import {i18n} from '@/i18n' import {notify} from '@kyvg/vue3-notification' export function getErrorText(r): string { const data = r?.reason?.response?.data || r?.response?.data if (data?.code) { const path = `error.${data.code}` const message = // If message and path are equal no translation exists for that error code if (path !== message) { return message } } let message = data?.message || r.message if (typeof r.cause?.message !== 'undefined') { message += ' ' + r.cause.message } return message } export interface Action { title: string, callback: () => void, } export function error(e, actions: Action[] = []) { notify({ type: 'error', title:'error.error'), text: [getErrorText(e)], actions: actions, }) } export function success(e, actions: Action[] = []) { notify({ type: 'success', title:'error.success'), text: [getErrorText(e)], data: { actions: actions, }, }) }