This repository has been archived on 2024-02-08. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

1.2 KiB

This repository was merged with the api and is now archived

You can find the new (old) code over on vikunja/vikunja.

Vikunja desktop

Build Status License: GPL v3 Download

The Vikunja frontend all repackaged as an electron app to run as a desktop app!


As this repo does not contain any code, only a thin wrapper around electron, you will need to do this to get the actual frontend bundle and build the app:

rm -rf frontend 
unzip -d frontend
sed -i 's/\/api\/v1//g' frontend/index.html # Make sure to trigger the "enter the Vikunja url" prompt

Building for release

  1. Run the snippet from above, but with a valid frontend version instead of master
  2. Change the version in package.json (That's the one that will be used by electron-builder`
  3. yarn install
  4. yarn dist --linux --windows