import {computed, ref, watch} from 'vue' import type dayjs from 'dayjs' import type ILocale from 'dayjs/locale/*' import {i18n, type SupportedLocale, type ISOLanguage} from '@/i18n' export const DAYJS_LOCALE_MAPPING = { 'de-de': 'de', 'de-swiss': 'de-at', 'ru-ru': 'ru', 'fr-fr': 'fr', 'vi-vn': 'vi', 'it-it': 'it', 'cs-cz': 'cs', 'pl-pl': 'pl', 'nl-nl': 'nl', 'pt-pt': 'pt', 'zh-cn': 'zh-cn', } as Record export const DAYJS_LANGUAGE_IMPORTS = { 'de-de': () => import('dayjs/locale/de'), 'de-swiss': () => import('dayjs/locale/de-at'), 'ru-ru': () => import('dayjs/locale/ru'), 'fr-fr': () => import('dayjs/locale/fr'), 'vi-vn': () => import('dayjs/locale/vi'), 'it-it': () => import('dayjs/locale/it'), 'cs-cz': () => import('dayjs/locale/cs'), 'pl-pl': () => import('dayjs/locale/pl'), 'nl-nl': () => import('dayjs/locale/nl'), 'pt-pt': () => import('dayjs/locale/pt'), 'zh-cn': () => import('dayjs/locale/zh-cn'), } as Record Promise> export function useDayjsLanguageSync(dayjsGlobal: typeof dayjs) { const dayjsLanguageLoaded = ref(false) watch( () =>, async (currentLanguage: string) => { if (!dayjsGlobal) { return } const dayjsLanguageCode = DAYJS_LOCALE_MAPPING[currentLanguage.toLowerCase()] || currentLanguage.toLowerCase() dayjsLanguageLoaded.value = dayjsGlobal.locale() === dayjsLanguageCode if (dayjsLanguageLoaded.value) { return } await DAYJS_LANGUAGE_IMPORTS[currentLanguage.toLowerCase()]() dayjsGlobal.locale(dayjsLanguageCode) dayjsLanguageLoaded.value = true }, {immediate: true}, ) // we export the loading state since that's easier to work with const isLoading = computed(() => !dayjsLanguageLoaded.value) return isLoading }