feature/projects-all-the-way-down #3323

konrad merged 123 commits from feature/projects-all-the-way-down into main 2023-05-30 10:09:40 +00:00
4 changed files with 162 additions and 109 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 06e8cdb9d2 - Show all commits

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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

This component is basically a redo of a huge part of what I did with https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/frontend/pulls/2108/files

This component is basically a redo of a huge part of what I did with https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/frontend/pulls/2108/files

Looks like it. Do you want to continue that PR? Given how it is already old and now even more outdated.

Looks like it. Do you want to continue that PR? Given how it is already old and now even more outdated.

I worked many hours to untangle the CSS there. I hope that we can save that effort somehow.

I worked many hours to untangle the CSS there. I hope that we can save that effort somehow.

From a quick glance over it, it seems like a big part of that was the namespace title styles - which are now gone (since namespaces are gone).

From a quick glance over it, it seems like a big part of that was the namespace title styles - which are now gone (since namespaces are gone).

Probably the naming was bad. If I remember correctly the NavigationNamespace component was compatible with projects and namespaces. Not recursive though. Will check at some point how to recover good stuff.

Probably the naming was bad. If I remember correctly the NavigationNamespace component was compatible with projects and namespaces. Not recursive though. Will check at some point how to recover good stuff.
<!-- v-if="projectsVisible[n.id] ?? true"-->
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

For a new component: can we use the sortable from vueuse?

For a new component: can we use the sortable from vueuse?

Didn't know about that one, will check it out.

Would the goal here be to eventually use it everywhere instead of vuedraggable?

Didn't know about that one, will check it out. Would the goal here be to eventually use it everywhere instead of vuedraggable?

It looks like this is only available from vueuse 10 (we're on 9) which is not yet released as stable. I think we should wait until that's released and then move everything over.

It looks like this is only available from vueuse 10 (we're on 9) which is not yet released as stable. I think we should wait until that's released and then move everything over.
<!-- :disabled="n.id < 0 || undefined"-->
<!-- :modelValue="p"-->
<!-- @update:modelValue="(projects) => updateActiveProjects(n, projects)"-->
<!-- v-for="(p, pk) in projects"-->
<!-- :key="p.id"-->
<!-- :data-project-id="p.id"-->
<!-- :data-project-index="pk"-->
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Use <menu> (now I remembered the correct element).

Use [`<menu>`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/menu) (now I remembered the correct element).


@start="() => drag = true"
type: 'transition-group',
name: !drag ? 'flip-list' : null,
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Use long var name. I thought for a bit that for <draggable> you can define the type of dom node of the child item via element.

Use long var name. I thought for a bit that for `<draggable>` you can define the type of dom node of the child item via `element`.


class: [
'menu-list can-be-hidden',
{ 'dragging-disabled': false }

Since this block doesn't have a headline it shouldn't be a <section>. Maybe use <nav> instead (nesting is allowed!)

Since this block doesn't have a headline it shouldn't be a `<section>`. Maybe use `<nav>` instead (nesting is allowed!)

Move this whole block in a new ProjectNavigationItem.vue component. Reduces also the whole complexity with childProjects[p.id] because we can pass only the project.

Move this whole block in a new `ProjectNavigationItem.vue` component. Reduces also the whole complexity with `childProjects[p.id]` because we can pass only the project.

Move this whole block in a new ProjectNavigationItem.vue component. Reduces also the whole complexity with childProjects[p.id] because we can pass only the project.


> Move this whole block in a new ProjectNavigationItem.vue component. Reduces also the whole complexity with childProjects[p.id] because we can pass only the project. Done

Shouldn't a nav hold multiple navigation items?

Shouldn't a `nav` hold multiple navigation items?

Shouldn't a nav hold multiple navigation items?

Yes! Sry I misread the position, where the <section> is.


Okay you moved now only the item without the list below inside.
What i meant was:

  • Move the complete <li> inside ProjectsNavigationItem.vue.
  • ProjectsNavigation.vue is then used inside ProjectsNavigationItem

This whole block can then be simplified:

const collapsedProjects = ref<{ [id: IProject['id']]: boolean }>({})
const availableProjects = ref<IProject[]>([])
const childProjects = ref<{ [id: IProject['id']]: boolean }>({})
	() => props.modelValue,
	projects => {
		availableProjects.value = projects || []
		projects?.forEach(p => {
			collapsedProjects.value[p.id] = false
			childProjects.value[p.id] = projectStore.getChildProjects(p.id)
				.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position)
	{immediate: true},

Because we can save the collapsed state inside each item we don't need to manage a list anymore.

const childProjectsOpen = ref(true)

// if getChildProjects returns the list sorted by position by default we wouldn't even need this computed
const childProjects = computed(() => {
	const projects = projectStore.getChildProjects(p.id)
	return projects.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position)
> Shouldn't a `nav` hold multiple navigation items? Yes! Sry I misread the position, where the `<section>` is. > Done Okay you moved now only the item without the list below inside. What i meant was: - Move the complete `<li>` inside `ProjectsNavigationItem.vue`. - `ProjectsNavigation.vue` is then used inside ProjectsNavigationItem This whole block can then be simplified: ```ts const collapsedProjects = ref<{ [id: IProject['id']]: boolean }>({}) const availableProjects = ref<IProject[]>([]) const childProjects = ref<{ [id: IProject['id']]: boolean }>({}) watch( () => props.modelValue, projects => { availableProjects.value = projects || [] projects?.forEach(p => { collapsedProjects.value[p.id] = false childProjects.value[p.id] = projectStore.getChildProjects(p.id) .sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position) }) }, {immediate: true}, ) ``` Because we can save the collapsed state inside each item we don't need to manage a list anymore. ```ts const childProjectsOpen = ref(true) // if getChildProjects returns the list sorted by position by default we wouldn't even need this computed const childProjects = computed(() => { const projects = projectStore.getChildProjects(p.id) return projects.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position) }) ```

So we don't even need the <section> then and can instead use the <li>.

It's totally fine to not group the buttons etc because they are already grouped by the <li> they are in. The ProjectsNavigation component would be the last child insie ProjectsNavigationItem

So we don't even need the `<section>` then and can instead use the `<li>`. It's totally fine to not group the buttons etc because they _are_ already grouped by the `<li>` they are in. The `ProjectsNavigation` component would be the last child insie `ProjectsNavigationItem`

That makes sense. I've moved most of the logic over, as you suggested.

So we don't even need the <section> then and can instead use the <li>.

We actually need this (or another element) because the section is a flexbox container for the project title and related buttons. We can't use the li as the flexbox container because the ProjectsNavigation for the child projects needs to stay below the project title etc. If it was in the same flexbox container it would get pushed to the right.

That makes sense. I've moved most of the logic over, as you suggested. > So we don't even need the `<section>` then and can instead use the `<li>`. We actually need this (or another element) because the `section` is a flexbox container for the project title and related buttons. We can't use the `li` as the flexbox container because the ProjectsNavigation for the child projects needs to stay below the project title etc. If it was in the same flexbox container it would get pushed to the right.
<template #item="{element: p}">
class="list-menu loader-container is-loading-small"
:class="{'is-loading': projectUpdating[p.id]}"
:to="{ name: 'project.index', params: { projectId: p.id} }"
:class="{'router-link-exact-active': currentProject.id === p.id}"
<span class="icon menu-item-icon handle">
<icon icon="grip-lines"/>
v-if="p.hexColor !== ''"
<span class="list-menu-title">{{ getProjectTitle(p) }}</span>
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Add types for emit

Add types for emit


v-if="p.id > 0"
:class="{'is-favorite': p.isFavorite}"
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

These options should either contain all dragOptions or be defined inline

These options should either contain all dragOptions or be defined inline

Moved it all inline.

Moved it all inline.
<icon :icon="p.isFavorite ? 'star' : ['far', 'star']"/>
<ProjectSettingsDropdown class="menu-list-dropdown" :project="p" v-if="p.id > 0">
<template #trigger="{toggleOpen}">
<BaseButton class="menu-list-dropdown-trigger" @click="toggleOpen">

Is this even necessary if we use modelValue instead of v-model for the draggable?

Is this even necessary if we use `modelValue` instead of `v-model` for the draggable?

v-model is required, using modelValue for the draggable component does not work.

`v-model` is required, using `modelValue` for the draggable component does not work.
<icon icon="ellipsis-h" class="icon"/>
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Didn't we just remove this condition, so that also one can also adjust settings of favorited lists?

Didn't we just remove this condition, so that also one can also adjust settings of favorited lists?

The condition is already in main: https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/frontend/src/branch/main/src/components/home/navigation.vue#L132

But editing favorites works just fine. This is about every project which actually exists, so no shared filters for example.

The condition is already in main: https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/frontend/src/branch/main/src/components/home/navigation.vue#L132 But editing favorites works just fine. This is about every project which actually exists, so no shared filters for example.

My bad I confused favorite projects with the 'Favorite' project.

My bad I confused favorite projects with the 'Favorite' project.
<span class="list-setting-spacer" v-else></span>
<!-- <ProjectsNavigation-->
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated


<!-- v-if="projects.childProjects.length > 0"-->

Also don't render if there are no child projects.

Also don't render if there are no child projects.

But then it won't be possible to drag a project "under" a parent to make it a child of that parent.

But then it won't be possible to drag a project "under" a parent to make it a child of that parent.
<!-- :projects="projects.childProjects"-->
<!-- />-->
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {ref, computed, watch, onActivated} from 'vue'
import draggable from 'zhyswan-vuedraggable'
import type {SortableEvent} from 'sortablejs'
import BaseButton from '@/components/base/BaseButton.vue'
import ProjectSettingsDropdown from '@/components/project/project-settings-dropdown.vue'
import {calculateItemPosition} from '@/helpers/calculateItemPosition'
import {getProjectTitle} from '@/helpers/getProjectTitle'
import type {IProject} from '@/modelTypes/IProject'
import ColorBubble from '@/components/misc/colorBubble.vue'
import {useBaseStore} from '@/stores/base'
import {useProjectStore} from '@/stores/projects'
const props = defineProps<{
projects: IProject[],
const drag = ref(false)
const dragOptions = {
animation: 100,
ghostClass: 'ghost',
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Should have a default value.

When is allowDrag === true? In case this is related to edit rights we should align the variable names.

Should have a default value. When is `allowDrag === true`? In case this is related to edit rights we should align the variable names.

Just saw when it's true. Can we rename to the concrete action? Because the order might also be changed by something else than dragging in the future. How about canEditOrder?

Just saw when it's true. Can we rename to the concrete action? Because the order might also be changed by something else than dragging in the future. How about `canEditOrder`?

Can we rename to the concrete action? Because the order might also be changed by something else than dragging in the future. How about canEditOrder?

I think that's a good idea. Renamed it.

> Can we rename to the concrete action? Because the order might also be changed by something else than dragging in the future. How about canEditOrder? I think that's a good idea. Renamed it.

Danger! This should be handled in the store!
Inline editing of parent project!

Probably it would be best to create a new store method. Something like setOrder or changeOrder.

Danger! This should be handled in the store! Inline editing of parent project! Probably it would be best to create a new store method. Something like `setOrder` or `changeOrder`.

I was able to move the whole thing into the updateProject method of the store.

I was able to move the whole thing into the `updateProject` method of the store.
const baseStore = useBaseStore()
const projectStore = useProjectStore()
const currentProject = computed(() => baseStore.currentProject)
// Vue draggable will modify the projects list as it changes their position which will not work on a prop.
// Hence, we'll clone the prop and work on the clone.
// FIXME: cloning does not work when loading the page initially
// TODO: child projects
const availableProjects = ref<IProject[]>([])

Really unsure here: Since we do map data directly from the store I'm unsure if we should emit and update the store. Because an emit will change data in the parent. An update from the store will probably as well.

Really unsure here: Since we do map data directly from the store I'm unsure if we should emit _and_ update the store. Because an emit will change data in the parent. An update from the store will probably as well.

It looks like it works fine without the emit. We're always binding with :modelValue instead of v-model anyway…

It looks like it works fine without the emit. We're always binding with `:modelValue` instead of `v-model` anyway…
projects => {
availableProjects.value = projects
{immediate: true},
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

What consequence has this?

What consequence has this?

This now works, it didn't in an earlier version. I've removed the comment.

This now works, it didn't in an earlier version. I've removed the comment.
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

What exactly needs to be done for child projects?

What exactly needs to be done for child projects?

That was an old comment, I've removed it

That was an old comment, I've removed it
onActivated(() => availableProjects.value = props.projects)
const projectUpdating = ref<{ [id: IProject['id']]: boolean }>({})
async function saveProjectPosition(e: SortableEvent) {
if (!e.newIndex && e.newIndex !== 0) return
const projectsActive = availableProjects.value
// If the project was dragged to the last position, Safari will report e.newIndex as the size of the projectsActive
// array instead of using the position. Because the index is wrong in that case, dragging the project will fail.
// To work around that we're explicitly checking that case here and decrease the index.
const newIndex = e.newIndex === projectsActive.length ? e.newIndex - 1 : e.newIndex
const project = projectsActive[newIndex]
const projectBefore = projectsActive[newIndex - 1] ?? null
const projectAfter = projectsActive[newIndex + 1] ?? null
projectUpdating.value[project.id] = true
const position = calculateItemPosition(
projectBefore !== null ? projectBefore.position : null,
projectAfter !== null ? projectAfter.position : null,
project: project.id,
projectBefore: projectBefore?.id,
projectAfter: projectAfter?.id,
try {
// create a copy of the project in order to not violate pinia manipulation
await projectStore.updateProject({
} finally {
projectUpdating.value[project.id] = false

View File

@ -49,9 +49,7 @@
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Move v-if to front

Move `v-if` to front


<template v-for="(p, pk) in projects" :key="p.id">
{{ p. title }}<br/>
<ProjectsNavigation :projects="projects"/>
<!-- <nav class="menu namespaces-lists loader-container is-loading-small" :class="{'is-loading': loading}">-->
@ -84,68 +82,7 @@
<!-- NOTE: a v-model / computed setter is not possible, since the updateActiveProjects function-->
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

This seems like something that the store should export instead as a computed.

This seems like something that the store should export instead as a computed.

That makes sense.

That makes sense.

Changed it.

Changed it.
<!-- triggered by the change needs to have access to the current namespace-->
<!-- &ndash;&gt;-->
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Simplify to

.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position)
Simplify to ```ts .sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position) ```


<!-- <draggable-->
<!-- v-if="projectsVisible[n.id] ?? true"-->
<!-- v-bind="dragOptions"-->
<!-- :modelValue="activeProjects[nk]"-->
<!-- @update:modelValue="(projects) => updateActiveProjects(n, projects)"-->
<!-- group="namespace-lists"-->
<!-- @start="() => drag = true"-->
<!-- @end="saveListPosition"-->
<!-- handle=".handle"-->
<!-- :disabled="n.id < 0 || undefined"-->
<!-- tag="ul"-->
<!-- item-key="id"-->
<!-- :data-namespace-id="n.id"-->
<!-- :data-namespace-index="nk"-->
<!-- :component-data="{-->
<!-- type: 'transition-group',-->
<!-- name: !drag ? 'flip-list' : null,-->
<!-- class: [-->
<!-- 'menu-list can-be-hidden',-->
<!-- { 'dragging-disabled': n.id < 0 }-->
<!-- ]-->
<!-- }"-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <template #item="{element: l}">-->
<!-- <li-->
<!-- class="list-menu loader-container is-loading-small"-->
<!-- :class="{'is-loading': projectUpdating[l.id]}"-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <BaseButton-->
<!-- :to="{ name: 'project.index', params: { projectId: l.id} }"-->
<!-- class="list-menu-link"-->
<!-- :class="{'router-link-exact-active': currentProject.id === l.id}"-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <span class="icon menu-item-icon handle">-->
<!-- <icon icon="grip-lines"/>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <ColorBubble-->
<!-- v-if="l.hexColor !== ''"-->
<!-- :color="l.hexColor"-->
<!-- class="mr-1"-->
<!-- />-->
<!-- <span class="list-menu-title">{{ getProjectTitle(l) }}</span>-->
<!-- </BaseButton>-->
<!-- <BaseButton-->
<!-- v-if="l.id > 0"-->
<!-- class="favorite"-->
<!-- :class="{'is-favorite': l.isFavorite}"-->
<!-- @click="projectStore.toggleProjectFavorite(l)"-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <icon :icon="l.isFavorite ? 'star' : ['far', 'star']"/>-->
<!-- </BaseButton>-->
<!-- <ProjectSettingsDropdown class="menu-list-dropdown" :project="l" v-if="l.id > 0">-->
<!-- <template #trigger="{toggleOpen}">-->
<!-- <BaseButton class="menu-list-dropdown-trigger" @click="toggleOpen">-->
<!-- <icon icon="ellipsis-h" class="icon"/>-->
<!-- </BaseButton>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </ProjectSettingsDropdown>-->
<!-- <span class="list-setting-spacer" v-else></span>-->
<!-- </li>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </draggable>-->
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

This computed as well.

This computed as well.
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </nav>-->

This sorts the returned computed of the store
=> sort already in store OR create copy (worse performance)

Error in vue developer tools:

[Vue warn] Set operation on key "0" failed: target is readonly. [...]

This sorts the returned computed of the store => sort already in store OR create copy (worse performance) Error in vue developer tools: > [Vue warn] Set operation on key "0" failed: target is readonly. [...]

Now sorting in store, that seems to work (or at least there are no errors now)

Now sorting in store, that seems to work (or at least there are no errors now)
@ -170,15 +107,10 @@ import ColorBubble from '@/components/misc/colorBubble.vue'
import {useBaseStore} from '@/stores/base'
import {useProjectStore} from '@/stores/projects'
import ProjectsNavigation from '@/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue'
const drag = ref(false)
const dragOptions = {
animation: 100,
ghostClass: 'ghost',
const baseStore = useBaseStore()
const currentProject = computed(() => baseStore.currentProject)
const menuActive = computed(() => baseStore.menuActive)
const loading = computed(() => namespaceStore.isLoading)

Remove outer margin set from inside the component and add it from outside instead.

Remove outer margin set from inside the component and add it from outside instead.
@ -214,7 +146,7 @@ onBeforeMount(async () => {
await projectStore.loadProjects()
const projects = computed(() => projectStore.projects)
const projects = computed(() => Object.values(projectStore.projects).sort((a, b) => a.position < b.position ? -1 : 1))
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Unsure if this was this line, but: The space between the logo and the main sidebar nav items got reduced. The indention of the text (including icons) as well. Text indention is fine (because the icons seem to align with logo), vertical spacing is not!

Unsure if this was this line, but: The space between the logo and the main sidebar nav items got reduced. The indention of the text (including icons) as well. Text indention is fine (because the icons seem to align with logo), vertical spacing is not!

Re-added the space to the logo

Re-added the space to the logo
function updateActiveProjects(namespace: INamespace, activeProjects: IProject[]) {
// This is a bit hacky: since we do have to filter out the archived items from the list
@ -233,41 +165,7 @@ function updateActiveProjects(namespace: INamespace, activeProjects: IProject[])
const projectUpdating = ref<{ [id: INamespace['id']]: boolean }>({})
async function saveProjectPosition(e: SortableEvent) {
if (!e.newIndex && e.newIndex !== 0) return
const namespaceId = parseInt(e.to.dataset.namespaceId as string)
const newNamespaceIndex = parseInt(e.to.dataset.namespaceIndex as string)
const projectsActive = activeProjects.value[newNamespaceIndex]
// If the project was dragged to the last position, Safari will report e.newIndex as the size of the projectsActive
// array instead of using the position. Because the index is wrong in that case, dragging the project will fail.
// To work around that we're explicitly checking that case here and decrease the index.
const newIndex = e.newIndex === projectsActive.length ? e.newIndex - 1 : e.newIndex
const project = projectsActive[newIndex]
const projectBefore = projectsActive[newIndex - 1] ?? null
const projectAfter = projectsActive[newIndex + 1] ?? null
projectUpdating.value[project.id] = true
const position = calculateItemPosition(
projectBefore !== null ? projectBefore.position : null,
projectAfter !== null ? projectAfter.position : null,
try {
// create a copy of the project in order to not violate pinia manipulation
await projectStore.updateProject({
} finally {
projectUpdating.value[project.id] = false
<style lang="scss" scoped>

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ export interface IProject extends IAbstract {
subscription: ISubscription
position: number
backgroundBlurHash: string
childProjects: IProject[] | null

This is really error prone. In the moment the project including child projects is coming from the backend we should replace this with an array of childProjects instead. All projects should be included in a flat id-Map inside the store.
Having hierarchies just adds complexity everywhere. If a component wants to use a list it can get it directly from the store.

This is really error prone. In the moment the project including child projects is coming from the backend we should replace this with an array of `childProjects` instead. All projects should be included in a flat id-`Map` inside the store. Having hierarchies just adds complexity everywhere. If a component wants to use a list it can get it directly from the store.

we should replace this with an array of childProjects instead.

What's that? The projects in childProjects are just regular projects.

> we should replace this with an array of `childProjects` instead. What's that? The projects in `childProjects` are just regular projects.

Coming from the api – yes I know. But using them like this in the frontend – not a good pattern. I know we did this similar in other places already. But here we this is the first time for projects. Because of that I would like to prevent the introduction of this pattern here. So when we get the regular projects child array from the api we replace them with their ids instead and add the child projects to the general projects list in the store. That general list is a list of all projects – including all child projects. If we just want the root projects we can create a filter for projects that don't have a parent.

Coming from the api – yes I know. But using them like this in the frontend – not a good pattern. I know we did this similar in other places already. But here we this is the first time for projects. Because of that I would like to prevent the introduction of this pattern here. So when we get the regular projects child array from the api we replace them with their ids instead and add the child projects to the general projects list in the store. That general list is a list of __all__ projects – including all child projects. If we just want the root projects we can create a filter for projects that don't have a parent.

Adding to this – of course we have to reverse this when we send stuff back to the api. By the way for all of this zod is really helpfull…

Adding to this – of course we have to reverse this when we send stuff back to the api. By the way for all of this zod is really helpfull…

We already save all projects in the store, regardless of whether they are a child or not. The navigation then starts with a filtered list of that.

Maybe we could just ignore childProjects completely and only use parentProjectId? And then build the list of child projects dynamically when needed? Not sure about the performance implications here.

We already save all projects in the store, regardless of whether they are a child or not. The navigation then starts with a filtered list of that. Maybe we could just ignore `childProjects` completely and only use `parentProjectId`? And then build the list of child projects dynamically when needed? Not sure about the performance implications here.

Maybe we could just ignore childProjects completely and only use parentProjectId? And then build the list of child projects dynamically when needed? Not sure about the performance implications here.

This is basically the idea I have only in the reverse direction. It would be better to have the id of the child though because than we don't have to iterate through all projects everytime we want to find all childs. Instead we can get via the id which should be much faster.

I wouldn't ignore the childProjects because the data inside would need to be manually synced. Instead that property should not exist in the frontend data model.

> Maybe we could just ignore childProjects completely and only use parentProjectId? And then build the list of child projects dynamically when needed? Not sure about the performance implications here. This is basically the idea I have only in the reverse direction. It would be better to have the id of the child though because than we don't have to iterate through all projects everytime we want to find all childs. Instead we can get via the id which should be much faster. I wouldn't ignore the childProjects because the data inside would need to be manually synced. Instead that property should not exist in the frontend data model.

See normalizr. The utility is unmaintained but the examples are still valid. Since our store is flux inspired this applies to use as well.

See [normalizr](https://github.com/paularmstrong/normalizr/tree/a213bbc6e7bf328cdd46f61a3367b952dc5f30da). The utility is unmaintained but the examples are still valid. Since our store is flux inspired this applies to use as well.

I wouldn't ignore the childProjects because the data inside would need to be manually synced. Instead that property should not exist in the frontend data model.

The api only uses the childProjects property when returning a response with all projects. It won't use it to update the parent <-> child relation.

> I wouldn't ignore the childProjects because the data inside would need to be manually synced. Instead that property should not exist in the frontend data model. The api only uses the `childProjects` property when returning a response with all projects. It won't use it to update the parent <-> child relation.

It would be better to have the id of the child though because than we don't have to iterate through all projects everytime we want to find all childs. Instead we can get via the id which should be much faster.

Makes sense, I wonder how good that would work with the dragging and dropping of projects though.

> It would be better to have the id of the child though because than we don't have to iterate through all projects everytime we want to find all childs. Instead we can get via the id which should be much faster. Makes sense, I wonder how good that would work with the dragging and dropping of projects though.

The api only uses the childProjects property when returning a response with all projects. It won't use it to update the parent <-> child relation.

Okay that means that we could simply return ids of the childProjects via a new property (e.g.) childProjectIds? That would make that step from the API obsolete.

I wonder how good that would work with the dragging and dropping of projects though.

Why would that be a problem?

> The api only uses the `childProjects` property when returning a response with all projects. It won't use it to update the parent <-> child relation. Okay that means that we could simply return ids of the childProjects via a new property (e.g.) `childProjectIds`? That would make that step from the API obsolete. > I wonder how good that would work with the dragging and dropping of projects though. Why would that be a problem?

Note that the store still could provide a getChildProjects computed that would return a function where you can pass in the id of a project and would get a reactive list of child projects.

Note that the store still could provide a `getChildProjects` computed that would return a function where you can pass in the id of a project and would get a reactive list of child projects.

Okay that means that we could simply return ids of the childProjects via a new property (e.g.) childProjectIds?

I think we should be able to, yes.

Would you add that as a new property to the Project Model and then map it out in the constructor?

That would make that step from the API obsolete.

Not really, since we need to fetch all children anyway.

> Okay that means that we could simply return ids of the childProjects via a new property (e.g.) childProjectIds? I think we should be able to, yes. Would you add that as a new property to the Project Model and then map it out in the constructor? > That would make that step from the API obsolete. Not really, since we need to fetch all children anyway.

Note that the store still could provide a getChildProjects computed that would return a function where you can pass in the id of a project and would get a reactive list of child projects.

Should that include the children of children (of children... and so on) as well?

> Note that the store still could provide a getChildProjects computed that would return a function where you can pass in the id of a project and would get a reactive list of child projects. Should that include the children of children (of children... and so on) as well?

I started moving this from the current implementation to one where the store only has a flat map and does not store the children directly. It works for the basics, but I could not get any version of drag n' drop to work with that. Not sure what I did wrong.

One problem is the api returns the projects already in the child projects structure. This makes it easy to handle it as such when parsing the data from the api.

Another issue I have with that approach is how it requires a new ref in the projects navigation component, which holds all children for each project of the current tree. That's the same as a property of the Projects model, but feels a lot hackier.

Here's what I did:

Index: src/modelTypes/IProject.ts
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/src/modelTypes/IProject.ts b/src/modelTypes/IProject.ts
--- a/src/modelTypes/IProject.ts	(revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818)
+++ b/src/modelTypes/IProject.ts	(date 1680095041514)
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
 	subscription: ISubscription
 	position: number
 	backgroundBlurHash: string
-	childProjects: IProject[] | null
+	// childProjects: IProject[] | null
+	childProjectIds: number[]
 	parentProjectId: number
 	created: Date
Index: src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue b/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue
--- a/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue	(revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818)
+++ b/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue	(date 1680095818765)
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 	.filter(p => !p.isArchived && p.isFavorite)
 	.map(p => ({
-		childProjects: [],
 	.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position))
Index: src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue b/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue
--- a/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue	(revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818)
+++ b/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue	(date 1680095997699)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-						v-if="p.childProjects.length > 0"
+						v-if="childProjects[p.id].length > 0"
 						@click="collapsedProjects[p.id] = !collapsedProjects[p.id]"
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
-					v-model="p.childProjects"
+					v-model="childProjects[p.id]"
@@ -114,11 +114,15 @@
 // TODO: child projects
 const collapsedProjects = ref<{ [id: IProject['id']]: boolean }>({})
 const availableProjects = ref<IProject[]>([])
+const childProjects = ref<{ [id: IProject['id']]: boolean }>({})
 	() => props.modelValue,
 	projects => {
 		availableProjects.value = projects
-		projects.forEach(p => collapsedProjects.value[p.id] = false)
+		projects.forEach(p => {
+			collapsedProjects.value[p.id] = false
+			childProjects.value[p.id] = projectStore.getChildProjects(p.id)
+		})
 	{immediate: true},
@@ -149,8 +153,8 @@
 	if (project.parentProjectId !== parentProjectId && project.parentProjectId > 0) {
 		const parentProject = projectStore.getProjectById(project.parentProjectId)
-		const childProjectIndex = parentProject.childProjects.findIndex(p => p.id === project.id)
-		parentProject.childProjects.splice(childProjectIndex, 1)
+		const childProjectIndex = parentProject.childProjectIds.findIndex(pId => pId === project.id)
+		parentProject.childProjectIds.splice(childProjectIndex, 1)
 	try {
Index: src/stores/projects.ts
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/src/stores/projects.ts b/src/stores/projects.ts
--- a/src/stores/projects.ts	(revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818)
+++ b/src/stores/projects.ts	(date 1680096142590)
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
 	const getProjectById = computed(() => {
 		return (id: IProject['id']) => typeof projects.value[id] !== 'undefined' ? projects.value[id] : null
+	const getChildProjects = computed(() => {
+		return (id: IProject['id']) => projectsArray.value.filter(p => p.parentProjectId === id)
+	})
 	const findProjectByExactname = computed(() => {
 		return (name: string) => {
@@ -67,24 +70,24 @@
 		if (updateChildren) {
-			project.childProjects?.forEach(p => setProject(p))
+			project.childProjects?.forEach(p => setProject(new ProjectModel(p)))
 		// if the project is a child project, we need to also set it in the parent
 		if (project.parentProjectId) {
 			const parent = projects.value[project.parentProjectId]
 			let foundProject = false
-			parent.childProjects = parent.childProjects?.map(p => {
+			parent.childProjectIds = parent.childProjectIds?.forEach(p => {
 				if (p.id === project.id) {
 					foundProject = true
-					return project
-				return p
 			// If we hit this, the project now has a new parent project which it did not have before
 			if (!foundProject) {
-				parent.childProjects.push(project)
+				if (!parent.childProjectIds) {
+					parent.childProjectIds = []
+				}
+				parent.childProjectIds.push(project.id)
 			setProject(parent, false)
@@ -197,6 +200,7 @@
 		hasProjects: readonly(hasProjects),
+		getChildProjects,
Index: src/models/project.ts
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
diff --git a/src/models/project.ts b/src/models/project.ts
--- a/src/models/project.ts	(revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818)
+++ b/src/models/project.ts	(date 1680096142588)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 	subscription: ISubscription = null
 	position = 0
 	backgroundBlurHash = ''
-	childProjects = []
+	childProjectIds = []
 	parentProjectId = 0
 	created: Date = null
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@
 			this.subscription = new SubscriptionModel(this.subscription)
-		this.childProjects = this.childProjects.map(p => new ProjectModel(p))
+		// debugger
+		this.childProjectIds = this.childProjects?.map(p => p.id) || []
 		this.created = new Date(this.created)
 		this.updated = new Date(this.updated)
I started moving this from the current implementation to one where the store only has a flat map and does not store the children directly. It works for the basics, but I could not get any version of drag n' drop to work with that. Not sure what I did wrong. One problem is the api returns the projects already in the child projects structure. This makes it easy to handle it as such when parsing the data from the api. Another issue I have with that approach is how it requires a new ref in the projects navigation component, which holds all children for each project of the current tree. That's the same as a property of the `Projects` model, but feels a lot hackier. Here's what I did: ```patch Index: src/modelTypes/IProject.ts IDEA additional info: Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP <+>UTF-8 =================================================================== diff --git a/src/modelTypes/IProject.ts b/src/modelTypes/IProject.ts --- a/src/modelTypes/IProject.ts (revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818) +++ b/src/modelTypes/IProject.ts (date 1680095041514) @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ subscription: ISubscription position: number backgroundBlurHash: string - childProjects: IProject[] | null + // childProjects: IProject[] | null + childProjectIds: number[] parentProjectId: number created: Date Index: src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue IDEA additional info: Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP <+>UTF-8 =================================================================== diff --git a/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue b/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue --- a/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue (revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818) +++ b/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigationWrapper.vue (date 1680095818765) @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ .filter(p => !p.isArchived && p.isFavorite) .map(p => ({ ...p, - childProjects: [], })) .sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position)) </script> Index: src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue IDEA additional info: Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP <+>UTF-8 =================================================================== diff --git a/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue b/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue --- a/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue (revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818) +++ b/src/components/home/ProjectsNavigation.vue (date 1680095997699) @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ > <section> <BaseButton - v-if="p.childProjects.length > 0" + v-if="childProjects[p.id].length > 0" @click="collapsedProjects[p.id] = !collapsedProjects[p.id]" class="collapse-project-button" > @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ </section> <ProjectsNavigation v-if="!collapsedProjects[p.id]" - v-model="p.childProjects" + v-model="childProjects[p.id]" :can-edit-order="true" /> </li> @@ -114,11 +114,15 @@ // TODO: child projects const collapsedProjects = ref<{ [id: IProject['id']]: boolean }>({}) const availableProjects = ref<IProject[]>([]) +const childProjects = ref<{ [id: IProject['id']]: boolean }>({}) watch( () => props.modelValue, projects => { availableProjects.value = projects - projects.forEach(p => collapsedProjects.value[p.id] = false) + projects.forEach(p => { + collapsedProjects.value[p.id] = false + childProjects.value[p.id] = projectStore.getChildProjects(p.id) + }) }, {immediate: true}, ) @@ -149,8 +153,8 @@ if (project.parentProjectId !== parentProjectId && project.parentProjectId > 0) { const parentProject = projectStore.getProjectById(project.parentProjectId) - const childProjectIndex = parentProject.childProjects.findIndex(p => p.id === project.id) - parentProject.childProjects.splice(childProjectIndex, 1) + const childProjectIndex = parentProject.childProjectIds.findIndex(pId => pId === project.id) + parentProject.childProjectIds.splice(childProjectIndex, 1) } try { Index: src/stores/projects.ts IDEA additional info: Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP <+>UTF-8 =================================================================== diff --git a/src/stores/projects.ts b/src/stores/projects.ts --- a/src/stores/projects.ts (revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818) +++ b/src/stores/projects.ts (date 1680096142590) @@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ const getProjectById = computed(() => { return (id: IProject['id']) => typeof projects.value[id] !== 'undefined' ? projects.value[id] : null }) + const getChildProjects = computed(() => { + return (id: IProject['id']) => projectsArray.value.filter(p => p.parentProjectId === id) + }) const findProjectByExactname = computed(() => { return (name: string) => { @@ -67,24 +70,24 @@ } if (updateChildren) { - project.childProjects?.forEach(p => setProject(p)) + project.childProjects?.forEach(p => setProject(new ProjectModel(p))) } // if the project is a child project, we need to also set it in the parent if (project.parentProjectId) { const parent = projects.value[project.parentProjectId] let foundProject = false - parent.childProjects = parent.childProjects?.map(p => { + parent.childProjectIds = parent.childProjectIds?.forEach(p => { if (p.id === project.id) { foundProject = true - return project } - - return p }) // If we hit this, the project now has a new parent project which it did not have before if (!foundProject) { - parent.childProjects.push(project) + if (!parent.childProjectIds) { + parent.childProjectIds = [] + } + parent.childProjectIds.push(project.id) } setProject(parent, false) } @@ -197,6 +200,7 @@ hasProjects: readonly(hasProjects), getProjectById, + getChildProjects, findProjectByExactname, searchProject, Index: src/models/project.ts IDEA additional info: Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP <+>UTF-8 =================================================================== diff --git a/src/models/project.ts b/src/models/project.ts --- a/src/models/project.ts (revision 0d0b3c0ca7ac1a1894a4c49091f7b138df4f9818) +++ b/src/models/project.ts (date 1680096142588) @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ subscription: ISubscription = null position = 0 backgroundBlurHash = '' - childProjects = [] + childProjectIds = [] parentProjectId = 0 created: Date = null @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ this.subscription = new SubscriptionModel(this.subscription) } - this.childProjects = this.childProjects.map(p => new ProjectModel(p)) + // debugger + this.childProjectIds = this.childProjects?.map(p => p.id) || [] this.created = new Date(this.created) this.updated = new Date(this.updated)

I got something working! See 2557b182dd

There are a few cases where the performance is really bad but I didn't manage to reproduce that reliably (let alone profile it).

I got something working! See 2557b182dde8f40f4be903e65c0485d46c5a185a There are a few cases where the performance is really bad but I didn't manage to reproduce that reliably (let alone profile it).
created: Date
updated: Date

View File

@ -115,11 +115,9 @@ export const useProjectStore = defineStore('project', () => {
// the returned project from projectService.update is the same!
// in order to not create a manipulation in pinia store we have to create a new copy
konrad marked this conversation as resolved Outdated
  • Use returned value from update function. Then klona shouldn't be necessary, right?

  • If I set an id for parentID in the passed project: will this update the parents childProjects?

- Use returned value from update function. Then klona shouldn't be necessary, right? - If I set an id for `parentID` in the passed project: will this update the parents childProjects?


const newProject = {
return {
return newProject
} catch (e) {
// Reset the project state to the initial one to avoid confusion for the user