chore(deps): update dependency vite #1518

dpschen merged 2 commits from renovate/vite-2.x into main 2022-02-18 12:11:07 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
vite devDependencies minor 2.7.13 -> 2.8.4

Release Notes



Compare Source

Bug Fixes


Compare Source

Bug Fixes


Compare Source

Performance Improvements


Compare Source

Bug Fixes


Compare Source

Reduced Footprint

Vite 2.8.0 is almost 1/4 of the 2.7.0 publish size, and the install size has been reduced by 35%. See this thread about each change that reduced Vite's footprint.

Version Publish Size Install Size
2.7.0 12.7MB 25.2MB
2.8.0 4.6MB 17.4MB
Default preview port

New default port for vite preview is 4173 (avoid conflicts in MacOS that took over the 5000 port)

Workers using standard syntax

Workers are detected and bundled when using new URL('path', import.meta.url), replacing the need for the ?worker suffix and aligning Vite with standard patterns. See #​6356. Instead of

import MyWorker from './worker.js?worker'
const worker = new MyWorker()

it is now recommended to use

const worker = new Worker(
  new URL('./worker.js', import.meta.url), { type: 'module' }
Configuring Workers Bundling

New worker config field adding support for Worker format, plugins and, rollupOptions. See #​6351

  • worker.format: 'es' | 'iife'

    Output format for worker bundle (default: iife).
  • worker.plugins: (Plugin | Plugin[])[]

    Vite plugins that apply to worker bundle.
  • worker.rollupOptions: RollupOptions

    Rollup options to build worker bundle.

The worker plugins pipeline isn't shared with the main Vite pipeline, there may be plugins that shouldn't be applied to Workers. If a plugin must be applied to both the main build and the worker build, you need to add a plugin in the main plugins array and another one in the worker.plugins config.

import PluginX from 'vite-plugin-x'
export default {
  plugins: [ PluginX() ]
  worker: {
    format: 'es',
    plugins: [ PluginX() ]
Raw Glob Imports

Glob imports now support the raw modifier (that works in the same way as the ?raw suffix in regular imports). Vite is going to gradually migrate to the new standard assert syntax instead of using custom URL suffixes where possible.

const examples = import.meta.globEager('./examples/*.html', { assert: { type: 'raw' }})
  • New server.headers config option allowing configuration of response headers in dev mode.
export default {
 server: {
    port: '8080',
    headers: {
      'Cache-Control': 'no-store'
Bug Fixes
Beta Changelogs
2.8.0-beta.7 (2022-02-08)

See 2.8.0-beta.7 changelog

2.8.0-beta.6 (2022-02-07)

See 2.8.0-beta.6 changelog

2.8.0-beta.5 (2022-02-02)

See 2.8.0-beta.5 changelog

2.8.0-beta.4 (2022-01-31)

See 2.8.0-beta.4 changelog

2.8.0-beta.3 (2022-01-18)

See 2.8.0-beta.3 changelog

2.8.0-beta.2 (2022-01-13)

2.8.0-beta.2 changelog

2.8.0-beta.1 (2022-01-06)

See 2.8.0-beta.1 changelog

2.8.0-beta.0 (2022-01-05)

See 2.8.0-beta.0 changelog

2.7.9 (2021-12-28)

2.7.8 (2021-12-28)

Bug Fixes

2.7.7 (2021-12-26)

Bug Fixes

2.7.6 (2021-12-22)

Bug Fixes
  • remove virtual module prefix while generating manifest (#​6225) (d51259b)

2.7.5 (2021-12-21)

Bug Fixes

2.7.4 (2021-12-20)

Bug Fixes

2.7.3 (2021-12-16)

Bug Fixes

2.7.2 (2021-12-13)

Bug Fixes

2.7.1 (2021-12-07)

Bug Fixes


📅 Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Renovate will not automatically rebase this PR, because other commits have been found.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box.

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [vite]( | devDependencies | minor | [`2.7.13` -> `2.8.4`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>vitejs/vite</summary> ### [`v2.8.4`](;284-httpsgithubcomvitejsvitecomparev283v284-2022-02-18) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - don't replace NODE_ENV in vite:client-inject ([#&#8203;6935]( ([2b70003]( - normalize postcss dependency messages ([#&#8203;6959]( ([3f3f473]( - revert [#&#8203;6935](, bypass replacing process.env.NODE_ENV in ssr ([#&#8203;6970]( ([b8218b0]( ### [`v2.8.3`](;283-httpsgithubcomvitejsvitecomparev282v283-2022-02-15) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - revert update dotenv-expand [#&#8203;6703](, fix [#&#8203;6858]( ([#&#8203;6934]( ([a9a1ae2]( ### [`v2.8.2`](;282-httpsgithubcomvitejsvitecomparev281v282-2022-02-14) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - custom manifest file name ([#&#8203;6667]( ([e385346]( - make `import.meta.glob` and `import.meta.globEager` generic ([#&#8203;5073]( ([78e84c8]( ##### Performance Improvements - improve isFileReadable performance ([#&#8203;6868]( ([62cbe68]( - lazy import preview function ([#&#8203;6898]( ([2eabcb9]( ### [`v2.8.1`](;281-httpsgithubcomvitejsvitecomparev280v281-2022-02-11) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **deps:** update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;6782]( ([e38be3e]( - **scan:** escape for virtual modules ([#&#8203;6863]( ([de20c73]( ### [`v2.8.0`](;280-httpsgithubcomvitejsvitecomparev280-beta7v280-2022-02-09) [Compare Source]( ##### Reduced Footprint [Vite 2.8.0]( is almost 1/4 of the [2.7.0]( publish size, and the install size has been reduced by 35%. See [this thread]( about each change that reduced Vite's footprint. | Version | Publish Size | Install Size | | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------------ | | [2.7.0]( | 12.7MB | 25.2MB | | [2.8.0]( | 4.6MB | 17.4MB | ##### Default preview port New default port for `vite preview` is 4173 (avoid conflicts in MacOS that took over the 5000 port) ##### Workers using standard syntax Workers are detected and bundled when using `new URL('path', import.meta.url)`, replacing the need for the `?worker` suffix and aligning Vite with standard patterns. See [#&#8203;6356]( Instead of ```js import MyWorker from './worker.js?worker' const worker = new MyWorker() ``` it is now recommended to use ```js const worker = new Worker( new URL('./worker.js', import.meta.url), { type: 'module' } ) ``` ##### Configuring Workers Bundling New `worker` config field adding support for Worker `format`, `plugins` and, `rollupOptions`. See [#&#8203;6351]( - `worker.format: 'es' | 'iife'`<br> Output format for worker bundle (default: `iife`). - `worker.plugins: (Plugin | Plugin[])[]`<br> Vite plugins that apply to worker bundle. - ` worker.rollupOptions: `[`RollupOptions`](<br> Rollup options to build worker bundle. The worker plugins pipeline isn't shared with the main Vite pipeline, there may be plugins that shouldn't be applied to Workers. If a plugin must be applied to both the main build and the worker build, you need to add a plugin in the main `plugins` array and another one in the `worker.plugins` config. ```js import PluginX from 'vite-plugin-x' export default { plugins: [ PluginX() ] worker: { format: 'es', plugins: [ PluginX() ] } } ``` ##### Raw Glob Imports Glob imports now support the `raw` modifier (that works in the same way as [the `?raw` suffix]() in regular imports). Vite is going to gradually migrate to the new standard `assert` syntax instead of using custom URL suffixes where possible. ```js const examples = import.meta.globEager('./examples/*.html', { assert: { type: 'raw' }}) ``` - New `server.headers` config option allowing configuration of response headers in dev mode. ```js export default { server: { port: '8080', headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-store' } }, } ``` ##### Bug Fixes - revert [#&#8203;6233](, strip query when resolving entry (fix [#&#8203;6797]( ([a012644]( - **ssr:** skip vite resolve for windows absolute path ([#&#8203;6764]( ([489a7f1]( - revert [#&#8203;5342](, only run build-html plugin on bundler inputs ([#&#8203;6715]( ([59f8a63]( - **build:** NODE_ENV override by .env ([#&#8203;6303]( ([7329b24]( - debug `dotenv` when specifically scoped ([#&#8203;6682]( ([c2f0021]( - **dev:** prevent stripping query params from CSS in HMR ([#&#8203;6589]( ([3ab96c6]( - **legacy:** fix conflict with the modern build on css emitting ([#&#8203;6584]( ([f48255e](, closes [#&#8203;3296]( [#&#8203;3317]( [/]( - revert [#&#8203;5601]( [#&#8203;6025](, don't resolve rollupOptions.input ([#&#8203;6680]( ([2a9da2e]( - update SSR externals only when SSR is enabled (fix [#&#8203;6478]( ([#&#8203;6492]( ([28d1e7e]( - avoid referencing importGlob from importMeta.d.ts ([#&#8203;6531]( ([962d285]( - **config:** merge array correctly ([#&#8203;6499]( ([b2d972e]( - improve alias merging ([#&#8203;6497]( ([e57d8c6]( - improve array config merging ([#&#8203;6344]( ([028cbeb]( - merge debug params instead of overwrite ([#&#8203;6504]( ([#&#8203;6505]( ([1ac7fb1]( - only run build-html plugin on bundler inputs (fix [#&#8203;4067]( ([#&#8203;5342]( ([7541a8d]( - **ssr:** avoid using `tryNodeResolve` on absolute paths ([#&#8203;6488]( ([f346d89]( - **ssr:** fix resolution for nested ssr externals ([#&#8203;6080]( ([#&#8203;6470]( ([4a764f5]( - **ssr:** handle nameless descture in function args ([#&#8203;6489]( ([debc08d]( - **ssr:** should correctly transfrom identifier in ssr ([#&#8203;6548]( ([15cd975]( - **types:** add missing options parameter to importMeta ([#&#8203;6433]( ([ccf7d79]( - **types:** dynamic import in import.meta ([#&#8203;6456]( ([5d7b4c3](, closes [#&#8203;6433]( - update preview port to 4173 ([#&#8203;6330]( ([870e1c0]( - use cacheDir for resolveHttpsConfig ([#&#8203;6416]( ([647168b]( - improve array config merging ([#&#8203;6344]( ([028cbeb]( - only run build-html plugin on bundler inputs (fix [#&#8203;4067]( ([#&#8203;5342]( ([7541a8d]( - **ssr:** handle nameless descture in function args ([#&#8203;6489]( ([debc08d]( - **types:** add missing options parameter to importMeta ([#&#8203;6433]( ([ccf7d79]( - **types:** dynamic import in import.meta ([#&#8203;6456]( ([5d7b4c3](, closes [#&#8203;6433]( - use cacheDir for resolveHttpsConfig ([#&#8203;6416]( ([647168b]( - **build:** fix chokidar.ignore override ([#&#8203;6317]( ([aa47549]( - **build:** fix watch crash with inline module ([#&#8203;6373]( ([49d2f6d]( - check if e.stack exists in the first place ([#&#8203;6362]( ([f144aa9]( - correct ssr flag in resolve calls (fix [#&#8203;6213]( ([#&#8203;6216]( ([6dd7d1a]( - **css:** no emit assets in html style tag (fix [#&#8203;5968]( ([#&#8203;6321]( ([dc9fce1]( - don't force terser on non-legacy (fix [#&#8203;6266]( ([#&#8203;6272]( ([1da104e]( - prevent dev server crashing on malformed URI (fix [#&#8203;6300]( ([#&#8203;6308]( ([a49d723]( - replace chalk with picocolors ([#&#8203;6277]( ([5a111ce]( - replace execa with cross-spawn ([#&#8203;6299]( ([f68ed8b]( - **ssr:** move `vite:ssr-require-hook` after user plugins ([#&#8203;6306]( ([d856c4b]( - strip NULL_BYTE_PLACEHOLDER before transform ([#&#8203;6390]( ([5964949]( - strip query when resolving entry ([#&#8203;6233]( ([000ba2e]( - upgrade postcss-modules ([#&#8203;6248]( ([ac3f434]( - use `hires: true` for SSR require hook source map ([#&#8203;6310]( ([0ebeb98]( ##### Features - add lerna workspace support to `searchForWorkspaceRoot` ([#&#8203;6270]( ([0e164f8]( - add .txt file format to assets ([#&#8203;6265]( ([e87ae41]( - allow globs in node_modules when pattern is explicit ([#&#8203;6056]( ([669d7e0]( - **html:** html simple script tag support import-expression ([#&#8203;6525]( ([3546d4f]( - add customResolver option to resolve.alias ([#&#8203;5876]( ([6408a3a]( - new Worker can bundle URL('path', import.meta.url) script (fix [#&#8203;5979]( ([#&#8203;6356]( ([a345614]( - catch postcss error messages ([#&#8203;6293]( ([4d75b2e]( - **define:** prevent assignment ([#&#8203;5515]( ([6d4ee18]( - import.meta.glob support ?raw ([#&#8203;5545]( ([5279de6]( - option to disable pre-transform ([#&#8203;6309]( ([2c14525]( - **server:** support headers configurable ([#&#8203;5580]( ([db36e81]( - **server:** trace `error.loc` back to original source ([#&#8203;5467]( ([65cd44d]( - **ssr:** support preload dynamic css file in html head ([#&#8203;5705]( ([07fca95]( - support .cjs config file ([#&#8203;5602]( ([cddd986]( - **vite:** pass mode to preview command ([#&#8203;6392]( ([1ff1103]( - **worker:** support worker format, plugins and rollupOptions (fix [#&#8203;6191]( ([#&#8203;6351]( ([133fcea]( ##### Beta Changelogs ##### [2.8.0-beta.7]( (2022-02-08) See [2.8.0-beta.7 changelog]( ##### [2.8.0-beta.6]( (2022-02-07) See [2.8.0-beta.6 changelog]( ##### [2.8.0-beta.5]( (2022-02-02) See [2.8.0-beta.5 changelog]( ##### [2.8.0-beta.4]( (2022-01-31) See [2.8.0-beta.4 changelog]( ##### [2.8.0-beta.3]( (2022-01-18) See [2.8.0-beta.3 changelog]( ##### [2.8.0-beta.2]( (2022-01-13) [2.8.0-beta.2 changelog]( ##### [2.8.0-beta.1]( (2022-01-06) See [2.8.0-beta.1 changelog]( ##### [2.8.0-beta.0]( (2022-01-05) See [2.8.0-beta.0 changelog]( #### [2.7.9]( (2021-12-28) #### [2.7.8]( (2021-12-28) ##### Bug Fixes - **html:** show error overlay when parsing invalid file ([#&#8203;6184]( ([1f945f6]( - seperate source and dep for dymamic import after build ([#&#8203;6251]( ([49da986]( - **ssr:** capture scope declaration correctly ([#&#8203;6281]( ([60ce7f9]( - upgrade to launch-editor with picocolors ([#&#8203;6209]( ([394539c]( #### [2.7.7]( (2021-12-26) ##### Bug Fixes - **ssr:** nested destucture ([#&#8203;6249]( ([485e298]( - **ssr:** transform class props ([#&#8203;6261]( ([2e3fe59]( #### [2.7.6]( (2021-12-22) ##### Bug Fixes - remove virtual module prefix while generating manifest ([#&#8203;6225]( ([d51259b]( #### [2.7.5]( (2021-12-21) ##### Bug Fixes - **asset:** import assets from encodeURI([#&#8203;6195]( ([#&#8203;6199]( ([4114f84]( - hmr full-reload encodeURI path ([#&#8203;6212]( ([46b862a]( - remove top-level imports in importMeta.d.ts, fixes augmentation ([#&#8203;6214]( ([6b8d94d](, closes [#&#8203;6194]( [#&#8203;6211]( [#&#8203;6206]( [#&#8203;6205]( - **ssr:** handle object destructure alias, close [#&#8203;6222]( ([#&#8203;6224]( ([1d97ec3]( #### [2.7.4]( (2021-12-20) ##### Bug Fixes - duplicate variable declaration caused by css modules ([#&#8203;5873]( ([8e16a78]( - improve error message for HTML compilation error (fix [#&#8203;5769]( ([#&#8203;5777]( ([79d1397]( - **ssr:** `ssrTransform` function argument destructure ([#&#8203;6171]( ([2762a0e]( #### [2.7.3]( (2021-12-16) ##### Bug Fixes - do not overwrite rollupOptions.input in dev ([#&#8203;6025]( ([6cdf13a]( - Improve post-build asset update check ([#&#8203;6113]( ([611fa03]( - improve warning message for malformed packages ([#&#8203;6086]( ([717cb08]( - pending reload never timeout ([#&#8203;6120]( ([e002f4f]( - respect new port when change the config file ([#&#8203;6075]( ([3ceffcc]( - **ssr:** robust regexp to check cjs content ([#&#8203;6053]( ([0373441]( - terminate WebSocket connections before closing WebSocket server ([#&#8203;6115]( ([b9871bb]( #### [2.7.2]( (2021-12-13) ##### Bug Fixes - **html:** empty script ([#&#8203;6057]( ([1487223]( - **lexGlobPattern:** edge case of glob import ([#&#8203;6022]( ([d4c5cff]( - ws types ([#&#8203;6083]( ([1ded1a8]( #### [2.7.1]( (2021-12-07) ##### Bug Fixes - **ssr:** `ssrTransform` handling for empty ArrayPattern ([#&#8203;5988]( ([79aa687]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Renovate will not automatically rebase this PR, because other commits have been found. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box. --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot](
renovate added the
label 2022-02-09 08:02:46 +00:00

Hi renovate!

Thank you for creating a PR!

I've deployed the changes of this PR on a preview environment under this URL:

You can use this url to view the changes live and test them out.
You will need to manually connect this to an api running somehwere. The easiest to use is

Have a nice day!

Beep boop, I'm a bot.

Hi renovate! Thank you for creating a PR! I've deployed the changes of this PR on a preview environment under this URL: You can use this url to view the changes live and test them out. You will need to manually connect this to an api running somehwere. The easiest to use is Have a nice day! > Beep boop, I'm a bot.
renovate changed title from chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.8.0 to chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.8.1 2022-02-11 13:02:40 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/vite-2.x from 3cc657cb73 to 83cd972290 2022-02-11 13:02:41 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.8.1 to chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.8.3 2022-02-17 08:06:46 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/vite-2.x from 83cd972290 to 2ce49d3e39 2022-02-17 08:06:47 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/vite-2.x from 2ce49d3e39 to 8f01579f8b 2022-02-17 10:03:56 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/vite-2.x from 8f01579f8b to 8b863a654a 2022-02-17 12:04:01 +00:00 Compare
dpschen force-pushed renovate/vite-2.x from 8b863a654a to a59d0607a0 2022-02-17 20:21:06 +00:00 Compare
dpschen approved these changes 2022-02-17 20:21:20 +00:00
renovate changed title from chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.8.3 to chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.8.4 2022-02-18 06:03:13 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/vite-2.x from a59d0607a0 to 7513c51008 2022-02-18 06:03:13 +00:00 Compare

Not sure, why we can't upgrade this.

I thought that it's related to a59d0607a0/tsconfig.json (L21) but seems like that wasn't it.

Not sure, why we can't upgrade this. I thought that it's related to but seems like that wasn't it.
dpschen force-pushed renovate/vite-2.x from 7513c51008 to 98cb14a86c 2022-02-18 12:00:38 +00:00 Compare

It was the port 98cb14a86c!

It was the port!
dpschen merged commit 98cb14a86c into main 2022-02-18 12:11:07 +00:00
dpschen deleted branch renovate/vite-2.x 2022-02-18 12:11:07 +00:00

... by accident I downgraded some packages. I guess will update them again in new pull requests.

... by accident I downgraded some packages. I guess will update them again in new pull requests.

Renovate Ignore Notification

As this PR has been closed unmerged, Renovate will now ignore this update (2.8.4). You will still receive a PR once a newer version is released, so if you wish to permanently ignore this dependency, please add it to the ignoreDeps array of your renovate config.

If this PR was closed by mistake or you changed your mind, you can simply rename this PR and you will soon get a fresh replacement PR opened.

### Renovate Ignore Notification As this PR has been closed unmerged, Renovate will now ignore this update (2.8.4). You will still receive a PR once a newer version is released, so if you wish to permanently ignore this dependency, please add it to the `ignoreDeps` array of your renovate config. If this PR was closed by mistake or you changed your mind, you can simply rename this PR and you will soon get a fresh replacement PR opened.
dpschen changed title from chore(deps): update dependency vite to v2.8.4 to chore(deps): update dependency vite 2022-02-18 13:32:17 +00:00

oh okay, interesting.

oh okay, interesting.
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No description provided.