Fork 0

382 lines
10 KiB

<p class="has-text-weight-bold">
{{ $t('project.share.userTeam.shared', {type: shareTypeNames}) }}
<div v-if="userIsAdmin">
<div class="field has-addons">
class="control is-expanded"
:class="{ 'is-loading': searchService.loading }"
<p class="control">
<x-button @click="add()">{{ $t('project.share.share') }}</x-button>
<table class="table has-actions is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth mb-4" v-if="sharables.length > 0">
<tr :key="s.id" v-for="s in sharables">
<template v-if="shareType === 'user'">
<td>{{ getDisplayName(s) }}</td>
<template v-if="s.id === userInfo.id">
<b class="is-success">{{ $t('project.share.userTeam.you') }}</b>
<template v-if="shareType === 'team'">
name: 'teams.edit',
params: { id: s.id },
{{ s.name }}
<td class="type">
<template v-if="s.right === RIGHTS.ADMIN">
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="lock"/>
{{ $t('project.share.right.admin') }}
<template v-else-if="s.right === RIGHTS.READ_WRITE">
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="pen"/>
{{ $t('project.share.right.readWrite') }}
<template v-else>
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="users"/>
{{ $t('project.share.right.read') }}
<td class="actions" v-if="userIsAdmin">
<div class="select">
:selected="s.right === RIGHTS.READ"
{{ $t('project.share.right.read') }}
:selected="s.right === RIGHTS.READ_WRITE"
{{ $t('project.share.right.readWrite') }}
:selected="s.right === RIGHTS.ADMIN"
{{ $t('project.share.right.admin') }}
() => {
sharable = s
showDeleteModal = true
<nothing v-else>
{{ $t('project.share.userTeam.notShared', {type: shareTypeNames}) }}
@close="showDeleteModal = false"
<template #header>
$t('project.share.userTeam.removeHeader', {type: shareTypeName, sharable: sharableName})
<template #text>
<p>{{ $t('project.share.userTeam.removeText', {type: shareTypeName, sharable: sharableName}) }}</p>
<script lang="ts">
export default {name: 'userTeamShare'}
<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref, reactive, computed, shallowReactive, type Ref} from 'vue'
import type {PropType} from 'vue'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import UserNamespaceService from '@/services/userNamespace'
import UserNamespaceModel from '@/models/userNamespace'
import type {IUserNamespace} from '@/modelTypes/IUserNamespace'
import UserProjectService from '@/services/userProject'
import UserProjectModel from '@/models/userProject'
import type {IUserProject} from '@/modelTypes/IUserProject'
import UserService from '@/services/user'
import UserModel, { getDisplayName } from '@/models/user'
import type {IUser} from '@/modelTypes/IUser'
import TeamNamespaceService from '@/services/teamNamespace'
import TeamNamespaceModel from '@/models/teamNamespace'
import type { ITeamNamespace } from '@/modelTypes/ITeamNamespace'
import TeamProjectService from '@/services/teamProject'
import TeamProjectModel from '@/models/teamProject'
import type { ITeamProject } from '@/modelTypes/ITeamProject'
import TeamService from '@/services/team'
import TeamModel from '@/models/team'
import type {ITeam} from '@/modelTypes/ITeam'
import {RIGHTS} from '@/constants/rights'
import Multiselect from '@/components/input/multiselect.vue'
import Nothing from '@/components/misc/nothing.vue'
import {success} from '@/message'
import {useAuthStore} from '@/stores/auth'
const props = defineProps({
type: {
type: String as PropType<'project' | 'namespace'>,
default: '',
shareType: {
type: String as PropType<'user' | 'team' | 'namespace'>,
default: '',
id: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
userIsAdmin: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
const {t} = useI18n({useScope: 'global'})
// This user service is either a userNamespaceService or a userProjectService, depending on the type we are using
let stuffService: UserNamespaceService | UserProjectService | TeamProjectService | TeamNamespaceService
let stuffModel: IUserNamespace | IUserProject | ITeamProject | ITeamNamespace
let searchService: UserService | TeamService
let sharable: Ref<IUser | ITeam>
const searchLabel = ref('')
const selectedRight = ref({})
// This holds either teams or users who this namepace or project is shared with
const sharables = ref([])
const showDeleteModal = ref(false)
const authStore = useAuthStore()
const userInfo = computed(() => authStore.info)
function createShareTypeNameComputed(count: number) {
return computed(() => {
if (props.shareType === 'user') {
return t('project.share.userTeam.typeUser', count)
if (props.shareType === 'team') {
return t('project.share.userTeam.typeTeam', count)
return ''
const shareTypeNames = createShareTypeNameComputed(2)
const shareTypeName = createShareTypeNameComputed(1)
const sharableName = computed(() => {
if (props.type === 'project') {
return t('project.list.title')
if (props.shareType === 'namespace') {
return t('namespace.namespace')
return ''
if (props.shareType === 'user') {
searchService = shallowReactive(new UserService())
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-ref-as-operand
sharable = ref(new UserModel())
searchLabel.value = 'username'
if (props.type === 'project') {
stuffService = shallowReactive(new UserProjectService())
stuffModel = reactive(new UserProjectModel({projectId: props.id}))
} else if (props.type === 'namespace') {
stuffService = shallowReactive(new UserNamespaceService())
stuffModel = reactive(new UserNamespaceModel({
namespaceId: props.id,
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + props.type)
} else if (props.shareType === 'team') {
searchService = new TeamService()
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-ref-as-operand
sharable = ref(new TeamModel())
searchLabel.value = 'name'
if (props.type === 'project') {
stuffService = shallowReactive(new TeamProjectService())
stuffModel = reactive(new TeamProjectModel({projectId: props.id}))
} else if (props.type === 'namespace') {
stuffService = shallowReactive(new TeamNamespaceService())
stuffModel = reactive(new TeamNamespaceModel({
namespaceId: props.id,
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + props.type)
} else {
throw new Error('Unkown share type')
async function load() {
sharables.value = await stuffService.getAll(stuffModel)
sharables.value.forEach(({id, right}) =>
selectedRight.value[id] = right,
async function deleteSharable() {
if (props.shareType === 'user') {
stuffModel.userId = sharable.value.username
} else if (props.shareType === 'team') {
stuffModel.teamId = sharable.value.id
await stuffService.delete(stuffModel)
showDeleteModal.value = false
for (const i in sharables.value) {
if (
(sharables.value[i].username === stuffModel.userId && props.shareType === 'user') ||
(sharables.value[i].id === stuffModel.teamId && props.shareType === 'team')
) {
sharables.value.splice(i, 1)
message: t('project.share.userTeam.removeSuccess', {
type: shareTypeName.value,
sharable: sharableName.value,
async function add(admin) {
if (admin === null) {
admin = false
stuffModel.right = RIGHTS.READ
if (admin) {
stuffModel.right = RIGHTS.ADMIN
if (props.shareType === 'user') {
stuffModel.userId = sharable.value.username
} else if (props.shareType === 'team') {
stuffModel.teamId = sharable.value.id
await stuffService.create(stuffModel)
success({message: t('project.share.userTeam.addedSuccess', {type: shareTypeName.value})})
await load()
async function toggleType(sharable) {
if (
selectedRight.value[sharable.id] !== RIGHTS.ADMIN &&
selectedRight.value[sharable.id] !== RIGHTS.READ &&
selectedRight.value[sharable.id] !== RIGHTS.READ_WRITE
) {
selectedRight.value[sharable.id] = RIGHTS.READ
stuffModel.right = selectedRight.value[sharable.id]
if (props.shareType === 'user') {
stuffModel.userId = sharable.username
} else if (props.shareType === 'team') {
stuffModel.teamId = sharable.id
const r = await stuffService.update(stuffModel)
for (const i in sharables.value) {
if (
(sharables.value[i].username ===
stuffModel.userId &&
props.shareType === 'user') ||
(sharables.value[i].id === stuffModel.teamId &&
props.shareType === 'team')
) {
sharables.value[i].right = r.right
success({message: t('project.share.userTeam.updatedSuccess', {type: shareTypeName.value})})
const found = ref([])
const currentUserId = computed(() => authStore.info.id)
async function find(query: string) {
if (query === '') {
found.value = []
const results = await searchService.getAll({}, {s: query})
found.value = results
.filter(m => {
if(props.shareType === 'user' && m.id === currentUserId.value) {
return false
return typeof sharables.value.find(s => s.id === m.id) === 'undefined'