--- kind: pipeline name: build trigger: branch: include: - main event: include: - push - pull_request services: - name: api image: vikunja/api:unstable environment: VIKUNJA_SERVICE_TESTINGTOKEN: averyLongSecretToSe33dtheDB VIKUNJA_LOG_LEVEL: DEBUG steps: # Disabled until we figure out why it is so slow # - name: restore-cache # image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev # pull: true # environment: # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: # from_secret: cache_aws_access_key_id # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: # from_secret: cache_aws_secret_access_key # settings: # debug: true # restore: true # bucket: kolaente.dev-drone-dependency-cache # endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud # region: fr-par # path_style: true # cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_{{ checksum "pnpm-lock.yaml" }}_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' # mount: # - .cache - name: dependencies image: node:18-alpine pull: true environment: PNPM_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/pnpm CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/cypress commands: - corepack enable && pnpm config set store-dir .cache/pnpm - pnpm install --fetch-timeout 100000 # depends_on: # - restore-cache - name: lint image: node:18-alpine pull: true environment: PNPM_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/pnpm commands: - corepack enable && pnpm config set store-dir .cache/pnpm - pnpm run lint depends_on: - dependencies - name: build-prod image: node:18-alpine pull: true environment: PNPM_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/pnpm commands: - corepack enable && pnpm config set store-dir .cache/pnpm - pnpm run build depends_on: - dependencies - name: test-unit image: node:18-alpine pull: true commands: - corepack enable && pnpm config set store-dir .cache/pnpm - pnpm run test:unit depends_on: - dependencies - name: typecheck failure: ignore image: node:18-alpine pull: true environment: PNPM_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/pnpm commands: - corepack enable && pnpm config set store-dir .cache/pnpm - pnpm run typecheck depends_on: - dependencies - name: test-frontend image: cypress/browsers:node16.14.0-chrome99-ff97 pull: true environment: CYPRESS_API_URL: http://api:3456/api/v1 CYPRESS_TEST_SECRET: averyLongSecretToSe33dtheDB PNPM_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/pnpm CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/cypress CYPRESS_DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT: 60000 CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY: from_secret: cypress_project_key commands: - sed -i 's/localhost/api/g' dist/index.html - corepack enable && pnpm config set store-dir .cache/pnpm - pnpm cypress install - pnpm run serve:dist & npx wait-on http://localhost:4173 - pnpm run test:frontend --browser chrome --record depends_on: - build-prod # - name: rebuild-cache # image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev # pull: true # environment: # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: # from_secret: cache_aws_access_key_id # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: # from_secret: cache_aws_secret_access_key # settings: # rebuild: true # bucket: kolaente.dev-drone-dependency-cache # endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud # region: fr-par # path_style: true # cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_{{ checksum "pnpm-lock.yaml" }}_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' # mount: # - .cache # depends_on: # - dependencies - name: deploy-preview image: node:18-alpine pull: true environment: NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN: from_secret: netlify_auth_token NETLIFY_SITE_ID: from_secret: netlify_site_id GITEA_TOKEN: from_secret: gitea_token commands: - cp -r dist dist-preview # Override the default api url used for preview - sed -i 's|http://localhost:3456|https://try.vikunja.io|g' dist-preview/index.html - apk add --no-cache perl-utils - shasum -a 384 -c ./scripts/deploy-preview-netlify.js.sha384 - node ./scripts/deploy-preview-netlify.js depends_on: - build-prod when: event: include: - pull_request --- kind: pipeline name: release-latest depends_on: - build trigger: branch: - main event: - push steps: - name: fetch-tags image: docker:git commands: - git fetch --tags # - name: restore-cache # image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev # pull: true # environment: # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: # from_secret: cache_aws_access_key_id # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: # from_secret: cache_aws_secret_access_key # settings: # restore: true # bucket: kolaente.dev-drone-dependency-cache # endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud # region: fr-par # path_style: true # cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_{{ checksum "pnpm-lock.yaml" }}_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' # mount: # - .cache - name: build image: node:18-alpine pull: true group: build-static environment: PNPM_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/pnpm commands: - corepack enable && pnpm config set store-dir .cache/.pnp - pnpm install --fetch-timeout 100000 - pnpm run lint - "echo '{\"VERSION\": \"'$(git describe --tags --always --abbrev=10 | sed 's/-/+/' | sed 's/^v//' | sed 's/-g/-/')'\"}' > src/version.json" - pnpm run build - sed -i 's/http\:\\/\\/localhost\\:3456\\/api\\/v1/\\/api\\/v1/g' dist/index.html # Override the default api url used for developing # depends_on: # - restore-cache - name: static image: kolaente/zip pull: true commands: - cd dist - zip -r ../vikunja-frontend-unstable.zip * - cd .. depends_on: [ build ] - name: release image: plugins/s3 pull: true settings: bucket: vikunja-releases access_key: from_secret: aws_access_key_id secret_key: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud region: fr-par path_style: true source: vikunja-frontend-unstable.zip target: /frontend/ depends_on: [ static ] --- kind: pipeline name: release-version depends_on: - build trigger: event: - tag steps: - name: fetch-tags image: docker:git commands: - git fetch --tags # - name: restore-cache # image: meltwater/drone-cache:dev # pull: true # environment: # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: # from_secret: cache_aws_access_key_id # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: # from_secret: cache_aws_secret_access_key # settings: # restore: true # bucket: kolaente.dev-drone-dependency-cache # endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud # region: fr-par # path_style: true # cache_key: '{{ .Repo.Name }}_{{ checksum "pnpm-lock.yaml" }}_{{ arch }}_{{ os }}' # mount: # - .cache - name: build image: node:18-alpine pull: true group: build-static environment: PNPM_CACHE_FOLDER: .cache/pnpm commands: - corepack enable && pnpm config set store-dir .cache/pnpm - pnpm install --fetch-timeout 100000 - pnpm run lint - "echo '{\"VERSION\": \"'$(git describe --tags --always --abbrev=10 | sed 's/-/+/' | sed 's/^v//' | sed 's/-g/-/')'\"}' > src/version.json" - pnpm run build - sed -i 's/http\:\\/\\/localhost\\:3456\\/api\\/v1/\\/api\\/v1/g' dist/index.html # Override the default api url used for developing # depends_on: # - restore-cache - name: static image: kolaente/zip pull: true commands: - cd dist - zip -r ../vikunja-frontend-${DRONE_TAG##v}.zip * - cd .. depends_on: [ build ] - name: release image: plugins/s3 pull: true settings: bucket: vikunja-releases access_key: from_secret: aws_access_key_id secret_key: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud region: fr-par path_style: true source: vikunja-frontend-${DRONE_TAG##v}.zip target: /frontend/ depends_on: [ static ] --- kind: pipeline name: trigger-desktop-update trigger: branch: - main event: - push depends_on: - release-latest steps: - name: trigger image: plugins/downstream settings: server: https://drone.kolaente.de token: from_secret: drone_token repositories: - vikunja/desktop@main --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: docker-arm-release depends_on: - release-latest - release-version platform: os: linux arch: arm64 trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - "refs/tags/**" event: exclude: - cron steps: - name: docker-unstable image: plugins/docker:linux-arm pull: true settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/frontend tags: unstable-linux-arm build_args: - USE_RELEASE=true - RELEASE_VERSION=unstable when: ref: - refs/heads/main depends_on: - clone - name: docker-version image: plugins/docker:linux-arm pull: true settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/frontend auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: linux-arm build_args: - USE_RELEASE=true - RELEASE_VERSION=${DRONE_TAG##v} when: ref: - "refs/tags/**" depends_on: - clone - name: docker-unstable-arm64 image: plugins/docker:linux-arm64 pull: true settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/frontend tags: unstable-linux-arm64 build_args: - USE_RELEASE=true - RELEASE_VERSION=unstable when: ref: - refs/heads/main depends_on: - clone - name: docker-version-arm64 image: plugins/docker:linux-arm64 pull: true settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/frontend auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: linux-arm64 build_args: - USE_RELEASE=true - RELEASE_VERSION=${DRONE_TAG##v} when: ref: - "refs/tags/**" depends_on: - clone --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: docker-amd64-release platform: os: linux arch: amd64 depends_on: - release-latest - release-version trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - "refs/tags/**" event: exclude: - cron steps: - name: docker-unstable image: plugins/docker:linux-amd64 pull: true settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/frontend tags: unstable-linux-amd64 build_args: - USE_RELEASE=true - RELEASE_VERSION=unstable when: ref: - refs/heads/main - name: docker-version image: plugins/docker:linux-amd64 pull: true settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/frontend auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: linux-amd64 build_args: - USE_RELEASE=true - RELEASE_VERSION=${DRONE_TAG##v} when: ref: - "refs/tags/**" --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: docker-manifest trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - "refs/tags/**" event: exclude: - cron depends_on: - docker-amd64-release - docker-arm-release steps: - name: manifest-unstable pull: always image: plugins/manifest settings: tags: unstable spec: docker-manifest-unstable.tmpl password: from_secret: docker_password username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - refs/heads/main - name: manifest-release pull: always image: plugins/manifest settings: auto_tag: true ignore_missing: true spec: docker-manifest.tmpl password: from_secret: docker_password username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - "refs/tags/**" - name: manifest-release-latest pull: always image: plugins/manifest depends_on: - clone settings: tags: latest ignore_missing: true spec: docker-manifest.tmpl password: from_secret: docker_password username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - "refs/tags/**" --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: notify trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - "refs/tags/**" event: exclude: - cron depends_on: - build - release-version - release-latest - trigger-desktop-update - docker-arm-release - docker-amd64-release - docker-manifest steps: - name: notify image: plugins/matrix settings: homeserver: https://matrix.org roomid: WqBDCxzghKcNflkErL:matrix.org username: from_secret: matrix_username password: from_secret: matrix_password when: status: - success - failure --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: update-translations depends_on: - build trigger: branch: - main event: - cron cron: - update_translations steps: - name: download pull: always image: jonasfranz/crowdin settings: download: true export_dir: src/i18n/lang/ ignore_branch: true project_identifier: vikunja environment: CROWDIN_KEY: from_secret: crowdin_key - name: move-files pull: always image: bash depends_on: - download commands: - mv src/i18n/lang/*/*.json src/i18n/lang - name: push pull: always image: appleboy/drone-git-push depends_on: - move-files settings: author_email: "frederik@vikunja.io" author_name: Frederick [Bot] branch: main commit: true commit_message: "[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin" remote: "ssh://git@kolaente.dev:9022/vikunja/frontend.git" ssh_key: from_secret: translation_git_push_ssh_key - name: upload pull: always image: jonasfranz/crowdin depends_on: - clone settings: files: en.json: src/i18n/lang/en.json ignore_branch: true project_identifier: vikunja environment: CROWDIN_KEY: from_secret: crowdin_key --- kind: signature hmac: 9eccb4a9999236be0f772c4cbe7ccce2875faa57f32de179bd75cf0df4124d00 ...