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kolaente 12727900de
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Remember list view when navigating between lists
2020-05-21 11:13:19 +02:00

440 lines
15 KiB

<div class="kanban loader-container" :class="{ 'is-loading': loading}">
<div v-for="bucket in buckets" :key="`bucket${}`" class="bucket">
<div class="bucket-header">
class="title input"
@focusout="() => saveBucketTitle("
@keyup.ctrl.enter="() => saveBucketTitle(">{{ bucket.title }}</h2>
<div class="dropdown is-right options" :class="{ 'is-active': bucketOptionsDropDownActive[] }">
<div class="dropdown-trigger" @click.stop="toggleBucketDropdown(">
<span class="icon">
<icon icon="ellipsis-v"/>
<div class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
<div class="dropdown-content">
class="dropdown-item has-text-danger"
@click="() => deleteBucketModal("
:class="{'is-disabled': buckets.length <= 1}"
v-tooltip="buckets.length <= 1 ? 'You cannot remove the last bucket.' : ''"
<span class="icon is-small"><icon icon="trash-alt"/></span>
<div class="tasks">
@drop="e => onDrop(, e)"
<Draggable v-for="task in bucket.tasks" :key="`bucket${}-task${}`">
:to="{ name: 'task.kanban.detail', params: { id: } }"
class="task loader-container draggable"
'is-loading': taskService.loading && taskUpdating[],
'draggable': !taskService.loading || !taskUpdating[]
:style="{ 'background-color': task.hexColor }"
v-if="task.hexColor !== '#' + task.defaultColor">
<span class="task-id">
<span class="is-done" v-if="task.done">Done</span>
#{{ }}
v-if="task.dueDate > 0"
:class="{'overdue': task.dueDate <= new Date() && !task.done}"
<span class="icon">
<icon :icon="['far', 'calendar-alt']"/>
{{ formatDateSince(task.dueDate) }}
<h3>{{ task.title }}</h3>
<labels :labels="task.labels"/>
<div class="footer">
<div class="items">
<priority-label :priority="task.priority" class="priority-label"/>
<div class="assignees" v-if="task.assignees.length > 0">
v-for="u in task.assignees"
:key=" + 'assignee' +"
<span class="icon" v-if="task.attachments.length > 0">
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
<rect fill="none" rx="0" ry="0"></rect>
d="M19.86 8.29994C19.8823 8.27664 19.9026 8.25201 19.9207 8.22634C20.5666 7.53541 20.93 6.63567 20.93 5.68001C20.93 4.69001 20.55 3.76001 19.85 3.06001C18.45 1.66001 16.02 1.66001 14.62 3.06001L9.88002 7.80001C9.86705 7.81355 9.85481 7.82753 9.8433 7.8419L4.58 13.1C3.6 14.09 3.06 15.39 3.06 16.78C3.06 18.17 3.6 19.48 4.58 20.46C5.6 21.47 6.93 21.98 8.26 21.98C9.59 21.98 10.92 21.47 11.94 20.46L17.74 14.66C17.97 14.42 17.98 14.04 17.74 13.81C17.5 13.58 17.12 13.58 16.89 13.81L11.09 19.61C10.33 20.36 9.33 20.78 8.26 20.78C7.19 20.78 6.19 20.37 5.43 19.61C4.68 18.85 4.26 17.85 4.26 16.78C4.26 15.72 4.68 14.71 5.43 13.96L15.47 3.91996C15.4962 3.89262 15.5195 3.86346 15.54 3.83292C16.4992 2.95103 18.0927 2.98269 19.01 3.90001C19.48 4.37001 19.74 5.00001 19.74 5.67001C19.74 6.34001 19.48 6.97001 19.01 7.44001L14.27 12.18C14.2571 12.1935 14.2448 12.2075 14.2334 12.2218L8.96 17.4899C8.59 17.8699 7.93 17.8699 7.55 17.4899C7.36 17.2999 7.26 17.0399 7.26 16.7799C7.26 16.5199 7.36 16.2699 7.55 16.0699L15.47 8.14994C15.7 7.90994 15.71 7.52994 15.47 7.29994C15.23 7.06994 14.85 7.06994 14.62 7.29994L6.7 15.2199C6.29 15.6399 6.06 16.1899 6.06 16.7799C6.06 17.3699 6.29 17.9199 6.7 18.3399C7.12 18.7499 7.67 18.9799 8.26 18.9799C8.85 18.9799 9.4 18.7599 9.82 18.3399L19.86 8.29994Z"></path>
<div class="bucket-footer">
<div class="field" v-if="showNewTaskInput[]">
<div class="control">
placeholder="Enter the new task text..."
:class="{'is-loading': taskService.loading}"
<p class="help is-danger" v-if="newTaskError[] && newTaskText.length < 3">
Please specify at least three characters.
class="button noshadow is-transparent is-fullwidth has-text-centered"
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="plus"/>
<span v-if="bucket.tasks.length === 0">
Add a task
<span v-else>
Add another task
<div class="bucket new-bucket" v-if="!loading">
placeholder="Enter the new bucket title..."
@focusout="() => showNewBucketInput = false"
@keyup.esc="() => showNewBucketInput = false"
:class="{'is-loading': loading}"
class="button noshadow is-transparent is-fullwidth has-text-centered"
@click="() => showNewBucketInput = true" v-if="!showNewBucketInput">
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="plus"/>
Create a new bucket
<!-- This router view is used to show the task popup while keeping the kanban board itself -->
<transition name="modal">
@close="showBucketDeleteModal = false"
<span slot="header">Delete the bucket</span>
<p slot="text">
Are you sure you want to delete this bucket?<br/>
This will not delete any tasks but move them into the default bucket.
import TaskService from '../../../services/task'
import TaskModel from '../../../models/task'
import BucketModel from '../../../models/bucket'
import {Container, Draggable} from 'vue-smooth-dnd'
import PriorityLabel from '../../tasks/reusable/priorityLabel'
import User from '../../global/user'
import Labels from '../../tasks/reusable/labels'
import {filterObject} from '../../../helpers/filterObject'
import {applyDrag} from '../../../helpers/applyDrag'
import {mapState} from 'vuex'
import {LOADING} from '../../../store/mutation-types'
export default {
name: 'Kanban',
components: {
data() {
return {
taskService: TaskService,
dropPlaceholderOptions: {
className: 'drop-preview',
animationDuration: 150,
showOnTop: true,
bucketOptionsDropDownActive: {},
showBucketDeleteModal: false,
bucketToDelete: 0,
newTaskText: '',
showNewTaskInput: {},
newBucketTitle: '',
showNewBucketInput: false,
newTaskError: {},
// We're using this to show the loading animation only at the task when updating it
taskUpdating: {},
created() {
this.taskService = new TaskService()
setTimeout(() => document.addEventListener('click', this.closeBucketDropdowns), 0)
// Save the current list view to local storage
// We use local storage and not vuex here to make it persistent across reloads.
localStorage.setItem('listView', this.$
watch: {
'$route.params.listId': 'loadBuckets',
computed: mapState({
buckets: state => state.kanban.buckets,
loading: LOADING,
methods: {
loadBuckets() {
this.$store.dispatch('kanban/loadBucketsForList', this.$route.params.listId)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
onDrop(bucketId, dropResult) {
// Note: A lot of this example comes from the excellent kanban example on
const bucketIndex = filterObject(this.buckets, b => === bucketId)
if (dropResult.removedIndex !== null || dropResult.addedIndex !== null) {
// FIXME: This is probably not the best solution and more of a naive brute-force approach
// Duplicate the buckets to avoid stuff moving around without noticing
const buckets = Object.assign({}, this.buckets)
// Get the index of the bucket and the bucket itself
const bucket = buckets[bucketIndex]
// Rebuild the tasks from the bucket, removing/adding the moved task
bucket.tasks = applyDrag(bucket.tasks, dropResult)
// Update the bucket in the list of all buckets
delete buckets[bucketIndex]
buckets[bucketIndex] = bucket
// Set the buckets, triggering a state update in vue
// FIXME: This seems to set some task attributes (like due date) wrong. Commented out, but seems to still work?
// Not sure what to do about this.
// this.$store.commit('kanban/setBuckets', buckets)
if (dropResult.addedIndex !== null) {
const taskIndex = dropResult.addedIndex
const taskBefore = typeof this.buckets[bucketIndex].tasks[taskIndex - 1] === 'undefined' ? null : this.buckets[bucketIndex].tasks[taskIndex - 1]
const taskAfter = typeof this.buckets[bucketIndex].tasks[taskIndex + 1] === 'undefined' ? null : this.buckets[bucketIndex].tasks[taskIndex + 1]
const task = this.buckets[bucketIndex].tasks[taskIndex]
this.$set(this.taskUpdating,, true)
// If there is no task before, our task is the first task in which case we let it have half of the position of the task after it
if (taskBefore === null && taskAfter !== null) {
task.position = taskAfter.position / 2
// If there is no task after it, we just add 2^16 to the last position
if (taskBefore !== null && taskAfter === null) {
task.position = taskBefore.position + Math.pow(2, 16)
// If we have both a task before and after it, we acually calculate the position
if (taskAfter !== null && taskBefore !== null) {
task.position = taskBefore.position + (taskAfter.position - taskBefore.position) / 2
task.bucketId = bucketId
this.$store.dispatch('tasks/update', task)
.then(() => {
// Update the block with the new task details
// this.$store.commit('kanban/setTaskInBucketByIndex', {bucketIndex, taskIndex, task: t})
this.success({message: 'The task was moved successfully!'}, this)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
.finally(() => {
this.$set(this.taskUpdating,, false)
getTaskPayload(bucketId) {
return index => {
const bucket = this.buckets[filterObject(this.buckets, b => === bucketId)]
return bucket.tasks[index]
toggleShowNewTaskInput(bucket) {
this.$set(this.showNewTaskInput, bucket, !this.showNewTaskInput[bucket])
toggleBucketDropdown(bucketId) {
this.$set(this.bucketOptionsDropDownActive, bucketId, !this.bucketOptionsDropDownActive[bucketId])
closeBucketDropdowns() {
for (const bucketId in this.bucketOptionsDropDownActive) {
this.bucketOptionsDropDownActive[bucketId] = false
addTaskToBucket(bucketId) {
if (this.newTaskText.length < 3) {
this.$set(this.newTaskError, bucketId, true)
this.$set(this.newTaskError, bucketId, false)
// We need the actual bucket index so we put that in a seperate function
const bucketIndex = () => {
for (const t in this.buckets) {
if (this.buckets[t].id === bucketId) {
return t
const bi = bucketIndex()
const task = new TaskModel({title: this.newTaskText, bucketId: this.buckets[bi].id, listId: this.$route.params.listId})
.then(r => {
this.newTaskText = ''
this.$store.commit('kanban/addTaskToBucket', r)
this.success({message: 'The task was created successfully!'}, this)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
createNewBucket() {
if (this.newBucketTitle === '') {
const newBucket = new BucketModel({title: this.newBucketTitle, listId: parseInt(this.$route.params.listId)})
this.$store.dispatch('kanban/createBucket', newBucket)
.then(() => {
this.newBucketTitle = ''
this.showNewBucketInput = false
this.success({message: 'The bucket was created successfully!'}, this)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
deleteBucketModal(bucketId) {
if (this.buckets.length <= 1) {
this.bucketToDelete = bucketId
this.showBucketDeleteModal = true
deleteBucket() {
const bucket = new BucketModel({
id: this.bucketToDelete,
listId: this.$route.params.listId,
this.$store.dispatch('kanban/deleteBucket', bucket)
.then(r => {
this.success(r, this)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
.finally(() => {
this.showBucketDeleteModal = false
saveBucketTitle(bucketId) {
const bucketTitle = this.$refs[`bucket${bucketId}title`][0].textContent
const bucket = new BucketModel({
id: bucketId,
title: bucketTitle,
listId: Number(this.$route.params.listId),
// Because the contenteditable does not have a change event,
// we're building it ourselves here and only updating the bucket
// if the title changed.
const realBucket = this.buckets[filterObject(this.buckets, b => === bucketId)]
if (realBucket.title === bucketTitle) {
this.$store.dispatch('kanban/updateBucket', bucket)
.then(r => {
this.success({message: 'The bucket title was updated successfully!'}, this)
realBucket.title = r.title
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)