resizing stuff

This commit is contained in:
klg 2021-12-09 08:40:02 +01:00
parent 15bfe41191
commit b57fee6a1f
WARNING! Although there is a key with this ID in the database it does not verify this commit! This commit is SUSPICIOUS.
GPG Key ID: 5172C21B0F825C92
1 changed files with 17 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ bindsym Mod4+Backspace scratchpad show
bindsym Mod4+Down focus down bindsym Mod4+Down focus down
bindsym Mod4+Left focus left bindsym Mod4+Left focus left
bindsym Mod4+Print exec shutter -s bindsym Mod4+Print exec shutter -s
bindsym Mod4+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal bindsym Mod4+Return exec alacritty
bindsym Mod4+Right focus right bindsym Mod4+Right focus right
bindsym Mod4+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1 bindsym Mod4+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1
bindsym Mod4+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2 bindsym Mod4+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2
@ -85,14 +85,22 @@ bindsym Mod4+n exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/i3/scripts/
bindsym Mod4+Shift+n exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/i3/scripts/ bindsym Mod4+Shift+n exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/i3/scripts/
bindsym Mod4+Control+Shift+n exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/i3/scripts/ switch bindsym Mod4+Control+Shift+n exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/i3/scripts/ switch
mode "resize" { # Resizing windows in i3 using keyboard only
bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt #
bindsym Escape mode default
bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt # Resizing by 1
bindsym Return mode default bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+Right resize shrink width 1 px or 1 ppt
bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+Up resize grow height 1 px or 1 ppt
bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+Down resize shrink height 1 px or 1 ppt
} bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+Left resize grow width 1 px or 1 ppt
# Resizing by 10
bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+Shift+Right resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+Shift+Up resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+Shift+Down resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Mod4+Ctrl+Shift+Left resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
bar { bar {