mirror of https://github.com/go-vikunja/app synced 2024-05-31 09:46:51 +00:00
Denys Vitali 056b2d72c9
chore: format code with dart format (#71)
This PR formats all code with dart format and adds a step to the CI so that it will be checked on every push and PR.
2024-04-05 22:36:56 +02:00

203 lines
6.6 KiB

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:vikunja_app/models/label.dart';
import 'package:vikunja_app/models/user.dart';
import 'package:vikunja_app/models/taskAttachment.dart';
import 'package:vikunja_app/utils/checkboxes_in_text.dart';
class Task {
final int id;
final int? parentTaskId, priority, bucketId;
//final int? listId;
final int? projectId;
final DateTime created, updated;
DateTime? dueDate, startDate, endDate;
final List<DateTime> reminderDates;
final String identifier;
final String title, description;
final bool done;
Color? color;
final double? kanbanPosition;
final double? percent_done;
final User createdBy;
Duration? repeatAfter;
final List<Task> subtasks;
final List<Label> labels;
final List<TaskAttachment> attachments;
// TODO: add position(?)
late final checkboxStatistics = getCheckboxStatistics(description);
late final hasCheckboxes = checkboxStatistics.total != 0;
this.id = 0,
this.identifier = '',
this.title = '',
this.description = '',
this.done = false,
this.reminderDates = const [],
this.subtasks = const [],
this.labels = const [],
this.attachments = const [],
DateTime? created,
DateTime? updated,
required this.createdBy,
//required this.listId,
required this.projectId,
}) : this.created = created ?? DateTime.now(),
this.updated = updated ?? DateTime.now();
bool loading = false;
Color get textColor {
if (color != null && color!.computeLuminance() > 0.5) {
return Colors.black;
return Colors.white;
bool get hasDueDate => dueDate?.year != 1;
Task.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: id = json['id'],
title = json['title'],
description = json['description'],
identifier = json['identifier'],
done = json['done'],
reminderDates = json['reminder_dates'] != null
? (json['reminder_dates'] as List<dynamic>)
.map((ts) => DateTime.parse(ts))
: [],
dueDate = DateTime.parse(json['due_date']),
startDate = DateTime.parse(json['start_date']),
endDate = DateTime.parse(json['end_date']),
parentTaskId = json['parent_task_id'],
priority = json['priority'],
repeatAfter = Duration(seconds: json['repeat_after']),
color = json['hex_color'] != ''
? Color(int.parse(json['hex_color'], radix: 16) + 0xFF000000)
: null,
kanbanPosition = json['kanban_position'] is int
? json['kanban_position'].toDouble()
: json['kanban_position'],
percent_done = json['percent_done'] is int
? json['percent_done'].toDouble()
: json['percent_done'],
labels = json['labels'] != null
? (json['labels'] as List<dynamic>)
.map((label) => Label.fromJson(label))
: [],
subtasks = json['subtasks'] != null
? (json['subtasks'] as List<dynamic>)
.map((subtask) => Task.fromJson(subtask))
: [],
attachments = json['attachments'] != null
? (json['attachments'] as List<dynamic>)
.map((attachment) => TaskAttachment.fromJSON(attachment))
: [],
updated = DateTime.parse(json['updated']),
created = DateTime.parse(json['created']),
//listId = json['list_id'],
projectId = json['project_id'],
bucketId = json['bucket_id'],
createdBy = User.fromJson(json['created_by']);
toJSON() => {
'id': id,
'title': title,
'description': description,
'identifier': identifier.isNotEmpty ? identifier : null,
'done': done,
'reminder_dates': reminderDates
.map((date) => date.toUtc().toIso8601String())
'due_date': dueDate?.toUtc().toIso8601String(),
'start_date': startDate?.toUtc().toIso8601String(),
'end_date': endDate?.toUtc().toIso8601String(),
'priority': priority,
'repeat_after': repeatAfter?.inSeconds,
color?.value.toRadixString(16).padLeft(8, '0').substring(2),
'kanban_position': kanbanPosition,
'percent_done': percent_done,
'project_id': projectId,
'labels': labels.map((label) => label.toJSON()).toList(),
'subtasks': subtasks.map((subtask) => subtask.toJSON()).toList(),
attachments.map((attachment) => attachment.toJSON()).toList(),
'bucket_id': bucketId,
'created_by': createdBy.toJSON(),
'updated': updated.toUtc().toIso8601String(),
'created': created.toUtc().toIso8601String(),
Task copyWith({
int? id,
int? parentTaskId,
int? priority,
int? listId,
int? bucketId,
DateTime? created,
DateTime? updated,
DateTime? dueDate,
DateTime? startDate,
DateTime? endDate,
List<DateTime>? reminderDates,
String? title,
String? description,
String? identifier,
bool? done,
Color? color,
double? kanbanPosition,
double? percent_done,
User? createdBy,
Duration? repeatAfter,
List<Task>? subtasks,
List<Label>? labels,
List<TaskAttachment>? attachments,
}) {
return Task(
id: id ?? this.id,
parentTaskId: parentTaskId ?? this.parentTaskId,
priority: priority ?? this.priority,
//listId: listId ?? this.listId,
projectId: projectId ?? this.projectId,
bucketId: bucketId ?? this.bucketId,
created: created ?? this.created,
updated: updated ?? this.updated,
dueDate: dueDate ?? this.dueDate,
startDate: startDate ?? this.startDate,
endDate: endDate ?? this.endDate,
reminderDates: reminderDates ?? this.reminderDates,
title: title ?? this.title,
description: description ?? this.description,
identifier: identifier ?? this.identifier,
done: done ?? this.done,
color: color ?? this.color,
kanbanPosition: kanbanPosition ?? this.kanbanPosition,
percent_done: percent_done ?? this.percent_done,
createdBy: createdBy ?? this.createdBy,
repeatAfter: repeatAfter ?? this.repeatAfter,
subtasks: subtasks ?? this.subtasks,
labels: labels ?? this.labels,
attachments: attachments ?? this.attachments,