feat: add date math for filters #1342

konrad merged 88 commits from feature/date-math into main 2022-03-28 17:30:43 +00:00
2 changed files with 158 additions and 172 deletions
Showing only changes of commit bcd34efe91 - Show all commits

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export function parseDateOrString(rawValue: string, fallback: any) {
export function parseDateOrString(rawValue: string, fallback: any): string | Date {
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Maybe we should just move this to the emits section of the date range component? To avoid callees requiring to import it every time?

Maybe we should just move this to the emits section of the date range component? To avoid callees requiring to import it every time?

Yes that makes sense!

Yes that makes sense!

Since we're now using route props where we need this function I think we'll have to leave it as is.

Since we're now using route props where we need this function I think we'll have to leave it as is.
if (typeof rawValue === 'undefined') {
return fallback

View File

@ -37,92 +37,73 @@
<div v-else :class="{ 'is-loading': loading}" class="spinner"></div>
import {dateRanges} from '@/components/date/dateRanges'
import SingleTaskInList from '@/components/tasks/partials/singleTaskInList'
import {parseDateOrString} from '@/helpers/time/parseDateOrString'
import {mapState} from 'vuex'
import Fancycheckbox from '@/components/input/fancycheckbox'
<script setup lang="ts">
import {dateRanges} from '@/components/date/dateRanges'
import SingleTaskInList from '@/components/tasks/partials/singleTaskInList.vue'
import {parseDateOrString} from '@/helpers/time/parseDateOrString'
import {mapState, useStore} from 'vuex'
import {computed, ref, watchEffect} from 'vue'
import Fancycheckbox from '@/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue'
import {LOADING, LOADING_MODULE} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import LlamaCool from '@/assets/llama-cool.svg?component'
import DatepickerWithRange from '@/components/date/datepickerWithRange'
import DatepickerWithRange from '@/components/date/datepickerWithRange.vue'
import TaskModel from '@/models/task'
import {useRoute, useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import {formatDate} from '@/helpers/time/formatDate'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import {setTitle} from './helpers/setTitle'
function getNextWeekDate() {
return new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
export default {
name: 'ShowTasks',
components: {
data() {
return {
tasks: [],
showNothingToDo: false,
props: {
const store = useStore()
const route = useRoute()
const router = useRouter()
const {t} = useI18n()
const tasks = ref<TaskModel[]>([])
const showNothingToDo = ref<boolean>(false)
setTimeout(() => showNothingToDo.value = true, 100)
const props = defineProps({
showAll: Boolean,
created() {
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => this.showNothingToDo = true, 100)
watch: {
'$route': {
handler: 'loadPendingTasks',
deep: true,
computed: {
dateFrom() {
return parseDateOrString(this.$route.query.from, new Date())
dateTo() {
return parseDateOrString(this.$route.query.to, getNextWeekDate())
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Readd route props

Readd route props

Changed it to route props.

However, we still have a dependency on the router: every time when seleting a date in ShowTasks it will push the change to the route. I don't know how to change that without massively overengeneering everything so I'd say we leave it at that.

Changed it to route props. However, we still have a dependency on the router: every time when seleting a date in ShowTasks it will push the change to the route. I don't know how to change that without massively overengeneering everything so I'd say we leave it at that.

I think it's fine for now. I thought a while about this but also don't have a better soltion for this at the moment (except the v-model version)

I think it's fine for now. I thought a while about this but also don't have a better soltion for this at the moment (except the v-model version)
showNulls() {
return this.$route.query.showNulls === 'true'
showOverdue() {
return this.$route.query.showOverdue === 'true'
pageTitle() {
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Wouldn't it be better to make showAll a computed that gets autoset when dateFrom and dateTo doesn't contain a value?

Wouldn't it be better to make showAll a computed that gets autoset when dateFrom and dateTo doesn't contain a value?

Excellent idea. Changed it!

Excellent idea. Changed it!
const dateFrom = computed<Date | string>(() => parseDateOrString(route.query.from as string, new Date()))
const dateTo = computed<Date | string>(() => parseDateOrString(route.query.to as string, getNextWeekDate()))
const showNulls = computed(() => route.query.showNulls === 'true')
const showOverdue = computed(() => route.query.showOverdue === 'true')
const pageTitle = computed(() => {
let title = ''
// We need to define "key" because it is the first parameter in the array and we need the second
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const predefinedRange = Object.entries(dateRanges).find(([key, value]) => this.dateFrom === value[0] && this.dateTo === value[1])
const predefinedRange = Object.entries(dateRanges).find(([key, value]) => dateFrom.value === value[0] && dateTo.value === value[1])
if (typeof predefinedRange !== 'undefined') {
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

get value from props to remove dependency on route. Removing dependency from router makes the components easier reusable nested inside another view (which is what we do).

get value from props to remove dependency on route. Removing dependency from router makes the components easier reusable nested inside another view (which is what we do).
title = this.$t(`input.datepickerRange.ranges.${predefinedRange[0]}`)
title = t(`input.datepickerRange.ranges.${predefinedRange[0]}`)
} else {
title = this.showAll
? this.$t('task.show.titleCurrent')
: this.$t('task.show.fromuntil', {
from: this.format(this.dateFrom, 'PPP'),
until: this.format(this.dateTo, 'PPP'),
title = props.showAll
? t('task.show.titleCurrent')
: t('task.show.fromuntil', {
from: formatDate(dateFrom.value, 'PPP'),
until: formatDate(dateTo.value, 'PPP'),
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Unsure: I think eslint doesn't complain here if you use underscore (_) to spread the unused variable.

Unsure: I think eslint doesn't complain here if you use underscore (`_`) to spread the unused variable.

Add ?.[0] so we return the key, which is what we actually want to use and adjust variable name.

Add `?.[0]` so we return the key, which is what we actually want to use and adjust variable name.

Unsure: I think eslint doesn't complain here if you use underscore (_) to spread the unused variable.

Nope, does not seem to have an effect.

> Unsure: I think eslint doesn't complain here if you use underscore (_) to spread the unused variable. Nope, does not seem to have an effect.

Add ?.[0] so we return the key, which is what we actually want to use and adjust variable name.


> Add ?.[0] so we return the key, which is what we actually want to use and adjust variable name. Done.

Nope, does not seem to have an effect.


> Nope, does not seem to have an effect. Interesting!
return title
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Remove title var and return directly:

if (typeof predefinedRange !== 'undefined') {
    return t(`input.datepickerRange.ranges.${predefinedRangeKey}`)
} else {
    return showAll
			? t('task.show.titleCurrent')
			: t('task.show.fromuntil', {
				from: formatDate(dateFrom, 'PPP'),
				until: formatDate(dateTo, 'PPP'),
Remove title var and return directly: ```js if (typeof predefinedRange !== 'undefined') { return t(`input.datepickerRange.ranges.${predefinedRangeKey}`) } else { return showAll ? t('task.show.titleCurrent') : t('task.show.fromuntil', { from: formatDate(dateFrom, 'PPP'), until: formatDate(dateTo, 'PPP'), }) }


tasksSorted() {
const tasksSorted = computed(() => {
// Sort all tasks to put those with a due date before the ones without a due date, the
// soonest before the later ones.
// We can't use the api sorting here because that sorts tasks with a due date after
// ones without a due date.
const tasksWithDueDate = [...this.tasks]
const tasksWithDueDate = [...tasks.value]
.filter(t => t.dueDate !== null)
.sort((a, b) => {
const sortByDueDate = a.dueDate - b.dueDate
@ -130,57 +111,60 @@ export default {
? b.id - a.id
: sortByDueDate
const tasksWithoutDueDate = [...this.tasks]
const tasksWithoutDueDate = [...tasks.value]
.filter(t => t.dueDate === null)
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

This is a sideeffect inside a computed. Remove this.
Better watch the computed and react to that:

watchEffect(() => setTitle(pageTitle.value))
This is a sideeffect inside a computed. Remove this. Better watch the computed and react to that: ```js watchEffect(() => setTitle(pageTitle.value)) ```


return [
hasTasks() {
return this.tasks && this.tasks.length > 0
userAuthenticated: state => state.auth.authenticated,
loading: state => state[LOADING] && state[LOADING_MODULE] === 'tasks',
methods: {
setDate({dateFrom, dateTo}) {
name: this.$route.name,
const hasTasks = computed(() => tasks && tasks.value.length > 0)
const userAuthenticated = computed(() => store.state.auth.authenticated)
const loading = computed(() => store.state[LOADING] && store.state[LOADING_MODULE] === 'tasks')
interface dateStrings {
from: string,
to: string,
function setDate({from, to}: dateStrings) {
name: route.name as string,
query: {
from: dateFrom ?? this.dateFrom,
to: dateTo ?? this.dateTo,
showOverdue: this.showOverdue,
showNulls: this.showNulls,
from: from ?? dateFrom,
to: to ?? dateTo,
showOverdue: showOverdue.value ? 'true' : 'false',
showNulls: showNulls.value ? 'true' : 'false',
setShowOverdue(show) {
name: this.$route.name,
function setShowOverdue(show: boolean) {
name: route.name as string,
query: {
showOverdue: show,
showOverdue: show ? 'true' : 'false',
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Mhh that is a bit annoying that we have to convert to strings here :/
But I also don't have a better idea for now.
Right now this might be still fine, but I remember similar usecases where the conversion from state object to the url representation was quite complex.

We might need to abstract this in the future, so let's keep that in the back of our head =)

Mhh that is a bit annoying that we have to convert to strings here :/ But I also don't have a better idea for now. Right now this might be still fine, but I remember similar usecases where the conversion from state object to the url representation was quite complex. We might need to abstract this in the future, so let's keep that in the back of our head =)
setShowNulls(show) {
name: this.$route.name,
function setShowNulls(show: boolean) {
name: route.name as string,
query: {
showNulls: show,
showNulls: show ? 'true' : 'false',
async loadPendingTasks() {
async function loadPendingTasks(from:string, to:string) {
// Since this route is authentication only, users would get an error message if they access the page unauthenticated.
// Since this component is mounted as the home page before unauthenticated users get redirected
// to the login page, they will almost always see the error message.
if (!this.userAuthenticated) {
if (!userAuthenticated) {
@ -188,46 +172,48 @@ export default {
sort_by: ['due_date', 'id'],
order_by: ['desc', 'desc'],
filter_by: ['done'],
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

This should be marked as a Hack because it's something that shouldn't happen.
When I tried to change the auth these days I tried to fix this, but got tangled.
We should try to solve this in the future because else we will just add more and more hacks =)

This should be marked as a Hack because it's something that shouldn't happen. When I tried to change the auth these days I tried to fix this, but got tangled. We should try to solve this in the future because else we will just add more and more hacks =)


filter_value: [false],
filter_value: ['false'],
filter_comparator: ['equals'],
filter_concat: 'and',
filter_include_nulls: this.showNulls,
filter_include_nulls: showNulls.value,
if (!this.showAll) {
if (!props.showAll) {
// NOTE: Ideally we could also show tasks with a start or end date in the specified range, but the api
// is not capable (yet) of combining multiple filters with 'and' and 'or'.
if (!this.showOverdue) {
if (!showOverdue.value) {
this.tasks = await this.$store.dispatch('tasks/loadTasks', params)
tasks.value = await store.dispatch('tasks/loadTasks', params)
// FIXME: this modification should happen in the store
updateTasks(updatedTask) {
for (const t in this.tasks) {
if (this.tasks[t].id === updatedTask.id) {
this.tasks[t] = updatedTask
// FIXME: this modification should happen in the store
function updateTasks(updatedTask) {
for (const t in tasks.value) {
if (tasks.value[t].id === updatedTask.id) {
tasks.value[t] = updatedTask
// Move the task to the end of the done tasks if it is now done
if (updatedTask.done) {
this.tasks.splice(t, 1)
tasks.value.splice(t, 1)
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Instead of creating the params already in snake_case:
Wait until the last moment (ideally abstracted away from a apiClient) until you convert params from camelCase to snake_case, needed by the api. This way we use consequently use camelCase in most areas of the frontend – which is what you usually do in JS.

Instead of creating the params already in snake_case: Wait until the last moment (ideally abstracted away from a apiClient) until you convert params from camelCase to snake_case, needed by the api. This way we use consequently use camelCase in most areas of the frontend – which is what you usually do in JS.

I agree. However, this whole filter thing is a mess right now, not only here. I'd like to fix this everywhere at once at some point, simplifying the filter handling in the process as well.

That being said, I've changed there here for now.

I agree. However, this whole filter thing is a mess right now, not only here. I'd like to fix this everywhere at once at some point, simplifying the filter handling in the process as well. That being said, I've changed there here for now.
watchEffect(() => loadPendingTasks(dateFrom.value as string, dateTo.value as string))
// loadPendingTasks()
watchEffect(() => setTitle(pageTitle))
<style lang="scss" scoped>