# Stage 1: Build application FROM node:18-alpine AS compile-image WORKDIR /build ARG USE_RELEASE=false ARG RELEASE_VERSION=main ENV PNPM_CACHE_FOLDER .cache/pnpm/ ADD . ./ RUN \ if [ $USE_RELEASE = true ]; then \ wget https://dl.vikunja.io/frontend/vikunja-frontend-$RELEASE_VERSION.zip -O frontend-release.zip && \ unzip frontend-release.zip -d dist/ && \ exit 0; \ fi && \ # https://pnpm.io/installation#using-corepack corepack enable && \ # we don't use corepack prepare here by intend since # we have renovate to keep our dependencies up to date # Build the frontend pnpm install && \ apk add --no-cache git && \ echo '{"VERSION": "'$(git describe --tags --always --abbrev=10 | sed 's/-/+/' | sed 's/^v//' | sed 's/-g/-/')'"}' > src/version.json && \ pnpm run build # Stage 2: copy FROM nginx:alpine COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf COPY scripts/run.sh /run.sh # copy compiled files from stage 1 COPY --from=compile-image /build/dist /usr/share/nginx/html # Unprivileged user ENV PUID 1000 ENV PGID 1000 LABEL maintainer="maintainers@vikunja.io" RUN apk add --no-cache \ # for sh file bash \ # installs usermod and groupmod shadow CMD "/run.sh"