export const getErrorText = (r, $t) => { if (r.response && r.response.data) { if(r.response.data.code) { const path = `error.${r.response.data.code}` const message = $t(path) // If message and path are equal no translation exists for that error code if (path !== message) { return [ r.message, message, ] } } if (r.response.data.message) { return [ r.message, r.response.data.message, ] } } return [r.message] } export default { error(e, context, $t, actions = []) { context.$notify({ type: 'error', title: $t('error.error'), text: getErrorText(e, $t), actions: actions, }) }, success(e, context, $t, actions = []) { context.$notify({ type: 'success', title: $t('error.success'), text: getErrorText(e, $t), data: { actions: actions, }, }) }, }