workspace: base: /app clone: git: image: plugins/git depth: 50 tags: true pipeline: upload_to_macos: image: appleboy/drone-scp host: secrets: [ ssh_username, ssh_key ] port: 2222 source: ./ target: /tmp/drone_build_${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER} when: event: [ push, tag] test: image: nathansamson/flutter-builder-docker:v0.6.0 pull: true commands: - make test when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] build: image: nathansamson/flutter-builder-docker:v0.6.0 group: build pull: true commands: - flutter packages get - make build-all - mkdir apks - mv build/app/outputs/apk/*/*/*.apk apks when: event: [ push, tag ] build_ios: image: appleboy/drone-ssh group: build host: port: 2222 secrets: [ ssh_username, ssh_key ] command_timeout: 900 script: - source ~/.bash_profile - export EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" - cd /tmp/drone_build_${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}/ios - pod install - cd .. - flutter packages get - make build-ios-all when: event: [ push, tag ] download_ios_artifacts: image: vikunja/scp secrets: [ ssh_username, ssh_key ] commands: - echo $ssh_key | scp -P 2222 -i /dev/stdin ${ssh_username}${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}/build/ios/iphoneos/* apks/ when: event: [ push, tag ] # Push the releases to our pseudo-s3-bucket release: image: plugins/s3:1 pull: true secrets: [ aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key ] bucket: vikunja-app endpoint: path_style: true strip_prefix: apks/ source: apks/* target: /${DRONE_TAG##v} when: event: [ tag ] # Push the releases to our pseudo-s3-bucket release: image: plugins/s3:1 pull: true secrets: [ aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key ] bucket: vikunja-app endpoint: path_style: true strip_prefix: apks/ source: apks/* target: /master when: event: [ push ] branch: [ master ] clean_ios: image: appleboy/drone-ssh host: port: 2222 secrets: [ ssh_username, ssh_key ] script: - rm -rf /tmp/drone_build_${DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER} when: status: [ failure, success ] event: [ push, tag]