import {computed, readonly, ref} from 'vue' import {acceptHMRUpdate, defineStore} from 'pinia' import {klona} from 'klona/lite' import {findById, findIndexById} from '@/helpers/utils' import BucketService from '@/services/bucket' import TaskCollectionService, {type TaskFilterParams} from '@/services/taskCollection' import {setModuleLoading} from '@/stores/helper' import type {ITask} from '@/modelTypes/ITask' import type {IProject} from '@/modelTypes/IProject' import type {IBucket} from '@/modelTypes/IBucket' import {useAuthStore} from '@/stores/auth' import type {IProjectView} from '@/modelTypes/IProjectView' const TASKS_PER_BUCKET = 25 function getTaskIndicesById(buckets: IBucket[], taskId: ITask['id']) { let taskIndex const bucketIndex = buckets.findIndex(({tasks}) => { taskIndex = findIndexById(tasks, taskId) return taskIndex !== -1 }) return { bucketIndex: bucketIndex !== -1 ? bucketIndex : null, taskIndex: taskIndex !== -1 ? taskIndex : null, } } /** * This store is intended to hold the currently active kanban view. * It should hold only the current buckets. */ export const useKanbanStore = defineStore('kanban', () => { const authStore = useAuthStore() const buckets = ref([]) const projectId = ref(0) const bucketLoading = ref<{ [id: IBucket['id']]: boolean }>({}) const taskPagesPerBucket = ref<{ [id: IBucket['id']]: number }>({}) const allTasksLoadedForBucket = ref<{ [id: IBucket['id']]: boolean }>({}) const isLoading = ref(false) const getBucketById = computed(() => (bucketId: IBucket['id']): IBucket | undefined => findById(buckets.value, bucketId)) const getTaskById = computed(() => { return (id: ITask['id']) => { const {bucketIndex, taskIndex} = getTaskIndicesById(buckets.value, id) return { bucketIndex, taskIndex, task: bucketIndex !== null && taskIndex !== null && buckets.value[bucketIndex]?.tasks?.[taskIndex] || null, } } }) function setIsLoading(newIsLoading: boolean) { isLoading.value = newIsLoading } function setProjectId(newProjectId: IProject['id']) { projectId.value = Number(newProjectId) } function setBuckets(newBuckets: IBucket[]) { buckets.value = newBuckets newBuckets.forEach(b => { taskPagesPerBucket.value[] = 1 allTasksLoadedForBucket.value[] = false }) } function addBucket(bucket: IBucket) { buckets.value.push(bucket) } function removeBucket(newBucket: IBucket) { const bucketIndex = findIndexById(buckets.value, buckets.value.splice(bucketIndex, 1) } function setBucketById(newBucket: IBucket) { const bucketIndex = findIndexById(buckets.value, buckets.value[bucketIndex] = newBucket } function setBucketByIndex( bucketIndex: number, bucket: IBucket, ) { buckets.value[bucketIndex] = bucket } function setTaskInBucketByIndex({ bucketIndex, taskIndex, task, }: { bucketIndex: number, taskIndex: number, task: ITask }) { const bucket = buckets.value[bucketIndex] bucket.tasks[taskIndex] = task buckets.value[bucketIndex] = bucket } function setTaskInBucket(task: ITask) { // If this gets invoked without any tasks actually loaded, we can save the hassle of finding the task if (buckets.value.length === 0) { return } let found = false const findAndUpdate = b => { for (const t in buckets.value[b].tasks) { if (buckets.value[b].tasks[t].id === { const bucket = buckets.value[b] bucket.tasks[t] = task buckets.value[b] = bucket found = true return } } } for (const b in buckets.value) { findAndUpdate(b) if (found) { return } } } function addTaskToBucket(task: ITask) { const bucketIndex = findIndexById(buckets.value, task.bucketId) const oldBucket = buckets.value[bucketIndex] const newBucket = { ...oldBucket, count: oldBucket.count + 1, tasks: [ ...oldBucket.tasks, task, ], } buckets.value[bucketIndex] = newBucket } function addTasksToBucket(tasks: ITask[], bucketId: IBucket['id']) { const bucketIndex = findIndexById(buckets.value, bucketId) const oldBucket = buckets.value[bucketIndex] const newBucket = { ...oldBucket, tasks: [ ...oldBucket.tasks, ...tasks, ], } buckets.value[bucketIndex] = newBucket } function removeTaskInBucket(task: ITask) { // If this gets invoked without any tasks actually loaded, we can save the hassle of finding the task if (buckets.value.length === 0) { return } const {bucketIndex, taskIndex} = getTaskIndicesById(buckets.value, if ( bucketIndex === null || taskIndex === null || (buckets.value[bucketIndex]?.tasks[taskIndex]?.id !== ) { return } buckets.value[bucketIndex].tasks.splice(taskIndex, 1) buckets.value[bucketIndex].count-- } function setBucketLoading({bucketId, loading}: { bucketId: IBucket['id'], loading: boolean }) { bucketLoading.value[bucketId] = loading } function setTasksLoadedForBucketPage({bucketId, page}: { bucketId: IBucket['id'], page: number }) { taskPagesPerBucket.value[bucketId] = page } function setAllTasksLoadedForBucket(bucketId: IBucket['id']) { allTasksLoadedForBucket.value[bucketId] = true } async function loadBucketsForProject(projectId: IProject['id'], viewId: IProjectView['id'], params) { const cancel = setModuleLoading(setIsLoading) // Clear everything to prevent having old buckets in the project if loading the buckets from this project takes a few moments setBuckets([]) const taskCollectionService = new TaskCollectionService() try { const newBuckets = await taskCollectionService.getAll({projectId, viewId}, { ...params, per_page: TASKS_PER_BUCKET, }) setBuckets(newBuckets) setProjectId(projectId) return newBuckets } finally { cancel() } } async function loadNextTasksForBucket( projectId: IProject['id'], viewId: IProjectView['id'], ps: TaskFilterParams, bucketId: IBucket['id'], ) { const isLoading = bucketLoading.value[bucketId] ?? false if (isLoading) { return } const page = (taskPagesPerBucket.value[bucketId] ?? 1) + 1 const alreadyLoaded = allTasksLoadedForBucket.value[bucketId] ?? false if (alreadyLoaded) { return } const cancel = setModuleLoading(setIsLoading) setBucketLoading({bucketId: bucketId, loading: true}) const params: TaskFilterParams = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ps)) params.sort_by = ['position'] params.order_by = ['asc'] params.filter = `${params.filter === '' ? '' : params.filter + ' && '}bucket_id = ${bucketId}` params.filter_timezone = authStore.settings.timezone params.per_page = TASKS_PER_BUCKET const taskService = new TaskCollectionService() try { const tasks = await taskService.getAll({projectId, viewId}, params, page) addTasksToBucket(tasks, bucketId) setTasksLoadedForBucketPage({bucketId, page}) if (taskService.totalPages <= page) { setAllTasksLoadedForBucket(bucketId) } return tasks } finally { cancel() setBucketLoading({bucketId, loading: false}) } } async function createBucket(bucket: IBucket) { const cancel = setModuleLoading(setIsLoading) const bucketService = new BucketService() try { const createdBucket = await bucketService.create(bucket) addBucket(createdBucket) return createdBucket } finally { cancel() } } async function deleteBucket({bucket, params}: { bucket: IBucket, params }) { const cancel = setModuleLoading(setIsLoading) const bucketService = new BucketService() try { const response = await bucketService.delete(bucket) removeBucket(bucket) // We reload all buckets because tasks are being moved from the deleted bucket loadBucketsForProject(bucket.projectId, bucket.projectViewId, params) return response } finally { cancel() } } async function updateBucket(updatedBucketData: Partial) { const cancel = setModuleLoading(setIsLoading) const bucketIndex = findIndexById(buckets.value, const oldBucket = klona(buckets.value[bucketIndex]) const updatedBucket = { ...oldBucket, ...updatedBucketData, } setBucketByIndex(bucketIndex, updatedBucket) const bucketService = new BucketService() try { const returnedBucket = await bucketService.update(updatedBucket) setBucketByIndex(bucketIndex, returnedBucket) return returnedBucket } catch (e) { // restore original state setBucketByIndex(bucketIndex, oldBucket) throw e } finally { cancel() } } return { buckets, isLoading: readonly(isLoading), getBucketById, getTaskById, setBuckets, setBucketById, setTaskInBucketByIndex, setTaskInBucket, addTaskToBucket, removeTaskInBucket, loadBucketsForProject, loadNextTasksForBucket, createBucket, deleteBucket, updateBucket, } }) // support hot reloading if ( {, }