fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.73.0 - autoclosed #3745

renovate wants to merge 1 commits from renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo into main

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@sentry/tracing (source) dependencies minor 7.68.0 -> 7.73.0
@sentry/vue (source) dependencies minor 7.68.0 -> 7.73.0

Release Notes

getsentry/sentry-javascript (@​sentry/tracing)


Compare Source

Important Changes
  • feat(replay): Upgrade to rrweb2

This is fully backwards compatible with prior versions of the Replay SDK. The only breaking change that we will making is to not be masking aria-label by default. The reason for this change is to align with our core SDK which also does not mask aria-label. This change also enables better support of searching by clicks.

Another change that needs to be highlighted is the 13% bundle size increase. This bundle size increase is necessary to bring improved recording performance and improved replay fidelity, especially in regards to web components and iframes. We will be investigating the reduction of the bundle size in this PR.

Here are benchmarks comparing the version 1 of rrweb to version 2

metric v1 v2
lcp 1486.06 ms 1529.11 ms
cls 0.40 ms 0.40 ms
fid 1.53 ms 1.50 ms
tbt 3207.22 ms 3036.80 ms
memoryAvg 131.83 MB 124.84 MB
memoryMax 324.8 MB 339.03 MB
netTx 282.67 KB 272.51 KB
netRx 8.02 MB 8.07 MB
Other Changes
  • feat: Always assemble Envelopes (#​9101)
  • feat(node): Rate limit local variables for caught exceptions and enable captureAllExceptions by default (#​9102)
  • fix(core): Ensure tunnel is considered for isSentryUrl checks (#​9130)
  • fix(nextjs): Fix RequestAsyncStorage fallback path (#​9126)
  • fix(node-otel): Suppress tracing for generated sentry spans (#​9142)
  • fix(node): fill in span data from http request options object (#​9112)
  • fix(node): Fixes and improvements to ANR detection (#​9128)
  • fix(sveltekit): Avoid data invalidation in wrapped client-side load functions (#​9071)
  • ref(core): Refactor InboundFilters integration to use processEvent (#​9020)
  • ref(wasm): Refactor Wasm integration to use processEvent (#​9019)

Work in this release contributed by @​vlad-zhukov. Thank you for your contribution!


Compare Source

Important Changes
  • feat(node): App Not Responding with stack traces (#​9079)

This release introduces support for Application Not Responding (ANR) errors for Node.js applications.
These errors are triggered when the Node.js main thread event loop of an application is blocked for more than five seconds.
The Node SDK reports ANR errors as Sentry events and can optionally attach a stacktrace of the blocking code to the ANR event.

To enable ANR detection, import and use the enableANRDetection function from the @sentry/node package before you run the rest of your application code.
Any event loop blocking before calling enableANRDetection will not be detected by the SDK.

Example (ESM):

import * as Sentry from "@​sentry/node";

  dsn: "___PUBLIC_DSN___",
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,

await Sentry.enableANRDetection({ captureStackTrace: true });
// Function that runs your app

Example (CJS):

const Sentry = require("@​sentry/node");

  dsn: "___PUBLIC_DSN___",
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,

Sentry.enableANRDetection({ captureStackTrace: true }).then(() => {
  // Function that runs your app
Other Changes
  • fix(nextjs): Filter RequestAsyncStorage locations by locations that webpack will resolve (#​9114)
  • fix(replay): Ensure replay_id is not captured when session is expired (#​9109)


Compare Source

  • feat(bun): Instrument Bun.serve (#​9080)
  • fix(core): Ensure global event processors are always applied to event (#​9064)
  • fix(core): Run client eventProcessors before global ones (#​9032)
  • fix(nextjs): Use webpack module paths to attempt to resolve internal request async storage module (#​9100)
  • fix(react): Add actual error name to boundary error name (#​9065)
  • fix(react): Compare location against basename-prefixed route. (#​9076)
  • ref(browser): Refactor browser integrations to use processEvent (#​9022)

Work in this release contributed by @​jorrit. Thank you for your contribution!


Compare Source

Important Changes

This release contains the beta version of @sentry/bun, our SDK for the Bun JavaScript runtime! For details on how to use it, please see the README. Any feedback/bug reports are greatly appreciated, please reach out on GitHub.

Note that as of now the Bun runtime does not support global error handlers. This is being actively worked on, see the tracking issue in Bun's GitHub repo.

  • feat(remix): Add Remix 2.x release support. (#​8940)

The Sentry Remix SDK now officially supports Remix v2! See our Remix docs for more details.

Other Changes
  • chore(node): Upgrade cookie to ^0.5.0 (#​9013)
  • feat(core): Introduce processEvent hook on Integration (#​9017)
  • feat(node): Improve non-error messages (#​9026)
  • feat(vercel-edge): Add Vercel Edge Runtime package (#​9041)
  • fix(remix): Use React.ComponentType instead of React.FC as withSentry's generic type. (#​9043)
  • fix(replay): Ensure replay events go through preprocessEvent hook (#​9034)
  • fix(replay): Fix typo in Replay types (#​9028)
  • fix(sveltekit): Adjust handleErrorWithSentry type (#​9054)
  • fix(utils): Try-catch monkeypatching to handle frozen objects/functions (#​9031)

Work in this release contributed by @​Dima-Dim, @​krist7599555 and @​lifeiscontent. Thank you for your contributions!

Special thanks for @​isaacharrisholt for helping us implement a Vercel Edge Runtime SDK which we use under the hood for our Next.js SDK.


Compare Source

Important Changes
  • New Performance APIs
    • feat: Update span performance API names (#​8971)
    • feat(core): Introduce startSpanManual (#​8913)

This release introduces a new set of top level APIs for the Performance Monitoring SDKs. These aim to simplify creating spans and reduce the boilerplate needed for performance instrumentation. The three new methods introduced are Sentry.startSpan, Sentry.startInactiveSpan, and Sentry.startSpanManual. These methods are available in the browser and node SDKs.

Sentry.startSpan wraps a callback in a span. The span is automatically finished when the callback returns. This is the recommended way to create spans.

// Start a span that tracks the duration of expensiveFunction
const result = Sentry.startSpan({ name: 'important function' }, () => {
  return expensiveFunction();

// You can also mutate the span wrapping the callback to set data or status
Sentry.startSpan({ name: 'important function' }, (span) => {
  // span is undefined if performance monitoring is turned off or if
  // the span was not sampled. This is done to reduce overhead.
  span?.setData('version', '1.0.0');
  return expensiveFunction();

If you don't want the span to finish when the callback returns, use Sentry.startSpanManual to control when the span is finished. This is useful for event emitters or similar.

// Start a span that tracks the duration of middleware
function middleware(_req, res, next) {
  return Sentry.startSpanManual({ name: 'middleware' }, (span, finish) => {
    res.once('finish', () => {
    return next();

Sentry.startSpan and Sentry.startSpanManual create a span and make it active for the duration of the callback. Any spans created while this active span is running will be added as a child span to it. If you want to create a span without making it active, use Sentry.startInactiveSpan. This is useful for creating parallel spans that are not related to each other.

const span1 = Sentry.startInactiveSpan({ name: 'span1' });


const span2 = Sentry.startInactiveSpan({ name: 'span2' });


const span3 = Sentry.startInactiveSpan({ name: 'span3' });


Other Changes
  • feat(core): Export BeforeFinishCallback type (#​8999)
  • build(eslint): Enforce that ts-expect-error is used (#​8987)
  • feat(integration): Ensure LinkedErrors integration runs before all event processors (#​8956)
  • feat(node-experimental): Keep breadcrumbs on transaction (#​8967)
  • feat(redux): Add 'attachReduxState' option (#​8953)
  • feat(remix): Accept org, project and url as args to upload script (#​8985)
  • fix(utils): Prevent iterating over VueViewModel (#​8981)
  • fix(utils): uuidv4 fix for cloudflare (#​8968)
  • fix(core): Always use event message and exception values for ignoreErrors (#​8986)
  • fix(nextjs): Add new potential location for Next.js request AsyncLocalStorage (#​9006)
  • fix(node-experimental): Ensure we only create HTTP spans when outgoing (#​8966)
  • fix(node-experimental): Ignore OPTIONS & HEAD requests (#​9001)
  • fix(node-experimental): Ignore outgoing Sentry requests (#​8994)
  • fix(node-experimental): Require parent span for pg spans (#​8993)
  • fix(node-experimental): Use Sentry logger as Otel logger (#​8960)
  • fix(node-otel): Refactor OTEL span reference cleanup (#​9000)
  • fix(react): Switch to props in useRoutes (#​8998)
  • fix(remix): Add glob to Remix SDK dependencies. (#​8963)
  • fix(replay): Ensure handleRecordingEmit aborts when event is not added (#​8938)
  • fix(replay): Fully stop & restart session when it expires (#​8834)

Work in this release contributed by @​Duncanxyz and @​malay44. Thank you for your contributions!


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@sentry/tracing]( ([source]( | dependencies | minor | [`7.68.0` -> `7.73.0`]( | | [@sentry/vue]( ([source]( | dependencies | minor | [`7.68.0` -> `7.73.0`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>getsentry/sentry-javascript (@&#8203;sentry/tracing)</summary> ### [`v7.73.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Important Changes - **feat(replay): Upgrade to rrweb2** This is fully backwards compatible with prior versions of the Replay SDK. The only breaking change that we will making is to not be masking `aria-label` by default. The reason for this change is to align with our core SDK which also does not mask `aria-label`. This change also enables better support of searching by clicks. Another change that needs to be highlighted is the 13% bundle size increase. This bundle size increase is necessary to bring improved recording performance and improved replay fidelity, especially in regards to web components and iframes. We will be investigating the reduction of the bundle size in [this PR]( Here are benchmarks comparing the version 1 of rrweb to version 2 | metric | v1 | v2 | | --------- | ---------- | ---------- | | lcp | 1486.06 ms | 1529.11 ms | | cls | 0.40 ms | 0.40 ms | | fid | 1.53 ms | 1.50 ms | | tbt | 3207.22 ms | 3036.80 ms | | memoryAvg | 131.83 MB | 124.84 MB | | memoryMax | 324.8 MB | 339.03 MB | | netTx | 282.67 KB | 272.51 KB | | netRx | 8.02 MB | 8.07 MB | ##### Other Changes - feat: Always assemble Envelopes ([#&#8203;9101]( - feat(node): Rate limit local variables for caught exceptions and enable `captureAllExceptions` by default ([#&#8203;9102]( - fix(core): Ensure `tunnel` is considered for `isSentryUrl` checks ([#&#8203;9130]( - fix(nextjs): Fix `RequestAsyncStorage` fallback path ([#&#8203;9126]( - fix(node-otel): Suppress tracing for generated sentry spans ([#&#8203;9142]( - fix(node): fill in span data from http request options object ([#&#8203;9112]( - fix(node): Fixes and improvements to ANR detection ([#&#8203;9128]( - fix(sveltekit): Avoid data invalidation in wrapped client-side `load` functions ([#&#8203;9071]( - ref(core): Refactor `InboundFilters` integration to use `processEvent` ([#&#8203;9020]( - ref(wasm): Refactor Wasm integration to use `processEvent` ([#&#8203;9019]( Work in this release contributed by [@&#8203;vlad-zhukov]( Thank you for your contribution! ### [`v7.72.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Important Changes - **feat(node): App Not Responding with stack traces ([#&#8203;9079](** This release introduces support for Application Not Responding (ANR) errors for Node.js applications. These errors are triggered when the Node.js main thread event loop of an application is blocked for more than five seconds. The Node SDK reports ANR errors as Sentry events and can optionally attach a stacktrace of the blocking code to the ANR event. To enable ANR detection, import and use the `enableANRDetection` function from the `@sentry/node` package before you run the rest of your application code. Any event loop blocking before calling `enableANRDetection` will not be detected by the SDK. Example (ESM): ```ts import * as Sentry from "@&#8203;sentry/node"; Sentry.init({ dsn: "___PUBLIC_DSN___", tracesSampleRate: 1.0, }); await Sentry.enableANRDetection({ captureStackTrace: true }); // Function that runs your app runApp(); ``` Example (CJS): ```ts const Sentry = require("@&#8203;sentry/node"); Sentry.init({ dsn: "___PUBLIC_DSN___", tracesSampleRate: 1.0, }); Sentry.enableANRDetection({ captureStackTrace: true }).then(() => { // Function that runs your app runApp(); }); ``` ##### Other Changes - fix(nextjs): Filter `RequestAsyncStorage` locations by locations that webpack will resolve ([#&#8203;9114]( - fix(replay): Ensure `replay_id` is not captured when session is expired ([#&#8203;9109]( ### [`v7.71.0`]( [Compare Source]( - feat(bun): Instrument Bun.serve ([#&#8203;9080]( - fix(core): Ensure global event processors are always applied to event ([#&#8203;9064]( - fix(core): Run client eventProcessors before global ones ([#&#8203;9032]( - fix(nextjs): Use webpack module paths to attempt to resolve internal request async storage module ([#&#8203;9100]( - fix(react): Add actual error name to boundary error name ([#&#8203;9065]( - fix(react): Compare location against `basename`-prefixed route. ([#&#8203;9076]( - ref(browser): Refactor browser integrations to use `processEvent` ([#&#8203;9022]( Work in this release contributed by [@&#8203;jorrit]( Thank you for your contribution! ### [`v7.70.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Important Changes - **feat: Add Bun SDK ([#&#8203;9029](** This release contains the beta version of `@sentry/bun`, our SDK for the [Bun JavaScript runtime](! For details on how to use it, please see the [README](./packages/bun/ Any feedback/bug reports are greatly appreciated, please [reach out on GitHub]( Note that as of now the Bun runtime does not support global error handlers. This is being actively worked on, see [the tracking issue in Bun's GitHub repo]( - **feat(remix): Add Remix 2.x release support. ([#&#8203;8940](** The Sentry Remix SDK now officially supports Remix v2! See [our Remix docs for more details]( ##### Other Changes - chore(node): Upgrade cookie to ^0.5.0 ([#&#8203;9013]( - feat(core): Introduce `processEvent` hook on `Integration` ([#&#8203;9017]( - feat(node): Improve non-error messages ([#&#8203;9026]( - feat(vercel-edge): Add Vercel Edge Runtime package ([#&#8203;9041]( - fix(remix): Use `React.ComponentType` instead of `React.FC` as `withSentry`'s generic type. ([#&#8203;9043]( - fix(replay): Ensure replay events go through `preprocessEvent` hook ([#&#8203;9034]( - fix(replay): Fix typo in Replay types ([#&#8203;9028]( - fix(sveltekit): Adjust `handleErrorWithSentry` type ([#&#8203;9054]( - fix(utils): Try-catch monkeypatching to handle frozen objects/functions ([#&#8203;9031]( Work in this release contributed by [@&#8203;Dima-Dim](, [@&#8203;krist7599555]( and [@&#8203;lifeiscontent]( Thank you for your contributions! Special thanks for [@&#8203;isaacharrisholt]( for helping us implement a Vercel Edge Runtime SDK which we use under the hood for our Next.js SDK. ### [`v7.69.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Important Changes - **New Performance APIs** - feat: Update span performance API names ([#&#8203;8971]( - feat(core): Introduce startSpanManual ([#&#8203;8913]( This release introduces a new set of top level APIs for the Performance Monitoring SDKs. These aim to simplify creating spans and reduce the boilerplate needed for performance instrumentation. The three new methods introduced are `Sentry.startSpan`, `Sentry.startInactiveSpan`, and `Sentry.startSpanManual`. These methods are available in the browser and node SDKs. `Sentry.startSpan` wraps a callback in a span. The span is automatically finished when the callback returns. This is the recommended way to create spans. ```js // Start a span that tracks the duration of expensiveFunction const result = Sentry.startSpan({ name: 'important function' }, () => { return expensiveFunction(); }); // You can also mutate the span wrapping the callback to set data or status Sentry.startSpan({ name: 'important function' }, (span) => { // span is undefined if performance monitoring is turned off or if // the span was not sampled. This is done to reduce overhead. span?.setData('version', '1.0.0'); return expensiveFunction(); }); ``` If you don't want the span to finish when the callback returns, use `Sentry.startSpanManual` to control when the span is finished. This is useful for event emitters or similar. ```js // Start a span that tracks the duration of middleware function middleware(_req, res, next) { return Sentry.startSpanManual({ name: 'middleware' }, (span, finish) => { res.once('finish', () => { span?.setHttpStatus(res.status); finish(); }); return next(); }); } ``` `Sentry.startSpan` and `Sentry.startSpanManual` create a span and make it active for the duration of the callback. Any spans created while this active span is running will be added as a child span to it. If you want to create a span without making it active, use `Sentry.startInactiveSpan`. This is useful for creating parallel spans that are not related to each other. ```js const span1 = Sentry.startInactiveSpan({ name: 'span1' }); someWork(); const span2 = Sentry.startInactiveSpan({ name: 'span2' }); moreWork(); const span3 = Sentry.startInactiveSpan({ name: 'span3' }); evenMoreWork(); span1?.finish(); span2?.finish(); span3?.finish(); ``` ##### Other Changes - feat(core): Export `BeforeFinishCallback` type ([#&#8203;8999]( - build(eslint): Enforce that ts-expect-error is used ([#&#8203;8987]( - feat(integration): Ensure `LinkedErrors` integration runs before all event processors ([#&#8203;8956]( - feat(node-experimental): Keep breadcrumbs on transaction ([#&#8203;8967]( - feat(redux): Add 'attachReduxState' option ([#&#8203;8953]( - feat(remix): Accept `org`, `project` and `url` as args to upload script ([#&#8203;8985]( - fix(utils): Prevent iterating over VueViewModel ([#&#8203;8981]( - fix(utils): uuidv4 fix for cloudflare ([#&#8203;8968]( - fix(core): Always use event message and exception values for `ignoreErrors` ([#&#8203;8986]( - fix(nextjs): Add new potential location for Next.js request AsyncLocalStorage ([#&#8203;9006]( - fix(node-experimental): Ensure we only create HTTP spans when outgoing ([#&#8203;8966]( - fix(node-experimental): Ignore OPTIONS & HEAD requests ([#&#8203;9001]( - fix(node-experimental): Ignore outgoing Sentry requests ([#&#8203;8994]( - fix(node-experimental): Require parent span for `pg` spans ([#&#8203;8993]( - fix(node-experimental): Use Sentry logger as Otel logger ([#&#8203;8960]( - fix(node-otel): Refactor OTEL span reference cleanup ([#&#8203;9000]( - fix(react): Switch to props in `useRoutes` ([#&#8203;8998]( - fix(remix): Add `glob` to Remix SDK dependencies. ([#&#8203;8963]( - fix(replay): Ensure `handleRecordingEmit` aborts when event is not added ([#&#8203;8938]( - fix(replay): Fully stop & restart session when it expires ([#&#8203;8834]( Work in this release contributed by [@&#8203;Duncanxyz]( and [@&#8203;malay44]( Thank you for your contributions! </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNi42NS4xIiwidXBkYXRlZEluVmVyIjoiMzYuNjUuMSIsInRhcmdldEJyYW5jaCI6Im1haW4ifQ==-->
renovate added the
label 2023-09-13 10:10:58 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from 7d07779280 to 8c4895e604 2023-09-20 12:12:33 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.69.0 to fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.70.0 2023-09-20 12:12:35 +00:00
renovate changed title from fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.70.0 to fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.71.0 2023-09-25 15:12:06 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from 8c4895e604 to 61c785d415 2023-09-25 15:12:32 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from 61c785d415 to af740c45f9 2023-09-26 18:10:54 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.71.0 to fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.72.0 2023-09-26 18:10:58 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/sentry-javascript-monorepo from af740c45f9 to c2c563c636 2023-10-02 12:08:51 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.72.0 to fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.73.0 2023-10-02 12:08:54 +00:00
renovate changed title from fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.73.0 to fix(deps): update sentry-javascript monorepo to v7.73.0 - autoclosed 2023-10-03 13:13:10 +00:00
renovate closed this pull request 2023-10-03 13:13:10 +00:00
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No description provided.