#!/bin/bash ######## # Init Variables # Available Environment Variables: # VIDEO_FORMATS_LOCATION: Pass a location to a different json file holding video convert configurations # VIDEO_LOCATION: Pass a location to a different folder which holds the videos # VIDEO_FORMATS: Pass all video formats which should trigger the conversion, seperated by ":". Example: .mp4:.wmv # VIDEO_FFMPEG_PATH: Path to ffmpeg executable ######## ######## # Environment variables as a base ######## # Video formats location if [ -n $VIDEO_FORMATS_LOCATION ] then video_formats_location=$VIDEO_FORMATS_LOCATION fi # Video location if [ -n $VIDEO_LOCATION ] then video_location=$VIDEO_LOCATION fi # All video formats if [ -n $VIDEO_FORMATS ] then video_formats=$VIDEO_FORMATS fi # ffmpeg executable if [ -n $VIDEO_FFMPEG_PATH ] then video_ffmpeg_path=$VIDEO_FFMPEG_PATH fi ######## # Passed Options, any passed option will overwrite a previously set environment variable ######## while getopts ":c:p:v:p:h" opt; do case $opt in c) video_formats_location=$OPTARG ;; p) video_location=$OPTARG ;; v) video_formats=$OPTARG ;; f) video_ffmpeg_path=$OPTARG ;; h) echo "AVAILABLE OPTIONS: -c: Video Formats Location. Pass a path with a JSON config file for conversion. Defaults to 'video_formats.json' in current folder. -p: Video Location. Pass a location to a different folder which holds the videos. Defaults to currents folder. -v: Video Formats. Pass all video formats which should trigger the conversion, seperated by ':'. Example: .mp4:.wmv -f: Path to ffmpeg executable. Defaults to 'ffmpeg' -h: Print this help message. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES: All settings can also be done via environment variables. However, a passed option will overwrite a previously set environment variable. VIDEO_FORMATS_LOCATION: Pass a location to a different json file holding video convert configurations VIDEO_LOCATION: Pass a location to a different folder which holds the videos VIDEO_FORMATS: Pass all video formats which should trigger the conversion, seperated by ':. Example: .mp4:.wmv VIDEO_FFMPEG_PATH: Path to ffmpeg executable Copyright 2017 K. Langenberg Licensed under GNU GPLv3" exit 0 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG. Use -h to print all available options." >&2 exit 1 ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument. Use -h to print all available options." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done ######## # Defaults ######## # Video Formats Location if [ -z $video_formats_location ] then video_formats_location=$PWD/video_formats.json fi # Video Location if [ -z $video_location ] then video_location=$PWD fi # Video Formats if [ -z $video_formats ] then video_formats='.mp4' fi # Default ffmpeg path if [ -z $video_ffmpeg_path ] then video_ffmpeg_path=ffmpeg fi ######## # Checks ######## # Check if the converterfile exists if [ ! -f $video_formats_location ] then echo "Video Formats .json file ($video_formats_location) does not exist!" exit 1; fi # Check if the video folder exists if [ ! -d $video_location ] then echo "Video location folder ($video_location) does not exist!" exit 1; fi # Remove end slash in video location video_location=${video_location%/} # Make an array of all video formats we want to convert # Loop through our convertfile videoformats=$(<$video_formats_location) # Remove Spaces in filename (because bash doesn't like them and would throw an error) rename 's/ /_/g' * ######## # Run every 5 seconds ######## while true; do # loop through all files for file in $video_location/*; do # Check if the current file is a video if [ ${file: -4} == ".mp4" ] then # If it is a videofile, if no "locker" already exists, create one and start converting if [ ! -f $file.lock ] then # Tell the User what we're doing echo "================" echo "Found file: $file" # Create Lock file touch $file.lock # Create the output folder mkdir $file.out # Loop through all videoformats and convert them for row in $(echo "${videoformats}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do _jq() { echo ${row} | base64 --decode | jq -r ${1} } echo "Converting to $(_jq '.name'), Resolution: $(_jq '.resolution'), Bitrate: $(_jq '.video_bitrate'), Framerate: $(_jq '.framerate')" # Make Framerate optional, don't modify the framerate if it is not set framerate="" if [ "$(_jq '.framerate')" != "null" ] then framerate=" -r $(_jq '.framerate')" fi # Convert $video_ffmpeg_path -i $file -b:v $(_jq '.video_bitrate') $framerate -c:v $(_jq '.video_codec') -vf scale=$(_jq '.resolution') -c:a $(_jq '.audio_codec') -b:a $(_jq '.audio_bitrate') $file.out/$(basename "$file" .mp4)_$(_jq '.name').$(_jq '.file_ending') & done # Wait until all formats are created wait # Cleanup: Remove the lockfile, move the original to the converted folder. mv $file $file.out/$(basename "$file" .mp4)_orig.mp4 rm $file.lock touch $file.out/$(basename "$file" .mp4).done echo "Finished Converting $file" echo "================" fi fi done # Every 5 seconds... sleep 5s done