import {getProjectFromPrefix, PrefixMode} from '@/modules/parseTaskText' export interface TaskWithParent { title: string, parent: string | null, project: string | null, } function cleanupTitle(title: string) { return title.replace(/^((\* |\+ |- )(\[ \] )?)/g, '') } const spaceRegex = /^ */ /** * @param taskTitles should be multiple lines of task tiles with indention to declare their parent/subtask * relation between each other. */ export function parseSubtasksViaIndention(taskTitles: string, prefixMode: PrefixMode): TaskWithParent[] { let titles = taskTitles.split(/[\r\n]+/) if (titles.length == 0) { return [] } const spaceOnFirstLine = /^(\t| )+/ const spaces = spaceOnFirstLine.exec(titles[0]) if (spaces !== null) { let spacesToCut = spaces[0].length titles = => { const spacesOnThisLine = spaceOnFirstLine.exec(title) if (spacesOnThisLine === null) { // This means the current task title does not start with indention, but the very first one did // To prevent cutting actual task data we now need to update the number of spaces to cut spacesToCut = 0 } if (spacesOnThisLine !== null && spacesOnThisLine[0].length < spacesToCut) { spacesToCut = spacesOnThisLine[0].length } return title.substring(spacesToCut) }) } return, index) => { const task: TaskWithParent = { title: cleanupTitle(title), parent: null, project: null, } task.project = getProjectFromPrefix(task.title, prefixMode) if (index === 0) { return task } const matched = spaceRegex.exec(task.title) const matchedSpaces = matched ? matched[0].length : 0 if (matchedSpaces > 0) { // Go up the tree to find the first task with less indention than the current one let pi = 1 let parentSpaces = 0 do { task.parent = cleanupTitle(titles[index - pi]) pi++ const parentMatched = spaceRegex.exec(task.parent) parentSpaces = parentMatched ? parentMatched[0].length : 0 } while (parentSpaces >= matchedSpaces) task.title = cleanupTitle(task.title.replace(spaceRegex, '')) task.parent = task.parent.replace(spaceRegex, '') if (task.project === null) { // This allows to specify a project once for the parent task and inherit it to all subtasks task.project = getProjectFromPrefix(task.parent, prefixMode) } } return task }) }