
837 lines
24 KiB

// Vikunja is a to-do list application to facilitate your life.
// Copyright 2018-2021 Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public Licensee as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public Licensee for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public Licensee
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package models
import (
// Project represents a project of tasks
type Project struct {
// The unique, numeric id of this project.
ID int64 `xorm:"bigint autoincr not null unique pk" json:"id" param:"project"`
// The title of the project. You'll see this in the namespace overview.
Title string `xorm:"varchar(250) not null" json:"title" valid:"required,runelength(1|250)" minLength:"1" maxLength:"250"`
// The description of the project.
Description string `xorm:"longtext null" json:"description"`
// The unique project short identifier. Used to build task identifiers.
Identifier string `xorm:"varchar(10) null" json:"identifier" valid:"runelength(0|10)" minLength:"0" maxLength:"10"`
// The hex color of this project
HexColor string `xorm:"varchar(6) null" json:"hex_color" valid:"runelength(0|6)" maxLength:"6"`
OwnerID int64 `xorm:"bigint INDEX not null" json:"-"`
NamespaceID int64 `xorm:"bigint INDEX not null" json:"namespace_id" param:"namespace"`
// The user who created this project.
Owner *user.User `xorm:"-" json:"owner" valid:"-"`
// Whether or not a project is archived.
IsArchived bool `xorm:"not null default false" json:"is_archived" query:"is_archived"`
// The id of the file this project has set as background
BackgroundFileID int64 `xorm:"null" json:"-"`
// Holds extra information about the background set since some background providers require attribution or similar. If not null, the background can be accessed at /projects/{projectID}/background
BackgroundInformation interface{} `xorm:"-" json:"background_information"`
// Contains a very small version of the project background to use as a blurry preview until the actual background is loaded. Check out to learn how it works.
BackgroundBlurHash string `xorm:"varchar(50) null" json:"background_blur_hash"`
// True if a project is a favorite. Favorite projects show up in a separate namespace. This value depends on the user making the call to the api.
IsFavorite bool `xorm:"-" json:"is_favorite"`
// The subscription status for the user reading this project. You can only read this property, use the subscription endpoints to modify it.
// Will only returned when retreiving one project.
Subscription *Subscription `xorm:"-" json:"subscription,omitempty"`
// The position this project has when querying all projects. See the tasks.position property on how to use this.
Position float64 `xorm:"double null" json:"position"`
// A timestamp when this project was created. You cannot change this value.
Created time.Time `xorm:"created not null" json:"created"`
// A timestamp when this project was last updated. You cannot change this value.
Updated time.Time `xorm:"updated not null" json:"updated"`
web.CRUDable `xorm:"-" json:"-"`
web.Rights `xorm:"-" json:"-"`
type ProjectWithTasksAndBuckets struct {
// An array of tasks which belong to the project.
Tasks []*TaskWithComments `xorm:"-" json:"tasks"`
// Only used for migration.
Buckets []*Bucket `xorm:"-" json:"buckets"`
BackgroundFileID int64 `xorm:"null" json:"background_file_id"`
// TableName returns a better name for the projects table
func (l *Project) TableName() string {
return "projects"
// ProjectBackgroundType holds a project background type
type ProjectBackgroundType struct {
Type string
// ProjectBackgroundUpload represents the project upload background type
const ProjectBackgroundUpload string = "upload"
// FavoritesPseudoProject holds all tasks marked as favorites
var FavoritesPseudoProject = Project{
ID: -1,
Title: "Favorites",
Description: "This project has all tasks marked as favorites.",
NamespaceID: FavoritesPseudoNamespace.ID,
IsFavorite: true,
Created: time.Now(),
Updated: time.Now(),
// GetProjectsByNamespaceID gets all projects in a namespace
func GetProjectsByNamespaceID(s *xorm.Session, nID int64, doer *user.User) (projects []*Project, err error) {
switch nID {
case SharedProjectsPseudoNamespace.ID:
nnn, err := getSharedProjectsInNamespace(s, false, doer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if nnn != nil && nnn.Projects != nil {
projects = nnn.Projects
case FavoritesPseudoNamespace.ID:
namespaces := make(map[int64]*NamespaceWithProjects)
_, err := getNamespacesWithProjects(s, &namespaces, "", false, 0, -1, doer.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
namespaceIDs, _ := getNamespaceOwnerIDs(namespaces)
ls, err := getProjectsForNamespaces(s, namespaceIDs, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nnn, err := getFavoriteProjects(s, ls, namespaceIDs, doer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if nnn != nil && nnn.Projects != nil {
projects = nnn.Projects
case SavedFiltersPseudoNamespace.ID:
nnn, err := getSavedFilters(s, doer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if nnn != nil && nnn.Projects != nil {
projects = nnn.Projects
err = s.Select("l.*").
Join("LEFT", []string{"namespaces", "n"}, "l.namespace_id =").
Where("l.is_archived = false").
Where("n.is_archived = false").
Where("namespace_id = ?", nID).
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get more project details
err = addProjectDetails(s, projects, doer)
return projects, err
// ReadAll gets all projects a user has access to
// @Summary Get all projects a user has access to
// @Description Returns all projects a user has access to.
// @tags project
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param page query int false "The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned."
// @Param per_page query int false "The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page."
// @Param s query string false "Search projects by title."
// @Param is_archived query bool false "If true, also returns all archived projects."
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Success 200 {array} models.Project "The projects"
// @Failure 403 {object} web.HTTPError "The user does not have access to the project"
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal error"
// @Router /projects [get]
func (l *Project) ReadAll(s *xorm.Session, a web.Auth, search string, page int, perPage int) (result interface{}, resultCount int, totalItems int64, err error) {
// Check if we're dealing with a share auth
shareAuth, ok := a.(*LinkSharing)
if ok {
project, err := GetProjectSimpleByID(s, shareAuth.ProjectID)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
projects := []*Project{project}
err = addProjectDetails(s, projects, a)
return projects, 0, 0, err
projects, resultCount, totalItems, err := getRawProjectsForUser(
search: search,
user: &user.User{ID: a.GetID()},
page: page,
perPage: perPage,
isArchived: l.IsArchived,
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
// Add more project details
err = addProjectDetails(s, projects, a)
return projects, resultCount, totalItems, err
// ReadOne gets one project by its ID
// @Summary Gets one project
// @Description Returns a project by its ID.
// @tags project
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Param id path int true "Project ID"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Project "The project"
// @Failure 403 {object} web.HTTPError "The user does not have access to the project"
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal error"
// @Router /projects/{id} [get]
func (l *Project) ReadOne(s *xorm.Session, a web.Auth) (err error) {
if l.ID == FavoritesPseudoProject.ID {
// Already "built" the project in CanRead
return nil
// Check for saved filters
if getSavedFilterIDFromProjectID(l.ID) > 0 {
sf, err := getSavedFilterSimpleByID(s, getSavedFilterIDFromProjectID(l.ID))
if err != nil {
return err
l.Title = sf.Title
l.Description = sf.Description
l.Created = sf.Created
l.Updated = sf.Updated
l.OwnerID = sf.OwnerID
// Get project owner
l.Owner, err = user.GetUserByID(s, l.OwnerID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check if the namespace is archived and set the namespace to archived if it is not already archived individually.
if !l.IsArchived {
err = l.CheckIsArchived(s)
if err != nil {
if !IsErrNamespaceIsArchived(err) && !IsErrProjectIsArchived(err) {
l.IsArchived = true
// Get any background information if there is one set
if l.BackgroundFileID != 0 {
// Unsplash image
l.BackgroundInformation, err = GetUnsplashPhotoByFileID(s, l.BackgroundFileID)
if err != nil && !files.IsErrFileIsNotUnsplashFile(err) {
if err != nil && files.IsErrFileIsNotUnsplashFile(err) {
l.BackgroundInformation = &ProjectBackgroundType{Type: ProjectBackgroundUpload}
l.IsFavorite, err = isFavorite(s, l.ID, a, FavoriteKindProject)
if err != nil {
l.Subscription, err = GetSubscription(s, SubscriptionEntityProject, l.ID, a)
// GetProjectSimpleByID gets a project with only the basic items, aka no tasks or user objects. Returns an error if the project does not exist.
func GetProjectSimpleByID(s *xorm.Session, projectID int64) (project *Project, err error) {
project = &Project{}
if projectID < 1 {
return nil, ErrProjectDoesNotExist{ID: projectID}
exists, err := s.
Where("id = ?", projectID).
if err != nil {
if !exists {
return nil, ErrProjectDoesNotExist{ID: projectID}
// GetProjectSimplByTaskID gets a project by a task id
func GetProjectSimplByTaskID(s *xorm.Session, taskID int64) (l *Project, err error) {
// We need to re-init our project object, because otherwise xorm creates a "where for every item in that project object,
// leading to not finding anything if the id is good, but for example the title is different.
var project Project
exists, err := s.
Join("INNER", "tasks", " = tasks.project_id").
Where(" = ?", taskID).
if err != nil {
if !exists {
return &Project{}, ErrProjectDoesNotExist{ID: l.ID}
return &project, nil
// GetProjectsByIDs returns a map of projects from a slice with project ids
func GetProjectsByIDs(s *xorm.Session, projectIDs []int64) (projects map[int64]*Project, err error) {
projects = make(map[int64]*Project, len(projectIDs))
if len(projectIDs) == 0 {
err = s.In("id", projectIDs).Find(&projects)
type projectOptions struct {
search string
user *user.User
page int
perPage int
isArchived bool
func getUserProjectsStatement(userID int64) *builder.Builder {
dialect := config.DatabaseType.GetString()
if dialect == "sqlite" {
dialect = builder.SQLITE
return builder.Dialect(dialect).
From("projects", "l").
Join("INNER", "namespaces n", "l.namespace_id =").
Join("LEFT", "team_namespaces tn", "tn.namespace_id =").
Join("LEFT", "team_members tm", "tm.team_id = tn.team_id").
Join("LEFT", "team_projects tl", " = tl.project_id").
Join("LEFT", "team_members tm2", "tm2.team_id = tl.team_id").
Join("LEFT", "users_projects ul", "ul.project_id =").
Join("LEFT", "users_namespaces un", "un.namespace_id = l.namespace_id").
builder.Eq{"tm.user_id": userID},
builder.Eq{"tm2.user_id": userID},
builder.Eq{"ul.user_id": userID},
builder.Eq{"un.user_id": userID},
builder.Eq{"l.owner_id": userID},
// Gets the projects only, without any tasks or so
func getRawProjectsForUser(s *xorm.Session, opts *projectOptions) (projects []*Project, resultCount int, totalItems int64, err error) {
fullUser, err := user.GetUserByID(s, opts.user.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
// Adding a 1=1 condition by default here because xorm always needs a condition and cannot handle nil conditions
var isArchivedCond builder.Cond = builder.Eq{"1": 1}
if !opts.isArchived {
isArchivedCond = builder.And(
builder.Eq{"l.is_archived": false},
builder.Eq{"n.is_archived": false},
limit, start := getLimitFromPageIndex(, opts.perPage)
var filterCond builder.Cond
ids := []int64{}
if != "" {
vals := strings.Split(, ",")
for _, val := range vals {
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Project search string part '%s' is not a number: %s", val, err)
ids = append(ids, v)
filterCond = db.ILIKE("l.title",
if len(ids) > 0 {
filterCond = builder.In("", ids)
// Gets all Projects where the user is either owner or in a team which has access to the project
// Or in a team which has namespace read access
query := getUserProjectsStatement(fullUser.ID).
if limit > 0 {
query = query.Limit(limit, start)
err = s.SQL(query).Find(&projects)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
query = getUserProjectsStatement(fullUser.ID).
totalItems, err = s.
return projects, len(projects), totalItems, err
// addProjectDetails adds owner user objects and project tasks to all projects in the slice
func addProjectDetails(s *xorm.Session, projects []*Project, a web.Auth) (err error) {
if len(projects) == 0 {
var ownerIDs []int64
for _, l := range projects {
ownerIDs = append(ownerIDs, l.OwnerID)
// Get all project owners
owners := map[int64]*user.User{}
if len(ownerIDs) > 0 {
err = s.In("id", ownerIDs).Find(&owners)
if err != nil {
var fileIDs []int64
var projectIDs []int64
for _, l := range projects {
projectIDs = append(projectIDs, l.ID)
if o, exists := owners[l.OwnerID]; exists {
l.Owner = o
if l.BackgroundFileID != 0 {
l.BackgroundInformation = &ProjectBackgroundType{Type: ProjectBackgroundUpload}
fileIDs = append(fileIDs, l.BackgroundFileID)
favs, err := getFavorites(s, projectIDs, a, FavoriteKindProject)
if err != nil {
return err
subscriptions, err := GetSubscriptions(s, SubscriptionEntityProject, projectIDs, a)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("An error occurred while getting project subscriptions for a namespace item: %s", err.Error())
subscriptions = make(map[int64]*Subscription)
for _, project := range projects {
// Don't override the favorite state if it was already set from before (favorite saved filters do this)
if project.IsFavorite {
project.IsFavorite = favs[project.ID]
if subscription, exists := subscriptions[project.ID]; exists {
project.Subscription = subscription
if len(fileIDs) == 0 {
// Unsplash background file info
us := []*UnsplashPhoto{}
err = s.In("file_id", fileIDs).Find(&us)
if err != nil {
unsplashPhotos := make(map[int64]*UnsplashPhoto, len(us))
for _, u := range us {
unsplashPhotos[u.FileID] = u
// Build it all into the projects slice
for _, l := range projects {
// Only override the file info if we have info for unsplash backgrounds
if _, exists := unsplashPhotos[l.BackgroundFileID]; exists {
l.BackgroundInformation = unsplashPhotos[l.BackgroundFileID]
// NamespaceProject is a meta type to be able to join a project with its namespace
type NamespaceProject struct {
Project Project `xorm:"extends"`
Namespace Namespace `xorm:"extends"`
// CheckIsArchived returns an ErrProjectIsArchived or ErrNamespaceIsArchived if the project or its namespace is archived.
func (l *Project) CheckIsArchived(s *xorm.Session) (err error) {
// When creating a new project, we check if the namespace is archived
if l.ID == 0 {
n := &Namespace{ID: l.NamespaceID}
return n.CheckIsArchived(s)
nl := &NamespaceProject{}
exists, err := s.
Join("LEFT", "namespaces", "projects.namespace_id =").
Where(" = ? AND (projects.is_archived = true OR namespaces.is_archived = true)", l.ID).
if err != nil {
if exists && nl.Project.ID != 0 && nl.Project.IsArchived {
return ErrProjectIsArchived{ProjectID: l.ID}
if exists && nl.Namespace.ID != 0 && nl.Namespace.IsArchived {
return ErrNamespaceIsArchived{NamespaceID: nl.Namespace.ID}
return nil
func checkProjectBeforeUpdateOrDelete(s *xorm.Session, project *Project) error {
if project.NamespaceID < 0 {
return &ErrProjectCannotBelongToAPseudoNamespace{ProjectID: project.ID, NamespaceID: project.NamespaceID}
// Check if the namespace exists
if project.NamespaceID > 0 {
_, err := GetNamespaceByID(s, project.NamespaceID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check if the identifier is unique and not empty
if project.Identifier != "" {
exists, err := s.
Where("identifier = ?", project.Identifier).
And("id != ?", project.ID).
if err != nil {
return err
if exists {
return ErrProjectIdentifierIsNotUnique{Identifier: project.Identifier}
return nil
func CreateProject(s *xorm.Session, project *Project, auth web.Auth) (err error) {
err = project.CheckIsArchived(s)
if err != nil {
return err
doer, err := user.GetFromAuth(auth)
if err != nil {
return err
project.OwnerID = doer.ID
project.Owner = doer
project.ID = 0 // Otherwise only the first time a new project would be created
err = checkProjectBeforeUpdateOrDelete(s, project)
if err != nil {
_, err = s.Insert(project)
if err != nil {
project.Position = calculateDefaultPosition(project.ID, project.Position)
_, err = s.Where("id = ?", project.ID).Update(project)
if err != nil {
if project.IsFavorite {
if err := addToFavorites(s, project.ID, auth, FavoriteKindProject); err != nil {
return err
// Create a new first bucket for this project
b := &Bucket{
ProjectID: project.ID,
Title: "Backlog",
err = b.Create(s, auth)
if err != nil {
return events.Dispatch(&ProjectCreatedEvent{
Project: project,
Doer: doer,
func UpdateProject(s *xorm.Session, project *Project, auth web.Auth, updateProjectBackground bool) (err error) {
err = checkProjectBeforeUpdateOrDelete(s, project)
if err != nil {
if project.NamespaceID == 0 {
return &ErrProjectMustBelongToANamespace{
ProjectID: project.ID,
NamespaceID: project.NamespaceID,
// We need to specify the cols we want to update here to be able to un-archive projects
colsToUpdate := []string{
if project.Description != "" {
colsToUpdate = append(colsToUpdate, "description")
if updateProjectBackground {
colsToUpdate = append(colsToUpdate, "background_file_id", "background_blur_hash")
wasFavorite, err := isFavorite(s, project.ID, auth, FavoriteKindProject)
if err != nil {
return err
if project.IsFavorite && !wasFavorite {
if err := addToFavorites(s, project.ID, auth, FavoriteKindProject); err != nil {
return err
if !project.IsFavorite && wasFavorite {
if err := removeFromFavorite(s, project.ID, auth, FavoriteKindProject); err != nil {
return err
_, err = s.
if err != nil {
return err
err = events.Dispatch(&ProjectUpdatedEvent{
Project: project,
Doer: auth,
if err != nil {
return err
l, err := GetProjectSimpleByID(s, project.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
*project = *l
err = project.ReadOne(s, auth)
// Update implements the update method of CRUDable
// @Summary Updates a project
// @Description Updates a project. This does not include adding a task (see below).
// @tags project
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Param id path int true "Project ID"
// @Param project body models.Project true "The project with updated values you want to update."
// @Success 200 {object} models.Project "The updated project."
// @Failure 400 {object} web.HTTPError "Invalid project object provided."
// @Failure 403 {object} web.HTTPError "The user does not have access to the project"
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal error"
// @Router /projects/{id} [post]
func (l *Project) Update(s *xorm.Session, a web.Auth) (err error) {
fid := getSavedFilterIDFromProjectID(l.ID)
if fid > 0 {
f, err := getSavedFilterSimpleByID(s, fid)
if err != nil {
return err
f.Title = l.Title
f.Description = l.Description
f.IsFavorite = l.IsFavorite
err = f.Update(s, a)
if err != nil {
return err
*l = *f.toProject()
return nil
return UpdateProject(s, l, a, false)
func updateProjectLastUpdated(s *xorm.Session, project *Project) error {
_, err := s.ID(project.ID).Cols("updated").Update(project)
return err
func updateProjectByTaskID(s *xorm.Session, taskID int64) (err error) {
// need to get the task to update the project last updated timestamp
task, err := GetTaskByIDSimple(s, taskID)
if err != nil {
return err
return updateProjectLastUpdated(s, &Project{ID: task.ProjectID})
// Create implements the create method of CRUDable
// @Summary Creates a new project
// @Description Creates a new project in a given namespace. The user needs write-access to the namespace.
// @tags project
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Param namespaceID path int true "Namespace ID"
// @Param project body models.Project true "The project you want to create."
// @Success 201 {object} models.Project "The created project."
// @Failure 400 {object} web.HTTPError "Invalid project object provided."
// @Failure 403 {object} web.HTTPError "The user does not have access to the project"
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal error"
// @Router /namespaces/{namespaceID}/projects [put]
func (l *Project) Create(s *xorm.Session, a web.Auth) (err error) {
err = CreateProject(s, l, a)
if err != nil {
return l.ReadOne(s, a)
// Delete implements the delete method of CRUDable
// @Summary Deletes a project
// @Description Delets a project
// @tags project
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Param id path int true "Project ID"
// @Success 200 {object} models.Message "The project was successfully deleted."
// @Failure 400 {object} web.HTTPError "Invalid project object provided."
// @Failure 403 {object} web.HTTPError "The user does not have access to the project"
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal error"
// @Router /projects/{id} [delete]
func (l *Project) Delete(s *xorm.Session, a web.Auth) (err error) {
// Delete the project
_, err = s.ID(l.ID).Delete(&Project{})
if err != nil {
// Delete all tasks on that project
// Using the loop to make sure all related entities to all tasks are properly deleted as well.
tasks, _, _, err := getRawTasksForProjects(s, []*Project{l}, a, &taskOptions{})
if err != nil {
for _, task := range tasks {
err = task.Delete(s, a)
if err != nil {
return err
return events.Dispatch(&ProjectDeletedEvent{
Project: l,
Doer: a,
// SetProjectBackground sets a background file as project background in the db
func SetProjectBackground(s *xorm.Session, projectID int64, background *files.File, blurHash string) (err error) {
l := &Project{
ID: projectID,
BackgroundFileID: background.ID,
BackgroundBlurHash: blurHash,
_, err = s.
Where("id = ?", l.ID).
Cols("background_file_id", "background_blur_hash").