import {computed, ref} from 'vue' import {acceptHMRUpdate, defineStore} from 'pinia' import LabelService from '@/services/label' import {success} from '@/message' import {i18n} from '@/i18n' import {createNewIndexer} from '@/indexes' import {setModuleLoading} from '@/stores/helper' import type {ILabel} from '@/modelTypes/ILabel' const {add, remove, update, search} = createNewIndexer('labels', ['title', 'description']) async function getAllLabels(page = 1): Promise { const labelService = new LabelService() const labels = await labelService.getAll({}, {}, page) as ILabel[] if (page < labelService.totalPages) { const nextLabels = await getAllLabels(page + 1) return labels.concat(nextLabels) } else { return labels } } export interface LabelState { [id: ILabel['id']]: ILabel } export const useLabelStore = defineStore('label', () => { // The labels are stored as an object which has the label ids as keys. const labels = ref({}) const isLoading = ref(false) const getLabelsByIds = computed(() => { return (ids: ILabel['id'][]) => Object.values(labels.value).filter(({id}) => ids.includes(id)) }) // ** // * Checks if a list of labels is available in the store and filters them then query // ** const filterLabelsByQuery = computed(() => { return (labelsToHide: ILabel[], query: string) => { const labelIdsToHide: number[] ={id}) => id) return search(query) ?.filter(value => !labelIdsToHide.includes(value)) .map(id => labels.value[id]) || [] } }) const getLabelsByExactTitles = computed(() => { return (labelTitles: string[]) => Object .values(labels.value) .filter(({title}) => labelTitles.some(l => l.toLowerCase() === title.toLowerCase())) }) function setIsLoading(newIsLoading: boolean) { isLoading.value = newIsLoading } function setLabels(newLabels: ILabel[]) { newLabels.forEach(l => { labels.value[] = l add(l) }) } function setLabel(label: ILabel) { labels.value[] = label update(label) } function removeLabelById(label: ILabel) { remove(label) delete labels.value[] } async function loadAllLabels({forceLoad} : {forceLoad?: boolean} = {}) { if (isLoading.value && !forceLoad) { return } const cancel = setModuleLoading(this, setIsLoading) try { const newLabels = await getAllLabels() setLabels(newLabels) return newLabels } finally { cancel() } } async function deleteLabel(label: ILabel) { const cancel = setModuleLoading(this, setIsLoading) const labelService = new LabelService() try { const result = await labelService.delete(label) removeLabelById(label) success({message:'label.deleteSuccess')}) return result } finally { cancel() } } async function updateLabel(label: ILabel) { const cancel = setModuleLoading(this, setIsLoading) const labelService = new LabelService() try { const newLabel = await labelService.update(label) setLabel(newLabel) success({message:'label.edit.success')}) return newLabel } finally { cancel() } } async function createLabel(label: ILabel) { const cancel = setModuleLoading(this, setIsLoading) const labelService = new LabelService() try { const newLabel = await labelService.create(label) as ILabel setLabel(newLabel) return newLabel } finally { cancel() } } return { labels, isLoading, getLabelsByIds, filterLabelsByQuery, getLabelsByExactTitles, setLabels, setLabel, removeLabelById, loadAllLabels, deleteLabel, updateLabel, createLabel, } }) // support hot reloading if ( {, }