feat: assign users to teams via OIDC claims #1393

konrad merged 93 commits from viehlieb/api:950_reworked_assign_teams_via_oidc into main 2024-03-02 08:47:12 +00:00
2 changed files with 5 additions and 3 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 8045d68c2e - Show all commits

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@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ This document describes the different errors Vikunja can return.
| 6005 | 409 | The user is already a member of that team. |
| 6006 | 400 | Cannot delete the last team member. |
| 6007 | 403 | The team does not have access to the list to perform that action. |
| 6008 | 400 | There are no teams found with that team name |
| 6009 | 400 | There is no oidc team with that team name and oidcId |
| 6010 | 400 | There are no oidc teams found for the user |
| 6008 | 400 | There are no teams found with that team name. |
| 6009 | 400 | There is no oidc team with that team name and oidcId. |
| 6010 | 400 | There are no oidc teams found for the user. |

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@ -1225,6 +1225,7 @@ func (err ErrOIDCTeamsDoNotExistForUser) HTTPError() web.HTTPError {
return web.HTTPError{HTTPCode: http.StatusNotFound, Code: ErrCodeTeamDoesNotExist, Message: "No Teams with property oidcId could be found for User."}
viehlieb marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

What OIDC does not exist? What does that mean?

What OIDC does not exist? What does that mean?
// ErrTeamsDoNotExist represents an error where Teams searched via non-unique name do not exist.
type ErrTeamsDoNotExist struct {
Name string
@ -1259,6 +1260,7 @@ func IsErrOIDCTeamDoesNotExist(err error) bool {
return ok
// ErrTeamDoesNotExist represents an error where a team does not exist
func (err ErrOIDCTeamDoesNotExist) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("No Team with that name and valid property oidcId could be found [Team Name: %v] [OidcId : %v] ", err.Name, err.OidcID)