konrad efed128f03 fix: rely on api to properly sort tasks on home page (#1997)
This PR changes the behaviour of how tasks are sorted. Before, the frontend would sort tasks but this resulted in some cases where tasks were not sorted properly. Most of this is test code to reliably reproduce the problem and make fixing it easier.
The actual bug was in Vikunja's api, therefore I've removed all sorting of tasks in the frontend and ensured the api properly sorts tasks.


Depends on vikunja/api#1177

Co-authored-by: kolaente <>
Reviewed-on: vikunja/frontend#1997
Reviewed-by: Dominik Pschenitschni <>
2022-06-01 16:59:59 +00:00

213 lines
5.9 KiB

<div class="is-max-width-desktop has-text-left" v-cy="'showTasks'">
<h3 class="mb-2 title">
{{ pageTitle }}
<p v-if="!showAll" class="show-tasks-options">
<datepicker-with-range @dateChanged="setDate">
<template #trigger="{toggle}">
<x-button @click.prevent.stop="toggle()" variant="primary" :shadow="false" class="mb-2">
{{ $t('') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="setShowNulls" class="mr-2">
{{ $t('') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="setShowOverdue">
{{ $t('') }}
<template v-if="!loading && (!tasks || tasks.length === 0) && showNothingToDo">
<h3 class="has-text-centered mt-6">{{ $t('') }}</h3>
<LlamaCool class="llama-cool"/>
<div class="p-2">
v-for="t in tasks"
<div v-else :class="{ 'is-loading': loading}" class="spinner"></div>
<script setup lang="ts">
import {computed, ref, watchEffect} from 'vue'
import {useStore} from 'vuex'
import {useRoute, useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import TaskModel from '@/models/task'
import {formatDate} from '@/helpers/time/formatDate'
import {setTitle} from '@/helpers/setTitle'
import Fancycheckbox from '@/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue'
import SingleTaskInList from '@/components/tasks/partials/singleTaskInList.vue'
import DatepickerWithRange from '@/components/date/datepickerWithRange.vue'
import {DATE_RANGES} from '@/components/date/dateRanges'
import {LOADING, LOADING_MODULE} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import LlamaCool from '@/assets/llama-cool.svg?component'
const store = useStore()
const route = useRoute()
const router = useRouter()
const {t} = useI18n({useScope: 'global'})
const tasks = ref<TaskModel[]>([])
const showNothingToDo = ref<boolean>(false)
setTimeout(() => showNothingToDo.value = true, 100)
// Linting disabled because we explicitely enabled destructuring in vite's config, this will work.
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-setup-props-destructure
const {
showNulls = false,
showOverdue = false,
} = defineProps<{
dateFrom?: Date | string,
dateTo?: Date | string,
showNulls?: boolean,
showOverdue?: boolean,
const showAll = computed(() => typeof dateFrom === 'undefined' || typeof dateTo === 'undefined')
const pageTitle = computed(() => {
// We need to define "key" because it is the first parameter in the array and we need the second
const predefinedRange = Object.entries(DATE_RANGES)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
.find(([key, value]) => dateFrom === value[0] && dateTo === value[1])
if (typeof predefinedRange !== 'undefined') {
return t(`input.datepickerRange.ranges.${predefinedRange}`)
return showAll.value
? t('')
: t('', {
from: formatDate(dateFrom, 'PPP'),
until: formatDate(dateTo, 'PPP'),
const hasTasks = computed(() => tasks.value && tasks.value.length > 0)
const userAuthenticated = computed(() => store.state.auth.authenticated)
const loading = computed(() => store.state[LOADING] && store.state[LOADING_MODULE] === 'tasks')
interface dateStrings {
dateFrom: string,
dateTo: string,
function setDate(dates: dateStrings) {
name: as string,
query: {
from: dates.dateFrom ?? dateFrom,
to: dates.dateTo ?? dateTo,
showOverdue: showOverdue ? 'true' : 'false',
showNulls: showNulls ? 'true' : 'false',
function setShowOverdue(show: boolean) {
name: as string,
query: {
showOverdue: show ? 'true' : 'false',
function setShowNulls(show: boolean) {
name: as string,
query: {
showNulls: show ? 'true' : 'false',
async function loadPendingTasks(from: string, to: string) {
// FIXME: HACK! This should never happen.
// Since this route is authentication only, users would get an error message if they access the page unauthenticated.
// Since this component is mounted as the home page before unauthenticated users get redirected
// to the login page, they will almost always see the error message.
if (!userAuthenticated.value) {
const params = {
sortBy: ['due_date', 'id'],
orderBy: ['asc', 'desc'],
filterBy: ['done'],
filterValue: ['false'],
filterComparator: ['equals'],
filterConcat: 'and',
filterIncludeNulls: showNulls,
if (!showAll.value) {
// NOTE: Ideally we could also show tasks with a start or end date in the specified range, but the api
// is not capable (yet) of combining multiple filters with 'and' and 'or'.
if (!showOverdue) {
tasks.value = await store.dispatch('tasks/loadTasks', params)
// FIXME: this modification should happen in the store
function updateTasks(updatedTask: TaskModel) {
for (const t in tasks.value) {
if (tasks.value[t].id === {
tasks.value[t] = updatedTask
// Move the task to the end of the done tasks if it is now done
if (updatedTask.done) {
tasks.value.splice(t, 1)
watchEffect(() => loadPendingTasks(dateFrom as string, dateTo as string))
watchEffect(() => setTitle(pageTitle.value))
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.show-tasks-options {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.llama-cool {
margin: 3rem auto 0;
display: block;