + +type Clockinfo struct { + Hz int32 + Tick int32 + Tickadj int32 + Stathz int32 + Profhz int32 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform/transform.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform/transform.go index fe47b9b35f0..520b9ada0e2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform/transform.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/transform/transform.go @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ type SpanningTransformer interface { // considering the error err. // // A nil error means that all input bytes are known to be identical to the - // output produced by the Transformer. A nil error can be be returned - // regardless of whether atEOF is true. If err is nil, then then n must + // output produced by the Transformer. A nil error can be returned + // regardless of whether atEOF is true. If err is nil, then n must // equal len(src); the converse is not necessarily true. // // ErrEndOfSpan means that the Transformer output may differ from the @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ func (c *chain) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err erro return dstL.n, srcL.p, err } -// Deprecated: use runes.Remove instead. +// Deprecated: Use runes.Remove instead. func RemoveFunc(f func(r rune) bool) Transformer { return removeF(f) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bidi.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bidi.go index 3fc4a62521a..e8edc54cc28 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bidi.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bidi.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ // Package bidi contains functionality for bidirectional text support. // -// See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9. +// See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9. // // NOTE: UNDER CONSTRUCTION. This API may change in backwards incompatible ways // and without notice. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bracket.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bracket.go index 601e259203e..18539397914 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bracket.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/bracket.go @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import ( // This file contains a port of the reference implementation of the // Bidi Parentheses Algorithm: -// http://www.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/BidiReferenceJava/BidiPBAReference.java +// https://www.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/BidiReferenceJava/BidiPBAReference.java // // The implementation in this file covers definitions BD14-BD16 and rule N0 // of UAX#9. @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ func (p *bracketPairer) getStrongTypeN0(index int) Class { // assuming the given embedding direction. // // It returns ON if no strong type is found. If a single strong type is found, -// it returns this this type. Otherwise it returns the embedding direction. +// it returns this type. Otherwise it returns the embedding direction. // // TODO: use separate type for "strong" directionality. func (p *bracketPairer) classifyPairContent(loc bracketPair, dirEmbed Class) Class { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/core.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/core.go index d4c1399f0da..48d144008aa 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/core.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/core.go @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ package bidi import "log" // This implementation is a port based on the reference implementation found at: -// http://www.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/BidiReferenceJava/ +// https://www.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/BidiReferenceJava/ // // described in Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (UAX #9). // diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen.go index 4e1c7ba0bf4..987fc169cc0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen.go @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ func main() { } // bidiClass names and codes taken from class "bc" in -// http://www.unicode.org/Public/8.0.0/ucd/PropertyValueAliases.txt +// https://www.unicode.org/Public/8.0.0/ucd/PropertyValueAliases.txt var bidiClass = map[string]Class{ "AL": AL, // ArabicLetter "AN": AN, // ArabicNumber diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_ranges.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_ranges.go index 51bd68fa7f3..02c3b505d64 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_ranges.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/gen_ranges.go @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import ( ) // These tables are hand-extracted from: -// http://www.unicode.org/Public/8.0.0/ucd/extracted/DerivedBidiClass.txt +// https://www.unicode.org/Public/8.0.0/ucd/extracted/DerivedBidiClass.txt func visitDefaults(fn func(r rune, c Class)) { // first write default values for ranges listed above. visitRunes(fn, AL, []rune{ diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go index 2e1ff19599d..d8c94e1bd1a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables10.0.0.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. -// +build go1.10 +// +build go1.10,!go1.13 package bidi diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..022e3c69092 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi/tables11.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1887 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build go1.13 + +package bidi + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "11.0.0" + +// xorMasks contains masks to be xor-ed with brackets to get the reverse +// version. +var xorMasks = []int32{ // 8 elements + 0, 1, 6, 7, 3, 15, 29, 63, +} // Size: 56 bytes + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint8, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = bidiIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint8 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return bidiValues[c0] + } + i := bidiIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = bidiIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// bidiTrie. Total size: 16512 bytes (16.12 KiB). Checksum: 2a9cf1317f2ffaa. +type bidiTrie struct{} + +func newBidiTrie(i int) *bidiTrie { + return &bidiTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *bidiTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint8 { + switch { + default: + return uint8(bidiValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// bidiValues: 234 blocks, 14976 entries, 14976 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var bidiValues = [14976]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x00: 0x000b, 0x01: 0x000b, 0x02: 0x000b, 0x03: 0x000b, 0x04: 0x000b, 0x05: 0x000b, + 0x06: 0x000b, 0x07: 0x000b, 0x08: 0x000b, 0x09: 0x0008, 0x0a: 0x0007, 0x0b: 0x0008, + 0x0c: 0x0009, 0x0d: 0x0007, 0x0e: 0x000b, 0x0f: 0x000b, 0x10: 0x000b, 0x11: 0x000b, + 0x12: 0x000b, 0x13: 0x000b, 0x14: 0x000b, 0x15: 0x000b, 0x16: 0x000b, 0x17: 0x000b, + 0x18: 0x000b, 0x19: 0x000b, 0x1a: 0x000b, 0x1b: 0x000b, 0x1c: 0x0007, 0x1d: 0x0007, + 0x1e: 0x0007, 0x1f: 0x0008, 0x20: 0x0009, 0x21: 0x000a, 0x22: 0x000a, 0x23: 0x0004, + 0x24: 0x0004, 0x25: 0x0004, 0x26: 0x000a, 0x27: 0x000a, 0x28: 0x003a, 0x29: 0x002a, + 0x2a: 0x000a, 0x2b: 0x0003, 0x2c: 0x0006, 0x2d: 0x0003, 0x2e: 0x0006, 0x2f: 0x0006, + 0x30: 0x0002, 0x31: 0x0002, 0x32: 0x0002, 0x33: 0x0002, 0x34: 0x0002, 0x35: 0x0002, + 0x36: 0x0002, 0x37: 0x0002, 0x38: 0x0002, 0x39: 0x0002, 0x3a: 0x0006, 0x3b: 0x000a, + 0x3c: 0x000a, 0x3d: 0x000a, 0x3e: 0x000a, 0x3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x000a, + 0x5b: 0x005a, 0x5c: 0x000a, 0x5d: 0x004a, + 0x5e: 0x000a, 0x5f: 0x000a, 0x60: 0x000a, + 0x7b: 0x005a, + 0x7c: 0x000a, 0x7d: 0x004a, 0x7e: 0x000a, 0x7f: 0x000b, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x000b, 0xc1: 0x000b, 0xc2: 0x000b, 0xc3: 0x000b, 0xc4: 0x000b, 0xc5: 0x0007, + 0xc6: 0x000b, 0xc7: 0x000b, 0xc8: 0x000b, 0xc9: 0x000b, 0xca: 0x000b, 0xcb: 0x000b, + 0xcc: 0x000b, 0xcd: 0x000b, 0xce: 0x000b, 0xcf: 0x000b, 0xd0: 0x000b, 0xd1: 0x000b, + 0xd2: 0x000b, 0xd3: 0x000b, 0xd4: 0x000b, 0xd5: 0x000b, 0xd6: 0x000b, 0xd7: 0x000b, + 0xd8: 0x000b, 0xd9: 0x000b, 0xda: 0x000b, 0xdb: 0x000b, 0xdc: 0x000b, 0xdd: 0x000b, + 0xde: 0x000b, 0xdf: 0x000b, 0xe0: 0x0006, 0xe1: 0x000a, 0xe2: 0x0004, 0xe3: 0x0004, + 0xe4: 0x0004, 0xe5: 0x0004, 0xe6: 0x000a, 0xe7: 0x000a, 0xe8: 0x000a, 0xe9: 0x000a, + 0xeb: 0x000a, 0xec: 0x000a, 0xed: 0x000b, 0xee: 0x000a, 0xef: 0x000a, + 0xf0: 0x0004, 0xf1: 0x0004, 0xf2: 0x0002, 0xf3: 0x0002, 0xf4: 0x000a, + 0xf6: 0x000a, 0xf7: 0x000a, 0xf8: 0x000a, 0xf9: 0x0002, 0xfb: 0x000a, + 0xfc: 0x000a, 0xfd: 0x000a, 0xfe: 0x000a, 0xff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x117: 0x000a, + 0x137: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x179: 0x000a, 0x17a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x182: 0x000a, 0x183: 0x000a, 0x184: 0x000a, 0x185: 0x000a, + 0x186: 0x000a, 0x187: 0x000a, 0x188: 0x000a, 0x189: 0x000a, 0x18a: 0x000a, 0x18b: 0x000a, + 0x18c: 0x000a, 0x18d: 0x000a, 0x18e: 0x000a, 0x18f: 0x000a, + 0x192: 0x000a, 0x193: 0x000a, 0x194: 0x000a, 0x195: 0x000a, 0x196: 0x000a, 0x197: 0x000a, + 0x198: 0x000a, 0x199: 0x000a, 0x19a: 0x000a, 0x19b: 0x000a, 0x19c: 0x000a, 0x19d: 0x000a, + 0x19e: 0x000a, 0x19f: 0x000a, + 0x1a5: 0x000a, 0x1a6: 0x000a, 0x1a7: 0x000a, 0x1a8: 0x000a, 0x1a9: 0x000a, + 0x1aa: 0x000a, 0x1ab: 0x000a, 0x1ac: 0x000a, 0x1ad: 0x000a, 0x1af: 0x000a, + 0x1b0: 0x000a, 0x1b1: 0x000a, 0x1b2: 0x000a, 0x1b3: 0x000a, 0x1b4: 0x000a, 0x1b5: 0x000a, + 0x1b6: 0x000a, 0x1b7: 0x000a, 0x1b8: 0x000a, 0x1b9: 0x000a, 0x1ba: 0x000a, 0x1bb: 0x000a, + 0x1bc: 0x000a, 0x1bd: 0x000a, 0x1be: 0x000a, 0x1bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x000c, 0x1c1: 0x000c, 0x1c2: 0x000c, 0x1c3: 0x000c, 0x1c4: 0x000c, 0x1c5: 0x000c, + 0x1c6: 0x000c, 0x1c7: 0x000c, 0x1c8: 0x000c, 0x1c9: 0x000c, 0x1ca: 0x000c, 0x1cb: 0x000c, + 0x1cc: 0x000c, 0x1cd: 0x000c, 0x1ce: 0x000c, 0x1cf: 0x000c, 0x1d0: 0x000c, 0x1d1: 0x000c, + 0x1d2: 0x000c, 0x1d3: 0x000c, 0x1d4: 0x000c, 0x1d5: 0x000c, 0x1d6: 0x000c, 0x1d7: 0x000c, + 0x1d8: 0x000c, 0x1d9: 0x000c, 0x1da: 0x000c, 0x1db: 0x000c, 0x1dc: 0x000c, 0x1dd: 0x000c, + 0x1de: 0x000c, 0x1df: 0x000c, 0x1e0: 0x000c, 0x1e1: 0x000c, 0x1e2: 0x000c, 0x1e3: 0x000c, + 0x1e4: 0x000c, 0x1e5: 0x000c, 0x1e6: 0x000c, 0x1e7: 0x000c, 0x1e8: 0x000c, 0x1e9: 0x000c, + 0x1ea: 0x000c, 0x1eb: 0x000c, 0x1ec: 0x000c, 0x1ed: 0x000c, 0x1ee: 0x000c, 0x1ef: 0x000c, + 0x1f0: 0x000c, 0x1f1: 0x000c, 0x1f2: 0x000c, 0x1f3: 0x000c, 0x1f4: 0x000c, 0x1f5: 0x000c, + 0x1f6: 0x000c, 0x1f7: 0x000c, 0x1f8: 0x000c, 0x1f9: 0x000c, 0x1fa: 0x000c, 0x1fb: 0x000c, + 0x1fc: 0x000c, 0x1fd: 0x000c, 0x1fe: 0x000c, 0x1ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x000c, 0x201: 0x000c, 0x202: 0x000c, 0x203: 0x000c, 0x204: 0x000c, 0x205: 0x000c, + 0x206: 0x000c, 0x207: 0x000c, 0x208: 0x000c, 0x209: 0x000c, 0x20a: 0x000c, 0x20b: 0x000c, + 0x20c: 0x000c, 0x20d: 0x000c, 0x20e: 0x000c, 0x20f: 0x000c, 0x210: 0x000c, 0x211: 0x000c, + 0x212: 0x000c, 0x213: 0x000c, 0x214: 0x000c, 0x215: 0x000c, 0x216: 0x000c, 0x217: 0x000c, + 0x218: 0x000c, 0x219: 0x000c, 0x21a: 0x000c, 0x21b: 0x000c, 0x21c: 0x000c, 0x21d: 0x000c, + 0x21e: 0x000c, 0x21f: 0x000c, 0x220: 0x000c, 0x221: 0x000c, 0x222: 0x000c, 0x223: 0x000c, + 0x224: 0x000c, 0x225: 0x000c, 0x226: 0x000c, 0x227: 0x000c, 0x228: 0x000c, 0x229: 0x000c, + 0x22a: 0x000c, 0x22b: 0x000c, 0x22c: 0x000c, 0x22d: 0x000c, 0x22e: 0x000c, 0x22f: 0x000c, + 0x234: 0x000a, 0x235: 0x000a, + 0x23e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x000a, 0x245: 0x000a, + 0x247: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2b6: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c3: 0x000c, 0x2c4: 0x000c, 0x2c5: 0x000c, + 0x2c6: 0x000c, 0x2c7: 0x000c, 0x2c8: 0x000c, 0x2c9: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x30a: 0x000a, + 0x30d: 0x000a, 0x30e: 0x000a, 0x30f: 0x0004, 0x310: 0x0001, 0x311: 0x000c, + 0x312: 0x000c, 0x313: 0x000c, 0x314: 0x000c, 0x315: 0x000c, 0x316: 0x000c, 0x317: 0x000c, + 0x318: 0x000c, 0x319: 0x000c, 0x31a: 0x000c, 0x31b: 0x000c, 0x31c: 0x000c, 0x31d: 0x000c, + 0x31e: 0x000c, 0x31f: 0x000c, 0x320: 0x000c, 0x321: 0x000c, 0x322: 0x000c, 0x323: 0x000c, + 0x324: 0x000c, 0x325: 0x000c, 0x326: 0x000c, 0x327: 0x000c, 0x328: 0x000c, 0x329: 0x000c, + 0x32a: 0x000c, 0x32b: 0x000c, 0x32c: 0x000c, 0x32d: 0x000c, 0x32e: 0x000c, 0x32f: 0x000c, + 0x330: 0x000c, 0x331: 0x000c, 0x332: 0x000c, 0x333: 0x000c, 0x334: 0x000c, 0x335: 0x000c, + 0x336: 0x000c, 0x337: 0x000c, 0x338: 0x000c, 0x339: 0x000c, 0x33a: 0x000c, 0x33b: 0x000c, + 0x33c: 0x000c, 0x33d: 0x000c, 0x33e: 0x0001, 0x33f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x0001, 0x341: 0x000c, 0x342: 0x000c, 0x343: 0x0001, 0x344: 0x000c, 0x345: 0x000c, + 0x346: 0x0001, 0x347: 0x000c, 0x348: 0x0001, 0x349: 0x0001, 0x34a: 0x0001, 0x34b: 0x0001, + 0x34c: 0x0001, 0x34d: 0x0001, 0x34e: 0x0001, 0x34f: 0x0001, 0x350: 0x0001, 0x351: 0x0001, + 0x352: 0x0001, 0x353: 0x0001, 0x354: 0x0001, 0x355: 0x0001, 0x356: 0x0001, 0x357: 0x0001, + 0x358: 0x0001, 0x359: 0x0001, 0x35a: 0x0001, 0x35b: 0x0001, 0x35c: 0x0001, 0x35d: 0x0001, + 0x35e: 0x0001, 0x35f: 0x0001, 0x360: 0x0001, 0x361: 0x0001, 0x362: 0x0001, 0x363: 0x0001, + 0x364: 0x0001, 0x365: 0x0001, 0x366: 0x0001, 0x367: 0x0001, 0x368: 0x0001, 0x369: 0x0001, + 0x36a: 0x0001, 0x36b: 0x0001, 0x36c: 0x0001, 0x36d: 0x0001, 0x36e: 0x0001, 0x36f: 0x0001, + 0x370: 0x0001, 0x371: 0x0001, 0x372: 0x0001, 0x373: 0x0001, 0x374: 0x0001, 0x375: 0x0001, + 0x376: 0x0001, 0x377: 0x0001, 0x378: 0x0001, 0x379: 0x0001, 0x37a: 0x0001, 0x37b: 0x0001, + 0x37c: 0x0001, 0x37d: 0x0001, 0x37e: 0x0001, 0x37f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0005, 0x381: 0x0005, 0x382: 0x0005, 0x383: 0x0005, 0x384: 0x0005, 0x385: 0x0005, + 0x386: 0x000a, 0x387: 0x000a, 0x388: 0x000d, 0x389: 0x0004, 0x38a: 0x0004, 0x38b: 0x000d, + 0x38c: 0x0006, 0x38d: 0x000d, 0x38e: 0x000a, 0x38f: 0x000a, 0x390: 0x000c, 0x391: 0x000c, + 0x392: 0x000c, 0x393: 0x000c, 0x394: 0x000c, 0x395: 0x000c, 0x396: 0x000c, 0x397: 0x000c, + 0x398: 0x000c, 0x399: 0x000c, 0x39a: 0x000c, 0x39b: 0x000d, 0x39c: 0x000d, 0x39d: 0x000d, + 0x39e: 0x000d, 0x39f: 0x000d, 0x3a0: 0x000d, 0x3a1: 0x000d, 0x3a2: 0x000d, 0x3a3: 0x000d, + 0x3a4: 0x000d, 0x3a5: 0x000d, 0x3a6: 0x000d, 0x3a7: 0x000d, 0x3a8: 0x000d, 0x3a9: 0x000d, + 0x3aa: 0x000d, 0x3ab: 0x000d, 0x3ac: 0x000d, 0x3ad: 0x000d, 0x3ae: 0x000d, 0x3af: 0x000d, + 0x3b0: 0x000d, 0x3b1: 0x000d, 0x3b2: 0x000d, 0x3b3: 0x000d, 0x3b4: 0x000d, 0x3b5: 0x000d, + 0x3b6: 0x000d, 0x3b7: 0x000d, 0x3b8: 0x000d, 0x3b9: 0x000d, 0x3ba: 0x000d, 0x3bb: 0x000d, + 0x3bc: 0x000d, 0x3bd: 0x000d, 0x3be: 0x000d, 0x3bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x000d, 0x3c1: 0x000d, 0x3c2: 0x000d, 0x3c3: 0x000d, 0x3c4: 0x000d, 0x3c5: 0x000d, + 0x3c6: 0x000d, 0x3c7: 0x000d, 0x3c8: 0x000d, 0x3c9: 0x000d, 0x3ca: 0x000d, 0x3cb: 0x000c, + 0x3cc: 0x000c, 0x3cd: 0x000c, 0x3ce: 0x000c, 0x3cf: 0x000c, 0x3d0: 0x000c, 0x3d1: 0x000c, + 0x3d2: 0x000c, 0x3d3: 0x000c, 0x3d4: 0x000c, 0x3d5: 0x000c, 0x3d6: 0x000c, 0x3d7: 0x000c, + 0x3d8: 0x000c, 0x3d9: 0x000c, 0x3da: 0x000c, 0x3db: 0x000c, 0x3dc: 0x000c, 0x3dd: 0x000c, + 0x3de: 0x000c, 0x3df: 0x000c, 0x3e0: 0x0005, 0x3e1: 0x0005, 0x3e2: 0x0005, 0x3e3: 0x0005, + 0x3e4: 0x0005, 0x3e5: 0x0005, 0x3e6: 0x0005, 0x3e7: 0x0005, 0x3e8: 0x0005, 0x3e9: 0x0005, + 0x3ea: 0x0004, 0x3eb: 0x0005, 0x3ec: 0x0005, 0x3ed: 0x000d, 0x3ee: 0x000d, 0x3ef: 0x000d, + 0x3f0: 0x000c, 0x3f1: 0x000d, 0x3f2: 0x000d, 0x3f3: 0x000d, 0x3f4: 0x000d, 0x3f5: 0x000d, + 0x3f6: 0x000d, 0x3f7: 0x000d, 0x3f8: 0x000d, 0x3f9: 0x000d, 0x3fa: 0x000d, 0x3fb: 0x000d, + 0x3fc: 0x000d, 0x3fd: 0x000d, 0x3fe: 0x000d, 0x3ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x000d, 0x401: 0x000d, 0x402: 0x000d, 0x403: 0x000d, 0x404: 0x000d, 0x405: 0x000d, + 0x406: 0x000d, 0x407: 0x000d, 0x408: 0x000d, 0x409: 0x000d, 0x40a: 0x000d, 0x40b: 0x000d, + 0x40c: 0x000d, 0x40d: 0x000d, 0x40e: 0x000d, 0x40f: 0x000d, 0x410: 0x000d, 0x411: 0x000d, + 0x412: 0x000d, 0x413: 0x000d, 0x414: 0x000d, 0x415: 0x000d, 0x416: 0x000d, 0x417: 0x000d, + 0x418: 0x000d, 0x419: 0x000d, 0x41a: 0x000d, 0x41b: 0x000d, 0x41c: 0x000d, 0x41d: 0x000d, + 0x41e: 0x000d, 0x41f: 0x000d, 0x420: 0x000d, 0x421: 0x000d, 0x422: 0x000d, 0x423: 0x000d, + 0x424: 0x000d, 0x425: 0x000d, 0x426: 0x000d, 0x427: 0x000d, 0x428: 0x000d, 0x429: 0x000d, + 0x42a: 0x000d, 0x42b: 0x000d, 0x42c: 0x000d, 0x42d: 0x000d, 0x42e: 0x000d, 0x42f: 0x000d, + 0x430: 0x000d, 0x431: 0x000d, 0x432: 0x000d, 0x433: 0x000d, 0x434: 0x000d, 0x435: 0x000d, + 0x436: 0x000d, 0x437: 0x000d, 0x438: 0x000d, 0x439: 0x000d, 0x43a: 0x000d, 0x43b: 0x000d, + 0x43c: 0x000d, 0x43d: 0x000d, 0x43e: 0x000d, 0x43f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x000d, 0x441: 0x000d, 0x442: 0x000d, 0x443: 0x000d, 0x444: 0x000d, 0x445: 0x000d, + 0x446: 0x000d, 0x447: 0x000d, 0x448: 0x000d, 0x449: 0x000d, 0x44a: 0x000d, 0x44b: 0x000d, + 0x44c: 0x000d, 0x44d: 0x000d, 0x44e: 0x000d, 0x44f: 0x000d, 0x450: 0x000d, 0x451: 0x000d, + 0x452: 0x000d, 0x453: 0x000d, 0x454: 0x000d, 0x455: 0x000d, 0x456: 0x000c, 0x457: 0x000c, + 0x458: 0x000c, 0x459: 0x000c, 0x45a: 0x000c, 0x45b: 0x000c, 0x45c: 0x000c, 0x45d: 0x0005, + 0x45e: 0x000a, 0x45f: 0x000c, 0x460: 0x000c, 0x461: 0x000c, 0x462: 0x000c, 0x463: 0x000c, + 0x464: 0x000c, 0x465: 0x000d, 0x466: 0x000d, 0x467: 0x000c, 0x468: 0x000c, 0x469: 0x000a, + 0x46a: 0x000c, 0x46b: 0x000c, 0x46c: 0x000c, 0x46d: 0x000c, 0x46e: 0x000d, 0x46f: 0x000d, + 0x470: 0x0002, 0x471: 0x0002, 0x472: 0x0002, 0x473: 0x0002, 0x474: 0x0002, 0x475: 0x0002, + 0x476: 0x0002, 0x477: 0x0002, 0x478: 0x0002, 0x479: 0x0002, 0x47a: 0x000d, 0x47b: 0x000d, + 0x47c: 0x000d, 0x47d: 0x000d, 0x47e: 0x000d, 0x47f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x000d, 0x481: 0x000d, 0x482: 0x000d, 0x483: 0x000d, 0x484: 0x000d, 0x485: 0x000d, + 0x486: 0x000d, 0x487: 0x000d, 0x488: 0x000d, 0x489: 0x000d, 0x48a: 0x000d, 0x48b: 0x000d, + 0x48c: 0x000d, 0x48d: 0x000d, 0x48e: 0x000d, 0x48f: 0x000d, 0x490: 0x000d, 0x491: 0x000c, + 0x492: 0x000d, 0x493: 0x000d, 0x494: 0x000d, 0x495: 0x000d, 0x496: 0x000d, 0x497: 0x000d, + 0x498: 0x000d, 0x499: 0x000d, 0x49a: 0x000d, 0x49b: 0x000d, 0x49c: 0x000d, 0x49d: 0x000d, + 0x49e: 0x000d, 0x49f: 0x000d, 0x4a0: 0x000d, 0x4a1: 0x000d, 0x4a2: 0x000d, 0x4a3: 0x000d, + 0x4a4: 0x000d, 0x4a5: 0x000d, 0x4a6: 0x000d, 0x4a7: 0x000d, 0x4a8: 0x000d, 0x4a9: 0x000d, + 0x4aa: 0x000d, 0x4ab: 0x000d, 0x4ac: 0x000d, 0x4ad: 0x000d, 0x4ae: 0x000d, 0x4af: 0x000d, + 0x4b0: 0x000c, 0x4b1: 0x000c, 0x4b2: 0x000c, 0x4b3: 0x000c, 0x4b4: 0x000c, 0x4b5: 0x000c, + 0x4b6: 0x000c, 0x4b7: 0x000c, 0x4b8: 0x000c, 0x4b9: 0x000c, 0x4ba: 0x000c, 0x4bb: 0x000c, + 0x4bc: 0x000c, 0x4bd: 0x000c, 0x4be: 0x000c, 0x4bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x000c, 0x4c1: 0x000c, 0x4c2: 0x000c, 0x4c3: 0x000c, 0x4c4: 0x000c, 0x4c5: 0x000c, + 0x4c6: 0x000c, 0x4c7: 0x000c, 0x4c8: 0x000c, 0x4c9: 0x000c, 0x4ca: 0x000c, 0x4cb: 0x000d, + 0x4cc: 0x000d, 0x4cd: 0x000d, 0x4ce: 0x000d, 0x4cf: 0x000d, 0x4d0: 0x000d, 0x4d1: 0x000d, + 0x4d2: 0x000d, 0x4d3: 0x000d, 0x4d4: 0x000d, 0x4d5: 0x000d, 0x4d6: 0x000d, 0x4d7: 0x000d, + 0x4d8: 0x000d, 0x4d9: 0x000d, 0x4da: 0x000d, 0x4db: 0x000d, 0x4dc: 0x000d, 0x4dd: 0x000d, + 0x4de: 0x000d, 0x4df: 0x000d, 0x4e0: 0x000d, 0x4e1: 0x000d, 0x4e2: 0x000d, 0x4e3: 0x000d, + 0x4e4: 0x000d, 0x4e5: 0x000d, 0x4e6: 0x000d, 0x4e7: 0x000d, 0x4e8: 0x000d, 0x4e9: 0x000d, + 0x4ea: 0x000d, 0x4eb: 0x000d, 0x4ec: 0x000d, 0x4ed: 0x000d, 0x4ee: 0x000d, 0x4ef: 0x000d, + 0x4f0: 0x000d, 0x4f1: 0x000d, 0x4f2: 0x000d, 0x4f3: 0x000d, 0x4f4: 0x000d, 0x4f5: 0x000d, + 0x4f6: 0x000d, 0x4f7: 0x000d, 0x4f8: 0x000d, 0x4f9: 0x000d, 0x4fa: 0x000d, 0x4fb: 0x000d, + 0x4fc: 0x000d, 0x4fd: 0x000d, 0x4fe: 0x000d, 0x4ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x000d, 0x501: 0x000d, 0x502: 0x000d, 0x503: 0x000d, 0x504: 0x000d, 0x505: 0x000d, + 0x506: 0x000d, 0x507: 0x000d, 0x508: 0x000d, 0x509: 0x000d, 0x50a: 0x000d, 0x50b: 0x000d, + 0x50c: 0x000d, 0x50d: 0x000d, 0x50e: 0x000d, 0x50f: 0x000d, 0x510: 0x000d, 0x511: 0x000d, + 0x512: 0x000d, 0x513: 0x000d, 0x514: 0x000d, 0x515: 0x000d, 0x516: 0x000d, 0x517: 0x000d, + 0x518: 0x000d, 0x519: 0x000d, 0x51a: 0x000d, 0x51b: 0x000d, 0x51c: 0x000d, 0x51d: 0x000d, + 0x51e: 0x000d, 0x51f: 0x000d, 0x520: 0x000d, 0x521: 0x000d, 0x522: 0x000d, 0x523: 0x000d, + 0x524: 0x000d, 0x525: 0x000d, 0x526: 0x000c, 0x527: 0x000c, 0x528: 0x000c, 0x529: 0x000c, + 0x52a: 0x000c, 0x52b: 0x000c, 0x52c: 0x000c, 0x52d: 0x000c, 0x52e: 0x000c, 0x52f: 0x000c, + 0x530: 0x000c, 0x531: 0x000d, 0x532: 0x000d, 0x533: 0x000d, 0x534: 0x000d, 0x535: 0x000d, + 0x536: 0x000d, 0x537: 0x000d, 0x538: 0x000d, 0x539: 0x000d, 0x53a: 0x000d, 0x53b: 0x000d, + 0x53c: 0x000d, 0x53d: 0x000d, 0x53e: 0x000d, 0x53f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x0001, 0x541: 0x0001, 0x542: 0x0001, 0x543: 0x0001, 0x544: 0x0001, 0x545: 0x0001, + 0x546: 0x0001, 0x547: 0x0001, 0x548: 0x0001, 0x549: 0x0001, 0x54a: 0x0001, 0x54b: 0x0001, + 0x54c: 0x0001, 0x54d: 0x0001, 0x54e: 0x0001, 0x54f: 0x0001, 0x550: 0x0001, 0x551: 0x0001, + 0x552: 0x0001, 0x553: 0x0001, 0x554: 0x0001, 0x555: 0x0001, 0x556: 0x0001, 0x557: 0x0001, + 0x558: 0x0001, 0x559: 0x0001, 0x55a: 0x0001, 0x55b: 0x0001, 0x55c: 0x0001, 0x55d: 0x0001, + 0x55e: 0x0001, 0x55f: 0x0001, 0x560: 0x0001, 0x561: 0x0001, 0x562: 0x0001, 0x563: 0x0001, + 0x564: 0x0001, 0x565: 0x0001, 0x566: 0x0001, 0x567: 0x0001, 0x568: 0x0001, 0x569: 0x0001, + 0x56a: 0x0001, 0x56b: 0x000c, 0x56c: 0x000c, 0x56d: 0x000c, 0x56e: 0x000c, 0x56f: 0x000c, + 0x570: 0x000c, 0x571: 0x000c, 0x572: 0x000c, 0x573: 0x000c, 0x574: 0x0001, 0x575: 0x0001, + 0x576: 0x000a, 0x577: 0x000a, 0x578: 0x000a, 0x579: 0x000a, 0x57a: 0x0001, 0x57b: 0x0001, + 0x57c: 0x0001, 0x57d: 0x000c, 0x57e: 0x0001, 0x57f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x0001, 0x581: 0x0001, 0x582: 0x0001, 0x583: 0x0001, 0x584: 0x0001, 0x585: 0x0001, + 0x586: 0x0001, 0x587: 0x0001, 0x588: 0x0001, 0x589: 0x0001, 0x58a: 0x0001, 0x58b: 0x0001, + 0x58c: 0x0001, 0x58d: 0x0001, 0x58e: 0x0001, 0x58f: 0x0001, 0x590: 0x0001, 0x591: 0x0001, + 0x592: 0x0001, 0x593: 0x0001, 0x594: 0x0001, 0x595: 0x0001, 0x596: 0x000c, 0x597: 0x000c, + 0x598: 0x000c, 0x599: 0x000c, 0x59a: 0x0001, 0x59b: 0x000c, 0x59c: 0x000c, 0x59d: 0x000c, + 0x59e: 0x000c, 0x59f: 0x000c, 0x5a0: 0x000c, 0x5a1: 0x000c, 0x5a2: 0x000c, 0x5a3: 0x000c, + 0x5a4: 0x0001, 0x5a5: 0x000c, 0x5a6: 0x000c, 0x5a7: 0x000c, 0x5a8: 0x0001, 0x5a9: 0x000c, + 0x5aa: 0x000c, 0x5ab: 0x000c, 0x5ac: 0x000c, 0x5ad: 0x000c, 0x5ae: 0x0001, 0x5af: 0x0001, + 0x5b0: 0x0001, 0x5b1: 0x0001, 0x5b2: 0x0001, 0x5b3: 0x0001, 0x5b4: 0x0001, 0x5b5: 0x0001, + 0x5b6: 0x0001, 0x5b7: 0x0001, 0x5b8: 0x0001, 0x5b9: 0x0001, 0x5ba: 0x0001, 0x5bb: 0x0001, + 0x5bc: 0x0001, 0x5bd: 0x0001, 0x5be: 0x0001, 0x5bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x0001, 0x5c1: 0x0001, 0x5c2: 0x0001, 0x5c3: 0x0001, 0x5c4: 0x0001, 0x5c5: 0x0001, + 0x5c6: 0x0001, 0x5c7: 0x0001, 0x5c8: 0x0001, 0x5c9: 0x0001, 0x5ca: 0x0001, 0x5cb: 0x0001, + 0x5cc: 0x0001, 0x5cd: 0x0001, 0x5ce: 0x0001, 0x5cf: 0x0001, 0x5d0: 0x0001, 0x5d1: 0x0001, + 0x5d2: 0x0001, 0x5d3: 0x0001, 0x5d4: 0x0001, 0x5d5: 0x0001, 0x5d6: 0x0001, 0x5d7: 0x0001, + 0x5d8: 0x0001, 0x5d9: 0x000c, 0x5da: 0x000c, 0x5db: 0x000c, 0x5dc: 0x0001, 0x5dd: 0x0001, + 0x5de: 0x0001, 0x5df: 0x0001, 0x5e0: 0x000d, 0x5e1: 0x000d, 0x5e2: 0x000d, 0x5e3: 0x000d, + 0x5e4: 0x000d, 0x5e5: 0x000d, 0x5e6: 0x000d, 0x5e7: 0x000d, 0x5e8: 0x000d, 0x5e9: 0x000d, + 0x5ea: 0x000d, 0x5eb: 0x000d, 0x5ec: 0x000d, 0x5ed: 0x000d, 0x5ee: 0x000d, 0x5ef: 0x000d, + 0x5f0: 0x0001, 0x5f1: 0x0001, 0x5f2: 0x0001, 0x5f3: 0x0001, 0x5f4: 0x0001, 0x5f5: 0x0001, + 0x5f6: 0x0001, 0x5f7: 0x0001, 0x5f8: 0x0001, 0x5f9: 0x0001, 0x5fa: 0x0001, 0x5fb: 0x0001, + 0x5fc: 0x0001, 0x5fd: 0x0001, 0x5fe: 0x0001, 0x5ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x0001, 0x601: 0x0001, 0x602: 0x0001, 0x603: 0x0001, 0x604: 0x0001, 0x605: 0x0001, + 0x606: 0x0001, 0x607: 0x0001, 0x608: 0x0001, 0x609: 0x0001, 0x60a: 0x0001, 0x60b: 0x0001, + 0x60c: 0x0001, 0x60d: 0x0001, 0x60e: 0x0001, 0x60f: 0x0001, 0x610: 0x0001, 0x611: 0x0001, + 0x612: 0x0001, 0x613: 0x0001, 0x614: 0x0001, 0x615: 0x0001, 0x616: 0x0001, 0x617: 0x0001, + 0x618: 0x0001, 0x619: 0x0001, 0x61a: 0x0001, 0x61b: 0x0001, 0x61c: 0x0001, 0x61d: 0x0001, + 0x61e: 0x0001, 0x61f: 0x0001, 0x620: 0x000d, 0x621: 0x000d, 0x622: 0x000d, 0x623: 0x000d, + 0x624: 0x000d, 0x625: 0x000d, 0x626: 0x000d, 0x627: 0x000d, 0x628: 0x000d, 0x629: 0x000d, + 0x62a: 0x000d, 0x62b: 0x000d, 0x62c: 0x000d, 0x62d: 0x000d, 0x62e: 0x000d, 0x62f: 0x000d, + 0x630: 0x000d, 0x631: 0x000d, 0x632: 0x000d, 0x633: 0x000d, 0x634: 0x000d, 0x635: 0x000d, + 0x636: 0x000d, 0x637: 0x000d, 0x638: 0x000d, 0x639: 0x000d, 0x63a: 0x000d, 0x63b: 0x000d, + 0x63c: 0x000d, 0x63d: 0x000d, 0x63e: 0x000d, 0x63f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x000d, 0x641: 0x000d, 0x642: 0x000d, 0x643: 0x000d, 0x644: 0x000d, 0x645: 0x000d, + 0x646: 0x000d, 0x647: 0x000d, 0x648: 0x000d, 0x649: 0x000d, 0x64a: 0x000d, 0x64b: 0x000d, + 0x64c: 0x000d, 0x64d: 0x000d, 0x64e: 0x000d, 0x64f: 0x000d, 0x650: 0x000d, 0x651: 0x000d, + 0x652: 0x000d, 0x653: 0x000c, 0x654: 0x000c, 0x655: 0x000c, 0x656: 0x000c, 0x657: 0x000c, + 0x658: 0x000c, 0x659: 0x000c, 0x65a: 0x000c, 0x65b: 0x000c, 0x65c: 0x000c, 0x65d: 0x000c, + 0x65e: 0x000c, 0x65f: 0x000c, 0x660: 0x000c, 0x661: 0x000c, 0x662: 0x0005, 0x663: 0x000c, + 0x664: 0x000c, 0x665: 0x000c, 0x666: 0x000c, 0x667: 0x000c, 0x668: 0x000c, 0x669: 0x000c, + 0x66a: 0x000c, 0x66b: 0x000c, 0x66c: 0x000c, 0x66d: 0x000c, 0x66e: 0x000c, 0x66f: 0x000c, + 0x670: 0x000c, 0x671: 0x000c, 0x672: 0x000c, 0x673: 0x000c, 0x674: 0x000c, 0x675: 0x000c, + 0x676: 0x000c, 0x677: 0x000c, 0x678: 0x000c, 0x679: 0x000c, 0x67a: 0x000c, 0x67b: 0x000c, + 0x67c: 0x000c, 0x67d: 0x000c, 0x67e: 0x000c, 0x67f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x000c, 0x681: 0x000c, 0x682: 0x000c, + 0x6ba: 0x000c, + 0x6bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c1: 0x000c, 0x6c2: 0x000c, 0x6c3: 0x000c, 0x6c4: 0x000c, 0x6c5: 0x000c, + 0x6c6: 0x000c, 0x6c7: 0x000c, 0x6c8: 0x000c, + 0x6cd: 0x000c, 0x6d1: 0x000c, + 0x6d2: 0x000c, 0x6d3: 0x000c, 0x6d4: 0x000c, 0x6d5: 0x000c, 0x6d6: 0x000c, 0x6d7: 0x000c, + 0x6e2: 0x000c, 0x6e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x701: 0x000c, + 0x73c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x741: 0x000c, 0x742: 0x000c, 0x743: 0x000c, 0x744: 0x000c, + 0x74d: 0x000c, + 0x762: 0x000c, 0x763: 0x000c, + 0x772: 0x0004, 0x773: 0x0004, + 0x77b: 0x0004, + 0x77e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x781: 0x000c, 0x782: 0x000c, + 0x7bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c1: 0x000c, 0x7c2: 0x000c, + 0x7c7: 0x000c, 0x7c8: 0x000c, 0x7cb: 0x000c, + 0x7cc: 0x000c, 0x7cd: 0x000c, 0x7d1: 0x000c, + 0x7f0: 0x000c, 0x7f1: 0x000c, 0x7f5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x801: 0x000c, 0x802: 0x000c, 0x803: 0x000c, 0x804: 0x000c, 0x805: 0x000c, + 0x807: 0x000c, 0x808: 0x000c, + 0x80d: 0x000c, + 0x822: 0x000c, 0x823: 0x000c, + 0x831: 0x0004, + 0x83a: 0x000c, 0x83b: 0x000c, + 0x83c: 0x000c, 0x83d: 0x000c, 0x83e: 0x000c, 0x83f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x841: 0x000c, + 0x87c: 0x000c, 0x87f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x881: 0x000c, 0x882: 0x000c, 0x883: 0x000c, 0x884: 0x000c, + 0x88d: 0x000c, + 0x896: 0x000c, + 0x8a2: 0x000c, 0x8a3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c2: 0x000c, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x000c, + 0x90d: 0x000c, + 0x933: 0x000a, 0x934: 0x000a, 0x935: 0x000a, + 0x936: 0x000a, 0x937: 0x000a, 0x938: 0x000a, 0x939: 0x0004, 0x93a: 0x000a, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x000c, 0x944: 0x000c, + 0x97e: 0x000c, 0x97f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x980: 0x000c, + 0x986: 0x000c, 0x987: 0x000c, 0x988: 0x000c, 0x98a: 0x000c, 0x98b: 0x000c, + 0x98c: 0x000c, 0x98d: 0x000c, + 0x995: 0x000c, 0x996: 0x000c, + 0x9a2: 0x000c, 0x9a3: 0x000c, + 0x9b8: 0x000a, 0x9b9: 0x000a, 0x9ba: 0x000a, 0x9bb: 0x000a, + 0x9bc: 0x000a, 0x9bd: 0x000a, 0x9be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9cc: 0x000c, 0x9cd: 0x000c, + 0x9e2: 0x000c, 0x9e3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa00: 0x000c, 0xa01: 0x000c, + 0xa3b: 0x000c, + 0xa3c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa41: 0x000c, 0xa42: 0x000c, 0xa43: 0x000c, 0xa44: 0x000c, + 0xa4d: 0x000c, + 0xa62: 0x000c, 0xa63: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa8a: 0x000c, + 0xa92: 0x000c, 0xa93: 0x000c, 0xa94: 0x000c, 0xa96: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xaf1: 0x000c, 0xaf4: 0x000c, 0xaf5: 0x000c, + 0xaf6: 0x000c, 0xaf7: 0x000c, 0xaf8: 0x000c, 0xaf9: 0x000c, 0xafa: 0x000c, + 0xaff: 0x0004, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb07: 0x000c, 0xb08: 0x000c, 0xb09: 0x000c, 0xb0a: 0x000c, 0xb0b: 0x000c, + 0xb0c: 0x000c, 0xb0d: 0x000c, 0xb0e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb71: 0x000c, 0xb74: 0x000c, 0xb75: 0x000c, + 0xb76: 0x000c, 0xb77: 0x000c, 0xb78: 0x000c, 0xb79: 0x000c, 0xb7b: 0x000c, + 0xb7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb88: 0x000c, 0xb89: 0x000c, 0xb8a: 0x000c, 0xb8b: 0x000c, + 0xb8c: 0x000c, 0xb8d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbd8: 0x000c, 0xbd9: 0x000c, + 0xbf5: 0x000c, + 0xbf7: 0x000c, 0xbf9: 0x000c, 0xbfa: 0x003a, 0xbfb: 0x002a, + 0xbfc: 0x003a, 0xbfd: 0x002a, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc31: 0x000c, 0xc32: 0x000c, 0xc33: 0x000c, 0xc34: 0x000c, 0xc35: 0x000c, + 0xc36: 0x000c, 0xc37: 0x000c, 0xc38: 0x000c, 0xc39: 0x000c, 0xc3a: 0x000c, 0xc3b: 0x000c, + 0xc3c: 0x000c, 0xc3d: 0x000c, 0xc3e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x000c, 0xc41: 0x000c, 0xc42: 0x000c, 0xc43: 0x000c, 0xc44: 0x000c, + 0xc46: 0x000c, 0xc47: 0x000c, + 0xc4d: 0x000c, 0xc4e: 0x000c, 0xc4f: 0x000c, 0xc50: 0x000c, 0xc51: 0x000c, + 0xc52: 0x000c, 0xc53: 0x000c, 0xc54: 0x000c, 0xc55: 0x000c, 0xc56: 0x000c, 0xc57: 0x000c, + 0xc59: 0x000c, 0xc5a: 0x000c, 0xc5b: 0x000c, 0xc5c: 0x000c, 0xc5d: 0x000c, + 0xc5e: 0x000c, 0xc5f: 0x000c, 0xc60: 0x000c, 0xc61: 0x000c, 0xc62: 0x000c, 0xc63: 0x000c, + 0xc64: 0x000c, 0xc65: 0x000c, 0xc66: 0x000c, 0xc67: 0x000c, 0xc68: 0x000c, 0xc69: 0x000c, + 0xc6a: 0x000c, 0xc6b: 0x000c, 0xc6c: 0x000c, 0xc6d: 0x000c, 0xc6e: 0x000c, 0xc6f: 0x000c, + 0xc70: 0x000c, 0xc71: 0x000c, 0xc72: 0x000c, 0xc73: 0x000c, 0xc74: 0x000c, 0xc75: 0x000c, + 0xc76: 0x000c, 0xc77: 0x000c, 0xc78: 0x000c, 0xc79: 0x000c, 0xc7a: 0x000c, 0xc7b: 0x000c, + 0xc7c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc86: 0x000c, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xced: 0x000c, 0xcee: 0x000c, 0xcef: 0x000c, + 0xcf0: 0x000c, 0xcf2: 0x000c, 0xcf3: 0x000c, 0xcf4: 0x000c, 0xcf5: 0x000c, + 0xcf6: 0x000c, 0xcf7: 0x000c, 0xcf9: 0x000c, 0xcfa: 0x000c, + 0xcfd: 0x000c, 0xcfe: 0x000c, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd18: 0x000c, 0xd19: 0x000c, + 0xd1e: 0x000c, 0xd1f: 0x000c, 0xd20: 0x000c, + 0xd31: 0x000c, 0xd32: 0x000c, 0xd33: 0x000c, 0xd34: 0x000c, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd42: 0x000c, 0xd45: 0x000c, + 0xd46: 0x000c, + 0xd4d: 0x000c, + 0xd5d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd9d: 0x000c, + 0xd9e: 0x000c, 0xd9f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdd0: 0x000a, 0xdd1: 0x000a, + 0xdd2: 0x000a, 0xdd3: 0x000a, 0xdd4: 0x000a, 0xdd5: 0x000a, 0xdd6: 0x000a, 0xdd7: 0x000a, + 0xdd8: 0x000a, 0xdd9: 0x000a, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x000a, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x0009, + 0xe5b: 0x007a, 0xe5c: 0x006a, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe92: 0x000c, 0xe93: 0x000c, 0xe94: 0x000c, + 0xeb2: 0x000c, 0xeb3: 0x000c, 0xeb4: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xed2: 0x000c, 0xed3: 0x000c, + 0xef2: 0x000c, 0xef3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf34: 0x000c, 0xf35: 0x000c, + 0xf37: 0x000c, 0xf38: 0x000c, 0xf39: 0x000c, 0xf3a: 0x000c, 0xf3b: 0x000c, + 0xf3c: 0x000c, 0xf3d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf46: 0x000c, 0xf49: 0x000c, 0xf4a: 0x000c, 0xf4b: 0x000c, + 0xf4c: 0x000c, 0xf4d: 0x000c, 0xf4e: 0x000c, 0xf4f: 0x000c, 0xf50: 0x000c, 0xf51: 0x000c, + 0xf52: 0x000c, 0xf53: 0x000c, + 0xf5b: 0x0004, 0xf5d: 0x000c, + 0xf70: 0x000a, 0xf71: 0x000a, 0xf72: 0x000a, 0xf73: 0x000a, 0xf74: 0x000a, 0xf75: 0x000a, + 0xf76: 0x000a, 0xf77: 0x000a, 0xf78: 0x000a, 0xf79: 0x000a, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x000a, 0xf81: 0x000a, 0xf82: 0x000a, 0xf83: 0x000a, 0xf84: 0x000a, 0xf85: 0x000a, + 0xf86: 0x000a, 0xf87: 0x000a, 0xf88: 0x000a, 0xf89: 0x000a, 0xf8a: 0x000a, 0xf8b: 0x000c, + 0xf8c: 0x000c, 0xf8d: 0x000c, 0xf8e: 0x000b, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc5: 0x000c, + 0xfc6: 0x000c, + 0xfe9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1020: 0x000c, 0x1021: 0x000c, 0x1022: 0x000c, + 0x1027: 0x000c, 0x1028: 0x000c, + 0x1032: 0x000c, + 0x1039: 0x000c, 0x103a: 0x000c, 0x103b: 0x000c, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x000a, 0x1044: 0x000a, 0x1045: 0x000a, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x109e: 0x000a, 0x109f: 0x000a, 0x10a0: 0x000a, 0x10a1: 0x000a, 0x10a2: 0x000a, 0x10a3: 0x000a, + 0x10a4: 0x000a, 0x10a5: 0x000a, 0x10a6: 0x000a, 0x10a7: 0x000a, 0x10a8: 0x000a, 0x10a9: 0x000a, + 0x10aa: 0x000a, 0x10ab: 0x000a, 0x10ac: 0x000a, 0x10ad: 0x000a, 0x10ae: 0x000a, 0x10af: 0x000a, + 0x10b0: 0x000a, 0x10b1: 0x000a, 0x10b2: 0x000a, 0x10b3: 0x000a, 0x10b4: 0x000a, 0x10b5: 0x000a, + 0x10b6: 0x000a, 0x10b7: 0x000a, 0x10b8: 0x000a, 0x10b9: 0x000a, 0x10ba: 0x000a, 0x10bb: 0x000a, + 0x10bc: 0x000a, 0x10bd: 0x000a, 0x10be: 0x000a, 0x10bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10d7: 0x000c, + 0x10d8: 0x000c, 0x10db: 0x000c, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1116: 0x000c, + 0x1118: 0x000c, 0x1119: 0x000c, 0x111a: 0x000c, 0x111b: 0x000c, 0x111c: 0x000c, 0x111d: 0x000c, + 0x111e: 0x000c, 0x1120: 0x000c, 0x1122: 0x000c, + 0x1125: 0x000c, 0x1126: 0x000c, 0x1127: 0x000c, 0x1128: 0x000c, 0x1129: 0x000c, + 0x112a: 0x000c, 0x112b: 0x000c, 0x112c: 0x000c, + 0x1133: 0x000c, 0x1134: 0x000c, 0x1135: 0x000c, + 0x1136: 0x000c, 0x1137: 0x000c, 0x1138: 0x000c, 0x1139: 0x000c, 0x113a: 0x000c, 0x113b: 0x000c, + 0x113c: 0x000c, 0x113f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1170: 0x000c, 0x1171: 0x000c, 0x1172: 0x000c, 0x1173: 0x000c, 0x1174: 0x000c, 0x1175: 0x000c, + 0x1176: 0x000c, 0x1177: 0x000c, 0x1178: 0x000c, 0x1179: 0x000c, 0x117a: 0x000c, 0x117b: 0x000c, + 0x117c: 0x000c, 0x117d: 0x000c, 0x117e: 0x000c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x000c, 0x1181: 0x000c, 0x1182: 0x000c, 0x1183: 0x000c, + 0x11b4: 0x000c, + 0x11b6: 0x000c, 0x11b7: 0x000c, 0x11b8: 0x000c, 0x11b9: 0x000c, 0x11ba: 0x000c, + 0x11bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11c2: 0x000c, + 0x11eb: 0x000c, 0x11ec: 0x000c, 0x11ed: 0x000c, 0x11ee: 0x000c, 0x11ef: 0x000c, + 0x11f0: 0x000c, 0x11f1: 0x000c, 0x11f2: 0x000c, 0x11f3: 0x000c, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x000c, 0x1201: 0x000c, + 0x1222: 0x000c, 0x1223: 0x000c, + 0x1224: 0x000c, 0x1225: 0x000c, 0x1228: 0x000c, 0x1229: 0x000c, + 0x122b: 0x000c, 0x122c: 0x000c, 0x122d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1266: 0x000c, 0x1268: 0x000c, 0x1269: 0x000c, + 0x126d: 0x000c, 0x126f: 0x000c, + 0x1270: 0x000c, 0x1271: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x12ac: 0x000c, 0x12ad: 0x000c, 0x12ae: 0x000c, 0x12af: 0x000c, + 0x12b0: 0x000c, 0x12b1: 0x000c, 0x12b2: 0x000c, 0x12b3: 0x000c, + 0x12b6: 0x000c, 0x12b7: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12d0: 0x000c, 0x12d1: 0x000c, + 0x12d2: 0x000c, 0x12d4: 0x000c, 0x12d5: 0x000c, 0x12d6: 0x000c, 0x12d7: 0x000c, + 0x12d8: 0x000c, 0x12d9: 0x000c, 0x12da: 0x000c, 0x12db: 0x000c, 0x12dc: 0x000c, 0x12dd: 0x000c, + 0x12de: 0x000c, 0x12df: 0x000c, 0x12e0: 0x000c, 0x12e2: 0x000c, 0x12e3: 0x000c, + 0x12e4: 0x000c, 0x12e5: 0x000c, 0x12e6: 0x000c, 0x12e7: 0x000c, 0x12e8: 0x000c, + 0x12ed: 0x000c, + 0x12f4: 0x000c, + 0x12f8: 0x000c, 0x12f9: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x000c, 0x1301: 0x000c, 0x1302: 0x000c, 0x1303: 0x000c, 0x1304: 0x000c, 0x1305: 0x000c, + 0x1306: 0x000c, 0x1307: 0x000c, 0x1308: 0x000c, 0x1309: 0x000c, 0x130a: 0x000c, 0x130b: 0x000c, + 0x130c: 0x000c, 0x130d: 0x000c, 0x130e: 0x000c, 0x130f: 0x000c, 0x1310: 0x000c, 0x1311: 0x000c, + 0x1312: 0x000c, 0x1313: 0x000c, 0x1314: 0x000c, 0x1315: 0x000c, 0x1316: 0x000c, 0x1317: 0x000c, + 0x1318: 0x000c, 0x1319: 0x000c, 0x131a: 0x000c, 0x131b: 0x000c, 0x131c: 0x000c, 0x131d: 0x000c, + 0x131e: 0x000c, 0x131f: 0x000c, 0x1320: 0x000c, 0x1321: 0x000c, 0x1322: 0x000c, 0x1323: 0x000c, + 0x1324: 0x000c, 0x1325: 0x000c, 0x1326: 0x000c, 0x1327: 0x000c, 0x1328: 0x000c, 0x1329: 0x000c, + 0x132a: 0x000c, 0x132b: 0x000c, 0x132c: 0x000c, 0x132d: 0x000c, 0x132e: 0x000c, 0x132f: 0x000c, + 0x1330: 0x000c, 0x1331: 0x000c, 0x1332: 0x000c, 0x1333: 0x000c, 0x1334: 0x000c, 0x1335: 0x000c, + 0x1336: 0x000c, 0x1337: 0x000c, 0x1338: 0x000c, 0x1339: 0x000c, 0x133b: 0x000c, + 0x133c: 0x000c, 0x133d: 0x000c, 0x133e: 0x000c, 0x133f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x137d: 0x000a, 0x137f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x000a, 0x1381: 0x000a, + 0x138d: 0x000a, 0x138e: 0x000a, 0x138f: 0x000a, + 0x139d: 0x000a, + 0x139e: 0x000a, 0x139f: 0x000a, + 0x13ad: 0x000a, 0x13ae: 0x000a, 0x13af: 0x000a, + 0x13bd: 0x000a, 0x13be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x0009, 0x13c1: 0x0009, 0x13c2: 0x0009, 0x13c3: 0x0009, 0x13c4: 0x0009, 0x13c5: 0x0009, + 0x13c6: 0x0009, 0x13c7: 0x0009, 0x13c8: 0x0009, 0x13c9: 0x0009, 0x13ca: 0x0009, 0x13cb: 0x000b, + 0x13cc: 0x000b, 0x13cd: 0x000b, 0x13cf: 0x0001, 0x13d0: 0x000a, 0x13d1: 0x000a, + 0x13d2: 0x000a, 0x13d3: 0x000a, 0x13d4: 0x000a, 0x13d5: 0x000a, 0x13d6: 0x000a, 0x13d7: 0x000a, + 0x13d8: 0x000a, 0x13d9: 0x000a, 0x13da: 0x000a, 0x13db: 0x000a, 0x13dc: 0x000a, 0x13dd: 0x000a, + 0x13de: 0x000a, 0x13df: 0x000a, 0x13e0: 0x000a, 0x13e1: 0x000a, 0x13e2: 0x000a, 0x13e3: 0x000a, + 0x13e4: 0x000a, 0x13e5: 0x000a, 0x13e6: 0x000a, 0x13e7: 0x000a, 0x13e8: 0x0009, 0x13e9: 0x0007, + 0x13ea: 0x000e, 0x13eb: 0x000e, 0x13ec: 0x000e, 0x13ed: 0x000e, 0x13ee: 0x000e, 0x13ef: 0x0006, + 0x13f0: 0x0004, 0x13f1: 0x0004, 0x13f2: 0x0004, 0x13f3: 0x0004, 0x13f4: 0x0004, 0x13f5: 0x000a, + 0x13f6: 0x000a, 0x13f7: 0x000a, 0x13f8: 0x000a, 0x13f9: 0x000a, 0x13fa: 0x000a, 0x13fb: 0x000a, + 0x13fc: 0x000a, 0x13fd: 0x000a, 0x13fe: 0x000a, 0x13ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x000a, 0x1401: 0x000a, 0x1402: 0x000a, 0x1403: 0x000a, 0x1404: 0x0006, 0x1405: 0x009a, + 0x1406: 0x008a, 0x1407: 0x000a, 0x1408: 0x000a, 0x1409: 0x000a, 0x140a: 0x000a, 0x140b: 0x000a, + 0x140c: 0x000a, 0x140d: 0x000a, 0x140e: 0x000a, 0x140f: 0x000a, 0x1410: 0x000a, 0x1411: 0x000a, + 0x1412: 0x000a, 0x1413: 0x000a, 0x1414: 0x000a, 0x1415: 0x000a, 0x1416: 0x000a, 0x1417: 0x000a, + 0x1418: 0x000a, 0x1419: 0x000a, 0x141a: 0x000a, 0x141b: 0x000a, 0x141c: 0x000a, 0x141d: 0x000a, + 0x141e: 0x000a, 0x141f: 0x0009, 0x1420: 0x000b, 0x1421: 0x000b, 0x1422: 0x000b, 0x1423: 0x000b, + 0x1424: 0x000b, 0x1425: 0x000b, 0x1426: 0x000e, 0x1427: 0x000e, 0x1428: 0x000e, 0x1429: 0x000e, + 0x142a: 0x000b, 0x142b: 0x000b, 0x142c: 0x000b, 0x142d: 0x000b, 0x142e: 0x000b, 0x142f: 0x000b, + 0x1430: 0x0002, 0x1434: 0x0002, 0x1435: 0x0002, + 0x1436: 0x0002, 0x1437: 0x0002, 0x1438: 0x0002, 0x1439: 0x0002, 0x143a: 0x0003, 0x143b: 0x0003, + 0x143c: 0x000a, 0x143d: 0x009a, 0x143e: 0x008a, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1440: 0x0002, 0x1441: 0x0002, 0x1442: 0x0002, 0x1443: 0x0002, 0x1444: 0x0002, 0x1445: 0x0002, + 0x1446: 0x0002, 0x1447: 0x0002, 0x1448: 0x0002, 0x1449: 0x0002, 0x144a: 0x0003, 0x144b: 0x0003, + 0x144c: 0x000a, 0x144d: 0x009a, 0x144e: 0x008a, + 0x1460: 0x0004, 0x1461: 0x0004, 0x1462: 0x0004, 0x1463: 0x0004, + 0x1464: 0x0004, 0x1465: 0x0004, 0x1466: 0x0004, 0x1467: 0x0004, 0x1468: 0x0004, 0x1469: 0x0004, + 0x146a: 0x0004, 0x146b: 0x0004, 0x146c: 0x0004, 0x146d: 0x0004, 0x146e: 0x0004, 0x146f: 0x0004, + 0x1470: 0x0004, 0x1471: 0x0004, 0x1472: 0x0004, 0x1473: 0x0004, 0x1474: 0x0004, 0x1475: 0x0004, + 0x1476: 0x0004, 0x1477: 0x0004, 0x1478: 0x0004, 0x1479: 0x0004, 0x147a: 0x0004, 0x147b: 0x0004, + 0x147c: 0x0004, 0x147d: 0x0004, 0x147e: 0x0004, 0x147f: 0x0004, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x0004, 0x1481: 0x0004, 0x1482: 0x0004, 0x1483: 0x0004, 0x1484: 0x0004, 0x1485: 0x0004, + 0x1486: 0x0004, 0x1487: 0x0004, 0x1488: 0x0004, 0x1489: 0x0004, 0x148a: 0x0004, 0x148b: 0x0004, + 0x148c: 0x0004, 0x148d: 0x0004, 0x148e: 0x0004, 0x148f: 0x0004, 0x1490: 0x000c, 0x1491: 0x000c, + 0x1492: 0x000c, 0x1493: 0x000c, 0x1494: 0x000c, 0x1495: 0x000c, 0x1496: 0x000c, 0x1497: 0x000c, + 0x1498: 0x000c, 0x1499: 0x000c, 0x149a: 0x000c, 0x149b: 0x000c, 0x149c: 0x000c, 0x149d: 0x000c, + 0x149e: 0x000c, 0x149f: 0x000c, 0x14a0: 0x000c, 0x14a1: 0x000c, 0x14a2: 0x000c, 0x14a3: 0x000c, + 0x14a4: 0x000c, 0x14a5: 0x000c, 0x14a6: 0x000c, 0x14a7: 0x000c, 0x14a8: 0x000c, 0x14a9: 0x000c, + 0x14aa: 0x000c, 0x14ab: 0x000c, 0x14ac: 0x000c, 0x14ad: 0x000c, 0x14ae: 0x000c, 0x14af: 0x000c, + 0x14b0: 0x000c, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x000a, 0x14c1: 0x000a, 0x14c3: 0x000a, 0x14c4: 0x000a, 0x14c5: 0x000a, + 0x14c6: 0x000a, 0x14c8: 0x000a, 0x14c9: 0x000a, + 0x14d4: 0x000a, 0x14d6: 0x000a, 0x14d7: 0x000a, + 0x14d8: 0x000a, + 0x14de: 0x000a, 0x14df: 0x000a, 0x14e0: 0x000a, 0x14e1: 0x000a, 0x14e2: 0x000a, 0x14e3: 0x000a, + 0x14e5: 0x000a, 0x14e7: 0x000a, 0x14e9: 0x000a, + 0x14ee: 0x0004, + 0x14fa: 0x000a, 0x14fb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x000a, 0x1501: 0x000a, 0x1502: 0x000a, 0x1503: 0x000a, 0x1504: 0x000a, + 0x150a: 0x000a, 0x150b: 0x000a, + 0x150c: 0x000a, 0x150d: 0x000a, 0x1510: 0x000a, 0x1511: 0x000a, + 0x1512: 0x000a, 0x1513: 0x000a, 0x1514: 0x000a, 0x1515: 0x000a, 0x1516: 0x000a, 0x1517: 0x000a, + 0x1518: 0x000a, 0x1519: 0x000a, 0x151a: 0x000a, 0x151b: 0x000a, 0x151c: 0x000a, 0x151d: 0x000a, + 0x151e: 0x000a, 0x151f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1549: 0x000a, 0x154a: 0x000a, 0x154b: 0x000a, + 0x1550: 0x000a, 0x1551: 0x000a, + 0x1552: 0x000a, 0x1553: 0x000a, 0x1554: 0x000a, 0x1555: 0x000a, 0x1556: 0x000a, 0x1557: 0x000a, + 0x1558: 0x000a, 0x1559: 0x000a, 0x155a: 0x000a, 0x155b: 0x000a, 0x155c: 0x000a, 0x155d: 0x000a, + 0x155e: 0x000a, 0x155f: 0x000a, 0x1560: 0x000a, 0x1561: 0x000a, 0x1562: 0x000a, 0x1563: 0x000a, + 0x1564: 0x000a, 0x1565: 0x000a, 0x1566: 0x000a, 0x1567: 0x000a, 0x1568: 0x000a, 0x1569: 0x000a, + 0x156a: 0x000a, 0x156b: 0x000a, 0x156c: 0x000a, 0x156d: 0x000a, 0x156e: 0x000a, 0x156f: 0x000a, + 0x1570: 0x000a, 0x1571: 0x000a, 0x1572: 0x000a, 0x1573: 0x000a, 0x1574: 0x000a, 0x1575: 0x000a, + 0x1576: 0x000a, 0x1577: 0x000a, 0x1578: 0x000a, 0x1579: 0x000a, 0x157a: 0x000a, 0x157b: 0x000a, + 0x157c: 0x000a, 0x157d: 0x000a, 0x157e: 0x000a, 0x157f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x000a, 0x1581: 0x000a, 0x1582: 0x000a, 0x1583: 0x000a, 0x1584: 0x000a, 0x1585: 0x000a, + 0x1586: 0x000a, 0x1587: 0x000a, 0x1588: 0x000a, 0x1589: 0x000a, 0x158a: 0x000a, 0x158b: 0x000a, + 0x158c: 0x000a, 0x158d: 0x000a, 0x158e: 0x000a, 0x158f: 0x000a, 0x1590: 0x000a, 0x1591: 0x000a, + 0x1592: 0x000a, 0x1593: 0x000a, 0x1594: 0x000a, 0x1595: 0x000a, 0x1596: 0x000a, 0x1597: 0x000a, + 0x1598: 0x000a, 0x1599: 0x000a, 0x159a: 0x000a, 0x159b: 0x000a, 0x159c: 0x000a, 0x159d: 0x000a, + 0x159e: 0x000a, 0x159f: 0x000a, 0x15a0: 0x000a, 0x15a1: 0x000a, 0x15a2: 0x000a, 0x15a3: 0x000a, + 0x15a4: 0x000a, 0x15a5: 0x000a, 0x15a6: 0x000a, 0x15a7: 0x000a, 0x15a8: 0x000a, 0x15a9: 0x000a, + 0x15aa: 0x000a, 0x15ab: 0x000a, 0x15ac: 0x000a, 0x15ad: 0x000a, 0x15ae: 0x000a, 0x15af: 0x000a, + 0x15b0: 0x000a, 0x15b1: 0x000a, 0x15b2: 0x000a, 0x15b3: 0x000a, 0x15b4: 0x000a, 0x15b5: 0x000a, + 0x15b6: 0x000a, 0x15b7: 0x000a, 0x15b8: 0x000a, 0x15b9: 0x000a, 0x15ba: 0x000a, 0x15bb: 0x000a, + 0x15bc: 0x000a, 0x15bd: 0x000a, 0x15be: 0x000a, 0x15bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x000a, 0x15c1: 0x000a, 0x15c2: 0x000a, 0x15c3: 0x000a, 0x15c4: 0x000a, 0x15c5: 0x000a, + 0x15c6: 0x000a, 0x15c7: 0x000a, 0x15c8: 0x000a, 0x15c9: 0x000a, 0x15ca: 0x000a, 0x15cb: 0x000a, + 0x15cc: 0x000a, 0x15cd: 0x000a, 0x15ce: 0x000a, 0x15cf: 0x000a, 0x15d0: 0x000a, 0x15d1: 0x000a, + 0x15d2: 0x0003, 0x15d3: 0x0004, 0x15d4: 0x000a, 0x15d5: 0x000a, 0x15d6: 0x000a, 0x15d7: 0x000a, + 0x15d8: 0x000a, 0x15d9: 0x000a, 0x15da: 0x000a, 0x15db: 0x000a, 0x15dc: 0x000a, 0x15dd: 0x000a, + 0x15de: 0x000a, 0x15df: 0x000a, 0x15e0: 0x000a, 0x15e1: 0x000a, 0x15e2: 0x000a, 0x15e3: 0x000a, + 0x15e4: 0x000a, 0x15e5: 0x000a, 0x15e6: 0x000a, 0x15e7: 0x000a, 0x15e8: 0x000a, 0x15e9: 0x000a, + 0x15ea: 0x000a, 0x15eb: 0x000a, 0x15ec: 0x000a, 0x15ed: 0x000a, 0x15ee: 0x000a, 0x15ef: 0x000a, + 0x15f0: 0x000a, 0x15f1: 0x000a, 0x15f2: 0x000a, 0x15f3: 0x000a, 0x15f4: 0x000a, 0x15f5: 0x000a, + 0x15f6: 0x000a, 0x15f7: 0x000a, 0x15f8: 0x000a, 0x15f9: 0x000a, 0x15fa: 0x000a, 0x15fb: 0x000a, + 0x15fc: 0x000a, 0x15fd: 0x000a, 0x15fe: 0x000a, 0x15ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x000a, 0x1601: 0x000a, 0x1602: 0x000a, 0x1603: 0x000a, 0x1604: 0x000a, 0x1605: 0x000a, + 0x1606: 0x000a, 0x1607: 0x000a, 0x1608: 0x003a, 0x1609: 0x002a, 0x160a: 0x003a, 0x160b: 0x002a, + 0x160c: 0x000a, 0x160d: 0x000a, 0x160e: 0x000a, 0x160f: 0x000a, 0x1610: 0x000a, 0x1611: 0x000a, + 0x1612: 0x000a, 0x1613: 0x000a, 0x1614: 0x000a, 0x1615: 0x000a, 0x1616: 0x000a, 0x1617: 0x000a, + 0x1618: 0x000a, 0x1619: 0x000a, 0x161a: 0x000a, 0x161b: 0x000a, 0x161c: 0x000a, 0x161d: 0x000a, + 0x161e: 0x000a, 0x161f: 0x000a, 0x1620: 0x000a, 0x1621: 0x000a, 0x1622: 0x000a, 0x1623: 0x000a, + 0x1624: 0x000a, 0x1625: 0x000a, 0x1626: 0x000a, 0x1627: 0x000a, 0x1628: 0x000a, 0x1629: 0x009a, + 0x162a: 0x008a, 0x162b: 0x000a, 0x162c: 0x000a, 0x162d: 0x000a, 0x162e: 0x000a, 0x162f: 0x000a, + 0x1630: 0x000a, 0x1631: 0x000a, 0x1632: 0x000a, 0x1633: 0x000a, 0x1634: 0x000a, 0x1635: 0x000a, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x167b: 0x000a, + 0x167c: 0x000a, 0x167d: 0x000a, 0x167e: 0x000a, 0x167f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x000a, 0x1681: 0x000a, 0x1682: 0x000a, 0x1683: 0x000a, 0x1684: 0x000a, 0x1685: 0x000a, + 0x1686: 0x000a, 0x1687: 0x000a, 0x1688: 0x000a, 0x1689: 0x000a, 0x168a: 0x000a, 0x168b: 0x000a, + 0x168c: 0x000a, 0x168d: 0x000a, 0x168e: 0x000a, 0x168f: 0x000a, 0x1690: 0x000a, 0x1691: 0x000a, + 0x1692: 0x000a, 0x1693: 0x000a, 0x1694: 0x000a, 0x1696: 0x000a, 0x1697: 0x000a, + 0x1698: 0x000a, 0x1699: 0x000a, 0x169a: 0x000a, 0x169b: 0x000a, 0x169c: 0x000a, 0x169d: 0x000a, + 0x169e: 0x000a, 0x169f: 0x000a, 0x16a0: 0x000a, 0x16a1: 0x000a, 0x16a2: 0x000a, 0x16a3: 0x000a, + 0x16a4: 0x000a, 0x16a5: 0x000a, 0x16a6: 0x000a, 0x16a7: 0x000a, 0x16a8: 0x000a, 0x16a9: 0x000a, + 0x16aa: 0x000a, 0x16ab: 0x000a, 0x16ac: 0x000a, 0x16ad: 0x000a, 0x16ae: 0x000a, 0x16af: 0x000a, + 0x16b0: 0x000a, 0x16b1: 0x000a, 0x16b2: 0x000a, 0x16b3: 0x000a, 0x16b4: 0x000a, 0x16b5: 0x000a, + 0x16b6: 0x000a, 0x16b7: 0x000a, 0x16b8: 0x000a, 0x16b9: 0x000a, 0x16ba: 0x000a, 0x16bb: 0x000a, + 0x16bc: 0x000a, 0x16bd: 0x000a, 0x16be: 0x000a, 0x16bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x000a, 0x16c1: 0x000a, 0x16c2: 0x000a, 0x16c3: 0x000a, 0x16c4: 0x000a, 0x16c5: 0x000a, + 0x16c6: 0x000a, 0x16c7: 0x000a, 0x16c8: 0x000a, 0x16c9: 0x000a, 0x16ca: 0x000a, 0x16cb: 0x000a, + 0x16cc: 0x000a, 0x16cd: 0x000a, 0x16ce: 0x000a, 0x16cf: 0x000a, 0x16d0: 0x000a, 0x16d1: 0x000a, + 0x16d2: 0x000a, 0x16d3: 0x000a, 0x16d4: 0x000a, 0x16d5: 0x000a, 0x16d6: 0x000a, 0x16d7: 0x000a, + 0x16d8: 0x000a, 0x16d9: 0x000a, 0x16da: 0x000a, 0x16db: 0x000a, 0x16dc: 0x000a, 0x16dd: 0x000a, + 0x16de: 0x000a, 0x16df: 0x000a, 0x16e0: 0x000a, 0x16e1: 0x000a, 0x16e2: 0x000a, 0x16e3: 0x000a, + 0x16e4: 0x000a, 0x16e5: 0x000a, 0x16e6: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x000a, 0x1701: 0x000a, 0x1702: 0x000a, 0x1703: 0x000a, 0x1704: 0x000a, 0x1705: 0x000a, + 0x1706: 0x000a, 0x1707: 0x000a, 0x1708: 0x000a, 0x1709: 0x000a, 0x170a: 0x000a, + 0x1720: 0x000a, 0x1721: 0x000a, 0x1722: 0x000a, 0x1723: 0x000a, + 0x1724: 0x000a, 0x1725: 0x000a, 0x1726: 0x000a, 0x1727: 0x000a, 0x1728: 0x000a, 0x1729: 0x000a, + 0x172a: 0x000a, 0x172b: 0x000a, 0x172c: 0x000a, 0x172d: 0x000a, 0x172e: 0x000a, 0x172f: 0x000a, + 0x1730: 0x000a, 0x1731: 0x000a, 0x1732: 0x000a, 0x1733: 0x000a, 0x1734: 0x000a, 0x1735: 0x000a, + 0x1736: 0x000a, 0x1737: 0x000a, 0x1738: 0x000a, 0x1739: 0x000a, 0x173a: 0x000a, 0x173b: 0x000a, + 0x173c: 0x000a, 0x173d: 0x000a, 0x173e: 0x000a, 0x173f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x000a, 0x1741: 0x000a, 0x1742: 0x000a, 0x1743: 0x000a, 0x1744: 0x000a, 0x1745: 0x000a, + 0x1746: 0x000a, 0x1747: 0x000a, 0x1748: 0x0002, 0x1749: 0x0002, 0x174a: 0x0002, 0x174b: 0x0002, + 0x174c: 0x0002, 0x174d: 0x0002, 0x174e: 0x0002, 0x174f: 0x0002, 0x1750: 0x0002, 0x1751: 0x0002, + 0x1752: 0x0002, 0x1753: 0x0002, 0x1754: 0x0002, 0x1755: 0x0002, 0x1756: 0x0002, 0x1757: 0x0002, + 0x1758: 0x0002, 0x1759: 0x0002, 0x175a: 0x0002, 0x175b: 0x0002, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x17aa: 0x000a, 0x17ab: 0x000a, 0x17ac: 0x000a, 0x17ad: 0x000a, 0x17ae: 0x000a, 0x17af: 0x000a, + 0x17b0: 0x000a, 0x17b1: 0x000a, 0x17b2: 0x000a, 0x17b3: 0x000a, 0x17b4: 0x000a, 0x17b5: 0x000a, + 0x17b6: 0x000a, 0x17b7: 0x000a, 0x17b8: 0x000a, 0x17b9: 0x000a, 0x17ba: 0x000a, 0x17bb: 0x000a, + 0x17bc: 0x000a, 0x17bd: 0x000a, 0x17be: 0x000a, 0x17bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x000a, 0x17c1: 0x000a, 0x17c2: 0x000a, 0x17c3: 0x000a, 0x17c4: 0x000a, 0x17c5: 0x000a, + 0x17c6: 0x000a, 0x17c7: 0x000a, 0x17c8: 0x000a, 0x17c9: 0x000a, 0x17ca: 0x000a, 0x17cb: 0x000a, + 0x17cc: 0x000a, 0x17cd: 0x000a, 0x17ce: 0x000a, 0x17cf: 0x000a, 0x17d0: 0x000a, 0x17d1: 0x000a, + 0x17d2: 0x000a, 0x17d3: 0x000a, 0x17d4: 0x000a, 0x17d5: 0x000a, 0x17d6: 0x000a, 0x17d7: 0x000a, + 0x17d8: 0x000a, 0x17d9: 0x000a, 0x17da: 0x000a, 0x17db: 0x000a, 0x17dc: 0x000a, 0x17dd: 0x000a, + 0x17de: 0x000a, 0x17df: 0x000a, 0x17e0: 0x000a, 0x17e1: 0x000a, 0x17e2: 0x000a, 0x17e3: 0x000a, + 0x17e4: 0x000a, 0x17e5: 0x000a, 0x17e6: 0x000a, 0x17e7: 0x000a, 0x17e8: 0x000a, 0x17e9: 0x000a, + 0x17ea: 0x000a, 0x17eb: 0x000a, 0x17ed: 0x000a, 0x17ee: 0x000a, 0x17ef: 0x000a, + 0x17f0: 0x000a, 0x17f1: 0x000a, 0x17f2: 0x000a, 0x17f3: 0x000a, 0x17f4: 0x000a, 0x17f5: 0x000a, + 0x17f6: 0x000a, 0x17f7: 0x000a, 0x17f8: 0x000a, 0x17f9: 0x000a, 0x17fa: 0x000a, 0x17fb: 0x000a, + 0x17fc: 0x000a, 0x17fd: 0x000a, 0x17fe: 0x000a, 0x17ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1800: 0x000a, 0x1801: 0x000a, 0x1802: 0x000a, 0x1803: 0x000a, 0x1804: 0x000a, 0x1805: 0x000a, + 0x1806: 0x000a, 0x1807: 0x000a, 0x1808: 0x000a, 0x1809: 0x000a, 0x180a: 0x000a, 0x180b: 0x000a, + 0x180c: 0x000a, 0x180d: 0x000a, 0x180e: 0x000a, 0x180f: 0x000a, 0x1810: 0x000a, 0x1811: 0x000a, + 0x1812: 0x000a, 0x1813: 0x000a, 0x1814: 0x000a, 0x1815: 0x000a, 0x1816: 0x000a, 0x1817: 0x000a, + 0x1818: 0x000a, 0x1819: 0x000a, 0x181a: 0x000a, 0x181b: 0x000a, 0x181c: 0x000a, 0x181d: 0x000a, + 0x181e: 0x000a, 0x181f: 0x000a, 0x1820: 0x000a, 0x1821: 0x000a, 0x1822: 0x000a, 0x1823: 0x000a, + 0x1824: 0x000a, 0x1825: 0x000a, 0x1826: 0x000a, 0x1827: 0x000a, 0x1828: 0x003a, 0x1829: 0x002a, + 0x182a: 0x003a, 0x182b: 0x002a, 0x182c: 0x003a, 0x182d: 0x002a, 0x182e: 0x003a, 0x182f: 0x002a, + 0x1830: 0x003a, 0x1831: 0x002a, 0x1832: 0x003a, 0x1833: 0x002a, 0x1834: 0x003a, 0x1835: 0x002a, + 0x1836: 0x000a, 0x1837: 0x000a, 0x1838: 0x000a, 0x1839: 0x000a, 0x183a: 0x000a, 0x183b: 0x000a, + 0x183c: 0x000a, 0x183d: 0x000a, 0x183e: 0x000a, 0x183f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1840 + 0x1840: 0x000a, 0x1841: 0x000a, 0x1842: 0x000a, 0x1843: 0x000a, 0x1844: 0x000a, 0x1845: 0x009a, + 0x1846: 0x008a, 0x1847: 0x000a, 0x1848: 0x000a, 0x1849: 0x000a, 0x184a: 0x000a, 0x184b: 0x000a, + 0x184c: 0x000a, 0x184d: 0x000a, 0x184e: 0x000a, 0x184f: 0x000a, 0x1850: 0x000a, 0x1851: 0x000a, + 0x1852: 0x000a, 0x1853: 0x000a, 0x1854: 0x000a, 0x1855: 0x000a, 0x1856: 0x000a, 0x1857: 0x000a, + 0x1858: 0x000a, 0x1859: 0x000a, 0x185a: 0x000a, 0x185b: 0x000a, 0x185c: 0x000a, 0x185d: 0x000a, + 0x185e: 0x000a, 0x185f: 0x000a, 0x1860: 0x000a, 0x1861: 0x000a, 0x1862: 0x000a, 0x1863: 0x000a, + 0x1864: 0x000a, 0x1865: 0x000a, 0x1866: 0x003a, 0x1867: 0x002a, 0x1868: 0x003a, 0x1869: 0x002a, + 0x186a: 0x003a, 0x186b: 0x002a, 0x186c: 0x003a, 0x186d: 0x002a, 0x186e: 0x003a, 0x186f: 0x002a, + 0x1870: 0x000a, 0x1871: 0x000a, 0x1872: 0x000a, 0x1873: 0x000a, 0x1874: 0x000a, 0x1875: 0x000a, + 0x1876: 0x000a, 0x1877: 0x000a, 0x1878: 0x000a, 0x1879: 0x000a, 0x187a: 0x000a, 0x187b: 0x000a, + 0x187c: 0x000a, 0x187d: 0x000a, 0x187e: 0x000a, 0x187f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x000a, 0x1881: 0x000a, 0x1882: 0x000a, 0x1883: 0x007a, 0x1884: 0x006a, 0x1885: 0x009a, + 0x1886: 0x008a, 0x1887: 0x00ba, 0x1888: 0x00aa, 0x1889: 0x009a, 0x188a: 0x008a, 0x188b: 0x007a, + 0x188c: 0x006a, 0x188d: 0x00da, 0x188e: 0x002a, 0x188f: 0x003a, 0x1890: 0x00ca, 0x1891: 0x009a, + 0x1892: 0x008a, 0x1893: 0x007a, 0x1894: 0x006a, 0x1895: 0x009a, 0x1896: 0x008a, 0x1897: 0x00ba, + 0x1898: 0x00aa, 0x1899: 0x000a, 0x189a: 0x000a, 0x189b: 0x000a, 0x189c: 0x000a, 0x189d: 0x000a, + 0x189e: 0x000a, 0x189f: 0x000a, 0x18a0: 0x000a, 0x18a1: 0x000a, 0x18a2: 0x000a, 0x18a3: 0x000a, + 0x18a4: 0x000a, 0x18a5: 0x000a, 0x18a6: 0x000a, 0x18a7: 0x000a, 0x18a8: 0x000a, 0x18a9: 0x000a, + 0x18aa: 0x000a, 0x18ab: 0x000a, 0x18ac: 0x000a, 0x18ad: 0x000a, 0x18ae: 0x000a, 0x18af: 0x000a, + 0x18b0: 0x000a, 0x18b1: 0x000a, 0x18b2: 0x000a, 0x18b3: 0x000a, 0x18b4: 0x000a, 0x18b5: 0x000a, + 0x18b6: 0x000a, 0x18b7: 0x000a, 0x18b8: 0x000a, 0x18b9: 0x000a, 0x18ba: 0x000a, 0x18bb: 0x000a, + 0x18bc: 0x000a, 0x18bd: 0x000a, 0x18be: 0x000a, 0x18bf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x000a, 0x18c1: 0x000a, 0x18c2: 0x000a, 0x18c3: 0x000a, 0x18c4: 0x000a, 0x18c5: 0x000a, + 0x18c6: 0x000a, 0x18c7: 0x000a, 0x18c8: 0x000a, 0x18c9: 0x000a, 0x18ca: 0x000a, 0x18cb: 0x000a, + 0x18cc: 0x000a, 0x18cd: 0x000a, 0x18ce: 0x000a, 0x18cf: 0x000a, 0x18d0: 0x000a, 0x18d1: 0x000a, + 0x18d2: 0x000a, 0x18d3: 0x000a, 0x18d4: 0x000a, 0x18d5: 0x000a, 0x18d6: 0x000a, 0x18d7: 0x000a, + 0x18d8: 0x003a, 0x18d9: 0x002a, 0x18da: 0x003a, 0x18db: 0x002a, 0x18dc: 0x000a, 0x18dd: 0x000a, + 0x18de: 0x000a, 0x18df: 0x000a, 0x18e0: 0x000a, 0x18e1: 0x000a, 0x18e2: 0x000a, 0x18e3: 0x000a, + 0x18e4: 0x000a, 0x18e5: 0x000a, 0x18e6: 0x000a, 0x18e7: 0x000a, 0x18e8: 0x000a, 0x18e9: 0x000a, + 0x18ea: 0x000a, 0x18eb: 0x000a, 0x18ec: 0x000a, 0x18ed: 0x000a, 0x18ee: 0x000a, 0x18ef: 0x000a, + 0x18f0: 0x000a, 0x18f1: 0x000a, 0x18f2: 0x000a, 0x18f3: 0x000a, 0x18f4: 0x000a, 0x18f5: 0x000a, + 0x18f6: 0x000a, 0x18f7: 0x000a, 0x18f8: 0x000a, 0x18f9: 0x000a, 0x18fa: 0x000a, 0x18fb: 0x000a, + 0x18fc: 0x003a, 0x18fd: 0x002a, 0x18fe: 0x000a, 0x18ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x000a, 0x1901: 0x000a, 0x1902: 0x000a, 0x1903: 0x000a, 0x1904: 0x000a, 0x1905: 0x000a, + 0x1906: 0x000a, 0x1907: 0x000a, 0x1908: 0x000a, 0x1909: 0x000a, 0x190a: 0x000a, 0x190b: 0x000a, + 0x190c: 0x000a, 0x190d: 0x000a, 0x190e: 0x000a, 0x190f: 0x000a, 0x1910: 0x000a, 0x1911: 0x000a, + 0x1912: 0x000a, 0x1913: 0x000a, 0x1914: 0x000a, 0x1915: 0x000a, 0x1916: 0x000a, 0x1917: 0x000a, + 0x1918: 0x000a, 0x1919: 0x000a, 0x191a: 0x000a, 0x191b: 0x000a, 0x191c: 0x000a, 0x191d: 0x000a, + 0x191e: 0x000a, 0x191f: 0x000a, 0x1920: 0x000a, 0x1921: 0x000a, 0x1922: 0x000a, 0x1923: 0x000a, + 0x1924: 0x000a, 0x1925: 0x000a, 0x1926: 0x000a, 0x1927: 0x000a, 0x1928: 0x000a, 0x1929: 0x000a, + 0x192a: 0x000a, 0x192b: 0x000a, 0x192c: 0x000a, 0x192d: 0x000a, 0x192e: 0x000a, 0x192f: 0x000a, + 0x1930: 0x000a, 0x1931: 0x000a, 0x1932: 0x000a, 0x1933: 0x000a, + 0x1936: 0x000a, 0x1937: 0x000a, 0x1938: 0x000a, 0x1939: 0x000a, 0x193a: 0x000a, 0x193b: 0x000a, + 0x193c: 0x000a, 0x193d: 0x000a, 0x193e: 0x000a, 0x193f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1940 + 0x1940: 0x000a, 0x1941: 0x000a, 0x1942: 0x000a, 0x1943: 0x000a, 0x1944: 0x000a, 0x1945: 0x000a, + 0x1946: 0x000a, 0x1947: 0x000a, 0x1948: 0x000a, 0x1949: 0x000a, 0x194a: 0x000a, 0x194b: 0x000a, + 0x194c: 0x000a, 0x194d: 0x000a, 0x194e: 0x000a, 0x194f: 0x000a, 0x1950: 0x000a, 0x1951: 0x000a, + 0x1952: 0x000a, 0x1953: 0x000a, 0x1954: 0x000a, 0x1955: 0x000a, + 0x1958: 0x000a, 0x1959: 0x000a, 0x195a: 0x000a, 0x195b: 0x000a, 0x195c: 0x000a, 0x195d: 0x000a, + 0x195e: 0x000a, 0x195f: 0x000a, 0x1960: 0x000a, 0x1961: 0x000a, 0x1962: 0x000a, 0x1963: 0x000a, + 0x1964: 0x000a, 0x1965: 0x000a, 0x1966: 0x000a, 0x1967: 0x000a, 0x1968: 0x000a, 0x1969: 0x000a, + 0x196a: 0x000a, 0x196b: 0x000a, 0x196c: 0x000a, 0x196d: 0x000a, 0x196e: 0x000a, 0x196f: 0x000a, + 0x1970: 0x000a, 0x1971: 0x000a, 0x1972: 0x000a, 0x1973: 0x000a, 0x1974: 0x000a, 0x1975: 0x000a, + 0x1976: 0x000a, 0x1977: 0x000a, 0x1978: 0x000a, 0x1979: 0x000a, 0x197a: 0x000a, 0x197b: 0x000a, + 0x197c: 0x000a, 0x197d: 0x000a, 0x197e: 0x000a, 0x197f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1980 + 0x1980: 0x000a, 0x1981: 0x000a, 0x1982: 0x000a, 0x1983: 0x000a, 0x1984: 0x000a, 0x1985: 0x000a, + 0x1986: 0x000a, 0x1987: 0x000a, 0x1988: 0x000a, 0x198a: 0x000a, 0x198b: 0x000a, + 0x198c: 0x000a, 0x198d: 0x000a, 0x198e: 0x000a, 0x198f: 0x000a, 0x1990: 0x000a, 0x1991: 0x000a, + 0x1992: 0x000a, 0x1993: 0x000a, 0x1994: 0x000a, 0x1995: 0x000a, 0x1996: 0x000a, 0x1997: 0x000a, + 0x1998: 0x000a, 0x1999: 0x000a, 0x199a: 0x000a, 0x199b: 0x000a, 0x199c: 0x000a, 0x199d: 0x000a, + 0x199e: 0x000a, 0x199f: 0x000a, 0x19a0: 0x000a, 0x19a1: 0x000a, 0x19a2: 0x000a, 0x19a3: 0x000a, + 0x19a4: 0x000a, 0x19a5: 0x000a, 0x19a6: 0x000a, 0x19a7: 0x000a, 0x19a8: 0x000a, 0x19a9: 0x000a, + 0x19aa: 0x000a, 0x19ab: 0x000a, 0x19ac: 0x000a, 0x19ad: 0x000a, 0x19ae: 0x000a, 0x19af: 0x000a, + 0x19b0: 0x000a, 0x19b1: 0x000a, 0x19b2: 0x000a, 0x19b3: 0x000a, 0x19b4: 0x000a, 0x19b5: 0x000a, + 0x19b6: 0x000a, 0x19b7: 0x000a, 0x19b8: 0x000a, 0x19b9: 0x000a, 0x19ba: 0x000a, 0x19bb: 0x000a, + 0x19bc: 0x000a, 0x19bd: 0x000a, 0x19be: 0x000a, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x19c0 + 0x19e5: 0x000a, 0x19e6: 0x000a, 0x19e7: 0x000a, 0x19e8: 0x000a, 0x19e9: 0x000a, + 0x19ea: 0x000a, 0x19ef: 0x000c, + 0x19f0: 0x000c, 0x19f1: 0x000c, + 0x19f9: 0x000a, 0x19fa: 0x000a, 0x19fb: 0x000a, + 0x19fc: 0x000a, 0x19fd: 0x000a, 0x19fe: 0x000a, 0x19ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x1a00 + 0x1a3f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x1a40 + 0x1a60: 0x000c, 0x1a61: 0x000c, 0x1a62: 0x000c, 0x1a63: 0x000c, + 0x1a64: 0x000c, 0x1a65: 0x000c, 0x1a66: 0x000c, 0x1a67: 0x000c, 0x1a68: 0x000c, 0x1a69: 0x000c, + 0x1a6a: 0x000c, 0x1a6b: 0x000c, 0x1a6c: 0x000c, 0x1a6d: 0x000c, 0x1a6e: 0x000c, 0x1a6f: 0x000c, + 0x1a70: 0x000c, 0x1a71: 0x000c, 0x1a72: 0x000c, 0x1a73: 0x000c, 0x1a74: 0x000c, 0x1a75: 0x000c, + 0x1a76: 0x000c, 0x1a77: 0x000c, 0x1a78: 0x000c, 0x1a79: 0x000c, 0x1a7a: 0x000c, 0x1a7b: 0x000c, + 0x1a7c: 0x000c, 0x1a7d: 0x000c, 0x1a7e: 0x000c, 0x1a7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x1a80 + 0x1a80: 0x000a, 0x1a81: 0x000a, 0x1a82: 0x000a, 0x1a83: 0x000a, 0x1a84: 0x000a, 0x1a85: 0x000a, + 0x1a86: 0x000a, 0x1a87: 0x000a, 0x1a88: 0x000a, 0x1a89: 0x000a, 0x1a8a: 0x000a, 0x1a8b: 0x000a, + 0x1a8c: 0x000a, 0x1a8d: 0x000a, 0x1a8e: 0x000a, 0x1a8f: 0x000a, 0x1a90: 0x000a, 0x1a91: 0x000a, + 0x1a92: 0x000a, 0x1a93: 0x000a, 0x1a94: 0x000a, 0x1a95: 0x000a, 0x1a96: 0x000a, 0x1a97: 0x000a, + 0x1a98: 0x000a, 0x1a99: 0x000a, 0x1a9a: 0x000a, 0x1a9b: 0x000a, 0x1a9c: 0x000a, 0x1a9d: 0x000a, + 0x1a9e: 0x000a, 0x1a9f: 0x000a, 0x1aa0: 0x000a, 0x1aa1: 0x000a, 0x1aa2: 0x003a, 0x1aa3: 0x002a, + 0x1aa4: 0x003a, 0x1aa5: 0x002a, 0x1aa6: 0x003a, 0x1aa7: 0x002a, 0x1aa8: 0x003a, 0x1aa9: 0x002a, + 0x1aaa: 0x000a, 0x1aab: 0x000a, 0x1aac: 0x000a, 0x1aad: 0x000a, 0x1aae: 0x000a, 0x1aaf: 0x000a, + 0x1ab0: 0x000a, 0x1ab1: 0x000a, 0x1ab2: 0x000a, 0x1ab3: 0x000a, 0x1ab4: 0x000a, 0x1ab5: 0x000a, + 0x1ab6: 0x000a, 0x1ab7: 0x000a, 0x1ab8: 0x000a, 0x1ab9: 0x000a, 0x1aba: 0x000a, 0x1abb: 0x000a, + 0x1abc: 0x000a, 0x1abd: 0x000a, 0x1abe: 0x000a, 0x1abf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x1ac0 + 0x1ac0: 0x000a, 0x1ac1: 0x000a, 0x1ac2: 0x000a, 0x1ac3: 0x000a, 0x1ac4: 0x000a, 0x1ac5: 0x000a, + 0x1ac6: 0x000a, 0x1ac7: 0x000a, 0x1ac8: 0x000a, 0x1ac9: 0x000a, 0x1aca: 0x000a, 0x1acb: 0x000a, + 0x1acc: 0x000a, 0x1acd: 0x000a, 0x1ace: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x1b00 + 0x1b00: 0x000a, 0x1b01: 0x000a, 0x1b02: 0x000a, 0x1b03: 0x000a, 0x1b04: 0x000a, 0x1b05: 0x000a, + 0x1b06: 0x000a, 0x1b07: 0x000a, 0x1b08: 0x000a, 0x1b09: 0x000a, 0x1b0a: 0x000a, 0x1b0b: 0x000a, + 0x1b0c: 0x000a, 0x1b0d: 0x000a, 0x1b0e: 0x000a, 0x1b0f: 0x000a, 0x1b10: 0x000a, 0x1b11: 0x000a, + 0x1b12: 0x000a, 0x1b13: 0x000a, 0x1b14: 0x000a, 0x1b15: 0x000a, 0x1b16: 0x000a, 0x1b17: 0x000a, + 0x1b18: 0x000a, 0x1b19: 0x000a, 0x1b1b: 0x000a, 0x1b1c: 0x000a, 0x1b1d: 0x000a, + 0x1b1e: 0x000a, 0x1b1f: 0x000a, 0x1b20: 0x000a, 0x1b21: 0x000a, 0x1b22: 0x000a, 0x1b23: 0x000a, + 0x1b24: 0x000a, 0x1b25: 0x000a, 0x1b26: 0x000a, 0x1b27: 0x000a, 0x1b28: 0x000a, 0x1b29: 0x000a, + 0x1b2a: 0x000a, 0x1b2b: 0x000a, 0x1b2c: 0x000a, 0x1b2d: 0x000a, 0x1b2e: 0x000a, 0x1b2f: 0x000a, + 0x1b30: 0x000a, 0x1b31: 0x000a, 0x1b32: 0x000a, 0x1b33: 0x000a, 0x1b34: 0x000a, 0x1b35: 0x000a, + 0x1b36: 0x000a, 0x1b37: 0x000a, 0x1b38: 0x000a, 0x1b39: 0x000a, 0x1b3a: 0x000a, 0x1b3b: 0x000a, + 0x1b3c: 0x000a, 0x1b3d: 0x000a, 0x1b3e: 0x000a, 0x1b3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x1b40 + 0x1b40: 0x000a, 0x1b41: 0x000a, 0x1b42: 0x000a, 0x1b43: 0x000a, 0x1b44: 0x000a, 0x1b45: 0x000a, + 0x1b46: 0x000a, 0x1b47: 0x000a, 0x1b48: 0x000a, 0x1b49: 0x000a, 0x1b4a: 0x000a, 0x1b4b: 0x000a, + 0x1b4c: 0x000a, 0x1b4d: 0x000a, 0x1b4e: 0x000a, 0x1b4f: 0x000a, 0x1b50: 0x000a, 0x1b51: 0x000a, + 0x1b52: 0x000a, 0x1b53: 0x000a, 0x1b54: 0x000a, 0x1b55: 0x000a, 0x1b56: 0x000a, 0x1b57: 0x000a, + 0x1b58: 0x000a, 0x1b59: 0x000a, 0x1b5a: 0x000a, 0x1b5b: 0x000a, 0x1b5c: 0x000a, 0x1b5d: 0x000a, + 0x1b5e: 0x000a, 0x1b5f: 0x000a, 0x1b60: 0x000a, 0x1b61: 0x000a, 0x1b62: 0x000a, 0x1b63: 0x000a, + 0x1b64: 0x000a, 0x1b65: 0x000a, 0x1b66: 0x000a, 0x1b67: 0x000a, 0x1b68: 0x000a, 0x1b69: 0x000a, + 0x1b6a: 0x000a, 0x1b6b: 0x000a, 0x1b6c: 0x000a, 0x1b6d: 0x000a, 0x1b6e: 0x000a, 0x1b6f: 0x000a, + 0x1b70: 0x000a, 0x1b71: 0x000a, 0x1b72: 0x000a, 0x1b73: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x1b80 + 0x1b80: 0x000a, 0x1b81: 0x000a, 0x1b82: 0x000a, 0x1b83: 0x000a, 0x1b84: 0x000a, 0x1b85: 0x000a, + 0x1b86: 0x000a, 0x1b87: 0x000a, 0x1b88: 0x000a, 0x1b89: 0x000a, 0x1b8a: 0x000a, 0x1b8b: 0x000a, + 0x1b8c: 0x000a, 0x1b8d: 0x000a, 0x1b8e: 0x000a, 0x1b8f: 0x000a, 0x1b90: 0x000a, 0x1b91: 0x000a, + 0x1b92: 0x000a, 0x1b93: 0x000a, 0x1b94: 0x000a, 0x1b95: 0x000a, + 0x1bb0: 0x000a, 0x1bb1: 0x000a, 0x1bb2: 0x000a, 0x1bb3: 0x000a, 0x1bb4: 0x000a, 0x1bb5: 0x000a, + 0x1bb6: 0x000a, 0x1bb7: 0x000a, 0x1bb8: 0x000a, 0x1bb9: 0x000a, 0x1bba: 0x000a, 0x1bbb: 0x000a, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x1bc0 + 0x1bc0: 0x0009, 0x1bc1: 0x000a, 0x1bc2: 0x000a, 0x1bc3: 0x000a, 0x1bc4: 0x000a, + 0x1bc8: 0x003a, 0x1bc9: 0x002a, 0x1bca: 0x003a, 0x1bcb: 0x002a, + 0x1bcc: 0x003a, 0x1bcd: 0x002a, 0x1bce: 0x003a, 0x1bcf: 0x002a, 0x1bd0: 0x003a, 0x1bd1: 0x002a, + 0x1bd2: 0x000a, 0x1bd3: 0x000a, 0x1bd4: 0x003a, 0x1bd5: 0x002a, 0x1bd6: 0x003a, 0x1bd7: 0x002a, + 0x1bd8: 0x003a, 0x1bd9: 0x002a, 0x1bda: 0x003a, 0x1bdb: 0x002a, 0x1bdc: 0x000a, 0x1bdd: 0x000a, + 0x1bde: 0x000a, 0x1bdf: 0x000a, 0x1be0: 0x000a, + 0x1bea: 0x000c, 0x1beb: 0x000c, 0x1bec: 0x000c, 0x1bed: 0x000c, + 0x1bf0: 0x000a, + 0x1bf6: 0x000a, 0x1bf7: 0x000a, + 0x1bfd: 0x000a, 0x1bfe: 0x000a, 0x1bff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x1c00 + 0x1c19: 0x000c, 0x1c1a: 0x000c, 0x1c1b: 0x000a, 0x1c1c: 0x000a, + 0x1c20: 0x000a, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x1c40 + 0x1c7b: 0x000a, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x1c80 + 0x1c80: 0x000a, 0x1c81: 0x000a, 0x1c82: 0x000a, 0x1c83: 0x000a, 0x1c84: 0x000a, 0x1c85: 0x000a, + 0x1c86: 0x000a, 0x1c87: 0x000a, 0x1c88: 0x000a, 0x1c89: 0x000a, 0x1c8a: 0x000a, 0x1c8b: 0x000a, + 0x1c8c: 0x000a, 0x1c8d: 0x000a, 0x1c8e: 0x000a, 0x1c8f: 0x000a, 0x1c90: 0x000a, 0x1c91: 0x000a, + 0x1c92: 0x000a, 0x1c93: 0x000a, 0x1c94: 0x000a, 0x1c95: 0x000a, 0x1c96: 0x000a, 0x1c97: 0x000a, + 0x1c98: 0x000a, 0x1c99: 0x000a, 0x1c9a: 0x000a, 0x1c9b: 0x000a, 0x1c9c: 0x000a, 0x1c9d: 0x000a, + 0x1c9e: 0x000a, 0x1c9f: 0x000a, 0x1ca0: 0x000a, 0x1ca1: 0x000a, 0x1ca2: 0x000a, 0x1ca3: 0x000a, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x1cc0 + 0x1cdd: 0x000a, + 0x1cde: 0x000a, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x1d00 + 0x1d10: 0x000a, 0x1d11: 0x000a, + 0x1d12: 0x000a, 0x1d13: 0x000a, 0x1d14: 0x000a, 0x1d15: 0x000a, 0x1d16: 0x000a, 0x1d17: 0x000a, + 0x1d18: 0x000a, 0x1d19: 0x000a, 0x1d1a: 0x000a, 0x1d1b: 0x000a, 0x1d1c: 0x000a, 0x1d1d: 0x000a, + 0x1d1e: 0x000a, 0x1d1f: 0x000a, + 0x1d3c: 0x000a, 0x1d3d: 0x000a, 0x1d3e: 0x000a, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x1d40 + 0x1d71: 0x000a, 0x1d72: 0x000a, 0x1d73: 0x000a, 0x1d74: 0x000a, 0x1d75: 0x000a, + 0x1d76: 0x000a, 0x1d77: 0x000a, 0x1d78: 0x000a, 0x1d79: 0x000a, 0x1d7a: 0x000a, 0x1d7b: 0x000a, + 0x1d7c: 0x000a, 0x1d7d: 0x000a, 0x1d7e: 0x000a, 0x1d7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x1d80 + 0x1d8c: 0x000a, 0x1d8d: 0x000a, 0x1d8e: 0x000a, 0x1d8f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x1dc0 + 0x1df7: 0x000a, 0x1df8: 0x000a, 0x1df9: 0x000a, 0x1dfa: 0x000a, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x1e00 + 0x1e1e: 0x000a, 0x1e1f: 0x000a, + 0x1e3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x1e40 + 0x1e50: 0x000a, 0x1e51: 0x000a, + 0x1e52: 0x000a, 0x1e53: 0x000a, 0x1e54: 0x000a, 0x1e55: 0x000a, 0x1e56: 0x000a, 0x1e57: 0x000a, + 0x1e58: 0x000a, 0x1e59: 0x000a, 0x1e5a: 0x000a, 0x1e5b: 0x000a, 0x1e5c: 0x000a, 0x1e5d: 0x000a, + 0x1e5e: 0x000a, 0x1e5f: 0x000a, 0x1e60: 0x000a, 0x1e61: 0x000a, 0x1e62: 0x000a, 0x1e63: 0x000a, + 0x1e64: 0x000a, 0x1e65: 0x000a, 0x1e66: 0x000a, 0x1e67: 0x000a, 0x1e68: 0x000a, 0x1e69: 0x000a, + 0x1e6a: 0x000a, 0x1e6b: 0x000a, 0x1e6c: 0x000a, 0x1e6d: 0x000a, 0x1e6e: 0x000a, 0x1e6f: 0x000a, + 0x1e70: 0x000a, 0x1e71: 0x000a, 0x1e72: 0x000a, 0x1e73: 0x000a, 0x1e74: 0x000a, 0x1e75: 0x000a, + 0x1e76: 0x000a, 0x1e77: 0x000a, 0x1e78: 0x000a, 0x1e79: 0x000a, 0x1e7a: 0x000a, 0x1e7b: 0x000a, + 0x1e7c: 0x000a, 0x1e7d: 0x000a, 0x1e7e: 0x000a, 0x1e7f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x1e80 + 0x1e80: 0x000a, 0x1e81: 0x000a, 0x1e82: 0x000a, 0x1e83: 0x000a, 0x1e84: 0x000a, 0x1e85: 0x000a, + 0x1e86: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x1ec0 + 0x1ecd: 0x000a, 0x1ece: 0x000a, 0x1ecf: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x1f00 + 0x1f2f: 0x000c, + 0x1f30: 0x000c, 0x1f31: 0x000c, 0x1f32: 0x000c, 0x1f33: 0x000a, 0x1f34: 0x000c, 0x1f35: 0x000c, + 0x1f36: 0x000c, 0x1f37: 0x000c, 0x1f38: 0x000c, 0x1f39: 0x000c, 0x1f3a: 0x000c, 0x1f3b: 0x000c, + 0x1f3c: 0x000c, 0x1f3d: 0x000c, 0x1f3e: 0x000a, 0x1f3f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x1f40 + 0x1f5e: 0x000c, 0x1f5f: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x1f80 + 0x1fb0: 0x000c, 0x1fb1: 0x000c, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x1fc0 + 0x1fc0: 0x000a, 0x1fc1: 0x000a, 0x1fc2: 0x000a, 0x1fc3: 0x000a, 0x1fc4: 0x000a, 0x1fc5: 0x000a, + 0x1fc6: 0x000a, 0x1fc7: 0x000a, 0x1fc8: 0x000a, 0x1fc9: 0x000a, 0x1fca: 0x000a, 0x1fcb: 0x000a, + 0x1fcc: 0x000a, 0x1fcd: 0x000a, 0x1fce: 0x000a, 0x1fcf: 0x000a, 0x1fd0: 0x000a, 0x1fd1: 0x000a, + 0x1fd2: 0x000a, 0x1fd3: 0x000a, 0x1fd4: 0x000a, 0x1fd5: 0x000a, 0x1fd6: 0x000a, 0x1fd7: 0x000a, + 0x1fd8: 0x000a, 0x1fd9: 0x000a, 0x1fda: 0x000a, 0x1fdb: 0x000a, 0x1fdc: 0x000a, 0x1fdd: 0x000a, + 0x1fde: 0x000a, 0x1fdf: 0x000a, 0x1fe0: 0x000a, 0x1fe1: 0x000a, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2000 + 0x2008: 0x000a, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2040 + 0x2042: 0x000c, + 0x2046: 0x000c, 0x204b: 0x000c, + 0x2065: 0x000c, 0x2066: 0x000c, 0x2068: 0x000a, 0x2069: 0x000a, + 0x206a: 0x000a, 0x206b: 0x000a, + 0x2078: 0x0004, 0x2079: 0x0004, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2080 + 0x20b4: 0x000a, 0x20b5: 0x000a, + 0x20b6: 0x000a, 0x20b7: 0x000a, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x20c0 + 0x20c4: 0x000c, 0x20c5: 0x000c, + 0x20e0: 0x000c, 0x20e1: 0x000c, 0x20e2: 0x000c, 0x20e3: 0x000c, + 0x20e4: 0x000c, 0x20e5: 0x000c, 0x20e6: 0x000c, 0x20e7: 0x000c, 0x20e8: 0x000c, 0x20e9: 0x000c, + 0x20ea: 0x000c, 0x20eb: 0x000c, 0x20ec: 0x000c, 0x20ed: 0x000c, 0x20ee: 0x000c, 0x20ef: 0x000c, + 0x20f0: 0x000c, 0x20f1: 0x000c, + 0x20ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2100 + 0x2126: 0x000c, 0x2127: 0x000c, 0x2128: 0x000c, 0x2129: 0x000c, + 0x212a: 0x000c, 0x212b: 0x000c, 0x212c: 0x000c, 0x212d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2140 + 0x2147: 0x000c, 0x2148: 0x000c, 0x2149: 0x000c, 0x214a: 0x000c, 0x214b: 0x000c, + 0x214c: 0x000c, 0x214d: 0x000c, 0x214e: 0x000c, 0x214f: 0x000c, 0x2150: 0x000c, 0x2151: 0x000c, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2180 + 0x2180: 0x000c, 0x2181: 0x000c, 0x2182: 0x000c, + 0x21b3: 0x000c, + 0x21b6: 0x000c, 0x21b7: 0x000c, 0x21b8: 0x000c, 0x21b9: 0x000c, + 0x21bc: 0x000c, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x21c0 + 0x21e5: 0x000c, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2200 + 0x2229: 0x000c, + 0x222a: 0x000c, 0x222b: 0x000c, 0x222c: 0x000c, 0x222d: 0x000c, 0x222e: 0x000c, + 0x2231: 0x000c, 0x2232: 0x000c, 0x2235: 0x000c, + 0x2236: 0x000c, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2240 + 0x2243: 0x000c, + 0x224c: 0x000c, + 0x227c: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2280 + 0x22b0: 0x000c, 0x22b2: 0x000c, 0x22b3: 0x000c, 0x22b4: 0x000c, + 0x22b7: 0x000c, 0x22b8: 0x000c, + 0x22be: 0x000c, 0x22bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x22c0 + 0x22c1: 0x000c, + 0x22ec: 0x000c, 0x22ed: 0x000c, + 0x22f6: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2300 + 0x2325: 0x000c, 0x2328: 0x000c, + 0x232d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2340 + 0x235d: 0x0001, + 0x235e: 0x000c, 0x235f: 0x0001, 0x2360: 0x0001, 0x2361: 0x0001, 0x2362: 0x0001, 0x2363: 0x0001, + 0x2364: 0x0001, 0x2365: 0x0001, 0x2366: 0x0001, 0x2367: 0x0001, 0x2368: 0x0001, 0x2369: 0x0003, + 0x236a: 0x0001, 0x236b: 0x0001, 0x236c: 0x0001, 0x236d: 0x0001, 0x236e: 0x0001, 0x236f: 0x0001, + 0x2370: 0x0001, 0x2371: 0x0001, 0x2372: 0x0001, 0x2373: 0x0001, 0x2374: 0x0001, 0x2375: 0x0001, + 0x2376: 0x0001, 0x2377: 0x0001, 0x2378: 0x0001, 0x2379: 0x0001, 0x237a: 0x0001, 0x237b: 0x0001, + 0x237c: 0x0001, 0x237d: 0x0001, 0x237e: 0x0001, 0x237f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2380 + 0x2380: 0x0001, 0x2381: 0x0001, 0x2382: 0x0001, 0x2383: 0x0001, 0x2384: 0x0001, 0x2385: 0x0001, + 0x2386: 0x0001, 0x2387: 0x0001, 0x2388: 0x0001, 0x2389: 0x0001, 0x238a: 0x0001, 0x238b: 0x0001, + 0x238c: 0x0001, 0x238d: 0x0001, 0x238e: 0x0001, 0x238f: 0x0001, 0x2390: 0x000d, 0x2391: 0x000d, + 0x2392: 0x000d, 0x2393: 0x000d, 0x2394: 0x000d, 0x2395: 0x000d, 0x2396: 0x000d, 0x2397: 0x000d, + 0x2398: 0x000d, 0x2399: 0x000d, 0x239a: 0x000d, 0x239b: 0x000d, 0x239c: 0x000d, 0x239d: 0x000d, + 0x239e: 0x000d, 0x239f: 0x000d, 0x23a0: 0x000d, 0x23a1: 0x000d, 0x23a2: 0x000d, 0x23a3: 0x000d, + 0x23a4: 0x000d, 0x23a5: 0x000d, 0x23a6: 0x000d, 0x23a7: 0x000d, 0x23a8: 0x000d, 0x23a9: 0x000d, + 0x23aa: 0x000d, 0x23ab: 0x000d, 0x23ac: 0x000d, 0x23ad: 0x000d, 0x23ae: 0x000d, 0x23af: 0x000d, + 0x23b0: 0x000d, 0x23b1: 0x000d, 0x23b2: 0x000d, 0x23b3: 0x000d, 0x23b4: 0x000d, 0x23b5: 0x000d, + 0x23b6: 0x000d, 0x23b7: 0x000d, 0x23b8: 0x000d, 0x23b9: 0x000d, 0x23ba: 0x000d, 0x23bb: 0x000d, + 0x23bc: 0x000d, 0x23bd: 0x000d, 0x23be: 0x000d, 0x23bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x23c0 + 0x23c0: 0x000d, 0x23c1: 0x000d, 0x23c2: 0x000d, 0x23c3: 0x000d, 0x23c4: 0x000d, 0x23c5: 0x000d, + 0x23c6: 0x000d, 0x23c7: 0x000d, 0x23c8: 0x000d, 0x23c9: 0x000d, 0x23ca: 0x000d, 0x23cb: 0x000d, + 0x23cc: 0x000d, 0x23cd: 0x000d, 0x23ce: 0x000d, 0x23cf: 0x000d, 0x23d0: 0x000d, 0x23d1: 0x000d, + 0x23d2: 0x000d, 0x23d3: 0x000d, 0x23d4: 0x000d, 0x23d5: 0x000d, 0x23d6: 0x000d, 0x23d7: 0x000d, + 0x23d8: 0x000d, 0x23d9: 0x000d, 0x23da: 0x000d, 0x23db: 0x000d, 0x23dc: 0x000d, 0x23dd: 0x000d, + 0x23de: 0x000d, 0x23df: 0x000d, 0x23e0: 0x000d, 0x23e1: 0x000d, 0x23e2: 0x000d, 0x23e3: 0x000d, + 0x23e4: 0x000d, 0x23e5: 0x000d, 0x23e6: 0x000d, 0x23e7: 0x000d, 0x23e8: 0x000d, 0x23e9: 0x000d, + 0x23ea: 0x000d, 0x23eb: 0x000d, 0x23ec: 0x000d, 0x23ed: 0x000d, 0x23ee: 0x000d, 0x23ef: 0x000d, + 0x23f0: 0x000d, 0x23f1: 0x000d, 0x23f2: 0x000d, 0x23f3: 0x000d, 0x23f4: 0x000d, 0x23f5: 0x000d, + 0x23f6: 0x000d, 0x23f7: 0x000d, 0x23f8: 0x000d, 0x23f9: 0x000d, 0x23fa: 0x000d, 0x23fb: 0x000d, + 0x23fc: 0x000d, 0x23fd: 0x000d, 0x23fe: 0x000a, 0x23ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2400 + 0x2400: 0x000d, 0x2401: 0x000d, 0x2402: 0x000d, 0x2403: 0x000d, 0x2404: 0x000d, 0x2405: 0x000d, + 0x2406: 0x000d, 0x2407: 0x000d, 0x2408: 0x000d, 0x2409: 0x000d, 0x240a: 0x000d, 0x240b: 0x000d, + 0x240c: 0x000d, 0x240d: 0x000d, 0x240e: 0x000d, 0x240f: 0x000d, 0x2410: 0x000b, 0x2411: 0x000b, + 0x2412: 0x000b, 0x2413: 0x000b, 0x2414: 0x000b, 0x2415: 0x000b, 0x2416: 0x000b, 0x2417: 0x000b, + 0x2418: 0x000b, 0x2419: 0x000b, 0x241a: 0x000b, 0x241b: 0x000b, 0x241c: 0x000b, 0x241d: 0x000b, + 0x241e: 0x000b, 0x241f: 0x000b, 0x2420: 0x000b, 0x2421: 0x000b, 0x2422: 0x000b, 0x2423: 0x000b, + 0x2424: 0x000b, 0x2425: 0x000b, 0x2426: 0x000b, 0x2427: 0x000b, 0x2428: 0x000b, 0x2429: 0x000b, + 0x242a: 0x000b, 0x242b: 0x000b, 0x242c: 0x000b, 0x242d: 0x000b, 0x242e: 0x000b, 0x242f: 0x000b, + 0x2430: 0x000d, 0x2431: 0x000d, 0x2432: 0x000d, 0x2433: 0x000d, 0x2434: 0x000d, 0x2435: 0x000d, + 0x2436: 0x000d, 0x2437: 0x000d, 0x2438: 0x000d, 0x2439: 0x000d, 0x243a: 0x000d, 0x243b: 0x000d, + 0x243c: 0x000d, 0x243d: 0x000a, 0x243e: 0x000d, 0x243f: 0x000d, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2440 + 0x2440: 0x000c, 0x2441: 0x000c, 0x2442: 0x000c, 0x2443: 0x000c, 0x2444: 0x000c, 0x2445: 0x000c, + 0x2446: 0x000c, 0x2447: 0x000c, 0x2448: 0x000c, 0x2449: 0x000c, 0x244a: 0x000c, 0x244b: 0x000c, + 0x244c: 0x000c, 0x244d: 0x000c, 0x244e: 0x000c, 0x244f: 0x000c, 0x2450: 0x000a, 0x2451: 0x000a, + 0x2452: 0x000a, 0x2453: 0x000a, 0x2454: 0x000a, 0x2455: 0x000a, 0x2456: 0x000a, 0x2457: 0x000a, + 0x2458: 0x000a, 0x2459: 0x000a, + 0x2460: 0x000c, 0x2461: 0x000c, 0x2462: 0x000c, 0x2463: 0x000c, + 0x2464: 0x000c, 0x2465: 0x000c, 0x2466: 0x000c, 0x2467: 0x000c, 0x2468: 0x000c, 0x2469: 0x000c, + 0x246a: 0x000c, 0x246b: 0x000c, 0x246c: 0x000c, 0x246d: 0x000c, 0x246e: 0x000c, 0x246f: 0x000c, + 0x2470: 0x000a, 0x2471: 0x000a, 0x2472: 0x000a, 0x2473: 0x000a, 0x2474: 0x000a, 0x2475: 0x000a, + 0x2476: 0x000a, 0x2477: 0x000a, 0x2478: 0x000a, 0x2479: 0x000a, 0x247a: 0x000a, 0x247b: 0x000a, + 0x247c: 0x000a, 0x247d: 0x000a, 0x247e: 0x000a, 0x247f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2480 + 0x2480: 0x000a, 0x2481: 0x000a, 0x2482: 0x000a, 0x2483: 0x000a, 0x2484: 0x000a, 0x2485: 0x000a, + 0x2486: 0x000a, 0x2487: 0x000a, 0x2488: 0x000a, 0x2489: 0x000a, 0x248a: 0x000a, 0x248b: 0x000a, + 0x248c: 0x000a, 0x248d: 0x000a, 0x248e: 0x000a, 0x248f: 0x000a, 0x2490: 0x0006, 0x2491: 0x000a, + 0x2492: 0x0006, 0x2494: 0x000a, 0x2495: 0x0006, 0x2496: 0x000a, 0x2497: 0x000a, + 0x2498: 0x000a, 0x2499: 0x009a, 0x249a: 0x008a, 0x249b: 0x007a, 0x249c: 0x006a, 0x249d: 0x009a, + 0x249e: 0x008a, 0x249f: 0x0004, 0x24a0: 0x000a, 0x24a1: 0x000a, 0x24a2: 0x0003, 0x24a3: 0x0003, + 0x24a4: 0x000a, 0x24a5: 0x000a, 0x24a6: 0x000a, 0x24a8: 0x000a, 0x24a9: 0x0004, + 0x24aa: 0x0004, 0x24ab: 0x000a, + 0x24b0: 0x000d, 0x24b1: 0x000d, 0x24b2: 0x000d, 0x24b3: 0x000d, 0x24b4: 0x000d, 0x24b5: 0x000d, + 0x24b6: 0x000d, 0x24b7: 0x000d, 0x24b8: 0x000d, 0x24b9: 0x000d, 0x24ba: 0x000d, 0x24bb: 0x000d, + 0x24bc: 0x000d, 0x24bd: 0x000d, 0x24be: 0x000d, 0x24bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x24c0 + 0x24c0: 0x000d, 0x24c1: 0x000d, 0x24c2: 0x000d, 0x24c3: 0x000d, 0x24c4: 0x000d, 0x24c5: 0x000d, + 0x24c6: 0x000d, 0x24c7: 0x000d, 0x24c8: 0x000d, 0x24c9: 0x000d, 0x24ca: 0x000d, 0x24cb: 0x000d, + 0x24cc: 0x000d, 0x24cd: 0x000d, 0x24ce: 0x000d, 0x24cf: 0x000d, 0x24d0: 0x000d, 0x24d1: 0x000d, + 0x24d2: 0x000d, 0x24d3: 0x000d, 0x24d4: 0x000d, 0x24d5: 0x000d, 0x24d6: 0x000d, 0x24d7: 0x000d, + 0x24d8: 0x000d, 0x24d9: 0x000d, 0x24da: 0x000d, 0x24db: 0x000d, 0x24dc: 0x000d, 0x24dd: 0x000d, + 0x24de: 0x000d, 0x24df: 0x000d, 0x24e0: 0x000d, 0x24e1: 0x000d, 0x24e2: 0x000d, 0x24e3: 0x000d, + 0x24e4: 0x000d, 0x24e5: 0x000d, 0x24e6: 0x000d, 0x24e7: 0x000d, 0x24e8: 0x000d, 0x24e9: 0x000d, + 0x24ea: 0x000d, 0x24eb: 0x000d, 0x24ec: 0x000d, 0x24ed: 0x000d, 0x24ee: 0x000d, 0x24ef: 0x000d, + 0x24f0: 0x000d, 0x24f1: 0x000d, 0x24f2: 0x000d, 0x24f3: 0x000d, 0x24f4: 0x000d, 0x24f5: 0x000d, + 0x24f6: 0x000d, 0x24f7: 0x000d, 0x24f8: 0x000d, 0x24f9: 0x000d, 0x24fa: 0x000d, 0x24fb: 0x000d, + 0x24fc: 0x000d, 0x24fd: 0x000d, 0x24fe: 0x000d, 0x24ff: 0x000b, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2500 + 0x2501: 0x000a, 0x2502: 0x000a, 0x2503: 0x0004, 0x2504: 0x0004, 0x2505: 0x0004, + 0x2506: 0x000a, 0x2507: 0x000a, 0x2508: 0x003a, 0x2509: 0x002a, 0x250a: 0x000a, 0x250b: 0x0003, + 0x250c: 0x0006, 0x250d: 0x0003, 0x250e: 0x0006, 0x250f: 0x0006, 0x2510: 0x0002, 0x2511: 0x0002, + 0x2512: 0x0002, 0x2513: 0x0002, 0x2514: 0x0002, 0x2515: 0x0002, 0x2516: 0x0002, 0x2517: 0x0002, + 0x2518: 0x0002, 0x2519: 0x0002, 0x251a: 0x0006, 0x251b: 0x000a, 0x251c: 0x000a, 0x251d: 0x000a, + 0x251e: 0x000a, 0x251f: 0x000a, 0x2520: 0x000a, + 0x253b: 0x005a, + 0x253c: 0x000a, 0x253d: 0x004a, 0x253e: 0x000a, 0x253f: 0x000a, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2540 + 0x2540: 0x000a, + 0x255b: 0x005a, 0x255c: 0x000a, 0x255d: 0x004a, + 0x255e: 0x000a, 0x255f: 0x00fa, 0x2560: 0x00ea, 0x2561: 0x000a, 0x2562: 0x003a, 0x2563: 0x002a, + 0x2564: 0x000a, 0x2565: 0x000a, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x2580 + 0x25a0: 0x0004, 0x25a1: 0x0004, 0x25a2: 0x000a, 0x25a3: 0x000a, + 0x25a4: 0x000a, 0x25a5: 0x0004, 0x25a6: 0x0004, 0x25a8: 0x000a, 0x25a9: 0x000a, + 0x25aa: 0x000a, 0x25ab: 0x000a, 0x25ac: 0x000a, 0x25ad: 0x000a, 0x25ae: 0x000a, + 0x25b0: 0x000b, 0x25b1: 0x000b, 0x25b2: 0x000b, 0x25b3: 0x000b, 0x25b4: 0x000b, 0x25b5: 0x000b, + 0x25b6: 0x000b, 0x25b7: 0x000b, 0x25b8: 0x000b, 0x25b9: 0x000a, 0x25ba: 0x000a, 0x25bb: 0x000a, + 0x25bc: 0x000a, 0x25bd: 0x000a, 0x25be: 0x000b, 0x25bf: 0x000b, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x25c0 + 0x25c1: 0x000a, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x2600 + 0x2600: 0x000a, 0x2601: 0x000a, 0x2602: 0x000a, 0x2603: 0x000a, 0x2604: 0x000a, 0x2605: 0x000a, + 0x2606: 0x000a, 0x2607: 0x000a, 0x2608: 0x000a, 0x2609: 0x000a, 0x260a: 0x000a, 0x260b: 0x000a, + 0x260c: 0x000a, 0x2610: 0x000a, 0x2611: 0x000a, + 0x2612: 0x000a, 0x2613: 0x000a, 0x2614: 0x000a, 0x2615: 0x000a, 0x2616: 0x000a, 0x2617: 0x000a, + 0x2618: 0x000a, 0x2619: 0x000a, 0x261a: 0x000a, 0x261b: 0x000a, + 0x2620: 0x000a, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x2640 + 0x267d: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x2680 + 0x26a0: 0x000c, 0x26a1: 0x0002, 0x26a2: 0x0002, 0x26a3: 0x0002, + 0x26a4: 0x0002, 0x26a5: 0x0002, 0x26a6: 0x0002, 0x26a7: 0x0002, 0x26a8: 0x0002, 0x26a9: 0x0002, + 0x26aa: 0x0002, 0x26ab: 0x0002, 0x26ac: 0x0002, 0x26ad: 0x0002, 0x26ae: 0x0002, 0x26af: 0x0002, + 0x26b0: 0x0002, 0x26b1: 0x0002, 0x26b2: 0x0002, 0x26b3: 0x0002, 0x26b4: 0x0002, 0x26b5: 0x0002, + 0x26b6: 0x0002, 0x26b7: 0x0002, 0x26b8: 0x0002, 0x26b9: 0x0002, 0x26ba: 0x0002, 0x26bb: 0x0002, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x26c0 + 0x26f6: 0x000c, 0x26f7: 0x000c, 0x26f8: 0x000c, 0x26f9: 0x000c, 0x26fa: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x2700 + 0x2700: 0x0001, 0x2701: 0x0001, 0x2702: 0x0001, 0x2703: 0x0001, 0x2704: 0x0001, 0x2705: 0x0001, + 0x2706: 0x0001, 0x2707: 0x0001, 0x2708: 0x0001, 0x2709: 0x0001, 0x270a: 0x0001, 0x270b: 0x0001, + 0x270c: 0x0001, 0x270d: 0x0001, 0x270e: 0x0001, 0x270f: 0x0001, 0x2710: 0x0001, 0x2711: 0x0001, + 0x2712: 0x0001, 0x2713: 0x0001, 0x2714: 0x0001, 0x2715: 0x0001, 0x2716: 0x0001, 0x2717: 0x0001, + 0x2718: 0x0001, 0x2719: 0x0001, 0x271a: 0x0001, 0x271b: 0x0001, 0x271c: 0x0001, 0x271d: 0x0001, + 0x271e: 0x0001, 0x271f: 0x0001, 0x2720: 0x0001, 0x2721: 0x0001, 0x2722: 0x0001, 0x2723: 0x0001, + 0x2724: 0x0001, 0x2725: 0x0001, 0x2726: 0x0001, 0x2727: 0x0001, 0x2728: 0x0001, 0x2729: 0x0001, + 0x272a: 0x0001, 0x272b: 0x0001, 0x272c: 0x0001, 0x272d: 0x0001, 0x272e: 0x0001, 0x272f: 0x0001, + 0x2730: 0x0001, 0x2731: 0x0001, 0x2732: 0x0001, 0x2733: 0x0001, 0x2734: 0x0001, 0x2735: 0x0001, + 0x2736: 0x0001, 0x2737: 0x0001, 0x2738: 0x0001, 0x2739: 0x0001, 0x273a: 0x0001, 0x273b: 0x0001, + 0x273c: 0x0001, 0x273d: 0x0001, 0x273e: 0x0001, 0x273f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x2740 + 0x2740: 0x0001, 0x2741: 0x0001, 0x2742: 0x0001, 0x2743: 0x0001, 0x2744: 0x0001, 0x2745: 0x0001, + 0x2746: 0x0001, 0x2747: 0x0001, 0x2748: 0x0001, 0x2749: 0x0001, 0x274a: 0x0001, 0x274b: 0x0001, + 0x274c: 0x0001, 0x274d: 0x0001, 0x274e: 0x0001, 0x274f: 0x0001, 0x2750: 0x0001, 0x2751: 0x0001, + 0x2752: 0x0001, 0x2753: 0x0001, 0x2754: 0x0001, 0x2755: 0x0001, 0x2756: 0x0001, 0x2757: 0x0001, + 0x2758: 0x0001, 0x2759: 0x0001, 0x275a: 0x0001, 0x275b: 0x0001, 0x275c: 0x0001, 0x275d: 0x0001, + 0x275e: 0x0001, 0x275f: 0x000a, 0x2760: 0x0001, 0x2761: 0x0001, 0x2762: 0x0001, 0x2763: 0x0001, + 0x2764: 0x0001, 0x2765: 0x0001, 0x2766: 0x0001, 0x2767: 0x0001, 0x2768: 0x0001, 0x2769: 0x0001, + 0x276a: 0x0001, 0x276b: 0x0001, 0x276c: 0x0001, 0x276d: 0x0001, 0x276e: 0x0001, 0x276f: 0x0001, + 0x2770: 0x0001, 0x2771: 0x0001, 0x2772: 0x0001, 0x2773: 0x0001, 0x2774: 0x0001, 0x2775: 0x0001, + 0x2776: 0x0001, 0x2777: 0x0001, 0x2778: 0x0001, 0x2779: 0x0001, 0x277a: 0x0001, 0x277b: 0x0001, + 0x277c: 0x0001, 0x277d: 0x0001, 0x277e: 0x0001, 0x277f: 0x0001, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x2780 + 0x2780: 0x0001, 0x2781: 0x000c, 0x2782: 0x000c, 0x2783: 0x000c, 0x2784: 0x0001, 0x2785: 0x000c, + 0x2786: 0x000c, 0x2787: 0x0001, 0x2788: 0x0001, 0x2789: 0x0001, 0x278a: 0x0001, 0x278b: 0x0001, + 0x278c: 0x000c, 0x278d: 0x000c, 0x278e: 0x000c, 0x278f: 0x000c, 0x2790: 0x0001, 0x2791: 0x0001, + 0x2792: 0x0001, 0x2793: 0x0001, 0x2794: 0x0001, 0x2795: 0x0001, 0x2796: 0x0001, 0x2797: 0x0001, + 0x2798: 0x0001, 0x2799: 0x0001, 0x279a: 0x0001, 0x279b: 0x0001, 0x279c: 0x0001, 0x279d: 0x0001, + 0x279e: 0x0001, 0x279f: 0x0001, 0x27a0: 0x0001, 0x27a1: 0x0001, 0x27a2: 0x0001, 0x27a3: 0x0001, + 0x27a4: 0x0001, 0x27a5: 0x0001, 0x27a6: 0x0001, 0x27a7: 0x0001, 0x27a8: 0x0001, 0x27a9: 0x0001, + 0x27aa: 0x0001, 0x27ab: 0x0001, 0x27ac: 0x0001, 0x27ad: 0x0001, 0x27ae: 0x0001, 0x27af: 0x0001, + 0x27b0: 0x0001, 0x27b1: 0x0001, 0x27b2: 0x0001, 0x27b3: 0x0001, 0x27b4: 0x0001, 0x27b5: 0x0001, + 0x27b6: 0x0001, 0x27b7: 0x0001, 0x27b8: 0x000c, 0x27b9: 0x000c, 0x27ba: 0x000c, 0x27bb: 0x0001, + 0x27bc: 0x0001, 0x27bd: 0x0001, 0x27be: 0x0001, 0x27bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x27c0 + 0x27c0: 0x0001, 0x27c1: 0x0001, 0x27c2: 0x0001, 0x27c3: 0x0001, 0x27c4: 0x0001, 0x27c5: 0x0001, + 0x27c6: 0x0001, 0x27c7: 0x0001, 0x27c8: 0x0001, 0x27c9: 0x0001, 0x27ca: 0x0001, 0x27cb: 0x0001, + 0x27cc: 0x0001, 0x27cd: 0x0001, 0x27ce: 0x0001, 0x27cf: 0x0001, 0x27d0: 0x0001, 0x27d1: 0x0001, + 0x27d2: 0x0001, 0x27d3: 0x0001, 0x27d4: 0x0001, 0x27d5: 0x0001, 0x27d6: 0x0001, 0x27d7: 0x0001, + 0x27d8: 0x0001, 0x27d9: 0x0001, 0x27da: 0x0001, 0x27db: 0x0001, 0x27dc: 0x0001, 0x27dd: 0x0001, + 0x27de: 0x0001, 0x27df: 0x0001, 0x27e0: 0x0001, 0x27e1: 0x0001, 0x27e2: 0x0001, 0x27e3: 0x0001, + 0x27e4: 0x0001, 0x27e5: 0x000c, 0x27e6: 0x000c, 0x27e7: 0x0001, 0x27e8: 0x0001, 0x27e9: 0x0001, + 0x27ea: 0x0001, 0x27eb: 0x0001, 0x27ec: 0x0001, 0x27ed: 0x0001, 0x27ee: 0x0001, 0x27ef: 0x0001, + 0x27f0: 0x0001, 0x27f1: 0x0001, 0x27f2: 0x0001, 0x27f3: 0x0001, 0x27f4: 0x0001, 0x27f5: 0x0001, + 0x27f6: 0x0001, 0x27f7: 0x0001, 0x27f8: 0x0001, 0x27f9: 0x0001, 0x27fa: 0x0001, 0x27fb: 0x0001, + 0x27fc: 0x0001, 0x27fd: 0x0001, 0x27fe: 0x0001, 0x27ff: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x2800 + 0x2800: 0x0001, 0x2801: 0x0001, 0x2802: 0x0001, 0x2803: 0x0001, 0x2804: 0x0001, 0x2805: 0x0001, + 0x2806: 0x0001, 0x2807: 0x0001, 0x2808: 0x0001, 0x2809: 0x0001, 0x280a: 0x0001, 0x280b: 0x0001, + 0x280c: 0x0001, 0x280d: 0x0001, 0x280e: 0x0001, 0x280f: 0x0001, 0x2810: 0x0001, 0x2811: 0x0001, + 0x2812: 0x0001, 0x2813: 0x0001, 0x2814: 0x0001, 0x2815: 0x0001, 0x2816: 0x0001, 0x2817: 0x0001, + 0x2818: 0x0001, 0x2819: 0x0001, 0x281a: 0x0001, 0x281b: 0x0001, 0x281c: 0x0001, 0x281d: 0x0001, + 0x281e: 0x0001, 0x281f: 0x0001, 0x2820: 0x0001, 0x2821: 0x0001, 0x2822: 0x0001, 0x2823: 0x0001, + 0x2824: 0x0001, 0x2825: 0x0001, 0x2826: 0x0001, 0x2827: 0x0001, 0x2828: 0x0001, 0x2829: 0x0001, + 0x282a: 0x0001, 0x282b: 0x0001, 0x282c: 0x0001, 0x282d: 0x0001, 0x282e: 0x0001, 0x282f: 0x0001, + 0x2830: 0x0001, 0x2831: 0x0001, 0x2832: 0x0001, 0x2833: 0x0001, 0x2834: 0x0001, 0x2835: 0x0001, + 0x2836: 0x0001, 0x2837: 0x0001, 0x2838: 0x0001, 0x2839: 0x000a, 0x283a: 0x000a, 0x283b: 0x000a, + 0x283c: 0x000a, 0x283d: 0x000a, 0x283e: 0x000a, 0x283f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x2840 + 0x2840: 0x000d, 0x2841: 0x000d, 0x2842: 0x000d, 0x2843: 0x000d, 0x2844: 0x000d, 0x2845: 0x000d, + 0x2846: 0x000d, 0x2847: 0x000d, 0x2848: 0x000d, 0x2849: 0x000d, 0x284a: 0x000d, 0x284b: 0x000d, + 0x284c: 0x000d, 0x284d: 0x000d, 0x284e: 0x000d, 0x284f: 0x000d, 0x2850: 0x000d, 0x2851: 0x000d, + 0x2852: 0x000d, 0x2853: 0x000d, 0x2854: 0x000d, 0x2855: 0x000d, 0x2856: 0x000d, 0x2857: 0x000d, + 0x2858: 0x000d, 0x2859: 0x000d, 0x285a: 0x000d, 0x285b: 0x000d, 0x285c: 0x000d, 0x285d: 0x000d, + 0x285e: 0x000d, 0x285f: 0x000d, 0x2860: 0x000d, 0x2861: 0x000d, 0x2862: 0x000d, 0x2863: 0x000d, + 0x2864: 0x000c, 0x2865: 0x000c, 0x2866: 0x000c, 0x2867: 0x000c, 0x2868: 0x000d, 0x2869: 0x000d, + 0x286a: 0x000d, 0x286b: 0x000d, 0x286c: 0x000d, 0x286d: 0x000d, 0x286e: 0x000d, 0x286f: 0x000d, + 0x2870: 0x0005, 0x2871: 0x0005, 0x2872: 0x0005, 0x2873: 0x0005, 0x2874: 0x0005, 0x2875: 0x0005, + 0x2876: 0x0005, 0x2877: 0x0005, 0x2878: 0x0005, 0x2879: 0x0005, 0x287a: 0x000d, 0x287b: 0x000d, + 0x287c: 0x000d, 0x287d: 0x000d, 0x287e: 0x000d, 0x287f: 0x000d, + // Block 0xa2, offset 0x2880 + 0x2880: 0x0001, 0x2881: 0x0001, 0x2882: 0x0001, 0x2883: 0x0001, 0x2884: 0x0001, 0x2885: 0x0001, + 0x2886: 0x0001, 0x2887: 0x0001, 0x2888: 0x0001, 0x2889: 0x0001, 0x288a: 0x0001, 0x288b: 0x0001, + 0x288c: 0x0001, 0x288d: 0x0001, 0x288e: 0x0001, 0x288f: 0x0001, 0x2890: 0x0001, 0x2891: 0x0001, + 0x2892: 0x0001, 0x2893: 0x0001, 0x2894: 0x0001, 0x2895: 0x0001, 0x2896: 0x0001, 0x2897: 0x0001, + 0x2898: 0x0001, 0x2899: 0x0001, 0x289a: 0x0001, 0x289b: 0x0001, 0x289c: 0x0001, 0x289d: 0x0001, + 0x289e: 0x0001, 0x289f: 0x0001, 0x28a0: 0x0005, 0x28a1: 0x0005, 0x28a2: 0x0005, 0x28a3: 0x0005, + 0x28a4: 0x0005, 0x28a5: 0x0005, 0x28a6: 0x0005, 0x28a7: 0x0005, 0x28a8: 0x0005, 0x28a9: 0x0005, + 0x28aa: 0x0005, 0x28ab: 0x0005, 0x28ac: 0x0005, 0x28ad: 0x0005, 0x28ae: 0x0005, 0x28af: 0x0005, + 0x28b0: 0x0005, 0x28b1: 0x0005, 0x28b2: 0x0005, 0x28b3: 0x0005, 0x28b4: 0x0005, 0x28b5: 0x0005, + 0x28b6: 0x0005, 0x28b7: 0x0005, 0x28b8: 0x0005, 0x28b9: 0x0005, 0x28ba: 0x0005, 0x28bb: 0x0005, + 0x28bc: 0x0005, 0x28bd: 0x0005, 0x28be: 0x0005, 0x28bf: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa3, offset 0x28c0 + 0x28c0: 0x0001, 0x28c1: 0x0001, 0x28c2: 0x0001, 0x28c3: 0x0001, 0x28c4: 0x0001, 0x28c5: 0x0001, + 0x28c6: 0x0001, 0x28c7: 0x0001, 0x28c8: 0x0001, 0x28c9: 0x0001, 0x28ca: 0x0001, 0x28cb: 0x0001, + 0x28cc: 0x0001, 0x28cd: 0x0001, 0x28ce: 0x0001, 0x28cf: 0x0001, 0x28d0: 0x0001, 0x28d1: 0x0001, + 0x28d2: 0x0001, 0x28d3: 0x0001, 0x28d4: 0x0001, 0x28d5: 0x0001, 0x28d6: 0x0001, 0x28d7: 0x0001, + 0x28d8: 0x0001, 0x28d9: 0x0001, 0x28da: 0x0001, 0x28db: 0x0001, 0x28dc: 0x0001, 0x28dd: 0x0001, + 0x28de: 0x0001, 0x28df: 0x0001, 0x28e0: 0x0001, 0x28e1: 0x0001, 0x28e2: 0x0001, 0x28e3: 0x0001, + 0x28e4: 0x0001, 0x28e5: 0x0001, 0x28e6: 0x0001, 0x28e7: 0x0001, 0x28e8: 0x0001, 0x28e9: 0x0001, + 0x28ea: 0x0001, 0x28eb: 0x0001, 0x28ec: 0x0001, 0x28ed: 0x0001, 0x28ee: 0x0001, 0x28ef: 0x0001, + 0x28f0: 0x000d, 0x28f1: 0x000d, 0x28f2: 0x000d, 0x28f3: 0x000d, 0x28f4: 0x000d, 0x28f5: 0x000d, + 0x28f6: 0x000d, 0x28f7: 0x000d, 0x28f8: 0x000d, 0x28f9: 0x000d, 0x28fa: 0x000d, 0x28fb: 0x000d, + 0x28fc: 0x000d, 0x28fd: 0x000d, 0x28fe: 0x000d, 0x28ff: 0x000d, + // Block 0xa4, offset 0x2900 + 0x2900: 0x000d, 0x2901: 0x000d, 0x2902: 0x000d, 0x2903: 0x000d, 0x2904: 0x000d, 0x2905: 0x000d, + 0x2906: 0x000c, 0x2907: 0x000c, 0x2908: 0x000c, 0x2909: 0x000c, 0x290a: 0x000c, 0x290b: 0x000c, + 0x290c: 0x000c, 0x290d: 0x000c, 0x290e: 0x000c, 0x290f: 0x000c, 0x2910: 0x000c, 0x2911: 0x000d, + 0x2912: 0x000d, 0x2913: 0x000d, 0x2914: 0x000d, 0x2915: 0x000d, 0x2916: 0x000d, 0x2917: 0x000d, + 0x2918: 0x000d, 0x2919: 0x000d, 0x291a: 0x000d, 0x291b: 0x000d, 0x291c: 0x000d, 0x291d: 0x000d, + 0x291e: 0x000d, 0x291f: 0x000d, 0x2920: 0x000d, 0x2921: 0x000d, 0x2922: 0x000d, 0x2923: 0x000d, + 0x2924: 0x000d, 0x2925: 0x000d, 0x2926: 0x000d, 0x2927: 0x000d, 0x2928: 0x000d, 0x2929: 0x000d, + 0x292a: 0x000d, 0x292b: 0x000d, 0x292c: 0x000d, 0x292d: 0x000d, 0x292e: 0x000d, 0x292f: 0x000d, + 0x2930: 0x0001, 0x2931: 0x0001, 0x2932: 0x0001, 0x2933: 0x0001, 0x2934: 0x0001, 0x2935: 0x0001, + 0x2936: 0x0001, 0x2937: 0x0001, 0x2938: 0x0001, 0x2939: 0x0001, 0x293a: 0x0001, 0x293b: 0x0001, + 0x293c: 0x0001, 0x293d: 0x0001, 0x293e: 0x0001, 0x293f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xa5, offset 0x2940 + 0x2941: 0x000c, + 0x2978: 0x000c, 0x2979: 0x000c, 0x297a: 0x000c, 0x297b: 0x000c, + 0x297c: 0x000c, 0x297d: 0x000c, 0x297e: 0x000c, 0x297f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa6, offset 0x2980 + 0x2980: 0x000c, 0x2981: 0x000c, 0x2982: 0x000c, 0x2983: 0x000c, 0x2984: 0x000c, 0x2985: 0x000c, + 0x2986: 0x000c, + 0x2992: 0x000a, 0x2993: 0x000a, 0x2994: 0x000a, 0x2995: 0x000a, 0x2996: 0x000a, 0x2997: 0x000a, + 0x2998: 0x000a, 0x2999: 0x000a, 0x299a: 0x000a, 0x299b: 0x000a, 0x299c: 0x000a, 0x299d: 0x000a, + 0x299e: 0x000a, 0x299f: 0x000a, 0x29a0: 0x000a, 0x29a1: 0x000a, 0x29a2: 0x000a, 0x29a3: 0x000a, + 0x29a4: 0x000a, 0x29a5: 0x000a, + 0x29bf: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa7, offset 0x29c0 + 0x29c0: 0x000c, 0x29c1: 0x000c, + 0x29f3: 0x000c, 0x29f4: 0x000c, 0x29f5: 0x000c, + 0x29f6: 0x000c, 0x29f9: 0x000c, 0x29fa: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa8, offset 0x2a00 + 0x2a00: 0x000c, 0x2a01: 0x000c, 0x2a02: 0x000c, + 0x2a27: 0x000c, 0x2a28: 0x000c, 0x2a29: 0x000c, + 0x2a2a: 0x000c, 0x2a2b: 0x000c, 0x2a2d: 0x000c, 0x2a2e: 0x000c, 0x2a2f: 0x000c, + 0x2a30: 0x000c, 0x2a31: 0x000c, 0x2a32: 0x000c, 0x2a33: 0x000c, 0x2a34: 0x000c, + // Block 0xa9, offset 0x2a40 + 0x2a73: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaa, offset 0x2a80 + 0x2a80: 0x000c, 0x2a81: 0x000c, + 0x2ab6: 0x000c, 0x2ab7: 0x000c, 0x2ab8: 0x000c, 0x2ab9: 0x000c, 0x2aba: 0x000c, 0x2abb: 0x000c, + 0x2abc: 0x000c, 0x2abd: 0x000c, 0x2abe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xab, offset 0x2ac0 + 0x2ac9: 0x000c, 0x2aca: 0x000c, 0x2acb: 0x000c, + 0x2acc: 0x000c, + // Block 0xac, offset 0x2b00 + 0x2b2f: 0x000c, + 0x2b30: 0x000c, 0x2b31: 0x000c, 0x2b34: 0x000c, + 0x2b36: 0x000c, 0x2b37: 0x000c, + 0x2b3e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xad, offset 0x2b40 + 0x2b5f: 0x000c, 0x2b63: 0x000c, + 0x2b64: 0x000c, 0x2b65: 0x000c, 0x2b66: 0x000c, 0x2b67: 0x000c, 0x2b68: 0x000c, 0x2b69: 0x000c, + 0x2b6a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xae, offset 0x2b80 + 0x2b80: 0x000c, + 0x2ba6: 0x000c, 0x2ba7: 0x000c, 0x2ba8: 0x000c, 0x2ba9: 0x000c, + 0x2baa: 0x000c, 0x2bab: 0x000c, 0x2bac: 0x000c, + 0x2bb0: 0x000c, 0x2bb1: 0x000c, 0x2bb2: 0x000c, 0x2bb3: 0x000c, 0x2bb4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xaf, offset 0x2bc0 + 0x2bf8: 0x000c, 0x2bf9: 0x000c, 0x2bfa: 0x000c, 0x2bfb: 0x000c, + 0x2bfc: 0x000c, 0x2bfd: 0x000c, 0x2bfe: 0x000c, 0x2bff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb0, offset 0x2c00 + 0x2c02: 0x000c, 0x2c03: 0x000c, 0x2c04: 0x000c, + 0x2c06: 0x000c, + 0x2c1e: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb1, offset 0x2c40 + 0x2c73: 0x000c, 0x2c74: 0x000c, 0x2c75: 0x000c, + 0x2c76: 0x000c, 0x2c77: 0x000c, 0x2c78: 0x000c, 0x2c7a: 0x000c, + 0x2c7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb2, offset 0x2c80 + 0x2c80: 0x000c, 0x2c82: 0x000c, 0x2c83: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb3, offset 0x2cc0 + 0x2cf2: 0x000c, 0x2cf3: 0x000c, 0x2cf4: 0x000c, 0x2cf5: 0x000c, + 0x2cfc: 0x000c, 0x2cfd: 0x000c, 0x2cff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb4, offset 0x2d00 + 0x2d00: 0x000c, + 0x2d1c: 0x000c, 0x2d1d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb5, offset 0x2d40 + 0x2d73: 0x000c, 0x2d74: 0x000c, 0x2d75: 0x000c, + 0x2d76: 0x000c, 0x2d77: 0x000c, 0x2d78: 0x000c, 0x2d79: 0x000c, 0x2d7a: 0x000c, + 0x2d7d: 0x000c, 0x2d7f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb6, offset 0x2d80 + 0x2d80: 0x000c, + 0x2da0: 0x000a, 0x2da1: 0x000a, 0x2da2: 0x000a, 0x2da3: 0x000a, + 0x2da4: 0x000a, 0x2da5: 0x000a, 0x2da6: 0x000a, 0x2da7: 0x000a, 0x2da8: 0x000a, 0x2da9: 0x000a, + 0x2daa: 0x000a, 0x2dab: 0x000a, 0x2dac: 0x000a, + // Block 0xb7, offset 0x2dc0 + 0x2deb: 0x000c, 0x2ded: 0x000c, + 0x2df0: 0x000c, 0x2df1: 0x000c, 0x2df2: 0x000c, 0x2df3: 0x000c, 0x2df4: 0x000c, 0x2df5: 0x000c, + 0x2df7: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb8, offset 0x2e00 + 0x2e1d: 0x000c, + 0x2e1e: 0x000c, 0x2e1f: 0x000c, 0x2e22: 0x000c, 0x2e23: 0x000c, + 0x2e24: 0x000c, 0x2e25: 0x000c, 0x2e27: 0x000c, 0x2e28: 0x000c, 0x2e29: 0x000c, + 0x2e2a: 0x000c, 0x2e2b: 0x000c, + // Block 0xb9, offset 0x2e40 + 0x2e6f: 0x000c, + 0x2e70: 0x000c, 0x2e71: 0x000c, 0x2e72: 0x000c, 0x2e73: 0x000c, 0x2e74: 0x000c, 0x2e75: 0x000c, + 0x2e76: 0x000c, 0x2e77: 0x000c, 0x2e79: 0x000c, 0x2e7a: 0x000c, + // Block 0xba, offset 0x2e80 + 0x2e81: 0x000c, 0x2e82: 0x000c, 0x2e83: 0x000c, 0x2e84: 0x000c, 0x2e85: 0x000c, + 0x2e86: 0x000c, 0x2e89: 0x000c, 0x2e8a: 0x000c, + 0x2eb3: 0x000c, 0x2eb4: 0x000c, 0x2eb5: 0x000c, + 0x2eb6: 0x000c, 0x2eb7: 0x000c, 0x2eb8: 0x000c, 0x2ebb: 0x000c, + 0x2ebc: 0x000c, 0x2ebd: 0x000c, 0x2ebe: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbb, offset 0x2ec0 + 0x2ec7: 0x000c, + 0x2ed1: 0x000c, + 0x2ed2: 0x000c, 0x2ed3: 0x000c, 0x2ed4: 0x000c, 0x2ed5: 0x000c, 0x2ed6: 0x000c, + 0x2ed9: 0x000c, 0x2eda: 0x000c, 0x2edb: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbc, offset 0x2f00 + 0x2f0a: 0x000c, 0x2f0b: 0x000c, + 0x2f0c: 0x000c, 0x2f0d: 0x000c, 0x2f0e: 0x000c, 0x2f0f: 0x000c, 0x2f10: 0x000c, 0x2f11: 0x000c, + 0x2f12: 0x000c, 0x2f13: 0x000c, 0x2f14: 0x000c, 0x2f15: 0x000c, 0x2f16: 0x000c, + 0x2f18: 0x000c, 0x2f19: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbd, offset 0x2f40 + 0x2f70: 0x000c, 0x2f71: 0x000c, 0x2f72: 0x000c, 0x2f73: 0x000c, 0x2f74: 0x000c, 0x2f75: 0x000c, + 0x2f76: 0x000c, 0x2f78: 0x000c, 0x2f79: 0x000c, 0x2f7a: 0x000c, 0x2f7b: 0x000c, + 0x2f7c: 0x000c, 0x2f7d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbe, offset 0x2f80 + 0x2f92: 0x000c, 0x2f93: 0x000c, 0x2f94: 0x000c, 0x2f95: 0x000c, 0x2f96: 0x000c, 0x2f97: 0x000c, + 0x2f98: 0x000c, 0x2f99: 0x000c, 0x2f9a: 0x000c, 0x2f9b: 0x000c, 0x2f9c: 0x000c, 0x2f9d: 0x000c, + 0x2f9e: 0x000c, 0x2f9f: 0x000c, 0x2fa0: 0x000c, 0x2fa1: 0x000c, 0x2fa2: 0x000c, 0x2fa3: 0x000c, + 0x2fa4: 0x000c, 0x2fa5: 0x000c, 0x2fa6: 0x000c, 0x2fa7: 0x000c, + 0x2faa: 0x000c, 0x2fab: 0x000c, 0x2fac: 0x000c, 0x2fad: 0x000c, 0x2fae: 0x000c, 0x2faf: 0x000c, + 0x2fb0: 0x000c, 0x2fb2: 0x000c, 0x2fb3: 0x000c, 0x2fb5: 0x000c, + 0x2fb6: 0x000c, + // Block 0xbf, offset 0x2fc0 + 0x2ff1: 0x000c, 0x2ff2: 0x000c, 0x2ff3: 0x000c, 0x2ff4: 0x000c, 0x2ff5: 0x000c, + 0x2ff6: 0x000c, 0x2ffa: 0x000c, + 0x2ffc: 0x000c, 0x2ffd: 0x000c, 0x2fff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc0, offset 0x3000 + 0x3000: 0x000c, 0x3001: 0x000c, 0x3002: 0x000c, 0x3003: 0x000c, 0x3004: 0x000c, 0x3005: 0x000c, + 0x3007: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc1, offset 0x3040 + 0x3050: 0x000c, 0x3051: 0x000c, + 0x3055: 0x000c, 0x3057: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc2, offset 0x3080 + 0x30b3: 0x000c, 0x30b4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc3, offset 0x30c0 + 0x30f0: 0x000c, 0x30f1: 0x000c, 0x30f2: 0x000c, 0x30f3: 0x000c, 0x30f4: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc4, offset 0x3100 + 0x3130: 0x000c, 0x3131: 0x000c, 0x3132: 0x000c, 0x3133: 0x000c, 0x3134: 0x000c, 0x3135: 0x000c, + 0x3136: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc5, offset 0x3140 + 0x314f: 0x000c, 0x3150: 0x000c, 0x3151: 0x000c, + 0x3152: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc6, offset 0x3180 + 0x319d: 0x000c, + 0x319e: 0x000c, 0x31a0: 0x000b, 0x31a1: 0x000b, 0x31a2: 0x000b, 0x31a3: 0x000b, + // Block 0xc7, offset 0x31c0 + 0x31e7: 0x000c, 0x31e8: 0x000c, 0x31e9: 0x000c, + 0x31f3: 0x000b, 0x31f4: 0x000b, 0x31f5: 0x000b, + 0x31f6: 0x000b, 0x31f7: 0x000b, 0x31f8: 0x000b, 0x31f9: 0x000b, 0x31fa: 0x000b, 0x31fb: 0x000c, + 0x31fc: 0x000c, 0x31fd: 0x000c, 0x31fe: 0x000c, 0x31ff: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc8, offset 0x3200 + 0x3200: 0x000c, 0x3201: 0x000c, 0x3202: 0x000c, 0x3205: 0x000c, + 0x3206: 0x000c, 0x3207: 0x000c, 0x3208: 0x000c, 0x3209: 0x000c, 0x320a: 0x000c, 0x320b: 0x000c, + 0x322a: 0x000c, 0x322b: 0x000c, 0x322c: 0x000c, 0x322d: 0x000c, + // Block 0xc9, offset 0x3240 + 0x3240: 0x000a, 0x3241: 0x000a, 0x3242: 0x000c, 0x3243: 0x000c, 0x3244: 0x000c, 0x3245: 0x000a, + // Block 0xca, offset 0x3280 + 0x3280: 0x000a, 0x3281: 0x000a, 0x3282: 0x000a, 0x3283: 0x000a, 0x3284: 0x000a, 0x3285: 0x000a, + 0x3286: 0x000a, 0x3287: 0x000a, 0x3288: 0x000a, 0x3289: 0x000a, 0x328a: 0x000a, 0x328b: 0x000a, + 0x328c: 0x000a, 0x328d: 0x000a, 0x328e: 0x000a, 0x328f: 0x000a, 0x3290: 0x000a, 0x3291: 0x000a, + 0x3292: 0x000a, 0x3293: 0x000a, 0x3294: 0x000a, 0x3295: 0x000a, 0x3296: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcb, offset 0x32c0 + 0x32db: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcc, offset 0x3300 + 0x3315: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcd, offset 0x3340 + 0x334f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xce, offset 0x3380 + 0x3389: 0x000a, + // Block 0xcf, offset 0x33c0 + 0x33c3: 0x000a, + 0x33ce: 0x0002, 0x33cf: 0x0002, 0x33d0: 0x0002, 0x33d1: 0x0002, + 0x33d2: 0x0002, 0x33d3: 0x0002, 0x33d4: 0x0002, 0x33d5: 0x0002, 0x33d6: 0x0002, 0x33d7: 0x0002, + 0x33d8: 0x0002, 0x33d9: 0x0002, 0x33da: 0x0002, 0x33db: 0x0002, 0x33dc: 0x0002, 0x33dd: 0x0002, + 0x33de: 0x0002, 0x33df: 0x0002, 0x33e0: 0x0002, 0x33e1: 0x0002, 0x33e2: 0x0002, 0x33e3: 0x0002, + 0x33e4: 0x0002, 0x33e5: 0x0002, 0x33e6: 0x0002, 0x33e7: 0x0002, 0x33e8: 0x0002, 0x33e9: 0x0002, + 0x33ea: 0x0002, 0x33eb: 0x0002, 0x33ec: 0x0002, 0x33ed: 0x0002, 0x33ee: 0x0002, 0x33ef: 0x0002, + 0x33f0: 0x0002, 0x33f1: 0x0002, 0x33f2: 0x0002, 0x33f3: 0x0002, 0x33f4: 0x0002, 0x33f5: 0x0002, + 0x33f6: 0x0002, 0x33f7: 0x0002, 0x33f8: 0x0002, 0x33f9: 0x0002, 0x33fa: 0x0002, 0x33fb: 0x0002, + 0x33fc: 0x0002, 0x33fd: 0x0002, 0x33fe: 0x0002, 0x33ff: 0x0002, + // Block 0xd0, offset 0x3400 + 0x3400: 0x000c, 0x3401: 0x000c, 0x3402: 0x000c, 0x3403: 0x000c, 0x3404: 0x000c, 0x3405: 0x000c, + 0x3406: 0x000c, 0x3407: 0x000c, 0x3408: 0x000c, 0x3409: 0x000c, 0x340a: 0x000c, 0x340b: 0x000c, + 0x340c: 0x000c, 0x340d: 0x000c, 0x340e: 0x000c, 0x340f: 0x000c, 0x3410: 0x000c, 0x3411: 0x000c, + 0x3412: 0x000c, 0x3413: 0x000c, 0x3414: 0x000c, 0x3415: 0x000c, 0x3416: 0x000c, 0x3417: 0x000c, + 0x3418: 0x000c, 0x3419: 0x000c, 0x341a: 0x000c, 0x341b: 0x000c, 0x341c: 0x000c, 0x341d: 0x000c, + 0x341e: 0x000c, 0x341f: 0x000c, 0x3420: 0x000c, 0x3421: 0x000c, 0x3422: 0x000c, 0x3423: 0x000c, + 0x3424: 0x000c, 0x3425: 0x000c, 0x3426: 0x000c, 0x3427: 0x000c, 0x3428: 0x000c, 0x3429: 0x000c, + 0x342a: 0x000c, 0x342b: 0x000c, 0x342c: 0x000c, 0x342d: 0x000c, 0x342e: 0x000c, 0x342f: 0x000c, + 0x3430: 0x000c, 0x3431: 0x000c, 0x3432: 0x000c, 0x3433: 0x000c, 0x3434: 0x000c, 0x3435: 0x000c, + 0x3436: 0x000c, 0x343b: 0x000c, + 0x343c: 0x000c, 0x343d: 0x000c, 0x343e: 0x000c, 0x343f: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd1, offset 0x3440 + 0x3440: 0x000c, 0x3441: 0x000c, 0x3442: 0x000c, 0x3443: 0x000c, 0x3444: 0x000c, 0x3445: 0x000c, + 0x3446: 0x000c, 0x3447: 0x000c, 0x3448: 0x000c, 0x3449: 0x000c, 0x344a: 0x000c, 0x344b: 0x000c, + 0x344c: 0x000c, 0x344d: 0x000c, 0x344e: 0x000c, 0x344f: 0x000c, 0x3450: 0x000c, 0x3451: 0x000c, + 0x3452: 0x000c, 0x3453: 0x000c, 0x3454: 0x000c, 0x3455: 0x000c, 0x3456: 0x000c, 0x3457: 0x000c, + 0x3458: 0x000c, 0x3459: 0x000c, 0x345a: 0x000c, 0x345b: 0x000c, 0x345c: 0x000c, 0x345d: 0x000c, + 0x345e: 0x000c, 0x345f: 0x000c, 0x3460: 0x000c, 0x3461: 0x000c, 0x3462: 0x000c, 0x3463: 0x000c, + 0x3464: 0x000c, 0x3465: 0x000c, 0x3466: 0x000c, 0x3467: 0x000c, 0x3468: 0x000c, 0x3469: 0x000c, + 0x346a: 0x000c, 0x346b: 0x000c, 0x346c: 0x000c, + 0x3475: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd2, offset 0x3480 + 0x3484: 0x000c, + 0x349b: 0x000c, 0x349c: 0x000c, 0x349d: 0x000c, + 0x349e: 0x000c, 0x349f: 0x000c, 0x34a1: 0x000c, 0x34a2: 0x000c, 0x34a3: 0x000c, + 0x34a4: 0x000c, 0x34a5: 0x000c, 0x34a6: 0x000c, 0x34a7: 0x000c, 0x34a8: 0x000c, 0x34a9: 0x000c, + 0x34aa: 0x000c, 0x34ab: 0x000c, 0x34ac: 0x000c, 0x34ad: 0x000c, 0x34ae: 0x000c, 0x34af: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd3, offset 0x34c0 + 0x34c0: 0x000c, 0x34c1: 0x000c, 0x34c2: 0x000c, 0x34c3: 0x000c, 0x34c4: 0x000c, 0x34c5: 0x000c, + 0x34c6: 0x000c, 0x34c8: 0x000c, 0x34c9: 0x000c, 0x34ca: 0x000c, 0x34cb: 0x000c, + 0x34cc: 0x000c, 0x34cd: 0x000c, 0x34ce: 0x000c, 0x34cf: 0x000c, 0x34d0: 0x000c, 0x34d1: 0x000c, + 0x34d2: 0x000c, 0x34d3: 0x000c, 0x34d4: 0x000c, 0x34d5: 0x000c, 0x34d6: 0x000c, 0x34d7: 0x000c, + 0x34d8: 0x000c, 0x34db: 0x000c, 0x34dc: 0x000c, 0x34dd: 0x000c, + 0x34de: 0x000c, 0x34df: 0x000c, 0x34e0: 0x000c, 0x34e1: 0x000c, 0x34e3: 0x000c, + 0x34e4: 0x000c, 0x34e6: 0x000c, 0x34e7: 0x000c, 0x34e8: 0x000c, 0x34e9: 0x000c, + 0x34ea: 0x000c, + // Block 0xd4, offset 0x3500 + 0x3500: 0x0001, 0x3501: 0x0001, 0x3502: 0x0001, 0x3503: 0x0001, 0x3504: 0x0001, 0x3505: 0x0001, + 0x3506: 0x0001, 0x3507: 0x0001, 0x3508: 0x0001, 0x3509: 0x0001, 0x350a: 0x0001, 0x350b: 0x0001, + 0x350c: 0x0001, 0x350d: 0x0001, 0x350e: 0x0001, 0x350f: 0x0001, 0x3510: 0x000c, 0x3511: 0x000c, + 0x3512: 0x000c, 0x3513: 0x000c, 0x3514: 0x000c, 0x3515: 0x000c, 0x3516: 0x000c, 0x3517: 0x0001, + 0x3518: 0x0001, 0x3519: 0x0001, 0x351a: 0x0001, 0x351b: 0x0001, 0x351c: 0x0001, 0x351d: 0x0001, + 0x351e: 0x0001, 0x351f: 0x0001, 0x3520: 0x0001, 0x3521: 0x0001, 0x3522: 0x0001, 0x3523: 0x0001, + 0x3524: 0x0001, 0x3525: 0x0001, 0x3526: 0x0001, 0x3527: 0x0001, 0x3528: 0x0001, 0x3529: 0x0001, + 0x352a: 0x0001, 0x352b: 0x0001, 0x352c: 0x0001, 0x352d: 0x0001, 0x352e: 0x0001, 0x352f: 0x0001, + 0x3530: 0x0001, 0x3531: 0x0001, 0x3532: 0x0001, 0x3533: 0x0001, 0x3534: 0x0001, 0x3535: 0x0001, + 0x3536: 0x0001, 0x3537: 0x0001, 0x3538: 0x0001, 0x3539: 0x0001, 0x353a: 0x0001, 0x353b: 0x0001, + 0x353c: 0x0001, 0x353d: 0x0001, 0x353e: 0x0001, 0x353f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xd5, offset 0x3540 + 0x3540: 0x0001, 0x3541: 0x0001, 0x3542: 0x0001, 0x3543: 0x0001, 0x3544: 0x000c, 0x3545: 0x000c, + 0x3546: 0x000c, 0x3547: 0x000c, 0x3548: 0x000c, 0x3549: 0x000c, 0x354a: 0x000c, 0x354b: 0x0001, + 0x354c: 0x0001, 0x354d: 0x0001, 0x354e: 0x0001, 0x354f: 0x0001, 0x3550: 0x0001, 0x3551: 0x0001, + 0x3552: 0x0001, 0x3553: 0x0001, 0x3554: 0x0001, 0x3555: 0x0001, 0x3556: 0x0001, 0x3557: 0x0001, + 0x3558: 0x0001, 0x3559: 0x0001, 0x355a: 0x0001, 0x355b: 0x0001, 0x355c: 0x0001, 0x355d: 0x0001, + 0x355e: 0x0001, 0x355f: 0x0001, 0x3560: 0x0001, 0x3561: 0x0001, 0x3562: 0x0001, 0x3563: 0x0001, + 0x3564: 0x0001, 0x3565: 0x0001, 0x3566: 0x0001, 0x3567: 0x0001, 0x3568: 0x0001, 0x3569: 0x0001, + 0x356a: 0x0001, 0x356b: 0x0001, 0x356c: 0x0001, 0x356d: 0x0001, 0x356e: 0x0001, 0x356f: 0x0001, + 0x3570: 0x0001, 0x3571: 0x0001, 0x3572: 0x0001, 0x3573: 0x0001, 0x3574: 0x0001, 0x3575: 0x0001, + 0x3576: 0x0001, 0x3577: 0x0001, 0x3578: 0x0001, 0x3579: 0x0001, 0x357a: 0x0001, 0x357b: 0x0001, + 0x357c: 0x0001, 0x357d: 0x0001, 0x357e: 0x0001, 0x357f: 0x0001, + // Block 0xd6, offset 0x3580 + 0x3580: 0x000d, 0x3581: 0x000d, 0x3582: 0x000d, 0x3583: 0x000d, 0x3584: 0x000d, 0x3585: 0x000d, + 0x3586: 0x000d, 0x3587: 0x000d, 0x3588: 0x000d, 0x3589: 0x000d, 0x358a: 0x000d, 0x358b: 0x000d, + 0x358c: 0x000d, 0x358d: 0x000d, 0x358e: 0x000d, 0x358f: 0x000d, 0x3590: 0x000d, 0x3591: 0x000d, + 0x3592: 0x000d, 0x3593: 0x000d, 0x3594: 0x000d, 0x3595: 0x000d, 0x3596: 0x000d, 0x3597: 0x000d, + 0x3598: 0x000d, 0x3599: 0x000d, 0x359a: 0x000d, 0x359b: 0x000d, 0x359c: 0x000d, 0x359d: 0x000d, + 0x359e: 0x000d, 0x359f: 0x000d, 0x35a0: 0x000d, 0x35a1: 0x000d, 0x35a2: 0x000d, 0x35a3: 0x000d, + 0x35a4: 0x000d, 0x35a5: 0x000d, 0x35a6: 0x000d, 0x35a7: 0x000d, 0x35a8: 0x000d, 0x35a9: 0x000d, + 0x35aa: 0x000d, 0x35ab: 0x000d, 0x35ac: 0x000d, 0x35ad: 0x000d, 0x35ae: 0x000d, 0x35af: 0x000d, + 0x35b0: 0x000a, 0x35b1: 0x000a, 0x35b2: 0x000d, 0x35b3: 0x000d, 0x35b4: 0x000d, 0x35b5: 0x000d, + 0x35b6: 0x000d, 0x35b7: 0x000d, 0x35b8: 0x000d, 0x35b9: 0x000d, 0x35ba: 0x000d, 0x35bb: 0x000d, + 0x35bc: 0x000d, 0x35bd: 0x000d, 0x35be: 0x000d, 0x35bf: 0x000d, + // Block 0xd7, offset 0x35c0 + 0x35c0: 0x000a, 0x35c1: 0x000a, 0x35c2: 0x000a, 0x35c3: 0x000a, 0x35c4: 0x000a, 0x35c5: 0x000a, + 0x35c6: 0x000a, 0x35c7: 0x000a, 0x35c8: 0x000a, 0x35c9: 0x000a, 0x35ca: 0x000a, 0x35cb: 0x000a, + 0x35cc: 0x000a, 0x35cd: 0x000a, 0x35ce: 0x000a, 0x35cf: 0x000a, 0x35d0: 0x000a, 0x35d1: 0x000a, + 0x35d2: 0x000a, 0x35d3: 0x000a, 0x35d4: 0x000a, 0x35d5: 0x000a, 0x35d6: 0x000a, 0x35d7: 0x000a, + 0x35d8: 0x000a, 0x35d9: 0x000a, 0x35da: 0x000a, 0x35db: 0x000a, 0x35dc: 0x000a, 0x35dd: 0x000a, + 0x35de: 0x000a, 0x35df: 0x000a, 0x35e0: 0x000a, 0x35e1: 0x000a, 0x35e2: 0x000a, 0x35e3: 0x000a, + 0x35e4: 0x000a, 0x35e5: 0x000a, 0x35e6: 0x000a, 0x35e7: 0x000a, 0x35e8: 0x000a, 0x35e9: 0x000a, + 0x35ea: 0x000a, 0x35eb: 0x000a, + 0x35f0: 0x000a, 0x35f1: 0x000a, 0x35f2: 0x000a, 0x35f3: 0x000a, 0x35f4: 0x000a, 0x35f5: 0x000a, + 0x35f6: 0x000a, 0x35f7: 0x000a, 0x35f8: 0x000a, 0x35f9: 0x000a, 0x35fa: 0x000a, 0x35fb: 0x000a, + 0x35fc: 0x000a, 0x35fd: 0x000a, 0x35fe: 0x000a, 0x35ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd8, offset 0x3600 + 0x3600: 0x000a, 0x3601: 0x000a, 0x3602: 0x000a, 0x3603: 0x000a, 0x3604: 0x000a, 0x3605: 0x000a, + 0x3606: 0x000a, 0x3607: 0x000a, 0x3608: 0x000a, 0x3609: 0x000a, 0x360a: 0x000a, 0x360b: 0x000a, + 0x360c: 0x000a, 0x360d: 0x000a, 0x360e: 0x000a, 0x360f: 0x000a, 0x3610: 0x000a, 0x3611: 0x000a, + 0x3612: 0x000a, 0x3613: 0x000a, + 0x3620: 0x000a, 0x3621: 0x000a, 0x3622: 0x000a, 0x3623: 0x000a, + 0x3624: 0x000a, 0x3625: 0x000a, 0x3626: 0x000a, 0x3627: 0x000a, 0x3628: 0x000a, 0x3629: 0x000a, + 0x362a: 0x000a, 0x362b: 0x000a, 0x362c: 0x000a, 0x362d: 0x000a, 0x362e: 0x000a, + 0x3631: 0x000a, 0x3632: 0x000a, 0x3633: 0x000a, 0x3634: 0x000a, 0x3635: 0x000a, + 0x3636: 0x000a, 0x3637: 0x000a, 0x3638: 0x000a, 0x3639: 0x000a, 0x363a: 0x000a, 0x363b: 0x000a, + 0x363c: 0x000a, 0x363d: 0x000a, 0x363e: 0x000a, 0x363f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xd9, offset 0x3640 + 0x3641: 0x000a, 0x3642: 0x000a, 0x3643: 0x000a, 0x3644: 0x000a, 0x3645: 0x000a, + 0x3646: 0x000a, 0x3647: 0x000a, 0x3648: 0x000a, 0x3649: 0x000a, 0x364a: 0x000a, 0x364b: 0x000a, + 0x364c: 0x000a, 0x364d: 0x000a, 0x364e: 0x000a, 0x364f: 0x000a, 0x3651: 0x000a, + 0x3652: 0x000a, 0x3653: 0x000a, 0x3654: 0x000a, 0x3655: 0x000a, 0x3656: 0x000a, 0x3657: 0x000a, + 0x3658: 0x000a, 0x3659: 0x000a, 0x365a: 0x000a, 0x365b: 0x000a, 0x365c: 0x000a, 0x365d: 0x000a, + 0x365e: 0x000a, 0x365f: 0x000a, 0x3660: 0x000a, 0x3661: 0x000a, 0x3662: 0x000a, 0x3663: 0x000a, + 0x3664: 0x000a, 0x3665: 0x000a, 0x3666: 0x000a, 0x3667: 0x000a, 0x3668: 0x000a, 0x3669: 0x000a, + 0x366a: 0x000a, 0x366b: 0x000a, 0x366c: 0x000a, 0x366d: 0x000a, 0x366e: 0x000a, 0x366f: 0x000a, + 0x3670: 0x000a, 0x3671: 0x000a, 0x3672: 0x000a, 0x3673: 0x000a, 0x3674: 0x000a, 0x3675: 0x000a, + // Block 0xda, offset 0x3680 + 0x3680: 0x0002, 0x3681: 0x0002, 0x3682: 0x0002, 0x3683: 0x0002, 0x3684: 0x0002, 0x3685: 0x0002, + 0x3686: 0x0002, 0x3687: 0x0002, 0x3688: 0x0002, 0x3689: 0x0002, 0x368a: 0x0002, 0x368b: 0x000a, + 0x368c: 0x000a, + 0x36af: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdb, offset 0x36c0 + 0x36ea: 0x000a, 0x36eb: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdc, offset 0x3700 + 0x3720: 0x000a, 0x3721: 0x000a, 0x3722: 0x000a, 0x3723: 0x000a, + 0x3724: 0x000a, 0x3725: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdd, offset 0x3740 + 0x3740: 0x000a, 0x3741: 0x000a, 0x3742: 0x000a, 0x3743: 0x000a, 0x3744: 0x000a, 0x3745: 0x000a, + 0x3746: 0x000a, 0x3747: 0x000a, 0x3748: 0x000a, 0x3749: 0x000a, 0x374a: 0x000a, 0x374b: 0x000a, + 0x374c: 0x000a, 0x374d: 0x000a, 0x374e: 0x000a, 0x374f: 0x000a, 0x3750: 0x000a, 0x3751: 0x000a, + 0x3752: 0x000a, 0x3753: 0x000a, 0x3754: 0x000a, + 0x3760: 0x000a, 0x3761: 0x000a, 0x3762: 0x000a, 0x3763: 0x000a, + 0x3764: 0x000a, 0x3765: 0x000a, 0x3766: 0x000a, 0x3767: 0x000a, 0x3768: 0x000a, 0x3769: 0x000a, + 0x376a: 0x000a, 0x376b: 0x000a, 0x376c: 0x000a, + 0x3770: 0x000a, 0x3771: 0x000a, 0x3772: 0x000a, 0x3773: 0x000a, 0x3774: 0x000a, 0x3775: 0x000a, + 0x3776: 0x000a, 0x3777: 0x000a, 0x3778: 0x000a, 0x3779: 0x000a, + // Block 0xde, offset 0x3780 + 0x3780: 0x000a, 0x3781: 0x000a, 0x3782: 0x000a, 0x3783: 0x000a, 0x3784: 0x000a, 0x3785: 0x000a, + 0x3786: 0x000a, 0x3787: 0x000a, 0x3788: 0x000a, 0x3789: 0x000a, 0x378a: 0x000a, 0x378b: 0x000a, + 0x378c: 0x000a, 0x378d: 0x000a, 0x378e: 0x000a, 0x378f: 0x000a, 0x3790: 0x000a, 0x3791: 0x000a, + 0x3792: 0x000a, 0x3793: 0x000a, 0x3794: 0x000a, 0x3795: 0x000a, 0x3796: 0x000a, 0x3797: 0x000a, + 0x3798: 0x000a, + // Block 0xdf, offset 0x37c0 + 0x37c0: 0x000a, 0x37c1: 0x000a, 0x37c2: 0x000a, 0x37c3: 0x000a, 0x37c4: 0x000a, 0x37c5: 0x000a, + 0x37c6: 0x000a, 0x37c7: 0x000a, 0x37c8: 0x000a, 0x37c9: 0x000a, 0x37ca: 0x000a, 0x37cb: 0x000a, + 0x37d0: 0x000a, 0x37d1: 0x000a, + 0x37d2: 0x000a, 0x37d3: 0x000a, 0x37d4: 0x000a, 0x37d5: 0x000a, 0x37d6: 0x000a, 0x37d7: 0x000a, + 0x37d8: 0x000a, 0x37d9: 0x000a, 0x37da: 0x000a, 0x37db: 0x000a, 0x37dc: 0x000a, 0x37dd: 0x000a, + 0x37de: 0x000a, 0x37df: 0x000a, 0x37e0: 0x000a, 0x37e1: 0x000a, 0x37e2: 0x000a, 0x37e3: 0x000a, + 0x37e4: 0x000a, 0x37e5: 0x000a, 0x37e6: 0x000a, 0x37e7: 0x000a, 0x37e8: 0x000a, 0x37e9: 0x000a, + 0x37ea: 0x000a, 0x37eb: 0x000a, 0x37ec: 0x000a, 0x37ed: 0x000a, 0x37ee: 0x000a, 0x37ef: 0x000a, + 0x37f0: 0x000a, 0x37f1: 0x000a, 0x37f2: 0x000a, 0x37f3: 0x000a, 0x37f4: 0x000a, 0x37f5: 0x000a, + 0x37f6: 0x000a, 0x37f7: 0x000a, 0x37f8: 0x000a, 0x37f9: 0x000a, 0x37fa: 0x000a, 0x37fb: 0x000a, + 0x37fc: 0x000a, 0x37fd: 0x000a, 0x37fe: 0x000a, 0x37ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe0, offset 0x3800 + 0x3800: 0x000a, 0x3801: 0x000a, 0x3802: 0x000a, 0x3803: 0x000a, 0x3804: 0x000a, 0x3805: 0x000a, + 0x3806: 0x000a, 0x3807: 0x000a, + 0x3810: 0x000a, 0x3811: 0x000a, + 0x3812: 0x000a, 0x3813: 0x000a, 0x3814: 0x000a, 0x3815: 0x000a, 0x3816: 0x000a, 0x3817: 0x000a, + 0x3818: 0x000a, 0x3819: 0x000a, + 0x3820: 0x000a, 0x3821: 0x000a, 0x3822: 0x000a, 0x3823: 0x000a, + 0x3824: 0x000a, 0x3825: 0x000a, 0x3826: 0x000a, 0x3827: 0x000a, 0x3828: 0x000a, 0x3829: 0x000a, + 0x382a: 0x000a, 0x382b: 0x000a, 0x382c: 0x000a, 0x382d: 0x000a, 0x382e: 0x000a, 0x382f: 0x000a, + 0x3830: 0x000a, 0x3831: 0x000a, 0x3832: 0x000a, 0x3833: 0x000a, 0x3834: 0x000a, 0x3835: 0x000a, + 0x3836: 0x000a, 0x3837: 0x000a, 0x3838: 0x000a, 0x3839: 0x000a, 0x383a: 0x000a, 0x383b: 0x000a, + 0x383c: 0x000a, 0x383d: 0x000a, 0x383e: 0x000a, 0x383f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe1, offset 0x3840 + 0x3840: 0x000a, 0x3841: 0x000a, 0x3842: 0x000a, 0x3843: 0x000a, 0x3844: 0x000a, 0x3845: 0x000a, + 0x3846: 0x000a, 0x3847: 0x000a, + 0x3850: 0x000a, 0x3851: 0x000a, + 0x3852: 0x000a, 0x3853: 0x000a, 0x3854: 0x000a, 0x3855: 0x000a, 0x3856: 0x000a, 0x3857: 0x000a, + 0x3858: 0x000a, 0x3859: 0x000a, 0x385a: 0x000a, 0x385b: 0x000a, 0x385c: 0x000a, 0x385d: 0x000a, + 0x385e: 0x000a, 0x385f: 0x000a, 0x3860: 0x000a, 0x3861: 0x000a, 0x3862: 0x000a, 0x3863: 0x000a, + 0x3864: 0x000a, 0x3865: 0x000a, 0x3866: 0x000a, 0x3867: 0x000a, 0x3868: 0x000a, 0x3869: 0x000a, + 0x386a: 0x000a, 0x386b: 0x000a, 0x386c: 0x000a, 0x386d: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe2, offset 0x3880 + 0x3880: 0x000a, 0x3881: 0x000a, 0x3882: 0x000a, 0x3883: 0x000a, 0x3884: 0x000a, 0x3885: 0x000a, + 0x3886: 0x000a, 0x3887: 0x000a, 0x3888: 0x000a, 0x3889: 0x000a, 0x388a: 0x000a, 0x388b: 0x000a, + 0x3890: 0x000a, 0x3891: 0x000a, + 0x3892: 0x000a, 0x3893: 0x000a, 0x3894: 0x000a, 0x3895: 0x000a, 0x3896: 0x000a, 0x3897: 0x000a, + 0x3898: 0x000a, 0x3899: 0x000a, 0x389a: 0x000a, 0x389b: 0x000a, 0x389c: 0x000a, 0x389d: 0x000a, + 0x389e: 0x000a, 0x389f: 0x000a, 0x38a0: 0x000a, 0x38a1: 0x000a, 0x38a2: 0x000a, 0x38a3: 0x000a, + 0x38a4: 0x000a, 0x38a5: 0x000a, 0x38a6: 0x000a, 0x38a7: 0x000a, 0x38a8: 0x000a, 0x38a9: 0x000a, + 0x38aa: 0x000a, 0x38ab: 0x000a, 0x38ac: 0x000a, 0x38ad: 0x000a, 0x38ae: 0x000a, 0x38af: 0x000a, + 0x38b0: 0x000a, 0x38b1: 0x000a, 0x38b2: 0x000a, 0x38b3: 0x000a, 0x38b4: 0x000a, 0x38b5: 0x000a, + 0x38b6: 0x000a, 0x38b7: 0x000a, 0x38b8: 0x000a, 0x38b9: 0x000a, 0x38ba: 0x000a, 0x38bb: 0x000a, + 0x38bc: 0x000a, 0x38bd: 0x000a, 0x38be: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe3, offset 0x38c0 + 0x38c0: 0x000a, 0x38c1: 0x000a, 0x38c2: 0x000a, 0x38c3: 0x000a, 0x38c4: 0x000a, 0x38c5: 0x000a, + 0x38c6: 0x000a, 0x38c7: 0x000a, 0x38c8: 0x000a, 0x38c9: 0x000a, 0x38ca: 0x000a, 0x38cb: 0x000a, + 0x38cc: 0x000a, 0x38cd: 0x000a, 0x38ce: 0x000a, 0x38cf: 0x000a, 0x38d0: 0x000a, 0x38d1: 0x000a, + 0x38d2: 0x000a, 0x38d3: 0x000a, 0x38d4: 0x000a, 0x38d5: 0x000a, 0x38d6: 0x000a, 0x38d7: 0x000a, + 0x38d8: 0x000a, 0x38d9: 0x000a, 0x38da: 0x000a, 0x38db: 0x000a, 0x38dc: 0x000a, 0x38dd: 0x000a, + 0x38de: 0x000a, 0x38df: 0x000a, 0x38e0: 0x000a, 0x38e1: 0x000a, 0x38e2: 0x000a, 0x38e3: 0x000a, + 0x38e4: 0x000a, 0x38e5: 0x000a, 0x38e6: 0x000a, 0x38e7: 0x000a, 0x38e8: 0x000a, 0x38e9: 0x000a, + 0x38ea: 0x000a, 0x38eb: 0x000a, 0x38ec: 0x000a, 0x38ed: 0x000a, 0x38ee: 0x000a, 0x38ef: 0x000a, + 0x38f0: 0x000a, 0x38f3: 0x000a, 0x38f4: 0x000a, 0x38f5: 0x000a, + 0x38f6: 0x000a, 0x38fa: 0x000a, + 0x38fc: 0x000a, 0x38fd: 0x000a, 0x38fe: 0x000a, 0x38ff: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe4, offset 0x3900 + 0x3900: 0x000a, 0x3901: 0x000a, 0x3902: 0x000a, 0x3903: 0x000a, 0x3904: 0x000a, 0x3905: 0x000a, + 0x3906: 0x000a, 0x3907: 0x000a, 0x3908: 0x000a, 0x3909: 0x000a, 0x390a: 0x000a, 0x390b: 0x000a, + 0x390c: 0x000a, 0x390d: 0x000a, 0x390e: 0x000a, 0x390f: 0x000a, 0x3910: 0x000a, 0x3911: 0x000a, + 0x3912: 0x000a, 0x3913: 0x000a, 0x3914: 0x000a, 0x3915: 0x000a, 0x3916: 0x000a, 0x3917: 0x000a, + 0x3918: 0x000a, 0x3919: 0x000a, 0x391a: 0x000a, 0x391b: 0x000a, 0x391c: 0x000a, 0x391d: 0x000a, + 0x391e: 0x000a, 0x391f: 0x000a, 0x3920: 0x000a, 0x3921: 0x000a, 0x3922: 0x000a, + 0x3930: 0x000a, 0x3931: 0x000a, 0x3932: 0x000a, 0x3933: 0x000a, 0x3934: 0x000a, 0x3935: 0x000a, + 0x3936: 0x000a, 0x3937: 0x000a, 0x3938: 0x000a, 0x3939: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe5, offset 0x3940 + 0x3940: 0x000a, 0x3941: 0x000a, 0x3942: 0x000a, + 0x3950: 0x000a, 0x3951: 0x000a, + 0x3952: 0x000a, 0x3953: 0x000a, 0x3954: 0x000a, 0x3955: 0x000a, 0x3956: 0x000a, 0x3957: 0x000a, + 0x3958: 0x000a, 0x3959: 0x000a, 0x395a: 0x000a, 0x395b: 0x000a, 0x395c: 0x000a, 0x395d: 0x000a, + 0x395e: 0x000a, 0x395f: 0x000a, 0x3960: 0x000a, 0x3961: 0x000a, 0x3962: 0x000a, 0x3963: 0x000a, + 0x3964: 0x000a, 0x3965: 0x000a, 0x3966: 0x000a, 0x3967: 0x000a, 0x3968: 0x000a, 0x3969: 0x000a, + 0x396a: 0x000a, 0x396b: 0x000a, 0x396c: 0x000a, 0x396d: 0x000a, 0x396e: 0x000a, 0x396f: 0x000a, + 0x3970: 0x000a, 0x3971: 0x000a, 0x3972: 0x000a, 0x3973: 0x000a, 0x3974: 0x000a, 0x3975: 0x000a, + 0x3976: 0x000a, 0x3977: 0x000a, 0x3978: 0x000a, 0x3979: 0x000a, 0x397a: 0x000a, 0x397b: 0x000a, + 0x397c: 0x000a, 0x397d: 0x000a, 0x397e: 0x000a, 0x397f: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe6, offset 0x3980 + 0x39a0: 0x000a, 0x39a1: 0x000a, 0x39a2: 0x000a, 0x39a3: 0x000a, + 0x39a4: 0x000a, 0x39a5: 0x000a, 0x39a6: 0x000a, 0x39a7: 0x000a, 0x39a8: 0x000a, 0x39a9: 0x000a, + 0x39aa: 0x000a, 0x39ab: 0x000a, 0x39ac: 0x000a, 0x39ad: 0x000a, + // Block 0xe7, offset 0x39c0 + 0x39fe: 0x000b, 0x39ff: 0x000b, + // Block 0xe8, offset 0x3a00 + 0x3a00: 0x000b, 0x3a01: 0x000b, 0x3a02: 0x000b, 0x3a03: 0x000b, 0x3a04: 0x000b, 0x3a05: 0x000b, + 0x3a06: 0x000b, 0x3a07: 0x000b, 0x3a08: 0x000b, 0x3a09: 0x000b, 0x3a0a: 0x000b, 0x3a0b: 0x000b, + 0x3a0c: 0x000b, 0x3a0d: 0x000b, 0x3a0e: 0x000b, 0x3a0f: 0x000b, 0x3a10: 0x000b, 0x3a11: 0x000b, + 0x3a12: 0x000b, 0x3a13: 0x000b, 0x3a14: 0x000b, 0x3a15: 0x000b, 0x3a16: 0x000b, 0x3a17: 0x000b, + 0x3a18: 0x000b, 0x3a19: 0x000b, 0x3a1a: 0x000b, 0x3a1b: 0x000b, 0x3a1c: 0x000b, 0x3a1d: 0x000b, + 0x3a1e: 0x000b, 0x3a1f: 0x000b, 0x3a20: 0x000b, 0x3a21: 0x000b, 0x3a22: 0x000b, 0x3a23: 0x000b, + 0x3a24: 0x000b, 0x3a25: 0x000b, 0x3a26: 0x000b, 0x3a27: 0x000b, 0x3a28: 0x000b, 0x3a29: 0x000b, + 0x3a2a: 0x000b, 0x3a2b: 0x000b, 0x3a2c: 0x000b, 0x3a2d: 0x000b, 0x3a2e: 0x000b, 0x3a2f: 0x000b, + 0x3a30: 0x000b, 0x3a31: 0x000b, 0x3a32: 0x000b, 0x3a33: 0x000b, 0x3a34: 0x000b, 0x3a35: 0x000b, + 0x3a36: 0x000b, 0x3a37: 0x000b, 0x3a38: 0x000b, 0x3a39: 0x000b, 0x3a3a: 0x000b, 0x3a3b: 0x000b, + 0x3a3c: 0x000b, 0x3a3d: 0x000b, 0x3a3e: 0x000b, 0x3a3f: 0x000b, + // Block 0xe9, offset 0x3a40 + 0x3a40: 0x000c, 0x3a41: 0x000c, 0x3a42: 0x000c, 0x3a43: 0x000c, 0x3a44: 0x000c, 0x3a45: 0x000c, + 0x3a46: 0x000c, 0x3a47: 0x000c, 0x3a48: 0x000c, 0x3a49: 0x000c, 0x3a4a: 0x000c, 0x3a4b: 0x000c, + 0x3a4c: 0x000c, 0x3a4d: 0x000c, 0x3a4e: 0x000c, 0x3a4f: 0x000c, 0x3a50: 0x000c, 0x3a51: 0x000c, + 0x3a52: 0x000c, 0x3a53: 0x000c, 0x3a54: 0x000c, 0x3a55: 0x000c, 0x3a56: 0x000c, 0x3a57: 0x000c, + 0x3a58: 0x000c, 0x3a59: 0x000c, 0x3a5a: 0x000c, 0x3a5b: 0x000c, 0x3a5c: 0x000c, 0x3a5d: 0x000c, + 0x3a5e: 0x000c, 0x3a5f: 0x000c, 0x3a60: 0x000c, 0x3a61: 0x000c, 0x3a62: 0x000c, 0x3a63: 0x000c, + 0x3a64: 0x000c, 0x3a65: 0x000c, 0x3a66: 0x000c, 0x3a67: 0x000c, 0x3a68: 0x000c, 0x3a69: 0x000c, + 0x3a6a: 0x000c, 0x3a6b: 0x000c, 0x3a6c: 0x000c, 0x3a6d: 0x000c, 0x3a6e: 0x000c, 0x3a6f: 0x000c, + 0x3a70: 0x000b, 0x3a71: 0x000b, 0x3a72: 0x000b, 0x3a73: 0x000b, 0x3a74: 0x000b, 0x3a75: 0x000b, + 0x3a76: 0x000b, 0x3a77: 0x000b, 0x3a78: 0x000b, 0x3a79: 0x000b, 0x3a7a: 0x000b, 0x3a7b: 0x000b, + 0x3a7c: 0x000b, 0x3a7d: 0x000b, 0x3a7e: 0x000b, 0x3a7f: 0x000b, +} + +// bidiIndex: 24 blocks, 1536 entries, 1536 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var bidiIndex = [1536]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, + 0xca: 0x03, 0xcb: 0x04, 0xcc: 0x05, 0xcd: 0x06, 0xce: 0x07, 0xcf: 0x08, + 0xd2: 0x09, 0xd6: 0x0a, 0xd7: 0x0b, + 0xd8: 0x0c, 0xd9: 0x0d, 0xda: 0x0e, 0xdb: 0x0f, 0xdc: 0x10, 0xdd: 0x11, 0xde: 0x12, 0xdf: 0x13, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, 0xe4: 0x06, + 0xea: 0x07, 0xef: 0x08, + 0xf0: 0x11, 0xf1: 0x12, 0xf2: 0x12, 0xf3: 0x14, 0xf4: 0x15, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x14, 0x121: 0x15, 0x122: 0x16, 0x123: 0x17, 0x124: 0x18, 0x125: 0x19, 0x126: 0x1a, 0x127: 0x1b, + 0x128: 0x1c, 0x129: 0x1d, 0x12a: 0x1c, 0x12b: 0x1e, 0x12c: 0x1f, 0x12d: 0x20, 0x12e: 0x21, 0x12f: 0x22, + 0x130: 0x23, 0x131: 0x24, 0x132: 0x1a, 0x133: 0x25, 0x134: 0x26, 0x135: 0x27, 0x137: 0x28, + 0x138: 0x29, 0x139: 0x2a, 0x13a: 0x2b, 0x13b: 0x2c, 0x13c: 0x2d, 0x13d: 0x2e, 0x13e: 0x2f, 0x13f: 0x30, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x31, 0x141: 0x32, 0x142: 0x33, + 0x14d: 0x34, 0x14e: 0x35, + 0x150: 0x36, + 0x15a: 0x37, 0x15c: 0x38, 0x15d: 0x39, 0x15e: 0x3a, 0x15f: 0x3b, + 0x160: 0x3c, 0x162: 0x3d, 0x164: 0x3e, 0x165: 0x3f, 0x167: 0x40, + 0x168: 0x41, 0x169: 0x42, 0x16a: 0x43, 0x16c: 0x44, 0x16d: 0x45, 0x16e: 0x46, 0x16f: 0x47, + 0x170: 0x48, 0x173: 0x49, 0x177: 0x4a, + 0x17e: 0x4b, 0x17f: 0x4c, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x4d, 0x181: 0x4e, 0x182: 0x4f, 0x183: 0x50, 0x184: 0x51, 0x185: 0x52, 0x186: 0x53, 0x187: 0x54, + 0x188: 0x55, 0x189: 0x54, 0x18a: 0x54, 0x18b: 0x54, 0x18c: 0x56, 0x18d: 0x57, 0x18e: 0x58, 0x18f: 0x54, + 0x190: 0x59, 0x191: 0x5a, 0x192: 0x5b, 0x193: 0x5c, 0x194: 0x54, 0x195: 0x54, 0x196: 0x54, 0x197: 0x54, + 0x198: 0x54, 0x199: 0x54, 0x19a: 0x5d, 0x19b: 0x54, 0x19c: 0x54, 0x19d: 0x5e, 0x19e: 0x54, 0x19f: 0x5f, + 0x1a4: 0x54, 0x1a5: 0x54, 0x1a6: 0x60, 0x1a7: 0x61, + 0x1a8: 0x54, 0x1a9: 0x54, 0x1aa: 0x54, 0x1ab: 0x54, 0x1ac: 0x54, 0x1ad: 0x62, 0x1ae: 0x63, 0x1af: 0x64, + 0x1b3: 0x65, 0x1b5: 0x66, 0x1b7: 0x67, + 0x1b8: 0x68, 0x1b9: 0x69, 0x1ba: 0x6a, 0x1bb: 0x6b, 0x1bc: 0x54, 0x1bd: 0x54, 0x1be: 0x54, 0x1bf: 0x6c, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x6d, 0x1c2: 0x6e, 0x1c3: 0x6f, 0x1c7: 0x70, + 0x1c8: 0x71, 0x1c9: 0x72, 0x1ca: 0x73, 0x1cb: 0x74, 0x1cd: 0x75, 0x1cf: 0x76, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x237: 0x54, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x252: 0x77, 0x253: 0x78, + 0x258: 0x79, 0x259: 0x7a, 0x25a: 0x7b, 0x25b: 0x7c, 0x25c: 0x7d, 0x25e: 0x7e, + 0x260: 0x7f, 0x261: 0x80, 0x263: 0x81, 0x264: 0x82, 0x265: 0x83, 0x266: 0x84, 0x267: 0x85, + 0x268: 0x86, 0x269: 0x87, 0x26a: 0x88, 0x26b: 0x89, 0x26f: 0x8a, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x2ac: 0x8b, 0x2ad: 0x8c, 0x2ae: 0x0e, 0x2af: 0x0e, + 0x2b0: 0x0e, 0x2b1: 0x0e, 0x2b2: 0x0e, 0x2b3: 0x0e, 0x2b4: 0x8d, 0x2b5: 0x0e, 0x2b6: 0x0e, 0x2b7: 0x8e, + 0x2b8: 0x8f, 0x2b9: 0x90, 0x2ba: 0x0e, 0x2bb: 0x91, 0x2bc: 0x92, 0x2bd: 0x93, 0x2bf: 0x94, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c4: 0x95, 0x2c5: 0x54, 0x2c6: 0x96, 0x2c7: 0x97, + 0x2cb: 0x98, 0x2cd: 0x99, + 0x2e0: 0x9a, 0x2e1: 0x9a, 0x2e2: 0x9a, 0x2e3: 0x9a, 0x2e4: 0x9b, 0x2e5: 0x9a, 0x2e6: 0x9a, 0x2e7: 0x9a, + 0x2e8: 0x9c, 0x2e9: 0x9a, 0x2ea: 0x9a, 0x2eb: 0x9d, 0x2ec: 0x9e, 0x2ed: 0x9a, 0x2ee: 0x9a, 0x2ef: 0x9a, + 0x2f0: 0x9a, 0x2f1: 0x9a, 0x2f2: 0x9a, 0x2f3: 0x9a, 0x2f4: 0x9f, 0x2f5: 0x9a, 0x2f6: 0x9a, 0x2f7: 0x9a, + 0x2f8: 0x9a, 0x2f9: 0xa0, 0x2fa: 0x9a, 0x2fb: 0x9a, 0x2fc: 0xa1, 0x2fd: 0xa2, 0x2fe: 0x9a, 0x2ff: 0x9a, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0xa3, 0x301: 0xa4, 0x302: 0xa5, 0x304: 0xa6, 0x305: 0xa7, 0x306: 0xa8, 0x307: 0xa9, + 0x308: 0xaa, 0x30b: 0xab, 0x30c: 0x26, 0x30d: 0xac, + 0x310: 0xad, 0x311: 0xae, 0x312: 0xaf, 0x313: 0xb0, 0x316: 0xb1, 0x317: 0xb2, + 0x318: 0xb3, 0x319: 0xb4, 0x31a: 0xb5, 0x31c: 0xb6, + 0x320: 0xb7, + 0x328: 0xb8, 0x329: 0xb9, 0x32a: 0xba, + 0x330: 0xbb, 0x332: 0xbc, 0x334: 0xbd, 0x335: 0xbe, 0x336: 0xbf, + 0x33b: 0xc0, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x36b: 0xc1, 0x36c: 0xc2, + 0x37e: 0xc3, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x3b2: 0xc4, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c5: 0xc5, 0x3c6: 0xc6, + 0x3c8: 0x54, 0x3c9: 0xc7, 0x3cc: 0x54, 0x3cd: 0xc8, + 0x3db: 0xc9, 0x3dc: 0xca, 0x3dd: 0xcb, 0x3de: 0xcc, 0x3df: 0xcd, + 0x3e8: 0xce, 0x3e9: 0xcf, 0x3ea: 0xd0, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0xd1, + 0x420: 0x9a, 0x421: 0x9a, 0x422: 0x9a, 0x423: 0xd2, 0x424: 0x9a, 0x425: 0xd3, 0x426: 0x9a, 0x427: 0x9a, + 0x428: 0x9a, 0x429: 0x9a, 0x42a: 0x9a, 0x42b: 0x9a, 0x42c: 0x9a, 0x42d: 0x9a, 0x42e: 0x9a, 0x42f: 0x9a, + 0x430: 0x9a, 0x431: 0xa1, 0x432: 0x0e, 0x433: 0x9a, 0x434: 0x9a, 0x435: 0x9a, 0x436: 0x9a, 0x437: 0x9a, + 0x438: 0x0e, 0x439: 0x0e, 0x43a: 0x0e, 0x43b: 0xd4, 0x43c: 0x9a, 0x43d: 0x9a, 0x43e: 0x9a, 0x43f: 0x9a, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0xd5, 0x441: 0x54, 0x442: 0xd6, 0x443: 0xd7, 0x444: 0xd8, 0x445: 0xd9, + 0x449: 0xda, 0x44c: 0x54, 0x44d: 0x54, 0x44e: 0x54, 0x44f: 0x54, + 0x450: 0x54, 0x451: 0x54, 0x452: 0x54, 0x453: 0x54, 0x454: 0x54, 0x455: 0x54, 0x456: 0x54, 0x457: 0x54, + 0x458: 0x54, 0x459: 0x54, 0x45a: 0x54, 0x45b: 0xdb, 0x45c: 0x54, 0x45d: 0x6b, 0x45e: 0x54, 0x45f: 0xdc, + 0x460: 0xdd, 0x461: 0xde, 0x462: 0xdf, 0x464: 0xe0, 0x465: 0xe1, 0x466: 0xe2, 0x467: 0xe3, + 0x469: 0xe4, + 0x47f: 0xe5, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x4bf: 0xe5, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4d0: 0x09, 0x4d1: 0x0a, 0x4d6: 0x0b, + 0x4db: 0x0c, 0x4dd: 0x0d, 0x4de: 0x0e, 0x4df: 0x0f, + 0x4ef: 0x10, + 0x4ff: 0x10, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x50f: 0x10, + 0x51f: 0x10, + 0x52f: 0x10, + 0x53f: 0x10, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0xe6, 0x541: 0xe6, 0x542: 0xe6, 0x543: 0xe6, 0x544: 0x05, 0x545: 0x05, 0x546: 0x05, 0x547: 0xe7, + 0x548: 0xe6, 0x549: 0xe6, 0x54a: 0xe6, 0x54b: 0xe6, 0x54c: 0xe6, 0x54d: 0xe6, 0x54e: 0xe6, 0x54f: 0xe6, + 0x550: 0xe6, 0x551: 0xe6, 0x552: 0xe6, 0x553: 0xe6, 0x554: 0xe6, 0x555: 0xe6, 0x556: 0xe6, 0x557: 0xe6, + 0x558: 0xe6, 0x559: 0xe6, 0x55a: 0xe6, 0x55b: 0xe6, 0x55c: 0xe6, 0x55d: 0xe6, 0x55e: 0xe6, 0x55f: 0xe6, + 0x560: 0xe6, 0x561: 0xe6, 0x562: 0xe6, 0x563: 0xe6, 0x564: 0xe6, 0x565: 0xe6, 0x566: 0xe6, 0x567: 0xe6, + 0x568: 0xe6, 0x569: 0xe6, 0x56a: 0xe6, 0x56b: 0xe6, 0x56c: 0xe6, 0x56d: 0xe6, 0x56e: 0xe6, 0x56f: 0xe6, + 0x570: 0xe6, 0x571: 0xe6, 0x572: 0xe6, 0x573: 0xe6, 0x574: 0xe6, 0x575: 0xe6, 0x576: 0xe6, 0x577: 0xe6, + 0x578: 0xe6, 0x579: 0xe6, 0x57a: 0xe6, 0x57b: 0xe6, 0x57c: 0xe6, 0x57d: 0xe6, 0x57e: 0xe6, 0x57f: 0xe6, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x58f: 0x10, + 0x59f: 0x10, + 0x5a0: 0x13, + 0x5af: 0x10, + 0x5bf: 0x10, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5cf: 0x10, +} + +// Total table size 16568 bytes (16KiB); checksum: F50EF68C diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/composition.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/composition.go index bab4c5de02f..e2087bce527 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/composition.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/composition.go @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ func decomposeHangul(buf []byte, r rune) int { // decomposeHangul algorithmically decomposes a Hangul rune into // its Jamo components. -// See http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/#Hangul for details on decomposing Hangul. +// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr15/#Hangul for details on decomposing Hangul. func (rb *reorderBuffer) decomposeHangul(r rune) { r -= hangulBase x := r % jamoTCount @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ func (rb *reorderBuffer) decomposeHangul(r rune) { } // combineHangul algorithmically combines Jamo character components into Hangul. -// See http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/#Hangul for details on combining Hangul. +// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr15/#Hangul for details on combining Hangul. func (rb *reorderBuffer) combineHangul(s, i, k int) { b := rb.rune[:] bn := rb.nrune @@ -461,6 +461,10 @@ func (rb *reorderBuffer) combineHangul(s, i, k int) { // It should only be used to recompose a single segment, as it will not // handle alternations between Hangul and non-Hangul characters correctly. func (rb *reorderBuffer) compose() { + // Lazily load the map used by the combine func below, but do + // it outside of the loop. + recompMapOnce.Do(buildRecompMap) + // UAX #15, section X5 , including Corrigendum #5 // "In any character sequence beginning with starter S, a character C is // blocked from S if and only if there is some character B between S diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/forminfo.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/forminfo.go index e67e7655c54..526c7033ac4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/forminfo.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/forminfo.go @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ package norm +import "encoding/binary" + // This file contains Form-specific logic and wrappers for data in tables.go. // Rune info is stored in a separate trie per composing form. A composing form @@ -178,6 +180,17 @@ func (p Properties) TrailCCC() uint8 { return ccc[p.tccc] } +func buildRecompMap() { + recompMap = make(map[uint32]rune, len(recompMapPacked)/8) + var buf [8]byte + for i := 0; i < len(recompMapPacked); i += 8 { + copy(buf[:], recompMapPacked[i:i+8]) + key := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[:4]) + val := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf[4:]) + recompMap[key] = rune(val) + } +} + // Recomposition // We use 32-bit keys instead of 64-bit for the two codepoint keys. // This clips off the bits of three entries, but we know this will not @@ -186,8 +199,14 @@ func (p Properties) TrailCCC() uint8 { // Note that the recomposition map for NFC and NFKC are identical. // combine returns the combined rune or 0 if it doesn't exist. +// +// The caller is responsible for calling +// recompMapOnce.Do(buildRecompMap) sometime before this is called. func combine(a, b rune) rune { key := uint32(uint16(a))<<16 + uint32(uint16(b)) + if recompMap == nil { + panic("caller error") // see func comment + } return recompMap[key] } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/iter.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/iter.go index ce17f96c2e0..417c6b26894 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/iter.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/iter.go @@ -128,8 +128,9 @@ func (i *Iter) Next() []byte { func nextASCIIBytes(i *Iter) []byte { p := i.p + 1 if p >= i.rb.nsrc { + p0 := i.p i.setDone() - return i.rb.src.bytes[i.p:p] + return i.rb.src.bytes[p0:p] } if i.rb.src.bytes[p] < utf8.RuneSelf { p0 := i.p diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/maketables.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/maketables.go index 338c395ee6f..30a3aa93343 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/maketables.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/maketables.go @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ package main import ( "bytes" + "encoding/binary" "flag" "fmt" "io" @@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ func compactCCC() { // CompositionExclusions.txt has form: // 0958 # ... -// See http://unicode.org/reports/tr44/ for full explanation +// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr44/ for full explanation func loadCompositionExclusions() { f := gen.OpenUCDFile("CompositionExclusions.txt") defer f.Close() @@ -735,6 +736,8 @@ func makeTables() { max = n } } + fmt.Fprintln(w, `import "sync"`) + fmt.Fprintln(w) fmt.Fprintln(w, "const (") fmt.Fprintln(w, "\t// Version is the Unicode edition from which the tables are derived.") @@ -782,16 +785,23 @@ func makeTables() { sz := nrentries * 8 size += sz fmt.Fprintf(w, "// recompMap: %d bytes (entries only)\n", sz) - fmt.Fprintln(w, "var recompMap = map[uint32]rune{") + fmt.Fprintln(w, "var recompMap map[uint32]rune") + fmt.Fprintln(w, "var recompMapOnce sync.Once\n") + fmt.Fprintln(w, `const recompMapPacked = "" +`) + var buf [8]byte for i, c := range chars { f := c.forms[FCanonical] d := f.decomp if !f.isOneWay && len(d) > 0 { key := uint32(uint16(d[0]))<<16 + uint32(uint16(d[1])) - fmt.Fprintf(w, "0x%.8X: 0x%.4X,\n", key, i) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[:4], key) + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[4:], uint32(i)) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\t%q + // 0x%.8X: 0x%.8X\n", string(buf[:]), key, uint32(i)) } } - fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n\n") + // hack so we don't have to special case the trailing plus sign + fmt.Fprintf(w, ` ""`) + fmt.Fprintln(w) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "// Total size of tables: %dKB (%d bytes)\n", (size+512)/1024, size) @@ -857,7 +867,7 @@ func verifyComputed() { // DerivedNormalizationProps.txt has form: // 00C0..00C5 ; NFD_QC; N # ... // 0374 ; NFD_QC; N # ... -// See http://unicode.org/reports/tr44/ for full explanation +// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr44/ for full explanation func testDerived() { f := gen.OpenUCDFile("DerivedNormalizationProps.txt") defer f.Close() diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/normalize.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/normalize.go index e28ac641aca..95efcf26e81 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/normalize.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/normalize.go @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ import ( // proceed independently on both sides: // f(x) == append(f(x[0:n]), f(x[n:])...) // -// References: http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/ and -// http://unicode.org/notes/tn5/. +// References: https://unicode.org/reports/tr15/ and +// https://unicode.org/notes/tn5/. type Form int const ( diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/readwriter.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/readwriter.go index d926ee903e5..b38096f5ca9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/readwriter.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/readwriter.go @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ func (w *normWriter) Close() error { } // Writer returns a new writer that implements Write(b) -// by writing f(b) to w. The returned writer may use an -// an internal buffer to maintain state across Write calls. +// by writing f(b) to w. The returned writer may use an +// internal buffer to maintain state across Write calls. // Calling its Close method writes any buffered data to w. func (f Form) Writer(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser { wr := &normWriter{rb: reorderBuffer{}, w: w} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables10.0.0.go index 44dd3978caa..26fbd55a124 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables10.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables10.0.0.go @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. -// +build go1.10 +// +build go1.10,!go1.13 package norm +import "sync" + const ( // Version is the Unicode edition from which the tables are derived. Version = "10.0.0" @@ -6707,947 +6709,949 @@ var nfkcSparseValues = [869]valueRange{ } // recompMap: 7520 bytes (entries only) -var recompMap = map[uint32]rune{ - 0x00410300: 0x00C0, - 0x00410301: 0x00C1, - 0x00410302: 0x00C2, - 0x00410303: 0x00C3, - 0x00410308: 0x00C4, - 0x0041030A: 0x00C5, - 0x00430327: 0x00C7, - 0x00450300: 0x00C8, - 0x00450301: 0x00C9, - 0x00450302: 0x00CA, - 0x00450308: 0x00CB, - 0x00490300: 0x00CC, - 0x00490301: 0x00CD, - 0x00490302: 0x00CE, - 0x00490308: 0x00CF, - 0x004E0303: 0x00D1, - 0x004F0300: 0x00D2, - 0x004F0301: 0x00D3, - 0x004F0302: 0x00D4, - 0x004F0303: 0x00D5, - 0x004F0308: 0x00D6, - 0x00550300: 0x00D9, - 0x00550301: 0x00DA, - 0x00550302: 0x00DB, - 0x00550308: 0x00DC, - 0x00590301: 0x00DD, - 0x00610300: 0x00E0, - 0x00610301: 0x00E1, - 0x00610302: 0x00E2, - 0x00610303: 0x00E3, - 0x00610308: 0x00E4, - 0x0061030A: 0x00E5, - 0x00630327: 0x00E7, - 0x00650300: 0x00E8, - 0x00650301: 0x00E9, - 0x00650302: 0x00EA, - 0x00650308: 0x00EB, - 0x00690300: 0x00EC, - 0x00690301: 0x00ED, - 0x00690302: 0x00EE, - 0x00690308: 0x00EF, - 0x006E0303: 0x00F1, - 0x006F0300: 0x00F2, - 0x006F0301: 0x00F3, - 0x006F0302: 0x00F4, - 0x006F0303: 0x00F5, - 0x006F0308: 0x00F6, - 0x00750300: 0x00F9, - 0x00750301: 0x00FA, - 0x00750302: 0x00FB, - 0x00750308: 0x00FC, - 0x00790301: 0x00FD, - 0x00790308: 0x00FF, - 0x00410304: 0x0100, - 0x00610304: 0x0101, - 0x00410306: 0x0102, - 0x00610306: 0x0103, - 0x00410328: 0x0104, - 0x00610328: 0x0105, - 0x00430301: 0x0106, - 0x00630301: 0x0107, - 0x00430302: 0x0108, - 0x00630302: 0x0109, - 0x00430307: 0x010A, - 0x00630307: 0x010B, - 0x0043030C: 0x010C, - 0x0063030C: 0x010D, - 0x0044030C: 0x010E, - 0x0064030C: 0x010F, - 0x00450304: 0x0112, - 0x00650304: 0x0113, - 0x00450306: 0x0114, - 0x00650306: 0x0115, - 0x00450307: 0x0116, - 0x00650307: 0x0117, - 0x00450328: 0x0118, - 0x00650328: 0x0119, - 0x0045030C: 0x011A, - 0x0065030C: 0x011B, - 0x00470302: 0x011C, - 0x00670302: 0x011D, - 0x00470306: 0x011E, - 0x00670306: 0x011F, - 0x00470307: 0x0120, - 0x00670307: 0x0121, - 0x00470327: 0x0122, - 0x00670327: 0x0123, - 0x00480302: 0x0124, - 0x00680302: 0x0125, - 0x00490303: 0x0128, - 0x00690303: 0x0129, - 0x00490304: 0x012A, - 0x00690304: 0x012B, - 0x00490306: 0x012C, - 0x00690306: 0x012D, - 0x00490328: 0x012E, - 0x00690328: 0x012F, - 0x00490307: 0x0130, - 0x004A0302: 0x0134, - 0x006A0302: 0x0135, - 0x004B0327: 0x0136, - 0x006B0327: 0x0137, - 0x004C0301: 0x0139, - 0x006C0301: 0x013A, - 0x004C0327: 0x013B, - 0x006C0327: 0x013C, - 0x004C030C: 0x013D, - 0x006C030C: 0x013E, - 0x004E0301: 0x0143, - 0x006E0301: 0x0144, - 0x004E0327: 0x0145, - 0x006E0327: 0x0146, - 0x004E030C: 0x0147, - 0x006E030C: 0x0148, - 0x004F0304: 0x014C, - 0x006F0304: 0x014D, - 0x004F0306: 0x014E, - 0x006F0306: 0x014F, - 0x004F030B: 0x0150, - 0x006F030B: 0x0151, - 0x00520301: 0x0154, - 0x00720301: 0x0155, - 0x00520327: 0x0156, - 0x00720327: 0x0157, - 0x0052030C: 0x0158, - 0x0072030C: 0x0159, - 0x00530301: 0x015A, - 0x00730301: 0x015B, - 0x00530302: 0x015C, - 0x00730302: 0x015D, - 0x00530327: 0x015E, - 0x00730327: 0x015F, - 0x0053030C: 0x0160, - 0x0073030C: 0x0161, - 0x00540327: 0x0162, - 0x00740327: 0x0163, - 0x0054030C: 0x0164, - 0x0074030C: 0x0165, - 0x00550303: 0x0168, - 0x00750303: 0x0169, - 0x00550304: 0x016A, - 0x00750304: 0x016B, - 0x00550306: 0x016C, - 0x00750306: 0x016D, - 0x0055030A: 0x016E, - 0x0075030A: 0x016F, - 0x0055030B: 0x0170, - 0x0075030B: 0x0171, - 0x00550328: 0x0172, - 0x00750328: 0x0173, - 0x00570302: 0x0174, - 0x00770302: 0x0175, - 0x00590302: 0x0176, - 0x00790302: 0x0177, - 0x00590308: 0x0178, - 0x005A0301: 0x0179, - 0x007A0301: 0x017A, - 0x005A0307: 0x017B, - 0x007A0307: 0x017C, - 0x005A030C: 0x017D, - 0x007A030C: 0x017E, - 0x004F031B: 0x01A0, - 0x006F031B: 0x01A1, - 0x0055031B: 0x01AF, - 0x0075031B: 0x01B0, - 0x0041030C: 0x01CD, - 0x0061030C: 0x01CE, - 0x0049030C: 0x01CF, - 0x0069030C: 0x01D0, - 0x004F030C: 0x01D1, - 0x006F030C: 0x01D2, - 0x0055030C: 0x01D3, - 0x0075030C: 0x01D4, - 0x00DC0304: 0x01D5, - 0x00FC0304: 0x01D6, - 0x00DC0301: 0x01D7, - 0x00FC0301: 0x01D8, - 0x00DC030C: 0x01D9, - 0x00FC030C: 0x01DA, - 0x00DC0300: 0x01DB, - 0x00FC0300: 0x01DC, - 0x00C40304: 0x01DE, - 0x00E40304: 0x01DF, - 0x02260304: 0x01E0, - 0x02270304: 0x01E1, - 0x00C60304: 0x01E2, - 0x00E60304: 0x01E3, - 0x0047030C: 0x01E6, - 0x0067030C: 0x01E7, - 0x004B030C: 0x01E8, - 0x006B030C: 0x01E9, - 0x004F0328: 0x01EA, - 0x006F0328: 0x01EB, - 0x01EA0304: 0x01EC, - 0x01EB0304: 0x01ED, - 0x01B7030C: 0x01EE, - 0x0292030C: 0x01EF, - 0x006A030C: 0x01F0, - 0x00470301: 0x01F4, - 0x00670301: 0x01F5, - 0x004E0300: 0x01F8, - 0x006E0300: 0x01F9, - 0x00C50301: 0x01FA, - 0x00E50301: 0x01FB, - 0x00C60301: 0x01FC, - 0x00E60301: 0x01FD, - 0x00D80301: 0x01FE, - 0x00F80301: 0x01FF, - 0x0041030F: 0x0200, - 0x0061030F: 0x0201, - 0x00410311: 0x0202, - 0x00610311: 0x0203, - 0x0045030F: 0x0204, - 0x0065030F: 0x0205, - 0x00450311: 0x0206, - 0x00650311: 0x0207, - 0x0049030F: 0x0208, - 0x0069030F: 0x0209, - 0x00490311: 0x020A, - 0x00690311: 0x020B, - 0x004F030F: 0x020C, - 0x006F030F: 0x020D, - 0x004F0311: 0x020E, - 0x006F0311: 0x020F, - 0x0052030F: 0x0210, - 0x0072030F: 0x0211, - 0x00520311: 0x0212, - 0x00720311: 0x0213, - 0x0055030F: 0x0214, - 0x0075030F: 0x0215, - 0x00550311: 0x0216, - 0x00750311: 0x0217, - 0x00530326: 0x0218, - 0x00730326: 0x0219, - 0x00540326: 0x021A, - 0x00740326: 0x021B, - 0x0048030C: 0x021E, - 0x0068030C: 0x021F, - 0x00410307: 0x0226, - 0x00610307: 0x0227, - 0x00450327: 0x0228, - 0x00650327: 0x0229, - 0x00D60304: 0x022A, - 0x00F60304: 0x022B, - 0x00D50304: 0x022C, - 0x00F50304: 0x022D, - 0x004F0307: 0x022E, - 0x006F0307: 0x022F, - 0x022E0304: 0x0230, - 0x022F0304: 0x0231, - 0x00590304: 0x0232, - 0x00790304: 0x0233, - 0x00A80301: 0x0385, - 0x03910301: 0x0386, - 0x03950301: 0x0388, - 0x03970301: 0x0389, - 0x03990301: 0x038A, - 0x039F0301: 0x038C, - 0x03A50301: 0x038E, - 0x03A90301: 0x038F, - 0x03CA0301: 0x0390, - 0x03990308: 0x03AA, - 0x03A50308: 0x03AB, - 0x03B10301: 0x03AC, - 0x03B50301: 0x03AD, - 0x03B70301: 0x03AE, - 0x03B90301: 0x03AF, - 0x03CB0301: 0x03B0, - 0x03B90308: 0x03CA, - 0x03C50308: 0x03CB, - 0x03BF0301: 0x03CC, - 0x03C50301: 0x03CD, - 0x03C90301: 0x03CE, - 0x03D20301: 0x03D3, - 0x03D20308: 0x03D4, - 0x04150300: 0x0400, - 0x04150308: 0x0401, - 0x04130301: 0x0403, - 0x04060308: 0x0407, - 0x041A0301: 0x040C, - 0x04180300: 0x040D, - 0x04230306: 0x040E, - 0x04180306: 0x0419, - 0x04380306: 0x0439, - 0x04350300: 0x0450, - 0x04350308: 0x0451, - 0x04330301: 0x0453, - 0x04560308: 0x0457, - 0x043A0301: 0x045C, - 0x04380300: 0x045D, - 0x04430306: 0x045E, - 0x0474030F: 0x0476, - 0x0475030F: 0x0477, - 0x04160306: 0x04C1, - 0x04360306: 0x04C2, - 0x04100306: 0x04D0, - 0x04300306: 0x04D1, - 0x04100308: 0x04D2, - 0x04300308: 0x04D3, - 0x04150306: 0x04D6, - 0x04350306: 0x04D7, - 0x04D80308: 0x04DA, - 0x04D90308: 0x04DB, - 0x04160308: 0x04DC, - 0x04360308: 0x04DD, - 0x04170308: 0x04DE, - 0x04370308: 0x04DF, - 0x04180304: 0x04E2, - 0x04380304: 0x04E3, - 0x04180308: 0x04E4, - 0x04380308: 0x04E5, - 0x041E0308: 0x04E6, - 0x043E0308: 0x04E7, - 0x04E80308: 0x04EA, - 0x04E90308: 0x04EB, - 0x042D0308: 0x04EC, - 0x044D0308: 0x04ED, - 0x04230304: 0x04EE, - 0x04430304: 0x04EF, - 0x04230308: 0x04F0, - 0x04430308: 0x04F1, - 0x0423030B: 0x04F2, - 0x0443030B: 0x04F3, - 0x04270308: 0x04F4, - 0x04470308: 0x04F5, - 0x042B0308: 0x04F8, - 0x044B0308: 0x04F9, - 0x06270653: 0x0622, - 0x06270654: 0x0623, - 0x06480654: 0x0624, - 0x06270655: 0x0625, - 0x064A0654: 0x0626, - 0x06D50654: 0x06C0, - 0x06C10654: 0x06C2, - 0x06D20654: 0x06D3, - 0x0928093C: 0x0929, - 0x0930093C: 0x0931, - 0x0933093C: 0x0934, - 0x09C709BE: 0x09CB, - 0x09C709D7: 0x09CC, - 0x0B470B56: 0x0B48, - 0x0B470B3E: 0x0B4B, - 0x0B470B57: 0x0B4C, - 0x0B920BD7: 0x0B94, - 0x0BC60BBE: 0x0BCA, - 0x0BC70BBE: 0x0BCB, - 0x0BC60BD7: 0x0BCC, - 0x0C460C56: 0x0C48, - 0x0CBF0CD5: 0x0CC0, - 0x0CC60CD5: 0x0CC7, - 0x0CC60CD6: 0x0CC8, - 0x0CC60CC2: 0x0CCA, - 0x0CCA0CD5: 0x0CCB, - 0x0D460D3E: 0x0D4A, - 0x0D470D3E: 0x0D4B, - 0x0D460D57: 0x0D4C, - 0x0DD90DCA: 0x0DDA, - 0x0DD90DCF: 0x0DDC, - 0x0DDC0DCA: 0x0DDD, - 0x0DD90DDF: 0x0DDE, - 0x1025102E: 0x1026, - 0x1B051B35: 0x1B06, - 0x1B071B35: 0x1B08, - 0x1B091B35: 0x1B0A, - 0x1B0B1B35: 0x1B0C, - 0x1B0D1B35: 0x1B0E, - 0x1B111B35: 0x1B12, - 0x1B3A1B35: 0x1B3B, - 0x1B3C1B35: 0x1B3D, - 0x1B3E1B35: 0x1B40, - 0x1B3F1B35: 0x1B41, - 0x1B421B35: 0x1B43, - 0x00410325: 0x1E00, - 0x00610325: 0x1E01, - 0x00420307: 0x1E02, - 0x00620307: 0x1E03, - 0x00420323: 0x1E04, - 0x00620323: 0x1E05, - 0x00420331: 0x1E06, - 0x00620331: 0x1E07, - 0x00C70301: 0x1E08, - 0x00E70301: 0x1E09, - 0x00440307: 0x1E0A, - 0x00640307: 0x1E0B, - 0x00440323: 0x1E0C, - 0x00640323: 0x1E0D, - 0x00440331: 0x1E0E, - 0x00640331: 0x1E0F, - 0x00440327: 0x1E10, - 0x00640327: 0x1E11, - 0x0044032D: 0x1E12, - 0x0064032D: 0x1E13, - 0x01120300: 0x1E14, - 0x01130300: 0x1E15, - 0x01120301: 0x1E16, - 0x01130301: 0x1E17, - 0x0045032D: 0x1E18, - 0x0065032D: 0x1E19, - 0x00450330: 0x1E1A, - 0x00650330: 0x1E1B, - 0x02280306: 0x1E1C, - 0x02290306: 0x1E1D, - 0x00460307: 0x1E1E, - 0x00660307: 0x1E1F, - 0x00470304: 0x1E20, - 0x00670304: 0x1E21, - 0x00480307: 0x1E22, - 0x00680307: 0x1E23, - 0x00480323: 0x1E24, - 0x00680323: 0x1E25, - 0x00480308: 0x1E26, - 0x00680308: 0x1E27, - 0x00480327: 0x1E28, - 0x00680327: 0x1E29, - 0x0048032E: 0x1E2A, - 0x0068032E: 0x1E2B, - 0x00490330: 0x1E2C, - 0x00690330: 0x1E2D, - 0x00CF0301: 0x1E2E, - 0x00EF0301: 0x1E2F, - 0x004B0301: 0x1E30, - 0x006B0301: 0x1E31, - 0x004B0323: 0x1E32, - 0x006B0323: 0x1E33, - 0x004B0331: 0x1E34, - 0x006B0331: 0x1E35, - 0x004C0323: 0x1E36, - 0x006C0323: 0x1E37, - 0x1E360304: 0x1E38, - 0x1E370304: 0x1E39, - 0x004C0331: 0x1E3A, - 0x006C0331: 0x1E3B, - 0x004C032D: 0x1E3C, - 0x006C032D: 0x1E3D, - 0x004D0301: 0x1E3E, - 0x006D0301: 0x1E3F, - 0x004D0307: 0x1E40, - 0x006D0307: 0x1E41, - 0x004D0323: 0x1E42, - 0x006D0323: 0x1E43, - 0x004E0307: 0x1E44, - 0x006E0307: 0x1E45, - 0x004E0323: 0x1E46, - 0x006E0323: 0x1E47, - 0x004E0331: 0x1E48, - 0x006E0331: 0x1E49, - 0x004E032D: 0x1E4A, - 0x006E032D: 0x1E4B, - 0x00D50301: 0x1E4C, - 0x00F50301: 0x1E4D, - 0x00D50308: 0x1E4E, - 0x00F50308: 0x1E4F, - 0x014C0300: 0x1E50, - 0x014D0300: 0x1E51, - 0x014C0301: 0x1E52, - 0x014D0301: 0x1E53, - 0x00500301: 0x1E54, - 0x00700301: 0x1E55, - 0x00500307: 0x1E56, - 0x00700307: 0x1E57, - 0x00520307: 0x1E58, - 0x00720307: 0x1E59, - 0x00520323: 0x1E5A, - 0x00720323: 0x1E5B, - 0x1E5A0304: 0x1E5C, - 0x1E5B0304: 0x1E5D, - 0x00520331: 0x1E5E, - 0x00720331: 0x1E5F, - 0x00530307: 0x1E60, - 0x00730307: 0x1E61, - 0x00530323: 0x1E62, - 0x00730323: 0x1E63, - 0x015A0307: 0x1E64, - 0x015B0307: 0x1E65, - 0x01600307: 0x1E66, - 0x01610307: 0x1E67, - 0x1E620307: 0x1E68, - 0x1E630307: 0x1E69, - 0x00540307: 0x1E6A, - 0x00740307: 0x1E6B, - 0x00540323: 0x1E6C, - 0x00740323: 0x1E6D, - 0x00540331: 0x1E6E, - 0x00740331: 0x1E6F, - 0x0054032D: 0x1E70, - 0x0074032D: 0x1E71, - 0x00550324: 0x1E72, - 0x00750324: 0x1E73, - 0x00550330: 0x1E74, - 0x00750330: 0x1E75, - 0x0055032D: 0x1E76, - 0x0075032D: 0x1E77, - 0x01680301: 0x1E78, - 0x01690301: 0x1E79, - 0x016A0308: 0x1E7A, - 0x016B0308: 0x1E7B, - 0x00560303: 0x1E7C, - 0x00760303: 0x1E7D, - 0x00560323: 0x1E7E, - 0x00760323: 0x1E7F, - 0x00570300: 0x1E80, - 0x00770300: 0x1E81, - 0x00570301: 0x1E82, - 0x00770301: 0x1E83, - 0x00570308: 0x1E84, - 0x00770308: 0x1E85, - 0x00570307: 0x1E86, - 0x00770307: 0x1E87, - 0x00570323: 0x1E88, - 0x00770323: 0x1E89, - 0x00580307: 0x1E8A, - 0x00780307: 0x1E8B, - 0x00580308: 0x1E8C, - 0x00780308: 0x1E8D, - 0x00590307: 0x1E8E, - 0x00790307: 0x1E8F, - 0x005A0302: 0x1E90, - 0x007A0302: 0x1E91, - 0x005A0323: 0x1E92, - 0x007A0323: 0x1E93, - 0x005A0331: 0x1E94, - 0x007A0331: 0x1E95, - 0x00680331: 0x1E96, - 0x00740308: 0x1E97, - 0x0077030A: 0x1E98, - 0x0079030A: 0x1E99, - 0x017F0307: 0x1E9B, - 0x00410323: 0x1EA0, - 0x00610323: 0x1EA1, - 0x00410309: 0x1EA2, - 0x00610309: 0x1EA3, - 0x00C20301: 0x1EA4, - 0x00E20301: 0x1EA5, - 0x00C20300: 0x1EA6, - 0x00E20300: 0x1EA7, - 0x00C20309: 0x1EA8, - 0x00E20309: 0x1EA9, - 0x00C20303: 0x1EAA, - 0x00E20303: 0x1EAB, - 0x1EA00302: 0x1EAC, - 0x1EA10302: 0x1EAD, - 0x01020301: 0x1EAE, - 0x01030301: 0x1EAF, - 0x01020300: 0x1EB0, - 0x01030300: 0x1EB1, - 0x01020309: 0x1EB2, - 0x01030309: 0x1EB3, - 0x01020303: 0x1EB4, - 0x01030303: 0x1EB5, - 0x1EA00306: 0x1EB6, - 0x1EA10306: 0x1EB7, - 0x00450323: 0x1EB8, - 0x00650323: 0x1EB9, - 0x00450309: 0x1EBA, - 0x00650309: 0x1EBB, - 0x00450303: 0x1EBC, - 0x00650303: 0x1EBD, - 0x00CA0301: 0x1EBE, - 0x00EA0301: 0x1EBF, - 0x00CA0300: 0x1EC0, - 0x00EA0300: 0x1EC1, - 0x00CA0309: 0x1EC2, - 0x00EA0309: 0x1EC3, - 0x00CA0303: 0x1EC4, - 0x00EA0303: 0x1EC5, - 0x1EB80302: 0x1EC6, - 0x1EB90302: 0x1EC7, - 0x00490309: 0x1EC8, - 0x00690309: 0x1EC9, - 0x00490323: 0x1ECA, - 0x00690323: 0x1ECB, - 0x004F0323: 0x1ECC, - 0x006F0323: 0x1ECD, - 0x004F0309: 0x1ECE, - 0x006F0309: 0x1ECF, - 0x00D40301: 0x1ED0, - 0x00F40301: 0x1ED1, - 0x00D40300: 0x1ED2, - 0x00F40300: 0x1ED3, - 0x00D40309: 0x1ED4, - 0x00F40309: 0x1ED5, - 0x00D40303: 0x1ED6, - 0x00F40303: 0x1ED7, - 0x1ECC0302: 0x1ED8, - 0x1ECD0302: 0x1ED9, - 0x01A00301: 0x1EDA, - 0x01A10301: 0x1EDB, - 0x01A00300: 0x1EDC, - 0x01A10300: 0x1EDD, - 0x01A00309: 0x1EDE, - 0x01A10309: 0x1EDF, - 0x01A00303: 0x1EE0, - 0x01A10303: 0x1EE1, - 0x01A00323: 0x1EE2, - 0x01A10323: 0x1EE3, - 0x00550323: 0x1EE4, - 0x00750323: 0x1EE5, - 0x00550309: 0x1EE6, - 0x00750309: 0x1EE7, - 0x01AF0301: 0x1EE8, - 0x01B00301: 0x1EE9, - 0x01AF0300: 0x1EEA, - 0x01B00300: 0x1EEB, - 0x01AF0309: 0x1EEC, - 0x01B00309: 0x1EED, - 0x01AF0303: 0x1EEE, - 0x01B00303: 0x1EEF, - 0x01AF0323: 0x1EF0, - 0x01B00323: 0x1EF1, - 0x00590300: 0x1EF2, - 0x00790300: 0x1EF3, - 0x00590323: 0x1EF4, - 0x00790323: 0x1EF5, - 0x00590309: 0x1EF6, - 0x00790309: 0x1EF7, - 0x00590303: 0x1EF8, - 0x00790303: 0x1EF9, - 0x03B10313: 0x1F00, - 0x03B10314: 0x1F01, - 0x1F000300: 0x1F02, - 0x1F010300: 0x1F03, - 0x1F000301: 0x1F04, - 0x1F010301: 0x1F05, - 0x1F000342: 0x1F06, - 0x1F010342: 0x1F07, - 0x03910313: 0x1F08, - 0x03910314: 0x1F09, - 0x1F080300: 0x1F0A, - 0x1F090300: 0x1F0B, - 0x1F080301: 0x1F0C, - 0x1F090301: 0x1F0D, - 0x1F080342: 0x1F0E, - 0x1F090342: 0x1F0F, - 0x03B50313: 0x1F10, - 0x03B50314: 0x1F11, - 0x1F100300: 0x1F12, - 0x1F110300: 0x1F13, - 0x1F100301: 0x1F14, - 0x1F110301: 0x1F15, - 0x03950313: 0x1F18, - 0x03950314: 0x1F19, - 0x1F180300: 0x1F1A, - 0x1F190300: 0x1F1B, - 0x1F180301: 0x1F1C, - 0x1F190301: 0x1F1D, - 0x03B70313: 0x1F20, - 0x03B70314: 0x1F21, - 0x1F200300: 0x1F22, - 0x1F210300: 0x1F23, - 0x1F200301: 0x1F24, - 0x1F210301: 0x1F25, - 0x1F200342: 0x1F26, - 0x1F210342: 0x1F27, - 0x03970313: 0x1F28, - 0x03970314: 0x1F29, - 0x1F280300: 0x1F2A, - 0x1F290300: 0x1F2B, - 0x1F280301: 0x1F2C, - 0x1F290301: 0x1F2D, - 0x1F280342: 0x1F2E, - 0x1F290342: 0x1F2F, - 0x03B90313: 0x1F30, - 0x03B90314: 0x1F31, - 0x1F300300: 0x1F32, - 0x1F310300: 0x1F33, - 0x1F300301: 0x1F34, - 0x1F310301: 0x1F35, - 0x1F300342: 0x1F36, - 0x1F310342: 0x1F37, - 0x03990313: 0x1F38, - 0x03990314: 0x1F39, - 0x1F380300: 0x1F3A, - 0x1F390300: 0x1F3B, - 0x1F380301: 0x1F3C, - 0x1F390301: 0x1F3D, - 0x1F380342: 0x1F3E, - 0x1F390342: 0x1F3F, - 0x03BF0313: 0x1F40, - 0x03BF0314: 0x1F41, - 0x1F400300: 0x1F42, - 0x1F410300: 0x1F43, - 0x1F400301: 0x1F44, - 0x1F410301: 0x1F45, - 0x039F0313: 0x1F48, - 0x039F0314: 0x1F49, - 0x1F480300: 0x1F4A, - 0x1F490300: 0x1F4B, - 0x1F480301: 0x1F4C, - 0x1F490301: 0x1F4D, - 0x03C50313: 0x1F50, - 0x03C50314: 0x1F51, - 0x1F500300: 0x1F52, - 0x1F510300: 0x1F53, - 0x1F500301: 0x1F54, - 0x1F510301: 0x1F55, - 0x1F500342: 0x1F56, - 0x1F510342: 0x1F57, - 0x03A50314: 0x1F59, - 0x1F590300: 0x1F5B, - 0x1F590301: 0x1F5D, - 0x1F590342: 0x1F5F, - 0x03C90313: 0x1F60, - 0x03C90314: 0x1F61, - 0x1F600300: 0x1F62, - 0x1F610300: 0x1F63, - 0x1F600301: 0x1F64, - 0x1F610301: 0x1F65, - 0x1F600342: 0x1F66, - 0x1F610342: 0x1F67, - 0x03A90313: 0x1F68, - 0x03A90314: 0x1F69, - 0x1F680300: 0x1F6A, - 0x1F690300: 0x1F6B, - 0x1F680301: 0x1F6C, - 0x1F690301: 0x1F6D, - 0x1F680342: 0x1F6E, - 0x1F690342: 0x1F6F, - 0x03B10300: 0x1F70, - 0x03B50300: 0x1F72, - 0x03B70300: 0x1F74, - 0x03B90300: 0x1F76, - 0x03BF0300: 0x1F78, - 0x03C50300: 0x1F7A, - 0x03C90300: 0x1F7C, - 0x1F000345: 0x1F80, - 0x1F010345: 0x1F81, - 0x1F020345: 0x1F82, - 0x1F030345: 0x1F83, - 0x1F040345: 0x1F84, - 0x1F050345: 0x1F85, - 0x1F060345: 0x1F86, - 0x1F070345: 0x1F87, - 0x1F080345: 0x1F88, - 0x1F090345: 0x1F89, - 0x1F0A0345: 0x1F8A, - 0x1F0B0345: 0x1F8B, - 0x1F0C0345: 0x1F8C, - 0x1F0D0345: 0x1F8D, - 0x1F0E0345: 0x1F8E, - 0x1F0F0345: 0x1F8F, - 0x1F200345: 0x1F90, - 0x1F210345: 0x1F91, - 0x1F220345: 0x1F92, - 0x1F230345: 0x1F93, - 0x1F240345: 0x1F94, - 0x1F250345: 0x1F95, - 0x1F260345: 0x1F96, - 0x1F270345: 0x1F97, - 0x1F280345: 0x1F98, - 0x1F290345: 0x1F99, - 0x1F2A0345: 0x1F9A, - 0x1F2B0345: 0x1F9B, - 0x1F2C0345: 0x1F9C, - 0x1F2D0345: 0x1F9D, - 0x1F2E0345: 0x1F9E, - 0x1F2F0345: 0x1F9F, - 0x1F600345: 0x1FA0, - 0x1F610345: 0x1FA1, - 0x1F620345: 0x1FA2, - 0x1F630345: 0x1FA3, - 0x1F640345: 0x1FA4, - 0x1F650345: 0x1FA5, - 0x1F660345: 0x1FA6, - 0x1F670345: 0x1FA7, - 0x1F680345: 0x1FA8, - 0x1F690345: 0x1FA9, - 0x1F6A0345: 0x1FAA, - 0x1F6B0345: 0x1FAB, - 0x1F6C0345: 0x1FAC, - 0x1F6D0345: 0x1FAD, - 0x1F6E0345: 0x1FAE, - 0x1F6F0345: 0x1FAF, - 0x03B10306: 0x1FB0, - 0x03B10304: 0x1FB1, - 0x1F700345: 0x1FB2, - 0x03B10345: 0x1FB3, - 0x03AC0345: 0x1FB4, - 0x03B10342: 0x1FB6, - 0x1FB60345: 0x1FB7, - 0x03910306: 0x1FB8, - 0x03910304: 0x1FB9, - 0x03910300: 0x1FBA, - 0x03910345: 0x1FBC, - 0x00A80342: 0x1FC1, - 0x1F740345: 0x1FC2, - 0x03B70345: 0x1FC3, - 0x03AE0345: 0x1FC4, - 0x03B70342: 0x1FC6, - 0x1FC60345: 0x1FC7, - 0x03950300: 0x1FC8, - 0x03970300: 0x1FCA, - 0x03970345: 0x1FCC, - 0x1FBF0300: 0x1FCD, - 0x1FBF0301: 0x1FCE, - 0x1FBF0342: 0x1FCF, - 0x03B90306: 0x1FD0, - 0x03B90304: 0x1FD1, - 0x03CA0300: 0x1FD2, - 0x03B90342: 0x1FD6, - 0x03CA0342: 0x1FD7, - 0x03990306: 0x1FD8, - 0x03990304: 0x1FD9, - 0x03990300: 0x1FDA, - 0x1FFE0300: 0x1FDD, - 0x1FFE0301: 0x1FDE, - 0x1FFE0342: 0x1FDF, - 0x03C50306: 0x1FE0, - 0x03C50304: 0x1FE1, - 0x03CB0300: 0x1FE2, - 0x03C10313: 0x1FE4, - 0x03C10314: 0x1FE5, - 0x03C50342: 0x1FE6, - 0x03CB0342: 0x1FE7, - 0x03A50306: 0x1FE8, - 0x03A50304: 0x1FE9, - 0x03A50300: 0x1FEA, - 0x03A10314: 0x1FEC, - 0x00A80300: 0x1FED, - 0x1F7C0345: 0x1FF2, - 0x03C90345: 0x1FF3, - 0x03CE0345: 0x1FF4, - 0x03C90342: 0x1FF6, - 0x1FF60345: 0x1FF7, - 0x039F0300: 0x1FF8, - 0x03A90300: 0x1FFA, - 0x03A90345: 0x1FFC, - 0x21900338: 0x219A, - 0x21920338: 0x219B, - 0x21940338: 0x21AE, - 0x21D00338: 0x21CD, - 0x21D40338: 0x21CE, - 0x21D20338: 0x21CF, - 0x22030338: 0x2204, - 0x22080338: 0x2209, - 0x220B0338: 0x220C, - 0x22230338: 0x2224, - 0x22250338: 0x2226, - 0x223C0338: 0x2241, - 0x22430338: 0x2244, - 0x22450338: 0x2247, - 0x22480338: 0x2249, - 0x003D0338: 0x2260, - 0x22610338: 0x2262, - 0x224D0338: 0x226D, - 0x003C0338: 0x226E, - 0x003E0338: 0x226F, - 0x22640338: 0x2270, - 0x22650338: 0x2271, - 0x22720338: 0x2274, - 0x22730338: 0x2275, - 0x22760338: 0x2278, - 0x22770338: 0x2279, - 0x227A0338: 0x2280, - 0x227B0338: 0x2281, - 0x22820338: 0x2284, - 0x22830338: 0x2285, - 0x22860338: 0x2288, - 0x22870338: 0x2289, - 0x22A20338: 0x22AC, - 0x22A80338: 0x22AD, - 0x22A90338: 0x22AE, - 0x22AB0338: 0x22AF, - 0x227C0338: 0x22E0, - 0x227D0338: 0x22E1, - 0x22910338: 0x22E2, - 0x22920338: 0x22E3, - 0x22B20338: 0x22EA, - 0x22B30338: 0x22EB, - 0x22B40338: 0x22EC, - 0x22B50338: 0x22ED, - 0x304B3099: 0x304C, - 0x304D3099: 0x304E, - 0x304F3099: 0x3050, - 0x30513099: 0x3052, - 0x30533099: 0x3054, - 0x30553099: 0x3056, - 0x30573099: 0x3058, - 0x30593099: 0x305A, - 0x305B3099: 0x305C, - 0x305D3099: 0x305E, - 0x305F3099: 0x3060, - 0x30613099: 0x3062, - 0x30643099: 0x3065, - 0x30663099: 0x3067, - 0x30683099: 0x3069, - 0x306F3099: 0x3070, - 0x306F309A: 0x3071, - 0x30723099: 0x3073, - 0x3072309A: 0x3074, - 0x30753099: 0x3076, - 0x3075309A: 0x3077, - 0x30783099: 0x3079, - 0x3078309A: 0x307A, - 0x307B3099: 0x307C, - 0x307B309A: 0x307D, - 0x30463099: 0x3094, - 0x309D3099: 0x309E, - 0x30AB3099: 0x30AC, - 0x30AD3099: 0x30AE, - 0x30AF3099: 0x30B0, - 0x30B13099: 0x30B2, - 0x30B33099: 0x30B4, - 0x30B53099: 0x30B6, - 0x30B73099: 0x30B8, - 0x30B93099: 0x30BA, - 0x30BB3099: 0x30BC, - 0x30BD3099: 0x30BE, - 0x30BF3099: 0x30C0, - 0x30C13099: 0x30C2, - 0x30C43099: 0x30C5, - 0x30C63099: 0x30C7, - 0x30C83099: 0x30C9, - 0x30CF3099: 0x30D0, - 0x30CF309A: 0x30D1, - 0x30D23099: 0x30D3, - 0x30D2309A: 0x30D4, - 0x30D53099: 0x30D6, - 0x30D5309A: 0x30D7, - 0x30D83099: 0x30D9, - 0x30D8309A: 0x30DA, - 0x30DB3099: 0x30DC, - 0x30DB309A: 0x30DD, - 0x30A63099: 0x30F4, - 0x30EF3099: 0x30F7, - 0x30F03099: 0x30F8, - 0x30F13099: 0x30F9, - 0x30F23099: 0x30FA, - 0x30FD3099: 0x30FE, - 0x109910BA: 0x1109A, - 0x109B10BA: 0x1109C, - 0x10A510BA: 0x110AB, - 0x11311127: 0x1112E, - 0x11321127: 0x1112F, - 0x1347133E: 0x1134B, - 0x13471357: 0x1134C, - 0x14B914BA: 0x114BB, - 0x14B914B0: 0x114BC, - 0x14B914BD: 0x114BE, - 0x15B815AF: 0x115BA, - 0x15B915AF: 0x115BB, -} +var recompMap map[uint32]rune +var recompMapOnce sync.Once -// Total size of tables: 53KB (54226 bytes) +const recompMapPacked = "" + + "\x00A\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0" + // 0x00410300: 0x000000C0 + "\x00A\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xc1" + // 0x00410301: 0x000000C1 + "\x00A\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xc2" + // 0x00410302: 0x000000C2 + "\x00A\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xc3" + // 0x00410303: 0x000000C3 + "\x00A\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xc4" + // 0x00410308: 0x000000C4 + "\x00A\x03\n\x00\x00\x00\xc5" + // 0x0041030A: 0x000000C5 + "\x00C\x03'\x00\x00\x00\xc7" + // 0x00430327: 0x000000C7 + "\x00E\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc8" + // 0x00450300: 0x000000C8 + "\x00E\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xc9" + // 0x00450301: 0x000000C9 + "\x00E\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xca" + // 0x00450302: 0x000000CA + "\x00E\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xcb" + // 0x00450308: 0x000000CB + "\x00I\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xcc" + // 0x00490300: 0x000000CC + "\x00I\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xcd" + // 0x00490301: 0x000000CD + "\x00I\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xce" + // 0x00490302: 0x000000CE + "\x00I\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xcf" + // 0x00490308: 0x000000CF + "\x00N\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd1" + // 0x004E0303: 0x000000D1 + "\x00O\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd2" + // 0x004F0300: 0x000000D2 + "\x00O\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd3" + // 0x004F0301: 0x000000D3 + "\x00O\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd4" + // 0x004F0302: 0x000000D4 + "\x00O\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd5" + // 0x004F0303: 0x000000D5 + "\x00O\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xd6" + // 0x004F0308: 0x000000D6 + "\x00U\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd9" + // 0x00550300: 0x000000D9 + "\x00U\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xda" + // 0x00550301: 0x000000DA + "\x00U\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xdb" + // 0x00550302: 0x000000DB + "\x00U\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xdc" + // 0x00550308: 0x000000DC + "\x00Y\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xdd" + // 0x00590301: 0x000000DD + "\x00a\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe0" + // 0x00610300: 0x000000E0 + "\x00a\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xe1" + // 0x00610301: 0x000000E1 + "\x00a\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xe2" + // 0x00610302: 0x000000E2 + "\x00a\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xe3" + // 0x00610303: 0x000000E3 + "\x00a\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xe4" + // 0x00610308: 0x000000E4 + "\x00a\x03\n\x00\x00\x00\xe5" + // 0x0061030A: 0x000000E5 + "\x00c\x03'\x00\x00\x00\xe7" + // 0x00630327: 0x000000E7 + "\x00e\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe8" + // 0x00650300: 0x000000E8 + "\x00e\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xe9" + // 0x00650301: 0x000000E9 + "\x00e\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xea" + // 0x00650302: 0x000000EA + "\x00e\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xeb" + // 0x00650308: 0x000000EB + "\x00i\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xec" + // 0x00690300: 0x000000EC + "\x00i\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xed" + // 0x00690301: 0x000000ED + "\x00i\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xee" + // 0x00690302: 0x000000EE + "\x00i\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xef" + // 0x00690308: 0x000000EF + "\x00n\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf1" + // 0x006E0303: 0x000000F1 + "\x00o\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf2" + // 0x006F0300: 0x000000F2 + "\x00o\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xf3" + // 0x006F0301: 0x000000F3 + "\x00o\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xf4" + // 0x006F0302: 0x000000F4 + "\x00o\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf5" + // 0x006F0303: 0x000000F5 + "\x00o\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xf6" + // 0x006F0308: 0x000000F6 + "\x00u\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf9" + // 0x00750300: 0x000000F9 + "\x00u\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xfa" + // 0x00750301: 0x000000FA + "\x00u\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xfb" + // 0x00750302: 0x000000FB + "\x00u\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xfc" + // 0x00750308: 0x000000FC + "\x00y\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xfd" + // 0x00790301: 0x000000FD + "\x00y\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xff" + // 0x00790308: 0x000000FF + "\x00A\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x00" + // 0x00410304: 0x00000100 + "\x00a\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x01" + // 0x00610304: 0x00000101 + "\x00A\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x02" + // 0x00410306: 0x00000102 + "\x00a\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x03" + // 0x00610306: 0x00000103 + "\x00A\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x04" + // 0x00410328: 0x00000104 + "\x00a\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x05" + // 0x00610328: 0x00000105 + "\x00C\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\x06" + // 0x00430301: 0x00000106 + "\x00c\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\a" + // 0x00630301: 0x00000107 + "\x00C\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\b" + // 0x00430302: 0x00000108 + "\x00c\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\t" + // 0x00630302: 0x00000109 + "\x00C\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\n" + // 0x00430307: 0x0000010A + "\x00c\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\v" + // 0x00630307: 0x0000010B + "\x00C\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\f" + // 0x0043030C: 0x0000010C + "\x00c\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\r" + // 0x0063030C: 0x0000010D + "\x00D\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x0e" + // 0x0044030C: 0x0000010E + "\x00d\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x0f" + // 0x0064030C: 0x0000010F + "\x00E\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x12" + // 0x00450304: 0x00000112 + "\x00e\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x13" + // 0x00650304: 0x00000113 + "\x00E\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x14" + // 0x00450306: 0x00000114 + "\x00e\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x15" + // 0x00650306: 0x00000115 + "\x00E\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\x16" + // 0x00450307: 0x00000116 + "\x00e\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\x17" + // 0x00650307: 0x00000117 + "\x00E\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x18" + // 0x00450328: 0x00000118 + "\x00e\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x19" + // 0x00650328: 0x00000119 + "\x00E\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x1a" + // 0x0045030C: 0x0000011A + "\x00e\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x1b" + // 0x0065030C: 0x0000011B + "\x00G\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\x1c" + // 0x00470302: 0x0000011C + "\x00g\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\x1d" + // 0x00670302: 0x0000011D + "\x00G\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x1e" + // 0x00470306: 0x0000011E + "\x00g\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x1f" + // 0x00670306: 0x0000011F + "\x00G\x03\a\x00\x00\x01 " + // 0x00470307: 0x00000120 + "\x00g\x03\a\x00\x00\x01!" + // 0x00670307: 0x00000121 + "\x00G\x03'\x00\x00\x01\"" + // 0x00470327: 0x00000122 + "\x00g\x03'\x00\x00\x01#" + // 0x00670327: 0x00000123 + "\x00H\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01$" + // 0x00480302: 0x00000124 + "\x00h\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01%" + // 0x00680302: 0x00000125 + "\x00I\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01(" + // 0x00490303: 0x00000128 + "\x00i\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01)" + // 0x00690303: 0x00000129 + "\x00I\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01*" + // 0x00490304: 0x0000012A + "\x00i\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01+" + // 0x00690304: 0x0000012B + "\x00I\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01," + // 0x00490306: 0x0000012C + "\x00i\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01-" + // 0x00690306: 0x0000012D + "\x00I\x03(\x00\x00\x01." + // 0x00490328: 0x0000012E + "\x00i\x03(\x00\x00\x01/" + // 0x00690328: 0x0000012F + "\x00I\x03\a\x00\x00\x010" + // 0x00490307: 0x00000130 + "\x00J\x03\x02\x00\x00\x014" + // 0x004A0302: 0x00000134 + "\x00j\x03\x02\x00\x00\x015" + // 0x006A0302: 0x00000135 + "\x00K\x03'\x00\x00\x016" + // 0x004B0327: 0x00000136 + "\x00k\x03'\x00\x00\x017" + // 0x006B0327: 0x00000137 + "\x00L\x03\x01\x00\x00\x019" + // 0x004C0301: 0x00000139 + "\x00l\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01:" + // 0x006C0301: 0x0000013A + "\x00L\x03'\x00\x00\x01;" + // 0x004C0327: 0x0000013B + "\x00l\x03'\x00\x00\x01<" + // 0x006C0327: 0x0000013C + "\x00L\x03\f\x00\x00\x01=" + // 0x004C030C: 0x0000013D + "\x00l\x03\f\x00\x00\x01>" + // 0x006C030C: 0x0000013E + "\x00N\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01C" + // 0x004E0301: 0x00000143 + "\x00n\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01D" + // 0x006E0301: 0x00000144 + "\x00N\x03'\x00\x00\x01E" + // 0x004E0327: 0x00000145 + "\x00n\x03'\x00\x00\x01F" + // 0x006E0327: 0x00000146 + "\x00N\x03\f\x00\x00\x01G" + // 0x004E030C: 0x00000147 + "\x00n\x03\f\x00\x00\x01H" + // 0x006E030C: 0x00000148 + "\x00O\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01L" + // 0x004F0304: 0x0000014C + "\x00o\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01M" + // 0x006F0304: 0x0000014D + "\x00O\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01N" + // 0x004F0306: 0x0000014E + "\x00o\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01O" + // 0x006F0306: 0x0000014F + "\x00O\x03\v\x00\x00\x01P" + // 0x004F030B: 0x00000150 + "\x00o\x03\v\x00\x00\x01Q" + // 0x006F030B: 0x00000151 + "\x00R\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01T" + // 0x00520301: 0x00000154 + "\x00r\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01U" + // 0x00720301: 0x00000155 + "\x00R\x03'\x00\x00\x01V" + // 0x00520327: 0x00000156 + "\x00r\x03'\x00\x00\x01W" + // 0x00720327: 0x00000157 + "\x00R\x03\f\x00\x00\x01X" + // 0x0052030C: 0x00000158 + "\x00r\x03\f\x00\x00\x01Y" + // 0x0072030C: 0x00000159 + "\x00S\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01Z" + // 0x00530301: 0x0000015A + "\x00s\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01[" + // 0x00730301: 0x0000015B + "\x00S\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\\" + // 0x00530302: 0x0000015C + "\x00s\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01]" + // 0x00730302: 0x0000015D + "\x00S\x03'\x00\x00\x01^" + // 0x00530327: 0x0000015E + "\x00s\x03'\x00\x00\x01_" + // 0x00730327: 0x0000015F + "\x00S\x03\f\x00\x00\x01`" + // 0x0053030C: 0x00000160 + "\x00s\x03\f\x00\x00\x01a" + // 0x0073030C: 0x00000161 + "\x00T\x03'\x00\x00\x01b" + // 0x00540327: 0x00000162 + "\x00t\x03'\x00\x00\x01c" + // 0x00740327: 0x00000163 + "\x00T\x03\f\x00\x00\x01d" + // 0x0054030C: 0x00000164 + "\x00t\x03\f\x00\x00\x01e" + // 0x0074030C: 0x00000165 + "\x00U\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01h" + // 0x00550303: 0x00000168 + "\x00u\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01i" + // 0x00750303: 0x00000169 + "\x00U\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01j" + // 0x00550304: 0x0000016A + "\x00u\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01k" + // 0x00750304: 0x0000016B + "\x00U\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01l" + // 0x00550306: 0x0000016C + "\x00u\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01m" + // 0x00750306: 0x0000016D + "\x00U\x03\n\x00\x00\x01n" + // 0x0055030A: 0x0000016E + "\x00u\x03\n\x00\x00\x01o" + // 0x0075030A: 0x0000016F + "\x00U\x03\v\x00\x00\x01p" + // 0x0055030B: 0x00000170 + "\x00u\x03\v\x00\x00\x01q" + // 0x0075030B: 0x00000171 + "\x00U\x03(\x00\x00\x01r" + // 0x00550328: 0x00000172 + "\x00u\x03(\x00\x00\x01s" + // 0x00750328: 0x00000173 + "\x00W\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01t" + // 0x00570302: 0x00000174 + "\x00w\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01u" + // 0x00770302: 0x00000175 + "\x00Y\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01v" + // 0x00590302: 0x00000176 + "\x00y\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01w" + // 0x00790302: 0x00000177 + "\x00Y\x03\b\x00\x00\x01x" + // 0x00590308: 0x00000178 + "\x00Z\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01y" + // 0x005A0301: 0x00000179 + "\x00z\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01z" + // 0x007A0301: 0x0000017A + "\x00Z\x03\a\x00\x00\x01{" + // 0x005A0307: 0x0000017B + "\x00z\x03\a\x00\x00\x01|" + // 0x007A0307: 0x0000017C + "\x00Z\x03\f\x00\x00\x01}" + // 0x005A030C: 0x0000017D + "\x00z\x03\f\x00\x00\x01~" + // 0x007A030C: 0x0000017E + "\x00O\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xa0" + // 0x004F031B: 0x000001A0 + "\x00o\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xa1" + // 0x006F031B: 0x000001A1 + "\x00U\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xaf" + // 0x0055031B: 0x000001AF + "\x00u\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xb0" + // 0x0075031B: 0x000001B0 + "\x00A\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xcd" + // 0x0041030C: 0x000001CD + "\x00a\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xce" + // 0x0061030C: 0x000001CE + "\x00I\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xcf" + // 0x0049030C: 0x000001CF + "\x00i\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd0" + // 0x0069030C: 0x000001D0 + "\x00O\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd1" + // 0x004F030C: 0x000001D1 + "\x00o\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd2" + // 0x006F030C: 0x000001D2 + "\x00U\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd3" + // 0x0055030C: 0x000001D3 + "\x00u\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd4" + // 0x0075030C: 0x000001D4 + "\x00\xdc\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xd5" + // 0x00DC0304: 0x000001D5 + "\x00\xfc\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xd6" + // 0x00FC0304: 0x000001D6 + "\x00\xdc\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xd7" + // 0x00DC0301: 0x000001D7 + "\x00\xfc\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xd8" + // 0x00FC0301: 0x000001D8 + "\x00\xdc\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd9" + // 0x00DC030C: 0x000001D9 + "\x00\xfc\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xda" + // 0x00FC030C: 0x000001DA + "\x00\xdc\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xdb" + // 0x00DC0300: 0x000001DB + "\x00\xfc\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xdc" + // 0x00FC0300: 0x000001DC + "\x00\xc4\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xde" + // 0x00C40304: 0x000001DE + "\x00\xe4\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xdf" + // 0x00E40304: 0x000001DF + "\x02&\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe0" + // 0x02260304: 0x000001E0 + "\x02'\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe1" + // 0x02270304: 0x000001E1 + "\x00\xc6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe2" + // 0x00C60304: 0x000001E2 + "\x00\xe6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe3" + // 0x00E60304: 0x000001E3 + "\x00G\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe6" + // 0x0047030C: 0x000001E6 + "\x00g\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe7" + // 0x0067030C: 0x000001E7 + "\x00K\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe8" + // 0x004B030C: 0x000001E8 + "\x00k\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe9" + // 0x006B030C: 0x000001E9 + "\x00O\x03(\x00\x00\x01\xea" + // 0x004F0328: 0x000001EA + "\x00o\x03(\x00\x00\x01\xeb" + // 0x006F0328: 0x000001EB + "\x01\xea\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xec" + // 0x01EA0304: 0x000001EC + "\x01\xeb\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xed" + // 0x01EB0304: 0x000001ED + "\x01\xb7\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xee" + // 0x01B7030C: 0x000001EE + "\x02\x92\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xef" + // 0x0292030C: 0x000001EF + "\x00j\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xf0" + // 0x006A030C: 0x000001F0 + "\x00G\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xf4" + // 0x00470301: 0x000001F4 + "\x00g\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xf5" + // 0x00670301: 0x000001F5 + "\x00N\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xf8" + // 0x004E0300: 0x000001F8 + "\x00n\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xf9" + // 0x006E0300: 0x000001F9 + "\x00\xc5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfa" + // 0x00C50301: 0x000001FA + "\x00\xe5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfb" + // 0x00E50301: 0x000001FB + "\x00\xc6\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfc" + // 0x00C60301: 0x000001FC + "\x00\xe6\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfd" + // 0x00E60301: 0x000001FD + "\x00\xd8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfe" + // 0x00D80301: 0x000001FE + "\x00\xf8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xff" + // 0x00F80301: 0x000001FF + "\x00A\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x00" + // 0x0041030F: 0x00000200 + "\x00a\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x01" + // 0x0061030F: 0x00000201 + "\x00A\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x02" + // 0x00410311: 0x00000202 + "\x00a\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x03" + // 0x00610311: 0x00000203 + "\x00E\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x04" + // 0x0045030F: 0x00000204 + "\x00e\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x05" + // 0x0065030F: 0x00000205 + "\x00E\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x06" + // 0x00450311: 0x00000206 + "\x00e\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\a" + // 0x00650311: 0x00000207 + "\x00I\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\b" + // 0x0049030F: 0x00000208 + "\x00i\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\t" + // 0x0069030F: 0x00000209 + "\x00I\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\n" + // 0x00490311: 0x0000020A + "\x00i\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\v" + // 0x00690311: 0x0000020B + "\x00O\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\f" + // 0x004F030F: 0x0000020C + "\x00o\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\r" + // 0x006F030F: 0x0000020D + "\x00O\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x0e" + // 0x004F0311: 0x0000020E + "\x00o\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x0f" + // 0x006F0311: 0x0000020F + "\x00R\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x10" + // 0x0052030F: 0x00000210 + "\x00r\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x11" + // 0x0072030F: 0x00000211 + "\x00R\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x12" + // 0x00520311: 0x00000212 + "\x00r\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x13" + // 0x00720311: 0x00000213 + "\x00U\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x14" + // 0x0055030F: 0x00000214 + "\x00u\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x15" + // 0x0075030F: 0x00000215 + "\x00U\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x16" + // 0x00550311: 0x00000216 + "\x00u\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x17" + // 0x00750311: 0x00000217 + "\x00S\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x18" + // 0x00530326: 0x00000218 + "\x00s\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x19" + // 0x00730326: 0x00000219 + "\x00T\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x1a" + // 0x00540326: 0x0000021A + "\x00t\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x1b" + // 0x00740326: 0x0000021B + "\x00H\x03\f\x00\x00\x02\x1e" + // 0x0048030C: 0x0000021E + "\x00h\x03\f\x00\x00\x02\x1f" + // 0x0068030C: 0x0000021F + "\x00A\x03\a\x00\x00\x02&" + // 0x00410307: 0x00000226 + "\x00a\x03\a\x00\x00\x02'" + // 0x00610307: 0x00000227 + "\x00E\x03'\x00\x00\x02(" + // 0x00450327: 0x00000228 + "\x00e\x03'\x00\x00\x02)" + // 0x00650327: 0x00000229 + "\x00\xd6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02*" + // 0x00D60304: 0x0000022A + "\x00\xf6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02+" + // 0x00F60304: 0x0000022B + "\x00\xd5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02," + // 0x00D50304: 0x0000022C + "\x00\xf5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02-" + // 0x00F50304: 0x0000022D + "\x00O\x03\a\x00\x00\x02." + // 0x004F0307: 0x0000022E + "\x00o\x03\a\x00\x00\x02/" + // 0x006F0307: 0x0000022F + "\x02.\x03\x04\x00\x00\x020" + // 0x022E0304: 0x00000230 + "\x02/\x03\x04\x00\x00\x021" + // 0x022F0304: 0x00000231 + "\x00Y\x03\x04\x00\x00\x022" + // 0x00590304: 0x00000232 + "\x00y\x03\x04\x00\x00\x023" + // 0x00790304: 0x00000233 + "\x00\xa8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x85" + // 0x00A80301: 0x00000385 + "\x03\x91\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x86" + // 0x03910301: 0x00000386 + "\x03\x95\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x88" + // 0x03950301: 0x00000388 + "\x03\x97\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x89" + // 0x03970301: 0x00000389 + "\x03\x99\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8a" + // 0x03990301: 0x0000038A + "\x03\x9f\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8c" + // 0x039F0301: 0x0000038C + "\x03\xa5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8e" + // 0x03A50301: 0x0000038E + "\x03\xa9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8f" + // 0x03A90301: 0x0000038F + "\x03\xca\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x90" + // 0x03CA0301: 0x00000390 + "\x03\x99\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xaa" + // 0x03990308: 0x000003AA + "\x03\xa5\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xab" + // 0x03A50308: 0x000003AB + "\x03\xb1\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xac" + // 0x03B10301: 0x000003AC + "\x03\xb5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xad" + // 0x03B50301: 0x000003AD + "\x03\xb7\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xae" + // 0x03B70301: 0x000003AE + "\x03\xb9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xaf" + // 0x03B90301: 0x000003AF + "\x03\xcb\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xb0" + // 0x03CB0301: 0x000003B0 + "\x03\xb9\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xca" + // 0x03B90308: 0x000003CA + "\x03\xc5\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xcb" + // 0x03C50308: 0x000003CB + "\x03\xbf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xcc" + // 0x03BF0301: 0x000003CC + "\x03\xc5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xcd" + // 0x03C50301: 0x000003CD + "\x03\xc9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xce" + // 0x03C90301: 0x000003CE + "\x03\xd2\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xd3" + // 0x03D20301: 0x000003D3 + "\x03\xd2\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xd4" + // 0x03D20308: 0x000003D4 + "\x04\x15\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00" + // 0x04150300: 0x00000400 + "\x04\x15\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\x01" + // 0x04150308: 0x00000401 + "\x04\x13\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04\x03" + // 0x04130301: 0x00000403 + "\x04\x06\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\a" + // 0x04060308: 0x00000407 + "\x04\x1a\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04\f" + // 0x041A0301: 0x0000040C + "\x04\x18\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04\r" + // 0x04180300: 0x0000040D + "\x04#\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\x0e" + // 0x04230306: 0x0000040E + "\x04\x18\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\x19" + // 0x04180306: 0x00000419 + "\x048\x03\x06\x00\x00\x049" + // 0x04380306: 0x00000439 + "\x045\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04P" + // 0x04350300: 0x00000450 + "\x045\x03\b\x00\x00\x04Q" + // 0x04350308: 0x00000451 + "\x043\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04S" + // 0x04330301: 0x00000453 + "\x04V\x03\b\x00\x00\x04W" + // 0x04560308: 0x00000457 + "\x04:\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04\\" + // 0x043A0301: 0x0000045C + "\x048\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04]" + // 0x04380300: 0x0000045D + "\x04C\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04^" + // 0x04430306: 0x0000045E + "\x04t\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x04v" + // 0x0474030F: 0x00000476 + "\x04u\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x04w" + // 0x0475030F: 0x00000477 + "\x04\x16\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xc1" + // 0x04160306: 0x000004C1 + "\x046\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xc2" + // 0x04360306: 0x000004C2 + "\x04\x10\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd0" + // 0x04100306: 0x000004D0 + "\x040\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd1" + // 0x04300306: 0x000004D1 + "\x04\x10\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xd2" + // 0x04100308: 0x000004D2 + "\x040\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xd3" + // 0x04300308: 0x000004D3 + "\x04\x15\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd6" + // 0x04150306: 0x000004D6 + "\x045\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd7" + // 0x04350306: 0x000004D7 + "\x04\xd8\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xda" + // 0x04D80308: 0x000004DA + "\x04\xd9\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdb" + // 0x04D90308: 0x000004DB + "\x04\x16\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdc" + // 0x04160308: 0x000004DC + "\x046\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdd" + // 0x04360308: 0x000004DD + "\x04\x17\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xde" + // 0x04170308: 0x000004DE + "\x047\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdf" + // 0x04370308: 0x000004DF + "\x04\x18\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xe2" + // 0x04180304: 0x000004E2 + "\x048\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xe3" + // 0x04380304: 0x000004E3 + "\x04\x18\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe4" + // 0x04180308: 0x000004E4 + "\x048\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe5" + // 0x04380308: 0x000004E5 + "\x04\x1e\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe6" + // 0x041E0308: 0x000004E6 + "\x04>\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe7" + // 0x043E0308: 0x000004E7 + "\x04\xe8\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xea" + // 0x04E80308: 0x000004EA + "\x04\xe9\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xeb" + // 0x04E90308: 0x000004EB + "\x04-\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xec" + // 0x042D0308: 0x000004EC + "\x04M\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xed" + // 0x044D0308: 0x000004ED + "\x04#\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xee" + // 0x04230304: 0x000004EE + "\x04C\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xef" + // 0x04430304: 0x000004EF + "\x04#\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf0" + // 0x04230308: 0x000004F0 + "\x04C\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf1" + // 0x04430308: 0x000004F1 + "\x04#\x03\v\x00\x00\x04\xf2" + // 0x0423030B: 0x000004F2 + "\x04C\x03\v\x00\x00\x04\xf3" + // 0x0443030B: 0x000004F3 + "\x04'\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf4" + // 0x04270308: 0x000004F4 + "\x04G\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf5" + // 0x04470308: 0x000004F5 + "\x04+\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf8" + // 0x042B0308: 0x000004F8 + "\x04K\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf9" + // 0x044B0308: 0x000004F9 + "\x06'\x06S\x00\x00\x06\"" + // 0x06270653: 0x00000622 + "\x06'\x06T\x00\x00\x06#" + // 0x06270654: 0x00000623 + "\x06H\x06T\x00\x00\x06$" + // 0x06480654: 0x00000624 + "\x06'\x06U\x00\x00\x06%" + // 0x06270655: 0x00000625 + "\x06J\x06T\x00\x00\x06&" + // 0x064A0654: 0x00000626 + "\x06\xd5\x06T\x00\x00\x06\xc0" + // 0x06D50654: 0x000006C0 + "\x06\xc1\x06T\x00\x00\x06\xc2" + // 0x06C10654: 0x000006C2 + "\x06\xd2\x06T\x00\x00\x06\xd3" + // 0x06D20654: 0x000006D3 + "\t(\t<\x00\x00\t)" + // 0x0928093C: 0x00000929 + "\t0\t<\x00\x00\t1" + // 0x0930093C: 0x00000931 + "\t3\t<\x00\x00\t4" + // 0x0933093C: 0x00000934 + "\t\xc7\t\xbe\x00\x00\t\xcb" + // 0x09C709BE: 0x000009CB + "\t\xc7\t\xd7\x00\x00\t\xcc" + // 0x09C709D7: 0x000009CC + "\vG\vV\x00\x00\vH" + // 0x0B470B56: 0x00000B48 + "\vG\v>\x00\x00\vK" + // 0x0B470B3E: 0x00000B4B + "\vG\vW\x00\x00\vL" + // 0x0B470B57: 0x00000B4C + "\v\x92\v\xd7\x00\x00\v\x94" + // 0x0B920BD7: 0x00000B94 + "\v\xc6\v\xbe\x00\x00\v\xca" + // 0x0BC60BBE: 0x00000BCA + "\v\xc7\v\xbe\x00\x00\v\xcb" + // 0x0BC70BBE: 0x00000BCB + "\v\xc6\v\xd7\x00\x00\v\xcc" + // 0x0BC60BD7: 0x00000BCC + "\fF\fV\x00\x00\fH" + // 0x0C460C56: 0x00000C48 + "\f\xbf\f\xd5\x00\x00\f\xc0" + // 0x0CBF0CD5: 0x00000CC0 + "\f\xc6\f\xd5\x00\x00\f\xc7" + // 0x0CC60CD5: 0x00000CC7 + "\f\xc6\f\xd6\x00\x00\f\xc8" + // 0x0CC60CD6: 0x00000CC8 + "\f\xc6\f\xc2\x00\x00\f\xca" + // 0x0CC60CC2: 0x00000CCA + "\f\xca\f\xd5\x00\x00\f\xcb" + // 0x0CCA0CD5: 0x00000CCB + "\rF\r>\x00\x00\rJ" + // 0x0D460D3E: 0x00000D4A + "\rG\r>\x00\x00\rK" + // 0x0D470D3E: 0x00000D4B + "\rF\rW\x00\x00\rL" + // 0x0D460D57: 0x00000D4C + "\r\xd9\r\xca\x00\x00\r\xda" + // 0x0DD90DCA: 0x00000DDA + "\r\xd9\r\xcf\x00\x00\r\xdc" + // 0x0DD90DCF: 0x00000DDC + "\r\xdc\r\xca\x00\x00\r\xdd" + // 0x0DDC0DCA: 0x00000DDD + "\r\xd9\r\xdf\x00\x00\r\xde" + // 0x0DD90DDF: 0x00000DDE + "\x10%\x10.\x00\x00\x10&" + // 0x1025102E: 0x00001026 + "\x1b\x05\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\x06" + // 0x1B051B35: 0x00001B06 + "\x1b\a\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\b" + // 0x1B071B35: 0x00001B08 + "\x1b\t\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\n" + // 0x1B091B35: 0x00001B0A + "\x1b\v\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\f" + // 0x1B0B1B35: 0x00001B0C + "\x1b\r\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\x0e" + // 0x1B0D1B35: 0x00001B0E + "\x1b\x11\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\x12" + // 0x1B111B35: 0x00001B12 + "\x1b:\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b;" + // 0x1B3A1B35: 0x00001B3B + "\x1b<\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b=" + // 0x1B3C1B35: 0x00001B3D + "\x1b>\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b@" + // 0x1B3E1B35: 0x00001B40 + "\x1b?\x1b5\x00\x00\x1bA" + // 0x1B3F1B35: 0x00001B41 + "\x1bB\x1b5\x00\x00\x1bC" + // 0x1B421B35: 0x00001B43 + "\x00A\x03%\x00\x00\x1e\x00" + // 0x00410325: 0x00001E00 + "\x00a\x03%\x00\x00\x1e\x01" + // 0x00610325: 0x00001E01 + "\x00B\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x02" + // 0x00420307: 0x00001E02 + "\x00b\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x03" + // 0x00620307: 0x00001E03 + "\x00B\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x04" + // 0x00420323: 0x00001E04 + "\x00b\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x05" + // 0x00620323: 0x00001E05 + "\x00B\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x06" + // 0x00420331: 0x00001E06 + "\x00b\x031\x00\x00\x1e\a" + // 0x00620331: 0x00001E07 + "\x00\xc7\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\b" + // 0x00C70301: 0x00001E08 + "\x00\xe7\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\t" + // 0x00E70301: 0x00001E09 + "\x00D\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\n" + // 0x00440307: 0x00001E0A + "\x00d\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\v" + // 0x00640307: 0x00001E0B + "\x00D\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\f" + // 0x00440323: 0x00001E0C + "\x00d\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\r" + // 0x00640323: 0x00001E0D + "\x00D\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x0e" + // 0x00440331: 0x00001E0E + "\x00d\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x0f" + // 0x00640331: 0x00001E0F + "\x00D\x03'\x00\x00\x1e\x10" + // 0x00440327: 0x00001E10 + "\x00d\x03'\x00\x00\x1e\x11" + // 0x00640327: 0x00001E11 + "\x00D\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x12" + // 0x0044032D: 0x00001E12 + "\x00d\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x13" + // 0x0064032D: 0x00001E13 + "\x01\x12\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x14" + // 0x01120300: 0x00001E14 + "\x01\x13\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x15" + // 0x01130300: 0x00001E15 + "\x01\x12\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x16" + // 0x01120301: 0x00001E16 + "\x01\x13\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x17" + // 0x01130301: 0x00001E17 + "\x00E\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x18" + // 0x0045032D: 0x00001E18 + "\x00e\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x19" + // 0x0065032D: 0x00001E19 + "\x00E\x030\x00\x00\x1e\x1a" + // 0x00450330: 0x00001E1A + "\x00e\x030\x00\x00\x1e\x1b" + // 0x00650330: 0x00001E1B + "\x02(\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\x1c" + // 0x02280306: 0x00001E1C + "\x02)\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\x1d" + // 0x02290306: 0x00001E1D + "\x00F\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x1e" + // 0x00460307: 0x00001E1E + "\x00f\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x1f" + // 0x00660307: 0x00001E1F + "\x00G\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e " + // 0x00470304: 0x00001E20 + "\x00g\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e!" + // 0x00670304: 0x00001E21 + "\x00H\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\"" + // 0x00480307: 0x00001E22 + "\x00h\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e#" + // 0x00680307: 0x00001E23 + "\x00H\x03#\x00\x00\x1e$" + // 0x00480323: 0x00001E24 + "\x00h\x03#\x00\x00\x1e%" + // 0x00680323: 0x00001E25 + "\x00H\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e&" + // 0x00480308: 0x00001E26 + "\x00h\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e'" + // 0x00680308: 0x00001E27 + "\x00H\x03'\x00\x00\x1e(" + // 0x00480327: 0x00001E28 + "\x00h\x03'\x00\x00\x1e)" + // 0x00680327: 0x00001E29 + "\x00H\x03.\x00\x00\x1e*" + // 0x0048032E: 0x00001E2A + "\x00h\x03.\x00\x00\x1e+" + // 0x0068032E: 0x00001E2B + "\x00I\x030\x00\x00\x1e," + // 0x00490330: 0x00001E2C + "\x00i\x030\x00\x00\x1e-" + // 0x00690330: 0x00001E2D + "\x00\xcf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e." + // 0x00CF0301: 0x00001E2E + "\x00\xef\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e/" + // 0x00EF0301: 0x00001E2F + "\x00K\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e0" + // 0x004B0301: 0x00001E30 + "\x00k\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e1" + // 0x006B0301: 0x00001E31 + "\x00K\x03#\x00\x00\x1e2" + // 0x004B0323: 0x00001E32 + "\x00k\x03#\x00\x00\x1e3" + // 0x006B0323: 0x00001E33 + "\x00K\x031\x00\x00\x1e4" + // 0x004B0331: 0x00001E34 + "\x00k\x031\x00\x00\x1e5" + // 0x006B0331: 0x00001E35 + "\x00L\x03#\x00\x00\x1e6" + // 0x004C0323: 0x00001E36 + "\x00l\x03#\x00\x00\x1e7" + // 0x006C0323: 0x00001E37 + "\x1e6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e8" + // 0x1E360304: 0x00001E38 + "\x1e7\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e9" + // 0x1E370304: 0x00001E39 + "\x00L\x031\x00\x00\x1e:" + // 0x004C0331: 0x00001E3A + "\x00l\x031\x00\x00\x1e;" + // 0x006C0331: 0x00001E3B + "\x00L\x03-\x00\x00\x1e<" + // 0x004C032D: 0x00001E3C + "\x00l\x03-\x00\x00\x1e=" + // 0x006C032D: 0x00001E3D + "\x00M\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e>" + // 0x004D0301: 0x00001E3E + "\x00m\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e?" + // 0x006D0301: 0x00001E3F + "\x00M\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e@" + // 0x004D0307: 0x00001E40 + "\x00m\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eA" + // 0x006D0307: 0x00001E41 + "\x00M\x03#\x00\x00\x1eB" + // 0x004D0323: 0x00001E42 + "\x00m\x03#\x00\x00\x1eC" + // 0x006D0323: 0x00001E43 + "\x00N\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eD" + // 0x004E0307: 0x00001E44 + "\x00n\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eE" + // 0x006E0307: 0x00001E45 + "\x00N\x03#\x00\x00\x1eF" + // 0x004E0323: 0x00001E46 + "\x00n\x03#\x00\x00\x1eG" + // 0x006E0323: 0x00001E47 + "\x00N\x031\x00\x00\x1eH" + // 0x004E0331: 0x00001E48 + "\x00n\x031\x00\x00\x1eI" + // 0x006E0331: 0x00001E49 + "\x00N\x03-\x00\x00\x1eJ" + // 0x004E032D: 0x00001E4A + "\x00n\x03-\x00\x00\x1eK" + // 0x006E032D: 0x00001E4B + "\x00\xd5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eL" + // 0x00D50301: 0x00001E4C + "\x00\xf5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eM" + // 0x00F50301: 0x00001E4D + "\x00\xd5\x03\b\x00\x00\x1eN" + // 0x00D50308: 0x00001E4E + "\x00\xf5\x03\b\x00\x00\x1eO" + // 0x00F50308: 0x00001E4F + "\x01L\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1eP" + // 0x014C0300: 0x00001E50 + "\x01M\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1eQ" + // 0x014D0300: 0x00001E51 + "\x01L\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eR" + // 0x014C0301: 0x00001E52 + "\x01M\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eS" + // 0x014D0301: 0x00001E53 + "\x00P\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eT" + // 0x00500301: 0x00001E54 + "\x00p\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eU" + // 0x00700301: 0x00001E55 + "\x00P\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eV" + // 0x00500307: 0x00001E56 + "\x00p\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eW" + // 0x00700307: 0x00001E57 + "\x00R\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eX" + // 0x00520307: 0x00001E58 + "\x00r\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eY" + // 0x00720307: 0x00001E59 + "\x00R\x03#\x00\x00\x1eZ" + // 0x00520323: 0x00001E5A + "\x00r\x03#\x00\x00\x1e[" + // 0x00720323: 0x00001E5B + "\x1eZ\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e\\" + // 0x1E5A0304: 0x00001E5C + "\x1e[\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e]" + // 0x1E5B0304: 0x00001E5D + "\x00R\x031\x00\x00\x1e^" + // 0x00520331: 0x00001E5E + "\x00r\x031\x00\x00\x1e_" + // 0x00720331: 0x00001E5F + "\x00S\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e`" + // 0x00530307: 0x00001E60 + "\x00s\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ea" + // 0x00730307: 0x00001E61 + "\x00S\x03#\x00\x00\x1eb" + // 0x00530323: 0x00001E62 + "\x00s\x03#\x00\x00\x1ec" + // 0x00730323: 0x00001E63 + "\x01Z\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ed" + // 0x015A0307: 0x00001E64 + "\x01[\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ee" + // 0x015B0307: 0x00001E65 + "\x01`\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ef" + // 0x01600307: 0x00001E66 + "\x01a\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eg" + // 0x01610307: 0x00001E67 + "\x1eb\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eh" + // 0x1E620307: 0x00001E68 + "\x1ec\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ei" + // 0x1E630307: 0x00001E69 + "\x00T\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ej" + // 0x00540307: 0x00001E6A + "\x00t\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ek" + // 0x00740307: 0x00001E6B + "\x00T\x03#\x00\x00\x1el" + // 0x00540323: 0x00001E6C + "\x00t\x03#\x00\x00\x1em" + // 0x00740323: 0x00001E6D + "\x00T\x031\x00\x00\x1en" + // 0x00540331: 0x00001E6E + "\x00t\x031\x00\x00\x1eo" + // 0x00740331: 0x00001E6F + "\x00T\x03-\x00\x00\x1ep" + // 0x0054032D: 0x00001E70 + "\x00t\x03-\x00\x00\x1eq" + // 0x0074032D: 0x00001E71 + "\x00U\x03$\x00\x00\x1er" + // 0x00550324: 0x00001E72 + "\x00u\x03$\x00\x00\x1es" + // 0x00750324: 0x00001E73 + "\x00U\x030\x00\x00\x1et" + // 0x00550330: 0x00001E74 + "\x00u\x030\x00\x00\x1eu" + // 0x00750330: 0x00001E75 + "\x00U\x03-\x00\x00\x1ev" + // 0x0055032D: 0x00001E76 + "\x00u\x03-\x00\x00\x1ew" + // 0x0075032D: 0x00001E77 + "\x01h\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1ex" + // 0x01680301: 0x00001E78 + "\x01i\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1ey" + // 0x01690301: 0x00001E79 + "\x01j\x03\b\x00\x00\x1ez" + // 0x016A0308: 0x00001E7A + "\x01k\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e{" + // 0x016B0308: 0x00001E7B + "\x00V\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e|" + // 0x00560303: 0x00001E7C + "\x00v\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e}" + // 0x00760303: 0x00001E7D + "\x00V\x03#\x00\x00\x1e~" + // 0x00560323: 0x00001E7E + "\x00v\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\u007f" + // 0x00760323: 0x00001E7F + "\x00W\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x80" + // 0x00570300: 0x00001E80 + "\x00w\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x81" + // 0x00770300: 0x00001E81 + "\x00W\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x82" + // 0x00570301: 0x00001E82 + "\x00w\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x83" + // 0x00770301: 0x00001E83 + "\x00W\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x84" + // 0x00570308: 0x00001E84 + "\x00w\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x85" + // 0x00770308: 0x00001E85 + "\x00W\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x86" + // 0x00570307: 0x00001E86 + "\x00w\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x87" + // 0x00770307: 0x00001E87 + "\x00W\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x88" + // 0x00570323: 0x00001E88 + "\x00w\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x89" + // 0x00770323: 0x00001E89 + "\x00X\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8a" + // 0x00580307: 0x00001E8A + "\x00x\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8b" + // 0x00780307: 0x00001E8B + "\x00X\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x8c" + // 0x00580308: 0x00001E8C + "\x00x\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x8d" + // 0x00780308: 0x00001E8D + "\x00Y\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8e" + // 0x00590307: 0x00001E8E + "\x00y\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8f" + // 0x00790307: 0x00001E8F + "\x00Z\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\x90" + // 0x005A0302: 0x00001E90 + "\x00z\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\x91" + // 0x007A0302: 0x00001E91 + "\x00Z\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x92" + // 0x005A0323: 0x00001E92 + "\x00z\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x93" + // 0x007A0323: 0x00001E93 + "\x00Z\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x94" + // 0x005A0331: 0x00001E94 + "\x00z\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x95" + // 0x007A0331: 0x00001E95 + "\x00h\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x96" + // 0x00680331: 0x00001E96 + "\x00t\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x97" + // 0x00740308: 0x00001E97 + "\x00w\x03\n\x00\x00\x1e\x98" + // 0x0077030A: 0x00001E98 + "\x00y\x03\n\x00\x00\x1e\x99" + // 0x0079030A: 0x00001E99 + "\x01\u007f\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x9b" + // 0x017F0307: 0x00001E9B + "\x00A\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xa0" + // 0x00410323: 0x00001EA0 + "\x00a\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xa1" + // 0x00610323: 0x00001EA1 + "\x00A\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa2" + // 0x00410309: 0x00001EA2 + "\x00a\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa3" + // 0x00610309: 0x00001EA3 + "\x00\xc2\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xa4" + // 0x00C20301: 0x00001EA4 + "\x00\xe2\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xa5" + // 0x00E20301: 0x00001EA5 + "\x00\xc2\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xa6" + // 0x00C20300: 0x00001EA6 + "\x00\xe2\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xa7" + // 0x00E20300: 0x00001EA7 + "\x00\xc2\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa8" + // 0x00C20309: 0x00001EA8 + "\x00\xe2\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa9" + // 0x00E20309: 0x00001EA9 + "\x00\xc2\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xaa" + // 0x00C20303: 0x00001EAA + "\x00\xe2\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xab" + // 0x00E20303: 0x00001EAB + "\x1e\xa0\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xac" + // 0x1EA00302: 0x00001EAC + "\x1e\xa1\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xad" + // 0x1EA10302: 0x00001EAD + "\x01\x02\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xae" + // 0x01020301: 0x00001EAE + "\x01\x03\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xaf" + // 0x01030301: 0x00001EAF + "\x01\x02\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xb0" + // 0x01020300: 0x00001EB0 + "\x01\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xb1" + // 0x01030300: 0x00001EB1 + "\x01\x02\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xb2" + // 0x01020309: 0x00001EB2 + "\x01\x03\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xb3" + // 0x01030309: 0x00001EB3 + "\x01\x02\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xb4" + // 0x01020303: 0x00001EB4 + "\x01\x03\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xb5" + // 0x01030303: 0x00001EB5 + "\x1e\xa0\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\xb6" + // 0x1EA00306: 0x00001EB6 + "\x1e\xa1\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\xb7" + // 0x1EA10306: 0x00001EB7 + "\x00E\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xb8" + // 0x00450323: 0x00001EB8 + "\x00e\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xb9" + // 0x00650323: 0x00001EB9 + "\x00E\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xba" + // 0x00450309: 0x00001EBA + "\x00e\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xbb" + // 0x00650309: 0x00001EBB + "\x00E\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xbc" + // 0x00450303: 0x00001EBC + "\x00e\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xbd" + // 0x00650303: 0x00001EBD + "\x00\xca\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xbe" + // 0x00CA0301: 0x00001EBE + "\x00\xea\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xbf" + // 0x00EA0301: 0x00001EBF + "\x00\xca\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xc0" + // 0x00CA0300: 0x00001EC0 + "\x00\xea\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xc1" + // 0x00EA0300: 0x00001EC1 + "\x00\xca\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc2" + // 0x00CA0309: 0x00001EC2 + "\x00\xea\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc3" + // 0x00EA0309: 0x00001EC3 + "\x00\xca\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xc4" + // 0x00CA0303: 0x00001EC4 + "\x00\xea\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xc5" + // 0x00EA0303: 0x00001EC5 + "\x1e\xb8\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xc6" + // 0x1EB80302: 0x00001EC6 + "\x1e\xb9\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xc7" + // 0x1EB90302: 0x00001EC7 + "\x00I\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc8" + // 0x00490309: 0x00001EC8 + "\x00i\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc9" + // 0x00690309: 0x00001EC9 + "\x00I\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xca" + // 0x00490323: 0x00001ECA + "\x00i\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xcb" + // 0x00690323: 0x00001ECB + "\x00O\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xcc" + // 0x004F0323: 0x00001ECC + "\x00o\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xcd" + // 0x006F0323: 0x00001ECD + "\x00O\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xce" + // 0x004F0309: 0x00001ECE + "\x00o\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xcf" + // 0x006F0309: 0x00001ECF + "\x00\xd4\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xd0" + // 0x00D40301: 0x00001ED0 + "\x00\xf4\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xd1" + // 0x00F40301: 0x00001ED1 + "\x00\xd4\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xd2" + // 0x00D40300: 0x00001ED2 + "\x00\xf4\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xd3" + // 0x00F40300: 0x00001ED3 + "\x00\xd4\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xd4" + // 0x00D40309: 0x00001ED4 + "\x00\xf4\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xd5" + // 0x00F40309: 0x00001ED5 + "\x00\xd4\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xd6" + // 0x00D40303: 0x00001ED6 + "\x00\xf4\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xd7" + // 0x00F40303: 0x00001ED7 + "\x1e\xcc\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xd8" + // 0x1ECC0302: 0x00001ED8 + "\x1e\xcd\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xd9" + // 0x1ECD0302: 0x00001ED9 + "\x01\xa0\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xda" + // 0x01A00301: 0x00001EDA + "\x01\xa1\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xdb" + // 0x01A10301: 0x00001EDB + "\x01\xa0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xdc" + // 0x01A00300: 0x00001EDC + "\x01\xa1\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xdd" + // 0x01A10300: 0x00001EDD + "\x01\xa0\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xde" + // 0x01A00309: 0x00001EDE + "\x01\xa1\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xdf" + // 0x01A10309: 0x00001EDF + "\x01\xa0\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xe0" + // 0x01A00303: 0x00001EE0 + "\x01\xa1\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xe1" + // 0x01A10303: 0x00001EE1 + "\x01\xa0\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe2" + // 0x01A00323: 0x00001EE2 + "\x01\xa1\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe3" + // 0x01A10323: 0x00001EE3 + "\x00U\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe4" + // 0x00550323: 0x00001EE4 + "\x00u\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe5" + // 0x00750323: 0x00001EE5 + "\x00U\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xe6" + // 0x00550309: 0x00001EE6 + "\x00u\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xe7" + // 0x00750309: 0x00001EE7 + "\x01\xaf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xe8" + // 0x01AF0301: 0x00001EE8 + "\x01\xb0\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xe9" + // 0x01B00301: 0x00001EE9 + "\x01\xaf\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xea" + // 0x01AF0300: 0x00001EEA + "\x01\xb0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xeb" + // 0x01B00300: 0x00001EEB + "\x01\xaf\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xec" + // 0x01AF0309: 0x00001EEC + "\x01\xb0\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xed" + // 0x01B00309: 0x00001EED + "\x01\xaf\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xee" + // 0x01AF0303: 0x00001EEE + "\x01\xb0\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xef" + // 0x01B00303: 0x00001EEF + "\x01\xaf\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf0" + // 0x01AF0323: 0x00001EF0 + "\x01\xb0\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf1" + // 0x01B00323: 0x00001EF1 + "\x00Y\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xf2" + // 0x00590300: 0x00001EF2 + "\x00y\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xf3" + // 0x00790300: 0x00001EF3 + "\x00Y\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf4" + // 0x00590323: 0x00001EF4 + "\x00y\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf5" + // 0x00790323: 0x00001EF5 + "\x00Y\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xf6" + // 0x00590309: 0x00001EF6 + "\x00y\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xf7" + // 0x00790309: 0x00001EF7 + "\x00Y\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xf8" + // 0x00590303: 0x00001EF8 + "\x00y\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xf9" + // 0x00790303: 0x00001EF9 + "\x03\xb1\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\x00" + // 0x03B10313: 0x00001F00 + "\x03\xb1\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\x01" + // 0x03B10314: 0x00001F01 + "\x1f\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x02" + // 0x1F000300: 0x00001F02 + "\x1f\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x03" + // 0x1F010300: 0x00001F03 + "\x1f\x00\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x04" + // 0x1F000301: 0x00001F04 + "\x1f\x01\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x05" + // 0x1F010301: 0x00001F05 + "\x1f\x00\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\x06" + // 0x1F000342: 0x00001F06 + "\x1f\x01\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\a" + // 0x1F010342: 0x00001F07 + "\x03\x91\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\b" + // 0x03910313: 0x00001F08 + "\x03\x91\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\t" + // 0x03910314: 0x00001F09 + "\x1f\b\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\n" + // 0x1F080300: 0x00001F0A + "\x1f\t\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\v" + // 0x1F090300: 0x00001F0B + "\x1f\b\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\f" + // 0x1F080301: 0x00001F0C + "\x1f\t\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\r" + // 0x1F090301: 0x00001F0D + "\x1f\b\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\x0e" + // 0x1F080342: 0x00001F0E + "\x1f\t\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\x0f" + // 0x1F090342: 0x00001F0F + "\x03\xb5\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\x10" + // 0x03B50313: 0x00001F10 + "\x03\xb5\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\x11" + // 0x03B50314: 0x00001F11 + "\x1f\x10\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x12" + // 0x1F100300: 0x00001F12 + "\x1f\x11\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x13" + // 0x1F110300: 0x00001F13 + "\x1f\x10\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x14" + // 0x1F100301: 0x00001F14 + "\x1f\x11\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x15" + // 0x1F110301: 0x00001F15 + "\x03\x95\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\x18" + // 0x03950313: 0x00001F18 + "\x03\x95\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\x19" + // 0x03950314: 0x00001F19 + "\x1f\x18\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x1a" + // 0x1F180300: 0x00001F1A + "\x1f\x19\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x1b" + // 0x1F190300: 0x00001F1B + "\x1f\x18\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x1c" + // 0x1F180301: 0x00001F1C + "\x1f\x19\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x1d" + // 0x1F190301: 0x00001F1D + "\x03\xb7\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f " + // 0x03B70313: 0x00001F20 + "\x03\xb7\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f!" + // 0x03B70314: 0x00001F21 + "\x1f \x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\"" + // 0x1F200300: 0x00001F22 + "\x1f!\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f#" + // 0x1F210300: 0x00001F23 + "\x1f \x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f$" + // 0x1F200301: 0x00001F24 + "\x1f!\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f%" + // 0x1F210301: 0x00001F25 + "\x1f \x03B\x00\x00\x1f&" + // 0x1F200342: 0x00001F26 + "\x1f!\x03B\x00\x00\x1f'" + // 0x1F210342: 0x00001F27 + "\x03\x97\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f(" + // 0x03970313: 0x00001F28 + "\x03\x97\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f)" + // 0x03970314: 0x00001F29 + "\x1f(\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f*" + // 0x1F280300: 0x00001F2A + "\x1f)\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f+" + // 0x1F290300: 0x00001F2B + "\x1f(\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f," + // 0x1F280301: 0x00001F2C + "\x1f)\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f-" + // 0x1F290301: 0x00001F2D + "\x1f(\x03B\x00\x00\x1f." + // 0x1F280342: 0x00001F2E + "\x1f)\x03B\x00\x00\x1f/" + // 0x1F290342: 0x00001F2F + "\x03\xb9\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f0" + // 0x03B90313: 0x00001F30 + "\x03\xb9\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f1" + // 0x03B90314: 0x00001F31 + "\x1f0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f2" + // 0x1F300300: 0x00001F32 + "\x1f1\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f3" + // 0x1F310300: 0x00001F33 + "\x1f0\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f4" + // 0x1F300301: 0x00001F34 + "\x1f1\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f5" + // 0x1F310301: 0x00001F35 + "\x1f0\x03B\x00\x00\x1f6" + // 0x1F300342: 0x00001F36 + "\x1f1\x03B\x00\x00\x1f7" + // 0x1F310342: 0x00001F37 + "\x03\x99\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f8" + // 0x03990313: 0x00001F38 + "\x03\x99\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f9" + // 0x03990314: 0x00001F39 + "\x1f8\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f:" + // 0x1F380300: 0x00001F3A + "\x1f9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f;" + // 0x1F390300: 0x00001F3B + "\x1f8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f<" + // 0x1F380301: 0x00001F3C + "\x1f9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f=" + // 0x1F390301: 0x00001F3D + "\x1f8\x03B\x00\x00\x1f>" + // 0x1F380342: 0x00001F3E + "\x1f9\x03B\x00\x00\x1f?" + // 0x1F390342: 0x00001F3F + "\x03\xbf\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f@" + // 0x03BF0313: 0x00001F40 + "\x03\xbf\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fA" + // 0x03BF0314: 0x00001F41 + "\x1f@\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fB" + // 0x1F400300: 0x00001F42 + "\x1fA\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fC" + // 0x1F410300: 0x00001F43 + "\x1f@\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fD" + // 0x1F400301: 0x00001F44 + "\x1fA\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fE" + // 0x1F410301: 0x00001F45 + "\x03\x9f\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1fH" + // 0x039F0313: 0x00001F48 + "\x03\x9f\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fI" + // 0x039F0314: 0x00001F49 + "\x1fH\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fJ" + // 0x1F480300: 0x00001F4A + "\x1fI\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fK" + // 0x1F490300: 0x00001F4B + "\x1fH\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fL" + // 0x1F480301: 0x00001F4C + "\x1fI\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fM" + // 0x1F490301: 0x00001F4D + "\x03\xc5\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1fP" + // 0x03C50313: 0x00001F50 + "\x03\xc5\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fQ" + // 0x03C50314: 0x00001F51 + "\x1fP\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fR" + // 0x1F500300: 0x00001F52 + "\x1fQ\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fS" + // 0x1F510300: 0x00001F53 + "\x1fP\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fT" + // 0x1F500301: 0x00001F54 + "\x1fQ\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fU" + // 0x1F510301: 0x00001F55 + "\x1fP\x03B\x00\x00\x1fV" + // 0x1F500342: 0x00001F56 + "\x1fQ\x03B\x00\x00\x1fW" + // 0x1F510342: 0x00001F57 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fY" + // 0x03A50314: 0x00001F59 + "\x1fY\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f[" + // 0x1F590300: 0x00001F5B + "\x1fY\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f]" + // 0x1F590301: 0x00001F5D + "\x1fY\x03B\x00\x00\x1f_" + // 0x1F590342: 0x00001F5F + "\x03\xc9\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f`" + // 0x03C90313: 0x00001F60 + "\x03\xc9\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fa" + // 0x03C90314: 0x00001F61 + "\x1f`\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fb" + // 0x1F600300: 0x00001F62 + "\x1fa\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fc" + // 0x1F610300: 0x00001F63 + "\x1f`\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fd" + // 0x1F600301: 0x00001F64 + "\x1fa\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fe" + // 0x1F610301: 0x00001F65 + "\x1f`\x03B\x00\x00\x1ff" + // 0x1F600342: 0x00001F66 + "\x1fa\x03B\x00\x00\x1fg" + // 0x1F610342: 0x00001F67 + "\x03\xa9\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1fh" + // 0x03A90313: 0x00001F68 + "\x03\xa9\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fi" + // 0x03A90314: 0x00001F69 + "\x1fh\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fj" + // 0x1F680300: 0x00001F6A + "\x1fi\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fk" + // 0x1F690300: 0x00001F6B + "\x1fh\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fl" + // 0x1F680301: 0x00001F6C + "\x1fi\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fm" + // 0x1F690301: 0x00001F6D + "\x1fh\x03B\x00\x00\x1fn" + // 0x1F680342: 0x00001F6E + "\x1fi\x03B\x00\x00\x1fo" + // 0x1F690342: 0x00001F6F + "\x03\xb1\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fp" + // 0x03B10300: 0x00001F70 + "\x03\xb5\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fr" + // 0x03B50300: 0x00001F72 + "\x03\xb7\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1ft" + // 0x03B70300: 0x00001F74 + "\x03\xb9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fv" + // 0x03B90300: 0x00001F76 + "\x03\xbf\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fx" + // 0x03BF0300: 0x00001F78 + "\x03\xc5\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fz" + // 0x03C50300: 0x00001F7A + "\x03\xc9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f|" + // 0x03C90300: 0x00001F7C + "\x1f\x00\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x80" + // 0x1F000345: 0x00001F80 + "\x1f\x01\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x81" + // 0x1F010345: 0x00001F81 + "\x1f\x02\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x82" + // 0x1F020345: 0x00001F82 + "\x1f\x03\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x83" + // 0x1F030345: 0x00001F83 + "\x1f\x04\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x84" + // 0x1F040345: 0x00001F84 + "\x1f\x05\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x85" + // 0x1F050345: 0x00001F85 + "\x1f\x06\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x86" + // 0x1F060345: 0x00001F86 + "\x1f\a\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x87" + // 0x1F070345: 0x00001F87 + "\x1f\b\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x88" + // 0x1F080345: 0x00001F88 + "\x1f\t\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x89" + // 0x1F090345: 0x00001F89 + "\x1f\n\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8a" + // 0x1F0A0345: 0x00001F8A + "\x1f\v\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8b" + // 0x1F0B0345: 0x00001F8B + "\x1f\f\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8c" + // 0x1F0C0345: 0x00001F8C + "\x1f\r\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8d" + // 0x1F0D0345: 0x00001F8D + "\x1f\x0e\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8e" + // 0x1F0E0345: 0x00001F8E + "\x1f\x0f\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8f" + // 0x1F0F0345: 0x00001F8F + "\x1f \x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x90" + // 0x1F200345: 0x00001F90 + "\x1f!\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x91" + // 0x1F210345: 0x00001F91 + "\x1f\"\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x92" + // 0x1F220345: 0x00001F92 + "\x1f#\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x93" + // 0x1F230345: 0x00001F93 + "\x1f$\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x94" + // 0x1F240345: 0x00001F94 + "\x1f%\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x95" + // 0x1F250345: 0x00001F95 + "\x1f&\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x96" + // 0x1F260345: 0x00001F96 + "\x1f'\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x97" + // 0x1F270345: 0x00001F97 + "\x1f(\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x98" + // 0x1F280345: 0x00001F98 + "\x1f)\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x99" + // 0x1F290345: 0x00001F99 + "\x1f*\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9a" + // 0x1F2A0345: 0x00001F9A + "\x1f+\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9b" + // 0x1F2B0345: 0x00001F9B + "\x1f,\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9c" + // 0x1F2C0345: 0x00001F9C + "\x1f-\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9d" + // 0x1F2D0345: 0x00001F9D + "\x1f.\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9e" + // 0x1F2E0345: 0x00001F9E + "\x1f/\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9f" + // 0x1F2F0345: 0x00001F9F + "\x1f`\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa0" + // 0x1F600345: 0x00001FA0 + "\x1fa\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa1" + // 0x1F610345: 0x00001FA1 + "\x1fb\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa2" + // 0x1F620345: 0x00001FA2 + "\x1fc\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa3" + // 0x1F630345: 0x00001FA3 + "\x1fd\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa4" + // 0x1F640345: 0x00001FA4 + "\x1fe\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa5" + // 0x1F650345: 0x00001FA5 + "\x1ff\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa6" + // 0x1F660345: 0x00001FA6 + "\x1fg\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa7" + // 0x1F670345: 0x00001FA7 + "\x1fh\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa8" + // 0x1F680345: 0x00001FA8 + "\x1fi\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa9" + // 0x1F690345: 0x00001FA9 + "\x1fj\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xaa" + // 0x1F6A0345: 0x00001FAA + "\x1fk\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xab" + // 0x1F6B0345: 0x00001FAB + "\x1fl\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xac" + // 0x1F6C0345: 0x00001FAC + "\x1fm\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xad" + // 0x1F6D0345: 0x00001FAD + "\x1fn\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xae" + // 0x1F6E0345: 0x00001FAE + "\x1fo\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xaf" + // 0x1F6F0345: 0x00001FAF + "\x03\xb1\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xb0" + // 0x03B10306: 0x00001FB0 + "\x03\xb1\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xb1" + // 0x03B10304: 0x00001FB1 + "\x1fp\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb2" + // 0x1F700345: 0x00001FB2 + "\x03\xb1\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb3" + // 0x03B10345: 0x00001FB3 + "\x03\xac\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb4" + // 0x03AC0345: 0x00001FB4 + "\x03\xb1\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xb6" + // 0x03B10342: 0x00001FB6 + "\x1f\xb6\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb7" + // 0x1FB60345: 0x00001FB7 + "\x03\x91\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xb8" + // 0x03910306: 0x00001FB8 + "\x03\x91\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xb9" + // 0x03910304: 0x00001FB9 + "\x03\x91\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xba" + // 0x03910300: 0x00001FBA + "\x03\x91\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xbc" + // 0x03910345: 0x00001FBC + "\x00\xa8\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xc1" + // 0x00A80342: 0x00001FC1 + "\x1ft\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc2" + // 0x1F740345: 0x00001FC2 + "\x03\xb7\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc3" + // 0x03B70345: 0x00001FC3 + "\x03\xae\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc4" + // 0x03AE0345: 0x00001FC4 + "\x03\xb7\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xc6" + // 0x03B70342: 0x00001FC6 + "\x1f\xc6\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc7" + // 0x1FC60345: 0x00001FC7 + "\x03\x95\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xc8" + // 0x03950300: 0x00001FC8 + "\x03\x97\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xca" + // 0x03970300: 0x00001FCA + "\x03\x97\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xcc" + // 0x03970345: 0x00001FCC + "\x1f\xbf\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xcd" + // 0x1FBF0300: 0x00001FCD + "\x1f\xbf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\xce" + // 0x1FBF0301: 0x00001FCE + "\x1f\xbf\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xcf" + // 0x1FBF0342: 0x00001FCF + "\x03\xb9\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xd0" + // 0x03B90306: 0x00001FD0 + "\x03\xb9\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xd1" + // 0x03B90304: 0x00001FD1 + "\x03\xca\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xd2" + // 0x03CA0300: 0x00001FD2 + "\x03\xb9\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xd6" + // 0x03B90342: 0x00001FD6 + "\x03\xca\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xd7" + // 0x03CA0342: 0x00001FD7 + "\x03\x99\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xd8" + // 0x03990306: 0x00001FD8 + "\x03\x99\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xd9" + // 0x03990304: 0x00001FD9 + "\x03\x99\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xda" + // 0x03990300: 0x00001FDA + "\x1f\xfe\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xdd" + // 0x1FFE0300: 0x00001FDD + "\x1f\xfe\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\xde" + // 0x1FFE0301: 0x00001FDE + "\x1f\xfe\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xdf" + // 0x1FFE0342: 0x00001FDF + "\x03\xc5\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xe0" + // 0x03C50306: 0x00001FE0 + "\x03\xc5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xe1" + // 0x03C50304: 0x00001FE1 + "\x03\xcb\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xe2" + // 0x03CB0300: 0x00001FE2 + "\x03\xc1\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\xe4" + // 0x03C10313: 0x00001FE4 + "\x03\xc1\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\xe5" + // 0x03C10314: 0x00001FE5 + "\x03\xc5\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xe6" + // 0x03C50342: 0x00001FE6 + "\x03\xcb\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xe7" + // 0x03CB0342: 0x00001FE7 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xe8" + // 0x03A50306: 0x00001FE8 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xe9" + // 0x03A50304: 0x00001FE9 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xea" + // 0x03A50300: 0x00001FEA + "\x03\xa1\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\xec" + // 0x03A10314: 0x00001FEC + "\x00\xa8\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xed" + // 0x00A80300: 0x00001FED + "\x1f|\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xf2" + // 0x1F7C0345: 0x00001FF2 + "\x03\xc9\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xf3" + // 0x03C90345: 0x00001FF3 + "\x03\xce\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xf4" + // 0x03CE0345: 0x00001FF4 + "\x03\xc9\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xf6" + // 0x03C90342: 0x00001FF6 + "\x1f\xf6\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xf7" + // 0x1FF60345: 0x00001FF7 + "\x03\x9f\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xf8" + // 0x039F0300: 0x00001FF8 + "\x03\xa9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xfa" + // 0x03A90300: 0x00001FFA + "\x03\xa9\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xfc" + // 0x03A90345: 0x00001FFC + "!\x90\x038\x00\x00!\x9a" + // 0x21900338: 0x0000219A + "!\x92\x038\x00\x00!\x9b" + // 0x21920338: 0x0000219B + "!\x94\x038\x00\x00!\xae" + // 0x21940338: 0x000021AE + "!\xd0\x038\x00\x00!\xcd" + // 0x21D00338: 0x000021CD + "!\xd4\x038\x00\x00!\xce" + // 0x21D40338: 0x000021CE + "!\xd2\x038\x00\x00!\xcf" + // 0x21D20338: 0x000021CF + "\"\x03\x038\x00\x00\"\x04" + // 0x22030338: 0x00002204 + "\"\b\x038\x00\x00\"\t" + // 0x22080338: 0x00002209 + "\"\v\x038\x00\x00\"\f" + // 0x220B0338: 0x0000220C + "\"#\x038\x00\x00\"$" + // 0x22230338: 0x00002224 + "\"%\x038\x00\x00\"&" + // 0x22250338: 0x00002226 + "\"<\x038\x00\x00\"A" + // 0x223C0338: 0x00002241 + "\"C\x038\x00\x00\"D" + // 0x22430338: 0x00002244 + "\"E\x038\x00\x00\"G" + // 0x22450338: 0x00002247 + "\"H\x038\x00\x00\"I" + // 0x22480338: 0x00002249 + "\x00=\x038\x00\x00\"`" + // 0x003D0338: 0x00002260 + "\"a\x038\x00\x00\"b" + // 0x22610338: 0x00002262 + "\"M\x038\x00\x00\"m" + // 0x224D0338: 0x0000226D + "\x00<\x038\x00\x00\"n" + // 0x003C0338: 0x0000226E + "\x00>\x038\x00\x00\"o" + // 0x003E0338: 0x0000226F + "\"d\x038\x00\x00\"p" + // 0x22640338: 0x00002270 + "\"e\x038\x00\x00\"q" + // 0x22650338: 0x00002271 + "\"r\x038\x00\x00\"t" + // 0x22720338: 0x00002274 + "\"s\x038\x00\x00\"u" + // 0x22730338: 0x00002275 + "\"v\x038\x00\x00\"x" + // 0x22760338: 0x00002278 + "\"w\x038\x00\x00\"y" + // 0x22770338: 0x00002279 + "\"z\x038\x00\x00\"\x80" + // 0x227A0338: 0x00002280 + "\"{\x038\x00\x00\"\x81" + // 0x227B0338: 0x00002281 + "\"\x82\x038\x00\x00\"\x84" + // 0x22820338: 0x00002284 + "\"\x83\x038\x00\x00\"\x85" + // 0x22830338: 0x00002285 + "\"\x86\x038\x00\x00\"\x88" + // 0x22860338: 0x00002288 + "\"\x87\x038\x00\x00\"\x89" + // 0x22870338: 0x00002289 + "\"\xa2\x038\x00\x00\"\xac" + // 0x22A20338: 0x000022AC + "\"\xa8\x038\x00\x00\"\xad" + // 0x22A80338: 0x000022AD + "\"\xa9\x038\x00\x00\"\xae" + // 0x22A90338: 0x000022AE + "\"\xab\x038\x00\x00\"\xaf" + // 0x22AB0338: 0x000022AF + "\"|\x038\x00\x00\"\xe0" + // 0x227C0338: 0x000022E0 + "\"}\x038\x00\x00\"\xe1" + // 0x227D0338: 0x000022E1 + "\"\x91\x038\x00\x00\"\xe2" + // 0x22910338: 0x000022E2 + "\"\x92\x038\x00\x00\"\xe3" + // 0x22920338: 0x000022E3 + "\"\xb2\x038\x00\x00\"\xea" + // 0x22B20338: 0x000022EA + "\"\xb3\x038\x00\x00\"\xeb" + // 0x22B30338: 0x000022EB + "\"\xb4\x038\x00\x00\"\xec" + // 0x22B40338: 0x000022EC + "\"\xb5\x038\x00\x00\"\xed" + // 0x22B50338: 0x000022ED + "0K0\x99\x00\x000L" + // 0x304B3099: 0x0000304C + "0M0\x99\x00\x000N" + // 0x304D3099: 0x0000304E + "0O0\x99\x00\x000P" + // 0x304F3099: 0x00003050 + "0Q0\x99\x00\x000R" + // 0x30513099: 0x00003052 + "0S0\x99\x00\x000T" + // 0x30533099: 0x00003054 + "0U0\x99\x00\x000V" + // 0x30553099: 0x00003056 + "0W0\x99\x00\x000X" + // 0x30573099: 0x00003058 + "0Y0\x99\x00\x000Z" + // 0x30593099: 0x0000305A + "0[0\x99\x00\x000\\" + // 0x305B3099: 0x0000305C + "0]0\x99\x00\x000^" + // 0x305D3099: 0x0000305E + "0_0\x99\x00\x000`" + // 0x305F3099: 0x00003060 + "0a0\x99\x00\x000b" + // 0x30613099: 0x00003062 + "0d0\x99\x00\x000e" + // 0x30643099: 0x00003065 + "0f0\x99\x00\x000g" + // 0x30663099: 0x00003067 + "0h0\x99\x00\x000i" + // 0x30683099: 0x00003069 + "0o0\x99\x00\x000p" + // 0x306F3099: 0x00003070 + "0o0\x9a\x00\x000q" + // 0x306F309A: 0x00003071 + "0r0\x99\x00\x000s" + // 0x30723099: 0x00003073 + "0r0\x9a\x00\x000t" + // 0x3072309A: 0x00003074 + "0u0\x99\x00\x000v" + // 0x30753099: 0x00003076 + "0u0\x9a\x00\x000w" + // 0x3075309A: 0x00003077 + "0x0\x99\x00\x000y" + // 0x30783099: 0x00003079 + "0x0\x9a\x00\x000z" + // 0x3078309A: 0x0000307A + "0{0\x99\x00\x000|" + // 0x307B3099: 0x0000307C + "0{0\x9a\x00\x000}" + // 0x307B309A: 0x0000307D + "0F0\x99\x00\x000\x94" + // 0x30463099: 0x00003094 + "0\x9d0\x99\x00\x000\x9e" + // 0x309D3099: 0x0000309E + "0\xab0\x99\x00\x000\xac" + // 0x30AB3099: 0x000030AC + "0\xad0\x99\x00\x000\xae" + // 0x30AD3099: 0x000030AE + "0\xaf0\x99\x00\x000\xb0" + // 0x30AF3099: 0x000030B0 + "0\xb10\x99\x00\x000\xb2" + // 0x30B13099: 0x000030B2 + "0\xb30\x99\x00\x000\xb4" + // 0x30B33099: 0x000030B4 + "0\xb50\x99\x00\x000\xb6" + // 0x30B53099: 0x000030B6 + "0\xb70\x99\x00\x000\xb8" + // 0x30B73099: 0x000030B8 + "0\xb90\x99\x00\x000\xba" + // 0x30B93099: 0x000030BA + "0\xbb0\x99\x00\x000\xbc" + // 0x30BB3099: 0x000030BC + "0\xbd0\x99\x00\x000\xbe" + // 0x30BD3099: 0x000030BE + "0\xbf0\x99\x00\x000\xc0" + // 0x30BF3099: 0x000030C0 + "0\xc10\x99\x00\x000\xc2" + // 0x30C13099: 0x000030C2 + "0\xc40\x99\x00\x000\xc5" + // 0x30C43099: 0x000030C5 + "0\xc60\x99\x00\x000\xc7" + // 0x30C63099: 0x000030C7 + "0\xc80\x99\x00\x000\xc9" + // 0x30C83099: 0x000030C9 + "0\xcf0\x99\x00\x000\xd0" + // 0x30CF3099: 0x000030D0 + "0\xcf0\x9a\x00\x000\xd1" + // 0x30CF309A: 0x000030D1 + "0\xd20\x99\x00\x000\xd3" + // 0x30D23099: 0x000030D3 + "0\xd20\x9a\x00\x000\xd4" + // 0x30D2309A: 0x000030D4 + "0\xd50\x99\x00\x000\xd6" + // 0x30D53099: 0x000030D6 + "0\xd50\x9a\x00\x000\xd7" + // 0x30D5309A: 0x000030D7 + "0\xd80\x99\x00\x000\xd9" + // 0x30D83099: 0x000030D9 + "0\xd80\x9a\x00\x000\xda" + // 0x30D8309A: 0x000030DA + "0\xdb0\x99\x00\x000\xdc" + // 0x30DB3099: 0x000030DC + "0\xdb0\x9a\x00\x000\xdd" + // 0x30DB309A: 0x000030DD + "0\xa60\x99\x00\x000\xf4" + // 0x30A63099: 0x000030F4 + "0\xef0\x99\x00\x000\xf7" + // 0x30EF3099: 0x000030F7 + "0\xf00\x99\x00\x000\xf8" + // 0x30F03099: 0x000030F8 + "0\xf10\x99\x00\x000\xf9" + // 0x30F13099: 0x000030F9 + "0\xf20\x99\x00\x000\xfa" + // 0x30F23099: 0x000030FA + "0\xfd0\x99\x00\x000\xfe" + // 0x30FD3099: 0x000030FE + "\x10\x99\x10\xba\x00\x01\x10\x9a" + // 0x109910BA: 0x0001109A + "\x10\x9b\x10\xba\x00\x01\x10\x9c" + // 0x109B10BA: 0x0001109C + "\x10\xa5\x10\xba\x00\x01\x10\xab" + // 0x10A510BA: 0x000110AB + "\x111\x11'\x00\x01\x11." + // 0x11311127: 0x0001112E + "\x112\x11'\x00\x01\x11/" + // 0x11321127: 0x0001112F + "\x13G\x13>\x00\x01\x13K" + // 0x1347133E: 0x0001134B + "\x13G\x13W\x00\x01\x13L" + // 0x13471357: 0x0001134C + "\x14\xb9\x14\xba\x00\x01\x14\xbb" + // 0x14B914BA: 0x000114BB + "\x14\xb9\x14\xb0\x00\x01\x14\xbc" + // 0x14B914B0: 0x000114BC + "\x14\xb9\x14\xbd\x00\x01\x14\xbe" + // 0x14B914BD: 0x000114BE + "\x15\xb8\x15\xaf\x00\x01\x15\xba" + // 0x15B815AF: 0x000115BA + "\x15\xb9\x15\xaf\x00\x01\x15\xbb" + // 0x15B915AF: 0x000115BB + "" + // Total size of tables: 53KB (54226 bytes) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables11.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7297cce32b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables11.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,7693 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build go1.13 + +package norm + +import "sync" + +const ( + // Version is the Unicode edition from which the tables are derived. + Version = "11.0.0" + + // MaxTransformChunkSize indicates the maximum number of bytes that Transform + // may need to write atomically for any Form. Making a destination buffer at + // least this size ensures that Transform can always make progress and that + // the user does not need to grow the buffer on an ErrShortDst. + MaxTransformChunkSize = 35 + maxNonStarters*4 +) + +var ccc = [55]uint8{ + 0, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, + 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, + 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, + 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, + 84, 91, 103, 107, 118, 122, 129, 130, + 132, 202, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222, 224, + 226, 228, 230, 232, 233, 234, 240, +} + +const ( + firstMulti = 0x186D + firstCCC = 0x2C9E + endMulti = 0x2F60 + firstLeadingCCC = 0x49AE + firstCCCZeroExcept = 0x4A78 + firstStarterWithNLead = 0x4A9F + lastDecomp = 0x4AA1 + maxDecomp = 0x8000 +) + +// decomps: 19105 bytes +var decomps = [...]byte{ + // Bytes 0 - 3f + 0x00, 0x41, 0x20, 0x41, 0x21, 0x41, 0x22, 0x41, + 0x23, 0x41, 0x24, 0x41, 0x25, 0x41, 0x26, 0x41, + 0x27, 0x41, 0x28, 0x41, 0x29, 0x41, 0x2A, 0x41, + 0x2B, 0x41, 0x2C, 0x41, 0x2D, 0x41, 0x2E, 0x41, + 0x2F, 0x41, 0x30, 0x41, 0x31, 0x41, 0x32, 0x41, + 0x33, 0x41, 0x34, 0x41, 0x35, 0x41, 0x36, 0x41, + 0x37, 0x41, 0x38, 0x41, 0x39, 0x41, 0x3A, 0x41, + 0x3B, 0x41, 0x3C, 0x41, 0x3D, 0x41, 0x3E, 0x41, + // Bytes 40 - 7f + 0x3F, 0x41, 0x40, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x42, 0x41, + 0x43, 0x41, 0x44, 0x41, 0x45, 0x41, 0x46, 0x41, + 0x47, 0x41, 0x48, 0x41, 0x49, 0x41, 0x4A, 0x41, + 0x4B, 0x41, 0x4C, 0x41, 0x4D, 0x41, 0x4E, 0x41, + 0x4F, 0x41, 0x50, 0x41, 0x51, 0x41, 0x52, 0x41, + 0x53, 0x41, 0x54, 0x41, 0x55, 0x41, 0x56, 0x41, + 0x57, 0x41, 0x58, 0x41, 0x59, 0x41, 0x5A, 0x41, + 0x5B, 0x41, 0x5C, 0x41, 0x5D, 0x41, 0x5E, 0x41, + // Bytes 80 - bf + 0x5F, 0x41, 0x60, 0x41, 0x61, 0x41, 0x62, 0x41, + 0x63, 0x41, 0x64, 0x41, 0x65, 0x41, 0x66, 0x41, + 0x67, 0x41, 0x68, 0x41, 0x69, 0x41, 0x6A, 0x41, + 0x6B, 0x41, 0x6C, 0x41, 0x6D, 0x41, 0x6E, 0x41, + 0x6F, 0x41, 0x70, 0x41, 0x71, 0x41, 0x72, 0x41, + 0x73, 0x41, 0x74, 0x41, 0x75, 0x41, 0x76, 0x41, + 0x77, 0x41, 0x78, 0x41, 0x79, 0x41, 0x7A, 0x41, + 0x7B, 0x41, 0x7C, 0x41, 0x7D, 0x41, 0x7E, 0x42, + // Bytes c0 - ff + 0xC2, 0xA2, 0x42, 0xC2, 0xA3, 0x42, 0xC2, 0xA5, + 0x42, 0xC2, 0xA6, 0x42, 0xC2, 0xAC, 0x42, 0xC2, + 0xB7, 0x42, 0xC3, 0x86, 0x42, 0xC3, 0xB0, 0x42, + 0xC4, 0xA6, 0x42, 0xC4, 0xA7, 0x42, 0xC4, 0xB1, + 0x42, 0xC5, 0x8B, 0x42, 0xC5, 0x93, 0x42, 0xC6, + 0x8E, 0x42, 0xC6, 0x90, 0x42, 0xC6, 0xAB, 0x42, + 0xC8, 0xA2, 0x42, 0xC8, 0xB7, 0x42, 0xC9, 0x90, + 0x42, 0xC9, 0x91, 0x42, 0xC9, 0x92, 0x42, 0xC9, + // Bytes 100 - 13f + 0x94, 0x42, 0xC9, 0x95, 0x42, 0xC9, 0x99, 0x42, + 0xC9, 0x9B, 0x42, 0xC9, 0x9C, 0x42, 0xC9, 0x9F, + 0x42, 0xC9, 0xA1, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xA3, 0x42, 0xC9, + 0xA5, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xA6, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xA8, 0x42, + 0xC9, 0xA9, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xAA, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xAB, + 0x42, 0xC9, 0xAD, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xAF, 0x42, 0xC9, + 0xB0, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xB1, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xB2, 0x42, + 0xC9, 0xB3, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xB4, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xB5, + // Bytes 140 - 17f + 0x42, 0xC9, 0xB8, 0x42, 0xC9, 0xB9, 0x42, 0xC9, + 0xBB, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x81, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x82, 0x42, + 0xCA, 0x83, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x89, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x8A, + 0x42, 0xCA, 0x8B, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x8C, 0x42, 0xCA, + 0x90, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x91, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x92, 0x42, + 0xCA, 0x95, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x9D, 0x42, 0xCA, 0x9F, + 0x42, 0xCA, 0xB9, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x91, 0x42, 0xCE, + 0x92, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x93, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x94, 0x42, + // Bytes 180 - 1bf + 0xCE, 0x95, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x96, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x97, + 0x42, 0xCE, 0x98, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x99, 0x42, 0xCE, + 0x9A, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x9B, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x9C, 0x42, + 0xCE, 0x9D, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x9E, 0x42, 0xCE, 0x9F, + 0x42, 0xCE, 0xA0, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xA1, 0x42, 0xCE, + 0xA3, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xA4, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xA5, 0x42, + 0xCE, 0xA6, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xA7, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xA8, + 0x42, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0x42, 0xCE, + // Bytes 1c0 - 1ff + 0xB2, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xB3, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xB4, 0x42, + 0xCE, 0xB5, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xB6, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xB7, + 0x42, 0xCE, 0xB8, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0x42, 0xCE, + 0xBA, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xBB, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xBC, 0x42, + 0xCE, 0xBD, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xBE, 0x42, 0xCE, 0xBF, + 0x42, 0xCF, 0x80, 0x42, 0xCF, 0x81, 0x42, 0xCF, + 0x82, 0x42, 0xCF, 0x83, 0x42, 0xCF, 0x84, 0x42, + 0xCF, 0x85, 0x42, 0xCF, 0x86, 0x42, 0xCF, 0x87, + // Bytes 200 - 23f + 0x42, 0xCF, 0x88, 0x42, 0xCF, 0x89, 0x42, 0xCF, + 0x9C, 0x42, 0xCF, 0x9D, 0x42, 0xD0, 0xBD, 0x42, + 0xD1, 0x8A, 0x42, 0xD1, 0x8C, 0x42, 0xD7, 0x90, + 0x42, 0xD7, 0x91, 0x42, 0xD7, 0x92, 0x42, 0xD7, + 0x93, 0x42, 0xD7, 0x94, 0x42, 0xD7, 0x9B, 0x42, + 0xD7, 0x9C, 0x42, 0xD7, 0x9D, 0x42, 0xD7, 0xA2, + 0x42, 0xD7, 0xA8, 0x42, 0xD7, 0xAA, 0x42, 0xD8, + 0xA1, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0x42, + // Bytes 240 - 27f + 0xD8, 0xA9, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xAB, + 0x42, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x42, 0xD8, + 0xAE, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xAF, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xB0, 0x42, + 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xB2, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xB3, + 0x42, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xB5, 0x42, 0xD8, + 0xB6, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xB7, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xB8, 0x42, + 0xD8, 0xB9, 0x42, 0xD8, 0xBA, 0x42, 0xD9, 0x81, + 0x42, 0xD9, 0x82, 0x42, 0xD9, 0x83, 0x42, 0xD9, + // Bytes 280 - 2bf + 0x84, 0x42, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x42, 0xD9, 0x86, 0x42, + 0xD9, 0x87, 0x42, 0xD9, 0x88, 0x42, 0xD9, 0x89, + 0x42, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x42, 0xD9, 0xAE, 0x42, 0xD9, + 0xAF, 0x42, 0xD9, 0xB1, 0x42, 0xD9, 0xB9, 0x42, + 0xD9, 0xBA, 0x42, 0xD9, 0xBB, 0x42, 0xD9, 0xBE, + 0x42, 0xD9, 0xBF, 0x42, 0xDA, 0x80, 0x42, 0xDA, + 0x83, 0x42, 0xDA, 0x84, 0x42, 0xDA, 0x86, 0x42, + 0xDA, 0x87, 0x42, 0xDA, 0x88, 0x42, 0xDA, 0x8C, + // Bytes 2c0 - 2ff + 0x42, 0xDA, 0x8D, 0x42, 0xDA, 0x8E, 0x42, 0xDA, + 0x91, 0x42, 0xDA, 0x98, 0x42, 0xDA, 0xA1, 0x42, + 0xDA, 0xA4, 0x42, 0xDA, 0xA6, 0x42, 0xDA, 0xA9, + 0x42, 0xDA, 0xAD, 0x42, 0xDA, 0xAF, 0x42, 0xDA, + 0xB1, 0x42, 0xDA, 0xB3, 0x42, 0xDA, 0xBA, 0x42, + 0xDA, 0xBB, 0x42, 0xDA, 0xBE, 0x42, 0xDB, 0x81, + 0x42, 0xDB, 0x85, 0x42, 0xDB, 0x86, 0x42, 0xDB, + 0x87, 0x42, 0xDB, 0x88, 0x42, 0xDB, 0x89, 0x42, + // Bytes 300 - 33f + 0xDB, 0x8B, 0x42, 0xDB, 0x8C, 0x42, 0xDB, 0x90, + 0x42, 0xDB, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE0, 0xBC, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x83, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x84, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x85, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x89, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8A, 0x43, + // Bytes 340 - 37f + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8C, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8D, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x94, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x95, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x9A, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x9C, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x9D, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0xA1, 0x43, + // Bytes 380 - 3bf + 0xE1, 0x84, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0xAC, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0xAD, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0xAE, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0xAF, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x84, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0xB6, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0x8C, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0x98, 0x43, + // Bytes 3c0 - 3ff + 0xE1, 0x85, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x86, 0x84, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x86, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, 0x91, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x86, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x86, 0x9E, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, 0xA1, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x87, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x87, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x87, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x87, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x87, 0x93, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x87, 0x97, 0x43, + // Bytes 400 - 43f + 0xE1, 0x87, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x87, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x87, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x87, 0xB1, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x87, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE1, 0xB4, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0xB4, 0x96, 0x43, 0xE1, 0xB4, 0x97, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0xB4, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE1, 0xB4, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0xB4, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE1, 0xB5, 0xBB, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0xB6, 0x85, 0x43, 0xE2, 0x80, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE2, 0x80, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE2, 0x80, 0x90, 0x43, + // Bytes 440 - 47f + 0xE2, 0x80, 0x93, 0x43, 0xE2, 0x80, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE2, 0x82, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE2, 0x86, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE2, 0x86, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE2, 0x86, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE2, 0x86, 0x93, 0x43, 0xE2, 0x88, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE2, 0x88, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE2, 0x88, 0x91, 0x43, + 0xE2, 0x88, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE2, 0x94, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE2, 0x96, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE2, 0x97, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE2, 0xA6, 0x85, 0x43, 0xE2, 0xA6, 0x86, 0x43, + // Bytes 480 - 4bf + 0xE2, 0xB5, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x80, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x80, 0x89, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x80, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x8C, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x80, 0x8D, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x80, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x80, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x80, 0x94, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x95, 0x43, + // Bytes 4c0 - 4ff + 0xE3, 0x80, 0x96, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x97, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA2, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA4, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA6, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAA, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAD, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB1, 0x43, + // Bytes 500 - 53f + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB5, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB7, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBB, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBD, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x84, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8A, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8D, 0x43, + // Bytes 540 - 57f + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8F, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x95, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x98, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9E, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9F, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA1, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA5, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA6, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA7, 0x43, + // Bytes 580 - 5bf + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAC, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAF, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB0, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB1, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBB, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x92, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x92, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x92, 0xBB, 0x43, + // Bytes 5c0 - 5ff + 0xE3, 0x93, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x94, 0x95, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x9B, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE3, 0x9B, 0xBC, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0x9E, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xA0, 0xAF, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xA1, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xA1, 0xBC, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xA3, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xA3, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xA4, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xA4, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xA8, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xA9, 0xAC, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xAB, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xAC, 0x88, 0x43, + // Bytes 600 - 63f + 0xE3, 0xAC, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xAD, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xAE, 0x9D, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xB0, 0x98, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xB1, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xB4, 0xB3, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xB6, 0x96, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xBA, 0xAC, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xBA, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE3, 0xBC, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE3, 0xBF, 0xBC, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x80, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x80, 0x98, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x80, 0xB9, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x81, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x82, 0x96, 0x43, + // Bytes 640 - 67f + 0xE4, 0x83, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x84, 0xAF, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x88, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x88, 0xA7, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x8A, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x8C, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x8C, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x8D, 0x99, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x8F, 0x95, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x8F, 0x99, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x90, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x91, 0xAB, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x94, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x95, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x95, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x95, 0xAB, 0x43, + // Bytes 680 - 6bf + 0xE4, 0x97, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x97, 0xB9, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x98, 0xB5, 0x43, 0xE4, 0x9A, 0xBE, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0x9B, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xA6, 0x95, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xA7, 0xA6, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xA9, 0xAE, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xA9, 0xB6, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xAA, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xAC, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xAF, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB3, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB3, 0xAD, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB3, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB5, 0x96, 0x43, + // Bytes 6c0 - 6ff + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x8A, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x8D, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x99, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0xA6, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0xAD, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0xB6, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0xB8, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0xBD, 0x43, + // Bytes 700 - 73f + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB9, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xB9, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xB9, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBA, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBA, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBA, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBA, 0x8C, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBA, 0x94, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBA, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBA, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBA, 0xAE, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBA, 0xBA, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBB, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBB, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBB, 0xA4, 0x43, + // Bytes 740 - 77f + 0xE4, 0xBC, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBC, 0x91, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBD, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBE, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBE, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBE, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBE, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE4, 0xBE, 0xBB, 0x43, + 0xE4, 0xBE, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x80, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x80, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x81, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x82, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x83, 0x8F, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x83, 0x9A, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x83, 0xA7, 0x43, + // Bytes 780 - 7bf + 0xE5, 0x84, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x84, 0xBF, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x85, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x85, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x85, 0x8D, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x85, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x85, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x85, 0xA5, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x85, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x85, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x85, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x85, 0xAB, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x85, 0xAD, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x85, 0xB7, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x86, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x86, 0x82, 0x43, + // Bytes 7c0 - 7ff + 0xE5, 0x86, 0x8D, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x86, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x86, 0x95, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x86, 0x96, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x86, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x86, 0x99, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x86, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x86, 0xAB, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x86, 0xAC, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x86, 0xB5, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x86, 0xB7, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x87, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x87, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x87, 0x9C, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x87, 0x9E, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x87, 0xA0, 0x43, + // Bytes 800 - 83f + 0xE5, 0x87, 0xB5, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x88, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x88, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x88, 0x87, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x88, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x88, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x88, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x88, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x88, 0xBB, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x89, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x89, 0x8D, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x89, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x89, 0xB7, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8A, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8A, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8A, 0xA3, 0x43, + // Bytes 840 - 87f + 0xE5, 0x8A, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8A, 0xB4, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8B, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8B, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8B, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8B, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8B, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8B, 0xB5, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8B, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8B, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8C, 0x85, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8C, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8C, 0x95, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8C, 0x97, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8C, 0x9A, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8C, 0xB8, 0x43, + // Bytes 880 - 8bf + 0xE5, 0x8C, 0xBB, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8C, 0xBF, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x84, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x85, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x9A, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x9C, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8D, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8D, 0xB0, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8D, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8D, 0xB5, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8D, 0xBD, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8D, 0xBF, 0x43, + // Bytes 8c0 - 8ff + 0xE5, 0x8E, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8E, 0xB6, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8F, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8F, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8F, 0x8A, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8F, 0x8C, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8F, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8F, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8F, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8F, 0xAB, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8F, 0xAF, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x8F, 0xB1, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x8F, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x90, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x90, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x90, 0x8D, 0x43, + // Bytes 900 - 93f + 0xE5, 0x90, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x90, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x90, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x90, 0xB9, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x91, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x91, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x91, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x92, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x92, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x92, 0xBD, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x93, 0xB6, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x94, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x95, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x95, 0x93, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x95, 0x95, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x95, 0xA3, 0x43, + // Bytes 940 - 97f + 0xE5, 0x96, 0x84, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x96, 0x87, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x96, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x96, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x96, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x96, 0xB3, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x96, 0xB6, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x97, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x97, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x97, 0xA2, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x98, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x99, 0x91, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x99, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x99, 0xB4, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x9B, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x9B, 0x9B, 0x43, + // Bytes 980 - 9bf + 0xE5, 0x9B, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x9C, 0x96, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x9C, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x9C, 0x9F, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x9C, 0xB0, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x9E, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0x9F, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE5, 0x9F, 0xB4, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA0, 0x8D, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA0, 0xB1, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA0, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA1, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA1, 0x9A, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA1, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA2, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA2, 0xAC, 0x43, + // Bytes 9c0 - 9ff + 0xE5, 0xA2, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA3, 0x98, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA3, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA3, 0xAB, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA3, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA3, 0xB0, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA3, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA3, 0xB7, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA4, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA4, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA4, 0x8A, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA4, 0x95, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA4, 0x9A, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA4, 0x9C, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA4, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA4, 0xA7, 0x43, + // Bytes a00 - a3f + 0xE5, 0xA4, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA5, 0x84, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA5, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA5, 0x91, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA5, 0x94, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA5, 0xA2, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA5, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA7, 0x98, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA7, 0xAC, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA8, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA8, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xA9, 0xA2, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xA9, 0xA6, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xAA, 0xB5, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xAC, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xAC, 0xA8, 0x43, + // Bytes a40 - a7f + 0xE5, 0xAC, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xAD, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xAD, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xAD, 0xA6, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xAE, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xAE, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xAE, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xAF, 0x83, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xAF, 0x98, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xAF, 0xA7, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xAF, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xAF, 0xB3, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xAF, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xAF, 0xBF, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB0, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB0, 0x8F, 0x43, + // Bytes a80 - abf + 0xE5, 0xB0, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB0, 0xB8, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB0, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB1, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB1, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB1, 0xA4, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB1, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB1, 0xAE, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB1, 0xB1, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB2, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB3, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB4, 0x99, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB5, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB5, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB5, 0xAE, 0x43, + // Bytes ac0 - aff + 0xE5, 0xB5, 0xBC, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB6, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB6, 0xBA, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB7, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB7, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB7, 0xA2, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB7, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB7, 0xA6, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB7, 0xB1, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB7, 0xBD, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB7, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB8, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB8, 0xBD, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB9, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB9, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB9, 0xB4, 0x43, + // Bytes b00 - b3f + 0xE5, 0xB9, 0xBA, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xB9, 0xBC, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xB9, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBA, 0xA6, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBA, 0xB0, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBA, 0xB3, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBA, 0xB6, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBB, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBB, 0x8A, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBB, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBB, 0x93, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBB, 0x99, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBB, 0xAC, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBB, 0xB4, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBB, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBC, 0x84, 0x43, + // Bytes b40 - b7f + 0xE5, 0xBC, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBC, 0x93, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBC, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBD, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBD, 0x93, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBD, 0xA1, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBD, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBD, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBD, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBD, 0xB3, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBE, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBE, 0x8C, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBE, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBE, 0x9A, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBE, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBE, 0xAD, 0x43, + // Bytes b80 - bbf + 0xE5, 0xBF, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBF, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBF, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE5, 0xBF, 0xB5, 0x43, + 0xE5, 0xBF, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x80, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x80, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x81, 0xB5, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x82, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x82, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x83, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x83, 0x98, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x83, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x84, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x85, 0x84, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x85, 0x88, 0x43, + // Bytes bc0 - bff + 0xE6, 0x85, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x85, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x85, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x85, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x85, 0xBA, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x86, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x86, 0x90, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x86, 0xA4, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x86, 0xAF, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x86, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x87, 0x9E, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x87, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x87, 0xB6, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x88, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x88, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x88, 0x90, 0x43, + // Bytes c00 - c3f + 0xE6, 0x88, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x88, 0xAE, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x88, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x88, 0xB6, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x89, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x89, 0x93, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x89, 0x9D, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8A, 0x95, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x8A, 0xB1, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8B, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x8B, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8B, 0x93, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x8B, 0x94, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8B, 0xBC, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x8B, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8C, 0x87, 0x43, + // Bytes c40 - c7f + 0xE6, 0x8C, 0xBD, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8D, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x8D, 0x95, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8D, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x8D, 0xBB, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8E, 0x83, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x8E, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8E, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x8F, 0x84, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x8F, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x8F, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x90, 0x9C, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x90, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x91, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x91, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x91, 0xB7, 0x43, + // Bytes c80 - cbf + 0xE6, 0x91, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x92, 0x9A, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x92, 0x9D, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x93, 0x84, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x94, 0xAF, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x94, 0xB4, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x95, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x95, 0x96, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x95, 0xAC, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x95, 0xB8, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x96, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x96, 0x97, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x96, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x96, 0xA4, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x96, 0xB0, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x96, 0xB9, 0x43, + // Bytes cc0 - cff + 0xE6, 0x97, 0x85, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x98, 0x93, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x98, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x99, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x99, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9A, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9A, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9A, 0x9C, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9A, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9B, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9B, 0xB0, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9B, 0xB4, 0x43, + // Bytes d00 - d3f + 0xE6, 0x9B, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9C, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9D, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9D, 0x93, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9D, 0x96, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9D, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9D, 0xBB, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9E, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0x9E, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE6, 0x9F, 0xB3, 0x43, + // Bytes d40 - d7f + 0xE6, 0x9F, 0xBA, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xA0, 0x97, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xA0, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xA0, 0xAA, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xA1, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xA2, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xA2, 0x85, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xA2, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xA2, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xA4, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xA5, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xA6, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xA7, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xA8, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xA8, 0x93, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAA, 0xA8, 0x43, + // Bytes d80 - dbf + 0xE6, 0xAB, 0x93, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAB, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xAC, 0x84, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAC, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xAC, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAD, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xAD, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAD, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xAD, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAD, 0xB7, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xAD, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAE, 0x9F, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xAE, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAE, 0xB3, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xAE, 0xBA, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAE, 0xBB, 0x43, + // Bytes dc0 - dff + 0xE6, 0xAF, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAF, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xAF, 0x94, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xAF, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB0, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB0, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB0, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB1, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB1, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB2, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB2, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB3, 0x8C, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB3, 0x8D, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB3, 0xA5, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB3, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB4, 0x96, 0x43, + // Bytes e00 - e3f + 0xE6, 0xB4, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB4, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB4, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB4, 0xBE, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB5, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB5, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB5, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB5, 0xB7, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB5, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB6, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB7, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB7, 0x9A, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB7, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB7, 0xB9, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xB8, 0x9A, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xB8, 0xAF, 0x43, + // Bytes e40 - e7f + 0xE6, 0xB9, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xBA, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xBA, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xBA, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xBB, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xBB, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xBB, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xBB, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xBC, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xBC, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xBC, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xBC, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xBD, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xBF, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE6, 0xBF, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE6, 0xBF, 0xBE, 0x43, + // Bytes e80 - ebf + 0xE7, 0x80, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x80, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x80, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x81, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x81, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x81, 0xB0, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x81, 0xB7, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x81, 0xBD, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x82, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xAD, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x83, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x83, 0x99, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x84, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x85, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x85, 0x89, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x85, 0xAE, 0x43, + // Bytes ec0 - eff + 0xE7, 0x86, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x87, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x87, 0x90, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x88, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x88, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x88, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x88, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x88, 0xAB, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x88, 0xB5, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x88, 0xB6, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x88, 0xBB, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x88, 0xBF, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x89, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x89, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x89, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x89, 0x9B, 0x43, + // Bytes f00 - f3f + 0xE7, 0x89, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x89, 0xB9, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x8A, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x8A, 0x95, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x8A, 0xAC, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x8A, 0xAF, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x8B, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x8B, 0xBC, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x8C, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x8D, 0xB5, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x8D, 0xBA, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x8E, 0x84, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x8E, 0x87, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x8E, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x8E, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x8E, 0xA5, 0x43, + // Bytes f40 - f7f + 0xE7, 0x8E, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x8F, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x90, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x90, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x90, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x91, 0x87, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x91, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x91, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x91, 0xB1, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x92, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x92, 0x89, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x92, 0x98, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x93, 0x8A, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x93, 0x9C, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x93, 0xA6, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x94, 0x86, 0x43, + // Bytes f80 - fbf + 0xE7, 0x94, 0x98, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x94, 0x9F, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x94, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x94, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x94, 0xB0, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x94, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x94, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x94, 0xB7, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x94, 0xBB, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x94, 0xBE, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x95, 0x99, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x95, 0xA5, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x95, 0xB0, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x96, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x96, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x97, 0xA2, 0x43, + // Bytes fc0 - fff + 0xE7, 0x98, 0x90, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x98, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x98, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x99, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x99, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x99, 0xB6, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x99, 0xBD, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x9A, 0xAE, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x9A, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x9B, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x9B, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x9B, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x9B, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x9B, 0xAE, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x9B, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x9C, 0x81, 0x43, + // Bytes 1000 - 103f + 0xE7, 0x9C, 0x9E, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x9C, 0x9F, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x9D, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x9D, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x9E, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x9E, 0xA7, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x9F, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE7, 0x9F, 0xA2, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0x9F, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA1, 0x8E, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA1, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA2, 0x8C, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA2, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA3, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA3, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA3, 0xBB, 0x43, + // Bytes 1040 - 107f + 0xE7, 0xA4, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA4, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA4, 0xBE, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA5, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA5, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA5, 0x90, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA5, 0x96, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA5, 0x9D, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA5, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA5, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA5, 0xBF, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA6, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA6, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA6, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA6, 0x8F, 0x43, + // Bytes 1080 - 10bf + 0xE7, 0xA6, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA6, 0xB8, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA6, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA7, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA7, 0x98, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA7, 0xAB, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA8, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA9, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA9, 0x8A, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA9, 0x8F, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xA9, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xA9, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xAA, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xAA, 0xB1, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xAB, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xAB, 0xAE, 0x43, + // Bytes 10c0 - 10ff + 0xE7, 0xAB, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xAC, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xAE, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xAF, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xAF, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xAF, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB0, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB1, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB1, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB1, 0xBB, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB2, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB2, 0xBE, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB3, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB3, 0x96, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB3, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB3, 0xA7, 0x43, + // Bytes 1100 - 113f + 0xE7, 0xB3, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB3, 0xB8, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB4, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB4, 0x90, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB4, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB4, 0xAF, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB5, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB5, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB5, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB6, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB6, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB7, 0x87, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB7, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB8, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xB8, 0x89, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB8, 0xB7, 0x43, + // Bytes 1140 - 117f + 0xE7, 0xB9, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xB9, 0x85, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xBC, 0xB6, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xBC, 0xBE, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xBD, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xBD, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xBD, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xBD, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xBE, 0x85, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xBE, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xBE, 0x95, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xBE, 0x9A, 0x43, + 0xE7, 0xBE, 0xBD, 0x43, 0xE7, 0xBF, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x80, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x80, 0x85, 0x43, + // Bytes 1180 - 11bf + 0xE8, 0x80, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x80, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x80, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x81, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x81, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x81, 0xAF, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x81, 0xB0, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x81, 0xBE, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x81, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x82, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x82, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x82, 0xAD, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x82, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x84, 0x83, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x84, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x87, 0x98, 0x43, + // Bytes 11c0 - 11ff + 0xE8, 0x87, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x87, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x87, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x87, 0xAD, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x87, 0xB3, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x87, 0xBC, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x88, 0x81, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x88, 0x84, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x88, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x88, 0x98, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x88, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x88, 0x9F, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x89, 0xAE, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x89, 0xAF, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x89, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x89, 0xB8, 0x43, + // Bytes 1200 - 123f + 0xE8, 0x89, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8A, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8A, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8A, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8A, 0xB1, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8A, 0xB3, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8A, 0xBD, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8B, 0xA5, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8B, 0xA6, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8C, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8C, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8C, 0xB6, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8D, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8D, 0x93, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8D, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8E, 0xAD, 0x43, + // Bytes 1240 - 127f + 0xE8, 0x8E, 0xBD, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8F, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8F, 0x8A, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8F, 0x8C, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8F, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8F, 0xA7, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x8F, 0xAF, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x8F, 0xB1, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x90, 0xBD, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x91, 0x89, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x91, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x93, 0xAE, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x93, 0xB1, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x93, 0xB3, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x93, 0xBC, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x94, 0x96, 0x43, + // Bytes 1280 - 12bf + 0xE8, 0x95, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x97, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x97, 0xBA, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x98, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x98, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x98, 0xAD, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x98, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x99, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x99, 0x90, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x99, 0x9C, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x99, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x99, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x99, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x9A, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x9A, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x9B, 0xA2, 0x43, + // Bytes 12c0 - 12ff + 0xE8, 0x9C, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x9C, 0xA8, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x9D, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x9D, 0xB9, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x9E, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE8, 0x9E, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0x9F, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA0, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA0, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA1, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA1, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA1, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA1, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA3, 0x82, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA3, 0x8F, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA3, 0x97, 0x43, + // Bytes 1300 - 133f + 0xE8, 0xA3, 0x9E, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA3, 0xA1, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA3, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA3, 0xBA, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA4, 0x90, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA5, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA5, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA5, 0xBE, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA6, 0x86, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA6, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA6, 0x96, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA7, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xA7, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xA8, 0x80, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xAA, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0x43, + // Bytes 1340 - 137f + 0xE8, 0xAA, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xAB, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xAB, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xAB, 0x96, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xAB, 0xAD, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xAB, 0xB8, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xAB, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xAC, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xAC, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xAD, 0x98, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xAE, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xAE, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB0, 0xB7, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB1, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB1, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB1, 0x95, 0x43, + // Bytes 1380 - 13bf + 0xE8, 0xB1, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB2, 0x9D, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB2, 0xA1, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB2, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB2, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB3, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB3, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB3, 0x87, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB3, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB3, 0x93, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB4, 0x88, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB4, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB5, 0xA4, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB5, 0xB0, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB5, 0xB7, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB6, 0xB3, 0x43, + // Bytes 13c0 - 13ff + 0xE8, 0xB6, 0xBC, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB7, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xB7, 0xAF, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xB7, 0xB0, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xBA, 0xAB, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xBB, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xBB, 0x94, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xBC, 0xA6, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xBC, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xBC, 0xB8, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xBC, 0xBB, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xBD, 0xA2, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xBE, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xBE, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE8, 0xBE, 0xB0, 0x43, 0xE8, 0xBE, 0xB5, 0x43, + // Bytes 1400 - 143f + 0xE8, 0xBE, 0xB6, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x80, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x80, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x81, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x81, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x81, 0xB2, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x81, 0xBC, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x82, 0x8F, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x82, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x82, 0x94, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x83, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x83, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x83, 0xB1, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x83, 0xBD, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x84, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x84, 0x9B, 0x43, + // Bytes 1440 - 147f + 0xE9, 0x85, 0x89, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x85, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x85, 0xAA, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x86, 0x99, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x86, 0xB4, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x87, 0x86, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x87, 0x8C, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x87, 0x8F, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x87, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x88, 0xB4, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x88, 0xB8, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x89, 0xB6, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x89, 0xBC, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x8B, 0x97, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x8B, 0x98, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x8C, 0x84, 0x43, + // Bytes 1480 - 14bf + 0xE9, 0x8D, 0x8A, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x8F, 0xB9, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x90, 0x95, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x95, 0xB7, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x96, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x96, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x96, 0xAD, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x96, 0xB7, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x98, 0x9C, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x98, 0xAE, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x99, 0x8B, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x99, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x99, 0xB5, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x99, 0xB8, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x99, 0xBC, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9A, 0x86, 0x43, + // Bytes 14c0 - 14ff + 0xE9, 0x9A, 0xA3, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9A, 0xB6, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9A, 0xB7, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9A, 0xB8, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9A, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9B, 0x83, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9B, 0xA2, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9B, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9B, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9B, 0xB6, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9B, 0xB7, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9C, 0xA3, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9C, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9D, 0x88, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9D, 0x91, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9D, 0x96, 0x43, + // Bytes 1500 - 153f + 0xE9, 0x9D, 0x9E, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9D, 0xA2, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9D, 0xA9, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9F, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9F, 0x9B, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9F, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9F, 0xAD, 0x43, 0xE9, 0x9F, 0xB3, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0x9F, 0xBF, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA0, 0x81, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA0, 0x85, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA0, 0x8B, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA0, 0x98, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA0, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA0, 0xBB, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA1, 0x9E, 0x43, + // Bytes 1540 - 157f + 0xE9, 0xA2, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA3, 0x9B, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA3, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA3, 0xA2, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA3, 0xAF, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA3, 0xBC, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA4, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA4, 0xA9, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA6, 0x96, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA6, 0x99, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA6, 0xAC, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA7, 0x82, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA7, 0xB1, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xA7, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xA9, 0xAA, 0x43, + // Bytes 1580 - 15bf + 0xE9, 0xAA, 0xA8, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xAB, 0x98, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xAB, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xAC, 0x92, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xAC, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xAC, 0xAF, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xAC, 0xB2, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xAC, 0xBC, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xAD, 0x9A, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xAD, 0xAF, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xB1, 0x80, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xB1, 0x97, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xB3, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xB3, 0xBD, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xB5, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xB6, 0xB4, 0x43, + // Bytes 15c0 - 15ff + 0xE9, 0xB7, 0xBA, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xB8, 0x9E, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xB9, 0xB5, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xB9, 0xBF, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBA, 0x97, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBA, 0x9F, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBA, 0xA5, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBA, 0xBB, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBB, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBB, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBB, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBB, 0x91, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBB, 0xB9, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBB, 0xBD, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBB, 0xBE, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBC, 0x85, 0x43, + // Bytes 1600 - 163f + 0xE9, 0xBC, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBC, 0x8F, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBC, 0x93, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBC, 0x96, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBC, 0xA0, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBC, 0xBB, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBD, 0x83, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBD, 0x8A, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBD, 0x92, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBE, 0x8D, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBE, 0x8E, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBE, 0x9C, 0x43, + 0xE9, 0xBE, 0x9F, 0x43, 0xE9, 0xBE, 0xA0, 0x43, + 0xEA, 0x9C, 0xA7, 0x43, 0xEA, 0x9D, 0xAF, 0x43, + // Bytes 1640 - 167f + 0xEA, 0xAC, 0xB7, 0x43, 0xEA, 0xAD, 0x92, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA0, 0x84, 0xA2, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA0, 0x94, + 0x9C, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA0, 0x94, 0xA5, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA0, 0x95, 0x8B, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA0, 0x98, 0xBA, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0x84, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA0, + 0xA3, 0x9E, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA0, 0xA8, 0xAC, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA0, 0xAD, 0xA3, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA1, 0x93, + 0xA4, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA1, 0x9A, 0xA8, 0x44, 0xF0, + // Bytes 1680 - 16bf + 0xA1, 0x9B, 0xAA, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA1, 0xA7, 0x88, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA1, 0xAC, 0x98, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA1, + 0xB4, 0x8B, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA1, 0xB7, 0xA4, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA1, 0xB7, 0xA6, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA2, 0x86, + 0x83, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA2, 0x86, 0x9F, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA2, 0x8C, 0xB1, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA2, 0x9B, 0x94, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA2, 0xA1, 0x84, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA2, + 0xA1, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA2, 0xAC, 0x8C, 0x44, + // Bytes 16c0 - 16ff + 0xF0, 0xA2, 0xAF, 0xB1, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0x80, + 0x8A, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0x8A, 0xB8, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA3, 0x8D, 0x9F, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0x8E, 0x93, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0x8E, 0x9C, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, + 0x8F, 0x83, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0x8F, 0x95, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA3, 0x91, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0x9A, + 0xA3, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0xA2, 0xA7, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA3, 0xAA, 0x8D, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0xAB, 0xBA, + // Bytes 1700 - 173f + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0xB2, 0xBC, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, + 0xB4, 0x9E, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0xBB, 0x91, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA3, 0xBD, 0x9E, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA3, 0xBE, + 0x8E, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA4, 0x89, 0xA3, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA4, 0x8B, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA4, 0x8E, 0xAB, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA4, 0x98, 0x88, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA4, + 0x9C, 0xB5, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA4, 0xA0, 0x94, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA4, 0xB0, 0xB6, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA4, 0xB2, + // Bytes 1740 - 177f + 0x92, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA4, 0xBE, 0xA1, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA4, 0xBE, 0xB8, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0x81, 0x84, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0x83, 0xB2, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, + 0x83, 0xB3, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0x84, 0x99, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA5, 0x84, 0xB3, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0x89, + 0x89, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0x90, 0x9D, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA5, 0x98, 0xA6, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0x9A, 0x9A, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0x9B, 0x85, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, + // Bytes 1780 - 17bf + 0xA5, 0xBC, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0xAA, 0xA7, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA5, 0xAE, 0xAB, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0xB2, + 0x80, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA5, 0xB3, 0x90, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA5, 0xBE, 0x86, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0x87, 0x9A, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0x88, 0xA8, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, + 0x89, 0x87, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0x8B, 0x99, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA6, 0x8C, 0xBE, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0x93, + 0x9A, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0x94, 0xA3, 0x44, 0xF0, + // Bytes 17c0 - 17ff + 0xA6, 0x96, 0xA8, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0x9E, 0xA7, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0x9E, 0xB5, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, + 0xAC, 0xBC, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0xB0, 0xB6, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA6, 0xB3, 0x95, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0xB5, + 0xAB, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA6, 0xBC, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA6, 0xBE, 0xB1, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA7, 0x83, 0x92, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA7, 0x8F, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA7, + 0x99, 0xA7, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA7, 0xA2, 0xAE, 0x44, + // Bytes 1800 - 183f + 0xF0, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0xA6, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA7, 0xB2, + 0xA8, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA7, 0xBB, 0x93, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA7, 0xBC, 0xAF, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA8, 0x97, 0x92, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA8, 0x97, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA8, + 0x9C, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA8, 0xAF, 0xBA, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xA8, 0xB5, 0xB7, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA9, 0x85, + 0x85, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA9, 0x87, 0x9F, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xA9, 0x88, 0x9A, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA9, 0x90, 0x8A, + // Bytes 1840 - 187f + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA9, 0x92, 0x96, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA9, + 0x96, 0xB6, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xA9, 0xAC, 0xB0, 0x44, + 0xF0, 0xAA, 0x83, 0x8E, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xAA, 0x84, + 0x85, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xAA, 0x88, 0x8E, 0x44, 0xF0, + 0xAA, 0x8A, 0x91, 0x44, 0xF0, 0xAA, 0x8E, 0x92, + 0x44, 0xF0, 0xAA, 0x98, 0x80, 0x42, 0x21, 0x21, + 0x42, 0x21, 0x3F, 0x42, 0x2E, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x30, + 0x2C, 0x42, 0x30, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x31, 0x2C, 0x42, + // Bytes 1880 - 18bf + 0x31, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x31, 0x30, 0x42, 0x31, 0x31, + 0x42, 0x31, 0x32, 0x42, 0x31, 0x33, 0x42, 0x31, + 0x34, 0x42, 0x31, 0x35, 0x42, 0x31, 0x36, 0x42, + 0x31, 0x37, 0x42, 0x31, 0x38, 0x42, 0x31, 0x39, + 0x42, 0x32, 0x2C, 0x42, 0x32, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x32, + 0x30, 0x42, 0x32, 0x31, 0x42, 0x32, 0x32, 0x42, + 0x32, 0x33, 0x42, 0x32, 0x34, 0x42, 0x32, 0x35, + 0x42, 0x32, 0x36, 0x42, 0x32, 0x37, 0x42, 0x32, + // Bytes 18c0 - 18ff + 0x38, 0x42, 0x32, 0x39, 0x42, 0x33, 0x2C, 0x42, + 0x33, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x33, 0x30, 0x42, 0x33, 0x31, + 0x42, 0x33, 0x32, 0x42, 0x33, 0x33, 0x42, 0x33, + 0x34, 0x42, 0x33, 0x35, 0x42, 0x33, 0x36, 0x42, + 0x33, 0x37, 0x42, 0x33, 0x38, 0x42, 0x33, 0x39, + 0x42, 0x34, 0x2C, 0x42, 0x34, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x34, + 0x30, 0x42, 0x34, 0x31, 0x42, 0x34, 0x32, 0x42, + 0x34, 0x33, 0x42, 0x34, 0x34, 0x42, 0x34, 0x35, + // Bytes 1900 - 193f + 0x42, 0x34, 0x36, 0x42, 0x34, 0x37, 0x42, 0x34, + 0x38, 0x42, 0x34, 0x39, 0x42, 0x35, 0x2C, 0x42, + 0x35, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x35, 0x30, 0x42, 0x36, 0x2C, + 0x42, 0x36, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x37, 0x2C, 0x42, 0x37, + 0x2E, 0x42, 0x38, 0x2C, 0x42, 0x38, 0x2E, 0x42, + 0x39, 0x2C, 0x42, 0x39, 0x2E, 0x42, 0x3D, 0x3D, + 0x42, 0x3F, 0x21, 0x42, 0x3F, 0x3F, 0x42, 0x41, + 0x55, 0x42, 0x42, 0x71, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x42, + // Bytes 1940 - 197f + 0x44, 0x4A, 0x42, 0x44, 0x5A, 0x42, 0x44, 0x7A, + 0x42, 0x47, 0x42, 0x42, 0x47, 0x79, 0x42, 0x48, + 0x50, 0x42, 0x48, 0x56, 0x42, 0x48, 0x67, 0x42, + 0x48, 0x7A, 0x42, 0x49, 0x49, 0x42, 0x49, 0x4A, + 0x42, 0x49, 0x55, 0x42, 0x49, 0x56, 0x42, 0x49, + 0x58, 0x42, 0x4B, 0x42, 0x42, 0x4B, 0x4B, 0x42, + 0x4B, 0x4D, 0x42, 0x4C, 0x4A, 0x42, 0x4C, 0x6A, + 0x42, 0x4D, 0x42, 0x42, 0x4D, 0x43, 0x42, 0x4D, + // Bytes 1980 - 19bf + 0x44, 0x42, 0x4D, 0x56, 0x42, 0x4D, 0x57, 0x42, + 0x4E, 0x4A, 0x42, 0x4E, 0x6A, 0x42, 0x4E, 0x6F, + 0x42, 0x50, 0x48, 0x42, 0x50, 0x52, 0x42, 0x50, + 0x61, 0x42, 0x52, 0x73, 0x42, 0x53, 0x44, 0x42, + 0x53, 0x4D, 0x42, 0x53, 0x53, 0x42, 0x53, 0x76, + 0x42, 0x54, 0x4D, 0x42, 0x56, 0x49, 0x42, 0x57, + 0x43, 0x42, 0x57, 0x5A, 0x42, 0x57, 0x62, 0x42, + 0x58, 0x49, 0x42, 0x63, 0x63, 0x42, 0x63, 0x64, + // Bytes 19c0 - 19ff + 0x42, 0x63, 0x6D, 0x42, 0x64, 0x42, 0x42, 0x64, + 0x61, 0x42, 0x64, 0x6C, 0x42, 0x64, 0x6D, 0x42, + 0x64, 0x7A, 0x42, 0x65, 0x56, 0x42, 0x66, 0x66, + 0x42, 0x66, 0x69, 0x42, 0x66, 0x6C, 0x42, 0x66, + 0x6D, 0x42, 0x68, 0x61, 0x42, 0x69, 0x69, 0x42, + 0x69, 0x6A, 0x42, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x42, 0x69, 0x76, + 0x42, 0x69, 0x78, 0x42, 0x6B, 0x41, 0x42, 0x6B, + 0x56, 0x42, 0x6B, 0x57, 0x42, 0x6B, 0x67, 0x42, + // Bytes 1a00 - 1a3f + 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x42, 0x6B, 0x6D, 0x42, 0x6B, 0x74, + 0x42, 0x6C, 0x6A, 0x42, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x42, 0x6C, + 0x6E, 0x42, 0x6C, 0x78, 0x42, 0x6D, 0x32, 0x42, + 0x6D, 0x33, 0x42, 0x6D, 0x41, 0x42, 0x6D, 0x56, + 0x42, 0x6D, 0x57, 0x42, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x42, 0x6D, + 0x67, 0x42, 0x6D, 0x6C, 0x42, 0x6D, 0x6D, 0x42, + 0x6D, 0x73, 0x42, 0x6E, 0x41, 0x42, 0x6E, 0x46, + 0x42, 0x6E, 0x56, 0x42, 0x6E, 0x57, 0x42, 0x6E, + // Bytes 1a40 - 1a7f + 0x6A, 0x42, 0x6E, 0x6D, 0x42, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x42, + 0x6F, 0x56, 0x42, 0x70, 0x41, 0x42, 0x70, 0x46, + 0x42, 0x70, 0x56, 0x42, 0x70, 0x57, 0x42, 0x70, + 0x63, 0x42, 0x70, 0x73, 0x42, 0x73, 0x72, 0x42, + 0x73, 0x74, 0x42, 0x76, 0x69, 0x42, 0x78, 0x69, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x31, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x32, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x33, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x34, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x35, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x36, 0x29, + // Bytes 1a80 - 1abf + 0x43, 0x28, 0x37, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x38, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x39, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x41, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x42, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x43, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x44, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x45, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x46, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x47, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x48, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x49, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x4A, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x4B, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x4C, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x4D, 0x29, + // Bytes 1ac0 - 1aff + 0x43, 0x28, 0x4E, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x4F, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x50, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x51, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x52, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x53, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x54, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x55, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x56, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x57, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x58, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x59, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x5A, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x61, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x62, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x63, 0x29, + // Bytes 1b00 - 1b3f + 0x43, 0x28, 0x64, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x65, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x66, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x67, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x68, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x69, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x6A, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x6B, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x6C, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x6D, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x6E, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x6F, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x70, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x71, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x72, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x73, 0x29, + // Bytes 1b40 - 1b7f + 0x43, 0x28, 0x74, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x75, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x76, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x77, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x78, 0x29, 0x43, 0x28, 0x79, 0x29, + 0x43, 0x28, 0x7A, 0x29, 0x43, 0x2E, 0x2E, 0x2E, + 0x43, 0x31, 0x30, 0x2E, 0x43, 0x31, 0x31, 0x2E, + 0x43, 0x31, 0x32, 0x2E, 0x43, 0x31, 0x33, 0x2E, + 0x43, 0x31, 0x34, 0x2E, 0x43, 0x31, 0x35, 0x2E, + 0x43, 0x31, 0x36, 0x2E, 0x43, 0x31, 0x37, 0x2E, + // Bytes 1b80 - 1bbf + 0x43, 0x31, 0x38, 0x2E, 0x43, 0x31, 0x39, 0x2E, + 0x43, 0x32, 0x30, 0x2E, 0x43, 0x3A, 0x3A, 0x3D, + 0x43, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x3D, 0x43, 0x43, 0x6F, 0x2E, + 0x43, 0x46, 0x41, 0x58, 0x43, 0x47, 0x48, 0x7A, + 0x43, 0x47, 0x50, 0x61, 0x43, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, + 0x43, 0x4C, 0x54, 0x44, 0x43, 0x4C, 0xC2, 0xB7, + 0x43, 0x4D, 0x48, 0x7A, 0x43, 0x4D, 0x50, 0x61, + 0x43, 0x4D, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0x43, 0x50, 0x50, 0x4D, + // Bytes 1bc0 - 1bff + 0x43, 0x50, 0x50, 0x56, 0x43, 0x50, 0x54, 0x45, + 0x43, 0x54, 0x45, 0x4C, 0x43, 0x54, 0x48, 0x7A, + 0x43, 0x56, 0x49, 0x49, 0x43, 0x58, 0x49, 0x49, + 0x43, 0x61, 0x2F, 0x63, 0x43, 0x61, 0x2F, 0x73, + 0x43, 0x61, 0xCA, 0xBE, 0x43, 0x62, 0x61, 0x72, + 0x43, 0x63, 0x2F, 0x6F, 0x43, 0x63, 0x2F, 0x75, + 0x43, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x43, 0x63, 0x6D, 0x32, + 0x43, 0x63, 0x6D, 0x33, 0x43, 0x64, 0x6D, 0x32, + // Bytes 1c00 - 1c3f + 0x43, 0x64, 0x6D, 0x33, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x67, + 0x43, 0x66, 0x66, 0x69, 0x43, 0x66, 0x66, 0x6C, + 0x43, 0x67, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x43, 0x68, 0x50, 0x61, + 0x43, 0x69, 0x69, 0x69, 0x43, 0x6B, 0x48, 0x7A, + 0x43, 0x6B, 0x50, 0x61, 0x43, 0x6B, 0x6D, 0x32, + 0x43, 0x6B, 0x6D, 0x33, 0x43, 0x6B, 0xCE, 0xA9, + 0x43, 0x6C, 0x6F, 0x67, 0x43, 0x6C, 0xC2, 0xB7, + 0x43, 0x6D, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x43, 0x6D, 0x6D, 0x32, + // Bytes 1c40 - 1c7f + 0x43, 0x6D, 0x6D, 0x33, 0x43, 0x6D, 0x6F, 0x6C, + 0x43, 0x72, 0x61, 0x64, 0x43, 0x76, 0x69, 0x69, + 0x43, 0x78, 0x69, 0x69, 0x43, 0xC2, 0xB0, 0x43, + 0x43, 0xC2, 0xB0, 0x46, 0x43, 0xCA, 0xBC, 0x6E, + 0x43, 0xCE, 0xBC, 0x41, 0x43, 0xCE, 0xBC, 0x46, + 0x43, 0xCE, 0xBC, 0x56, 0x43, 0xCE, 0xBC, 0x57, + 0x43, 0xCE, 0xBC, 0x67, 0x43, 0xCE, 0xBC, 0x6C, + 0x43, 0xCE, 0xBC, 0x6D, 0x43, 0xCE, 0xBC, 0x73, + // Bytes 1c80 - 1cbf + 0x44, 0x28, 0x31, 0x30, 0x29, 0x44, 0x28, 0x31, + 0x31, 0x29, 0x44, 0x28, 0x31, 0x32, 0x29, 0x44, + 0x28, 0x31, 0x33, 0x29, 0x44, 0x28, 0x31, 0x34, + 0x29, 0x44, 0x28, 0x31, 0x35, 0x29, 0x44, 0x28, + 0x31, 0x36, 0x29, 0x44, 0x28, 0x31, 0x37, 0x29, + 0x44, 0x28, 0x31, 0x38, 0x29, 0x44, 0x28, 0x31, + 0x39, 0x29, 0x44, 0x28, 0x32, 0x30, 0x29, 0x44, + 0x30, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x44, 0x31, 0xE2, 0x81, + // Bytes 1cc0 - 1cff + 0x84, 0x44, 0x31, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x44, 0x31, + 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x44, 0x31, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x44, 0x32, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x44, 0x32, 0xE6, + 0x9C, 0x88, 0x44, 0x32, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x44, + 0x33, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x44, 0x33, 0xE6, 0x9C, + 0x88, 0x44, 0x33, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x44, 0x34, + 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x44, 0x34, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, + 0x44, 0x34, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x44, 0x35, 0xE6, + // Bytes 1d00 - 1d3f + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x44, 0x35, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x44, + 0x35, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x44, 0x36, 0xE6, 0x97, + 0xA5, 0x44, 0x36, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x44, 0x36, + 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x44, 0x37, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, + 0x44, 0x37, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x44, 0x37, 0xE7, + 0x82, 0xB9, 0x44, 0x38, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x44, + 0x38, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x44, 0x38, 0xE7, 0x82, + 0xB9, 0x44, 0x39, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x44, 0x39, + // Bytes 1d40 - 1d7f + 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x44, 0x39, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x44, 0x56, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x44, 0x61, 0x2E, + 0x6D, 0x2E, 0x44, 0x6B, 0x63, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x44, + 0x70, 0x2E, 0x6D, 0x2E, 0x44, 0x76, 0x69, 0x69, + 0x69, 0x44, 0xD5, 0xA5, 0xD6, 0x82, 0x44, 0xD5, + 0xB4, 0xD5, 0xA5, 0x44, 0xD5, 0xB4, 0xD5, 0xAB, + 0x44, 0xD5, 0xB4, 0xD5, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD5, 0xB4, + 0xD5, 0xB6, 0x44, 0xD5, 0xBE, 0xD5, 0xB6, 0x44, + // Bytes 1d80 - 1dbf + 0xD7, 0x90, 0xD7, 0x9C, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, + 0xB4, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xA8, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD8, 0xAE, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA8, + 0xD8, 0xB2, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, + 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD9, 0x86, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD9, + 0x87, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xA8, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xAC, + // Bytes 1dc0 - 1dff + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAA, + 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x44, + 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xB2, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD9, + 0x85, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD9, 0x86, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xAA, 0xD9, 0x87, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD9, 0x89, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAB, + 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x44, + 0xD8, 0xAB, 0xD8, 0xB2, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0xD9, + // Bytes 1e00 - 1e3f + 0x85, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0xD9, 0x86, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xAB, 0xD9, 0x87, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0xD9, 0x89, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAB, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAC, + 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, + 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, + 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x89, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAE, + // Bytes 1e40 - 1e7f + 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, + 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, + 0x89, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xB3, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD8, 0xAD, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB3, + 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, + 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD9, 0x87, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD9, + 0x89, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, + // Bytes 1e80 - 1ebf + 0xB4, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD8, 0xAD, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB4, + 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, + 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD9, 0x87, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD9, + 0x89, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xB5, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB5, 0xD8, 0xAE, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB5, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB5, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB5, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, + // Bytes 1ec0 - 1eff + 0xD8, 0xB5, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB6, 0xD8, + 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB6, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xB6, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB6, 0xD8, 0xB1, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB6, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB6, + 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB6, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, + 0xD8, 0xB7, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB7, 0xD9, + 0x85, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB7, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xB7, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB8, 0xD9, 0x85, + // Bytes 1f00 - 1f3f + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB9, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, + 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xBA, 0xD8, + 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xBA, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xBA, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xBA, 0xD9, 0x8A, + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x81, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x81, + 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x81, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, + 0xD9, 0x81, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x81, 0xD9, + // Bytes 1f40 - 1f7f + 0x89, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x81, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD9, + 0x82, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x82, 0xD9, 0x85, + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x82, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x82, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x83, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0x44, + 0xD9, 0x83, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x83, 0xD8, + 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x83, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xD9, + 0x83, 0xD9, 0x84, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x83, 0xD9, 0x85, + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x83, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x83, + // Bytes 1f80 - 1fbf + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0x44, + 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, + 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xD9, + 0x84, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD9, 0x87, + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x84, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0x44, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, + 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xD9, + // Bytes 1fc0 - 1fff + 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x89, + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x86, + 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, + 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD8, + 0xB1, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD8, 0xB2, 0x44, 0xD9, + 0x86, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD9, 0x86, + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD9, 0x87, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x86, + 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, + // Bytes 2000 - 203f + 0xD9, 0x87, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x87, 0xD9, + 0x85, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x87, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD9, + 0x87, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x88, 0xD9, 0xB4, + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, + 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x44, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD8, + 0xB2, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x44, 0xD9, + 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x86, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x87, + // Bytes 2040 - 207f + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0xB4, 0x44, + 0xDB, 0x87, 0xD9, 0xB4, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, + 0x80, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x82, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x83, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x85, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, + 0x86, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x87, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x89, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + // Bytes 2080 - 20bf + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8B, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, + 0x8C, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8E, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8F, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x90, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, + 0x91, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x92, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x80, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x83, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE4, 0xB8, + 0x89, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE4, 0xB9, 0x9D, 0x29, + // Bytes 20c0 - 20ff + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE4, 0xBA, 0x8C, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE4, 0xBA, 0x94, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE4, 0xBB, + 0xA3, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE4, 0xBC, 0x81, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE4, 0xBC, 0x91, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE5, 0x85, 0xAB, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE5, 0x85, + 0xAD, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE5, 0x8A, 0xB4, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x81, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE5, 0x8D, 0x94, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE5, 0x90, + // Bytes 2100 - 213f + 0x8D, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE5, 0x91, 0xBC, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE5, 0x9B, 0x9B, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE5, 0x9C, 0x9F, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE5, 0xAD, + 0xA6, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x89, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE6, 0x9C, + 0xA8, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE6, 0xA0, 0xAA, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE6, 0xB0, 0xB4, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + // Bytes 2140 - 217f + 0xE7, 0x81, 0xAB, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE7, 0x89, + 0xB9, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE7, 0x9B, 0xA3, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE7, 0xA4, 0xBE, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE7, 0xA5, 0x9D, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE7, 0xA5, + 0xAD, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE8, 0x87, 0xAA, 0x29, + 0x45, 0x28, 0xE8, 0x87, 0xB3, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, + 0xE8, 0xB2, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE8, 0xB3, + 0x87, 0x29, 0x45, 0x28, 0xE9, 0x87, 0x91, 0x29, + // Bytes 2180 - 21bf + 0x45, 0x30, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x33, 0x45, 0x31, + 0x30, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x31, 0x30, 0xE6, + 0x9C, 0x88, 0x45, 0x31, 0x30, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x45, 0x31, 0x31, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x31, + 0x31, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x45, 0x31, 0x31, 0xE7, + 0x82, 0xB9, 0x45, 0x31, 0x32, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, + 0x45, 0x31, 0x32, 0xE6, 0x9C, 0x88, 0x45, 0x31, + 0x32, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x45, 0x31, 0x33, 0xE6, + // Bytes 21c0 - 21ff + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x31, 0x33, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x45, 0x31, 0x34, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x31, + 0x34, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x45, 0x31, 0x35, 0xE6, + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x31, 0x35, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x45, 0x31, 0x36, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x31, + 0x36, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x45, 0x31, 0x37, 0xE6, + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x31, 0x37, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x45, 0x31, 0x38, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x31, + // Bytes 2200 - 223f + 0x38, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x45, 0x31, 0x39, 0xE6, + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x31, 0x39, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x45, 0x31, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x32, 0x45, 0x31, + 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x33, 0x45, 0x31, 0xE2, 0x81, + 0x84, 0x34, 0x45, 0x31, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x35, + 0x45, 0x31, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x36, 0x45, 0x31, + 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x37, 0x45, 0x31, 0xE2, 0x81, + 0x84, 0x38, 0x45, 0x31, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x39, + // Bytes 2240 - 227f + 0x45, 0x32, 0x30, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x32, + 0x30, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x45, 0x32, 0x31, 0xE6, + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x32, 0x31, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x45, 0x32, 0x32, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x32, + 0x32, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x45, 0x32, 0x33, 0xE6, + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x32, 0x33, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x45, 0x32, 0x34, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x32, + 0x34, 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x45, 0x32, 0x35, 0xE6, + // Bytes 2280 - 22bf + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x32, 0x36, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, + 0x45, 0x32, 0x37, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x32, + 0x38, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x32, 0x39, 0xE6, + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x32, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x33, + 0x45, 0x32, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x35, 0x45, 0x33, + 0x30, 0xE6, 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x33, 0x31, 0xE6, + 0x97, 0xA5, 0x45, 0x33, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x34, + 0x45, 0x33, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x35, 0x45, 0x33, + // Bytes 22c0 - 22ff + 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x38, 0x45, 0x34, 0xE2, 0x81, + 0x84, 0x35, 0x45, 0x35, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x36, + 0x45, 0x35, 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x38, 0x45, 0x37, + 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x38, 0x45, 0x41, 0xE2, 0x88, + 0x95, 0x6D, 0x45, 0x56, 0xE2, 0x88, 0x95, 0x6D, + 0x45, 0x6D, 0xE2, 0x88, 0x95, 0x73, 0x46, 0x31, + 0xE2, 0x81, 0x84, 0x31, 0x30, 0x46, 0x43, 0xE2, + 0x88, 0x95, 0x6B, 0x67, 0x46, 0x6D, 0xE2, 0x88, + // Bytes 2300 - 233f + 0x95, 0x73, 0x32, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD8, 0xAD, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, + 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x85, + 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, + 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, + 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAA, + 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, + 0xAE, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xAE, + // Bytes 2340 - 237f + 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, + 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAC, + 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x46, + 0xD8, 0xAA, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x46, 0xD8, + 0xAA, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAA, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD8, + 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD8, 0xAD, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, + // Bytes 2380 - 23bf + 0xAD, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x89, + 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, + 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, + 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xAD, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD8, + 0xAC, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD8, 0xAC, + 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD8, + 0xAC, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, 0x89, + // Bytes 23c0 - 23ff + 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, + 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x46, 0xD8, + 0xB3, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB3, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD8, + 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD8, 0xAD, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, + 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAE, + 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB4, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, + // Bytes 2400 - 243f + 0xD8, 0xB5, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x46, 0xD8, + 0xB5, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB5, + 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB5, 0xD9, + 0x84, 0xDB, 0x92, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB5, 0xD9, 0x85, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB6, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, + 0x89, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB6, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x8A, + 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB6, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, + 0xD8, 0xB7, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x46, 0xD8, + // Bytes 2440 - 247f + 0xB7, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB7, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xD8, + 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xD9, 0x85, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, + 0x89, 0x46, 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, + 0x46, 0xD8, 0xBA, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, + 0xD8, 0xBA, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, 0xD8, + 0xBA, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x81, + // Bytes 2480 - 24bf + 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x81, 0xD9, + 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x82, 0xD9, 0x84, + 0xDB, 0x92, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x82, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, + 0xAD, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x82, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x82, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, + 0xD9, 0x83, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, + 0x83, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, + 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, + // Bytes 24c0 - 24ff + 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xAC, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, + 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x89, + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, + 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, + 0x84, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, + 0xAC, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAC, + // Bytes 2500 - 253f + 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, + 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x8A, + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x46, + 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, + 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x85, + 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, + 0xAE, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAE, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, + // Bytes 2540 - 257f + 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD8, 0xAD, + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, + 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, 0xD9, + 0x86, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x86, + 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD8, + 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD8, 0xAD, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, + 0x89, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x86, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x8A, + // Bytes 2580 - 25bf + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x87, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0x46, + 0xD9, 0x87, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, + 0x8A, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, + 0xD8, 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, + 0x85, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x85, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD8, + 0xA7, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD8, 0xAC, + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD8, 0xAD, 0x46, + // Bytes 25c0 - 25ff + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0x46, 0xD9, + 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, + 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD8, 0xB2, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, + 0x94, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, + 0xD9, 0x86, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD9, + 0x87, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD9, 0x88, + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x46, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xD9, + // Bytes 2600 - 263f + 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xDB, 0x86, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, + 0xD9, 0x94, 0xDB, 0x87, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, + 0x94, 0xDB, 0x88, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, + 0xDB, 0x90, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xDB, + 0x95, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xB9, 0x8D, 0xE0, 0xB8, 0xB2, + 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBA, 0xAB, 0xE0, 0xBA, 0x99, 0x46, + 0xE0, 0xBA, 0xAB, 0xE0, 0xBA, 0xA1, 0x46, 0xE0, + 0xBB, 0x8D, 0xE0, 0xBA, 0xB2, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBD, + // Bytes 2640 - 267f + 0x80, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB5, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBD, 0x82, + 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB7, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBD, 0x8C, 0xE0, + 0xBE, 0xB7, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBD, 0x91, 0xE0, 0xBE, + 0xB7, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBD, 0x96, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB7, + 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBD, 0x9B, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB7, 0x46, + 0xE0, 0xBE, 0x90, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB5, 0x46, 0xE0, + 0xBE, 0x92, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB7, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBE, + 0x9C, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB7, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xA1, + // Bytes 2680 - 26bf + 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB7, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xA6, 0xE0, + 0xBE, 0xB7, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xAB, 0xE0, 0xBE, + 0xB7, 0x46, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB2, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB2, + 0x46, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB5, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB5, 0x46, + 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAB, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAB, 0x46, 0xE2, + 0x88, 0xAE, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAE, 0x46, 0xE3, 0x81, + 0xBB, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8B, 0x46, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x88, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0x8A, 0x46, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAD, 0xE3, + // Bytes 26c0 - 26ff + 0x83, 0xAD, 0x46, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xB3, 0x46, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, + 0x46, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0x46, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8A, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8E, 0x46, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x9B, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0x46, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0x9F, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAA, 0x46, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAA, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA9, 0x46, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAC, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xA0, 0x46, 0xE5, 0xA4, 0xA7, 0xE6, 0xAD, + // Bytes 2700 - 273f + 0xA3, 0x46, 0xE5, 0xB9, 0xB3, 0xE6, 0x88, 0x90, + 0x46, 0xE6, 0x98, 0x8E, 0xE6, 0xB2, 0xBB, 0x46, + 0xE6, 0x98, 0xAD, 0xE5, 0x92, 0x8C, 0x47, 0x72, + 0x61, 0x64, 0xE2, 0x88, 0x95, 0x73, 0x47, 0xE3, + 0x80, 0x94, 0x53, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x95, 0x48, 0x28, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x80, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, + 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x82, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, + 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x83, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, + // Bytes 2740 - 277f + 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x85, 0xE1, 0x85, + 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x86, 0xE1, + 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x87, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, + 0x89, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, + 0x84, 0x8B, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, + 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8C, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, + 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8C, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xAE, 0x29, + // Bytes 2780 - 27bf + 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8E, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, + 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8F, 0xE1, 0x85, + 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x90, 0xE1, + 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x91, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, + 0x92, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x29, 0x48, 0x72, 0x61, + 0x64, 0xE2, 0x88, 0x95, 0x73, 0x32, 0x48, 0xD8, + 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x83, 0xD8, 0xA8, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0x48, + // Bytes 27c0 - 27ff + 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD9, 0x87, + 0x48, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD9, 0x88, 0xD9, + 0x84, 0x48, 0xD8, 0xB1, 0xDB, 0x8C, 0xD8, 0xA7, + 0xD9, 0x84, 0x48, 0xD8, 0xB5, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, + 0xB9, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x48, 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xD9, 0x84, + 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x87, 0x48, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, + 0xAD, 0xD9, 0x85, 0xD8, 0xAF, 0x48, 0xD9, 0x88, + 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x49, 0xE2, + // Bytes 2800 - 283f + 0x80, 0xB2, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB2, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB2, + 0x49, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB5, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB5, 0xE2, + 0x80, 0xB5, 0x49, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAB, 0xE2, 0x88, + 0xAB, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAB, 0x49, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAE, + 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAE, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAE, 0x49, 0xE3, + 0x80, 0x94, 0xE4, 0xB8, 0x89, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x95, + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x94, 0xE4, 0xBA, 0x8C, 0xE3, + 0x80, 0x95, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x94, 0xE5, 0x8B, + // Bytes 2840 - 287f + 0x9D, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x95, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x94, + 0xE5, 0xAE, 0x89, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x95, 0x49, 0xE3, + 0x80, 0x94, 0xE6, 0x89, 0x93, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x95, + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x94, 0xE6, 0x95, 0x97, 0xE3, + 0x80, 0x95, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x94, 0xE6, 0x9C, + 0xAC, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x95, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x94, + 0xE7, 0x82, 0xB9, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x95, 0x49, 0xE3, + 0x80, 0x94, 0xE7, 0x9B, 0x97, 0xE3, 0x80, 0x95, + // Bytes 2880 - 28bf + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA2, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xAB, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x81, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA6, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA9, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0x49, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0xAA, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB9, + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAA, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xA0, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAA, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB1, + // Bytes 28c0 - 28ff + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x49, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8A, + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBB, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x81, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBB, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x86, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB7, 0x49, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8E, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x83, 0xE3, + // Bytes 2900 - 293f + 0x83, 0x88, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x84, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x92, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x49, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x92, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB3, + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x95, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA9, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xB3, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBD, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x98, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x84, 0x49, 0xE3, + // Bytes 2940 - 297f + 0x83, 0x9B, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9B, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xB3, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9E, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9E, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x83, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8F, 0x49, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x9E, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xAB, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA6, 0xE3, 0x82, + // Bytes 2980 - 29bf + 0xA2, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAF, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x83, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0x4C, 0xE2, + 0x80, 0xB2, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB2, 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB2, + 0xE2, 0x80, 0xB2, 0x4C, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAB, 0xE2, + 0x88, 0xAB, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAB, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xAB, + 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA2, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x95, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA1, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xA8, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0xE3, + // Bytes 29c0 - 29ff + 0x83, 0xBC, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0x4C, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9E, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA9, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x83, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0x88, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAA, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0x4C, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8B, + // Bytes 2a00 - 2a3f + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAD, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xA5, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAA, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, + 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xA9, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA0, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x8D, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB5, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x4C, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, + // Bytes 2a40 - 2a7f + 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB9, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8F, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0x84, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x92, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x4C, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x95, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x98, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBF, + 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, + // Bytes 2a80 - 2abf + 0x83, 0x8B, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x92, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0x98, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0xB9, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9B, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0x4C, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9E, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9F, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xB3, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA1, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, + // Bytes 2ac0 - 2aff + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x4C, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xAA, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x83, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x92, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, + 0x4C, 0xE6, 0xA0, 0xAA, 0xE5, 0xBC, 0x8F, 0xE4, + 0xBC, 0x9A, 0xE7, 0xA4, 0xBE, 0x4E, 0x28, 0xE1, + 0x84, 0x8B, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA9, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x92, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0xAE, 0x29, 0x4F, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, + // Bytes 2b00 - 2b3f + 0x84, 0x20, 0xD8, 0xAC, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xA7, + 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD9, 0x87, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA2, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA2, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA2, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAD, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0x83, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB5, + // Bytes 2b40 - 2b7f + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x81, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA0, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8F, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xAC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x98, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBF, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9B, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9E, + // Bytes 2b80 - 2bbf + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB7, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xA7, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA1, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0x88, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x95, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x51, 0x28, 0xE1, 0x84, + 0x8B, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA9, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8C, 0xE1, + 0x85, 0xA5, 0xE1, 0x86, 0xAB, 0x29, 0x52, 0xE3, + // Bytes 2bc0 - 2bff + 0x82, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xBC, 0x52, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xA9, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA0, 0x52, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAD, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA1, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x52, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, + // Bytes 2c00 - 2c3f + 0xA9, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA0, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0xB3, 0x52, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAD, 0x52, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0xBB, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, + 0x52, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x92, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0xA2, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB9, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, + // Bytes 2c40 - 2c7f + 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x52, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x95, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x83, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB7, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA7, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAB, 0x52, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x9F, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAA, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8F, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xAB, 0x52, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB1, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0x99, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0x61, 0xD8, 0xB5, 0xD9, + // Bytes 2c80 - 2cbf + 0x84, 0xD9, 0x89, 0x20, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x84, + 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD9, 0x87, 0x20, 0xD8, 0xB9, 0xD9, + 0x84, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x87, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x88, + 0xD8, 0xB3, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD9, 0x85, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xA7, 0x87, 0xE0, 0xA6, 0xBE, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xA7, 0x87, 0xE0, 0xA7, 0x97, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xAD, 0x87, 0xE0, 0xAC, 0xBE, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xAD, 0x87, 0xE0, 0xAD, 0x96, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + // Bytes 2cc0 - 2cff + 0xAD, 0x87, 0xE0, 0xAD, 0x97, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xAE, 0x92, 0xE0, 0xAF, 0x97, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xAF, 0x86, 0xE0, 0xAE, 0xBE, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xAF, 0x86, 0xE0, 0xAF, 0x97, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xAF, 0x87, 0xE0, 0xAE, 0xBE, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xB2, 0xBF, 0xE0, 0xB3, 0x95, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xB3, 0x86, 0xE0, 0xB3, 0x95, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xB3, 0x86, 0xE0, 0xB3, 0x96, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + // Bytes 2d00 - 2d3f + 0xB5, 0x86, 0xE0, 0xB4, 0xBE, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xB5, 0x86, 0xE0, 0xB5, 0x97, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xB5, 0x87, 0xE0, 0xB4, 0xBE, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE0, + 0xB7, 0x99, 0xE0, 0xB7, 0x9F, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0x80, 0xA5, 0xE1, 0x80, 0xAE, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAC, 0x85, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAC, 0x87, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAC, 0x89, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + // Bytes 2d40 - 2d7f + 0xAC, 0x8B, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAC, 0x8D, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAC, 0x91, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAC, 0xBA, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAC, 0xBC, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAC, 0xBE, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAC, 0xBF, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x06, 0xE1, + 0xAD, 0x82, 0xE1, 0xAC, 0xB5, 0x01, 0x08, 0xF0, + // Bytes 2d80 - 2dbf + 0x91, 0x84, 0xB1, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x84, 0xA7, 0x01, + 0x08, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x84, 0xB2, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x84, + 0xA7, 0x01, 0x08, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x8D, 0x87, 0xF0, + 0x91, 0x8C, 0xBE, 0x01, 0x08, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x8D, + 0x87, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x8D, 0x97, 0x01, 0x08, 0xF0, + 0x91, 0x92, 0xB9, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x92, 0xB0, 0x01, + 0x08, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x92, 0xB9, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x92, + 0xBA, 0x01, 0x08, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x92, 0xB9, 0xF0, + // Bytes 2dc0 - 2dff + 0x91, 0x92, 0xBD, 0x01, 0x08, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x96, + 0xB8, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x96, 0xAF, 0x01, 0x08, 0xF0, + 0x91, 0x96, 0xB9, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x96, 0xAF, 0x01, + 0x09, 0xE0, 0xB3, 0x86, 0xE0, 0xB3, 0x82, 0xE0, + 0xB3, 0x95, 0x02, 0x09, 0xE0, 0xB7, 0x99, 0xE0, + 0xB7, 0x8F, 0xE0, 0xB7, 0x8A, 0x12, 0x44, 0x44, + 0x5A, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x44, 0x44, 0x7A, 0xCC, + 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x44, 0x64, 0x7A, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, + // Bytes 2e00 - 2e3f + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x93, 0xC9, + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xC9, + 0x46, 0xD9, 0x84, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x95, 0xB5, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x80, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x82, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x83, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x85, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x86, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + // Bytes 2e40 - 2e7f + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x87, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x89, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8B, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8B, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xAE, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8C, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8E, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8F, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x90, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + // Bytes 2e80 - 2ebf + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x91, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x46, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x92, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA1, 0x01, + 0x49, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA1, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, 0x4C, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8C, 0xE1, + 0x85, 0xAE, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8B, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xB4, + 0x01, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, 0x4C, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, + // Bytes 2ec0 - 2eff + 0x9B, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, 0x4C, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, 0x4F, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x8E, 0xE1, + 0x85, 0xA1, 0xE1, 0x86, 0xB7, 0xE1, 0x84, 0x80, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA9, 0x01, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA4, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8B, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, 0x4F, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0xB7, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAA, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB3, 0xE3, + // Bytes 2f00 - 2f3f + 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, 0x4F, 0xE3, + 0x83, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB7, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, 0x4F, + 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9B, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x52, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA8, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB9, 0xE3, + 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBC, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, 0x52, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x95, + // Bytes 2f40 - 2f7f + 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA1, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xA9, 0xE3, 0x83, + 0x83, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x86, 0xE0, 0xB3, 0x86, 0xE0, 0xB3, 0x82, 0x01, + 0x86, 0xE0, 0xB7, 0x99, 0xE0, 0xB7, 0x8F, 0x01, + 0x03, 0x3C, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x03, 0x3D, 0xCC, + 0xB8, 0x05, 0x03, 0x3E, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x03, + 0x41, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x41, + // Bytes 2f80 - 2fbf + 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x41, 0xCC, + 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x41, 0xCC, 0xA5, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x41, 0xCC, 0xA8, + 0xA5, 0x03, 0x42, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x42, + 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x42, 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, + 0x03, 0x43, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x43, 0xCC, + 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x43, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, + // Bytes 2fc0 - 2fff + 0x43, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x44, 0xCC, 0x87, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x44, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x44, + 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x44, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, + 0x03, 0x44, 0xCC, 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x44, 0xCC, + 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x45, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x83, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x45, + 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, + // Bytes 3000 - 303f + 0x03, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x45, 0xCC, + 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x45, 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x45, 0xCC, 0xA8, + 0xA5, 0x03, 0x45, 0xCC, 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x45, + 0xCC, 0xB0, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x46, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x47, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x47, 0xCC, + 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x47, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x47, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x47, 0xCC, 0x87, + // Bytes 3040 - 307f + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x47, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x47, + 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x48, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x48, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x48, 0xCC, + 0x88, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x48, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x48, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x48, 0xCC, 0xA7, + 0xA5, 0x03, 0x48, 0xCC, 0xAE, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x49, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, + // Bytes 3080 - 30bf + 0x83, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x49, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, 0x87, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x49, + 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, + 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x49, 0xCC, 0xA8, 0xA5, 0x03, + 0x49, 0xCC, 0xB0, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x4A, 0xCC, 0x82, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4B, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4B, + // Bytes 30c0 - 30ff + 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4B, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, + 0x03, 0x4B, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x4B, 0xCC, + 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x4C, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0xA7, + 0xA5, 0x03, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x4C, + 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x4D, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x4D, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4D, 0xCC, + 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x4E, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, + // Bytes 3100 - 313f + 0x4E, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4E, 0xCC, 0x83, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4E, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4E, + 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4E, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, + 0x03, 0x4E, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x4E, 0xCC, + 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x4E, 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, + 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4F, + 0xCC, 0x89, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x8B, 0xC9, + // Bytes 3140 - 317f + 0x03, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4F, 0xCC, + 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x50, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x50, 0xCC, 0x87, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x52, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x52, + 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x52, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x52, 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x52, 0xCC, + 0x91, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x52, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, + 0x52, 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x53, 0xCC, 0x82, + // Bytes 3180 - 31bf + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x53, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x53, + 0xCC, 0xA6, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x53, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, + 0x03, 0x54, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x54, 0xCC, + 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x54, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, + 0x54, 0xCC, 0xA6, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x54, 0xCC, 0xA7, + 0xA5, 0x03, 0x54, 0xCC, 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x54, + 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, + // Bytes 31c0 - 31ff + 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x55, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x8A, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x8B, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x55, + 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, + 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0xA4, 0xB5, 0x03, + 0x55, 0xCC, 0xA8, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0xAD, + 0xB5, 0x03, 0x55, 0xCC, 0xB0, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x56, + // Bytes 3200 - 323f + 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x56, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, + 0x03, 0x57, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x57, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x57, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x57, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x57, 0xCC, 0x88, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x57, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x58, + 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x58, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x59, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x59, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x59, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, + // Bytes 3240 - 327f + 0x59, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x59, 0xCC, 0x84, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x59, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x59, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x59, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x59, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x5A, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x5A, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x5A, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x5A, 0xCC, 0x8C, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x5A, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x5A, + 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, + // Bytes 3280 - 32bf + 0x03, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x61, 0xCC, + 0x83, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x61, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x8C, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x61, + 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x61, 0xCC, 0xA5, 0xB5, + 0x03, 0x61, 0xCC, 0xA8, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x62, 0xCC, + 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x62, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, + 0x62, 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x63, 0xCC, 0x81, + // Bytes 32c0 - 32ff + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x63, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x63, + 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x63, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x64, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x64, 0xCC, + 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x64, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, + 0x64, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x64, 0xCC, 0xAD, + 0xB5, 0x03, 0x64, 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x65, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, + // Bytes 3300 - 333f + 0x86, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x65, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x89, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x65, + 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, 0xA8, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, + 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x65, 0xCC, 0xB0, 0xB5, 0x03, + 0x66, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x67, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x67, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x67, + // Bytes 3340 - 337f + 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x67, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x67, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x67, 0xCC, + 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x67, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, + 0x68, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x68, 0xCC, 0x87, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x68, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x68, + 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x68, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, + 0x03, 0x68, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x68, 0xCC, + 0xAE, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x68, 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, + // Bytes 3380 - 33bf + 0x69, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x69, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x69, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x69, + 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x69, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x69, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x69, 0xCC, + 0x89, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x69, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x69, 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x69, 0xCC, 0x91, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x69, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x69, + 0xCC, 0xA8, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x69, 0xCC, 0xB0, 0xB5, + // Bytes 33c0 - 33ff + 0x03, 0x6A, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6A, 0xCC, + 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6B, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x6B, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6B, 0xCC, 0xA3, + 0xB5, 0x03, 0x6B, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x6B, + 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x6C, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x6C, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6C, 0xCC, + 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x6C, 0xCC, 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, + 0x6C, 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x6D, 0xCC, 0x81, + // Bytes 3400 - 343f + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6D, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6D, + 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x6E, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x6E, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6E, 0xCC, + 0x83, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6E, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x6E, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6E, 0xCC, 0xA3, + 0xB5, 0x03, 0x6E, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x6E, + 0xCC, 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x6E, 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, + 0x03, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6F, 0xCC, + // Bytes 3440 - 347f + 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x8B, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6F, + 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x70, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x70, 0xCC, + 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x72, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x72, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x72, 0xCC, 0x8C, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x72, 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x72, + // Bytes 3480 - 34bf + 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x72, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, + 0x03, 0x72, 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x73, 0xCC, + 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x73, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x73, 0xCC, 0xA6, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x73, 0xCC, 0xA7, + 0xA5, 0x03, 0x74, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x74, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x74, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x74, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x74, 0xCC, + 0xA6, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x74, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x03, + // Bytes 34c0 - 34ff + 0x74, 0xCC, 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x74, 0xCC, 0xB1, + 0xB5, 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x75, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, + 0x89, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x8A, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x75, 0xCC, 0x8B, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x8C, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x75, + 0xCC, 0x91, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, + // Bytes 3500 - 353f + 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, 0xA4, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, + 0xA8, 0xA5, 0x03, 0x75, 0xCC, 0xAD, 0xB5, 0x03, + 0x75, 0xCC, 0xB0, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x76, 0xCC, 0x83, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x76, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x77, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x77, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x77, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x77, 0xCC, + 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x77, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x77, 0xCC, 0x8A, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x77, 0xCC, 0xA3, + // Bytes 3540 - 357f + 0xB5, 0x03, 0x78, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x78, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x79, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x79, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x79, 0xCC, + 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x79, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x79, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x79, 0xCC, 0x87, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x79, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x79, + 0xCC, 0x89, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x79, 0xCC, 0x8A, 0xC9, + 0x03, 0x79, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x7A, 0xCC, + // Bytes 3580 - 35bf + 0x81, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x7A, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x03, + 0x7A, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x03, 0x7A, 0xCC, 0x8C, + 0xC9, 0x03, 0x7A, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x03, 0x7A, + 0xCC, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0x04, 0xC2, 0xA8, 0xCC, 0x80, + 0xCA, 0x04, 0xC2, 0xA8, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x04, + 0xC2, 0xA8, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x04, 0xC3, 0x86, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xC3, 0x86, 0xCC, 0x84, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xC3, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, + // Bytes 35c0 - 35ff + 0xC3, 0xA6, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xC3, 0xA6, + 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xC3, 0xB8, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xC5, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xC6, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCA, 0x92, + 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x80, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x91, + 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCD, 0x85, + // Bytes 3600 - 363f + 0xD9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x95, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCE, 0x95, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x97, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x04, + 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x99, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x84, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x9F, + // Bytes 3640 - 367f + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0x9F, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xA1, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCE, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xA5, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0x84, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCE, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xA9, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x04, + // Bytes 3680 - 36bf + 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xB1, + 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCD, 0x85, + 0xD9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCE, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xB7, + 0xCD, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x80, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xB9, + 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCD, 0x82, + // Bytes 36c0 - 36ff + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCF, 0x81, + 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCF, 0x81, 0xCC, 0x94, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCF, 0x85, + 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x86, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xD9, 0x04, 0xCF, 0x92, + // Bytes 3700 - 373f + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xCF, 0x92, 0xCC, 0x88, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x86, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD0, 0x90, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x90, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x95, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD0, 0x95, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x95, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x96, 0xCC, 0x86, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x96, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, + // Bytes 3740 - 377f + 0xD0, 0x97, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x98, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x84, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD0, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x9A, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x9E, 0xCC, 0x88, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD0, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xA3, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x8B, + // Bytes 3780 - 37bf + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xA7, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD0, 0xAB, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xAD, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB0, 0xCC, 0x86, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB0, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD0, 0xB3, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB5, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x86, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD0, 0xB6, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB6, + // Bytes 37c0 - 37ff + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x88, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB8, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD0, 0xB8, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB8, + 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xB8, 0xCC, 0x88, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD0, 0xBA, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD0, 0xBE, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD1, 0x83, + 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD1, 0x83, 0xCC, 0x86, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD1, 0x83, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, + // Bytes 3800 - 383f + 0xD1, 0x83, 0xCC, 0x8B, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD1, 0x87, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD1, 0x8B, 0xCC, 0x88, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD1, 0x8D, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD1, 0x96, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD1, 0xB4, + 0xCC, 0x8F, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD1, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x8F, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD3, 0x98, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD3, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD3, 0xA8, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD3, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x88, + // Bytes 3840 - 387f + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD8, 0xA7, + 0xD9, 0x95, 0xB5, 0x04, 0xD9, 0x88, 0xD9, 0x94, + 0xC9, 0x04, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x04, + 0xDB, 0x81, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xDB, 0x92, + 0xD9, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x04, 0xDB, 0x95, 0xD9, 0x94, + 0xC9, 0x05, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, + // Bytes 3880 - 38bf + 0x41, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x41, + 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x41, 0xCC, + 0x86, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x86, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xCC, + 0x83, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xCC, 0x89, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x41, 0xCC, 0x8A, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x41, + // Bytes 38c0 - 38ff + 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x41, 0xCC, + 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x43, 0xCC, 0xA7, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, + 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x45, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x45, + 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x45, 0xCC, + // Bytes 3900 - 393f + 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x45, 0xCC, 0xA7, + 0xCC, 0x86, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x49, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x84, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, + 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, + 0x83, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x83, + // Bytes 3940 - 397f + 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCC, + 0x88, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCC, 0x80, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, + 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, + 0x9B, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x9B, + 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, + // Bytes 3980 - 39bf + 0x89, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, 0xA3, + 0xB6, 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0xA8, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x52, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x53, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x53, 0xCC, + 0x8C, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x53, 0xCC, 0xA3, + 0xCC, 0x87, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCC, 0x88, + // Bytes 39c0 - 39ff + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x55, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x55, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x55, 0xCC, + 0x9B, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x9B, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, + 0x83, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, 0x89, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB6, + // Bytes 3a00 - 3a3f + 0x05, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x61, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x61, + 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x61, 0xCC, + 0x82, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x86, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xCC, 0x83, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x86, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, + // Bytes 3a40 - 3a7f + 0x61, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x61, + 0xCC, 0x8A, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x61, 0xCC, + 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x61, 0xCC, 0xA3, + 0xCC, 0x86, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x63, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x80, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x65, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x65, + // Bytes 3a80 - 3abf + 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x65, 0xCC, + 0x84, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x65, 0xCC, 0xA3, + 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x65, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xCC, + 0x86, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x69, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6C, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, + 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, + // Bytes 3ac0 - 3aff + 0x82, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x83, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCC, + 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCC, 0x88, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, + 0x9B, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x9B, + // Bytes 3b00 - 3b3f + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, + 0x83, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, 0x89, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB6, + 0x05, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x6F, 0xCC, 0xA8, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x72, + 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x73, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x73, 0xCC, 0x8C, + 0xCC, 0x87, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x73, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xCC, + // Bytes 3b40 - 3b7f + 0x87, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xCC, 0x81, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, + 0x75, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x75, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x75, 0xCC, + 0x88, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x9B, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, 0x83, + // Bytes 3b80 - 3bbf + 0xCA, 0x05, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, 0x89, 0xCA, + 0x05, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB6, 0x05, + 0xE1, 0xBE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0xE1, + 0xBE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0xE1, 0xBE, + 0xBF, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x05, 0xE1, 0xBF, 0xBE, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x05, 0xE1, 0xBF, 0xBE, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCA, 0x05, 0xE1, 0xBF, 0xBE, 0xCD, 0x82, + 0xCA, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x86, 0x90, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, + // Bytes 3bc0 - 3bff + 0x05, 0xE2, 0x86, 0x92, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, + 0xE2, 0x86, 0x94, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, + 0x87, 0x90, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x87, + 0x92, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x87, 0x94, + 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x88, 0x83, 0xCC, + 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x88, 0x88, 0xCC, 0xB8, + 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x88, 0x8B, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, + 0x05, 0xE2, 0x88, 0xA3, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, + // Bytes 3c00 - 3c3f + 0xE2, 0x88, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, + 0x88, 0xBC, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, + 0x83, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0x85, + 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0x88, 0xCC, + 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0x8D, 0xCC, 0xB8, + 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xA1, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, + 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xA4, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, + 0xE2, 0x89, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, + // Bytes 3c40 - 3c7f + 0x89, 0xB2, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, + 0xB3, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xB6, + 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xB7, 0xCC, + 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xBA, 0xCC, 0xB8, + 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, + 0x05, 0xE2, 0x89, 0xBC, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, + 0xE2, 0x89, 0xBD, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, + 0x8A, 0x82, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, + // Bytes 3c80 - 3cbf + 0x83, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, 0x86, + 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, 0x87, 0xCC, + 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, 0x91, 0xCC, 0xB8, + 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, 0x92, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, + 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, 0xA2, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, + 0xE2, 0x8A, 0xA8, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, + 0x8A, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, + 0xAB, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, 0xB2, + // Bytes 3cc0 - 3cff + 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, 0xB3, 0xCC, + 0xB8, 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, 0xB4, 0xCC, 0xB8, + 0x05, 0x05, 0xE2, 0x8A, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x95, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x95, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x95, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + // Bytes 3d00 - 3d3f + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x95, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + // Bytes 3d40 - 3d7f + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x9F, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x9F, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x9F, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0x9F, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, + // Bytes 3d80 - 3dbf + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + // Bytes 3dc0 - 3dff + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + // Bytes 3e00 - 3e3f + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + // Bytes 3e40 - 3e7f + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, + // Bytes 3e80 - 3ebf + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + // Bytes 3ec0 - 3eff + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDA, + 0x06, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xA8, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, + 0x06, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xB0, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, + 0x06, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xB3, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, + 0x06, 0xE0, 0xB1, 0x86, 0xE0, 0xB1, 0x96, 0x85, + 0x06, 0xE0, 0xB7, 0x99, 0xE0, 0xB7, 0x8A, 0x11, + // Bytes 3f00 - 3f3f + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x86, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8B, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8D, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x91, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x93, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x95, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x97, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + // Bytes 3f40 - 3f7f + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x99, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x9B, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x9D, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0x9F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xA1, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xA4, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xA6, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xA8, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + // Bytes 3f80 - 3fbf + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xB2, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xB2, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xB5, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xB5, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xB8, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xB8, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + // Bytes 3fc0 - 3fff + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xBB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x81, 0xBB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9D, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xA6, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAD, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB1, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + // Bytes 4000 - 403f + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB3, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB5, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB7, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xB9, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBB, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBD, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x82, 0xBF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x81, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + // Bytes 4040 - 407f + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x84, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x86, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x88, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x8F, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x92, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x92, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x95, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + // Bytes 4080 - 40bf + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x95, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x98, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9B, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x9B, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xAF, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB0, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB1, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + // Bytes 40c0 - 40ff + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xB2, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x06, 0xE3, 0x83, 0xBD, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, + 0x08, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, + 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, + 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, + 0x91, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, + 0x08, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, + // Bytes 4100 - 413f + 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, + 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, + 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, + 0x97, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, + 0x08, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, + 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, + 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, + 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, + // Bytes 4140 - 417f + 0x97, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, + 0x08, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, + 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, + 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, + 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, + 0x08, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, + 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, + // Bytes 4180 - 41bf + 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, + 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, + 0x08, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, + 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, + 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, + 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, + // Bytes 41c0 - 41ff + 0x08, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, + 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, + 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, + 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, + 0x08, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, + 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, + 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, + // Bytes 4200 - 423f + 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCF, + 0x89, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, + 0x08, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, + 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, + 0x80, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, + 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, 0x08, 0xCF, + 0x89, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCD, 0x85, 0xDB, + 0x08, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x82, 0x99, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x82, + // Bytes 4240 - 427f + 0xBA, 0x09, 0x08, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x82, 0x9B, 0xF0, + 0x91, 0x82, 0xBA, 0x09, 0x08, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x82, + 0xA5, 0xF0, 0x91, 0x82, 0xBA, 0x09, 0x42, 0xC2, + 0xB4, 0x01, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x43, + 0x20, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x84, + 0xC9, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x85, 0xC9, 0x43, 0x20, + 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, + 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, + // Bytes 4280 - 42bf + 0x8A, 0xC9, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x8B, 0xC9, 0x43, + 0x20, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x94, + 0xC9, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x43, 0x20, + 0xCC, 0xA8, 0xA5, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCC, 0xB3, 0xB5, + 0x43, 0x20, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x43, 0x20, 0xCD, + 0x85, 0xD9, 0x43, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x8B, 0x59, 0x43, + 0x20, 0xD9, 0x8C, 0x5D, 0x43, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x8D, + 0x61, 0x43, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0x65, 0x43, 0x20, + // Bytes 42c0 - 42ff + 0xD9, 0x8F, 0x69, 0x43, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x90, 0x6D, + 0x43, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x91, 0x71, 0x43, 0x20, 0xD9, + 0x92, 0x75, 0x43, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x8A, 0xC9, 0x43, + 0x73, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x44, 0x20, 0xE3, 0x82, + 0x99, 0x0D, 0x44, 0x20, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, + 0x44, 0xC2, 0xA8, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x44, 0xCE, + 0x91, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCE, 0x95, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, + // Bytes 4300 - 433f + 0x44, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCE, + 0x9F, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCE, 0xA5, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCE, 0xA5, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, + 0x44, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCE, + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCE, 0xB5, 0xCC, + 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, + 0x44, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCE, + 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, + // Bytes 4340 - 437f + 0x81, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, + 0x44, 0xD7, 0x90, 0xD6, 0xB7, 0x31, 0x44, 0xD7, + 0x90, 0xD6, 0xB8, 0x35, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x90, 0xD6, + 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x91, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, + 0x44, 0xD7, 0x91, 0xD6, 0xBF, 0x49, 0x44, 0xD7, + 0x92, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x93, 0xD6, + 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x94, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, + 0x44, 0xD7, 0x95, 0xD6, 0xB9, 0x39, 0x44, 0xD7, + // Bytes 4380 - 43bf + 0x95, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x96, 0xD6, + 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x98, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, + 0x44, 0xD7, 0x99, 0xD6, 0xB4, 0x25, 0x44, 0xD7, + 0x99, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x9A, 0xD6, + 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x9B, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, + 0x44, 0xD7, 0x9B, 0xD6, 0xBF, 0x49, 0x44, 0xD7, + 0x9C, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0x9E, 0xD6, + 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0xA0, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, + // Bytes 43c0 - 43ff + 0x44, 0xD7, 0xA1, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, + 0xA3, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0xA4, 0xD6, + 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0xA4, 0xD6, 0xBF, 0x49, + 0x44, 0xD7, 0xA6, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, + 0xA7, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0xA8, 0xD6, + 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0xA9, 0xD6, 0xBC, 0x41, + 0x44, 0xD7, 0xA9, 0xD7, 0x81, 0x4D, 0x44, 0xD7, + 0xA9, 0xD7, 0x82, 0x51, 0x44, 0xD7, 0xAA, 0xD6, + // Bytes 4400 - 443f + 0xBC, 0x41, 0x44, 0xD7, 0xB2, 0xD6, 0xB7, 0x31, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x8B, 0x59, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, + 0x94, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xD8, 0xA7, 0xD9, 0x95, 0xB5, + 0x44, 0xD8, 0xB0, 0xD9, 0xB0, 0x79, 0x44, 0xD8, + 0xB1, 0xD9, 0xB0, 0x79, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x80, 0xD9, + 0x8B, 0x59, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x80, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0x65, + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x80, 0xD9, 0x8F, 0x69, 0x44, 0xD9, + // Bytes 4440 - 447f + 0x80, 0xD9, 0x90, 0x6D, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x80, 0xD9, + 0x91, 0x71, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x80, 0xD9, 0x92, 0x75, + 0x44, 0xD9, 0x87, 0xD9, 0xB0, 0x79, 0x44, 0xD9, + 0x88, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x89, 0xD9, + 0xB0, 0x79, 0x44, 0xD9, 0x8A, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xC9, + 0x44, 0xDB, 0x92, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x44, 0xDB, + 0x95, 0xD9, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x45, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x88, + 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x45, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, + // Bytes 4480 - 44bf + 0x81, 0xCA, 0x45, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCD, 0x82, + 0xCA, 0x45, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, + 0x45, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x45, + 0x20, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x45, 0x20, + 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x45, 0x20, 0xCC, + 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x45, 0x20, 0xCC, 0x94, + 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x45, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x8C, 0xD9, + 0x91, 0x72, 0x45, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x8D, 0xD9, 0x91, + // Bytes 44c0 - 44ff + 0x72, 0x45, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x8E, 0xD9, 0x91, 0x72, + 0x45, 0x20, 0xD9, 0x8F, 0xD9, 0x91, 0x72, 0x45, + 0x20, 0xD9, 0x90, 0xD9, 0x91, 0x72, 0x45, 0x20, + 0xD9, 0x91, 0xD9, 0xB0, 0x7A, 0x45, 0xE2, 0xAB, + 0x9D, 0xCC, 0xB8, 0x05, 0x46, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, + 0x88, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x46, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, + 0x88, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x46, 0xD7, 0xA9, 0xD6, + 0xBC, 0xD7, 0x81, 0x4E, 0x46, 0xD7, 0xA9, 0xD6, + // Bytes 4500 - 453f + 0xBC, 0xD7, 0x82, 0x52, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x80, 0xD9, + 0x8E, 0xD9, 0x91, 0x72, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x80, 0xD9, + 0x8F, 0xD9, 0x91, 0x72, 0x46, 0xD9, 0x80, 0xD9, + 0x90, 0xD9, 0x91, 0x72, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0x95, + 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0x96, + 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0x97, + 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0x9C, + 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xA1, + // Bytes 4540 - 457f + 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xA2, + 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xAB, + 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xAF, + 0xE0, 0xA4, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA6, 0xA1, + 0xE0, 0xA6, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA6, 0xA2, + 0xE0, 0xA6, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA6, 0xAF, + 0xE0, 0xA6, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA8, 0x96, + 0xE0, 0xA8, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA8, 0x97, + // Bytes 4580 - 45bf + 0xE0, 0xA8, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA8, 0x9C, + 0xE0, 0xA8, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA8, 0xAB, + 0xE0, 0xA8, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA8, 0xB2, + 0xE0, 0xA8, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xA8, 0xB8, + 0xE0, 0xA8, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xAC, 0xA1, + 0xE0, 0xAC, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xAC, 0xA2, + 0xE0, 0xAC, 0xBC, 0x09, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB2, + 0xE0, 0xBE, 0x80, 0x9D, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB3, + // Bytes 45c0 - 45ff + 0xE0, 0xBE, 0x80, 0x9D, 0x46, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x86, + 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, 0x48, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, + 0x97, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xAD, 0x48, 0xF0, + 0x9D, 0x85, 0x98, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xAD, + 0x48, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x86, 0xB9, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, + 0xA5, 0xAD, 0x48, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x86, 0xBA, 0xF0, + 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xAD, 0x49, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB2, + 0xE0, 0xBD, 0xB1, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0x80, 0x9E, 0x49, + // Bytes 4600 - 463f + 0xE0, 0xBE, 0xB3, 0xE0, 0xBD, 0xB1, 0xE0, 0xBE, + 0x80, 0x9E, 0x4C, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0x98, 0xF0, + 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xAE, 0xAE, + 0x4C, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0x98, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, + 0xA5, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xAF, 0xAE, 0x4C, 0xF0, + 0x9D, 0x85, 0x98, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xF0, + 0x9D, 0x85, 0xB0, 0xAE, 0x4C, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, + 0x98, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, + // Bytes 4640 - 467f + 0xB1, 0xAE, 0x4C, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0x98, 0xF0, + 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xB2, 0xAE, + 0x4C, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x86, 0xB9, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, + 0xA5, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xAE, 0xAE, 0x4C, 0xF0, + 0x9D, 0x86, 0xB9, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xF0, + 0x9D, 0x85, 0xAF, 0xAE, 0x4C, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x86, + 0xBA, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, + 0xAE, 0xAE, 0x4C, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x86, 0xBA, 0xF0, + // Bytes 4680 - 46bf + 0x9D, 0x85, 0xA5, 0xF0, 0x9D, 0x85, 0xAF, 0xAE, + 0x83, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x41, 0xCC, + 0x86, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x83, + 0x41, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x41, 0xCC, 0x8A, + 0xC9, 0x83, 0x41, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x43, + 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x83, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, + 0x83, 0x45, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x45, 0xCC, + 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x45, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x83, + // Bytes 46c0 - 46ff + 0x49, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0xA3, + 0xB5, 0x83, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x4F, + 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, + 0x83, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x4F, 0xCC, + 0x88, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xAD, 0x83, + 0x4F, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x4F, 0xCC, 0xA8, + 0xA5, 0x83, 0x52, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x53, + 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x53, 0xCC, 0x8C, 0xC9, + // Bytes 4700 - 473f + 0x83, 0x53, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x55, 0xCC, + 0x83, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x83, + 0x55, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x55, 0xCC, 0x9B, + 0xAD, 0x83, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x61, + 0xCC, 0x86, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, + 0x83, 0x61, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x61, 0xCC, + 0x8A, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x61, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, + 0x63, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, 0x83, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x82, + // Bytes 4740 - 477f + 0xC9, 0x83, 0x65, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x65, + 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x65, 0xCC, 0xA7, 0xA5, + 0x83, 0x69, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x6C, 0xCC, + 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x83, + 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x84, + 0xC9, 0x83, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x87, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x6F, + 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0x9B, 0xAD, + 0x83, 0x6F, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x6F, 0xCC, + // Bytes 4780 - 47bf + 0xA8, 0xA5, 0x83, 0x72, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, + 0x73, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x73, 0xCC, 0x8C, + 0xC9, 0x83, 0x73, 0xCC, 0xA3, 0xB5, 0x83, 0x75, + 0xCC, 0x83, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x84, 0xC9, + 0x83, 0x75, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x83, 0x75, 0xCC, + 0x9B, 0xAD, 0x84, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, + 0x84, 0xCE, 0x91, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, + 0x95, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0x95, 0xCC, + // Bytes 47c0 - 47ff + 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, + 0x84, 0xCE, 0x97, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, + 0x99, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0x99, 0xCC, + 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0x9F, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, + 0x84, 0xCE, 0x9F, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, + 0xA5, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, + 0x93, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, + 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, + // Bytes 4800 - 483f + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, + 0x93, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, + 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB1, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, + 0xB5, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB5, 0xCC, + 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, + 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, + 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCC, + 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB7, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xC9, + // Bytes 4840 - 487f + 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, + 0xB9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xB9, 0xCC, + 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, + 0x84, 0xCE, 0xBF, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCF, + 0x85, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, + 0x93, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCF, 0x85, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, + 0x84, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCF, + 0x89, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, + // Bytes 4880 - 48bf + 0x93, 0xC9, 0x84, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xC9, + 0x84, 0xCF, 0x89, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xC9, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x91, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x91, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x91, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x91, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x91, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x91, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + // Bytes 48c0 - 48ff + 0x97, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x97, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x97, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x97, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x97, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0x97, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + // Bytes 4900 - 493f + 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xA9, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + // Bytes 4940 - 497f + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB1, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCE, + 0xB7, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCF, + // Bytes 4980 - 49bf + 0x89, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCF, + 0x89, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCF, + 0x89, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCF, + 0x89, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x80, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCF, + 0x89, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x86, 0xCF, + 0x89, 0xCC, 0x94, 0xCD, 0x82, 0xCA, 0x42, 0xCC, + 0x80, 0xC9, 0x32, 0x42, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xC9, 0x32, + 0x42, 0xCC, 0x93, 0xC9, 0x32, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, + // Bytes 49c0 - 49ff + 0xA1, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA2, 0x01, + 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA3, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA4, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, + 0xA5, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA6, 0x01, + 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0xA8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, + 0xA9, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xAA, 0x01, + 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xAB, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, + // Bytes 4a00 - 4a3f + 0xE1, 0x85, 0xAC, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, + 0xAD, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xAE, 0x01, + 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xAF, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0xB0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, + 0xB1, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xB2, 0x01, + 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, 0xB3, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x85, 0xB4, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x85, + 0xB5, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, 0xAA, 0x01, + // Bytes 4a40 - 4a7f + 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, 0xAC, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x86, 0xAD, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, + 0xB0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, 0xB1, 0x01, + 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, 0xB2, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, + 0xE1, 0x86, 0xB3, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, + 0xB4, 0x01, 0x00, 0x43, 0xE1, 0x86, 0xB5, 0x01, + 0x00, 0x44, 0xCC, 0x88, 0xCC, 0x81, 0xCA, 0x32, + 0x43, 0xE3, 0x82, 0x99, 0x0D, 0x03, 0x43, 0xE3, + // Bytes 4a80 - 4abf + 0x82, 0x9A, 0x0D, 0x03, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBD, 0xB1, + 0xE0, 0xBD, 0xB2, 0x9E, 0x26, 0x46, 0xE0, 0xBD, + 0xB1, 0xE0, 0xBD, 0xB4, 0xA2, 0x26, 0x46, 0xE0, + 0xBD, 0xB1, 0xE0, 0xBE, 0x80, 0x9E, 0x26, 0x00, + 0x01, +} + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *nfcTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return nfcValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = nfcIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = nfcIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = nfcIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *nfcTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return nfcValues[c0] + } + i := nfcIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = nfcIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = nfcIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *nfcTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return nfcValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = nfcIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = nfcIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = nfcIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *nfcTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return nfcValues[c0] + } + i := nfcIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = nfcIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = nfcIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// nfcTrie. Total size: 10586 bytes (10.34 KiB). Checksum: dd926e82067bee11. +type nfcTrie struct{} + +func newNfcTrie(i int) *nfcTrie { + return &nfcTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *nfcTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + case n < 46: + return uint16(nfcValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + default: + n -= 46 + return uint16(nfcSparse.lookup(n, b)) + } +} + +// nfcValues: 48 blocks, 3072 entries, 6144 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var nfcValues = [3072]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x3c: 0xa000, 0x3d: 0xa000, 0x3e: 0xa000, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x41: 0xa000, 0x42: 0xa000, 0x43: 0xa000, 0x44: 0xa000, 0x45: 0xa000, + 0x46: 0xa000, 0x47: 0xa000, 0x48: 0xa000, 0x49: 0xa000, 0x4a: 0xa000, 0x4b: 0xa000, + 0x4c: 0xa000, 0x4d: 0xa000, 0x4e: 0xa000, 0x4f: 0xa000, 0x50: 0xa000, + 0x52: 0xa000, 0x53: 0xa000, 0x54: 0xa000, 0x55: 0xa000, 0x56: 0xa000, 0x57: 0xa000, + 0x58: 0xa000, 0x59: 0xa000, 0x5a: 0xa000, + 0x61: 0xa000, 0x62: 0xa000, 0x63: 0xa000, + 0x64: 0xa000, 0x65: 0xa000, 0x66: 0xa000, 0x67: 0xa000, 0x68: 0xa000, 0x69: 0xa000, + 0x6a: 0xa000, 0x6b: 0xa000, 0x6c: 0xa000, 0x6d: 0xa000, 0x6e: 0xa000, 0x6f: 0xa000, + 0x70: 0xa000, 0x72: 0xa000, 0x73: 0xa000, 0x74: 0xa000, 0x75: 0xa000, + 0x76: 0xa000, 0x77: 0xa000, 0x78: 0xa000, 0x79: 0xa000, 0x7a: 0xa000, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x2f6f, 0xc1: 0x2f74, 0xc2: 0x4688, 0xc3: 0x2f79, 0xc4: 0x4697, 0xc5: 0x469c, + 0xc6: 0xa000, 0xc7: 0x46a6, 0xc8: 0x2fe2, 0xc9: 0x2fe7, 0xca: 0x46ab, 0xcb: 0x2ffb, + 0xcc: 0x306e, 0xcd: 0x3073, 0xce: 0x3078, 0xcf: 0x46bf, 0xd1: 0x3104, + 0xd2: 0x3127, 0xd3: 0x312c, 0xd4: 0x46c9, 0xd5: 0x46ce, 0xd6: 0x46dd, + 0xd8: 0xa000, 0xd9: 0x31b3, 0xda: 0x31b8, 0xdb: 0x31bd, 0xdc: 0x470f, 0xdd: 0x3235, + 0xe0: 0x327b, 0xe1: 0x3280, 0xe2: 0x4719, 0xe3: 0x3285, + 0xe4: 0x4728, 0xe5: 0x472d, 0xe6: 0xa000, 0xe7: 0x4737, 0xe8: 0x32ee, 0xe9: 0x32f3, + 0xea: 0x473c, 0xeb: 0x3307, 0xec: 0x337f, 0xed: 0x3384, 0xee: 0x3389, 0xef: 0x4750, + 0xf1: 0x3415, 0xf2: 0x3438, 0xf3: 0x343d, 0xf4: 0x475a, 0xf5: 0x475f, + 0xf6: 0x476e, 0xf8: 0xa000, 0xf9: 0x34c9, 0xfa: 0x34ce, 0xfb: 0x34d3, + 0xfc: 0x47a0, 0xfd: 0x3550, 0xff: 0x3569, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x2f7e, 0x101: 0x328a, 0x102: 0x468d, 0x103: 0x471e, 0x104: 0x2f9c, 0x105: 0x32a8, + 0x106: 0x2fb0, 0x107: 0x32bc, 0x108: 0x2fb5, 0x109: 0x32c1, 0x10a: 0x2fba, 0x10b: 0x32c6, + 0x10c: 0x2fbf, 0x10d: 0x32cb, 0x10e: 0x2fc9, 0x10f: 0x32d5, + 0x112: 0x46b0, 0x113: 0x4741, 0x114: 0x2ff1, 0x115: 0x32fd, 0x116: 0x2ff6, 0x117: 0x3302, + 0x118: 0x3014, 0x119: 0x3320, 0x11a: 0x3005, 0x11b: 0x3311, 0x11c: 0x302d, 0x11d: 0x3339, + 0x11e: 0x3037, 0x11f: 0x3343, 0x120: 0x303c, 0x121: 0x3348, 0x122: 0x3046, 0x123: 0x3352, + 0x124: 0x304b, 0x125: 0x3357, 0x128: 0x307d, 0x129: 0x338e, + 0x12a: 0x3082, 0x12b: 0x3393, 0x12c: 0x3087, 0x12d: 0x3398, 0x12e: 0x30aa, 0x12f: 0x33b6, + 0x130: 0x308c, 0x134: 0x30b4, 0x135: 0x33c0, + 0x136: 0x30c8, 0x137: 0x33d9, 0x139: 0x30d2, 0x13a: 0x33e3, 0x13b: 0x30dc, + 0x13c: 0x33ed, 0x13d: 0x30d7, 0x13e: 0x33e8, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x143: 0x30ff, 0x144: 0x3410, 0x145: 0x3118, + 0x146: 0x3429, 0x147: 0x310e, 0x148: 0x341f, + 0x14c: 0x46d3, 0x14d: 0x4764, 0x14e: 0x3131, 0x14f: 0x3442, 0x150: 0x313b, 0x151: 0x344c, + 0x154: 0x3159, 0x155: 0x346a, 0x156: 0x3172, 0x157: 0x3483, + 0x158: 0x3163, 0x159: 0x3474, 0x15a: 0x46f6, 0x15b: 0x4787, 0x15c: 0x317c, 0x15d: 0x348d, + 0x15e: 0x318b, 0x15f: 0x349c, 0x160: 0x46fb, 0x161: 0x478c, 0x162: 0x31a4, 0x163: 0x34ba, + 0x164: 0x3195, 0x165: 0x34ab, 0x168: 0x4705, 0x169: 0x4796, + 0x16a: 0x470a, 0x16b: 0x479b, 0x16c: 0x31c2, 0x16d: 0x34d8, 0x16e: 0x31cc, 0x16f: 0x34e2, + 0x170: 0x31d1, 0x171: 0x34e7, 0x172: 0x31ef, 0x173: 0x3505, 0x174: 0x3212, 0x175: 0x3528, + 0x176: 0x323a, 0x177: 0x3555, 0x178: 0x324e, 0x179: 0x325d, 0x17a: 0x357d, 0x17b: 0x3267, + 0x17c: 0x3587, 0x17d: 0x326c, 0x17e: 0x358c, 0x17f: 0xa000, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x184: 0x8100, 0x185: 0x8100, + 0x186: 0x8100, + 0x18d: 0x2f88, 0x18e: 0x3294, 0x18f: 0x3096, 0x190: 0x33a2, 0x191: 0x3140, + 0x192: 0x3451, 0x193: 0x31d6, 0x194: 0x34ec, 0x195: 0x39cf, 0x196: 0x3b5e, 0x197: 0x39c8, + 0x198: 0x3b57, 0x199: 0x39d6, 0x19a: 0x3b65, 0x19b: 0x39c1, 0x19c: 0x3b50, + 0x19e: 0x38b0, 0x19f: 0x3a3f, 0x1a0: 0x38a9, 0x1a1: 0x3a38, 0x1a2: 0x35b3, 0x1a3: 0x35c5, + 0x1a6: 0x3041, 0x1a7: 0x334d, 0x1a8: 0x30be, 0x1a9: 0x33cf, + 0x1aa: 0x46ec, 0x1ab: 0x477d, 0x1ac: 0x3990, 0x1ad: 0x3b1f, 0x1ae: 0x35d7, 0x1af: 0x35dd, + 0x1b0: 0x33c5, 0x1b4: 0x3028, 0x1b5: 0x3334, + 0x1b8: 0x30fa, 0x1b9: 0x340b, 0x1ba: 0x38b7, 0x1bb: 0x3a46, + 0x1bc: 0x35ad, 0x1bd: 0x35bf, 0x1be: 0x35b9, 0x1bf: 0x35cb, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x2f8d, 0x1c1: 0x3299, 0x1c2: 0x2f92, 0x1c3: 0x329e, 0x1c4: 0x300a, 0x1c5: 0x3316, + 0x1c6: 0x300f, 0x1c7: 0x331b, 0x1c8: 0x309b, 0x1c9: 0x33a7, 0x1ca: 0x30a0, 0x1cb: 0x33ac, + 0x1cc: 0x3145, 0x1cd: 0x3456, 0x1ce: 0x314a, 0x1cf: 0x345b, 0x1d0: 0x3168, 0x1d1: 0x3479, + 0x1d2: 0x316d, 0x1d3: 0x347e, 0x1d4: 0x31db, 0x1d5: 0x34f1, 0x1d6: 0x31e0, 0x1d7: 0x34f6, + 0x1d8: 0x3186, 0x1d9: 0x3497, 0x1da: 0x319f, 0x1db: 0x34b5, + 0x1de: 0x305a, 0x1df: 0x3366, + 0x1e6: 0x4692, 0x1e7: 0x4723, 0x1e8: 0x46ba, 0x1e9: 0x474b, + 0x1ea: 0x395f, 0x1eb: 0x3aee, 0x1ec: 0x393c, 0x1ed: 0x3acb, 0x1ee: 0x46d8, 0x1ef: 0x4769, + 0x1f0: 0x3958, 0x1f1: 0x3ae7, 0x1f2: 0x3244, 0x1f3: 0x355f, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x9932, 0x201: 0x9932, 0x202: 0x9932, 0x203: 0x9932, 0x204: 0x9932, 0x205: 0x8132, + 0x206: 0x9932, 0x207: 0x9932, 0x208: 0x9932, 0x209: 0x9932, 0x20a: 0x9932, 0x20b: 0x9932, + 0x20c: 0x9932, 0x20d: 0x8132, 0x20e: 0x8132, 0x20f: 0x9932, 0x210: 0x8132, 0x211: 0x9932, + 0x212: 0x8132, 0x213: 0x9932, 0x214: 0x9932, 0x215: 0x8133, 0x216: 0x812d, 0x217: 0x812d, + 0x218: 0x812d, 0x219: 0x812d, 0x21a: 0x8133, 0x21b: 0x992b, 0x21c: 0x812d, 0x21d: 0x812d, + 0x21e: 0x812d, 0x21f: 0x812d, 0x220: 0x812d, 0x221: 0x8129, 0x222: 0x8129, 0x223: 0x992d, + 0x224: 0x992d, 0x225: 0x992d, 0x226: 0x992d, 0x227: 0x9929, 0x228: 0x9929, 0x229: 0x812d, + 0x22a: 0x812d, 0x22b: 0x812d, 0x22c: 0x812d, 0x22d: 0x992d, 0x22e: 0x992d, 0x22f: 0x812d, + 0x230: 0x992d, 0x231: 0x992d, 0x232: 0x812d, 0x233: 0x812d, 0x234: 0x8101, 0x235: 0x8101, + 0x236: 0x8101, 0x237: 0x8101, 0x238: 0x9901, 0x239: 0x812d, 0x23a: 0x812d, 0x23b: 0x812d, + 0x23c: 0x812d, 0x23d: 0x8132, 0x23e: 0x8132, 0x23f: 0x8132, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x49ae, 0x241: 0x49b3, 0x242: 0x9932, 0x243: 0x49b8, 0x244: 0x4a71, 0x245: 0x9936, + 0x246: 0x8132, 0x247: 0x812d, 0x248: 0x812d, 0x249: 0x812d, 0x24a: 0x8132, 0x24b: 0x8132, + 0x24c: 0x8132, 0x24d: 0x812d, 0x24e: 0x812d, 0x250: 0x8132, 0x251: 0x8132, + 0x252: 0x8132, 0x253: 0x812d, 0x254: 0x812d, 0x255: 0x812d, 0x256: 0x812d, 0x257: 0x8132, + 0x258: 0x8133, 0x259: 0x812d, 0x25a: 0x812d, 0x25b: 0x8132, 0x25c: 0x8134, 0x25d: 0x8135, + 0x25e: 0x8135, 0x25f: 0x8134, 0x260: 0x8135, 0x261: 0x8135, 0x262: 0x8134, 0x263: 0x8132, + 0x264: 0x8132, 0x265: 0x8132, 0x266: 0x8132, 0x267: 0x8132, 0x268: 0x8132, 0x269: 0x8132, + 0x26a: 0x8132, 0x26b: 0x8132, 0x26c: 0x8132, 0x26d: 0x8132, 0x26e: 0x8132, 0x26f: 0x8132, + 0x274: 0x0170, + 0x27a: 0x8100, + 0x27e: 0x0037, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x284: 0x8100, 0x285: 0x35a1, + 0x286: 0x35e9, 0x287: 0x00ce, 0x288: 0x3607, 0x289: 0x3613, 0x28a: 0x3625, + 0x28c: 0x3643, 0x28e: 0x3655, 0x28f: 0x3673, 0x290: 0x3e08, 0x291: 0xa000, + 0x295: 0xa000, 0x297: 0xa000, + 0x299: 0xa000, + 0x29f: 0xa000, 0x2a1: 0xa000, + 0x2a5: 0xa000, 0x2a9: 0xa000, + 0x2aa: 0x3637, 0x2ab: 0x3667, 0x2ac: 0x47fe, 0x2ad: 0x3697, 0x2ae: 0x4828, 0x2af: 0x36a9, + 0x2b0: 0x3e70, 0x2b1: 0xa000, 0x2b5: 0xa000, + 0x2b7: 0xa000, 0x2b9: 0xa000, + 0x2bf: 0xa000, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x3721, 0x2c1: 0x372d, 0x2c3: 0x371b, + 0x2c6: 0xa000, 0x2c7: 0x3709, + 0x2cc: 0x375d, 0x2cd: 0x3745, 0x2ce: 0x376f, 0x2d0: 0xa000, + 0x2d3: 0xa000, 0x2d5: 0xa000, 0x2d6: 0xa000, 0x2d7: 0xa000, + 0x2d8: 0xa000, 0x2d9: 0x3751, 0x2da: 0xa000, + 0x2de: 0xa000, 0x2e3: 0xa000, + 0x2e7: 0xa000, + 0x2eb: 0xa000, 0x2ed: 0xa000, + 0x2f0: 0xa000, 0x2f3: 0xa000, 0x2f5: 0xa000, + 0x2f6: 0xa000, 0x2f7: 0xa000, 0x2f8: 0xa000, 0x2f9: 0x37d5, 0x2fa: 0xa000, + 0x2fe: 0xa000, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x301: 0x3733, 0x302: 0x37b7, + 0x310: 0x370f, 0x311: 0x3793, + 0x312: 0x3715, 0x313: 0x3799, 0x316: 0x3727, 0x317: 0x37ab, + 0x318: 0xa000, 0x319: 0xa000, 0x31a: 0x3829, 0x31b: 0x382f, 0x31c: 0x3739, 0x31d: 0x37bd, + 0x31e: 0x373f, 0x31f: 0x37c3, 0x322: 0x374b, 0x323: 0x37cf, + 0x324: 0x3757, 0x325: 0x37db, 0x326: 0x3763, 0x327: 0x37e7, 0x328: 0xa000, 0x329: 0xa000, + 0x32a: 0x3835, 0x32b: 0x383b, 0x32c: 0x378d, 0x32d: 0x3811, 0x32e: 0x3769, 0x32f: 0x37ed, + 0x330: 0x3775, 0x331: 0x37f9, 0x332: 0x377b, 0x333: 0x37ff, 0x334: 0x3781, 0x335: 0x3805, + 0x338: 0x3787, 0x339: 0x380b, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x351: 0x812d, + 0x352: 0x8132, 0x353: 0x8132, 0x354: 0x8132, 0x355: 0x8132, 0x356: 0x812d, 0x357: 0x8132, + 0x358: 0x8132, 0x359: 0x8132, 0x35a: 0x812e, 0x35b: 0x812d, 0x35c: 0x8132, 0x35d: 0x8132, + 0x35e: 0x8132, 0x35f: 0x8132, 0x360: 0x8132, 0x361: 0x8132, 0x362: 0x812d, 0x363: 0x812d, + 0x364: 0x812d, 0x365: 0x812d, 0x366: 0x812d, 0x367: 0x812d, 0x368: 0x8132, 0x369: 0x8132, + 0x36a: 0x812d, 0x36b: 0x8132, 0x36c: 0x8132, 0x36d: 0x812e, 0x36e: 0x8131, 0x36f: 0x8132, + 0x370: 0x8105, 0x371: 0x8106, 0x372: 0x8107, 0x373: 0x8108, 0x374: 0x8109, 0x375: 0x810a, + 0x376: 0x810b, 0x377: 0x810c, 0x378: 0x810d, 0x379: 0x810e, 0x37a: 0x810e, 0x37b: 0x810f, + 0x37c: 0x8110, 0x37d: 0x8111, 0x37f: 0x8112, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x388: 0xa000, 0x38a: 0xa000, 0x38b: 0x8116, + 0x38c: 0x8117, 0x38d: 0x8118, 0x38e: 0x8119, 0x38f: 0x811a, 0x390: 0x811b, 0x391: 0x811c, + 0x392: 0x811d, 0x393: 0x9932, 0x394: 0x9932, 0x395: 0x992d, 0x396: 0x812d, 0x397: 0x8132, + 0x398: 0x8132, 0x399: 0x8132, 0x39a: 0x8132, 0x39b: 0x8132, 0x39c: 0x812d, 0x39d: 0x8132, + 0x39e: 0x8132, 0x39f: 0x812d, + 0x3b0: 0x811e, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3d3: 0x812d, 0x3d4: 0x8132, 0x3d5: 0x8132, 0x3d6: 0x8132, 0x3d7: 0x8132, + 0x3d8: 0x8132, 0x3d9: 0x8132, 0x3da: 0x8132, 0x3db: 0x8132, 0x3dc: 0x8132, 0x3dd: 0x8132, + 0x3de: 0x8132, 0x3df: 0x8132, 0x3e0: 0x8132, 0x3e1: 0x8132, 0x3e3: 0x812d, + 0x3e4: 0x8132, 0x3e5: 0x8132, 0x3e6: 0x812d, 0x3e7: 0x8132, 0x3e8: 0x8132, 0x3e9: 0x812d, + 0x3ea: 0x8132, 0x3eb: 0x8132, 0x3ec: 0x8132, 0x3ed: 0x812d, 0x3ee: 0x812d, 0x3ef: 0x812d, + 0x3f0: 0x8116, 0x3f1: 0x8117, 0x3f2: 0x8118, 0x3f3: 0x8132, 0x3f4: 0x8132, 0x3f5: 0x8132, + 0x3f6: 0x812d, 0x3f7: 0x8132, 0x3f8: 0x8132, 0x3f9: 0x812d, 0x3fa: 0x812d, 0x3fb: 0x8132, + 0x3fc: 0x8132, 0x3fd: 0x8132, 0x3fe: 0x8132, 0x3ff: 0x8132, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x405: 0xa000, + 0x406: 0x2d26, 0x407: 0xa000, 0x408: 0x2d2e, 0x409: 0xa000, 0x40a: 0x2d36, 0x40b: 0xa000, + 0x40c: 0x2d3e, 0x40d: 0xa000, 0x40e: 0x2d46, 0x411: 0xa000, + 0x412: 0x2d4e, + 0x434: 0x8102, 0x435: 0x9900, + 0x43a: 0xa000, 0x43b: 0x2d56, + 0x43c: 0xa000, 0x43d: 0x2d5e, 0x43e: 0xa000, 0x43f: 0xa000, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x8132, 0x441: 0x8132, 0x442: 0x812d, 0x443: 0x8132, 0x444: 0x8132, 0x445: 0x8132, + 0x446: 0x8132, 0x447: 0x8132, 0x448: 0x8132, 0x449: 0x8132, 0x44a: 0x812d, 0x44b: 0x8132, + 0x44c: 0x8132, 0x44d: 0x8135, 0x44e: 0x812a, 0x44f: 0x812d, 0x450: 0x8129, 0x451: 0x8132, + 0x452: 0x8132, 0x453: 0x8132, 0x454: 0x8132, 0x455: 0x8132, 0x456: 0x8132, 0x457: 0x8132, + 0x458: 0x8132, 0x459: 0x8132, 0x45a: 0x8132, 0x45b: 0x8132, 0x45c: 0x8132, 0x45d: 0x8132, + 0x45e: 0x8132, 0x45f: 0x8132, 0x460: 0x8132, 0x461: 0x8132, 0x462: 0x8132, 0x463: 0x8132, + 0x464: 0x8132, 0x465: 0x8132, 0x466: 0x8132, 0x467: 0x8132, 0x468: 0x8132, 0x469: 0x8132, + 0x46a: 0x8132, 0x46b: 0x8132, 0x46c: 0x8132, 0x46d: 0x8132, 0x46e: 0x8132, 0x46f: 0x8132, + 0x470: 0x8132, 0x471: 0x8132, 0x472: 0x8132, 0x473: 0x8132, 0x474: 0x8132, 0x475: 0x8132, + 0x476: 0x8133, 0x477: 0x8131, 0x478: 0x8131, 0x479: 0x812d, 0x47b: 0x8132, + 0x47c: 0x8134, 0x47d: 0x812d, 0x47e: 0x8132, 0x47f: 0x812d, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x2f97, 0x481: 0x32a3, 0x482: 0x2fa1, 0x483: 0x32ad, 0x484: 0x2fa6, 0x485: 0x32b2, + 0x486: 0x2fab, 0x487: 0x32b7, 0x488: 0x38cc, 0x489: 0x3a5b, 0x48a: 0x2fc4, 0x48b: 0x32d0, + 0x48c: 0x2fce, 0x48d: 0x32da, 0x48e: 0x2fdd, 0x48f: 0x32e9, 0x490: 0x2fd3, 0x491: 0x32df, + 0x492: 0x2fd8, 0x493: 0x32e4, 0x494: 0x38ef, 0x495: 0x3a7e, 0x496: 0x38f6, 0x497: 0x3a85, + 0x498: 0x3019, 0x499: 0x3325, 0x49a: 0x301e, 0x49b: 0x332a, 0x49c: 0x3904, 0x49d: 0x3a93, + 0x49e: 0x3023, 0x49f: 0x332f, 0x4a0: 0x3032, 0x4a1: 0x333e, 0x4a2: 0x3050, 0x4a3: 0x335c, + 0x4a4: 0x305f, 0x4a5: 0x336b, 0x4a6: 0x3055, 0x4a7: 0x3361, 0x4a8: 0x3064, 0x4a9: 0x3370, + 0x4aa: 0x3069, 0x4ab: 0x3375, 0x4ac: 0x30af, 0x4ad: 0x33bb, 0x4ae: 0x390b, 0x4af: 0x3a9a, + 0x4b0: 0x30b9, 0x4b1: 0x33ca, 0x4b2: 0x30c3, 0x4b3: 0x33d4, 0x4b4: 0x30cd, 0x4b5: 0x33de, + 0x4b6: 0x46c4, 0x4b7: 0x4755, 0x4b8: 0x3912, 0x4b9: 0x3aa1, 0x4ba: 0x30e6, 0x4bb: 0x33f7, + 0x4bc: 0x30e1, 0x4bd: 0x33f2, 0x4be: 0x30eb, 0x4bf: 0x33fc, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x30f0, 0x4c1: 0x3401, 0x4c2: 0x30f5, 0x4c3: 0x3406, 0x4c4: 0x3109, 0x4c5: 0x341a, + 0x4c6: 0x3113, 0x4c7: 0x3424, 0x4c8: 0x3122, 0x4c9: 0x3433, 0x4ca: 0x311d, 0x4cb: 0x342e, + 0x4cc: 0x3935, 0x4cd: 0x3ac4, 0x4ce: 0x3943, 0x4cf: 0x3ad2, 0x4d0: 0x394a, 0x4d1: 0x3ad9, + 0x4d2: 0x3951, 0x4d3: 0x3ae0, 0x4d4: 0x314f, 0x4d5: 0x3460, 0x4d6: 0x3154, 0x4d7: 0x3465, + 0x4d8: 0x315e, 0x4d9: 0x346f, 0x4da: 0x46f1, 0x4db: 0x4782, 0x4dc: 0x3997, 0x4dd: 0x3b26, + 0x4de: 0x3177, 0x4df: 0x3488, 0x4e0: 0x3181, 0x4e1: 0x3492, 0x4e2: 0x4700, 0x4e3: 0x4791, + 0x4e4: 0x399e, 0x4e5: 0x3b2d, 0x4e6: 0x39a5, 0x4e7: 0x3b34, 0x4e8: 0x39ac, 0x4e9: 0x3b3b, + 0x4ea: 0x3190, 0x4eb: 0x34a1, 0x4ec: 0x319a, 0x4ed: 0x34b0, 0x4ee: 0x31ae, 0x4ef: 0x34c4, + 0x4f0: 0x31a9, 0x4f1: 0x34bf, 0x4f2: 0x31ea, 0x4f3: 0x3500, 0x4f4: 0x31f9, 0x4f5: 0x350f, + 0x4f6: 0x31f4, 0x4f7: 0x350a, 0x4f8: 0x39b3, 0x4f9: 0x3b42, 0x4fa: 0x39ba, 0x4fb: 0x3b49, + 0x4fc: 0x31fe, 0x4fd: 0x3514, 0x4fe: 0x3203, 0x4ff: 0x3519, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x3208, 0x501: 0x351e, 0x502: 0x320d, 0x503: 0x3523, 0x504: 0x321c, 0x505: 0x3532, + 0x506: 0x3217, 0x507: 0x352d, 0x508: 0x3221, 0x509: 0x353c, 0x50a: 0x3226, 0x50b: 0x3541, + 0x50c: 0x322b, 0x50d: 0x3546, 0x50e: 0x3249, 0x50f: 0x3564, 0x510: 0x3262, 0x511: 0x3582, + 0x512: 0x3271, 0x513: 0x3591, 0x514: 0x3276, 0x515: 0x3596, 0x516: 0x337a, 0x517: 0x34a6, + 0x518: 0x3537, 0x519: 0x3573, 0x51b: 0x35d1, + 0x520: 0x46a1, 0x521: 0x4732, 0x522: 0x2f83, 0x523: 0x328f, + 0x524: 0x3878, 0x525: 0x3a07, 0x526: 0x3871, 0x527: 0x3a00, 0x528: 0x3886, 0x529: 0x3a15, + 0x52a: 0x387f, 0x52b: 0x3a0e, 0x52c: 0x38be, 0x52d: 0x3a4d, 0x52e: 0x3894, 0x52f: 0x3a23, + 0x530: 0x388d, 0x531: 0x3a1c, 0x532: 0x38a2, 0x533: 0x3a31, 0x534: 0x389b, 0x535: 0x3a2a, + 0x536: 0x38c5, 0x537: 0x3a54, 0x538: 0x46b5, 0x539: 0x4746, 0x53a: 0x3000, 0x53b: 0x330c, + 0x53c: 0x2fec, 0x53d: 0x32f8, 0x53e: 0x38da, 0x53f: 0x3a69, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x38d3, 0x541: 0x3a62, 0x542: 0x38e8, 0x543: 0x3a77, 0x544: 0x38e1, 0x545: 0x3a70, + 0x546: 0x38fd, 0x547: 0x3a8c, 0x548: 0x3091, 0x549: 0x339d, 0x54a: 0x30a5, 0x54b: 0x33b1, + 0x54c: 0x46e7, 0x54d: 0x4778, 0x54e: 0x3136, 0x54f: 0x3447, 0x550: 0x3920, 0x551: 0x3aaf, + 0x552: 0x3919, 0x553: 0x3aa8, 0x554: 0x392e, 0x555: 0x3abd, 0x556: 0x3927, 0x557: 0x3ab6, + 0x558: 0x3989, 0x559: 0x3b18, 0x55a: 0x396d, 0x55b: 0x3afc, 0x55c: 0x3966, 0x55d: 0x3af5, + 0x55e: 0x397b, 0x55f: 0x3b0a, 0x560: 0x3974, 0x561: 0x3b03, 0x562: 0x3982, 0x563: 0x3b11, + 0x564: 0x31e5, 0x565: 0x34fb, 0x566: 0x31c7, 0x567: 0x34dd, 0x568: 0x39e4, 0x569: 0x3b73, + 0x56a: 0x39dd, 0x56b: 0x3b6c, 0x56c: 0x39f2, 0x56d: 0x3b81, 0x56e: 0x39eb, 0x56f: 0x3b7a, + 0x570: 0x39f9, 0x571: 0x3b88, 0x572: 0x3230, 0x573: 0x354b, 0x574: 0x3258, 0x575: 0x3578, + 0x576: 0x3253, 0x577: 0x356e, 0x578: 0x323f, 0x579: 0x355a, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x4804, 0x581: 0x480a, 0x582: 0x491e, 0x583: 0x4936, 0x584: 0x4926, 0x585: 0x493e, + 0x586: 0x492e, 0x587: 0x4946, 0x588: 0x47aa, 0x589: 0x47b0, 0x58a: 0x488e, 0x58b: 0x48a6, + 0x58c: 0x4896, 0x58d: 0x48ae, 0x58e: 0x489e, 0x58f: 0x48b6, 0x590: 0x4816, 0x591: 0x481c, + 0x592: 0x3db8, 0x593: 0x3dc8, 0x594: 0x3dc0, 0x595: 0x3dd0, + 0x598: 0x47b6, 0x599: 0x47bc, 0x59a: 0x3ce8, 0x59b: 0x3cf8, 0x59c: 0x3cf0, 0x59d: 0x3d00, + 0x5a0: 0x482e, 0x5a1: 0x4834, 0x5a2: 0x494e, 0x5a3: 0x4966, + 0x5a4: 0x4956, 0x5a5: 0x496e, 0x5a6: 0x495e, 0x5a7: 0x4976, 0x5a8: 0x47c2, 0x5a9: 0x47c8, + 0x5aa: 0x48be, 0x5ab: 0x48d6, 0x5ac: 0x48c6, 0x5ad: 0x48de, 0x5ae: 0x48ce, 0x5af: 0x48e6, + 0x5b0: 0x4846, 0x5b1: 0x484c, 0x5b2: 0x3e18, 0x5b3: 0x3e30, 0x5b4: 0x3e20, 0x5b5: 0x3e38, + 0x5b6: 0x3e28, 0x5b7: 0x3e40, 0x5b8: 0x47ce, 0x5b9: 0x47d4, 0x5ba: 0x3d18, 0x5bb: 0x3d30, + 0x5bc: 0x3d20, 0x5bd: 0x3d38, 0x5be: 0x3d28, 0x5bf: 0x3d40, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x4852, 0x5c1: 0x4858, 0x5c2: 0x3e48, 0x5c3: 0x3e58, 0x5c4: 0x3e50, 0x5c5: 0x3e60, + 0x5c8: 0x47da, 0x5c9: 0x47e0, 0x5ca: 0x3d48, 0x5cb: 0x3d58, + 0x5cc: 0x3d50, 0x5cd: 0x3d60, 0x5d0: 0x4864, 0x5d1: 0x486a, + 0x5d2: 0x3e80, 0x5d3: 0x3e98, 0x5d4: 0x3e88, 0x5d5: 0x3ea0, 0x5d6: 0x3e90, 0x5d7: 0x3ea8, + 0x5d9: 0x47e6, 0x5db: 0x3d68, 0x5dd: 0x3d70, + 0x5df: 0x3d78, 0x5e0: 0x487c, 0x5e1: 0x4882, 0x5e2: 0x497e, 0x5e3: 0x4996, + 0x5e4: 0x4986, 0x5e5: 0x499e, 0x5e6: 0x498e, 0x5e7: 0x49a6, 0x5e8: 0x47ec, 0x5e9: 0x47f2, + 0x5ea: 0x48ee, 0x5eb: 0x4906, 0x5ec: 0x48f6, 0x5ed: 0x490e, 0x5ee: 0x48fe, 0x5ef: 0x4916, + 0x5f0: 0x47f8, 0x5f1: 0x431e, 0x5f2: 0x3691, 0x5f3: 0x4324, 0x5f4: 0x4822, 0x5f5: 0x432a, + 0x5f6: 0x36a3, 0x5f7: 0x4330, 0x5f8: 0x36c1, 0x5f9: 0x4336, 0x5fa: 0x36d9, 0x5fb: 0x433c, + 0x5fc: 0x4870, 0x5fd: 0x4342, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x3da0, 0x601: 0x3da8, 0x602: 0x4184, 0x603: 0x41a2, 0x604: 0x418e, 0x605: 0x41ac, + 0x606: 0x4198, 0x607: 0x41b6, 0x608: 0x3cd8, 0x609: 0x3ce0, 0x60a: 0x40d0, 0x60b: 0x40ee, + 0x60c: 0x40da, 0x60d: 0x40f8, 0x60e: 0x40e4, 0x60f: 0x4102, 0x610: 0x3de8, 0x611: 0x3df0, + 0x612: 0x41c0, 0x613: 0x41de, 0x614: 0x41ca, 0x615: 0x41e8, 0x616: 0x41d4, 0x617: 0x41f2, + 0x618: 0x3d08, 0x619: 0x3d10, 0x61a: 0x410c, 0x61b: 0x412a, 0x61c: 0x4116, 0x61d: 0x4134, + 0x61e: 0x4120, 0x61f: 0x413e, 0x620: 0x3ec0, 0x621: 0x3ec8, 0x622: 0x41fc, 0x623: 0x421a, + 0x624: 0x4206, 0x625: 0x4224, 0x626: 0x4210, 0x627: 0x422e, 0x628: 0x3d80, 0x629: 0x3d88, + 0x62a: 0x4148, 0x62b: 0x4166, 0x62c: 0x4152, 0x62d: 0x4170, 0x62e: 0x415c, 0x62f: 0x417a, + 0x630: 0x3685, 0x631: 0x367f, 0x632: 0x3d90, 0x633: 0x368b, 0x634: 0x3d98, + 0x636: 0x4810, 0x637: 0x3db0, 0x638: 0x35f5, 0x639: 0x35ef, 0x63a: 0x35e3, 0x63b: 0x42ee, + 0x63c: 0x35fb, 0x63d: 0x8100, 0x63e: 0x01d3, 0x63f: 0xa100, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x8100, 0x641: 0x35a7, 0x642: 0x3dd8, 0x643: 0x369d, 0x644: 0x3de0, + 0x646: 0x483a, 0x647: 0x3df8, 0x648: 0x3601, 0x649: 0x42f4, 0x64a: 0x360d, 0x64b: 0x42fa, + 0x64c: 0x3619, 0x64d: 0x3b8f, 0x64e: 0x3b96, 0x64f: 0x3b9d, 0x650: 0x36b5, 0x651: 0x36af, + 0x652: 0x3e00, 0x653: 0x44e4, 0x656: 0x36bb, 0x657: 0x3e10, + 0x658: 0x3631, 0x659: 0x362b, 0x65a: 0x361f, 0x65b: 0x4300, 0x65d: 0x3ba4, + 0x65e: 0x3bab, 0x65f: 0x3bb2, 0x660: 0x36eb, 0x661: 0x36e5, 0x662: 0x3e68, 0x663: 0x44ec, + 0x664: 0x36cd, 0x665: 0x36d3, 0x666: 0x36f1, 0x667: 0x3e78, 0x668: 0x3661, 0x669: 0x365b, + 0x66a: 0x364f, 0x66b: 0x430c, 0x66c: 0x3649, 0x66d: 0x359b, 0x66e: 0x42e8, 0x66f: 0x0081, + 0x672: 0x3eb0, 0x673: 0x36f7, 0x674: 0x3eb8, + 0x676: 0x4888, 0x677: 0x3ed0, 0x678: 0x363d, 0x679: 0x4306, 0x67a: 0x366d, 0x67b: 0x4318, + 0x67c: 0x3679, 0x67d: 0x4256, 0x67e: 0xa100, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x681: 0x3c06, 0x683: 0xa000, 0x684: 0x3c0d, 0x685: 0xa000, + 0x687: 0x3c14, 0x688: 0xa000, 0x689: 0x3c1b, + 0x68d: 0xa000, + 0x6a0: 0x2f65, 0x6a1: 0xa000, 0x6a2: 0x3c29, + 0x6a4: 0xa000, 0x6a5: 0xa000, + 0x6ad: 0x3c22, 0x6ae: 0x2f60, 0x6af: 0x2f6a, + 0x6b0: 0x3c30, 0x6b1: 0x3c37, 0x6b2: 0xa000, 0x6b3: 0xa000, 0x6b4: 0x3c3e, 0x6b5: 0x3c45, + 0x6b6: 0xa000, 0x6b7: 0xa000, 0x6b8: 0x3c4c, 0x6b9: 0x3c53, 0x6ba: 0xa000, 0x6bb: 0xa000, + 0x6bc: 0xa000, 0x6bd: 0xa000, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x3c5a, 0x6c1: 0x3c61, 0x6c2: 0xa000, 0x6c3: 0xa000, 0x6c4: 0x3c76, 0x6c5: 0x3c7d, + 0x6c6: 0xa000, 0x6c7: 0xa000, 0x6c8: 0x3c84, 0x6c9: 0x3c8b, + 0x6d1: 0xa000, + 0x6d2: 0xa000, + 0x6e2: 0xa000, + 0x6e8: 0xa000, 0x6e9: 0xa000, + 0x6eb: 0xa000, 0x6ec: 0x3ca0, 0x6ed: 0x3ca7, 0x6ee: 0x3cae, 0x6ef: 0x3cb5, + 0x6f2: 0xa000, 0x6f3: 0xa000, 0x6f4: 0xa000, 0x6f5: 0xa000, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x706: 0xa000, 0x70b: 0xa000, + 0x70c: 0x3f08, 0x70d: 0xa000, 0x70e: 0x3f10, 0x70f: 0xa000, 0x710: 0x3f18, 0x711: 0xa000, + 0x712: 0x3f20, 0x713: 0xa000, 0x714: 0x3f28, 0x715: 0xa000, 0x716: 0x3f30, 0x717: 0xa000, + 0x718: 0x3f38, 0x719: 0xa000, 0x71a: 0x3f40, 0x71b: 0xa000, 0x71c: 0x3f48, 0x71d: 0xa000, + 0x71e: 0x3f50, 0x71f: 0xa000, 0x720: 0x3f58, 0x721: 0xa000, 0x722: 0x3f60, + 0x724: 0xa000, 0x725: 0x3f68, 0x726: 0xa000, 0x727: 0x3f70, 0x728: 0xa000, 0x729: 0x3f78, + 0x72f: 0xa000, + 0x730: 0x3f80, 0x731: 0x3f88, 0x732: 0xa000, 0x733: 0x3f90, 0x734: 0x3f98, 0x735: 0xa000, + 0x736: 0x3fa0, 0x737: 0x3fa8, 0x738: 0xa000, 0x739: 0x3fb0, 0x73a: 0x3fb8, 0x73b: 0xa000, + 0x73c: 0x3fc0, 0x73d: 0x3fc8, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x754: 0x3f00, + 0x759: 0x9903, 0x75a: 0x9903, 0x75b: 0x8100, 0x75c: 0x8100, 0x75d: 0xa000, + 0x75e: 0x3fd0, + 0x766: 0xa000, + 0x76b: 0xa000, 0x76c: 0x3fe0, 0x76d: 0xa000, 0x76e: 0x3fe8, 0x76f: 0xa000, + 0x770: 0x3ff0, 0x771: 0xa000, 0x772: 0x3ff8, 0x773: 0xa000, 0x774: 0x4000, 0x775: 0xa000, + 0x776: 0x4008, 0x777: 0xa000, 0x778: 0x4010, 0x779: 0xa000, 0x77a: 0x4018, 0x77b: 0xa000, + 0x77c: 0x4020, 0x77d: 0xa000, 0x77e: 0x4028, 0x77f: 0xa000, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x780: 0x4030, 0x781: 0xa000, 0x782: 0x4038, 0x784: 0xa000, 0x785: 0x4040, + 0x786: 0xa000, 0x787: 0x4048, 0x788: 0xa000, 0x789: 0x4050, + 0x78f: 0xa000, 0x790: 0x4058, 0x791: 0x4060, + 0x792: 0xa000, 0x793: 0x4068, 0x794: 0x4070, 0x795: 0xa000, 0x796: 0x4078, 0x797: 0x4080, + 0x798: 0xa000, 0x799: 0x4088, 0x79a: 0x4090, 0x79b: 0xa000, 0x79c: 0x4098, 0x79d: 0x40a0, + 0x7af: 0xa000, + 0x7b0: 0xa000, 0x7b1: 0xa000, 0x7b2: 0xa000, 0x7b4: 0x3fd8, + 0x7b7: 0x40a8, 0x7b8: 0x40b0, 0x7b9: 0x40b8, 0x7ba: 0x40c0, + 0x7bd: 0xa000, 0x7be: 0x40c8, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x1377, 0x7c1: 0x0cfb, 0x7c2: 0x13d3, 0x7c3: 0x139f, 0x7c4: 0x0e57, 0x7c5: 0x06eb, + 0x7c6: 0x08df, 0x7c7: 0x162b, 0x7c8: 0x162b, 0x7c9: 0x0a0b, 0x7ca: 0x145f, 0x7cb: 0x0943, + 0x7cc: 0x0a07, 0x7cd: 0x0bef, 0x7ce: 0x0fcf, 0x7cf: 0x115f, 0x7d0: 0x1297, 0x7d1: 0x12d3, + 0x7d2: 0x1307, 0x7d3: 0x141b, 0x7d4: 0x0d73, 0x7d5: 0x0dff, 0x7d6: 0x0eab, 0x7d7: 0x0f43, + 0x7d8: 0x125f, 0x7d9: 0x1447, 0x7da: 0x1573, 0x7db: 0x070f, 0x7dc: 0x08b3, 0x7dd: 0x0d87, + 0x7de: 0x0ecf, 0x7df: 0x1293, 0x7e0: 0x15c3, 0x7e1: 0x0ab3, 0x7e2: 0x0e77, 0x7e3: 0x1283, + 0x7e4: 0x1317, 0x7e5: 0x0c23, 0x7e6: 0x11bb, 0x7e7: 0x12df, 0x7e8: 0x0b1f, 0x7e9: 0x0d0f, + 0x7ea: 0x0e17, 0x7eb: 0x0f1b, 0x7ec: 0x1427, 0x7ed: 0x074f, 0x7ee: 0x07e7, 0x7ef: 0x0853, + 0x7f0: 0x0c8b, 0x7f1: 0x0d7f, 0x7f2: 0x0ecb, 0x7f3: 0x0fef, 0x7f4: 0x1177, 0x7f5: 0x128b, + 0x7f6: 0x12a3, 0x7f7: 0x13c7, 0x7f8: 0x14ef, 0x7f9: 0x15a3, 0x7fa: 0x15bf, 0x7fb: 0x102b, + 0x7fc: 0x106b, 0x7fd: 0x1123, 0x7fe: 0x1243, 0x7ff: 0x147b, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x15cb, 0x801: 0x134b, 0x802: 0x09c7, 0x803: 0x0b3b, 0x804: 0x10db, 0x805: 0x119b, + 0x806: 0x0eff, 0x807: 0x1033, 0x808: 0x1397, 0x809: 0x14e7, 0x80a: 0x09c3, 0x80b: 0x0a8f, + 0x80c: 0x0d77, 0x80d: 0x0e2b, 0x80e: 0x0e5f, 0x80f: 0x1113, 0x810: 0x113b, 0x811: 0x14a7, + 0x812: 0x084f, 0x813: 0x11a7, 0x814: 0x07f3, 0x815: 0x07ef, 0x816: 0x1097, 0x817: 0x1127, + 0x818: 0x125b, 0x819: 0x14af, 0x81a: 0x1367, 0x81b: 0x0c27, 0x81c: 0x0d73, 0x81d: 0x1357, + 0x81e: 0x06f7, 0x81f: 0x0a63, 0x820: 0x0b93, 0x821: 0x0f2f, 0x822: 0x0faf, 0x823: 0x0873, + 0x824: 0x103b, 0x825: 0x075f, 0x826: 0x0b77, 0x827: 0x06d7, 0x828: 0x0deb, 0x829: 0x0ca3, + 0x82a: 0x110f, 0x82b: 0x08c7, 0x82c: 0x09b3, 0x82d: 0x0ffb, 0x82e: 0x1263, 0x82f: 0x133b, + 0x830: 0x0db7, 0x831: 0x13f7, 0x832: 0x0de3, 0x833: 0x0c37, 0x834: 0x121b, 0x835: 0x0c57, + 0x836: 0x0fab, 0x837: 0x072b, 0x838: 0x07a7, 0x839: 0x07eb, 0x83a: 0x0d53, 0x83b: 0x10fb, + 0x83c: 0x11f3, 0x83d: 0x1347, 0x83e: 0x145b, 0x83f: 0x085b, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x090f, 0x841: 0x0a17, 0x842: 0x0b2f, 0x843: 0x0cbf, 0x844: 0x0e7b, 0x845: 0x103f, + 0x846: 0x1497, 0x847: 0x157b, 0x848: 0x15cf, 0x849: 0x15e7, 0x84a: 0x0837, 0x84b: 0x0cf3, + 0x84c: 0x0da3, 0x84d: 0x13eb, 0x84e: 0x0afb, 0x84f: 0x0bd7, 0x850: 0x0bf3, 0x851: 0x0c83, + 0x852: 0x0e6b, 0x853: 0x0eb7, 0x854: 0x0f67, 0x855: 0x108b, 0x856: 0x112f, 0x857: 0x1193, + 0x858: 0x13db, 0x859: 0x126b, 0x85a: 0x1403, 0x85b: 0x147f, 0x85c: 0x080f, 0x85d: 0x083b, + 0x85e: 0x0923, 0x85f: 0x0ea7, 0x860: 0x12f3, 0x861: 0x133b, 0x862: 0x0b1b, 0x863: 0x0b8b, + 0x864: 0x0c4f, 0x865: 0x0daf, 0x866: 0x10d7, 0x867: 0x0f23, 0x868: 0x073b, 0x869: 0x097f, + 0x86a: 0x0a63, 0x86b: 0x0ac7, 0x86c: 0x0b97, 0x86d: 0x0f3f, 0x86e: 0x0f5b, 0x86f: 0x116b, + 0x870: 0x118b, 0x871: 0x1463, 0x872: 0x14e3, 0x873: 0x14f3, 0x874: 0x152f, 0x875: 0x0753, + 0x876: 0x107f, 0x877: 0x144f, 0x878: 0x14cb, 0x879: 0x0baf, 0x87a: 0x0717, 0x87b: 0x0777, + 0x87c: 0x0a67, 0x87d: 0x0a87, 0x87e: 0x0caf, 0x87f: 0x0d73, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x0ec3, 0x881: 0x0fcb, 0x882: 0x1277, 0x883: 0x1417, 0x884: 0x1623, 0x885: 0x0ce3, + 0x886: 0x14a3, 0x887: 0x0833, 0x888: 0x0d2f, 0x889: 0x0d3b, 0x88a: 0x0e0f, 0x88b: 0x0e47, + 0x88c: 0x0f4b, 0x88d: 0x0fa7, 0x88e: 0x1027, 0x88f: 0x110b, 0x890: 0x153b, 0x891: 0x07af, + 0x892: 0x0c03, 0x893: 0x14b3, 0x894: 0x0767, 0x895: 0x0aab, 0x896: 0x0e2f, 0x897: 0x13df, + 0x898: 0x0b67, 0x899: 0x0bb7, 0x89a: 0x0d43, 0x89b: 0x0f2f, 0x89c: 0x14bb, 0x89d: 0x0817, + 0x89e: 0x08ff, 0x89f: 0x0a97, 0x8a0: 0x0cd3, 0x8a1: 0x0d1f, 0x8a2: 0x0d5f, 0x8a3: 0x0df3, + 0x8a4: 0x0f47, 0x8a5: 0x0fbb, 0x8a6: 0x1157, 0x8a7: 0x12f7, 0x8a8: 0x1303, 0x8a9: 0x1457, + 0x8aa: 0x14d7, 0x8ab: 0x0883, 0x8ac: 0x0e4b, 0x8ad: 0x0903, 0x8ae: 0x0ec7, 0x8af: 0x0f6b, + 0x8b0: 0x1287, 0x8b1: 0x14bf, 0x8b2: 0x15ab, 0x8b3: 0x15d3, 0x8b4: 0x0d37, 0x8b5: 0x0e27, + 0x8b6: 0x11c3, 0x8b7: 0x10b7, 0x8b8: 0x10c3, 0x8b9: 0x10e7, 0x8ba: 0x0f17, 0x8bb: 0x0e9f, + 0x8bc: 0x1363, 0x8bd: 0x0733, 0x8be: 0x122b, 0x8bf: 0x081b, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x080b, 0x8c1: 0x0b0b, 0x8c2: 0x0c2b, 0x8c3: 0x10f3, 0x8c4: 0x0a53, 0x8c5: 0x0e03, + 0x8c6: 0x0cef, 0x8c7: 0x13e7, 0x8c8: 0x12e7, 0x8c9: 0x14ab, 0x8ca: 0x1323, 0x8cb: 0x0b27, + 0x8cc: 0x0787, 0x8cd: 0x095b, 0x8d0: 0x09af, + 0x8d2: 0x0cdf, 0x8d5: 0x07f7, 0x8d6: 0x0f1f, 0x8d7: 0x0fe3, + 0x8d8: 0x1047, 0x8d9: 0x1063, 0x8da: 0x1067, 0x8db: 0x107b, 0x8dc: 0x14fb, 0x8dd: 0x10eb, + 0x8de: 0x116f, 0x8e0: 0x128f, 0x8e2: 0x1353, + 0x8e5: 0x1407, 0x8e6: 0x1433, + 0x8ea: 0x154f, 0x8eb: 0x1553, 0x8ec: 0x1557, 0x8ed: 0x15bb, 0x8ee: 0x142b, 0x8ef: 0x14c7, + 0x8f0: 0x0757, 0x8f1: 0x077b, 0x8f2: 0x078f, 0x8f3: 0x084b, 0x8f4: 0x0857, 0x8f5: 0x0897, + 0x8f6: 0x094b, 0x8f7: 0x0967, 0x8f8: 0x096f, 0x8f9: 0x09ab, 0x8fa: 0x09b7, 0x8fb: 0x0a93, + 0x8fc: 0x0a9b, 0x8fd: 0x0ba3, 0x8fe: 0x0bcb, 0x8ff: 0x0bd3, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x0beb, 0x901: 0x0c97, 0x902: 0x0cc7, 0x903: 0x0ce7, 0x904: 0x0d57, 0x905: 0x0e1b, + 0x906: 0x0e37, 0x907: 0x0e67, 0x908: 0x0ebb, 0x909: 0x0edb, 0x90a: 0x0f4f, 0x90b: 0x102f, + 0x90c: 0x104b, 0x90d: 0x1053, 0x90e: 0x104f, 0x90f: 0x1057, 0x910: 0x105b, 0x911: 0x105f, + 0x912: 0x1073, 0x913: 0x1077, 0x914: 0x109b, 0x915: 0x10af, 0x916: 0x10cb, 0x917: 0x112f, + 0x918: 0x1137, 0x919: 0x113f, 0x91a: 0x1153, 0x91b: 0x117b, 0x91c: 0x11cb, 0x91d: 0x11ff, + 0x91e: 0x11ff, 0x91f: 0x1267, 0x920: 0x130f, 0x921: 0x1327, 0x922: 0x135b, 0x923: 0x135f, + 0x924: 0x13a3, 0x925: 0x13a7, 0x926: 0x13ff, 0x927: 0x1407, 0x928: 0x14db, 0x929: 0x151f, + 0x92a: 0x1537, 0x92b: 0x0b9b, 0x92c: 0x171e, 0x92d: 0x11e3, + 0x930: 0x06df, 0x931: 0x07e3, 0x932: 0x07a3, 0x933: 0x074b, 0x934: 0x078b, 0x935: 0x07b7, + 0x936: 0x0847, 0x937: 0x0863, 0x938: 0x094b, 0x939: 0x0937, 0x93a: 0x0947, 0x93b: 0x0963, + 0x93c: 0x09af, 0x93d: 0x09bf, 0x93e: 0x0a03, 0x93f: 0x0a0f, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x0a2b, 0x941: 0x0a3b, 0x942: 0x0b23, 0x943: 0x0b2b, 0x944: 0x0b5b, 0x945: 0x0b7b, + 0x946: 0x0bab, 0x947: 0x0bc3, 0x948: 0x0bb3, 0x949: 0x0bd3, 0x94a: 0x0bc7, 0x94b: 0x0beb, + 0x94c: 0x0c07, 0x94d: 0x0c5f, 0x94e: 0x0c6b, 0x94f: 0x0c73, 0x950: 0x0c9b, 0x951: 0x0cdf, + 0x952: 0x0d0f, 0x953: 0x0d13, 0x954: 0x0d27, 0x955: 0x0da7, 0x956: 0x0db7, 0x957: 0x0e0f, + 0x958: 0x0e5b, 0x959: 0x0e53, 0x95a: 0x0e67, 0x95b: 0x0e83, 0x95c: 0x0ebb, 0x95d: 0x1013, + 0x95e: 0x0edf, 0x95f: 0x0f13, 0x960: 0x0f1f, 0x961: 0x0f5f, 0x962: 0x0f7b, 0x963: 0x0f9f, + 0x964: 0x0fc3, 0x965: 0x0fc7, 0x966: 0x0fe3, 0x967: 0x0fe7, 0x968: 0x0ff7, 0x969: 0x100b, + 0x96a: 0x1007, 0x96b: 0x1037, 0x96c: 0x10b3, 0x96d: 0x10cb, 0x96e: 0x10e3, 0x96f: 0x111b, + 0x970: 0x112f, 0x971: 0x114b, 0x972: 0x117b, 0x973: 0x122f, 0x974: 0x1257, 0x975: 0x12cb, + 0x976: 0x1313, 0x977: 0x131f, 0x978: 0x1327, 0x979: 0x133f, 0x97a: 0x1353, 0x97b: 0x1343, + 0x97c: 0x135b, 0x97d: 0x1357, 0x97e: 0x134f, 0x97f: 0x135f, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x980: 0x136b, 0x981: 0x13a7, 0x982: 0x13e3, 0x983: 0x1413, 0x984: 0x144b, 0x985: 0x146b, + 0x986: 0x14b7, 0x987: 0x14db, 0x988: 0x14fb, 0x989: 0x150f, 0x98a: 0x151f, 0x98b: 0x152b, + 0x98c: 0x1537, 0x98d: 0x158b, 0x98e: 0x162b, 0x98f: 0x16b5, 0x990: 0x16b0, 0x991: 0x16e2, + 0x992: 0x0607, 0x993: 0x062f, 0x994: 0x0633, 0x995: 0x1764, 0x996: 0x1791, 0x997: 0x1809, + 0x998: 0x1617, 0x999: 0x1627, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c0: 0x06fb, 0x9c1: 0x06f3, 0x9c2: 0x0703, 0x9c3: 0x1647, 0x9c4: 0x0747, 0x9c5: 0x0757, + 0x9c6: 0x075b, 0x9c7: 0x0763, 0x9c8: 0x076b, 0x9c9: 0x076f, 0x9ca: 0x077b, 0x9cb: 0x0773, + 0x9cc: 0x05b3, 0x9cd: 0x165b, 0x9ce: 0x078f, 0x9cf: 0x0793, 0x9d0: 0x0797, 0x9d1: 0x07b3, + 0x9d2: 0x164c, 0x9d3: 0x05b7, 0x9d4: 0x079f, 0x9d5: 0x07bf, 0x9d6: 0x1656, 0x9d7: 0x07cf, + 0x9d8: 0x07d7, 0x9d9: 0x0737, 0x9da: 0x07df, 0x9db: 0x07e3, 0x9dc: 0x1831, 0x9dd: 0x07ff, + 0x9de: 0x0807, 0x9df: 0x05bf, 0x9e0: 0x081f, 0x9e1: 0x0823, 0x9e2: 0x082b, 0x9e3: 0x082f, + 0x9e4: 0x05c3, 0x9e5: 0x0847, 0x9e6: 0x084b, 0x9e7: 0x0857, 0x9e8: 0x0863, 0x9e9: 0x0867, + 0x9ea: 0x086b, 0x9eb: 0x0873, 0x9ec: 0x0893, 0x9ed: 0x0897, 0x9ee: 0x089f, 0x9ef: 0x08af, + 0x9f0: 0x08b7, 0x9f1: 0x08bb, 0x9f2: 0x08bb, 0x9f3: 0x08bb, 0x9f4: 0x166a, 0x9f5: 0x0e93, + 0x9f6: 0x08cf, 0x9f7: 0x08d7, 0x9f8: 0x166f, 0x9f9: 0x08e3, 0x9fa: 0x08eb, 0x9fb: 0x08f3, + 0x9fc: 0x091b, 0x9fd: 0x0907, 0x9fe: 0x0913, 0x9ff: 0x0917, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa00: 0x091f, 0xa01: 0x0927, 0xa02: 0x092b, 0xa03: 0x0933, 0xa04: 0x093b, 0xa05: 0x093f, + 0xa06: 0x093f, 0xa07: 0x0947, 0xa08: 0x094f, 0xa09: 0x0953, 0xa0a: 0x095f, 0xa0b: 0x0983, + 0xa0c: 0x0967, 0xa0d: 0x0987, 0xa0e: 0x096b, 0xa0f: 0x0973, 0xa10: 0x080b, 0xa11: 0x09cf, + 0xa12: 0x0997, 0xa13: 0x099b, 0xa14: 0x099f, 0xa15: 0x0993, 0xa16: 0x09a7, 0xa17: 0x09a3, + 0xa18: 0x09bb, 0xa19: 0x1674, 0xa1a: 0x09d7, 0xa1b: 0x09db, 0xa1c: 0x09e3, 0xa1d: 0x09ef, + 0xa1e: 0x09f7, 0xa1f: 0x0a13, 0xa20: 0x1679, 0xa21: 0x167e, 0xa22: 0x0a1f, 0xa23: 0x0a23, + 0xa24: 0x0a27, 0xa25: 0x0a1b, 0xa26: 0x0a2f, 0xa27: 0x05c7, 0xa28: 0x05cb, 0xa29: 0x0a37, + 0xa2a: 0x0a3f, 0xa2b: 0x0a3f, 0xa2c: 0x1683, 0xa2d: 0x0a5b, 0xa2e: 0x0a5f, 0xa2f: 0x0a63, + 0xa30: 0x0a6b, 0xa31: 0x1688, 0xa32: 0x0a73, 0xa33: 0x0a77, 0xa34: 0x0b4f, 0xa35: 0x0a7f, + 0xa36: 0x05cf, 0xa37: 0x0a8b, 0xa38: 0x0a9b, 0xa39: 0x0aa7, 0xa3a: 0x0aa3, 0xa3b: 0x1692, + 0xa3c: 0x0aaf, 0xa3d: 0x1697, 0xa3e: 0x0abb, 0xa3f: 0x0ab7, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa40: 0x0abf, 0xa41: 0x0acf, 0xa42: 0x0ad3, 0xa43: 0x05d3, 0xa44: 0x0ae3, 0xa45: 0x0aeb, + 0xa46: 0x0aef, 0xa47: 0x0af3, 0xa48: 0x05d7, 0xa49: 0x169c, 0xa4a: 0x05db, 0xa4b: 0x0b0f, + 0xa4c: 0x0b13, 0xa4d: 0x0b17, 0xa4e: 0x0b1f, 0xa4f: 0x1863, 0xa50: 0x0b37, 0xa51: 0x16a6, + 0xa52: 0x16a6, 0xa53: 0x11d7, 0xa54: 0x0b47, 0xa55: 0x0b47, 0xa56: 0x05df, 0xa57: 0x16c9, + 0xa58: 0x179b, 0xa59: 0x0b57, 0xa5a: 0x0b5f, 0xa5b: 0x05e3, 0xa5c: 0x0b73, 0xa5d: 0x0b83, + 0xa5e: 0x0b87, 0xa5f: 0x0b8f, 0xa60: 0x0b9f, 0xa61: 0x05eb, 0xa62: 0x05e7, 0xa63: 0x0ba3, + 0xa64: 0x16ab, 0xa65: 0x0ba7, 0xa66: 0x0bbb, 0xa67: 0x0bbf, 0xa68: 0x0bc3, 0xa69: 0x0bbf, + 0xa6a: 0x0bcf, 0xa6b: 0x0bd3, 0xa6c: 0x0be3, 0xa6d: 0x0bdb, 0xa6e: 0x0bdf, 0xa6f: 0x0be7, + 0xa70: 0x0beb, 0xa71: 0x0bef, 0xa72: 0x0bfb, 0xa73: 0x0bff, 0xa74: 0x0c17, 0xa75: 0x0c1f, + 0xa76: 0x0c2f, 0xa77: 0x0c43, 0xa78: 0x16ba, 0xa79: 0x0c3f, 0xa7a: 0x0c33, 0xa7b: 0x0c4b, + 0xa7c: 0x0c53, 0xa7d: 0x0c67, 0xa7e: 0x16bf, 0xa7f: 0x0c6f, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa80: 0x0c63, 0xa81: 0x0c5b, 0xa82: 0x05ef, 0xa83: 0x0c77, 0xa84: 0x0c7f, 0xa85: 0x0c87, + 0xa86: 0x0c7b, 0xa87: 0x05f3, 0xa88: 0x0c97, 0xa89: 0x0c9f, 0xa8a: 0x16c4, 0xa8b: 0x0ccb, + 0xa8c: 0x0cff, 0xa8d: 0x0cdb, 0xa8e: 0x05ff, 0xa8f: 0x0ce7, 0xa90: 0x05fb, 0xa91: 0x05f7, + 0xa92: 0x07c3, 0xa93: 0x07c7, 0xa94: 0x0d03, 0xa95: 0x0ceb, 0xa96: 0x11ab, 0xa97: 0x0663, + 0xa98: 0x0d0f, 0xa99: 0x0d13, 0xa9a: 0x0d17, 0xa9b: 0x0d2b, 0xa9c: 0x0d23, 0xa9d: 0x16dd, + 0xa9e: 0x0603, 0xa9f: 0x0d3f, 0xaa0: 0x0d33, 0xaa1: 0x0d4f, 0xaa2: 0x0d57, 0xaa3: 0x16e7, + 0xaa4: 0x0d5b, 0xaa5: 0x0d47, 0xaa6: 0x0d63, 0xaa7: 0x0607, 0xaa8: 0x0d67, 0xaa9: 0x0d6b, + 0xaaa: 0x0d6f, 0xaab: 0x0d7b, 0xaac: 0x16ec, 0xaad: 0x0d83, 0xaae: 0x060b, 0xaaf: 0x0d8f, + 0xab0: 0x16f1, 0xab1: 0x0d93, 0xab2: 0x060f, 0xab3: 0x0d9f, 0xab4: 0x0dab, 0xab5: 0x0db7, + 0xab6: 0x0dbb, 0xab7: 0x16f6, 0xab8: 0x168d, 0xab9: 0x16fb, 0xaba: 0x0ddb, 0xabb: 0x1700, + 0xabc: 0x0de7, 0xabd: 0x0def, 0xabe: 0x0ddf, 0xabf: 0x0dfb, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xac0: 0x0e0b, 0xac1: 0x0e1b, 0xac2: 0x0e0f, 0xac3: 0x0e13, 0xac4: 0x0e1f, 0xac5: 0x0e23, + 0xac6: 0x1705, 0xac7: 0x0e07, 0xac8: 0x0e3b, 0xac9: 0x0e3f, 0xaca: 0x0613, 0xacb: 0x0e53, + 0xacc: 0x0e4f, 0xacd: 0x170a, 0xace: 0x0e33, 0xacf: 0x0e6f, 0xad0: 0x170f, 0xad1: 0x1714, + 0xad2: 0x0e73, 0xad3: 0x0e87, 0xad4: 0x0e83, 0xad5: 0x0e7f, 0xad6: 0x0617, 0xad7: 0x0e8b, + 0xad8: 0x0e9b, 0xad9: 0x0e97, 0xada: 0x0ea3, 0xadb: 0x1651, 0xadc: 0x0eb3, 0xadd: 0x1719, + 0xade: 0x0ebf, 0xadf: 0x1723, 0xae0: 0x0ed3, 0xae1: 0x0edf, 0xae2: 0x0ef3, 0xae3: 0x1728, + 0xae4: 0x0f07, 0xae5: 0x0f0b, 0xae6: 0x172d, 0xae7: 0x1732, 0xae8: 0x0f27, 0xae9: 0x0f37, + 0xaea: 0x061b, 0xaeb: 0x0f3b, 0xaec: 0x061f, 0xaed: 0x061f, 0xaee: 0x0f53, 0xaef: 0x0f57, + 0xaf0: 0x0f5f, 0xaf1: 0x0f63, 0xaf2: 0x0f6f, 0xaf3: 0x0623, 0xaf4: 0x0f87, 0xaf5: 0x1737, + 0xaf6: 0x0fa3, 0xaf7: 0x173c, 0xaf8: 0x0faf, 0xaf9: 0x16a1, 0xafa: 0x0fbf, 0xafb: 0x1741, + 0xafc: 0x1746, 0xafd: 0x174b, 0xafe: 0x0627, 0xaff: 0x062b, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb00: 0x0ff7, 0xb01: 0x1755, 0xb02: 0x1750, 0xb03: 0x175a, 0xb04: 0x175f, 0xb05: 0x0fff, + 0xb06: 0x1003, 0xb07: 0x1003, 0xb08: 0x100b, 0xb09: 0x0633, 0xb0a: 0x100f, 0xb0b: 0x0637, + 0xb0c: 0x063b, 0xb0d: 0x1769, 0xb0e: 0x1023, 0xb0f: 0x102b, 0xb10: 0x1037, 0xb11: 0x063f, + 0xb12: 0x176e, 0xb13: 0x105b, 0xb14: 0x1773, 0xb15: 0x1778, 0xb16: 0x107b, 0xb17: 0x1093, + 0xb18: 0x0643, 0xb19: 0x109b, 0xb1a: 0x109f, 0xb1b: 0x10a3, 0xb1c: 0x177d, 0xb1d: 0x1782, + 0xb1e: 0x1782, 0xb1f: 0x10bb, 0xb20: 0x0647, 0xb21: 0x1787, 0xb22: 0x10cf, 0xb23: 0x10d3, + 0xb24: 0x064b, 0xb25: 0x178c, 0xb26: 0x10ef, 0xb27: 0x064f, 0xb28: 0x10ff, 0xb29: 0x10f7, + 0xb2a: 0x1107, 0xb2b: 0x1796, 0xb2c: 0x111f, 0xb2d: 0x0653, 0xb2e: 0x112b, 0xb2f: 0x1133, + 0xb30: 0x1143, 0xb31: 0x0657, 0xb32: 0x17a0, 0xb33: 0x17a5, 0xb34: 0x065b, 0xb35: 0x17aa, + 0xb36: 0x115b, 0xb37: 0x17af, 0xb38: 0x1167, 0xb39: 0x1173, 0xb3a: 0x117b, 0xb3b: 0x17b4, + 0xb3c: 0x17b9, 0xb3d: 0x118f, 0xb3e: 0x17be, 0xb3f: 0x1197, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb40: 0x16ce, 0xb41: 0x065f, 0xb42: 0x11af, 0xb43: 0x11b3, 0xb44: 0x0667, 0xb45: 0x11b7, + 0xb46: 0x0a33, 0xb47: 0x17c3, 0xb48: 0x17c8, 0xb49: 0x16d3, 0xb4a: 0x16d8, 0xb4b: 0x11d7, + 0xb4c: 0x11db, 0xb4d: 0x13f3, 0xb4e: 0x066b, 0xb4f: 0x1207, 0xb50: 0x1203, 0xb51: 0x120b, + 0xb52: 0x083f, 0xb53: 0x120f, 0xb54: 0x1213, 0xb55: 0x1217, 0xb56: 0x121f, 0xb57: 0x17cd, + 0xb58: 0x121b, 0xb59: 0x1223, 0xb5a: 0x1237, 0xb5b: 0x123b, 0xb5c: 0x1227, 0xb5d: 0x123f, + 0xb5e: 0x1253, 0xb5f: 0x1267, 0xb60: 0x1233, 0xb61: 0x1247, 0xb62: 0x124b, 0xb63: 0x124f, + 0xb64: 0x17d2, 0xb65: 0x17dc, 0xb66: 0x17d7, 0xb67: 0x066f, 0xb68: 0x126f, 0xb69: 0x1273, + 0xb6a: 0x127b, 0xb6b: 0x17f0, 0xb6c: 0x127f, 0xb6d: 0x17e1, 0xb6e: 0x0673, 0xb6f: 0x0677, + 0xb70: 0x17e6, 0xb71: 0x17eb, 0xb72: 0x067b, 0xb73: 0x129f, 0xb74: 0x12a3, 0xb75: 0x12a7, + 0xb76: 0x12ab, 0xb77: 0x12b7, 0xb78: 0x12b3, 0xb79: 0x12bf, 0xb7a: 0x12bb, 0xb7b: 0x12cb, + 0xb7c: 0x12c3, 0xb7d: 0x12c7, 0xb7e: 0x12cf, 0xb7f: 0x067f, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb80: 0x12d7, 0xb81: 0x12db, 0xb82: 0x0683, 0xb83: 0x12eb, 0xb84: 0x12ef, 0xb85: 0x17f5, + 0xb86: 0x12fb, 0xb87: 0x12ff, 0xb88: 0x0687, 0xb89: 0x130b, 0xb8a: 0x05bb, 0xb8b: 0x17fa, + 0xb8c: 0x17ff, 0xb8d: 0x068b, 0xb8e: 0x068f, 0xb8f: 0x1337, 0xb90: 0x134f, 0xb91: 0x136b, + 0xb92: 0x137b, 0xb93: 0x1804, 0xb94: 0x138f, 0xb95: 0x1393, 0xb96: 0x13ab, 0xb97: 0x13b7, + 0xb98: 0x180e, 0xb99: 0x1660, 0xb9a: 0x13c3, 0xb9b: 0x13bf, 0xb9c: 0x13cb, 0xb9d: 0x1665, + 0xb9e: 0x13d7, 0xb9f: 0x13e3, 0xba0: 0x1813, 0xba1: 0x1818, 0xba2: 0x1423, 0xba3: 0x142f, + 0xba4: 0x1437, 0xba5: 0x181d, 0xba6: 0x143b, 0xba7: 0x1467, 0xba8: 0x1473, 0xba9: 0x1477, + 0xbaa: 0x146f, 0xbab: 0x1483, 0xbac: 0x1487, 0xbad: 0x1822, 0xbae: 0x1493, 0xbaf: 0x0693, + 0xbb0: 0x149b, 0xbb1: 0x1827, 0xbb2: 0x0697, 0xbb3: 0x14d3, 0xbb4: 0x0ac3, 0xbb5: 0x14eb, + 0xbb6: 0x182c, 0xbb7: 0x1836, 0xbb8: 0x069b, 0xbb9: 0x069f, 0xbba: 0x1513, 0xbbb: 0x183b, + 0xbbc: 0x06a3, 0xbbd: 0x1840, 0xbbe: 0x152b, 0xbbf: 0x152b, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x1533, 0xbc1: 0x1845, 0xbc2: 0x154b, 0xbc3: 0x06a7, 0xbc4: 0x155b, 0xbc5: 0x1567, + 0xbc6: 0x156f, 0xbc7: 0x1577, 0xbc8: 0x06ab, 0xbc9: 0x184a, 0xbca: 0x158b, 0xbcb: 0x15a7, + 0xbcc: 0x15b3, 0xbcd: 0x06af, 0xbce: 0x06b3, 0xbcf: 0x15b7, 0xbd0: 0x184f, 0xbd1: 0x06b7, + 0xbd2: 0x1854, 0xbd3: 0x1859, 0xbd4: 0x185e, 0xbd5: 0x15db, 0xbd6: 0x06bb, 0xbd7: 0x15ef, + 0xbd8: 0x15f7, 0xbd9: 0x15fb, 0xbda: 0x1603, 0xbdb: 0x160b, 0xbdc: 0x1613, 0xbdd: 0x1868, +} + +// nfcIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var nfcIndex = [1408]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x2e, 0xc3: 0x01, 0xc4: 0x02, 0xc5: 0x03, 0xc6: 0x2f, 0xc7: 0x04, + 0xc8: 0x05, 0xca: 0x30, 0xcb: 0x31, 0xcc: 0x06, 0xcd: 0x07, 0xce: 0x08, 0xcf: 0x32, + 0xd0: 0x09, 0xd1: 0x33, 0xd2: 0x34, 0xd3: 0x0a, 0xd6: 0x0b, 0xd7: 0x35, + 0xd8: 0x36, 0xd9: 0x0c, 0xdb: 0x37, 0xdc: 0x38, 0xdd: 0x39, 0xdf: 0x3a, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, + 0xea: 0x06, 0xeb: 0x07, 0xec: 0x08, 0xed: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, + 0xf0: 0x13, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x3b, 0x121: 0x3c, 0x123: 0x0d, 0x124: 0x3d, 0x125: 0x3e, 0x126: 0x3f, 0x127: 0x40, + 0x128: 0x41, 0x129: 0x42, 0x12a: 0x43, 0x12b: 0x44, 0x12c: 0x3f, 0x12d: 0x45, 0x12e: 0x46, 0x12f: 0x47, + 0x131: 0x48, 0x132: 0x49, 0x133: 0x4a, 0x134: 0x4b, 0x135: 0x4c, 0x137: 0x4d, + 0x138: 0x4e, 0x139: 0x4f, 0x13a: 0x50, 0x13b: 0x51, 0x13c: 0x52, 0x13d: 0x53, 0x13e: 0x54, 0x13f: 0x55, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x56, 0x142: 0x57, 0x144: 0x58, 0x145: 0x59, 0x146: 0x5a, 0x147: 0x5b, + 0x14d: 0x5c, + 0x15c: 0x5d, 0x15f: 0x5e, + 0x162: 0x5f, 0x164: 0x60, + 0x168: 0x61, 0x169: 0x62, 0x16a: 0x63, 0x16c: 0x0e, 0x16d: 0x64, 0x16e: 0x65, 0x16f: 0x66, + 0x170: 0x67, 0x173: 0x68, 0x177: 0x0f, + 0x178: 0x10, 0x179: 0x11, 0x17a: 0x12, 0x17b: 0x13, 0x17c: 0x14, 0x17d: 0x15, 0x17e: 0x16, 0x17f: 0x17, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x69, 0x183: 0x6a, 0x184: 0x6b, 0x186: 0x6c, 0x187: 0x6d, + 0x188: 0x6e, 0x189: 0x18, 0x18a: 0x19, 0x18b: 0x6f, 0x18c: 0x70, + 0x1ab: 0x71, + 0x1b3: 0x72, 0x1b5: 0x73, 0x1b7: 0x74, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x75, 0x1c1: 0x1a, 0x1c2: 0x1b, 0x1c3: 0x1c, 0x1c4: 0x76, 0x1c5: 0x77, + 0x1c9: 0x78, 0x1cc: 0x79, 0x1cd: 0x7a, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x219: 0x7b, 0x21a: 0x7c, 0x21b: 0x7d, + 0x220: 0x7e, 0x223: 0x7f, 0x224: 0x80, 0x225: 0x81, 0x226: 0x82, 0x227: 0x83, + 0x22a: 0x84, 0x22b: 0x85, 0x22f: 0x86, + 0x230: 0x87, 0x231: 0x88, 0x232: 0x89, 0x233: 0x8a, 0x234: 0x8b, 0x235: 0x8c, 0x236: 0x8d, 0x237: 0x87, + 0x238: 0x88, 0x239: 0x89, 0x23a: 0x8a, 0x23b: 0x8b, 0x23c: 0x8c, 0x23d: 0x8d, 0x23e: 0x87, 0x23f: 0x88, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x89, 0x241: 0x8a, 0x242: 0x8b, 0x243: 0x8c, 0x244: 0x8d, 0x245: 0x87, 0x246: 0x88, 0x247: 0x89, + 0x248: 0x8a, 0x249: 0x8b, 0x24a: 0x8c, 0x24b: 0x8d, 0x24c: 0x87, 0x24d: 0x88, 0x24e: 0x89, 0x24f: 0x8a, + 0x250: 0x8b, 0x251: 0x8c, 0x252: 0x8d, 0x253: 0x87, 0x254: 0x88, 0x255: 0x89, 0x256: 0x8a, 0x257: 0x8b, + 0x258: 0x8c, 0x259: 0x8d, 0x25a: 0x87, 0x25b: 0x88, 0x25c: 0x89, 0x25d: 0x8a, 0x25e: 0x8b, 0x25f: 0x8c, + 0x260: 0x8d, 0x261: 0x87, 0x262: 0x88, 0x263: 0x89, 0x264: 0x8a, 0x265: 0x8b, 0x266: 0x8c, 0x267: 0x8d, + 0x268: 0x87, 0x269: 0x88, 0x26a: 0x89, 0x26b: 0x8a, 0x26c: 0x8b, 0x26d: 0x8c, 0x26e: 0x8d, 0x26f: 0x87, + 0x270: 0x88, 0x271: 0x89, 0x272: 0x8a, 0x273: 0x8b, 0x274: 0x8c, 0x275: 0x8d, 0x276: 0x87, 0x277: 0x88, + 0x278: 0x89, 0x279: 0x8a, 0x27a: 0x8b, 0x27b: 0x8c, 0x27c: 0x8d, 0x27d: 0x87, 0x27e: 0x88, 0x27f: 0x89, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x8a, 0x281: 0x8b, 0x282: 0x8c, 0x283: 0x8d, 0x284: 0x87, 0x285: 0x88, 0x286: 0x89, 0x287: 0x8a, + 0x288: 0x8b, 0x289: 0x8c, 0x28a: 0x8d, 0x28b: 0x87, 0x28c: 0x88, 0x28d: 0x89, 0x28e: 0x8a, 0x28f: 0x8b, + 0x290: 0x8c, 0x291: 0x8d, 0x292: 0x87, 0x293: 0x88, 0x294: 0x89, 0x295: 0x8a, 0x296: 0x8b, 0x297: 0x8c, + 0x298: 0x8d, 0x299: 0x87, 0x29a: 0x88, 0x29b: 0x89, 0x29c: 0x8a, 0x29d: 0x8b, 0x29e: 0x8c, 0x29f: 0x8d, + 0x2a0: 0x87, 0x2a1: 0x88, 0x2a2: 0x89, 0x2a3: 0x8a, 0x2a4: 0x8b, 0x2a5: 0x8c, 0x2a6: 0x8d, 0x2a7: 0x87, + 0x2a8: 0x88, 0x2a9: 0x89, 0x2aa: 0x8a, 0x2ab: 0x8b, 0x2ac: 0x8c, 0x2ad: 0x8d, 0x2ae: 0x87, 0x2af: 0x88, + 0x2b0: 0x89, 0x2b1: 0x8a, 0x2b2: 0x8b, 0x2b3: 0x8c, 0x2b4: 0x8d, 0x2b5: 0x87, 0x2b6: 0x88, 0x2b7: 0x89, + 0x2b8: 0x8a, 0x2b9: 0x8b, 0x2ba: 0x8c, 0x2bb: 0x8d, 0x2bc: 0x87, 0x2bd: 0x88, 0x2be: 0x89, 0x2bf: 0x8a, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x8b, 0x2c1: 0x8c, 0x2c2: 0x8d, 0x2c3: 0x87, 0x2c4: 0x88, 0x2c5: 0x89, 0x2c6: 0x8a, 0x2c7: 0x8b, + 0x2c8: 0x8c, 0x2c9: 0x8d, 0x2ca: 0x87, 0x2cb: 0x88, 0x2cc: 0x89, 0x2cd: 0x8a, 0x2ce: 0x8b, 0x2cf: 0x8c, + 0x2d0: 0x8d, 0x2d1: 0x87, 0x2d2: 0x88, 0x2d3: 0x89, 0x2d4: 0x8a, 0x2d5: 0x8b, 0x2d6: 0x8c, 0x2d7: 0x8d, + 0x2d8: 0x87, 0x2d9: 0x88, 0x2da: 0x89, 0x2db: 0x8a, 0x2dc: 0x8b, 0x2dd: 0x8c, 0x2de: 0x8e, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x324: 0x1d, 0x325: 0x1e, 0x326: 0x1f, 0x327: 0x20, + 0x328: 0x21, 0x329: 0x22, 0x32a: 0x23, 0x32b: 0x24, 0x32c: 0x8f, 0x32d: 0x90, 0x32e: 0x91, + 0x331: 0x92, 0x332: 0x93, 0x333: 0x94, 0x334: 0x95, + 0x338: 0x96, 0x339: 0x97, 0x33a: 0x98, 0x33b: 0x99, 0x33e: 0x9a, 0x33f: 0x9b, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x347: 0x9c, + 0x34b: 0x9d, 0x34d: 0x9e, + 0x368: 0x9f, 0x36b: 0xa0, + 0x374: 0xa1, + 0x37d: 0xa2, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x381: 0xa3, 0x382: 0xa4, 0x384: 0xa5, 0x385: 0x82, 0x387: 0xa6, + 0x388: 0xa7, 0x38b: 0xa8, 0x38c: 0xa9, 0x38d: 0xaa, + 0x391: 0xab, 0x392: 0xac, 0x393: 0xad, 0x396: 0xae, 0x397: 0xaf, + 0x398: 0x73, 0x39a: 0xb0, 0x39c: 0xb1, + 0x3a0: 0xb2, + 0x3a8: 0xb3, 0x3a9: 0xb4, 0x3aa: 0xb5, + 0x3b0: 0x73, 0x3b5: 0xb6, 0x3b6: 0xb7, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3eb: 0xb8, 0x3ec: 0xb9, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x432: 0xba, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x445: 0xbb, 0x446: 0xbc, 0x447: 0xbd, + 0x449: 0xbe, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0xbf, + 0x4a3: 0xc0, 0x4a5: 0xc1, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c8: 0xc2, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x520: 0x25, 0x521: 0x26, 0x522: 0x27, 0x523: 0x28, 0x524: 0x29, 0x525: 0x2a, 0x526: 0x2b, 0x527: 0x2c, + 0x528: 0x2d, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x550: 0x0b, 0x551: 0x0c, 0x556: 0x0d, + 0x55b: 0x0e, 0x55d: 0x0f, 0x55e: 0x10, 0x55f: 0x11, + 0x56f: 0x12, +} + +// nfcSparseOffset: 149 entries, 298 bytes +var nfcSparseOffset = []uint16{0x0, 0x5, 0x9, 0xb, 0xd, 0x18, 0x28, 0x2a, 0x2f, 0x3a, 0x49, 0x56, 0x5e, 0x63, 0x68, 0x6a, 0x72, 0x79, 0x7c, 0x84, 0x88, 0x8c, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x99, 0x9d, 0xa4, 0xa9, 0xac, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xc0, 0xc8, 0xcb, 0xcd, 0xcf, 0xd1, 0xd6, 0xe7, 0xf3, 0xf5, 0xfb, 0xfd, 0xff, 0x101, 0x103, 0x105, 0x107, 0x10a, 0x10d, 0x10f, 0x112, 0x115, 0x119, 0x11e, 0x127, 0x129, 0x12c, 0x12e, 0x139, 0x13d, 0x14b, 0x14e, 0x154, 0x15a, 0x165, 0x169, 0x16b, 0x16d, 0x16f, 0x171, 0x173, 0x179, 0x17d, 0x17f, 0x181, 0x189, 0x18d, 0x190, 0x192, 0x194, 0x196, 0x199, 0x19b, 0x19d, 0x19f, 0x1a1, 0x1a7, 0x1aa, 0x1ac, 0x1b3, 0x1b9, 0x1bf, 0x1c7, 0x1cd, 0x1d3, 0x1d9, 0x1dd, 0x1eb, 0x1f4, 0x1f7, 0x1fa, 0x1fc, 0x1ff, 0x201, 0x205, 0x20a, 0x20c, 0x20e, 0x213, 0x219, 0x21b, 0x21d, 0x21f, 0x225, 0x228, 0x22a, 0x230, 0x233, 0x23b, 0x242, 0x245, 0x248, 0x24a, 0x24d, 0x255, 0x259, 0x260, 0x263, 0x269, 0x26b, 0x26e, 0x270, 0x273, 0x275, 0x277, 0x279, 0x27c, 0x27e, 0x280, 0x282, 0x284, 0x291, 0x29b, 0x29d, 0x29f, 0x2a5, 0x2a7, 0x2aa} + +// nfcSparseValues: 684 entries, 2736 bytes +var nfcSparseValues = [684]valueRange{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0xa100, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x5 + {value: 0x0091, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x46e2, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x4714, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + // Block 0x3, offset 0xb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0x4, offset 0xd + {value: 0x0006, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x4840, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x485e, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x36c7, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x36df, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x4876, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x36fd, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x94}, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x18 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x37a5, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x37b1, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x379f, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3817, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x37e1, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x37c9, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x37f3, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x381d, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3823, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x28 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x87}, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x2a + {value: 0x0001, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x8113, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x810d, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x2f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x8119, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x811a, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x811b, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3841, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3847, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x3853, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x384d, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3859, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x3a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x386b, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x385f, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x3865, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x49 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x811f, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x56 + {value: 0x0005, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x5e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x63 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x68 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x6a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3ed8, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3ee0, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3ee8, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x9902, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x72 + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x451c, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x79 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x7c + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2c9e, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x455c, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x456c, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x84 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x4594, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x459c, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x88 + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x4574, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x458c, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x8c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x8e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x90 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2cb6, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x2cae, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x2cbe, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x45a4, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x45ac, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x99 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x2cc6, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x9d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2cce, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x2cde, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x2cd6, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0xa4 + {value: 0x1801, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3ef0, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x8120, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0xa9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0xac + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x2ce6, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x2cee, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2cf6, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x2f50, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x2dd8, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0xb6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0xb9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2cfe, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x2d0e, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x2d06, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0xc0 + {value: 0x6bea, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x9904, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x3ef8, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x2f58, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x2de3, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x2d16, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x20, offset 0xc8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8122, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x21, offset 0xcb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8123, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + // Block 0x22, offset 0xcd + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8124, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x23, offset 0xcf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8125, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + // Block 0x24, offset 0xd1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x812b, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x25, offset 0xd6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x2644, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x264b, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x2652, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x2659, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x2660, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x263d, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x8126, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x8127, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x4a84, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x8128, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x4a8d, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x45b4, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x8200, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x45bc, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8200, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x8127, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x26, offset 0xe7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x8127, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x4a96, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x266e, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x2675, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x267c, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x2683, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x268a, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x2667, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x27, offset 0xf3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xf5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x2d1e, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xfb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xfd + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x92}, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xff + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0xb900, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0x101 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0x103 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0x105 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0x107 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x30, offset 0x10a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0x31, offset 0x10d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8131, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0x32, offset 0x10f + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x812e, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x33, offset 0x112 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + // Block 0x34, offset 0x115 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x35, offset 0x119 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x36, offset 0x11e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x2d66, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x2d6e, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x2d76, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x37, offset 0x127 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x38, offset 0x129 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x39, offset 0x12c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0x12e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0x139 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0433, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0x13d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0x14b + {value: 0x427b, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x01b8, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0057, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0x14e + {value: 0x0007, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x3bb9, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x3bc7, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0x154 + {value: 0x000e, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x3bce, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x3bd5, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x15a + {value: 0x6408, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3be3, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x3bea, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x3bf1, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x3bf8, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3bff, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x165 + {value: 0x0007, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x3c68, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3c92, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x3cbc, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x169 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x048b, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x16b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x44dd, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x16d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x16f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x171 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x173 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x812c, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x8131, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x8133, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x812e, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x812f, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x179 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x17d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x17f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x181 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x189 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x18d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x190 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x192 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x194 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x196 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x199 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x19b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x19d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x19f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1a1 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x1a7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1aa + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1ac + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1b3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x95, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x1b9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1bf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1c7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1cd + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x1d3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1d9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x1dd + {value: 0x0006, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x4390, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x8115, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x4402, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x43f0, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x44f4, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x44fc, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x4348, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x4366, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x437e, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x438a, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x4396, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x43ae, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x43b4, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1eb + {value: 0x0006, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x43ba, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x43c6, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x43d8, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x43fc, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x4378, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x4360, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x43a8, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x43d2, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x1f4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1f7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x8200, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x1fa + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x1fc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x8200, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x1ff + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x201 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x205 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x20a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x8c}, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x20c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x20e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaf}, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x213 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x4a9f, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x219 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x21b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x21d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x21f + {value: 0x002c, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x225 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x228 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x22a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x230 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x233 + {value: 0x17fe, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x4238, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x4242, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x424c, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x23b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2d7e, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x2d88, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x242 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x245 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x248 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x24a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x24d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2d92, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x2d9c, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x255 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x259 + {value: 0x6b5a, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x2db0, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x2da6, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x2dba, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x260 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x263 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x2dc4, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x2dce, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x269 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x26b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x26e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x270 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x273 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x275 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x277 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x279 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x27c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x27e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x280 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x282 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x284 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x45cc, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x45d6, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x460a, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x4618, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x4626, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x4634, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x4642, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x812b, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x8130, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x812b, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x291 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x45e0, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x45ea, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x4650, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x466c, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x465e, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x29b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x467a, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x29d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x84}, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x29f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2a5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x2a7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2aa + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8100, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, +} + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *nfkcTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return nfkcValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfkcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfkcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = nfkcIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfkcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = nfkcIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = nfkcIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *nfkcTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return nfkcValues[c0] + } + i := nfkcIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = nfkcIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = nfkcIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *nfkcTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return nfkcValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfkcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfkcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = nfkcIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := nfkcIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = nfkcIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = nfkcIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *nfkcTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return nfkcValues[c0] + } + i := nfkcIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = nfkcIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = nfkcIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// nfkcTrie. Total size: 17248 bytes (16.84 KiB). Checksum: 4fb368372b6b1b27. +type nfkcTrie struct{} + +func newNfkcTrie(i int) *nfkcTrie { + return &nfkcTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *nfkcTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + case n < 92: + return uint16(nfkcValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + default: + n -= 92 + return uint16(nfkcSparse.lookup(n, b)) + } +} + +// nfkcValues: 94 blocks, 6016 entries, 12032 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var nfkcValues = [6016]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x3c: 0xa000, 0x3d: 0xa000, 0x3e: 0xa000, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x41: 0xa000, 0x42: 0xa000, 0x43: 0xa000, 0x44: 0xa000, 0x45: 0xa000, + 0x46: 0xa000, 0x47: 0xa000, 0x48: 0xa000, 0x49: 0xa000, 0x4a: 0xa000, 0x4b: 0xa000, + 0x4c: 0xa000, 0x4d: 0xa000, 0x4e: 0xa000, 0x4f: 0xa000, 0x50: 0xa000, + 0x52: 0xa000, 0x53: 0xa000, 0x54: 0xa000, 0x55: 0xa000, 0x56: 0xa000, 0x57: 0xa000, + 0x58: 0xa000, 0x59: 0xa000, 0x5a: 0xa000, + 0x61: 0xa000, 0x62: 0xa000, 0x63: 0xa000, + 0x64: 0xa000, 0x65: 0xa000, 0x66: 0xa000, 0x67: 0xa000, 0x68: 0xa000, 0x69: 0xa000, + 0x6a: 0xa000, 0x6b: 0xa000, 0x6c: 0xa000, 0x6d: 0xa000, 0x6e: 0xa000, 0x6f: 0xa000, + 0x70: 0xa000, 0x72: 0xa000, 0x73: 0xa000, 0x74: 0xa000, 0x75: 0xa000, + 0x76: 0xa000, 0x77: 0xa000, 0x78: 0xa000, 0x79: 0xa000, 0x7a: 0xa000, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc0: 0x2f6f, 0xc1: 0x2f74, 0xc2: 0x4688, 0xc3: 0x2f79, 0xc4: 0x4697, 0xc5: 0x469c, + 0xc6: 0xa000, 0xc7: 0x46a6, 0xc8: 0x2fe2, 0xc9: 0x2fe7, 0xca: 0x46ab, 0xcb: 0x2ffb, + 0xcc: 0x306e, 0xcd: 0x3073, 0xce: 0x3078, 0xcf: 0x46bf, 0xd1: 0x3104, + 0xd2: 0x3127, 0xd3: 0x312c, 0xd4: 0x46c9, 0xd5: 0x46ce, 0xd6: 0x46dd, + 0xd8: 0xa000, 0xd9: 0x31b3, 0xda: 0x31b8, 0xdb: 0x31bd, 0xdc: 0x470f, 0xdd: 0x3235, + 0xe0: 0x327b, 0xe1: 0x3280, 0xe2: 0x4719, 0xe3: 0x3285, + 0xe4: 0x4728, 0xe5: 0x472d, 0xe6: 0xa000, 0xe7: 0x4737, 0xe8: 0x32ee, 0xe9: 0x32f3, + 0xea: 0x473c, 0xeb: 0x3307, 0xec: 0x337f, 0xed: 0x3384, 0xee: 0x3389, 0xef: 0x4750, + 0xf1: 0x3415, 0xf2: 0x3438, 0xf3: 0x343d, 0xf4: 0x475a, 0xf5: 0x475f, + 0xf6: 0x476e, 0xf8: 0xa000, 0xf9: 0x34c9, 0xfa: 0x34ce, 0xfb: 0x34d3, + 0xfc: 0x47a0, 0xfd: 0x3550, 0xff: 0x3569, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x100: 0x2f7e, 0x101: 0x328a, 0x102: 0x468d, 0x103: 0x471e, 0x104: 0x2f9c, 0x105: 0x32a8, + 0x106: 0x2fb0, 0x107: 0x32bc, 0x108: 0x2fb5, 0x109: 0x32c1, 0x10a: 0x2fba, 0x10b: 0x32c6, + 0x10c: 0x2fbf, 0x10d: 0x32cb, 0x10e: 0x2fc9, 0x10f: 0x32d5, + 0x112: 0x46b0, 0x113: 0x4741, 0x114: 0x2ff1, 0x115: 0x32fd, 0x116: 0x2ff6, 0x117: 0x3302, + 0x118: 0x3014, 0x119: 0x3320, 0x11a: 0x3005, 0x11b: 0x3311, 0x11c: 0x302d, 0x11d: 0x3339, + 0x11e: 0x3037, 0x11f: 0x3343, 0x120: 0x303c, 0x121: 0x3348, 0x122: 0x3046, 0x123: 0x3352, + 0x124: 0x304b, 0x125: 0x3357, 0x128: 0x307d, 0x129: 0x338e, + 0x12a: 0x3082, 0x12b: 0x3393, 0x12c: 0x3087, 0x12d: 0x3398, 0x12e: 0x30aa, 0x12f: 0x33b6, + 0x130: 0x308c, 0x132: 0x195d, 0x133: 0x19e7, 0x134: 0x30b4, 0x135: 0x33c0, + 0x136: 0x30c8, 0x137: 0x33d9, 0x139: 0x30d2, 0x13a: 0x33e3, 0x13b: 0x30dc, + 0x13c: 0x33ed, 0x13d: 0x30d7, 0x13e: 0x33e8, 0x13f: 0x1bac, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x1c34, 0x143: 0x30ff, 0x144: 0x3410, 0x145: 0x3118, + 0x146: 0x3429, 0x147: 0x310e, 0x148: 0x341f, 0x149: 0x1c5c, + 0x14c: 0x46d3, 0x14d: 0x4764, 0x14e: 0x3131, 0x14f: 0x3442, 0x150: 0x313b, 0x151: 0x344c, + 0x154: 0x3159, 0x155: 0x346a, 0x156: 0x3172, 0x157: 0x3483, + 0x158: 0x3163, 0x159: 0x3474, 0x15a: 0x46f6, 0x15b: 0x4787, 0x15c: 0x317c, 0x15d: 0x348d, + 0x15e: 0x318b, 0x15f: 0x349c, 0x160: 0x46fb, 0x161: 0x478c, 0x162: 0x31a4, 0x163: 0x34ba, + 0x164: 0x3195, 0x165: 0x34ab, 0x168: 0x4705, 0x169: 0x4796, + 0x16a: 0x470a, 0x16b: 0x479b, 0x16c: 0x31c2, 0x16d: 0x34d8, 0x16e: 0x31cc, 0x16f: 0x34e2, + 0x170: 0x31d1, 0x171: 0x34e7, 0x172: 0x31ef, 0x173: 0x3505, 0x174: 0x3212, 0x175: 0x3528, + 0x176: 0x323a, 0x177: 0x3555, 0x178: 0x324e, 0x179: 0x325d, 0x17a: 0x357d, 0x17b: 0x3267, + 0x17c: 0x3587, 0x17d: 0x326c, 0x17e: 0x358c, 0x17f: 0x00a7, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x184: 0x2dee, 0x185: 0x2df4, + 0x186: 0x2dfa, 0x187: 0x1972, 0x188: 0x1975, 0x189: 0x1a08, 0x18a: 0x1987, 0x18b: 0x198a, + 0x18c: 0x1a3e, 0x18d: 0x2f88, 0x18e: 0x3294, 0x18f: 0x3096, 0x190: 0x33a2, 0x191: 0x3140, + 0x192: 0x3451, 0x193: 0x31d6, 0x194: 0x34ec, 0x195: 0x39cf, 0x196: 0x3b5e, 0x197: 0x39c8, + 0x198: 0x3b57, 0x199: 0x39d6, 0x19a: 0x3b65, 0x19b: 0x39c1, 0x19c: 0x3b50, + 0x19e: 0x38b0, 0x19f: 0x3a3f, 0x1a0: 0x38a9, 0x1a1: 0x3a38, 0x1a2: 0x35b3, 0x1a3: 0x35c5, + 0x1a6: 0x3041, 0x1a7: 0x334d, 0x1a8: 0x30be, 0x1a9: 0x33cf, + 0x1aa: 0x46ec, 0x1ab: 0x477d, 0x1ac: 0x3990, 0x1ad: 0x3b1f, 0x1ae: 0x35d7, 0x1af: 0x35dd, + 0x1b0: 0x33c5, 0x1b1: 0x1942, 0x1b2: 0x1945, 0x1b3: 0x19cf, 0x1b4: 0x3028, 0x1b5: 0x3334, + 0x1b8: 0x30fa, 0x1b9: 0x340b, 0x1ba: 0x38b7, 0x1bb: 0x3a46, + 0x1bc: 0x35ad, 0x1bd: 0x35bf, 0x1be: 0x35b9, 0x1bf: 0x35cb, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x2f8d, 0x1c1: 0x3299, 0x1c2: 0x2f92, 0x1c3: 0x329e, 0x1c4: 0x300a, 0x1c5: 0x3316, + 0x1c6: 0x300f, 0x1c7: 0x331b, 0x1c8: 0x309b, 0x1c9: 0x33a7, 0x1ca: 0x30a0, 0x1cb: 0x33ac, + 0x1cc: 0x3145, 0x1cd: 0x3456, 0x1ce: 0x314a, 0x1cf: 0x345b, 0x1d0: 0x3168, 0x1d1: 0x3479, + 0x1d2: 0x316d, 0x1d3: 0x347e, 0x1d4: 0x31db, 0x1d5: 0x34f1, 0x1d6: 0x31e0, 0x1d7: 0x34f6, + 0x1d8: 0x3186, 0x1d9: 0x3497, 0x1da: 0x319f, 0x1db: 0x34b5, + 0x1de: 0x305a, 0x1df: 0x3366, + 0x1e6: 0x4692, 0x1e7: 0x4723, 0x1e8: 0x46ba, 0x1e9: 0x474b, + 0x1ea: 0x395f, 0x1eb: 0x3aee, 0x1ec: 0x393c, 0x1ed: 0x3acb, 0x1ee: 0x46d8, 0x1ef: 0x4769, + 0x1f0: 0x3958, 0x1f1: 0x3ae7, 0x1f2: 0x3244, 0x1f3: 0x355f, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x9932, 0x201: 0x9932, 0x202: 0x9932, 0x203: 0x9932, 0x204: 0x9932, 0x205: 0x8132, + 0x206: 0x9932, 0x207: 0x9932, 0x208: 0x9932, 0x209: 0x9932, 0x20a: 0x9932, 0x20b: 0x9932, + 0x20c: 0x9932, 0x20d: 0x8132, 0x20e: 0x8132, 0x20f: 0x9932, 0x210: 0x8132, 0x211: 0x9932, + 0x212: 0x8132, 0x213: 0x9932, 0x214: 0x9932, 0x215: 0x8133, 0x216: 0x812d, 0x217: 0x812d, + 0x218: 0x812d, 0x219: 0x812d, 0x21a: 0x8133, 0x21b: 0x992b, 0x21c: 0x812d, 0x21d: 0x812d, + 0x21e: 0x812d, 0x21f: 0x812d, 0x220: 0x812d, 0x221: 0x8129, 0x222: 0x8129, 0x223: 0x992d, + 0x224: 0x992d, 0x225: 0x992d, 0x226: 0x992d, 0x227: 0x9929, 0x228: 0x9929, 0x229: 0x812d, + 0x22a: 0x812d, 0x22b: 0x812d, 0x22c: 0x812d, 0x22d: 0x992d, 0x22e: 0x992d, 0x22f: 0x812d, + 0x230: 0x992d, 0x231: 0x992d, 0x232: 0x812d, 0x233: 0x812d, 0x234: 0x8101, 0x235: 0x8101, + 0x236: 0x8101, 0x237: 0x8101, 0x238: 0x9901, 0x239: 0x812d, 0x23a: 0x812d, 0x23b: 0x812d, + 0x23c: 0x812d, 0x23d: 0x8132, 0x23e: 0x8132, 0x23f: 0x8132, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x49ae, 0x241: 0x49b3, 0x242: 0x9932, 0x243: 0x49b8, 0x244: 0x4a71, 0x245: 0x9936, + 0x246: 0x8132, 0x247: 0x812d, 0x248: 0x812d, 0x249: 0x812d, 0x24a: 0x8132, 0x24b: 0x8132, + 0x24c: 0x8132, 0x24d: 0x812d, 0x24e: 0x812d, 0x250: 0x8132, 0x251: 0x8132, + 0x252: 0x8132, 0x253: 0x812d, 0x254: 0x812d, 0x255: 0x812d, 0x256: 0x812d, 0x257: 0x8132, + 0x258: 0x8133, 0x259: 0x812d, 0x25a: 0x812d, 0x25b: 0x8132, 0x25c: 0x8134, 0x25d: 0x8135, + 0x25e: 0x8135, 0x25f: 0x8134, 0x260: 0x8135, 0x261: 0x8135, 0x262: 0x8134, 0x263: 0x8132, + 0x264: 0x8132, 0x265: 0x8132, 0x266: 0x8132, 0x267: 0x8132, 0x268: 0x8132, 0x269: 0x8132, + 0x26a: 0x8132, 0x26b: 0x8132, 0x26c: 0x8132, 0x26d: 0x8132, 0x26e: 0x8132, 0x26f: 0x8132, + 0x274: 0x0170, + 0x27a: 0x42a5, + 0x27e: 0x0037, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x284: 0x425a, 0x285: 0x447b, + 0x286: 0x35e9, 0x287: 0x00ce, 0x288: 0x3607, 0x289: 0x3613, 0x28a: 0x3625, + 0x28c: 0x3643, 0x28e: 0x3655, 0x28f: 0x3673, 0x290: 0x3e08, 0x291: 0xa000, + 0x295: 0xa000, 0x297: 0xa000, + 0x299: 0xa000, + 0x29f: 0xa000, 0x2a1: 0xa000, + 0x2a5: 0xa000, 0x2a9: 0xa000, + 0x2aa: 0x3637, 0x2ab: 0x3667, 0x2ac: 0x47fe, 0x2ad: 0x3697, 0x2ae: 0x4828, 0x2af: 0x36a9, + 0x2b0: 0x3e70, 0x2b1: 0xa000, 0x2b5: 0xa000, + 0x2b7: 0xa000, 0x2b9: 0xa000, + 0x2bf: 0xa000, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c1: 0xa000, 0x2c5: 0xa000, + 0x2c9: 0xa000, 0x2ca: 0x4840, 0x2cb: 0x485e, + 0x2cc: 0x36c7, 0x2cd: 0x36df, 0x2ce: 0x4876, 0x2d0: 0x01be, 0x2d1: 0x01d0, + 0x2d2: 0x01ac, 0x2d3: 0x430c, 0x2d4: 0x4312, 0x2d5: 0x01fa, 0x2d6: 0x01e8, + 0x2f0: 0x01d6, 0x2f1: 0x01eb, 0x2f2: 0x01ee, 0x2f4: 0x0188, 0x2f5: 0x01c7, + 0x2f9: 0x01a6, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x3721, 0x301: 0x372d, 0x303: 0x371b, + 0x306: 0xa000, 0x307: 0x3709, + 0x30c: 0x375d, 0x30d: 0x3745, 0x30e: 0x376f, 0x310: 0xa000, + 0x313: 0xa000, 0x315: 0xa000, 0x316: 0xa000, 0x317: 0xa000, + 0x318: 0xa000, 0x319: 0x3751, 0x31a: 0xa000, + 0x31e: 0xa000, 0x323: 0xa000, + 0x327: 0xa000, + 0x32b: 0xa000, 0x32d: 0xa000, + 0x330: 0xa000, 0x333: 0xa000, 0x335: 0xa000, + 0x336: 0xa000, 0x337: 0xa000, 0x338: 0xa000, 0x339: 0x37d5, 0x33a: 0xa000, + 0x33e: 0xa000, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x341: 0x3733, 0x342: 0x37b7, + 0x350: 0x370f, 0x351: 0x3793, + 0x352: 0x3715, 0x353: 0x3799, 0x356: 0x3727, 0x357: 0x37ab, + 0x358: 0xa000, 0x359: 0xa000, 0x35a: 0x3829, 0x35b: 0x382f, 0x35c: 0x3739, 0x35d: 0x37bd, + 0x35e: 0x373f, 0x35f: 0x37c3, 0x362: 0x374b, 0x363: 0x37cf, + 0x364: 0x3757, 0x365: 0x37db, 0x366: 0x3763, 0x367: 0x37e7, 0x368: 0xa000, 0x369: 0xa000, + 0x36a: 0x3835, 0x36b: 0x383b, 0x36c: 0x378d, 0x36d: 0x3811, 0x36e: 0x3769, 0x36f: 0x37ed, + 0x370: 0x3775, 0x371: 0x37f9, 0x372: 0x377b, 0x373: 0x37ff, 0x374: 0x3781, 0x375: 0x3805, + 0x378: 0x3787, 0x379: 0x380b, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x387: 0x1d61, + 0x391: 0x812d, + 0x392: 0x8132, 0x393: 0x8132, 0x394: 0x8132, 0x395: 0x8132, 0x396: 0x812d, 0x397: 0x8132, + 0x398: 0x8132, 0x399: 0x8132, 0x39a: 0x812e, 0x39b: 0x812d, 0x39c: 0x8132, 0x39d: 0x8132, + 0x39e: 0x8132, 0x39f: 0x8132, 0x3a0: 0x8132, 0x3a1: 0x8132, 0x3a2: 0x812d, 0x3a3: 0x812d, + 0x3a4: 0x812d, 0x3a5: 0x812d, 0x3a6: 0x812d, 0x3a7: 0x812d, 0x3a8: 0x8132, 0x3a9: 0x8132, + 0x3aa: 0x812d, 0x3ab: 0x8132, 0x3ac: 0x8132, 0x3ad: 0x812e, 0x3ae: 0x8131, 0x3af: 0x8132, + 0x3b0: 0x8105, 0x3b1: 0x8106, 0x3b2: 0x8107, 0x3b3: 0x8108, 0x3b4: 0x8109, 0x3b5: 0x810a, + 0x3b6: 0x810b, 0x3b7: 0x810c, 0x3b8: 0x810d, 0x3b9: 0x810e, 0x3ba: 0x810e, 0x3bb: 0x810f, + 0x3bc: 0x8110, 0x3bd: 0x8111, 0x3bf: 0x8112, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c8: 0xa000, 0x3ca: 0xa000, 0x3cb: 0x8116, + 0x3cc: 0x8117, 0x3cd: 0x8118, 0x3ce: 0x8119, 0x3cf: 0x811a, 0x3d0: 0x811b, 0x3d1: 0x811c, + 0x3d2: 0x811d, 0x3d3: 0x9932, 0x3d4: 0x9932, 0x3d5: 0x992d, 0x3d6: 0x812d, 0x3d7: 0x8132, + 0x3d8: 0x8132, 0x3d9: 0x8132, 0x3da: 0x8132, 0x3db: 0x8132, 0x3dc: 0x812d, 0x3dd: 0x8132, + 0x3de: 0x8132, 0x3df: 0x812d, + 0x3f0: 0x811e, 0x3f5: 0x1d84, + 0x3f6: 0x2013, 0x3f7: 0x204f, 0x3f8: 0x204a, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x413: 0x812d, 0x414: 0x8132, 0x415: 0x8132, 0x416: 0x8132, 0x417: 0x8132, + 0x418: 0x8132, 0x419: 0x8132, 0x41a: 0x8132, 0x41b: 0x8132, 0x41c: 0x8132, 0x41d: 0x8132, + 0x41e: 0x8132, 0x41f: 0x8132, 0x420: 0x8132, 0x421: 0x8132, 0x423: 0x812d, + 0x424: 0x8132, 0x425: 0x8132, 0x426: 0x812d, 0x427: 0x8132, 0x428: 0x8132, 0x429: 0x812d, + 0x42a: 0x8132, 0x42b: 0x8132, 0x42c: 0x8132, 0x42d: 0x812d, 0x42e: 0x812d, 0x42f: 0x812d, + 0x430: 0x8116, 0x431: 0x8117, 0x432: 0x8118, 0x433: 0x8132, 0x434: 0x8132, 0x435: 0x8132, + 0x436: 0x812d, 0x437: 0x8132, 0x438: 0x8132, 0x439: 0x812d, 0x43a: 0x812d, 0x43b: 0x8132, + 0x43c: 0x8132, 0x43d: 0x8132, 0x43e: 0x8132, 0x43f: 0x8132, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x445: 0xa000, + 0x446: 0x2d26, 0x447: 0xa000, 0x448: 0x2d2e, 0x449: 0xa000, 0x44a: 0x2d36, 0x44b: 0xa000, + 0x44c: 0x2d3e, 0x44d: 0xa000, 0x44e: 0x2d46, 0x451: 0xa000, + 0x452: 0x2d4e, + 0x474: 0x8102, 0x475: 0x9900, + 0x47a: 0xa000, 0x47b: 0x2d56, + 0x47c: 0xa000, 0x47d: 0x2d5e, 0x47e: 0xa000, 0x47f: 0xa000, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0x0069, 0x481: 0x006b, 0x482: 0x006f, 0x483: 0x0083, 0x484: 0x00f5, 0x485: 0x00f8, + 0x486: 0x0413, 0x487: 0x0085, 0x488: 0x0089, 0x489: 0x008b, 0x48a: 0x0104, 0x48b: 0x0107, + 0x48c: 0x010a, 0x48d: 0x008f, 0x48f: 0x0097, 0x490: 0x009b, 0x491: 0x00e0, + 0x492: 0x009f, 0x493: 0x00fe, 0x494: 0x0417, 0x495: 0x041b, 0x496: 0x00a1, 0x497: 0x00a9, + 0x498: 0x00ab, 0x499: 0x0423, 0x49a: 0x012b, 0x49b: 0x00ad, 0x49c: 0x0427, 0x49d: 0x01be, + 0x49e: 0x01c1, 0x49f: 0x01c4, 0x4a0: 0x01fa, 0x4a1: 0x01fd, 0x4a2: 0x0093, 0x4a3: 0x00a5, + 0x4a4: 0x00ab, 0x4a5: 0x00ad, 0x4a6: 0x01be, 0x4a7: 0x01c1, 0x4a8: 0x01eb, 0x4a9: 0x01fa, + 0x4aa: 0x01fd, + 0x4b8: 0x020c, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4db: 0x00fb, 0x4dc: 0x0087, 0x4dd: 0x0101, + 0x4de: 0x00d4, 0x4df: 0x010a, 0x4e0: 0x008d, 0x4e1: 0x010d, 0x4e2: 0x0110, 0x4e3: 0x0116, + 0x4e4: 0x011c, 0x4e5: 0x011f, 0x4e6: 0x0122, 0x4e7: 0x042b, 0x4e8: 0x016a, 0x4e9: 0x0128, + 0x4ea: 0x042f, 0x4eb: 0x016d, 0x4ec: 0x0131, 0x4ed: 0x012e, 0x4ee: 0x0134, 0x4ef: 0x0137, + 0x4f0: 0x013a, 0x4f1: 0x013d, 0x4f2: 0x0140, 0x4f3: 0x014c, 0x4f4: 0x014f, 0x4f5: 0x00ec, + 0x4f6: 0x0152, 0x4f7: 0x0155, 0x4f8: 0x041f, 0x4f9: 0x0158, 0x4fa: 0x015b, 0x4fb: 0x00b5, + 0x4fc: 0x015e, 0x4fd: 0x0161, 0x4fe: 0x0164, 0x4ff: 0x01d0, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x500: 0x8132, 0x501: 0x8132, 0x502: 0x812d, 0x503: 0x8132, 0x504: 0x8132, 0x505: 0x8132, + 0x506: 0x8132, 0x507: 0x8132, 0x508: 0x8132, 0x509: 0x8132, 0x50a: 0x812d, 0x50b: 0x8132, + 0x50c: 0x8132, 0x50d: 0x8135, 0x50e: 0x812a, 0x50f: 0x812d, 0x510: 0x8129, 0x511: 0x8132, + 0x512: 0x8132, 0x513: 0x8132, 0x514: 0x8132, 0x515: 0x8132, 0x516: 0x8132, 0x517: 0x8132, + 0x518: 0x8132, 0x519: 0x8132, 0x51a: 0x8132, 0x51b: 0x8132, 0x51c: 0x8132, 0x51d: 0x8132, + 0x51e: 0x8132, 0x51f: 0x8132, 0x520: 0x8132, 0x521: 0x8132, 0x522: 0x8132, 0x523: 0x8132, + 0x524: 0x8132, 0x525: 0x8132, 0x526: 0x8132, 0x527: 0x8132, 0x528: 0x8132, 0x529: 0x8132, + 0x52a: 0x8132, 0x52b: 0x8132, 0x52c: 0x8132, 0x52d: 0x8132, 0x52e: 0x8132, 0x52f: 0x8132, + 0x530: 0x8132, 0x531: 0x8132, 0x532: 0x8132, 0x533: 0x8132, 0x534: 0x8132, 0x535: 0x8132, + 0x536: 0x8133, 0x537: 0x8131, 0x538: 0x8131, 0x539: 0x812d, 0x53b: 0x8132, + 0x53c: 0x8134, 0x53d: 0x812d, 0x53e: 0x8132, 0x53f: 0x812d, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x2f97, 0x541: 0x32a3, 0x542: 0x2fa1, 0x543: 0x32ad, 0x544: 0x2fa6, 0x545: 0x32b2, + 0x546: 0x2fab, 0x547: 0x32b7, 0x548: 0x38cc, 0x549: 0x3a5b, 0x54a: 0x2fc4, 0x54b: 0x32d0, + 0x54c: 0x2fce, 0x54d: 0x32da, 0x54e: 0x2fdd, 0x54f: 0x32e9, 0x550: 0x2fd3, 0x551: 0x32df, + 0x552: 0x2fd8, 0x553: 0x32e4, 0x554: 0x38ef, 0x555: 0x3a7e, 0x556: 0x38f6, 0x557: 0x3a85, + 0x558: 0x3019, 0x559: 0x3325, 0x55a: 0x301e, 0x55b: 0x332a, 0x55c: 0x3904, 0x55d: 0x3a93, + 0x55e: 0x3023, 0x55f: 0x332f, 0x560: 0x3032, 0x561: 0x333e, 0x562: 0x3050, 0x563: 0x335c, + 0x564: 0x305f, 0x565: 0x336b, 0x566: 0x3055, 0x567: 0x3361, 0x568: 0x3064, 0x569: 0x3370, + 0x56a: 0x3069, 0x56b: 0x3375, 0x56c: 0x30af, 0x56d: 0x33bb, 0x56e: 0x390b, 0x56f: 0x3a9a, + 0x570: 0x30b9, 0x571: 0x33ca, 0x572: 0x30c3, 0x573: 0x33d4, 0x574: 0x30cd, 0x575: 0x33de, + 0x576: 0x46c4, 0x577: 0x4755, 0x578: 0x3912, 0x579: 0x3aa1, 0x57a: 0x30e6, 0x57b: 0x33f7, + 0x57c: 0x30e1, 0x57d: 0x33f2, 0x57e: 0x30eb, 0x57f: 0x33fc, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x580: 0x30f0, 0x581: 0x3401, 0x582: 0x30f5, 0x583: 0x3406, 0x584: 0x3109, 0x585: 0x341a, + 0x586: 0x3113, 0x587: 0x3424, 0x588: 0x3122, 0x589: 0x3433, 0x58a: 0x311d, 0x58b: 0x342e, + 0x58c: 0x3935, 0x58d: 0x3ac4, 0x58e: 0x3943, 0x58f: 0x3ad2, 0x590: 0x394a, 0x591: 0x3ad9, + 0x592: 0x3951, 0x593: 0x3ae0, 0x594: 0x314f, 0x595: 0x3460, 0x596: 0x3154, 0x597: 0x3465, + 0x598: 0x315e, 0x599: 0x346f, 0x59a: 0x46f1, 0x59b: 0x4782, 0x59c: 0x3997, 0x59d: 0x3b26, + 0x59e: 0x3177, 0x59f: 0x3488, 0x5a0: 0x3181, 0x5a1: 0x3492, 0x5a2: 0x4700, 0x5a3: 0x4791, + 0x5a4: 0x399e, 0x5a5: 0x3b2d, 0x5a6: 0x39a5, 0x5a7: 0x3b34, 0x5a8: 0x39ac, 0x5a9: 0x3b3b, + 0x5aa: 0x3190, 0x5ab: 0x34a1, 0x5ac: 0x319a, 0x5ad: 0x34b0, 0x5ae: 0x31ae, 0x5af: 0x34c4, + 0x5b0: 0x31a9, 0x5b1: 0x34bf, 0x5b2: 0x31ea, 0x5b3: 0x3500, 0x5b4: 0x31f9, 0x5b5: 0x350f, + 0x5b6: 0x31f4, 0x5b7: 0x350a, 0x5b8: 0x39b3, 0x5b9: 0x3b42, 0x5ba: 0x39ba, 0x5bb: 0x3b49, + 0x5bc: 0x31fe, 0x5bd: 0x3514, 0x5be: 0x3203, 0x5bf: 0x3519, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c0: 0x3208, 0x5c1: 0x351e, 0x5c2: 0x320d, 0x5c3: 0x3523, 0x5c4: 0x321c, 0x5c5: 0x3532, + 0x5c6: 0x3217, 0x5c7: 0x352d, 0x5c8: 0x3221, 0x5c9: 0x353c, 0x5ca: 0x3226, 0x5cb: 0x3541, + 0x5cc: 0x322b, 0x5cd: 0x3546, 0x5ce: 0x3249, 0x5cf: 0x3564, 0x5d0: 0x3262, 0x5d1: 0x3582, + 0x5d2: 0x3271, 0x5d3: 0x3591, 0x5d4: 0x3276, 0x5d5: 0x3596, 0x5d6: 0x337a, 0x5d7: 0x34a6, + 0x5d8: 0x3537, 0x5d9: 0x3573, 0x5da: 0x1be0, 0x5db: 0x42d7, + 0x5e0: 0x46a1, 0x5e1: 0x4732, 0x5e2: 0x2f83, 0x5e3: 0x328f, + 0x5e4: 0x3878, 0x5e5: 0x3a07, 0x5e6: 0x3871, 0x5e7: 0x3a00, 0x5e8: 0x3886, 0x5e9: 0x3a15, + 0x5ea: 0x387f, 0x5eb: 0x3a0e, 0x5ec: 0x38be, 0x5ed: 0x3a4d, 0x5ee: 0x3894, 0x5ef: 0x3a23, + 0x5f0: 0x388d, 0x5f1: 0x3a1c, 0x5f2: 0x38a2, 0x5f3: 0x3a31, 0x5f4: 0x389b, 0x5f5: 0x3a2a, + 0x5f6: 0x38c5, 0x5f7: 0x3a54, 0x5f8: 0x46b5, 0x5f9: 0x4746, 0x5fa: 0x3000, 0x5fb: 0x330c, + 0x5fc: 0x2fec, 0x5fd: 0x32f8, 0x5fe: 0x38da, 0x5ff: 0x3a69, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x600: 0x38d3, 0x601: 0x3a62, 0x602: 0x38e8, 0x603: 0x3a77, 0x604: 0x38e1, 0x605: 0x3a70, + 0x606: 0x38fd, 0x607: 0x3a8c, 0x608: 0x3091, 0x609: 0x339d, 0x60a: 0x30a5, 0x60b: 0x33b1, + 0x60c: 0x46e7, 0x60d: 0x4778, 0x60e: 0x3136, 0x60f: 0x3447, 0x610: 0x3920, 0x611: 0x3aaf, + 0x612: 0x3919, 0x613: 0x3aa8, 0x614: 0x392e, 0x615: 0x3abd, 0x616: 0x3927, 0x617: 0x3ab6, + 0x618: 0x3989, 0x619: 0x3b18, 0x61a: 0x396d, 0x61b: 0x3afc, 0x61c: 0x3966, 0x61d: 0x3af5, + 0x61e: 0x397b, 0x61f: 0x3b0a, 0x620: 0x3974, 0x621: 0x3b03, 0x622: 0x3982, 0x623: 0x3b11, + 0x624: 0x31e5, 0x625: 0x34fb, 0x626: 0x31c7, 0x627: 0x34dd, 0x628: 0x39e4, 0x629: 0x3b73, + 0x62a: 0x39dd, 0x62b: 0x3b6c, 0x62c: 0x39f2, 0x62d: 0x3b81, 0x62e: 0x39eb, 0x62f: 0x3b7a, + 0x630: 0x39f9, 0x631: 0x3b88, 0x632: 0x3230, 0x633: 0x354b, 0x634: 0x3258, 0x635: 0x3578, + 0x636: 0x3253, 0x637: 0x356e, 0x638: 0x323f, 0x639: 0x355a, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x4804, 0x641: 0x480a, 0x642: 0x491e, 0x643: 0x4936, 0x644: 0x4926, 0x645: 0x493e, + 0x646: 0x492e, 0x647: 0x4946, 0x648: 0x47aa, 0x649: 0x47b0, 0x64a: 0x488e, 0x64b: 0x48a6, + 0x64c: 0x4896, 0x64d: 0x48ae, 0x64e: 0x489e, 0x64f: 0x48b6, 0x650: 0x4816, 0x651: 0x481c, + 0x652: 0x3db8, 0x653: 0x3dc8, 0x654: 0x3dc0, 0x655: 0x3dd0, + 0x658: 0x47b6, 0x659: 0x47bc, 0x65a: 0x3ce8, 0x65b: 0x3cf8, 0x65c: 0x3cf0, 0x65d: 0x3d00, + 0x660: 0x482e, 0x661: 0x4834, 0x662: 0x494e, 0x663: 0x4966, + 0x664: 0x4956, 0x665: 0x496e, 0x666: 0x495e, 0x667: 0x4976, 0x668: 0x47c2, 0x669: 0x47c8, + 0x66a: 0x48be, 0x66b: 0x48d6, 0x66c: 0x48c6, 0x66d: 0x48de, 0x66e: 0x48ce, 0x66f: 0x48e6, + 0x670: 0x4846, 0x671: 0x484c, 0x672: 0x3e18, 0x673: 0x3e30, 0x674: 0x3e20, 0x675: 0x3e38, + 0x676: 0x3e28, 0x677: 0x3e40, 0x678: 0x47ce, 0x679: 0x47d4, 0x67a: 0x3d18, 0x67b: 0x3d30, + 0x67c: 0x3d20, 0x67d: 0x3d38, 0x67e: 0x3d28, 0x67f: 0x3d40, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x680: 0x4852, 0x681: 0x4858, 0x682: 0x3e48, 0x683: 0x3e58, 0x684: 0x3e50, 0x685: 0x3e60, + 0x688: 0x47da, 0x689: 0x47e0, 0x68a: 0x3d48, 0x68b: 0x3d58, + 0x68c: 0x3d50, 0x68d: 0x3d60, 0x690: 0x4864, 0x691: 0x486a, + 0x692: 0x3e80, 0x693: 0x3e98, 0x694: 0x3e88, 0x695: 0x3ea0, 0x696: 0x3e90, 0x697: 0x3ea8, + 0x699: 0x47e6, 0x69b: 0x3d68, 0x69d: 0x3d70, + 0x69f: 0x3d78, 0x6a0: 0x487c, 0x6a1: 0x4882, 0x6a2: 0x497e, 0x6a3: 0x4996, + 0x6a4: 0x4986, 0x6a5: 0x499e, 0x6a6: 0x498e, 0x6a7: 0x49a6, 0x6a8: 0x47ec, 0x6a9: 0x47f2, + 0x6aa: 0x48ee, 0x6ab: 0x4906, 0x6ac: 0x48f6, 0x6ad: 0x490e, 0x6ae: 0x48fe, 0x6af: 0x4916, + 0x6b0: 0x47f8, 0x6b1: 0x431e, 0x6b2: 0x3691, 0x6b3: 0x4324, 0x6b4: 0x4822, 0x6b5: 0x432a, + 0x6b6: 0x36a3, 0x6b7: 0x4330, 0x6b8: 0x36c1, 0x6b9: 0x4336, 0x6ba: 0x36d9, 0x6bb: 0x433c, + 0x6bc: 0x4870, 0x6bd: 0x4342, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c0: 0x3da0, 0x6c1: 0x3da8, 0x6c2: 0x4184, 0x6c3: 0x41a2, 0x6c4: 0x418e, 0x6c5: 0x41ac, + 0x6c6: 0x4198, 0x6c7: 0x41b6, 0x6c8: 0x3cd8, 0x6c9: 0x3ce0, 0x6ca: 0x40d0, 0x6cb: 0x40ee, + 0x6cc: 0x40da, 0x6cd: 0x40f8, 0x6ce: 0x40e4, 0x6cf: 0x4102, 0x6d0: 0x3de8, 0x6d1: 0x3df0, + 0x6d2: 0x41c0, 0x6d3: 0x41de, 0x6d4: 0x41ca, 0x6d5: 0x41e8, 0x6d6: 0x41d4, 0x6d7: 0x41f2, + 0x6d8: 0x3d08, 0x6d9: 0x3d10, 0x6da: 0x410c, 0x6db: 0x412a, 0x6dc: 0x4116, 0x6dd: 0x4134, + 0x6de: 0x4120, 0x6df: 0x413e, 0x6e0: 0x3ec0, 0x6e1: 0x3ec8, 0x6e2: 0x41fc, 0x6e3: 0x421a, + 0x6e4: 0x4206, 0x6e5: 0x4224, 0x6e6: 0x4210, 0x6e7: 0x422e, 0x6e8: 0x3d80, 0x6e9: 0x3d88, + 0x6ea: 0x4148, 0x6eb: 0x4166, 0x6ec: 0x4152, 0x6ed: 0x4170, 0x6ee: 0x415c, 0x6ef: 0x417a, + 0x6f0: 0x3685, 0x6f1: 0x367f, 0x6f2: 0x3d90, 0x6f3: 0x368b, 0x6f4: 0x3d98, + 0x6f6: 0x4810, 0x6f7: 0x3db0, 0x6f8: 0x35f5, 0x6f9: 0x35ef, 0x6fa: 0x35e3, 0x6fb: 0x42ee, + 0x6fc: 0x35fb, 0x6fd: 0x4287, 0x6fe: 0x01d3, 0x6ff: 0x4287, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x700: 0x42a0, 0x701: 0x4482, 0x702: 0x3dd8, 0x703: 0x369d, 0x704: 0x3de0, + 0x706: 0x483a, 0x707: 0x3df8, 0x708: 0x3601, 0x709: 0x42f4, 0x70a: 0x360d, 0x70b: 0x42fa, + 0x70c: 0x3619, 0x70d: 0x4489, 0x70e: 0x4490, 0x70f: 0x4497, 0x710: 0x36b5, 0x711: 0x36af, + 0x712: 0x3e00, 0x713: 0x44e4, 0x716: 0x36bb, 0x717: 0x3e10, + 0x718: 0x3631, 0x719: 0x362b, 0x71a: 0x361f, 0x71b: 0x4300, 0x71d: 0x449e, + 0x71e: 0x44a5, 0x71f: 0x44ac, 0x720: 0x36eb, 0x721: 0x36e5, 0x722: 0x3e68, 0x723: 0x44ec, + 0x724: 0x36cd, 0x725: 0x36d3, 0x726: 0x36f1, 0x727: 0x3e78, 0x728: 0x3661, 0x729: 0x365b, + 0x72a: 0x364f, 0x72b: 0x430c, 0x72c: 0x3649, 0x72d: 0x4474, 0x72e: 0x447b, 0x72f: 0x0081, + 0x732: 0x3eb0, 0x733: 0x36f7, 0x734: 0x3eb8, + 0x736: 0x4888, 0x737: 0x3ed0, 0x738: 0x363d, 0x739: 0x4306, 0x73a: 0x366d, 0x73b: 0x4318, + 0x73c: 0x3679, 0x73d: 0x425a, 0x73e: 0x428c, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x740: 0x1bd8, 0x741: 0x1bdc, 0x742: 0x0047, 0x743: 0x1c54, 0x745: 0x1be8, + 0x746: 0x1bec, 0x747: 0x00e9, 0x749: 0x1c58, 0x74a: 0x008f, 0x74b: 0x0051, + 0x74c: 0x0051, 0x74d: 0x0051, 0x74e: 0x0091, 0x74f: 0x00da, 0x750: 0x0053, 0x751: 0x0053, + 0x752: 0x0059, 0x753: 0x0099, 0x755: 0x005d, 0x756: 0x198d, + 0x759: 0x0061, 0x75a: 0x0063, 0x75b: 0x0065, 0x75c: 0x0065, 0x75d: 0x0065, + 0x760: 0x199f, 0x761: 0x1bc8, 0x762: 0x19a8, + 0x764: 0x0075, 0x766: 0x01b8, 0x768: 0x0075, + 0x76a: 0x0057, 0x76b: 0x42d2, 0x76c: 0x0045, 0x76d: 0x0047, 0x76f: 0x008b, + 0x770: 0x004b, 0x771: 0x004d, 0x773: 0x005b, 0x774: 0x009f, 0x775: 0x0215, + 0x776: 0x0218, 0x777: 0x021b, 0x778: 0x021e, 0x779: 0x0093, 0x77b: 0x1b98, + 0x77c: 0x01e8, 0x77d: 0x01c1, 0x77e: 0x0179, 0x77f: 0x01a0, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x780: 0x0463, 0x785: 0x0049, + 0x786: 0x0089, 0x787: 0x008b, 0x788: 0x0093, 0x789: 0x0095, + 0x790: 0x222e, 0x791: 0x223a, + 0x792: 0x22ee, 0x793: 0x2216, 0x794: 0x229a, 0x795: 0x2222, 0x796: 0x22a0, 0x797: 0x22b8, + 0x798: 0x22c4, 0x799: 0x2228, 0x79a: 0x22ca, 0x79b: 0x2234, 0x79c: 0x22be, 0x79d: 0x22d0, + 0x79e: 0x22d6, 0x79f: 0x1cbc, 0x7a0: 0x0053, 0x7a1: 0x195a, 0x7a2: 0x1ba4, 0x7a3: 0x1963, + 0x7a4: 0x006d, 0x7a5: 0x19ab, 0x7a6: 0x1bd0, 0x7a7: 0x1d48, 0x7a8: 0x1966, 0x7a9: 0x0071, + 0x7aa: 0x19b7, 0x7ab: 0x1bd4, 0x7ac: 0x0059, 0x7ad: 0x0047, 0x7ae: 0x0049, 0x7af: 0x005b, + 0x7b0: 0x0093, 0x7b1: 0x19e4, 0x7b2: 0x1c18, 0x7b3: 0x19ed, 0x7b4: 0x00ad, 0x7b5: 0x1a62, + 0x7b6: 0x1c4c, 0x7b7: 0x1d5c, 0x7b8: 0x19f0, 0x7b9: 0x00b1, 0x7ba: 0x1a65, 0x7bb: 0x1c50, + 0x7bc: 0x0099, 0x7bd: 0x0087, 0x7be: 0x0089, 0x7bf: 0x009b, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c1: 0x3c06, 0x7c3: 0xa000, 0x7c4: 0x3c0d, 0x7c5: 0xa000, + 0x7c7: 0x3c14, 0x7c8: 0xa000, 0x7c9: 0x3c1b, + 0x7cd: 0xa000, + 0x7e0: 0x2f65, 0x7e1: 0xa000, 0x7e2: 0x3c29, + 0x7e4: 0xa000, 0x7e5: 0xa000, + 0x7ed: 0x3c22, 0x7ee: 0x2f60, 0x7ef: 0x2f6a, + 0x7f0: 0x3c30, 0x7f1: 0x3c37, 0x7f2: 0xa000, 0x7f3: 0xa000, 0x7f4: 0x3c3e, 0x7f5: 0x3c45, + 0x7f6: 0xa000, 0x7f7: 0xa000, 0x7f8: 0x3c4c, 0x7f9: 0x3c53, 0x7fa: 0xa000, 0x7fb: 0xa000, + 0x7fc: 0xa000, 0x7fd: 0xa000, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x3c5a, 0x801: 0x3c61, 0x802: 0xa000, 0x803: 0xa000, 0x804: 0x3c76, 0x805: 0x3c7d, + 0x806: 0xa000, 0x807: 0xa000, 0x808: 0x3c84, 0x809: 0x3c8b, + 0x811: 0xa000, + 0x812: 0xa000, + 0x822: 0xa000, + 0x828: 0xa000, 0x829: 0xa000, + 0x82b: 0xa000, 0x82c: 0x3ca0, 0x82d: 0x3ca7, 0x82e: 0x3cae, 0x82f: 0x3cb5, + 0x832: 0xa000, 0x833: 0xa000, 0x834: 0xa000, 0x835: 0xa000, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x860: 0x0023, 0x861: 0x0025, 0x862: 0x0027, 0x863: 0x0029, + 0x864: 0x002b, 0x865: 0x002d, 0x866: 0x002f, 0x867: 0x0031, 0x868: 0x0033, 0x869: 0x1882, + 0x86a: 0x1885, 0x86b: 0x1888, 0x86c: 0x188b, 0x86d: 0x188e, 0x86e: 0x1891, 0x86f: 0x1894, + 0x870: 0x1897, 0x871: 0x189a, 0x872: 0x189d, 0x873: 0x18a6, 0x874: 0x1a68, 0x875: 0x1a6c, + 0x876: 0x1a70, 0x877: 0x1a74, 0x878: 0x1a78, 0x879: 0x1a7c, 0x87a: 0x1a80, 0x87b: 0x1a84, + 0x87c: 0x1a88, 0x87d: 0x1c80, 0x87e: 0x1c85, 0x87f: 0x1c8a, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x1c8f, 0x881: 0x1c94, 0x882: 0x1c99, 0x883: 0x1c9e, 0x884: 0x1ca3, 0x885: 0x1ca8, + 0x886: 0x1cad, 0x887: 0x1cb2, 0x888: 0x187f, 0x889: 0x18a3, 0x88a: 0x18c7, 0x88b: 0x18eb, + 0x88c: 0x190f, 0x88d: 0x1918, 0x88e: 0x191e, 0x88f: 0x1924, 0x890: 0x192a, 0x891: 0x1b60, + 0x892: 0x1b64, 0x893: 0x1b68, 0x894: 0x1b6c, 0x895: 0x1b70, 0x896: 0x1b74, 0x897: 0x1b78, + 0x898: 0x1b7c, 0x899: 0x1b80, 0x89a: 0x1b84, 0x89b: 0x1b88, 0x89c: 0x1af4, 0x89d: 0x1af8, + 0x89e: 0x1afc, 0x89f: 0x1b00, 0x8a0: 0x1b04, 0x8a1: 0x1b08, 0x8a2: 0x1b0c, 0x8a3: 0x1b10, + 0x8a4: 0x1b14, 0x8a5: 0x1b18, 0x8a6: 0x1b1c, 0x8a7: 0x1b20, 0x8a8: 0x1b24, 0x8a9: 0x1b28, + 0x8aa: 0x1b2c, 0x8ab: 0x1b30, 0x8ac: 0x1b34, 0x8ad: 0x1b38, 0x8ae: 0x1b3c, 0x8af: 0x1b40, + 0x8b0: 0x1b44, 0x8b1: 0x1b48, 0x8b2: 0x1b4c, 0x8b3: 0x1b50, 0x8b4: 0x1b54, 0x8b5: 0x1b58, + 0x8b6: 0x0043, 0x8b7: 0x0045, 0x8b8: 0x0047, 0x8b9: 0x0049, 0x8ba: 0x004b, 0x8bb: 0x004d, + 0x8bc: 0x004f, 0x8bd: 0x0051, 0x8be: 0x0053, 0x8bf: 0x0055, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x06bf, 0x8c1: 0x06e3, 0x8c2: 0x06ef, 0x8c3: 0x06ff, 0x8c4: 0x0707, 0x8c5: 0x0713, + 0x8c6: 0x071b, 0x8c7: 0x0723, 0x8c8: 0x072f, 0x8c9: 0x0783, 0x8ca: 0x079b, 0x8cb: 0x07ab, + 0x8cc: 0x07bb, 0x8cd: 0x07cb, 0x8ce: 0x07db, 0x8cf: 0x07fb, 0x8d0: 0x07ff, 0x8d1: 0x0803, + 0x8d2: 0x0837, 0x8d3: 0x085f, 0x8d4: 0x086f, 0x8d5: 0x0877, 0x8d6: 0x087b, 0x8d7: 0x0887, + 0x8d8: 0x08a3, 0x8d9: 0x08a7, 0x8da: 0x08bf, 0x8db: 0x08c3, 0x8dc: 0x08cb, 0x8dd: 0x08db, + 0x8de: 0x0977, 0x8df: 0x098b, 0x8e0: 0x09cb, 0x8e1: 0x09df, 0x8e2: 0x09e7, 0x8e3: 0x09eb, + 0x8e4: 0x09fb, 0x8e5: 0x0a17, 0x8e6: 0x0a43, 0x8e7: 0x0a4f, 0x8e8: 0x0a6f, 0x8e9: 0x0a7b, + 0x8ea: 0x0a7f, 0x8eb: 0x0a83, 0x8ec: 0x0a9b, 0x8ed: 0x0a9f, 0x8ee: 0x0acb, 0x8ef: 0x0ad7, + 0x8f0: 0x0adf, 0x8f1: 0x0ae7, 0x8f2: 0x0af7, 0x8f3: 0x0aff, 0x8f4: 0x0b07, 0x8f5: 0x0b33, + 0x8f6: 0x0b37, 0x8f7: 0x0b3f, 0x8f8: 0x0b43, 0x8f9: 0x0b4b, 0x8fa: 0x0b53, 0x8fb: 0x0b63, + 0x8fc: 0x0b7f, 0x8fd: 0x0bf7, 0x8fe: 0x0c0b, 0x8ff: 0x0c0f, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x900: 0x0c8f, 0x901: 0x0c93, 0x902: 0x0ca7, 0x903: 0x0cab, 0x904: 0x0cb3, 0x905: 0x0cbb, + 0x906: 0x0cc3, 0x907: 0x0ccf, 0x908: 0x0cf7, 0x909: 0x0d07, 0x90a: 0x0d1b, 0x90b: 0x0d8b, + 0x90c: 0x0d97, 0x90d: 0x0da7, 0x90e: 0x0db3, 0x90f: 0x0dbf, 0x910: 0x0dc7, 0x911: 0x0dcb, + 0x912: 0x0dcf, 0x913: 0x0dd3, 0x914: 0x0dd7, 0x915: 0x0e8f, 0x916: 0x0ed7, 0x917: 0x0ee3, + 0x918: 0x0ee7, 0x919: 0x0eeb, 0x91a: 0x0eef, 0x91b: 0x0ef7, 0x91c: 0x0efb, 0x91d: 0x0f0f, + 0x91e: 0x0f2b, 0x91f: 0x0f33, 0x920: 0x0f73, 0x921: 0x0f77, 0x922: 0x0f7f, 0x923: 0x0f83, + 0x924: 0x0f8b, 0x925: 0x0f8f, 0x926: 0x0fb3, 0x927: 0x0fb7, 0x928: 0x0fd3, 0x929: 0x0fd7, + 0x92a: 0x0fdb, 0x92b: 0x0fdf, 0x92c: 0x0ff3, 0x92d: 0x1017, 0x92e: 0x101b, 0x92f: 0x101f, + 0x930: 0x1043, 0x931: 0x1083, 0x932: 0x1087, 0x933: 0x10a7, 0x934: 0x10b7, 0x935: 0x10bf, + 0x936: 0x10df, 0x937: 0x1103, 0x938: 0x1147, 0x939: 0x114f, 0x93a: 0x1163, 0x93b: 0x116f, + 0x93c: 0x1177, 0x93d: 0x117f, 0x93e: 0x1183, 0x93f: 0x1187, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x119f, 0x941: 0x11a3, 0x942: 0x11bf, 0x943: 0x11c7, 0x944: 0x11cf, 0x945: 0x11d3, + 0x946: 0x11df, 0x947: 0x11e7, 0x948: 0x11eb, 0x949: 0x11ef, 0x94a: 0x11f7, 0x94b: 0x11fb, + 0x94c: 0x129b, 0x94d: 0x12af, 0x94e: 0x12e3, 0x94f: 0x12e7, 0x950: 0x12ef, 0x951: 0x131b, + 0x952: 0x1323, 0x953: 0x132b, 0x954: 0x1333, 0x955: 0x136f, 0x956: 0x1373, 0x957: 0x137b, + 0x958: 0x137f, 0x959: 0x1383, 0x95a: 0x13af, 0x95b: 0x13b3, 0x95c: 0x13bb, 0x95d: 0x13cf, + 0x95e: 0x13d3, 0x95f: 0x13ef, 0x960: 0x13f7, 0x961: 0x13fb, 0x962: 0x141f, 0x963: 0x143f, + 0x964: 0x1453, 0x965: 0x1457, 0x966: 0x145f, 0x967: 0x148b, 0x968: 0x148f, 0x969: 0x149f, + 0x96a: 0x14c3, 0x96b: 0x14cf, 0x96c: 0x14df, 0x96d: 0x14f7, 0x96e: 0x14ff, 0x96f: 0x1503, + 0x970: 0x1507, 0x971: 0x150b, 0x972: 0x1517, 0x973: 0x151b, 0x974: 0x1523, 0x975: 0x153f, + 0x976: 0x1543, 0x977: 0x1547, 0x978: 0x155f, 0x979: 0x1563, 0x97a: 0x156b, 0x97b: 0x157f, + 0x97c: 0x1583, 0x97d: 0x1587, 0x97e: 0x158f, 0x97f: 0x1593, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x986: 0xa000, 0x98b: 0xa000, + 0x98c: 0x3f08, 0x98d: 0xa000, 0x98e: 0x3f10, 0x98f: 0xa000, 0x990: 0x3f18, 0x991: 0xa000, + 0x992: 0x3f20, 0x993: 0xa000, 0x994: 0x3f28, 0x995: 0xa000, 0x996: 0x3f30, 0x997: 0xa000, + 0x998: 0x3f38, 0x999: 0xa000, 0x99a: 0x3f40, 0x99b: 0xa000, 0x99c: 0x3f48, 0x99d: 0xa000, + 0x99e: 0x3f50, 0x99f: 0xa000, 0x9a0: 0x3f58, 0x9a1: 0xa000, 0x9a2: 0x3f60, + 0x9a4: 0xa000, 0x9a5: 0x3f68, 0x9a6: 0xa000, 0x9a7: 0x3f70, 0x9a8: 0xa000, 0x9a9: 0x3f78, + 0x9af: 0xa000, + 0x9b0: 0x3f80, 0x9b1: 0x3f88, 0x9b2: 0xa000, 0x9b3: 0x3f90, 0x9b4: 0x3f98, 0x9b5: 0xa000, + 0x9b6: 0x3fa0, 0x9b7: 0x3fa8, 0x9b8: 0xa000, 0x9b9: 0x3fb0, 0x9ba: 0x3fb8, 0x9bb: 0xa000, + 0x9bc: 0x3fc0, 0x9bd: 0x3fc8, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9d4: 0x3f00, + 0x9d9: 0x9903, 0x9da: 0x9903, 0x9db: 0x42dc, 0x9dc: 0x42e2, 0x9dd: 0xa000, + 0x9de: 0x3fd0, 0x9df: 0x26b4, + 0x9e6: 0xa000, + 0x9eb: 0xa000, 0x9ec: 0x3fe0, 0x9ed: 0xa000, 0x9ee: 0x3fe8, 0x9ef: 0xa000, + 0x9f0: 0x3ff0, 0x9f1: 0xa000, 0x9f2: 0x3ff8, 0x9f3: 0xa000, 0x9f4: 0x4000, 0x9f5: 0xa000, + 0x9f6: 0x4008, 0x9f7: 0xa000, 0x9f8: 0x4010, 0x9f9: 0xa000, 0x9fa: 0x4018, 0x9fb: 0xa000, + 0x9fc: 0x4020, 0x9fd: 0xa000, 0x9fe: 0x4028, 0x9ff: 0xa000, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa00: 0x4030, 0xa01: 0xa000, 0xa02: 0x4038, 0xa04: 0xa000, 0xa05: 0x4040, + 0xa06: 0xa000, 0xa07: 0x4048, 0xa08: 0xa000, 0xa09: 0x4050, + 0xa0f: 0xa000, 0xa10: 0x4058, 0xa11: 0x4060, + 0xa12: 0xa000, 0xa13: 0x4068, 0xa14: 0x4070, 0xa15: 0xa000, 0xa16: 0x4078, 0xa17: 0x4080, + 0xa18: 0xa000, 0xa19: 0x4088, 0xa1a: 0x4090, 0xa1b: 0xa000, 0xa1c: 0x4098, 0xa1d: 0x40a0, + 0xa2f: 0xa000, + 0xa30: 0xa000, 0xa31: 0xa000, 0xa32: 0xa000, 0xa34: 0x3fd8, + 0xa37: 0x40a8, 0xa38: 0x40b0, 0xa39: 0x40b8, 0xa3a: 0x40c0, + 0xa3d: 0xa000, 0xa3e: 0x40c8, 0xa3f: 0x26c9, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa40: 0x0367, 0xa41: 0x032b, 0xa42: 0x032f, 0xa43: 0x0333, 0xa44: 0x037b, 0xa45: 0x0337, + 0xa46: 0x033b, 0xa47: 0x033f, 0xa48: 0x0343, 0xa49: 0x0347, 0xa4a: 0x034b, 0xa4b: 0x034f, + 0xa4c: 0x0353, 0xa4d: 0x0357, 0xa4e: 0x035b, 0xa4f: 0x49bd, 0xa50: 0x49c3, 0xa51: 0x49c9, + 0xa52: 0x49cf, 0xa53: 0x49d5, 0xa54: 0x49db, 0xa55: 0x49e1, 0xa56: 0x49e7, 0xa57: 0x49ed, + 0xa58: 0x49f3, 0xa59: 0x49f9, 0xa5a: 0x49ff, 0xa5b: 0x4a05, 0xa5c: 0x4a0b, 0xa5d: 0x4a11, + 0xa5e: 0x4a17, 0xa5f: 0x4a1d, 0xa60: 0x4a23, 0xa61: 0x4a29, 0xa62: 0x4a2f, 0xa63: 0x4a35, + 0xa64: 0x03c3, 0xa65: 0x035f, 0xa66: 0x0363, 0xa67: 0x03e7, 0xa68: 0x03eb, 0xa69: 0x03ef, + 0xa6a: 0x03f3, 0xa6b: 0x03f7, 0xa6c: 0x03fb, 0xa6d: 0x03ff, 0xa6e: 0x036b, 0xa6f: 0x0403, + 0xa70: 0x0407, 0xa71: 0x036f, 0xa72: 0x0373, 0xa73: 0x0377, 0xa74: 0x037f, 0xa75: 0x0383, + 0xa76: 0x0387, 0xa77: 0x038b, 0xa78: 0x038f, 0xa79: 0x0393, 0xa7a: 0x0397, 0xa7b: 0x039b, + 0xa7c: 0x039f, 0xa7d: 0x03a3, 0xa7e: 0x03a7, 0xa7f: 0x03ab, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa80: 0x03af, 0xa81: 0x03b3, 0xa82: 0x040b, 0xa83: 0x040f, 0xa84: 0x03b7, 0xa85: 0x03bb, + 0xa86: 0x03bf, 0xa87: 0x03c7, 0xa88: 0x03cb, 0xa89: 0x03cf, 0xa8a: 0x03d3, 0xa8b: 0x03d7, + 0xa8c: 0x03db, 0xa8d: 0x03df, 0xa8e: 0x03e3, + 0xa92: 0x06bf, 0xa93: 0x071b, 0xa94: 0x06cb, 0xa95: 0x097b, 0xa96: 0x06cf, 0xa97: 0x06e7, + 0xa98: 0x06d3, 0xa99: 0x0f93, 0xa9a: 0x0707, 0xa9b: 0x06db, 0xa9c: 0x06c3, 0xa9d: 0x09ff, + 0xa9e: 0x098f, 0xa9f: 0x072f, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xac0: 0x2054, 0xac1: 0x205a, 0xac2: 0x2060, 0xac3: 0x2066, 0xac4: 0x206c, 0xac5: 0x2072, + 0xac6: 0x2078, 0xac7: 0x207e, 0xac8: 0x2084, 0xac9: 0x208a, 0xaca: 0x2090, 0xacb: 0x2096, + 0xacc: 0x209c, 0xacd: 0x20a2, 0xace: 0x2726, 0xacf: 0x272f, 0xad0: 0x2738, 0xad1: 0x2741, + 0xad2: 0x274a, 0xad3: 0x2753, 0xad4: 0x275c, 0xad5: 0x2765, 0xad6: 0x276e, 0xad7: 0x2780, + 0xad8: 0x2789, 0xad9: 0x2792, 0xada: 0x279b, 0xadb: 0x27a4, 0xadc: 0x2777, 0xadd: 0x2bac, + 0xade: 0x2aed, 0xae0: 0x20a8, 0xae1: 0x20c0, 0xae2: 0x20b4, 0xae3: 0x2108, + 0xae4: 0x20c6, 0xae5: 0x20e4, 0xae6: 0x20ae, 0xae7: 0x20de, 0xae8: 0x20ba, 0xae9: 0x20f0, + 0xaea: 0x2120, 0xaeb: 0x213e, 0xaec: 0x2138, 0xaed: 0x212c, 0xaee: 0x217a, 0xaef: 0x210e, + 0xaf0: 0x211a, 0xaf1: 0x2132, 0xaf2: 0x2126, 0xaf3: 0x2150, 0xaf4: 0x20fc, 0xaf5: 0x2144, + 0xaf6: 0x216e, 0xaf7: 0x2156, 0xaf8: 0x20ea, 0xaf9: 0x20cc, 0xafa: 0x2102, 0xafb: 0x2114, + 0xafc: 0x214a, 0xafd: 0x20d2, 0xafe: 0x2174, 0xaff: 0x20f6, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb00: 0x215c, 0xb01: 0x20d8, 0xb02: 0x2162, 0xb03: 0x2168, 0xb04: 0x092f, 0xb05: 0x0b03, + 0xb06: 0x0ca7, 0xb07: 0x10c7, + 0xb10: 0x1bc4, 0xb11: 0x18a9, + 0xb12: 0x18ac, 0xb13: 0x18af, 0xb14: 0x18b2, 0xb15: 0x18b5, 0xb16: 0x18b8, 0xb17: 0x18bb, + 0xb18: 0x18be, 0xb19: 0x18c1, 0xb1a: 0x18ca, 0xb1b: 0x18cd, 0xb1c: 0x18d0, 0xb1d: 0x18d3, + 0xb1e: 0x18d6, 0xb1f: 0x18d9, 0xb20: 0x0313, 0xb21: 0x031b, 0xb22: 0x031f, 0xb23: 0x0327, + 0xb24: 0x032b, 0xb25: 0x032f, 0xb26: 0x0337, 0xb27: 0x033f, 0xb28: 0x0343, 0xb29: 0x034b, + 0xb2a: 0x034f, 0xb2b: 0x0353, 0xb2c: 0x0357, 0xb2d: 0x035b, 0xb2e: 0x2e18, 0xb2f: 0x2e20, + 0xb30: 0x2e28, 0xb31: 0x2e30, 0xb32: 0x2e38, 0xb33: 0x2e40, 0xb34: 0x2e48, 0xb35: 0x2e50, + 0xb36: 0x2e60, 0xb37: 0x2e68, 0xb38: 0x2e70, 0xb39: 0x2e78, 0xb3a: 0x2e80, 0xb3b: 0x2e88, + 0xb3c: 0x2ed3, 0xb3d: 0x2e9b, 0xb3e: 0x2e58, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb40: 0x06bf, 0xb41: 0x071b, 0xb42: 0x06cb, 0xb43: 0x097b, 0xb44: 0x071f, 0xb45: 0x07af, + 0xb46: 0x06c7, 0xb47: 0x07ab, 0xb48: 0x070b, 0xb49: 0x0887, 0xb4a: 0x0d07, 0xb4b: 0x0e8f, + 0xb4c: 0x0dd7, 0xb4d: 0x0d1b, 0xb4e: 0x145f, 0xb4f: 0x098b, 0xb50: 0x0ccf, 0xb51: 0x0d4b, + 0xb52: 0x0d0b, 0xb53: 0x104b, 0xb54: 0x08fb, 0xb55: 0x0f03, 0xb56: 0x1387, 0xb57: 0x105f, + 0xb58: 0x0843, 0xb59: 0x108f, 0xb5a: 0x0f9b, 0xb5b: 0x0a17, 0xb5c: 0x140f, 0xb5d: 0x077f, + 0xb5e: 0x08ab, 0xb5f: 0x0df7, 0xb60: 0x1527, 0xb61: 0x0743, 0xb62: 0x07d3, 0xb63: 0x0d9b, + 0xb64: 0x06cf, 0xb65: 0x06e7, 0xb66: 0x06d3, 0xb67: 0x0adb, 0xb68: 0x08ef, 0xb69: 0x087f, + 0xb6a: 0x0a57, 0xb6b: 0x0a4b, 0xb6c: 0x0feb, 0xb6d: 0x073f, 0xb6e: 0x139b, 0xb6f: 0x089b, + 0xb70: 0x09f3, 0xb71: 0x18dc, 0xb72: 0x18df, 0xb73: 0x18e2, 0xb74: 0x18e5, 0xb75: 0x18ee, + 0xb76: 0x18f1, 0xb77: 0x18f4, 0xb78: 0x18f7, 0xb79: 0x18fa, 0xb7a: 0x18fd, 0xb7b: 0x1900, + 0xb7c: 0x1903, 0xb7d: 0x1906, 0xb7e: 0x1909, 0xb7f: 0x1912, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb80: 0x1cc6, 0xb81: 0x1cd5, 0xb82: 0x1ce4, 0xb83: 0x1cf3, 0xb84: 0x1d02, 0xb85: 0x1d11, + 0xb86: 0x1d20, 0xb87: 0x1d2f, 0xb88: 0x1d3e, 0xb89: 0x218c, 0xb8a: 0x219e, 0xb8b: 0x21b0, + 0xb8c: 0x1954, 0xb8d: 0x1c04, 0xb8e: 0x19d2, 0xb8f: 0x1ba8, 0xb90: 0x04cb, 0xb91: 0x04d3, + 0xb92: 0x04db, 0xb93: 0x04e3, 0xb94: 0x04eb, 0xb95: 0x04ef, 0xb96: 0x04f3, 0xb97: 0x04f7, + 0xb98: 0x04fb, 0xb99: 0x04ff, 0xb9a: 0x0503, 0xb9b: 0x0507, 0xb9c: 0x050b, 0xb9d: 0x050f, + 0xb9e: 0x0513, 0xb9f: 0x0517, 0xba0: 0x051b, 0xba1: 0x0523, 0xba2: 0x0527, 0xba3: 0x052b, + 0xba4: 0x052f, 0xba5: 0x0533, 0xba6: 0x0537, 0xba7: 0x053b, 0xba8: 0x053f, 0xba9: 0x0543, + 0xbaa: 0x0547, 0xbab: 0x054b, 0xbac: 0x054f, 0xbad: 0x0553, 0xbae: 0x0557, 0xbaf: 0x055b, + 0xbb0: 0x055f, 0xbb1: 0x0563, 0xbb2: 0x0567, 0xbb3: 0x056f, 0xbb4: 0x0577, 0xbb5: 0x057f, + 0xbb6: 0x0583, 0xbb7: 0x0587, 0xbb8: 0x058b, 0xbb9: 0x058f, 0xbba: 0x0593, 0xbbb: 0x0597, + 0xbbc: 0x059b, 0xbbd: 0x059f, 0xbbe: 0x05a3, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x2b0c, 0xbc1: 0x29a8, 0xbc2: 0x2b1c, 0xbc3: 0x2880, 0xbc4: 0x2ee4, 0xbc5: 0x288a, + 0xbc6: 0x2894, 0xbc7: 0x2f28, 0xbc8: 0x29b5, 0xbc9: 0x289e, 0xbca: 0x28a8, 0xbcb: 0x28b2, + 0xbcc: 0x29dc, 0xbcd: 0x29e9, 0xbce: 0x29c2, 0xbcf: 0x29cf, 0xbd0: 0x2ea9, 0xbd1: 0x29f6, + 0xbd2: 0x2a03, 0xbd3: 0x2bbe, 0xbd4: 0x26bb, 0xbd5: 0x2bd1, 0xbd6: 0x2be4, 0xbd7: 0x2b2c, + 0xbd8: 0x2a10, 0xbd9: 0x2bf7, 0xbda: 0x2c0a, 0xbdb: 0x2a1d, 0xbdc: 0x28bc, 0xbdd: 0x28c6, + 0xbde: 0x2eb7, 0xbdf: 0x2a2a, 0xbe0: 0x2b3c, 0xbe1: 0x2ef5, 0xbe2: 0x28d0, 0xbe3: 0x28da, + 0xbe4: 0x2a37, 0xbe5: 0x28e4, 0xbe6: 0x28ee, 0xbe7: 0x26d0, 0xbe8: 0x26d7, 0xbe9: 0x28f8, + 0xbea: 0x2902, 0xbeb: 0x2c1d, 0xbec: 0x2a44, 0xbed: 0x2b4c, 0xbee: 0x2c30, 0xbef: 0x2a51, + 0xbf0: 0x2916, 0xbf1: 0x290c, 0xbf2: 0x2f3c, 0xbf3: 0x2a5e, 0xbf4: 0x2c43, 0xbf5: 0x2920, + 0xbf6: 0x2b5c, 0xbf7: 0x292a, 0xbf8: 0x2a78, 0xbf9: 0x2934, 0xbfa: 0x2a85, 0xbfb: 0x2f06, + 0xbfc: 0x2a6b, 0xbfd: 0x2b6c, 0xbfe: 0x2a92, 0xbff: 0x26de, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x2f17, 0xc01: 0x293e, 0xc02: 0x2948, 0xc03: 0x2a9f, 0xc04: 0x2952, 0xc05: 0x295c, + 0xc06: 0x2966, 0xc07: 0x2b7c, 0xc08: 0x2aac, 0xc09: 0x26e5, 0xc0a: 0x2c56, 0xc0b: 0x2e90, + 0xc0c: 0x2b8c, 0xc0d: 0x2ab9, 0xc0e: 0x2ec5, 0xc0f: 0x2970, 0xc10: 0x297a, 0xc11: 0x2ac6, + 0xc12: 0x26ec, 0xc13: 0x2ad3, 0xc14: 0x2b9c, 0xc15: 0x26f3, 0xc16: 0x2c69, 0xc17: 0x2984, + 0xc18: 0x1cb7, 0xc19: 0x1ccb, 0xc1a: 0x1cda, 0xc1b: 0x1ce9, 0xc1c: 0x1cf8, 0xc1d: 0x1d07, + 0xc1e: 0x1d16, 0xc1f: 0x1d25, 0xc20: 0x1d34, 0xc21: 0x1d43, 0xc22: 0x2192, 0xc23: 0x21a4, + 0xc24: 0x21b6, 0xc25: 0x21c2, 0xc26: 0x21ce, 0xc27: 0x21da, 0xc28: 0x21e6, 0xc29: 0x21f2, + 0xc2a: 0x21fe, 0xc2b: 0x220a, 0xc2c: 0x2246, 0xc2d: 0x2252, 0xc2e: 0x225e, 0xc2f: 0x226a, + 0xc30: 0x2276, 0xc31: 0x1c14, 0xc32: 0x19c6, 0xc33: 0x1936, 0xc34: 0x1be4, 0xc35: 0x1a47, + 0xc36: 0x1a56, 0xc37: 0x19cc, 0xc38: 0x1bfc, 0xc39: 0x1c00, 0xc3a: 0x1960, 0xc3b: 0x2701, + 0xc3c: 0x270f, 0xc3d: 0x26fa, 0xc3e: 0x2708, 0xc3f: 0x2ae0, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x1a4a, 0xc41: 0x1a32, 0xc42: 0x1c60, 0xc43: 0x1a1a, 0xc44: 0x19f3, 0xc45: 0x1969, + 0xc46: 0x1978, 0xc47: 0x1948, 0xc48: 0x1bf0, 0xc49: 0x1d52, 0xc4a: 0x1a4d, 0xc4b: 0x1a35, + 0xc4c: 0x1c64, 0xc4d: 0x1c70, 0xc4e: 0x1a26, 0xc4f: 0x19fc, 0xc50: 0x1957, 0xc51: 0x1c1c, + 0xc52: 0x1bb0, 0xc53: 0x1b9c, 0xc54: 0x1bcc, 0xc55: 0x1c74, 0xc56: 0x1a29, 0xc57: 0x19c9, + 0xc58: 0x19ff, 0xc59: 0x19de, 0xc5a: 0x1a41, 0xc5b: 0x1c78, 0xc5c: 0x1a2c, 0xc5d: 0x19c0, + 0xc5e: 0x1a02, 0xc5f: 0x1c3c, 0xc60: 0x1bf4, 0xc61: 0x1a14, 0xc62: 0x1c24, 0xc63: 0x1c40, + 0xc64: 0x1bf8, 0xc65: 0x1a17, 0xc66: 0x1c28, 0xc67: 0x22e8, 0xc68: 0x22fc, 0xc69: 0x1996, + 0xc6a: 0x1c20, 0xc6b: 0x1bb4, 0xc6c: 0x1ba0, 0xc6d: 0x1c48, 0xc6e: 0x2716, 0xc6f: 0x27ad, + 0xc70: 0x1a59, 0xc71: 0x1a44, 0xc72: 0x1c7c, 0xc73: 0x1a2f, 0xc74: 0x1a50, 0xc75: 0x1a38, + 0xc76: 0x1c68, 0xc77: 0x1a1d, 0xc78: 0x19f6, 0xc79: 0x1981, 0xc7a: 0x1a53, 0xc7b: 0x1a3b, + 0xc7c: 0x1c6c, 0xc7d: 0x1a20, 0xc7e: 0x19f9, 0xc7f: 0x1984, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x1c2c, 0xc81: 0x1bb8, 0xc82: 0x1d4d, 0xc83: 0x1939, 0xc84: 0x19ba, 0xc85: 0x19bd, + 0xc86: 0x22f5, 0xc87: 0x1b94, 0xc88: 0x19c3, 0xc89: 0x194b, 0xc8a: 0x19e1, 0xc8b: 0x194e, + 0xc8c: 0x19ea, 0xc8d: 0x196c, 0xc8e: 0x196f, 0xc8f: 0x1a05, 0xc90: 0x1a0b, 0xc91: 0x1a0e, + 0xc92: 0x1c30, 0xc93: 0x1a11, 0xc94: 0x1a23, 0xc95: 0x1c38, 0xc96: 0x1c44, 0xc97: 0x1990, + 0xc98: 0x1d57, 0xc99: 0x1bbc, 0xc9a: 0x1993, 0xc9b: 0x1a5c, 0xc9c: 0x19a5, 0xc9d: 0x19b4, + 0xc9e: 0x22e2, 0xc9f: 0x22dc, 0xca0: 0x1cc1, 0xca1: 0x1cd0, 0xca2: 0x1cdf, 0xca3: 0x1cee, + 0xca4: 0x1cfd, 0xca5: 0x1d0c, 0xca6: 0x1d1b, 0xca7: 0x1d2a, 0xca8: 0x1d39, 0xca9: 0x2186, + 0xcaa: 0x2198, 0xcab: 0x21aa, 0xcac: 0x21bc, 0xcad: 0x21c8, 0xcae: 0x21d4, 0xcaf: 0x21e0, + 0xcb0: 0x21ec, 0xcb1: 0x21f8, 0xcb2: 0x2204, 0xcb3: 0x2240, 0xcb4: 0x224c, 0xcb5: 0x2258, + 0xcb6: 0x2264, 0xcb7: 0x2270, 0xcb8: 0x227c, 0xcb9: 0x2282, 0xcba: 0x2288, 0xcbb: 0x228e, + 0xcbc: 0x2294, 0xcbd: 0x22a6, 0xcbe: 0x22ac, 0xcbf: 0x1c10, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc0: 0x1377, 0xcc1: 0x0cfb, 0xcc2: 0x13d3, 0xcc3: 0x139f, 0xcc4: 0x0e57, 0xcc5: 0x06eb, + 0xcc6: 0x08df, 0xcc7: 0x162b, 0xcc8: 0x162b, 0xcc9: 0x0a0b, 0xcca: 0x145f, 0xccb: 0x0943, + 0xccc: 0x0a07, 0xccd: 0x0bef, 0xcce: 0x0fcf, 0xccf: 0x115f, 0xcd0: 0x1297, 0xcd1: 0x12d3, + 0xcd2: 0x1307, 0xcd3: 0x141b, 0xcd4: 0x0d73, 0xcd5: 0x0dff, 0xcd6: 0x0eab, 0xcd7: 0x0f43, + 0xcd8: 0x125f, 0xcd9: 0x1447, 0xcda: 0x1573, 0xcdb: 0x070f, 0xcdc: 0x08b3, 0xcdd: 0x0d87, + 0xcde: 0x0ecf, 0xcdf: 0x1293, 0xce0: 0x15c3, 0xce1: 0x0ab3, 0xce2: 0x0e77, 0xce3: 0x1283, + 0xce4: 0x1317, 0xce5: 0x0c23, 0xce6: 0x11bb, 0xce7: 0x12df, 0xce8: 0x0b1f, 0xce9: 0x0d0f, + 0xcea: 0x0e17, 0xceb: 0x0f1b, 0xcec: 0x1427, 0xced: 0x074f, 0xcee: 0x07e7, 0xcef: 0x0853, + 0xcf0: 0x0c8b, 0xcf1: 0x0d7f, 0xcf2: 0x0ecb, 0xcf3: 0x0fef, 0xcf4: 0x1177, 0xcf5: 0x128b, + 0xcf6: 0x12a3, 0xcf7: 0x13c7, 0xcf8: 0x14ef, 0xcf9: 0x15a3, 0xcfa: 0x15bf, 0xcfb: 0x102b, + 0xcfc: 0x106b, 0xcfd: 0x1123, 0xcfe: 0x1243, 0xcff: 0x147b, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd00: 0x15cb, 0xd01: 0x134b, 0xd02: 0x09c7, 0xd03: 0x0b3b, 0xd04: 0x10db, 0xd05: 0x119b, + 0xd06: 0x0eff, 0xd07: 0x1033, 0xd08: 0x1397, 0xd09: 0x14e7, 0xd0a: 0x09c3, 0xd0b: 0x0a8f, + 0xd0c: 0x0d77, 0xd0d: 0x0e2b, 0xd0e: 0x0e5f, 0xd0f: 0x1113, 0xd10: 0x113b, 0xd11: 0x14a7, + 0xd12: 0x084f, 0xd13: 0x11a7, 0xd14: 0x07f3, 0xd15: 0x07ef, 0xd16: 0x1097, 0xd17: 0x1127, + 0xd18: 0x125b, 0xd19: 0x14af, 0xd1a: 0x1367, 0xd1b: 0x0c27, 0xd1c: 0x0d73, 0xd1d: 0x1357, + 0xd1e: 0x06f7, 0xd1f: 0x0a63, 0xd20: 0x0b93, 0xd21: 0x0f2f, 0xd22: 0x0faf, 0xd23: 0x0873, + 0xd24: 0x103b, 0xd25: 0x075f, 0xd26: 0x0b77, 0xd27: 0x06d7, 0xd28: 0x0deb, 0xd29: 0x0ca3, + 0xd2a: 0x110f, 0xd2b: 0x08c7, 0xd2c: 0x09b3, 0xd2d: 0x0ffb, 0xd2e: 0x1263, 0xd2f: 0x133b, + 0xd30: 0x0db7, 0xd31: 0x13f7, 0xd32: 0x0de3, 0xd33: 0x0c37, 0xd34: 0x121b, 0xd35: 0x0c57, + 0xd36: 0x0fab, 0xd37: 0x072b, 0xd38: 0x07a7, 0xd39: 0x07eb, 0xd3a: 0x0d53, 0xd3b: 0x10fb, + 0xd3c: 0x11f3, 0xd3d: 0x1347, 0xd3e: 0x145b, 0xd3f: 0x085b, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x090f, 0xd41: 0x0a17, 0xd42: 0x0b2f, 0xd43: 0x0cbf, 0xd44: 0x0e7b, 0xd45: 0x103f, + 0xd46: 0x1497, 0xd47: 0x157b, 0xd48: 0x15cf, 0xd49: 0x15e7, 0xd4a: 0x0837, 0xd4b: 0x0cf3, + 0xd4c: 0x0da3, 0xd4d: 0x13eb, 0xd4e: 0x0afb, 0xd4f: 0x0bd7, 0xd50: 0x0bf3, 0xd51: 0x0c83, + 0xd52: 0x0e6b, 0xd53: 0x0eb7, 0xd54: 0x0f67, 0xd55: 0x108b, 0xd56: 0x112f, 0xd57: 0x1193, + 0xd58: 0x13db, 0xd59: 0x126b, 0xd5a: 0x1403, 0xd5b: 0x147f, 0xd5c: 0x080f, 0xd5d: 0x083b, + 0xd5e: 0x0923, 0xd5f: 0x0ea7, 0xd60: 0x12f3, 0xd61: 0x133b, 0xd62: 0x0b1b, 0xd63: 0x0b8b, + 0xd64: 0x0c4f, 0xd65: 0x0daf, 0xd66: 0x10d7, 0xd67: 0x0f23, 0xd68: 0x073b, 0xd69: 0x097f, + 0xd6a: 0x0a63, 0xd6b: 0x0ac7, 0xd6c: 0x0b97, 0xd6d: 0x0f3f, 0xd6e: 0x0f5b, 0xd6f: 0x116b, + 0xd70: 0x118b, 0xd71: 0x1463, 0xd72: 0x14e3, 0xd73: 0x14f3, 0xd74: 0x152f, 0xd75: 0x0753, + 0xd76: 0x107f, 0xd77: 0x144f, 0xd78: 0x14cb, 0xd79: 0x0baf, 0xd7a: 0x0717, 0xd7b: 0x0777, + 0xd7c: 0x0a67, 0xd7d: 0x0a87, 0xd7e: 0x0caf, 0xd7f: 0x0d73, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd80: 0x0ec3, 0xd81: 0x0fcb, 0xd82: 0x1277, 0xd83: 0x1417, 0xd84: 0x1623, 0xd85: 0x0ce3, + 0xd86: 0x14a3, 0xd87: 0x0833, 0xd88: 0x0d2f, 0xd89: 0x0d3b, 0xd8a: 0x0e0f, 0xd8b: 0x0e47, + 0xd8c: 0x0f4b, 0xd8d: 0x0fa7, 0xd8e: 0x1027, 0xd8f: 0x110b, 0xd90: 0x153b, 0xd91: 0x07af, + 0xd92: 0x0c03, 0xd93: 0x14b3, 0xd94: 0x0767, 0xd95: 0x0aab, 0xd96: 0x0e2f, 0xd97: 0x13df, + 0xd98: 0x0b67, 0xd99: 0x0bb7, 0xd9a: 0x0d43, 0xd9b: 0x0f2f, 0xd9c: 0x14bb, 0xd9d: 0x0817, + 0xd9e: 0x08ff, 0xd9f: 0x0a97, 0xda0: 0x0cd3, 0xda1: 0x0d1f, 0xda2: 0x0d5f, 0xda3: 0x0df3, + 0xda4: 0x0f47, 0xda5: 0x0fbb, 0xda6: 0x1157, 0xda7: 0x12f7, 0xda8: 0x1303, 0xda9: 0x1457, + 0xdaa: 0x14d7, 0xdab: 0x0883, 0xdac: 0x0e4b, 0xdad: 0x0903, 0xdae: 0x0ec7, 0xdaf: 0x0f6b, + 0xdb0: 0x1287, 0xdb1: 0x14bf, 0xdb2: 0x15ab, 0xdb3: 0x15d3, 0xdb4: 0x0d37, 0xdb5: 0x0e27, + 0xdb6: 0x11c3, 0xdb7: 0x10b7, 0xdb8: 0x10c3, 0xdb9: 0x10e7, 0xdba: 0x0f17, 0xdbb: 0x0e9f, + 0xdbc: 0x1363, 0xdbd: 0x0733, 0xdbe: 0x122b, 0xdbf: 0x081b, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x080b, 0xdc1: 0x0b0b, 0xdc2: 0x0c2b, 0xdc3: 0x10f3, 0xdc4: 0x0a53, 0xdc5: 0x0e03, + 0xdc6: 0x0cef, 0xdc7: 0x13e7, 0xdc8: 0x12e7, 0xdc9: 0x14ab, 0xdca: 0x1323, 0xdcb: 0x0b27, + 0xdcc: 0x0787, 0xdcd: 0x095b, 0xdd0: 0x09af, + 0xdd2: 0x0cdf, 0xdd5: 0x07f7, 0xdd6: 0x0f1f, 0xdd7: 0x0fe3, + 0xdd8: 0x1047, 0xdd9: 0x1063, 0xdda: 0x1067, 0xddb: 0x107b, 0xddc: 0x14fb, 0xddd: 0x10eb, + 0xdde: 0x116f, 0xde0: 0x128f, 0xde2: 0x1353, + 0xde5: 0x1407, 0xde6: 0x1433, + 0xdea: 0x154f, 0xdeb: 0x1553, 0xdec: 0x1557, 0xded: 0x15bb, 0xdee: 0x142b, 0xdef: 0x14c7, + 0xdf0: 0x0757, 0xdf1: 0x077b, 0xdf2: 0x078f, 0xdf3: 0x084b, 0xdf4: 0x0857, 0xdf5: 0x0897, + 0xdf6: 0x094b, 0xdf7: 0x0967, 0xdf8: 0x096f, 0xdf9: 0x09ab, 0xdfa: 0x09b7, 0xdfb: 0x0a93, + 0xdfc: 0x0a9b, 0xdfd: 0x0ba3, 0xdfe: 0x0bcb, 0xdff: 0x0bd3, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x0beb, 0xe01: 0x0c97, 0xe02: 0x0cc7, 0xe03: 0x0ce7, 0xe04: 0x0d57, 0xe05: 0x0e1b, + 0xe06: 0x0e37, 0xe07: 0x0e67, 0xe08: 0x0ebb, 0xe09: 0x0edb, 0xe0a: 0x0f4f, 0xe0b: 0x102f, + 0xe0c: 0x104b, 0xe0d: 0x1053, 0xe0e: 0x104f, 0xe0f: 0x1057, 0xe10: 0x105b, 0xe11: 0x105f, + 0xe12: 0x1073, 0xe13: 0x1077, 0xe14: 0x109b, 0xe15: 0x10af, 0xe16: 0x10cb, 0xe17: 0x112f, + 0xe18: 0x1137, 0xe19: 0x113f, 0xe1a: 0x1153, 0xe1b: 0x117b, 0xe1c: 0x11cb, 0xe1d: 0x11ff, + 0xe1e: 0x11ff, 0xe1f: 0x1267, 0xe20: 0x130f, 0xe21: 0x1327, 0xe22: 0x135b, 0xe23: 0x135f, + 0xe24: 0x13a3, 0xe25: 0x13a7, 0xe26: 0x13ff, 0xe27: 0x1407, 0xe28: 0x14db, 0xe29: 0x151f, + 0xe2a: 0x1537, 0xe2b: 0x0b9b, 0xe2c: 0x171e, 0xe2d: 0x11e3, + 0xe30: 0x06df, 0xe31: 0x07e3, 0xe32: 0x07a3, 0xe33: 0x074b, 0xe34: 0x078b, 0xe35: 0x07b7, + 0xe36: 0x0847, 0xe37: 0x0863, 0xe38: 0x094b, 0xe39: 0x0937, 0xe3a: 0x0947, 0xe3b: 0x0963, + 0xe3c: 0x09af, 0xe3d: 0x09bf, 0xe3e: 0x0a03, 0xe3f: 0x0a0f, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x0a2b, 0xe41: 0x0a3b, 0xe42: 0x0b23, 0xe43: 0x0b2b, 0xe44: 0x0b5b, 0xe45: 0x0b7b, + 0xe46: 0x0bab, 0xe47: 0x0bc3, 0xe48: 0x0bb3, 0xe49: 0x0bd3, 0xe4a: 0x0bc7, 0xe4b: 0x0beb, + 0xe4c: 0x0c07, 0xe4d: 0x0c5f, 0xe4e: 0x0c6b, 0xe4f: 0x0c73, 0xe50: 0x0c9b, 0xe51: 0x0cdf, + 0xe52: 0x0d0f, 0xe53: 0x0d13, 0xe54: 0x0d27, 0xe55: 0x0da7, 0xe56: 0x0db7, 0xe57: 0x0e0f, + 0xe58: 0x0e5b, 0xe59: 0x0e53, 0xe5a: 0x0e67, 0xe5b: 0x0e83, 0xe5c: 0x0ebb, 0xe5d: 0x1013, + 0xe5e: 0x0edf, 0xe5f: 0x0f13, 0xe60: 0x0f1f, 0xe61: 0x0f5f, 0xe62: 0x0f7b, 0xe63: 0x0f9f, + 0xe64: 0x0fc3, 0xe65: 0x0fc7, 0xe66: 0x0fe3, 0xe67: 0x0fe7, 0xe68: 0x0ff7, 0xe69: 0x100b, + 0xe6a: 0x1007, 0xe6b: 0x1037, 0xe6c: 0x10b3, 0xe6d: 0x10cb, 0xe6e: 0x10e3, 0xe6f: 0x111b, + 0xe70: 0x112f, 0xe71: 0x114b, 0xe72: 0x117b, 0xe73: 0x122f, 0xe74: 0x1257, 0xe75: 0x12cb, + 0xe76: 0x1313, 0xe77: 0x131f, 0xe78: 0x1327, 0xe79: 0x133f, 0xe7a: 0x1353, 0xe7b: 0x1343, + 0xe7c: 0x135b, 0xe7d: 0x1357, 0xe7e: 0x134f, 0xe7f: 0x135f, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x136b, 0xe81: 0x13a7, 0xe82: 0x13e3, 0xe83: 0x1413, 0xe84: 0x144b, 0xe85: 0x146b, + 0xe86: 0x14b7, 0xe87: 0x14db, 0xe88: 0x14fb, 0xe89: 0x150f, 0xe8a: 0x151f, 0xe8b: 0x152b, + 0xe8c: 0x1537, 0xe8d: 0x158b, 0xe8e: 0x162b, 0xe8f: 0x16b5, 0xe90: 0x16b0, 0xe91: 0x16e2, + 0xe92: 0x0607, 0xe93: 0x062f, 0xe94: 0x0633, 0xe95: 0x1764, 0xe96: 0x1791, 0xe97: 0x1809, + 0xe98: 0x1617, 0xe99: 0x1627, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x19d5, 0xec1: 0x19d8, 0xec2: 0x19db, 0xec3: 0x1c08, 0xec4: 0x1c0c, 0xec5: 0x1a5f, + 0xec6: 0x1a5f, + 0xed3: 0x1d75, 0xed4: 0x1d66, 0xed5: 0x1d6b, 0xed6: 0x1d7a, 0xed7: 0x1d70, + 0xedd: 0x4390, + 0xede: 0x8115, 0xedf: 0x4402, 0xee0: 0x022d, 0xee1: 0x0215, 0xee2: 0x021e, 0xee3: 0x0221, + 0xee4: 0x0224, 0xee5: 0x0227, 0xee6: 0x022a, 0xee7: 0x0230, 0xee8: 0x0233, 0xee9: 0x0017, + 0xeea: 0x43f0, 0xeeb: 0x43f6, 0xeec: 0x44f4, 0xeed: 0x44fc, 0xeee: 0x4348, 0xeef: 0x434e, + 0xef0: 0x4354, 0xef1: 0x435a, 0xef2: 0x4366, 0xef3: 0x436c, 0xef4: 0x4372, 0xef5: 0x437e, + 0xef6: 0x4384, 0xef8: 0x438a, 0xef9: 0x4396, 0xefa: 0x439c, 0xefb: 0x43a2, + 0xefc: 0x43ae, 0xefe: 0x43b4, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x43ba, 0xf01: 0x43c0, 0xf03: 0x43c6, 0xf04: 0x43cc, + 0xf06: 0x43d8, 0xf07: 0x43de, 0xf08: 0x43e4, 0xf09: 0x43ea, 0xf0a: 0x43fc, 0xf0b: 0x4378, + 0xf0c: 0x4360, 0xf0d: 0x43a8, 0xf0e: 0x43d2, 0xf0f: 0x1d7f, 0xf10: 0x0299, 0xf11: 0x0299, + 0xf12: 0x02a2, 0xf13: 0x02a2, 0xf14: 0x02a2, 0xf15: 0x02a2, 0xf16: 0x02a5, 0xf17: 0x02a5, + 0xf18: 0x02a5, 0xf19: 0x02a5, 0xf1a: 0x02ab, 0xf1b: 0x02ab, 0xf1c: 0x02ab, 0xf1d: 0x02ab, + 0xf1e: 0x029f, 0xf1f: 0x029f, 0xf20: 0x029f, 0xf21: 0x029f, 0xf22: 0x02a8, 0xf23: 0x02a8, + 0xf24: 0x02a8, 0xf25: 0x02a8, 0xf26: 0x029c, 0xf27: 0x029c, 0xf28: 0x029c, 0xf29: 0x029c, + 0xf2a: 0x02cf, 0xf2b: 0x02cf, 0xf2c: 0x02cf, 0xf2d: 0x02cf, 0xf2e: 0x02d2, 0xf2f: 0x02d2, + 0xf30: 0x02d2, 0xf31: 0x02d2, 0xf32: 0x02b1, 0xf33: 0x02b1, 0xf34: 0x02b1, 0xf35: 0x02b1, + 0xf36: 0x02ae, 0xf37: 0x02ae, 0xf38: 0x02ae, 0xf39: 0x02ae, 0xf3a: 0x02b4, 0xf3b: 0x02b4, + 0xf3c: 0x02b4, 0xf3d: 0x02b4, 0xf3e: 0x02b7, 0xf3f: 0x02b7, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x02b7, 0xf41: 0x02b7, 0xf42: 0x02c0, 0xf43: 0x02c0, 0xf44: 0x02bd, 0xf45: 0x02bd, + 0xf46: 0x02c3, 0xf47: 0x02c3, 0xf48: 0x02ba, 0xf49: 0x02ba, 0xf4a: 0x02c9, 0xf4b: 0x02c9, + 0xf4c: 0x02c6, 0xf4d: 0x02c6, 0xf4e: 0x02d5, 0xf4f: 0x02d5, 0xf50: 0x02d5, 0xf51: 0x02d5, + 0xf52: 0x02db, 0xf53: 0x02db, 0xf54: 0x02db, 0xf55: 0x02db, 0xf56: 0x02e1, 0xf57: 0x02e1, + 0xf58: 0x02e1, 0xf59: 0x02e1, 0xf5a: 0x02de, 0xf5b: 0x02de, 0xf5c: 0x02de, 0xf5d: 0x02de, + 0xf5e: 0x02e4, 0xf5f: 0x02e4, 0xf60: 0x02e7, 0xf61: 0x02e7, 0xf62: 0x02e7, 0xf63: 0x02e7, + 0xf64: 0x446e, 0xf65: 0x446e, 0xf66: 0x02ed, 0xf67: 0x02ed, 0xf68: 0x02ed, 0xf69: 0x02ed, + 0xf6a: 0x02ea, 0xf6b: 0x02ea, 0xf6c: 0x02ea, 0xf6d: 0x02ea, 0xf6e: 0x0308, 0xf6f: 0x0308, + 0xf70: 0x4468, 0xf71: 0x4468, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf93: 0x02d8, 0xf94: 0x02d8, 0xf95: 0x02d8, 0xf96: 0x02d8, 0xf97: 0x02f6, + 0xf98: 0x02f6, 0xf99: 0x02f3, 0xf9a: 0x02f3, 0xf9b: 0x02f9, 0xf9c: 0x02f9, 0xf9d: 0x204f, + 0xf9e: 0x02ff, 0xf9f: 0x02ff, 0xfa0: 0x02f0, 0xfa1: 0x02f0, 0xfa2: 0x02fc, 0xfa3: 0x02fc, + 0xfa4: 0x0305, 0xfa5: 0x0305, 0xfa6: 0x0305, 0xfa7: 0x0305, 0xfa8: 0x028d, 0xfa9: 0x028d, + 0xfaa: 0x25aa, 0xfab: 0x25aa, 0xfac: 0x261a, 0xfad: 0x261a, 0xfae: 0x25e9, 0xfaf: 0x25e9, + 0xfb0: 0x2605, 0xfb1: 0x2605, 0xfb2: 0x25fe, 0xfb3: 0x25fe, 0xfb4: 0x260c, 0xfb5: 0x260c, + 0xfb6: 0x2613, 0xfb7: 0x2613, 0xfb8: 0x2613, 0xfb9: 0x25f0, 0xfba: 0x25f0, 0xfbb: 0x25f0, + 0xfbc: 0x0302, 0xfbd: 0x0302, 0xfbe: 0x0302, 0xfbf: 0x0302, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfc0: 0x25b1, 0xfc1: 0x25b8, 0xfc2: 0x25d4, 0xfc3: 0x25f0, 0xfc4: 0x25f7, 0xfc5: 0x1d89, + 0xfc6: 0x1d8e, 0xfc7: 0x1d93, 0xfc8: 0x1da2, 0xfc9: 0x1db1, 0xfca: 0x1db6, 0xfcb: 0x1dbb, + 0xfcc: 0x1dc0, 0xfcd: 0x1dc5, 0xfce: 0x1dd4, 0xfcf: 0x1de3, 0xfd0: 0x1de8, 0xfd1: 0x1ded, + 0xfd2: 0x1dfc, 0xfd3: 0x1e0b, 0xfd4: 0x1e10, 0xfd5: 0x1e15, 0xfd6: 0x1e1a, 0xfd7: 0x1e29, + 0xfd8: 0x1e2e, 0xfd9: 0x1e3d, 0xfda: 0x1e42, 0xfdb: 0x1e47, 0xfdc: 0x1e56, 0xfdd: 0x1e5b, + 0xfde: 0x1e60, 0xfdf: 0x1e6a, 0xfe0: 0x1ea6, 0xfe1: 0x1eb5, 0xfe2: 0x1ec4, 0xfe3: 0x1ec9, + 0xfe4: 0x1ece, 0xfe5: 0x1ed8, 0xfe6: 0x1ee7, 0xfe7: 0x1eec, 0xfe8: 0x1efb, 0xfe9: 0x1f00, + 0xfea: 0x1f05, 0xfeb: 0x1f14, 0xfec: 0x1f19, 0xfed: 0x1f28, 0xfee: 0x1f2d, 0xfef: 0x1f32, + 0xff0: 0x1f37, 0xff1: 0x1f3c, 0xff2: 0x1f41, 0xff3: 0x1f46, 0xff4: 0x1f4b, 0xff5: 0x1f50, + 0xff6: 0x1f55, 0xff7: 0x1f5a, 0xff8: 0x1f5f, 0xff9: 0x1f64, 0xffa: 0x1f69, 0xffb: 0x1f6e, + 0xffc: 0x1f73, 0xffd: 0x1f78, 0xffe: 0x1f7d, 0xfff: 0x1f87, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x1f8c, 0x1001: 0x1f91, 0x1002: 0x1f96, 0x1003: 0x1fa0, 0x1004: 0x1fa5, 0x1005: 0x1faf, + 0x1006: 0x1fb4, 0x1007: 0x1fb9, 0x1008: 0x1fbe, 0x1009: 0x1fc3, 0x100a: 0x1fc8, 0x100b: 0x1fcd, + 0x100c: 0x1fd2, 0x100d: 0x1fd7, 0x100e: 0x1fe6, 0x100f: 0x1ff5, 0x1010: 0x1ffa, 0x1011: 0x1fff, + 0x1012: 0x2004, 0x1013: 0x2009, 0x1014: 0x200e, 0x1015: 0x2018, 0x1016: 0x201d, 0x1017: 0x2022, + 0x1018: 0x2031, 0x1019: 0x2040, 0x101a: 0x2045, 0x101b: 0x4420, 0x101c: 0x4426, 0x101d: 0x445c, + 0x101e: 0x44b3, 0x101f: 0x44ba, 0x1020: 0x44c1, 0x1021: 0x44c8, 0x1022: 0x44cf, 0x1023: 0x44d6, + 0x1024: 0x25c6, 0x1025: 0x25cd, 0x1026: 0x25d4, 0x1027: 0x25db, 0x1028: 0x25f0, 0x1029: 0x25f7, + 0x102a: 0x1d98, 0x102b: 0x1d9d, 0x102c: 0x1da2, 0x102d: 0x1da7, 0x102e: 0x1db1, 0x102f: 0x1db6, + 0x1030: 0x1dca, 0x1031: 0x1dcf, 0x1032: 0x1dd4, 0x1033: 0x1dd9, 0x1034: 0x1de3, 0x1035: 0x1de8, + 0x1036: 0x1df2, 0x1037: 0x1df7, 0x1038: 0x1dfc, 0x1039: 0x1e01, 0x103a: 0x1e0b, 0x103b: 0x1e10, + 0x103c: 0x1f3c, 0x103d: 0x1f41, 0x103e: 0x1f50, 0x103f: 0x1f55, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x1f5a, 0x1041: 0x1f6e, 0x1042: 0x1f73, 0x1043: 0x1f78, 0x1044: 0x1f7d, 0x1045: 0x1f96, + 0x1046: 0x1fa0, 0x1047: 0x1fa5, 0x1048: 0x1faa, 0x1049: 0x1fbe, 0x104a: 0x1fdc, 0x104b: 0x1fe1, + 0x104c: 0x1fe6, 0x104d: 0x1feb, 0x104e: 0x1ff5, 0x104f: 0x1ffa, 0x1050: 0x445c, 0x1051: 0x2027, + 0x1052: 0x202c, 0x1053: 0x2031, 0x1054: 0x2036, 0x1055: 0x2040, 0x1056: 0x2045, 0x1057: 0x25b1, + 0x1058: 0x25b8, 0x1059: 0x25bf, 0x105a: 0x25d4, 0x105b: 0x25e2, 0x105c: 0x1d89, 0x105d: 0x1d8e, + 0x105e: 0x1d93, 0x105f: 0x1da2, 0x1060: 0x1dac, 0x1061: 0x1dbb, 0x1062: 0x1dc0, 0x1063: 0x1dc5, + 0x1064: 0x1dd4, 0x1065: 0x1dde, 0x1066: 0x1dfc, 0x1067: 0x1e15, 0x1068: 0x1e1a, 0x1069: 0x1e29, + 0x106a: 0x1e2e, 0x106b: 0x1e3d, 0x106c: 0x1e47, 0x106d: 0x1e56, 0x106e: 0x1e5b, 0x106f: 0x1e60, + 0x1070: 0x1e6a, 0x1071: 0x1ea6, 0x1072: 0x1eab, 0x1073: 0x1eb5, 0x1074: 0x1ec4, 0x1075: 0x1ec9, + 0x1076: 0x1ece, 0x1077: 0x1ed8, 0x1078: 0x1ee7, 0x1079: 0x1efb, 0x107a: 0x1f00, 0x107b: 0x1f05, + 0x107c: 0x1f14, 0x107d: 0x1f19, 0x107e: 0x1f28, 0x107f: 0x1f2d, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x1f32, 0x1081: 0x1f37, 0x1082: 0x1f46, 0x1083: 0x1f4b, 0x1084: 0x1f5f, 0x1085: 0x1f64, + 0x1086: 0x1f69, 0x1087: 0x1f6e, 0x1088: 0x1f73, 0x1089: 0x1f87, 0x108a: 0x1f8c, 0x108b: 0x1f91, + 0x108c: 0x1f96, 0x108d: 0x1f9b, 0x108e: 0x1faf, 0x108f: 0x1fb4, 0x1090: 0x1fb9, 0x1091: 0x1fbe, + 0x1092: 0x1fcd, 0x1093: 0x1fd2, 0x1094: 0x1fd7, 0x1095: 0x1fe6, 0x1096: 0x1ff0, 0x1097: 0x1fff, + 0x1098: 0x2004, 0x1099: 0x4450, 0x109a: 0x2018, 0x109b: 0x201d, 0x109c: 0x2022, 0x109d: 0x2031, + 0x109e: 0x203b, 0x109f: 0x25d4, 0x10a0: 0x25e2, 0x10a1: 0x1da2, 0x10a2: 0x1dac, 0x10a3: 0x1dd4, + 0x10a4: 0x1dde, 0x10a5: 0x1dfc, 0x10a6: 0x1e06, 0x10a7: 0x1e6a, 0x10a8: 0x1e6f, 0x10a9: 0x1e92, + 0x10aa: 0x1e97, 0x10ab: 0x1f6e, 0x10ac: 0x1f73, 0x10ad: 0x1f96, 0x10ae: 0x1fe6, 0x10af: 0x1ff0, + 0x10b0: 0x2031, 0x10b1: 0x203b, 0x10b2: 0x4504, 0x10b3: 0x450c, 0x10b4: 0x4514, 0x10b5: 0x1ef1, + 0x10b6: 0x1ef6, 0x10b7: 0x1f0a, 0x10b8: 0x1f0f, 0x10b9: 0x1f1e, 0x10ba: 0x1f23, 0x10bb: 0x1e74, + 0x10bc: 0x1e79, 0x10bd: 0x1e9c, 0x10be: 0x1ea1, 0x10bf: 0x1e33, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c0: 0x1e38, 0x10c1: 0x1e1f, 0x10c2: 0x1e24, 0x10c3: 0x1e4c, 0x10c4: 0x1e51, 0x10c5: 0x1eba, + 0x10c6: 0x1ebf, 0x10c7: 0x1edd, 0x10c8: 0x1ee2, 0x10c9: 0x1e7e, 0x10ca: 0x1e83, 0x10cb: 0x1e88, + 0x10cc: 0x1e92, 0x10cd: 0x1e8d, 0x10ce: 0x1e65, 0x10cf: 0x1eb0, 0x10d0: 0x1ed3, 0x10d1: 0x1ef1, + 0x10d2: 0x1ef6, 0x10d3: 0x1f0a, 0x10d4: 0x1f0f, 0x10d5: 0x1f1e, 0x10d6: 0x1f23, 0x10d7: 0x1e74, + 0x10d8: 0x1e79, 0x10d9: 0x1e9c, 0x10da: 0x1ea1, 0x10db: 0x1e33, 0x10dc: 0x1e38, 0x10dd: 0x1e1f, + 0x10de: 0x1e24, 0x10df: 0x1e4c, 0x10e0: 0x1e51, 0x10e1: 0x1eba, 0x10e2: 0x1ebf, 0x10e3: 0x1edd, + 0x10e4: 0x1ee2, 0x10e5: 0x1e7e, 0x10e6: 0x1e83, 0x10e7: 0x1e88, 0x10e8: 0x1e92, 0x10e9: 0x1e8d, + 0x10ea: 0x1e65, 0x10eb: 0x1eb0, 0x10ec: 0x1ed3, 0x10ed: 0x1e7e, 0x10ee: 0x1e83, 0x10ef: 0x1e88, + 0x10f0: 0x1e92, 0x10f1: 0x1e6f, 0x10f2: 0x1e97, 0x10f3: 0x1eec, 0x10f4: 0x1e56, 0x10f5: 0x1e5b, + 0x10f6: 0x1e60, 0x10f7: 0x1e7e, 0x10f8: 0x1e83, 0x10f9: 0x1e88, 0x10fa: 0x1eec, 0x10fb: 0x1efb, + 0x10fc: 0x4408, 0x10fd: 0x4408, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1110: 0x2311, 0x1111: 0x2326, + 0x1112: 0x2326, 0x1113: 0x232d, 0x1114: 0x2334, 0x1115: 0x2349, 0x1116: 0x2350, 0x1117: 0x2357, + 0x1118: 0x237a, 0x1119: 0x237a, 0x111a: 0x239d, 0x111b: 0x2396, 0x111c: 0x23b2, 0x111d: 0x23a4, + 0x111e: 0x23ab, 0x111f: 0x23ce, 0x1120: 0x23ce, 0x1121: 0x23c7, 0x1122: 0x23d5, 0x1123: 0x23d5, + 0x1124: 0x23ff, 0x1125: 0x23ff, 0x1126: 0x241b, 0x1127: 0x23e3, 0x1128: 0x23e3, 0x1129: 0x23dc, + 0x112a: 0x23f1, 0x112b: 0x23f1, 0x112c: 0x23f8, 0x112d: 0x23f8, 0x112e: 0x2422, 0x112f: 0x2430, + 0x1130: 0x2430, 0x1131: 0x2437, 0x1132: 0x2437, 0x1133: 0x243e, 0x1134: 0x2445, 0x1135: 0x244c, + 0x1136: 0x2453, 0x1137: 0x2453, 0x1138: 0x245a, 0x1139: 0x2468, 0x113a: 0x2476, 0x113b: 0x246f, + 0x113c: 0x247d, 0x113d: 0x247d, 0x113e: 0x2492, 0x113f: 0x2499, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0x24ca, 0x1141: 0x24d8, 0x1142: 0x24d1, 0x1143: 0x24b5, 0x1144: 0x24b5, 0x1145: 0x24df, + 0x1146: 0x24df, 0x1147: 0x24e6, 0x1148: 0x24e6, 0x1149: 0x2510, 0x114a: 0x2517, 0x114b: 0x251e, + 0x114c: 0x24f4, 0x114d: 0x2502, 0x114e: 0x2525, 0x114f: 0x252c, + 0x1152: 0x24fb, 0x1153: 0x2580, 0x1154: 0x2587, 0x1155: 0x255d, 0x1156: 0x2564, 0x1157: 0x2548, + 0x1158: 0x2548, 0x1159: 0x254f, 0x115a: 0x2579, 0x115b: 0x2572, 0x115c: 0x259c, 0x115d: 0x259c, + 0x115e: 0x230a, 0x115f: 0x231f, 0x1160: 0x2318, 0x1161: 0x2342, 0x1162: 0x233b, 0x1163: 0x2365, + 0x1164: 0x235e, 0x1165: 0x2388, 0x1166: 0x236c, 0x1167: 0x2381, 0x1168: 0x23b9, 0x1169: 0x2406, + 0x116a: 0x23ea, 0x116b: 0x2429, 0x116c: 0x24c3, 0x116d: 0x24ed, 0x116e: 0x2595, 0x116f: 0x258e, + 0x1170: 0x25a3, 0x1171: 0x253a, 0x1172: 0x24a0, 0x1173: 0x256b, 0x1174: 0x2492, 0x1175: 0x24ca, + 0x1176: 0x2461, 0x1177: 0x24ae, 0x1178: 0x2541, 0x1179: 0x2533, 0x117a: 0x24bc, 0x117b: 0x24a7, + 0x117c: 0x24bc, 0x117d: 0x2541, 0x117e: 0x2373, 0x117f: 0x238f, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1180: 0x2509, 0x1181: 0x2484, 0x1182: 0x2303, 0x1183: 0x24a7, 0x1184: 0x244c, 0x1185: 0x241b, + 0x1186: 0x23c0, 0x1187: 0x2556, + 0x11b0: 0x2414, 0x11b1: 0x248b, 0x11b2: 0x27bf, 0x11b3: 0x27b6, 0x11b4: 0x27ec, 0x11b5: 0x27da, + 0x11b6: 0x27c8, 0x11b7: 0x27e3, 0x11b8: 0x27f5, 0x11b9: 0x240d, 0x11ba: 0x2c7c, 0x11bb: 0x2afc, + 0x11bc: 0x27d1, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11d0: 0x0019, 0x11d1: 0x0483, + 0x11d2: 0x0487, 0x11d3: 0x0035, 0x11d4: 0x0037, 0x11d5: 0x0003, 0x11d6: 0x003f, 0x11d7: 0x04bf, + 0x11d8: 0x04c3, 0x11d9: 0x1b5c, + 0x11e0: 0x8132, 0x11e1: 0x8132, 0x11e2: 0x8132, 0x11e3: 0x8132, + 0x11e4: 0x8132, 0x11e5: 0x8132, 0x11e6: 0x8132, 0x11e7: 0x812d, 0x11e8: 0x812d, 0x11e9: 0x812d, + 0x11ea: 0x812d, 0x11eb: 0x812d, 0x11ec: 0x812d, 0x11ed: 0x812d, 0x11ee: 0x8132, 0x11ef: 0x8132, + 0x11f0: 0x1873, 0x11f1: 0x0443, 0x11f2: 0x043f, 0x11f3: 0x007f, 0x11f4: 0x007f, 0x11f5: 0x0011, + 0x11f6: 0x0013, 0x11f7: 0x00b7, 0x11f8: 0x00bb, 0x11f9: 0x04b7, 0x11fa: 0x04bb, 0x11fb: 0x04ab, + 0x11fc: 0x04af, 0x11fd: 0x0493, 0x11fe: 0x0497, 0x11ff: 0x048b, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x048f, 0x1201: 0x049b, 0x1202: 0x049f, 0x1203: 0x04a3, 0x1204: 0x04a7, + 0x1207: 0x0077, 0x1208: 0x007b, 0x1209: 0x4269, 0x120a: 0x4269, 0x120b: 0x4269, + 0x120c: 0x4269, 0x120d: 0x007f, 0x120e: 0x007f, 0x120f: 0x007f, 0x1210: 0x0019, 0x1211: 0x0483, + 0x1212: 0x001d, 0x1214: 0x0037, 0x1215: 0x0035, 0x1216: 0x003f, 0x1217: 0x0003, + 0x1218: 0x0443, 0x1219: 0x0011, 0x121a: 0x0013, 0x121b: 0x00b7, 0x121c: 0x00bb, 0x121d: 0x04b7, + 0x121e: 0x04bb, 0x121f: 0x0007, 0x1220: 0x000d, 0x1221: 0x0015, 0x1222: 0x0017, 0x1223: 0x001b, + 0x1224: 0x0039, 0x1225: 0x003d, 0x1226: 0x003b, 0x1228: 0x0079, 0x1229: 0x0009, + 0x122a: 0x000b, 0x122b: 0x0041, + 0x1230: 0x42aa, 0x1231: 0x442c, 0x1232: 0x42af, 0x1234: 0x42b4, + 0x1236: 0x42b9, 0x1237: 0x4432, 0x1238: 0x42be, 0x1239: 0x4438, 0x123a: 0x42c3, 0x123b: 0x443e, + 0x123c: 0x42c8, 0x123d: 0x4444, 0x123e: 0x42cd, 0x123f: 0x444a, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x0236, 0x1241: 0x440e, 0x1242: 0x440e, 0x1243: 0x4414, 0x1244: 0x4414, 0x1245: 0x4456, + 0x1246: 0x4456, 0x1247: 0x441a, 0x1248: 0x441a, 0x1249: 0x4462, 0x124a: 0x4462, 0x124b: 0x4462, + 0x124c: 0x4462, 0x124d: 0x0239, 0x124e: 0x0239, 0x124f: 0x023c, 0x1250: 0x023c, 0x1251: 0x023c, + 0x1252: 0x023c, 0x1253: 0x023f, 0x1254: 0x023f, 0x1255: 0x0242, 0x1256: 0x0242, 0x1257: 0x0242, + 0x1258: 0x0242, 0x1259: 0x0245, 0x125a: 0x0245, 0x125b: 0x0245, 0x125c: 0x0245, 0x125d: 0x0248, + 0x125e: 0x0248, 0x125f: 0x0248, 0x1260: 0x0248, 0x1261: 0x024b, 0x1262: 0x024b, 0x1263: 0x024b, + 0x1264: 0x024b, 0x1265: 0x024e, 0x1266: 0x024e, 0x1267: 0x024e, 0x1268: 0x024e, 0x1269: 0x0251, + 0x126a: 0x0251, 0x126b: 0x0254, 0x126c: 0x0254, 0x126d: 0x0257, 0x126e: 0x0257, 0x126f: 0x025a, + 0x1270: 0x025a, 0x1271: 0x025d, 0x1272: 0x025d, 0x1273: 0x025d, 0x1274: 0x025d, 0x1275: 0x0260, + 0x1276: 0x0260, 0x1277: 0x0260, 0x1278: 0x0260, 0x1279: 0x0263, 0x127a: 0x0263, 0x127b: 0x0263, + 0x127c: 0x0263, 0x127d: 0x0266, 0x127e: 0x0266, 0x127f: 0x0266, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x0266, 0x1281: 0x0269, 0x1282: 0x0269, 0x1283: 0x0269, 0x1284: 0x0269, 0x1285: 0x026c, + 0x1286: 0x026c, 0x1287: 0x026c, 0x1288: 0x026c, 0x1289: 0x026f, 0x128a: 0x026f, 0x128b: 0x026f, + 0x128c: 0x026f, 0x128d: 0x0272, 0x128e: 0x0272, 0x128f: 0x0272, 0x1290: 0x0272, 0x1291: 0x0275, + 0x1292: 0x0275, 0x1293: 0x0275, 0x1294: 0x0275, 0x1295: 0x0278, 0x1296: 0x0278, 0x1297: 0x0278, + 0x1298: 0x0278, 0x1299: 0x027b, 0x129a: 0x027b, 0x129b: 0x027b, 0x129c: 0x027b, 0x129d: 0x027e, + 0x129e: 0x027e, 0x129f: 0x027e, 0x12a0: 0x027e, 0x12a1: 0x0281, 0x12a2: 0x0281, 0x12a3: 0x0281, + 0x12a4: 0x0281, 0x12a5: 0x0284, 0x12a6: 0x0284, 0x12a7: 0x0284, 0x12a8: 0x0284, 0x12a9: 0x0287, + 0x12aa: 0x0287, 0x12ab: 0x0287, 0x12ac: 0x0287, 0x12ad: 0x028a, 0x12ae: 0x028a, 0x12af: 0x028d, + 0x12b0: 0x028d, 0x12b1: 0x0290, 0x12b2: 0x0290, 0x12b3: 0x0290, 0x12b4: 0x0290, 0x12b5: 0x2e00, + 0x12b6: 0x2e00, 0x12b7: 0x2e08, 0x12b8: 0x2e08, 0x12b9: 0x2e10, 0x12ba: 0x2e10, 0x12bb: 0x1f82, + 0x12bc: 0x1f82, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x12c0 + 0x12c0: 0x0081, 0x12c1: 0x0083, 0x12c2: 0x0085, 0x12c3: 0x0087, 0x12c4: 0x0089, 0x12c5: 0x008b, + 0x12c6: 0x008d, 0x12c7: 0x008f, 0x12c8: 0x0091, 0x12c9: 0x0093, 0x12ca: 0x0095, 0x12cb: 0x0097, + 0x12cc: 0x0099, 0x12cd: 0x009b, 0x12ce: 0x009d, 0x12cf: 0x009f, 0x12d0: 0x00a1, 0x12d1: 0x00a3, + 0x12d2: 0x00a5, 0x12d3: 0x00a7, 0x12d4: 0x00a9, 0x12d5: 0x00ab, 0x12d6: 0x00ad, 0x12d7: 0x00af, + 0x12d8: 0x00b1, 0x12d9: 0x00b3, 0x12da: 0x00b5, 0x12db: 0x00b7, 0x12dc: 0x00b9, 0x12dd: 0x00bb, + 0x12de: 0x00bd, 0x12df: 0x0477, 0x12e0: 0x047b, 0x12e1: 0x0487, 0x12e2: 0x049b, 0x12e3: 0x049f, + 0x12e4: 0x0483, 0x12e5: 0x05ab, 0x12e6: 0x05a3, 0x12e7: 0x04c7, 0x12e8: 0x04cf, 0x12e9: 0x04d7, + 0x12ea: 0x04df, 0x12eb: 0x04e7, 0x12ec: 0x056b, 0x12ed: 0x0573, 0x12ee: 0x057b, 0x12ef: 0x051f, + 0x12f0: 0x05af, 0x12f1: 0x04cb, 0x12f2: 0x04d3, 0x12f3: 0x04db, 0x12f4: 0x04e3, 0x12f5: 0x04eb, + 0x12f6: 0x04ef, 0x12f7: 0x04f3, 0x12f8: 0x04f7, 0x12f9: 0x04fb, 0x12fa: 0x04ff, 0x12fb: 0x0503, + 0x12fc: 0x0507, 0x12fd: 0x050b, 0x12fe: 0x050f, 0x12ff: 0x0513, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1300 + 0x1300: 0x0517, 0x1301: 0x051b, 0x1302: 0x0523, 0x1303: 0x0527, 0x1304: 0x052b, 0x1305: 0x052f, + 0x1306: 0x0533, 0x1307: 0x0537, 0x1308: 0x053b, 0x1309: 0x053f, 0x130a: 0x0543, 0x130b: 0x0547, + 0x130c: 0x054b, 0x130d: 0x054f, 0x130e: 0x0553, 0x130f: 0x0557, 0x1310: 0x055b, 0x1311: 0x055f, + 0x1312: 0x0563, 0x1313: 0x0567, 0x1314: 0x056f, 0x1315: 0x0577, 0x1316: 0x057f, 0x1317: 0x0583, + 0x1318: 0x0587, 0x1319: 0x058b, 0x131a: 0x058f, 0x131b: 0x0593, 0x131c: 0x0597, 0x131d: 0x05a7, + 0x131e: 0x4a78, 0x131f: 0x4a7e, 0x1320: 0x03c3, 0x1321: 0x0313, 0x1322: 0x0317, 0x1323: 0x4a3b, + 0x1324: 0x031b, 0x1325: 0x4a41, 0x1326: 0x4a47, 0x1327: 0x031f, 0x1328: 0x0323, 0x1329: 0x0327, + 0x132a: 0x4a4d, 0x132b: 0x4a53, 0x132c: 0x4a59, 0x132d: 0x4a5f, 0x132e: 0x4a65, 0x132f: 0x4a6b, + 0x1330: 0x0367, 0x1331: 0x032b, 0x1332: 0x032f, 0x1333: 0x0333, 0x1334: 0x037b, 0x1335: 0x0337, + 0x1336: 0x033b, 0x1337: 0x033f, 0x1338: 0x0343, 0x1339: 0x0347, 0x133a: 0x034b, 0x133b: 0x034f, + 0x133c: 0x0353, 0x133d: 0x0357, 0x133e: 0x035b, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1342: 0x49bd, 0x1343: 0x49c3, 0x1344: 0x49c9, 0x1345: 0x49cf, + 0x1346: 0x49d5, 0x1347: 0x49db, 0x134a: 0x49e1, 0x134b: 0x49e7, + 0x134c: 0x49ed, 0x134d: 0x49f3, 0x134e: 0x49f9, 0x134f: 0x49ff, + 0x1352: 0x4a05, 0x1353: 0x4a0b, 0x1354: 0x4a11, 0x1355: 0x4a17, 0x1356: 0x4a1d, 0x1357: 0x4a23, + 0x135a: 0x4a29, 0x135b: 0x4a2f, 0x135c: 0x4a35, + 0x1360: 0x00bf, 0x1361: 0x00c2, 0x1362: 0x00cb, 0x1363: 0x4264, + 0x1364: 0x00c8, 0x1365: 0x00c5, 0x1366: 0x0447, 0x1368: 0x046b, 0x1369: 0x044b, + 0x136a: 0x044f, 0x136b: 0x0453, 0x136c: 0x0457, 0x136d: 0x046f, 0x136e: 0x0473, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x1380: 0x0063, 0x1381: 0x0065, 0x1382: 0x0067, 0x1383: 0x0069, 0x1384: 0x006b, 0x1385: 0x006d, + 0x1386: 0x006f, 0x1387: 0x0071, 0x1388: 0x0073, 0x1389: 0x0075, 0x138a: 0x0083, 0x138b: 0x0085, + 0x138c: 0x0087, 0x138d: 0x0089, 0x138e: 0x008b, 0x138f: 0x008d, 0x1390: 0x008f, 0x1391: 0x0091, + 0x1392: 0x0093, 0x1393: 0x0095, 0x1394: 0x0097, 0x1395: 0x0099, 0x1396: 0x009b, 0x1397: 0x009d, + 0x1398: 0x009f, 0x1399: 0x00a1, 0x139a: 0x00a3, 0x139b: 0x00a5, 0x139c: 0x00a7, 0x139d: 0x00a9, + 0x139e: 0x00ab, 0x139f: 0x00ad, 0x13a0: 0x00af, 0x13a1: 0x00b1, 0x13a2: 0x00b3, 0x13a3: 0x00b5, + 0x13a4: 0x00dd, 0x13a5: 0x00f2, 0x13a8: 0x0173, 0x13a9: 0x0176, + 0x13aa: 0x0179, 0x13ab: 0x017c, 0x13ac: 0x017f, 0x13ad: 0x0182, 0x13ae: 0x0185, 0x13af: 0x0188, + 0x13b0: 0x018b, 0x13b1: 0x018e, 0x13b2: 0x0191, 0x13b3: 0x0194, 0x13b4: 0x0197, 0x13b5: 0x019a, + 0x13b6: 0x019d, 0x13b7: 0x01a0, 0x13b8: 0x01a3, 0x13b9: 0x0188, 0x13ba: 0x01a6, 0x13bb: 0x01a9, + 0x13bc: 0x01ac, 0x13bd: 0x01af, 0x13be: 0x01b2, 0x13bf: 0x01b5, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x01fd, 0x13c1: 0x0200, 0x13c2: 0x0203, 0x13c3: 0x045b, 0x13c4: 0x01c7, 0x13c5: 0x01d0, + 0x13c6: 0x01d6, 0x13c7: 0x01fa, 0x13c8: 0x01eb, 0x13c9: 0x01e8, 0x13ca: 0x0206, 0x13cb: 0x0209, + 0x13ce: 0x0021, 0x13cf: 0x0023, 0x13d0: 0x0025, 0x13d1: 0x0027, + 0x13d2: 0x0029, 0x13d3: 0x002b, 0x13d4: 0x002d, 0x13d5: 0x002f, 0x13d6: 0x0031, 0x13d7: 0x0033, + 0x13d8: 0x0021, 0x13d9: 0x0023, 0x13da: 0x0025, 0x13db: 0x0027, 0x13dc: 0x0029, 0x13dd: 0x002b, + 0x13de: 0x002d, 0x13df: 0x002f, 0x13e0: 0x0031, 0x13e1: 0x0033, 0x13e2: 0x0021, 0x13e3: 0x0023, + 0x13e4: 0x0025, 0x13e5: 0x0027, 0x13e6: 0x0029, 0x13e7: 0x002b, 0x13e8: 0x002d, 0x13e9: 0x002f, + 0x13ea: 0x0031, 0x13eb: 0x0033, 0x13ec: 0x0021, 0x13ed: 0x0023, 0x13ee: 0x0025, 0x13ef: 0x0027, + 0x13f0: 0x0029, 0x13f1: 0x002b, 0x13f2: 0x002d, 0x13f3: 0x002f, 0x13f4: 0x0031, 0x13f5: 0x0033, + 0x13f6: 0x0021, 0x13f7: 0x0023, 0x13f8: 0x0025, 0x13f9: 0x0027, 0x13fa: 0x0029, 0x13fb: 0x002b, + 0x13fc: 0x002d, 0x13fd: 0x002f, 0x13fe: 0x0031, 0x13ff: 0x0033, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x0239, 0x1401: 0x023c, 0x1402: 0x0248, 0x1403: 0x0251, 0x1405: 0x028a, + 0x1406: 0x025a, 0x1407: 0x024b, 0x1408: 0x0269, 0x1409: 0x0290, 0x140a: 0x027b, 0x140b: 0x027e, + 0x140c: 0x0281, 0x140d: 0x0284, 0x140e: 0x025d, 0x140f: 0x026f, 0x1410: 0x0275, 0x1411: 0x0263, + 0x1412: 0x0278, 0x1413: 0x0257, 0x1414: 0x0260, 0x1415: 0x0242, 0x1416: 0x0245, 0x1417: 0x024e, + 0x1418: 0x0254, 0x1419: 0x0266, 0x141a: 0x026c, 0x141b: 0x0272, 0x141c: 0x0293, 0x141d: 0x02e4, + 0x141e: 0x02cc, 0x141f: 0x0296, 0x1421: 0x023c, 0x1422: 0x0248, + 0x1424: 0x0287, 0x1427: 0x024b, 0x1429: 0x0290, + 0x142a: 0x027b, 0x142b: 0x027e, 0x142c: 0x0281, 0x142d: 0x0284, 0x142e: 0x025d, 0x142f: 0x026f, + 0x1430: 0x0275, 0x1431: 0x0263, 0x1432: 0x0278, 0x1434: 0x0260, 0x1435: 0x0242, + 0x1436: 0x0245, 0x1437: 0x024e, 0x1439: 0x0266, 0x143b: 0x0272, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1440 + 0x1442: 0x0248, + 0x1447: 0x024b, 0x1449: 0x0290, 0x144b: 0x027e, + 0x144d: 0x0284, 0x144e: 0x025d, 0x144f: 0x026f, 0x1451: 0x0263, + 0x1452: 0x0278, 0x1454: 0x0260, 0x1457: 0x024e, + 0x1459: 0x0266, 0x145b: 0x0272, 0x145d: 0x02e4, + 0x145f: 0x0296, 0x1461: 0x023c, 0x1462: 0x0248, + 0x1464: 0x0287, 0x1467: 0x024b, 0x1468: 0x0269, 0x1469: 0x0290, + 0x146a: 0x027b, 0x146c: 0x0281, 0x146d: 0x0284, 0x146e: 0x025d, 0x146f: 0x026f, + 0x1470: 0x0275, 0x1471: 0x0263, 0x1472: 0x0278, 0x1474: 0x0260, 0x1475: 0x0242, + 0x1476: 0x0245, 0x1477: 0x024e, 0x1479: 0x0266, 0x147a: 0x026c, 0x147b: 0x0272, + 0x147c: 0x0293, 0x147e: 0x02cc, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1480 + 0x1480: 0x0239, 0x1481: 0x023c, 0x1482: 0x0248, 0x1483: 0x0251, 0x1484: 0x0287, 0x1485: 0x028a, + 0x1486: 0x025a, 0x1487: 0x024b, 0x1488: 0x0269, 0x1489: 0x0290, 0x148b: 0x027e, + 0x148c: 0x0281, 0x148d: 0x0284, 0x148e: 0x025d, 0x148f: 0x026f, 0x1490: 0x0275, 0x1491: 0x0263, + 0x1492: 0x0278, 0x1493: 0x0257, 0x1494: 0x0260, 0x1495: 0x0242, 0x1496: 0x0245, 0x1497: 0x024e, + 0x1498: 0x0254, 0x1499: 0x0266, 0x149a: 0x026c, 0x149b: 0x0272, + 0x14a1: 0x023c, 0x14a2: 0x0248, 0x14a3: 0x0251, + 0x14a5: 0x028a, 0x14a6: 0x025a, 0x14a7: 0x024b, 0x14a8: 0x0269, 0x14a9: 0x0290, + 0x14ab: 0x027e, 0x14ac: 0x0281, 0x14ad: 0x0284, 0x14ae: 0x025d, 0x14af: 0x026f, + 0x14b0: 0x0275, 0x14b1: 0x0263, 0x14b2: 0x0278, 0x14b3: 0x0257, 0x14b4: 0x0260, 0x14b5: 0x0242, + 0x14b6: 0x0245, 0x14b7: 0x024e, 0x14b8: 0x0254, 0x14b9: 0x0266, 0x14ba: 0x026c, 0x14bb: 0x0272, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x14c0 + 0x14c0: 0x1879, 0x14c1: 0x1876, 0x14c2: 0x187c, 0x14c3: 0x18a0, 0x14c4: 0x18c4, 0x14c5: 0x18e8, + 0x14c6: 0x190c, 0x14c7: 0x1915, 0x14c8: 0x191b, 0x14c9: 0x1921, 0x14ca: 0x1927, + 0x14d0: 0x1a8c, 0x14d1: 0x1a90, + 0x14d2: 0x1a94, 0x14d3: 0x1a98, 0x14d4: 0x1a9c, 0x14d5: 0x1aa0, 0x14d6: 0x1aa4, 0x14d7: 0x1aa8, + 0x14d8: 0x1aac, 0x14d9: 0x1ab0, 0x14da: 0x1ab4, 0x14db: 0x1ab8, 0x14dc: 0x1abc, 0x14dd: 0x1ac0, + 0x14de: 0x1ac4, 0x14df: 0x1ac8, 0x14e0: 0x1acc, 0x14e1: 0x1ad0, 0x14e2: 0x1ad4, 0x14e3: 0x1ad8, + 0x14e4: 0x1adc, 0x14e5: 0x1ae0, 0x14e6: 0x1ae4, 0x14e7: 0x1ae8, 0x14e8: 0x1aec, 0x14e9: 0x1af0, + 0x14ea: 0x271e, 0x14eb: 0x0047, 0x14ec: 0x0065, 0x14ed: 0x193c, 0x14ee: 0x19b1, + 0x14f0: 0x0043, 0x14f1: 0x0045, 0x14f2: 0x0047, 0x14f3: 0x0049, 0x14f4: 0x004b, 0x14f5: 0x004d, + 0x14f6: 0x004f, 0x14f7: 0x0051, 0x14f8: 0x0053, 0x14f9: 0x0055, 0x14fa: 0x0057, 0x14fb: 0x0059, + 0x14fc: 0x005b, 0x14fd: 0x005d, 0x14fe: 0x005f, 0x14ff: 0x0061, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1500 + 0x1500: 0x26ad, 0x1501: 0x26c2, 0x1502: 0x0503, + 0x1510: 0x0c0f, 0x1511: 0x0a47, + 0x1512: 0x08d3, 0x1513: 0x45c4, 0x1514: 0x071b, 0x1515: 0x09ef, 0x1516: 0x132f, 0x1517: 0x09ff, + 0x1518: 0x0727, 0x1519: 0x0cd7, 0x151a: 0x0eaf, 0x151b: 0x0caf, 0x151c: 0x0827, 0x151d: 0x0b6b, + 0x151e: 0x07bf, 0x151f: 0x0cb7, 0x1520: 0x0813, 0x1521: 0x1117, 0x1522: 0x0f83, 0x1523: 0x138b, + 0x1524: 0x09d3, 0x1525: 0x090b, 0x1526: 0x0e63, 0x1527: 0x0c1b, 0x1528: 0x0c47, 0x1529: 0x06bf, + 0x152a: 0x06cb, 0x152b: 0x140b, 0x152c: 0x0adb, 0x152d: 0x06e7, 0x152e: 0x08ef, 0x152f: 0x0c3b, + 0x1530: 0x13b3, 0x1531: 0x0c13, 0x1532: 0x106f, 0x1533: 0x10ab, 0x1534: 0x08f7, 0x1535: 0x0e43, + 0x1536: 0x0d0b, 0x1537: 0x0d07, 0x1538: 0x0f97, 0x1539: 0x082b, 0x153a: 0x0957, 0x153b: 0x1443, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1540 + 0x1540: 0x06fb, 0x1541: 0x06f3, 0x1542: 0x0703, 0x1543: 0x1647, 0x1544: 0x0747, 0x1545: 0x0757, + 0x1546: 0x075b, 0x1547: 0x0763, 0x1548: 0x076b, 0x1549: 0x076f, 0x154a: 0x077b, 0x154b: 0x0773, + 0x154c: 0x05b3, 0x154d: 0x165b, 0x154e: 0x078f, 0x154f: 0x0793, 0x1550: 0x0797, 0x1551: 0x07b3, + 0x1552: 0x164c, 0x1553: 0x05b7, 0x1554: 0x079f, 0x1555: 0x07bf, 0x1556: 0x1656, 0x1557: 0x07cf, + 0x1558: 0x07d7, 0x1559: 0x0737, 0x155a: 0x07df, 0x155b: 0x07e3, 0x155c: 0x1831, 0x155d: 0x07ff, + 0x155e: 0x0807, 0x155f: 0x05bf, 0x1560: 0x081f, 0x1561: 0x0823, 0x1562: 0x082b, 0x1563: 0x082f, + 0x1564: 0x05c3, 0x1565: 0x0847, 0x1566: 0x084b, 0x1567: 0x0857, 0x1568: 0x0863, 0x1569: 0x0867, + 0x156a: 0x086b, 0x156b: 0x0873, 0x156c: 0x0893, 0x156d: 0x0897, 0x156e: 0x089f, 0x156f: 0x08af, + 0x1570: 0x08b7, 0x1571: 0x08bb, 0x1572: 0x08bb, 0x1573: 0x08bb, 0x1574: 0x166a, 0x1575: 0x0e93, + 0x1576: 0x08cf, 0x1577: 0x08d7, 0x1578: 0x166f, 0x1579: 0x08e3, 0x157a: 0x08eb, 0x157b: 0x08f3, + 0x157c: 0x091b, 0x157d: 0x0907, 0x157e: 0x0913, 0x157f: 0x0917, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1580 + 0x1580: 0x091f, 0x1581: 0x0927, 0x1582: 0x092b, 0x1583: 0x0933, 0x1584: 0x093b, 0x1585: 0x093f, + 0x1586: 0x093f, 0x1587: 0x0947, 0x1588: 0x094f, 0x1589: 0x0953, 0x158a: 0x095f, 0x158b: 0x0983, + 0x158c: 0x0967, 0x158d: 0x0987, 0x158e: 0x096b, 0x158f: 0x0973, 0x1590: 0x080b, 0x1591: 0x09cf, + 0x1592: 0x0997, 0x1593: 0x099b, 0x1594: 0x099f, 0x1595: 0x0993, 0x1596: 0x09a7, 0x1597: 0x09a3, + 0x1598: 0x09bb, 0x1599: 0x1674, 0x159a: 0x09d7, 0x159b: 0x09db, 0x159c: 0x09e3, 0x159d: 0x09ef, + 0x159e: 0x09f7, 0x159f: 0x0a13, 0x15a0: 0x1679, 0x15a1: 0x167e, 0x15a2: 0x0a1f, 0x15a3: 0x0a23, + 0x15a4: 0x0a27, 0x15a5: 0x0a1b, 0x15a6: 0x0a2f, 0x15a7: 0x05c7, 0x15a8: 0x05cb, 0x15a9: 0x0a37, + 0x15aa: 0x0a3f, 0x15ab: 0x0a3f, 0x15ac: 0x1683, 0x15ad: 0x0a5b, 0x15ae: 0x0a5f, 0x15af: 0x0a63, + 0x15b0: 0x0a6b, 0x15b1: 0x1688, 0x15b2: 0x0a73, 0x15b3: 0x0a77, 0x15b4: 0x0b4f, 0x15b5: 0x0a7f, + 0x15b6: 0x05cf, 0x15b7: 0x0a8b, 0x15b8: 0x0a9b, 0x15b9: 0x0aa7, 0x15ba: 0x0aa3, 0x15bb: 0x1692, + 0x15bc: 0x0aaf, 0x15bd: 0x1697, 0x15be: 0x0abb, 0x15bf: 0x0ab7, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x15c0 + 0x15c0: 0x0abf, 0x15c1: 0x0acf, 0x15c2: 0x0ad3, 0x15c3: 0x05d3, 0x15c4: 0x0ae3, 0x15c5: 0x0aeb, + 0x15c6: 0x0aef, 0x15c7: 0x0af3, 0x15c8: 0x05d7, 0x15c9: 0x169c, 0x15ca: 0x05db, 0x15cb: 0x0b0f, + 0x15cc: 0x0b13, 0x15cd: 0x0b17, 0x15ce: 0x0b1f, 0x15cf: 0x1863, 0x15d0: 0x0b37, 0x15d1: 0x16a6, + 0x15d2: 0x16a6, 0x15d3: 0x11d7, 0x15d4: 0x0b47, 0x15d5: 0x0b47, 0x15d6: 0x05df, 0x15d7: 0x16c9, + 0x15d8: 0x179b, 0x15d9: 0x0b57, 0x15da: 0x0b5f, 0x15db: 0x05e3, 0x15dc: 0x0b73, 0x15dd: 0x0b83, + 0x15de: 0x0b87, 0x15df: 0x0b8f, 0x15e0: 0x0b9f, 0x15e1: 0x05eb, 0x15e2: 0x05e7, 0x15e3: 0x0ba3, + 0x15e4: 0x16ab, 0x15e5: 0x0ba7, 0x15e6: 0x0bbb, 0x15e7: 0x0bbf, 0x15e8: 0x0bc3, 0x15e9: 0x0bbf, + 0x15ea: 0x0bcf, 0x15eb: 0x0bd3, 0x15ec: 0x0be3, 0x15ed: 0x0bdb, 0x15ee: 0x0bdf, 0x15ef: 0x0be7, + 0x15f0: 0x0beb, 0x15f1: 0x0bef, 0x15f2: 0x0bfb, 0x15f3: 0x0bff, 0x15f4: 0x0c17, 0x15f5: 0x0c1f, + 0x15f6: 0x0c2f, 0x15f7: 0x0c43, 0x15f8: 0x16ba, 0x15f9: 0x0c3f, 0x15fa: 0x0c33, 0x15fb: 0x0c4b, + 0x15fc: 0x0c53, 0x15fd: 0x0c67, 0x15fe: 0x16bf, 0x15ff: 0x0c6f, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1600 + 0x1600: 0x0c63, 0x1601: 0x0c5b, 0x1602: 0x05ef, 0x1603: 0x0c77, 0x1604: 0x0c7f, 0x1605: 0x0c87, + 0x1606: 0x0c7b, 0x1607: 0x05f3, 0x1608: 0x0c97, 0x1609: 0x0c9f, 0x160a: 0x16c4, 0x160b: 0x0ccb, + 0x160c: 0x0cff, 0x160d: 0x0cdb, 0x160e: 0x05ff, 0x160f: 0x0ce7, 0x1610: 0x05fb, 0x1611: 0x05f7, + 0x1612: 0x07c3, 0x1613: 0x07c7, 0x1614: 0x0d03, 0x1615: 0x0ceb, 0x1616: 0x11ab, 0x1617: 0x0663, + 0x1618: 0x0d0f, 0x1619: 0x0d13, 0x161a: 0x0d17, 0x161b: 0x0d2b, 0x161c: 0x0d23, 0x161d: 0x16dd, + 0x161e: 0x0603, 0x161f: 0x0d3f, 0x1620: 0x0d33, 0x1621: 0x0d4f, 0x1622: 0x0d57, 0x1623: 0x16e7, + 0x1624: 0x0d5b, 0x1625: 0x0d47, 0x1626: 0x0d63, 0x1627: 0x0607, 0x1628: 0x0d67, 0x1629: 0x0d6b, + 0x162a: 0x0d6f, 0x162b: 0x0d7b, 0x162c: 0x16ec, 0x162d: 0x0d83, 0x162e: 0x060b, 0x162f: 0x0d8f, + 0x1630: 0x16f1, 0x1631: 0x0d93, 0x1632: 0x060f, 0x1633: 0x0d9f, 0x1634: 0x0dab, 0x1635: 0x0db7, + 0x1636: 0x0dbb, 0x1637: 0x16f6, 0x1638: 0x168d, 0x1639: 0x16fb, 0x163a: 0x0ddb, 0x163b: 0x1700, + 0x163c: 0x0de7, 0x163d: 0x0def, 0x163e: 0x0ddf, 0x163f: 0x0dfb, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1640 + 0x1640: 0x0e0b, 0x1641: 0x0e1b, 0x1642: 0x0e0f, 0x1643: 0x0e13, 0x1644: 0x0e1f, 0x1645: 0x0e23, + 0x1646: 0x1705, 0x1647: 0x0e07, 0x1648: 0x0e3b, 0x1649: 0x0e3f, 0x164a: 0x0613, 0x164b: 0x0e53, + 0x164c: 0x0e4f, 0x164d: 0x170a, 0x164e: 0x0e33, 0x164f: 0x0e6f, 0x1650: 0x170f, 0x1651: 0x1714, + 0x1652: 0x0e73, 0x1653: 0x0e87, 0x1654: 0x0e83, 0x1655: 0x0e7f, 0x1656: 0x0617, 0x1657: 0x0e8b, + 0x1658: 0x0e9b, 0x1659: 0x0e97, 0x165a: 0x0ea3, 0x165b: 0x1651, 0x165c: 0x0eb3, 0x165d: 0x1719, + 0x165e: 0x0ebf, 0x165f: 0x1723, 0x1660: 0x0ed3, 0x1661: 0x0edf, 0x1662: 0x0ef3, 0x1663: 0x1728, + 0x1664: 0x0f07, 0x1665: 0x0f0b, 0x1666: 0x172d, 0x1667: 0x1732, 0x1668: 0x0f27, 0x1669: 0x0f37, + 0x166a: 0x061b, 0x166b: 0x0f3b, 0x166c: 0x061f, 0x166d: 0x061f, 0x166e: 0x0f53, 0x166f: 0x0f57, + 0x1670: 0x0f5f, 0x1671: 0x0f63, 0x1672: 0x0f6f, 0x1673: 0x0623, 0x1674: 0x0f87, 0x1675: 0x1737, + 0x1676: 0x0fa3, 0x1677: 0x173c, 0x1678: 0x0faf, 0x1679: 0x16a1, 0x167a: 0x0fbf, 0x167b: 0x1741, + 0x167c: 0x1746, 0x167d: 0x174b, 0x167e: 0x0627, 0x167f: 0x062b, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x0ff7, 0x1681: 0x1755, 0x1682: 0x1750, 0x1683: 0x175a, 0x1684: 0x175f, 0x1685: 0x0fff, + 0x1686: 0x1003, 0x1687: 0x1003, 0x1688: 0x100b, 0x1689: 0x0633, 0x168a: 0x100f, 0x168b: 0x0637, + 0x168c: 0x063b, 0x168d: 0x1769, 0x168e: 0x1023, 0x168f: 0x102b, 0x1690: 0x1037, 0x1691: 0x063f, + 0x1692: 0x176e, 0x1693: 0x105b, 0x1694: 0x1773, 0x1695: 0x1778, 0x1696: 0x107b, 0x1697: 0x1093, + 0x1698: 0x0643, 0x1699: 0x109b, 0x169a: 0x109f, 0x169b: 0x10a3, 0x169c: 0x177d, 0x169d: 0x1782, + 0x169e: 0x1782, 0x169f: 0x10bb, 0x16a0: 0x0647, 0x16a1: 0x1787, 0x16a2: 0x10cf, 0x16a3: 0x10d3, + 0x16a4: 0x064b, 0x16a5: 0x178c, 0x16a6: 0x10ef, 0x16a7: 0x064f, 0x16a8: 0x10ff, 0x16a9: 0x10f7, + 0x16aa: 0x1107, 0x16ab: 0x1796, 0x16ac: 0x111f, 0x16ad: 0x0653, 0x16ae: 0x112b, 0x16af: 0x1133, + 0x16b0: 0x1143, 0x16b1: 0x0657, 0x16b2: 0x17a0, 0x16b3: 0x17a5, 0x16b4: 0x065b, 0x16b5: 0x17aa, + 0x16b6: 0x115b, 0x16b7: 0x17af, 0x16b8: 0x1167, 0x16b9: 0x1173, 0x16ba: 0x117b, 0x16bb: 0x17b4, + 0x16bc: 0x17b9, 0x16bd: 0x118f, 0x16be: 0x17be, 0x16bf: 0x1197, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16c0: 0x16ce, 0x16c1: 0x065f, 0x16c2: 0x11af, 0x16c3: 0x11b3, 0x16c4: 0x0667, 0x16c5: 0x11b7, + 0x16c6: 0x0a33, 0x16c7: 0x17c3, 0x16c8: 0x17c8, 0x16c9: 0x16d3, 0x16ca: 0x16d8, 0x16cb: 0x11d7, + 0x16cc: 0x11db, 0x16cd: 0x13f3, 0x16ce: 0x066b, 0x16cf: 0x1207, 0x16d0: 0x1203, 0x16d1: 0x120b, + 0x16d2: 0x083f, 0x16d3: 0x120f, 0x16d4: 0x1213, 0x16d5: 0x1217, 0x16d6: 0x121f, 0x16d7: 0x17cd, + 0x16d8: 0x121b, 0x16d9: 0x1223, 0x16da: 0x1237, 0x16db: 0x123b, 0x16dc: 0x1227, 0x16dd: 0x123f, + 0x16de: 0x1253, 0x16df: 0x1267, 0x16e0: 0x1233, 0x16e1: 0x1247, 0x16e2: 0x124b, 0x16e3: 0x124f, + 0x16e4: 0x17d2, 0x16e5: 0x17dc, 0x16e6: 0x17d7, 0x16e7: 0x066f, 0x16e8: 0x126f, 0x16e9: 0x1273, + 0x16ea: 0x127b, 0x16eb: 0x17f0, 0x16ec: 0x127f, 0x16ed: 0x17e1, 0x16ee: 0x0673, 0x16ef: 0x0677, + 0x16f0: 0x17e6, 0x16f1: 0x17eb, 0x16f2: 0x067b, 0x16f3: 0x129f, 0x16f4: 0x12a3, 0x16f5: 0x12a7, + 0x16f6: 0x12ab, 0x16f7: 0x12b7, 0x16f8: 0x12b3, 0x16f9: 0x12bf, 0x16fa: 0x12bb, 0x16fb: 0x12cb, + 0x16fc: 0x12c3, 0x16fd: 0x12c7, 0x16fe: 0x12cf, 0x16ff: 0x067f, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1700: 0x12d7, 0x1701: 0x12db, 0x1702: 0x0683, 0x1703: 0x12eb, 0x1704: 0x12ef, 0x1705: 0x17f5, + 0x1706: 0x12fb, 0x1707: 0x12ff, 0x1708: 0x0687, 0x1709: 0x130b, 0x170a: 0x05bb, 0x170b: 0x17fa, + 0x170c: 0x17ff, 0x170d: 0x068b, 0x170e: 0x068f, 0x170f: 0x1337, 0x1710: 0x134f, 0x1711: 0x136b, + 0x1712: 0x137b, 0x1713: 0x1804, 0x1714: 0x138f, 0x1715: 0x1393, 0x1716: 0x13ab, 0x1717: 0x13b7, + 0x1718: 0x180e, 0x1719: 0x1660, 0x171a: 0x13c3, 0x171b: 0x13bf, 0x171c: 0x13cb, 0x171d: 0x1665, + 0x171e: 0x13d7, 0x171f: 0x13e3, 0x1720: 0x1813, 0x1721: 0x1818, 0x1722: 0x1423, 0x1723: 0x142f, + 0x1724: 0x1437, 0x1725: 0x181d, 0x1726: 0x143b, 0x1727: 0x1467, 0x1728: 0x1473, 0x1729: 0x1477, + 0x172a: 0x146f, 0x172b: 0x1483, 0x172c: 0x1487, 0x172d: 0x1822, 0x172e: 0x1493, 0x172f: 0x0693, + 0x1730: 0x149b, 0x1731: 0x1827, 0x1732: 0x0697, 0x1733: 0x14d3, 0x1734: 0x0ac3, 0x1735: 0x14eb, + 0x1736: 0x182c, 0x1737: 0x1836, 0x1738: 0x069b, 0x1739: 0x069f, 0x173a: 0x1513, 0x173b: 0x183b, + 0x173c: 0x06a3, 0x173d: 0x1840, 0x173e: 0x152b, 0x173f: 0x152b, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x1740: 0x1533, 0x1741: 0x1845, 0x1742: 0x154b, 0x1743: 0x06a7, 0x1744: 0x155b, 0x1745: 0x1567, + 0x1746: 0x156f, 0x1747: 0x1577, 0x1748: 0x06ab, 0x1749: 0x184a, 0x174a: 0x158b, 0x174b: 0x15a7, + 0x174c: 0x15b3, 0x174d: 0x06af, 0x174e: 0x06b3, 0x174f: 0x15b7, 0x1750: 0x184f, 0x1751: 0x06b7, + 0x1752: 0x1854, 0x1753: 0x1859, 0x1754: 0x185e, 0x1755: 0x15db, 0x1756: 0x06bb, 0x1757: 0x15ef, + 0x1758: 0x15f7, 0x1759: 0x15fb, 0x175a: 0x1603, 0x175b: 0x160b, 0x175c: 0x1613, 0x175d: 0x1868, +} + +// nfkcIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var nfkcIndex = [1408]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x5c, 0xc3: 0x01, 0xc4: 0x02, 0xc5: 0x03, 0xc6: 0x5d, 0xc7: 0x04, + 0xc8: 0x05, 0xca: 0x5e, 0xcb: 0x5f, 0xcc: 0x06, 0xcd: 0x07, 0xce: 0x08, 0xcf: 0x09, + 0xd0: 0x0a, 0xd1: 0x60, 0xd2: 0x61, 0xd3: 0x0b, 0xd6: 0x0c, 0xd7: 0x62, + 0xd8: 0x63, 0xd9: 0x0d, 0xdb: 0x64, 0xdc: 0x65, 0xdd: 0x66, 0xdf: 0x67, + 0xe0: 0x02, 0xe1: 0x03, 0xe2: 0x04, 0xe3: 0x05, + 0xea: 0x06, 0xeb: 0x07, 0xec: 0x08, 0xed: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, + 0xf0: 0x13, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x120: 0x68, 0x121: 0x69, 0x123: 0x0e, 0x124: 0x6a, 0x125: 0x6b, 0x126: 0x6c, 0x127: 0x6d, + 0x128: 0x6e, 0x129: 0x6f, 0x12a: 0x70, 0x12b: 0x71, 0x12c: 0x6c, 0x12d: 0x72, 0x12e: 0x73, 0x12f: 0x74, + 0x131: 0x75, 0x132: 0x76, 0x133: 0x77, 0x134: 0x78, 0x135: 0x79, 0x137: 0x7a, + 0x138: 0x7b, 0x139: 0x7c, 0x13a: 0x7d, 0x13b: 0x7e, 0x13c: 0x7f, 0x13d: 0x80, 0x13e: 0x81, 0x13f: 0x82, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x83, 0x142: 0x84, 0x143: 0x85, 0x144: 0x86, 0x145: 0x87, 0x146: 0x88, 0x147: 0x89, + 0x14d: 0x8a, + 0x15c: 0x8b, 0x15f: 0x8c, + 0x162: 0x8d, 0x164: 0x8e, + 0x168: 0x8f, 0x169: 0x90, 0x16a: 0x91, 0x16c: 0x0f, 0x16d: 0x92, 0x16e: 0x93, 0x16f: 0x94, + 0x170: 0x95, 0x173: 0x96, 0x174: 0x97, 0x175: 0x10, 0x176: 0x11, 0x177: 0x12, + 0x178: 0x13, 0x179: 0x14, 0x17a: 0x15, 0x17b: 0x16, 0x17c: 0x17, 0x17d: 0x18, 0x17e: 0x19, 0x17f: 0x1a, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x98, 0x181: 0x99, 0x182: 0x9a, 0x183: 0x9b, 0x184: 0x1b, 0x185: 0x1c, 0x186: 0x9c, 0x187: 0x9d, + 0x188: 0x9e, 0x189: 0x1d, 0x18a: 0x1e, 0x18b: 0x9f, 0x18c: 0xa0, + 0x191: 0x1f, 0x192: 0x20, 0x193: 0xa1, + 0x1a8: 0xa2, 0x1a9: 0xa3, 0x1ab: 0xa4, + 0x1b1: 0xa5, 0x1b3: 0xa6, 0x1b5: 0xa7, 0x1b7: 0xa8, + 0x1ba: 0xa9, 0x1bb: 0xaa, 0x1bc: 0x21, 0x1bd: 0x22, 0x1be: 0x23, 0x1bf: 0xab, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0xac, 0x1c1: 0x24, 0x1c2: 0x25, 0x1c3: 0x26, 0x1c4: 0xad, 0x1c5: 0x27, 0x1c6: 0x28, + 0x1c8: 0x29, 0x1c9: 0x2a, 0x1ca: 0x2b, 0x1cb: 0x2c, 0x1cc: 0x2d, 0x1cd: 0x2e, 0x1ce: 0x2f, 0x1cf: 0x30, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x219: 0xae, 0x21a: 0xaf, 0x21b: 0xb0, 0x21d: 0xb1, 0x21f: 0xb2, + 0x220: 0xb3, 0x223: 0xb4, 0x224: 0xb5, 0x225: 0xb6, 0x226: 0xb7, 0x227: 0xb8, + 0x22a: 0xb9, 0x22b: 0xba, 0x22d: 0xbb, 0x22f: 0xbc, + 0x230: 0xbd, 0x231: 0xbe, 0x232: 0xbf, 0x233: 0xc0, 0x234: 0xc1, 0x235: 0xc2, 0x236: 0xc3, 0x237: 0xbd, + 0x238: 0xbe, 0x239: 0xbf, 0x23a: 0xc0, 0x23b: 0xc1, 0x23c: 0xc2, 0x23d: 0xc3, 0x23e: 0xbd, 0x23f: 0xbe, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0xbf, 0x241: 0xc0, 0x242: 0xc1, 0x243: 0xc2, 0x244: 0xc3, 0x245: 0xbd, 0x246: 0xbe, 0x247: 0xbf, + 0x248: 0xc0, 0x249: 0xc1, 0x24a: 0xc2, 0x24b: 0xc3, 0x24c: 0xbd, 0x24d: 0xbe, 0x24e: 0xbf, 0x24f: 0xc0, + 0x250: 0xc1, 0x251: 0xc2, 0x252: 0xc3, 0x253: 0xbd, 0x254: 0xbe, 0x255: 0xbf, 0x256: 0xc0, 0x257: 0xc1, + 0x258: 0xc2, 0x259: 0xc3, 0x25a: 0xbd, 0x25b: 0xbe, 0x25c: 0xbf, 0x25d: 0xc0, 0x25e: 0xc1, 0x25f: 0xc2, + 0x260: 0xc3, 0x261: 0xbd, 0x262: 0xbe, 0x263: 0xbf, 0x264: 0xc0, 0x265: 0xc1, 0x266: 0xc2, 0x267: 0xc3, + 0x268: 0xbd, 0x269: 0xbe, 0x26a: 0xbf, 0x26b: 0xc0, 0x26c: 0xc1, 0x26d: 0xc2, 0x26e: 0xc3, 0x26f: 0xbd, + 0x270: 0xbe, 0x271: 0xbf, 0x272: 0xc0, 0x273: 0xc1, 0x274: 0xc2, 0x275: 0xc3, 0x276: 0xbd, 0x277: 0xbe, + 0x278: 0xbf, 0x279: 0xc0, 0x27a: 0xc1, 0x27b: 0xc2, 0x27c: 0xc3, 0x27d: 0xbd, 0x27e: 0xbe, 0x27f: 0xbf, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0xc0, 0x281: 0xc1, 0x282: 0xc2, 0x283: 0xc3, 0x284: 0xbd, 0x285: 0xbe, 0x286: 0xbf, 0x287: 0xc0, + 0x288: 0xc1, 0x289: 0xc2, 0x28a: 0xc3, 0x28b: 0xbd, 0x28c: 0xbe, 0x28d: 0xbf, 0x28e: 0xc0, 0x28f: 0xc1, + 0x290: 0xc2, 0x291: 0xc3, 0x292: 0xbd, 0x293: 0xbe, 0x294: 0xbf, 0x295: 0xc0, 0x296: 0xc1, 0x297: 0xc2, + 0x298: 0xc3, 0x299: 0xbd, 0x29a: 0xbe, 0x29b: 0xbf, 0x29c: 0xc0, 0x29d: 0xc1, 0x29e: 0xc2, 0x29f: 0xc3, + 0x2a0: 0xbd, 0x2a1: 0xbe, 0x2a2: 0xbf, 0x2a3: 0xc0, 0x2a4: 0xc1, 0x2a5: 0xc2, 0x2a6: 0xc3, 0x2a7: 0xbd, + 0x2a8: 0xbe, 0x2a9: 0xbf, 0x2aa: 0xc0, 0x2ab: 0xc1, 0x2ac: 0xc2, 0x2ad: 0xc3, 0x2ae: 0xbd, 0x2af: 0xbe, + 0x2b0: 0xbf, 0x2b1: 0xc0, 0x2b2: 0xc1, 0x2b3: 0xc2, 0x2b4: 0xc3, 0x2b5: 0xbd, 0x2b6: 0xbe, 0x2b7: 0xbf, + 0x2b8: 0xc0, 0x2b9: 0xc1, 0x2ba: 0xc2, 0x2bb: 0xc3, 0x2bc: 0xbd, 0x2bd: 0xbe, 0x2be: 0xbf, 0x2bf: 0xc0, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0xc1, 0x2c1: 0xc2, 0x2c2: 0xc3, 0x2c3: 0xbd, 0x2c4: 0xbe, 0x2c5: 0xbf, 0x2c6: 0xc0, 0x2c7: 0xc1, + 0x2c8: 0xc2, 0x2c9: 0xc3, 0x2ca: 0xbd, 0x2cb: 0xbe, 0x2cc: 0xbf, 0x2cd: 0xc0, 0x2ce: 0xc1, 0x2cf: 0xc2, + 0x2d0: 0xc3, 0x2d1: 0xbd, 0x2d2: 0xbe, 0x2d3: 0xbf, 0x2d4: 0xc0, 0x2d5: 0xc1, 0x2d6: 0xc2, 0x2d7: 0xc3, + 0x2d8: 0xbd, 0x2d9: 0xbe, 0x2da: 0xbf, 0x2db: 0xc0, 0x2dc: 0xc1, 0x2dd: 0xc2, 0x2de: 0xc4, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x324: 0x31, 0x325: 0x32, 0x326: 0x33, 0x327: 0x34, + 0x328: 0x35, 0x329: 0x36, 0x32a: 0x37, 0x32b: 0x38, 0x32c: 0x39, 0x32d: 0x3a, 0x32e: 0x3b, 0x32f: 0x3c, + 0x330: 0x3d, 0x331: 0x3e, 0x332: 0x3f, 0x333: 0x40, 0x334: 0x41, 0x335: 0x42, 0x336: 0x43, 0x337: 0x44, + 0x338: 0x45, 0x339: 0x46, 0x33a: 0x47, 0x33b: 0x48, 0x33c: 0xc5, 0x33d: 0x49, 0x33e: 0x4a, 0x33f: 0x4b, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x347: 0xc6, + 0x34b: 0xc7, 0x34d: 0xc8, + 0x368: 0xc9, 0x36b: 0xca, + 0x374: 0xcb, + 0x37d: 0xcc, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x381: 0xcd, 0x382: 0xce, 0x384: 0xcf, 0x385: 0xb7, 0x387: 0xd0, + 0x388: 0xd1, 0x38b: 0xd2, 0x38c: 0xd3, 0x38d: 0xd4, + 0x391: 0xd5, 0x392: 0xd6, 0x393: 0xd7, 0x396: 0xd8, 0x397: 0xd9, + 0x398: 0xda, 0x39a: 0xdb, 0x39c: 0xdc, + 0x3a0: 0xdd, + 0x3a8: 0xde, 0x3a9: 0xdf, 0x3aa: 0xe0, + 0x3b0: 0xda, 0x3b5: 0xe1, 0x3b6: 0xe2, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3eb: 0xe3, 0x3ec: 0xe4, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x432: 0xe5, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x445: 0xe6, 0x446: 0xe7, 0x447: 0xe8, + 0x449: 0xe9, + 0x450: 0xea, 0x451: 0xeb, 0x452: 0xec, 0x453: 0xed, 0x454: 0xee, 0x455: 0xef, 0x456: 0xf0, 0x457: 0xf1, + 0x458: 0xf2, 0x459: 0xf3, 0x45a: 0x4c, 0x45b: 0xf4, 0x45c: 0xf5, 0x45d: 0xf6, 0x45e: 0xf7, 0x45f: 0x4d, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x480: 0xf8, + 0x4a3: 0xf9, 0x4a5: 0xfa, + 0x4b8: 0x4e, 0x4b9: 0x4f, 0x4ba: 0x50, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c4: 0x51, 0x4c5: 0xfb, 0x4c6: 0xfc, + 0x4c8: 0x52, 0x4c9: 0xfd, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x520: 0x53, 0x521: 0x54, 0x522: 0x55, 0x523: 0x56, 0x524: 0x57, 0x525: 0x58, 0x526: 0x59, 0x527: 0x5a, + 0x528: 0x5b, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x550: 0x0b, 0x551: 0x0c, 0x556: 0x0d, + 0x55b: 0x0e, 0x55d: 0x0f, 0x55e: 0x10, 0x55f: 0x11, + 0x56f: 0x12, +} + +// nfkcSparseOffset: 162 entries, 324 bytes +var nfkcSparseOffset = []uint16{0x0, 0xe, 0x12, 0x1b, 0x25, 0x35, 0x37, 0x3c, 0x47, 0x56, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x70, 0x75, 0x77, 0x7f, 0x86, 0x89, 0x91, 0x95, 0x99, 0x9b, 0x9d, 0xa6, 0xaa, 0xb1, 0xb6, 0xb9, 0xc3, 0xc6, 0xcd, 0xd5, 0xd9, 0xdb, 0xde, 0xe2, 0xe8, 0xf9, 0x105, 0x107, 0x10d, 0x10f, 0x111, 0x113, 0x115, 0x117, 0x119, 0x11b, 0x11e, 0x121, 0x123, 0x126, 0x129, 0x12d, 0x132, 0x13b, 0x13d, 0x140, 0x142, 0x14d, 0x158, 0x166, 0x174, 0x184, 0x192, 0x199, 0x19f, 0x1ae, 0x1b2, 0x1b4, 0x1b8, 0x1ba, 0x1bd, 0x1bf, 0x1c2, 0x1c4, 0x1c7, 0x1c9, 0x1cb, 0x1cd, 0x1d9, 0x1e3, 0x1ed, 0x1f0, 0x1f4, 0x1f6, 0x1f8, 0x1fa, 0x1fc, 0x1ff, 0x201, 0x203, 0x205, 0x207, 0x20d, 0x210, 0x214, 0x216, 0x21d, 0x223, 0x229, 0x231, 0x237, 0x23d, 0x243, 0x247, 0x249, 0x24b, 0x24d, 0x24f, 0x255, 0x258, 0x25a, 0x260, 0x263, 0x26b, 0x272, 0x275, 0x278, 0x27a, 0x27d, 0x285, 0x289, 0x290, 0x293, 0x299, 0x29b, 0x29d, 0x2a0, 0x2a2, 0x2a5, 0x2a7, 0x2a9, 0x2ab, 0x2ae, 0x2b0, 0x2b2, 0x2b4, 0x2b6, 0x2c3, 0x2cd, 0x2cf, 0x2d1, 0x2d5, 0x2da, 0x2e6, 0x2eb, 0x2f4, 0x2fa, 0x2ff, 0x303, 0x308, 0x30c, 0x31c, 0x32a, 0x338, 0x346, 0x34c, 0x34e, 0x351, 0x35b, 0x35d} + +// nfkcSparseValues: 871 entries, 3484 bytes +var nfkcSparseValues = [871]valueRange{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x0001, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x4278, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x4264, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0025, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x425a, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x01dc, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x4291, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0023, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x009f, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x221c, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x2210, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x22b2, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x1, offset 0xe + {value: 0x0091, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x46e2, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x4714, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x12 + {value: 0x0003, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x0091, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0119, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0095, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x00a5, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0143, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x00af, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x00b3, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + // Block 0x3, offset 0x1b + {value: 0x000a, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x426e, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x4273, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x4296, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x425f, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x4282, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0113, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0099, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x00a7, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x0167, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x25 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x37a5, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x37b1, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x379f, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x3817, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x37e1, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x37c9, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x37f3, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x381d, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x3823, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x35 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x87}, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x37 + {value: 0x0001, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x8113, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x810d, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x3c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x8119, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x811a, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x811b, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x3841, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x3847, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x3853, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x384d, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3859, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x47 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0x386b, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x385f, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x3865, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x56 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x811f, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x63 + {value: 0x0005, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x6b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x70 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x75 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x77 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x3ed8, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x3ee0, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x3ee8, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x9902, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x7f + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x451c, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x86 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x89 + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2c9e, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x455c, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x456c, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x91 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x4594, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x459c, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x95 + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x4574, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x458c, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x99 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x9b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x9d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2cb6, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x2cae, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x2cbe, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x45a4, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x45ac, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0x17, offset 0xa6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x2cc6, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x18, offset 0xaa + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2cce, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x2cde, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x2cd6, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + // Block 0x19, offset 0xb1 + {value: 0x1801, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x3ef0, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x8120, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0xb6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0xb9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x2ce6, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x2cee, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2cf6, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x2f50, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x2dd8, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0xc3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0xc6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2cfe, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x2d0e, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x2d06, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0xcd + {value: 0x6bea, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0x9904, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x3ef8, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x2f58, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x2de3, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x2d16, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0xd5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x2621, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x8122, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x20, offset 0xd9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8123, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + // Block 0x21, offset 0xdb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x2636, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x8124, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x22, offset 0xde + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x8125, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x2628, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x262f, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0x23, offset 0xe2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x030b, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x812b, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x24, offset 0xe8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x10}, + {value: 0x2644, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x264b, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x2652, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x2659, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x2660, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x263d, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x8126, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x8127, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x4a84, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x8128, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x4a8d, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x45b4, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x45f4, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x45bc, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x45ff, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x8127, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x25, offset 0xf9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x8127, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x4a96, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x266e, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x2675, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x267c, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x2683, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x268a, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x2667, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x105 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x107 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x2d1e, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x28, offset 0x10d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + // Block 0x29, offset 0x10f + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x030f, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0x111 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x92}, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0x113 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0xb900, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xb5}, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0x115 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0x117 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0x119 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0x11b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x30, offset 0x11e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + // Block 0x31, offset 0x121 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8131, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + // Block 0x32, offset 0x123 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x812e, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + // Block 0x33, offset 0x126 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + // Block 0x34, offset 0x129 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x35, offset 0x12d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x36, offset 0x132 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x2d66, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x2d6e, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x2d76, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x37, offset 0x13b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x38, offset 0x13d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x39, offset 0x140 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0x142 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0x14d + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x0a}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x00d1, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0045, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x0049, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x00e6, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x004f, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x005f, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x00ef, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x0061, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x0065, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0x158 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x0001, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x043b, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x429b, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x001d, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x1873, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x1b5c, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0001, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x2691, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x27fe, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x2698, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x2808, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x186d, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x4269, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0x166 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x1933, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x1930, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x1870, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x298e, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x0001, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0021, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x0093, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0029, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0017, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x0467, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x003b, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x0011, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x009d, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0x174 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x0021, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x0017, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0467, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x003b, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x0011, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x008b, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x009f, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x00b1, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0104, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0091, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0097, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x00a1, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x00a7, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x1999, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0x184 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x192 + {value: 0x0007, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x2180, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x3bb9, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x3bc7, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x199 + {value: 0x000e, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x3bce, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x3bd5, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x19f + {value: 0x0173, lo: 0x0e}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x3be3, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x3bea, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x3bf1, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x3bf8, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x3bff, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x269f, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x26a6, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x281c, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x1ae + {value: 0x0007, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x3c68, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x3c92, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x3cbc, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1b2 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x048b, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1b4 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0057, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0021, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1b8 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x299b, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x1ba + {value: 0x0263, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x1b8c, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x192d, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1bd + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x44dd, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1bf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x0095, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x006d, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1c2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x4b, offset 0x1c4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x047f, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4c, offset 0x1c7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1c9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0dc3, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1cb + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x162f, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x1cd + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x1597, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x15af, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x15c7, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x15d7, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x15eb, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x15ff, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x1607, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x160f, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x161b, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x162b, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x1633, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1d9 + {value: 0x0004, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0001, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x812c, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x8131, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x8133, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x812e, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x812f, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x812f, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x04b3, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x0887, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x51, offset 0x1e3 + {value: 0x0006, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0313, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb1}, + {value: 0x0317, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x4a3b, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x031b, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x4a41, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x031f, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0323, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x0327, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x4a4d, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x52, offset 0x1ed + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x53, offset 0x1f0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x020f, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0212, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x54, offset 0x1f4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x55, offset 0x1f6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x163b, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + // Block 0x56, offset 0x1f8 + {value: 0x000c, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x00d7, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + // Block 0x57, offset 0x1fa + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + // Block 0x58, offset 0x1fc + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb1}, + // Block 0x59, offset 0x1ff + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x201 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x203 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x205 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x207 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb2, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x20d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x210 + {value: 0x0008, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x1637, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x0125, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x1643, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x214 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + // Block 0x61, offset 0x216 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x21d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x95, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x223 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x229 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x65, offset 0x231 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x99, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x66, offset 0x237 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x91, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x67, offset 0x23d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x68, offset 0x243 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0xe500, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0xc600, lo: 0x89, hi: 0xa3}, + // Block 0x69, offset 0x247 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x0003, lo: 0x81, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6a, offset 0x249 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + // Block 0x6b, offset 0x24b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + // Block 0x6c, offset 0x24d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x6d, offset 0x24f + {value: 0x002c, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb8}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x6e, offset 0x255 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xa6}, + // Block 0x6f, offset 0x258 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa7}, + // Block 0x70, offset 0x25a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x90}, + // Block 0x71, offset 0x260 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x72, offset 0x263 + {value: 0x17fe, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x4238, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x4242, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa5}, + {value: 0x424c, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x73, offset 0x26b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x2d7e, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x2d88, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb1, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x74, offset 0x272 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + // Block 0x75, offset 0x275 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x76, offset 0x278 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x77, offset 0x27a + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x78, offset 0x27d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x07}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2d92, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x2d9c, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x79, offset 0x285 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x7a, offset 0x289 + {value: 0x6b5a, lo: 0x06}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb0}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x2db0, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x2da6, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x2dba, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x7b, offset 0x290 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x83}, + // Block 0x7c, offset 0x293 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x9900, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0xa000, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x2dc4, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x2dce, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7d, offset 0x299 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + // Block 0x7e, offset 0x29b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x7f, offset 0x29d + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb6}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xb7, hi: 0xb7}, + // Block 0x80, offset 0x2a0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0x81, offset 0x2a2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb9, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xba}, + // Block 0x82, offset 0x2a5 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x83, offset 0x2a7 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + // Block 0x84, offset 0x2a9 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + // Block 0x85, offset 0x2ab + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + // Block 0x86, offset 0x2ae + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8104, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + // Block 0x87, offset 0x2b0 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb4}, + // Block 0x88, offset 0x2b2 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xb6}, + // Block 0x89, offset 0x2b4 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + // Block 0x8a, offset 0x2b6 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x0c}, + {value: 0x45cc, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x45d6, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x460a, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x4618, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x4626, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x4634, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa3}, + {value: 0x4642, lo: 0xa4, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x812b, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x8101, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x8130, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x812b, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8b, offset 0x2c3 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x45e0, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x45ea, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbc}, + {value: 0x4650, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbd}, + {value: 0x466c, lo: 0xbe, hi: 0xbe}, + {value: 0x465e, lo: 0xbf, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8c, offset 0x2cd + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x467a, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + // Block 0x8d, offset 0x2cf + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x84}, + // Block 0x8e, offset 0x2d1 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x8f, offset 0x2d5 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x005b, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0093, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x90, offset 0x2da + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x0b}, + {value: 0x0073, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0047, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x004f, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa2}, + {value: 0x0055, lo: 0xa5, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x005d, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0067, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x008d, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0091, lo: 0xbd, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x91, offset 0x2e6 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x0097, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x00a1, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x92, offset 0x2eb + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x08}, + {value: 0x00af, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x83}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0049, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x0055, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x0067, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0xb7}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0xb8, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0049, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbe}, + // Block 0x93, offset 0x2f4 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x0053, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x005f, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x0067, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0x92, hi: 0xab}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0xac, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x94, offset 0x2fa + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x006b, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x85}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0x86, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xb9}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0xba, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x95, offset 0x2ff + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x008f, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0x94, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x96, offset 0x303 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x04}, + {value: 0x00a7, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0x88, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x97, offset 0x308 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x03}, + {value: 0x004b, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0083, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x0043, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x98, offset 0x30c + {value: 0x0003, lo: 0x0f}, + {value: 0x01b8, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x045f, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x01bb, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x045b, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x01c7, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0x9c}, + {value: 0x01d0, lo: 0x9d, hi: 0x9d}, + {value: 0x01d6, lo: 0x9e, hi: 0x9e}, + {value: 0x01fa, lo: 0x9f, hi: 0x9f}, + {value: 0x01eb, lo: 0xa0, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x01e8, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x0173, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xb2}, + {value: 0x0188, lo: 0xb3, hi: 0xb3}, + {value: 0x01a6, lo: 0xb4, hi: 0xba}, + {value: 0x045f, lo: 0xbb, hi: 0xbb}, + {value: 0x01bb, lo: 0xbc, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x99, offset 0x31c + {value: 0x0003, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x01c7, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x045b, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x01c7, lo: 0x96, hi: 0x96}, + {value: 0x01d0, lo: 0x97, hi: 0x97}, + {value: 0x01d6, lo: 0x98, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x01fa, lo: 0x99, hi: 0x99}, + {value: 0x01eb, lo: 0x9a, hi: 0x9a}, + {value: 0x01e8, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0x9b}, + {value: 0x0173, lo: 0x9c, hi: 0xac}, + {value: 0x0188, lo: 0xad, hi: 0xad}, + {value: 0x01a6, lo: 0xae, hi: 0xb4}, + {value: 0x045f, lo: 0xb5, hi: 0xb5}, + {value: 0x01bb, lo: 0xb6, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9a, offset 0x32a + {value: 0x0003, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x01d9, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x045b, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x01c7, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x01d0, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, + {value: 0x01d6, lo: 0x92, hi: 0x92}, + {value: 0x01fa, lo: 0x93, hi: 0x93}, + {value: 0x01eb, lo: 0x94, hi: 0x94}, + {value: 0x01e8, lo: 0x95, hi: 0x95}, + {value: 0x0173, lo: 0x96, hi: 0xa6}, + {value: 0x0188, lo: 0xa7, hi: 0xa7}, + {value: 0x01a6, lo: 0xa8, hi: 0xae}, + {value: 0x045f, lo: 0xaf, hi: 0xaf}, + {value: 0x01bb, lo: 0xb0, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9b, offset 0x338 + {value: 0x0003, lo: 0x0d}, + {value: 0x01eb, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x045b, lo: 0x89, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x01c7, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x01d0, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x01d6, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x01fa, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x01eb, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x01e8, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x0173, lo: 0x90, hi: 0xa0}, + {value: 0x0188, lo: 0xa1, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x01a6, lo: 0xa2, hi: 0xa8}, + {value: 0x045f, lo: 0xa9, hi: 0xa9}, + {value: 0x01bb, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xbf}, + // Block 0x9c, offset 0x346 + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x05}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x98}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x9b, hi: 0xa1}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa3, hi: 0xa4}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0xa6, hi: 0xaa}, + // Block 0x9d, offset 0x34c + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x812d, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x96}, + // Block 0x9e, offset 0x34e + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x02}, + {value: 0x8132, lo: 0x84, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x8102, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + // Block 0x9f, offset 0x351 + {value: 0x0002, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x0063, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x89}, + {value: 0x1951, lo: 0x8a, hi: 0x8a}, + {value: 0x1981, lo: 0x8b, hi: 0x8b}, + {value: 0x199c, lo: 0x8c, hi: 0x8c}, + {value: 0x19a2, lo: 0x8d, hi: 0x8d}, + {value: 0x1bc0, lo: 0x8e, hi: 0x8e}, + {value: 0x19ae, lo: 0x8f, hi: 0x8f}, + {value: 0x197b, lo: 0xaa, hi: 0xaa}, + {value: 0x197e, lo: 0xab, hi: 0xab}, + // Block 0xa0, offset 0x35b + {value: 0x0000, lo: 0x01}, + {value: 0x193f, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + // Block 0xa1, offset 0x35d + {value: 0x0028, lo: 0x09}, + {value: 0x2862, lo: 0x80, hi: 0x80}, + {value: 0x2826, lo: 0x81, hi: 0x81}, + {value: 0x2830, lo: 0x82, hi: 0x82}, + {value: 0x2844, lo: 0x83, hi: 0x84}, + {value: 0x284e, lo: 0x85, hi: 0x86}, + {value: 0x283a, lo: 0x87, hi: 0x87}, + {value: 0x2858, lo: 0x88, hi: 0x88}, + {value: 0x0b6f, lo: 0x90, hi: 0x90}, + {value: 0x08e7, lo: 0x91, hi: 0x91}, +} + +// recompMap: 7520 bytes (entries only) +var recompMap map[uint32]rune +var recompMapOnce sync.Once + +const recompMapPacked = "" + + "\x00A\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0" + // 0x00410300: 0x000000C0 + "\x00A\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xc1" + // 0x00410301: 0x000000C1 + "\x00A\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xc2" + // 0x00410302: 0x000000C2 + "\x00A\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xc3" + // 0x00410303: 0x000000C3 + "\x00A\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xc4" + // 0x00410308: 0x000000C4 + "\x00A\x03\n\x00\x00\x00\xc5" + // 0x0041030A: 0x000000C5 + "\x00C\x03'\x00\x00\x00\xc7" + // 0x00430327: 0x000000C7 + "\x00E\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc8" + // 0x00450300: 0x000000C8 + "\x00E\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xc9" + // 0x00450301: 0x000000C9 + "\x00E\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xca" + // 0x00450302: 0x000000CA + "\x00E\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xcb" + // 0x00450308: 0x000000CB + "\x00I\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xcc" + // 0x00490300: 0x000000CC + "\x00I\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xcd" + // 0x00490301: 0x000000CD + "\x00I\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xce" + // 0x00490302: 0x000000CE + "\x00I\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xcf" + // 0x00490308: 0x000000CF + "\x00N\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd1" + // 0x004E0303: 0x000000D1 + "\x00O\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd2" + // 0x004F0300: 0x000000D2 + "\x00O\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd3" + // 0x004F0301: 0x000000D3 + "\x00O\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd4" + // 0x004F0302: 0x000000D4 + "\x00O\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd5" + // 0x004F0303: 0x000000D5 + "\x00O\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xd6" + // 0x004F0308: 0x000000D6 + "\x00U\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd9" + // 0x00550300: 0x000000D9 + "\x00U\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xda" + // 0x00550301: 0x000000DA + "\x00U\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xdb" + // 0x00550302: 0x000000DB + "\x00U\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xdc" + // 0x00550308: 0x000000DC + "\x00Y\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xdd" + // 0x00590301: 0x000000DD + "\x00a\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe0" + // 0x00610300: 0x000000E0 + "\x00a\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xe1" + // 0x00610301: 0x000000E1 + "\x00a\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xe2" + // 0x00610302: 0x000000E2 + "\x00a\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xe3" + // 0x00610303: 0x000000E3 + "\x00a\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xe4" + // 0x00610308: 0x000000E4 + "\x00a\x03\n\x00\x00\x00\xe5" + // 0x0061030A: 0x000000E5 + "\x00c\x03'\x00\x00\x00\xe7" + // 0x00630327: 0x000000E7 + "\x00e\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe8" + // 0x00650300: 0x000000E8 + "\x00e\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xe9" + // 0x00650301: 0x000000E9 + "\x00e\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xea" + // 0x00650302: 0x000000EA + "\x00e\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xeb" + // 0x00650308: 0x000000EB + "\x00i\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xec" + // 0x00690300: 0x000000EC + "\x00i\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xed" + // 0x00690301: 0x000000ED + "\x00i\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xee" + // 0x00690302: 0x000000EE + "\x00i\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xef" + // 0x00690308: 0x000000EF + "\x00n\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf1" + // 0x006E0303: 0x000000F1 + "\x00o\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf2" + // 0x006F0300: 0x000000F2 + "\x00o\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xf3" + // 0x006F0301: 0x000000F3 + "\x00o\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xf4" + // 0x006F0302: 0x000000F4 + "\x00o\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf5" + // 0x006F0303: 0x000000F5 + "\x00o\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xf6" + // 0x006F0308: 0x000000F6 + "\x00u\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf9" + // 0x00750300: 0x000000F9 + "\x00u\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xfa" + // 0x00750301: 0x000000FA + "\x00u\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xfb" + // 0x00750302: 0x000000FB + "\x00u\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xfc" + // 0x00750308: 0x000000FC + "\x00y\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xfd" + // 0x00790301: 0x000000FD + "\x00y\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xff" + // 0x00790308: 0x000000FF + "\x00A\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x00" + // 0x00410304: 0x00000100 + "\x00a\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x01" + // 0x00610304: 0x00000101 + "\x00A\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x02" + // 0x00410306: 0x00000102 + "\x00a\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x03" + // 0x00610306: 0x00000103 + "\x00A\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x04" + // 0x00410328: 0x00000104 + "\x00a\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x05" + // 0x00610328: 0x00000105 + "\x00C\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\x06" + // 0x00430301: 0x00000106 + "\x00c\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\a" + // 0x00630301: 0x00000107 + "\x00C\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\b" + // 0x00430302: 0x00000108 + "\x00c\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\t" + // 0x00630302: 0x00000109 + "\x00C\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\n" + // 0x00430307: 0x0000010A + "\x00c\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\v" + // 0x00630307: 0x0000010B + "\x00C\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\f" + // 0x0043030C: 0x0000010C + "\x00c\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\r" + // 0x0063030C: 0x0000010D + "\x00D\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x0e" + // 0x0044030C: 0x0000010E + "\x00d\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x0f" + // 0x0064030C: 0x0000010F + "\x00E\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x12" + // 0x00450304: 0x00000112 + "\x00e\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x13" + // 0x00650304: 0x00000113 + "\x00E\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x14" + // 0x00450306: 0x00000114 + "\x00e\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x15" + // 0x00650306: 0x00000115 + "\x00E\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\x16" + // 0x00450307: 0x00000116 + "\x00e\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\x17" + // 0x00650307: 0x00000117 + "\x00E\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x18" + // 0x00450328: 0x00000118 + "\x00e\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x19" + // 0x00650328: 0x00000119 + "\x00E\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x1a" + // 0x0045030C: 0x0000011A + "\x00e\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x1b" + // 0x0065030C: 0x0000011B + "\x00G\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\x1c" + // 0x00470302: 0x0000011C + "\x00g\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\x1d" + // 0x00670302: 0x0000011D + "\x00G\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x1e" + // 0x00470306: 0x0000011E + "\x00g\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x1f" + // 0x00670306: 0x0000011F + "\x00G\x03\a\x00\x00\x01 " + // 0x00470307: 0x00000120 + "\x00g\x03\a\x00\x00\x01!" + // 0x00670307: 0x00000121 + "\x00G\x03'\x00\x00\x01\"" + // 0x00470327: 0x00000122 + "\x00g\x03'\x00\x00\x01#" + // 0x00670327: 0x00000123 + "\x00H\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01$" + // 0x00480302: 0x00000124 + "\x00h\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01%" + // 0x00680302: 0x00000125 + "\x00I\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01(" + // 0x00490303: 0x00000128 + "\x00i\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01)" + // 0x00690303: 0x00000129 + "\x00I\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01*" + // 0x00490304: 0x0000012A + "\x00i\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01+" + // 0x00690304: 0x0000012B + "\x00I\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01," + // 0x00490306: 0x0000012C + "\x00i\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01-" + // 0x00690306: 0x0000012D + "\x00I\x03(\x00\x00\x01." + // 0x00490328: 0x0000012E + "\x00i\x03(\x00\x00\x01/" + // 0x00690328: 0x0000012F + "\x00I\x03\a\x00\x00\x010" + // 0x00490307: 0x00000130 + "\x00J\x03\x02\x00\x00\x014" + // 0x004A0302: 0x00000134 + "\x00j\x03\x02\x00\x00\x015" + // 0x006A0302: 0x00000135 + "\x00K\x03'\x00\x00\x016" + // 0x004B0327: 0x00000136 + "\x00k\x03'\x00\x00\x017" + // 0x006B0327: 0x00000137 + "\x00L\x03\x01\x00\x00\x019" + // 0x004C0301: 0x00000139 + "\x00l\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01:" + // 0x006C0301: 0x0000013A + "\x00L\x03'\x00\x00\x01;" + // 0x004C0327: 0x0000013B + "\x00l\x03'\x00\x00\x01<" + // 0x006C0327: 0x0000013C + "\x00L\x03\f\x00\x00\x01=" + // 0x004C030C: 0x0000013D + "\x00l\x03\f\x00\x00\x01>" + // 0x006C030C: 0x0000013E + "\x00N\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01C" + // 0x004E0301: 0x00000143 + "\x00n\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01D" + // 0x006E0301: 0x00000144 + "\x00N\x03'\x00\x00\x01E" + // 0x004E0327: 0x00000145 + "\x00n\x03'\x00\x00\x01F" + // 0x006E0327: 0x00000146 + "\x00N\x03\f\x00\x00\x01G" + // 0x004E030C: 0x00000147 + "\x00n\x03\f\x00\x00\x01H" + // 0x006E030C: 0x00000148 + "\x00O\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01L" + // 0x004F0304: 0x0000014C + "\x00o\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01M" + // 0x006F0304: 0x0000014D + "\x00O\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01N" + // 0x004F0306: 0x0000014E + "\x00o\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01O" + // 0x006F0306: 0x0000014F + "\x00O\x03\v\x00\x00\x01P" + // 0x004F030B: 0x00000150 + "\x00o\x03\v\x00\x00\x01Q" + // 0x006F030B: 0x00000151 + "\x00R\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01T" + // 0x00520301: 0x00000154 + "\x00r\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01U" + // 0x00720301: 0x00000155 + "\x00R\x03'\x00\x00\x01V" + // 0x00520327: 0x00000156 + "\x00r\x03'\x00\x00\x01W" + // 0x00720327: 0x00000157 + "\x00R\x03\f\x00\x00\x01X" + // 0x0052030C: 0x00000158 + "\x00r\x03\f\x00\x00\x01Y" + // 0x0072030C: 0x00000159 + "\x00S\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01Z" + // 0x00530301: 0x0000015A + "\x00s\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01[" + // 0x00730301: 0x0000015B + "\x00S\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\\" + // 0x00530302: 0x0000015C + "\x00s\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01]" + // 0x00730302: 0x0000015D + "\x00S\x03'\x00\x00\x01^" + // 0x00530327: 0x0000015E + "\x00s\x03'\x00\x00\x01_" + // 0x00730327: 0x0000015F + "\x00S\x03\f\x00\x00\x01`" + // 0x0053030C: 0x00000160 + "\x00s\x03\f\x00\x00\x01a" + // 0x0073030C: 0x00000161 + "\x00T\x03'\x00\x00\x01b" + // 0x00540327: 0x00000162 + "\x00t\x03'\x00\x00\x01c" + // 0x00740327: 0x00000163 + "\x00T\x03\f\x00\x00\x01d" + // 0x0054030C: 0x00000164 + "\x00t\x03\f\x00\x00\x01e" + // 0x0074030C: 0x00000165 + "\x00U\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01h" + // 0x00550303: 0x00000168 + "\x00u\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01i" + // 0x00750303: 0x00000169 + "\x00U\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01j" + // 0x00550304: 0x0000016A + "\x00u\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01k" + // 0x00750304: 0x0000016B + "\x00U\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01l" + // 0x00550306: 0x0000016C + "\x00u\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01m" + // 0x00750306: 0x0000016D + "\x00U\x03\n\x00\x00\x01n" + // 0x0055030A: 0x0000016E + "\x00u\x03\n\x00\x00\x01o" + // 0x0075030A: 0x0000016F + "\x00U\x03\v\x00\x00\x01p" + // 0x0055030B: 0x00000170 + "\x00u\x03\v\x00\x00\x01q" + // 0x0075030B: 0x00000171 + "\x00U\x03(\x00\x00\x01r" + // 0x00550328: 0x00000172 + "\x00u\x03(\x00\x00\x01s" + // 0x00750328: 0x00000173 + "\x00W\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01t" + // 0x00570302: 0x00000174 + "\x00w\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01u" + // 0x00770302: 0x00000175 + "\x00Y\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01v" + // 0x00590302: 0x00000176 + "\x00y\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01w" + // 0x00790302: 0x00000177 + "\x00Y\x03\b\x00\x00\x01x" + // 0x00590308: 0x00000178 + "\x00Z\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01y" + // 0x005A0301: 0x00000179 + "\x00z\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01z" + // 0x007A0301: 0x0000017A + "\x00Z\x03\a\x00\x00\x01{" + // 0x005A0307: 0x0000017B + "\x00z\x03\a\x00\x00\x01|" + // 0x007A0307: 0x0000017C + "\x00Z\x03\f\x00\x00\x01}" + // 0x005A030C: 0x0000017D + "\x00z\x03\f\x00\x00\x01~" + // 0x007A030C: 0x0000017E + "\x00O\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xa0" + // 0x004F031B: 0x000001A0 + "\x00o\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xa1" + // 0x006F031B: 0x000001A1 + "\x00U\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xaf" + // 0x0055031B: 0x000001AF + "\x00u\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xb0" + // 0x0075031B: 0x000001B0 + "\x00A\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xcd" + // 0x0041030C: 0x000001CD + "\x00a\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xce" + // 0x0061030C: 0x000001CE + "\x00I\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xcf" + // 0x0049030C: 0x000001CF + "\x00i\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd0" + // 0x0069030C: 0x000001D0 + "\x00O\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd1" + // 0x004F030C: 0x000001D1 + "\x00o\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd2" + // 0x006F030C: 0x000001D2 + "\x00U\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd3" + // 0x0055030C: 0x000001D3 + "\x00u\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd4" + // 0x0075030C: 0x000001D4 + "\x00\xdc\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xd5" + // 0x00DC0304: 0x000001D5 + "\x00\xfc\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xd6" + // 0x00FC0304: 0x000001D6 + "\x00\xdc\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xd7" + // 0x00DC0301: 0x000001D7 + "\x00\xfc\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xd8" + // 0x00FC0301: 0x000001D8 + "\x00\xdc\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd9" + // 0x00DC030C: 0x000001D9 + "\x00\xfc\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xda" + // 0x00FC030C: 0x000001DA + "\x00\xdc\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xdb" + // 0x00DC0300: 0x000001DB + "\x00\xfc\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xdc" + // 0x00FC0300: 0x000001DC + "\x00\xc4\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xde" + // 0x00C40304: 0x000001DE + "\x00\xe4\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xdf" + // 0x00E40304: 0x000001DF + "\x02&\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe0" + // 0x02260304: 0x000001E0 + "\x02'\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe1" + // 0x02270304: 0x000001E1 + "\x00\xc6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe2" + // 0x00C60304: 0x000001E2 + "\x00\xe6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe3" + // 0x00E60304: 0x000001E3 + "\x00G\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe6" + // 0x0047030C: 0x000001E6 + "\x00g\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe7" + // 0x0067030C: 0x000001E7 + "\x00K\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe8" + // 0x004B030C: 0x000001E8 + "\x00k\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe9" + // 0x006B030C: 0x000001E9 + "\x00O\x03(\x00\x00\x01\xea" + // 0x004F0328: 0x000001EA + "\x00o\x03(\x00\x00\x01\xeb" + // 0x006F0328: 0x000001EB + "\x01\xea\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xec" + // 0x01EA0304: 0x000001EC + "\x01\xeb\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xed" + // 0x01EB0304: 0x000001ED + "\x01\xb7\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xee" + // 0x01B7030C: 0x000001EE + "\x02\x92\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xef" + // 0x0292030C: 0x000001EF + "\x00j\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xf0" + // 0x006A030C: 0x000001F0 + "\x00G\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xf4" + // 0x00470301: 0x000001F4 + "\x00g\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xf5" + // 0x00670301: 0x000001F5 + "\x00N\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xf8" + // 0x004E0300: 0x000001F8 + "\x00n\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xf9" + // 0x006E0300: 0x000001F9 + "\x00\xc5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfa" + // 0x00C50301: 0x000001FA + "\x00\xe5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfb" + // 0x00E50301: 0x000001FB + "\x00\xc6\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfc" + // 0x00C60301: 0x000001FC + "\x00\xe6\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfd" + // 0x00E60301: 0x000001FD + "\x00\xd8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfe" + // 0x00D80301: 0x000001FE + "\x00\xf8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xff" + // 0x00F80301: 0x000001FF + "\x00A\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x00" + // 0x0041030F: 0x00000200 + "\x00a\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x01" + // 0x0061030F: 0x00000201 + "\x00A\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x02" + // 0x00410311: 0x00000202 + "\x00a\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x03" + // 0x00610311: 0x00000203 + "\x00E\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x04" + // 0x0045030F: 0x00000204 + "\x00e\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x05" + // 0x0065030F: 0x00000205 + "\x00E\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x06" + // 0x00450311: 0x00000206 + "\x00e\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\a" + // 0x00650311: 0x00000207 + "\x00I\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\b" + // 0x0049030F: 0x00000208 + "\x00i\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\t" + // 0x0069030F: 0x00000209 + "\x00I\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\n" + // 0x00490311: 0x0000020A + "\x00i\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\v" + // 0x00690311: 0x0000020B + "\x00O\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\f" + // 0x004F030F: 0x0000020C + "\x00o\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\r" + // 0x006F030F: 0x0000020D + "\x00O\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x0e" + // 0x004F0311: 0x0000020E + "\x00o\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x0f" + // 0x006F0311: 0x0000020F + "\x00R\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x10" + // 0x0052030F: 0x00000210 + "\x00r\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x11" + // 0x0072030F: 0x00000211 + "\x00R\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x12" + // 0x00520311: 0x00000212 + "\x00r\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x13" + // 0x00720311: 0x00000213 + "\x00U\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x14" + // 0x0055030F: 0x00000214 + "\x00u\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x15" + // 0x0075030F: 0x00000215 + "\x00U\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x16" + // 0x00550311: 0x00000216 + "\x00u\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x17" + // 0x00750311: 0x00000217 + "\x00S\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x18" + // 0x00530326: 0x00000218 + "\x00s\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x19" + // 0x00730326: 0x00000219 + "\x00T\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x1a" + // 0x00540326: 0x0000021A + "\x00t\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x1b" + // 0x00740326: 0x0000021B + "\x00H\x03\f\x00\x00\x02\x1e" + // 0x0048030C: 0x0000021E + "\x00h\x03\f\x00\x00\x02\x1f" + // 0x0068030C: 0x0000021F + "\x00A\x03\a\x00\x00\x02&" + // 0x00410307: 0x00000226 + "\x00a\x03\a\x00\x00\x02'" + // 0x00610307: 0x00000227 + "\x00E\x03'\x00\x00\x02(" + // 0x00450327: 0x00000228 + "\x00e\x03'\x00\x00\x02)" + // 0x00650327: 0x00000229 + "\x00\xd6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02*" + // 0x00D60304: 0x0000022A + "\x00\xf6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02+" + // 0x00F60304: 0x0000022B + "\x00\xd5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02," + // 0x00D50304: 0x0000022C + "\x00\xf5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02-" + // 0x00F50304: 0x0000022D + "\x00O\x03\a\x00\x00\x02." + // 0x004F0307: 0x0000022E + "\x00o\x03\a\x00\x00\x02/" + // 0x006F0307: 0x0000022F + "\x02.\x03\x04\x00\x00\x020" + // 0x022E0304: 0x00000230 + "\x02/\x03\x04\x00\x00\x021" + // 0x022F0304: 0x00000231 + "\x00Y\x03\x04\x00\x00\x022" + // 0x00590304: 0x00000232 + "\x00y\x03\x04\x00\x00\x023" + // 0x00790304: 0x00000233 + "\x00\xa8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x85" + // 0x00A80301: 0x00000385 + "\x03\x91\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x86" + // 0x03910301: 0x00000386 + "\x03\x95\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x88" + // 0x03950301: 0x00000388 + "\x03\x97\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x89" + // 0x03970301: 0x00000389 + "\x03\x99\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8a" + // 0x03990301: 0x0000038A + "\x03\x9f\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8c" + // 0x039F0301: 0x0000038C + "\x03\xa5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8e" + // 0x03A50301: 0x0000038E + "\x03\xa9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8f" + // 0x03A90301: 0x0000038F + "\x03\xca\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x90" + // 0x03CA0301: 0x00000390 + "\x03\x99\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xaa" + // 0x03990308: 0x000003AA + "\x03\xa5\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xab" + // 0x03A50308: 0x000003AB + "\x03\xb1\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xac" + // 0x03B10301: 0x000003AC + "\x03\xb5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xad" + // 0x03B50301: 0x000003AD + "\x03\xb7\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xae" + // 0x03B70301: 0x000003AE + "\x03\xb9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xaf" + // 0x03B90301: 0x000003AF + "\x03\xcb\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xb0" + // 0x03CB0301: 0x000003B0 + "\x03\xb9\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xca" + // 0x03B90308: 0x000003CA + "\x03\xc5\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xcb" + // 0x03C50308: 0x000003CB + "\x03\xbf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xcc" + // 0x03BF0301: 0x000003CC + "\x03\xc5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xcd" + // 0x03C50301: 0x000003CD + "\x03\xc9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xce" + // 0x03C90301: 0x000003CE + "\x03\xd2\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xd3" + // 0x03D20301: 0x000003D3 + "\x03\xd2\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xd4" + // 0x03D20308: 0x000003D4 + "\x04\x15\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00" + // 0x04150300: 0x00000400 + "\x04\x15\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\x01" + // 0x04150308: 0x00000401 + "\x04\x13\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04\x03" + // 0x04130301: 0x00000403 + "\x04\x06\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\a" + // 0x04060308: 0x00000407 + "\x04\x1a\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04\f" + // 0x041A0301: 0x0000040C + "\x04\x18\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04\r" + // 0x04180300: 0x0000040D + "\x04#\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\x0e" + // 0x04230306: 0x0000040E + "\x04\x18\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\x19" + // 0x04180306: 0x00000419 + "\x048\x03\x06\x00\x00\x049" + // 0x04380306: 0x00000439 + "\x045\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04P" + // 0x04350300: 0x00000450 + "\x045\x03\b\x00\x00\x04Q" + // 0x04350308: 0x00000451 + "\x043\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04S" + // 0x04330301: 0x00000453 + "\x04V\x03\b\x00\x00\x04W" + // 0x04560308: 0x00000457 + "\x04:\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04\\" + // 0x043A0301: 0x0000045C + "\x048\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04]" + // 0x04380300: 0x0000045D + "\x04C\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04^" + // 0x04430306: 0x0000045E + "\x04t\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x04v" + // 0x0474030F: 0x00000476 + "\x04u\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x04w" + // 0x0475030F: 0x00000477 + "\x04\x16\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xc1" + // 0x04160306: 0x000004C1 + "\x046\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xc2" + // 0x04360306: 0x000004C2 + "\x04\x10\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd0" + // 0x04100306: 0x000004D0 + "\x040\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd1" + // 0x04300306: 0x000004D1 + "\x04\x10\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xd2" + // 0x04100308: 0x000004D2 + "\x040\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xd3" + // 0x04300308: 0x000004D3 + "\x04\x15\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd6" + // 0x04150306: 0x000004D6 + "\x045\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd7" + // 0x04350306: 0x000004D7 + "\x04\xd8\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xda" + // 0x04D80308: 0x000004DA + "\x04\xd9\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdb" + // 0x04D90308: 0x000004DB + "\x04\x16\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdc" + // 0x04160308: 0x000004DC + "\x046\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdd" + // 0x04360308: 0x000004DD + "\x04\x17\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xde" + // 0x04170308: 0x000004DE + "\x047\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdf" + // 0x04370308: 0x000004DF + "\x04\x18\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xe2" + // 0x04180304: 0x000004E2 + "\x048\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xe3" + // 0x04380304: 0x000004E3 + "\x04\x18\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe4" + // 0x04180308: 0x000004E4 + "\x048\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe5" + // 0x04380308: 0x000004E5 + "\x04\x1e\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe6" + // 0x041E0308: 0x000004E6 + "\x04>\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe7" + // 0x043E0308: 0x000004E7 + "\x04\xe8\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xea" + // 0x04E80308: 0x000004EA + "\x04\xe9\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xeb" + // 0x04E90308: 0x000004EB + "\x04-\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xec" + // 0x042D0308: 0x000004EC + "\x04M\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xed" + // 0x044D0308: 0x000004ED + "\x04#\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xee" + // 0x04230304: 0x000004EE + "\x04C\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xef" + // 0x04430304: 0x000004EF + "\x04#\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf0" + // 0x04230308: 0x000004F0 + "\x04C\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf1" + // 0x04430308: 0x000004F1 + "\x04#\x03\v\x00\x00\x04\xf2" + // 0x0423030B: 0x000004F2 + "\x04C\x03\v\x00\x00\x04\xf3" + // 0x0443030B: 0x000004F3 + "\x04'\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf4" + // 0x04270308: 0x000004F4 + "\x04G\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf5" + // 0x04470308: 0x000004F5 + "\x04+\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf8" + // 0x042B0308: 0x000004F8 + "\x04K\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf9" + // 0x044B0308: 0x000004F9 + "\x06'\x06S\x00\x00\x06\"" + // 0x06270653: 0x00000622 + "\x06'\x06T\x00\x00\x06#" + // 0x06270654: 0x00000623 + "\x06H\x06T\x00\x00\x06$" + // 0x06480654: 0x00000624 + "\x06'\x06U\x00\x00\x06%" + // 0x06270655: 0x00000625 + "\x06J\x06T\x00\x00\x06&" + // 0x064A0654: 0x00000626 + "\x06\xd5\x06T\x00\x00\x06\xc0" + // 0x06D50654: 0x000006C0 + "\x06\xc1\x06T\x00\x00\x06\xc2" + // 0x06C10654: 0x000006C2 + "\x06\xd2\x06T\x00\x00\x06\xd3" + // 0x06D20654: 0x000006D3 + "\t(\t<\x00\x00\t)" + // 0x0928093C: 0x00000929 + "\t0\t<\x00\x00\t1" + // 0x0930093C: 0x00000931 + "\t3\t<\x00\x00\t4" + // 0x0933093C: 0x00000934 + "\t\xc7\t\xbe\x00\x00\t\xcb" + // 0x09C709BE: 0x000009CB + "\t\xc7\t\xd7\x00\x00\t\xcc" + // 0x09C709D7: 0x000009CC + "\vG\vV\x00\x00\vH" + // 0x0B470B56: 0x00000B48 + "\vG\v>\x00\x00\vK" + // 0x0B470B3E: 0x00000B4B + "\vG\vW\x00\x00\vL" + // 0x0B470B57: 0x00000B4C + "\v\x92\v\xd7\x00\x00\v\x94" + // 0x0B920BD7: 0x00000B94 + "\v\xc6\v\xbe\x00\x00\v\xca" + // 0x0BC60BBE: 0x00000BCA + "\v\xc7\v\xbe\x00\x00\v\xcb" + // 0x0BC70BBE: 0x00000BCB + "\v\xc6\v\xd7\x00\x00\v\xcc" + // 0x0BC60BD7: 0x00000BCC + "\fF\fV\x00\x00\fH" + // 0x0C460C56: 0x00000C48 + "\f\xbf\f\xd5\x00\x00\f\xc0" + // 0x0CBF0CD5: 0x00000CC0 + "\f\xc6\f\xd5\x00\x00\f\xc7" + // 0x0CC60CD5: 0x00000CC7 + "\f\xc6\f\xd6\x00\x00\f\xc8" + // 0x0CC60CD6: 0x00000CC8 + "\f\xc6\f\xc2\x00\x00\f\xca" + // 0x0CC60CC2: 0x00000CCA + "\f\xca\f\xd5\x00\x00\f\xcb" + // 0x0CCA0CD5: 0x00000CCB + "\rF\r>\x00\x00\rJ" + // 0x0D460D3E: 0x00000D4A + "\rG\r>\x00\x00\rK" + // 0x0D470D3E: 0x00000D4B + "\rF\rW\x00\x00\rL" + // 0x0D460D57: 0x00000D4C + "\r\xd9\r\xca\x00\x00\r\xda" + // 0x0DD90DCA: 0x00000DDA + "\r\xd9\r\xcf\x00\x00\r\xdc" + // 0x0DD90DCF: 0x00000DDC + "\r\xdc\r\xca\x00\x00\r\xdd" + // 0x0DDC0DCA: 0x00000DDD + "\r\xd9\r\xdf\x00\x00\r\xde" + // 0x0DD90DDF: 0x00000DDE + "\x10%\x10.\x00\x00\x10&" + // 0x1025102E: 0x00001026 + "\x1b\x05\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\x06" + // 0x1B051B35: 0x00001B06 + "\x1b\a\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\b" + // 0x1B071B35: 0x00001B08 + "\x1b\t\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\n" + // 0x1B091B35: 0x00001B0A + "\x1b\v\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\f" + // 0x1B0B1B35: 0x00001B0C + "\x1b\r\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\x0e" + // 0x1B0D1B35: 0x00001B0E + "\x1b\x11\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\x12" + // 0x1B111B35: 0x00001B12 + "\x1b:\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b;" + // 0x1B3A1B35: 0x00001B3B + "\x1b<\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b=" + // 0x1B3C1B35: 0x00001B3D + "\x1b>\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b@" + // 0x1B3E1B35: 0x00001B40 + "\x1b?\x1b5\x00\x00\x1bA" + // 0x1B3F1B35: 0x00001B41 + "\x1bB\x1b5\x00\x00\x1bC" + // 0x1B421B35: 0x00001B43 + "\x00A\x03%\x00\x00\x1e\x00" + // 0x00410325: 0x00001E00 + "\x00a\x03%\x00\x00\x1e\x01" + // 0x00610325: 0x00001E01 + "\x00B\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x02" + // 0x00420307: 0x00001E02 + "\x00b\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x03" + // 0x00620307: 0x00001E03 + "\x00B\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x04" + // 0x00420323: 0x00001E04 + "\x00b\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x05" + // 0x00620323: 0x00001E05 + "\x00B\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x06" + // 0x00420331: 0x00001E06 + "\x00b\x031\x00\x00\x1e\a" + // 0x00620331: 0x00001E07 + "\x00\xc7\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\b" + // 0x00C70301: 0x00001E08 + "\x00\xe7\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\t" + // 0x00E70301: 0x00001E09 + "\x00D\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\n" + // 0x00440307: 0x00001E0A + "\x00d\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\v" + // 0x00640307: 0x00001E0B + "\x00D\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\f" + // 0x00440323: 0x00001E0C + "\x00d\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\r" + // 0x00640323: 0x00001E0D + "\x00D\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x0e" + // 0x00440331: 0x00001E0E + "\x00d\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x0f" + // 0x00640331: 0x00001E0F + "\x00D\x03'\x00\x00\x1e\x10" + // 0x00440327: 0x00001E10 + "\x00d\x03'\x00\x00\x1e\x11" + // 0x00640327: 0x00001E11 + "\x00D\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x12" + // 0x0044032D: 0x00001E12 + "\x00d\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x13" + // 0x0064032D: 0x00001E13 + "\x01\x12\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x14" + // 0x01120300: 0x00001E14 + "\x01\x13\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x15" + // 0x01130300: 0x00001E15 + "\x01\x12\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x16" + // 0x01120301: 0x00001E16 + "\x01\x13\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x17" + // 0x01130301: 0x00001E17 + "\x00E\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x18" + // 0x0045032D: 0x00001E18 + "\x00e\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x19" + // 0x0065032D: 0x00001E19 + "\x00E\x030\x00\x00\x1e\x1a" + // 0x00450330: 0x00001E1A + "\x00e\x030\x00\x00\x1e\x1b" + // 0x00650330: 0x00001E1B + "\x02(\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\x1c" + // 0x02280306: 0x00001E1C + "\x02)\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\x1d" + // 0x02290306: 0x00001E1D + "\x00F\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x1e" + // 0x00460307: 0x00001E1E + "\x00f\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x1f" + // 0x00660307: 0x00001E1F + "\x00G\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e " + // 0x00470304: 0x00001E20 + "\x00g\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e!" + // 0x00670304: 0x00001E21 + "\x00H\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\"" + // 0x00480307: 0x00001E22 + "\x00h\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e#" + // 0x00680307: 0x00001E23 + "\x00H\x03#\x00\x00\x1e$" + // 0x00480323: 0x00001E24 + "\x00h\x03#\x00\x00\x1e%" + // 0x00680323: 0x00001E25 + "\x00H\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e&" + // 0x00480308: 0x00001E26 + "\x00h\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e'" + // 0x00680308: 0x00001E27 + "\x00H\x03'\x00\x00\x1e(" + // 0x00480327: 0x00001E28 + "\x00h\x03'\x00\x00\x1e)" + // 0x00680327: 0x00001E29 + "\x00H\x03.\x00\x00\x1e*" + // 0x0048032E: 0x00001E2A + "\x00h\x03.\x00\x00\x1e+" + // 0x0068032E: 0x00001E2B + "\x00I\x030\x00\x00\x1e," + // 0x00490330: 0x00001E2C + "\x00i\x030\x00\x00\x1e-" + // 0x00690330: 0x00001E2D + "\x00\xcf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e." + // 0x00CF0301: 0x00001E2E + "\x00\xef\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e/" + // 0x00EF0301: 0x00001E2F + "\x00K\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e0" + // 0x004B0301: 0x00001E30 + "\x00k\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e1" + // 0x006B0301: 0x00001E31 + "\x00K\x03#\x00\x00\x1e2" + // 0x004B0323: 0x00001E32 + "\x00k\x03#\x00\x00\x1e3" + // 0x006B0323: 0x00001E33 + "\x00K\x031\x00\x00\x1e4" + // 0x004B0331: 0x00001E34 + "\x00k\x031\x00\x00\x1e5" + // 0x006B0331: 0x00001E35 + "\x00L\x03#\x00\x00\x1e6" + // 0x004C0323: 0x00001E36 + "\x00l\x03#\x00\x00\x1e7" + // 0x006C0323: 0x00001E37 + "\x1e6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e8" + // 0x1E360304: 0x00001E38 + "\x1e7\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e9" + // 0x1E370304: 0x00001E39 + "\x00L\x031\x00\x00\x1e:" + // 0x004C0331: 0x00001E3A + "\x00l\x031\x00\x00\x1e;" + // 0x006C0331: 0x00001E3B + "\x00L\x03-\x00\x00\x1e<" + // 0x004C032D: 0x00001E3C + "\x00l\x03-\x00\x00\x1e=" + // 0x006C032D: 0x00001E3D + "\x00M\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e>" + // 0x004D0301: 0x00001E3E + "\x00m\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e?" + // 0x006D0301: 0x00001E3F + "\x00M\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e@" + // 0x004D0307: 0x00001E40 + "\x00m\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eA" + // 0x006D0307: 0x00001E41 + "\x00M\x03#\x00\x00\x1eB" + // 0x004D0323: 0x00001E42 + "\x00m\x03#\x00\x00\x1eC" + // 0x006D0323: 0x00001E43 + "\x00N\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eD" + // 0x004E0307: 0x00001E44 + "\x00n\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eE" + // 0x006E0307: 0x00001E45 + "\x00N\x03#\x00\x00\x1eF" + // 0x004E0323: 0x00001E46 + "\x00n\x03#\x00\x00\x1eG" + // 0x006E0323: 0x00001E47 + "\x00N\x031\x00\x00\x1eH" + // 0x004E0331: 0x00001E48 + "\x00n\x031\x00\x00\x1eI" + // 0x006E0331: 0x00001E49 + "\x00N\x03-\x00\x00\x1eJ" + // 0x004E032D: 0x00001E4A + "\x00n\x03-\x00\x00\x1eK" + // 0x006E032D: 0x00001E4B + "\x00\xd5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eL" + // 0x00D50301: 0x00001E4C + "\x00\xf5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eM" + // 0x00F50301: 0x00001E4D + "\x00\xd5\x03\b\x00\x00\x1eN" + // 0x00D50308: 0x00001E4E + "\x00\xf5\x03\b\x00\x00\x1eO" + // 0x00F50308: 0x00001E4F + "\x01L\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1eP" + // 0x014C0300: 0x00001E50 + "\x01M\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1eQ" + // 0x014D0300: 0x00001E51 + "\x01L\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eR" + // 0x014C0301: 0x00001E52 + "\x01M\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eS" + // 0x014D0301: 0x00001E53 + "\x00P\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eT" + // 0x00500301: 0x00001E54 + "\x00p\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eU" + // 0x00700301: 0x00001E55 + "\x00P\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eV" + // 0x00500307: 0x00001E56 + "\x00p\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eW" + // 0x00700307: 0x00001E57 + "\x00R\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eX" + // 0x00520307: 0x00001E58 + "\x00r\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eY" + // 0x00720307: 0x00001E59 + "\x00R\x03#\x00\x00\x1eZ" + // 0x00520323: 0x00001E5A + "\x00r\x03#\x00\x00\x1e[" + // 0x00720323: 0x00001E5B + "\x1eZ\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e\\" + // 0x1E5A0304: 0x00001E5C + "\x1e[\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e]" + // 0x1E5B0304: 0x00001E5D + "\x00R\x031\x00\x00\x1e^" + // 0x00520331: 0x00001E5E + "\x00r\x031\x00\x00\x1e_" + // 0x00720331: 0x00001E5F + "\x00S\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e`" + // 0x00530307: 0x00001E60 + "\x00s\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ea" + // 0x00730307: 0x00001E61 + "\x00S\x03#\x00\x00\x1eb" + // 0x00530323: 0x00001E62 + "\x00s\x03#\x00\x00\x1ec" + // 0x00730323: 0x00001E63 + "\x01Z\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ed" + // 0x015A0307: 0x00001E64 + "\x01[\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ee" + // 0x015B0307: 0x00001E65 + "\x01`\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ef" + // 0x01600307: 0x00001E66 + "\x01a\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eg" + // 0x01610307: 0x00001E67 + "\x1eb\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eh" + // 0x1E620307: 0x00001E68 + "\x1ec\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ei" + // 0x1E630307: 0x00001E69 + "\x00T\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ej" + // 0x00540307: 0x00001E6A + "\x00t\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ek" + // 0x00740307: 0x00001E6B + "\x00T\x03#\x00\x00\x1el" + // 0x00540323: 0x00001E6C + "\x00t\x03#\x00\x00\x1em" + // 0x00740323: 0x00001E6D + "\x00T\x031\x00\x00\x1en" + // 0x00540331: 0x00001E6E + "\x00t\x031\x00\x00\x1eo" + // 0x00740331: 0x00001E6F + "\x00T\x03-\x00\x00\x1ep" + // 0x0054032D: 0x00001E70 + "\x00t\x03-\x00\x00\x1eq" + // 0x0074032D: 0x00001E71 + "\x00U\x03$\x00\x00\x1er" + // 0x00550324: 0x00001E72 + "\x00u\x03$\x00\x00\x1es" + // 0x00750324: 0x00001E73 + "\x00U\x030\x00\x00\x1et" + // 0x00550330: 0x00001E74 + "\x00u\x030\x00\x00\x1eu" + // 0x00750330: 0x00001E75 + "\x00U\x03-\x00\x00\x1ev" + // 0x0055032D: 0x00001E76 + "\x00u\x03-\x00\x00\x1ew" + // 0x0075032D: 0x00001E77 + "\x01h\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1ex" + // 0x01680301: 0x00001E78 + "\x01i\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1ey" + // 0x01690301: 0x00001E79 + "\x01j\x03\b\x00\x00\x1ez" + // 0x016A0308: 0x00001E7A + "\x01k\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e{" + // 0x016B0308: 0x00001E7B + "\x00V\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e|" + // 0x00560303: 0x00001E7C + "\x00v\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e}" + // 0x00760303: 0x00001E7D + "\x00V\x03#\x00\x00\x1e~" + // 0x00560323: 0x00001E7E + "\x00v\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\u007f" + // 0x00760323: 0x00001E7F + "\x00W\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x80" + // 0x00570300: 0x00001E80 + "\x00w\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x81" + // 0x00770300: 0x00001E81 + "\x00W\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x82" + // 0x00570301: 0x00001E82 + "\x00w\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x83" + // 0x00770301: 0x00001E83 + "\x00W\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x84" + // 0x00570308: 0x00001E84 + "\x00w\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x85" + // 0x00770308: 0x00001E85 + "\x00W\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x86" + // 0x00570307: 0x00001E86 + "\x00w\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x87" + // 0x00770307: 0x00001E87 + "\x00W\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x88" + // 0x00570323: 0x00001E88 + "\x00w\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x89" + // 0x00770323: 0x00001E89 + "\x00X\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8a" + // 0x00580307: 0x00001E8A + "\x00x\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8b" + // 0x00780307: 0x00001E8B + "\x00X\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x8c" + // 0x00580308: 0x00001E8C + "\x00x\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x8d" + // 0x00780308: 0x00001E8D + "\x00Y\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8e" + // 0x00590307: 0x00001E8E + "\x00y\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8f" + // 0x00790307: 0x00001E8F + "\x00Z\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\x90" + // 0x005A0302: 0x00001E90 + "\x00z\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\x91" + // 0x007A0302: 0x00001E91 + "\x00Z\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x92" + // 0x005A0323: 0x00001E92 + "\x00z\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x93" + // 0x007A0323: 0x00001E93 + "\x00Z\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x94" + // 0x005A0331: 0x00001E94 + "\x00z\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x95" + // 0x007A0331: 0x00001E95 + "\x00h\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x96" + // 0x00680331: 0x00001E96 + "\x00t\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x97" + // 0x00740308: 0x00001E97 + "\x00w\x03\n\x00\x00\x1e\x98" + // 0x0077030A: 0x00001E98 + "\x00y\x03\n\x00\x00\x1e\x99" + // 0x0079030A: 0x00001E99 + "\x01\u007f\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x9b" + // 0x017F0307: 0x00001E9B + "\x00A\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xa0" + // 0x00410323: 0x00001EA0 + "\x00a\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xa1" + // 0x00610323: 0x00001EA1 + "\x00A\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa2" + // 0x00410309: 0x00001EA2 + "\x00a\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa3" + // 0x00610309: 0x00001EA3 + "\x00\xc2\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xa4" + // 0x00C20301: 0x00001EA4 + "\x00\xe2\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xa5" + // 0x00E20301: 0x00001EA5 + "\x00\xc2\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xa6" + // 0x00C20300: 0x00001EA6 + "\x00\xe2\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xa7" + // 0x00E20300: 0x00001EA7 + "\x00\xc2\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa8" + // 0x00C20309: 0x00001EA8 + "\x00\xe2\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa9" + // 0x00E20309: 0x00001EA9 + "\x00\xc2\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xaa" + // 0x00C20303: 0x00001EAA + "\x00\xe2\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xab" + // 0x00E20303: 0x00001EAB + "\x1e\xa0\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xac" + // 0x1EA00302: 0x00001EAC + "\x1e\xa1\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xad" + // 0x1EA10302: 0x00001EAD + "\x01\x02\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xae" + // 0x01020301: 0x00001EAE + "\x01\x03\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xaf" + // 0x01030301: 0x00001EAF + "\x01\x02\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xb0" + // 0x01020300: 0x00001EB0 + "\x01\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xb1" + // 0x01030300: 0x00001EB1 + "\x01\x02\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xb2" + // 0x01020309: 0x00001EB2 + "\x01\x03\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xb3" + // 0x01030309: 0x00001EB3 + "\x01\x02\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xb4" + // 0x01020303: 0x00001EB4 + "\x01\x03\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xb5" + // 0x01030303: 0x00001EB5 + "\x1e\xa0\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\xb6" + // 0x1EA00306: 0x00001EB6 + "\x1e\xa1\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\xb7" + // 0x1EA10306: 0x00001EB7 + "\x00E\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xb8" + // 0x00450323: 0x00001EB8 + "\x00e\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xb9" + // 0x00650323: 0x00001EB9 + "\x00E\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xba" + // 0x00450309: 0x00001EBA + "\x00e\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xbb" + // 0x00650309: 0x00001EBB + "\x00E\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xbc" + // 0x00450303: 0x00001EBC + "\x00e\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xbd" + // 0x00650303: 0x00001EBD + "\x00\xca\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xbe" + // 0x00CA0301: 0x00001EBE + "\x00\xea\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xbf" + // 0x00EA0301: 0x00001EBF + "\x00\xca\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xc0" + // 0x00CA0300: 0x00001EC0 + "\x00\xea\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xc1" + // 0x00EA0300: 0x00001EC1 + "\x00\xca\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc2" + // 0x00CA0309: 0x00001EC2 + "\x00\xea\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc3" + // 0x00EA0309: 0x00001EC3 + "\x00\xca\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xc4" + // 0x00CA0303: 0x00001EC4 + "\x00\xea\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xc5" + // 0x00EA0303: 0x00001EC5 + "\x1e\xb8\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xc6" + // 0x1EB80302: 0x00001EC6 + "\x1e\xb9\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xc7" + // 0x1EB90302: 0x00001EC7 + "\x00I\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc8" + // 0x00490309: 0x00001EC8 + "\x00i\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc9" + // 0x00690309: 0x00001EC9 + "\x00I\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xca" + // 0x00490323: 0x00001ECA + "\x00i\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xcb" + // 0x00690323: 0x00001ECB + "\x00O\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xcc" + // 0x004F0323: 0x00001ECC + "\x00o\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xcd" + // 0x006F0323: 0x00001ECD + "\x00O\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xce" + // 0x004F0309: 0x00001ECE + "\x00o\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xcf" + // 0x006F0309: 0x00001ECF + "\x00\xd4\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xd0" + // 0x00D40301: 0x00001ED0 + "\x00\xf4\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xd1" + // 0x00F40301: 0x00001ED1 + "\x00\xd4\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xd2" + // 0x00D40300: 0x00001ED2 + "\x00\xf4\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xd3" + // 0x00F40300: 0x00001ED3 + "\x00\xd4\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xd4" + // 0x00D40309: 0x00001ED4 + "\x00\xf4\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xd5" + // 0x00F40309: 0x00001ED5 + "\x00\xd4\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xd6" + // 0x00D40303: 0x00001ED6 + "\x00\xf4\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xd7" + // 0x00F40303: 0x00001ED7 + "\x1e\xcc\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xd8" + // 0x1ECC0302: 0x00001ED8 + "\x1e\xcd\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xd9" + // 0x1ECD0302: 0x00001ED9 + "\x01\xa0\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xda" + // 0x01A00301: 0x00001EDA + "\x01\xa1\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xdb" + // 0x01A10301: 0x00001EDB + "\x01\xa0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xdc" + // 0x01A00300: 0x00001EDC + "\x01\xa1\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xdd" + // 0x01A10300: 0x00001EDD + "\x01\xa0\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xde" + // 0x01A00309: 0x00001EDE + "\x01\xa1\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xdf" + // 0x01A10309: 0x00001EDF + "\x01\xa0\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xe0" + // 0x01A00303: 0x00001EE0 + "\x01\xa1\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xe1" + // 0x01A10303: 0x00001EE1 + "\x01\xa0\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe2" + // 0x01A00323: 0x00001EE2 + "\x01\xa1\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe3" + // 0x01A10323: 0x00001EE3 + "\x00U\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe4" + // 0x00550323: 0x00001EE4 + "\x00u\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe5" + // 0x00750323: 0x00001EE5 + "\x00U\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xe6" + // 0x00550309: 0x00001EE6 + "\x00u\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xe7" + // 0x00750309: 0x00001EE7 + "\x01\xaf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xe8" + // 0x01AF0301: 0x00001EE8 + "\x01\xb0\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xe9" + // 0x01B00301: 0x00001EE9 + "\x01\xaf\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xea" + // 0x01AF0300: 0x00001EEA + "\x01\xb0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xeb" + // 0x01B00300: 0x00001EEB + "\x01\xaf\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xec" + // 0x01AF0309: 0x00001EEC + "\x01\xb0\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xed" + // 0x01B00309: 0x00001EED + "\x01\xaf\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xee" + // 0x01AF0303: 0x00001EEE + "\x01\xb0\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xef" + // 0x01B00303: 0x00001EEF + "\x01\xaf\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf0" + // 0x01AF0323: 0x00001EF0 + "\x01\xb0\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf1" + // 0x01B00323: 0x00001EF1 + "\x00Y\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xf2" + // 0x00590300: 0x00001EF2 + "\x00y\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xf3" + // 0x00790300: 0x00001EF3 + "\x00Y\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf4" + // 0x00590323: 0x00001EF4 + "\x00y\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf5" + // 0x00790323: 0x00001EF5 + "\x00Y\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xf6" + // 0x00590309: 0x00001EF6 + "\x00y\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xf7" + // 0x00790309: 0x00001EF7 + "\x00Y\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xf8" + // 0x00590303: 0x00001EF8 + "\x00y\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xf9" + // 0x00790303: 0x00001EF9 + "\x03\xb1\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\x00" + // 0x03B10313: 0x00001F00 + "\x03\xb1\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\x01" + // 0x03B10314: 0x00001F01 + "\x1f\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x02" + // 0x1F000300: 0x00001F02 + "\x1f\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x03" + // 0x1F010300: 0x00001F03 + "\x1f\x00\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x04" + // 0x1F000301: 0x00001F04 + "\x1f\x01\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x05" + // 0x1F010301: 0x00001F05 + "\x1f\x00\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\x06" + // 0x1F000342: 0x00001F06 + "\x1f\x01\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\a" + // 0x1F010342: 0x00001F07 + "\x03\x91\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\b" + // 0x03910313: 0x00001F08 + "\x03\x91\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\t" + // 0x03910314: 0x00001F09 + "\x1f\b\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\n" + // 0x1F080300: 0x00001F0A + "\x1f\t\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\v" + // 0x1F090300: 0x00001F0B + "\x1f\b\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\f" + // 0x1F080301: 0x00001F0C + "\x1f\t\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\r" + // 0x1F090301: 0x00001F0D + "\x1f\b\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\x0e" + // 0x1F080342: 0x00001F0E + "\x1f\t\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\x0f" + // 0x1F090342: 0x00001F0F + "\x03\xb5\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\x10" + // 0x03B50313: 0x00001F10 + "\x03\xb5\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\x11" + // 0x03B50314: 0x00001F11 + "\x1f\x10\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x12" + // 0x1F100300: 0x00001F12 + "\x1f\x11\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x13" + // 0x1F110300: 0x00001F13 + "\x1f\x10\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x14" + // 0x1F100301: 0x00001F14 + "\x1f\x11\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x15" + // 0x1F110301: 0x00001F15 + "\x03\x95\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\x18" + // 0x03950313: 0x00001F18 + "\x03\x95\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\x19" + // 0x03950314: 0x00001F19 + "\x1f\x18\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x1a" + // 0x1F180300: 0x00001F1A + "\x1f\x19\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x1b" + // 0x1F190300: 0x00001F1B + "\x1f\x18\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x1c" + // 0x1F180301: 0x00001F1C + "\x1f\x19\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x1d" + // 0x1F190301: 0x00001F1D + "\x03\xb7\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f " + // 0x03B70313: 0x00001F20 + "\x03\xb7\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f!" + // 0x03B70314: 0x00001F21 + "\x1f \x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\"" + // 0x1F200300: 0x00001F22 + "\x1f!\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f#" + // 0x1F210300: 0x00001F23 + "\x1f \x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f$" + // 0x1F200301: 0x00001F24 + "\x1f!\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f%" + // 0x1F210301: 0x00001F25 + "\x1f \x03B\x00\x00\x1f&" + // 0x1F200342: 0x00001F26 + "\x1f!\x03B\x00\x00\x1f'" + // 0x1F210342: 0x00001F27 + "\x03\x97\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f(" + // 0x03970313: 0x00001F28 + "\x03\x97\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f)" + // 0x03970314: 0x00001F29 + "\x1f(\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f*" + // 0x1F280300: 0x00001F2A + "\x1f)\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f+" + // 0x1F290300: 0x00001F2B + "\x1f(\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f," + // 0x1F280301: 0x00001F2C + "\x1f)\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f-" + // 0x1F290301: 0x00001F2D + "\x1f(\x03B\x00\x00\x1f." + // 0x1F280342: 0x00001F2E + "\x1f)\x03B\x00\x00\x1f/" + // 0x1F290342: 0x00001F2F + "\x03\xb9\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f0" + // 0x03B90313: 0x00001F30 + "\x03\xb9\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f1" + // 0x03B90314: 0x00001F31 + "\x1f0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f2" + // 0x1F300300: 0x00001F32 + "\x1f1\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f3" + // 0x1F310300: 0x00001F33 + "\x1f0\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f4" + // 0x1F300301: 0x00001F34 + "\x1f1\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f5" + // 0x1F310301: 0x00001F35 + "\x1f0\x03B\x00\x00\x1f6" + // 0x1F300342: 0x00001F36 + "\x1f1\x03B\x00\x00\x1f7" + // 0x1F310342: 0x00001F37 + "\x03\x99\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f8" + // 0x03990313: 0x00001F38 + "\x03\x99\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f9" + // 0x03990314: 0x00001F39 + "\x1f8\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f:" + // 0x1F380300: 0x00001F3A + "\x1f9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f;" + // 0x1F390300: 0x00001F3B + "\x1f8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f<" + // 0x1F380301: 0x00001F3C + "\x1f9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f=" + // 0x1F390301: 0x00001F3D + "\x1f8\x03B\x00\x00\x1f>" + // 0x1F380342: 0x00001F3E + "\x1f9\x03B\x00\x00\x1f?" + // 0x1F390342: 0x00001F3F + "\x03\xbf\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f@" + // 0x03BF0313: 0x00001F40 + "\x03\xbf\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fA" + // 0x03BF0314: 0x00001F41 + "\x1f@\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fB" + // 0x1F400300: 0x00001F42 + "\x1fA\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fC" + // 0x1F410300: 0x00001F43 + "\x1f@\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fD" + // 0x1F400301: 0x00001F44 + "\x1fA\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fE" + // 0x1F410301: 0x00001F45 + "\x03\x9f\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1fH" + // 0x039F0313: 0x00001F48 + "\x03\x9f\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fI" + // 0x039F0314: 0x00001F49 + "\x1fH\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fJ" + // 0x1F480300: 0x00001F4A + "\x1fI\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fK" + // 0x1F490300: 0x00001F4B + "\x1fH\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fL" + // 0x1F480301: 0x00001F4C + "\x1fI\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fM" + // 0x1F490301: 0x00001F4D + "\x03\xc5\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1fP" + // 0x03C50313: 0x00001F50 + "\x03\xc5\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fQ" + // 0x03C50314: 0x00001F51 + "\x1fP\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fR" + // 0x1F500300: 0x00001F52 + "\x1fQ\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fS" + // 0x1F510300: 0x00001F53 + "\x1fP\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fT" + // 0x1F500301: 0x00001F54 + "\x1fQ\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fU" + // 0x1F510301: 0x00001F55 + "\x1fP\x03B\x00\x00\x1fV" + // 0x1F500342: 0x00001F56 + "\x1fQ\x03B\x00\x00\x1fW" + // 0x1F510342: 0x00001F57 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fY" + // 0x03A50314: 0x00001F59 + "\x1fY\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f[" + // 0x1F590300: 0x00001F5B + "\x1fY\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f]" + // 0x1F590301: 0x00001F5D + "\x1fY\x03B\x00\x00\x1f_" + // 0x1F590342: 0x00001F5F + "\x03\xc9\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f`" + // 0x03C90313: 0x00001F60 + "\x03\xc9\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fa" + // 0x03C90314: 0x00001F61 + "\x1f`\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fb" + // 0x1F600300: 0x00001F62 + "\x1fa\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fc" + // 0x1F610300: 0x00001F63 + "\x1f`\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fd" + // 0x1F600301: 0x00001F64 + "\x1fa\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fe" + // 0x1F610301: 0x00001F65 + "\x1f`\x03B\x00\x00\x1ff" + // 0x1F600342: 0x00001F66 + "\x1fa\x03B\x00\x00\x1fg" + // 0x1F610342: 0x00001F67 + "\x03\xa9\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1fh" + // 0x03A90313: 0x00001F68 + "\x03\xa9\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fi" + // 0x03A90314: 0x00001F69 + "\x1fh\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fj" + // 0x1F680300: 0x00001F6A + "\x1fi\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fk" + // 0x1F690300: 0x00001F6B + "\x1fh\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fl" + // 0x1F680301: 0x00001F6C + "\x1fi\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fm" + // 0x1F690301: 0x00001F6D + "\x1fh\x03B\x00\x00\x1fn" + // 0x1F680342: 0x00001F6E + "\x1fi\x03B\x00\x00\x1fo" + // 0x1F690342: 0x00001F6F + "\x03\xb1\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fp" + // 0x03B10300: 0x00001F70 + "\x03\xb5\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fr" + // 0x03B50300: 0x00001F72 + "\x03\xb7\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1ft" + // 0x03B70300: 0x00001F74 + "\x03\xb9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fv" + // 0x03B90300: 0x00001F76 + "\x03\xbf\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fx" + // 0x03BF0300: 0x00001F78 + "\x03\xc5\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fz" + // 0x03C50300: 0x00001F7A + "\x03\xc9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f|" + // 0x03C90300: 0x00001F7C + "\x1f\x00\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x80" + // 0x1F000345: 0x00001F80 + "\x1f\x01\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x81" + // 0x1F010345: 0x00001F81 + "\x1f\x02\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x82" + // 0x1F020345: 0x00001F82 + "\x1f\x03\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x83" + // 0x1F030345: 0x00001F83 + "\x1f\x04\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x84" + // 0x1F040345: 0x00001F84 + "\x1f\x05\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x85" + // 0x1F050345: 0x00001F85 + "\x1f\x06\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x86" + // 0x1F060345: 0x00001F86 + "\x1f\a\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x87" + // 0x1F070345: 0x00001F87 + "\x1f\b\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x88" + // 0x1F080345: 0x00001F88 + "\x1f\t\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x89" + // 0x1F090345: 0x00001F89 + "\x1f\n\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8a" + // 0x1F0A0345: 0x00001F8A + "\x1f\v\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8b" + // 0x1F0B0345: 0x00001F8B + "\x1f\f\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8c" + // 0x1F0C0345: 0x00001F8C + "\x1f\r\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8d" + // 0x1F0D0345: 0x00001F8D + "\x1f\x0e\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8e" + // 0x1F0E0345: 0x00001F8E + "\x1f\x0f\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8f" + // 0x1F0F0345: 0x00001F8F + "\x1f \x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x90" + // 0x1F200345: 0x00001F90 + "\x1f!\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x91" + // 0x1F210345: 0x00001F91 + "\x1f\"\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x92" + // 0x1F220345: 0x00001F92 + "\x1f#\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x93" + // 0x1F230345: 0x00001F93 + "\x1f$\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x94" + // 0x1F240345: 0x00001F94 + "\x1f%\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x95" + // 0x1F250345: 0x00001F95 + "\x1f&\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x96" + // 0x1F260345: 0x00001F96 + "\x1f'\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x97" + // 0x1F270345: 0x00001F97 + "\x1f(\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x98" + // 0x1F280345: 0x00001F98 + "\x1f)\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x99" + // 0x1F290345: 0x00001F99 + "\x1f*\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9a" + // 0x1F2A0345: 0x00001F9A + "\x1f+\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9b" + // 0x1F2B0345: 0x00001F9B + "\x1f,\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9c" + // 0x1F2C0345: 0x00001F9C + "\x1f-\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9d" + // 0x1F2D0345: 0x00001F9D + "\x1f.\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9e" + // 0x1F2E0345: 0x00001F9E + "\x1f/\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9f" + // 0x1F2F0345: 0x00001F9F + "\x1f`\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa0" + // 0x1F600345: 0x00001FA0 + "\x1fa\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa1" + // 0x1F610345: 0x00001FA1 + "\x1fb\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa2" + // 0x1F620345: 0x00001FA2 + "\x1fc\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa3" + // 0x1F630345: 0x00001FA3 + "\x1fd\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa4" + // 0x1F640345: 0x00001FA4 + "\x1fe\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa5" + // 0x1F650345: 0x00001FA5 + "\x1ff\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa6" + // 0x1F660345: 0x00001FA6 + "\x1fg\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa7" + // 0x1F670345: 0x00001FA7 + "\x1fh\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa8" + // 0x1F680345: 0x00001FA8 + "\x1fi\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa9" + // 0x1F690345: 0x00001FA9 + "\x1fj\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xaa" + // 0x1F6A0345: 0x00001FAA + "\x1fk\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xab" + // 0x1F6B0345: 0x00001FAB + "\x1fl\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xac" + // 0x1F6C0345: 0x00001FAC + "\x1fm\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xad" + // 0x1F6D0345: 0x00001FAD + "\x1fn\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xae" + // 0x1F6E0345: 0x00001FAE + "\x1fo\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xaf" + // 0x1F6F0345: 0x00001FAF + "\x03\xb1\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xb0" + // 0x03B10306: 0x00001FB0 + "\x03\xb1\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xb1" + // 0x03B10304: 0x00001FB1 + "\x1fp\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb2" + // 0x1F700345: 0x00001FB2 + "\x03\xb1\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb3" + // 0x03B10345: 0x00001FB3 + "\x03\xac\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb4" + // 0x03AC0345: 0x00001FB4 + "\x03\xb1\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xb6" + // 0x03B10342: 0x00001FB6 + "\x1f\xb6\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb7" + // 0x1FB60345: 0x00001FB7 + "\x03\x91\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xb8" + // 0x03910306: 0x00001FB8 + "\x03\x91\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xb9" + // 0x03910304: 0x00001FB9 + "\x03\x91\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xba" + // 0x03910300: 0x00001FBA + "\x03\x91\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xbc" + // 0x03910345: 0x00001FBC + "\x00\xa8\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xc1" + // 0x00A80342: 0x00001FC1 + "\x1ft\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc2" + // 0x1F740345: 0x00001FC2 + "\x03\xb7\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc3" + // 0x03B70345: 0x00001FC3 + "\x03\xae\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc4" + // 0x03AE0345: 0x00001FC4 + "\x03\xb7\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xc6" + // 0x03B70342: 0x00001FC6 + "\x1f\xc6\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc7" + // 0x1FC60345: 0x00001FC7 + "\x03\x95\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xc8" + // 0x03950300: 0x00001FC8 + "\x03\x97\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xca" + // 0x03970300: 0x00001FCA + "\x03\x97\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xcc" + // 0x03970345: 0x00001FCC + "\x1f\xbf\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xcd" + // 0x1FBF0300: 0x00001FCD + "\x1f\xbf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\xce" + // 0x1FBF0301: 0x00001FCE + "\x1f\xbf\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xcf" + // 0x1FBF0342: 0x00001FCF + "\x03\xb9\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xd0" + // 0x03B90306: 0x00001FD0 + "\x03\xb9\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xd1" + // 0x03B90304: 0x00001FD1 + "\x03\xca\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xd2" + // 0x03CA0300: 0x00001FD2 + "\x03\xb9\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xd6" + // 0x03B90342: 0x00001FD6 + "\x03\xca\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xd7" + // 0x03CA0342: 0x00001FD7 + "\x03\x99\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xd8" + // 0x03990306: 0x00001FD8 + "\x03\x99\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xd9" + // 0x03990304: 0x00001FD9 + "\x03\x99\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xda" + // 0x03990300: 0x00001FDA + "\x1f\xfe\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xdd" + // 0x1FFE0300: 0x00001FDD + "\x1f\xfe\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\xde" + // 0x1FFE0301: 0x00001FDE + "\x1f\xfe\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xdf" + // 0x1FFE0342: 0x00001FDF + "\x03\xc5\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xe0" + // 0x03C50306: 0x00001FE0 + "\x03\xc5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xe1" + // 0x03C50304: 0x00001FE1 + "\x03\xcb\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xe2" + // 0x03CB0300: 0x00001FE2 + "\x03\xc1\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\xe4" + // 0x03C10313: 0x00001FE4 + "\x03\xc1\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\xe5" + // 0x03C10314: 0x00001FE5 + "\x03\xc5\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xe6" + // 0x03C50342: 0x00001FE6 + "\x03\xcb\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xe7" + // 0x03CB0342: 0x00001FE7 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xe8" + // 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"0o0\x99\x00\x000p" + // 0x306F3099: 0x00003070 + "0o0\x9a\x00\x000q" + // 0x306F309A: 0x00003071 + "0r0\x99\x00\x000s" + // 0x30723099: 0x00003073 + "0r0\x9a\x00\x000t" + // 0x3072309A: 0x00003074 + "0u0\x99\x00\x000v" + // 0x30753099: 0x00003076 + "0u0\x9a\x00\x000w" + // 0x3075309A: 0x00003077 + "0x0\x99\x00\x000y" + // 0x30783099: 0x00003079 + "0x0\x9a\x00\x000z" + // 0x3078309A: 0x0000307A + "0{0\x99\x00\x000|" + // 0x307B3099: 0x0000307C + "0{0\x9a\x00\x000}" + // 0x307B309A: 0x0000307D + "0F0\x99\x00\x000\x94" + // 0x30463099: 0x00003094 + "0\x9d0\x99\x00\x000\x9e" + // 0x309D3099: 0x0000309E + "0\xab0\x99\x00\x000\xac" + // 0x30AB3099: 0x000030AC + "0\xad0\x99\x00\x000\xae" + // 0x30AD3099: 0x000030AE + "0\xaf0\x99\x00\x000\xb0" + // 0x30AF3099: 0x000030B0 + "0\xb10\x99\x00\x000\xb2" + // 0x30B13099: 0x000030B2 + "0\xb30\x99\x00\x000\xb4" + // 0x30B33099: 0x000030B4 + "0\xb50\x99\x00\x000\xb6" + // 0x30B53099: 0x000030B6 + "0\xb70\x99\x00\x000\xb8" + // 0x30B73099: 0x000030B8 + "0\xb90\x99\x00\x000\xba" + // 0x30B93099: 0x000030BA + "0\xbb0\x99\x00\x000\xbc" + // 0x30BB3099: 0x000030BC + "0\xbd0\x99\x00\x000\xbe" + // 0x30BD3099: 0x000030BE + "0\xbf0\x99\x00\x000\xc0" + // 0x30BF3099: 0x000030C0 + "0\xc10\x99\x00\x000\xc2" + // 0x30C13099: 0x000030C2 + "0\xc40\x99\x00\x000\xc5" + // 0x30C43099: 0x000030C5 + "0\xc60\x99\x00\x000\xc7" + // 0x30C63099: 0x000030C7 + "0\xc80\x99\x00\x000\xc9" + // 0x30C83099: 0x000030C9 + "0\xcf0\x99\x00\x000\xd0" + // 0x30CF3099: 0x000030D0 + "0\xcf0\x9a\x00\x000\xd1" + // 0x30CF309A: 0x000030D1 + "0\xd20\x99\x00\x000\xd3" + // 0x30D23099: 0x000030D3 + "0\xd20\x9a\x00\x000\xd4" + // 0x30D2309A: 0x000030D4 + "0\xd50\x99\x00\x000\xd6" + // 0x30D53099: 0x000030D6 + "0\xd50\x9a\x00\x000\xd7" + // 0x30D5309A: 0x000030D7 + "0\xd80\x99\x00\x000\xd9" + // 0x30D83099: 0x000030D9 + "0\xd80\x9a\x00\x000\xda" + // 0x30D8309A: 0x000030DA + "0\xdb0\x99\x00\x000\xdc" + // 0x30DB3099: 0x000030DC + "0\xdb0\x9a\x00\x000\xdd" + // 0x30DB309A: 0x000030DD + "0\xa60\x99\x00\x000\xf4" + // 0x30A63099: 0x000030F4 + "0\xef0\x99\x00\x000\xf7" + // 0x30EF3099: 0x000030F7 + "0\xf00\x99\x00\x000\xf8" + // 0x30F03099: 0x000030F8 + "0\xf10\x99\x00\x000\xf9" + // 0x30F13099: 0x000030F9 + "0\xf20\x99\x00\x000\xfa" + // 0x30F23099: 0x000030FA + "0\xfd0\x99\x00\x000\xfe" + // 0x30FD3099: 0x000030FE + "\x10\x99\x10\xba\x00\x01\x10\x9a" + // 0x109910BA: 0x0001109A + "\x10\x9b\x10\xba\x00\x01\x10\x9c" + // 0x109B10BA: 0x0001109C + "\x10\xa5\x10\xba\x00\x01\x10\xab" + // 0x10A510BA: 0x000110AB + "\x111\x11'\x00\x01\x11." + // 0x11311127: 0x0001112E + "\x112\x11'\x00\x01\x11/" + // 0x11321127: 0x0001112F + "\x13G\x13>\x00\x01\x13K" + // 0x1347133E: 0x0001134B + "\x13G\x13W\x00\x01\x13L" + // 0x13471357: 0x0001134C + "\x14\xb9\x14\xba\x00\x01\x14\xbb" + // 0x14B914BA: 0x000114BB + "\x14\xb9\x14\xb0\x00\x01\x14\xbc" + // 0x14B914B0: 0x000114BC + "\x14\xb9\x14\xbd\x00\x01\x14\xbe" + // 0x14B914BD: 0x000114BE + "\x15\xb8\x15\xaf\x00\x01\x15\xba" + // 0x15B815AF: 0x000115BA + "\x15\xb9\x15\xaf\x00\x01\x15\xbb" + // 0x15B915AF: 0x000115BB + "" + // Total size of tables: 53KB (54514 bytes) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables9.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables9.0.0.go index a01274a8e87..94290692913 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables9.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/tables9.0.0.go @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ package norm +import "sync" + const ( // Version is the Unicode edition from which the tables are derived. Version = "9.0.0" @@ -6687,947 +6689,949 @@ var nfkcSparseValues = [875]valueRange{ } // recompMap: 7520 bytes (entries only) -var recompMap = map[uint32]rune{ - 0x00410300: 0x00C0, - 0x00410301: 0x00C1, - 0x00410302: 0x00C2, - 0x00410303: 0x00C3, - 0x00410308: 0x00C4, - 0x0041030A: 0x00C5, - 0x00430327: 0x00C7, - 0x00450300: 0x00C8, - 0x00450301: 0x00C9, - 0x00450302: 0x00CA, - 0x00450308: 0x00CB, - 0x00490300: 0x00CC, - 0x00490301: 0x00CD, - 0x00490302: 0x00CE, - 0x00490308: 0x00CF, - 0x004E0303: 0x00D1, - 0x004F0300: 0x00D2, - 0x004F0301: 0x00D3, - 0x004F0302: 0x00D4, - 0x004F0303: 0x00D5, - 0x004F0308: 0x00D6, - 0x00550300: 0x00D9, - 0x00550301: 0x00DA, - 0x00550302: 0x00DB, - 0x00550308: 0x00DC, - 0x00590301: 0x00DD, - 0x00610300: 0x00E0, - 0x00610301: 0x00E1, - 0x00610302: 0x00E2, - 0x00610303: 0x00E3, - 0x00610308: 0x00E4, - 0x0061030A: 0x00E5, - 0x00630327: 0x00E7, - 0x00650300: 0x00E8, - 0x00650301: 0x00E9, - 0x00650302: 0x00EA, - 0x00650308: 0x00EB, - 0x00690300: 0x00EC, - 0x00690301: 0x00ED, - 0x00690302: 0x00EE, - 0x00690308: 0x00EF, - 0x006E0303: 0x00F1, - 0x006F0300: 0x00F2, - 0x006F0301: 0x00F3, - 0x006F0302: 0x00F4, - 0x006F0303: 0x00F5, - 0x006F0308: 0x00F6, - 0x00750300: 0x00F9, - 0x00750301: 0x00FA, - 0x00750302: 0x00FB, - 0x00750308: 0x00FC, - 0x00790301: 0x00FD, - 0x00790308: 0x00FF, - 0x00410304: 0x0100, - 0x00610304: 0x0101, - 0x00410306: 0x0102, - 0x00610306: 0x0103, - 0x00410328: 0x0104, - 0x00610328: 0x0105, - 0x00430301: 0x0106, - 0x00630301: 0x0107, - 0x00430302: 0x0108, - 0x00630302: 0x0109, - 0x00430307: 0x010A, - 0x00630307: 0x010B, - 0x0043030C: 0x010C, - 0x0063030C: 0x010D, - 0x0044030C: 0x010E, - 0x0064030C: 0x010F, - 0x00450304: 0x0112, - 0x00650304: 0x0113, - 0x00450306: 0x0114, - 0x00650306: 0x0115, - 0x00450307: 0x0116, - 0x00650307: 0x0117, - 0x00450328: 0x0118, - 0x00650328: 0x0119, - 0x0045030C: 0x011A, - 0x0065030C: 0x011B, - 0x00470302: 0x011C, - 0x00670302: 0x011D, - 0x00470306: 0x011E, - 0x00670306: 0x011F, - 0x00470307: 0x0120, - 0x00670307: 0x0121, - 0x00470327: 0x0122, - 0x00670327: 0x0123, - 0x00480302: 0x0124, - 0x00680302: 0x0125, - 0x00490303: 0x0128, - 0x00690303: 0x0129, - 0x00490304: 0x012A, - 0x00690304: 0x012B, - 0x00490306: 0x012C, - 0x00690306: 0x012D, - 0x00490328: 0x012E, - 0x00690328: 0x012F, - 0x00490307: 0x0130, - 0x004A0302: 0x0134, - 0x006A0302: 0x0135, - 0x004B0327: 0x0136, - 0x006B0327: 0x0137, - 0x004C0301: 0x0139, - 0x006C0301: 0x013A, - 0x004C0327: 0x013B, - 0x006C0327: 0x013C, - 0x004C030C: 0x013D, - 0x006C030C: 0x013E, - 0x004E0301: 0x0143, - 0x006E0301: 0x0144, - 0x004E0327: 0x0145, - 0x006E0327: 0x0146, - 0x004E030C: 0x0147, - 0x006E030C: 0x0148, - 0x004F0304: 0x014C, - 0x006F0304: 0x014D, - 0x004F0306: 0x014E, - 0x006F0306: 0x014F, - 0x004F030B: 0x0150, - 0x006F030B: 0x0151, - 0x00520301: 0x0154, - 0x00720301: 0x0155, - 0x00520327: 0x0156, - 0x00720327: 0x0157, - 0x0052030C: 0x0158, - 0x0072030C: 0x0159, - 0x00530301: 0x015A, - 0x00730301: 0x015B, - 0x00530302: 0x015C, - 0x00730302: 0x015D, - 0x00530327: 0x015E, - 0x00730327: 0x015F, - 0x0053030C: 0x0160, - 0x0073030C: 0x0161, - 0x00540327: 0x0162, - 0x00740327: 0x0163, - 0x0054030C: 0x0164, - 0x0074030C: 0x0165, - 0x00550303: 0x0168, - 0x00750303: 0x0169, - 0x00550304: 0x016A, - 0x00750304: 0x016B, - 0x00550306: 0x016C, - 0x00750306: 0x016D, - 0x0055030A: 0x016E, - 0x0075030A: 0x016F, - 0x0055030B: 0x0170, - 0x0075030B: 0x0171, - 0x00550328: 0x0172, - 0x00750328: 0x0173, - 0x00570302: 0x0174, - 0x00770302: 0x0175, - 0x00590302: 0x0176, - 0x00790302: 0x0177, - 0x00590308: 0x0178, - 0x005A0301: 0x0179, - 0x007A0301: 0x017A, - 0x005A0307: 0x017B, - 0x007A0307: 0x017C, - 0x005A030C: 0x017D, - 0x007A030C: 0x017E, - 0x004F031B: 0x01A0, - 0x006F031B: 0x01A1, - 0x0055031B: 0x01AF, - 0x0075031B: 0x01B0, - 0x0041030C: 0x01CD, - 0x0061030C: 0x01CE, - 0x0049030C: 0x01CF, - 0x0069030C: 0x01D0, - 0x004F030C: 0x01D1, - 0x006F030C: 0x01D2, - 0x0055030C: 0x01D3, - 0x0075030C: 0x01D4, - 0x00DC0304: 0x01D5, - 0x00FC0304: 0x01D6, - 0x00DC0301: 0x01D7, - 0x00FC0301: 0x01D8, - 0x00DC030C: 0x01D9, - 0x00FC030C: 0x01DA, - 0x00DC0300: 0x01DB, - 0x00FC0300: 0x01DC, - 0x00C40304: 0x01DE, - 0x00E40304: 0x01DF, - 0x02260304: 0x01E0, - 0x02270304: 0x01E1, - 0x00C60304: 0x01E2, - 0x00E60304: 0x01E3, - 0x0047030C: 0x01E6, - 0x0067030C: 0x01E7, - 0x004B030C: 0x01E8, - 0x006B030C: 0x01E9, - 0x004F0328: 0x01EA, - 0x006F0328: 0x01EB, - 0x01EA0304: 0x01EC, - 0x01EB0304: 0x01ED, - 0x01B7030C: 0x01EE, - 0x0292030C: 0x01EF, - 0x006A030C: 0x01F0, - 0x00470301: 0x01F4, - 0x00670301: 0x01F5, - 0x004E0300: 0x01F8, - 0x006E0300: 0x01F9, - 0x00C50301: 0x01FA, - 0x00E50301: 0x01FB, - 0x00C60301: 0x01FC, - 0x00E60301: 0x01FD, - 0x00D80301: 0x01FE, - 0x00F80301: 0x01FF, - 0x0041030F: 0x0200, - 0x0061030F: 0x0201, - 0x00410311: 0x0202, - 0x00610311: 0x0203, - 0x0045030F: 0x0204, - 0x0065030F: 0x0205, - 0x00450311: 0x0206, - 0x00650311: 0x0207, - 0x0049030F: 0x0208, - 0x0069030F: 0x0209, - 0x00490311: 0x020A, - 0x00690311: 0x020B, - 0x004F030F: 0x020C, - 0x006F030F: 0x020D, - 0x004F0311: 0x020E, - 0x006F0311: 0x020F, - 0x0052030F: 0x0210, - 0x0072030F: 0x0211, - 0x00520311: 0x0212, - 0x00720311: 0x0213, - 0x0055030F: 0x0214, - 0x0075030F: 0x0215, - 0x00550311: 0x0216, - 0x00750311: 0x0217, - 0x00530326: 0x0218, - 0x00730326: 0x0219, - 0x00540326: 0x021A, - 0x00740326: 0x021B, - 0x0048030C: 0x021E, - 0x0068030C: 0x021F, - 0x00410307: 0x0226, - 0x00610307: 0x0227, - 0x00450327: 0x0228, - 0x00650327: 0x0229, - 0x00D60304: 0x022A, - 0x00F60304: 0x022B, - 0x00D50304: 0x022C, - 0x00F50304: 0x022D, - 0x004F0307: 0x022E, - 0x006F0307: 0x022F, - 0x022E0304: 0x0230, - 0x022F0304: 0x0231, - 0x00590304: 0x0232, - 0x00790304: 0x0233, - 0x00A80301: 0x0385, - 0x03910301: 0x0386, - 0x03950301: 0x0388, - 0x03970301: 0x0389, - 0x03990301: 0x038A, - 0x039F0301: 0x038C, - 0x03A50301: 0x038E, - 0x03A90301: 0x038F, - 0x03CA0301: 0x0390, - 0x03990308: 0x03AA, - 0x03A50308: 0x03AB, - 0x03B10301: 0x03AC, - 0x03B50301: 0x03AD, - 0x03B70301: 0x03AE, - 0x03B90301: 0x03AF, - 0x03CB0301: 0x03B0, - 0x03B90308: 0x03CA, - 0x03C50308: 0x03CB, - 0x03BF0301: 0x03CC, - 0x03C50301: 0x03CD, - 0x03C90301: 0x03CE, - 0x03D20301: 0x03D3, - 0x03D20308: 0x03D4, - 0x04150300: 0x0400, - 0x04150308: 0x0401, - 0x04130301: 0x0403, - 0x04060308: 0x0407, - 0x041A0301: 0x040C, - 0x04180300: 0x040D, - 0x04230306: 0x040E, - 0x04180306: 0x0419, - 0x04380306: 0x0439, - 0x04350300: 0x0450, - 0x04350308: 0x0451, - 0x04330301: 0x0453, - 0x04560308: 0x0457, - 0x043A0301: 0x045C, - 0x04380300: 0x045D, - 0x04430306: 0x045E, - 0x0474030F: 0x0476, - 0x0475030F: 0x0477, - 0x04160306: 0x04C1, - 0x04360306: 0x04C2, - 0x04100306: 0x04D0, - 0x04300306: 0x04D1, - 0x04100308: 0x04D2, - 0x04300308: 0x04D3, - 0x04150306: 0x04D6, - 0x04350306: 0x04D7, - 0x04D80308: 0x04DA, - 0x04D90308: 0x04DB, - 0x04160308: 0x04DC, - 0x04360308: 0x04DD, - 0x04170308: 0x04DE, - 0x04370308: 0x04DF, - 0x04180304: 0x04E2, - 0x04380304: 0x04E3, - 0x04180308: 0x04E4, - 0x04380308: 0x04E5, - 0x041E0308: 0x04E6, - 0x043E0308: 0x04E7, - 0x04E80308: 0x04EA, - 0x04E90308: 0x04EB, - 0x042D0308: 0x04EC, - 0x044D0308: 0x04ED, - 0x04230304: 0x04EE, - 0x04430304: 0x04EF, - 0x04230308: 0x04F0, - 0x04430308: 0x04F1, - 0x0423030B: 0x04F2, - 0x0443030B: 0x04F3, - 0x04270308: 0x04F4, - 0x04470308: 0x04F5, - 0x042B0308: 0x04F8, - 0x044B0308: 0x04F9, - 0x06270653: 0x0622, - 0x06270654: 0x0623, - 0x06480654: 0x0624, - 0x06270655: 0x0625, - 0x064A0654: 0x0626, - 0x06D50654: 0x06C0, - 0x06C10654: 0x06C2, - 0x06D20654: 0x06D3, - 0x0928093C: 0x0929, - 0x0930093C: 0x0931, - 0x0933093C: 0x0934, - 0x09C709BE: 0x09CB, - 0x09C709D7: 0x09CC, - 0x0B470B56: 0x0B48, - 0x0B470B3E: 0x0B4B, - 0x0B470B57: 0x0B4C, - 0x0B920BD7: 0x0B94, - 0x0BC60BBE: 0x0BCA, - 0x0BC70BBE: 0x0BCB, - 0x0BC60BD7: 0x0BCC, - 0x0C460C56: 0x0C48, - 0x0CBF0CD5: 0x0CC0, - 0x0CC60CD5: 0x0CC7, - 0x0CC60CD6: 0x0CC8, - 0x0CC60CC2: 0x0CCA, - 0x0CCA0CD5: 0x0CCB, - 0x0D460D3E: 0x0D4A, - 0x0D470D3E: 0x0D4B, - 0x0D460D57: 0x0D4C, - 0x0DD90DCA: 0x0DDA, - 0x0DD90DCF: 0x0DDC, - 0x0DDC0DCA: 0x0DDD, - 0x0DD90DDF: 0x0DDE, - 0x1025102E: 0x1026, - 0x1B051B35: 0x1B06, - 0x1B071B35: 0x1B08, - 0x1B091B35: 0x1B0A, - 0x1B0B1B35: 0x1B0C, - 0x1B0D1B35: 0x1B0E, - 0x1B111B35: 0x1B12, - 0x1B3A1B35: 0x1B3B, - 0x1B3C1B35: 0x1B3D, - 0x1B3E1B35: 0x1B40, - 0x1B3F1B35: 0x1B41, - 0x1B421B35: 0x1B43, - 0x00410325: 0x1E00, - 0x00610325: 0x1E01, - 0x00420307: 0x1E02, - 0x00620307: 0x1E03, - 0x00420323: 0x1E04, - 0x00620323: 0x1E05, - 0x00420331: 0x1E06, - 0x00620331: 0x1E07, - 0x00C70301: 0x1E08, - 0x00E70301: 0x1E09, - 0x00440307: 0x1E0A, - 0x00640307: 0x1E0B, - 0x00440323: 0x1E0C, - 0x00640323: 0x1E0D, - 0x00440331: 0x1E0E, - 0x00640331: 0x1E0F, - 0x00440327: 0x1E10, - 0x00640327: 0x1E11, - 0x0044032D: 0x1E12, - 0x0064032D: 0x1E13, - 0x01120300: 0x1E14, - 0x01130300: 0x1E15, - 0x01120301: 0x1E16, - 0x01130301: 0x1E17, - 0x0045032D: 0x1E18, - 0x0065032D: 0x1E19, - 0x00450330: 0x1E1A, - 0x00650330: 0x1E1B, - 0x02280306: 0x1E1C, - 0x02290306: 0x1E1D, - 0x00460307: 0x1E1E, - 0x00660307: 0x1E1F, - 0x00470304: 0x1E20, - 0x00670304: 0x1E21, - 0x00480307: 0x1E22, - 0x00680307: 0x1E23, - 0x00480323: 0x1E24, - 0x00680323: 0x1E25, - 0x00480308: 0x1E26, - 0x00680308: 0x1E27, - 0x00480327: 0x1E28, - 0x00680327: 0x1E29, - 0x0048032E: 0x1E2A, - 0x0068032E: 0x1E2B, - 0x00490330: 0x1E2C, - 0x00690330: 0x1E2D, - 0x00CF0301: 0x1E2E, - 0x00EF0301: 0x1E2F, - 0x004B0301: 0x1E30, - 0x006B0301: 0x1E31, - 0x004B0323: 0x1E32, - 0x006B0323: 0x1E33, - 0x004B0331: 0x1E34, - 0x006B0331: 0x1E35, - 0x004C0323: 0x1E36, - 0x006C0323: 0x1E37, - 0x1E360304: 0x1E38, - 0x1E370304: 0x1E39, - 0x004C0331: 0x1E3A, - 0x006C0331: 0x1E3B, - 0x004C032D: 0x1E3C, - 0x006C032D: 0x1E3D, - 0x004D0301: 0x1E3E, - 0x006D0301: 0x1E3F, - 0x004D0307: 0x1E40, - 0x006D0307: 0x1E41, - 0x004D0323: 0x1E42, - 0x006D0323: 0x1E43, - 0x004E0307: 0x1E44, - 0x006E0307: 0x1E45, - 0x004E0323: 0x1E46, - 0x006E0323: 0x1E47, - 0x004E0331: 0x1E48, - 0x006E0331: 0x1E49, - 0x004E032D: 0x1E4A, - 0x006E032D: 0x1E4B, - 0x00D50301: 0x1E4C, - 0x00F50301: 0x1E4D, - 0x00D50308: 0x1E4E, - 0x00F50308: 0x1E4F, - 0x014C0300: 0x1E50, - 0x014D0300: 0x1E51, - 0x014C0301: 0x1E52, - 0x014D0301: 0x1E53, - 0x00500301: 0x1E54, - 0x00700301: 0x1E55, - 0x00500307: 0x1E56, - 0x00700307: 0x1E57, - 0x00520307: 0x1E58, - 0x00720307: 0x1E59, - 0x00520323: 0x1E5A, - 0x00720323: 0x1E5B, - 0x1E5A0304: 0x1E5C, - 0x1E5B0304: 0x1E5D, - 0x00520331: 0x1E5E, - 0x00720331: 0x1E5F, - 0x00530307: 0x1E60, - 0x00730307: 0x1E61, - 0x00530323: 0x1E62, - 0x00730323: 0x1E63, - 0x015A0307: 0x1E64, - 0x015B0307: 0x1E65, - 0x01600307: 0x1E66, - 0x01610307: 0x1E67, - 0x1E620307: 0x1E68, - 0x1E630307: 0x1E69, - 0x00540307: 0x1E6A, - 0x00740307: 0x1E6B, - 0x00540323: 0x1E6C, - 0x00740323: 0x1E6D, - 0x00540331: 0x1E6E, - 0x00740331: 0x1E6F, - 0x0054032D: 0x1E70, - 0x0074032D: 0x1E71, - 0x00550324: 0x1E72, - 0x00750324: 0x1E73, - 0x00550330: 0x1E74, - 0x00750330: 0x1E75, - 0x0055032D: 0x1E76, - 0x0075032D: 0x1E77, - 0x01680301: 0x1E78, - 0x01690301: 0x1E79, - 0x016A0308: 0x1E7A, - 0x016B0308: 0x1E7B, - 0x00560303: 0x1E7C, - 0x00760303: 0x1E7D, - 0x00560323: 0x1E7E, - 0x00760323: 0x1E7F, - 0x00570300: 0x1E80, - 0x00770300: 0x1E81, - 0x00570301: 0x1E82, - 0x00770301: 0x1E83, - 0x00570308: 0x1E84, - 0x00770308: 0x1E85, - 0x00570307: 0x1E86, - 0x00770307: 0x1E87, - 0x00570323: 0x1E88, - 0x00770323: 0x1E89, - 0x00580307: 0x1E8A, - 0x00780307: 0x1E8B, - 0x00580308: 0x1E8C, - 0x00780308: 0x1E8D, - 0x00590307: 0x1E8E, - 0x00790307: 0x1E8F, - 0x005A0302: 0x1E90, - 0x007A0302: 0x1E91, - 0x005A0323: 0x1E92, - 0x007A0323: 0x1E93, - 0x005A0331: 0x1E94, - 0x007A0331: 0x1E95, - 0x00680331: 0x1E96, - 0x00740308: 0x1E97, - 0x0077030A: 0x1E98, - 0x0079030A: 0x1E99, - 0x017F0307: 0x1E9B, - 0x00410323: 0x1EA0, - 0x00610323: 0x1EA1, - 0x00410309: 0x1EA2, - 0x00610309: 0x1EA3, - 0x00C20301: 0x1EA4, - 0x00E20301: 0x1EA5, - 0x00C20300: 0x1EA6, - 0x00E20300: 0x1EA7, - 0x00C20309: 0x1EA8, - 0x00E20309: 0x1EA9, - 0x00C20303: 0x1EAA, - 0x00E20303: 0x1EAB, - 0x1EA00302: 0x1EAC, - 0x1EA10302: 0x1EAD, - 0x01020301: 0x1EAE, - 0x01030301: 0x1EAF, - 0x01020300: 0x1EB0, - 0x01030300: 0x1EB1, - 0x01020309: 0x1EB2, - 0x01030309: 0x1EB3, - 0x01020303: 0x1EB4, - 0x01030303: 0x1EB5, - 0x1EA00306: 0x1EB6, - 0x1EA10306: 0x1EB7, - 0x00450323: 0x1EB8, - 0x00650323: 0x1EB9, - 0x00450309: 0x1EBA, - 0x00650309: 0x1EBB, - 0x00450303: 0x1EBC, - 0x00650303: 0x1EBD, - 0x00CA0301: 0x1EBE, - 0x00EA0301: 0x1EBF, - 0x00CA0300: 0x1EC0, - 0x00EA0300: 0x1EC1, - 0x00CA0309: 0x1EC2, - 0x00EA0309: 0x1EC3, - 0x00CA0303: 0x1EC4, - 0x00EA0303: 0x1EC5, - 0x1EB80302: 0x1EC6, - 0x1EB90302: 0x1EC7, - 0x00490309: 0x1EC8, - 0x00690309: 0x1EC9, - 0x00490323: 0x1ECA, - 0x00690323: 0x1ECB, - 0x004F0323: 0x1ECC, - 0x006F0323: 0x1ECD, - 0x004F0309: 0x1ECE, - 0x006F0309: 0x1ECF, - 0x00D40301: 0x1ED0, - 0x00F40301: 0x1ED1, - 0x00D40300: 0x1ED2, - 0x00F40300: 0x1ED3, - 0x00D40309: 0x1ED4, - 0x00F40309: 0x1ED5, - 0x00D40303: 0x1ED6, - 0x00F40303: 0x1ED7, - 0x1ECC0302: 0x1ED8, - 0x1ECD0302: 0x1ED9, - 0x01A00301: 0x1EDA, - 0x01A10301: 0x1EDB, - 0x01A00300: 0x1EDC, - 0x01A10300: 0x1EDD, - 0x01A00309: 0x1EDE, - 0x01A10309: 0x1EDF, - 0x01A00303: 0x1EE0, - 0x01A10303: 0x1EE1, - 0x01A00323: 0x1EE2, - 0x01A10323: 0x1EE3, - 0x00550323: 0x1EE4, - 0x00750323: 0x1EE5, - 0x00550309: 0x1EE6, - 0x00750309: 0x1EE7, - 0x01AF0301: 0x1EE8, - 0x01B00301: 0x1EE9, - 0x01AF0300: 0x1EEA, - 0x01B00300: 0x1EEB, - 0x01AF0309: 0x1EEC, - 0x01B00309: 0x1EED, - 0x01AF0303: 0x1EEE, - 0x01B00303: 0x1EEF, - 0x01AF0323: 0x1EF0, - 0x01B00323: 0x1EF1, - 0x00590300: 0x1EF2, - 0x00790300: 0x1EF3, - 0x00590323: 0x1EF4, - 0x00790323: 0x1EF5, - 0x00590309: 0x1EF6, - 0x00790309: 0x1EF7, - 0x00590303: 0x1EF8, - 0x00790303: 0x1EF9, - 0x03B10313: 0x1F00, - 0x03B10314: 0x1F01, - 0x1F000300: 0x1F02, - 0x1F010300: 0x1F03, - 0x1F000301: 0x1F04, - 0x1F010301: 0x1F05, - 0x1F000342: 0x1F06, - 0x1F010342: 0x1F07, - 0x03910313: 0x1F08, - 0x03910314: 0x1F09, - 0x1F080300: 0x1F0A, - 0x1F090300: 0x1F0B, - 0x1F080301: 0x1F0C, - 0x1F090301: 0x1F0D, - 0x1F080342: 0x1F0E, - 0x1F090342: 0x1F0F, - 0x03B50313: 0x1F10, - 0x03B50314: 0x1F11, - 0x1F100300: 0x1F12, - 0x1F110300: 0x1F13, - 0x1F100301: 0x1F14, - 0x1F110301: 0x1F15, - 0x03950313: 0x1F18, - 0x03950314: 0x1F19, - 0x1F180300: 0x1F1A, - 0x1F190300: 0x1F1B, - 0x1F180301: 0x1F1C, - 0x1F190301: 0x1F1D, - 0x03B70313: 0x1F20, - 0x03B70314: 0x1F21, - 0x1F200300: 0x1F22, - 0x1F210300: 0x1F23, - 0x1F200301: 0x1F24, - 0x1F210301: 0x1F25, - 0x1F200342: 0x1F26, - 0x1F210342: 0x1F27, - 0x03970313: 0x1F28, - 0x03970314: 0x1F29, - 0x1F280300: 0x1F2A, - 0x1F290300: 0x1F2B, - 0x1F280301: 0x1F2C, - 0x1F290301: 0x1F2D, - 0x1F280342: 0x1F2E, - 0x1F290342: 0x1F2F, - 0x03B90313: 0x1F30, - 0x03B90314: 0x1F31, - 0x1F300300: 0x1F32, - 0x1F310300: 0x1F33, - 0x1F300301: 0x1F34, - 0x1F310301: 0x1F35, - 0x1F300342: 0x1F36, - 0x1F310342: 0x1F37, - 0x03990313: 0x1F38, - 0x03990314: 0x1F39, - 0x1F380300: 0x1F3A, - 0x1F390300: 0x1F3B, - 0x1F380301: 0x1F3C, - 0x1F390301: 0x1F3D, - 0x1F380342: 0x1F3E, - 0x1F390342: 0x1F3F, - 0x03BF0313: 0x1F40, - 0x03BF0314: 0x1F41, - 0x1F400300: 0x1F42, - 0x1F410300: 0x1F43, - 0x1F400301: 0x1F44, - 0x1F410301: 0x1F45, - 0x039F0313: 0x1F48, - 0x039F0314: 0x1F49, - 0x1F480300: 0x1F4A, - 0x1F490300: 0x1F4B, - 0x1F480301: 0x1F4C, - 0x1F490301: 0x1F4D, - 0x03C50313: 0x1F50, - 0x03C50314: 0x1F51, - 0x1F500300: 0x1F52, - 0x1F510300: 0x1F53, - 0x1F500301: 0x1F54, - 0x1F510301: 0x1F55, - 0x1F500342: 0x1F56, - 0x1F510342: 0x1F57, - 0x03A50314: 0x1F59, - 0x1F590300: 0x1F5B, - 0x1F590301: 0x1F5D, - 0x1F590342: 0x1F5F, - 0x03C90313: 0x1F60, - 0x03C90314: 0x1F61, - 0x1F600300: 0x1F62, - 0x1F610300: 0x1F63, - 0x1F600301: 0x1F64, - 0x1F610301: 0x1F65, - 0x1F600342: 0x1F66, - 0x1F610342: 0x1F67, - 0x03A90313: 0x1F68, - 0x03A90314: 0x1F69, - 0x1F680300: 0x1F6A, - 0x1F690300: 0x1F6B, - 0x1F680301: 0x1F6C, - 0x1F690301: 0x1F6D, - 0x1F680342: 0x1F6E, - 0x1F690342: 0x1F6F, - 0x03B10300: 0x1F70, - 0x03B50300: 0x1F72, - 0x03B70300: 0x1F74, - 0x03B90300: 0x1F76, - 0x03BF0300: 0x1F78, - 0x03C50300: 0x1F7A, - 0x03C90300: 0x1F7C, - 0x1F000345: 0x1F80, - 0x1F010345: 0x1F81, - 0x1F020345: 0x1F82, - 0x1F030345: 0x1F83, - 0x1F040345: 0x1F84, - 0x1F050345: 0x1F85, - 0x1F060345: 0x1F86, - 0x1F070345: 0x1F87, - 0x1F080345: 0x1F88, - 0x1F090345: 0x1F89, - 0x1F0A0345: 0x1F8A, - 0x1F0B0345: 0x1F8B, - 0x1F0C0345: 0x1F8C, - 0x1F0D0345: 0x1F8D, - 0x1F0E0345: 0x1F8E, - 0x1F0F0345: 0x1F8F, - 0x1F200345: 0x1F90, - 0x1F210345: 0x1F91, - 0x1F220345: 0x1F92, - 0x1F230345: 0x1F93, - 0x1F240345: 0x1F94, - 0x1F250345: 0x1F95, - 0x1F260345: 0x1F96, - 0x1F270345: 0x1F97, - 0x1F280345: 0x1F98, - 0x1F290345: 0x1F99, - 0x1F2A0345: 0x1F9A, - 0x1F2B0345: 0x1F9B, - 0x1F2C0345: 0x1F9C, - 0x1F2D0345: 0x1F9D, - 0x1F2E0345: 0x1F9E, - 0x1F2F0345: 0x1F9F, - 0x1F600345: 0x1FA0, - 0x1F610345: 0x1FA1, - 0x1F620345: 0x1FA2, - 0x1F630345: 0x1FA3, - 0x1F640345: 0x1FA4, - 0x1F650345: 0x1FA5, - 0x1F660345: 0x1FA6, - 0x1F670345: 0x1FA7, - 0x1F680345: 0x1FA8, - 0x1F690345: 0x1FA9, - 0x1F6A0345: 0x1FAA, - 0x1F6B0345: 0x1FAB, - 0x1F6C0345: 0x1FAC, - 0x1F6D0345: 0x1FAD, - 0x1F6E0345: 0x1FAE, - 0x1F6F0345: 0x1FAF, - 0x03B10306: 0x1FB0, - 0x03B10304: 0x1FB1, - 0x1F700345: 0x1FB2, - 0x03B10345: 0x1FB3, - 0x03AC0345: 0x1FB4, - 0x03B10342: 0x1FB6, - 0x1FB60345: 0x1FB7, - 0x03910306: 0x1FB8, - 0x03910304: 0x1FB9, - 0x03910300: 0x1FBA, - 0x03910345: 0x1FBC, - 0x00A80342: 0x1FC1, - 0x1F740345: 0x1FC2, - 0x03B70345: 0x1FC3, - 0x03AE0345: 0x1FC4, - 0x03B70342: 0x1FC6, - 0x1FC60345: 0x1FC7, - 0x03950300: 0x1FC8, - 0x03970300: 0x1FCA, - 0x03970345: 0x1FCC, - 0x1FBF0300: 0x1FCD, - 0x1FBF0301: 0x1FCE, - 0x1FBF0342: 0x1FCF, - 0x03B90306: 0x1FD0, - 0x03B90304: 0x1FD1, - 0x03CA0300: 0x1FD2, - 0x03B90342: 0x1FD6, - 0x03CA0342: 0x1FD7, - 0x03990306: 0x1FD8, - 0x03990304: 0x1FD9, - 0x03990300: 0x1FDA, - 0x1FFE0300: 0x1FDD, - 0x1FFE0301: 0x1FDE, - 0x1FFE0342: 0x1FDF, - 0x03C50306: 0x1FE0, - 0x03C50304: 0x1FE1, - 0x03CB0300: 0x1FE2, - 0x03C10313: 0x1FE4, - 0x03C10314: 0x1FE5, - 0x03C50342: 0x1FE6, - 0x03CB0342: 0x1FE7, - 0x03A50306: 0x1FE8, - 0x03A50304: 0x1FE9, - 0x03A50300: 0x1FEA, - 0x03A10314: 0x1FEC, - 0x00A80300: 0x1FED, - 0x1F7C0345: 0x1FF2, - 0x03C90345: 0x1FF3, - 0x03CE0345: 0x1FF4, - 0x03C90342: 0x1FF6, - 0x1FF60345: 0x1FF7, - 0x039F0300: 0x1FF8, - 0x03A90300: 0x1FFA, - 0x03A90345: 0x1FFC, - 0x21900338: 0x219A, - 0x21920338: 0x219B, - 0x21940338: 0x21AE, - 0x21D00338: 0x21CD, - 0x21D40338: 0x21CE, - 0x21D20338: 0x21CF, - 0x22030338: 0x2204, - 0x22080338: 0x2209, - 0x220B0338: 0x220C, - 0x22230338: 0x2224, - 0x22250338: 0x2226, - 0x223C0338: 0x2241, - 0x22430338: 0x2244, - 0x22450338: 0x2247, - 0x22480338: 0x2249, - 0x003D0338: 0x2260, - 0x22610338: 0x2262, - 0x224D0338: 0x226D, - 0x003C0338: 0x226E, - 0x003E0338: 0x226F, - 0x22640338: 0x2270, - 0x22650338: 0x2271, - 0x22720338: 0x2274, - 0x22730338: 0x2275, - 0x22760338: 0x2278, - 0x22770338: 0x2279, - 0x227A0338: 0x2280, - 0x227B0338: 0x2281, - 0x22820338: 0x2284, - 0x22830338: 0x2285, - 0x22860338: 0x2288, - 0x22870338: 0x2289, - 0x22A20338: 0x22AC, - 0x22A80338: 0x22AD, - 0x22A90338: 0x22AE, - 0x22AB0338: 0x22AF, - 0x227C0338: 0x22E0, - 0x227D0338: 0x22E1, - 0x22910338: 0x22E2, - 0x22920338: 0x22E3, - 0x22B20338: 0x22EA, - 0x22B30338: 0x22EB, - 0x22B40338: 0x22EC, - 0x22B50338: 0x22ED, - 0x304B3099: 0x304C, - 0x304D3099: 0x304E, - 0x304F3099: 0x3050, - 0x30513099: 0x3052, - 0x30533099: 0x3054, - 0x30553099: 0x3056, - 0x30573099: 0x3058, - 0x30593099: 0x305A, - 0x305B3099: 0x305C, - 0x305D3099: 0x305E, - 0x305F3099: 0x3060, - 0x30613099: 0x3062, - 0x30643099: 0x3065, - 0x30663099: 0x3067, - 0x30683099: 0x3069, - 0x306F3099: 0x3070, - 0x306F309A: 0x3071, - 0x30723099: 0x3073, - 0x3072309A: 0x3074, - 0x30753099: 0x3076, - 0x3075309A: 0x3077, - 0x30783099: 0x3079, - 0x3078309A: 0x307A, - 0x307B3099: 0x307C, - 0x307B309A: 0x307D, - 0x30463099: 0x3094, - 0x309D3099: 0x309E, - 0x30AB3099: 0x30AC, - 0x30AD3099: 0x30AE, - 0x30AF3099: 0x30B0, - 0x30B13099: 0x30B2, - 0x30B33099: 0x30B4, - 0x30B53099: 0x30B6, - 0x30B73099: 0x30B8, - 0x30B93099: 0x30BA, - 0x30BB3099: 0x30BC, - 0x30BD3099: 0x30BE, - 0x30BF3099: 0x30C0, - 0x30C13099: 0x30C2, - 0x30C43099: 0x30C5, - 0x30C63099: 0x30C7, - 0x30C83099: 0x30C9, - 0x30CF3099: 0x30D0, - 0x30CF309A: 0x30D1, - 0x30D23099: 0x30D3, - 0x30D2309A: 0x30D4, - 0x30D53099: 0x30D6, - 0x30D5309A: 0x30D7, - 0x30D83099: 0x30D9, - 0x30D8309A: 0x30DA, - 0x30DB3099: 0x30DC, - 0x30DB309A: 0x30DD, - 0x30A63099: 0x30F4, - 0x30EF3099: 0x30F7, - 0x30F03099: 0x30F8, - 0x30F13099: 0x30F9, - 0x30F23099: 0x30FA, - 0x30FD3099: 0x30FE, - 0x109910BA: 0x1109A, - 0x109B10BA: 0x1109C, - 0x10A510BA: 0x110AB, - 0x11311127: 0x1112E, - 0x11321127: 0x1112F, - 0x1347133E: 0x1134B, - 0x13471357: 0x1134C, - 0x14B914BA: 0x114BB, - 0x14B914B0: 0x114BC, - 0x14B914BD: 0x114BE, - 0x15B815AF: 0x115BA, - 0x15B915AF: 0x115BB, -} +var recompMap map[uint32]rune +var recompMapOnce sync.Once -// Total size of tables: 53KB (54006 bytes) +const recompMapPacked = "" + + "\x00A\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0" + // 0x00410300: 0x000000C0 + "\x00A\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xc1" + // 0x00410301: 0x000000C1 + "\x00A\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xc2" + // 0x00410302: 0x000000C2 + "\x00A\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xc3" + // 0x00410303: 0x000000C3 + "\x00A\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xc4" + // 0x00410308: 0x000000C4 + "\x00A\x03\n\x00\x00\x00\xc5" + // 0x0041030A: 0x000000C5 + "\x00C\x03'\x00\x00\x00\xc7" + // 0x00430327: 0x000000C7 + "\x00E\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc8" + // 0x00450300: 0x000000C8 + "\x00E\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xc9" + // 0x00450301: 0x000000C9 + "\x00E\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xca" + // 0x00450302: 0x000000CA + "\x00E\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xcb" + // 0x00450308: 0x000000CB + "\x00I\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xcc" + // 0x00490300: 0x000000CC + "\x00I\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xcd" + // 0x00490301: 0x000000CD + "\x00I\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xce" + // 0x00490302: 0x000000CE + "\x00I\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xcf" + // 0x00490308: 0x000000CF + "\x00N\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd1" + // 0x004E0303: 0x000000D1 + "\x00O\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd2" + // 0x004F0300: 0x000000D2 + "\x00O\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xd3" + // 0x004F0301: 0x000000D3 + "\x00O\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xd4" + // 0x004F0302: 0x000000D4 + "\x00O\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xd5" + // 0x004F0303: 0x000000D5 + "\x00O\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xd6" + // 0x004F0308: 0x000000D6 + "\x00U\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd9" + // 0x00550300: 0x000000D9 + "\x00U\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xda" + // 0x00550301: 0x000000DA + "\x00U\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xdb" + // 0x00550302: 0x000000DB + "\x00U\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xdc" + // 0x00550308: 0x000000DC + "\x00Y\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xdd" + // 0x00590301: 0x000000DD + "\x00a\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe0" + // 0x00610300: 0x000000E0 + "\x00a\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xe1" + // 0x00610301: 0x000000E1 + "\x00a\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xe2" + // 0x00610302: 0x000000E2 + "\x00a\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xe3" + // 0x00610303: 0x000000E3 + "\x00a\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xe4" + // 0x00610308: 0x000000E4 + "\x00a\x03\n\x00\x00\x00\xe5" + // 0x0061030A: 0x000000E5 + "\x00c\x03'\x00\x00\x00\xe7" + // 0x00630327: 0x000000E7 + "\x00e\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xe8" + // 0x00650300: 0x000000E8 + "\x00e\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xe9" + // 0x00650301: 0x000000E9 + "\x00e\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xea" + // 0x00650302: 0x000000EA + "\x00e\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xeb" + // 0x00650308: 0x000000EB + "\x00i\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xec" + // 0x00690300: 0x000000EC + "\x00i\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xed" + // 0x00690301: 0x000000ED + "\x00i\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xee" + // 0x00690302: 0x000000EE + "\x00i\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xef" + // 0x00690308: 0x000000EF + "\x00n\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf1" + // 0x006E0303: 0x000000F1 + "\x00o\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf2" + // 0x006F0300: 0x000000F2 + "\x00o\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xf3" + // 0x006F0301: 0x000000F3 + "\x00o\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xf4" + // 0x006F0302: 0x000000F4 + "\x00o\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\xf5" + // 0x006F0303: 0x000000F5 + "\x00o\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xf6" + // 0x006F0308: 0x000000F6 + "\x00u\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf9" + // 0x00750300: 0x000000F9 + "\x00u\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xfa" + // 0x00750301: 0x000000FA + "\x00u\x03\x02\x00\x00\x00\xfb" + // 0x00750302: 0x000000FB + "\x00u\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xfc" + // 0x00750308: 0x000000FC + "\x00y\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00\xfd" + // 0x00790301: 0x000000FD + "\x00y\x03\b\x00\x00\x00\xff" + // 0x00790308: 0x000000FF + "\x00A\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x00" + // 0x00410304: 0x00000100 + "\x00a\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x01" + // 0x00610304: 0x00000101 + "\x00A\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x02" + // 0x00410306: 0x00000102 + "\x00a\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x03" + // 0x00610306: 0x00000103 + "\x00A\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x04" + // 0x00410328: 0x00000104 + "\x00a\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x05" + // 0x00610328: 0x00000105 + "\x00C\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\x06" + // 0x00430301: 0x00000106 + "\x00c\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\a" + // 0x00630301: 0x00000107 + "\x00C\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\b" + // 0x00430302: 0x00000108 + "\x00c\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\t" + // 0x00630302: 0x00000109 + "\x00C\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\n" + // 0x00430307: 0x0000010A + "\x00c\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\v" + // 0x00630307: 0x0000010B + "\x00C\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\f" + // 0x0043030C: 0x0000010C + "\x00c\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\r" + // 0x0063030C: 0x0000010D + "\x00D\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x0e" + // 0x0044030C: 0x0000010E + "\x00d\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x0f" + // 0x0064030C: 0x0000010F + "\x00E\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x12" + // 0x00450304: 0x00000112 + "\x00e\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\x13" + // 0x00650304: 0x00000113 + "\x00E\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x14" + // 0x00450306: 0x00000114 + "\x00e\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x15" + // 0x00650306: 0x00000115 + "\x00E\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\x16" + // 0x00450307: 0x00000116 + "\x00e\x03\a\x00\x00\x01\x17" + // 0x00650307: 0x00000117 + "\x00E\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x18" + // 0x00450328: 0x00000118 + "\x00e\x03(\x00\x00\x01\x19" + // 0x00650328: 0x00000119 + "\x00E\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x1a" + // 0x0045030C: 0x0000011A + "\x00e\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\x1b" + // 0x0065030C: 0x0000011B + "\x00G\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\x1c" + // 0x00470302: 0x0000011C + "\x00g\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\x1d" + // 0x00670302: 0x0000011D + "\x00G\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x1e" + // 0x00470306: 0x0000011E + "\x00g\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01\x1f" + // 0x00670306: 0x0000011F + "\x00G\x03\a\x00\x00\x01 " + // 0x00470307: 0x00000120 + "\x00g\x03\a\x00\x00\x01!" + // 0x00670307: 0x00000121 + "\x00G\x03'\x00\x00\x01\"" + // 0x00470327: 0x00000122 + "\x00g\x03'\x00\x00\x01#" + // 0x00670327: 0x00000123 + "\x00H\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01$" + // 0x00480302: 0x00000124 + "\x00h\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01%" + // 0x00680302: 0x00000125 + "\x00I\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01(" + // 0x00490303: 0x00000128 + "\x00i\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01)" + // 0x00690303: 0x00000129 + "\x00I\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01*" + // 0x00490304: 0x0000012A + "\x00i\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01+" + // 0x00690304: 0x0000012B + "\x00I\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01," + // 0x00490306: 0x0000012C + "\x00i\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01-" + // 0x00690306: 0x0000012D + "\x00I\x03(\x00\x00\x01." + // 0x00490328: 0x0000012E + "\x00i\x03(\x00\x00\x01/" + // 0x00690328: 0x0000012F + "\x00I\x03\a\x00\x00\x010" + // 0x00490307: 0x00000130 + "\x00J\x03\x02\x00\x00\x014" + // 0x004A0302: 0x00000134 + "\x00j\x03\x02\x00\x00\x015" + // 0x006A0302: 0x00000135 + "\x00K\x03'\x00\x00\x016" + // 0x004B0327: 0x00000136 + "\x00k\x03'\x00\x00\x017" + // 0x006B0327: 0x00000137 + "\x00L\x03\x01\x00\x00\x019" + // 0x004C0301: 0x00000139 + "\x00l\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01:" + // 0x006C0301: 0x0000013A + "\x00L\x03'\x00\x00\x01;" + // 0x004C0327: 0x0000013B + "\x00l\x03'\x00\x00\x01<" + // 0x006C0327: 0x0000013C + "\x00L\x03\f\x00\x00\x01=" + // 0x004C030C: 0x0000013D + "\x00l\x03\f\x00\x00\x01>" + // 0x006C030C: 0x0000013E + "\x00N\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01C" + // 0x004E0301: 0x00000143 + "\x00n\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01D" + // 0x006E0301: 0x00000144 + "\x00N\x03'\x00\x00\x01E" + // 0x004E0327: 0x00000145 + "\x00n\x03'\x00\x00\x01F" + // 0x006E0327: 0x00000146 + "\x00N\x03\f\x00\x00\x01G" + // 0x004E030C: 0x00000147 + "\x00n\x03\f\x00\x00\x01H" + // 0x006E030C: 0x00000148 + "\x00O\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01L" + // 0x004F0304: 0x0000014C + "\x00o\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01M" + // 0x006F0304: 0x0000014D + "\x00O\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01N" + // 0x004F0306: 0x0000014E + "\x00o\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01O" + // 0x006F0306: 0x0000014F + "\x00O\x03\v\x00\x00\x01P" + // 0x004F030B: 0x00000150 + "\x00o\x03\v\x00\x00\x01Q" + // 0x006F030B: 0x00000151 + "\x00R\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01T" + // 0x00520301: 0x00000154 + "\x00r\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01U" + // 0x00720301: 0x00000155 + "\x00R\x03'\x00\x00\x01V" + // 0x00520327: 0x00000156 + "\x00r\x03'\x00\x00\x01W" + // 0x00720327: 0x00000157 + "\x00R\x03\f\x00\x00\x01X" + // 0x0052030C: 0x00000158 + "\x00r\x03\f\x00\x00\x01Y" + // 0x0072030C: 0x00000159 + "\x00S\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01Z" + // 0x00530301: 0x0000015A + "\x00s\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01[" + // 0x00730301: 0x0000015B + "\x00S\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01\\" + // 0x00530302: 0x0000015C + "\x00s\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01]" + // 0x00730302: 0x0000015D + "\x00S\x03'\x00\x00\x01^" + // 0x00530327: 0x0000015E + "\x00s\x03'\x00\x00\x01_" + // 0x00730327: 0x0000015F + "\x00S\x03\f\x00\x00\x01`" + // 0x0053030C: 0x00000160 + "\x00s\x03\f\x00\x00\x01a" + // 0x0073030C: 0x00000161 + "\x00T\x03'\x00\x00\x01b" + // 0x00540327: 0x00000162 + "\x00t\x03'\x00\x00\x01c" + // 0x00740327: 0x00000163 + "\x00T\x03\f\x00\x00\x01d" + // 0x0054030C: 0x00000164 + "\x00t\x03\f\x00\x00\x01e" + // 0x0074030C: 0x00000165 + "\x00U\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01h" + // 0x00550303: 0x00000168 + "\x00u\x03\x03\x00\x00\x01i" + // 0x00750303: 0x00000169 + "\x00U\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01j" + // 0x00550304: 0x0000016A + "\x00u\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01k" + // 0x00750304: 0x0000016B + "\x00U\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01l" + // 0x00550306: 0x0000016C + "\x00u\x03\x06\x00\x00\x01m" + // 0x00750306: 0x0000016D + "\x00U\x03\n\x00\x00\x01n" + // 0x0055030A: 0x0000016E + "\x00u\x03\n\x00\x00\x01o" + // 0x0075030A: 0x0000016F + "\x00U\x03\v\x00\x00\x01p" + // 0x0055030B: 0x00000170 + "\x00u\x03\v\x00\x00\x01q" + // 0x0075030B: 0x00000171 + "\x00U\x03(\x00\x00\x01r" + // 0x00550328: 0x00000172 + "\x00u\x03(\x00\x00\x01s" + // 0x00750328: 0x00000173 + "\x00W\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01t" + // 0x00570302: 0x00000174 + "\x00w\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01u" + // 0x00770302: 0x00000175 + "\x00Y\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01v" + // 0x00590302: 0x00000176 + "\x00y\x03\x02\x00\x00\x01w" + // 0x00790302: 0x00000177 + "\x00Y\x03\b\x00\x00\x01x" + // 0x00590308: 0x00000178 + "\x00Z\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01y" + // 0x005A0301: 0x00000179 + "\x00z\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01z" + // 0x007A0301: 0x0000017A + "\x00Z\x03\a\x00\x00\x01{" + // 0x005A0307: 0x0000017B + "\x00z\x03\a\x00\x00\x01|" + // 0x007A0307: 0x0000017C + "\x00Z\x03\f\x00\x00\x01}" + // 0x005A030C: 0x0000017D + "\x00z\x03\f\x00\x00\x01~" + // 0x007A030C: 0x0000017E + "\x00O\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xa0" + // 0x004F031B: 0x000001A0 + "\x00o\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xa1" + // 0x006F031B: 0x000001A1 + "\x00U\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xaf" + // 0x0055031B: 0x000001AF + "\x00u\x03\x1b\x00\x00\x01\xb0" + // 0x0075031B: 0x000001B0 + "\x00A\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xcd" + // 0x0041030C: 0x000001CD + "\x00a\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xce" + // 0x0061030C: 0x000001CE + "\x00I\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xcf" + // 0x0049030C: 0x000001CF + "\x00i\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd0" + // 0x0069030C: 0x000001D0 + "\x00O\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd1" + // 0x004F030C: 0x000001D1 + "\x00o\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd2" + // 0x006F030C: 0x000001D2 + "\x00U\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd3" + // 0x0055030C: 0x000001D3 + "\x00u\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd4" + // 0x0075030C: 0x000001D4 + "\x00\xdc\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xd5" + // 0x00DC0304: 0x000001D5 + "\x00\xfc\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xd6" + // 0x00FC0304: 0x000001D6 + "\x00\xdc\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xd7" + // 0x00DC0301: 0x000001D7 + "\x00\xfc\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xd8" + // 0x00FC0301: 0x000001D8 + "\x00\xdc\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xd9" + // 0x00DC030C: 0x000001D9 + "\x00\xfc\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xda" + // 0x00FC030C: 0x000001DA + "\x00\xdc\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xdb" + // 0x00DC0300: 0x000001DB + "\x00\xfc\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xdc" + // 0x00FC0300: 0x000001DC + "\x00\xc4\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xde" + // 0x00C40304: 0x000001DE + "\x00\xe4\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xdf" + // 0x00E40304: 0x000001DF + "\x02&\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe0" + // 0x02260304: 0x000001E0 + "\x02'\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe1" + // 0x02270304: 0x000001E1 + "\x00\xc6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe2" + // 0x00C60304: 0x000001E2 + "\x00\xe6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xe3" + // 0x00E60304: 0x000001E3 + "\x00G\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe6" + // 0x0047030C: 0x000001E6 + "\x00g\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe7" + // 0x0067030C: 0x000001E7 + "\x00K\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe8" + // 0x004B030C: 0x000001E8 + "\x00k\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xe9" + // 0x006B030C: 0x000001E9 + "\x00O\x03(\x00\x00\x01\xea" + // 0x004F0328: 0x000001EA + "\x00o\x03(\x00\x00\x01\xeb" + // 0x006F0328: 0x000001EB + "\x01\xea\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xec" + // 0x01EA0304: 0x000001EC + "\x01\xeb\x03\x04\x00\x00\x01\xed" + // 0x01EB0304: 0x000001ED + "\x01\xb7\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xee" + // 0x01B7030C: 0x000001EE + "\x02\x92\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xef" + // 0x0292030C: 0x000001EF + "\x00j\x03\f\x00\x00\x01\xf0" + // 0x006A030C: 0x000001F0 + "\x00G\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xf4" + // 0x00470301: 0x000001F4 + "\x00g\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xf5" + // 0x00670301: 0x000001F5 + "\x00N\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xf8" + // 0x004E0300: 0x000001F8 + "\x00n\x03\x00\x00\x00\x01\xf9" + // 0x006E0300: 0x000001F9 + "\x00\xc5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfa" + // 0x00C50301: 0x000001FA + "\x00\xe5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfb" + // 0x00E50301: 0x000001FB + "\x00\xc6\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfc" + // 0x00C60301: 0x000001FC + "\x00\xe6\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfd" + // 0x00E60301: 0x000001FD + "\x00\xd8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xfe" + // 0x00D80301: 0x000001FE + "\x00\xf8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x01\xff" + // 0x00F80301: 0x000001FF + "\x00A\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x00" + // 0x0041030F: 0x00000200 + "\x00a\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x01" + // 0x0061030F: 0x00000201 + "\x00A\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x02" + // 0x00410311: 0x00000202 + "\x00a\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x03" + // 0x00610311: 0x00000203 + "\x00E\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x04" + // 0x0045030F: 0x00000204 + "\x00e\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x05" + // 0x0065030F: 0x00000205 + "\x00E\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x06" + // 0x00450311: 0x00000206 + "\x00e\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\a" + // 0x00650311: 0x00000207 + "\x00I\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\b" + // 0x0049030F: 0x00000208 + "\x00i\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\t" + // 0x0069030F: 0x00000209 + "\x00I\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\n" + // 0x00490311: 0x0000020A + "\x00i\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\v" + // 0x00690311: 0x0000020B + "\x00O\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\f" + // 0x004F030F: 0x0000020C + "\x00o\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\r" + // 0x006F030F: 0x0000020D + "\x00O\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x0e" + // 0x004F0311: 0x0000020E + "\x00o\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x0f" + // 0x006F0311: 0x0000020F + "\x00R\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x10" + // 0x0052030F: 0x00000210 + "\x00r\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x11" + // 0x0072030F: 0x00000211 + "\x00R\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x12" + // 0x00520311: 0x00000212 + "\x00r\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x13" + // 0x00720311: 0x00000213 + "\x00U\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x14" + // 0x0055030F: 0x00000214 + "\x00u\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x02\x15" + // 0x0075030F: 0x00000215 + "\x00U\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x16" + // 0x00550311: 0x00000216 + "\x00u\x03\x11\x00\x00\x02\x17" + // 0x00750311: 0x00000217 + "\x00S\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x18" + // 0x00530326: 0x00000218 + "\x00s\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x19" + // 0x00730326: 0x00000219 + "\x00T\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x1a" + // 0x00540326: 0x0000021A + "\x00t\x03&\x00\x00\x02\x1b" + // 0x00740326: 0x0000021B + "\x00H\x03\f\x00\x00\x02\x1e" + // 0x0048030C: 0x0000021E + "\x00h\x03\f\x00\x00\x02\x1f" + // 0x0068030C: 0x0000021F + "\x00A\x03\a\x00\x00\x02&" + // 0x00410307: 0x00000226 + "\x00a\x03\a\x00\x00\x02'" + // 0x00610307: 0x00000227 + "\x00E\x03'\x00\x00\x02(" + // 0x00450327: 0x00000228 + "\x00e\x03'\x00\x00\x02)" + // 0x00650327: 0x00000229 + "\x00\xd6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02*" + // 0x00D60304: 0x0000022A + "\x00\xf6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02+" + // 0x00F60304: 0x0000022B + "\x00\xd5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02," + // 0x00D50304: 0x0000022C + "\x00\xf5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x02-" + // 0x00F50304: 0x0000022D + "\x00O\x03\a\x00\x00\x02." + // 0x004F0307: 0x0000022E + "\x00o\x03\a\x00\x00\x02/" + // 0x006F0307: 0x0000022F + "\x02.\x03\x04\x00\x00\x020" + // 0x022E0304: 0x00000230 + "\x02/\x03\x04\x00\x00\x021" + // 0x022F0304: 0x00000231 + "\x00Y\x03\x04\x00\x00\x022" + // 0x00590304: 0x00000232 + "\x00y\x03\x04\x00\x00\x023" + // 0x00790304: 0x00000233 + "\x00\xa8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x85" + // 0x00A80301: 0x00000385 + "\x03\x91\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x86" + // 0x03910301: 0x00000386 + "\x03\x95\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x88" + // 0x03950301: 0x00000388 + "\x03\x97\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x89" + // 0x03970301: 0x00000389 + "\x03\x99\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8a" + // 0x03990301: 0x0000038A + "\x03\x9f\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8c" + // 0x039F0301: 0x0000038C + "\x03\xa5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8e" + // 0x03A50301: 0x0000038E + "\x03\xa9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x8f" + // 0x03A90301: 0x0000038F + "\x03\xca\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\x90" + // 0x03CA0301: 0x00000390 + "\x03\x99\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xaa" + // 0x03990308: 0x000003AA + "\x03\xa5\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xab" + // 0x03A50308: 0x000003AB + "\x03\xb1\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xac" + // 0x03B10301: 0x000003AC + "\x03\xb5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xad" + // 0x03B50301: 0x000003AD + "\x03\xb7\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xae" + // 0x03B70301: 0x000003AE + "\x03\xb9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xaf" + // 0x03B90301: 0x000003AF + "\x03\xcb\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xb0" + // 0x03CB0301: 0x000003B0 + "\x03\xb9\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xca" + // 0x03B90308: 0x000003CA + "\x03\xc5\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xcb" + // 0x03C50308: 0x000003CB + "\x03\xbf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xcc" + // 0x03BF0301: 0x000003CC + "\x03\xc5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xcd" + // 0x03C50301: 0x000003CD + "\x03\xc9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xce" + // 0x03C90301: 0x000003CE + "\x03\xd2\x03\x01\x00\x00\x03\xd3" + // 0x03D20301: 0x000003D3 + "\x03\xd2\x03\b\x00\x00\x03\xd4" + // 0x03D20308: 0x000003D4 + "\x04\x15\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00" + // 0x04150300: 0x00000400 + "\x04\x15\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\x01" + // 0x04150308: 0x00000401 + "\x04\x13\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04\x03" + // 0x04130301: 0x00000403 + "\x04\x06\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\a" + // 0x04060308: 0x00000407 + "\x04\x1a\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04\f" + // 0x041A0301: 0x0000040C + "\x04\x18\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04\r" + // 0x04180300: 0x0000040D + "\x04#\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\x0e" + // 0x04230306: 0x0000040E + "\x04\x18\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\x19" + // 0x04180306: 0x00000419 + "\x048\x03\x06\x00\x00\x049" + // 0x04380306: 0x00000439 + "\x045\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04P" + // 0x04350300: 0x00000450 + "\x045\x03\b\x00\x00\x04Q" + // 0x04350308: 0x00000451 + "\x043\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04S" + // 0x04330301: 0x00000453 + "\x04V\x03\b\x00\x00\x04W" + // 0x04560308: 0x00000457 + "\x04:\x03\x01\x00\x00\x04\\" + // 0x043A0301: 0x0000045C + "\x048\x03\x00\x00\x00\x04]" + // 0x04380300: 0x0000045D + "\x04C\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04^" + // 0x04430306: 0x0000045E + "\x04t\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x04v" + // 0x0474030F: 0x00000476 + "\x04u\x03\x0f\x00\x00\x04w" + // 0x0475030F: 0x00000477 + "\x04\x16\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xc1" + // 0x04160306: 0x000004C1 + "\x046\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xc2" + // 0x04360306: 0x000004C2 + "\x04\x10\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd0" + // 0x04100306: 0x000004D0 + "\x040\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd1" + // 0x04300306: 0x000004D1 + "\x04\x10\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xd2" + // 0x04100308: 0x000004D2 + "\x040\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xd3" + // 0x04300308: 0x000004D3 + "\x04\x15\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd6" + // 0x04150306: 0x000004D6 + "\x045\x03\x06\x00\x00\x04\xd7" + // 0x04350306: 0x000004D7 + "\x04\xd8\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xda" + // 0x04D80308: 0x000004DA + "\x04\xd9\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdb" + // 0x04D90308: 0x000004DB + "\x04\x16\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdc" + // 0x04160308: 0x000004DC + "\x046\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdd" + // 0x04360308: 0x000004DD + "\x04\x17\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xde" + // 0x04170308: 0x000004DE + "\x047\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xdf" + // 0x04370308: 0x000004DF + "\x04\x18\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xe2" + // 0x04180304: 0x000004E2 + "\x048\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xe3" + // 0x04380304: 0x000004E3 + "\x04\x18\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe4" + // 0x04180308: 0x000004E4 + "\x048\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe5" + // 0x04380308: 0x000004E5 + "\x04\x1e\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe6" + // 0x041E0308: 0x000004E6 + "\x04>\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xe7" + // 0x043E0308: 0x000004E7 + "\x04\xe8\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xea" + // 0x04E80308: 0x000004EA + "\x04\xe9\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xeb" + // 0x04E90308: 0x000004EB + "\x04-\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xec" + // 0x042D0308: 0x000004EC + "\x04M\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xed" + // 0x044D0308: 0x000004ED + "\x04#\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xee" + // 0x04230304: 0x000004EE + "\x04C\x03\x04\x00\x00\x04\xef" + // 0x04430304: 0x000004EF + "\x04#\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf0" + // 0x04230308: 0x000004F0 + "\x04C\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf1" + // 0x04430308: 0x000004F1 + "\x04#\x03\v\x00\x00\x04\xf2" + // 0x0423030B: 0x000004F2 + "\x04C\x03\v\x00\x00\x04\xf3" + // 0x0443030B: 0x000004F3 + "\x04'\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf4" + // 0x04270308: 0x000004F4 + "\x04G\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf5" + // 0x04470308: 0x000004F5 + "\x04+\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf8" + // 0x042B0308: 0x000004F8 + "\x04K\x03\b\x00\x00\x04\xf9" + // 0x044B0308: 0x000004F9 + "\x06'\x06S\x00\x00\x06\"" + // 0x06270653: 0x00000622 + "\x06'\x06T\x00\x00\x06#" + // 0x06270654: 0x00000623 + "\x06H\x06T\x00\x00\x06$" + // 0x06480654: 0x00000624 + "\x06'\x06U\x00\x00\x06%" + // 0x06270655: 0x00000625 + "\x06J\x06T\x00\x00\x06&" + // 0x064A0654: 0x00000626 + "\x06\xd5\x06T\x00\x00\x06\xc0" + // 0x06D50654: 0x000006C0 + "\x06\xc1\x06T\x00\x00\x06\xc2" + // 0x06C10654: 0x000006C2 + "\x06\xd2\x06T\x00\x00\x06\xd3" + // 0x06D20654: 0x000006D3 + "\t(\t<\x00\x00\t)" + // 0x0928093C: 0x00000929 + "\t0\t<\x00\x00\t1" + // 0x0930093C: 0x00000931 + "\t3\t<\x00\x00\t4" + // 0x0933093C: 0x00000934 + "\t\xc7\t\xbe\x00\x00\t\xcb" + // 0x09C709BE: 0x000009CB + "\t\xc7\t\xd7\x00\x00\t\xcc" + // 0x09C709D7: 0x000009CC + "\vG\vV\x00\x00\vH" + // 0x0B470B56: 0x00000B48 + "\vG\v>\x00\x00\vK" + // 0x0B470B3E: 0x00000B4B + "\vG\vW\x00\x00\vL" + // 0x0B470B57: 0x00000B4C + "\v\x92\v\xd7\x00\x00\v\x94" + // 0x0B920BD7: 0x00000B94 + "\v\xc6\v\xbe\x00\x00\v\xca" + // 0x0BC60BBE: 0x00000BCA + "\v\xc7\v\xbe\x00\x00\v\xcb" + // 0x0BC70BBE: 0x00000BCB + "\v\xc6\v\xd7\x00\x00\v\xcc" + // 0x0BC60BD7: 0x00000BCC + "\fF\fV\x00\x00\fH" + // 0x0C460C56: 0x00000C48 + "\f\xbf\f\xd5\x00\x00\f\xc0" + // 0x0CBF0CD5: 0x00000CC0 + "\f\xc6\f\xd5\x00\x00\f\xc7" + // 0x0CC60CD5: 0x00000CC7 + "\f\xc6\f\xd6\x00\x00\f\xc8" + // 0x0CC60CD6: 0x00000CC8 + "\f\xc6\f\xc2\x00\x00\f\xca" + // 0x0CC60CC2: 0x00000CCA + "\f\xca\f\xd5\x00\x00\f\xcb" + // 0x0CCA0CD5: 0x00000CCB + "\rF\r>\x00\x00\rJ" + // 0x0D460D3E: 0x00000D4A + "\rG\r>\x00\x00\rK" + // 0x0D470D3E: 0x00000D4B + "\rF\rW\x00\x00\rL" + // 0x0D460D57: 0x00000D4C + "\r\xd9\r\xca\x00\x00\r\xda" + // 0x0DD90DCA: 0x00000DDA + "\r\xd9\r\xcf\x00\x00\r\xdc" + // 0x0DD90DCF: 0x00000DDC + "\r\xdc\r\xca\x00\x00\r\xdd" + // 0x0DDC0DCA: 0x00000DDD + "\r\xd9\r\xdf\x00\x00\r\xde" + // 0x0DD90DDF: 0x00000DDE + "\x10%\x10.\x00\x00\x10&" + // 0x1025102E: 0x00001026 + "\x1b\x05\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\x06" + // 0x1B051B35: 0x00001B06 + "\x1b\a\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\b" + // 0x1B071B35: 0x00001B08 + "\x1b\t\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\n" + // 0x1B091B35: 0x00001B0A + "\x1b\v\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\f" + // 0x1B0B1B35: 0x00001B0C + "\x1b\r\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\x0e" + // 0x1B0D1B35: 0x00001B0E + "\x1b\x11\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b\x12" + // 0x1B111B35: 0x00001B12 + "\x1b:\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b;" + // 0x1B3A1B35: 0x00001B3B + "\x1b<\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b=" + // 0x1B3C1B35: 0x00001B3D + "\x1b>\x1b5\x00\x00\x1b@" + // 0x1B3E1B35: 0x00001B40 + "\x1b?\x1b5\x00\x00\x1bA" + // 0x1B3F1B35: 0x00001B41 + "\x1bB\x1b5\x00\x00\x1bC" + // 0x1B421B35: 0x00001B43 + "\x00A\x03%\x00\x00\x1e\x00" + // 0x00410325: 0x00001E00 + "\x00a\x03%\x00\x00\x1e\x01" + // 0x00610325: 0x00001E01 + "\x00B\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x02" + // 0x00420307: 0x00001E02 + "\x00b\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x03" + // 0x00620307: 0x00001E03 + "\x00B\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x04" + // 0x00420323: 0x00001E04 + "\x00b\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x05" + // 0x00620323: 0x00001E05 + "\x00B\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x06" + // 0x00420331: 0x00001E06 + "\x00b\x031\x00\x00\x1e\a" + // 0x00620331: 0x00001E07 + "\x00\xc7\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\b" + // 0x00C70301: 0x00001E08 + "\x00\xe7\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\t" + // 0x00E70301: 0x00001E09 + "\x00D\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\n" + // 0x00440307: 0x00001E0A + "\x00d\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\v" + // 0x00640307: 0x00001E0B + "\x00D\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\f" + // 0x00440323: 0x00001E0C + "\x00d\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\r" + // 0x00640323: 0x00001E0D + "\x00D\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x0e" + // 0x00440331: 0x00001E0E + "\x00d\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x0f" + // 0x00640331: 0x00001E0F + "\x00D\x03'\x00\x00\x1e\x10" + // 0x00440327: 0x00001E10 + "\x00d\x03'\x00\x00\x1e\x11" + // 0x00640327: 0x00001E11 + "\x00D\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x12" + // 0x0044032D: 0x00001E12 + "\x00d\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x13" + // 0x0064032D: 0x00001E13 + "\x01\x12\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x14" + // 0x01120300: 0x00001E14 + "\x01\x13\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x15" + // 0x01130300: 0x00001E15 + "\x01\x12\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x16" + // 0x01120301: 0x00001E16 + "\x01\x13\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x17" + // 0x01130301: 0x00001E17 + "\x00E\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x18" + // 0x0045032D: 0x00001E18 + "\x00e\x03-\x00\x00\x1e\x19" + // 0x0065032D: 0x00001E19 + "\x00E\x030\x00\x00\x1e\x1a" + // 0x00450330: 0x00001E1A + "\x00e\x030\x00\x00\x1e\x1b" + // 0x00650330: 0x00001E1B + "\x02(\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\x1c" + // 0x02280306: 0x00001E1C + "\x02)\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\x1d" + // 0x02290306: 0x00001E1D + "\x00F\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x1e" + // 0x00460307: 0x00001E1E + "\x00f\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x1f" + // 0x00660307: 0x00001E1F + "\x00G\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e " + // 0x00470304: 0x00001E20 + "\x00g\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e!" + // 0x00670304: 0x00001E21 + "\x00H\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\"" + // 0x00480307: 0x00001E22 + "\x00h\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e#" + // 0x00680307: 0x00001E23 + "\x00H\x03#\x00\x00\x1e$" + // 0x00480323: 0x00001E24 + "\x00h\x03#\x00\x00\x1e%" + // 0x00680323: 0x00001E25 + "\x00H\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e&" + // 0x00480308: 0x00001E26 + "\x00h\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e'" + // 0x00680308: 0x00001E27 + "\x00H\x03'\x00\x00\x1e(" + // 0x00480327: 0x00001E28 + "\x00h\x03'\x00\x00\x1e)" + // 0x00680327: 0x00001E29 + "\x00H\x03.\x00\x00\x1e*" + // 0x0048032E: 0x00001E2A + "\x00h\x03.\x00\x00\x1e+" + // 0x0068032E: 0x00001E2B + "\x00I\x030\x00\x00\x1e," + // 0x00490330: 0x00001E2C + "\x00i\x030\x00\x00\x1e-" + // 0x00690330: 0x00001E2D + "\x00\xcf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e." + // 0x00CF0301: 0x00001E2E + "\x00\xef\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e/" + // 0x00EF0301: 0x00001E2F + "\x00K\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e0" + // 0x004B0301: 0x00001E30 + "\x00k\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e1" + // 0x006B0301: 0x00001E31 + "\x00K\x03#\x00\x00\x1e2" + // 0x004B0323: 0x00001E32 + "\x00k\x03#\x00\x00\x1e3" + // 0x006B0323: 0x00001E33 + "\x00K\x031\x00\x00\x1e4" + // 0x004B0331: 0x00001E34 + "\x00k\x031\x00\x00\x1e5" + // 0x006B0331: 0x00001E35 + "\x00L\x03#\x00\x00\x1e6" + // 0x004C0323: 0x00001E36 + "\x00l\x03#\x00\x00\x1e7" + // 0x006C0323: 0x00001E37 + "\x1e6\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e8" + // 0x1E360304: 0x00001E38 + "\x1e7\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e9" + // 0x1E370304: 0x00001E39 + "\x00L\x031\x00\x00\x1e:" + // 0x004C0331: 0x00001E3A + "\x00l\x031\x00\x00\x1e;" + // 0x006C0331: 0x00001E3B + "\x00L\x03-\x00\x00\x1e<" + // 0x004C032D: 0x00001E3C + "\x00l\x03-\x00\x00\x1e=" + // 0x006C032D: 0x00001E3D + "\x00M\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e>" + // 0x004D0301: 0x00001E3E + "\x00m\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e?" + // 0x006D0301: 0x00001E3F + "\x00M\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e@" + // 0x004D0307: 0x00001E40 + "\x00m\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eA" + // 0x006D0307: 0x00001E41 + "\x00M\x03#\x00\x00\x1eB" + // 0x004D0323: 0x00001E42 + "\x00m\x03#\x00\x00\x1eC" + // 0x006D0323: 0x00001E43 + "\x00N\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eD" + // 0x004E0307: 0x00001E44 + "\x00n\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eE" + // 0x006E0307: 0x00001E45 + "\x00N\x03#\x00\x00\x1eF" + // 0x004E0323: 0x00001E46 + "\x00n\x03#\x00\x00\x1eG" + // 0x006E0323: 0x00001E47 + "\x00N\x031\x00\x00\x1eH" + // 0x004E0331: 0x00001E48 + "\x00n\x031\x00\x00\x1eI" + // 0x006E0331: 0x00001E49 + "\x00N\x03-\x00\x00\x1eJ" + // 0x004E032D: 0x00001E4A + "\x00n\x03-\x00\x00\x1eK" + // 0x006E032D: 0x00001E4B + "\x00\xd5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eL" + // 0x00D50301: 0x00001E4C + "\x00\xf5\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eM" + // 0x00F50301: 0x00001E4D + "\x00\xd5\x03\b\x00\x00\x1eN" + // 0x00D50308: 0x00001E4E + "\x00\xf5\x03\b\x00\x00\x1eO" + // 0x00F50308: 0x00001E4F + "\x01L\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1eP" + // 0x014C0300: 0x00001E50 + "\x01M\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1eQ" + // 0x014D0300: 0x00001E51 + "\x01L\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eR" + // 0x014C0301: 0x00001E52 + "\x01M\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eS" + // 0x014D0301: 0x00001E53 + "\x00P\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eT" + // 0x00500301: 0x00001E54 + "\x00p\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1eU" + // 0x00700301: 0x00001E55 + "\x00P\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eV" + // 0x00500307: 0x00001E56 + "\x00p\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eW" + // 0x00700307: 0x00001E57 + "\x00R\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eX" + // 0x00520307: 0x00001E58 + "\x00r\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eY" + // 0x00720307: 0x00001E59 + "\x00R\x03#\x00\x00\x1eZ" + // 0x00520323: 0x00001E5A + "\x00r\x03#\x00\x00\x1e[" + // 0x00720323: 0x00001E5B + "\x1eZ\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e\\" + // 0x1E5A0304: 0x00001E5C + "\x1e[\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1e]" + // 0x1E5B0304: 0x00001E5D + "\x00R\x031\x00\x00\x1e^" + // 0x00520331: 0x00001E5E + "\x00r\x031\x00\x00\x1e_" + // 0x00720331: 0x00001E5F + "\x00S\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e`" + // 0x00530307: 0x00001E60 + "\x00s\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ea" + // 0x00730307: 0x00001E61 + "\x00S\x03#\x00\x00\x1eb" + // 0x00530323: 0x00001E62 + "\x00s\x03#\x00\x00\x1ec" + // 0x00730323: 0x00001E63 + "\x01Z\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ed" + // 0x015A0307: 0x00001E64 + "\x01[\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ee" + // 0x015B0307: 0x00001E65 + "\x01`\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ef" + // 0x01600307: 0x00001E66 + "\x01a\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eg" + // 0x01610307: 0x00001E67 + "\x1eb\x03\a\x00\x00\x1eh" + // 0x1E620307: 0x00001E68 + "\x1ec\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ei" + // 0x1E630307: 0x00001E69 + "\x00T\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ej" + // 0x00540307: 0x00001E6A + "\x00t\x03\a\x00\x00\x1ek" + // 0x00740307: 0x00001E6B + "\x00T\x03#\x00\x00\x1el" + // 0x00540323: 0x00001E6C + "\x00t\x03#\x00\x00\x1em" + // 0x00740323: 0x00001E6D + "\x00T\x031\x00\x00\x1en" + // 0x00540331: 0x00001E6E + "\x00t\x031\x00\x00\x1eo" + // 0x00740331: 0x00001E6F + "\x00T\x03-\x00\x00\x1ep" + // 0x0054032D: 0x00001E70 + "\x00t\x03-\x00\x00\x1eq" + // 0x0074032D: 0x00001E71 + "\x00U\x03$\x00\x00\x1er" + // 0x00550324: 0x00001E72 + "\x00u\x03$\x00\x00\x1es" + // 0x00750324: 0x00001E73 + "\x00U\x030\x00\x00\x1et" + // 0x00550330: 0x00001E74 + "\x00u\x030\x00\x00\x1eu" + // 0x00750330: 0x00001E75 + "\x00U\x03-\x00\x00\x1ev" + // 0x0055032D: 0x00001E76 + "\x00u\x03-\x00\x00\x1ew" + // 0x0075032D: 0x00001E77 + "\x01h\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1ex" + // 0x01680301: 0x00001E78 + "\x01i\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1ey" + // 0x01690301: 0x00001E79 + "\x01j\x03\b\x00\x00\x1ez" + // 0x016A0308: 0x00001E7A + "\x01k\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e{" + // 0x016B0308: 0x00001E7B + "\x00V\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e|" + // 0x00560303: 0x00001E7C + "\x00v\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e}" + // 0x00760303: 0x00001E7D + "\x00V\x03#\x00\x00\x1e~" + // 0x00560323: 0x00001E7E + "\x00v\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\u007f" + // 0x00760323: 0x00001E7F + "\x00W\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x80" + // 0x00570300: 0x00001E80 + "\x00w\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\x81" + // 0x00770300: 0x00001E81 + "\x00W\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x82" + // 0x00570301: 0x00001E82 + "\x00w\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\x83" + // 0x00770301: 0x00001E83 + "\x00W\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x84" + // 0x00570308: 0x00001E84 + "\x00w\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x85" + // 0x00770308: 0x00001E85 + "\x00W\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x86" + // 0x00570307: 0x00001E86 + "\x00w\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x87" + // 0x00770307: 0x00001E87 + "\x00W\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x88" + // 0x00570323: 0x00001E88 + "\x00w\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x89" + // 0x00770323: 0x00001E89 + "\x00X\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8a" + // 0x00580307: 0x00001E8A + "\x00x\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8b" + // 0x00780307: 0x00001E8B + "\x00X\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x8c" + // 0x00580308: 0x00001E8C + "\x00x\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x8d" + // 0x00780308: 0x00001E8D + "\x00Y\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8e" + // 0x00590307: 0x00001E8E + "\x00y\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x8f" + // 0x00790307: 0x00001E8F + "\x00Z\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\x90" + // 0x005A0302: 0x00001E90 + "\x00z\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\x91" + // 0x007A0302: 0x00001E91 + "\x00Z\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x92" + // 0x005A0323: 0x00001E92 + "\x00z\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\x93" + // 0x007A0323: 0x00001E93 + "\x00Z\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x94" + // 0x005A0331: 0x00001E94 + "\x00z\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x95" + // 0x007A0331: 0x00001E95 + "\x00h\x031\x00\x00\x1e\x96" + // 0x00680331: 0x00001E96 + "\x00t\x03\b\x00\x00\x1e\x97" + // 0x00740308: 0x00001E97 + "\x00w\x03\n\x00\x00\x1e\x98" + // 0x0077030A: 0x00001E98 + "\x00y\x03\n\x00\x00\x1e\x99" + // 0x0079030A: 0x00001E99 + "\x01\u007f\x03\a\x00\x00\x1e\x9b" + // 0x017F0307: 0x00001E9B + "\x00A\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xa0" + // 0x00410323: 0x00001EA0 + "\x00a\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xa1" + // 0x00610323: 0x00001EA1 + "\x00A\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa2" + // 0x00410309: 0x00001EA2 + "\x00a\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa3" + // 0x00610309: 0x00001EA3 + "\x00\xc2\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xa4" + // 0x00C20301: 0x00001EA4 + "\x00\xe2\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xa5" + // 0x00E20301: 0x00001EA5 + "\x00\xc2\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xa6" + // 0x00C20300: 0x00001EA6 + "\x00\xe2\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xa7" + // 0x00E20300: 0x00001EA7 + "\x00\xc2\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa8" + // 0x00C20309: 0x00001EA8 + "\x00\xe2\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xa9" + // 0x00E20309: 0x00001EA9 + "\x00\xc2\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xaa" + // 0x00C20303: 0x00001EAA + "\x00\xe2\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xab" + // 0x00E20303: 0x00001EAB + "\x1e\xa0\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xac" + // 0x1EA00302: 0x00001EAC + "\x1e\xa1\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xad" + // 0x1EA10302: 0x00001EAD + "\x01\x02\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xae" + // 0x01020301: 0x00001EAE + "\x01\x03\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xaf" + // 0x01030301: 0x00001EAF + "\x01\x02\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xb0" + // 0x01020300: 0x00001EB0 + "\x01\x03\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xb1" + // 0x01030300: 0x00001EB1 + "\x01\x02\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xb2" + // 0x01020309: 0x00001EB2 + "\x01\x03\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xb3" + // 0x01030309: 0x00001EB3 + "\x01\x02\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xb4" + // 0x01020303: 0x00001EB4 + "\x01\x03\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xb5" + // 0x01030303: 0x00001EB5 + "\x1e\xa0\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\xb6" + // 0x1EA00306: 0x00001EB6 + "\x1e\xa1\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1e\xb7" + // 0x1EA10306: 0x00001EB7 + "\x00E\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xb8" + // 0x00450323: 0x00001EB8 + "\x00e\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xb9" + // 0x00650323: 0x00001EB9 + "\x00E\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xba" + // 0x00450309: 0x00001EBA + "\x00e\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xbb" + // 0x00650309: 0x00001EBB + "\x00E\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xbc" + // 0x00450303: 0x00001EBC + "\x00e\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xbd" + // 0x00650303: 0x00001EBD + "\x00\xca\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xbe" + // 0x00CA0301: 0x00001EBE + "\x00\xea\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xbf" + // 0x00EA0301: 0x00001EBF + "\x00\xca\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xc0" + // 0x00CA0300: 0x00001EC0 + "\x00\xea\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xc1" + // 0x00EA0300: 0x00001EC1 + "\x00\xca\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc2" + // 0x00CA0309: 0x00001EC2 + "\x00\xea\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc3" + // 0x00EA0309: 0x00001EC3 + "\x00\xca\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xc4" + // 0x00CA0303: 0x00001EC4 + "\x00\xea\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xc5" + // 0x00EA0303: 0x00001EC5 + "\x1e\xb8\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xc6" + // 0x1EB80302: 0x00001EC6 + "\x1e\xb9\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xc7" + // 0x1EB90302: 0x00001EC7 + "\x00I\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc8" + // 0x00490309: 0x00001EC8 + "\x00i\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xc9" + // 0x00690309: 0x00001EC9 + "\x00I\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xca" + // 0x00490323: 0x00001ECA + "\x00i\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xcb" + // 0x00690323: 0x00001ECB + "\x00O\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xcc" + // 0x004F0323: 0x00001ECC + "\x00o\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xcd" + // 0x006F0323: 0x00001ECD + "\x00O\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xce" + // 0x004F0309: 0x00001ECE + "\x00o\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xcf" + // 0x006F0309: 0x00001ECF + "\x00\xd4\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xd0" + // 0x00D40301: 0x00001ED0 + "\x00\xf4\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xd1" + // 0x00F40301: 0x00001ED1 + "\x00\xd4\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xd2" + // 0x00D40300: 0x00001ED2 + "\x00\xf4\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xd3" + // 0x00F40300: 0x00001ED3 + "\x00\xd4\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xd4" + // 0x00D40309: 0x00001ED4 + "\x00\xf4\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xd5" + // 0x00F40309: 0x00001ED5 + "\x00\xd4\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xd6" + // 0x00D40303: 0x00001ED6 + "\x00\xf4\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xd7" + // 0x00F40303: 0x00001ED7 + "\x1e\xcc\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xd8" + // 0x1ECC0302: 0x00001ED8 + "\x1e\xcd\x03\x02\x00\x00\x1e\xd9" + // 0x1ECD0302: 0x00001ED9 + "\x01\xa0\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xda" + // 0x01A00301: 0x00001EDA + "\x01\xa1\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xdb" + // 0x01A10301: 0x00001EDB + "\x01\xa0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xdc" + // 0x01A00300: 0x00001EDC + "\x01\xa1\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xdd" + // 0x01A10300: 0x00001EDD + "\x01\xa0\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xde" + // 0x01A00309: 0x00001EDE + "\x01\xa1\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xdf" + // 0x01A10309: 0x00001EDF + "\x01\xa0\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xe0" + // 0x01A00303: 0x00001EE0 + "\x01\xa1\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xe1" + // 0x01A10303: 0x00001EE1 + "\x01\xa0\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe2" + // 0x01A00323: 0x00001EE2 + "\x01\xa1\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe3" + // 0x01A10323: 0x00001EE3 + "\x00U\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe4" + // 0x00550323: 0x00001EE4 + "\x00u\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xe5" + // 0x00750323: 0x00001EE5 + "\x00U\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xe6" + // 0x00550309: 0x00001EE6 + "\x00u\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xe7" + // 0x00750309: 0x00001EE7 + "\x01\xaf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xe8" + // 0x01AF0301: 0x00001EE8 + "\x01\xb0\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1e\xe9" + // 0x01B00301: 0x00001EE9 + "\x01\xaf\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xea" + // 0x01AF0300: 0x00001EEA + "\x01\xb0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xeb" + // 0x01B00300: 0x00001EEB + "\x01\xaf\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xec" + // 0x01AF0309: 0x00001EEC + "\x01\xb0\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xed" + // 0x01B00309: 0x00001EED + "\x01\xaf\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xee" + // 0x01AF0303: 0x00001EEE + "\x01\xb0\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xef" + // 0x01B00303: 0x00001EEF + "\x01\xaf\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf0" + // 0x01AF0323: 0x00001EF0 + "\x01\xb0\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf1" + // 0x01B00323: 0x00001EF1 + "\x00Y\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xf2" + // 0x00590300: 0x00001EF2 + "\x00y\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1e\xf3" + // 0x00790300: 0x00001EF3 + "\x00Y\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf4" + // 0x00590323: 0x00001EF4 + "\x00y\x03#\x00\x00\x1e\xf5" + // 0x00790323: 0x00001EF5 + "\x00Y\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xf6" + // 0x00590309: 0x00001EF6 + "\x00y\x03\t\x00\x00\x1e\xf7" + // 0x00790309: 0x00001EF7 + "\x00Y\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xf8" + // 0x00590303: 0x00001EF8 + "\x00y\x03\x03\x00\x00\x1e\xf9" + // 0x00790303: 0x00001EF9 + "\x03\xb1\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\x00" + // 0x03B10313: 0x00001F00 + "\x03\xb1\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\x01" + // 0x03B10314: 0x00001F01 + "\x1f\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x02" + // 0x1F000300: 0x00001F02 + "\x1f\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x03" + // 0x1F010300: 0x00001F03 + "\x1f\x00\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x04" + // 0x1F000301: 0x00001F04 + "\x1f\x01\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x05" + // 0x1F010301: 0x00001F05 + "\x1f\x00\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\x06" + // 0x1F000342: 0x00001F06 + "\x1f\x01\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\a" + // 0x1F010342: 0x00001F07 + "\x03\x91\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\b" + // 0x03910313: 0x00001F08 + "\x03\x91\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\t" + // 0x03910314: 0x00001F09 + "\x1f\b\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\n" + // 0x1F080300: 0x00001F0A + "\x1f\t\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\v" + // 0x1F090300: 0x00001F0B + "\x1f\b\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\f" + // 0x1F080301: 0x00001F0C + "\x1f\t\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\r" + // 0x1F090301: 0x00001F0D + "\x1f\b\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\x0e" + // 0x1F080342: 0x00001F0E + "\x1f\t\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\x0f" + // 0x1F090342: 0x00001F0F + "\x03\xb5\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\x10" + // 0x03B50313: 0x00001F10 + "\x03\xb5\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\x11" + // 0x03B50314: 0x00001F11 + "\x1f\x10\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x12" + // 0x1F100300: 0x00001F12 + "\x1f\x11\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x13" + // 0x1F110300: 0x00001F13 + "\x1f\x10\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x14" + // 0x1F100301: 0x00001F14 + "\x1f\x11\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x15" + // 0x1F110301: 0x00001F15 + "\x03\x95\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\x18" + // 0x03950313: 0x00001F18 + "\x03\x95\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\x19" + // 0x03950314: 0x00001F19 + "\x1f\x18\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x1a" + // 0x1F180300: 0x00001F1A + "\x1f\x19\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x1b" + // 0x1F190300: 0x00001F1B + "\x1f\x18\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x1c" + // 0x1F180301: 0x00001F1C + "\x1f\x19\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\x1d" + // 0x1F190301: 0x00001F1D + "\x03\xb7\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f " + // 0x03B70313: 0x00001F20 + "\x03\xb7\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f!" + // 0x03B70314: 0x00001F21 + "\x1f \x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\"" + // 0x1F200300: 0x00001F22 + "\x1f!\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f#" + // 0x1F210300: 0x00001F23 + "\x1f \x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f$" + // 0x1F200301: 0x00001F24 + "\x1f!\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f%" + // 0x1F210301: 0x00001F25 + "\x1f \x03B\x00\x00\x1f&" + // 0x1F200342: 0x00001F26 + "\x1f!\x03B\x00\x00\x1f'" + // 0x1F210342: 0x00001F27 + "\x03\x97\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f(" + // 0x03970313: 0x00001F28 + "\x03\x97\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f)" + // 0x03970314: 0x00001F29 + "\x1f(\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f*" + // 0x1F280300: 0x00001F2A + "\x1f)\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f+" + // 0x1F290300: 0x00001F2B + "\x1f(\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f," + // 0x1F280301: 0x00001F2C + "\x1f)\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f-" + // 0x1F290301: 0x00001F2D + "\x1f(\x03B\x00\x00\x1f." + // 0x1F280342: 0x00001F2E + "\x1f)\x03B\x00\x00\x1f/" + // 0x1F290342: 0x00001F2F + "\x03\xb9\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f0" + // 0x03B90313: 0x00001F30 + "\x03\xb9\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f1" + // 0x03B90314: 0x00001F31 + "\x1f0\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f2" + // 0x1F300300: 0x00001F32 + "\x1f1\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f3" + // 0x1F310300: 0x00001F33 + "\x1f0\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f4" + // 0x1F300301: 0x00001F34 + "\x1f1\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f5" + // 0x1F310301: 0x00001F35 + "\x1f0\x03B\x00\x00\x1f6" + // 0x1F300342: 0x00001F36 + "\x1f1\x03B\x00\x00\x1f7" + // 0x1F310342: 0x00001F37 + "\x03\x99\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f8" + // 0x03990313: 0x00001F38 + "\x03\x99\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f9" + // 0x03990314: 0x00001F39 + "\x1f8\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f:" + // 0x1F380300: 0x00001F3A + "\x1f9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f;" + // 0x1F390300: 0x00001F3B + "\x1f8\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f<" + // 0x1F380301: 0x00001F3C + "\x1f9\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f=" + // 0x1F390301: 0x00001F3D + "\x1f8\x03B\x00\x00\x1f>" + // 0x1F380342: 0x00001F3E + "\x1f9\x03B\x00\x00\x1f?" + // 0x1F390342: 0x00001F3F + "\x03\xbf\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f@" + // 0x03BF0313: 0x00001F40 + "\x03\xbf\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fA" + // 0x03BF0314: 0x00001F41 + "\x1f@\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fB" + // 0x1F400300: 0x00001F42 + "\x1fA\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fC" + // 0x1F410300: 0x00001F43 + "\x1f@\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fD" + // 0x1F400301: 0x00001F44 + "\x1fA\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fE" + // 0x1F410301: 0x00001F45 + "\x03\x9f\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1fH" + // 0x039F0313: 0x00001F48 + "\x03\x9f\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fI" + // 0x039F0314: 0x00001F49 + "\x1fH\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fJ" + // 0x1F480300: 0x00001F4A + "\x1fI\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fK" + // 0x1F490300: 0x00001F4B + "\x1fH\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fL" + // 0x1F480301: 0x00001F4C + "\x1fI\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fM" + // 0x1F490301: 0x00001F4D + "\x03\xc5\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1fP" + // 0x03C50313: 0x00001F50 + "\x03\xc5\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fQ" + // 0x03C50314: 0x00001F51 + "\x1fP\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fR" + // 0x1F500300: 0x00001F52 + "\x1fQ\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fS" + // 0x1F510300: 0x00001F53 + "\x1fP\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fT" + // 0x1F500301: 0x00001F54 + "\x1fQ\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fU" + // 0x1F510301: 0x00001F55 + "\x1fP\x03B\x00\x00\x1fV" + // 0x1F500342: 0x00001F56 + "\x1fQ\x03B\x00\x00\x1fW" + // 0x1F510342: 0x00001F57 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fY" + // 0x03A50314: 0x00001F59 + "\x1fY\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f[" + // 0x1F590300: 0x00001F5B + "\x1fY\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f]" + // 0x1F590301: 0x00001F5D + "\x1fY\x03B\x00\x00\x1f_" + // 0x1F590342: 0x00001F5F + "\x03\xc9\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f`" + // 0x03C90313: 0x00001F60 + "\x03\xc9\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fa" + // 0x03C90314: 0x00001F61 + "\x1f`\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fb" + // 0x1F600300: 0x00001F62 + "\x1fa\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fc" + // 0x1F610300: 0x00001F63 + "\x1f`\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fd" + // 0x1F600301: 0x00001F64 + "\x1fa\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fe" + // 0x1F610301: 0x00001F65 + "\x1f`\x03B\x00\x00\x1ff" + // 0x1F600342: 0x00001F66 + "\x1fa\x03B\x00\x00\x1fg" + // 0x1F610342: 0x00001F67 + "\x03\xa9\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1fh" + // 0x03A90313: 0x00001F68 + "\x03\xa9\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1fi" + // 0x03A90314: 0x00001F69 + "\x1fh\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fj" + // 0x1F680300: 0x00001F6A + "\x1fi\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fk" + // 0x1F690300: 0x00001F6B + "\x1fh\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fl" + // 0x1F680301: 0x00001F6C + "\x1fi\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1fm" + // 0x1F690301: 0x00001F6D + "\x1fh\x03B\x00\x00\x1fn" + // 0x1F680342: 0x00001F6E + "\x1fi\x03B\x00\x00\x1fo" + // 0x1F690342: 0x00001F6F + "\x03\xb1\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fp" + // 0x03B10300: 0x00001F70 + "\x03\xb5\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fr" + // 0x03B50300: 0x00001F72 + "\x03\xb7\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1ft" + // 0x03B70300: 0x00001F74 + "\x03\xb9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fv" + // 0x03B90300: 0x00001F76 + "\x03\xbf\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fx" + // 0x03BF0300: 0x00001F78 + "\x03\xc5\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1fz" + // 0x03C50300: 0x00001F7A + "\x03\xc9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f|" + // 0x03C90300: 0x00001F7C + "\x1f\x00\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x80" + // 0x1F000345: 0x00001F80 + "\x1f\x01\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x81" + // 0x1F010345: 0x00001F81 + "\x1f\x02\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x82" + // 0x1F020345: 0x00001F82 + "\x1f\x03\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x83" + // 0x1F030345: 0x00001F83 + "\x1f\x04\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x84" + // 0x1F040345: 0x00001F84 + "\x1f\x05\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x85" + // 0x1F050345: 0x00001F85 + "\x1f\x06\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x86" + // 0x1F060345: 0x00001F86 + "\x1f\a\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x87" + // 0x1F070345: 0x00001F87 + "\x1f\b\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x88" + // 0x1F080345: 0x00001F88 + "\x1f\t\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x89" + // 0x1F090345: 0x00001F89 + "\x1f\n\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8a" + // 0x1F0A0345: 0x00001F8A + "\x1f\v\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8b" + // 0x1F0B0345: 0x00001F8B + "\x1f\f\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8c" + // 0x1F0C0345: 0x00001F8C + "\x1f\r\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8d" + // 0x1F0D0345: 0x00001F8D + "\x1f\x0e\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8e" + // 0x1F0E0345: 0x00001F8E + "\x1f\x0f\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x8f" + // 0x1F0F0345: 0x00001F8F + "\x1f \x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x90" + // 0x1F200345: 0x00001F90 + "\x1f!\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x91" + // 0x1F210345: 0x00001F91 + "\x1f\"\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x92" + // 0x1F220345: 0x00001F92 + "\x1f#\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x93" + // 0x1F230345: 0x00001F93 + "\x1f$\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x94" + // 0x1F240345: 0x00001F94 + "\x1f%\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x95" + // 0x1F250345: 0x00001F95 + "\x1f&\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x96" + // 0x1F260345: 0x00001F96 + "\x1f'\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x97" + // 0x1F270345: 0x00001F97 + "\x1f(\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x98" + // 0x1F280345: 0x00001F98 + "\x1f)\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x99" + // 0x1F290345: 0x00001F99 + "\x1f*\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9a" + // 0x1F2A0345: 0x00001F9A + "\x1f+\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9b" + // 0x1F2B0345: 0x00001F9B + "\x1f,\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9c" + // 0x1F2C0345: 0x00001F9C + "\x1f-\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9d" + // 0x1F2D0345: 0x00001F9D + "\x1f.\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9e" + // 0x1F2E0345: 0x00001F9E + "\x1f/\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\x9f" + // 0x1F2F0345: 0x00001F9F + "\x1f`\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa0" + // 0x1F600345: 0x00001FA0 + "\x1fa\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa1" + // 0x1F610345: 0x00001FA1 + "\x1fb\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa2" + // 0x1F620345: 0x00001FA2 + "\x1fc\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa3" + // 0x1F630345: 0x00001FA3 + "\x1fd\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa4" + // 0x1F640345: 0x00001FA4 + "\x1fe\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa5" + // 0x1F650345: 0x00001FA5 + "\x1ff\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa6" + // 0x1F660345: 0x00001FA6 + "\x1fg\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa7" + // 0x1F670345: 0x00001FA7 + "\x1fh\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa8" + // 0x1F680345: 0x00001FA8 + "\x1fi\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xa9" + // 0x1F690345: 0x00001FA9 + "\x1fj\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xaa" + // 0x1F6A0345: 0x00001FAA + "\x1fk\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xab" + // 0x1F6B0345: 0x00001FAB + "\x1fl\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xac" + // 0x1F6C0345: 0x00001FAC + "\x1fm\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xad" + // 0x1F6D0345: 0x00001FAD + "\x1fn\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xae" + // 0x1F6E0345: 0x00001FAE + "\x1fo\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xaf" + // 0x1F6F0345: 0x00001FAF + "\x03\xb1\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xb0" + // 0x03B10306: 0x00001FB0 + "\x03\xb1\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xb1" + // 0x03B10304: 0x00001FB1 + "\x1fp\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb2" + // 0x1F700345: 0x00001FB2 + "\x03\xb1\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb3" + // 0x03B10345: 0x00001FB3 + "\x03\xac\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb4" + // 0x03AC0345: 0x00001FB4 + "\x03\xb1\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xb6" + // 0x03B10342: 0x00001FB6 + "\x1f\xb6\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xb7" + // 0x1FB60345: 0x00001FB7 + "\x03\x91\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xb8" + // 0x03910306: 0x00001FB8 + "\x03\x91\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xb9" + // 0x03910304: 0x00001FB9 + "\x03\x91\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xba" + // 0x03910300: 0x00001FBA + "\x03\x91\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xbc" + // 0x03910345: 0x00001FBC + "\x00\xa8\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xc1" + // 0x00A80342: 0x00001FC1 + "\x1ft\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc2" + // 0x1F740345: 0x00001FC2 + "\x03\xb7\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc3" + // 0x03B70345: 0x00001FC3 + "\x03\xae\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc4" + // 0x03AE0345: 0x00001FC4 + "\x03\xb7\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xc6" + // 0x03B70342: 0x00001FC6 + "\x1f\xc6\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xc7" + // 0x1FC60345: 0x00001FC7 + "\x03\x95\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xc8" + // 0x03950300: 0x00001FC8 + "\x03\x97\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xca" + // 0x03970300: 0x00001FCA + "\x03\x97\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xcc" + // 0x03970345: 0x00001FCC + "\x1f\xbf\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xcd" + // 0x1FBF0300: 0x00001FCD + "\x1f\xbf\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\xce" + // 0x1FBF0301: 0x00001FCE + "\x1f\xbf\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xcf" + // 0x1FBF0342: 0x00001FCF + "\x03\xb9\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xd0" + // 0x03B90306: 0x00001FD0 + "\x03\xb9\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xd1" + // 0x03B90304: 0x00001FD1 + "\x03\xca\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xd2" + // 0x03CA0300: 0x00001FD2 + "\x03\xb9\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xd6" + // 0x03B90342: 0x00001FD6 + "\x03\xca\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xd7" + // 0x03CA0342: 0x00001FD7 + "\x03\x99\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xd8" + // 0x03990306: 0x00001FD8 + "\x03\x99\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xd9" + // 0x03990304: 0x00001FD9 + "\x03\x99\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xda" + // 0x03990300: 0x00001FDA + "\x1f\xfe\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xdd" + // 0x1FFE0300: 0x00001FDD + "\x1f\xfe\x03\x01\x00\x00\x1f\xde" + // 0x1FFE0301: 0x00001FDE + "\x1f\xfe\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xdf" + // 0x1FFE0342: 0x00001FDF + "\x03\xc5\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xe0" + // 0x03C50306: 0x00001FE0 + "\x03\xc5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xe1" + // 0x03C50304: 0x00001FE1 + "\x03\xcb\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xe2" + // 0x03CB0300: 0x00001FE2 + "\x03\xc1\x03\x13\x00\x00\x1f\xe4" + // 0x03C10313: 0x00001FE4 + "\x03\xc1\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\xe5" + // 0x03C10314: 0x00001FE5 + "\x03\xc5\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xe6" + // 0x03C50342: 0x00001FE6 + "\x03\xcb\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xe7" + // 0x03CB0342: 0x00001FE7 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x06\x00\x00\x1f\xe8" + // 0x03A50306: 0x00001FE8 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x04\x00\x00\x1f\xe9" + // 0x03A50304: 0x00001FE9 + "\x03\xa5\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xea" + // 0x03A50300: 0x00001FEA + "\x03\xa1\x03\x14\x00\x00\x1f\xec" + // 0x03A10314: 0x00001FEC + "\x00\xa8\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xed" + // 0x00A80300: 0x00001FED + "\x1f|\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xf2" + // 0x1F7C0345: 0x00001FF2 + "\x03\xc9\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xf3" + // 0x03C90345: 0x00001FF3 + "\x03\xce\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xf4" + // 0x03CE0345: 0x00001FF4 + "\x03\xc9\x03B\x00\x00\x1f\xf6" + // 0x03C90342: 0x00001FF6 + "\x1f\xf6\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xf7" + // 0x1FF60345: 0x00001FF7 + "\x03\x9f\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xf8" + // 0x039F0300: 0x00001FF8 + "\x03\xa9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x1f\xfa" + // 0x03A90300: 0x00001FFA + "\x03\xa9\x03E\x00\x00\x1f\xfc" + // 0x03A90345: 0x00001FFC + "!\x90\x038\x00\x00!\x9a" + // 0x21900338: 0x0000219A + "!\x92\x038\x00\x00!\x9b" + // 0x21920338: 0x0000219B + "!\x94\x038\x00\x00!\xae" + // 0x21940338: 0x000021AE + "!\xd0\x038\x00\x00!\xcd" + // 0x21D00338: 0x000021CD + "!\xd4\x038\x00\x00!\xce" + // 0x21D40338: 0x000021CE + "!\xd2\x038\x00\x00!\xcf" + // 0x21D20338: 0x000021CF + "\"\x03\x038\x00\x00\"\x04" + // 0x22030338: 0x00002204 + "\"\b\x038\x00\x00\"\t" + // 0x22080338: 0x00002209 + "\"\v\x038\x00\x00\"\f" + // 0x220B0338: 0x0000220C + "\"#\x038\x00\x00\"$" + // 0x22230338: 0x00002224 + "\"%\x038\x00\x00\"&" + // 0x22250338: 0x00002226 + "\"<\x038\x00\x00\"A" + // 0x223C0338: 0x00002241 + "\"C\x038\x00\x00\"D" + // 0x22430338: 0x00002244 + "\"E\x038\x00\x00\"G" + // 0x22450338: 0x00002247 + "\"H\x038\x00\x00\"I" + // 0x22480338: 0x00002249 + "\x00=\x038\x00\x00\"`" + // 0x003D0338: 0x00002260 + "\"a\x038\x00\x00\"b" + // 0x22610338: 0x00002262 + "\"M\x038\x00\x00\"m" + // 0x224D0338: 0x0000226D + "\x00<\x038\x00\x00\"n" + // 0x003C0338: 0x0000226E + "\x00>\x038\x00\x00\"o" + // 0x003E0338: 0x0000226F + "\"d\x038\x00\x00\"p" + // 0x22640338: 0x00002270 + "\"e\x038\x00\x00\"q" + // 0x22650338: 0x00002271 + "\"r\x038\x00\x00\"t" + // 0x22720338: 0x00002274 + "\"s\x038\x00\x00\"u" + // 0x22730338: 0x00002275 + "\"v\x038\x00\x00\"x" + // 0x22760338: 0x00002278 + "\"w\x038\x00\x00\"y" + // 0x22770338: 0x00002279 + "\"z\x038\x00\x00\"\x80" + // 0x227A0338: 0x00002280 + "\"{\x038\x00\x00\"\x81" + // 0x227B0338: 0x00002281 + "\"\x82\x038\x00\x00\"\x84" + // 0x22820338: 0x00002284 + "\"\x83\x038\x00\x00\"\x85" + // 0x22830338: 0x00002285 + "\"\x86\x038\x00\x00\"\x88" + // 0x22860338: 0x00002288 + "\"\x87\x038\x00\x00\"\x89" + // 0x22870338: 0x00002289 + "\"\xa2\x038\x00\x00\"\xac" + // 0x22A20338: 0x000022AC + "\"\xa8\x038\x00\x00\"\xad" + // 0x22A80338: 0x000022AD + "\"\xa9\x038\x00\x00\"\xae" + // 0x22A90338: 0x000022AE + "\"\xab\x038\x00\x00\"\xaf" + // 0x22AB0338: 0x000022AF + "\"|\x038\x00\x00\"\xe0" + // 0x227C0338: 0x000022E0 + "\"}\x038\x00\x00\"\xe1" + // 0x227D0338: 0x000022E1 + "\"\x91\x038\x00\x00\"\xe2" + // 0x22910338: 0x000022E2 + "\"\x92\x038\x00\x00\"\xe3" + // 0x22920338: 0x000022E3 + "\"\xb2\x038\x00\x00\"\xea" + // 0x22B20338: 0x000022EA + "\"\xb3\x038\x00\x00\"\xeb" + // 0x22B30338: 0x000022EB + "\"\xb4\x038\x00\x00\"\xec" + // 0x22B40338: 0x000022EC + "\"\xb5\x038\x00\x00\"\xed" + // 0x22B50338: 0x000022ED + "0K0\x99\x00\x000L" + // 0x304B3099: 0x0000304C + "0M0\x99\x00\x000N" + // 0x304D3099: 0x0000304E + "0O0\x99\x00\x000P" + // 0x304F3099: 0x00003050 + "0Q0\x99\x00\x000R" + // 0x30513099: 0x00003052 + "0S0\x99\x00\x000T" + // 0x30533099: 0x00003054 + "0U0\x99\x00\x000V" + // 0x30553099: 0x00003056 + "0W0\x99\x00\x000X" + // 0x30573099: 0x00003058 + "0Y0\x99\x00\x000Z" + // 0x30593099: 0x0000305A + "0[0\x99\x00\x000\\" + // 0x305B3099: 0x0000305C + "0]0\x99\x00\x000^" + // 0x305D3099: 0x0000305E + "0_0\x99\x00\x000`" + // 0x305F3099: 0x00003060 + "0a0\x99\x00\x000b" + // 0x30613099: 0x00003062 + "0d0\x99\x00\x000e" + // 0x30643099: 0x00003065 + "0f0\x99\x00\x000g" + // 0x30663099: 0x00003067 + "0h0\x99\x00\x000i" + // 0x30683099: 0x00003069 + "0o0\x99\x00\x000p" + // 0x306F3099: 0x00003070 + "0o0\x9a\x00\x000q" + // 0x306F309A: 0x00003071 + "0r0\x99\x00\x000s" + // 0x30723099: 0x00003073 + "0r0\x9a\x00\x000t" + // 0x3072309A: 0x00003074 + "0u0\x99\x00\x000v" + // 0x30753099: 0x00003076 + "0u0\x9a\x00\x000w" + // 0x3075309A: 0x00003077 + "0x0\x99\x00\x000y" + // 0x30783099: 0x00003079 + "0x0\x9a\x00\x000z" + // 0x3078309A: 0x0000307A + "0{0\x99\x00\x000|" + // 0x307B3099: 0x0000307C + "0{0\x9a\x00\x000}" + // 0x307B309A: 0x0000307D + "0F0\x99\x00\x000\x94" + // 0x30463099: 0x00003094 + "0\x9d0\x99\x00\x000\x9e" + // 0x309D3099: 0x0000309E + "0\xab0\x99\x00\x000\xac" + // 0x30AB3099: 0x000030AC + "0\xad0\x99\x00\x000\xae" + // 0x30AD3099: 0x000030AE + "0\xaf0\x99\x00\x000\xb0" + // 0x30AF3099: 0x000030B0 + "0\xb10\x99\x00\x000\xb2" + // 0x30B13099: 0x000030B2 + "0\xb30\x99\x00\x000\xb4" + // 0x30B33099: 0x000030B4 + "0\xb50\x99\x00\x000\xb6" + // 0x30B53099: 0x000030B6 + "0\xb70\x99\x00\x000\xb8" + // 0x30B73099: 0x000030B8 + "0\xb90\x99\x00\x000\xba" + // 0x30B93099: 0x000030BA + "0\xbb0\x99\x00\x000\xbc" + // 0x30BB3099: 0x000030BC + "0\xbd0\x99\x00\x000\xbe" + // 0x30BD3099: 0x000030BE + "0\xbf0\x99\x00\x000\xc0" + // 0x30BF3099: 0x000030C0 + "0\xc10\x99\x00\x000\xc2" + // 0x30C13099: 0x000030C2 + "0\xc40\x99\x00\x000\xc5" + // 0x30C43099: 0x000030C5 + "0\xc60\x99\x00\x000\xc7" + // 0x30C63099: 0x000030C7 + "0\xc80\x99\x00\x000\xc9" + // 0x30C83099: 0x000030C9 + "0\xcf0\x99\x00\x000\xd0" + // 0x30CF3099: 0x000030D0 + "0\xcf0\x9a\x00\x000\xd1" + // 0x30CF309A: 0x000030D1 + "0\xd20\x99\x00\x000\xd3" + // 0x30D23099: 0x000030D3 + "0\xd20\x9a\x00\x000\xd4" + // 0x30D2309A: 0x000030D4 + "0\xd50\x99\x00\x000\xd6" + // 0x30D53099: 0x000030D6 + "0\xd50\x9a\x00\x000\xd7" + // 0x30D5309A: 0x000030D7 + "0\xd80\x99\x00\x000\xd9" + // 0x30D83099: 0x000030D9 + "0\xd80\x9a\x00\x000\xda" + // 0x30D8309A: 0x000030DA + "0\xdb0\x99\x00\x000\xdc" + // 0x30DB3099: 0x000030DC + "0\xdb0\x9a\x00\x000\xdd" + // 0x30DB309A: 0x000030DD + "0\xa60\x99\x00\x000\xf4" + // 0x30A63099: 0x000030F4 + "0\xef0\x99\x00\x000\xf7" + // 0x30EF3099: 0x000030F7 + "0\xf00\x99\x00\x000\xf8" + // 0x30F03099: 0x000030F8 + "0\xf10\x99\x00\x000\xf9" + // 0x30F13099: 0x000030F9 + "0\xf20\x99\x00\x000\xfa" + // 0x30F23099: 0x000030FA + "0\xfd0\x99\x00\x000\xfe" + // 0x30FD3099: 0x000030FE + "\x10\x99\x10\xba\x00\x01\x10\x9a" + // 0x109910BA: 0x0001109A + "\x10\x9b\x10\xba\x00\x01\x10\x9c" + // 0x109B10BA: 0x0001109C + "\x10\xa5\x10\xba\x00\x01\x10\xab" + // 0x10A510BA: 0x000110AB + "\x111\x11'\x00\x01\x11." + // 0x11311127: 0x0001112E + "\x112\x11'\x00\x01\x11/" + // 0x11321127: 0x0001112F + "\x13G\x13>\x00\x01\x13K" + // 0x1347133E: 0x0001134B + "\x13G\x13W\x00\x01\x13L" + // 0x13471357: 0x0001134C + "\x14\xb9\x14\xba\x00\x01\x14\xbb" + // 0x14B914BA: 0x000114BB + "\x14\xb9\x14\xb0\x00\x01\x14\xbc" + // 0x14B914B0: 0x000114BC + "\x14\xb9\x14\xbd\x00\x01\x14\xbe" + // 0x14B914BD: 0x000114BE + "\x15\xb8\x15\xaf\x00\x01\x15\xba" + // 0x15B815AF: 0x000115BA + "\x15\xb9\x15\xaf\x00\x01\x15\xbb" + // 0x15B915AF: 0x000115BB + "" + // Total size of tables: 53KB (54006 bytes) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/transform.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/transform.go index 9f47efbaf65..a1d366ae487 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/transform.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm/transform.go @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ func (Form) Reset() {} // Users should either catch ErrShortDst and allow dst to grow or have dst be at // least of size MaxTransformChunkSize to be guaranteed of progress. func (f Form) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) { - n := 0 // Cap the maximum number of src bytes to check. b := src eof := atEOF @@ -27,13 +26,14 @@ func (f Form) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) eof = false b = b[:ns] } - i, ok := formTable[f].quickSpan(inputBytes(b), n, len(b), eof) - n += copy(dst[n:], b[n:i]) + i, ok := formTable[f].quickSpan(inputBytes(b), 0, len(b), eof) + n := copy(dst, b[:i]) if !ok { nDst, nSrc, err = f.transform(dst[n:], src[n:], atEOF) return nDst + n, nSrc + n, err } - if n < len(src) && !atEOF { + + if err == nil && n < len(src) && !atEOF { err = transform.ErrShortSrc } return n, n, err @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ func (f Form) transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) nSrc += n nDst += n if ok { - if n < rb.nsrc && !atEOF { + if err == nil && n < rb.nsrc && !atEOF { err = transform.ErrShortSrc } return nDst, nSrc, err diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go index 49bfbf72683..dd3febd43b2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/kind_string.go @@ -2,7 +2,19 @@ package width -import "fmt" +import "strconv" + +func _() { + // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. + // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. + var x [1]struct{} + _ = x[Neutral-0] + _ = x[EastAsianAmbiguous-1] + _ = x[EastAsianWide-2] + _ = x[EastAsianNarrow-3] + _ = x[EastAsianFullwidth-4] + _ = x[EastAsianHalfwidth-5] +} const _Kind_name = "NeutralEastAsianAmbiguousEastAsianWideEastAsianNarrowEastAsianFullwidthEastAsianHalfwidth" @@ -10,7 +22,7 @@ var _Kind_index = [...]uint8{0, 7, 25, 38, 53, 71, 89} func (i Kind) String() string { if i < 0 || i >= Kind(len(_Kind_index)-1) { - return fmt.Sprintf("Kind(%d)", i) + return "Kind(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" } return _Kind_name[_Kind_index[i]:_Kind_index[i+1]] } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go index f4988626731..decb8e48093 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables10.0.0.go @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. -// +build go1.10 +// +build go1.10,!go1.13 package width diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d6def0e7be5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/tables11.0.0.go @@ -0,0 +1,1330 @@ +// Code generated by running "go generate" in golang.org/x/text. DO NOT EDIT. + +// +build go1.13 + +package width + +// UnicodeVersion is the Unicode version from which the tables in this package are derived. +const UnicodeVersion = "11.0.0" + +// lookup returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookup(s []byte) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupUnsafe(s []byte) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// lookupString returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s and +// the width in bytes of this encoding. The size will be 0 if s does not +// hold enough bytes to complete the encoding. len(s) must be greater than 0. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupString(s string) (v uint16, sz int) { + c0 := s[0] + switch { + case c0 < 0x80: // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0], 1 + case c0 < 0xC2: + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a starter, not ASCII. + case c0 < 0xE0: // 2-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 2 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c1), 2 + case c0 < 0xF0: // 3-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 3 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c2), 3 + case c0 < 0xF8: // 4-byte UTF-8 + if len(s) < 4 { + return 0, 0 + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + c1 := s[1] + if c1 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c1 { + return 0, 1 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o := uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c1) + i = widthIndex[o] + c2 := s[2] + if c2 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c2 { + return 0, 2 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + o = uint32(i)<<6 + uint32(c2) + i = widthIndex[o] + c3 := s[3] + if c3 < 0x80 || 0xC0 <= c3 { + return 0, 3 // Illegal UTF-8: not a continuation byte. + } + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), c3), 4 + } + // Illegal rune + return 0, 1 +} + +// lookupStringUnsafe returns the trie value for the first UTF-8 encoding in s. +// s must start with a full and valid UTF-8 encoded rune. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupStringUnsafe(s string) uint16 { + c0 := s[0] + if c0 < 0x80 { // is ASCII + return widthValues[c0] + } + i := widthIndex[c0] + if c0 < 0xE0 { // 2-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[1]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[1])] + if c0 < 0xF0 { // 3-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[2]) + } + i = widthIndex[uint32(i)<<6+uint32(s[2])] + if c0 < 0xF8 { // 4-byte UTF-8 + return t.lookupValue(uint32(i), s[3]) + } + return 0 +} + +// widthTrie. Total size: 14336 bytes (14.00 KiB). Checksum: c0f7712776e71cd4. +type widthTrie struct{} + +func newWidthTrie(i int) *widthTrie { + return &widthTrie{} +} + +// lookupValue determines the type of block n and looks up the value for b. +func (t *widthTrie) lookupValue(n uint32, b byte) uint16 { + switch { + default: + return uint16(widthValues[n<<6+uint32(b)]) + } +} + +// widthValues: 101 blocks, 6464 entries, 12928 bytes +// The third block is the zero block. +var widthValues = [6464]uint16{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + 0x20: 0x6001, 0x21: 0x6002, 0x22: 0x6002, 0x23: 0x6002, + 0x24: 0x6002, 0x25: 0x6002, 0x26: 0x6002, 0x27: 0x6002, 0x28: 0x6002, 0x29: 0x6002, + 0x2a: 0x6002, 0x2b: 0x6002, 0x2c: 0x6002, 0x2d: 0x6002, 0x2e: 0x6002, 0x2f: 0x6002, + 0x30: 0x6002, 0x31: 0x6002, 0x32: 0x6002, 0x33: 0x6002, 0x34: 0x6002, 0x35: 0x6002, + 0x36: 0x6002, 0x37: 0x6002, 0x38: 0x6002, 0x39: 0x6002, 0x3a: 0x6002, 0x3b: 0x6002, + 0x3c: 0x6002, 0x3d: 0x6002, 0x3e: 0x6002, 0x3f: 0x6002, + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + 0x40: 0x6003, 0x41: 0x6003, 0x42: 0x6003, 0x43: 0x6003, 0x44: 0x6003, 0x45: 0x6003, + 0x46: 0x6003, 0x47: 0x6003, 0x48: 0x6003, 0x49: 0x6003, 0x4a: 0x6003, 0x4b: 0x6003, + 0x4c: 0x6003, 0x4d: 0x6003, 0x4e: 0x6003, 0x4f: 0x6003, 0x50: 0x6003, 0x51: 0x6003, + 0x52: 0x6003, 0x53: 0x6003, 0x54: 0x6003, 0x55: 0x6003, 0x56: 0x6003, 0x57: 0x6003, + 0x58: 0x6003, 0x59: 0x6003, 0x5a: 0x6003, 0x5b: 0x6003, 0x5c: 0x6003, 0x5d: 0x6003, + 0x5e: 0x6003, 0x5f: 0x6003, 0x60: 0x6004, 0x61: 0x6004, 0x62: 0x6004, 0x63: 0x6004, + 0x64: 0x6004, 0x65: 0x6004, 0x66: 0x6004, 0x67: 0x6004, 0x68: 0x6004, 0x69: 0x6004, + 0x6a: 0x6004, 0x6b: 0x6004, 0x6c: 0x6004, 0x6d: 0x6004, 0x6e: 0x6004, 0x6f: 0x6004, + 0x70: 0x6004, 0x71: 0x6004, 0x72: 0x6004, 0x73: 0x6004, 0x74: 0x6004, 0x75: 0x6004, + 0x76: 0x6004, 0x77: 0x6004, 0x78: 0x6004, 0x79: 0x6004, 0x7a: 0x6004, 0x7b: 0x6004, + 0x7c: 0x6004, 0x7d: 0x6004, 0x7e: 0x6004, + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xe1: 0x2000, 0xe2: 0x6005, 0xe3: 0x6005, + 0xe4: 0x2000, 0xe5: 0x6006, 0xe6: 0x6005, 0xe7: 0x2000, 0xe8: 0x2000, + 0xea: 0x2000, 0xec: 0x6007, 0xed: 0x2000, 0xee: 0x2000, 0xef: 0x6008, + 0xf0: 0x2000, 0xf1: 0x2000, 0xf2: 0x2000, 0xf3: 0x2000, 0xf4: 0x2000, + 0xf6: 0x2000, 0xf7: 0x2000, 0xf8: 0x2000, 0xf9: 0x2000, 0xfa: 0x2000, + 0xfc: 0x2000, 0xfd: 0x2000, 0xfe: 0x2000, 0xff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x106: 0x2000, + 0x110: 0x2000, + 0x117: 0x2000, + 0x118: 0x2000, + 0x11e: 0x2000, 0x11f: 0x2000, 0x120: 0x2000, 0x121: 0x2000, + 0x126: 0x2000, 0x128: 0x2000, 0x129: 0x2000, + 0x12a: 0x2000, 0x12c: 0x2000, 0x12d: 0x2000, + 0x130: 0x2000, 0x132: 0x2000, 0x133: 0x2000, + 0x137: 0x2000, 0x138: 0x2000, 0x139: 0x2000, 0x13a: 0x2000, + 0x13c: 0x2000, 0x13e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x141: 0x2000, + 0x151: 0x2000, + 0x153: 0x2000, + 0x15b: 0x2000, + 0x166: 0x2000, 0x167: 0x2000, + 0x16b: 0x2000, + 0x171: 0x2000, 0x172: 0x2000, 0x173: 0x2000, + 0x178: 0x2000, + 0x17f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x2000, 0x181: 0x2000, 0x182: 0x2000, 0x184: 0x2000, + 0x188: 0x2000, 0x189: 0x2000, 0x18a: 0x2000, 0x18b: 0x2000, + 0x18d: 0x2000, + 0x192: 0x2000, 0x193: 0x2000, + 0x1a6: 0x2000, 0x1a7: 0x2000, + 0x1ab: 0x2000, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1ce: 0x2000, 0x1d0: 0x2000, + 0x1d2: 0x2000, 0x1d4: 0x2000, 0x1d6: 0x2000, + 0x1d8: 0x2000, 0x1da: 0x2000, 0x1dc: 0x2000, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x211: 0x2000, + 0x221: 0x2000, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x244: 0x2000, + 0x247: 0x2000, 0x249: 0x2000, 0x24a: 0x2000, 0x24b: 0x2000, + 0x24d: 0x2000, 0x250: 0x2000, + 0x258: 0x2000, 0x259: 0x2000, 0x25a: 0x2000, 0x25b: 0x2000, 0x25d: 0x2000, + 0x25f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x2000, 0x281: 0x2000, 0x282: 0x2000, 0x283: 0x2000, 0x284: 0x2000, 0x285: 0x2000, + 0x286: 0x2000, 0x287: 0x2000, 0x288: 0x2000, 0x289: 0x2000, 0x28a: 0x2000, 0x28b: 0x2000, + 0x28c: 0x2000, 0x28d: 0x2000, 0x28e: 0x2000, 0x28f: 0x2000, 0x290: 0x2000, 0x291: 0x2000, + 0x292: 0x2000, 0x293: 0x2000, 0x294: 0x2000, 0x295: 0x2000, 0x296: 0x2000, 0x297: 0x2000, + 0x298: 0x2000, 0x299: 0x2000, 0x29a: 0x2000, 0x29b: 0x2000, 0x29c: 0x2000, 0x29d: 0x2000, + 0x29e: 0x2000, 0x29f: 0x2000, 0x2a0: 0x2000, 0x2a1: 0x2000, 0x2a2: 0x2000, 0x2a3: 0x2000, + 0x2a4: 0x2000, 0x2a5: 0x2000, 0x2a6: 0x2000, 0x2a7: 0x2000, 0x2a8: 0x2000, 0x2a9: 0x2000, + 0x2aa: 0x2000, 0x2ab: 0x2000, 0x2ac: 0x2000, 0x2ad: 0x2000, 0x2ae: 0x2000, 0x2af: 0x2000, + 0x2b0: 0x2000, 0x2b1: 0x2000, 0x2b2: 0x2000, 0x2b3: 0x2000, 0x2b4: 0x2000, 0x2b5: 0x2000, + 0x2b6: 0x2000, 0x2b7: 0x2000, 0x2b8: 0x2000, 0x2b9: 0x2000, 0x2ba: 0x2000, 0x2bb: 0x2000, + 0x2bc: 0x2000, 0x2bd: 0x2000, 0x2be: 0x2000, 0x2bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x2000, 0x2c1: 0x2000, 0x2c2: 0x2000, 0x2c3: 0x2000, 0x2c4: 0x2000, 0x2c5: 0x2000, + 0x2c6: 0x2000, 0x2c7: 0x2000, 0x2c8: 0x2000, 0x2c9: 0x2000, 0x2ca: 0x2000, 0x2cb: 0x2000, + 0x2cc: 0x2000, 0x2cd: 0x2000, 0x2ce: 0x2000, 0x2cf: 0x2000, 0x2d0: 0x2000, 0x2d1: 0x2000, + 0x2d2: 0x2000, 0x2d3: 0x2000, 0x2d4: 0x2000, 0x2d5: 0x2000, 0x2d6: 0x2000, 0x2d7: 0x2000, + 0x2d8: 0x2000, 0x2d9: 0x2000, 0x2da: 0x2000, 0x2db: 0x2000, 0x2dc: 0x2000, 0x2dd: 0x2000, + 0x2de: 0x2000, 0x2df: 0x2000, 0x2e0: 0x2000, 0x2e1: 0x2000, 0x2e2: 0x2000, 0x2e3: 0x2000, + 0x2e4: 0x2000, 0x2e5: 0x2000, 0x2e6: 0x2000, 0x2e7: 0x2000, 0x2e8: 0x2000, 0x2e9: 0x2000, + 0x2ea: 0x2000, 0x2eb: 0x2000, 0x2ec: 0x2000, 0x2ed: 0x2000, 0x2ee: 0x2000, 0x2ef: 0x2000, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x311: 0x2000, + 0x312: 0x2000, 0x313: 0x2000, 0x314: 0x2000, 0x315: 0x2000, 0x316: 0x2000, 0x317: 0x2000, + 0x318: 0x2000, 0x319: 0x2000, 0x31a: 0x2000, 0x31b: 0x2000, 0x31c: 0x2000, 0x31d: 0x2000, + 0x31e: 0x2000, 0x31f: 0x2000, 0x320: 0x2000, 0x321: 0x2000, 0x323: 0x2000, + 0x324: 0x2000, 0x325: 0x2000, 0x326: 0x2000, 0x327: 0x2000, 0x328: 0x2000, 0x329: 0x2000, + 0x331: 0x2000, 0x332: 0x2000, 0x333: 0x2000, 0x334: 0x2000, 0x335: 0x2000, + 0x336: 0x2000, 0x337: 0x2000, 0x338: 0x2000, 0x339: 0x2000, 0x33a: 0x2000, 0x33b: 0x2000, + 0x33c: 0x2000, 0x33d: 0x2000, 0x33e: 0x2000, 0x33f: 0x2000, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x340: 0x2000, 0x341: 0x2000, 0x343: 0x2000, 0x344: 0x2000, 0x345: 0x2000, + 0x346: 0x2000, 0x347: 0x2000, 0x348: 0x2000, 0x349: 0x2000, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x381: 0x2000, + 0x390: 0x2000, 0x391: 0x2000, + 0x392: 0x2000, 0x393: 0x2000, 0x394: 0x2000, 0x395: 0x2000, 0x396: 0x2000, 0x397: 0x2000, + 0x398: 0x2000, 0x399: 0x2000, 0x39a: 0x2000, 0x39b: 0x2000, 0x39c: 0x2000, 0x39d: 0x2000, + 0x39e: 0x2000, 0x39f: 0x2000, 0x3a0: 0x2000, 0x3a1: 0x2000, 0x3a2: 0x2000, 0x3a3: 0x2000, + 0x3a4: 0x2000, 0x3a5: 0x2000, 0x3a6: 0x2000, 0x3a7: 0x2000, 0x3a8: 0x2000, 0x3a9: 0x2000, + 0x3aa: 0x2000, 0x3ab: 0x2000, 0x3ac: 0x2000, 0x3ad: 0x2000, 0x3ae: 0x2000, 0x3af: 0x2000, + 0x3b0: 0x2000, 0x3b1: 0x2000, 0x3b2: 0x2000, 0x3b3: 0x2000, 0x3b4: 0x2000, 0x3b5: 0x2000, + 0x3b6: 0x2000, 0x3b7: 0x2000, 0x3b8: 0x2000, 0x3b9: 0x2000, 0x3ba: 0x2000, 0x3bb: 0x2000, + 0x3bc: 0x2000, 0x3bd: 0x2000, 0x3be: 0x2000, 0x3bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x2000, 0x3c1: 0x2000, 0x3c2: 0x2000, 0x3c3: 0x2000, 0x3c4: 0x2000, 0x3c5: 0x2000, + 0x3c6: 0x2000, 0x3c7: 0x2000, 0x3c8: 0x2000, 0x3c9: 0x2000, 0x3ca: 0x2000, 0x3cb: 0x2000, + 0x3cc: 0x2000, 0x3cd: 0x2000, 0x3ce: 0x2000, 0x3cf: 0x2000, 0x3d1: 0x2000, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4000, 0x401: 0x4000, 0x402: 0x4000, 0x403: 0x4000, 0x404: 0x4000, 0x405: 0x4000, + 0x406: 0x4000, 0x407: 0x4000, 0x408: 0x4000, 0x409: 0x4000, 0x40a: 0x4000, 0x40b: 0x4000, + 0x40c: 0x4000, 0x40d: 0x4000, 0x40e: 0x4000, 0x40f: 0x4000, 0x410: 0x4000, 0x411: 0x4000, + 0x412: 0x4000, 0x413: 0x4000, 0x414: 0x4000, 0x415: 0x4000, 0x416: 0x4000, 0x417: 0x4000, + 0x418: 0x4000, 0x419: 0x4000, 0x41a: 0x4000, 0x41b: 0x4000, 0x41c: 0x4000, 0x41d: 0x4000, + 0x41e: 0x4000, 0x41f: 0x4000, 0x420: 0x4000, 0x421: 0x4000, 0x422: 0x4000, 0x423: 0x4000, + 0x424: 0x4000, 0x425: 0x4000, 0x426: 0x4000, 0x427: 0x4000, 0x428: 0x4000, 0x429: 0x4000, + 0x42a: 0x4000, 0x42b: 0x4000, 0x42c: 0x4000, 0x42d: 0x4000, 0x42e: 0x4000, 0x42f: 0x4000, + 0x430: 0x4000, 0x431: 0x4000, 0x432: 0x4000, 0x433: 0x4000, 0x434: 0x4000, 0x435: 0x4000, + 0x436: 0x4000, 0x437: 0x4000, 0x438: 0x4000, 0x439: 0x4000, 0x43a: 0x4000, 0x43b: 0x4000, + 0x43c: 0x4000, 0x43d: 0x4000, 0x43e: 0x4000, 0x43f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x440: 0x4000, 0x441: 0x4000, 0x442: 0x4000, 0x443: 0x4000, 0x444: 0x4000, 0x445: 0x4000, + 0x446: 0x4000, 0x447: 0x4000, 0x448: 0x4000, 0x449: 0x4000, 0x44a: 0x4000, 0x44b: 0x4000, + 0x44c: 0x4000, 0x44d: 0x4000, 0x44e: 0x4000, 0x44f: 0x4000, 0x450: 0x4000, 0x451: 0x4000, + 0x452: 0x4000, 0x453: 0x4000, 0x454: 0x4000, 0x455: 0x4000, 0x456: 0x4000, 0x457: 0x4000, + 0x458: 0x4000, 0x459: 0x4000, 0x45a: 0x4000, 0x45b: 0x4000, 0x45c: 0x4000, 0x45d: 0x4000, + 0x45e: 0x4000, 0x45f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x490: 0x2000, + 0x493: 0x2000, 0x494: 0x2000, 0x495: 0x2000, 0x496: 0x2000, + 0x498: 0x2000, 0x499: 0x2000, 0x49c: 0x2000, 0x49d: 0x2000, + 0x4a0: 0x2000, 0x4a1: 0x2000, 0x4a2: 0x2000, + 0x4a4: 0x2000, 0x4a5: 0x2000, 0x4a6: 0x2000, 0x4a7: 0x2000, + 0x4b0: 0x2000, 0x4b2: 0x2000, 0x4b3: 0x2000, 0x4b5: 0x2000, + 0x4bb: 0x2000, + 0x4be: 0x2000, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4f4: 0x2000, + 0x4ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x501: 0x2000, 0x502: 0x2000, 0x503: 0x2000, 0x504: 0x2000, + 0x529: 0xa009, + 0x52c: 0x2000, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x543: 0x2000, 0x545: 0x2000, + 0x549: 0x2000, + 0x553: 0x2000, 0x556: 0x2000, + 0x561: 0x2000, 0x562: 0x2000, + 0x566: 0x2000, + 0x56b: 0x2000, + // Block 0x16, offset 0x580 + 0x593: 0x2000, 0x594: 0x2000, + 0x59b: 0x2000, 0x59c: 0x2000, 0x59d: 0x2000, + 0x59e: 0x2000, 0x5a0: 0x2000, 0x5a1: 0x2000, 0x5a2: 0x2000, 0x5a3: 0x2000, + 0x5a4: 0x2000, 0x5a5: 0x2000, 0x5a6: 0x2000, 0x5a7: 0x2000, 0x5a8: 0x2000, 0x5a9: 0x2000, + 0x5aa: 0x2000, 0x5ab: 0x2000, + 0x5b0: 0x2000, 0x5b1: 0x2000, 0x5b2: 0x2000, 0x5b3: 0x2000, 0x5b4: 0x2000, 0x5b5: 0x2000, + 0x5b6: 0x2000, 0x5b7: 0x2000, 0x5b8: 0x2000, 0x5b9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x17, offset 0x5c0 + 0x5c9: 0x2000, + 0x5d0: 0x200a, 0x5d1: 0x200b, + 0x5d2: 0x200a, 0x5d3: 0x200c, 0x5d4: 0x2000, 0x5d5: 0x2000, 0x5d6: 0x2000, 0x5d7: 0x2000, + 0x5d8: 0x2000, 0x5d9: 0x2000, + 0x5f8: 0x2000, 0x5f9: 0x2000, + // Block 0x18, offset 0x600 + 0x612: 0x2000, 0x614: 0x2000, + 0x627: 0x2000, + // Block 0x19, offset 0x640 + 0x640: 0x2000, 0x642: 0x2000, 0x643: 0x2000, + 0x647: 0x2000, 0x648: 0x2000, 0x64b: 0x2000, + 0x64f: 0x2000, 0x651: 0x2000, + 0x655: 0x2000, + 0x65a: 0x2000, 0x65d: 0x2000, + 0x65e: 0x2000, 0x65f: 0x2000, 0x660: 0x2000, 0x663: 0x2000, + 0x665: 0x2000, 0x667: 0x2000, 0x668: 0x2000, 0x669: 0x2000, + 0x66a: 0x2000, 0x66b: 0x2000, 0x66c: 0x2000, 0x66e: 0x2000, + 0x674: 0x2000, 0x675: 0x2000, + 0x676: 0x2000, 0x677: 0x2000, + 0x67c: 0x2000, 0x67d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1a, offset 0x680 + 0x688: 0x2000, + 0x68c: 0x2000, + 0x692: 0x2000, + 0x6a0: 0x2000, 0x6a1: 0x2000, + 0x6a4: 0x2000, 0x6a5: 0x2000, 0x6a6: 0x2000, 0x6a7: 0x2000, + 0x6aa: 0x2000, 0x6ab: 0x2000, 0x6ae: 0x2000, 0x6af: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1b, offset 0x6c0 + 0x6c2: 0x2000, 0x6c3: 0x2000, + 0x6c6: 0x2000, 0x6c7: 0x2000, + 0x6d5: 0x2000, + 0x6d9: 0x2000, + 0x6e5: 0x2000, + 0x6ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1c, offset 0x700 + 0x712: 0x2000, + 0x71a: 0x4000, 0x71b: 0x4000, + 0x729: 0x4000, + 0x72a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1d, offset 0x740 + 0x769: 0x4000, + 0x76a: 0x4000, 0x76b: 0x4000, 0x76c: 0x4000, + 0x770: 0x4000, 0x773: 0x4000, + // Block 0x1e, offset 0x780 + 0x7a0: 0x2000, 0x7a1: 0x2000, 0x7a2: 0x2000, 0x7a3: 0x2000, + 0x7a4: 0x2000, 0x7a5: 0x2000, 0x7a6: 0x2000, 0x7a7: 0x2000, 0x7a8: 0x2000, 0x7a9: 0x2000, + 0x7aa: 0x2000, 0x7ab: 0x2000, 0x7ac: 0x2000, 0x7ad: 0x2000, 0x7ae: 0x2000, 0x7af: 0x2000, + 0x7b0: 0x2000, 0x7b1: 0x2000, 0x7b2: 0x2000, 0x7b3: 0x2000, 0x7b4: 0x2000, 0x7b5: 0x2000, + 0x7b6: 0x2000, 0x7b7: 0x2000, 0x7b8: 0x2000, 0x7b9: 0x2000, 0x7ba: 0x2000, 0x7bb: 0x2000, + 0x7bc: 0x2000, 0x7bd: 0x2000, 0x7be: 0x2000, 0x7bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x1f, offset 0x7c0 + 0x7c0: 0x2000, 0x7c1: 0x2000, 0x7c2: 0x2000, 0x7c3: 0x2000, 0x7c4: 0x2000, 0x7c5: 0x2000, + 0x7c6: 0x2000, 0x7c7: 0x2000, 0x7c8: 0x2000, 0x7c9: 0x2000, 0x7ca: 0x2000, 0x7cb: 0x2000, + 0x7cc: 0x2000, 0x7cd: 0x2000, 0x7ce: 0x2000, 0x7cf: 0x2000, 0x7d0: 0x2000, 0x7d1: 0x2000, + 0x7d2: 0x2000, 0x7d3: 0x2000, 0x7d4: 0x2000, 0x7d5: 0x2000, 0x7d6: 0x2000, 0x7d7: 0x2000, + 0x7d8: 0x2000, 0x7d9: 0x2000, 0x7da: 0x2000, 0x7db: 0x2000, 0x7dc: 0x2000, 0x7dd: 0x2000, + 0x7de: 0x2000, 0x7df: 0x2000, 0x7e0: 0x2000, 0x7e1: 0x2000, 0x7e2: 0x2000, 0x7e3: 0x2000, + 0x7e4: 0x2000, 0x7e5: 0x2000, 0x7e6: 0x2000, 0x7e7: 0x2000, 0x7e8: 0x2000, 0x7e9: 0x2000, + 0x7eb: 0x2000, 0x7ec: 0x2000, 0x7ed: 0x2000, 0x7ee: 0x2000, 0x7ef: 0x2000, + 0x7f0: 0x2000, 0x7f1: 0x2000, 0x7f2: 0x2000, 0x7f3: 0x2000, 0x7f4: 0x2000, 0x7f5: 0x2000, + 0x7f6: 0x2000, 0x7f7: 0x2000, 0x7f8: 0x2000, 0x7f9: 0x2000, 0x7fa: 0x2000, 0x7fb: 0x2000, + 0x7fc: 0x2000, 0x7fd: 0x2000, 0x7fe: 0x2000, 0x7ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x20, offset 0x800 + 0x800: 0x2000, 0x801: 0x2000, 0x802: 0x200d, 0x803: 0x2000, 0x804: 0x2000, 0x805: 0x2000, + 0x806: 0x2000, 0x807: 0x2000, 0x808: 0x2000, 0x809: 0x2000, 0x80a: 0x2000, 0x80b: 0x2000, + 0x80c: 0x2000, 0x80d: 0x2000, 0x80e: 0x2000, 0x80f: 0x2000, 0x810: 0x2000, 0x811: 0x2000, + 0x812: 0x2000, 0x813: 0x2000, 0x814: 0x2000, 0x815: 0x2000, 0x816: 0x2000, 0x817: 0x2000, + 0x818: 0x2000, 0x819: 0x2000, 0x81a: 0x2000, 0x81b: 0x2000, 0x81c: 0x2000, 0x81d: 0x2000, + 0x81e: 0x2000, 0x81f: 0x2000, 0x820: 0x2000, 0x821: 0x2000, 0x822: 0x2000, 0x823: 0x2000, + 0x824: 0x2000, 0x825: 0x2000, 0x826: 0x2000, 0x827: 0x2000, 0x828: 0x2000, 0x829: 0x2000, + 0x82a: 0x2000, 0x82b: 0x2000, 0x82c: 0x2000, 0x82d: 0x2000, 0x82e: 0x2000, 0x82f: 0x2000, + 0x830: 0x2000, 0x831: 0x2000, 0x832: 0x2000, 0x833: 0x2000, 0x834: 0x2000, 0x835: 0x2000, + 0x836: 0x2000, 0x837: 0x2000, 0x838: 0x2000, 0x839: 0x2000, 0x83a: 0x2000, 0x83b: 0x2000, + 0x83c: 0x2000, 0x83d: 0x2000, 0x83e: 0x2000, 0x83f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x21, offset 0x840 + 0x840: 0x2000, 0x841: 0x2000, 0x842: 0x2000, 0x843: 0x2000, 0x844: 0x2000, 0x845: 0x2000, + 0x846: 0x2000, 0x847: 0x2000, 0x848: 0x2000, 0x849: 0x2000, 0x84a: 0x2000, 0x84b: 0x2000, + 0x850: 0x2000, 0x851: 0x2000, + 0x852: 0x2000, 0x853: 0x2000, 0x854: 0x2000, 0x855: 0x2000, 0x856: 0x2000, 0x857: 0x2000, + 0x858: 0x2000, 0x859: 0x2000, 0x85a: 0x2000, 0x85b: 0x2000, 0x85c: 0x2000, 0x85d: 0x2000, + 0x85e: 0x2000, 0x85f: 0x2000, 0x860: 0x2000, 0x861: 0x2000, 0x862: 0x2000, 0x863: 0x2000, + 0x864: 0x2000, 0x865: 0x2000, 0x866: 0x2000, 0x867: 0x2000, 0x868: 0x2000, 0x869: 0x2000, + 0x86a: 0x2000, 0x86b: 0x2000, 0x86c: 0x2000, 0x86d: 0x2000, 0x86e: 0x2000, 0x86f: 0x2000, + 0x870: 0x2000, 0x871: 0x2000, 0x872: 0x2000, 0x873: 0x2000, + // Block 0x22, offset 0x880 + 0x880: 0x2000, 0x881: 0x2000, 0x882: 0x2000, 0x883: 0x2000, 0x884: 0x2000, 0x885: 0x2000, + 0x886: 0x2000, 0x887: 0x2000, 0x888: 0x2000, 0x889: 0x2000, 0x88a: 0x2000, 0x88b: 0x2000, + 0x88c: 0x2000, 0x88d: 0x2000, 0x88e: 0x2000, 0x88f: 0x2000, + 0x892: 0x2000, 0x893: 0x2000, 0x894: 0x2000, 0x895: 0x2000, + 0x8a0: 0x200e, 0x8a1: 0x2000, 0x8a3: 0x2000, + 0x8a4: 0x2000, 0x8a5: 0x2000, 0x8a6: 0x2000, 0x8a7: 0x2000, 0x8a8: 0x2000, 0x8a9: 0x2000, + 0x8b2: 0x2000, 0x8b3: 0x2000, + 0x8b6: 0x2000, 0x8b7: 0x2000, + 0x8bc: 0x2000, 0x8bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x23, offset 0x8c0 + 0x8c0: 0x2000, 0x8c1: 0x2000, + 0x8c6: 0x2000, 0x8c7: 0x2000, 0x8c8: 0x2000, 0x8cb: 0x200f, + 0x8ce: 0x2000, 0x8cf: 0x2000, 0x8d0: 0x2000, 0x8d1: 0x2000, + 0x8e2: 0x2000, 0x8e3: 0x2000, + 0x8e4: 0x2000, 0x8e5: 0x2000, + 0x8ef: 0x2000, + 0x8fd: 0x4000, 0x8fe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x24, offset 0x900 + 0x905: 0x2000, + 0x906: 0x2000, 0x909: 0x2000, + 0x90e: 0x2000, 0x90f: 0x2000, + 0x914: 0x4000, 0x915: 0x4000, + 0x91c: 0x2000, + 0x91e: 0x2000, + // Block 0x25, offset 0x940 + 0x940: 0x2000, 0x942: 0x2000, + 0x948: 0x4000, 0x949: 0x4000, 0x94a: 0x4000, 0x94b: 0x4000, + 0x94c: 0x4000, 0x94d: 0x4000, 0x94e: 0x4000, 0x94f: 0x4000, 0x950: 0x4000, 0x951: 0x4000, + 0x952: 0x4000, 0x953: 0x4000, + 0x960: 0x2000, 0x961: 0x2000, 0x963: 0x2000, + 0x964: 0x2000, 0x965: 0x2000, 0x967: 0x2000, 0x968: 0x2000, 0x969: 0x2000, + 0x96a: 0x2000, 0x96c: 0x2000, 0x96d: 0x2000, 0x96f: 0x2000, + 0x97f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x26, offset 0x980 + 0x993: 0x4000, + 0x99e: 0x2000, 0x99f: 0x2000, 0x9a1: 0x4000, + 0x9aa: 0x4000, 0x9ab: 0x4000, + 0x9bd: 0x4000, 0x9be: 0x4000, 0x9bf: 0x2000, + // Block 0x27, offset 0x9c0 + 0x9c4: 0x4000, 0x9c5: 0x4000, + 0x9c6: 0x2000, 0x9c7: 0x2000, 0x9c8: 0x2000, 0x9c9: 0x2000, 0x9ca: 0x2000, 0x9cb: 0x2000, + 0x9cc: 0x2000, 0x9cd: 0x2000, 0x9ce: 0x4000, 0x9cf: 0x2000, 0x9d0: 0x2000, 0x9d1: 0x2000, + 0x9d2: 0x2000, 0x9d3: 0x2000, 0x9d4: 0x4000, 0x9d5: 0x2000, 0x9d6: 0x2000, 0x9d7: 0x2000, + 0x9d8: 0x2000, 0x9d9: 0x2000, 0x9da: 0x2000, 0x9db: 0x2000, 0x9dc: 0x2000, 0x9dd: 0x2000, + 0x9de: 0x2000, 0x9df: 0x2000, 0x9e0: 0x2000, 0x9e1: 0x2000, 0x9e3: 0x2000, + 0x9e8: 0x2000, 0x9e9: 0x2000, + 0x9ea: 0x4000, 0x9eb: 0x2000, 0x9ec: 0x2000, 0x9ed: 0x2000, 0x9ee: 0x2000, 0x9ef: 0x2000, + 0x9f0: 0x2000, 0x9f1: 0x2000, 0x9f2: 0x4000, 0x9f3: 0x4000, 0x9f4: 0x2000, 0x9f5: 0x4000, + 0x9f6: 0x2000, 0x9f7: 0x2000, 0x9f8: 0x2000, 0x9f9: 0x2000, 0x9fa: 0x4000, 0x9fb: 0x2000, + 0x9fc: 0x2000, 0x9fd: 0x4000, 0x9fe: 0x2000, 0x9ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x28, offset 0xa00 + 0xa05: 0x4000, + 0xa0a: 0x4000, 0xa0b: 0x4000, + 0xa28: 0x4000, + 0xa3d: 0x2000, + // Block 0x29, offset 0xa40 + 0xa4c: 0x4000, 0xa4e: 0x4000, + 0xa53: 0x4000, 0xa54: 0x4000, 0xa55: 0x4000, 0xa57: 0x4000, + 0xa76: 0x2000, 0xa77: 0x2000, 0xa78: 0x2000, 0xa79: 0x2000, 0xa7a: 0x2000, 0xa7b: 0x2000, + 0xa7c: 0x2000, 0xa7d: 0x2000, 0xa7e: 0x2000, 0xa7f: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2a, offset 0xa80 + 0xa95: 0x4000, 0xa96: 0x4000, 0xa97: 0x4000, + 0xab0: 0x4000, + 0xabf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2b, offset 0xac0 + 0xae6: 0x6000, 0xae7: 0x6000, 0xae8: 0x6000, 0xae9: 0x6000, + 0xaea: 0x6000, 0xaeb: 0x6000, 0xaec: 0x6000, 0xaed: 0x6000, + // Block 0x2c, offset 0xb00 + 0xb05: 0x6010, + 0xb06: 0x6011, + // Block 0x2d, offset 0xb40 + 0xb5b: 0x4000, 0xb5c: 0x4000, + // Block 0x2e, offset 0xb80 + 0xb90: 0x4000, + 0xb95: 0x4000, 0xb96: 0x2000, 0xb97: 0x2000, + 0xb98: 0x2000, 0xb99: 0x2000, + // Block 0x2f, offset 0xbc0 + 0xbc0: 0x4000, 0xbc1: 0x4000, 0xbc2: 0x4000, 0xbc3: 0x4000, 0xbc4: 0x4000, 0xbc5: 0x4000, + 0xbc6: 0x4000, 0xbc7: 0x4000, 0xbc8: 0x4000, 0xbc9: 0x4000, 0xbca: 0x4000, 0xbcb: 0x4000, + 0xbcc: 0x4000, 0xbcd: 0x4000, 0xbce: 0x4000, 0xbcf: 0x4000, 0xbd0: 0x4000, 0xbd1: 0x4000, + 0xbd2: 0x4000, 0xbd3: 0x4000, 0xbd4: 0x4000, 0xbd5: 0x4000, 0xbd6: 0x4000, 0xbd7: 0x4000, + 0xbd8: 0x4000, 0xbd9: 0x4000, 0xbdb: 0x4000, 0xbdc: 0x4000, 0xbdd: 0x4000, + 0xbde: 0x4000, 0xbdf: 0x4000, 0xbe0: 0x4000, 0xbe1: 0x4000, 0xbe2: 0x4000, 0xbe3: 0x4000, + 0xbe4: 0x4000, 0xbe5: 0x4000, 0xbe6: 0x4000, 0xbe7: 0x4000, 0xbe8: 0x4000, 0xbe9: 0x4000, + 0xbea: 0x4000, 0xbeb: 0x4000, 0xbec: 0x4000, 0xbed: 0x4000, 0xbee: 0x4000, 0xbef: 0x4000, + 0xbf0: 0x4000, 0xbf1: 0x4000, 0xbf2: 0x4000, 0xbf3: 0x4000, 0xbf4: 0x4000, 0xbf5: 0x4000, + 0xbf6: 0x4000, 0xbf7: 0x4000, 0xbf8: 0x4000, 0xbf9: 0x4000, 0xbfa: 0x4000, 0xbfb: 0x4000, + 0xbfc: 0x4000, 0xbfd: 0x4000, 0xbfe: 0x4000, 0xbff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x30, offset 0xc00 + 0xc00: 0x4000, 0xc01: 0x4000, 0xc02: 0x4000, 0xc03: 0x4000, 0xc04: 0x4000, 0xc05: 0x4000, + 0xc06: 0x4000, 0xc07: 0x4000, 0xc08: 0x4000, 0xc09: 0x4000, 0xc0a: 0x4000, 0xc0b: 0x4000, + 0xc0c: 0x4000, 0xc0d: 0x4000, 0xc0e: 0x4000, 0xc0f: 0x4000, 0xc10: 0x4000, 0xc11: 0x4000, + 0xc12: 0x4000, 0xc13: 0x4000, 0xc14: 0x4000, 0xc15: 0x4000, 0xc16: 0x4000, 0xc17: 0x4000, + 0xc18: 0x4000, 0xc19: 0x4000, 0xc1a: 0x4000, 0xc1b: 0x4000, 0xc1c: 0x4000, 0xc1d: 0x4000, + 0xc1e: 0x4000, 0xc1f: 0x4000, 0xc20: 0x4000, 0xc21: 0x4000, 0xc22: 0x4000, 0xc23: 0x4000, + 0xc24: 0x4000, 0xc25: 0x4000, 0xc26: 0x4000, 0xc27: 0x4000, 0xc28: 0x4000, 0xc29: 0x4000, + 0xc2a: 0x4000, 0xc2b: 0x4000, 0xc2c: 0x4000, 0xc2d: 0x4000, 0xc2e: 0x4000, 0xc2f: 0x4000, + 0xc30: 0x4000, 0xc31: 0x4000, 0xc32: 0x4000, 0xc33: 0x4000, + // Block 0x31, offset 0xc40 + 0xc40: 0x4000, 0xc41: 0x4000, 0xc42: 0x4000, 0xc43: 0x4000, 0xc44: 0x4000, 0xc45: 0x4000, + 0xc46: 0x4000, 0xc47: 0x4000, 0xc48: 0x4000, 0xc49: 0x4000, 0xc4a: 0x4000, 0xc4b: 0x4000, + 0xc4c: 0x4000, 0xc4d: 0x4000, 0xc4e: 0x4000, 0xc4f: 0x4000, 0xc50: 0x4000, 0xc51: 0x4000, + 0xc52: 0x4000, 0xc53: 0x4000, 0xc54: 0x4000, 0xc55: 0x4000, + 0xc70: 0x4000, 0xc71: 0x4000, 0xc72: 0x4000, 0xc73: 0x4000, 0xc74: 0x4000, 0xc75: 0x4000, + 0xc76: 0x4000, 0xc77: 0x4000, 0xc78: 0x4000, 0xc79: 0x4000, 0xc7a: 0x4000, 0xc7b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x32, offset 0xc80 + 0xc80: 0x9012, 0xc81: 0x4013, 0xc82: 0x4014, 0xc83: 0x4000, 0xc84: 0x4000, 0xc85: 0x4000, + 0xc86: 0x4000, 0xc87: 0x4000, 0xc88: 0x4000, 0xc89: 0x4000, 0xc8a: 0x4000, 0xc8b: 0x4000, + 0xc8c: 0x4015, 0xc8d: 0x4015, 0xc8e: 0x4000, 0xc8f: 0x4000, 0xc90: 0x4000, 0xc91: 0x4000, + 0xc92: 0x4000, 0xc93: 0x4000, 0xc94: 0x4000, 0xc95: 0x4000, 0xc96: 0x4000, 0xc97: 0x4000, + 0xc98: 0x4000, 0xc99: 0x4000, 0xc9a: 0x4000, 0xc9b: 0x4000, 0xc9c: 0x4000, 0xc9d: 0x4000, + 0xc9e: 0x4000, 0xc9f: 0x4000, 0xca0: 0x4000, 0xca1: 0x4000, 0xca2: 0x4000, 0xca3: 0x4000, + 0xca4: 0x4000, 0xca5: 0x4000, 0xca6: 0x4000, 0xca7: 0x4000, 0xca8: 0x4000, 0xca9: 0x4000, + 0xcaa: 0x4000, 0xcab: 0x4000, 0xcac: 0x4000, 0xcad: 0x4000, 0xcae: 0x4000, 0xcaf: 0x4000, + 0xcb0: 0x4000, 0xcb1: 0x4000, 0xcb2: 0x4000, 0xcb3: 0x4000, 0xcb4: 0x4000, 0xcb5: 0x4000, + 0xcb6: 0x4000, 0xcb7: 0x4000, 0xcb8: 0x4000, 0xcb9: 0x4000, 0xcba: 0x4000, 0xcbb: 0x4000, + 0xcbc: 0x4000, 0xcbd: 0x4000, 0xcbe: 0x4000, + // Block 0x33, offset 0xcc0 + 0xcc1: 0x4000, 0xcc2: 0x4000, 0xcc3: 0x4000, 0xcc4: 0x4000, 0xcc5: 0x4000, + 0xcc6: 0x4000, 0xcc7: 0x4000, 0xcc8: 0x4000, 0xcc9: 0x4000, 0xcca: 0x4000, 0xccb: 0x4000, + 0xccc: 0x4000, 0xccd: 0x4000, 0xcce: 0x4000, 0xccf: 0x4000, 0xcd0: 0x4000, 0xcd1: 0x4000, + 0xcd2: 0x4000, 0xcd3: 0x4000, 0xcd4: 0x4000, 0xcd5: 0x4000, 0xcd6: 0x4000, 0xcd7: 0x4000, + 0xcd8: 0x4000, 0xcd9: 0x4000, 0xcda: 0x4000, 0xcdb: 0x4000, 0xcdc: 0x4000, 0xcdd: 0x4000, + 0xcde: 0x4000, 0xcdf: 0x4000, 0xce0: 0x4000, 0xce1: 0x4000, 0xce2: 0x4000, 0xce3: 0x4000, + 0xce4: 0x4000, 0xce5: 0x4000, 0xce6: 0x4000, 0xce7: 0x4000, 0xce8: 0x4000, 0xce9: 0x4000, + 0xcea: 0x4000, 0xceb: 0x4000, 0xcec: 0x4000, 0xced: 0x4000, 0xcee: 0x4000, 0xcef: 0x4000, + 0xcf0: 0x4000, 0xcf1: 0x4000, 0xcf2: 0x4000, 0xcf3: 0x4000, 0xcf4: 0x4000, 0xcf5: 0x4000, + 0xcf6: 0x4000, 0xcf7: 0x4000, 0xcf8: 0x4000, 0xcf9: 0x4000, 0xcfa: 0x4000, 0xcfb: 0x4000, + 0xcfc: 0x4000, 0xcfd: 0x4000, 0xcfe: 0x4000, 0xcff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x34, offset 0xd00 + 0xd00: 0x4000, 0xd01: 0x4000, 0xd02: 0x4000, 0xd03: 0x4000, 0xd04: 0x4000, 0xd05: 0x4000, + 0xd06: 0x4000, 0xd07: 0x4000, 0xd08: 0x4000, 0xd09: 0x4000, 0xd0a: 0x4000, 0xd0b: 0x4000, + 0xd0c: 0x4000, 0xd0d: 0x4000, 0xd0e: 0x4000, 0xd0f: 0x4000, 0xd10: 0x4000, 0xd11: 0x4000, + 0xd12: 0x4000, 0xd13: 0x4000, 0xd14: 0x4000, 0xd15: 0x4000, 0xd16: 0x4000, + 0xd19: 0x4016, 0xd1a: 0x4017, 0xd1b: 0x4000, 0xd1c: 0x4000, 0xd1d: 0x4000, + 0xd1e: 0x4000, 0xd1f: 0x4000, 0xd20: 0x4000, 0xd21: 0x4018, 0xd22: 0x4019, 0xd23: 0x401a, + 0xd24: 0x401b, 0xd25: 0x401c, 0xd26: 0x401d, 0xd27: 0x401e, 0xd28: 0x401f, 0xd29: 0x4020, + 0xd2a: 0x4021, 0xd2b: 0x4022, 0xd2c: 0x4000, 0xd2d: 0x4010, 0xd2e: 0x4000, 0xd2f: 0x4023, + 0xd30: 0x4000, 0xd31: 0x4024, 0xd32: 0x4000, 0xd33: 0x4025, 0xd34: 0x4000, 0xd35: 0x4026, + 0xd36: 0x4000, 0xd37: 0x401a, 0xd38: 0x4000, 0xd39: 0x4027, 0xd3a: 0x4000, 0xd3b: 0x4028, + 0xd3c: 0x4000, 0xd3d: 0x4020, 0xd3e: 0x4000, 0xd3f: 0x4029, + // Block 0x35, offset 0xd40 + 0xd40: 0x4000, 0xd41: 0x402a, 0xd42: 0x4000, 0xd43: 0x402b, 0xd44: 0x402c, 0xd45: 0x4000, + 0xd46: 0x4017, 0xd47: 0x4000, 0xd48: 0x402d, 0xd49: 0x4000, 0xd4a: 0x402e, 0xd4b: 0x402f, + 0xd4c: 0x4030, 0xd4d: 0x4017, 0xd4e: 0x4016, 0xd4f: 0x4017, 0xd50: 0x4000, 0xd51: 0x4000, + 0xd52: 0x4031, 0xd53: 0x4000, 0xd54: 0x4000, 0xd55: 0x4031, 0xd56: 0x4000, 0xd57: 0x4000, + 0xd58: 0x4032, 0xd59: 0x4000, 0xd5a: 0x4000, 0xd5b: 0x4032, 0xd5c: 0x4000, 0xd5d: 0x4000, + 0xd5e: 0x4033, 0xd5f: 0x402e, 0xd60: 0x4034, 0xd61: 0x4035, 0xd62: 0x4034, 0xd63: 0x4036, + 0xd64: 0x4037, 0xd65: 0x4024, 0xd66: 0x4035, 0xd67: 0x4025, 0xd68: 0x4038, 0xd69: 0x4038, + 0xd6a: 0x4039, 0xd6b: 0x4039, 0xd6c: 0x403a, 0xd6d: 0x403a, 0xd6e: 0x4000, 0xd6f: 0x4035, + 0xd70: 0x4000, 0xd71: 0x4000, 0xd72: 0x403b, 0xd73: 0x403c, 0xd74: 0x4000, 0xd75: 0x4000, + 0xd76: 0x4000, 0xd77: 0x4000, 0xd78: 0x4000, 0xd79: 0x4000, 0xd7a: 0x4000, 0xd7b: 0x403d, + 0xd7c: 0x401c, 0xd7d: 0x4000, 0xd7e: 0x4000, 0xd7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x36, offset 0xd80 + 0xd85: 0x4000, + 0xd86: 0x4000, 0xd87: 0x4000, 0xd88: 0x4000, 0xd89: 0x4000, 0xd8a: 0x4000, 0xd8b: 0x4000, + 0xd8c: 0x4000, 0xd8d: 0x4000, 0xd8e: 0x4000, 0xd8f: 0x4000, 0xd90: 0x4000, 0xd91: 0x4000, + 0xd92: 0x4000, 0xd93: 0x4000, 0xd94: 0x4000, 0xd95: 0x4000, 0xd96: 0x4000, 0xd97: 0x4000, + 0xd98: 0x4000, 0xd99: 0x4000, 0xd9a: 0x4000, 0xd9b: 0x4000, 0xd9c: 0x4000, 0xd9d: 0x4000, + 0xd9e: 0x4000, 0xd9f: 0x4000, 0xda0: 0x4000, 0xda1: 0x4000, 0xda2: 0x4000, 0xda3: 0x4000, + 0xda4: 0x4000, 0xda5: 0x4000, 0xda6: 0x4000, 0xda7: 0x4000, 0xda8: 0x4000, 0xda9: 0x4000, + 0xdaa: 0x4000, 0xdab: 0x4000, 0xdac: 0x4000, 0xdad: 0x4000, 0xdae: 0x4000, 0xdaf: 0x4000, + 0xdb1: 0x403e, 0xdb2: 0x403e, 0xdb3: 0x403e, 0xdb4: 0x403e, 0xdb5: 0x403e, + 0xdb6: 0x403e, 0xdb7: 0x403e, 0xdb8: 0x403e, 0xdb9: 0x403e, 0xdba: 0x403e, 0xdbb: 0x403e, + 0xdbc: 0x403e, 0xdbd: 0x403e, 0xdbe: 0x403e, 0xdbf: 0x403e, + // Block 0x37, offset 0xdc0 + 0xdc0: 0x4037, 0xdc1: 0x4037, 0xdc2: 0x4037, 0xdc3: 0x4037, 0xdc4: 0x4037, 0xdc5: 0x4037, + 0xdc6: 0x4037, 0xdc7: 0x4037, 0xdc8: 0x4037, 0xdc9: 0x4037, 0xdca: 0x4037, 0xdcb: 0x4037, + 0xdcc: 0x4037, 0xdcd: 0x4037, 0xdce: 0x4037, 0xdcf: 0x400e, 0xdd0: 0x403f, 0xdd1: 0x4040, + 0xdd2: 0x4041, 0xdd3: 0x4040, 0xdd4: 0x403f, 0xdd5: 0x4042, 0xdd6: 0x4043, 0xdd7: 0x4044, + 0xdd8: 0x4040, 0xdd9: 0x4041, 0xdda: 0x4040, 0xddb: 0x4045, 0xddc: 0x4009, 0xddd: 0x4045, + 0xdde: 0x4046, 0xddf: 0x4045, 0xde0: 0x4047, 0xde1: 0x400b, 0xde2: 0x400a, 0xde3: 0x400c, + 0xde4: 0x4048, 0xde5: 0x4000, 0xde6: 0x4000, 0xde7: 0x4000, 0xde8: 0x4000, 0xde9: 0x4000, + 0xdea: 0x4000, 0xdeb: 0x4000, 0xdec: 0x4000, 0xded: 0x4000, 0xdee: 0x4000, 0xdef: 0x4000, + 0xdf0: 0x4000, 0xdf1: 0x4000, 0xdf2: 0x4000, 0xdf3: 0x4000, 0xdf4: 0x4000, 0xdf5: 0x4000, + 0xdf6: 0x4000, 0xdf7: 0x4000, 0xdf8: 0x4000, 0xdf9: 0x4000, 0xdfa: 0x4000, 0xdfb: 0x4000, + 0xdfc: 0x4000, 0xdfd: 0x4000, 0xdfe: 0x4000, 0xdff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x38, offset 0xe00 + 0xe00: 0x4000, 0xe01: 0x4000, 0xe02: 0x4000, 0xe03: 0x4000, 0xe04: 0x4000, 0xe05: 0x4000, + 0xe06: 0x4000, 0xe07: 0x4000, 0xe08: 0x4000, 0xe09: 0x4000, 0xe0a: 0x4000, 0xe0b: 0x4000, + 0xe0c: 0x4000, 0xe0d: 0x4000, 0xe0e: 0x4000, 0xe10: 0x4000, 0xe11: 0x4000, + 0xe12: 0x4000, 0xe13: 0x4000, 0xe14: 0x4000, 0xe15: 0x4000, 0xe16: 0x4000, 0xe17: 0x4000, + 0xe18: 0x4000, 0xe19: 0x4000, 0xe1a: 0x4000, 0xe1b: 0x4000, 0xe1c: 0x4000, 0xe1d: 0x4000, + 0xe1e: 0x4000, 0xe1f: 0x4000, 0xe20: 0x4000, 0xe21: 0x4000, 0xe22: 0x4000, 0xe23: 0x4000, + 0xe24: 0x4000, 0xe25: 0x4000, 0xe26: 0x4000, 0xe27: 0x4000, 0xe28: 0x4000, 0xe29: 0x4000, + 0xe2a: 0x4000, 0xe2b: 0x4000, 0xe2c: 0x4000, 0xe2d: 0x4000, 0xe2e: 0x4000, 0xe2f: 0x4000, + 0xe30: 0x4000, 0xe31: 0x4000, 0xe32: 0x4000, 0xe33: 0x4000, 0xe34: 0x4000, 0xe35: 0x4000, + 0xe36: 0x4000, 0xe37: 0x4000, 0xe38: 0x4000, 0xe39: 0x4000, 0xe3a: 0x4000, + // Block 0x39, offset 0xe40 + 0xe40: 0x4000, 0xe41: 0x4000, 0xe42: 0x4000, 0xe43: 0x4000, 0xe44: 0x4000, 0xe45: 0x4000, + 0xe46: 0x4000, 0xe47: 0x4000, 0xe48: 0x4000, 0xe49: 0x4000, 0xe4a: 0x4000, 0xe4b: 0x4000, + 0xe4c: 0x4000, 0xe4d: 0x4000, 0xe4e: 0x4000, 0xe4f: 0x4000, 0xe50: 0x4000, 0xe51: 0x4000, + 0xe52: 0x4000, 0xe53: 0x4000, 0xe54: 0x4000, 0xe55: 0x4000, 0xe56: 0x4000, 0xe57: 0x4000, + 0xe58: 0x4000, 0xe59: 0x4000, 0xe5a: 0x4000, 0xe5b: 0x4000, 0xe5c: 0x4000, 0xe5d: 0x4000, + 0xe5e: 0x4000, 0xe5f: 0x4000, 0xe60: 0x4000, 0xe61: 0x4000, 0xe62: 0x4000, 0xe63: 0x4000, + 0xe70: 0x4000, 0xe71: 0x4000, 0xe72: 0x4000, 0xe73: 0x4000, 0xe74: 0x4000, 0xe75: 0x4000, + 0xe76: 0x4000, 0xe77: 0x4000, 0xe78: 0x4000, 0xe79: 0x4000, 0xe7a: 0x4000, 0xe7b: 0x4000, + 0xe7c: 0x4000, 0xe7d: 0x4000, 0xe7e: 0x4000, 0xe7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3a, offset 0xe80 + 0xe80: 0x4000, 0xe81: 0x4000, 0xe82: 0x4000, 0xe83: 0x4000, 0xe84: 0x4000, 0xe85: 0x4000, + 0xe86: 0x4000, 0xe87: 0x4000, 0xe88: 0x4000, 0xe89: 0x4000, 0xe8a: 0x4000, 0xe8b: 0x4000, + 0xe8c: 0x4000, 0xe8d: 0x4000, 0xe8e: 0x4000, 0xe8f: 0x4000, 0xe90: 0x4000, 0xe91: 0x4000, + 0xe92: 0x4000, 0xe93: 0x4000, 0xe94: 0x4000, 0xe95: 0x4000, 0xe96: 0x4000, 0xe97: 0x4000, + 0xe98: 0x4000, 0xe99: 0x4000, 0xe9a: 0x4000, 0xe9b: 0x4000, 0xe9c: 0x4000, 0xe9d: 0x4000, + 0xe9e: 0x4000, 0xea0: 0x4000, 0xea1: 0x4000, 0xea2: 0x4000, 0xea3: 0x4000, + 0xea4: 0x4000, 0xea5: 0x4000, 0xea6: 0x4000, 0xea7: 0x4000, 0xea8: 0x4000, 0xea9: 0x4000, + 0xeaa: 0x4000, 0xeab: 0x4000, 0xeac: 0x4000, 0xead: 0x4000, 0xeae: 0x4000, 0xeaf: 0x4000, + 0xeb0: 0x4000, 0xeb1: 0x4000, 0xeb2: 0x4000, 0xeb3: 0x4000, 0xeb4: 0x4000, 0xeb5: 0x4000, + 0xeb6: 0x4000, 0xeb7: 0x4000, 0xeb8: 0x4000, 0xeb9: 0x4000, 0xeba: 0x4000, 0xebb: 0x4000, + 0xebc: 0x4000, 0xebd: 0x4000, 0xebe: 0x4000, 0xebf: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3b, offset 0xec0 + 0xec0: 0x4000, 0xec1: 0x4000, 0xec2: 0x4000, 0xec3: 0x4000, 0xec4: 0x4000, 0xec5: 0x4000, + 0xec6: 0x4000, 0xec7: 0x4000, 0xec8: 0x2000, 0xec9: 0x2000, 0xeca: 0x2000, 0xecb: 0x2000, + 0xecc: 0x2000, 0xecd: 0x2000, 0xece: 0x2000, 0xecf: 0x2000, 0xed0: 0x4000, 0xed1: 0x4000, + 0xed2: 0x4000, 0xed3: 0x4000, 0xed4: 0x4000, 0xed5: 0x4000, 0xed6: 0x4000, 0xed7: 0x4000, + 0xed8: 0x4000, 0xed9: 0x4000, 0xeda: 0x4000, 0xedb: 0x4000, 0xedc: 0x4000, 0xedd: 0x4000, + 0xede: 0x4000, 0xedf: 0x4000, 0xee0: 0x4000, 0xee1: 0x4000, 0xee2: 0x4000, 0xee3: 0x4000, + 0xee4: 0x4000, 0xee5: 0x4000, 0xee6: 0x4000, 0xee7: 0x4000, 0xee8: 0x4000, 0xee9: 0x4000, + 0xeea: 0x4000, 0xeeb: 0x4000, 0xeec: 0x4000, 0xeed: 0x4000, 0xeee: 0x4000, 0xeef: 0x4000, + 0xef0: 0x4000, 0xef1: 0x4000, 0xef2: 0x4000, 0xef3: 0x4000, 0xef4: 0x4000, 0xef5: 0x4000, + 0xef6: 0x4000, 0xef7: 0x4000, 0xef8: 0x4000, 0xef9: 0x4000, 0xefa: 0x4000, 0xefb: 0x4000, + 0xefc: 0x4000, 0xefd: 0x4000, 0xefe: 0x4000, 0xeff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3c, offset 0xf00 + 0xf00: 0x4000, 0xf01: 0x4000, 0xf02: 0x4000, 0xf03: 0x4000, 0xf04: 0x4000, 0xf05: 0x4000, + 0xf06: 0x4000, 0xf07: 0x4000, 0xf08: 0x4000, 0xf09: 0x4000, 0xf0a: 0x4000, 0xf0b: 0x4000, + 0xf0c: 0x4000, 0xf0d: 0x4000, 0xf0e: 0x4000, 0xf0f: 0x4000, 0xf10: 0x4000, 0xf11: 0x4000, + 0xf12: 0x4000, 0xf13: 0x4000, 0xf14: 0x4000, 0xf15: 0x4000, 0xf16: 0x4000, 0xf17: 0x4000, + 0xf18: 0x4000, 0xf19: 0x4000, 0xf1a: 0x4000, 0xf1b: 0x4000, 0xf1c: 0x4000, 0xf1d: 0x4000, + 0xf1e: 0x4000, 0xf1f: 0x4000, 0xf20: 0x4000, 0xf21: 0x4000, 0xf22: 0x4000, 0xf23: 0x4000, + 0xf24: 0x4000, 0xf25: 0x4000, 0xf26: 0x4000, 0xf27: 0x4000, 0xf28: 0x4000, 0xf29: 0x4000, + 0xf2a: 0x4000, 0xf2b: 0x4000, 0xf2c: 0x4000, 0xf2d: 0x4000, 0xf2e: 0x4000, 0xf2f: 0x4000, + 0xf30: 0x4000, 0xf31: 0x4000, 0xf32: 0x4000, 0xf33: 0x4000, 0xf34: 0x4000, 0xf35: 0x4000, + 0xf36: 0x4000, 0xf37: 0x4000, 0xf38: 0x4000, 0xf39: 0x4000, 0xf3a: 0x4000, 0xf3b: 0x4000, + 0xf3c: 0x4000, 0xf3d: 0x4000, 0xf3e: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3d, offset 0xf40 + 0xf40: 0x4000, 0xf41: 0x4000, 0xf42: 0x4000, 0xf43: 0x4000, 0xf44: 0x4000, 0xf45: 0x4000, + 0xf46: 0x4000, 0xf47: 0x4000, 0xf48: 0x4000, 0xf49: 0x4000, 0xf4a: 0x4000, 0xf4b: 0x4000, + 0xf4c: 0x4000, 0xf50: 0x4000, 0xf51: 0x4000, + 0xf52: 0x4000, 0xf53: 0x4000, 0xf54: 0x4000, 0xf55: 0x4000, 0xf56: 0x4000, 0xf57: 0x4000, + 0xf58: 0x4000, 0xf59: 0x4000, 0xf5a: 0x4000, 0xf5b: 0x4000, 0xf5c: 0x4000, 0xf5d: 0x4000, + 0xf5e: 0x4000, 0xf5f: 0x4000, 0xf60: 0x4000, 0xf61: 0x4000, 0xf62: 0x4000, 0xf63: 0x4000, + 0xf64: 0x4000, 0xf65: 0x4000, 0xf66: 0x4000, 0xf67: 0x4000, 0xf68: 0x4000, 0xf69: 0x4000, + 0xf6a: 0x4000, 0xf6b: 0x4000, 0xf6c: 0x4000, 0xf6d: 0x4000, 0xf6e: 0x4000, 0xf6f: 0x4000, + 0xf70: 0x4000, 0xf71: 0x4000, 0xf72: 0x4000, 0xf73: 0x4000, 0xf74: 0x4000, 0xf75: 0x4000, + 0xf76: 0x4000, 0xf77: 0x4000, 0xf78: 0x4000, 0xf79: 0x4000, 0xf7a: 0x4000, 0xf7b: 0x4000, + 0xf7c: 0x4000, 0xf7d: 0x4000, 0xf7e: 0x4000, 0xf7f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3e, offset 0xf80 + 0xf80: 0x4000, 0xf81: 0x4000, 0xf82: 0x4000, 0xf83: 0x4000, 0xf84: 0x4000, 0xf85: 0x4000, + 0xf86: 0x4000, + // Block 0x3f, offset 0xfc0 + 0xfe0: 0x4000, 0xfe1: 0x4000, 0xfe2: 0x4000, 0xfe3: 0x4000, + 0xfe4: 0x4000, 0xfe5: 0x4000, 0xfe6: 0x4000, 0xfe7: 0x4000, 0xfe8: 0x4000, 0xfe9: 0x4000, + 0xfea: 0x4000, 0xfeb: 0x4000, 0xfec: 0x4000, 0xfed: 0x4000, 0xfee: 0x4000, 0xfef: 0x4000, + 0xff0: 0x4000, 0xff1: 0x4000, 0xff2: 0x4000, 0xff3: 0x4000, 0xff4: 0x4000, 0xff5: 0x4000, + 0xff6: 0x4000, 0xff7: 0x4000, 0xff8: 0x4000, 0xff9: 0x4000, 0xffa: 0x4000, 0xffb: 0x4000, + 0xffc: 0x4000, + // Block 0x40, offset 0x1000 + 0x1000: 0x4000, 0x1001: 0x4000, 0x1002: 0x4000, 0x1003: 0x4000, 0x1004: 0x4000, 0x1005: 0x4000, + 0x1006: 0x4000, 0x1007: 0x4000, 0x1008: 0x4000, 0x1009: 0x4000, 0x100a: 0x4000, 0x100b: 0x4000, + 0x100c: 0x4000, 0x100d: 0x4000, 0x100e: 0x4000, 0x100f: 0x4000, 0x1010: 0x4000, 0x1011: 0x4000, + 0x1012: 0x4000, 0x1013: 0x4000, 0x1014: 0x4000, 0x1015: 0x4000, 0x1016: 0x4000, 0x1017: 0x4000, + 0x1018: 0x4000, 0x1019: 0x4000, 0x101a: 0x4000, 0x101b: 0x4000, 0x101c: 0x4000, 0x101d: 0x4000, + 0x101e: 0x4000, 0x101f: 0x4000, 0x1020: 0x4000, 0x1021: 0x4000, 0x1022: 0x4000, 0x1023: 0x4000, + // Block 0x41, offset 0x1040 + 0x1040: 0x2000, 0x1041: 0x2000, 0x1042: 0x2000, 0x1043: 0x2000, 0x1044: 0x2000, 0x1045: 0x2000, + 0x1046: 0x2000, 0x1047: 0x2000, 0x1048: 0x2000, 0x1049: 0x2000, 0x104a: 0x2000, 0x104b: 0x2000, + 0x104c: 0x2000, 0x104d: 0x2000, 0x104e: 0x2000, 0x104f: 0x2000, 0x1050: 0x4000, 0x1051: 0x4000, + 0x1052: 0x4000, 0x1053: 0x4000, 0x1054: 0x4000, 0x1055: 0x4000, 0x1056: 0x4000, 0x1057: 0x4000, + 0x1058: 0x4000, 0x1059: 0x4000, + 0x1070: 0x4000, 0x1071: 0x4000, 0x1072: 0x4000, 0x1073: 0x4000, 0x1074: 0x4000, 0x1075: 0x4000, + 0x1076: 0x4000, 0x1077: 0x4000, 0x1078: 0x4000, 0x1079: 0x4000, 0x107a: 0x4000, 0x107b: 0x4000, + 0x107c: 0x4000, 0x107d: 0x4000, 0x107e: 0x4000, 0x107f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x42, offset 0x1080 + 0x1080: 0x4000, 0x1081: 0x4000, 0x1082: 0x4000, 0x1083: 0x4000, 0x1084: 0x4000, 0x1085: 0x4000, + 0x1086: 0x4000, 0x1087: 0x4000, 0x1088: 0x4000, 0x1089: 0x4000, 0x108a: 0x4000, 0x108b: 0x4000, + 0x108c: 0x4000, 0x108d: 0x4000, 0x108e: 0x4000, 0x108f: 0x4000, 0x1090: 0x4000, 0x1091: 0x4000, + 0x1092: 0x4000, 0x1094: 0x4000, 0x1095: 0x4000, 0x1096: 0x4000, 0x1097: 0x4000, + 0x1098: 0x4000, 0x1099: 0x4000, 0x109a: 0x4000, 0x109b: 0x4000, 0x109c: 0x4000, 0x109d: 0x4000, + 0x109e: 0x4000, 0x109f: 0x4000, 0x10a0: 0x4000, 0x10a1: 0x4000, 0x10a2: 0x4000, 0x10a3: 0x4000, + 0x10a4: 0x4000, 0x10a5: 0x4000, 0x10a6: 0x4000, 0x10a8: 0x4000, 0x10a9: 0x4000, + 0x10aa: 0x4000, 0x10ab: 0x4000, + // Block 0x43, offset 0x10c0 + 0x10c1: 0x9012, 0x10c2: 0x9012, 0x10c3: 0x9012, 0x10c4: 0x9012, 0x10c5: 0x9012, + 0x10c6: 0x9012, 0x10c7: 0x9012, 0x10c8: 0x9012, 0x10c9: 0x9012, 0x10ca: 0x9012, 0x10cb: 0x9012, + 0x10cc: 0x9012, 0x10cd: 0x9012, 0x10ce: 0x9012, 0x10cf: 0x9012, 0x10d0: 0x9012, 0x10d1: 0x9012, + 0x10d2: 0x9012, 0x10d3: 0x9012, 0x10d4: 0x9012, 0x10d5: 0x9012, 0x10d6: 0x9012, 0x10d7: 0x9012, + 0x10d8: 0x9012, 0x10d9: 0x9012, 0x10da: 0x9012, 0x10db: 0x9012, 0x10dc: 0x9012, 0x10dd: 0x9012, + 0x10de: 0x9012, 0x10df: 0x9012, 0x10e0: 0x9049, 0x10e1: 0x9049, 0x10e2: 0x9049, 0x10e3: 0x9049, + 0x10e4: 0x9049, 0x10e5: 0x9049, 0x10e6: 0x9049, 0x10e7: 0x9049, 0x10e8: 0x9049, 0x10e9: 0x9049, + 0x10ea: 0x9049, 0x10eb: 0x9049, 0x10ec: 0x9049, 0x10ed: 0x9049, 0x10ee: 0x9049, 0x10ef: 0x9049, + 0x10f0: 0x9049, 0x10f1: 0x9049, 0x10f2: 0x9049, 0x10f3: 0x9049, 0x10f4: 0x9049, 0x10f5: 0x9049, + 0x10f6: 0x9049, 0x10f7: 0x9049, 0x10f8: 0x9049, 0x10f9: 0x9049, 0x10fa: 0x9049, 0x10fb: 0x9049, + 0x10fc: 0x9049, 0x10fd: 0x9049, 0x10fe: 0x9049, 0x10ff: 0x9049, + // Block 0x44, offset 0x1100 + 0x1100: 0x9049, 0x1101: 0x9049, 0x1102: 0x9049, 0x1103: 0x9049, 0x1104: 0x9049, 0x1105: 0x9049, + 0x1106: 0x9049, 0x1107: 0x9049, 0x1108: 0x9049, 0x1109: 0x9049, 0x110a: 0x9049, 0x110b: 0x9049, + 0x110c: 0x9049, 0x110d: 0x9049, 0x110e: 0x9049, 0x110f: 0x9049, 0x1110: 0x9049, 0x1111: 0x9049, + 0x1112: 0x9049, 0x1113: 0x9049, 0x1114: 0x9049, 0x1115: 0x9049, 0x1116: 0x9049, 0x1117: 0x9049, + 0x1118: 0x9049, 0x1119: 0x9049, 0x111a: 0x9049, 0x111b: 0x9049, 0x111c: 0x9049, 0x111d: 0x9049, + 0x111e: 0x9049, 0x111f: 0x904a, 0x1120: 0x904b, 0x1121: 0xb04c, 0x1122: 0xb04d, 0x1123: 0xb04d, + 0x1124: 0xb04e, 0x1125: 0xb04f, 0x1126: 0xb050, 0x1127: 0xb051, 0x1128: 0xb052, 0x1129: 0xb053, + 0x112a: 0xb054, 0x112b: 0xb055, 0x112c: 0xb056, 0x112d: 0xb057, 0x112e: 0xb058, 0x112f: 0xb059, + 0x1130: 0xb05a, 0x1131: 0xb05b, 0x1132: 0xb05c, 0x1133: 0xb05d, 0x1134: 0xb05e, 0x1135: 0xb05f, + 0x1136: 0xb060, 0x1137: 0xb061, 0x1138: 0xb062, 0x1139: 0xb063, 0x113a: 0xb064, 0x113b: 0xb065, + 0x113c: 0xb052, 0x113d: 0xb066, 0x113e: 0xb067, 0x113f: 0xb055, + // Block 0x45, offset 0x1140 + 0x1140: 0xb068, 0x1141: 0xb069, 0x1142: 0xb06a, 0x1143: 0xb06b, 0x1144: 0xb05a, 0x1145: 0xb056, + 0x1146: 0xb06c, 0x1147: 0xb06d, 0x1148: 0xb06b, 0x1149: 0xb06e, 0x114a: 0xb06b, 0x114b: 0xb06f, + 0x114c: 0xb06f, 0x114d: 0xb070, 0x114e: 0xb070, 0x114f: 0xb071, 0x1150: 0xb056, 0x1151: 0xb072, + 0x1152: 0xb073, 0x1153: 0xb072, 0x1154: 0xb074, 0x1155: 0xb073, 0x1156: 0xb075, 0x1157: 0xb075, + 0x1158: 0xb076, 0x1159: 0xb076, 0x115a: 0xb077, 0x115b: 0xb077, 0x115c: 0xb073, 0x115d: 0xb078, + 0x115e: 0xb079, 0x115f: 0xb067, 0x1160: 0xb07a, 0x1161: 0xb07b, 0x1162: 0xb07b, 0x1163: 0xb07b, + 0x1164: 0xb07b, 0x1165: 0xb07b, 0x1166: 0xb07b, 0x1167: 0xb07b, 0x1168: 0xb07b, 0x1169: 0xb07b, + 0x116a: 0xb07b, 0x116b: 0xb07b, 0x116c: 0xb07b, 0x116d: 0xb07b, 0x116e: 0xb07b, 0x116f: 0xb07b, + 0x1170: 0xb07c, 0x1171: 0xb07c, 0x1172: 0xb07c, 0x1173: 0xb07c, 0x1174: 0xb07c, 0x1175: 0xb07c, + 0x1176: 0xb07c, 0x1177: 0xb07c, 0x1178: 0xb07c, 0x1179: 0xb07c, 0x117a: 0xb07c, 0x117b: 0xb07c, + 0x117c: 0xb07c, 0x117d: 0xb07c, 0x117e: 0xb07c, + // Block 0x46, offset 0x1180 + 0x1182: 0xb07d, 0x1183: 0xb07e, 0x1184: 0xb07f, 0x1185: 0xb080, + 0x1186: 0xb07f, 0x1187: 0xb07e, 0x118a: 0xb081, 0x118b: 0xb082, + 0x118c: 0xb083, 0x118d: 0xb07f, 0x118e: 0xb080, 0x118f: 0xb07f, + 0x1192: 0xb084, 0x1193: 0xb085, 0x1194: 0xb084, 0x1195: 0xb086, 0x1196: 0xb084, 0x1197: 0xb087, + 0x119a: 0xb088, 0x119b: 0xb089, 0x119c: 0xb08a, + 0x11a0: 0x908b, 0x11a1: 0x908b, 0x11a2: 0x908c, 0x11a3: 0x908d, + 0x11a4: 0x908b, 0x11a5: 0x908e, 0x11a6: 0x908f, 0x11a8: 0xb090, 0x11a9: 0xb091, + 0x11aa: 0xb092, 0x11ab: 0xb091, 0x11ac: 0xb093, 0x11ad: 0xb094, 0x11ae: 0xb095, + 0x11bd: 0x2000, + // Block 0x47, offset 0x11c0 + 0x11e0: 0x4000, 0x11e1: 0x4000, + // Block 0x48, offset 0x1200 + 0x1200: 0x4000, 0x1201: 0x4000, 0x1202: 0x4000, 0x1203: 0x4000, 0x1204: 0x4000, 0x1205: 0x4000, + 0x1206: 0x4000, 0x1207: 0x4000, 0x1208: 0x4000, 0x1209: 0x4000, 0x120a: 0x4000, 0x120b: 0x4000, + 0x120c: 0x4000, 0x120d: 0x4000, 0x120e: 0x4000, 0x120f: 0x4000, 0x1210: 0x4000, 0x1211: 0x4000, + 0x1212: 0x4000, 0x1213: 0x4000, 0x1214: 0x4000, 0x1215: 0x4000, 0x1216: 0x4000, 0x1217: 0x4000, + 0x1218: 0x4000, 0x1219: 0x4000, 0x121a: 0x4000, 0x121b: 0x4000, 0x121c: 0x4000, 0x121d: 0x4000, + 0x121e: 0x4000, 0x121f: 0x4000, 0x1220: 0x4000, 0x1221: 0x4000, 0x1222: 0x4000, 0x1223: 0x4000, + 0x1224: 0x4000, 0x1225: 0x4000, 0x1226: 0x4000, 0x1227: 0x4000, 0x1228: 0x4000, 0x1229: 0x4000, + 0x122a: 0x4000, 0x122b: 0x4000, 0x122c: 0x4000, 0x122d: 0x4000, 0x122e: 0x4000, 0x122f: 0x4000, + 0x1230: 0x4000, 0x1231: 0x4000, + // Block 0x49, offset 0x1240 + 0x1240: 0x4000, 0x1241: 0x4000, 0x1242: 0x4000, 0x1243: 0x4000, 0x1244: 0x4000, 0x1245: 0x4000, + 0x1246: 0x4000, 0x1247: 0x4000, 0x1248: 0x4000, 0x1249: 0x4000, 0x124a: 0x4000, 0x124b: 0x4000, + 0x124c: 0x4000, 0x124d: 0x4000, 0x124e: 0x4000, 0x124f: 0x4000, 0x1250: 0x4000, 0x1251: 0x4000, + 0x1252: 0x4000, 0x1253: 0x4000, 0x1254: 0x4000, 0x1255: 0x4000, 0x1256: 0x4000, 0x1257: 0x4000, + 0x1258: 0x4000, 0x1259: 0x4000, 0x125a: 0x4000, 0x125b: 0x4000, 0x125c: 0x4000, 0x125d: 0x4000, + 0x125e: 0x4000, 0x125f: 0x4000, 0x1260: 0x4000, 0x1261: 0x4000, 0x1262: 0x4000, 0x1263: 0x4000, + 0x1264: 0x4000, 0x1265: 0x4000, 0x1266: 0x4000, 0x1267: 0x4000, 0x1268: 0x4000, 0x1269: 0x4000, + 0x126a: 0x4000, 0x126b: 0x4000, 0x126c: 0x4000, 0x126d: 0x4000, 0x126e: 0x4000, 0x126f: 0x4000, + 0x1270: 0x4000, 0x1271: 0x4000, 0x1272: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4a, offset 0x1280 + 0x1280: 0x4000, 0x1281: 0x4000, 0x1282: 0x4000, 0x1283: 0x4000, 0x1284: 0x4000, 0x1285: 0x4000, + 0x1286: 0x4000, 0x1287: 0x4000, 0x1288: 0x4000, 0x1289: 0x4000, 0x128a: 0x4000, 0x128b: 0x4000, + 0x128c: 0x4000, 0x128d: 0x4000, 0x128e: 0x4000, 0x128f: 0x4000, 0x1290: 0x4000, 0x1291: 0x4000, + 0x1292: 0x4000, 0x1293: 0x4000, 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0x131e: 0x4000, 0x131f: 0x4000, 0x1320: 0x4000, 0x1321: 0x4000, 0x1322: 0x4000, 0x1323: 0x4000, + 0x1324: 0x4000, 0x1325: 0x4000, 0x1326: 0x4000, 0x1327: 0x4000, 0x1328: 0x4000, 0x1329: 0x4000, + 0x132a: 0x4000, 0x132b: 0x4000, 0x132c: 0x4000, 0x132d: 0x4000, 0x132e: 0x4000, 0x132f: 0x4000, + 0x1330: 0x4000, 0x1331: 0x4000, 0x1332: 0x4000, 0x1333: 0x4000, 0x1334: 0x4000, 0x1335: 0x4000, + 0x1336: 0x4000, 0x1337: 0x4000, 0x1338: 0x4000, 0x1339: 0x4000, 0x133a: 0x4000, 0x133b: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4d, offset 0x1340 + 0x1344: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4e, offset 0x1380 + 0x138f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x4f, offset 0x13c0 + 0x13c0: 0x2000, 0x13c1: 0x2000, 0x13c2: 0x2000, 0x13c3: 0x2000, 0x13c4: 0x2000, 0x13c5: 0x2000, + 0x13c6: 0x2000, 0x13c7: 0x2000, 0x13c8: 0x2000, 0x13c9: 0x2000, 0x13ca: 0x2000, + 0x13d0: 0x2000, 0x13d1: 0x2000, + 0x13d2: 0x2000, 0x13d3: 0x2000, 0x13d4: 0x2000, 0x13d5: 0x2000, 0x13d6: 0x2000, 0x13d7: 0x2000, + 0x13d8: 0x2000, 0x13d9: 0x2000, 0x13da: 0x2000, 0x13db: 0x2000, 0x13dc: 0x2000, 0x13dd: 0x2000, + 0x13de: 0x2000, 0x13df: 0x2000, 0x13e0: 0x2000, 0x13e1: 0x2000, 0x13e2: 0x2000, 0x13e3: 0x2000, + 0x13e4: 0x2000, 0x13e5: 0x2000, 0x13e6: 0x2000, 0x13e7: 0x2000, 0x13e8: 0x2000, 0x13e9: 0x2000, + 0x13ea: 0x2000, 0x13eb: 0x2000, 0x13ec: 0x2000, 0x13ed: 0x2000, + 0x13f0: 0x2000, 0x13f1: 0x2000, 0x13f2: 0x2000, 0x13f3: 0x2000, 0x13f4: 0x2000, 0x13f5: 0x2000, + 0x13f6: 0x2000, 0x13f7: 0x2000, 0x13f8: 0x2000, 0x13f9: 0x2000, 0x13fa: 0x2000, 0x13fb: 0x2000, + 0x13fc: 0x2000, 0x13fd: 0x2000, 0x13fe: 0x2000, 0x13ff: 0x2000, + // Block 0x50, offset 0x1400 + 0x1400: 0x2000, 0x1401: 0x2000, 0x1402: 0x2000, 0x1403: 0x2000, 0x1404: 0x2000, 0x1405: 0x2000, + 0x1406: 0x2000, 0x1407: 0x2000, 0x1408: 0x2000, 0x1409: 0x2000, 0x140a: 0x2000, 0x140b: 0x2000, + 0x140c: 0x2000, 0x140d: 0x2000, 0x140e: 0x2000, 0x140f: 0x2000, 0x1410: 0x2000, 0x1411: 0x2000, + 0x1412: 0x2000, 0x1413: 0x2000, 0x1414: 0x2000, 0x1415: 0x2000, 0x1416: 0x2000, 0x1417: 0x2000, + 0x1418: 0x2000, 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0x1600: 0x4000, 0x1602: 0x4000, 0x1603: 0x4000, 0x1604: 0x4000, 0x1605: 0x4000, + 0x1606: 0x4000, 0x1607: 0x4000, 0x1608: 0x4000, 0x1609: 0x4000, 0x160a: 0x4000, 0x160b: 0x4000, + 0x160c: 0x4000, 0x160d: 0x4000, 0x160e: 0x4000, 0x160f: 0x4000, 0x1610: 0x4000, 0x1611: 0x4000, + 0x1612: 0x4000, 0x1613: 0x4000, 0x1614: 0x4000, 0x1615: 0x4000, 0x1616: 0x4000, 0x1617: 0x4000, + 0x1618: 0x4000, 0x1619: 0x4000, 0x161a: 0x4000, 0x161b: 0x4000, 0x161c: 0x4000, 0x161d: 0x4000, + 0x161e: 0x4000, 0x161f: 0x4000, 0x1620: 0x4000, 0x1621: 0x4000, 0x1622: 0x4000, 0x1623: 0x4000, + 0x1624: 0x4000, 0x1625: 0x4000, 0x1626: 0x4000, 0x1627: 0x4000, 0x1628: 0x4000, 0x1629: 0x4000, + 0x162a: 0x4000, 0x162b: 0x4000, 0x162c: 0x4000, 0x162d: 0x4000, 0x162e: 0x4000, 0x162f: 0x4000, + 0x1630: 0x4000, 0x1631: 0x4000, 0x1632: 0x4000, 0x1633: 0x4000, 0x1634: 0x4000, 0x1635: 0x4000, + 0x1636: 0x4000, 0x1637: 0x4000, 0x1638: 0x4000, 0x1639: 0x4000, 0x163a: 0x4000, 0x163b: 0x4000, + 0x163c: 0x4000, 0x163d: 0x4000, 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0x1679: 0x4000, 0x167a: 0x4000, 0x167b: 0x4000, + 0x167c: 0x4000, 0x167f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5a, offset 0x1680 + 0x1680: 0x4000, 0x1681: 0x4000, 0x1682: 0x4000, 0x1683: 0x4000, 0x1684: 0x4000, 0x1685: 0x4000, + 0x1686: 0x4000, 0x1687: 0x4000, 0x1688: 0x4000, 0x1689: 0x4000, 0x168a: 0x4000, 0x168b: 0x4000, + 0x168c: 0x4000, 0x168d: 0x4000, 0x168e: 0x4000, 0x168f: 0x4000, 0x1690: 0x4000, 0x1691: 0x4000, + 0x1692: 0x4000, 0x1693: 0x4000, 0x1694: 0x4000, 0x1695: 0x4000, 0x1696: 0x4000, 0x1697: 0x4000, + 0x1698: 0x4000, 0x1699: 0x4000, 0x169a: 0x4000, 0x169b: 0x4000, 0x169c: 0x4000, 0x169d: 0x4000, + 0x169e: 0x4000, 0x169f: 0x4000, 0x16a0: 0x4000, 0x16a1: 0x4000, 0x16a2: 0x4000, 0x16a3: 0x4000, + 0x16a4: 0x4000, 0x16a5: 0x4000, 0x16a6: 0x4000, 0x16a7: 0x4000, 0x16a8: 0x4000, 0x16a9: 0x4000, + 0x16aa: 0x4000, 0x16ab: 0x4000, 0x16ac: 0x4000, 0x16ad: 0x4000, 0x16ae: 0x4000, 0x16af: 0x4000, + 0x16b0: 0x4000, 0x16b1: 0x4000, 0x16b2: 0x4000, 0x16b3: 0x4000, 0x16b4: 0x4000, 0x16b5: 0x4000, + 0x16b6: 0x4000, 0x16b7: 0x4000, 0x16b8: 0x4000, 0x16b9: 0x4000, 0x16ba: 0x4000, 0x16bb: 0x4000, + 0x16bc: 0x4000, 0x16bd: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5b, offset 0x16c0 + 0x16cb: 0x4000, + 0x16cc: 0x4000, 0x16cd: 0x4000, 0x16ce: 0x4000, 0x16d0: 0x4000, 0x16d1: 0x4000, + 0x16d2: 0x4000, 0x16d3: 0x4000, 0x16d4: 0x4000, 0x16d5: 0x4000, 0x16d6: 0x4000, 0x16d7: 0x4000, + 0x16d8: 0x4000, 0x16d9: 0x4000, 0x16da: 0x4000, 0x16db: 0x4000, 0x16dc: 0x4000, 0x16dd: 0x4000, + 0x16de: 0x4000, 0x16df: 0x4000, 0x16e0: 0x4000, 0x16e1: 0x4000, 0x16e2: 0x4000, 0x16e3: 0x4000, + 0x16e4: 0x4000, 0x16e5: 0x4000, 0x16e6: 0x4000, 0x16e7: 0x4000, + 0x16fa: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5c, offset 0x1700 + 0x1715: 0x4000, 0x1716: 0x4000, + 0x1724: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5d, offset 0x1740 + 0x177b: 0x4000, + 0x177c: 0x4000, 0x177d: 0x4000, 0x177e: 0x4000, 0x177f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5e, offset 0x1780 + 0x1780: 0x4000, 0x1781: 0x4000, 0x1782: 0x4000, 0x1783: 0x4000, 0x1784: 0x4000, 0x1785: 0x4000, + 0x1786: 0x4000, 0x1787: 0x4000, 0x1788: 0x4000, 0x1789: 0x4000, 0x178a: 0x4000, 0x178b: 0x4000, + 0x178c: 0x4000, 0x178d: 0x4000, 0x178e: 0x4000, 0x178f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x5f, offset 0x17c0 + 0x17c0: 0x4000, 0x17c1: 0x4000, 0x17c2: 0x4000, 0x17c3: 0x4000, 0x17c4: 0x4000, 0x17c5: 0x4000, + 0x17cc: 0x4000, 0x17d0: 0x4000, 0x17d1: 0x4000, + 0x17d2: 0x4000, + 0x17eb: 0x4000, 0x17ec: 0x4000, + 0x17f4: 0x4000, 0x17f5: 0x4000, + 0x17f6: 0x4000, 0x17f7: 0x4000, 0x17f8: 0x4000, 0x17f9: 0x4000, + // Block 0x60, offset 0x1800 + 0x1810: 0x4000, 0x1811: 0x4000, + 0x1812: 0x4000, 0x1813: 0x4000, 0x1814: 0x4000, 0x1815: 0x4000, 0x1816: 0x4000, 0x1817: 0x4000, + 0x1818: 0x4000, 0x1819: 0x4000, 0x181a: 0x4000, 0x181b: 0x4000, 0x181c: 0x4000, 0x181d: 0x4000, + 0x181e: 0x4000, 0x181f: 0x4000, 0x1820: 0x4000, 0x1821: 0x4000, 0x1822: 0x4000, 0x1823: 0x4000, + 0x1824: 0x4000, 0x1825: 0x4000, 0x1826: 0x4000, 0x1827: 0x4000, 0x1828: 0x4000, 0x1829: 0x4000, + 0x182a: 0x4000, 0x182b: 0x4000, 0x182c: 0x4000, 0x182d: 0x4000, 0x182e: 0x4000, 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0x186b: 0x4000, 0x186c: 0x4000, 0x186d: 0x4000, 0x186e: 0x4000, 0x186f: 0x4000, + 0x1870: 0x4000, 0x1873: 0x4000, 0x1874: 0x4000, 0x1875: 0x4000, + 0x1876: 0x4000, 0x187a: 0x4000, + 0x187c: 0x4000, 0x187d: 0x4000, 0x187e: 0x4000, 0x187f: 0x4000, + // Block 0x62, offset 0x1880 + 0x1880: 0x4000, 0x1881: 0x4000, 0x1882: 0x4000, 0x1883: 0x4000, 0x1884: 0x4000, 0x1885: 0x4000, + 0x1886: 0x4000, 0x1887: 0x4000, 0x1888: 0x4000, 0x1889: 0x4000, 0x188a: 0x4000, 0x188b: 0x4000, + 0x188c: 0x4000, 0x188d: 0x4000, 0x188e: 0x4000, 0x188f: 0x4000, 0x1890: 0x4000, 0x1891: 0x4000, + 0x1892: 0x4000, 0x1893: 0x4000, 0x1894: 0x4000, 0x1895: 0x4000, 0x1896: 0x4000, 0x1897: 0x4000, + 0x1898: 0x4000, 0x1899: 0x4000, 0x189a: 0x4000, 0x189b: 0x4000, 0x189c: 0x4000, 0x189d: 0x4000, + 0x189e: 0x4000, 0x189f: 0x4000, 0x18a0: 0x4000, 0x18a1: 0x4000, 0x18a2: 0x4000, + 0x18b0: 0x4000, 0x18b1: 0x4000, 0x18b2: 0x4000, 0x18b3: 0x4000, 0x18b4: 0x4000, 0x18b5: 0x4000, + 0x18b6: 0x4000, 0x18b7: 0x4000, 0x18b8: 0x4000, 0x18b9: 0x4000, + // Block 0x63, offset 0x18c0 + 0x18c0: 0x4000, 0x18c1: 0x4000, 0x18c2: 0x4000, + 0x18d0: 0x4000, 0x18d1: 0x4000, + 0x18d2: 0x4000, 0x18d3: 0x4000, 0x18d4: 0x4000, 0x18d5: 0x4000, 0x18d6: 0x4000, 0x18d7: 0x4000, + 0x18d8: 0x4000, 0x18d9: 0x4000, 0x18da: 0x4000, 0x18db: 0x4000, 0x18dc: 0x4000, 0x18dd: 0x4000, + 0x18de: 0x4000, 0x18df: 0x4000, 0x18e0: 0x4000, 0x18e1: 0x4000, 0x18e2: 0x4000, 0x18e3: 0x4000, + 0x18e4: 0x4000, 0x18e5: 0x4000, 0x18e6: 0x4000, 0x18e7: 0x4000, 0x18e8: 0x4000, 0x18e9: 0x4000, + 0x18ea: 0x4000, 0x18eb: 0x4000, 0x18ec: 0x4000, 0x18ed: 0x4000, 0x18ee: 0x4000, 0x18ef: 0x4000, + 0x18f0: 0x4000, 0x18f1: 0x4000, 0x18f2: 0x4000, 0x18f3: 0x4000, 0x18f4: 0x4000, 0x18f5: 0x4000, + 0x18f6: 0x4000, 0x18f7: 0x4000, 0x18f8: 0x4000, 0x18f9: 0x4000, 0x18fa: 0x4000, 0x18fb: 0x4000, + 0x18fc: 0x4000, 0x18fd: 0x4000, 0x18fe: 0x4000, 0x18ff: 0x4000, + // Block 0x64, offset 0x1900 + 0x1900: 0x2000, 0x1901: 0x2000, 0x1902: 0x2000, 0x1903: 0x2000, 0x1904: 0x2000, 0x1905: 0x2000, + 0x1906: 0x2000, 0x1907: 0x2000, 0x1908: 0x2000, 0x1909: 0x2000, 0x190a: 0x2000, 0x190b: 0x2000, + 0x190c: 0x2000, 0x190d: 0x2000, 0x190e: 0x2000, 0x190f: 0x2000, 0x1910: 0x2000, 0x1911: 0x2000, + 0x1912: 0x2000, 0x1913: 0x2000, 0x1914: 0x2000, 0x1915: 0x2000, 0x1916: 0x2000, 0x1917: 0x2000, + 0x1918: 0x2000, 0x1919: 0x2000, 0x191a: 0x2000, 0x191b: 0x2000, 0x191c: 0x2000, 0x191d: 0x2000, + 0x191e: 0x2000, 0x191f: 0x2000, 0x1920: 0x2000, 0x1921: 0x2000, 0x1922: 0x2000, 0x1923: 0x2000, + 0x1924: 0x2000, 0x1925: 0x2000, 0x1926: 0x2000, 0x1927: 0x2000, 0x1928: 0x2000, 0x1929: 0x2000, + 0x192a: 0x2000, 0x192b: 0x2000, 0x192c: 0x2000, 0x192d: 0x2000, 0x192e: 0x2000, 0x192f: 0x2000, + 0x1930: 0x2000, 0x1931: 0x2000, 0x1932: 0x2000, 0x1933: 0x2000, 0x1934: 0x2000, 0x1935: 0x2000, + 0x1936: 0x2000, 0x1937: 0x2000, 0x1938: 0x2000, 0x1939: 0x2000, 0x193a: 0x2000, 0x193b: 0x2000, + 0x193c: 0x2000, 0x193d: 0x2000, +} + +// widthIndex: 22 blocks, 1408 entries, 1408 bytes +// Block 0 is the zero block. +var widthIndex = [1408]uint8{ + // Block 0x0, offset 0x0 + // Block 0x1, offset 0x40 + // Block 0x2, offset 0x80 + // Block 0x3, offset 0xc0 + 0xc2: 0x01, 0xc3: 0x02, 0xc4: 0x03, 0xc5: 0x04, 0xc7: 0x05, + 0xc9: 0x06, 0xcb: 0x07, 0xcc: 0x08, 0xcd: 0x09, 0xce: 0x0a, 0xcf: 0x0b, + 0xd0: 0x0c, 0xd1: 0x0d, + 0xe1: 0x02, 0xe2: 0x03, 0xe3: 0x04, 0xe4: 0x05, 0xe5: 0x06, 0xe6: 0x06, 0xe7: 0x06, + 0xe8: 0x06, 0xe9: 0x06, 0xea: 0x07, 0xeb: 0x06, 0xec: 0x06, 0xed: 0x08, 0xee: 0x09, 0xef: 0x0a, + 0xf0: 0x0f, 0xf3: 0x12, 0xf4: 0x13, + // Block 0x4, offset 0x100 + 0x104: 0x0e, 0x105: 0x0f, + // Block 0x5, offset 0x140 + 0x140: 0x10, 0x141: 0x11, 0x142: 0x12, 0x144: 0x13, 0x145: 0x14, 0x146: 0x15, 0x147: 0x16, + 0x148: 0x17, 0x149: 0x18, 0x14a: 0x19, 0x14c: 0x1a, 0x14f: 0x1b, + 0x151: 0x1c, 0x152: 0x08, 0x153: 0x1d, 0x154: 0x1e, 0x155: 0x1f, 0x156: 0x20, 0x157: 0x21, + 0x158: 0x22, 0x159: 0x23, 0x15a: 0x24, 0x15b: 0x25, 0x15c: 0x26, 0x15d: 0x27, 0x15e: 0x28, 0x15f: 0x29, + 0x166: 0x2a, + 0x16c: 0x2b, 0x16d: 0x2c, + 0x17a: 0x2d, 0x17b: 0x2e, 0x17c: 0x0e, 0x17d: 0x0e, 0x17e: 0x0e, 0x17f: 0x2f, + // Block 0x6, offset 0x180 + 0x180: 0x30, 0x181: 0x31, 0x182: 0x32, 0x183: 0x33, 0x184: 0x34, 0x185: 0x35, 0x186: 0x36, 0x187: 0x37, + 0x188: 0x38, 0x189: 0x39, 0x18a: 0x0e, 0x18b: 0x3a, 0x18c: 0x0e, 0x18d: 0x0e, 0x18e: 0x0e, 0x18f: 0x0e, + 0x190: 0x0e, 0x191: 0x0e, 0x192: 0x0e, 0x193: 0x0e, 0x194: 0x0e, 0x195: 0x0e, 0x196: 0x0e, 0x197: 0x0e, + 0x198: 0x0e, 0x199: 0x0e, 0x19a: 0x0e, 0x19b: 0x0e, 0x19c: 0x0e, 0x19d: 0x0e, 0x19e: 0x0e, 0x19f: 0x0e, + 0x1a0: 0x0e, 0x1a1: 0x0e, 0x1a2: 0x0e, 0x1a3: 0x0e, 0x1a4: 0x0e, 0x1a5: 0x0e, 0x1a6: 0x0e, 0x1a7: 0x0e, + 0x1a8: 0x0e, 0x1a9: 0x0e, 0x1aa: 0x0e, 0x1ab: 0x0e, 0x1ac: 0x0e, 0x1ad: 0x0e, 0x1ae: 0x0e, 0x1af: 0x0e, + 0x1b0: 0x0e, 0x1b1: 0x0e, 0x1b2: 0x0e, 0x1b3: 0x0e, 0x1b4: 0x0e, 0x1b5: 0x0e, 0x1b6: 0x0e, 0x1b7: 0x0e, + 0x1b8: 0x0e, 0x1b9: 0x0e, 0x1ba: 0x0e, 0x1bb: 0x0e, 0x1bc: 0x0e, 0x1bd: 0x0e, 0x1be: 0x0e, 0x1bf: 0x0e, + // Block 0x7, offset 0x1c0 + 0x1c0: 0x0e, 0x1c1: 0x0e, 0x1c2: 0x0e, 0x1c3: 0x0e, 0x1c4: 0x0e, 0x1c5: 0x0e, 0x1c6: 0x0e, 0x1c7: 0x0e, + 0x1c8: 0x0e, 0x1c9: 0x0e, 0x1ca: 0x0e, 0x1cb: 0x0e, 0x1cc: 0x0e, 0x1cd: 0x0e, 0x1ce: 0x0e, 0x1cf: 0x0e, + 0x1d0: 0x0e, 0x1d1: 0x0e, 0x1d2: 0x0e, 0x1d3: 0x0e, 0x1d4: 0x0e, 0x1d5: 0x0e, 0x1d6: 0x0e, 0x1d7: 0x0e, + 0x1d8: 0x0e, 0x1d9: 0x0e, 0x1da: 0x0e, 0x1db: 0x0e, 0x1dc: 0x0e, 0x1dd: 0x0e, 0x1de: 0x0e, 0x1df: 0x0e, + 0x1e0: 0x0e, 0x1e1: 0x0e, 0x1e2: 0x0e, 0x1e3: 0x0e, 0x1e4: 0x0e, 0x1e5: 0x0e, 0x1e6: 0x0e, 0x1e7: 0x0e, + 0x1e8: 0x0e, 0x1e9: 0x0e, 0x1ea: 0x0e, 0x1eb: 0x0e, 0x1ec: 0x0e, 0x1ed: 0x0e, 0x1ee: 0x0e, 0x1ef: 0x0e, + 0x1f0: 0x0e, 0x1f1: 0x0e, 0x1f2: 0x0e, 0x1f3: 0x0e, 0x1f4: 0x0e, 0x1f5: 0x0e, 0x1f6: 0x0e, + 0x1f8: 0x0e, 0x1f9: 0x0e, 0x1fa: 0x0e, 0x1fb: 0x0e, 0x1fc: 0x0e, 0x1fd: 0x0e, 0x1fe: 0x0e, 0x1ff: 0x0e, + // Block 0x8, offset 0x200 + 0x200: 0x0e, 0x201: 0x0e, 0x202: 0x0e, 0x203: 0x0e, 0x204: 0x0e, 0x205: 0x0e, 0x206: 0x0e, 0x207: 0x0e, + 0x208: 0x0e, 0x209: 0x0e, 0x20a: 0x0e, 0x20b: 0x0e, 0x20c: 0x0e, 0x20d: 0x0e, 0x20e: 0x0e, 0x20f: 0x0e, + 0x210: 0x0e, 0x211: 0x0e, 0x212: 0x0e, 0x213: 0x0e, 0x214: 0x0e, 0x215: 0x0e, 0x216: 0x0e, 0x217: 0x0e, + 0x218: 0x0e, 0x219: 0x0e, 0x21a: 0x0e, 0x21b: 0x0e, 0x21c: 0x0e, 0x21d: 0x0e, 0x21e: 0x0e, 0x21f: 0x0e, + 0x220: 0x0e, 0x221: 0x0e, 0x222: 0x0e, 0x223: 0x0e, 0x224: 0x0e, 0x225: 0x0e, 0x226: 0x0e, 0x227: 0x0e, + 0x228: 0x0e, 0x229: 0x0e, 0x22a: 0x0e, 0x22b: 0x0e, 0x22c: 0x0e, 0x22d: 0x0e, 0x22e: 0x0e, 0x22f: 0x0e, + 0x230: 0x0e, 0x231: 0x0e, 0x232: 0x0e, 0x233: 0x0e, 0x234: 0x0e, 0x235: 0x0e, 0x236: 0x0e, 0x237: 0x0e, + 0x238: 0x0e, 0x239: 0x0e, 0x23a: 0x0e, 0x23b: 0x0e, 0x23c: 0x0e, 0x23d: 0x0e, 0x23e: 0x0e, 0x23f: 0x0e, + // Block 0x9, offset 0x240 + 0x240: 0x0e, 0x241: 0x0e, 0x242: 0x0e, 0x243: 0x0e, 0x244: 0x0e, 0x245: 0x0e, 0x246: 0x0e, 0x247: 0x0e, + 0x248: 0x0e, 0x249: 0x0e, 0x24a: 0x0e, 0x24b: 0x0e, 0x24c: 0x0e, 0x24d: 0x0e, 0x24e: 0x0e, 0x24f: 0x0e, + 0x250: 0x0e, 0x251: 0x0e, 0x252: 0x3b, 0x253: 0x3c, + 0x265: 0x3d, + 0x270: 0x0e, 0x271: 0x0e, 0x272: 0x0e, 0x273: 0x0e, 0x274: 0x0e, 0x275: 0x0e, 0x276: 0x0e, 0x277: 0x0e, + 0x278: 0x0e, 0x279: 0x0e, 0x27a: 0x0e, 0x27b: 0x0e, 0x27c: 0x0e, 0x27d: 0x0e, 0x27e: 0x0e, 0x27f: 0x0e, + // Block 0xa, offset 0x280 + 0x280: 0x0e, 0x281: 0x0e, 0x282: 0x0e, 0x283: 0x0e, 0x284: 0x0e, 0x285: 0x0e, 0x286: 0x0e, 0x287: 0x0e, + 0x288: 0x0e, 0x289: 0x0e, 0x28a: 0x0e, 0x28b: 0x0e, 0x28c: 0x0e, 0x28d: 0x0e, 0x28e: 0x0e, 0x28f: 0x0e, + 0x290: 0x0e, 0x291: 0x0e, 0x292: 0x0e, 0x293: 0x0e, 0x294: 0x0e, 0x295: 0x0e, 0x296: 0x0e, 0x297: 0x0e, + 0x298: 0x0e, 0x299: 0x0e, 0x29a: 0x0e, 0x29b: 0x0e, 0x29c: 0x0e, 0x29d: 0x0e, 0x29e: 0x3e, + // Block 0xb, offset 0x2c0 + 0x2c0: 0x08, 0x2c1: 0x08, 0x2c2: 0x08, 0x2c3: 0x08, 0x2c4: 0x08, 0x2c5: 0x08, 0x2c6: 0x08, 0x2c7: 0x08, + 0x2c8: 0x08, 0x2c9: 0x08, 0x2ca: 0x08, 0x2cb: 0x08, 0x2cc: 0x08, 0x2cd: 0x08, 0x2ce: 0x08, 0x2cf: 0x08, + 0x2d0: 0x08, 0x2d1: 0x08, 0x2d2: 0x08, 0x2d3: 0x08, 0x2d4: 0x08, 0x2d5: 0x08, 0x2d6: 0x08, 0x2d7: 0x08, + 0x2d8: 0x08, 0x2d9: 0x08, 0x2da: 0x08, 0x2db: 0x08, 0x2dc: 0x08, 0x2dd: 0x08, 0x2de: 0x08, 0x2df: 0x08, + 0x2e0: 0x08, 0x2e1: 0x08, 0x2e2: 0x08, 0x2e3: 0x08, 0x2e4: 0x08, 0x2e5: 0x08, 0x2e6: 0x08, 0x2e7: 0x08, + 0x2e8: 0x08, 0x2e9: 0x08, 0x2ea: 0x08, 0x2eb: 0x08, 0x2ec: 0x08, 0x2ed: 0x08, 0x2ee: 0x08, 0x2ef: 0x08, + 0x2f0: 0x08, 0x2f1: 0x08, 0x2f2: 0x08, 0x2f3: 0x08, 0x2f4: 0x08, 0x2f5: 0x08, 0x2f6: 0x08, 0x2f7: 0x08, + 0x2f8: 0x08, 0x2f9: 0x08, 0x2fa: 0x08, 0x2fb: 0x08, 0x2fc: 0x08, 0x2fd: 0x08, 0x2fe: 0x08, 0x2ff: 0x08, + // Block 0xc, offset 0x300 + 0x300: 0x08, 0x301: 0x08, 0x302: 0x08, 0x303: 0x08, 0x304: 0x08, 0x305: 0x08, 0x306: 0x08, 0x307: 0x08, + 0x308: 0x08, 0x309: 0x08, 0x30a: 0x08, 0x30b: 0x08, 0x30c: 0x08, 0x30d: 0x08, 0x30e: 0x08, 0x30f: 0x08, + 0x310: 0x08, 0x311: 0x08, 0x312: 0x08, 0x313: 0x08, 0x314: 0x08, 0x315: 0x08, 0x316: 0x08, 0x317: 0x08, + 0x318: 0x08, 0x319: 0x08, 0x31a: 0x08, 0x31b: 0x08, 0x31c: 0x08, 0x31d: 0x08, 0x31e: 0x08, 0x31f: 0x08, + 0x320: 0x08, 0x321: 0x08, 0x322: 0x08, 0x323: 0x08, 0x324: 0x0e, 0x325: 0x0e, 0x326: 0x0e, 0x327: 0x0e, + 0x328: 0x0e, 0x329: 0x0e, 0x32a: 0x0e, 0x32b: 0x0e, + 0x338: 0x3f, 0x339: 0x40, 0x33c: 0x41, 0x33d: 0x42, 0x33e: 0x43, 0x33f: 0x44, + // Block 0xd, offset 0x340 + 0x37f: 0x45, + // Block 0xe, offset 0x380 + 0x380: 0x0e, 0x381: 0x0e, 0x382: 0x0e, 0x383: 0x0e, 0x384: 0x0e, 0x385: 0x0e, 0x386: 0x0e, 0x387: 0x0e, + 0x388: 0x0e, 0x389: 0x0e, 0x38a: 0x0e, 0x38b: 0x0e, 0x38c: 0x0e, 0x38d: 0x0e, 0x38e: 0x0e, 0x38f: 0x0e, + 0x390: 0x0e, 0x391: 0x0e, 0x392: 0x0e, 0x393: 0x0e, 0x394: 0x0e, 0x395: 0x0e, 0x396: 0x0e, 0x397: 0x0e, + 0x398: 0x0e, 0x399: 0x0e, 0x39a: 0x0e, 0x39b: 0x0e, 0x39c: 0x0e, 0x39d: 0x0e, 0x39e: 0x0e, 0x39f: 0x46, + 0x3a0: 0x0e, 0x3a1: 0x0e, 0x3a2: 0x0e, 0x3a3: 0x0e, 0x3a4: 0x0e, 0x3a5: 0x0e, 0x3a6: 0x0e, 0x3a7: 0x0e, + 0x3a8: 0x0e, 0x3a9: 0x0e, 0x3aa: 0x0e, 0x3ab: 0x47, + // Block 0xf, offset 0x3c0 + 0x3c0: 0x0e, 0x3c1: 0x0e, 0x3c2: 0x0e, 0x3c3: 0x0e, 0x3c4: 0x48, 0x3c5: 0x49, 0x3c6: 0x0e, 0x3c7: 0x0e, + 0x3c8: 0x0e, 0x3c9: 0x0e, 0x3ca: 0x0e, 0x3cb: 0x4a, + // Block 0x10, offset 0x400 + 0x400: 0x4b, 0x403: 0x4c, 0x404: 0x4d, 0x405: 0x4e, 0x406: 0x4f, + 0x408: 0x50, 0x409: 0x51, 0x40c: 0x52, 0x40d: 0x53, 0x40e: 0x54, 0x40f: 0x55, + 0x410: 0x3a, 0x411: 0x56, 0x412: 0x0e, 0x413: 0x57, 0x414: 0x58, 0x415: 0x59, 0x416: 0x5a, 0x417: 0x5b, + 0x418: 0x0e, 0x419: 0x5c, 0x41a: 0x0e, 0x41b: 0x5d, + 0x424: 0x5e, 0x425: 0x5f, 0x426: 0x60, 0x427: 0x61, + // Block 0x11, offset 0x440 + 0x456: 0x0b, 0x457: 0x06, + 0x458: 0x0c, 0x45b: 0x0d, 0x45f: 0x0e, + 0x460: 0x06, 0x461: 0x06, 0x462: 0x06, 0x463: 0x06, 0x464: 0x06, 0x465: 0x06, 0x466: 0x06, 0x467: 0x06, + 0x468: 0x06, 0x469: 0x06, 0x46a: 0x06, 0x46b: 0x06, 0x46c: 0x06, 0x46d: 0x06, 0x46e: 0x06, 0x46f: 0x06, + 0x470: 0x06, 0x471: 0x06, 0x472: 0x06, 0x473: 0x06, 0x474: 0x06, 0x475: 0x06, 0x476: 0x06, 0x477: 0x06, + 0x478: 0x06, 0x479: 0x06, 0x47a: 0x06, 0x47b: 0x06, 0x47c: 0x06, 0x47d: 0x06, 0x47e: 0x06, 0x47f: 0x06, + // Block 0x12, offset 0x480 + 0x484: 0x08, 0x485: 0x08, 0x486: 0x08, 0x487: 0x09, + // Block 0x13, offset 0x4c0 + 0x4c0: 0x08, 0x4c1: 0x08, 0x4c2: 0x08, 0x4c3: 0x08, 0x4c4: 0x08, 0x4c5: 0x08, 0x4c6: 0x08, 0x4c7: 0x08, + 0x4c8: 0x08, 0x4c9: 0x08, 0x4ca: 0x08, 0x4cb: 0x08, 0x4cc: 0x08, 0x4cd: 0x08, 0x4ce: 0x08, 0x4cf: 0x08, + 0x4d0: 0x08, 0x4d1: 0x08, 0x4d2: 0x08, 0x4d3: 0x08, 0x4d4: 0x08, 0x4d5: 0x08, 0x4d6: 0x08, 0x4d7: 0x08, + 0x4d8: 0x08, 0x4d9: 0x08, 0x4da: 0x08, 0x4db: 0x08, 0x4dc: 0x08, 0x4dd: 0x08, 0x4de: 0x08, 0x4df: 0x08, + 0x4e0: 0x08, 0x4e1: 0x08, 0x4e2: 0x08, 0x4e3: 0x08, 0x4e4: 0x08, 0x4e5: 0x08, 0x4e6: 0x08, 0x4e7: 0x08, + 0x4e8: 0x08, 0x4e9: 0x08, 0x4ea: 0x08, 0x4eb: 0x08, 0x4ec: 0x08, 0x4ed: 0x08, 0x4ee: 0x08, 0x4ef: 0x08, + 0x4f0: 0x08, 0x4f1: 0x08, 0x4f2: 0x08, 0x4f3: 0x08, 0x4f4: 0x08, 0x4f5: 0x08, 0x4f6: 0x08, 0x4f7: 0x08, + 0x4f8: 0x08, 0x4f9: 0x08, 0x4fa: 0x08, 0x4fb: 0x08, 0x4fc: 0x08, 0x4fd: 0x08, 0x4fe: 0x08, 0x4ff: 0x62, + // Block 0x14, offset 0x500 + 0x520: 0x10, + 0x530: 0x09, 0x531: 0x09, 0x532: 0x09, 0x533: 0x09, 0x534: 0x09, 0x535: 0x09, 0x536: 0x09, 0x537: 0x09, + 0x538: 0x09, 0x539: 0x09, 0x53a: 0x09, 0x53b: 0x09, 0x53c: 0x09, 0x53d: 0x09, 0x53e: 0x09, 0x53f: 0x11, + // Block 0x15, offset 0x540 + 0x540: 0x09, 0x541: 0x09, 0x542: 0x09, 0x543: 0x09, 0x544: 0x09, 0x545: 0x09, 0x546: 0x09, 0x547: 0x09, + 0x548: 0x09, 0x549: 0x09, 0x54a: 0x09, 0x54b: 0x09, 0x54c: 0x09, 0x54d: 0x09, 0x54e: 0x09, 0x54f: 0x11, +} + +// inverseData contains 4-byte entries of the following format: +// <0 padding> +// The last byte of the UTF-8-encoded rune is xor-ed with the last byte of the +// UTF-8 encoding of the original rune. Mappings often have the following +// pattern: +// A -> A (U+FF21 -> U+0041) +// B -> B (U+FF22 -> U+0042) +// ... +// By xor-ing the last byte the same entry can be shared by many mappings. This +// reduces the total number of distinct entries by about two thirds. +// The resulting entry for the aforementioned mappings is +// { 0x01, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x00 } +// Using this entry to map U+FF21 (UTF-8 [EF BC A1]), we get +// E0 ^ A1 = 41. +// Similarly, for U+FF22 (UTF-8 [EF BC A2]), we get +// E0 ^ A2 = 42. +// Note that because of the xor-ing, the byte sequence stored in the entry is +// not valid UTF-8. +var inverseData = [150][4]byte{ + {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xa0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbc, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0xe0}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x26}, + {0x01, 0xa0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbd, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbf, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xef, 0xbe, 0x04}, + {0x01, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0xa6, 0x26}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x23}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x80, 0x25}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x1e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x14}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x02}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x16}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1c}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x1a}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x08}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x0e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x06}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x05}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x11}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x31}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x33}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x3e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x32}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x36}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x2e}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x82, 0x07}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x04}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x84, 0x10}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x30}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x13}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x15}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x17}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1d}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x1b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x09}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x0b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x37}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe3, 0x85, 0x3f}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0e, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x0c, 0x00}, + {0x02, 0xc2, 0x00, 0x00}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x0f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x94, 0x2a}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x39}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3b}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x86, 0x3f}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x96, 0x0d}, + {0x03, 0xe2, 0x97, 0x25}, +} + +// Total table size 14936 bytes (14KiB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go index f1639ca68af..29c7509be7c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/text/width/width.go @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ // are kept together in words or runs that are rotated sideways in vertical text // layout. // -// For more information, see http://unicode.org/reports/tr11/. +// For more information, see https://unicode.org/reports/tr11/. package width // import "golang.org/x/text/width" import ( @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import ( // (approximation, fixed pitch only). // 3) Implement display length. -// Kind indicates the type of width property as defined in http://unicode.org/reports/tr11/. +// Kind indicates the type of width property as defined in https://unicode.org/reports/tr11/. type Kind int const ( @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ func (e elem) kind() Kind { } // Kind returns the Kind of a rune as defined in Unicode TR #11. -// See http://unicode.org/reports/tr11/ for more details. +// See https://unicode.org/reports/tr11/ for more details. func (p Properties) Kind() Kind { return p.elem.kind() } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/golist_overlay.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/golist_overlay.go index ce9206f6b39..33a0a28f2c4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/golist_overlay.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/golist_overlay.go @@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ func extractImports(filename string, contents []byte) ([]string, error) { return res, nil } +// extractPackage attempts to extract a package defined in an overlay. +// +// If the package has errors and has no Name, GoFiles, or Imports, +// then it's possible that it doesn't yet exist on disk. func extractPackage(pkg *Package, filename string, contents []byte) bool { // TODO(rstambler): Check the message of the actual error? // It differs between $GOPATH and module mode. @@ -124,10 +128,11 @@ func extractPackage(pkg *Package, filename string, contents []byte) bool { if err != nil { return false } + // TODO(rstambler): This doesn't work for main packages. if filepath.Base(pkg.PkgPath) != f.Name.Name { return false } pkg.Name = f.Name.Name - pkg.Errors = []Error{} + pkg.Errors = nil return true } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go index 4639fcddd7e..eedd43bb6b2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/tools/go/packages/packages.go @@ -418,8 +418,10 @@ type loaderPackage struct { type loader struct { pkgs map[string]*loaderPackage Config - sizes types.Sizes - exportMu sync.Mutex // enforces mutual exclusion of exportdata operations + sizes types.Sizes + parseCache map[string]*parseValue + parseCacheMu sync.Mutex + exportMu sync.Mutex // enforces mutual exclusion of exportdata operations // TODO(matloob): Add an implied mode here and use that instead of mode. // Implied mode would contain all the fields we need the data for so we can @@ -428,8 +430,16 @@ type loader struct { // where we need certain modes right. } +type parseValue struct { + f *ast.File + err error + ready chan struct{} +} + func newLoader(cfg *Config) *loader { - ld := &loader{} + ld := &loader{ + parseCache: map[string]*parseValue{}, + } if cfg != nil { ld.Config = *cfg } @@ -457,12 +467,8 @@ func newLoader(cfg *Config) *loader { // because we load source if export data is missing. if ld.ParseFile == nil { ld.ParseFile = func(fset *token.FileSet, filename string, src []byte) (*ast.File, error) { - var isrc interface{} - if src != nil { - isrc = src - } const mode = parser.AllErrors | parser.ParseComments - return parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, isrc, mode) + return parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, src, mode) } } } @@ -864,6 +870,42 @@ func (f importerFunc) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) { return f(pat // the number of parallel I/O calls per process. var ioLimit = make(chan bool, 20) +func (ld *loader) parseFile(filename string) (*ast.File, error) { + ld.parseCacheMu.Lock() + v, ok := ld.parseCache[filename] + if ok { + // cache hit + ld.parseCacheMu.Unlock() + <-v.ready + } else { + // cache miss + v = &parseValue{ready: make(chan struct{})} + ld.parseCache[filename] = v + ld.parseCacheMu.Unlock() + + var src []byte + for f, contents := range ld.Config.Overlay { + if sameFile(f, filename) { + src = contents + } + } + var err error + if src == nil { + ioLimit <- true // wait + src, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filename) + <-ioLimit // signal + } + if err != nil { + v.err = err + } else { + v.f, v.err = ld.ParseFile(ld.Fset, filename, src) + } + + close(v.ready) + } + return v.f, v.err +} + // parseFiles reads and parses the Go source files and returns the ASTs // of the ones that could be at least partially parsed, along with a // list of I/O and parse errors encountered. @@ -884,24 +926,7 @@ func (ld *loader) parseFiles(filenames []string) ([]*ast.File, []error) { } wg.Add(1) go func(i int, filename string) { - ioLimit <- true // wait - // ParseFile may return both an AST and an error. - var src []byte - for f, contents := range ld.Config.Overlay { - if sameFile(f, filename) { - src = contents - } - } - var err error - if src == nil { - src, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filename) - } - if err != nil { - parsed[i], errors[i] = nil, err - } else { - parsed[i], errors[i] = ld.ParseFile(ld.Fset, filename, src) - } - <-ioLimit // signal + parsed[i], errors[i] = ld.parseFile(filename) wg.Done() }(i, file) } diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 922ef7a8d5a..fb54ba2089f 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ -# code.vikunja.io/web v0.0.0-20190329170935-7dc1f4191c49 +# code.vikunja.io/web v0.0.0-20190507193736-edb39812af9c code.vikunja.io/web code.vikunja.io/web/handler # github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1 github.com/BurntSushi/toml -# github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell v1.1.0 +# github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell v1.1.1 github.com/PuerkitoBio/purell # github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc v0.0.0-20170810143723-de5bf2ad4578 github.com/PuerkitoBio/urlesc # github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20160405071501-a0175ee3bccc github.com/alecthomas/template github.com/alecthomas/template/parse -# github.com/asaskevich/govalidator v0.0.0-20180720115003-f9ffefc3facf +# github.com/asaskevich/govalidator v0.0.0-20190424111038-f61b66f89f4a github.com/asaskevich/govalidator # github.com/beorn7/perks v0.0.0-20180321164747-3a771d992973 github.com/beorn7/perks/quantile @@ -30,34 +30,33 @@ github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis github.com/garyburd/redigo/internal # github.com/ghodss/yaml v1.0.0 github.com/ghodss/yaml -# github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer v0.17.0 +# github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer v0.19.0 github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer -# github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference v0.17.0 +# github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference v0.19.0 github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference -# github.com/go-openapi/spec v0.17.2 +# github.com/go-openapi/spec v0.19.0 github.com/go-openapi/spec -# github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.17.2 +# github.com/go-openapi/swag v0.19.0 github.com/go-openapi/swag -# github.com/go-redis/redis v6.14.2+incompatible +# github.com/go-redis/redis v6.15.2+incompatible github.com/go-redis/redis github.com/go-redis/redis/internal github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/consistenthash github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/hashtag github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/pool github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/proto -github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/singleflight github.com/go-redis/redis/internal/util # github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.1 github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql -# github.com/go-xorm/builder v0.3.2 +# github.com/go-xorm/builder v0.3.4 github.com/go-xorm/builder -# github.com/go-xorm/core v0.6.0 +# github.com/go-xorm/core v0.6.2 github.com/go-xorm/core # github.com/go-xorm/xorm v0.7.1 github.com/go-xorm/xorm # github.com/go-xorm/xorm-redis-cache v0.0.0-20180727005610-859b313566b2 github.com/go-xorm/xorm-redis-cache -# github.com/golang/protobuf v1.2.0 +# github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.1 github.com/golang/protobuf/proto # github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign v0.0.0-20180909121442-1003c8bd00dc github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign @@ -72,16 +71,16 @@ github.com/hashicorp/hcl/hcl/scanner github.com/hashicorp/hcl/hcl/strconv github.com/hashicorp/hcl/json/scanner github.com/hashicorp/hcl/json/token -# github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.6 +# github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.7 github.com/imdario/mergo # github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap v1.0.0 github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap # github.com/jgautheron/goconst v0.0.0-20170703170152-9740945f5dcb github.com/jgautheron/goconst/cmd/goconst github.com/jgautheron/goconst -# github.com/labstack/echo v3.3.10+incompatible -github.com/labstack/echo -github.com/labstack/echo/middleware +# github.com/labstack/echo/v4 v4.1.5 +github.com/labstack/echo/v4 +github.com/labstack/echo/v4/middleware # github.com/labstack/gommon v0.2.8 github.com/labstack/gommon/log github.com/labstack/gommon/color @@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ github.com/labstack/gommon/bytes github.com/labstack/gommon/random # github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.0 github.com/magiconair/properties -# github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.0.0-20180823135443-60711f1a8329 +# github.com/mailru/easyjson v0.0.0-20190403194419-1ea4449da983 github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer github.com/mailru/easyjson/jwriter github.com/mailru/easyjson/buffer @@ -109,9 +108,9 @@ github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter # github.com/op/go-logging v0.0.0-20160315200505-970db520ece7 github.com/op/go-logging -# github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.2.0 +# github.com/pelletier/go-toml v1.4.0 github.com/pelletier/go-toml -# github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.0 +# github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1 github.com/pkg/errors # github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 github.com/pmezard/go-difflib/difflib @@ -131,22 +130,22 @@ github.com/prometheus/procfs github.com/prometheus/procfs/nfs github.com/prometheus/procfs/xfs github.com/prometheus/procfs/internal/util -# github.com/spf13/afero v1.1.2 +# github.com/spf13/afero v1.2.2 github.com/spf13/afero github.com/spf13/afero/mem -# github.com/spf13/cast v1.2.0 +# github.com/spf13/cast v1.3.0 github.com/spf13/cast # github.com/spf13/cobra v0.0.3 github.com/spf13/cobra -# github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman v1.0.0 +# github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman v1.1.0 github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman -# github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.2 +# github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.3 github.com/spf13/pflag -# github.com/spf13/viper v1.2.0 +# github.com/spf13/viper v1.3.2 github.com/spf13/viper # github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0 github.com/stretchr/testify/assert -# github.com/swaggo/swag v1.4.1-0.20181210033626-0e12fd5eb026 +# github.com/swaggo/swag v1.5.0 github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag github.com/swaggo/swag github.com/swaggo/swag/gen @@ -156,25 +155,25 @@ github.com/urfave/cli github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool # github.com/valyala/fasttemplate v1.0.1 github.com/valyala/fasttemplate -# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190422183909-d864b10871cd +# golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190506204251-e1dfcc566284 golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt +golang.org/x/crypto/acme golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert golang.org/x/crypto/blowfish -golang.org/x/crypto/acme -# golang.org/x/lint v0.0.0-20181026193005-c67002cb31c3 +# golang.org/x/lint v0.0.0-20190409202823-959b441ac422 golang.org/x/lint/golint golang.org/x/lint -# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190420063019-afa5a82059c6 +# golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190503192946-f4e77d36d62c golang.org/x/net/idna -# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190422165155-953cdadca894 +# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190507160741-ecd444e8653b golang.org/x/sys/unix -# golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 +# golang.org/x/text v0.3.2 golang.org/x/text/transform golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi golang.org/x/text/width -# golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190422233926-fe54fb35175b +# golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190506145303-2d16b83fe98c golang.org/x/tools/go/loader golang.org/x/tools/go/ast/astutil golang.org/x/tools/go/gcexportdata @@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ golang.org/x/tools/go/internal/packagesdriver golang.org/x/tools/internal/gopathwalk golang.org/x/tools/internal/semver golang.org/x/tools/internal/fastwalk -# google.golang.org/appengine v1.3.0 +# google.golang.org/appengine v1.5.0 google.golang.org/appengine/cloudsql # gopkg.in/alexcesaro/quotedprintable.v3 v3.0.0-20150716171945-2caba252f4dc gopkg.in/alexcesaro/quotedprintable.v3 @@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ honnef.co/go/tools/staticcheck/vrp honnef.co/go/tools/go/types/typeutil honnef.co/go/tools/callgraph honnef.co/go/tools/callgraph/static -# src.techknowlogick.com/xgo v0.0.0-20190415010919-1502273fab15 +# src.techknowlogick.com/xgo v0.0.0-20190507142556-a5b29ecb0ff4 src.techknowlogick.com/xgo # src.techknowlogick.com/xormigrate v0.0.0-20190321151057-24497c23c09c src.techknowlogick.com/xormigrate diff --git a/vendor/src.techknowlogick.com/xgo/.drone.jsonnet b/vendor/src.techknowlogick.com/xgo/.drone.jsonnet index 7b04ffae386..e76e751238c 100644 --- a/vendor/src.techknowlogick.com/xgo/.drone.jsonnet +++ b/vendor/src.techknowlogick.com/xgo/.drone.jsonnet @@ -34,20 +34,20 @@ kind: 'pipeline', name: 'default', steps: [ BuildStepDry('base'), - BuildStepDry('go-1.12.4'), - BuildStepDry('go-1.11.9'), + BuildStepDry('go-1.12.5'), + BuildStepDry('go-1.11.10'), BuildStep('base'), - BuildStep('go-1.12.4'), + BuildStep('go-1.12.5'), BuildStep('go-1.12.x'), BuildWithDiffTags(), - BuildStep('go-1.11.9'), + BuildStep('go-1.11.10'), BuildStep('go-1.11.x'), + BuildStep('go-1.12.4'), BuildStep('go-1.12.3'), BuildStep('go-1.12.2'), BuildStep('go-1.12.1'), BuildStep('go-1.12.0'), - BuildStep('go-1.11.8'), - BuildStep('go-1.11.7'), + BuildStep('go-1.11.9'), ] } diff --git a/vendor/src.techknowlogick.com/xgo/.drone.yml b/vendor/src.techknowlogick.com/xgo/.drone.yml index b7b932427c3..264717d6a63 100644 --- a/vendor/src.techknowlogick.com/xgo/.drone.yml +++ b/vendor/src.techknowlogick.com/xgo/.drone.yml @@ -24,34 +24,34 @@ steps: event: - pull_request -- name: dry-run-go-1.12.4 +- name: dry-run-go-1.12.5 pull: always image: plugins/docker settings: - context: docker/go-1.12.4 - dockerfile: docker/go-1.12.4/Dockerfile + context: docker/go-1.12.5 + dockerfile: docker/go-1.12.5/Dockerfile dry_run: true password: from_secret: docker_password repo: techknowlogick/xgo - tags: go-1.12.4 + tags: go-1.12.5 username: from_secret: docker_username when: event: - pull_request -- name: dry-run-go-1.11.9 +- name: dry-run-go-1.11.10 pull: always image: plugins/docker settings: - context: docker/go-1.11.9 - dockerfile: docker/go-1.11.9/Dockerfile + context: docker/go-1.11.10 + dockerfile: docker/go-1.11.10/Dockerfile dry_run: true password: from_secret: docker_password repo: techknowlogick/xgo - tags: go-1.11.9 + tags: go-1.11.10 username: from_secret: docker_username when: @@ -77,16 +77,16 @@ steps: exclude: - pull_request -- name: build-go-1.12.4 +- name: build-go-1.12.5 pull: always image: plugins/docker settings: - context: docker/go-1.12.4 - dockerfile: docker/go-1.12.4/Dockerfile + context: docker/go-1.12.5 + dockerfile: docker/go-1.12.5/Dockerfile password: from_secret: docker_password repo: techknowlogick/xgo - tags: go-1.12.4 + tags: go-1.12.5 username: from_secret: docker_username when: @@ -134,16 +134,16 @@ steps: exclude: - pull_request -- name: build-go-1.11.9 +- name: build-go-1.11.10 pull: always image: plugins/docker settings: - context: docker/go-1.11.9 - dockerfile: docker/go-1.11.9/Dockerfile + context: docker/go-1.11.10 + dockerfile: docker/go-1.11.10/Dockerfile password: from_secret: docker_password repo: techknowlogick/xgo - tags: go-1.11.9 + tags: go-1.11.10 username: from_secret: docker_username when: @@ -172,6 +172,25 @@ steps: exclude: - pull_request +- name: build-go-1.12.4 + pull: always + image: plugins/docker + settings: + context: docker/go-1.12.4 + dockerfile: docker/go-1.12.4/Dockerfile + password: + from_secret: docker_password + repo: techknowlogick/xgo + tags: go-1.12.4 + username: + from_secret: docker_username + when: + branch: + - master + event: + exclude: + - pull_request + - name: build-go-1.12.3 pull: always image: plugins/docker @@ -248,35 +267,16 @@ steps: exclude: - pull_request -- name: build-go-1.11.8 +- name: build-go-1.11.9 pull: always image: plugins/docker settings: - context: docker/go-1.11.8 - dockerfile: docker/go-1.11.8/Dockerfile + context: docker/go-1.11.9 + dockerfile: docker/go-1.11.9/Dockerfile password: from_secret: docker_password repo: techknowlogick/xgo - tags: go-1.11.8 - username: - from_secret: docker_username - when: - branch: - - master - event: - exclude: - - pull_request - -- name: build-go-1.11.7 - pull: always - image: plugins/docker - settings: - context: docker/go-1.11.7 - dockerfile: docker/go-1.11.7/Dockerfile - password: - from_secret: docker_password - repo: techknowlogick/xgo - tags: go-1.11.7 + tags: go-1.11.9 username: from_secret: docker_username when: