import {parseURL} from 'ufo' import {createRandomID} from '@/helpers/randomId' import type {IProvider} from '@/types/IProvider' export const redirectToProvider = (provider: IProvider, redirectUrl = '') => { // We're not using the redirect url provided by the server to allow redirects when using the electron app. // The implications are not quite clear yet hence the logic to pass in another redirect url still exists. if (redirectUrl === '') { const {host, protocol} = parseURL(window.location.href) redirectUrl = `${protocol}//${host}/auth/openid/` } const state = createRandomID(24) localStorage.setItem('state', state) window.location.href = `${provider.authUrl}?client_id=${provider.clientId}&redirect_uri=${redirectUrl}${provider.key}&response_type=code&scope=openid email profile&state=${state}` }