
219 lines
5.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-09-08 21:33:23 +00:00
:class="{ 'is-loading': projectService.loading, 'is-archived': currentProject?.isArchived}"
<h1 class="project-title-print">
{{ getProjectTitle(currentProject) }}
2024-04-02 12:04:17 +00:00
class="switch-view-container d-print-none"
:class="{'is-justify-content-flex-end': views.length === 1}"
v-if="views.length > 1"
v-for="v in views"
2024-03-18 23:46:18 +00:00
:class="{'is-active': === viewId}"
:to="{ name: 'project.view', params: { projectId, viewId: } }"
{{ getViewTitle(v) }}
2024-03-18 23:46:18 +00:00
<slot name="header" />
2023-01-19 13:30:51 +00:00
<CustomTransition name="fade">
2024-02-07 11:18:19 +00:00
2023-03-28 13:40:08 +00:00
{{ $t('project.archivedMessage') }}
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
2023-01-19 13:30:51 +00:00
2019-04-29 21:41:39 +00:00
2024-03-18 23:46:18 +00:00
<slot v-if="loadedProjectId" />
2018-09-08 21:33:23 +00:00
2021-12-10 14:29:28 +00:00
<script setup lang="ts">
import {computed, ref, watch} from 'vue'
2021-11-14 20:33:53 +00:00
import {useRoute} from 'vue-router'
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
import BaseButton from '@/components/base/BaseButton.vue'
2021-12-10 14:29:28 +00:00
import Message from '@/components/misc/message.vue'
2023-01-19 13:30:51 +00:00
import CustomTransition from '@/components/misc/CustomTransition.vue'
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
import ProjectModel from '@/models/project'
import ProjectService from '@/services/project'
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
import {getProjectTitle} from '@/helpers/getProjectTitle'
import {saveProjectToHistory} from '@/modules/projectHistory'
import {useTitle} from '@/composables/useTitle'
2022-09-24 13:20:40 +00:00
import {useBaseStore} from '@/stores/base'
import {useProjectStore} from '@/stores/projects'
import type {IProject} from '@/modelTypes/IProject'
import type {IProjectView} from '@/modelTypes/IProjectView'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
const {
} = defineProps<{
projectId: IProject['id'],
viewId: IProjectView['id'],
2021-12-10 14:29:28 +00:00
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
const route = useRoute()
const {t} = useI18n()
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
2022-09-24 13:20:40 +00:00
const baseStore = useBaseStore()
const projectStore = useProjectStore()
const projectService = ref(new ProjectService())
const loadedProjectId = ref(0)
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
const currentProject = computed<IProject>(() => {
return typeof baseStore.currentProject === 'undefined' ? {
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
id: 0,
title: '',
isArchived: false,
2022-01-30 15:47:23 +00:00
maxRight: null,
} : baseStore.currentProject
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
useTitle(() => currentProject.value?.id ? getProjectTitle(currentProject.value) : '')
2021-11-01 17:19:59 +00:00
const views = computed(() => projectStore.projects[projectId]?.views)
// watchEffect would be called every time the prop would get a value assigned, even if that value was the same as before.
// This resulted in loading and setting the project multiple times, even when navigating away from it.
// This caused wired bugs where the project background would be set on the home page but only right after setting a new
// project background and then navigating to home. It also highlighted the project in the menu and didn't allow changing any
// of it, most likely due to the rights not being properly populated.
() => projectId,
// loadProject
async (projectIdToLoad: number) => {
const projectData = {id: projectIdToLoad}
// Don't load the project if we either already loaded it or aren't dealing with a project at all currently and
// the currently loaded project has the right set.
if (
projectIdToLoad === loadedProjectId.value ||
typeof projectIdToLoad === 'undefined' ||
projectIdToLoad === currentProject.value?.id
&& typeof currentProject.value !== 'undefined' && currentProject.value.maxRight !== null
) {
loadedProjectId.value = projectId
2024-03-18 23:46:18 +00:00
console.debug('Loading project, $route.params =', route.params, `, loadedProjectId = ${loadedProjectId.value}, currentProject = `, currentProject.value)
// Set the current project to the one we're about to load so that the title is already shown at the top
loadedProjectId.value = 0
const projectFromStore = projectStore.projects[]
if (projectFromStore) {
baseStore.handleSetCurrentProject({project: projectFromStore})
// We create an extra project object instead of creating it in project.value because that would trigger a ui update which would result in bad ux.
const project = new ProjectModel(projectData)
try {
const loadedProject = await projectService.value.get(project)
baseStore.handleSetCurrentProject({project: loadedProject})
} finally {
loadedProjectId.value = projectId
{immediate: true},
function getViewTitle(view: IProjectView) {
switch (view.title) {
case 'List':
return t('project.list.title')
case 'Gantt':
return t('project.gantt.title')
case 'Table':
return t('project.table.title')
case 'Kanban':
return t('project.kanban.title')
return view.title
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display: flex;
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@media screen and (max-width: $tablet) {
justify-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
.switch-view {
background: var(--white);
display: inline-flex;
border-radius: $radius;
font-size: .75rem;
box-shadow: var(--shadow-sm);
padding: .5rem;
.switch-view-button {
padding: .25rem .5rem;
display: block;
border-radius: $radius;
transition: all 100ms;
&:not(:last-child) {
margin-right: .5rem;
&:hover {
color: var(--switch-view-color);
background: var(--primary);
&.is-active {
color: var(--switch-view-color);
background: var(--primary);
font-weight: bold;
box-shadow: var(--shadow-xs);
// FIXME: this should be in notification and set via a prop
.is-archived {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
.project-title-print {
display: none;
font-size: 1.75rem;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: .5rem;
@media print {
display: block;