feat: implement modals with vue router 4 #816

konrad merged 62 commits from dpschen/frontend:feature/vue3-modals-with-router-4 into main 2022-02-05 16:49:04 +00:00
62 changed files with 1816 additions and 1877 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import {ListFactory} from '../../factories/list'
import '../../support/authenticateUser'
import {prepareLists} from './prepareLists'
describe('List History', () => {
it('should show a list history on the home page', () => {
cy.intercept(Cypress.env('API_URL') + '/namespaces*').as('loadNamespaces')
cy.intercept(Cypress.env('API_URL') + '/lists/*').as('loadList')
const lists = ListFactory.create(6)
.should('not.contain', 'Last viewed')
// cy.visit('/')
// cy.wait('@loadNamespaces')
// Not using cy.visit here to work around the redirect issue fixed in #1337
cy.get('nav.menu.top-menu a')
.should('contain', 'Last viewed')
.should('not.contain', lists[0].title)
.should('contain', lists[1].title)
.should('contain', lists[2].title)
.should('contain', lists[3].title)
.should('contain', lists[4].title)
.should('contain', lists[5].title)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import {formatISO, format} from 'date-fns'
import {TaskFactory} from '../../factories/task'
import {prepareLists} from './prepareLists'
import '../../support/authenticateUser'
describe('List View Gantt', () => {
it('Hides tasks with no dates', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1)
cy.get('.gantt-chart .tasks')
.should('not.contain', tasks[0].title)
it('Shows tasks from the current and next month', () => {
const now = new Date()
const nextMonth = now
nextMonth.setMonth(now.getMonth() + 1)
cy.get('.gantt-chart .months')
.should('contain', format(now, 'MMMM'))
.should('contain', format(nextMonth, 'MMMM'))
it('Shows tasks with dates', () => {
const now = new Date()
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
start_date: formatISO(now),
end_date: formatISO(now.setDate(now.getDate() + 4))
cy.get('.gantt-chart .tasks')
cy.get('.gantt-chart .tasks')
.should('contain', tasks[0].title)
it('Shows tasks with no dates after enabling them', () => {
TaskFactory.create(1, {
start_date: null,
end_date: null,
cy.get('.gantt-options .fancycheckbox')
.contains('Show tasks which don\'t have dates set')
cy.get('.gantt-chart .tasks')
cy.get('.gantt-chart .tasks .task.nodate')
it('Drags a task around', () => {
const now = new Date()
TaskFactory.create(1, {
start_date: formatISO(now),
end_date: formatISO(now.setDate(now.getDate() + 4))
cy.get('.gantt-chart .tasks .task')
.trigger('mousedown', {which: 1})
.trigger('mousemove', {clientX: 500, clientY: 0})
.trigger('mouseup', {force: true})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
import {BucketFactory} from '../../factories/bucket'
import {ListFactory} from '../../factories/list'
import {TaskFactory} from '../../factories/task'
import {prepareLists} from './prepareLists'
import '../../support/authenticateUser'
describe('List View Kanban', () => {
let buckets
beforeEach(() => {
buckets = BucketFactory.create(2)
it('Shows all buckets with their tasks', () => {
const data = TaskFactory.create(10, {
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket')
.should('contain', data[0].title)
it('Can add a new task to a bucket', () => {
TaskFactory.create(2, {
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
cy.getSettled('.kanban .bucket')
.get('.bucket-footer .button')
.contains('Add another task')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket')
.get('.bucket-footer .field .control input.input')
.type('New Task{enter}')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket')
.should('contain', 'New Task')
it('Can create a new bucket', () => {
cy.get('.kanban .bucket.new-bucket .button')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket.new-bucket input.input')
.type('New Bucket{enter}')
cy.wait(1000) // Wait for the request to finish
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
.contains('New Bucket')
it('Can set a bucket limit', () => {
cy.getSettled('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-trigger')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item')
.contains('Limit: Not Set')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item .field input.input')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header span.limit')
it('Can rename a bucket', () => {
cy.getSettled('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .title')
.type('{selectall}New Bucket Title{enter}')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .title')
.should('contain', 'New Bucket Title')
it('Can delete a bucket', () => {
cy.getSettled('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-trigger')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item')
cy.get('.modal-mask .modal-container .modal-content .header')
.should('contain', 'Delete the bucket')
cy.get('.modal-mask .modal-container .modal-content .actions .button')
.contains('Do it!')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
it('Can drag tasks around', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(2, {
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
cy.getSettled('.kanban .bucket .tasks .task')
.drag('.kanban .bucket:nth-child(2) .tasks .dropper')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket:nth-child(2) .tasks')
.should('contain', tasks[0].title)
cy.get('.kanban .bucket:nth-child(1) .tasks')
.should('not.contain', tasks[0].title)
it('Should navigate to the task when the task card is clicked', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, {
id: '{increment}',
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
cy.getSettled('.kanban .bucket .tasks .task')
.should('contain', `/tasks/${tasks[0].id}`, { timeout: 1000 })
it('Should remove a task from the kanban board when moving it to another list', () => {
const lists = ListFactory.create(2)
BucketFactory.create(2, {
list_id: '{increment}',
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, {
id: '{increment}',
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
const task = tasks[0]
cy.getSettled('.kanban .bucket .tasks .task')
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons .button', { timeout: 3000 })
.contains('Move task')
cy.get('.task-view .content.details .field .multiselect.control .input-wrapper input')
// The requests happen with a 200ms timeout. Because of that, the results are not yet there when cypress
// presses enter and we can't simulate pressing on enter to select the item.
cy.get('.task-view .content.details .field .multiselect.control .search-results')
cy.get('.global-notification', { timeout: 1000 })
.should('contain', 'Success')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket')
.should('not.contain', task.title)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import {UserListFactory} from '../../factories/users_list'
import {TaskFactory} from '../../factories/task'
import {UserFactory} from '../../factories/user'
import {ListFactory} from '../../factories/list'
import {prepareLists} from './prepareLists'
import '../../support/authenticateUser'
describe('List View List', () => {
it('Should be an empty list', () => {
.should('contain', '/lists/1/list')
cy.get('.list-title h1')
.should('contain', 'First List')
cy.get('.list-title .dropdown')
.contains('This list is currently empty.')
it('Should navigate to the task when the title is clicked', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, {
id: '{increment}',
list_id: 1,
cy.get('.tasks .task .tasktext')
.should('contain', `/tasks/${tasks[0].id}`)
it('Should not see any elements for a list which is shared read only', () => {
UserListFactory.create(1, {
list_id: 2,
user_id: 1,
right: 0,
const lists = ListFactory.create(2, {
owner_id: '{increment}',
namespace_id: '{increment}',
cy.get('.list-title a.icon')
cy.get('input.input[placeholder="Add a new task..."')
it('Should only show the color of a list in the navigation and not in the list view', () => {
const lists = ListFactory.create(1, {
hex_color: '00db60',
TaskFactory.create(10, {
list_id: lists[0].id,
cy.get('.menu-list li .list-menu-link .color-bubble')
.should('have.css', 'background-color', 'rgb(0, 219, 96)')
cy.get('.tasks-container .tasks .color-bubble')
it('Should paginate for > 50 tasks', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(100, {
id: '{increment}',
title: i => `task${i}`,
list_id: 1,
cy.get('.tasks-container .tasks')
.should('contain', tasks[99].title)
cy.get('.card-content .pagination .pagination-link')
.should('contain', '?page=2')
cy.get('.tasks-container .tasks')
.should('contain', tasks[1].title)
cy.get('.tasks-container .tasks')
.should('not.contain', tasks[99].title)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import {TaskFactory} from '../../factories/task'
import '../../support/authenticateUser'
describe('List View Table', () => {
it('Should show a table with tasks', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1)
cy.get('.list-table table.table')
cy.get('.list-table table.table')
.should('contain', tasks[0].title)
it('Should have working column switches', () => {
cy.get('.list-table .filter-container .items .button')
cy.get('.list-table .filter-container .card.columns-filter .card-content .fancycheckbox .check')
cy.get('.list-table .filter-container .card.columns-filter .card-content .fancycheckbox .check')
cy.get('.list-table table.table th')
cy.get('.list-table table.table th')
it('Should navigate to the task when the title is clicked', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, {
id: '{increment}',
list_id: 1,
cy.get('.list-table table.table')
.should('contain', `/tasks/${tasks[0].id}`)

View File

@ -1,25 +1,11 @@
import {formatISO, format} from 'date-fns'
import {TaskFactory} from '../../factories/task'
import {ListFactory} from '../../factories/list'
import {UserListFactory} from '../../factories/users_list'
import {UserFactory} from '../../factories/user'
import {NamespaceFactory} from '../../factories/namespace'
import {BucketFactory} from '../../factories/bucket'
import {prepareLists} from './prepareLists'
import '../../support/authenticateUser'
describe('Lists', () => {
let lists
beforeEach(() => {
lists = ListFactory.create(1, {
title: 'First List'
prepareLists((newLists) => (lists = newLists))
it('Should create a new list', () => {
@ -29,7 +15,7 @@ describe('Lists', () => {
.contains('New list')
.should('contain', '/namespaces/1/list')
.should('contain', '/lists/new/1')
.contains('New list')
@ -56,7 +42,7 @@ describe('Lists', () => {
it('Should rename the list in all places', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, {
TaskFactory.create(5, {
id: '{increment}',
list_id: 1,
@ -112,429 +98,4 @@ describe('Lists', () => {
.should('equal', '/')
describe('List View', () => {
it('Should be an empty list', () => {
.should('contain', '/lists/1/list')
cy.get('.list-title h1')
.should('contain', 'First List')
cy.get('.list-title .dropdown')
.contains('This list is currently empty.')
it('Should navigate to the task when the title is clicked', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, {
id: '{increment}',
list_id: 1,
cy.get('.tasks .task .tasktext')
.should('contain', `/tasks/${tasks[0].id}`)
it('Should not see any elements for a list which is shared read only', () => {
UserListFactory.create(1, {
list_id: 2,
user_id: 1,
right: 0,
const lists = ListFactory.create(2, {
owner_id: '{increment}',
namespace_id: '{increment}',
cy.get('.list-title a.icon')
cy.get('input.input[placeholder="Add a new task..."')
it('Should only show the color of a list in the navigation and not in the list view', () => {
const lists = ListFactory.create(1, {
hex_color: '00db60',
TaskFactory.create(10, {
list_id: lists[0].id,
cy.get('.menu-list li .list-menu-link .color-bubble')
.should('have.css', 'background-color', 'rgb(0, 219, 96)')
cy.get('.tasks-container .tasks .color-bubble')
it('Should paginate for > 50 tasks', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(100, {
id: '{increment}',
title: i => `task${i}`,
list_id: 1,
cy.get('.tasks-container .tasks')
.should('contain', tasks[99].title)
cy.get('.card-content .pagination .pagination-link')
.should('contain', '?page=2')
cy.get('.tasks-container .tasks')
.should('contain', tasks[1].title)
cy.get('.tasks-container .tasks')
.should('not.contain', tasks[99].title)
describe('Table View', () => {
it('Should show a table with tasks', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1)
cy.get('.table-view table.table')
cy.get('.table-view table.table')
.should('contain', tasks[0].title)
it('Should have working column switches', () => {
cy.get('.table-view .filter-container .items .button')
cy.get('.table-view .filter-container .card.columns-filter .card-content .fancycheckbox .check')
cy.get('.table-view .filter-container .card.columns-filter .card-content .fancycheckbox .check')
cy.get('.table-view table.table th')
cy.get('.table-view table.table th')
it('Should navigate to the task when the title is clicked', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, {
id: '{increment}',
list_id: 1,
cy.get('.table-view table.table')
.should('contain', `/tasks/${tasks[0].id}`)
describe('Gantt View', () => {
it('Hides tasks with no dates', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1)
cy.get('.gantt-chart-container .gantt-chart .tasks')
.should('not.contain', tasks[0].title)
it('Shows tasks from the current and next month', () => {
const now = new Date()
const nextMonth = now
nextMonth.setMonth(now.getMonth() + 1)
cy.get('.gantt-chart-container .gantt-chart .months')
.should('contain', format(now, 'MMMM'))
.should('contain', format(nextMonth, 'MMMM'))
it('Shows tasks with dates', () => {
const now = new Date()
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, {
start_date: formatISO(now),
end_date: formatISO(now.setDate(now.getDate() + 4))
cy.get('.gantt-chart-container .gantt-chart .tasks')
cy.get('.gantt-chart-container .gantt-chart .tasks')
.should('contain', tasks[0].title)
it('Shows tasks with no dates after enabling them', () => {
TaskFactory.create(1, {
start_date: null,
end_date: null,
cy.get('.gantt-chart-container .gantt-options .fancycheckbox')
.contains('Show tasks which don\'t have dates set')
cy.get('.gantt-chart-container .gantt-chart .tasks')
cy.get('.gantt-chart-container .gantt-chart .tasks .task.nodate')
it('Drags a task around', () => {
const now = new Date()
TaskFactory.create(1, {
start_date: formatISO(now),
end_date: formatISO(now.setDate(now.getDate() + 4))
cy.get('.gantt-chart-container .gantt-chart .tasks .task')
.trigger('mousedown', {which: 1})
.trigger('mousemove', {clientX: 500, clientY: 0})
.trigger('mouseup', {force: true})
describe('Kanban', () => {
let buckets
beforeEach(() => {
buckets = BucketFactory.create(2)
it('Shows all buckets with their tasks', () => {
const data = TaskFactory.create(10, {
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket')
.should('contain', data[0].title)
it('Can add a new task to a bucket', () => {
const data = TaskFactory.create(2, {
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
cy.get('.kanban .bucket')
.get('.bucket-footer .button')
.contains('Add another task')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket')
.get('.bucket-footer .field .control input.input')
.type('New Task{enter}')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket')
.should('contain', 'New Task')
it('Can create a new bucket', () => {
cy.get('.kanban .bucket.new-bucket .button')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket.new-bucket input.input')
.type('New Bucket{enter}')
cy.wait(1000) // Wait for the request to finish
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
.contains('New Bucket')
it('Can set a bucket limit', () => {
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-trigger')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item')
.contains('Limit: Not Set')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item .field input.input')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header span.limit')
it('Can rename a bucket', () => {
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .title')
.type('{selectall}New Bucket Title{enter}')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .title')
.should('contain', 'New Bucket Title')
it('Can delete a bucket', () => {
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-trigger')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .bucket-header .dropdown.options .dropdown-menu .dropdown-item')
cy.get('.modal-mask .modal-container .modal-content .header')
.should('contain', 'Delete the bucket')
cy.get('.modal-mask .modal-container .modal-content .actions .button')
.contains('Do it!')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .title')
it('Can drag tasks around', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(2, {
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
cy.get('.kanban .bucket .tasks .task')
.drag('.kanban .bucket:nth-child(2) .tasks .dropper')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket:nth-child(2) .tasks')
.should('contain', tasks[0].title)
cy.get('.kanban .bucket:nth-child(1) .tasks')
.should('not.contain', tasks[0].title)
it('Should navigate to the task when the task card is clicked', () => {
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, {
id: '{increment}',
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
cy.getSettled('.kanban .bucket .tasks .task')
.should('contain', `/tasks/${tasks[0].id}`)
it('Should remove a task from the kanban board when moving it to another list', () => {
const lists = ListFactory.create(2)
BucketFactory.create(2, {
list_id: '{increment}',
const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, {
id: '{increment}',
list_id: 1,
bucket_id: 1,
const task = tasks[0]
cy.getSettled('.kanban .bucket .tasks .task')
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons .button')
.contains('Move task')
cy.get('.task-view .content.details .field .multiselect.control .input-wrapper input')
// The requests happen with a 200ms timeout. Because of that, the results are not yet there when cypress
// presses enter and we can't simulate pressing on enter to select the item.
cy.get('.task-view .content.details .field .multiselect.control .search-results')
cy.get('.global-notification', { timeout: 1000 })
.should('contain', 'Success')
cy.get('.kanban .bucket')
.should('not.contain', task.title)
describe('List history', () => {
it('should show a list history on the home page', () => {
const lists = ListFactory.create(6)
.contains('Last viewed')
.contains('Last viewed')
.should('not.contain', lists[0].title)
.should('contain', lists[1].title)
.should('contain', lists[2].title)
.should('contain', lists[3].title)
.should('contain', lists[4].title)
.should('contain', lists[5].title)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import {ListFactory} from '../../factories/list'
import {UserFactory} from '../../factories/user'
import {NamespaceFactory} from '../../factories/namespace'
import {TaskFactory} from '../../factories/task'
export function prepareLists(setLists = () => {}) {
beforeEach(() => {
const lists = ListFactory.create(1, {
title: 'First List'

View File

@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ describe('Task', () => {
.should('contain', 'Done')
cy.get('.task-view .action-buttons p.created')
.should('contain', 'Done')
@ -372,13 +373,13 @@ describe('Task', () => {
cy.get('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .input-wrapper')
cy.getSettled('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .input-wrapper')
.should('contain', labels[0].title)
cy.get('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .input-wrapper')
cy.getSettled('.task-view .details.labels-list .multiselect .input-wrapper')

View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
"parser": "vue-eslint-parser",
"parserOptions": {
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
"ecmaVersion": 2021
"ecmaVersion": 2022
"ignorePatterns": [

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
<a @click="$store.commit('menuActive', false)" class="menu-hide-button" v-if="menuActive">
@click="$store.commit('menuActive', false)"
<icon icon="times" />
:class="{'has-background': background}"
:style="{'background-image': background && `url(${background})`}"
@ -16,18 +20,32 @@
<a @click="$store.commit('menuActive', false)" class="mobile-overlay" v-if="menuActive"></a>
@click="$store.commit('menuActive', false)"
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

I don't think it is, we should make sure the modal views keep their transition though. Might make sense to include that in the modal component itself?

I don't think it is, we should make sure the modal views keep their transition though. Might make sense to include that in the modal component itself?

Either that or put the transition inside something like a provider component. In that we could use the new teleport component. I was always using portal-vue in vue 2 for this kind of stuff.

Either that or put the transition inside something like a provider component. In that we could use the [new teleport component](https://v3.vuejs.org/api/built-in-components.html#teleport). I was always using [portal-vue](https://github.com/LinusBorg/portal-vue) in vue 2 for this kind of stuff.

I think using the teleport component allows for a cleaner solution since there are situations where you want a transition handled by the route and others where you want to have it handled by the outer component (like delete modals).

I think using the teleport component allows for a cleaner solution since there are situations where you want a transition handled by the route and others where you want to have it handled by the outer component (like delete modals).
<router-view name="popup" v-slot="{ Component }">
<transition name="modal">
<router-view :route="routeWithModal" v-slot="{ Component }">
<keep-alive :include="['list.list', 'list.gantt', 'list.table', 'list.kanban']">
<component :is="Component" />
<transition name="modal">
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

I suppose this is used because we don't have a modal wrapper? Using "TaskDetailView" in the general content with component feels a little out of place IMHO 😅

I suppose this is used because we don't have a modal wrapper? Using "TaskDetailView" in the general content with component feels a little out of place IMHO 😅

See it like the router-view conponent of vue router: it's also not a view itself. regardless I just wanted to make the most simple change. I guess it should be renamed to something like modal-view and maybe even merged with modal 🤔 - but that can also happen later.

See it like the router-view conponent of vue router: it's also not a view itself. regardless I just wanted to make the most simple change. I guess it should be renamed to something like modal-view and maybe even merged with modal 🤔 - but that can also happen later.

I removed the component task-detail-view-modal in 6827390b77 and was able to merge it with the modal itself.

As a result this is obsolete now =)

I removed the component `task-detail-view-modal` in https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/frontend/commit/6827390b77ae6e186e7b0163651c19ca9a247d2f and was able to merge it with the modal itself. As a result this is obsolete now =)
<component :is="currentModal" />
@ -41,7 +59,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {watch, computed} from 'vue'
import {watch, computed, shallowRef, watchEffect, VNode, h} from 'vue'
import {useStore} from 'vuex'
import {useRoute, useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import {useEventListener} from '@vueuse/core'
@ -49,6 +67,59 @@ import {useEventListener} from '@vueuse/core'
import {CURRENT_LIST, KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_ACTIVE, MENU_ACTIVE} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import Navigation from '@/components/home/navigation.vue'
import QuickActions from '@/components/quick-actions/quick-actions.vue'
import BaseButton from '@/components/base/BaseButton.vue'
function useRouteWithModal() {
const router = useRouter()
const route = useRoute()
const backdropView = computed(() => route.fullPath && window.history.state.backdropView)
const routeWithModal = computed(() => {
return backdropView.value
? router.resolve(backdropView.value)
: route
const currentModal = shallowRef<VNode>()
watchEffect(() => {
if (!backdropView.value) {
currentModal.value = undefined
// logic from vue-router
// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router-next/blob/798cab0d1e21f9b4d45a2bd12b840d2c7415f38a/src/RouterView.ts#L125
const routePropsOption = route.matched[0]?.props.default
const routeProps = routePropsOption
? routePropsOption === true
? route.params
: typeof routePropsOption === 'function'
? routePropsOption(route)
: routePropsOption
: null
currentModal.value = h(
function closeModal() {
const historyState = computed(() => route.fullPath && window.history.state)
if (historyState.value) {
} else {
const backdropRoute = historyState.value?.backdropView && router.resolve(historyState.value.backdropView)
return { routeWithModal, currentModal, closeModal }
const { routeWithModal, currentModal, closeModal } = useRouteWithModal()
const store = useStore()
@ -223,4 +294,6 @@ store.dispatch('labels/loadAllLabels')
display: none;
@include modal-transition();

View File

@ -2,21 +2,22 @@
<template v-if="isSavedFilter">
:to="{ name: `${listRoutePrefix}.edit`, params: { listId: list.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'filter.settings.edit', params: { listId: list.id } }"
{{ $t('menu.edit') }}
:to="{ name: `${listRoutePrefix}.delete`, params: { listId: list.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'filter.settings.delete', params: { listId: list.id } }"
{{ $t('misc.delete') }}
<template v-else-if="list.isArchived">
:to="{ name: `${listRoutePrefix}.archive`, params: { listId: list.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'list.settings.archive', params: { listId: list.id } }"
{{ $t('menu.unarchive') }}
@ -24,37 +25,38 @@
<template v-else>
:to="{ name: `${listRoutePrefix}.edit`, params: { listId: list.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'list.settings.edit', params: { listId: list.id } }"
{{ $t('menu.edit') }}
:to="{ name: `${listRoutePrefix}.background`, params: { listId: list.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'list.settings.background', params: { listId: list.id } }"
{{ $t('menu.setBackground') }}
:to="{ name: `${listRoutePrefix}.share`, params: { listId: list.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'list.settings.share', params: { listId: list.id } }"
{{ $t('menu.share') }}
:to="{ name: `${listRoutePrefix}.duplicate`, params: { listId: list.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'list.settings.duplicate', params: { listId: list.id } }"
{{ $t('menu.duplicate') }}
:to="{ name: `${listRoutePrefix}.archive`, params: { listId: list.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'list.settings.archive', params: { listId: list.id } }"
{{ $t('menu.archive') }}
class="dropdown-item has-no-shadow"
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@
@change="sub => subscription = sub"
:to="{ name: `${listRoutePrefix}.delete`, params: { listId: list.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'list.settings.delete', params: { listId: list.id } }"
@ -73,56 +75,32 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref, computed, watchEffect} from 'vue'
import {useStore} from 'vuex'
import {getSavedFilterIdFromListId} from '@/helpers/savedFilter'
import Dropdown from '@/components/misc/dropdown.vue'
import DropdownItem from '@/components/misc/dropdown-item.vue'
import TaskSubscription from '@/components/misc/subscription.vue'
import ListModel from '@/models/list'
import SubscriptionModel from '@/models/subscription'
export default {
name: 'list-settings-dropdown',
data() {
return {
subscription: null,
const props = defineProps({
list: {
type: ListModel,
required: true,
components: {
props: {
list: {
required: true,
mounted() {
this.subscription = this.list.subscription
computed: {
backgroundsEnabled() {
return this.$store.state.config.enabledBackgroundProviders !== null && this.$store.state.config.enabledBackgroundProviders.length > 0
listRoutePrefix() {
let name = 'list'
const subscription = ref<SubscriptionModel>()
watchEffect(() => {
if (props.list.subscription) {
subscription.value = props.list.subscription
if (this.$route.name !== null && this.$route.name.startsWith('list.')) {
// HACK: we should implement a better routing for the modals
const settingsRoutes = ['edit', 'delete', 'archive', 'background', 'share', 'duplicate']
const suffix = settingsRoutes.find((route) => this.$route.name.endsWith(`.settings.${route}`))
name = this.$route.name.replace(`.settings.${suffix}`,'')
if (this.isSavedFilter) {
name = name.replace('list.', 'filter.')
return `${name}.settings`
isSavedFilter() {
return getSavedFilterIdFromListId(this.list.id) > 0
const store = useStore()
const backgroundsEnabled = computed(() => store.state.config.enabledBackgroundProviders?.length > 0)
const isSavedFilter = computed(() => getSavedFilterIdFromListId(props.list.id) > 0)

View File

@ -29,9 +29,10 @@
import Filters from '@/components/list/partials/filters'
import {getDefaultParams} from '@/components/tasks/mixins/taskList'
import Popup from '@/components/misc/popup'
import {getDefaultParams} from '@/composables/taskList'
export default {
name: 'filter-popup',
components: {

View File

@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ import NamespaceService from '@/services/namespace'
import EditLabels from '@/components/tasks/partials/editLabels.vue'
import {objectToSnakeCase} from '@/helpers/case'
import {getDefaultParams} from '@/components/tasks/mixins/taskList'
import {getDefaultParams} from '@/composables/taskList'
// FIXME: merge with DEFAULT_PARAMS in taskList.js

View File

@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
<template v-for="(s, i) in shortcuts" :key="i">
<h3>{{ $t(s.title) }}</h3>
<message class="mb-4">
<message class="mb-4" v-if="s.available">
s.available($route) ? $t('keyboardShortcuts.currentPageOnly') : $t('keyboardShortcuts.allPages')
? $t('keyboardShortcuts.currentPageOnly')
: $t('keyboardShortcuts.allPages')
@ -17,7 +19,8 @@
:combination="typeof sc.combination !== 'undefined' ? $t(`keyboardShortcuts.${sc.combination}`) : null"/>
:combination="sc.combination && $t(`keyboardShortcuts.${sc.combination}`)"
@ -25,28 +28,18 @@
import {KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_ACTIVE} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import Shortcut from '@/components/misc/shortcut.vue'
import Message from '@/components/misc/message'
import {KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS} from './shortcuts'
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {useStore} from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'keyboard-shortcuts',
components: {
data() {
return {
methods: {
close() {
this.$store.commit(KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_ACTIVE, false)
import Shortcut from '@/components/misc/shortcut.vue'
import Message from '@/components/misc/message.vue'
import {KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_ACTIVE} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import {KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS as shortcuts} from './shortcuts'
const store = useStore()
function close() {
store.commit(KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS_ACTIVE, false)

View File

@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
import {RouteLocation} from 'vue-router'
import {isAppleDevice} from '@/helpers/isAppleDevice'
const ctrl = isAppleDevice() ? '⌘' : 'ctrl'
export const KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS = [
interface Shortcut {
title: string
keys: string[]
combination?: 'then'
interface ShortcutGroup {
title: string
available?: (route: RouteLocation) => boolean
shortcuts: Shortcut[]
export const KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS : ShortcutGroup[] = [
title: 'keyboardShortcuts.general',
available: () => null,
shortcuts: [
title: 'keyboardShortcuts.toggleMenu',
@ -29,7 +42,7 @@ export const KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS = [
title: 'keyboardShortcuts.list.title',
available: (route) => route.name.startsWith('list.'),
available: (route) => (route.name as string)?.startsWith('list.'),
shortcuts: [
title: 'keyboardShortcuts.list.switchToListView',
@ -55,13 +68,7 @@ export const KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS = [
title: 'keyboardShortcuts.task.title',
available: (route) => [
available: (route) => route.name === 'task.detail',
shortcuts: [
title: 'keyboardShortcuts.task.assign',

View File

@ -52,9 +52,15 @@ import NoAuthWrapper from '@/components/misc/no-auth-wrapper.vue'
import {ERROR_NO_API_URL} from '@/helpers/checkAndSetApiUrl'
import {useOnline} from '@/composables/useOnline'
import {useRouter, useRoute} from 'vue-router'
import {getAuthForRoute} from '@/router'
const router = useRouter()
const route = useRoute()
const store = useStore()
const ready = computed(() => store.state.vikunjaReady)
const ready = ref(false)
const online = useOnline()
const error = ref('')
@ -63,7 +69,12 @@ const showLoading = computed(() => !ready.value && error.value === '')
async function load() {
try {
await store.dispatch('loadApp')
} catch(e: any) {
const redirectTo = getAuthForRoute(route)
if (typeof redirectTo !== 'undefined') {
await router.push(redirectTo)
ready.value = true
} catch (e: any) {
error.value = e

View File

@ -1,55 +1,47 @@
:disabled="disabled || null"
{{ buttonText }}
:class="{'is-disabled': disabled}"
<span class="icon">
<icon :icon="iconName"/>
{{ buttonText }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {computed, shallowRef} from 'vue'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import BaseButton from '@/components/base/BaseButton.vue'
import SubscriptionService from '@/services/subscription'
import SubscriptionModel from '@/models/subscription'
import {success} from '@/message'
const props = defineProps({
entity: {
required: true,
type: String,
subscription: {
required: true,
validator(value) {
return value instanceof SubscriptionModel || value === null
entityId: {
required: true,
type: Number,
isButton: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
interface Props {
entity: string
entityId: number
subscription: SubscriptionModel
isButton?: boolean
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
isButton: true,
const subscriptionEntity = computed<string>(() => props.subscription.entity)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
<!-- FIXME: transition should not be included in the modal -->
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved

Where should it be included instead?

Where should it be included instead?

Around the modal. So where it will get mounted.

Around the modal. So where it will get mounted.

Ah okay, makes sense.

Ah okay, makes sense.
<transition name="modal">
@ -21,6 +22,13 @@
'is-wide': wide
<icon icon="times"/>
<div class="header">
<slot name="header"></slot>
@ -53,6 +61,8 @@
import BaseButton from '@/components/base/BaseButton.vue'
export const TRANSITION_NAMES = {
MODAL: 'modal',
FADE: 'fade',
@ -70,6 +80,11 @@ function validValue(values) {
export default {
name: 'modal',
components: {
mounted() {
document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
// Close the model when escape is pressed
@ -197,17 +212,22 @@ export default {
.close {
position: fixed;
top: 5px;
right: 26px;
color: var(--white);
font-size: 2rem;
/* Transitions */
.modal-leave-active {
opacity: 0;
@media screen and (max-width: $desktop) {
color: var(--dark);
.modal-enter .modal-container,
.modal-leave-active .modal-container {
transform: scale(0.9);
<style lang="scss">
// Close icon SVG uses currentColor, change the color to keep it visible
.dark .task-detail-view-modal .close {
color: var(--grey-900);

View File

@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
{{ $t('menu.edit') }}
:to="{ name: 'namespace.settings.share', params: { id: namespace.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'namespace.settings.share', params: { namespaceId: namespace.id } }"
{{ $t('menu.share') }}
:to="{ name: 'list.create', params: { id: namespace.id } }"
:to="{ name: 'list.create', params: { namespaceId: namespace.id } }"
{{ $t('menu.newList') }}
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
{{ $t('menu.archive') }}
class="dropdown-item has-no-shadow"

View File

@ -264,4 +264,6 @@ export default {
.sharables-list:not(.card-content) {
overflow-y: auto
@include modal-transition();
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Doesn't repeating this create duplicate css everywhere? (even if very little)

Doesn't repeating this create duplicate css everywhere? (even if very little)

Yes it does for now. But it shouldn't stay:

By using a mixin I create a direct dependency. The reason for me doing this is, that I want to change this later when working on the Modal / Dialog feature.

Perceive it as a reminder =)

Yes it does for now. But it shouldn't stay: By using a mixin I create a direct dependency. The reason for me doing this is, that I want to change this later when working on the Modal / Dialog feature. Perceive it as a reminder =)

View File

@ -365,3 +365,7 @@ export default {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@include modal-transition();

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
class="mt-2 has-text-centered is-block"
:to="{name: 'task.detail', params: {id: taskEditTask.id}}"
{{ $t('task.openDetail') }}
@ -97,6 +97,15 @@ export default {
taskEditTask: TaskModel,
computed: {
taskDetailRoute() {
return {
name: 'task.detail',
params: { id: this.taskEditTask.id },
state: { backdropView: this.$router.currentRoute.value.fullPath },
components: {
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

I'm not sure about the naming of this because there's views with a background. Maybe that can get confusing?

I'm not sure about the naming of this because there's views with a background. Maybe that can get confusing?

That's true. Do you have a suggestion?

Maybe something like backdropView in the sense of https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/backdrop-filter

That's true. Do you have a suggestion? Maybe something like backdropView in the sense of https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/backdrop-filter

I like that idea.

I like that idea.



View File

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
import TaskCollectionService from '@/services/taskCollection'
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Oh you got rid of the mixin, very nice!

Oh you got rid of the mixin, very nice!
// FIXME: merge with DEFAULT_PARAMS in filters.vue
export const getDefaultParams = () => ({
sort_by: ['position', 'id'],
order_by: ['asc', 'desc'],
filter_by: ['done'],
filter_value: ['false'],
filter_comparator: ['equals'],
filter_concat: 'and',
* This mixin provides a base set of methods and properties to get tasks on a list.
export default {
data() {
return {
taskCollectionService: new TaskCollectionService(),
tasks: [],
currentPage: 0,
loadedList: null,
searchTerm: '',
showTaskFilter: false,
params: {...getDefaultParams()},
watch: {
// Only listen for query path changes
'$route.query': {
handler: 'loadTasksForPage',
immediate: true,
'$route.path': 'loadTasksOnSavedFilter',
methods: {
async loadTasks(
search = '',
params = null,
forceLoading = false,
) {
// Because this function is triggered every time on topNavigation, we're putting a condition here to only load it when we actually want to show tasks
// FIXME: This is a bit hacky -> Cleanup.
if (
this.$route.name !== 'list.list' &&
this.$route.name !== 'list.table' &&
) {
if (params === null) {
params = this.params
if (search !== '') {
params.s = search
const list = {listId: parseInt(this.$route.params.listId)}
const currentList = {
id: list.listId,
if (JSON.stringify(currentList) === JSON.stringify(this.loadedList) && !forceLoading) {
this.tasks = []
this.tasks = await this.taskCollectionService.getAll(list, params, page)
this.currentPage = page
this.loadedList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentList))
loadTasksForPage(e) {
// The page parameter can be undefined, in the case where the user loads a new list from the side bar menu
let page = Number(e.page)
if (typeof e.page === 'undefined') {
page = 1
let search = e.search
if (typeof e.search === 'undefined') {
search = ''
this.initTasks(page, search)
loadTasksOnSavedFilter() {
if (typeof this.$route.params.listId !== 'undefined' && parseInt(this.$route.params.listId) < 0) {
this.loadTasks(1, '', null, true)

View File

@ -400,4 +400,6 @@ export default {
transform: translate3d(0, -4px, 0);
@include modal-transition();

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ import {mapState} from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'comments',
components: {
editor: AsyncEditor,
Editor: AsyncEditor,
props: {
taskId: {
@ -339,4 +339,6 @@ export default {
.media-content {
width: calc(100% - 48px - 2rem);
@include modal-transition();
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved

Why does this component need the modal-transition css if it is never opened as a modal?

Why does this component need the modal-transition css if it is never opened as a modal?

It does have a modal inside! See line 135.
By importing it here we remove the indirect dependency.

It does have a modal inside! See line 135. By importing it here we remove the indirect dependency.

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import {mapState} from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'description',
components: {
editor: AsyncEditor,
Editor: AsyncEditor,
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Why do you want to load the editor directly instead of async? Are you loading the whole task component async?

Why do you want to load the editor directly instead of async? Are you loading the whole task component async?

I was probably going to far here – will undo.

I guess loading the editor async might even make sense with a new smaller package.

I was probably going to far here – will undo. I guess loading the editor async might even make sense with a new smaller package.
data() {
return {

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
:style="{'background': props.item.hexColor, 'color': props.item.textColor}"
<span>{{ props.item.title }}</span>
<a @click="removeLabel(props.item)" class="delete is-small"></a>
<button type="button" v-cy="'taskDetail.removeLabel'" @click="removeLabel(props.item)" class="delete is-small" />
<template #searchResult="props">
@ -114,23 +114,17 @@ export default {
async removeLabel(label) {
const removeFromState = () => {
for (const l in this.labels) {
if (this.labels[l].id === label.id) {
this.labels.splice(l, 1)
if (!this.taskId === 0) {
await this.$store.dispatch('tasks/removeLabel', {label: label, taskId: this.taskId})
for (const l in this.labels) {
if (this.labels[l].id === label.id) {
this.labels.splice(l, 1)
this.$emit('update:modelValue', this.labels)
this.$emit('change', this.labels)
if (this.taskId === 0) {
await this.$store.dispatch('tasks/removeLabel', {label: label, taskId: this.taskId})
this.$emit('update:modelValue', this.labels)
this.$emit('change', this.labels)
this.$message.success({message: this.$t('task.label.removeSuccess')})

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
'has-light-text': !colorIsDark(task.hexColor) && task.hexColor !== `#${task.defaultColor}` && task.hexColor !== task.defaultColor,
:style="{'background-color': task.hexColor !== '#' && task.hexColor !== `#${task.defaultColor}` ? task.hexColor : false}"
@click.ctrl="() => toggleTaskDone(task)"
@click.exact="() => $router.push({ name: 'task.kanban.detail', params: { id: task.id } })"
@click.meta="() => toggleTaskDone(task)"
<span class="task-id">
@ -115,6 +115,13 @@ export default {
this.loadingInternal = false
openTaskDetail() {
name: 'task.detail',
params: { id: this.task.id },
state: { backdropView: this.$router.currentRoute.value.fullPath },

View File

@ -365,4 +365,6 @@ export default {
:deep(.multiselect .search-results button) {
padding: 0.5rem;
@include modal-transition();

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
:to="{ name: taskDetailRoute, params: { id: task.id } }"
:class="{ 'done': task.done}"
@ -129,10 +129,6 @@ export default {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
taskDetailRoute: {
type: String,
default: 'task.list.detail',
showList: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
@ -170,6 +166,14 @@ export default {
title: '',
} : this.$store.state.currentList
taskDetailRoute() {
return {
name: 'task.detail',
params: { id: this.task.id },
// TODO: re-enable opening task detail in modal
// state: { backdropView: this.$router.currentRoute.value.fullPath },
methods: {
async markAsDone(checked) {

View File

@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
<a @click="$emit('click')">
<icon icon="sort-up" v-if="order === 'asc'"/>
<icon icon="sort-up" rotation="180" v-else-if="order === 'desc'"/>
<icon icon="sort-up" v-else-if="order === 'desc'" rotation="180"/>
<icon icon="sort" v-else/>
export default {
name: 'sort',
props: {
order: {
type: String,
default: 'none',
<script setup lang="ts">
import {PropType} from 'vue'
import BaseButton from '@/components/base/BaseButton.vue'
type Order = 'asc' | 'desc' | 'none'
order: {
type: String as PropType<Order>,
default: 'none',
emits: ['click'],

src/composables/taskList.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import { ref, shallowReactive, watch, computed } from 'vue'
import {useRoute} from 'vue-router'
import TaskCollectionService from '@/services/taskCollection'
// FIXME: merge with DEFAULT_PARAMS in filters.vue
export const getDefaultParams = () => ({
sort_by: ['position', 'id'],
order_by: ['asc', 'desc'],
filter_by: ['done'],
filter_value: ['false'],
filter_comparator: ['equals'],
filter_concat: 'and',
id: 'desc',
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Maybe shallowReactive fits here better?

Maybe shallowReactive fits here better?
* This mixin provides a base set of methods and properties to get tasks on a list.
export function useTaskList(listId) {
const params = ref({...getDefaultParams()})
dpschen marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Please indent.

Please indent.


const search = ref('')
const page = ref(1)
const sortBy = ref({ ...SORT_BY_DEFAULT })
// This makes sure an id sort order is always sorted last.
// When tasks would be sorted first by id and then by whatever else was specified, the id sort takes
// precedence over everything else, making any other sort columns pretty useless.
function formatSortOrder(params) {
let hasIdFilter = false
const sortKeys = Object.keys(sortBy.value)
for (const s of sortKeys) {
if (s === 'id') {
sortKeys.splice(s, 1)
hasIdFilter = true

TODO: check if this works

TODO: check if this works
if (hasIdFilter) {
params.sort_by = sortKeys
params.order_by = sortKeys.map(s => sortBy.value[s])
return params
const getAllTasksParams = computed(() => {
let loadParams = {...params.value}
if (search.value !== '') {
loadParams.s = search.value
loadParams = formatSortOrder(loadParams)
return [
{listId: listId.value},
page.value || 1,
const taskCollectionService = shallowReactive(new TaskCollectionService())
const loading = computed(() => taskCollectionService.loading)
const totalPages = computed(() => taskCollectionService.totalPages)
const tasks = ref([])
async function loadTasks() {
tasks.value = await taskCollectionService.getAll(...getAllTasksParams.value)
return tasks.value
const route = useRoute()
watch(() => route.query, (query) => {
const { page: pageQueryValue, search: searchQuery } = query
if (searchQuery !== undefined) {
search.value = searchQuery
if (pageQueryValue !== undefined) {
page.value = parseInt(pageQueryValue)
}, { immediate: true })
// Only listen for query path changes
watch(() => JSON.stringify(getAllTasksParams.value), (newParams, oldParams) => {
if (oldParams === newParams) {
}, { immediate: true })
return {
currentPage: page,
searchTerm: search,

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import { computed, watchEffect } from 'vue'
import { setTitle } from '@/helpers/setTitle'
import { ComputedGetter, ComputedRef } from '@vue/reactivity'
import { ComputedGetter } from '@vue/reactivity'
export function useTitle<T>(titleGetter: ComputedGetter<T>) : ComputedRef<T> {
export function useTitle(titleGetter: ComputedGetter<string>) {
const titleRef = computed(titleGetter)
watchEffect(() => setTitle(titleRef.value))

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ export async function refreshToken(persist: boolean): Promise<AxiosResponse> {
return response
} catch(e) {
// @ts-ignore
throw new Error('Error renewing token: ', { cause: e })

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
// Save the current list view to local storage
// We use local storage and not vuex here to make it persistent across reloads.
export const saveListView = (listId, routeName) => {
if (routeName.includes('settings.')) {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export function setTitle(title) {
export function setTitle(title : undefined | string) {
document.title = (typeof title === 'undefined' || title === '')
? 'Vikunja'
: `${title} | Vikunja`

View File

@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ import {parseDateOrNull} from '@/helpers/parseDateOrNull'
const SUPPORTS_TRIGGERED_NOTIFICATION = 'Notification' in window && 'showTrigger' in Notification.prototype
export default class TaskModel extends AbstractModel {
defaultColor = '198CFF'
constructor(data) {

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import { createRouter, createWebHistory, RouteLocation } from 'vue-router'
import {saveLastVisited} from '@/helpers/saveLastVisited'
import {store} from '@/store'
import {saveListView, getListView} from '@/helpers/saveListView'
import HomeComponent from '../views/Home.vue'
import NotFoundComponent from '../views/404.vue'
import About from '../views/About.vue'
@ -13,9 +15,8 @@ import DataExportDownload from '../views/user/DataExportDownload.vue'
// Tasks
import ShowTasksInRangeComponent from '../views/tasks/ShowTasksInRange.vue'
import LinkShareAuthComponent from '../views/sharing/LinkSharingAuth.vue'
import TaskDetailViewModal from '../views/tasks/TaskDetailViewModal.vue'
import TaskDetailView from '../views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue'
import ListNamespaces from '../views/namespaces/ListNamespaces.vue'
import TaskDetailView from '../views/tasks/TaskDetailView.vue'
// Team Handling
import ListTeamsComponent from '../views/teams/ListTeams.vue'
// Label Handling
@ -25,11 +26,11 @@ import NewLabelComponent from '../views/labels/NewLabel.vue'
import MigrationComponent from '../views/migrator/Migrate.vue'
import MigrateServiceComponent from '../views/migrator/MigrateService.vue'
// List Views
import ShowListComponent from '../views/list/ShowList.vue'
import Kanban from '../views/list/views/Kanban.vue'
import List from '../views/list/views/List.vue'
import Gantt from '../views/list/views/Gantt.vue'
import Table from '../views/list/views/Table.vue'
import ListList from '../views/list/ListList.vue'
import ListGantt from '../views/list/ListGantt.vue'
import ListTable from '../views/list/ListTable.vue'
import ListKanban from '../views/list/ListKanban.vue'
// List Settings
import ListSettingEdit from '../views/list/settings/edit.vue'
import ListSettingBackground from '../views/list/settings/background.vue'
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ const router = createRouter({
// Scroll to anchor should still work
if (to.hash) {
return {el: document.getElementById(to.hash.slice(1))}
return {el: to.hash}
// Otherwise just scroll to the top
@ -201,320 +202,170 @@ const router = createRouter({
path: '/namespaces/new',
name: 'namespace.create',
components: {
popup: NewNamespaceComponent,
path: '/namespaces/:id/list',
name: 'list.create',
components: {
popup: NewListComponent,
component: NewNamespaceComponent,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/namespaces/:id/settings/edit',
name: 'namespace.settings.edit',
components: {
popup: NamespaceSettingEdit,
component: NamespaceSettingEdit,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/namespaces/:id/settings/share',
path: '/namespaces/:namespaceId/settings/share',
name: 'namespace.settings.share',
components: {
popup: NamespaceSettingShare,
component: NamespaceSettingShare,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/namespaces/:id/settings/archive',
name: 'namespace.settings.archive',
components: {
popup: NamespaceSettingArchive,
component: NamespaceSettingArchive,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/namespaces/:id/settings/delete',
name: 'namespace.settings.delete',
components: {
popup: NamespaceSettingDelete,
component: NamespaceSettingDelete,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/tasks/:id',
name: 'task.detail',
component: TaskDetailView,
props: route => ({ taskId: parseInt(route.params.id as string) }),
path: '/tasks/by/upcoming',
name: 'tasks.range',
component: ShowTasksInRangeComponent,
path: '/lists/new/:namespaceId/',
name: 'list.create',
component: NewListComponent,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'list.settings.edit',
components: {
popup: ListSettingEdit,
component: ListSettingEdit,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/background',
name: 'list.settings.background',
components: {
popup: ListSettingBackground,
component: ListSettingBackground,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/duplicate',
name: 'list.settings.duplicate',
components: {
popup: ListSettingDuplicate,
component: ListSettingDuplicate,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/share',
name: 'list.settings.share',
components: {
popup: ListSettingShare,
component: ListSettingShare,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'list.settings.delete',
components: {
popup: ListSettingDelete,
component: ListSettingDelete,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/archive',
name: 'list.settings.archive',
components: {
popup: ListSettingArchive,
component: ListSettingArchive,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'filter.settings.edit',
components: {
popup: FilterEdit,
component: FilterEdit,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'filter.settings.delete',
components: {
popup: FilterDelete,
component: FilterDelete,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
path: '/lists/:listId',
name: 'list.index',
component: ShowListComponent,
children: [
path: '/lists/:listId/list',
name: 'list.list',
component: List,
children: [
path: '/tasks/:id',
name: 'task.list.detail',
component: TaskDetailViewModal,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'list.list.settings.edit',
component: ListSettingEdit,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/background',
name: 'list.list.settings.background',
component: ListSettingBackground,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/duplicate',
name: 'list.list.settings.duplicate',
component: ListSettingDuplicate,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/share',
name: 'list.list.settings.share',
component: ListSettingShare,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'list.list.settings.delete',
component: ListSettingDelete,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/archive',
name: 'list.list.settings.archive',
component: ListSettingArchive,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'filter.list.settings.edit',
component: FilterEdit,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'filter.list.settings.delete',
component: FilterDelete,
path: '/lists/:listId/gantt',
name: 'list.gantt',
component: Gantt,
children: [
path: '/tasks/:id',
name: 'task.gantt.detail',
component: TaskDetailViewModal,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'list.gantt.settings.edit',
component: ListSettingEdit,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/background',
name: 'list.gantt.settings.background',
component: ListSettingBackground,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/duplicate',
name: 'list.gantt.settings.duplicate',
component: ListSettingDuplicate,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/share',
name: 'list.gantt.settings.share',
component: ListSettingShare,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'list.gantt.settings.delete',
component: ListSettingDelete,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/archive',
name: 'list.gantt.settings.archive',
component: ListSettingArchive,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'filter.gantt.settings.edit',
component: FilterEdit,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'filter.gantt.settings.delete',
component: FilterDelete,
path: '/lists/:listId/table',
name: 'list.table',
component: Table,
children: [
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'list.table.settings.edit',
component: ListSettingEdit,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/background',
name: 'list.table.settings.background',
component: ListSettingBackground,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/duplicate',
name: 'list.table.settings.duplicate',
component: ListSettingDuplicate,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/share',
name: 'list.table.settings.share',
component: ListSettingShare,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'list.table.settings.delete',
component: ListSettingDelete,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/archive',
name: 'list.table.settings.archive',
component: ListSettingArchive,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'filter.table.settings.edit',
component: FilterEdit,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'filter.table.settings.delete',
component: FilterDelete,
path: '/lists/:listId/kanban',
name: 'list.kanban',
component: Kanban,
children: [
path: '/tasks/:id',
name: 'task.kanban.detail',
component: TaskDetailViewModal,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'list.kanban.settings.edit',
component: ListSettingEdit,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/background',
name: 'list.kanban.settings.background',
component: ListSettingBackground,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/duplicate',
name: 'list.kanban.settings.duplicate',
component: ListSettingDuplicate,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/share',
name: 'list.kanban.settings.share',
component: ListSettingShare,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'list.kanban.settings.delete',
component: ListSettingDelete,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/archive',
name: 'list.kanban.settings.archive',
component: ListSettingArchive,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/edit',
name: 'filter.kanban.settings.edit',
component: FilterEdit,
path: '/lists/:listId/settings/delete',
name: 'filter.kanban.settings.delete',
component: FilterDelete,
redirect(to) {
// Redirect the user to list view by default
const savedListView = getListView(to.params.listId)
console.debug('Replaced list view with', savedListView)
return {
name: router.hasRoute(savedListView)
? savedListView
: 'list.list',
params: {listId: to.params.listId},
path: '/lists/:listId/list',
name: 'list.list',
component: ListList,
beforeEnter: (to) => saveListView(to.params.listId, to.name),
props: route => ({ listId: parseInt(route.params.listId as string) }),
path: '/lists/:listId/gantt',
name: 'list.gantt',
component: ListGantt,
beforeEnter: (to) => saveListView(to.params.listId, to.name),
props: route => ({ listId: parseInt(route.params.listId as string) }),
path: '/lists/:listId/table',
name: 'list.table',
component: ListTable,
beforeEnter: (to) => saveListView(to.params.listId, to.name),
props: route => ({ listId: parseInt(route.params.listId as string) }),
path: '/lists/:listId/kanban',
name: 'list.kanban',
component: ListKanban,
beforeEnter: (to) => saveListView(to.params.listId, to.name),
props: route => ({ listId: parseInt(route.params.listId as string) }),
path: '/teams',
@ -524,8 +375,9 @@ const router = createRouter({
path: '/teams/new',
name: 'teams.create',
components: {
popup: NewTeamComponent,
component: NewTeamComponent,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
@ -541,8 +393,9 @@ const router = createRouter({
path: '/labels/new',
name: 'labels.create',
components: {
popup: NewLabelComponent,
component: NewLabelComponent,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
@ -558,8 +411,9 @@ const router = createRouter({
path: '/filters/new',
name: 'filters.create',
components: {
popup: FilterNew,
component: FilterNew,
meta: {
showAsModal: true,
@ -575,11 +429,7 @@ const router = createRouter({
router.beforeEach((to) => {
return checkAuth(to)
function checkAuth(route: RouteLocation) {
export function getAuthForRoute(route: RouteLocation) {
const authUser = store.getters['auth/authUser']
const authLinkShare = store.getters['auth/authLinkShare']

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import lists from './modules/lists'
import attachments from './modules/attachments'
import labels from './modules/labels'
import ListModel from '@/models/list'
import ListService from '../services/list'
import {checkAndSetApiUrl} from '@/helpers/checkAndSetApiUrl'
@ -37,13 +39,15 @@ export const store = createStore({
loading: false,
loadingModule: null,
// This is used to highlight the current list in menu for all list related views
currentList: {id: 0},
currentList: new ListModel({
id: 0,
isArchived: false,
background: '',
hasTasks: false,
menuActive: true,
keyboardShortcutsActive: false,
quickActionsActive: false,
vikunjaReady: false,
mutations: {
[LOADING](state, loading) {
@ -79,9 +83,6 @@ export const store = createStore({
[BACKGROUND](state, background) {
state.background = background
vikunjaReady(state, ready) {
state.vikunjaReady = ready
actions: {
async [CURRENT_LIST]({state, commit}, currentList) {
@ -136,10 +137,9 @@ export const store = createStore({
commit(CURRENT_LIST, currentList)
async loadApp({commit, dispatch}) {
async loadApp({dispatch}) {
await checkAndSetApiUrl(window.API_URL)
await dispatch('auth/checkAuth')
commit('vikunjaReady', true)

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import {HTTPFactory} from '@/http-common'
import {getCurrentLanguage, saveLanguage} from '@/i18n'
import {i18n, getCurrentLanguage, saveLanguage} from '@/i18n'
import {LOADING} from '../mutation-types'
import UserModel from '@/models/user'
import UserSettingsService from '@/services/userSettings'
import {getToken, refreshToken, removeToken, saveToken} from '@/helpers/auth'
import {setLoading} from '@/store/helper'
import {i18n} from '@/i18n'
import {success} from '@/message'
import {redirectToProvider} from '@/helpers/redirectToProvider'
const AUTH_TYPES = {
@ -201,7 +201,19 @@ export default {
ctx.commit('authenticated', authenticated)
if (!authenticated) {
ctx.commit('info', null)
ctx.dispatch('config/redirectToProviderIfNothingElseIsEnabled', null, {root: true})
redirectToProviderIfNothingElseIsEnabled({rootState}) {
const {auth} = rootState.config
if (
auth.local.enabled === false &&
auth.openidConnect.enabled &&
auth.openidConnect.providers?.length === 1 &&
window.location.pathname.startsWith('/login') // Kinda hacky, but prevents an endless loop.
) {
redirectToProvider(auth.openidConnect.providers[0], auth.openidConnect.redirectUrl)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import {CONFIG} from '../mutation-types'
import {HTTPFactory} from '@/http-common'
import {objectToCamelCase} from '@/helpers/case'
import {redirectToProvider} from '../../helpers/redirectToProvider'
import {parseURL} from 'ufo'
export default {
@ -75,16 +74,5 @@ export default {
ctx.commit(CONFIG, info)
return info
redirectToProviderIfNothingElseIsEnabled(ctx) {
if (ctx.state.auth.local.enabled === false &&
ctx.state.auth.openidConnect.enabled &&
ctx.state.auth.openidConnect.providers &&
ctx.state.auth.openidConnect.providers.length === 1 &&
window.location.pathname.startsWith('/login') // Kinda hacky, but prevents an endless loop.
) {

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
// since $tablet is defined by bulma we can just define it after importing the utilities
$mobile: math.div($tablet, 2);
@import "mixins";
$family-sans-serif: 'Open Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
$vikunja-font: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;

src/styles/mixins.scss Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/* Transitions */
@mixin modal-transition() {
.modal-leave-active {
opacity: 0;
.modal-enter .modal-container,
.modal-leave-active .modal-container {
transform: scale(0.9);

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
.table-view .button,
.list-table .button,
.filter-container .button,
.search .button {
box-shadow: none;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
declare module 'vue' {
import { CompatVue } from '@vue/runtime-dom'
const Vue: CompatVue
export default Vue
export * from '@vue/runtime-dom'
export default Vue
export * from '@vue/runtime-dom'
const { configureCompat } = Vue
export { configureCompat }
// https://next.vuex.vuejs.org/guide/migrating-to-4-0-from-3-x.html#typescript-support

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
declare module 'vue-flatpickr-component';

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<template v-if="defaultNamespaceId > 0">
<p class="mt-4">{{ $t('home.list.newText') }}</p>
:to="{ name: 'list.create', params: { id: defaultNamespaceId } }"
:to="{ name: 'list.create', params: { namespaceId: defaultNamespaceId } }"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<div class="gantt-chart-container">
<card :padding="false" class="has-overflow">
<ListWrapper class="list-gantt" :list-id="props.listId" viewName="gantt">
<template #header>
<div class="gantt-options p-4">
<fancycheckbox class="is-block" v-model="showTaskswithoutDates">
{{ $t('list.gantt.showTasksWithoutDates') }}
@ -44,65 +44,64 @@
<template #default>
<div class="gantt-chart-container">
<card :padding="false" class="has-overflow">
<!-- This router view is used to show the task popup while keeping the gantt chart itself -->
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<transition name="modal">
<component :is="Component" />
import GanttChart from '../../../components/tasks/gantt-component'
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
import flatPickr from 'vue-flatpickr-component'
import Fancycheckbox from '../../../components/input/fancycheckbox'
import {saveListView} from '@/helpers/saveListView'
export default {
name: 'Gantt',
components: {
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import { useStore } from 'vuex'
import ListWrapper from './ListWrapper.vue'
import GanttChart from '@/components/tasks/gantt-component.vue'
import Fancycheckbox from '@/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue'
const props = defineProps({
listId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
created() {
// Save the current list view to local storage
// We use local storage and not vuex here to make it persistent across reloads.
saveListView(this.$route.params.listId, this.$route.name)
const showTaskswithoutDates = ref(false)
const dayWidth = ref(DEFAULT_DAY_COUNT)
const now = ref(new Date())
const dateFrom = ref(new Date((new Date()).setDate(now.value.getDate() - 15)))
const dateTo = ref(new Date((new Date()).setDate(now.value.getDate() + 30)))
const {t} = useI18n()
const store = useStore()
const flatPickerConfig = computed(() => ({
altFormat: t('date.altFormatShort'),
altInput: true,
dateFormat: 'Y-m-d',
enableTime: false,
locale: {
firstDayOfWeek: store.state.auth.settings.weekStart,
data() {
return {
showTaskswithoutDates: false,
dayWidth: 35,
dateFrom: new Date((new Date()).setDate((new Date()).getDate() - 15)),
dateTo: new Date((new Date()).setDate((new Date()).getDate() + 30)),
computed: {
flatPickerConfig() {
return {
altFormat: this.$t('date.altFormatShort'),
altInput: true,
dateFormat: 'Y-m-d',
enableTime: false,
locale: {
firstDayOfWeek: this.$store.state.auth.settings.weekStart,
<style lang="scss">

View File

@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
<div class="kanban-view">
<div class="filter-container" v-if="isSavedFilter">
<ListWrapper class="list-kanban" :list-id="listId" viewName="kanban">
<template #header>
<div class="filter-container" v-if="isSavedFilter">
<div class="items">
:class="{ 'is-loading': loading && !oneTaskUpdating}"
class="kanban kanban-bucket-container loader-container"
<template #default>
<div class="kanban-view">
:class="{ 'is-loading': loading && !oneTaskUpdating}"
class="kanban kanban-bucket-container loader-container"
@ -204,18 +209,11 @@
<!-- This router view is used to show the task popup while keeping the kanban board itself -->
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<transition name="modal">
<component :is="Component"/>
<transition name="modal">
@close="showBucketDeleteModal = false"
<template #header><span>{{ $t('list.kanban.deleteHeaderBucket') }}</span></template>
@ -225,22 +223,24 @@
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash.clonedeep'
import BucketModel from '../../../models/bucket'
import BucketModel from '../../models/bucket'
import {mapState} from 'vuex'
import {saveListView} from '@/helpers/saveListView'
import Rights from '../../../models/constants/rights.json'
import Rights from '../../models/constants/rights.json'
import {LOADING, LOADING_MODULE} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import ListWrapper from './ListWrapper'
import FilterPopup from '@/components/list/partials/filter-popup.vue'
import Dropdown from '@/components/misc/dropdown.vue'
import {getCollapsedBucketState, saveCollapsedBucketState} from '@/helpers/saveCollapsedBucketState'
import {calculateItemPosition} from '../../../helpers/calculateItemPosition'
import {calculateItemPosition} from '../../helpers/calculateItemPosition'
import KanbanCard from '@/components/tasks/partials/kanban-card'
const DRAG_OPTIONS = {
@ -257,11 +257,20 @@ const MIN_SCROLL_HEIGHT_PERCENT = 0.25
export default {
name: 'Kanban',
components: {
props: {
listId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
data() {
return {
taskContainerRefs: {},
@ -296,11 +305,7 @@ export default {
created() {
// Save the current list view to local storage
// We use local storage and not vuex here to make it persistent across reloads.
saveListView(this.$route.params.listId, this.$route.name)
watch: {
loadBucketParameter: {
handler: 'loadBuckets',
@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ export default {
loadBucketParameter() {
return {
listId: this.$route.params.listId,
listId: this.listId,
params: this.params,
@ -353,16 +358,11 @@ export default {
methods: {
loadBuckets() {
// Prevent trying to load buckets if the task popup view is active
if (this.$route.name !== 'list.kanban') {
const {listId, params} = this.loadBucketParameter
this.collapsedBuckets = getCollapsedBucketState(listId)
console.debug(`Loading buckets, loadedListId = ${this.loadedListId}, $route.params =`, this.$route.params)
console.debug(`Loading buckets, loadedListId = ${this.loadedListId}, $attrs = ${this.$attrs} $route.params =`, this.$route.params)
this.$store.dispatch('kanban/loadBucketsForList', {listId, params})
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ export default {
const task = await this.$store.dispatch('tasks/createNewTask', {
title: this.newTaskText,
listId: this.$route.params.listId,
listId: this.listId,
this.newTaskText = ''
this.$store.commit('kanban/addTaskToBucket', task)
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ export default {
const newBucket = new BucketModel({
title: this.newBucketTitle,
listId: parseInt(this.$route.params.listId),
listId: this.listId,
await this.$store.dispatch('kanban/createBucket', newBucket)
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ export default {
async deleteBucket() {
const bucket = new BucketModel({
id: this.bucketToDelete,
listId: parseInt(this.$route.params.listId),
listId: this.listId,
try {
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ export default {
collapseBucket(bucket) {
this.collapsedBuckets[bucket.id] = true
saveCollapsedBucketState(this.$route.params.listId, this.collapsedBuckets)
saveCollapsedBucketState(this.listId, this.collapsedBuckets)
unCollapseBucket(bucket) {
if (!this.collapsedBuckets[bucket.id]) {
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ export default {
this.collapsedBuckets[bucket.id] = false
saveCollapsedBucketState(this.$route.params.listId, this.collapsedBuckets)
saveCollapsedBucketState(this.listId, this.collapsedBuckets)
@ -746,4 +746,6 @@ $filter-container-height: '1rem - #{$switch-view-height}';
.move-card-leave-active {
display: none;
@include modal-transition();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
:class="{ 'is-loading': taskCollectionService.loading }"
class="loader-container is-max-width-desktop list-view"
<ListWrapper class="list-list" :list-id="listId" viewName="list">
<template #header>
v-if="list.isSavedFilter && !list.isSavedFilter()"
@ -26,7 +24,7 @@
<div class="control">
@ -47,7 +45,13 @@
<template #default>
:class="{ 'is-loading': loading }"
class="loader-container is-max-width-desktop list-view"
<card :padding="false" :has-content="false" class="has-overflow">
v-if="!list.isArchived && canWrite && list.id > 0"
@ -59,7 +63,7 @@
<nothing v-if="ctaVisible && tasks.length === 0 && !taskCollectionService.loading">
<nothing v-if="ctaVisible && tasks.length === 0 && !loading">
{{ $t('list.list.empty') }}
<a @click="focusNewTaskInput()">
{{ $t('list.list.newTaskCta') }}
@ -90,7 +94,6 @@
<template v-if="canWrite">
<span class="icon handle">
@ -118,40 +121,33 @@
<!-- This router view is used to show the task popup while keeping the kanban board itself -->
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<transition name="modal">
<component :is="Component"/>
import TaskService from '../../../services/task'
import TaskModel from '../../../models/task'
import { ref, toRef, defineComponent } from 'vue'
import EditTask from '../../../components/tasks/edit-task'
import AddTask from '../../../components/tasks/add-task'
import SingleTaskInList from '../../../components/tasks/partials/singleTaskInList'
import taskList from '../../../components/tasks/mixins/taskList'
import {saveListView} from '@/helpers/saveListView'
import Rights from '../../../models/constants/rights.json'
import ListWrapper from './ListWrapper.vue'
import EditTask from '@/components/tasks/edit-task'
import AddTask from '@/components/tasks/add-task'
import SingleTaskInList from '@/components/tasks/partials/singleTaskInList'
import { useTaskList } from '@/composables/taskList'
import Rights from '../../models/constants/rights.json'
import FilterPopup from '@/components/list/partials/filter-popup.vue'
import {HAS_TASKS} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import Nothing from '@/components/misc/nothing.vue'
import Pagination from '@/components/misc/pagination.vue'
import Popup from '@/components/misc/popup'
import { ALPHABETICAL_SORT } from '@/components/list/partials/filters'
import {ALPHABETICAL_SORT} from '@/components/list/partials/filters.vue'
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import {calculateItemPosition} from '../../../helpers/calculateItemPosition'
import {calculateItemPosition} from '../../helpers/calculateItemPosition'
function sortTasks(tasks) {
if (tasks === null || tasks === []) {
@ -171,13 +167,18 @@ function sortTasks(tasks) {
export default {
export default defineComponent({
name: 'List',
props: {
listId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
data() {
return {
taskService: new TaskService(),
isTaskEdit: false,
taskEditTask: TaskModel,
ctaVisible: false,
showTaskSearch: false,
@ -188,11 +189,8 @@ export default {
mixins: [
components: {
@ -201,10 +199,24 @@ export default {
created() {
// Save the current list view to local storage
// We use local storage and not vuex here to make it persistent across reloads.
saveListView(this.$route.params.listId, this.$route.name)
setup(props) {
const taskEditTask = ref(null)
const isTaskEdit = ref(false)
// This function initializes the tasks page and loads the first page of tasks
// function beforeLoad() {
// taskEditTask.value = null
// isTaskEdit.value = false
// }
const taskList = useTaskList(toRef(props, 'listId'))
return {
computed: {
isAlphabeticalSorting() {
@ -244,17 +256,11 @@ export default {
// When clicking on the search button, @blur from the input is fired. If we
// would then directly hide the whole search bar directly, no click event
// from the button gets fired. To prevent this, we wait 200ms until we hide
// everything so the button has a chance of firering the search event.
// everything so the button has a chance of firing the search event.
setTimeout(() => {
this.showTaskSearch = false
}, 200)
// This function initializes the tasks page and loads the first page of tasks
initTasks(page, search = '') {
this.taskEditTask = null
this.isTaskEdit = false
this.loadTasks(page, search)
focusNewTaskInput() {
@ -312,7 +318,7 @@ export default {
this.tasks[e.newIndex] = updatedTask
<style lang="scss" scoped>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
<ListWrapper class="list-table" :list-id="listId" viewName="table">
<template #header>
<div class="filter-container">
<div class="items">
<template #trigger="{toggle}">
{{ $t('list.table.columns') }}
<template #content="{isOpen}">
<card class="columns-filter" :class="{'is-open': isOpen}">
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.id">#</fancycheckbox>
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.done">
{{ $t('task.attributes.done') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.title">
{{ $t('task.attributes.title') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.priority">
{{ $t('task.attributes.priority') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.labels">
{{ $t('task.attributes.labels') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.assignees">
{{ $t('task.attributes.assignees') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.dueDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.dueDate') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.startDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.startDate') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.endDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.endDate') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.percentDone">
{{ $t('task.attributes.percentDone') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.created">
{{ $t('task.attributes.created') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.updated">
{{ $t('task.attributes.updated') }}
<fancycheckbox v-model="activeColumns.createdBy">
{{ $t('task.attributes.createdBy') }}
<filter-popup v-model="params" />
<template #default>
<div :class="{'is-loading': loading}" class="loader-container">
<card :padding="false" :has-content="false">
<div class="has-horizontal-overflow">
<table class="table has-actions is-hoverable is-fullwidth mb-0">
<th v-if="activeColumns.id">
<Sort :order="sortBy.id" @click="sort('id')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.done">
{{ $t('task.attributes.done') }}
<Sort :order="sortBy.done" @click="sort('done')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.title">
{{ $t('task.attributes.title') }}
<Sort :order="sortBy.title" @click="sort('title')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.priority">
{{ $t('task.attributes.priority') }}
<Sort :order="sortBy.priority" @click="sort('priority')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.labels">
{{ $t('task.attributes.labels') }}
<th v-if="activeColumns.assignees">
{{ $t('task.attributes.assignees') }}
<th v-if="activeColumns.dueDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.dueDate') }}
<Sort :order="sortBy.due_date" @click="sort('due_date')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.startDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.startDate') }}
<Sort :order="sortBy.start_date" @click="sort('start_date')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.endDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.endDate') }}
<Sort :order="sortBy.end_date" @click="sort('end_date')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.percentDone">
{{ $t('task.attributes.percentDone') }}
<Sort :order="sortBy.percent_done" @click="sort('percent_done')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.created">
{{ $t('task.attributes.created') }}
<Sort :order="sortBy.created" @click="sort('created')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.updated">
{{ $t('task.attributes.updated') }}
<Sort :order="sortBy.updated" @click="sort('updated')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.createdBy">
{{ $t('task.attributes.createdBy') }}
<tr :key="t.id" v-for="t in tasks">
<td v-if="activeColumns.id">
<router-link :to="taskDetailRoutes[t.id]">
<template v-if="t.identifier === ''">
#{{ t.index }}
<template v-else>
{{ t.identifier }}
<td v-if="activeColumns.done">
<Done :is-done="t.done" variant="small" />
<td v-if="activeColumns.title">
<router-link :to="taskDetailRoutes[t.id]">{{ t.title }}</router-link>
<td v-if="activeColumns.priority">
<priority-label :priority="t.priority" :done="t.done" :show-all="true"/>
<td v-if="activeColumns.labels">
<labels :labels="t.labels"/>
<td v-if="activeColumns.assignees">
:key="t.id + 'assignee' + a.id + i"
v-for="(a, i) in t.assignees"
<date-table-cell :date="t.dueDate" v-if="activeColumns.dueDate"/>
<date-table-cell :date="t.startDate" v-if="activeColumns.startDate"/>
<date-table-cell :date="t.endDate" v-if="activeColumns.endDate"/>
<td v-if="activeColumns.percentDone">{{ t.percentDone * 100 }}%</td>
<date-table-cell :date="t.created" v-if="activeColumns.created"/>
<date-table-cell :date="t.updated" v-if="activeColumns.updated"/>
<td v-if="activeColumns.createdBy">
<script setup lang="ts">
import { toRef, computed, Ref } from 'vue'
import { useStorage } from '@vueuse/core'
import ListWrapper from './ListWrapper.vue'
import Done from '@/components/misc/Done.vue'
import User from '@/components/misc/user.vue'
import PriorityLabel from '@/components/tasks/partials/priorityLabel.vue'
import Labels from '@/components/tasks/partials/labels.vue'
import DateTableCell from '@/components/tasks/partials/date-table-cell.vue'
import Fancycheckbox from '@/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue'
import Sort from '@/components/tasks/partials/sort.vue'
import FilterPopup from '@/components/list/partials/filter-popup.vue'
import Pagination from '@/components/misc/pagination.vue'
import Popup from '@/components/misc/popup.vue'
import { useTaskList } from '@/composables/taskList'
import TaskModel from '@/models/task'
id: true,
done: true,
title: true,
priority: false,
labels: true,
assignees: true,
dueDate: true,
startDate: false,
endDate: false,
percentDone: false,
created: false,
updated: false,
createdBy: false,
const props = defineProps({
listId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
type Order = 'asc' | 'desc' | 'none'
interface SortBy {
id : Order
done? : Order
title? : Order
priority? : Order
due_date? : Order
start_date? : Order
end_date? : Order
percent_done? : Order
created? : Order
updated? : Order
const SORT_BY_DEFAULT : SortBy = {
id: 'desc',
const activeColumns = useStorage('tableViewColumns', { ...ACTIVE_COLUMNS_DEFAULT })
const sortBy = useStorage<SortBy>('tableViewSortBy', { ...SORT_BY_DEFAULT })
const taskList = useTaskList(toRef(props, 'listId'))
const {
} = taskList
const tasks : Ref<TaskModel[]> = taskList.tasks
Object.assign(params.value, {
filter_by: [],
filter_value: [],
filter_comparator: [],
// FIXME: by doing this we can have multiple sort orders
function sort(property : keyof SortBy) {
const order = sortBy.value[property]
if (typeof order === 'undefined' || order === 'none') {
sortBy.value[property] = 'desc'
} else if (order === 'desc') {
sortBy.value[property] = 'asc'
} else {
delete sortBy.value[property]
// TODO: re-enable opening task detail in modal
// const router = useRouter()
const taskDetailRoutes = computed(() => Object.fromEntries(
tasks.value.map(({id}) => ([
name: 'task.detail',
params: { id },
// state: { backdropView: router.currentRoute.value.fullPath },
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.table {
background: transparent;
overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
th {
white-space: nowrap;
.user {
margin: 0;
.columns-filter {
margin: 0;
&.is-open {
margin: 2rem 0 1rem;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
konrad marked this conversation as resolved

If this isn't accessible as a "view" it should not go in src/views/

If this isn't accessible as a "view" it should not go in `src/views/`

I see the views folder more defined as something like

components that work just with / in specific views

The ListWrapper component makes only sense together with the other list views – as of now. If this changes I might change my view.

I also like to put components that only work with the router in view.
All components in components should work in isolation aka only props needed – no route.

Does this work for you?

I see the views folder more defined as something like > components that work just with / in specific views The `ListWrapper` component makes only sense together with the other list views – as of now. If this changes I might change my view. I also like to put components that only work with the router in view. All components in `components` should work in isolation aka only props needed – no route. Does this work for you?

Okay that explanation makes sense. I think we can keep it that way.

Okay that explanation makes sense. I think we can keep it that way.
:class="{ 'is-loading': listService.loading, 'is-archived': currentList.isArchived}"
<div class="switch-view-container">
<div class="switch-view">
v-shortcut="'g l'"
:class="{'is-active': viewName === 'list'}"
:to="{ name: 'list.list', params: { listId } }">
{{ $t('list.list.title') }}
v-shortcut="'g g'"
:class="{'is-active': viewName === 'gantt'}"
:to="{ name: 'list.gantt', params: { listId } }">
{{ $t('list.gantt.title') }}
v-shortcut="'g t'"
:class="{'is-active': viewName === 'table'}"
:to="{ name: 'list.table', params: { listId } }">
{{ $t('list.table.title') }}
v-shortcut="'g k'"
:class="{'is-active': viewName === 'kanban'}"
:to="{ name: 'list.kanban', params: { listId } }">
{{ $t('list.kanban.title') }}
<slot name="header" />
<transition name="fade">
<Message variant="warning" v-if="currentList.isArchived" class="mb-4">
{{ $t('list.archived') }}
<slot />
<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref, shallowRef, computed, watchEffect} from 'vue'
import {useRoute} from 'vue-router'
import Message from '@/components/misc/message.vue'
import ListModel from '@/models/list'
import ListService from '@/services/list'
import {store} from '@/store'
import {CURRENT_LIST} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import {getListTitle} from '@/helpers/getListTitle'
import {saveListToHistory} from '@/modules/listHistory'
import { useTitle } from '@/composables/useTitle'
const props = defineProps({
listId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
viewName: {
type: String,
required: true,
const route = useRoute()
const listService = shallowRef(new ListService())
const loadedListId = ref(0)
const currentList = computed(() => {
return typeof store.state.currentList === 'undefined' ? {
id: 0,
title: '',
isArchived: false,
maxRight: null,
} : store.state.currentList
// call again the method if the listId changes
watchEffect(() => loadList(props.listId))
useTitle(() => currentList.value.id ? getListTitle(currentList.value) : '')
async function loadList(listIdToLoad: number) {
const listData = {id: listIdToLoad}
// This invalidates the loaded list at the kanban board which lets it reload its content when
// switched to it. This ensures updates done to tasks in the gantt or list views are consistently
// shown in all views while preventing reloads when closing a task popup.
// We don't do this for the table view because that does not change tasks.
// FIXME: remove this
if (
props.viewName === 'list.list' ||
props.viewName === 'list.gantt'
) {
store.commit('kanban/setListId', 0)
// Don't load the list if we either already loaded it or aren't dealing with a list at all currently and
// the currently loaded list has the right set.
if (
listIdToLoad === loadedListId.value ||
typeof listIdToLoad === 'undefined' ||
listIdToLoad === currentList.value.id
&& typeof currentList.value !== 'undefined' && currentList.value.maxRight !== null
) {
console.debug(`Loading list, props.viewName = ${props.viewName}, $route.params =`, route.params, `, loadedListId = ${loadedListId.value}, currentList = `, currentList.value)
// We create an extra list object instead of creating it in list.value because that would trigger a ui update which would result in bad ux.
const list = new ListModel(listData)
try {
const loadedList = await listService.value.get(list)
await store.dispatch(CURRENT_LIST, loadedList)
} finally {
loadedListId.value = props.listId
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.switch-view-container {
@media screen and (max-width: $tablet) {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
.switch-view {
background: var(--white);
display: inline-flex;
border-radius: $radius;
font-size: .75rem;
box-shadow: var(--shadow-sm);
height: $switch-view-height;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
padding: .5rem;
a {
padding: .25rem .5rem;
display: block;
border-radius: $radius;
transition: all 100ms;
&:not(:last-child) {
margin-right: .5rem;
&:hover {
color: var(--switch-view-color);
&.is-active {
background: var(--primary);
font-weight: bold;
box-shadow: var(--shadow-xs);
&:hover {
background: var(--primary);
.is-archived .notification.is-warning {
margin-bottom: 1rem;

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export default {
this.showError = false
this.list.namespaceId = parseInt(this.$route.params.id)
this.list.namespaceId = parseInt(this.$route.params.namespaceId)
const list = await this.$store.dispatch('lists/createList', this.list)
this.$message.success({message: this.$t('list.create.createdSuccess') })

View File

@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
:class="{ 'is-loading': listService.loading, 'is-archived': currentList.isArchived}"
<div class="switch-view-container">
<div class="switch-view">
v-shortcut="'g l'"
:class="{'is-active': $route.name.includes('list.list')}"
:to="{ name: 'list.list', params: { listId: listId } }">
{{ $t('list.list.title') }}
v-shortcut="'g g'"
:class="{'is-active': $route.name.includes('list.gantt')}"
:to="{ name: 'list.gantt', params: { listId: listId } }">
{{ $t('list.gantt.title') }}
v-shortcut="'g t'"
:class="{'is-active': $route.name.includes('list.table')}"
:to="{ name: 'list.table', params: { listId: listId } }">
{{ $t('list.table.title') }}
v-shortcut="'g k'"
:class="{'is-active': $route.name.includes('list.kanban')}"
:to="{ name: 'list.kanban', params: { listId: listId } }">
{{ $t('list.kanban.title') }}
<transition name="fade">
<message variant="warning" v-if="currentList.isArchived" class="mb-4">
{{ $t('list.archived') }}
import Message from '@/components/misc/message'
import ListModel from '../../models/list'
import ListService from '../../services/list'
import {CURRENT_LIST} from '../../store/mutation-types'
import {getListView} from '../../helpers/saveListView'
import {saveListToHistory} from '../../modules/listHistory'
export default {
components: {Message},
data() {
return {
listService: new ListService(),
listLoaded: 0,
watch: {
// call again the method if the route changes
'$route.path': {
handler: 'loadList',
immediate: true,
computed: {
// Computed property to let "listId" always have a value
listId() {
return typeof this.$route.params.listId === 'undefined' ? 0 : this.$route.params.listId
background() {
return this.$store.state.background
currentList() {
return typeof this.$store.state.currentList === 'undefined' ? {
id: 0,
title: '',
isArchived: false,
} : this.$store.state.currentList
methods: {
replaceListView() {
const savedListView = getListView(this.$route.params.listId)
this.$router.replace({name: savedListView, params: {id: this.$route.params.listId}})
console.debug('Replaced list view with', savedListView)
async loadList() {
if (this.$route.name.includes('.settings.')) {
const listData = {id: parseInt(this.$route.params.listId)}
this.setTitle(this.currentList.id ? this.getListTitle(this.currentList) : '')
// This invalidates the loaded list at the kanban board which lets it reload its content when
// switched to it. This ensures updates done to tasks in the gantt or list views are consistently
// shown in all views while preventing reloads when closing a task popup.
// We don't do this for the table view because that does not change tasks.
if (
this.$route.name === 'list.list' ||
this.$route.name === 'list.gantt'
) {
this.$store.commit('kanban/setListId', 0)
// When clicking again on a list in the menu, there would be no list view selected which means no list
// at all. Users will then have to click on the list view menu again which is quite confusing.
if (this.$route.name === 'list.index') {
return this.replaceListView()
// Don't load the list if we either already loaded it or aren't dealing with a list at all currently and
// the currently loaded list has the right set.
if (
this.$route.params.listId === this.listLoaded ||
typeof this.$route.params.listId === 'undefined' ||
this.$route.params.listId === this.currentList.id ||
parseInt(this.$route.params.listId) === this.currentList.id
&& typeof this.currentList !== 'undefined' && this.currentList.maxRight !== null
) {
// Redirect the user to list view by default
if (
this.$route.name !== 'list.list' &&
this.$route.name !== 'list.gantt' &&
this.$route.name !== 'list.table' &&
this.$route.name !== 'list.kanban'
) {
return this.replaceListView()
console.debug(`Loading list, $route.name = ${this.$route.name}, $route.params =`, this.$route.params, `, listLoaded = ${this.listLoaded}, currentList = `, this.currentList)
// We create an extra list object instead of creating it in this.list because that would trigger a ui update which would result in bad ux.
const list = new ListModel(listData)
try {
const loadedList = await this.listService.get(list)
await this.$store.dispatch(CURRENT_LIST, loadedList)
} finally {
this.listLoaded = this.$route.params.listId
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.switch-view-container {
@media screen and (max-width: $tablet) {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
.switch-view {
background: var(--white);
display: inline-flex;
border-radius: $radius;
font-size: .75rem;
box-shadow: var(--shadow-sm);
height: $switch-view-height;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
padding: .5rem;
a {
padding: .25rem .5rem;
display: block;
border-radius: $radius;
transition: all 100ms;
&:not(:last-child) {
margin-right: .5rem;
&:hover {
color: var(--switch-view-color);
&.is-active {
background: var(--primary);
font-weight: bold;
box-shadow: var(--shadow-xs);
&:hover {
background: var(--primary);
.is-archived .notification.is-warning {
margin-bottom: 1rem;

View File

@ -3,24 +3,38 @@
<template v-if="list">
<link-sharing :list-id="$route.params.listId" v-if="linkSharingEnabled" class="mt-4"/>
<link-sharing :list-id="listId" v-if="linkSharingEnabled" class="mt-4"/>
<script lang="ts">
export default {
name: 'list-setting-share',
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {ref, computed, watchEffect} from 'vue'
import {useStore} from 'vuex'
import {useRoute} from 'vue-router'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import {useTitle} from '@vueuse/core'
import ListService from '@/services/list'
import ListModel from '@/models/list'
import {CURRENT_LIST} from '@/store/mutation-types'
@ -29,43 +43,30 @@ import CreateEdit from '@/components/misc/create-edit.vue'
import LinkSharing from '@/components/sharing/linkSharing.vue'
import userTeam from '@/components/sharing/userTeam.vue'
export default {
name: 'list-setting-share',
data() {
return {
list: ListModel,
listService: new ListService(),
manageUsersComponent: '',
manageTeamsComponent: '',
components: {
computed: {
linkSharingEnabled() {
return this.$store.state.config.linkSharingEnabled
userIsAdmin() {
return this.list.owner && this.list.owner.id === this.$store.state.auth.info.id
created() {
methods: {
async loadList() {
const list = new ListModel({id: this.$route.params.listId})
const {t} = useI18n()
this.list = await this.listService.get(list)
await this.$store.dispatch(CURRENT_LIST, this.list)
// This will trigger the dynamic loading of components once we actually have all the data to pass to them
this.manageTeamsComponent = 'userTeam'
this.manageUsersComponent = 'userTeam'
this.setTitle(this.$t('list.share.title', {list: this.list.title}))
const list = ref()
const title = computed(() => list.value?.title
? t('list.share.title', {list: list.value.title})
: '',
const store = useStore()
const linkSharingEnabled = computed(() => store.state.config.linkSharingEnabled)
const userIsAdmin = computed(() => 'owner' in list.value && list.value.owner.id === store.state.auth.info.id)
async function loadList(listId: number) {
const listService = new ListService()
const newList = await listService.get(new ListModel({id: listId}))
await store.dispatch(CURRENT_LIST, newList)
list.value = newList
const route = useRoute()
const listId = computed(() => route.params.listId !== undefined
? parseInt(route.params.listId as string)
: undefined,
watchEffect(() => listId.value !== undefined && loadList(listId.value))

View File

@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
<div :class="{'is-loading': taskCollectionService.loading}" class="table-view loader-container">
<div class="filter-container">
<div class="items">
<template #trigger="{toggle}">
{{ $t('list.table.columns') }}
<template #content="{isOpen}">
<card class="columns-filter" :class="{'is-open': isOpen}">
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.id">#</fancycheckbox>
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.done">
{{ $t('task.attributes.done') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.title">
{{ $t('task.attributes.title') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.priority">
{{ $t('task.attributes.priority') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.labels">
{{ $t('task.attributes.labels') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.assignees">
{{ $t('task.attributes.assignees') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.dueDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.dueDate') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.startDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.startDate') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.endDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.endDate') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.percentDone">
{{ $t('task.attributes.percentDone') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.created">
{{ $t('task.attributes.created') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.updated">
{{ $t('task.attributes.updated') }}
<fancycheckbox @change="saveTaskColumns" v-model="activeColumns.createdBy">
{{ $t('task.attributes.createdBy') }}
<card :padding="false" :has-content="false">
<div class="has-horizontal-overflow">
<table class="table has-actions is-hoverable is-fullwidth mb-0">
<th v-if="activeColumns.id">
<sort :order="sortBy.id" @click="sort('id')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.done">
{{ $t('task.attributes.done') }}
<sort :order="sortBy.done" @click="sort('done')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.title">
{{ $t('task.attributes.title') }}
<sort :order="sortBy.title" @click="sort('title')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.priority">
{{ $t('task.attributes.priority') }}
<sort :order="sortBy.priority" @click="sort('priority')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.labels">
{{ $t('task.attributes.labels') }}
<th v-if="activeColumns.assignees">
{{ $t('task.attributes.assignees') }}
<th v-if="activeColumns.dueDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.dueDate') }}
<sort :order="sortBy.due_date" @click="sort('due_date')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.startDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.startDate') }}
<sort :order="sortBy.start_date" @click="sort('start_date')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.endDate">
{{ $t('task.attributes.endDate') }}
<sort :order="sortBy.end_date" @click="sort('end_date')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.percentDone">
{{ $t('task.attributes.percentDone') }}
<sort :order="sortBy.percent_done" @click="sort('percent_done')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.created">
{{ $t('task.attributes.created') }}
<sort :order="sortBy.created" @click="sort('created')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.updated">
{{ $t('task.attributes.updated') }}
<sort :order="sortBy.updated" @click="sort('updated')"/>
<th v-if="activeColumns.createdBy">
{{ $t('task.attributes.createdBy') }}
<tr :key="t.id" v-for="t in tasks">
<td v-if="activeColumns.id">
<router-link :to="{name: 'task.detail', params: { id: t.id }}">
<template v-if="t.identifier === ''">
#{{ t.index }}
<template v-else>
{{ t.identifier }}
<td v-if="activeColumns.done">
<Done :is-done="t.done" variant="small" />
<td v-if="activeColumns.title">
<router-link :to="{name: 'task.detail', params: { id: t.id }}">{{ t.title }}</router-link>
<td v-if="activeColumns.priority">
<priority-label :priority="t.priority" :done="t.done" :show-all="true"/>
<td v-if="activeColumns.labels">
<labels :labels="t.labels"/>
<td v-if="activeColumns.assignees">
:key="t.id + 'assignee' + a.id + i"
v-for="(a, i) in t.assignees"
<date-table-cell :date="t.dueDate" v-if="activeColumns.dueDate"/>
<date-table-cell :date="t.startDate" v-if="activeColumns.startDate"/>
<date-table-cell :date="t.endDate" v-if="activeColumns.endDate"/>
<td v-if="activeColumns.percentDone">{{ t.percentDone * 100 }}%</td>
<date-table-cell :date="t.created" v-if="activeColumns.created"/>
<date-table-cell :date="t.updated" v-if="activeColumns.updated"/>
<td v-if="activeColumns.createdBy">
<!-- This router view is used to show the task popup while keeping the table view itself -->
<router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
<transition name="modal">
<component :is="Component" />
import taskList from '@/components/tasks/mixins/taskList'
import Done from '@/components/misc/Done.vue'
import User from '@/components/misc/user'
import PriorityLabel from '@/components/tasks/partials/priorityLabel'
import Labels from '@/components/tasks/partials/labels'
import DateTableCell from '@/components/tasks/partials/date-table-cell'
import Fancycheckbox from '@/components/input/fancycheckbox'
import Sort from '@/components/tasks/partials/sort'
import {saveListView} from '@/helpers/saveListView'
import FilterPopup from '@/components/list/partials/filter-popup.vue'
import Pagination from '@/components/misc/pagination.vue'
import Popup from '@/components/misc/popup'
export default {
name: 'Table',
components: {
mixins: [
data() {
return {
activeColumns: {
id: true,
done: true,
title: true,
priority: false,
labels: true,
assignees: true,
dueDate: true,
startDate: false,
endDate: false,
percentDone: false,
created: false,
updated: false,
createdBy: false,
sortBy: {
id: 'desc',
created() {
const savedShowColumns = localStorage.getItem('tableViewColumns')
if (savedShowColumns !== null) {
this.activeColumns = JSON.parse(savedShowColumns)
const savedSortBy = localStorage.getItem('tableViewSortBy')
if (savedSortBy !== null) {
this.sortBy = JSON.parse(savedSortBy)
this.params.filter_by = []
this.params.filter_value = []
this.params.filter_comparator = []
// Save the current list view to local storage
// We use local storage and not vuex here to make it persistent across reloads.
saveListView(this.$route.params.listId, this.$route.name)
methods: {
initTasks(page, search = '') {
// This makes sure an id sort order is always sorted last.
// When tasks would be sorted first by id and then by whatever else was specified, the id sort takes
// precedence over everything else, making any other sort columns pretty useless.
const sortKeys = Object.keys(this.sortBy)
let hasIdFilter = false
for (const s of sortKeys) {
if (s === 'id') {
sortKeys.splice(s, 1)
hasIdFilter = true
if (hasIdFilter) {
const params = this.params
params.sort_by = []
params.order_by = []
sortKeys.map(s => {
this.loadTasks(page, search, params)
sort(property) {
const order = this.sortBy[property]
if (typeof order === 'undefined' || order === 'none') {
this.sortBy[property] = 'desc'
} else if (order === 'desc') {
this.sortBy[property] = 'asc'
} else {
delete this.sortBy[property]
this.initTasks(this.currentPage, this.searchTerm)
// Save the order to be able to retrieve them later
localStorage.setItem('tableViewSortBy', JSON.stringify(this.sortBy))
saveTaskColumns() {
localStorage.setItem('tableViewColumns', JSON.stringify(this.activeColumns))
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.table-view {
.table {
background: transparent;
overflow-x: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
th {
white-space: nowrap;
.user {
margin: 0;
.columns-filter {
margin: 0;
&.is-open {
margin: 2rem 0 1rem;

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<section :key="`n${n.id}`" class="namespace" v-for="n in namespaces">
:to="{name: 'list.create', params: {id: n.id}}"
:to="{name: 'list.create', params: {namespaceId: n.id}}"
v-if="n.id > 0 && n.lists.length > 0"
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<p class="has-text-centered has-text-grey mt-4 is-italic" v-if="n.lists.length === 0">
{{ $t('namespace.noLists') }}
<router-link :to="{name: 'list.create', params: {id: n.id}}">
<router-link :to="{name: 'list.create', params: {namespaceId: n.id}}">
{{ $t('namespace.createList') }}

View File

@ -3,69 +3,67 @@
<template v-if="namespace">

Isn't the whole component empty when no namespace is present?

Isn't the whole component empty when no namespace is present?

Yes. As far as I remember this was a typescript issue.
Would probably be good to validate the namespace before entering though. Maybe something for a follow up?

Yes. As far as I remember this was a typescript issue. Would probably be good to validate the namespace before entering though. Maybe something for a follow up?

Yeah I think that could work for a follow-up. Added it to the list (my comment below this one).

Yeah I think that could work for a follow-up. Added it to the list (my comment below this one).
import manageSharing from '@/components/sharing/userTeam.vue'
import CreateEdit from '@/components/misc/create-edit.vue'
<script lang="ts">
export default {
name: 'namespace-setting-share',
<script lang="ts" setup>
import {ref, computed, watchEffect} from 'vue'
import {useStore} from 'vuex'
import {useRoute} from 'vue-router'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import {useTitle} from '@vueuse/core'
import NamespaceService from '@/services/namespace'
import NamespaceModel from '@/models/namespace'
export default {
name: 'namespace-setting-share',
data() {
return {
namespaceService: new NamespaceService(),
namespace: new NamespaceModel(),
manageUsersComponent: '',
manageTeamsComponent: '',
title: '',
components: {
beforeMount() {
this.namespace.id = this.$route.params.id
watch: {
// call again the method if the route changes
'$route': {
handler: 'loadNamespace',
deep: true,
immediate: true,
computed: {
userIsAdmin() {
return this.namespace.owner && this.namespace.owner.id === this.$store.state.auth.info.id
methods: {
async loadNamespace() {
const namespace = new NamespaceModel({id: this.$route.params.id})
this.namespace = await this.namespaceService.get(namespace)
// This will trigger the dynamic loading of components once we actually have all the data to pass to them
this.manageTeamsComponent = 'manageSharing'
this.manageUsersComponent = 'manageSharing'
this.title = this.$t('namespace.share.title', { namespace: this.namespace.title })
import CreateEdit from '@/components/misc/create-edit.vue'
import manageSharing from '@/components/sharing/userTeam.vue'
const {t} = useI18n()
const namespace = ref()
const title = computed(() => namespace.value?.title
? t('namespace.share.title', { namespace: namespace.value.title })
: '',
const store = useStore()
const userIsAdmin = computed(() => 'owner' in namespace.value && namespace.value.owner.id === store.state.auth.info.id)
async function loadNamespace(namespaceId: number) {
if (!namespaceId) return
const namespaceService = new NamespaceService()
namespace.value = await namespaceService.get(new NamespaceModel({id: namespaceId}))
// TODO: set namespace in store
const route = useRoute()
const namespaceId = computed(() => route.params.namespaceId !== undefined
? parseInt(route.params.namespaceId as string)
: undefined,
watchEffect(() => namespaceId.value !== undefined && loadNamespace(namespaceId.value))

View File

@ -231,23 +231,25 @@ export default {
setDatesToNextWeek() {
this.cStartDate = new Date()
this.cEndDate = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
const now = new Date()
this.cStartDate = now
this.cEndDate = new Date(now.getTime() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
this.showOverdue = false
setDatesToNextMonth() {
this.cStartDate = new Date()
this.cEndDate = new Date((new Date()).setMonth((new Date()).getMonth() + 1))
const now = new Date()
this.cStartDate = now
this.cEndDate = new Date((new Date()).setMonth(now.getMonth() + 1))
this.showOverdue = false
showTodaysTasks() {
const d = new Date()
this.cStartDate = new Date()
this.cEndDate = new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1))
const now = new Date()
this.cStartDate = now
this.cEndDate = new Date((new Date()).setDate(now.getDate() + 1))
this.showOverdue = true

View File

@ -263,6 +263,7 @@
{{ task.done ? $t('task.detail.undone') : $t('task.detail.done') }}
@ -459,8 +460,10 @@ import {CURRENT_LIST} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import {uploadFile} from '@/helpers/attachments'
import ChecklistSummary from '../../components/tasks/partials/checklist-summary'
export default {
name: 'TaskDetailView',
compatConfig: { ATTR_FALSE_VALUE: false },
components: {
@ -479,6 +482,14 @@ export default {
props: {
taskId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
data() {
return {
taskService: new TaskService(),
@ -529,10 +540,6 @@ export default {
computed: {
taskId() {
const {id} = this.$route.params
return id === undefined ? id : Number(id)
currentList() {
return this.$store.state[CURRENT_LIST]
@ -948,4 +955,6 @@ $flash-background-duration: 750ms;
@include modal-transition();

View File

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
<a @click="close()" class="close">
<icon icon="times"/>
import TaskDetailView from './TaskDetailView'
export default {
name: 'TaskDetailViewModal',
components: {
data() {
return {
lastRoute: null,
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
next(vm => {
vm.lastRoute = from
beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
if (from.name === 'task.kanban.detail' && to.name === 'task.detail') {
this.$router.replace({name: 'task.kanban.detail', params: to.params})
methods: {
close() {
if (this.lastRoute === null) {
} else {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.close {
position: fixed;
top: 5px;
right: 26px;
color: var(--white);
font-size: 2rem;
@media screen and (max-width: $desktop) {
color: var(--dark);
<style lang="scss">
// Close icon SVG uses currentColor, change the color to keep it visible
.dark .task-detail-view-modal .close {
color: var(--grey-900);

View File

@ -308,4 +308,6 @@ export default {
padding: 0;
@include modal-transition();