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Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
import {formatISO} from 'date-fns'
import {TaskFactory} from '../../factories/task'
import {ListFactory} from '../../factories/list'
import {TaskCommentFactory} from '../../factories/task_comment'
import {UserFactory} from '../../factories/user'
import {NamespaceFactory} from '../../factories/namespace'
import {UserListFactory} from '../../factories/users_list'
import '../../support/authenticateUser'
import {TaskAssigneeFactory} from '../../factories/task_assignee'
import {LabelFactory} from '../../factories/labels'
import {LabelTaskFactory} from '../../factories/label_task'
2021-05-30 19:40:56 +00:00
import {BucketFactory} from '../../factories/bucket'
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
describe('Task', () => {
let namespaces
let lists
beforeEach(() => {
namespaces = NamespaceFactory.create(1)
lists = ListFactory.create(1)
it('Should be created new', () => {
cy.get('.input[placeholder="Add a new task…"')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
.type('New Task')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
cy.get('.tasks .task .tasktext')
.should('contain', 'New Task')
it('Inserts new tasks at the top of the list', () => {
cy.get('.input[placeholder="Add a new task…"')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
.type('New Task')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
cy.wait(1000) // Wait for the request
cy.get('.tasks .task .tasktext')
.should('contain', 'New Task')
it('Marks a task as done', () => {
cy.get('.tasks .task .fancycheckbox label.check')
.should('contain', 'Success')
it('Can add a task to favorites', () => {
cy.get('.tasks .task .favorite')
.should('contain', 'Favorites')
describe('Task Detail View', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('Shows all task details', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
index: 1,
description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'
cy.get('.task-view h1.title.input')
.should('contain', tasks[0].title)
cy.get('.task-view h1.title.task-id')
.should('contain', '#1')
cy.get('.task-view h6.subtitle')
.should('contain', namespaces[0].title)
.should('contain', lists[0].title)
cy.get('.task-view .details.content.description')
.should('contain', tasks[0].description)
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons p.created')
.should('contain', 'Created')
it('Shows a done label for done tasks', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
index: 1,
done: true,
done_at: formatISO(new Date())
cy.get('.task-view .heading .is-done')
2021-05-31 19:37:21 +00:00
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
.should('contain', 'Done')
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons p.created')
2021-11-18 10:12:57 +00:00
2021-05-31 19:37:21 +00:00
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
.should('contain', 'Done')
it('Can mark a task as done', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
done: false,
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons .button')
.contains('Mark task done!')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
cy.get('.task-view .heading .is-done')
.should('contain', 'Done')
.should('contain', 'Success')
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons .button')
.should('contain', 'Mark as undone')
it('Shows a task identifier since the list has one', () => {
const lists = ListFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
identifier: 'TEST',
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
list_id: lists[0].id,
index: 1,
cy.get('.task-view h1.title.task-id')
.should('contain', `${lists[0].identifier}-${tasks[0].index}`)
it('Can edit the description', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'
cy.get('.task-view .details.content.description .editor a')
cy.get('.task-view .details.content.description .editor .vue-easymde .EasyMDEContainer .CodeMirror-scroll')
.type('{selectall}New Description')
2021-08-20 17:10:45 +00:00
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
cy.get('.task-view .details.content.description h3')
2021-02-03 22:06:06 +00:00
it('Can add a new comment', () => {
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
cy.get('.task-view .comments .media.comment .editor .vue-easymde .EasyMDEContainer .CodeMirror-scroll')
2021-05-31 19:37:21 +00:00
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
.type('{selectall}New Comment')
cy.get('.task-view .comments .media.comment .button:not([disabled])')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
2021-05-31 19:37:21 +00:00
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
cy.get('.task-view .comments .media.comment .editor')
.should('contain', 'New Comment')
.should('contain', 'Success')
it('Can move a task to another list', () => {
const lists = ListFactory.create(2)
2021-05-30 19:40:56 +00:00
BucketFactory.create(2, {
list_id: '{increment}'
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
list_id: lists[0].id,
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons .button')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
2021-01-14 21:53:12 +00:00
cy.get('.task-view .content.details .field .multiselect.control .input-wrapper input')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
// The requests happen with a 200ms timeout. Because of that, the results are not yet there when cypress
// presses enter and we can't simulate pressing on enter to select the item.
cy.get('.task-view .content.details .field .multiselect.control .search-results')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
cy.get('.task-view h6.subtitle')
.should('contain', namespaces[0].title)
.should('contain', lists[1].title)
.should('contain', 'Success')
it('Can delete a task', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
list_id: 1,
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons .button')
2021-05-31 19:37:21 +00:00
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00
cy.get('.modal-mask .modal-container .modal-content .header')
.should('contain', 'Delete this task')
cy.get('.modal-mask .modal-container .modal-content .actions .button')
.contains('Do it!')
.should('contain', 'Success')
.should('contain', `/lists/${tasks[0].list_id}/`)
it('Can add an assignee to a task', () => {
const users = UserFactory.create(5)
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
list_id: 1,
UserListFactory.create(5, {
list_id: 1,
user_id: '{increment}',
cy.get('.task-view .column.assignees .multiselect input')
cy.get('.task-view .column.assignees .multiselect .search-results')
.should('contain', 'Success')
cy.get('.task-view .column.assignees .multiselect .input-wrapper span.assignee')
it('Can remove an assignee from a task', () => {
const users = UserFactory.create(2)
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
list_id: 1,
UserListFactory.create(5, {
list_id: 1,
user_id: '{increment}',
TaskAssigneeFactory.create(1, {
task_id: tasks[0].id,
user_id: users[1].id,
cy.get('.task-view .column.assignees .multiselect .input-wrapper span.assignee')
.should('contain', 'Success')
cy.get('.task-view .column.assignees .multiselect .input-wrapper span.assignee')
it('Can add a new label to a task', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
list_id: 1,
const newLabelText = 'some new label'
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons .button')
.contains('Add Labels')
2021-05-31 19:37:21 +00:00
cy.get('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect input')
cy.get('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .search-results')
.should('contain', 'Success')
cy.get('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .input-wrapper span.tag')
.should('contain', newLabelText)
it('Can add an existing label to a task', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
list_id: 1,
const labels = LabelFactory.create(1)
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons .button')
.contains('Add Labels')
cy.get('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect input')
cy.get('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .search-results')
cy.get('.global-notification', { timeout: 4000 })
.should('contain', 'Success')
cy.get('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .input-wrapper span.tag')
.should('contain', labels[0].title)
it('Can remove a label from a task', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
list_id: 1,
const labels = LabelFactory.create(1)
LabelTaskFactory.create(1, {
task_id: tasks[0].id,
label_id: labels[0].id,
2021-11-30 19:48:48 +00:00
cy.getSettled('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .input-wrapper')
2021-05-31 19:37:21 +00:00
.should('contain', labels[0].title)
2021-11-30 19:48:48 +00:00
cy.getSettled('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .input-wrapper')
2021-11-30 19:48:48 +00:00
.should('contain', 'Success')
cy.get('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .input-wrapper')
.should('not.contain', labels[0].title)
2021-02-03 22:06:06 +00:00
it('Can set a due date for a task', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
id: 1,
done: false,
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons .button')
.contains('Set Due Date')
cy.get('.task-view .columns.details .column')
.contains('Due Date')
.get('.date-input .datepicker .show')
cy.get('.datepicker .datepicker-popup a')
2021-02-03 22:06:06 +00:00
cy.get('.task-view .columns.details .column')
.contains('Due Date')
.get('.date-input .datepicker-popup')
.should('contain', 'Success')
Frontend Testing With Cypress (#313) Wait until the request is finished Wait for the newly created task exists in the dom Wait until the login request is done Wait until the list request is done Make sure no user token is in local storage when trying to register Make sure to always upload test results Disable capturing videos of test runs in CI Add uploading test result screenshots from ci Assert a success notification is shown after creating a new list Change input element locators Fix testing for favorite lists Make sure faked usernames are always random Make sure the tests work Make sure to use node 12 everywhere in ci Add docs Fix setting api url for running tests Use a working node version Ignore cypress screenshots and videos Set cache folders Explicitly ignore cypress files when running unit tests Trigger Drone Only run unit tests with yarn test:unit Add serve dist command to serve built static files Trigger Drone Fix cypress image Change cypress image Unify test & build step back again to prevent double installation of dependencies Add cache location config Move test steps to separate pipeline Run cypress tests in drone Fix all tests Make all factory methods static Use factories everywhere Cleanup Add tests for the editor Add tests for viewing link shares Fix seed Add test to make sure settings elements are hidden if the user does not have the right to edit the current list Co-authored-by: kolaente <> Reviewed-on: Co-Authored-By: konrad <> Co-Committed-By: konrad <>
2020-12-10 13:52:35 +00:00