const {createVuePlugin} = require('vite-plugin-vue2') const {VitePWA} = require('vite-plugin-pwa') const path = require('path') const {visualizer} = require('rollup-plugin-visualizer') const pathSrc = path.resolve(__dirname, './src') // the @use rules have to be the first in the compiled stylesheets const SCSS_IMPORT_PREFIX = `@use "sass:math"; @import "${pathSrc}/styles/variables";` module.exports = { css: { preprocessorOptions: { scss: { additionalData: SCSS_IMPORT_PREFIX }, }, }, plugins: [ createVuePlugin(), VitePWA({ srcDir: 'src', filename: 'sw.js', base: '/', strategies: 'injectManifest', injectRegister: false, manifest: { name: 'Vikunja', short_name: 'Vikunja', theme_color: '#1973ff', icons: [ { src: './images/icons/android-chrome-192x192.png', sizes: '192x192', type: 'image/png', }, { src: './images/icons/android-chrome-512x512.png', sizes: '512x512', type: 'image/png', }, { src: './images/icons/icon-maskable.png', sizes: '1024x1024', type: 'image/png', purpose: 'maskable', }, ], start_url: '.', display: 'standalone', background_color: '#000000', shortcuts: [ { name: 'Overview', url: '/', }, { name: 'Namespaces And Lists Overview', short_name: 'Namespaces & Lists', url: '/namespaces', }, { name: 'Tasks Next Week', short_name: 'Next Week', url: '/tasks/by/week', }, { name: 'Tasks Next Month', short_name: 'Next Month', url: '/tasks/by/month', }, { name: 'Teams Overview', short_name: 'Teams', url: '/teams', }, ], }, }), ], resolve: { alias: [ { find: '@', replacement: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'), }, ], extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.json', '.vue'], }, server: { port: 5000, strictPort: true, }, build: { target: 'es2015', rollupOptions: { plugins: [ visualizer(), ], output: { manualChunks: { 'user-settings': [ './src/views/user/PasswordReset', './src/views/user/RequestPasswordReset', './src/views/user/Settings', ], 'settings': [ './src/views/list/NewList', './src/views/namespaces/NewNamespace', './src/views/teams/EditTeam', './src/views/teams/NewTeam', ], 'highlight': [ 'highlight.js', ], }, }, }, }, }