2021-06-17 12:55:20 -07:00

248 lines
8.5 KiB

<div class="field is-grouped" >
:class="{ 'is-loading': taskService.loading }"
class="control has-icons-left is-expanded"
:class="{ disabled: taskService.loading }"
placeholder="Add a new task..."
<span class="icon is-small is-left">
<icon icon="tasks" />
<p class="control" v-if="validListIdAvailable">
:disabled="newTaskText.length === 0"
<p class="help is-warning" v-if="!validListIdAvailable">
No default list set. Please go to settings and specify default list.
import LabelTask from '../../models/labelTask'
import LabelModel from '../../models/label'
import { HAS_TASKS } from '@/store/mutation-types'
import ListService from '../../services/list'
import TaskService from '../../services/task'
import TaskModel from '../../models/task'
import LabelService from '../../services/label'
import LabelTaskService from '../../services/labelTask'
export default {
name: 'add-task',
data() {
return {
newTaskText: '',
listService: ListService,
taskService: TaskService,
labelService: LabelService,
labelTaskService: LabelTaskService,
listIdForNewTask: undefined,
validListIdAvailable: false,
props: {
listId: {
type: Number,
required: false,
created() {
this.listService = new ListService()
this.taskService = new TaskService()
this.labelService = new LabelService()
this.labelTaskService = new LabelTaskService()
beforeMount() {
// If the parent provides the ID alway use that be falling back to the one
// stored in settings. If neither are avliable then hide the component.
if (this.listId !== undefined) {
this.listIdForNewTask = this.listId
this.validListIdAvailable = true
} else if(this.$store.state.auth.settings.defaultListId !== undefined) {
this.listIdForNewTask = this.$store.state.auth.settings.defaultListId
this.validListIdAvailable = true
methods: {
addTask() {
if (this.newTaskText === '') {
this.showError = true
this.showError = false
const task = new TaskModel({
title: this.newTaskText,
listId: this.listIdForNewTask,
.then(task => {
this.newTaskText = ''
// Unlike a proper programming language, Javascript only knows references to objects and does not
// allow you to control what is a reference and what isnt. Because of this we can't just add
// all labels to the task they belong to right after we found and added them to the task since
// the task update method also ensures all data the api sees has the right format. That means
// it processes labels. That processing changes the date format and the label color and makes
// the label pretty much unusable for everything else. Normally, this is not a big deal, because
// the labels on a task get thrown away anyway and replaced with the new models from the api
// when we get the updated answer back. However, in this specific case because we're passing a
// label we obtained from vuex that reference is kept and not thrown away. The task itself gets
// a new label object - you won't notice the bad reference until you want to add the same label
// again and notice it doesn't have a color anymore.
// I think this is what happens: (or rather would happen without the hack I've put in)
// 1. Query the store for a label which matches the name
// 2. Find one - remember, we get only a *reference* to the label from the store, not a new label object.
// (Now there's *two* places with a reference to the same label object: in the store and in the
// variable which holds the label from the search in the store)
// 3. .push the label to the task
// 4. Update the task to remove the labels from the name
// 4.1. The task update processes all labels belonging to that task, changing attributes of our
// label in the process. Because this is a reference, it is also "updated" in the store.
// 5. Get an api response back. The service handler now creates a new label object for all labels
// returned from the api. It will throw away all references to the old label in the process.
// 6. Now we have two objects with the same label data: The old one we originally obtained from
// the store and the one that was created when parsing the api response. The old one was
// modified before sending the api request and thus, our store which still holds a reference
// to the old label now contains old data.
// I guess this is the point where normally the GC would come in and collect the old label
// object if the store wouldn't still hold a reference to it.
// Now, as a workaround, I'm putting all new labels added to that task in this separate variable to
// add them only after the task was updated to circumvent the task update service processing the
// label before sending it. Feels more hacky than it probably is.
const newLabels = []
// Check if the task has words starting with ~ in the title and make them to labels
const parts = task.title.split(' ~')
// The first element will always contain the title, even if there is no occurrence of ~
if (parts.length > 1) {
// First, create an unresolved promise for each entry in the array to wait
// until all labels are added to update the task title once again
let labelAddings = []
let labelAddsToWaitFor = []
parts.forEach((p, index) => {
if (index < 1) {
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
labelAddings.push({ resolve: resolve, reject: reject })
// Then do everything that is involved in finding, creating and adding the label to the task
parts.forEach((p, index) => {
if (index < 1) {
// The part up until the next space
const labelTitle = p.split(' ')[0]
// Don't create an empty label
if (labelTitle === '') {
// Check if the label exists
const label = Object.values(this.$store.state.labels.labels).find(l => {
return l.title.toLowerCase() === labelTitle.toLowerCase()
// Label found, use it
if (typeof label !== 'undefined') {
const labelTask = new LabelTask({
.then(result => {
// Remove the label text from the task title
task.title = task.title.replace(` ~${labelTitle}`, '')
// Make the promise done (the one with the index 0 does not exist)
labelAddings[index - 1].resolve(result)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
} else {
// label not found, create it
const label = new LabelModel({title: labelTitle})
this.$store.dispatch('labels/createLabel', label)
.then(res => {
const labelTask = new LabelTask({
.then(result => {
// Remove the label text from the task title
task.title = task.title.replace(` ~${labelTitle}`, '')
// Make the promise done (the one with the index 0 does not exist)
labelAddings[index - 1].resolve(result)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
// This waits to update the task until all labels have been added and the title has
// been modified to remove each label text
.then(() => {
.then(updatedTask => {
updatedTask.labels = newLabels
this.$store.commit(HAS_TASKS, true)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
this.$emit('taskAdded', task)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)