import type {InjectionKey} from 'vue' import {createStore, useStore as baseUseStore, Store} from 'vuex' import {getBlobFromBlurHash} from '../helpers/getBlobFromBlurHash' import { BACKGROUND, BLUR_HASH, CURRENT_LIST, HAS_TASKS, KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_ACTIVE, LOADING, LOADING_MODULE, LOGO_VISIBLE, MENU_ACTIVE, QUICK_ACTIONS_ACTIVE, } from './mutation-types' import ListModel from '@/models/list' import ListService from '../services/list' import {checkAndSetApiUrl} from '@/helpers/checkAndSetApiUrl' import type { RootStoreState, StoreState } from './types' import pinia from '@/pinia' import {useAuthStore} from '@/stores/auth' export const key: InjectionKey> = Symbol() // define your own `useStore` composition function export function useStore () { return baseUseStore(key) } export const store = createStore({ strict: import.meta.env.DEV, state: () => ({ loading: false, loadingModule: null, // This is used to highlight the current list in menu for all list related views currentList: new ListModel({ id: 0, isArchived: false, }), background: '', blurHash: '', hasTasks: false, menuActive: true, keyboardShortcutsActive: false, quickActionsActive: false, logoVisible: true, }), mutations: { [LOADING](state, loading) { state.loading = loading }, [LOADING_MODULE](state, module) { state.loadingModule = module }, [CURRENT_LIST](state, currentList) { // Server updates don't return the right. Therefore, the right is reset after updating the list which is // confusing because all the buttons will disappear in that case. To prevent this, we're keeping the right // when updating the list in global state. if (typeof state.currentList.maxRight !== 'undefined' && (typeof currentList.maxRight === 'undefined' || currentList.maxRight === null)) { currentList.maxRight = state.currentList.maxRight } state.currentList = currentList }, [HAS_TASKS](state, hasTasks) { state.hasTasks = hasTasks }, [MENU_ACTIVE](state, menuActive) { state.menuActive = menuActive }, toggleMenu(state) { state.menuActive = !state.menuActive }, [KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_ACTIVE](state, active) { state.keyboardShortcutsActive = active }, [QUICK_ACTIONS_ACTIVE](state, active) { state.quickActionsActive = active }, [BACKGROUND](state, background) { state.background = background }, [BLUR_HASH](state, blurHash) { state.blurHash = blurHash }, [LOGO_VISIBLE](state, visible: boolean) { state.logoVisible = visible }, }, actions: { async [CURRENT_LIST]({state, commit}, {list, forceUpdate = false}) { if (list === null) { commit(CURRENT_LIST, {}) commit(BACKGROUND, null) commit(BLUR_HASH, null) return } // The forceUpdate parameter is used only when updating a list background directly because in that case // the current list stays the same, but we want to show the new background right away. if ( !== || forceUpdate) { if (list.backgroundInformation) { try { const blurHash = await getBlobFromBlurHash(list.backgroundBlurHash) if (blurHash) { commit(BLUR_HASH, window.URL.createObjectURL(blurHash)) } const listService = new ListService() const background = await listService.background(list) commit(BACKGROUND, background) } catch (e) { console.error('Error getting background image for list',, e) } } } if (typeof list.backgroundInformation === 'undefined' || list.backgroundInformation === null) { commit(BACKGROUND, null) commit(BLUR_HASH, null) } commit(CURRENT_LIST, list) }, async loadApp() { await checkAndSetApiUrl(window.API_URL) const authStore = useAuthStore(pinia) await authStore.checkAuth() }, }, })