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Raw Normal View History

2022-11-23 15:07:47 +00:00
import {computed, shallowRef, watch, h, type VNode, ref} from 'vue'
import {useRoute, useRouter, loadRouteLocation, type RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded, type RouteLocationRaw, START_LOCATION} from 'vue-router'
import router, { handleRedirectRecord } from '@/router'
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// this is adapted from vue-router
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function getRouteProps(route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) {
const routePropsOption = route.matched[0]?.props.default
return routePropsOption
? routePropsOption === true
? route.params
: typeof routePropsOption === 'function'
? routePropsOption(route)
: routePropsOption
: {}
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function resolveAndLoadRoute(route: RouteLocationRaw, currentLocation?: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) {
const resolvedRoute = router.resolve(route, currentLocation)
// resolvedRoute.matched.forEach((record) => console.log(record.redirect))
// e.g. 'list.index' will always redirect, so we need to resolve the redirected route record
const redirectedRoute = handleRedirectRecord(resolvedRoute) || resolvedRoute
return loadRouteLocation(router.resolve(redirectedRoute, currentLocation))
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export function useRouteWithModal() {
const router = useRouter()
const route = useRoute()
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const historyStateBackdropRoutePath = computed<RouteLocationRaw | undefined>(() => {
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// every time the fullPath changes we check the history state
// this happens also initially
return route.fullPath
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? history.state?.backdropRoutePath
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: undefined
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const isInitialNavigation = ref(true)
router.beforeEach((to, from) => {
isInitialNavigation.value = from === START_LOCATION
const lastBackdropRoutePath = ref<string>()
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router.afterEach((to, from) => {
const resolvedRoute = router.resolve(to)
if (!resolvedRoute.meta.modal) {
// this route doesn't define that it can be a modal
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let backdropRoutePath
if (resolvedRoute.meta?.modal === true || resolvedRoute.meta.modal?.force !== true) {
// this route can be shown as modal or as normal view
// TODO: add new state or prop instead of checking backdropRoutePath here
// e.g. `modal` with `'normal' | 'sidebar' | 'modal' | 'sheet'`
if (!history.state.backdropRoutePath) {
// since this modal is optional and we don't have a backdropRoutePath we don't do anything
} else if (lastBackdropRoutePath.value) {
// there was already a modal in the last route
// we have to save this in the lastBackdropRoutePath ref because
// the state gets overwritten
// let's show that backdropRoute again
// TODO: add support for multiple modal layers here
// FIXME: use `history.state.backdropRoutePath` from last route
// FIXME: this might be wrong, because we redirect to our current path forever??
backdropRoutePath = lastBackdropRoutePath.value
} else if (isInitialNavigation.value === false) {
backdropRoutePath = from.fullPath
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} else if (resolvedRoute.meta.modal?.defaultBackdropRoute) {
const {defaultBackdropRoute} = resolvedRoute.meta.modal
const routeRaw = typeof defaultBackdropRoute === 'function'
? defaultBackdropRoute(resolvedRoute)
: defaultBackdropRoute
backdropRoutePath = router.resolve(routeRaw).fullPath
if (backdropRoutePath === undefined) {
console.log('No defaultBackdropRoute defined for this route')
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// TODO: maybe load parent route here in the future,
// via: route.matched[route.matched.length - 2]
// see:
backdropRoutePath = router.resolve({ name: 'home' }).fullPath
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lastBackdropRoutePath.value = backdropRoutePath
2022-11-23 15:07:47 +00:00
2022-11-23 15:07:47 +00:00
}, '')
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const routerIsReady = ref(false)
router.isReady().then(() => {
routerIsReady.value = true
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const hasModal = ref(false)
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const baseRoute = shallowRef<RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded>()
[routerIsReady, historyStateBackdropRoutePath],
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async () => {
if (routerIsReady.value === false || !route.fullPath) {
// wait until we can work with routes
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hasModal.value = false
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if (historyStateBackdropRoutePath.value === undefined) {
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if (typeof route.meta?.modal === 'boolean' || route.meta.modal?.force !== true) {
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hasModal.value = false
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baseRoute.value = route
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// the route forces to be shown as a modal
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hasModal.value = true
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let routeRaw: RouteLocationRaw
if (route.meta.modal?.defaultBackdropRoute) {
const {defaultBackdropRoute} = route.meta.modal
routeRaw = typeof defaultBackdropRoute === 'function'
? defaultBackdropRoute(route)
: defaultBackdropRoute
} else {
// TODO: maybe load parent route here in the future,
// via: route.matched[route.matched.length - 2]
// see:
routeRaw = { name: 'home' }
baseRoute.value = await resolveAndLoadRoute(routeRaw, baseRoute.value)
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// we get the resolved route from the fullpath
// and wait for the route component to be loaded before we assign it
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hasModal.value = true
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baseRoute.value = await resolveAndLoadRoute(historyStateBackdropRoutePath.value, baseRoute.value)
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{immediate: true},
2022-11-22 16:45:22 +00:00
const backdropRoute = computed(() => route.fullPath !== baseRoute.value?.fullPath ? baseRoute.value : undefined)
const modalRoute = shallowRef<VNode>()
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2022-11-23 12:59:18 +00:00
() => [hasModal.value, backdropRoute.value, route],
2022-11-22 16:45:22 +00:00
() => {
2022-11-23 12:59:18 +00:00
if (hasModal.value === false) {
modalRoute.value = undefined
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2022-11-22 16:45:22 +00:00
const props = getRouteProps(route)
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props.isModal = true
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props.backdropRoutePath = backdropRoute.value?.fullPath
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props.onClose = closeModal
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const component = route.matched[0]?.components?.default
if (!component) {
modalRoute.value = undefined
2022-11-22 16:45:22 +00:00
modalRoute.value = h(component, props)
2022-11-22 16:45:22 +00:00
{immediate: true},
async function closeModal() {
await router.isReady()
if (isInitialNavigation.value === false) {
return router.back()
} else if (backdropRoute.value !== undefined) {
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// TODO: Dialog modals might want to replace the route here via router.replace()
return router.push(backdropRoute.value)
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if (history.state === undefined) {
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return router.push({ name: 'home' })
} else {
2022-11-22 16:45:22 +00:00
2022-11-23 12:59:18 +00:00
// this should never happen
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throw new Error('')
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return {
2022-11-22 16:45:22 +00:00