forked from vikunja/vikunja

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date title toc draft type menu
2022-09-21:00:00+02:00 Development true false doc
parent name
development Development


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To contribute to Vikunja, fork the project and work on the main branch. Once you feel like your changes are ready, open a PR in the respective repo on our Gitea instance. We cannot accept PRs on mirror sites.

A maintainer will take a look and give you feedback. Once everyone is happy, the PR gets merged and released.

If you plan to do a bigger change, it is better to open an issue for discussion first.


The code for the api is located at code.vikunja.io/api.

You'll need at least Go 1.21 to build Vikunja's api.

A lot of developing tasks are automated using a Magefile, so make sure to [take a look at it]({{< ref "mage.md">}}).

Make sure to check the other doc articles for specific development tasks like [testing]({{< ref "test.md">}}), [database migrations]({{< ref "db-migrations.md" >}}) and the [project structure]({{< ref "structure.md" >}}).

Frontend requirements

The code for the frontend is located at code.vikunja.io/frontend. More instructions can be found in the repo's README.

You need to have pnpm and Node.JS in version 18 or higher installed.

Pull Requests

All Pull Requests must be made on our Gitea instance. We cannot accept PRs on mirror sites.

Please try to make your pull request easy to review. For that, please read the Best Practices for Faster Reviews guide. It has lots of useful tips for any project you may want to contribute to. Some of the key points:

  • Make small pull requests. The smaller, the faster to review and the more likely it will be merged soon.
  • Don't make changes unrelated to your PR. Maybe there are typos on some comments, maybe refactoring would be welcome on a function… but if that is not related to your PR, please make another PR for that.
  • Split big pull requests into multiple small ones. An incremental change will be faster to review than a huge PR.
  • Allow edits by maintainers. This way, the maintainers will take care of merging the PR later on instead of you.

PR title and summary

In the PR title, describe the problem you are fixing, not how you are fixing it. Use the first comment as a summary of your PR. In the PR summary, you can describe exactly how you are fixing this problem. Keep this summary up-to-date as the PR evolves.

If your PR changes the UI, you must add after screenshots in the PR summary. If your PR closes an issue, you must note that in a way that both GitHub and Gitea understand, i.e. by appending a paragraph like

Fixes/Closes/Resolves #<ISSUE_NR_X>.
Fixes/Closes/Resolves #<ISSUE_NR_Y>.

to your summary. Each issue that will be closed must stand on a separate line.

If your PR is related to a discussion in the forum, you must add a link to the forum discussion.

Git flow

The main branch is the latest and bleeding edge branch with all changes. Unstable releases are automatically created from this branch. New Pull-Requests should be made against the main branch.

A release gets tagged from the main branch with the version name as tag name.

Backports and point-releases should go to a release/version branch, based on the tag they are building on top of.

Conventional Commits

We're using Conventional Commits because they greatly simplify generating release notes.

It is not required to use them when creating a PR, but appreciated.