import {watch, reactive, shallowReactive, unref, toRefs, readonly} from 'vue' import {defineStore} from 'pinia' import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n' import ListService from '@/services/list' import {setLoadingPinia} from '@/store/helper' import {removeListFromHistory} from '@/modules/listHistory' import {createNewIndexer} from '@/indexes' import {store as vuexStore} from '@/store' // for gradual conversion, see fullUserDetails import type {ListState} from '@/store/types' import type {IList} from '@/modelTypes/IList' import type {MaybeRef} from '@vueuse/core' import ListModel from '@/models/list' import {success} from '@/message' const {add, remove, search, update} = createNewIndexer('lists', ['title', 'description']) const FavoriteListsNamespace = -2 export const useListStore = defineStore('list', { state: () : ListState => ({ isLoading: false, // The lists are stored as an object which has the list ids as keys. lists: {}, }), getters: { getListById(state) { return (id: IList['id']) => typeof state.lists[id] !== 'undefined' ? state.lists[id] : null }, findListByExactname(state) { return (name: string) => { const list = Object.values(state.lists).find(l => { return l.title.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase() }) return typeof list === 'undefined' ? null : list } }, searchList(state) { return (query: string, includeArchived = false) => { return search(query) ?.filter(value => value > 0) .map(id => state.lists[id]) .filter(list => list.isArchived === includeArchived) || [] } }, }, actions: { setIsLoading(isLoading: boolean) { this.isLoading = isLoading }, setList(list: IList) { this.lists[] = list update(list) }, setLists(lists: IList[]) { lists.forEach(l => { this.lists[] = l add(l) }) }, removeListById(list: IList) { remove(list) delete this.lists[] }, toggleListFavorite(list: IList) { // The favorites pseudo list is always favorite // Archived lists cannot be marked favorite if ( === -1 || list.isArchived) { return } return this.updateList({ ...list, isFavorite: !list.isFavorite, }) }, async createList(list: IList) { const cancel = setLoadingPinia(useListStore) const listService = new ListService() try { const createdList = await listService.create(list) createdList.namespaceId = list.namespaceId vuexStore.commit('namespaces/addListToNamespace', createdList, {root: true}) this.setList(createdList) return createdList } finally { cancel() } }, async updateList(list: IList) { const cancel = setLoadingPinia(useListStore) const listService = new ListService() try { await listService.update(list) this.setList(list) vuexStore.commit('namespaces/setListInNamespaceById', list, {root: true}) // the returned list from listService.update is the same! // in order to not validate vuex mutations we have to create a new copy const newList = { ...list, namespaceId: FavoriteListsNamespace, } if (list.isFavorite) { vuexStore.commit('namespaces/addListToNamespace', newList, {root: true}) } else { vuexStore.commit('namespaces/removeListFromNamespaceById', newList, {root: true}) } vuexStore.dispatch('namespaces/loadNamespacesIfFavoritesDontExist', null, {root: true}) vuexStore.dispatch('namespaces/removeFavoritesNamespaceIfEmpty', null, {root: true}) return newList } catch (e) { // Reset the list state to the initial one to avoid confusion for the user this.setList({ ...list, isFavorite: !list.isFavorite, }) throw e } finally { cancel() } }, async deleteList(list: IList) { const cancel = setLoadingPinia(useListStore) const listService = new ListService() try { const response = await listService.delete(list) this.removeListById(list) vuexStore.commit('namespaces/removeListFromNamespaceById', list, {root: true}) removeListFromHistory({id:}) return response } finally { cancel() } }, }, }) export function useList(listId: MaybeRef) { const listService = shallowReactive(new ListService()) const {loading: isLoading} = toRefs(listService) const list: ListModel = reactive(new ListModel()) const {t} = useI18n({useScope: 'global'}) watch( () => unref(listId), async (listId) => { const loadedList = await listService.get(new ListModel({id: listId})) Object.assign(list, loadedList) }, {immediate: true}, ) const listStore = useListStore() async function save() { await listStore.updateList(list) success({message: t('list.edit.success')}) } return { isLoading: readonly(isLoading), list, save, } }